Vitamin D in Chronic Heart Failure

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Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:123–130

DOI 10.1007/s11897-011-0048-6

Vitamin D in Chronic Heart Failure

Miles D. Witham

Published online: 17 February 2011

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Recent evidence suggests a number of mecha- the function of over 60 genes. This review highlights how
nisms whereby vitamin D may positively influence the a number of strands of evidence, from recent insights into
pathophysiology of heart failure. These include actions on the vascular effects of vitamin D (Fig. 1) and observations
the renin-angiotensin system, calcium handling, reduction linking heart failure and other vascular diseases with low
of proinflammatory cytokines, and improvements in vitamin D levels, suggest that vitamin D may have a role to
endothelial function and blood pressure. Observational data play in the pathophysiology of chronic heart failure. This
suggest that low vitamin D levels are common in patients review also critically reviews the evidence from interven-
with heart failure and are associated with worse exercise tional studies to date, and summarizes the next steps for this
capacity and natriuretic peptide levels. Little interventional fascinating field.
data are currently available, but evidence to date does not
support vitamin D supplementation, even in patients with
low vitamin D levels. Further studies are needed to Vitamin D Insufficiency
establish whether larger doses of vitamin D given over a
longer period of time can reduce symptoms, hospitalization, Vitamin D is predominantly formed in the skin by the
and mortality in heart failure. action of ultraviolet-B radiation, which transforms 7-
dehydrochlesterol into vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Small
Keywords Heart failure . Vitamin D . Cardiovascular amounts of vitamin D3 are ingested from the diet (via oily
fish and dairy products), as are small amounts of plant-
derived vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), which is closely
Introduction related in structure to vitamin D3. These forms of vitamin
D are hydroxylated by cytochromes in the liver to form 25-
Although vitamin D was discovered a century ago, our hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD), which forms a long-lived
knowledge of this ancient and ubiquitous molecule recently circulating reservoir bound to vitamin D–binding protein. It
has undergone a step change. For decades, its effects on is for this reason that 25OHD is measured to determine
calcium absorption, role in bone health, and, more recently, its vitamin D status. Further hydroxylation then occurs to form
effects on neuromuscular function were well appreciated. 1,25 hydroxyvitamin D (1,25OHD), also known as calci-
Over the past 15 years, we have learned that vitamin D is triol. This step is carried out by the kidney, but also can be
metabolized in tissues as diverse as macrophages and carried out by a range of other tissues including macro-
placenta, has receptors in almost all bodily organs, and affects phages and parathyroid tissue, making it likely that
1,25OHD has paracrine actions in these tissues [1, 2].
M. D. Witham (*) Most of the biological effects of vitamin D are thought to
Section of Ageing and Health, Centre for Cardiovascular and be mediated by 1,25OHD, which binds to the vitamin D
Lung Biology, Division of Medical Sciences, University of
receptor (VDR). This receptor then translocates to the cell
Dundee, Ninewells Hospital,
Dundee DD1 9SY, Scotland, UK nucleus, heterodimerizes with the retinoic acid X receptor
e-mail: [3], and binds to VDR response elements in the genome to
124 Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:123–130

Fig. 1 Potential actions of vita-

min D in heart failure. BP—
blood pressure; PTH—parathy-
roid hormone; VEGF—vascular
endothelial growth factor

