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Combos for Pokemon Contests

The following are combos for pokemon contests.

1. Use CHARGE and any of the following: Shockwave, Spark, Thunder, Thunder wave,
Thunderbolt, Thunder punch, or Thundershock.
EX. Charge and Spark
2. Use CHARM and any of the following: Flatter, Growl, Rest, Sweet kiss, or Tail
EX. Charm and Rest
3. Use CONFUSION and any of the following: Future sight, Kinesis, Physic, or Tel
EX. Confusion and Physic
4. Use CURSE and any of the following: Destiny bond, Grudge, Mean look, or Spite
EX. Curse and Spite
5. Use DEFENSE CURL and any of the following: Roll out, or Tackle.
EX. Defense curl and Tackle.
6. Use DIVE and SURF.
7. Use DOUBLE TEAM and any of the following: Agility, Quick attack, or Teleport.
EX. Double team and Quick attack.
8. Use SUNNY DAY and any of the following: Blaze kick, Ember, Eruption, Fire bla
st, Fire punch, Fire spin, Flamethrower, Heat wave, Moonlight, Morning sun, Over
heat, Solarbeam, Synthesis, Weather ball, or Will-O-wisp.
EX. Sunny day and Weather ball.
9. Use RAIN DANCE and any of the following: Bubble, Bubblebeam, Clamp, Crabhamme
r, Dive, Hydropump, Muddy water, Surf, Thunder, Wataer gun, Water pulse, Water s
port, Water spout, Waterfall, Weather ball, or Whirlpool.
EX. Rain dance and Muddy water.
10.Use GROWTH and any of the following: Absorb, Bullet seed, Giga drain, Magical
leaf, Mega drain, Petal dance, Razor leaf, or Solarbeam.
Ex. Growth and Solarbeam.

Submitted by: Latias Tamer on May 17, 2004
Verified by: shortz, luckyboy369258
2 everstones
thats right 2 one u know about and one u don't. the first one is the 3rd room an
d in the rocks on that platform. now to get the second one get a mach bike and f
ly or surf or somehow get back to dewford then go to the mud slide in the 2nd ro
om. go up it then get past all of the pit falls until u get all of the way acros
s to the right where there is a ladder. then go to the ladder and u'll end up in
another room. there is a pile of rocks there. and "viola" 2 everstones.
Submitted by: Devlin777 on January 21, 2006
Verified by: Tycrazy710, Frigazee
3 Starting Pokemon
Here are the Staarting Pokemon you get in the Game.
Grass Type
Treecko, Lv.5
Evolves into
Groovyle Lv.16
Sceptile Lv.36
Water Type
Mukip, Lv.5
Evolves into
Marshtomp lv.16
Swampert Lv. 36
Fire Type
Torchic, Lv.5
Evolves into
Combusken Lv.16
Blaziken Lv.36
Submitted by: moocoweatsfire on December 07, 2004
Verified by: gamecube_plus_ps2_me, Majjin Latias
A little tip to make Latios/Latias appear. (if your in the same area)
Ok, say Latias, or Latios (depends on game) is in the same area as you are, then
you search all around, then he fleds away and you never get a chance to catch h
im. Well, just use Sweet Scent! Sweet Scent has a 85.7% chance of having Latios
attack you, if your in the same area.
Submitted by: Jax06 on October 06, 2003
Verified by: EXTREM MEW, D Man 2
a move you got to teach kyogre
you all know kyogres ability drizzle right?, well that means rain, and for those
of you that dont know, thunder never misses in the rain unless your opponent is
a ground type, and it just so happens kyogre can learn thunder
the rest is self explanitory, teach thunder to kyogre
(note) a similar combo can be used with solarbeam and groudon
Submitted by: weregarurumon lover on October 13, 2008
Verified by: jhepoy_10, blkbelt
Additional Everstones!
Are you looking to keep a precious Pokemon of yours from evolving without consta
ntly canceling the evolution after leveling up, but you're already using the two
Everstones you get in the game? Well, just go out and battle wild Geodudes whil
e using Thief or just catch them! Each wild Geodude has a 5% chance of holding a
n Everstone, so it can take a while to get extras, but you don't have to keep mo
ving an Everstone from Pokemon to Pokemon when you get some extras.
Submitted by: Chaos Swordsman on January 13, 2007
Verified by: luckejessica, Tycrazy710
All Secret Base/Your Room Items
Small Table Fotree City 3000 Gold
Pokemon Table Fotree City 3000 Gold
Heavy Table Fotree City 6000 Gold
Ragged Table Fotree City 6000 Gold
Comfort Table Fotree City 6000 Gold
Bricks Table Fotree City 9000 Gold
Hard Table Fotree City 9000 Gold
Camp Table Fotree City 9000 Gold
Small Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Pokemon Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Heavy Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Ragged Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Comfort Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Brick Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Hard Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Camp Chair Fotree City 2000 Gold
Surf Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Thunder Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Fire Blast Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Powder Snow Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Attract Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Fissure Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Spikes Mat Lilicove City dept store 4000 Gold
Glitter Mat Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Jump Mat Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Spin Mat Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Ball Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Green Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Red Poter Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Blue Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Cute Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Pika Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Long Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Sea Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Sky Poster Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Pichu Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Pikachu Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Marril Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Jiiglypuff Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Duskull Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Waynaut Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Baltoy Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Kecleon Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Azzurill Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Skitty Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Swablu Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Gulpin Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Treecko Mauville City Casino 1000 Coins
(20000 Poke)
Torchic Mauville City Casino 1000 Coins
(20000 Poke)
Mudkip Mauville City Casino 1000 Coins
(20000 Poke)
Wailmer Sootopolis City (given by someone) -
Lotad Given by Lanette (Sapphire) -
Seedot Given by Lanette (Ruby) -

Pika Skin Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Round Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Zigzag Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Spin Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Diamond Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Pokeball Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Grass symbol Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Fire Symbol Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Water Symbol Lilicove City dept store 2000 Gold
Red Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 3000 Gold
Tropical Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 3000 Gold
Pretty Flowers Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 3000 Gold
Colourful Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 5000 Gold
Big Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 5000 Gold
Gorgeous Plant Flower Shop near Petalburg Woods 5000 Gold
Red Brick Slateport Market 500 Gold
Blue Brick Slateport Market 500 Gold
Yellow Brick Slateport Market 500 Gold
Red Baloon Slateport Market 500 Gold
Blue Baloon Slateport Market 500 Gold
Yellow Baloon Slateport Market 500 Gold
C Low Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
D Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
E Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
F Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
G Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
A Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
B Mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
C high mat Slateport Market 500 Gold
Blue Tent Trick House final prize (Sapphire) -
Red Tent Trick House final prize (Ruby)
Note: There are a few more items not listed.
Submitted by: animegal007 on March 30, 2003
Verified by: AltariaMaster23, Emma5
Another easy way to catch Rayquaza
First you will need your Kyogre on level 50-53.Any higher you will kill him. You
have to use Ice Beam. You will need to freeze him. There is about a 57.2% you w
ill freeze him.SAVE BEFORE FIGHTING HIM. If you are lucky and freeze him and his
health is at red, throw an Ultra Ball. There is a very high chance you will cat
ch him, so you will not need Master Ball. Keep throwing Ultra Balls until he is
caught. If you do not catch him you will need to start over.
Submitted by: 111blackfire111 on November 04, 2006
Verified by: 111blackfire111, kimarhi111
Another Thief Item
For Ninja Boy Laos, thief his weezing and you get a smoke ball.
Submitted by: m03rw on November 26, 2005
Verified by: Dragon Highlord Josh, Tycrazy710
Another way to catch Latias
Get a Wobbuffet to at least level 50 and/or another Pokémon with ANY move that can
keep her from fleeing. Go to Route 120/121 and walk into the grass. Save here a
nd walk around until you find Latias. Don't expect to catch her now unless you s
aved your Master Ball. Whittle her HP down a bit, and save again after the battl
e. (If you didn't find her, skip this step.) Restart your game and check your Po
kédex for her. (If you didn't find her before, don't worry- you don't have to do t
his until you have done the previous step.)If she's in your area, look for her,
and if you find her, repeat what you did the first time you saw her. If she isn'
t, restart your game and check your Pokédex for her. Keep restarting and finding h
er until you catch her. This works in Ruby (w/Latios), Sapphire, and Emerald (w/
whichever one you picked).
Submitted by: Mounkee on May 17, 2006
Verified by: episcopw, tattoolee
attack own character
when you are in a 2 on 2 battle if you keep clicking right, you can select to at
tack your second pokemon, wierd huh?
Submitted by: energico on July 01, 2004
Verified by: Pikachu705, tweenis12
Battle Tower
To do well in the battle tower, there are some good pokemon to use.
Wobbaffet, because it can counter/mirrorcoat any move, and the computerised oppo
nent is easy to predict.
Milotic, It can use hypnosis and can sweep as well as being tanky.
Salamence, It covers all your weaknesses and is fast.
Make Salamnce hold scope lense, Wobbaffet leftovers, and Milotic lum berry.
Submitted by: ShinyMilotic on September 22, 2007
Verified by: bigfan
Beating Norman
OK, some people find it really hard to beat Norman (your dad), so here\'s a grea
t strategy. Pokemon required:
Any second evoloution starter (around level 30)
A pokemon that knows counter that\'s atleast level 29. (Like breloom)
Start with the pokemon that knows counter. (I used breloom). When use counter on
the first turn. His slaking will most likely use facade, which does massive dam
age, and counter doubles it! So that takes care of slaking. Next he will use Vir
ogoth, so take out your star starter. He\'s not too hard, just keep attacking hi
m, and use a super potion/hyper potion if you need to.
