SAP Strategies From HCL: Cost Reduction

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SAP cost reduction

strategies from HCL

A structured approach to reducing expenditure
while increasing business value

Through our long track record of successfully yy Many SAP users are incorrectly licensed
managing our customers’ SAP landscapes, we e.g. professional versus limited professional
have identified three key areas – infrastructure, versuss self service
application deployment, and operations yy SAP infrastructure is inelastic and permanently
and maintenance – where there are major provisioned to support peak loads
opportunities to significantly reduce the total

SAP cost reduction

yy The design of the SAP support organization
cost of ownership.
has not been reviewed since it was established

These opportunities are based on a number yy Older SAP environments are cluttered with

strategies from HCL

of key issues we have observed over and over custom developments that can be replaced by
newer functionality.
again at our customers:

yy SAP is rarely designed to minimize operational By addressing these issues and using our in-
and maintenance costs depth experience of both SAP software and
the latest technologies, we can help you run
yy Significant areas of configured functionality are your SAP environment both more efficiently and
either used partially or not at all significantly less expensively.
yy Many organizations have more SAP licenses
than they use

In the current climate, IT organizations are

looking for ways to both reduce their budgets
and to focus resources on leveraging new
technologies to help drive differentiation
and innovation. OIur experience shows that
optimizing SAP environments is a prime target
for making significant savings.

For many organizations, SAP applications are

the core enterprise transactional processing
systems supporting critical operational and back
office processes. In terms of ongoing operation
and maintenance costs they are typically the
most expensive applications.

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HCL’s approach to Minimizing
SAP cost reduction Infrastructure
Most SAP applications were implemented before public cloud provider you can take advantage
At SAP customers around the world we have materially reduced the total cost of ownership by focusing cloud computing became commonplace, which of pay-per-use pricing, which means you don’t
on the three key areas in this diagram means they were implemented on-premise have to pay for environments when they are
on dedicated hardware sized to support peak not being used, for example overnight or when
transactional volumes. In today’s environment, test and training environments are not needed.
where elastic cloud computing is freely available, for example overnight or when test and training
this legacy, inflexible architecture represents a environments are not needed.
very high and unnecessary cost.
Infrastructure Applications Operations
Migrating to the public cloud
There are many ways that you can take A global media major
advantage of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) realized an annual cost
offerings, and the relative attractiveness of
each will depend on your current infrastructure
saving of $1.5 million
Eliminate Network Redundancy/
Cross- Service SAP CoE
provisioning arrangements and where you are in by migrating its non-
Over Capacity
your hardware refresh cycle. productive environments
Remote Infrastructure Management ALT ASM TM to Amazon Web Services
If you are approaching a hardware refresh, or
are at the end of an outsourcing contract, the

Automated Monitoring Knowledge Based Incident option of migrating SAP environments to the
public cloud offers significant cost savings
compared to investing in new hardware. By You can also make significant savings by using
Non-Production & DR Environment
in Public Cloud migrating non-productive environments to a cloud computing for disaster recovery. In many
ways your disaster recovery environments are
Migrate to generic x86 Proactive Monitoring
the most elastic systems you have, with their
Hardware SAP Minimum Visible Product
full capacity only being required on fail-over. So
significant cost savings can be made by placing
Non-Production & DR Environment in MIgrate Information/ Self Service Automation them in the cloud rather than having dedicated
Public Cloud Workers off SAP onto Surround Apps
in-house facilities or using an infrastructure
Production Environment in MIgrate Large USer Communities to Cross -Landscape Tools
Public Cloud SaaS (eg. Workday,, MSD) (eg. Job & Batch Optimisation)

