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During the fourth quarter of 2016 there were seven

biweekly #6860
During the fourth quarter of 2016, there were seven biweekly paydays on Friday (October 7, 21;
November 4, 18; December 2, 16, 30) for Clarke's Roofing. Using the forms supplied on pages
4-58 to 4-61, complete the following for the fourth quarter:a. Complete the Federal Deposit
Information Worksheets, reflecting electronic deposits (monthly depositor). The employer's
phone number is (501) 555-1212. Federal deposit liability each pay, $1,304.56.b. Employer's
Quarterly Federal Tax Return, Form 941. The form is signed by you as president on January 31,
2017.c. Employer's Report of State Income Tax Withheld for the quarter, due on or before
January 31, 2017.To be deposited on or before ______________To be deposited on or before
______________To be deposited on or before ______________
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During the fourth quarter of 2016 there were seven biweekly


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