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GROUP : BA2503A2
1) Discuss the meaning of ‘Add multi-media to your profile’.

Adding media such as video, audio, images, and slide-decks is an effective way of make your
current profile more interesting. By adding media in profile, It is given an opportunity to
share information and expertise. Media sharing also adds interest to profiles beyond words
and makes profiles multi-dimensional. The reason why people should incorporate media into
their profile is It helps differentiate your profile and makes it stand out from the crowd. It
increases engagement as readers stay longer on your profile and in the process get to know
you better and imagine how you could fit into a role they are seeking to fill. It lets you
showcase some of your creativity. It can be very helpful in presenting your personality to
potential connections. Lastly, it allows you to present your brand, your products, and services
in different formats, not just the written word. It is important to always remember that we do
not all like to consume our content in the same manner so different types of media will help
you reach and engage with a larger audience.
Therefore, its means of telling your story more effectively and from different perspectives. It
lets you explain yourself and your accomplishments in a way that can be much more effective
than just words. In fact, every professional has work that should be presented creatively,
whether they are a dentist, an accountant, or a landscape architect.
It is a good idea to vary your visual media to appeal to the widest range of readers. You
should include an assortment of photos, video, and slide-deck presentations. Just as you
should change your content regularly, so should your visual media change. Perhaps, there are
times when it is appropriate to upload an audio file, so your audience gets an opportunity to
hear you speak. You should also be conscious about how the media you add will be displayed
in a certain order. For example, within the Summary portion of your LinkedIn profile, you
can add 10 media entries and they will be shown as a layered brick display. It is important to
prioritize your media links so that the most important one is on the top. Initially, only the first
five will be displayed so be sure they are the ones you want to feature most prominently. Also
remember that all your content and media links are reflections of you and your company so
ensure that your selection is an effective and strategic choice.
2) Explain with 5 sections the structure of profile.
1. Objective
An objective is an optional section of a profile used to show the hiring manager your
employment goals. Objectives frequently were used in the past. Today, profiles and career
summaries are more common. If you decide to include an objective in your profile, it is
important to customize it to match the job for which you are applying. The more specific
your profile objective is, the better chance you have of being considered for the job.
2. Career summary
The career summary section of a profile is another optional customized section that lists key
achievements, skills, and experience related to the position for which you are applying. The
career summary section of your profile focuses on your most relevant experience and lets the
prospective employer know you have taken the time to create a profile that shows how you
are qualified for the job.
3. Experience
All profile should include an experience section. The companies you have worked for, dates
of employment, the positions you held, and a bulleted list of responsibilities and
achievements are included in this section of your profile. This section of a profile
provides the hiring manager with a synopsis of your employment history. If you have an
extensive work history, you do not need to include every employer you worked for and every
job you have had. Rather, you can just include the last 10-15 years of employment.
Internships, summer jobs, and temporary jobs, in addition to permanent positions, all can be
included in this part of your profile.
4. Education
The education section of your profile is where you show the employer your academic
achievements. List the colleges you attended, the degrees you attained, and any special
awards and honours you earned in the education section of your profile. If you are a student,
include your high school on your profile. Professional development courses and certifications
also should be included in the education section of your profile.
5. Skill
The skills section of your profile includes abilities that are related to the job for which you
are applying. Include skills that are relevant to the position you are interested in, such as
computer skills, software skills, and language skills. Customize the skills section of your
profile to match as closely as possible the requirements listed in the job posting. The closer a
match your skills are to the job requirements, the better your chances of being selected for an

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