Lastly he\'ll use another slaking. So take out your counter pokemon. He\'ll have
yellow health, so i suggest using a potion. This slaking is easier, because he
doesn\'t use facade nearly as much. DO NOT USE COUNTER. Because this slaking mos
tly uses the focus punch, (It has to tighten it\'s focus first.) so if you don\'
t use something that inflicts damage on it without it having to attack, the slak
ing will use focus punch, which completely and utterly knocks out your pokemon!
Ok, so I know these instructions might be sort of hard to follow, but You should
beat your dad in no time!
Submitted by: JMHluckejessica
Beating the Master Rank Beauty Contest
To beat the Master Rank Beauty Contest easily, use a Milotic with full beauty(by
using blue pokeblocks) and holding a blue scarf.
For it's moves use:
Rain Dance
Ice beam
and during the contest use them in this order:
1st Rain Dance, 2nd Surf, 3rd Hail, 4th Ice beam, 5th Surf
Submitted by: ShinyMilotic on February 19, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Berry Master's Wife Likes Sweet Phrases!
When you are in Mauville city, cross the river on the route next to this city (w
ith a beach). Go through both patches of grass and enter the Berry Master's hous
e. Talk to his wife and tell her "Challenge Contest" (you can only do that after
beating the elite 4) and she will give you a Pamtre berry. Go to Lilycove city
and enter the contest hall. You can make an Indigo level 50 pokeblock there with
3 other people in the game without linking up! By the way, indigo level 50 poke
blocks will make a pokemon's beauty attribute VERY high, and it will be easy for
you to win a beauty contest.
Submitted by: Lily Wolf on June 22, 2006
Verified by: toga
Breed any pokemon...except legendaries of course
Well to breed any type of pokemon you just need to trade a ditto from fire-red o
r leaf-green. Then, bring the ditto to the day care and just leave it in there (
I just keep it in there and it is lvl 80 because there is no reason to take it o
ut.)then bring any pokemon you want to breed (except legendaries of course)so if
your friend wanted your starter pokemon you just put the pokemon in the day car
e and there you go infinite pokemon eggs. I really hope that people thought this
wasn't like any of those other really stupid posts....
Submitted by: PonPonHead on June 29, 2007
Verified by: Currykid100, Lugia24
Breeding Lileep
First of all, get a Lillep. Do this by choosing one of the fossils from the dese
rt ( Not sure which one )and taking to one of the scientists in the Devon Corpor
ation building in Rustboro City. Then get a tentacool, fish with a good or old r
od by sea or surf over some water. Then put both of them in The daycare Centre w
est of Mauville. You'll soon have another Lileep! You could bring back the whole
Submitted by: Crazy Jay on December 02, 2006
Verified by: mkeywood
Breeding Pokemon
Breeding a pokemon is basically taking one male and one female pokemon and breed
ing them. However, to do so you need to make sure they are in the same egg group
and that they are both checked into the Pokemon Daycare located on route 117.
The Egg groups are:
1. Amorphous
2. Bug
3. Dragon
4. Fairy
5. Field
6. Flying
7. Grass
8. Human-Like
9. Mineral
10. Monster
11. Water 1
12. Water 2
13. Water 3
And of course, some rare legendary pokemon don't have and egg group.
You DON'T have to breed the pokemon with a same species. So, you could breed a D
elcatty with a Spina since they are both in the Field Egg Group.
When you deposit the two pokemon, go to the old man stading next to the Daycare.
He will tell you how your two pokemon are getting along:
They're very friendly... = Expect an egg!
The two seem to get along... = An egg might be coming!
The two don't seem to like each other... = A slim chance for an egg
The two prefer to play with other pokemon... = Not a chance.
Leave him and explore for some time before coming back. If the old man is standi
ng outt further than when you first met him, he has an egg waiting for you. The
Daycare lady also will tell you that he is waiting for you. Make sure you have e
nough room in your party before collecting the egg. You can also retrieve the ne
w parents by checking them out of the Daycare as you would normally. Most likely
they wont grow many levels when you get them. MAKE SURE you don't leave them th
ere after you collect your egg! Or else you may find yourself with a dozen eggs!
Some species can give you a special egg. One that contains a rare Pre-evolution
that you cannot get anywhere else. Availavle Sapphire Pre-Evs are:
Marill + Marill = AZURILL
Wobbuffet + Wobbuffet = WYNAUT
Pikachu + Pikachu = PICHU
Jiggypuff + Jigglypuff = IGGLYBUFF
If you are not using a twosome that can produce a Pre-Ev, then you will get the
evolution below that type:
Grumpig + Grumpig = Spoink
Xatu + Xatu = Natu
And so on...
You can also aquire help from items given to your pokemon. Like Wobbaffet and Ma
rill. To increase the chances of getting a Pre-Ev, give a Lax Incense to a Wobbu
ffet and a Sea Incense to a Marill.
To hatch the egg, walk around for a looonnnggg time. Eventually it will hatch an
d you'll name your baby and everything.
Your hatched pokemon gets moves from both parents.
.: Level-Up moves both parents posess have a chance of being passed to the baby.
.: If the Fater knows a TM or HM move, it also could be passed to the hatched po
.: Baby pokemon automatically learn Egg moves from the Father(not the mother).
The baby pokemon's type takes after it's mother ALWAYS. However, the gender of t
he hatchling can vary. The baby will ALWAYS start at level 5.
Breeding isn't hard to do, you just need to pair up the right pokemon! Your baby
could end up with a powerful move that it's species can't learn! OR wont learn
for many levels!
Submitted by: Tanapopo on April 26, 2006
Verified by: luckejessica, Tycrazy710
capture latias/latios easy
beat the game get sudowudo then walk around places and there will be one like in
lillycove city in the grass on the left side with grass one of them will be the
re then have sudowudo first then use block and the battle and it will not fled b
ecause of block battle and capture
Submitted by: mariobrothers1996 on June 01, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Catch Latias/Latios Simply
Since both Latias and Latios are lv. 40, raise a Spinda to level 23. When it tri
es to learn Hypnosis, let it. Either raise it to level 40 or raise its speed. Wh
en you find Latias/Latios, use Hypnosis and whittle down the hit point while it
is asleep. Make sure to use Spinda in case it wakes up!
Submitted by: anonymous on August 17, 2005
Verified by: tudor, akiera
catch regice, regirock, and registeel!
first you must have relicanth(lv.40), wailord(lv.40) and POKeMON wth a dig.

go to the pacifidlog-slateport if you know the place where there are brailes, go
to the last one braile and use dig there, and go to thye last braile and press
start and press pokemon and switch relicanth to the first pokemon and read the b
raile and press B then something will shake then now go to the mysterious rock t
o the dewford(regice), to the desert near lavaridge(regirock), and lilycove (reg
isteel). That's all I know , I forget the other things to open the room of the r
egis find another cheat here and I might this cheat will be helpful
Submitted by: kza on March 21, 2007
Verified by: MatthewDB, bc021199
Check your surroundings!!!
Sometimes things, such as certain rocks, contain items!!! Some sea rocks have it
ems in them, and so do some brown rocks(don't be folled, none in the safari zone
have any). Some even have max revives and rare candies!!! Use you item finder m
ore often!!!
Submitted by: Sapphire1994 on January 09, 2005
Verified by: monkie, Phanpy Luva
Combat Tips.
Here is a list of tips that may help you when you're in a tough situation.
Swagger:Best friend or worst enemy? When you use this move, the target becomes c
onfused, but its attack is increased by immense proportions. This is a really st
upid idea against a pokemon with crazy attack to begin with, such as Marowak or
Hitmonlee. Although these 2 pokemon will never be encountered in this game, be c
autious when you use it on one of the new fighting pokemon, like Hariyama, or Me
ditite/Medicham after they pump themselves up. But...this could be a good advant
age to you if your pokemon is a ghost. You pretty much max your targets attack,
but it can't harm you due to your normal, fighting, flying and none special atta
ck resistance.
Encore is the perfect move when your opponent either does something stupid, or b
oosts their stats. For instance say your opponent used the move Leech Seed. Init
iately, the attack will seed you and leech life each turn. But once you're seede
d it does nothing, and encore can prevent more damage from being given to you. A
few more attacks that do nothing after the initiation are: Helping Hand (Minun/
Plusle), Thunder Wave, and Yawn.
Try and cover as many weaknesses as possible. Pokemon like Starmie can almost co
ver each element. Starmie can learn moves like Thunder, typical water moves, and
Psychic moves. Also, watch your double elements. Double elements=Double weaknes
ses. With pokemon like Relicanth (water/rock), grass does double damage, but Rel
icanth can cover double the amount of types.
Destiny Bond and Perish Song are near useless if your target is gonna switch out
. Try and get a Trapinch with Destiny Bond. Trapinch's passive ability, Arena Tr
ap, prevents switching. Its a guarenteed KO. But say a Graveler, or Weezing is b
eing Destiny Bonded or Perish Songed. Use Self Destruct, and take them down with
you, to make at least some effort to screw up their plan. A good strategy, agai
nst your friends who would typically throw their best pokemon out first, would b
e for you to go out with Trapinch and one of his evolutions with Destiny Bond/Pe
rish Song (You'll have to breed to get it.) Right off the bat, their best pokemo
n is done.
Another good combo would be an accuracy raising combo+an instant KO (sheer cold,
fissure). Or, a Starmie with Rain Dance and Thunder. Rain Dance guarentees a hi
t with Thunder, plus it boosts all water moves. Same sort of combo with solar be
am and sunny day. Solar beam takes up only one turn with Sunny Day in effect.
Don't waste a move when your target is in the air, under ground or submerged, us
e a stat booster, or Surf/Swift. Surf or swift will still give damage to the tar
get, while a stat booster can give you more of an edge for the rest of the battl
A common strategy for Muk'ers is to Minimize, then blast themselves with stat ch
anges. Use Haze, then hes done. Haze cancels out all stat changes.

