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Algorithm Note

Cam Barcode Setting Guide

Rev. 1.0
Date 07/2014

Copyright © 2017 Koh Young Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.

AOI Polarity Inspection
Rev 1.0 Koh Young Technology Inc.

Revision History
Revision No. Date Description Written by
1.0 2014-05-07  First Edition JD Shin, Jack Woo

The information within this document is the exclusive property of Koh Young Technology. It shall be kept confidential
and not disclosed, reproduced, or distributed without the prior written permission of Koh Young Technology.
AOI Polarity Inspection
Rev 1.0 Koh Young Technology Inc.

This document has been developed to explain the concept of AOI polarity teaching.

Terms / Abbreviations Description


The information within this document is the exclusive property of Koh Young Technology. It shall be kept confidential
and not disclosed, reproduced, or distributed without the prior written permission of Koh Young Technology.
AOI Polarity Inspection
Rev 1.0 Koh Young Technology Inc.

Table of Contents
1. Concept of Polarity Inspection .......................................................................................................... 5
1.1. If Gray Area Exists ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. If Component Rotated 180 Degrees ........................................................................................... 5
1.3. If Component Rotated 90/270 Degrees ...................................................................................... 6
2. ROI Size Setting to Avoid Escapes .................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Sub Modes for Polarity Inspection .............................................................................................. 8
3. Example of Bad Polarity Teaching ..................................................................................................... 9

The information within this document is the exclusive property of Koh Young Technology. It shall be kept confidential
and not disclosed, reproduced, or distributed without the prior written permission of Koh Young Technology.
AOI Polarity Inspection
Rev 1.0 Koh Young Technology Inc.

1. Concept of Polarity Inspection

The way that polarity inspection works is by comparing the blue boxed area with the yellow boxed area.

1.1. If Gray Area Exists

In the image below, the "A" area has gray within the black so the average Grayscale value
will be higher. (Ex: BoxA: 40, Box B: 5)
If Box A Gray Value > Box B Gray Value is true , there is no defect for polarity. (Good)

1.2. If Component Rotated 180 Degrees

In the image below, the BGA chip is rotated 180 degrees.
So, Box A Gray Value < Box B Gray Value meaning that there is a polarity defect. (NG)

The information within this document is the exclusive property of Koh Young Technology. It shall be kept confidential
and not disclosed, reproduced, or distributed without the prior written permission of Koh Young Technology.
AOI Polarity Inspection
Rev 1.0 Koh Young Technology Inc.

1.3. If Component Rotated 90/270 Degrees

In the images below, the BGA is rotated 90 degrees and 270 degrees. Both box A and box B are all black
so there is no difference in gray scale values.

 Caution: In ideal case, both gray scale values will be the same, but in reality there will be slight
differences in gray scale values.
If by chance the value for box A is greater than the value for Box B (ex: box A(5) > Box B (4) ), then
there will be a ESCAPE for polarity.

 To avoid the problem described above: Set a Tolerance value. Setting a tolerance value can help
avoid having Escapes by taking the gray scale value of box B and adding the tolerance value to it so
that the overall greyscale value of box B will be higher.

 For example, if a chip is rotated either 90 or 270 degrees and the Tolerance is set at 20: If the gray
scale value of Box A is 5, and the gray scale value for Box B is 4, then 20 will be added to 4. So 5 < 4
+ 20(Tolerance) meaning it is an NG.
For a Good Polarity case: The gray scale value for box A is 40, and the gray scale value for Box B is
5. 40> 5 +20(Tolerance) so there is no defect for polarity.

 Additionally, if you add 4 boxes instead of just 2, you can decrease the chances of having false

The information within this document is the exclusive property of Koh Young Technology. It shall be kept confidential
and not disclosed, reproduced, or distributed without the prior written permission of Koh Young Technology.
AOI Polarity Inspection
Rev 1.0 Koh Young Technology Inc.

2. ROI Size Setting to Avoid Escapes

When you use "Box, Mean" with a big(inappropriate) ROI Box, the gray value difference
between boxes can get smaller(Average effect), which can result in the false call or escape.

The information within this document is the exclusive property of Koh Young Technology. It shall be kept confidential
and not disclosed, reproduced, or distributed without the prior written permission of Koh Young Technology.
AOI Polarity Inspection
Rev 1.0 Koh Young Technology Inc.

2.1. Sub Modes for Polarity Inspection

To get the most contrasting values between the two boxes, you must select the correct Sub Mode when
inspecting for polarity.

Choices that you have for Sub Mode : Mean, Sigma, Safe Range

 Mean: It takes the average gray scale value of all the pixels in each box and compares the two
 Sigma: It takes the Sigma value of each box and compares the two boxes.
 Safe Range: When using Range (it takes the Max-Min gray scale values of each box and compares
the two boxes), the Max and Min values can sometimes be misleading so it exclude some portion
of highest and lowest values to calculate the range. That's the reason why we say SAFE Range.

For example, take a look at the image below. ( For a ideal case the gray value of black should be 5 and
the white should be 30, in this example)

 Mean : A Box(10), B Box(5) -> the difference is 5

 Sigma : A Box(12), B Box(0) -> the difference is 12
 Range : A Box(30), B Box(5) -> the difference is 25

You can see the biggest different with the Range option. But if by chance there is some white in the black
box, the range of Box B can become higher. This is why Safe Range is an option.

The information within this document is the exclusive property of Koh Young Technology. It shall be kept confidential
and not disclosed, reproduced, or distributed without the prior written permission of Koh Young Technology.
AOI Polarity Inspection
Rev 1.0 Koh Young Technology Inc.

3. Example of Bad Polarity Teaching

For images 1 and 2, the boxes are not correctly sized so this can lead to false failures. Even when the
component is rotated 180 degrees, some different letters can go in the box causing escapes to occur.

Unlike images 1 and 2, image 3 has a dark polarity marking. For these cases, change the Negative
setting to "On(negative)". Having the setting at "Off(positive)" would be wrong for this case.

The information within this document is the exclusive property of Koh Young Technology. It shall be kept confidential
and not disclosed, reproduced, or distributed without the prior written permission of Koh Young Technology.

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