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ROUGH The Sons of Confederate Veterans – Camp 265



Home of the Rankin Rough & Ready’s – Brandon, Mississippi

Commander’s Report
Yes, we are going to have our January 2nd, 2021 meeting. To
have this meeting we will need to follow CDC guidelines. The
tables will be 6 feet apart, everyone will be needs to wear a mask,
we will have hand sanitizer available, and there should be no
contact allowed! Instead of shaking hands, maybe fist bump! If
you do not feel comfortable attending the meeting, please continue
doing what you think is best for yourself and your family.
I look forward to seeing everyone that is not running fever!
Our January meeting will mean a speaker to be announced at
the meeting, the swearing in of officers, business of the past two
months and upcoming events. We will have good food, good
friends, a good business session, and as sure as most 2021
resolutions will be broken sooner than later, I will probably see
you at Fernando’s in Brandon on January 2nd, 2021.
– Tim Cupit

Meeting Agenda for January 2nd:

Agenda For January 2, 2021 Meeting
- Open with prayer at 7pm sharp
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and salutes led by 2nd Lt.
Commander Tom Lilly
- Speaker - TBA; Q&A

Unfinished Business
- Adopt minutes from Nov 7th & Dec 5th 2020 - motion, 2nd,
discussion, vote
- Did everyone sign in and get a door prize ticket?
- and Facebook stats from Chris Merck
- OCR report from Brandi Gray
- AR-15 drawing at May meeting one ticket per $50 of ads sold
for our newsletter or donations collected
- Relic Show update
-Scrapbook update Tara Bradley

New Business
- New members
- Officer Installation
- Let MS Vote
- Protests, monuments, and our State Flag Initiative Keep up with what’s happening in and around
- Door prizes Camp 265 by checking out the official
- Open floor Rankin Rough & Ready’s Facebook page!
- Closing prayer
- Close meeting at approx. 8;30pm

Commander’s Quote:
“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
If not- you’ll find an excuse.”
Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of Confederate Rose
In January we had ladies attend the 2nd Amendment Rally in Jackson, MS

February brought some of our most exciting events including the Salvation Army "Souper Bowl" where ladies served drinks to benefit the many wonderful
things the Salvation Army does in our Community. Next up was the Dixie National Parade, MAFOCR designed and built a float and ladies also marched with
the Tishomingo Avengers in full dress. Mardi Gras in Monroe was well attended by members with ladies marching in with the Louisiana Division SCV. Krewe
De Roux Mardi Gras Parade was next! We built our own float and threw candy and toys out to the children. During that time we also lost two very special
members, Mary Merck and Elva Eubanks...their loss is as great today as it was then. The ladies attended the Ponchatoula Train Wreck Commemorative
Service dressed out and helped out where needed. We also sold hoop skirt decals to raise funds to purchase 1st National Flags for the CSS Arkansas Memorial
which inevitably was postponed until 2021 due to Corona.

In March we planned and participated in the Drake Memorial Decoration & Prayer Service. We placed flags and coins on the graves of Confederate Soldiers.

April brought ZOOM Meetings due to Corona but we never gave up and continued on with business as usual. Members also sewed masks for various medical
centers and delivered them while practicing Social Distancing.

In May we adopted a Senior, Shiann Craft, who is also a member of MAFOCR, and we presented her with goodies from all of our ladies. We also sent get
well cards to ill members as well as to 1st Responders. Ladies attended the Confederate Memorial Service in Oxford, MS

In June we attended an Iron Cross Dedication for David Snodgrass McDonald, 2nd Lt. Co. G 1st Battalion, State Troops in Lena, MS. We also had ladies
protecting and guarding our monuments alongside SCV Members. Ladies participated in the Battle of Cuba Station in Gainsville, AL., dressing out and
supporting their efforts. We also attended the Private Ransom Swafford Memorial Service and placed a wreath. Joy Redwine attended a ride for Cohen, a
young man, with Down Syndrome who was celebrating his 15th birthday. Our Chapter presented gifts to him and he loved it. Meet the Spirits at Beauvoir was
also well attended throughout its run by our members.

In July our ladies participated in a Living History at the Old Courthouse Museum in Vicksburg where we laid wreaths and provided sandwiches, and pizzas
for the participants.

In August we created decals "Forever and Always My Flag" and sold them to benefit our activities.