control DNA transcription. It is possible that 25OHD itself 25 nmol/L [9]. Patients of South Asian origin are at even
mediates some actions of vitamin D, as it binds to a higher risk of insufficiency; 94% of a cohort of young
cytoplasmic variant of the VDR as strongly as 1,25OHD South Asian women from the United Kingdom had 25OHD
[4]. However, it is not clear what physiological actions are levels less than 37.5 nmol/L [10]. Similarly high preva-
mediated by this receptor. Levels of 25OHD levels in nmol/ lences of vitamin D insufficiency are found amongst the
L can be converted to ng/mL by dividing by 2.5; vitamin D nonwhite United States population; the National Health and
(D2 or D3) doses are given in international units (IU), Nutrition Examination Survey showed that 4% of white
where 1 IU is equal to 0.025 μg of vitamin D. women, but 42% of black women, had 25OHD levels
No consensus exists regarding the optimum level of below 37.5 nmol/L [11].
25OHD required for human health, and it is possible that The optimum level of vitamin D needed for cardiovascular
different thresholds apply to different biological systems. health is unclear; the Framingham study suggested a
Levels above 25 nmol/L are required to prevent rickets and relationship between incident cardiovascular events and levels
osteomalacia [5]; boosting levels above 50 nmol/l previous- below about 50 nmol/L, with no clear association above this
ly was believed not to suppress parathyroid hormone (PTH) level [12•]. Most interventional studies have not boosted
levels further, thus denoting sufficiency, although more 25OHD levels to above 75 nmol/L, and there is concern that
recent data challenge this assumption [6, 7]. Levels of over excessive vitamin D levels may be associated with increased
75 nmol/L have been suggested as being optimum for vascular calcification [13]. The picture is even less clear for
health by some commentators, based on extrapolation from patients with established heart failure, in whom few studies
observational studies in a range of disease states [8]. have been performed. Vitamin D has a long half-life
Little vitamin D is derived from diet; thus, sunlight is the (between 3 and 8 weeks) and can thus be given intermit-
predominant source. At high latitudes (>40° north), there is tently; paradoxically, oral doses provide much better
insufficient ultraviolet light reaching the Earth’s surface pharmacokinetics than intramuscular doses [14].
between October and March to produce vitamin D. Levels
therefore decline over the winter, reaching a nadir in
March/April. In fact, it was the observation that cardiovas- Vascular Effects of Vitamin D
cular events are also more common in winter that led to the
current upsurge of interest in cardiovascular disease and Renin-angiotensin System Function
vitamin D.
Vitamin D insufficiency becomes more common with Vitamin D–receptor knockout mice have marked overpro-
age and in individuals with dark skin, due to reduced duction of renin [15], leading to hypertension, cardiac
efficiency of vitamin D production. The 2005 Health enlargement, and elevation of natriuretic peptides. Recent
Survey for England revealed that 50%–60% of people aged evidence suggests that a similar relationship between low
65 years and over had 25OHD levels below 50 nmol/L, vitamin D levels and enhanced renin-angiotensin system
with between 8% and 13% having 25OHD levels below activity exists in patients without heart failure [16•, 17•].
Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:123–130 125

Whether vitamin D actually suppresses renin-angiotensin patients with heart failure, vitamin D supplementation has
system activity in humans is less clear; no suppression of been shown to reduce TNF-α and increase IL-10 levels in
the renin-angiotensin system was seen in a trial of vitamin one study [29]. Interestingly, high TNF-α levels can inhibit
D in older patients with heart failure [18•], but a study of conversion of 25OHD to 1,25OHD by endothelial cells
vitamin D supplementation in patients with type 2 diabetes [30], which is likely to lead to a vicious circle of
mellitus showed nonsignificant reductions in angiotensin II inflammation and suppression of vitamin D activation.
and increases in renin, suggesting effects similar to
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors [19]. Parathyroid Hormone

