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Proceedings of the 17th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 7, 8 & 9 October 2019 – Cape Town

Application of geosynthetic tubes to add structural stability in the

embankments of a Tailings Storage Facility
Dr. L. Carbone & G. Dirks
HUESKER Synthetic GmbH, Cape Town, South Africa
Dr. F. Hörtkorn
Jones & Wagener Consulting, Johannesburg, South Africa

ABSTRACT: Mining and processing by products are usually deposited into large tailings ponds. The embank-
ments of these large impoundments are typically constructed as earth fill dams or with tailings itself. Tailings
dam designs depend on the topography of the ground and the material available to build it and should take into
account, among others, adequate drainage, deposited tailings mechanical behaviour, subgrade conditions and
seismic forces. With the recent structural failures of tailing storage facilities engineers have to rethink the sta-
bility of traditional tailings embankment designs and regulations.
Can the stability of such structures be improved by reconsidering the materials used in the embankments? In
the last decades, geosynthetics have been used successfully for mine related applications to serve different
functions. This paper considers the use of geosynthetic tubes in designing tailings storage facilities (TSF). The
use of geosynthetic tubes might represent a sustainable and viable solution in tailings storage facilities. Before
a geosynthetic tube can be introduced in this application, its interaction with other construction materials and
its durability considering the in situ conditions must be considered. Only then can the appropriate geosynthetic
polymer, type and technical characteristics be specified. This paper investigates the benefits and also possible
limitations of proposing such a system in a TSF.

1 INTRODUCTION and other impoundment facilities to serve different

functions such as separation, filtration, drainage, re-
Tailings, by ICOLD’s definition (ICOLD, 1994), in- inforcement, protection, sealing and erosion protec-
clude all waste material (or “tail” products) from any tion.
activity. There are several methods used for tailings For example, by incorporating geosynthetic rein-
disposal, for example: disposal of dry or thickened forcing elements (e.g. geogrids and / or woven geo-
tailings in impoundments, backfilling underground textiles) into geostructures, the mechanical properties
mine workings and open-pits, and a common method, of the system are improved which enables the use of
the disposal of tailings slurry in impoundments using local available soils as material construction. Another
either the upstream, central line or downstream option could be to improve the mechanical properties
method. of the tailings by the use of geotextile dewatering
Actual designs for tailings disposal are highly site- tubes.
specific. Many factors should be taken into account This paper presents the use of geosynthetics tubes
such as the characteristics of the tailings, the climatic, for the disposal of tailings as well as structural com-
topographic, geologic, hydro-geological and geotech- ponent of tailings storage embankments in conjunc-
nical characteristics of the disposal site, regulatory re- tion with traditional fill materials as sustainable and
quirements related to dam safety and to environmen- viable solution in TSFs.
tal performance (US EPA 1994).
More recently, with the structural failures of tail-
ing storage facilities concerns have been raised about 2 TAILINGS IMPOUNDMENTS
the stability and environmental performance of tail- GENERALITIES
ings dams and impoundments.
Geosynthetics have been used successfully for The construction of tailings dams is closely linked to
mine related applications including the capping of mining operations and the characteristics of the tail-
sludge lagoons, geogrid reinforcing of retaining struc- ings. Generally speaking, the construction of tailings
tures, including dam walls, reinforcement of access dams follows as raised embankment or retention dam
roads, and lining of tailings storage facilities (TSF) (US EPA 1994).
17th ARC Conference 2019