September meeting presented an opportunity to have a Silent Auction/Bake Sale with all benefits going to our host camp, Rankin Rough & Ready's for their
projects. We also set up a booth at the Old Courthouse in Vicksburg for their annual flea market to benefit our many ongoing projects and we did quite well.

In October we set up at the Old Courthouse Flea Market to raise funds for activities and we did super well! We also attended the Magnolia Memorial Service
in Magnolia, MS and placed wreaths to honor the Confederate Dead. We attended the 26th Annual OCR Tea/Reunion at Beauvoir, where we took home
several awards including:

- The Belle Boyd Award (Chapter that helped others with projects)
- The Kate Cummings Award (Volunteer work)
- Lottie & Ginny Moon Award (Newsletters)
- Scrapbook Award (Charla Lewis)
- Mascot Award (Robbie Lewis)
- Black Rose of the Year (Susan Jones)
- Confederate Rose of the Year (Joy Redwine)

October brought the Magnolia Memorial Service alongside several SCV Camps in the State and a silent baked good auction to raise funds for our host Camp
265. Some of our members also attended clean ups at Beauvoir from storm damage and fed the men as well as helping with the clean up.

November brought another bake sale to benefit our host Camp 265 as well as the loss of one of our dear sisters Dianne Greenlee. The most exciting part of
November was the Iron Cross Dedication for JC Jones, Charla Lewis’s 2nd Great Grandfather in Louisiana. The event was well planned and we saw
reenactors from all over the tri state area in attendance. And of course we rang bells for the Salvation Army the day before Thanksgiving at Ramey’s in
Florence! What a blessing to do our part to help our communities.

December was our annual ornament exchange which is always a lot of fun even Social distancing style.

We spent two days wrapping gifts for the Annual Christmas Shoppe for our veterans at the VA Hospital as well as the VA Nursing Home. We also purchased a
wreath for Wreaths Across America to be placed at Mendenhall City Cemetery. We also signed Christmas cards for our soldiers overseas and participated in
laying of wreaths at Beauvoir.

We have had a banner year and hope 2021 is just as successful. We have a great group of ladies who work together so well and we are super proud to represent
the OCR & SCV wherever we go.We look forward to seeing you all October 3rd!

– Brandi Gray, President, MAFOCR

For more information on the Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of Confederate Rose, or to become a member, please visit them online at
You can also visit them on Facebook at:
G.V. “Sonny” Montgomery VA Hospital representative Chandra D’Avy was presented checks from Camp #265 and the MAFOCR for donations to help pay for parcel
postage. The Veterans that participated in the annual Christmas Shoppe had their gifts mailed to their families in order to help reduce their exposure to the COVID virus.
by Charles Lewis

“The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth." – General
“Stonewall” Jackson

Twenty eight people signed in for the December meeting/Christmas party.

Ralph Smitherman opened the meeting with prayer and we went right into business. Robert Tyler Moore was voted in as the
newest member of Camp # 265. Welcome Robert. Commander Cupit read a Thank You card from Mrs. Miley Puckett for the
funeral flowers for her husband, and a Thank You letter from Beauvoir for the second $300.00 donation made toward repair of
the fence.

There was a beautiful Christmas tree in our meeting room. A special thank you to Linda Brown and Susan Jones for bringing
decorations and decorating it. A check was presented to Chandra D'avy, a volunteer and coordinator of the V.A. Christmas
Shoppes. The money will go toward the cost of postage to mail Christmas gifts to the families of veterans at the G. A. "Sonny"
Montgomery V.A. Hospital in Jackson MS. Due to COVID the patients were unable to shop in person this year, so gifts were
selected by SCV and OCR volunteers and will be mailed to their families.

OCR V. P., Charla Lewis had everyone signing Christmas cards to be sent to our troops deployed overseas. Thank you for
remembering them, Charla.

Tim adjourned the meeting, and we went into the party. Charla Lewis entertained the group with several clogging selections.
She related how each song had a special meaning to her or someone in the SCV camp or OCR chapter.

Mr. Ralph Smitherman read the Christmas story (book of Luke) from his Braille Bible. This has become a Christmas tradition
at Camp # 265, and one that is greatly enjoyed by all. He then closed the night's activities with prayer. Everyone was asked to
hang around for a group photo with the Christmas tree.
All the ladies were sent home with a poinsettia. Even with all the COVID restrictions, it was a very enjoyable evening.

