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Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018

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A review of water transport in dense-graded asphalt mixtures

Yuan Pang, Peiwen Hao ⇑
Highway School, Chang’an University, South Erhuan Middle Section, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710064, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Water transport in dense-graded asphalt mixtures (DGAMs) is one significant topic for an in-depth study
Received 27 April 2017 of water damage in asphalt pavements. The X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) helps researchers to
Received in revised form 2 August 2017 understand the internal structure of DGAMs and restructure it for numerical simulations of water trans-
Accepted 16 August 2017
port in DGAMs. This review discusses the difference between the internal structure of DGAMs’ specimens
Available online 26 September 2017
by laboratory compactions, which include the Superpave gyratory compactor (SGC), the linear kneading
compactor (LKC), the Marshall compactor and the vibratory compactor, and field cores and clarifies the
purpose of a laboratory compaction. And then the review describes gaseous and liquid water transport
Dense-graded asphalt mixture
Water transport
in DGAMs, the permeability of three transport media, asphalt mixtures, asphalt mastic and pure asphalt.
X-ray computed tomography Numerical simulations of DGAMs are also discussed in the review and confronted problems are set forth
Internal structure that involve the dividing of the gray threshold in X-ray CT images, the restructuring of the 3D model of
Permeability DGAMs, the permeability of asphalt mastic in this model and the truncation criterion of a water transport
Numerical simulation process. Future work on water transport in DGAMs is recommended in the end of the review.
Compaction Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1006
2. X-ray CT and the image processing technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1006
3. The internal structure of laboratory/field compactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007
3.1. Air voids distribution in DGAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007
3.2. Aggregates distribution in DGAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007
3.2.1. Aggregate segregation (homogeneity). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1008
3.2.2. Aggregate orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009
3.3. The limit of laboratory compactions and its effect on water transport in DGAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011
4. Water transport in DGAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011
4.1. Gaseous water transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012
4.2. Liquid water transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012
4.3. Permeability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1014
5. Numerical simulations of water transport in DGAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
5.1. Modeling water transport in DGAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
5.2. Deficiencies of numerical simulations on water transport in DGAMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
6. Summary and recommendation on future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Pang), (P. Hao).
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1006 Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018

1. Introduction methods (CFDMs). Thus, X-ray CT allows us to analyze the internal

structure of asphalt mixtures in a visual way and the numerical
Water damage, such as raveling, stripping and potholes, is an simulation visualizes water transport inside the opaque DGAM.
important type of distresses in asphalt pavements. To date, many Water damage in DGAMs is an important topic after studying
simple testing methods have been used to investigate the effect water transport but out of the scope of this paper. This review
of water on DGAMs. These methods are commonly to compare focuses on water transport in DGAMs and its visualized numerical
the properties of loose or compacted asphalt mixtures before and simulation, as following:
after wetting through subjective assessments (such as rolling bot-
tle method, boiling water test, static immersion test and etc.) and  the differences of the internal structure in DGAMs brought by
objective assessments (such as indirect tensile test, stability testing different laboratory and field compactions,
and etc.). A detailed review about this is provided by S. Caro et al.  modes of water transport in DGAMS, permeability of asphalt
[1,2]. Many methods of this type are simple and easy to operate mixtures, asphalt mastic and pure asphalt and its major influ-
and have a short testing time so that they become standard tests encing factors, and
of ASSTHO, CEN and China national standard (CNS). However, the  numerical simulation methods of water transport in DGAMs
degree and direction of water transport inside DGAMs are not in and their comparison.
consideration but a key to optimize the design of DGAMs in the
pavement engineering. So, it is far away from understanding a real
process that water impacts asphalt mixtures. 2. X-ray CT and the image processing technology
Water transport in asphalt mixtures is an important topic in
thorough studies of water damage in asphalt pavements. As X-ray CT is a non-destructive technique to obtain 3D geometry
open-graded asphalt mixtures (OGAMs) have higher intercon- information of opaque solid objects with the digital image technol-
nected air voids, their water transport is relative simple to be ana- ogy. Table 1 lists parts of used X-ray CT systems and Fig. 1 shows
lyzed. Moreover, the Delft University of Technology has developed medical and industrial X-ray CT systems (Fig. 1a and b) as well
a professional finite element tool to simulate the process of water as a scanning process (Fig. 1c). When X-ray passes through one
transport and water damage for OGAMs. However, it is difficult to asphalt mixture specimen, its intensity attenuates and this attenu-
survey water transport for DGAMs because of two major difficul- ation varies as the specimen’s density changes (maximum attenu-
ties: 1) the real internal structures of DGAMs are hard to be ation for aggregates, smaller attenuation for asphalts and no
obtained and 2) water transport inside DGAMs is far complex than attenuation for air voids). And then the distribution of the linear
OGAMs. attenuation coefficient for an asphalt mixture specimen is gained
The introduction of X-ray computed tomography (CT) brought and quantified to form a 256 gray-level digital image of one slice
great changes for it. X-ray CT is a useful tool to investigate asphalt through a 360° full rotation (perpendicular to the X-ray plane) of
mixtures for the microstructure and performance. The first change one specimen. After a scanning process, one specimen should be
by X-ray CT is that the internal structure in DGAMs can be recog- vertically shifted by a fixed distance (a vertical interval (VI) or a
nized, which include the distribution of air voids and aggregates. slice thickness) until the entire specimen is scanned. Commonly,
On this aspect, many studies have been conducted [3–15]. In gen- X-ray CT can identify a very small density difference (1%) between
eral, the homogeneity of aggregates’ distribution in DGAMs is far materials. Frequently-used scanning patterns have a horizontal
better than that of air voids distribution. The second one is that scanning (HS) [10] and a vertical scanning (VS) [8].
the internal structure of a DGAM is restructured in three dimen- After that, the image processing technology is used to identify
sions (3D). This restructured 3D structure still has some deficien- coarse aggregates, FAM and air voids and then restructures a 3D
cies because of a resolution of X-ray CT and compaction methods structure of an asphalt mixture specimen. The identification of
[3,11,16–18]. The major deficiency is how fine asphalt mixture FAM is because only aggregates, of which the diameter is obviously
(FAM, also called asphalt mastic) and asphalt film exist in the lager than the resolution of X-ray CT, can be accurately identified.
restructured 3D structure [19]. The third is an indirect but impor- Fig. 2 shows scanning images of pure asphalt (Fig. 2a), aggregates
tant one that a numerical simulation of water transport is con- (Fig. 2b) passing through 0.3 mm sieve, 0.6 mm sieve and
ducted in this restructured 3D structure. Gaseous or liquid water 4.75 mm sieve, and the interfaces (Fig. 2c, red line) between aggre-
transport in DGAMs is studied by three different levels or transport gates passing through 0.3 mm sieve and 0.6 mm sieve. This reflects
media, asphalt mixtures, asphalt mastic and pure asphalt [20–30]. that FAM is a mixture consisting of fine aggregates, asphalt and air
And the numerical simulation of water transport in DGAMs has voids. The image processing technology still faces two major diffi-
been well-developed [6,24,31–33] using the lattice Boltzmann culties: 1) the separate-away of closely adjacent aggregates and 2)
method (LBM) and the traditional computational fluid dynamics the extracting of aggregates from one poor-contrast scanning