Submitted by: I_Am_Great on January 08, 2005

Verified by: luckejessica
as you know corsala is rare and you can only Find it on Route 128
Submitted by: Link on July 14, 2008
Verified by: jl_21, blkbelt
Credits, who needs them?
Sure you can hold down the B button on your GBA, but what is even better is to j
ust shut the game off.
Once you beat Steven and you get past all the hoopla with may and proffesor,he t
akes you into the champion room. Once you register your pokemon on that contrapt
ion of his, you will see a screen that says "SAVING...DO NOT TURN OFF POWER!"...
well listen to it, dont turn it off, but once you see its gone and your Pokemon
are showing up with their data, shut it off. Once you turn it back on you will b
e in your room which would happen if you waited out the credits anyways.
Trust me it works, ive beaten the Elite-4 84 times and have never watched the cr
e-mail me if you like this tip, or if you want some more, i might be able to hel
Submitted by: kcis <---(read it backwards) on July 12, 2006
Verified by: mhuuh, krazykyd
Cut through that annoying tall grass...
If you have a Pokemon that can use cut out of battle, and you hate tall grass, y
ou're in luck. Go right next to, or in, tall grass. Use cut and the surrounding
grass is gone! You can even use it in the grass that you can't ride you're bike
Submitted by: SammySunshine95 on July 07, 2006
Verified by: Mhl11, mhuuh
Defeating Wallace easily !
When battling the eight gym Leader ( Wallace, Ice-Type pokemon ) use the Pokemon
Shedinja. Because of it's Wonder Guard Special ability, it will be protected fr
om every of your opponent's attacks. In fact, the only way it can faint is that
Luvdisc uses his Sweet Kiss and confuses him. Prepare a lot of Berries that cure
s confusion and then, you will defeat him easily.
Submitted by: Guidez Wizard on April 22, 2004
Verified by: Sapphire1994
Delcatty learns no level up moves once it is evolved, so learn any moves you wan
t to on Skitty like Charm, Double Slap and Assist before you evolve it, because
you will have no chance to learn them again.
Submitted by: ShinyMilotic on March 22, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Do Wheeles and Bunny Hops [Acro Bike]
When you get to the bike shop get an acro bike.
Go outside and press b and ride around, or
hold B and you will do a wheeley. If you keep holding B down then you will start
to do bunny hops on the bike.
Submitted by: pokemaster on November 04, 2007
Verified by: blkbelt, GexTheLizard
double money
After you battle May for the third time she will tell you to go see your mom aft
er she gives you HM2 fly to littleroot and talk to your mom she will give you th
e AMULET COIN equip this to your first pokemon defeat a trainer in battle and ge
t twice the money you would normally get
[Mod Edit] The Amulet Coin can be obtained as soon as you defeat Norman.
Submitted by: Adam on April 19, 2004
Verified by: Pikachu705, Deoxys12
double your EXP points!!!!
just so you know, doing this as early in the game as possible will help.
Go to the winstrate family.(i have no idea which route, sorry! ^///^)
Beat them then go inside their house.
Talk to the grandma, vicky. (upper right of the table)
She'll give you a MACHO BRACE it'll help with growth and experience, but it also
slows down your pokemon so i suggest using some carbos on whoever you equip it
this item also has a sister item, EXP. SHARE. you get that by talking the boss o
f devon corp. give the MACHO BRACE to your strongest pokemon, put it in front, a
nd equip EXP.SHARE to your weakest pokemon.
Submitted by: michelle on February 19, 2009
Verified by: noob95811
Easier Catching Pokemon
Have a Pokemon that knows the move "Endeavor". Get into the Pokemon battle that
you want to catch, make sure you have only 1 HP left. When you get into a battle
with a Pokemon that you want to catch. Use the move "Endeavor". You will get th
e Pokemon down to 1 HP. Use an Ultra Ball, and you will have a lot better of a c
hance to catch the Pokemon.
Submitted by: Extreme Mewtwo on April 02, 2003
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Easy catching of god pokemon(kogre, Rayquaza, Latias, etc...)
Before going into the Cave of Origin save ure game. U have to catch kyogre at al
l cost without using ure master ball. Bring a pokemon lvl 47+ and bring kyogres
lifes down to the red. Now keep using ultra balls and u mght be able to catch hi
m, if not after 10 turns start trowing timer balls which will catch him whith no
These are the best move for kyogre:
-thunder, tm u can buy in lilycove
-ice beam, he already has it
-Hydro pump, as it too
-Ure choice, i leave body slam because whitout it kyogre runs out of pp very fas
Now train kyogre during the pokemon league by the time u beat all four plus the
champion he should be around lvl 53-54. if u want u can redo the pokemon league
to trainhim
Now head to Sky Pillar and go meet Rayquaza. (to get pass the holes in the groun
d a practised alot on cycling road by getting a time under 9:30 and no crashes.
To catch rayquaza use kyogre to bring him down to the red and watch out for his
rest and outrage. and trow him ultraballs then timer balls u should catch him, t
his mite take several tries to do but don't use ure master ball.
Now to catch Latias, run around the hoenn region and when u run into him, he wil
l just run away i am not sure if u can battle him again so use ure master ball.
U can also use wobbuffet whoes special abelity doesn't allow pokemon to run away
, but i don't reccomend that cuz if he faints u might not be able to catch him b
efore he flees.
* I have mentionned alot the timer balls, and this is now to get em:
- Fly to verdentuff and take the passage that goes beteen verdentuf and rustbody
when u come out the guy u saved from team aqua in petalburg forest will be ther
- talk to him, he will start blabing and leave know go to the pokemart in rustbo
ro u will be able to buy timer balls and repeat balls
Submitted by: Sens_fan on July 23, 2004
Verified by: cty122297, kimarhi111
easy day care level up
Step 1
put the Pokemon's in the day care that you want to level up in the day care
Step 2 Find a mud slide i use the one in the desert
Step 3 you need go get a Luca band and put in over the up arrow and get somethin
g like a real stone and loop it in the rubber band and the game boy
Step 4
Leave it over night and go to the day care in the morning
Submitted by: Marster_C on July 02, 2007
Verified by: togepi657, HAHA
Easy Gymleaders
Usually the Gym Leaders last pokemon is their toughest. The easiest way to beat
them is to have a Wobufette use Destony Bond on the leaders last pokemon and let
it faint and hope that destony bond works
Submitted by: camp_jona2606 on July 17, 2007
Verified by: GexTheLizard
Easy Heracross!!!
I noticed that the pattern you press the A and B buttons while catching a pokemo
n work differently depending on the species. For those of you who simply MUST ha
ve a Heracross, try this: Go into the Safari zone, use the path where you need t
he Acro bike to get passed, go into the grass and begin looking. When you find i
t, Try holding down the A button and rubbing the B button. You may have to keep
trying like that but it SHOULD make it easier. If you think it will take you a l
ong time to find one, stay in one spot of the grass and just tap the arrows.
P.S. It may be hard to stay in one place while turning
Submitted by: luckejessica on May 27, 2007
Verified by: blkbelt
Easy Level for bad pokemon
If you want to train a bad pokemon, then follow these tips:
1. Find The Camera people called Gabby and Ty. Have a pokemon holding EXP share.
Then, Have a level 70 or better pokemon. Put Both in battle.
2. Make sure your good pokemon knows surf. Then, use it on Exploud and Magneton.
This way, it knocks out both pokemon at once. The EXP points are split in half,
so you can do this over and over because Gabby and Ty always want to battle.
When your pokemon gets to the level desired, you can stop this method and put hi
m in the Elite Four and grow there too.
P.S. I think there is a hold item that lets you double the amount of EXP points
in play. If there isn't, then don't worry about this. Also, an easy Pokemon to g
row is Altaria and Walrein. I did this strategy and got both at lv 100 in 1 day!
Submitted by: MrCork on May 28, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
easy level up
get the mach bike and put a pokemon to the daycare centre. cycle around for abou
t 10 mins
(do more depending on the level of your pokemon!)
i like to use a certain route that has 100 steps (almost exact), which means i c
an count how many steps i have done!
Submitted by: games guru on May 17, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Easy starting tip
Best starting pokemon to use before you get legendary pokemon:
1. Torchic (Fire) Although doesn't help with Roxanne, helps with everything else
and is one of the only powerful Fire pokemon in Sapphire. Combusken also learns
Double-Kick at level 16.
2. Lotad (Water-Grass) Learns Absorb at lv8. Even though it only knows Astonish
when you get it, only battle Wurmples, Shroomish, and Lotad until it gets to lv8
3. Tailow (Normal-Flying) Good, useful Pokemon. Already knows Peck. Learns wing
attack at level 14 (I think). Easy to train in Petalburg Woods.
4. Poocheeyana (Dark) Although weak at first, he evolves into a powerful Mightey
ana. That is the most powerful dark pokemon in the game. Also helps with Tate &
5. Ralts (Psychic) Yep, he's there. Keep looking and you'll find him. Powerful p
sychic pokemon. If you don't want him, you can find Abra in the Dewford cave. Go
od while teaching him Shadow Ball. WARNING: Abra is at level 8. That is a tough
level to come back from.
6. Aron (Rock-Steel) Weak at first, but evolves into a powerful pokemon later. Y
ou must wait till the Dewford Cave to catch him though.
These starting Pokemon cover Grass, Water, Ghost, Bug, Psychic, Electric, Flying
, Normal, Fighting, Ice and Steel. I have them all at level 100 in their farthes
t stage and I beat the game in 3 days!
Elite Four Breakdown:
Sydney: Tailow, Torchic
Ghost Leader: Ralts, Lotad
Glacia: Torchic, Lotad
Drake: (Make sure one of your pokemon knows Ice Beam or another Ice attack.)
