3a. DnDestiny Bestiary of The Wilds 042

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DUNGEONS & DESTINY BESTIARY OF THE WILD FEEDBACK FORM CREDITS @Username refers to Twitter profile unless otherwise stated Creator, Director, Producer, Production Manager, and Lead Rules Development: Stacy Poor Editor and Lead Writer: Martin Souza (martinsouza.net) Artists: Charlie Eliasson (@snakebunker), Lauren Bagley (bagleyarts.com) Assistant Project Manager: Phoenix "Orewing” Hayes (@erewings) Rules Development Flynn Krusemark Cover Illustrator: ‘Anna Grinenko (@tshortik) Additional Interior Illustrators: Em Kief (gcinkdraws.tumbir.com) Additional Contributors: James McKenzie (Archive of Our Own: Anarchyinplasma), Dan Jon Morgan (@DanlonMoron), Nicholas Kirse (@SuperkamiNico), Josh Killette (@Combat_Engie), Eric W Voigt (@ConquererM), Jack MacGregor, Neal (NealDnDestiny@gmail.com), Mothyards (themothyards.tumbir.com) With Special Thanks to our Volunteer Architects: Slashseeker, Sanity, Cream, Tecatin, ZiDaRose, Ambipomfan, Weeb-Thanos, Emerald, Ahri, Tenrouken, Docmonday, Foxficandink, Lich, Sonashot, undead drifter LEGAL Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1,02, Section 1(e) and are not Open Content: Velvet Fang, Velvet Fang logo. All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress not previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this designation, Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without our written permission. Dungeons & Destiny is published under the Open Game License version 1.02 Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. It is a not-for-profit labor of love produced solely for entertainment purposes that contains works inspired by Bungie's video games Destiny (2014) and Destiny 2 (2017). © Bungie, Inc, All rights reserved, Destiny, the Destiny Logo, Bungie and the Bungie logo are among the trademarks of Bungie, Inc. © 2020, Velvet Fang. All rights reserved ‘The original artworks within are commissioned or donated works of fan art made possible by Patrean supporters and are published here with permission, Patreon support covers the overhead cost of creation; everything else goes back into the gaming community that kitty fell in love with. ‘This document is NOT for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TABLE OF CONTENTS CREDITS LEGAL TABLE OF CONTENTS MONSTER MECHANICS ULTRA CREATURE VEHICLES MONSTER CLASSIFICATION BALANCING ENCOUNTERS THINKING IN SLOTS CHAPTER 1: FALLEN ARCHON FALLEN ASSASSIN BARON CAPTAIN REAVER CAPTAIN DREG REAVER DREG ELEMENTAL SERVITOR NULL SERVITOR SCORCH SERVITOR SHOCK SERVITOR MARAUDER SERVITOR PILOT SERVITOR PRIME SERVITOR KALIKS REBORN SHANK BOMB SHANK HEAVY SHANK REPEATER SHANK SENTRY SHANK SWARM OF SHANKS. SWARM OF BOMB SHANKS TRACER SHANK SHANK MASTER, SILENT FANG VANDAL SNIPER VANDAL WALKER JUMPER WRETCH PIKE HEAVY PIKE CHAPTER 2: HIVE ACOLYTE BOOMER ACOLYTE FERVENT ACOLYTE SPLINTER ACOLYTE ADHERENT ALAK-HUL, THE DARKBLADE BROOD PRINCE BROOD QUEEN CONJUROR DARKBLADE DEATHSINGER GULROT, UNCLEAN KNIGHT LARVA WORM OGRE GRUDGE OGRE HALLOWED OGRE SHRIEKER DEATH SHRIEKER GLITCHED SHRIEKER ‘SPAWN CLUTCH TORTURED CLUTCH ‘SWORDBEARER THE HATED. THRALL BELCHING THRALL, CURSED THRALL HALLOWED THRALL HOAR THRALL CURSED HOAR THRALL ‘SWARM OF CURSED THRALL SWARM OF THRALL URROX, THE FLAME PRINCE VANQUISHER WIZARD CHAPTER 3: VEX ‘CONFLUX PHASE CONFLUX SHIELD CONFLUX WARP CONFLUX cYCLoPs QUANTUM CYCLOPS FANATIC GATE LORD GOBLIN TORCH GOBLIN HARPY LASER HARPY ‘TETHER HARPY HOBGOBLIN QUANTUM HOBGOBLIN SIEGE HOBGOBLIN HYDRA AXIS HYDRA NEGATION HYDRA a7 48 49 51 51 53 54 55 55 57 58 60 61 62 62 63 64 64 65 66. 67 67 68 69 69 70 mn 2 73 75 76 76 76 7 78 78 79 80 82 82 83 84 85 85. 86 87 89 90 on MINOTAUR BERSERKER MINOTAUR QODRON, THE FOREVER EATER RAMPANT UNIT RAMPANT CYCLOPS RAMPANT GOBLIN RAMPANT HOBGOBLIN RAMPANT MINOTAUR SPHYNX SNIPER SPHYNX ‘SUPPLICANT CHAPTER 4: CABAL CENTURION HONORED CENTURION coLossus, VENERATED COLOSSUS. GLADIATOR VENERATED GLADIATOR INCENDIOR LEGIONARY SCOUT LEGIONARY VENERATED LEGIONARY PHALANX PSION ENGINEER PSION PSION COMMANDER SNIPER PSION STRIKER PSION SCORPIUS TURRET VOLCANIC SCORPIUS TURRET VALUS ‘COMBUSTOR VALUS EXCAVATOR VALUS INFILTRATOR VALUS \VALUS TRAU'UG WAR BEAST ALPHA WAR BEAST PSIONIC WAR BEAST GOLIATH INTERCEPTOR 92 93 94 96 96 96 7 7 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105, 106 107 108 109) 110 110 al 112 113 14 114 115, 116 47 47, 118 119 120 121 122 123 123 124 125 CHAPTER 5: THE TAKEN SHADOW SHADOW DREG SHADOW THRALL