Table 1
Parts of used X-ray CT systems.

Researchers X-ray CT systems CT types Image processing Scanning ways

Jiang et al. [34] Picker PQ5000 Medical Threshold method HS; VI: 2 mm; Image size: 512  512; Sampling resolution:
about 0.2 mm
Kapitany et al. [36] Siemens Somatom Emotion 16 Medical Fourier transformation HS; VI: 1.2 mm; Image size: 512  512; Sampling resolution:
method 0.4883 mm
Xu [37] phoenix v|tome|x m Industrial VG Studio Max HS; VI: 0.064 mm; Sampling resolution: 0.015 mm
Apeagyei et al. [29] VENLO H-350/225 Industrial ImageJ HS; VI: 1 mm; Device resolution: 0.083 mm
Su et al. [38] General Electric LightspeedÒ Medical ImageJ HS; VI: 0.625 mm; Device resolution: 0.625 mm
VCT 64
Wang et al. [39] BT-500 Industrial CT Industrial Image Pro-Plus HS; Device resolution: 0.05 mm
Masad et al. [40] ACTIS 600/420 Industrial Image Tool 1997 HS; VI: 0.8 mm
Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018 1007

a) Medical CT[34] b) Industrial CT[35]

c) Scanning process[31]
Fig. 1. Medical and industrial X-ray CT systems.

image [10]. In applying, however, it was gradually improved overall distribution of air voids in asphalt mixtures. However, it
[10,36,41–44]. is obviously abstract and inconvenient. Thus, the homogeneity of
air voids distribution is introduced to give more detailed descrip-
tions. According to different directions, the homogeneity of air
3. The internal structure of laboratory/field compactions
voids distribution is classified to two kinds, the horizontal and ver-
tical homogeneity. In analysis, division modes of specimens have
The internal structure of asphalt mixtures determines its water
the horizontal division (Fig. 3a–d) and the vertical division
transport. In a given gradation and asphalt content, compaction
(Fig. 3e–g). In detail, there is a dichotomy [9,16], a trichotomy
methods are a vital factor to affect the internal structure of asphalt
[16,39], a four-part division [11] and a multiple-part division
mixtures. In this review, they have two groups, laboratory com-
[9,13,15] More details are referred to the related references. Gener-
pactions, including the Superpave gyratory compactor (SGC), the
ally, more divisions appear more obvious differences.
linear kneading compactor (LKC), the Marshall compactor (MC)
Air voids distribution for different compactions has larger dif-
and the vibratory compactor (VC), and a field compaction or field
ferences. Air voids distribution of SGC specimens had larger at
cores. The differences by these compactions are focused on distri-
the middle and smaller at the top and bottom but only in the mid-
butions of air voids and aggregates in asphalt mixtures.
dle section air voids distribution was relatively uniform
[3,5,39,48,49]. For LKC specimens, air voids generally increased
3.1. Air voids distribution in DGAMs
along with the depth [48]. Fig. 4 showed air voids distributions
of selected slices in MC and SGC specimens [39]. For field cores
The basic information of air voids obtained by X-ray CT, such as
(FCs), air voids distribution showed a reduction with the depth
area, volume and equivalent diameter, is referred to Al-Omari et al.
[3,7,9,16,40]. The horizontal distribution of air voids in FCs was
[4] and Masad et al. [7]. In this review, air voids distribution is
nearly identical [16]. Fig. 5 showed air voids distribution for spec-
majorly related to its homogeneity. The term ‘‘homogeneity” has
imens from different compaction methods, the MC [39], LKC and
other expressions, such as inhomogeneity [8,46] and heterogeneity
SGC [48] as well as FCs [3].
[11,13], uniformity [9] and non-uniformity [47], which in fact point
to the same meaning.
According to non-normal distribution characteristics of air 3.2. Aggregates distribution in DGAMs
voids in asphalt mixtures, an overall distribution of air voids for
DGAM’s specimens was analyzed using a two-parameter or An aggregate gradation is the result of an asphalt mixture
three-parameter Weibull distribution [5,12,14]. Relatively speak- design and is congenital. Uniform distribution of aggregates is vital
ing, a three-parameter Weibull distribution better captures the for good mechanical properties of asphalt pavements/mixtures.
1008 Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018