Tailings retention dams are similar to water retention Geotextile tubes are manufactured using high tensile
dams in regard to design and are constructed at full strength fabrics, assembled into a tubular shape with
height at the beginning of the disposal. They are suit- a customised length, width or height.
able for any type of tailings and deposition method. The dewatering method foresees that the tailings
Raised embankments begin with a starter dike with mixed with flocculants are pumped into the tube by
more height added to the embankment as the volume means of nozzle inlets. The tube functions as a per-
of tailings increases in the impoundment. The basic meable containment of the non-dissolved solids while
construction concepts in this case are the upstream, the water is discharged through the permeable surface
downstream, or centerline methods (Davies et al. of the tube as effluent. The objective is to reduce the
2002). volume of water in the pumped slurry tailings in order
In all the aforementioned construction techniques to achieve a desired solids concentration inside the
the design of a starter dam is fundamental. It is the tube. Once the tailings-flocculants mixture are
key feature for the stability of the entire structure (As- pumped into the tube suspension, settling, deposition
sinder et al. 2016) and it specifies its internal and ex- (or settlement) and consolidation of the tailings occur
ternal geometry. In the very early stage of the project, (Yee & Lawson 2012).
specifications including drainage, seepage control, The typical geotextile tube dewatering process
and in some cases liner systems requirements, also comprises a cyclical process schematically shown in
have to be designed to maintain embankment stability Figure 1.
and control releases to the environment.
The use of tailings material for embankment con-
struction is generally the most economical construc-
tion method. A primary concern accompanying the
use of tailings for embankment construction is the
control of pore water pressure within and beneath the
embankment. Tailings present different moisture con-
tent (from dry or partially saturated, to saturated or in
some cases submerged) and are highly heterogeneous
in its grain size distribution. The segregation of the
tailings happens between the beginning of the depo-
sition and the more distant sectors, close to the pond,
and in the mechanical properties correspond to a very Figure 1. Dewatering cycle by use of geosynthetic tubes
soft soil with low shear resistance and bearing capac- (adapted and modified from Lawson, 2008)
In this case, Davies et al. (2002) identified some During the first filling cycle the dewatering tube is
techniques that could help in the increase of the dam filled to the given maximum initial design height (as
safety. The key point is to reduce at the minimum the determined by the design), and the filling is stopped.
presence of water in the dam by for example enhanc- The static drainage by gravitation commences as soon
ing the drainage system (i.e. finger drains or blanket as the filling process is halted and following a degree
drains), compacting the beaches or flattening the of dewatering the tube can be refilled again. During
slope inclination. In addition to the abovementioned this cycle the water within the slurry is extracted,
methods, to dewater (thickened to 60 percent pulp therefore the volume is reduced and the solids con-
density or more) or dry (to a moisture content of 25 centration of the residual dewatered material in-
percent or below) the tailings can be a key solution creases.
for safer tailings dam structures. In this context, the The principal process is repeated until the tube is
use of geosynthetic tubes is one alternative method completely filled. Subsequent consolidation and fur-
that can be used to dewater large quantities of sludge ther desiccation occur. As indicated in Figure 1, the
and at the same time create a stable structure for the filling cycle adopted is one of the factors to consider
permanent containment of the tailings (Wilke et al. with regards to the time period considered to achieve
2015). optimal filling of the geotextile dewatering tubes.
Once the dewatering tubes are fully filled and initial
dewatering has occurred further consolidation and re-
3 TAILINGS DEWATERING THROUGH duction of pore pressures continue. When a multi-
GEOSYNTHETIC TUBES layer stacking configuration design is applied, con-
stant over burden pressure applied by the upper de-
3.1 Generalities
watering tube on the bottom dewatering tube layers
Geotextile tubes are large high strength textile mod- will further contribute to consolidation.
ules whose function is to retain and consolidate the Figure 2 shows an example of dewatered pro-
solids while the water flows out from the geotextile cessed slurry by means of dewatering tubes.
Dr. L. Carbone, G. Dirks & Dr. F. Hörtkorn

for sufficient drainage capacity of the effluent water.

Normally the dewatering area consists of a contain-
ment bund, a flexible membrane liner and a gravel
drainage layer. It is worth noting that the lining sys-
tem design has to be adjusted to the degree of con-
tamination of the sludge/filtrate, the dewatering area
should be erosion-resistant and the area has to be hor-
izontally levelled (slope perpendicular to the longitu-
dinal axis of the tubes ≤ 0.1 %; slope in direction of
the longitudinal axis of the tube ≤ 1.0 %).
Thanks to this configuration the water can be col-
lected and re-used for mining process.