SHADOW WAR BEAST TAKEN ACOLYTE TAKEN CAPTAIN TAKEN CENTURION TAKEN COLOSSUS TAKEN FORTIFIER COLOSSUS TAKEN DREG TAKEN GLADIATOR TAKEN GOBLIN TAKEN HARPY TAKEN HOBGOBLIN TAKEN HUMAN TAKEN KNIGHT TAKEN MARAUDER TAKEN MINOTAUR TAKEN OGRE TAKEN PHALANX TAKEN PSION TAKEN THRALL ‘SWARM OF TAKEN THRALL, TAKEN VANDAL TAKEN WIZARD CHAPTER 6: MISC AWOKEN CORSAIR BATDACTYL BEE COMBAT FRAME FLATHEAD TOAD IRON WOLF ‘SWARM OF BEES TOWER FRAME 127 127 127 127 128 129 130 131 132 132 133 133 134 135 136 137 137 138 139 141 142 143 444 144 145 146 149 149 149 150 150 151 152 153 153 MONSTER MECHANICS Dungeons & Destiny uses the same system of combat as Se, and like the Player's Guidebook ("PGB"), the Bestiary of the Wilds ("the Bestiary") assumes that you own or are already knowledgeable of the core content. The Bestiary's Se counterpart explains the basics of monsters and monster stat blocks in its opening section. Dungeons & Destiny adds onto that with the following ENERGY SHIELDS Like Guardians, creatures can benefit from energy shields, though a creature’s energy shield is rarely a result of the Light. Instead, most creatures with energy shields use advanced technology to accomplish the task, or it is via other paracausal means, such as through the Darkness. When a creature has energy shields, it will be indicated beneath the health points line in their stat block. The amount of energy shields, as well as the alignment of the energy shields, is listed after. Like Guardians, if a creature takes a brief rest, they regain all points in their energy shields. A creature’s energy shield alignment indicates the benefits and drawbacks the creature receives while it has at least one point in its energy shields. Creatures benefiting from at least 1 energy shield point have the following effects applied to them. If an energy shields’ hit point pool is reduced to 0, the creature loses the effects, They are resistant to bludgeoning, kinetic, explosive, slashing, and piercing damage, * They have a vulnerability to damage of the same type as their energy shield alignment. A creature with arc-aligned energy shields is vulnerable to arc damage, a creature with necrotic-aligned energy shields is vulnerable to necrotic damage, etc. ‘The creature cannot benefit from any natural damage resistances, damage vulnerabilities, and damage Immunities. These natural stats are listed below a creature's ability scores, AUTOMATIC FIRE If a monster’s weapon has the Automatic Fire property, this is represented by appending the dice rolled with “dl,” which means "drop 1.” For example, a monster with an auto rifle attack would have the dice formula for its auto rifle listed as "2d6d1." This means you roll 2d6, but drop the lowest d6 from the total DAMAGE POINT Some targets are tough enough that they come with a damage point. Targets with a damage point are usually vehicles designed for war, or a particularly powerful creature, The value of the damage point is how much damage the target has to take from a single source in order for that damage to be subtracted from its hit points, A target with a damage point of 10, for example, would take no damage If the total from a single source was 9 or less. Ifa target's damage point is breached, the target takes the full damage of the source. A target's damage point value does not reduce or alter the amount of damage taken, it simply states the point at which damage Is taken, HOVER SPEED Creatures with a hover speed typically levitate up to two feet off the ground, and are immune to falling damage while not incapacitated. They can hover in place. They cannot hover or move on their own if they are attempting to hover over deep liquids, such as a lake, or if they are incapacitated, Creatures with a hover speed move normally over shallow liquids such as puddles or brooks. Unless otherwise stated, assume a creature hovers one and a half feet off the ground. Hovering creatures ignore the effects of difficult terrain if the difficult terrain is not tall enough to reach their body. ARTIFICIAL AND VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE ‘There are two kinds of constructs. The first are those that are living machines, with minds and behaviors so complex they are no different from any other sentient creature, though they may still experience the world differently. A construct marked as being an artificial intelligence, or AI, is such a construct. It is unhackable, and it is not subject to any effects that target devices.

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