Fig. 2. X-ray CT image of pure asphalt and different aggregates [45].

Fig. 3. Horizontal and vertical division schematics for air voids distribution.

Distribution of major aggregates (coarse aggregate, diameter 3.2.1. Aggregate segregation (homogeneity)
P2.36 mm) has two types, aggregate segregation (or homogene- Aggregate segregation (2D) is the homogeneity of aggregates
ity) and aggregate orientation. Although many related studies are distribution on one section. It is investigated in surfaces or sections
in two dimensions (2D) and their results are probably not well, obtained using horizontal and vertical divisions (Fig. 6a and d). And
to a certain extent, they can explain some phenomena. there is a dichotomy (Fig. 6b) [3] and a trichotomy (Fig. 6c) [8] for
Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018 1009

Fig. 4. X-ray CT scanning slices from MC and SGC specimens [39].

Percent air voids (%) 3.2.2. Aggregate orientation

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2D Aggregate orientation for one section is an angle between
aggregate’s (diameter P2.36 mm) major axis, which represents
20 the greatest distance between two pixel points of a boundary pro-
file, and a radial line on a horizontal section (Fig. 7a) or a horizontal
Specimen height

40 line on a vertical section. The orientation with a radial line is also

Depth (mm)

60 commonly called the circumferential orientation.

SGC specimens had a higher tendency of 2D aggregate
80 orientation with a particular angle on the horizontal sections
and this trend was hardly influenced even though changing the
temperature and pressure in gyration compaction processes
120 [50]. The research of Masad et al. [48] suggested that aggregate
orientation in SGC specimens preferred the horizontal direction
140 SGC LKC Marshall Field core
on the vertical sections but LKC specimens have a more random
Fig. 5. Air voids distribution of specimens from different compactions.
distribution of orientation. The 2D aggregate orientation on the
horizontal sections of MC specimens was lower comparing with
SGC specimens [50]. For SGC and VC specimens, due to the effect
one vertical section. More details are referred to the related of boundary confinements of the mold and the plates, the 2D cir-
references. cumferential orientation of aggregates on the horizontal sections
Aggregate segregation (2D) from different compactions also has showed a higher level but specimens cored from the slabs (LKC)
considerable differences. In the vertical direction, larger aggregates displayed a lower level because of no boundary confinement
occurred in the outer region for specimens from the SGC and VC [17,18]. The study of 3D Aggregate orientation (Fig. 7b) by Kutay
but this phenomenon didn’t exist for cores from the slab (LKC) et al. [10] showed that maximum principal axis of most aggre-
[17]. Variation trends of 2D radial aggregate segregation (Fig. 6e) gates lied on the horizontal plane (x-y plane) and that such
in the horizontal direction were similar for specimens compacted aggregate orientation occurred early in the compaction process
by the SGC, VC and LKC [17]. However, with the size of aggregates and hardly changed as the compaction effort increased. For
increasing, specimens from the SGC and VC presented significantly field cores, the aggregate orientation on the vertical sections
higher segregation but cores from the slabs (LKC) hardly did [8,17]. presented a nearly random distribution [3,40] and then the cir-
For FCs, aggregate segregation didn’t appear in the horizontal and cumferential orientation on the horizontal sections hardly
vertical directions [3,17]. existed [18].
1010 Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018

Fig. 6. Horizontal and vertical division schematics for aggregates distribution.

Fig. 7. 2D orientation schematic [17] and 3D major principal axis [10] for aggregates.
Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018 1011

Fig. 8. The study on Water transport in DGAMs.

