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What is consist of cell cycle?
G1 phase
G2 phase
S phase
M phase
How many time does take of cell cycle ?
Does takes about 23 hours
Mentation of cell cycle?
The cell cycle is duplication and division is known as cell cycle
What is the essential of cell cycle?
Cell cycle is the essential mechanism by which all livig things reproduce
What is the most basic function of cell cycle?
Cell cycle is to duplication accurately the vast of DNA
What is mitosis?
When is the nucleus divides this process called is mitosis.
Mention cytokinesis?
When is the cell later splits in two this process is known as cytokinesis.
How many time does take m phase?
It takes about one hour.
Dfine interphase?
The period between one m phase and next is called interphase.
What is the function s phase?

S phase is synthesis the cell replication of NA?

Define cancer?
Cancer uncontrolled prolifaration of cell division
Cell cycle:growth and replication
Mention of checkpoints?
The cell cycle control system achhieves all of this by employing moleculer brakes
sometimes is called check points.
Define mitotic spindle?
Chromosomes are properly attached to a cytoskeletal machine is called mitotic
Apoptosis:of programmed cell to

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