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor PTH often is elevated in vitamin D insufficiency, partly in
response to low vitamin D levels, but also to low serum
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been postulat- calcium levels. PTH is thought to be vasculotoxic in its
ed to play a role in maintaining myocardial blood supply and own right, and has been shown to be involved in
function, especially diastolic function [20, 21]. Conversely, myocardial fibrosis and left ventricular hypertrophy [31].
blockade of VEGF by anti-VEGF antibody therapy for Parathyroidectomy for primary hyperparathyroidism
malignancy appears to increase the risk of heart failure in improves left ventricular ejection fraction in some studies
humans [22]. Vitamin D has been shown to upregulate VEGF [32] (although low calcium levels postsurgery can in fact
expression [23], suggesting another pathway through which worsen cardiac function in some cases) and elevated PTH
vitamin D may positively influence myocardial function. levels independently predict heart failure hospitalization in
patients with established chronic heart failure [33].
Calcium Handling
Endothelial Function
Myocyte calcium handling is known to be deranged in heart
failure, and contributes to both disturbances of myocyte Derangement of endothelial function is seen in heart failure,
contraction and relaxation. Vitamin D is now known to and is thought to be an early pathophysiological lesion
influence calcium influx via nongenomic actions (e.g., by underpinning a wide range of vascular diseases. Several
opening L-type calcium channels in osteoblasts) [24], and it is therapies that are used in heart failure (e.g., angiotensin-
possible that related pathways may mediate effects of converting enzyme inhibitors and spironolactone) improve
vitamin D on myocyte calcium handling. Cardiac myocytes endothelial function. Low vitamin D levels are associated with
possess the VDR and a calcitriol-dependent calcium-binding deranged endothelial function in patients without heart failure
protein [25]. They also may possess the ability independently [34], and vitamin D supplementation has been shown to
to produce calcitriol that can act in an autocrine or paracrine improve endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes
fashion. Calcitriol can activate adenylate cyclase [26], thus [19] and in healthy adults with low vitamin D levels [34].
mimicking the effects of β-adrenergic stimulation on
myocardial contractility. Case reports of profound heart Blood Pressure
failure in neonates with hypocalcemia caused by low vitamin
D levels [27] lend further weight to these mechanisms; Evidence from interventional trials suggests that in selected
vitamin D replacement and normalization of serum calcium patients, vitamin D may be able to reduce blood pressure
can lead to recovery in such cases. [35]. The mechanism of action underlying this effect is
unclear, but if vitamin D acts as a vasodilator, this could
Cytokines reduce afterload, with potentially beneficial effects on
ventricular stress and remodeling.
A number of derangements of cytokine production are
found in chronic heart failure, notably enhanced production Skeletal Myopathy
of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor–α
(TNF-α) and reduced levels of IL-10. This proinflamma- Heart failure is accompanied by a profound skeletal
tory state not only is thought to contribute to the myopathy, characterized by reduced numbers and function
pathophysiology of cardiac dysfunction and endothelial of type I muscle fibers [36]. It is this myopathy that
dysfunction, but also may underlie the skeletal myopathy underlies much of the exercise intolerance seen in heart
and cachexia seen in heart failure. Vitamin D has long been failure. Vitamin D is known to improve muscle strength in
used in dermatology as an immunologically active therapy vitamin D–deficient patients [37]; it is possible that vitamin
(e.g., for psoriasis). Vitamin D and related compounds D insufficiency could therefore be a contributory factor to
reduce IL-6 production by endothelial cells [28], and in the myopathy seen in heart failure.
126 Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:123–130

Evidence from Observational Studies hydrophobic molecule. Thus, it is possible that low vitamin
D levels in patients with heart failure merely reflect the
A growing number of studies now link low vitamin D burden of preexisting disease, and that patients with
levels with chronic heart failure; some key studies are preexisting risk factors (inactivity, obesity, comorbid
summarized in Table 1. Patients with heart failure have disease) are more likely to develop heart failure, with low
lower vitamin D levels than age-matched control patients, vitamin D levels being an epiphenomenon. Of course, this
and in some (but not all) studies, lower vitamin D levels are issue can be resolved only via randomized controlled
linked to worse exercise capacity and worse ejection interventional studies.
fraction. In patients without symptomatic heart failure,
low vitamin D levels predict future occurrence of heart
failure. In patients referred for coronary angiography, those Evidence from Interventional Studies
with the lowest vitamin D levels have the highest risk of
future cardiovascular events, including death from heart Randomized Controlled Trials of Vitamin D in Chronic
failure. However, it is unclear whether low vitamin D levels Heart Failure
in patients with established heart failure are an independent
risk factor for future hospitalization and death. The first randomized controlled trial of vitamin D supple-
Although the above evidence is interesting, and is mentation [29] compared 2,000 IU of oral vitamin D3 with
strengthened by longitudinal association, it still is possible placebo, given over a 9-month period to patients with heart
that reverse causality is operating to explain these observed failure due to impaired systolic function. Despite a large
associations. Patients with more comorbid disease, those increase in mean 25OHD levels in the treatment arm (from
who are more obese, and those who are less physically 36 nmol/L to 103 nmol/L), most outcomes, including
active will tend to have lower vitamin D levels, their ejection fraction, maximal exercise capacity, and B-type
opportunities for sun exposure will be lower, and obesity natriuretic peptide levels, failed to improve in this study.
appears to lower circulating 25OHD levels directly, perhaps The exception was TNF-α, where a significant decrease
due to adipose tissue acting as a reservoir for this was observed in the treatment arm. Vitamin D was well