On November 15, 2020, an Iron Cross Dedication for Sergeant John C. Jones, Co. E, 4th Regiment, LA Cavalry was held at
Oak Ridge Cemetery in Vernon, LA. He was the great grandfather of Robbie Lewis and great great grandfather of Charla
Lewis (wife and daughter of Charles Lewis, camp adj.) Around 50 people were in attendance. Charles Lewis and Charles
Tucker represented camp 265. Members from 5 other Mississippi SCV camps were in attendance, as well as 2 OCR chapters
and MS Division Commander, Conor Bond. Numerous Louisiana SCV camps attended and participated in the dedication

On Wed. Nov. 25th, camp members Tom Lilly, Willard Chatham, and Butch Kuriger helped the camp's OCR ( Mary Ann
Forrest OCR) chapter ring the Salvation Army Red Kettle Bell at Ramey's grocery market in Florence, MS.

Then on Dec. 5th and 12th, camp members, along with the OCR, participated in the V.A. Christmas Shoppes. The camp
donated money for gifts and postage for mailing gifts to the veteran's families. Other members went to the hospital and the
American Legion post where they selected, wrapped, and got gifts ready to mail or deliver to veterans.

Upcoming Events
- Jan. 2, 2021 - Camp meeting and swearing in of new officers.
- May meeting, 2021 - Drawing for the AR15 from the ad campaign.
- June 12 - 13, 2021 - Relic show
- June 12 - 13, 2021 - Division Reunion - Vicksburg, MS

– Charles Lewis, Adjutant, Camp 265


The State of Alabama is restoring the embattlements at Blakeley

State Park and looking for support in its efforts. So far, they’ve done
a good job, but there’s a lot more to do.

The SCV Camps in Missouri and Alabama have erected

commemorative markers down near where the County Courthouse
and town once stood. In their little museum at the gate, is a photo of
my great-great- grandfather, Rankin County/Goshen Springs
native, William Solomon Baker wearing his “Southern Cross” lapel

While the park rangers and I were discussing the Battle, I offered to
show them a picture of the former combatant. And after learning I
had multiple pictures of William Solomon (Bill) Baker with me,
they, in good fun, would not allow my wife and me to exit the park
unless I donated the photo…their first Confederate photo for their
work-in-progress museum. It was smiles all round when I gave them
their ransom.

Looking for a nice weekend outing? I recommend Blakeley State

Park and then, later head a few minutes south to Fort Morgan’s
ramparts. It’s fun and stimulating. Lots of hotels/motels, restaurants,
and attractions close by and camping/camper spaces on the property.
Call ahead.

Want to imagine you’re the CSS Tennessee? From the Park’s boat
landing in “downtown” Blakeley, take a pontoon boat ride with
family and friends along the same east bank of Mobile Bay along the
path of the CSS Tennessee. Set it up in advance.

Is it a crowded tourist trap? No. It’s 67 wooded acres and sites where
you can sit, kick back and enjoy nature while you take in the Battle
of Fort Blakeley and Blakeley’s hanging tree (the real thing). And,
it’s maybe a tad closer than Memphis.

Another reason to care: If you are a SCV Camp 265 member, per the
National SCV Mission Statement, this is part of your history, and
your duty to preserve that Alabama ghost town and what happened


For more information about SCV Camp 265,

the Rankin Rough & Ready’s, visit us online at:


MAFOCR members bringing gifts to the Christmas Shoppe at the G.V. “Sonny”
Montgomery VA Hospital in Jackson, MS.

Charla Lewis provided entertainment at the Christmas party by dancing and

clogging to some very meaningful songs. Very talented!!!

SCV Camp 265 members Mr. Willard Chatham and Mr. Tom Lilly ringing the bell
for the Salvation Army!

The Mississippi Society, Order of Confederate Rose members traveled from all over
the state to lay wreaths at the graves of Confederate soldiers in the Beauvoir

Wreaths laid at the graves of Confederate soldiers at Beauvoir.

Re-enactors at the Battle of McLeod’s Mill.



317 Lake Heather Road BRANDON, MS
Brandon, MS 39047 PERMIT NO. 265

Our next meeting is January 2nd at:

Fernando’s Mexican Restaurant
2146 Hwy 471
Brandon, MS 39047
at 7:00pm. Come early!

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