Steven: Torchic, Aron, Lotad, Tailow
Submitted by: MrCork on May 28, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
easy way to chimico............seriously
OK some people find it hard to get a chimico so listen closely
first go to the mt. pyre summit and go to where you get the orbs now standing on
the steps you will see 2 paths TAKE THE LEFT ONE (you have to or this tip is wo
rthless) you'll come across 2 graves stand between the graves and do the followi
press A on the wall
press A on the right grave
press A on the grass below you
press A on the left grave
press A on the wall (again)
then search the grass in between the graves
Submitted by: eric on July 14, 2008
Verified by: bigfan, Wolfy99
EV Training
If you are EV training your Pokémon, these are good Pokémon to battle: (to raise you
r Pokémon's stats higher)
HP: Whismur (Rusturf Tunnel)
Attack: Carvanha (Route 119 - Super Rod)
Defense: Sandshrew & Skarmory (Route 113)
Special Attack: Spinda (Route 113)
Special Defense: Tentacool (Surf anywhere)
Speed: Zubat & Golbat (Cave of Origin)
Submitted by: Jax06 on July 13, 2005
Verified by: BigDicks4Sale, Aiedaiil
Evolution tip
Some people go and just evolve their Pokemon right away. Sometimes it is better
that you wait. Say with a Pokemon like Torchic. When it is ready to evolve don't
let it by pressing the B button. That way if you train it to LV. 30 without let
ting it evolve, it will learn better moves earlier. Then after it learns all its
moves then evolve it. You will have a super powerful Pokemon.
Submitted by: TrunksnGoten on June 27, 2005
Verified by: monkie, knb
This tip is on how Wurmple evolves, along with how Eevee evolves into Espeon/Umb
Wurmple: Wurmple evolves completely random into either Silcoon/Cascoon. The time
of day has no effect on his/her evolution. His/Her gender and personality don't
matter either.
To evolve Eevee into Espeon, you must max his/her happiness stats, and raise him
/her 1 level between 12 PM and 12 AM (Morning time).
To evolve Eevee into Umbreon, you must max his/her happiness stats, and raise hi
m/her 1 level between 12 AM and 12 PM (Evening time).
Submitted by: Jax06 on July 13, 2005
Verified by: luckejessica, yishi
Fast Latios/Latios Capture
First go to the Route 111 /Desert area an capture a trapinch with arena trap and
place him in the first slot(i.e.he comes out first in battle). Now create a bas
e near the sand using Secret Power. Go outside and check your pokedex to see if
he is in the area if not go back inside your base and then come out again. Do th
is untill he is near then use sweet scent untill he apears. This should allow yo
u to captue him in about a
half-hour after you start.
Submitted by: Eclipse91 on December 30, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Finding Kyogre
To find Kyogre,you have to find team aqua at MT.Pyre.They will then go to slatep
ort.Go to the harbor and you find them there.Then go back to lilycove and fight
them in the cave.They will then run away.After you beat the 7nth gym leader.Then
get the hm dive from steven at a house at mossdeep.Surf down from mossdeep.And
keep on surfing down until you see a island.Use dive and surf under the water.Yo
u then will have to turn right when you have to.After that go down. When you can
turn left,do it.There will be an opening.Go into it and then surf up.And you wi
ll know what to do next.
Submitted by: anonymous on January 03, 2006
Verified by: luckejessica, kashimoto
free berries
there are spots to get free berries in the game, so here they are:
1. theres a house near falloboro, or lava rige(have to use sandy trail thing) th
ere should be a house here where a lady heals u, go up and there should be a gir
l who gives u berries!
2. go to sootopoolis and in the bottim lefthand corner is a girl named kiri who
gives you berries
3. go to fortree then walk across the town to the other side, then go down till
you get to the registeel place there should be a girl below the stares with gree
n hair she gives you berries
4. then go to lillycove and in the top right hand corner theres a guy in a brown
coat he gives you a berry
5.go to lillycove then go to the place were you can surf to mountpire(infront of
safari zone) then surf past mt pire and walk across till you get to a white gat
e then go inside the house, there a man named berrymaster who gives you two diff
erent berries, and his wife gives you one( changes on what you say to her)
well those are all of the free berries i know about bye.
Submitted by: Gorilla_BR on February 20, 2006
Verified by: luckejessica, kashimoto
Friendly Evolution
Some pokemon require Friendly Evolution to be able to evolve. To evolve Igglybuf
f into a Jigglypuff, you'll need to create a strong bond with it.
Feed it the pokeblocks it likes, keep it in the first battle position often as w
ell as keep it in your party as much as possible. Give it items to hold and don'
t let it faint. Don't let it's HP go down too far or have it's stats messed with
You can visit the girl in the Southwest part of Verdanturf Town to find out if y
our pokemon loves you or not.
No matter what, if your pokemon does not feel loved, it will never evolve until
you care for it!
Submitted by: Tanapopo on April 26, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Get a Beldum
First defeat Champion Steve and the elite four and after the credits load the ga
me and you will end up in your room and now fly to Mossdeep City and find the ho
use of Champion Steve.And after you find it enter it and you will find a pokebal
l in the table.Get it and now save the Game.
Submitted by: V.E.F.D. on May 25, 2005
Verified by: monkie, Deoxys12
Get A Crystal Statue For your Secret Base!
In order to get the crystal statue it requires you to not only win all Master Ra
nk Conest in LilyCove, but you have to get to where an Artist paints a picture o
f your pokemon and sends it to the Museum of Art. On the Second Floor of the Mus
eum, There are five walls with five different color linings for paintings: Red,
Blue, Pink, Green, Yellow. Once those walls are cover, each with a painting of a
contect winning pokemon of yours, The curator will offer you a statue as a gift
and is send to your PC. (To be honest it looks like and anctient sculpture of a
rticuno or pidgeot and like the statues at the entrance of the museum. Good Luck
Submitted by: KayanaKoe on March 07, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Get a painting for Cute contest!
All you have to do is beat the Cute Master Contest
Submitted by: anonymous on March 03, 2007
Verified by: luckejessica
Get a painting from Smart contest!
All you have to do is beat the Smart Master Contest
Submitted by: anonymous on March 03, 2007
Verified by: luckejessica
Get a Rhyhorn
First get a Mach Bike and go to the Safari Zone,when your in the Safari Zone got
o the Left Left until you see a way up and go up and after you go up you will se
e a Mud Slide,now Ride the Mach Bike and go up in the Mud Slide,after you go up
and search for a Green Grass(where pokemon lives)and search for a Rhyhorn,you wi
ll see it 98% sure!
Submitted by: V.E.F.D. on May 25, 2005
Verified by: Phanpy Luva
Get an ever stone!
People have told me "ooh you cant get an everstone on sapphire" but! i showed th
em. if you go into the cave upwards from dewford (you need flash) walk through t
he cave untill you find a weird pile of rocks (they should be on a little rock p
latform thing) go up to it and press A. And there you have it. an everstone. use
it on a pokemon you want to train without evolving, it sounds useless but it is
really useful!
Submitted by: Kate on October 15, 2005
Verified by: CrazyforHM, blkbelt
Get another extra share
If you own a Pokemon Colosseum disc for the Gamecube then you are in luck. Once
you obtain the Extra share from Pokemon Colosseum you can transfer it to your Po
kemon Sapphire for some serious training. That way you will have yours from the
game and from the Gamecube. All you do is give to the extra share to a Pokemon a
nd transfer it to the GBA. Then transfer the Pokemon back. Then you have two ext
ra shares.
Submitted by: TrunksnGoten on June 21, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Get Bagon Without Waterfall
You can get a bagon by going to the southern most exit of meteor falls and using
rock smash on them.
Submitted by: Tycrazy710 on January 06, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
get corsola without losing cute bellossom
ok heres how ya get corsola without trading.other then tradihg u can get corsola
by fishing with a super rod on route 128 (near ever grand).they r usually at le
vel 35 or 36.
Submitted by: amanda on March 23, 2006
Verified by: Deoxys12, Tanapopo
Get good money
You can only do this if you havent beaten the eleite four yet
Go to the pokemon league and enter. Get out your strongest pokemon. Fight the fr
ist four people, and you will earn money from their battles. but then fail the b
attle against the final person, and just keep on doing that again and again. You
get the money from the battles^^ enjoy your game
Submitted by: qwertykitten1354 on December 29, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Get More Berries
Instead of getting 2 berries from every berry you plant, you can get up to 6! Th
e more times you water the berry(s), the more berries you should get. Try wateri
ng it twice every time you check up on it, and try checking up on it at least 3
or 4 times in one day.
Submitted by: Jax06 on June 19, 2005
Verified by: mhuuh
get more money easily
select a main pokemon. this pokemon has to be holding amulet coin. It also has t
o take part in every battle. then go beat the elite four as many times as you wa
nt until you have the desired amount of money.
Submitted by: DragonMaster JKA 1 on July 26, 2004
Verified by: Pikachu705
Get Phanphy And Heracross
get an acro bike from rydel's shop in mauville then go to safari zone search the
place then if tou find a bridge like thing press b together with the directiona
l buttons (depending on which direction you're facing) to pass the bridge like t
hing then go to the grass
Submitted by: anonymous on April 04, 2007
Verified by: luckejessica, blkbelt
Get Rare Candy
You first need to get an Acro Bike, A pokemon that knows surf and waterfall to b
e able reach the rare candy. After you get the bike and the pokemon required go
to the Weather Institute at the end of rout 119. Go over the bridge and head sou
th to get into the river. Once in the river surf north until you reach the water
fall. Use the pokemon with waterfall and go up the waterfall. Once up-top use yo
ur Acro bike to reach the section with the rare candy. (there are also 2 Hondew
berrie bushes)
Submitted by: Travinator on June 30, 2007
Verified by: marill, blkbelt
Getting a Kyogre
To get Kyogre, you must first beat all of Team Aqua in Seafloor Cavern at Route
128. Head to Sootopolis City near Route 126. There, you'll meet Steven again and
the Sootopolis Gym Leader Wallace. Head into the Cave of Origin. Before heading
in the area with Kyogre, collect HM 7: Waterfall. Then, save before heading to
Kyogre. Either the blue or red orb you have at Mt. Pyre on Route 122 will glow a
nd Kyogre will battle you. May I suggest you weaken him first with a Pokemon abo
ve Level 45. WARNING! If you have a Pokemon with a higher level, you would proba
bly kill Kyogre. Use different moves that will weaken him. When Kyogre has red H
P, throw a Poke Ball at it and you will capture him. I suggest you use your Mast
er Ball for this occasion.