Figure 2. Example of the dewatered processed slurry inside the
Geosynthetic tubes behave as mass-gravity units and
Wilke & Cantré (2016) provide further information the corresponding possible modes of failure must be
on the geotechnical characteristics in terms of un- taken into account into the design (Bezuijen &
drained shear strength of the dewatered sludge within Vastenburg 2013). Dimensioning geosynthetic tubes
geotextile tubes following a consolidation period of structure the internal and the external stability analy-
up to 6 months. sis should be carried out. The internal stability veri-
fies that the tube fabric has sufficient strength to resist
3.2 Flocculation aids pressure due to filling and transfer forces during the
There are several ways to agglomerate the finely sus- lifespan of the structure as well as the geotextile shell
pended solids in order to increase the water release is suitable for soil encapsulation. Thus, the internal
capacity and enhance the dewatering performance of stability includes the design of the required tensile
the tailings (Wilke et al. 2015). Two basic physical strength of the fabric and the selection of a suitable
bonding or agglomeration principles exist: coagula- filter geotextile based on filter criteria.
tion and flocculation. Flocculation, which to date has The external stability analysis takes into account
been most commonly used in conjunction with geo- the stability of the whole structure and therefore it is
textile dewatering tubes, will be briefly explained. carried out considering the acting forces on the sys-
The flocculation is the step where destabilized colloi- tem and by analysing the expected failure modes of
dal particles are assembled into aggregates which can the structure itself.
then be efficiently separated from water. Flocculants Furthermore, depending on the characteristics of
clarify water by combining with suspended solids, in the tailings the chemical compatibility with the geo-
such a way as to enable these particles to be quickly textile tube raw material should be taken into account.
and easily separated from the water. Normally, in chemical environments characterized by
Flocculation agents can be produced from differ- pH values between 10-13 only suitable polymer like
ent raw materials including polyacrylamides, starch, for example PP or PVA may be used if long-term sta-
chitin and minerals. Depending on the particle char- bility has to be considered in the design (Carbone et
acteristics (size, charge, etc.) and the sludge proper- al. 2018).
ties (pH, concentration of suspended solids) an appro- 4.1 Required tensile strength of the fabric
priate flocculation agent can be selected. This type of
dewatering methodology extends the range of differ- Geotextile dewatering tubes can only be made out of
ent dewatering possibilities and a potential high effi- high strength woven filter fabrics, specifically de-
ciency relating to the dried solid content, the contain- signed for this purpose. The dimensional stability and
ment function and the overall safety factor. integrity of the tube is guaranteed by sufficient tensile
The sludge is transported into the dewatering tubes strength of the tube fabric in longitudinal and circum-
on the dewatering area by a manifold system. The ferential direction in combination with quality con-
flow can be diverted in a controlled manner to every trolled seams. The required tensile strength of the ge-
tube by use of several valves. otextile tube is estimated using the linear membrane
theory and depends on the circumference, maximum
3.3 Dewatering area filling height and maximum pumping pressure (Lesh-
The dewatering tubes have to be placed on an area, chinsky et al. 1995). Safety factors including strength
which is erosion resistant and capable of bearing reduction due to installation damage, durability, creep
loads. Additionally, the dewatering area has to allow and production process (e.g. the seams) have to be
taken into account.
17th ARC Conference 2019

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the

required tensile design strength increases exponen-
tially with increasing filling height. During the tube
dimensioning, a proper optimization of the theoretical
diameter, maximum filling height, storage capacity of
the tube and the required tensile design strength of the
geotextile tube material all have to be performed to
ensure a safe, stable design for the filling and de-
watering operation.
4.2 Required filter criteria
With regard to the ideal filter behavior of the geotex-
tile tube several classic design criteria can be applied.
A detailed overview of filtration of natural filters and
geotextile filters can be found in Giroud (2010).
It is always recommended to verify the filter per-
formance of the entire system i.e., geotextile, pro-
cessed tailings with flocculants aids before starting
the large dewatering campaign. Small scale field tri-
als (as for example shopping bags, hanging bags) can Figure 3. Example of staked dewatering used in a nickel and zinc
be useful for this purpose. mine in Europe
4.3 Stability analysis of the geosynthetic tube
Tubes can be installed in a single layer or stacked with DEWATERING IN TSF
multiple layers to form a pyramidal type geometry
(Fig. 3). According to the tubes set up and the specific The design and construction of TSF strongly depends
site conditions, global slope stability of the structure on the site conditions. The feasibility of each solution
and the bearing capacity of the foundation soil must in tailings ponds operation can vary in a large range
be verified. depending on many factors related to the mine opera-
In case the tubes are stacked in different layers, the tion and the local conditions: climate, amount and
global stability should be carried out considering the availability of suitable construction material, dis-
different components that form the structure. Consid- tances to gravel/rock/soil quarries, size of the pond,
ering for example the slope stability analysis, one bearing capacity of the existing tailings, etc. (Fernan-
challenge in the calculation can be to properly esti- dez Arnau et al. 2017).
mate the mechanical properties of the dewatered tail- The use of geosynthetic tubes may present a fa-
ings. With this regards, further research needs to be vourable cost/benefit solution to dewater the tailings
carried out. slurry before disposal as well as to use them as per-
Furthermore, the mechanical characteristic of the manent encasements for the material.
tailings might differ according to the consolidation Some benefits derived by the use of geosynthetic
degree of the tailings. The occurrence of pore water dewatering tubes filled with tailings are:
pressures in the tailings dam over the entire lifespan - Facilitates and expedite the dry tailings storage;
has to be estimated as well. - Increase process rate;
In stacked tube structure, the high strength woven - Encapsulation and permanent storage of the de-
of the geosynthetic tube can be considered as rein- watered material inside the tube;
forcing element in the slope stability analysis. On the - Reutilization of drained water in mine process;
other hand, the interaction between individual geotex- - No rewetting of the dried material inside the tube
tile tube surfaces as well as the interface between the due to rainfall.
tube and the lining system of the dewatering area However, some considerations have to be done re-
should be also considered as potential slip surface in garding the correct use of this method. The choice of
the stability analysis. the geotextile fabric should be done considering that
To further enhance the stability of stacked tubes the material has to withstand the acting forces on the
structures, the use of horizontal geosynthetic rein- tube shell during the filling process as well as for all
forcement elements such as geogrid or woven geotex- the intended life span of the structure. For this reason,
tile as well as the use of wide drains into the structure high strength woven geotextile is recommended. Fur-
should be considered. thermore, in the selection of the proper tube material,
chemical compatibility between the tailings and the
fabric should be also considered as well as the filter