3.3. The limit of laboratory compactions and its effect on water of aggregates. The results of the indirect stiffness modulus test,
transport in DGAMs the repeated load axial test and the tensile indirect fatigue test
by Airey et al. [18] showed that the mechanical properties of LKC
The purpose of laboratory compactions is to really simulate a specimens more access those of FCs than SGC and VC specimens
field compaction process as soon as possible and to obtain speci- probably because of higher compaction energies of the SGC and VC.
mens that should have the same internal structure and mechanical Therefore, according to the difference of fabricating specimens
properties with field cores at the greatest extent. No matter for air and with/without the boundary effect, laboratory compactions
voids distribution or aggregates distribution in asphalt mixtures, are classified to two kinds, direct- and indirect-specimen types of
due to the effects of boundaries of the mold and plates or loading compactions. The internal structure and mechanical properties of
modes, SGC, VC and MS specimens have a larger difference from specimens from the direct-specimen types of compactions, such
FCs in whichever directions and LKC specimens that are cored from as the SGC, MC and VC, are obviously influenced by the mold. Spec-
the slabs just keep a relatively close trend with FCs in the horizon- imens from the indirect-specimen types of compactions like the
tal direction. Thus, there are obvious differences between the inter- LKC are normally cored from larger specimens (slabs) to eliminate
nal structure of specimens/cores by laboratory compactions and a the boundary effect of the mold, of which the internal structure
field compaction, which means that laboratory compactions can- and mechanical properties are more similar to field cores though
not fully simulate a field compaction. These differences result in there is a certain distance from a complete simulation. Therefore,
different water transport in specimens/cores, which is the proof it still needs to be studied deeply to effectively and accurately sim-
that the permeability of a laboratory specimen cannot represent ulate a field compaction and narrow the gap between the internal
one of a field core although their values are the same or close structure and mechanical properties of laboratory specimens and
sometimes. field cores.
In addition, the results of mechanical properties also support
this view that laboratory compactions cannot fully simulate a field
compaction. Hunter et al. [17] found that the resistance of SGC and 4. Water transport in DGAMs
VC specimens to permanent deformation presented a higher level
than LKC specimens in the repeated load axial test, which was Water damage in asphalt pavements is greatly affected by the
ascribed to the circumferential orientation and radial segregation internal structure of asphalt mixtures. The root for this is that

Table 2
A summary of recent studies on gaseous water transport for DGAMs.

Researchers Specimen NMAS (mm) Meq (‰) Testing time Dco (cm2/s) %RH
Cheng et al. [51] AAD-1 Pure asphalt 0.22 N/A 1.33 105 75%
AAM-1 0.16 4.83 105
Sasaki et al. [22] Runway 12.5 6.71 24 h N/A 25–60%
Road 2.25
Arambula et al. [53] FM-2 4.75 N/A 40 d 257 108 100%
FM-3 252 108
AM-1 12.5 7.06 106
AM-3 6.11 106
Apeagyei et al. [54] LA + LF 1.18 1.03 250–500 h 3.63 108 85%
LA + GF 1.09 2.47 108
GA + LF 1.15 2.46 108
GA + GF 1.34 2.31 108
Apeagyei et al. [55] LA + LF 1.18 4.76 112 d 3.1 108 50%
LA + GF 1.33 12.76 108
GA + LF 17.07 0.24 108
GA + GF 2.27 2.55 108

Note: 1) NMAS represents the nominal maximum aggregate size.

2) Meq represents the rate of water uptake at equilibrium.
3) Dco represents the diffusion coefficient of a specimen.
4) LA, GA, LF and GF represents limestone aggregate, granite aggregate, lime filler and granite filler, respectively.
1012 Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018

0.2 et al. [22], many water droplets (liquid water) were formed on
GA+GF GA+LF LA+GF LA+LF the bottom of specimens, which suggests that liquid water could
exist at least in the bottom part of specimens. And the Langmuir-
0.15 type diffusion model induced by Apeagyei et al. [55] suggested that
Moisture uptake (%)

80% of gaseous water absorbed in asphalt mastic was in the bound

state. Fig. 9 shows water uptake of asphalt mastic from different
0.1 Gaseous water aggregates and filler in liquid and gaseous states [54,55]. The
details can be referred to the studies by Apeagyei et al. [54,55].
Liquid water
These phenomena probably support one inference that although
gaseous water is one source of moisture in asphalt mastic, it is pos-
sibly condensed by some reasons (such as surface absorption) to
0 liquid water for transporting in asphalt mastic, especially in the
0 5 10 15 20 state of a higher relative humidity.
Times (days)

Fig. 9. Water uptake of asphalt mastic through different water transport.

