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US rq Science Gontent

\-i Standards Ceils and Energy

(ED Att cetts can release energy from food molecules'
Students know that mitochondria
liberate energy for the work that cells do
Onty some ce[[s can make food molecules using light enerSy'
and that chloroplasts (apture sunlight
energy for photosYnthesis.
Real-World Reading Connection When gasoline burns in a
ts know that mitochondria car engine, energy is released. It is transformed in many ways,
Also (overs: 7.a,7.c, Zd, Ze ste? i
gy for the work that making the car function as it should. Carbon dioxide, water
drat chloroplasts capture vapor, and other waste gases from the burning gasoline exit
rgy for photosynthesis. thiough the exhaust pipe. Mitochondria are like engines in ceils' Glyc: . ;
si J .a,7 .c, 7 .d,7 .e. Wastes are also produced when mitochondria release energy
What You'll Learn from food molecules.
; Compare and contrast
ceItutar respiration and Celltrlar Respiration
photosynthesis. Automobiles cannot use the crude oil that comes out of the
) Describe the basic ground as fuel. It must be processed and refined into gasoline or
chemical reaction of diesel fuel. As you read in the previous iesson, the energy stored
i{,n Focus photosynthesis. in the food molecuies is not in a form that cells can use. Cellu-
rency 1-3 and ) Explain the importance of lar respiration is a series of chemical reactions that transforms
pigments in photosynthesis. the energy in food molecules to usable energy. The usable Reactio
lents answer the
energy is in molecules of ATP-adenosine triphosphate The ser
) Relate photosynthesis to
and uses'
ce[[ular respiration. (uh DEN uh seen'tri FAHS faYt).
smaller n
\h1 lt's lmportant Reac$ons\n\\eQ$op\asrn \ile-a'l
rding Preview...... A[[ organisms must transform Cellular respiration happens in three steps' The first step is The t
and use energy in order to glycolysis (g1i KAH lih sis) and it happens in a cell's cytoplasm. ence of
ior Knowledge survive. Glycolysis breaks down a glucose molecule-a type of sugar- released
:esses Have students into two smaller molecules, as shown in Figure 21. The chemical AIP-t
exhale several times. Vocabulary reactions ofglycolysis require energy and release electrons that
vhen they breathe,they ce[[ular respiration are used in the last step ofcellular respiration. Fern
gen and exhale carbon ATP
rygen plays a key role fermentation Figure 2l
ln all cells, glycolysis is the beginning of chemic
respi ration. Stress that photosynthesis energy release. ends ir
and cellular respira- orFSen
Review Vocabulary Cytoplasm cules o
fferent, but related, enerty: the capacity to
EII do work (Grade 6) Lacti r
.rdy Write the vocabu- i a l:1 -:
on the board. Ask : vol- Plant cell Animal cell

pronounce the words. : Two Two smaller

words into syllables as :
electrons molecules

ronounced.Tell students :

science terms have 3, :

'en 6 syllables. Each syl- :

68 Chapter I. Ce[[ Structure and Function

tave a vowel. Locating


; u,ill help them chunk

into units they
3.As !n these words the



ry represent the vowel : unirersal Access Teacher FYI ATP is used for all kinds
rotysyllabicwords of activities in the cell. Some organisms
@ : English Learners Have students research
transform AIP to light. Fireflies use light
voblematic for students : strategies used by athletic teams to avoid
m learn to breakthem : to attract mates, and ocean dinoflagellates
decreased performances as a result of lactic
s that will help them rec- :. and jellies use light as camouflage at dif-
acid production. Ask students if they have
I pronounce them easier. : ferent times of day.
ever experienced increased lactic acid produc-
uord chunks will convey : tion. lfi This personal connection between the
hat will transfer to other : text and students'own experiences helps them
rds, such as photo-.: remember the information and motivates them
to read further.
ter 1 . Cell Structure and Function

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