P.S. Make sure that your Pokemon is at Levels 46-49.
That's all for now. Bye!
Submitted by: cheat_master8841 on December 04, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Good Items in the Beginning of the game
If you're near the start of the game then this can really help you get some good
First, catch a Zigzagoon. Its special ability is 'pickup' so when it's in your p
arty it can pick up items when you're walking around.
I caught one in the grass by Little Root Town and in less than an hour I got 2 u
ltra balls, 3 revives, 2 super potions, some berries and a few other items.
If thats not enough, then you get a whole team of Zigzagoon in your party and th
ey will pickup loads of items.
Submitted by: joey911 on November 03, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Having Troubles Fishing?
To fish (using a rod), just press A whenever you get a bite. Only press it ONCE,
and press it every time it says "You have got a bite!" Doing this over and over
again will eventually lead to the Pokémon attacking you.
Note: This maneuver works with all the rods (Old, Good, and Super).
Submitted by: Jax06 on July 07, 2006
Verified by: Mhl11
Hidden Trainer
On the Mauville side of the Cyle Road don't go up the ramp. There is an opening
between the trees. The path goes under the ramp. She is a Phycic.
Submitted by: Lehvak80 on May 15, 2004
Verified by: Pikachu705, Sapphire1994
Hint: A easy way to get a Azurill
Go to the daycare lady located on route 117 (its right beside Mauville City). Th
ere you breed a Marill and a Azumarill. (Give Sea Insence to either one of them.
This is another way to get a Azurill.)
Submitted by: kaceyjoyma1994212 on September 03, 2006
Verified by: luckejessica
HM List
HM01 - Cut: Cuts down trees outside of battle.
Location: The Cutter's House in Rustburo City.
HM02 - Fly: Flys you to other cities outside of battle.
Location: Route 119.
HM03 - Surf: Lets you swim through water to get to other areas.
Location: Petalburg City.
HM04 - Strength: Moves big boulders.
Location: Rusturf Tunnel.
HM05 - Flash: Lights up dark caves.
Location: Granite Cave.
HM06 - Rock Smash: Smashes rocks that may be in the way.
Location: Mauville City.
HM07 - Waterfall: Allows you to climb up waterfalls.
Location: Cave of Origin.
HM08 - Dive: Allows you to go underwater.
Location: Steven's house in Mossdeep City.
Submitted by: Jax06 on February 05, 2006
Verified by: luckejessica, Nego
Hold Items (RATE IT PLEEZ!!!!)
I will tell you the Pokemon that hold items, and what they hold. And if you don'
t believe me, its really true. Its really helpful cause they hold rare items. 1
more thing. They will ONLY HOLD THESE ITEMS VERY RARELY. You might be lucky!!
Geodude: Everstone
Skitty: Leppa Berry
Kecleon: Chesto Berry
Shuppet: Spell Tag
Girafarig: Persim Berry
Abra: Twistedspoon
Magnemite: Metal Coat
Gulpin: Big Pearl
Aron: Hard Stone
Lairon: Hard Stone
Whismur: Chesto Berry
Graveler: Everstone
Corsola: Red Shard
Cacnea: Poison Barb
Dusclops: Spell Tag
Sandshrew: Quick Claw
Relicanth: Green Shard
Zigzagoon: Oran Berry
Banette: Spell Tag
Solrock: Sun Stone
Horsea: Dragon Scale
Bagon: Dragon Scale
Chinchou: Yellow Shard
Doduo: Sharp Beak
Dodrio: Sharp Beak
Koffing: Smoke Ball
Loudred: Chesto Berry
Numel: Rawst Berry
Trapinch: Soft Sand
Clamperl: Blue Shard
Spinda: Chesto Berry
Hariyama: King's Rock
Pikachu: Oran Berry OR Light Ball
Staryu: Stardust OR Star Piece
Grimer: Nugget
Poocheyana: Pecha Berry
Linoone: Oran Berry OR Sitrus Berry
Duskull; Spell Tag
Luvdisc: Heart Scale
Lunatone: Moon Stone
Magneton: Metal Coat
Vulpix: Rawst Berry
Roselia: Poison Barb
Well thats all of them. When u catch one of those Pokemon don't expect to find t
hat they're holding an item. U should catch a lot of the same type of Pokemon th
en check if any of them have that item. Good Luck!!!
Submitted by: anonymous on January 21, 2007
Verified by: luckejessica, Tycrazy710
How to catch RAYQUAZA
Rayquaza is a powerful and rare pokémon.
It is better to catch the original one than use a cheat code for it, because it
really gives you satisfaction and it will have much better stats. So, how do you
catch it? First of all, you need to have beaten the Elite Four. Then, Go to pac
ifidlog and surf east (or right) in the water. Keep trying to work your way thro
ugh the rocks until you can go north (or up). You will find an island of some so
rt, and go into a cave. You will need a mach bike to go further. This island is
called 'Sky Pillar' and there you can find Bannets, Claydols, Sableyes, Golbats
that know poison fang and, at the very top, Altarias. Build up speed on your mac
h bike and whatever you do, don't hesitate!! The cracks in the ground are to mak
e it challenging. If it seems impossible at first, practise by going to Granite
cave above Dewford and you can find a rare candy, a repel and an everstone. Afte
r a lot of persistent effort, the path reaches a dead end. Here you must fall th
rough one of three cracks. Only one will allow you to continue to climb higher.
Now, when you have finally reached Rayquaza, the best tactic for an easy catch i
s to train a Kyogre to level 58 and use Ice Beam. Rayquaza will know Outrage, re
st, fly and crunch. Its special ability is AIR LOCK, which means it doesn't get
affected by the weather. The Ice Beam will get it down to one HP and if it uses
rest, use ice beam again and have a frenzy of throwing Ultra balls. A master bal
l is not required. Please note that the move rest will only sleep for two turns,
so you have only two turns to throw ultra balls! Now that you have caught Rayqu
aza, a quick glance at its stats will show that it really kicks butt! Congradula
tions. You have caught, in my opinion, the best Dragon pokémon in the game!!
Submitted by: ESSY on May 28, 2004
Verified by: FellinlovewithMEW
How to Find Roselia
Although Roselia isnt a very rare pokemon it isnt the easiest pokemon to find. A
place were Roselia are abundant is on rout 117. When you first enter rout 117 f
rom Verdanturf Town go past the 2 flower gardens and go up to the place were the
tree needs to be cut. Once you cut down the tree go into the grassy area and yo
u can easily find Roselia. You will also find a revive inside the pokeball.
Submitted by: Travinator on June 30, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
How to get 10 berries per day
Ok you wanna get 10 berries per day? here's how you do it-
1. Go to the berry master's house- get two from him and one from his wife. (you
can get cheats to get rare berries from her)
2. Go to Rustboro and go down to the flower shop where you come out fromthe maze
you get from petleburg. Talk to a girl there, you'll get a berry.
3.Go talk to a man in lilycove city. He's up the steps on the right hand side, n
ear the sea.
4.Go to Fralabor (dunno abpout spelling) and go left to leave the town and go do
wn the bridge where there are twins. Go to teh right ofthe tiwms and you'll see
a guy who give you a berry.
5. Go to sootopolis city and surf across the water.Don't go up the steps, go to
the south west of the gym and you'll find a girl called Kiri. she'll give you tw
o berries.
6. Go to Lavaridge town, jump down the ledges and go through the sand place. Go
up a bit to where you're nearly at fralabor and tehre's a girl who gives you Raz
z berries.
7. Go to lilycove again and go left trhough the grass till you can't go further.
There's a girl who gives you Figy berries. Don't worry if you accidently say no
. She'll still give you a berry.
Submitted by: pichu_crazy on April 24, 2006
Verified by: luckejessica
How to Get a Jigglypuff
Fly to Rustboro City and go up up up until you see the Sea Surf in there and go
up again until you see a Land after you see a land go and find a green grass(whe
re the wild pokemon lives) and now search for a Jigglypuff in that Grass.The onl
y problem is the only chance that you will get a Jigglypuff is only 45% but if i
t's your Lucky Day or your Birthday you will get it fast.
Submitted by: V.E.F.D. on May 25, 2005
Verified by: Deoxys12, FellinlovewithMEW
how to get an azurill
give aa sea insane (something like that) to a female marill.then put it on the d
ay care center with a male marill.go to another city and walk around for a while
then talk to a man beside the day care center and he should give you an egg.
p.s. make sure you have an empty spt in your pokemon party.
Submitted by: pokefan PB on July 03, 2007
Verified by: Tycrazy710
How to get berries 31-35
Talk to the Berry Master's wife, and tell her these codes to get the following b
31. Spelon: GREAT BATTLE
34. Durin: COOL LATIOS
Submitted by: Jax06 on September 28, 2003
Verified by: xtremepokemontrainer, Azaramon
How to get Gyarados?
Capture a Magikarp and raise it to Level 20. Magikarp will evolve into Gyarados.