4.2. Liquid water transport

the internal structure of asphalt mixtures decides water transport Liquid water transport in DGAMs includes two major types,
modes in asphalt mixtures. Unlike an OGAM, interconnected air capillary rise and water infiltration. Both types of liquid water
voids of a DGAM are a little or scarce. Therefore, water transport transport represent two permeation directions. The capillary rise
in DGAMs is completely different. Commonly, water states in is a bottom-up permeation of substrate water but water infiltration
water transport of DGAMs have two types, gaseous water and liq- is an up-bottom permeation of surface water.
uid water, showed in Fig. 8. The capillary rise is firstly illustrated. The suction in DGAMs has
two kinds, osmotic and matrix suctions. Due to nearly pure or dis-
tilled water employed in laboratory tests, the osmotic suction can-
4.1. Gaseous water transport not be triggered. The matric suction is generally associated with
the capillary phenomenon (or capillary rise), which is caused by
Gaseous water transport in DGAMs, also called vapor transport, the surface tension of water and the result of interaction forces
is that water, in the gaseous state, enters into, passes by and influ- among the molecules on a contractile skin [56]. On the effect of
ences asphalt mixtures. It is tested by the Universal Sorption negative pressures of the capillarity, liquid water overcomes the
Device (USD) [51], the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy- gravity to rise up into the upper layer of asphalt pavements. There-
Attenuated Total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) [26], the Gravimetric Sorp- fore, the matric suction or capillary rise is one of major forms of
tion Analyzer (GSA) [52] and the special method [53]. Caro et al. [2] liquid water transport.
gave three primary factors influencing gaseous water transport in Kassem [20] placed hot mix asphalt (HMA) specimens (NMAS
DGAMs: 1) relative humidity, 2) diffusion coefficient (permeabil- 13.5 mm) in a water bath with 25 mm-constant-depth distilled
ity) and 3) water holding potential (including storage rate and stor- water and investigate the matric suction of dense-graded HMA
age capacity). A relative humidity (%RH) is an environmental factor specimens. The thickness of HMA specimens soaked in the water
and the diffusion coefficient and water holding potential are inher- was about 18 mm and the measuring point with the nearest dis-
ent properties of asphalt mixtures. Table 2 shows a summary of tance from the surface of water is about 20 mm. Although the
recent studies on gaseous water transport for DGAMs. soaking time in the test lasted for 10 days, the results by the psy-
Cheng et al. [51] used the USD to analyze the effect of gaseous chrometers showed that no capillary water reached the measuring
water on moisture damage. Since the USD only can measure the points. Inversely, the results of water transport in asphalt mastic
total amount of water absorbed by asphalt specimens, Cheng (NMAS 1.18 mm) surveyed by Kassem [20] showed that the capil-
et al. [51] introduced one absorption model based on the diffusion lary rise indeed occurred. This conclusion was also supported by
theory to separate absorbed water in asphalt film from water the study of Masad et al. [23]. Fig. 10 showed the capillary rise test-
absorbed by one specimen. From the result of Cheng et al. [51], ing from Kassem [20] and Masad et al. [23]. The characteristics of
the diffusion coefficient of pure asphalt (105 cm2 =s of order of the capillary rise have: 1) the soaking time influenced measuring
magnitude) is obviously larger than that of asphalt mastic results because 40-days-soaking time [23] allowed enough capil-
(108 cm2 =s of order of magnitude), which suggests that this model lary water to rise at one point (20 mm height) but 10-days-
has bigger errors. So, the result by Cheng et al. [51] is out of later soaking time [20] did not; 2) the capillary rise was dependent on
discussion. the size of air voids, and more smaller air voids are, more higher
The studies of gaseous water transport in DGAMs have several the capillary rise is. However, it should be noted that: 1) in the
phenomena to be focused. The first one is related with a relative testing process, a part of specimen always soaked into liquid water
humidity. Relative humidities in these studies (such as 75%RH, in a long time, which did not happen in a real condition; 2) in dry
85%RH and 100%RH) are relatively higher than a real condition. regions, a groundwater table is commonly lower so that capillary
Even though testing temperatures are also a little diverse, such water could not reach asphalt pavement layers at all.
as 20 °C [55], 23 °C [54] and 35 °C [53], a higher relative humidity Surface water infiltration is the most important mode of water
easily reaches the equilibrium state in a short time. The second one transport in DGAMs. Rainwater is the predominant source of sur-
refers to the diffusion coefficient. The diffusion coefficient of gas- face water and driven by the gravity to infiltrate, so surface water
eous water in asphalt mastic by Arambula et al. [53] was larger is also called gravity water. Surface water infiltration is a complex
than but approximated that of liquid water by Kassem [20]. The process. The conventional views support that water infiltration
third one is about water uptake. The water uptake of a DGAM occurs in interconnected air voids so that the diffusion coefficient
AC-13 (NMAS 13.5 mm) in the liquid state is approximately 1%. is related to effective air voids content (only including intercon-
The result of Sasaki et al. [22] was close to this uptake of liquid nected air voids but closed air voids). Asphalt mastic, however,
water because the moisture of saturated vapor at the common has the ability to infiltrate liquid or gaseous water. And Vascon-
temperature is too less to be neglected. And in the test of Sasaki celos [26] found that liquid water transport happened even in pure
Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018 1013

Fig. 10. The capillary rise in asphalt mixture by a) Kassem [20] and b) Masad et al. [23].

Fig. 11. The hydrophobicity of the DGAM [58].

Table 3
A summary of the permeability for asphalt mixtures as a transport medium.

Researchers Saturated Permeability percent air voids (%) NMAS Compaction Testing device Model
(mm) pattern
Al-omari et al. [4] 223–24,525 105 cm=s 9.18–18.8 12.5 LKC Karol-Warmer Darcy’s law
0–10,622 105 cm=s 5.5–15.4 19.0 Permeameter

1746–32,350 105 cm=s 14.3–20.0 25.0

0–527 105 cm=s 4.7–10.6 9.5 Field core NACT Field Permeameter Darcy’s law
0–697 105 cm=s 4.4–13.9 12.5
1–17,789 105 cm=s 5.4–12.6 19.0

Kutay [31] 11–137 105 cm=s 5.3–5.7 9.5 SGC Constant head Darcy’s law
14–89 105 cm=s 2.8–3.6 12.5 permeameter

400–35,000 105 cm=s 1.7–5.0 19.0

6–5450 105 cm=s 5.7–9.9 25.0
28–1290 105 cm=s N/A 19.0 Field core

Vivar et al. [60] 5 4.2–9.8 9.5 SGC Falling head permeameter Darcy’s law
0–1:48  10 cm=s
0–5.0 105 cm=s 3.1–11.2 12.5
Schmit et al. [61] 0–3.9 105 cm=s (93.1– N/A 12.5 In-place NACT Field Permeameter N/A
Kassem et al. [25] 0.29–5.67 105 cm2 =s 4.69–12.88 12.5 SGC Psychrometer Mitchell’s
Arambula et al. [53] 6.11–7.06 106 cm2 =s N/A 12.5 SGC Special device Fick’s law

Note: 92% represents the compaction degree of asphalt mixtures.

