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Lie down on the job Làm qua loa, đại khái

Can do with sb/sth Muốn/cần sb/sth

.settle down Bắt đầu ổn định/định cư
Jump at the opportunity Nắm bắt cơ hội
Turn into Trở thành
→turn into metropolis
Tick off Làm phiền
come of age to reach the age when you are legally recognized as an adult

Out of order
On the dot exactly at the stated or expected time: đúng giờ

out of luck not having the success or good opportunities you wanted:

strong point a particular skill or ability that a person has:

→Tact is not her strong point, judging by the way she
(US strong suit)
smoke like a chimney smoke a lot of cigarettes or tobacco – used humorously

Make (sth) out to deal with a situation, usually in a successful way:

→ understand its meaning= make it out
Hand in Deliver_ nộp bài

Apply for Put in for_ to make an official request to have or do

Collide with run into_ va chạm với

Stand-out IS EASILY SEEN_ Cái xuất sắc, cái nổi bật

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