Instance Consolidation

Migrate Database away from Oracle to MS SQL or Max DB

Migrate off ‘expensive’ SAP Components e.g. Sybase, EP, PPM etc

Data Compression Re-License Cloud as a Service vs Self Healing Applications

(eg. BW on HANA) User Licence

Maturity : Standard Emerging  Radical

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Using generic hardware Adopting the Optimizing
If you prefer to retain your infrastructure either in-
house or in a dedicated outsourced data center, SAP HANA Platform Applications
moving to generic x86 hardware should be As a columnar database with advanced The implementation of SAP systems is, by its very
considered. Generic hardware uses much of the compression algorithms, the SAP HANA nature, highly visible within organizations and it
same componentry as branded hardware at 20 – platform can help you dramatically reduce your is not uncommon for the deployment program
30% of the cost. Migrating to x86 hardware not data storage requirements and, as a result, your to be used as the vehicle for delivering many
only delivers hardware savings, it also simplifies storage infrastructure costs. smaller ‘pet’ projects or process changes that
the migration of systems to the public cloud if could not be justified as standalone initiatives
you decide to take that route in the future. In addition, our experience shows that a
significant number of organizations have Consequently, many SAP systems are over-
The single biggest reason cited by companies never implemented comprehensive archiving engineered and populated with processes
for not migrating more of their on-premise strategies, which increases the amount of and functionality that is either never or only
applications to the public cloud is data security. storage required. By reviewing your archiving infrequently used. As a result, additional costs
Yet an increasing number of organizations are strategy, and analyzing the storage reduction are incurred because:
doing exactly that. They have analyzed the data potential of migrating SAP Business Warehouse yy Partially used functionality is more likely to
held in their SAP systems and determined that applications to SAP BW powered by HANA, we result in support tickets due to a lack of user
there is actually little or no data in them that is can help you minimize your storage costs and familiarity, data quality issues, or the inherent
subject to data protection laws, and that the avoid the need to invest in additional hardware. complexity associated with custom designed
combined security of the applications, operating processes
systems, networks, and infrastructure is now
sufficiently secure to migrate productive systems yy End user productivity on infrequently used
transactions and processes is lower
to the public cloud.
yy Difficult to use processes drive employees to
we helped the multi-million use shadow IT to perform tasks
electric utility company
yy Infrequently used functionality is less well
migrate from SAP Business understood and more costly to support
Warehouse to SAP BW
yy The SAP system is more complex and more
One of the largest powered by HANA, realizing difficult to regression test and upgrade.
a 91%
productive SAP
environments, comprising
over 500 servers globally,
was built on completely
generic components
at a cost of less than

Insight+ for SAP Migrating to an MVP solution can also deliver Instance Consolidation
correlation between the complexity of systems,
the number of partial / infrequent users and the significant savings as a result of removing SAP HCL’s Future of SAP survey clearly demonstrates
One of the major issues in right sizing an
support costs. components that are difficult to support or that operations and maintenance costs for
SAP landscape is understanding how much
require extensive infrastructure to operate. For organizations running multiple SAP production
infrequently used functionality resides within the
example, migrating away from SAP Enterprise instances are 30 – 40% higher than those
SAP system, who uses it, and how often. By helping you to move to an MVP solution, we
Portal and the Sybase Unwired Platform, as operating a single, enterprise wide instance.
not only reduce your total cost of ownership but
both of these solutions can be replaced with
To answer these questions, we have developed we also deliver a number of additional benefits
more functionally-rich solutions that require less
an analytical toolkit - Insight+ for SAP - that to both IT and business users, including: Using the Insight+ for SAP analysis toolkit we
complex infrastructure at a lower total cost of
analyzes production SAP systems to determine: can rapidly compare your different SAP systems
yy Increasing stability and lowering the risk of ownership.
failure as a result of reduced complexity and highlight:
yy Which users are doing what and how frequently
yy Inconsistent processes
yy Which processes and associated configuration yy Reducing your reliance on a few critical
individuals as a result of having standard yy Deviations from vanilla SAP
are actually being used and how frequently
SAP software that is well understood by a yy Design rationalization opportunities
yy How efficient the existing SAP processes
wide ecosystem of knowledgeable support yy Redundant configuration
actually are in terms of speed, quality, and cost
personnel yy Custom coding
yy How much manual intervention is actually A global pharmaceutical
yy Reducing your training and support costs by yy Unused or limited use data
being performed
moving infrequent users off SAP onto more company saved millions
yy What master data is actually being used and intuitive surround systems such as mobile
how frequently applications or Sharepoint
of dollars in SAP Critically, our approach doesn’t treat instance
consolidation as a greenfield project. Instead
yy How much the current configuration deviates yy Increasing user satisfaction by allowing
maintenance costs by we use a differentiated process that focuses on
from standard SAP. employees to interact with your corporate migrating large user business benefits, a functional use analysis to
systems using platforms of their choice populations to surround remove un-used elements of the landscape, and
yy Significantly reducing SAP maintenance costs a return to ‘vanilla’ SAP to eliminate complex
and edge applications custom developments and high points of
SAP Minimum Viable Product by switching from standard SAP licenses to
SAP Gateway licenses (if appropriate). failure. As a result, we can deliver global single
The output of these toolsthis toolkit is used to instances for 30 – 40% of the cost of traditional
identify a recommended SAP Minimum Viable approaches.
Product (MVP), which is the minimum SAP
footprint, and the associated minimum number
of direct SAP users, required to run the business
processes currently implemented on SAP. MVP
is based on the hypothesis that the lowest cost A global high-tech
of operating and maintaining an SAP system is
associated with a system that is as close to vanilla conglomerate with over
SAP as possible, with the minimum amount of 100,000 employees has
custom enhancements operated by the smallest shrunk the number of
number of experienced, professional SAP users.
direct access SAP users to
Our analysis of SAP systems and the operation less than 5,000.
and management costs incurred by organizations
to keep them running clearly shows a direct