asphalt. In other word, water in asphalt mixtures can be all- complete relationship among water flow, the size and distribution
pervasive. of air voids, pressure gradients, aggregate gradations and etc.
Additionally, regardless of field cores or laboratory specimens, Moreover, the dynamic effect of water transport is another vital
air voids distribution of DGAMs shows the ‘‘dense middle and topic. Under the repeated tire pressure loading, the dynamic water
sparse ends” pattern. Water transport in the surface part of one transport can weaken the cohesive and adhesive bond and thus
specimen is more intensive because of larger air voids and more cause some distress, like stripping and raveling. One obvious phe-
interconnected air voids. Inversely, water in the middle part of nomenon is that potholes in asphalt pavements ‘‘immediately”
one specimen flowed quite slowly, even independent on external appear after a heavy raining. However, there is a little study on
pressure gradients [24]. As a result, it is quite difficult to obtain a the dynamic effect of water transport. Kutay et al. [35] concluded
1014 Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018

that the dynamic effects acted near the surface of asphalt mixture
and thus higher pressure gradient, velocities and shear stresses
were obtained in this region comparing to in the static condition.
More details can be acknowledged in the study by Kutay [31].
The modeling of Kutay et al. [35] was based on a two-phase struc-
ture of the DGAM and just considered the dynamic effect of a sat-
urated water flow in interconnected air voids, which is
At last, a new-prepared asphalt mixture or a new-construction
asphalt pavement represents the hydrophobicity to liquid water.
Hefer et al. [57] concluded that the contact angle of water on
asphalt mixtures were greater than 90° , which suggests that
a) Top 2mm b) Bottom 2mm
asphalt mixture is hydrophobic. And the contact angle of water
on the asphalt mixture decreased as the time [58], which means Fig. 12. X-ray CT scanning images of an asphalt mastic specimen [29].
that water infiltration into asphalt pavements has the hysteresis
phenomenon. Fig. 11 shows the hydrophobicity property of the
 A permeability of gaseous water transport is less than that of
liquid water transport probably because gaseous water cannot
4.3. Permeability
provide enough water to transport in DGAMs than liquid water
when asphalt mixtures are a transport medium.
The permeability, also called the diffusion coefficient, based on
the Darcy’s law or the Fick’s law, is an index to quantify the
Table 4 lists a summary of the permeability of asphalt mastic
hydraulic properties of materials. The hydraulic definition, testing
as a transport medium from parts of past studies and the following
methods and impacting factors of a permeability are referred to the
conclusions can be observed:
review by Vardanega [59]. Based on different transport medium,
recent studies of the permeability in DGAMs can be classified to
 The permeability of asphalt mastic is majorly based on the
three types, the permeability of asphalt mixtures, asphalt mastic
Fick’s law and its derivations;
and pure asphalt. This review majorly focuses on the differences
 The order of magnitude of a permeability for asphalt mastic is
among them. Additionally, a given equilibrium condition in Fig. 8
is relative with a testing time. For example, a permeability test about at level of 108 cm2 =s;
for an asphalt mixture just lasts several or tens of minutes but  Compaction patterns (SGC and pouring) hardly influence the
one for asphalt mastic needs tens of hours or days and for pure permeability of asphalt mastic. However, the NMAS obviously
asphalt lasting more time, which suggests that a given equilibrium affects the permeability of asphalt mastic probably because lar-
state in one test is mostly not a real equilibrium condition, which ger NMASs mean lager percent air voids which are almost
makes the obtained permeability relatively smaller than the real ignored when measuring and calculating a permeability for
one. asphalt mastic;
Table 3 lists a summary of the permeability for asphalt mixtures  The permeability of asphalt mastic keeps stable whatever mea-
as a transport medium from parts of past studies and the following suring through gaseous or liquid water; and
characteristics can be summarized:  The permeability of asphalt mastic is anisotropic on the radial
and longitude directions (Fig. 12).
 The Darcy’s law is the major measuring model of a permeability
though testing devices are diverse; Table 5 lists past studies of the permeability of pure asphalt as a
 The permeability for asphalt mixtures as a transport medium is transport medium and several consequences can be elicited:
affected by percent air voids because high percent air voids can
create more interconnected air voids, but the effect of com-  The permeability of pure asphalt is also mainly based on the
paction patterns (LKC, SGC, field cores and in-place) and NMAS Fick’s law;
(9.5 mm, 12.5 mm, 19.0 mm and 25.0 mm) on it is not obvious;  The order of magnitude of a permeability for pure asphalt is
 Not considering other factors, the order of magnitude of the very small, about 1010  1013 cm2 =s, except the results of
permeability for asphalt mixtures has no large difference Cheng et al. [51]. In addition, the value of the permeability of
although different models induce different units of measure- pure asphalt was affected by asphalt types [26,51,63,64] and
ment; and measuring devices [53];

Table 4
A summary of the permeability for asphalt mastic as a transport medium.

Researchers Moisture diffusion coefficient ðcm2 =sÞ percent air maximum Compaction pattern Model
voids (%) aggregate size (mm)
Kassem et al. [20] 6.43–35.8 108 (25 °C) N/A 1.18 SGC Mitchell’s equation
Kringos et al. [62] 0.13–0.36 108 (25 °C) N/A 1.18 Pouring Fick’s law
Arambula et al. [53] 252–257 108 (35 °C) (Vapor) N/A 4.75 Cored and trimmed Fick’s law
from SGC specimen
Vasconcelos et al. [27] 0.08–2.26 108 (23.9 °C) 2.05–5.04 7–11 1.18 Cored from SGC specimen Dual sorption model
108 (37.8 °C) based on Fick’s law
Apeagyei et al. [55] 0.24–12.76 108 (20 °C) N/A 1.18 pouring Fick’s law
Apeagyei et al. [54] 2.31–3.63 108 (23 °C) (Vapor) N/A 1.18 pouring Fick’s law
Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018 1015

Table 5
A summary of the permeability for pure asphalt as a transport medium.