You can also give it to the Lady-Care found in the house in between Verdanturf
and Mauville City. If Magikarp is higher than level 20, just make it get to the
next level and it will evolve. This is how to get Gyarados instead of trying to
make it appear in the wild.
Submitted by: Charizard on April 20, 2007
Verified by: luckejessica, blkbelt
How to get heaps of ashes
OK, so, if you have the Soot Sack to carry ashes in for the guy in the Glass Wor
kshop on route 131, there is a much easier way to get ashes rather then running
around, finding all of these pokemon (like Spinda) that you already have or don'
t want and then waiting for ages while the grass turns grey again. What you coul
d do though, is get a couple of Repels (any Repel will do, I use Max Repel becau
se you don't have to use that many), run around in the grass until all of the gr
ass has turned green, then go to the glass workshop and talk to the guy there wh
o will ask you what you would like him to make for you.
Blue Flute
Yellow Flute
Red Flute
White Flute
Black Flute
Pretty Chair
Pretty Desk
Choose what you want and if you want an item that you don't have enough ashes fo
r then go outside and VOILA (I don't know how thats spelled so bear with me here
, I'm not a good speller...)! The grass should all be grey again and if you use
up your Repel, just use it again and just keep running around the grass and goin
g to the Glass Workshop until you get enough ashes for your dream item or you ju
st get bored.
Hope it works! It did for me... P.S PHANPY IS THE CUTEST POKEMON EVER!!!!!!!
From Jay
Submitted by: Phanpy Luva on January 26, 2006
Verified by: Deoxys12, HarvestMoon_Lover
How to get Huntail and Gorebyss
For this cheat you need to dive underwater. Go into underwater grass and catch a
clamperl(water).Then go to the Abandoned Ship inbetween Dewford and Slateport.
You will need to dive again, after finding water in a room. Follow the path unti
l light filters from above. You will appear in a hall with 6 rooms. Some are loc
ked. When you enter a room, you'll notice sparkles, which disappear after a coup
le seconds. Stand next to where a sparkle was and face it. Click A to check it o
ut. Some will be shiny trash, some will be items, and some will be keys to the l
ocked rooms. Eventually, there will be a scanner in a room. Dive back down and e
xplore the ship until you get to the top, where a guy is looking for the scanner
. He tells you to take it to Captain Stern in Slateport. Go to Captain Stern and
give him the scanner. He will let you choose a reward, either deep sea tooth, o
r deep sea scale. If you pick the scale,give it to Clamperl, and link trade it,
it will evolve into Gorebyss, a beautiful pink eel! If you pick deep sea tooth,
give it to Clamperl, and link trade it, it will evolve into Huntail, a vicious,
powerful blue eel! (I personally prefer Huntail)
Submitted by: Sapphire1994 on January 09, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
How to get Natoinal Dex
simple, all you have to do is have a friend or you trade from Fire Red, and you'
ll automatically get the National Dex, but, in FR or LG, you'll need the Ruby an
d Sapphire to do this
Submitted by: Deoxys Master on November 17, 2004
Verified by: Master Rayquaza
How to get Regice, Registeel and Regirock
In order to get this 3 regis first defeat the elite four and you must have relic
anth and wailord. Then after defeating go to the Pacifidlog. You surf to the lef
t, you will see there are rapids, pass there until you will find and see like a
dark water and then surf!! You will go directly to the Underwater. Then find the
mysterious code there it like dots. But I find how to read this, search in the
internet for Braille letters. Ok let us go back to the game, that code means "UP
HERE". It means you go up there. Then you will see the Secret Chamber. Go to th
e north until you see the code it says "Dig Here". Then let your pokemon dig the
n that wall will have a hole. Then go inside go to the north again then you will
see the code on the wall then read it, it means "First comes Relicanth, then Wa
ilord." It means that arrange your Relicanth to the first, then put your wailord
to the last. Then it will have an earthquake it means you open the three cave o
f Regis.
Regice- go to petalburg, then go to the left until you will see a beach. Surf do
wnwards until you will see a small island with 1 person only then go to that isl
and and surf to the north. You will see a Cave. Then when you go there you will
see codes again. It means "Stop and Wait, Wait for the time to pass twice." That
's the code but I can't understand what to do in this situation sorry. But I tel
l you the code then what it means.
Registeel- You can found this between Fortree and Lilycove. Go to lilycove the g
o to the left until you see something going up then go there you will find a big
pond. Go to the north where you will see a ninja hiding near the tall grasses.
You will see also a person. Just go north until you will see the cave. You will
see again the codes. But I forgot what was that word. But i know how to open tha
t so that you will see Registeel. Go to the middle and use Fly. Then the wall wi
th codes will have a hole then when you go inside you will see Registeel.
- I think the code means "Go to the middle and aim to the sky" I am not sure but
I am telling what will you do.
Regirock- Go to the desert and go to the south you will see a cave go inside the
re. You will see codes again. I am so sorry but i also forgot what is the code m
eans.. I just remember that you will go to the direction twice and another direc
tion twice then you will use strength..
like this __ _ then use strength. Exampledont follow this i really forgot what i
s the code) Left,left,down,down then use strength.
The only tip is Search in the internet for BRAILLE.. OK
Remember: Be patient to get this 3 Regi OK..
I hope I help you Please Rate It!!
Submitted by: cool gamerz on April 06, 2007
Verified by: master of cheats
how to get the coin case
To get the coin case go to Mauvill city.Go to the house to right next to the Mau
ville game center.( to the right of the game center.) Walk in the house and a la
die will be sitting in a chair. Go and talk to her, she will tell you that she n
eeds a harbor mail,but she needs a bike to ride to slateport to buy it. Now go t
o Slateport and buy a harbor mail. Take the mail to the ladys house,walk in and
talk to her.She will start talking about the harbor mail again.Than in the middl
e of her centance a question mark will apeare over her head. She will ask you if
she can have the mail and in trade you can have coin case. Say yes and she will
give you the coincase and take the harbor mail. Now you can go and start playin
g. Happy gambling! I hope you say thankyou. Your wellcome. Now that you got what
you want go away. By.
Submitted by: anonymous on June 11, 2007
Verified by: blkbelt
How to Open the Regi's Doors(Sapphire ONLYish)
Regice-Read the braille and leave it there reading for two minutes. The door sho
uld open.
Registeel-Go to the middle of the cave and use fly. The door should open.
Regirock-Go right two steps,down two steps,then use strengh. The door should ope
This is ONLY for Sapphire Version.(for all i know) If you use it for Emerald Ver
sion it is NOT going to work,but for Ruby Version i'm not so sure '_'
Submitted by: Eddiman 100 on February 27, 2007
Verified by: jmail, pokemon4evers
How to tell what a pokeblock will do for your Pokemon
First make a pokeblock. Next take out your pokeblock case. Then pick a pokeblock
but dont select it to give to a pokemon. Look at the box in the bottom left han
d corner. There should be two different colors next to two flavors. Those colors
tell you what will go up: orange for cool, blue for beauty, pink for cute, gree
n for smart, yellow for tough.
Submitted by: anonymous on June 22, 2008
Verified by: FellinlovewithMEW
Increased Chances Winning in Contests!
Are you tired of getting no votes in the contests? Well try this: Simply increas
e the stat you want to increase/Get out a Pokemon that has a very good CERTAIN c
ondition. Then go to the Pokemon Fan Club in SLATEPORT CITY. Talk to the owner.
If you have a Pokemon with a very good condition on top you will get a " " scarf
, that increases the condition of the colored scarf. You may attach it to any Po
kemon, even though the owner gave it to you because of your 1st Pokemon.
Submitted by: AquaAndrew on May 24, 2003
Verified by: Shadow704, xtremepokemontrainer
Instant K.O Tip
If you want to K.O an incredibly powerful Pokemon (i.e Mewtwo, Lugia) make sure
to have Protect, Mean Look, and Perish Song, then follow this.
1. Use Mean Look.
2. Use Perish Song.
3. Just on the last turn of Perish Song's effect, use Protect.
This way, your opponent cannot escape Perish Song, you are protected, and the op
ponents Pokemon will be guarenteed to faint in 3 turns due to the effect of Peri
sh Song.
Very Important: If this is a one on one Pokemon battle, or if the Pokemon you ar
e using this for is your last Pokemon, do not faint. After doing this, do whatev
er you can to keep your Pokemon alive, because if it faints, you will lose the b
attle. So just keep your Pokemon alive.
Submitted by: Extreme Mewtwo on April 11, 2003
Verified by: Toki34
The Only way to get Jirachi other then a special nintendo event is to get the ga
mecube game pokemon box (or whatever the 1 with the pokemon on tv is)
and link up your game cube with ur gba and trnsfer jirachi when u beat pokemon b
ox to ur gba..(like i said ONLY WAY) dont belive any other crap people tell u
Submitted by: Will on April 07, 2007
Verified by: jmail
Latias tip
Ok so i finally got latias and thanks to many tips. How i started though, in lil
ycove head left till you get to route 121. follow the little curve and stop just
at the edge of the two rows of bushs. Then, if you have ran into latias before,
check the pokedex and see where she is. If she is not in that area, run back to
the first hous and go in and then come right back out. Run to the bushs and lik
e before check if she is there. I had success with this although sometimes it ma
y be boring. Before you start doing this though, make sure you have lots of Grea
t or ultra balls, lots like 30, and a wabufet at lv. 40 or so. Also what i did b
efore i used wabufet is i brought latias' health down to about 15%. With wabufet
in the lead latias can not run away, make sure you also have energy roots to re
health. It will be needed. And once you have latias in battle, just keep throwin
g balls and rehealthing untill you catch her. Wabufet works well, i wish i thoug
ht of using him a long time ago.