Table 1 Observational studies of vitamin D and heart failure

Study Population Study type Findings

Shane et al. [43] 101 NYHA III/IV HF patients; Cross-sectional Association between 25OHD levels and VO2 max
mean age: 54 years
Zittermann 54 patients (20 with HF with any Cross-sectional 25OHD levels lower in CHF patients than in similarly
et al. [44] ejection fraction, 34 control patients); aged patients without CHF; inverse relationship
mean age: 55 years between 25OHD levels and NT-proANP
Pilz et al. [45•] 3,299 patients referred for coronary Prospective Inverse association between 25OHD level and both
angiography (predominantly non-CHF); NT-proBNP level and NYHA class; association
mean age: 64 years between 25OHD level and LV function. 2.6x risk of
death from HF in those with 25OHD <25 nmol/L
compared to those with 25OHD >75 nmol/L after
Boxer et al. [46] 60 HF patients with LVSD; mean age: Cross-sectional Association between 25OHD levels and both
77 years six-minute walk distance and frailty score
Anderson et al. [47•] 23,793 (population database with 25OHD Prospective Risk of HF 2.01 times higher if 25OHD level
measurements); mean age: 55 years <37.5 nmol/L compared to 25OHD level >75 nmol/L
(after adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors)
Boxer et al. [48] 40 patients with HF with any ejection Cross-sectional Association between VO2 max and 25OHD levels,
fraction; mean age: 68 years but not between 25OHD levels and muscle strength
Pilz et al. [49] 641 (population-based cohort Cross-sectional No relationship between 25OHD level and LV ejection
[non-HF]); mean age: 69 years fraction or LV dimensions after adjustment
Ameri et al. [50] 90 patients with stable HF with any Cross-sectional Inverse association between 25OHD level and LV
ejection fraction; mean age: 78 years dimensions & fractional shortening; no relationship
between 25OHD and either NT-proBNP or NYHA

25OHD—25-hydroxyvitamin D; BNP—B-type natriuretic peptide; CHF—chronic heart failure; HF—heart failure; LV—left ventricle; LVSD—
left ventricular systolic dysfunction; NYHA: New York Heart Association; NT-proANP—N-terminal atrial natriuretic peptide; NT-proBNP—N-
terminal B-type natriuretic peptide; VO2 max—peak oxygen uptake
Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:123–130 127

tolerated in this study, with no excess of adverse events in significant improvements in ejection fraction and quality of
the treatment arm. life compared to placebo, but did not find an improvement
A randomized controlled trial from Scotland, UK studied in six-minute walk distance. However, the daily dose of
the effect of 100,000 IU of oral vitamin D2 every 10 weeks vitamin D3 was only 400 IU, which is unlikely to have
compared to placebo on physical function and quality of caused a significant increase in 25OHD levels. It is possible
life in older patients with CHF and impaired systolic that another ingredient of the multivitamin (e.g., coenzyme
function [18•]. Again, despite a doubling of 25OHD levels Q10) was responsible for the benefit, or perhaps synergies
(from 20 nmol/L to 40 nmol/L) in the treatment arm, there between components of the multivitamin caused the
was no improvement in the six-minute walk distance, improvement.
quality of life, or markers of muscle strength. No improve- A number of small studies in patients with end-stage
ments in TNF-α levels were seen in this study, but B-type kidney disease have suggested that vitamin D supple-
natriuretic peptide levels did fall significantly in the mentation may be able to regress left ventricular
treatment arm by 20 weeks. No changes in aldosterone or hypertrophy, and in selected patients, to improve ejection
renin levels were noted. fraction [39, 40]. However, none of these studies used a
In this study, 25OHD levels failed to reach the level of control group, and they did not set out to study patients
75 nmol/L that some commentators believe is optimal for with the clinical syndrome of heart failure; thus, the
health across a wide range of disease states [8]. Whether relevance of these findings to patients with overt heart
such levels are necessary for benefits to be seen in heart failure remains unclear.
failure and other vascular diseases is not known; the
recommendation was derived from observational studies. Prevention of Chronic Heart Failure
Nevertheless, it is possible that larger doses of vitamin D,
taken for longer periods of time, are required to gain benefit No randomized controlled trials have directly tested
in established heart failure. It also is possible that vitamin D whether vitamin D supplementation can prevent heart
still may reduce death and hospitalization in heart failure, failure. However, a growing body of evidence suggests
but the weak and inconsistent effects seen to date on that in selected populations (e.g., those with hypertension),
surrogate markers are not encouraging. high-dose vitamin D2 or D3 supplementation may reduce
blood pressure [35]. Meta-analyses of vitamin D supple-
Other Studies mentation trials in patients with osteoporosis have sug-
gested that vitamin D may reduce rates of cardiovascular
Witte et al. [38] tested the effect of a multivitamin death modestly [41•]. It is likely that myocardial infarction
supplement in older patients with heart failure, and found rates are a major contributor to this reduction [42], and if