Researchers Moisture diffusion coefficient ðcm2 =sÞ Water state Testing method Model

Nguyen et al. [63] 10 Liquid water FTIR Fick’s law

1.4–3.3 10
Cheng et al. [51] 1.33–4.83 105 Gaseous water USD Moisture diffusion model based on diffusion theory
Wei [64] 1.34–4.51 1013 Liquid water EIS Fick’s law
Vasconcelos [26] 0.97–3.98 1013 Liquid water FTIR Fick’s law

Note: FTIR represents the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.

EIS represents the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy.
USD represents the Universal Sorption Device.

Table 6
A summary of 3D numerical simulations of water transport for DGAMs.

Researchers Numerical Objects’ phases X-ray CT resolution Voxel size (mm3)

models (mm/pixel)
Al-omariet al. [6] FDM Two-phase material: solids and air voids 0.146 0.21  0.21  0.13
Kutay [31] LBM Three-phase material: coarse aggregate, FAM and air voids 0.318 0.318  0.318  0.318
Masad et al. [24] FDM Two-phase material: solids and air voids 0.146 0.146  0.146  0.15
Arambula et al. [32] FEM FDM Three-phase material: coarse aggregate, fine portion and air voids 0.195 FEM & FDM: 1.0  1.0  1.0;
FDM: 0.195  0.195  0.195
Varveri et al. [33] FEM Three-phase material: coarse aggregate, FAM and air voids N/A N/A

 The color and microstructure of asphalt film surface was differ- Navier-Stokes equations on a 3D mesh. The theoretical basis of
ent before and after the exposure to water [63,64]; the CFDMs is referred to Thijssen [67]. In addition, the Raveling
 In the test of liquid water transport for pure asphalt, gaseous of Asphalt Mixture (RoAM), a sub-system of the finite element sys-
water was firstly detected by FTIR rather than liquid water tem, CAPA-3D, was also developed by the Delft University of Tech-
and liquid water transport showed history dependence because nology to simulate water transport and water damage in a quasi-
of a larger initial contact angle between asphalt and water [26]. real model of asphalt mixtures. it is used to investigate water dam-
age in the ideal model of the OGAM [68] and then water transport
There are also two questions to face in the study of measuring in the quasi-real model of the DGAM [33].
the permeability for DGAMs. One is whether or not the directly- Generally, the CFDMs and LBM can to a larger extent obtain sat-
prepared asphalt mastic represents that in asphalt mixture effec- isfied results [53,69]. However, many differences exist in applying.
tively and accurately. According to Table 4, the permeability of Comparing to the CFDMs, the LBM’s merit is that some errors
asphalt mastic with NMAS 1.18 mm prepared by the pouring or induced by mathematical transformations (like series truncation)
cored from the SGC specimens is at the same level, which possibly can be avoided so that the computational stability and efficiency
implies that the action range of a compaction has its limitation. are improved in numerical simulations [70]. Moreover, Bultreys
Another is how thick pure asphalt film or asphalt binder (a mix et al. [71] pointed that, the LBM has obvious advantages in solving
of asphalt and fines) film in asphalt mixtures is. These two ques- a multi-phase transport than a single-phase one. Considering the
tions are of importance to the study of water transport in asphalt simple process of boundary conditions and the need of a parallel
mixtures and its numerical simulation. computation in smaller meshes, the LBM should be the preferred
tool to simulate water transport in DGAMs.
A restructured structure of DGAMs by X-ray CT has two phases
5. Numerical simulations of water transport in DGAMs
(solids and air voids) or three phases (coarse aggregate, FAM and
air voids). The most frequently used structure in a simulation of
5.1. Modeling water transport in DGAMs
water transport for DGAMs is a two-phase one that neglects the
difference between behavior properties of coarse aggregates and
The introduction of X-ray CT allows researchers to analyze the
FAM in asphalt mixtures as well as the permeability of FAM. Even
3D internal structure of asphalt mixtures in an accepted resolution
so, some valuable conclusions are obtained:
and conduct 3D numerical simulations of water transport in
asphalt mixtures, which have developed for a relatively short time.
 The simulating results of the permeability for DGAMs are
Table 6 lists a summary of past numerical simulations of water
mostly affected by interconnected percent air voids, gradations
transport for DGAMs.
and compactions.
Applied methods of numerical simulations have the finite ele-
 The permeability of DGAMs is anisotropic in the horizontal and
ment method (FEM), the finite difference method (FDM) and the
vertical directions since air voids distribution in DGAMs is of
lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The LBM is evolved from the
inhomogeneity [24,31];
lattice-gas model (LGM) but superior to it since the LBM over-
 The permeability for DGAMs kept overall constant with the
comes noisy statistics and Galilean invariance in the LGM. It solves
increasing of pressure gradient and the creeping flow domi-
the discretized Boltzmann equation of flow fluid like single-
nated the macroscopic flow rather than the inertial flow [24].
relaxation Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook approximations. A lattice in
the modeling is just a voxel grid in a restructured model of a DGAM
by X-ray CT and the LBM’s boundary conditions (velocity or density 5.2. Deficiencies of numerical simulations on water transport in
boundaries) are easily dealt. More details and applications are DGAMs
referred to Succi [65], Wolf-Gladrow [66], M. Kutay [31] and etc.
the FEM and FDM belongs to the traditional computational fluid Though water transport in DGAMs is partly understood, its
dynamics methods (CFDMs), which discretize the Stokes or study is still limited by some deficiencies. Firstly, the accuracy of
1016 Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018