Dr. L. Carbone, G. Dirks & Dr. F. Hörtkorn

criteria. Finally, considering the site-specific condi- Some Design Aspects. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
tions, the UV impact on the geosynthetic tube should 122(8): 682-690
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1994. Design and Eval-
be addressed as well as the possible damage of uncov- uation of Tailings Dams, Technical Report EPA 530-R-94.
ered tubes in case of vandalisms. Van Keßel, M-T. Breytenbach, M. & Wilke, M. 2016. Common
The stability of the entire structure should be con- practice and innovations in tailings dams using geosynthetic
sidered. In this regard, Van Keßel et al. (2016) intro- tubes. (ed.), 84TH ICOLD general meeting, Johannesburg,
duces innovative concepts about the utilisation of ge- 15-20 May 2016.
osynthetic dewatering tubes to form the Wilke, M. & Cantré, S. 2016. Harbour maintenance dredging
operations - Residual characteristics after treatment by geo-
embankments of the tailings dams. synthetic dewatering tubes Geo-Americas 2016 - The 3rd
Generally speaking, geotextile dewatering tubes Pan-American Conference, Miami, 10-13 April, 2016.
are versatile solution and can accommodate different Wilke, M. Breytenbach, M. Reunanen, J. & Hilla, V.-M. 2015.
needs. For example, the use of geomatresses (i.e. geo- Efficient environmentally sustainable tailings treatment and
textile tubes of smaller dimensions assembled in pa- storage by geosynthetic dewatering tubes: Working princi-
ples and Talvivaara case study. Proc. International Sympo-
nels) filled with coarser material could be used as sium on Tailings and Mine Waste 2015. Vancouver 25-28
drainage element. October 2015.
Yee T.W. & Lawson, C.R. 2012. Modelling the geotextile tube
dewatering process. Geosynthetics International. 19(5): 339-

Innovation is crucial in every industry, especially in

mining. This paper introduces the concept of dry tail-
ings storage by means of geosynthetic dewatering
tubes. It also introduces the use of dewatering tubes a
structural component in the establishment of tailings
dam embankments. The feasibility of applying this
method depends on the mine site specific conditions.
A basic description of the dewatering method and its
main principle are described. Conclusions about the
design and the stability analysis related to the use of
such tubes are also drawn.


Assinder, P.J. Breytenbach, M. Wiemers, J. Hörtkorn, F. 2016.

Utilizing geotextile tubes to extend the life of a Tailings Stor-
age Facility. In Proceeding of the First Southern African Ge-
otechnical Conference, Sun City, South Africa, 5-6 May:
Bezuijen, A. Vastenburg, E.W. 2013. Geosystems. Design rules
and applications. CRC Press/Balkema: Leiden.
Carbone, L. Syllwasschy, O. Fantini, P. & Detert, O. 2018. Ura-
nium ore treatment tailings ponds remediation: a German
case. In Proceedings of 11 International Conference on Ge-
osynthetics, September 16- 21, 2018, Seoul, Korea.
Davies M.P. Lighthall P.C. Rice S. & Martin T.D. 2002. Design
of Tailings Dams and Impoundments. Keynote Address Tail-
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Fernández Arnau D. Jamett R. & Briers, M. 2017. Geotextile
dewatering tubes for water reclamation technique in TSF´s.
Tailings 2017 – 4th International Seminar on Tailings Man-
Giroud, J.P. 2010. Criteria for geotextile and granular filters,
Proceedings of the 9th International conference on geosyn-
thetics, Brazil: 45-64.
International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD). 1994. Tail-
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dations, Bulletin 97.
Lawson, C.R. 2008. Geotextile containment for hydraulic and
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1995. Geosynthetic Tubes for confining pressurized Slurry:

17th ARC Conference 2019


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