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Operations Next America Regional Partner
In our experience too many SAP Centers of By analyzing the costs and performance of your Steps Excellence Award 2014 for
Excellence (CoE) were set up as an after-thought. existing SAP CoE we can rapidly assess not only Managed Cloud as a Service/OEM
As a result, too little time was devoted to the CoE maturity, but also: If some of the opportunities and ideas outlined
design of support processes, the implementation yy Gaps in capability above resonate with you, and you think that there’s
of automated monitors, or the establishment an opportunity to drive real cost reduction in your
IDC recognized HCL as a global
of a culture of continuous improvements. yy Costs of IT non-compliance SAP (O&M) operations and maintenance budget, SAP leader in its MarketScape:
Consequently, it is usually possible to make yy Base and peak resource levels please get in touch and we will arrange a more in Worldwide SAP implementation
significant cost reductions by re-designing and depth discussion with one of our SAP cost reduction Services Ecosystem 2014 Vendor
yy Opportunities for more cost effective
rationalizing SAP Centers of Excellence. experts. Assessment
provisioning of services
yy Increased use of automating monitors and To get in touch, please write to us at
health checks IDC also recognized HCL as a
Next Generation SAP Application
yy Process performance KPIs and monitors. leader in its Cloud Services 2014
Management and Support
Vendor Analysis.
Supporting SAP systems is not a black art. ID
There is a clearly defined catalogue of support
As a result, we can help you not only lower your
total cost of ownership but also improve the service
activities that need to be performed, there are
proven tools which monitor the health of SAP
that is offered to your business users. HCL? As a result of our in-depth understanding of both
SAP implementation and support, and cloud-based
systems and help identify emerging system solutions, our consultants are also expert in how
HCL has been a certified partner in the SAP
and process problems, and there are proven to optimize the cost of running, maintaining, and
ecosystem for over 15 years. Our global delivery
techniques for driving down ticket volumes. At supporting SAP solutions.
team of 8,500+ SAP experts is known for having
HCL our goal for SAP Application Management
the most experienced SAP consultants in the
and Support (AMS) is zero tickets at significantly A North American What sets us apart from others is our structured
lower costs than can be achieved through and strategic approach to right-sizing, rebalancing,
conventional AMS outsourcing.
brewer achieved a 25%
We are widely recognized by industry analysts and refreshing your SAP investments. Piecemeal
saving by moving to next initiatives may bring short-term savings but we believe
as a leader for both SAP implementation and
generation outsourcing support and our understanding, championing, that significant, long-term reductions can only be
and execution of cloud-based SAP solutions. brought about by analyzing your whole environment,
identifying the opportunities for cost reduction, and
prioritizing their execution. By doing so we not only
help you deliver continuous and sustainable savings
we also enable you to take advantage of new,
emerging technologies and consistently improve the
services you offer business users.

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