quasi-real models by X-ray CT is not enough. The main reason is in A numerical simulation process also has two questions to
difficultly choosing right threshold values of gray levels among air solve. One question is whether or not the permeability of a
voids, FAM and aggregates in X-ray CT images. Table 7 lists parts of FAM phase in a simulation process can directly take that of
applied threshold values. Hassan et al. [72] explained that: 1) fines, FAM with the same NMAS. Its reason is in the above section.
bitumen and their uniform blend, as parts of asphalt mixture, Another is if coarse aggregates should be as a transport medium
increased the variation in gray levels; 2) the difference in mineral of water in a simulation process. Arambula et al. [32,53] and
compositions of aggregate particles resulted in the fluctuation in Varveri et al. [33] took coarse aggregates as a medium of water
gray levels. The densities of mastic and aggregates were very close transport in the numerical simulation process. Fig. 13 showed
to increase the difficulty of the image segmentation [73]. In addi- water transport for the reconstructed 3D model of the porous
tion, no single method can produce a good result in recognizing asphalt mixture (PA) and SMA [33] (the colors, yellow, red and
air voids, mastic and aggregates from X-ray CT images of the blue in Fig. 13a and d represent aggregates, asphalt mastic and
asphalt mixture [72]. And the manual identification was necessary air voids respectively; the color blue in Fig. 13b,c,e and f is
[74,75] to fit the ratio of designed weights of different components related to a saturation degree of water). This treatment is
in the DGAM. obviously contradicted with the design theory of asphalt
In addition, quasi-real models mostly need to be refined when pavements, which commonly requires dry aggregates after a
conducting numerical simulations. By the sensitivity analysis, Al- long-time drying treatment and excludes any invasion of water
Omari et al. [6] found that permeability values were more stable to asphalt mixtures in mixing and construction processes. In a
as an increase of pixels’ number in the reconstructed 3D model few cases, however, water indeed enters into the inside of
of the DGAM. Generally, there are a horizontal resizing and a ver- aggregates in field. This also involves one truncation criterion
tical refining. The horizontal resizing is that horizontal pixels are that is when one simulation process of water transport is
too small to be resized for a lager pixel [32]. On the contrast, due terminated. Commonly, water enters into the inside of asphalt
to a large vertical scanning interval, vertical pixels are refined by mastic and triggers cohesive damage; and then continues to
some techniques, such as the pixel intensity average technique permeate and reaches the interface between asphalt and larger
[6], the vertical duplication [24]t and he bilinear interpolation aggregates, which unlocks adhesive damage. From this aspect,
[31]. All in all, the nature of two deficiencies in quasi-real models one truncation criterion of water transport in DGAMs is very
is how to use X-ray CT for a reasonable 3D model directly. necessary.

Table 7
Gray intensity ranges applied in past studies of the DGAM using X-ray CT.

Researchers Gradation’s NMAS (mm) Mastic’s NMAS (mm) Gray intensity range
Adhikan et al. [76] 12.5 2.36 0-124:125-203:204-255/256
Adhikai et al. [77] 12.5 1.18 0-124:125-201:202-255/256
0.6 0-124:125-192:193-255/256
0.3 0-124:125-187:188-255/256
Wang et al. [74] 16.0 2.36 0-40:41-120(139):121(140)-255/256
Dong et al. [75] N/A N/A 0-69:70-N/A:N/A-255/256
Ying et al. [78] 12.5 N/A 0-110:111-175:176-255/256

Note: AV, MP and AP represents air voids part, mastic part and aggregate part in asphalt mixture respectively.

Fig. 13. Moisture transport of the porous asphalt mixture (PA) and SMA after 0 h, 48 h, 120 h of saturation [33].
Y. Pang, P. Hao / Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 1005–1018 1017

6. Summary and recommendation on future work clarified. This will be a criterion of numerical simulations
of water transport for DGAMs. Additionally, water entering
X-ray CT greatly promotes the study of water transport in to DGAMs is inevitable, but to allow less or no water to enter
DGAMs. This review looks back this promotion from the analysis into asphalt mixtures is feasible. On the basis of laboratory
of the internal structure of DGAMs to the relationship between lab- testing and numerical simulations, to adjust a gradation
oratory compactions and a field compaction, to numerical simula- and improve compaction processes for better performance
tions of water transport in DGAMs. The following conclusions are and longer service life of asphalt pavements is in prospect.

1) Through X-ray CT, the characterizations of air voids and Acknowledgement

aggregates distribution in DGAMs are well-understood. Gen-
erally, air voids distribution shows the ‘‘sparse middle and The study in this paper is funded by the National Natural
dense ends” pattern and Aggregates’ segregation is under Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51478046). This support
control. However, the internal structure of asphalt mixtures is gratefully acknowledged.
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