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Architecture Diagram

E Commerce websites Admin

1. View all users and authorize
2. View all E commerce web site
users and authorize
3. Add Categories
4. View all products with rank and
5. View all products videos with rank
E-Commerce Website and reviews
6. View all websites frauds with
Register and wrong credit card credentials
login the User 7. Analysis Inter group cc fraud
1. Register like flipcart,ebay,etc and Login detection
2.Select Category and add products with pname, 8. Analysis Intra group cc fraud
pdesc,pprice,puses,pmanufacture,pimage detection
3. Add product video with Select Category and add 9. Show product rank in chart
products with pname, 10. Show product search ration in pie
pdesc,pprice,puses,pmanufacture,pimage chart based on keyword
4.View all products details with rank,reviews
5.View all products video details with rank,reviews
6. View purchased products with total bill
7. Trace Fraud Detection(Those who tried with wrong
credit card details)
8. Analysis Inter group cc fraud detection
9. Analysis Intra group cc fraud detection

1. View your Details and search friends,req / res friends,Manage credit

card account and view
2. Search for Products by keyword & View specified product and review and
purchase it by feeding your credit card and add to cart
3. View your cart and Purchase products from cart
4. View all your purchased products with total bill
5. View products with friend reviews.

NOTE: Rank will be given by viewing product details while searching

All Transactions must be with date and time (adding, viewing, finding fraud etc)

Fraud Detection : If uses doesn’t add cc detaisl,and if he gives some other cc details while purchasing
,then he is a frauder
1. Searching Techniques

Content Based Approach --- entering one keyword belongs to

product description and searches based on the keyword in all
related products and display the results.

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