Submitted by: babasoots on April 19, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
After you have first found Latias/Latios and it flees after your first hit, you
may think you can never find it again. Not true! If you go on your pokedex and c
lick on Latias/Latios click on area and you will see where it is. But be warned
don't jus fly to it ors it'll move straight away, if I were you just walk/surf o
r whatever to him! (This is a real cheat honest!) You can try it for yourself!
Submitted by: Jay-4-u on October 29, 2004
Verified by: palkia ownz dialga, dekdut
You can find leftovers in the S.S(The Boat) after getting the ticket, and beatin
g the Elite 4, in the down-stairs bin you find leftovers. The only other way to
get leftovers is by getting past 42 wins in the battle tower.
Submitted by: ShinyMilotic on September 11, 2007
Verified by: Tycrazy710
Lilycove Dept. Store Lottery Prizes
To win the lottery, found at the Lilycove Department Store, you must match up ce
rtain numbers of your ID card with the lottery number. The more numbers that mat
ch up, the better and rarer the prize.
Matching all of the numbers gets you a Master Ball.
Matching 4 of the numbers gets you a Max Revive.
Matching 3 of the numbers gets you an Exp. Share.
Matching 2 of the numbers gets you a PP Up.
And obvioulsy only matching 1 number doesn't get you anything.
Submitted by: Jax06 on February 08, 2006
Verified by: blackfox_210
Long but worthy battle
If you find a Pokemon you want in the wild and you have some Timer Balls, just k
eep using Growl and all those no damage attacks. Then when the battle has gone o
n for about a minute, use one Timer Ball. If you didn't catch it, try it in anot
her minute. The stat-weakening attacks will acctually help catch it!
Submitted by: Jon24hours on August 23, 2005
Verified by: luckejessica
Master ball
In the Team Aqua Base, after some exploring, you will come across 4 items! Two a
re electrodes playing roles, 1 is a nugget, and 1 is a master ball! A master bal
l can catch any pokemon on the first try. Use it wisely, I suggest waiting until
you battle Rayquaza (dragon, flying).
Submitted by: Sapphire1994 on January 09, 2005
Verified by: comma aka com
Master Ball
DO NOT use the master ball on Rayquaza use it on Latios/Latias it is a lot stron
gre then Rayquaza when you get it to lvl 70 so to catch Rayquaza when you throw
the ball tap B and when the ball opens hold up on the D-Pad, it works 80% of the
time and as I said Rayquaza isn't as strong as Latios/Latias at level 70. so ha
ppy Hunting PokeFreaks
Submitted by: Will on April 07, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
May or Brendan Secrets
Dear Trainers,
Here's something to help you win better againest your rival. Here's the list:
Grovile:flying type ex. Taillow
Combusken:water type ex. Wingull or Gyarados
Marshthomp:grass type ex. oddish or Shroomish
Happy EVO. and catching for more hints email me at laramietibbals2000@yahoo.com.
Submitted by: Laramie on April 22, 2004
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Mirage Island
Ok, Mirage Island is an Island that you have very rare chances of getting there.
You need a Mirage Island Sensitive Pokemon to get there. And a Mirage Island Se
nsitive Pokemon is found randomly in the wild. You can't tell if it's a Mirage I
sland Sensitive Pokemon, but you can find out when you go to Pacificlog Town. Th
e bottom right house, go in and talk to the guy on the right side of the house,
he will tell you if you have a Mirage Island Sensitive Pokemon currently with yo
u. Mirage Island appears on Route 131. But if you surf there, it won't always be
there since you need a Mirage Island Sensitive Pokemon with you. On Mirage Isla
nd, you get the chance to get one rare berry, make sure you plant more when you
get it. Because you can only get it their. Also, you can find many Items in the
sand that appears on Mirage Island with your Item Finder. And then, there is onl
y one pokemon that is catchable on Mirage Island, that is a Whynaut, so, get as
many as you want.
Submitted by: Jax06 on October 17, 2003
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
more berries
you will need a wailmer pail and some berries
1.find an empty flower patch
2.plant a berry there
3.water it every 2 hours
4.in about 36 hours go back and there will be three berries on your tree take th
em and do it again.
Submitted by: starwarsmaster on June 02, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
mudkip has starter
if you think you shouldn't pick mudkip has a starter because of the third gym(el
ectric)do it anyway mudkip evolves into a water/ground pokemon and ground is sup
er affective against electric and he learns mud shot which is a good move to use
Submitted by: weird99 on July 06, 2007
Verified by: gr8nessplus2, shutora
Mystery Event Club
Ths is the way of using your e-cards and e-reader with your Ru/Sa game:
1. Go to the Petalburg Pokemon Center.
2. Talk to the guy near the P.C
3. He will ask you for your profile, answer "Yes".
4. Put down "Mystery Event Is Exciting"
5. He will tell you that you are in the Mystery Event Club.
6. Go to Lilycove City, to the house with the old man in. Talk to him while conn
ecting another GBA with the e-reader set up, and he will let you out back to int
eract with your pokemon-e card.
Submitted by: Extreme Mewtwo on April 11, 2003
Verified by: SethSkull, bikerchic22
orange hand
If you are in your boxes in the storage system press select your hand will be or
ange now you can move,withraw or deposit a pokémon just by pressing "A" once and n
ot one time select "withdraw","deposit","pick up" or "place" depending on what y
ou do.That means it will be faster to mave,withdraw or deposit your pokémons
Submitted by: mhuuh on August 29, 2006
Verified by: mhuuh2006
Perish Survive
You can survive the powerful and deadly Perish Song attack by having your pokemo
n use it. Then, when the Perish Song has only 1 turn left, pull your pokemon out
and bring out a different one. Your foe will fait and not your pokemon! Awesome
This comes in handy during the Pokemon League.
***Perish Song takes 3 turns, then it makes the pokemon that used it, and it's f
oe faint. Without fail!
Submitted by: Tanapopo on April 26, 2006
Verified by: mkeywood
Pick Up Ability
If you carry a pokemon with the Pick Up ability, they will pick up items every o
nce in a while. Sometimes you will even get Rare Candies, PP Ups, and Nuggets.
Submitted by: HeineRed on March 11, 2006
Verified by: 79Sm_Er_Ian630
Places you may or may not know about!
The "not so hidden" (Scorched Slab) Cave: Past Fortree on your way to Lilycove,
you may notice a pool of water. Surf across it and you will get to a cave. Insid
e an item awaits(Sorry, but I forget the item and the cave name).
Mirage island: Off the coast of Pacifidlog in an island. It's no regular island.
It only appears every week and a half or so. This island is covered with Wynaut
s(Psychic), the 1st stage of Wobbufett(Psychic). You can tell when it's there be
cause a man in Pacifidlog tells you if he can see it that day.
Shoal Cave: Every knows it! Well, MAYBE not EVERYone. Shoal cave is located abov
e Mossdeep. Sometimes the tide is low, and it's like a cave. Many items can only
be collected during this time, including shoal salt. At high tide, water fills
the cave, and you can reach items on pillars or places that before were too high
to reach, including shoal shells. If you get 1 shoal shell and 1 shoal salt, a
man near the entrance gives you a shell bell, which gradually increases the hold
er's health at the end of every turn. Also, many Spheals(water, ice) roam the ca
ves at high tide.
Sky Pillar: After defeating the Elite Four and the champion, a path appears wher
e rocks use to be northeast of Pacifidlog. This tower contains Golbats(Poison,fl
ying), sableyes(ghost,dark), Alterias(Dragon, flying) and Bannettes(ghost), rang
ing from level 49 to 56! In the tower some floor ir cracked. If you attempt to r
un, walk, stop, or ride an acro bike on this surface it will brake, sending you
to the floor below. You need to ride a mach bike and not crash. Eventually you w
ill get to the top of the tower, where the level 70 legendary Rayquaza (dragon,
flying) awaits you! (Hard to ctach with ultra balls, it had 2 hp, paralyzed, and
confused but one didn't work, save that ,master ball of yours or you'll be real
ly sorry!)
Underwater ruins: In the vicious current west of Pacifidlog (that seems to be in
volved a lot) is a dive area. Dive down using dive (that's a lot of dive) and fo
llow an underwater trail. You will find a sign in braille. It's a message to unl
ock one of the 3 regis. (Later on in the game you'll need to find 3 sets of 6 ro
cks around one huge rock, to get the regis, you'll know when you're close, here'
s a hint: You'll see a fossil maniac near them. Only three fossil maniacs appear
in the gmae, for the three rocks, one in the south part of the desert, one on t
he way from Petalburg to Dewford on the west side, and one inbetween Fortree and
Lilycove near the "not so hidden" cave.)
The Sootopolis shore: You know where the gym floats on an island, right? Right!
There are two areas, one of the left(east side of Sootopolis), and one on the le
ft(west side of Sootopolis), or so you THINK! Ever here about the SOUTHwest side
? It's obvious, you just may or may not know there is a person. A girl named Kir
i gives you 2 free random berries. Stop by every day for two berries. (I know a
way to get 6 berries daily without berry trees, wanna hear? 2 from Kiri, 2 from
the berry master, one from his wife, and one from a man in Lilycove)
Submitted by: Sapphire1994 on January 12, 2005
Verified by: luckejessica, deoxys360
Plenty of Rare Candies :)
In the very beginning of the game catch a whole team of zigzagoons, and your sta
rter, then just play like normal, every couple battles check your zigzagoons and
they should be carrying an item, can range from full heal to full restore to pp
up to rare candy <img src="http://i.neoseeker.com/d/icons/smile.gif" border=0 v
space=2 alt="" /> By the time i got to elite four i had 27 rare candies saved up
Submitted by: Mike on May 10, 2009
Verified by: BigDicks4Sale
Pokemon Contest
In Pokemon Contest houses, you may enter your Pokemon into a contest for a chanc
e to win a medal. However if you enter without any Porok level ups, you will hav
e a very low chance of winning. The way to raise this is to go out and find the
trees with berries on them, then press A. You will then receive 1 to 4 berries.