Table 2 Planned and ongoing vitamin D trials relevant to heart failure

Database number Population Intervention Main outcomes

NCT 01125436 64 HF patients aged >50 years with any Vitamin D3, 50,000 VO2 max and muscle strength at 6 months
ejection fraction; NYHA II–IV; 25OHD IU/wk vs placebo
<94 nmol/L
NCT 01230307 100 HF patients with LVSD and 25OHD Vitamin D3, 100,000 IU Biomarkers of HF at 6 months; exercise capacity
>25 nmol/L and <62.5 nmol/L loading dose, then 2,000 and quality of life
IU/day vs placebo
NCT 01092130 100 HF patients with LVSD; NYHA II–IV Vitamin D3, 2,000 IU/d Plasma renin activity at 6 weeks; ejection
fraction; angiotensin II; collagen and matrix
degradation markers
NCT 01005303 112 HF patients with LVSD; NYHA II/III Multivitamin supplement plus Ejection fraction at 1 year; physical function;
vitamin D, 2,000 IU/d vs quality of life; heart failure biomarkers;
placebo oxidative stress
NCT 00497900 40 HF patients with LVSD; NYHA II–IV; Calcium and vitamin D vs Ejection fraction at 6 months
25OHD <50 nmol/L placebo
NCT 01169259 20,000 healthy participants aged >60 years Vitamin D3, 2,000 IU vs 5-year risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease
(VITAL) placebo for 5 years
ISRCTN17873085 100 HF patients with LVSD; NYHA II/III; Vitamin D3, 4,000 IU vs LV function; endothelial function; symptoms;
25OHD <50 nmol/L placebo for 12 months quality of life; exercise capacity

25OHD—25-hydroxyvitamin D; HF—heart failure; LV—left ventricle; LVSD—left ventricular systolic dysfunction; NYHA: New York Heart
Association; VO2 max—peak oxygen uptake
128 Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:123–130

these effects are borne out in large multicenter randomized Although little interventional data is available at present, the
controlled trials, it is possible that vitamin D supplementation existing data do not support a large effect on either pathophys-
may be able to reduce the occurrence of heart failure secondary iological or functional outcomes. Nevertheless, further work is
to reducing hypertension and myocardial infarction. needed to test whether larger doses, given for longer, to
particular subsets of patients with heart failure may be able to
Planned Studies improve exercise capacity and quality of life, and to reduce
death and hospitalization. Until such trial evidence is available,
A search of the major clinical trials databases reveals there is insufficient current evidence to recommend either
several randomized controlled trials of vitamin D in heart measuring or replacing vitamin D in patients with heart failure.
failure that are either planned or ongoing. These trials are
summarized in Table 2. No large study that is adequately
powered to detect differences in death rates in patients with
Disclosure Dr. Miles D. Witham has received funding from the Chief
heart failure appears to be ongoing. The large Vitamin D Scientist Office, Scottish Government; Diabetes UK; Chest Heart and
and Omega-3 Trial (VITAL) aims to recruit 20,000 patients Stroke Scotland; Heart Research UK; and ME Research UK for research
to examine the effect of both vitamin D3 and omega-3 fatty into vitamin D and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Witham also is funded by a
Chief Scientist Office (Scottish Government) Clinician Scientist award.
acids on cardiovascular events and deaths; although this
study is not recruiting patients with heart failure at baseline,
it may provide useful information on whether vitamin D
can prevent new-onset heart failure.

Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been

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