If you now go to a Pokemon House, you will see small gray machines on the right.
The empty one on the top is for multi-player. For now, find a house in a city t
hat only has a man at the bottom. Go to the other side of the machine and press
A. You will then be asked to pick a Porok (berry) and throw it in. The spinner w
ill come down and start moving. The objective is to press A just when the spinne
r hits your arrow:
Circle Within A Circle: Direct hit (much faster)
Circle: Near hit (slightly faster)
X: Miss (slower)
The faster you (and your opponent) get the spinner moving, the better. Once the
meter at the top hits the end, it is over and the results and the fastest RPM th
e spinner was moving will appear. You will then receive a Blended Porok. The lev
el of it depends on how fast you got the machine going. The average appears to b
e 11. Next, open your Special Items Pocket and go to your "Pez dispenser" type i
tem (which you must have to play the game -- it is obtained from the girl in the
first contest house). You will then pick a Blended Porok and feed it to a pet,
making one of his Pokemon Contest stats (viewable in the Poke-Navi) go up. Some
can even raise multiple stats. The more you do this, the better chance you have
of winning.
Submitted by: SS4Frieza on June 17, 2003
Verified by: Pikachu705, Kyogre879
Popular phrase help
Allright for every one out there i found something i didn't know at all! The pop
ular phrase in Dewford Town sometimes is unchangable but i found a way. When u g
o to the Berry Master's house and tell the wife a "good Saying" that phrase gets
tranffered to the Dewford guy. There U go . Go and try it everyone Peace Out
Submitted by: Freddy on August 02, 2006
Verified by: blkbelt
Premier ball easy to get (very easy)
Buy 10 poke balls at a mart or department store or anywhere you can get poke bal
ls.And she will say ill throw in a premier ball in free.(you will still have the
poke balls though)
Submitted by: sam on January 22, 2006
Verified by: Deoxys12, mhuuh
rare candy
out side of the boat near dewford go down to the rocks. keep going and there is
shallow water with a rock in the middle. stand in front of the rock and press a
and get a rare candy.
Submitted by: Super_Shadow_X on August 22, 2006
Verified by: marill, shamim
rare candy (acro bike)
if you have an acro bike, fly to fortee city and go down to the river on route 1
19. use surf and go up the waterfall. go to the peice of land on your left (ther
e are two berries[i forgot the name]) and use the acro bike to ride on the poles
. on the other side, there will be a hidden kecleon(use the thing that steven ga
ve you). fight it if you want or just run. go up to the second set of poles and
hop across. keep on hopping until you get to the uppe part of land with the berr
power to the noobs!
Submitted by: raikanami_blaziken on July 23, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Reccomended moves for Blaziken
I taught my Blaziken: double kick...power 30x2, accuracy 100, Blaze kick...power
85, accuracy 90, fire blast...power 120, accuracy 85, sky uppercut...power 85,
accuracy 90.
some disagree but i think these moves are good enough for me.
p.s. im a noob!
Submitted by: raikanami_blaziken on July 23, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Recomended Pokemon to beat Elite4 and other tips
Need help to get wonderful Pokemon to help you defeat the Elite4? HAHA i have a
perfect party to help you win.
-Swampert Lv60+ with earthquake,Surf etc.
-Kyogre Lv55+ with hydro pump,ice beam,surf etc.
-Salamence Lv55+ with Flamethrower,Fly etc.
-Machoke Lv50+ with Karate Chop,siesmic toss etc.
-Absol Lv50+ with Slash,Perish song,Protect etc.
-Aggron Lv60+ with Dragon claw,Iron tail etc.
Believe me my party was Swampert Lv61,Kyogre Lv57,Salamence Lv55,Machoke Lv52,Ab
sol Lv52 and Aggron Lv61 and That was my first win against the Elite4 in the Hal
l Of Fame.
P.S use HM Surf for all water Pokemon
Submitted by: Csandscking on June 21, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Regies Full Guide
OK here's a full guide to the regies.
Part 1: unlocking the caves
moves/pokemon required: surf, dive, dig, wailord, relicanth
to get the regies (regirock regice and registeel) go to Pacifidlog Town and surf
left near the bottom until you reach route 134 and there should be a place wher
e you can dive on that route. go down until you reach some braille on the wall a
nd go up. when you're in there go to the crumbly wall at the back and use dig. i
n the second cave you have to have the relicanth in your first slot and wailord
in your second. click on the writing in the back of THAT cave and you will open
the other caves.
Part 2: Island Cave
moves/pokemon required: surf
Surf south from petalburg (or north from dewford) and the cave is on the west of
route 105. once you are in there read the writing DON'T MOVE!!! after awhile th
e wall will open to the second cave.
Regice Lv40 type: ice
Moves: curse, superpower, ancientpower, icy wind
weak to: fire, rock, steel, fighting

Part 3: Desert Ruins

moves/pokemon required: strength
go east from lavaridge onto route 112 (the desert) and go to the south part of t
he desert. there will be another cave. once in there click on the writing then t
ake 2 steps left and 2 steps down and use strength (there's no boulder there so
don't worry about that). that will open the second cave.
Regirock Lv40 type:rock
Moves: curse, superpower, ancientpower, rock throw
weak to: water, grass, ground, steel, fighting

Part 4: Ancient Tomb

moves/pokemon required: fly
Go southeast from fortree (or west from lilycove) to the area where the route be
nds right and there are a bunch of puddles (but NO rain). go above the pond on t
he left and you will find the tomb. once in there read the writing ( i don't thi
nk reading is necessary but i would do it to be safe) then use fly in the middle
of the room. for the last time the second room will open.
Registeel Lv40 type: steel
Moves: curse, superpower, ancientpower, metal claw
weak to: fire, ground, and of course fighting
Immune to poison

they all have the ability clear body so you can't reduce their stats
this DOES NOT work for emerald and should work for ruby.
Submitted by: qwerty on April 17, 2010
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Ok, i only got one of the regi's so heres how u get a regirock. Get a relicanth
and wailord. Then go to a black deep trench.(its a thing were u use dive.) Then
put relicanth at the tip top and wailord at the bottem. Then an earthqauke will
happen. Then go to the desert and go all the way back. There will be a little do
t. But i dont Know that this is regirock ice or steel. 'SIX EYES BRING THE KING'
.i dont know bot i got my regirock lv 40!
Submitted by: master of cheats on May 10, 2009
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
ride on bars/poles
You know those bars/poles on the route 119 just outside of fortree city. Well if
you get an arco bike you can ride around on those and hop onto other poles/bars
. You can ride on them with a mach bike but can't hop onto other bars/poles. Wei
rd huh?
P.S. ther is a rare candy you can get if you have an arco bike=)
Submitted by: masquerain lover on April 05, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Safari pokemon
Pokemon you can find in the safari zone:
[Mod Edit] Seaking, Goldeen, and Xatu can also be found in the Safari Zone.
Submitted by: Sapphire1994 on January 09, 2005
Verified by: luckejessica
Salamence Dragon Dance
Besides Double Team, Salamence doesn't learn any good stat up moves by level up
or TM. Since Salamence has good Attack and Speed, Dragon Dance is a great move t
o learn by breeding with a male Gyarados knowing Dragon Dance, because when used
in battle it makes Salamence out speed most Pokemon and do lots of damage.
Submitted by: ShinyMilotic on March 21, 2008
Verified by: BK123
Secret bases
Lots of people want secret bases, right? well, I'll tell you where to get stuff,
where to build them and how to build them.
If you go to Mauville City, you can go up past it, you go up here to get to Lava
ridge Town, and there is a boy looking at a tree. talk to him. he will give you
the tm 'Secret Power' Teach it to a pokemon.
In trees, clumps of grass or in caves. press A on the place you want to build a
secret base. it will say 'do you want to build a base?' click yes. you'll be put
in. Decorate it and TADA!
to start of with, theres a market in Slateport. theres a guy who'll only sell yo
u stuff if you have 'Secret Power'. talk to him. he'll sell you stuff for your b
ase. or you go to lilycove city, in the big store. go to lvl 5. its a whole stor
e for secret bases. in Mauville game corner you can win dolls. talk to a girl an
d she'll give you one for free! you can put dolls and cushions in your room as w
ell. you can buy plants for your secret ase at pretty petals flower shop. Spread
flowers through the world!
Submitted by: Sakura on June 23, 2007
Verified by: GoldenSunMaster
to get a shedinja make sure you have 5 pokemon in your party (including your nin
cada) and you have at least 1 pokeball in your bag.train nincada to Lv20 and it
will turn into ninjask.Look in your party and in your 6th slot you will have a L
v20 pokemon called shedinja!! It only has one hit point, but is undamageable by
anything but super-effective attacks!
Submitted by: minijinx on May 21, 2004
Verified by: monkie, Phanpy Luva
Some OK tips
Note: Sorry for any misspellings. Im terrible at that sort of thing!
Kyroge might very well be the stongest Pokemon in the game. Make sure it knows h
ydro pump, sufr, blizard, and Thunder. All of these attacks are super strong, an
d when combined with Kyroge's DRIZZLE affect, they all have a very very very goo
d chance of hitting and all the moves are powered up too. Thunder rarely if ever
misses when its raining!!! My level 56 Kyroge dropped the level 70 Raquyaza in
one hit from blizzard. And it wasnt even a critical hit!!! Granted that Raquyaza
is a dragon/flying pokemon.
A fast way to beat ur dad in the gym (Norman): If u start out with chicorita by
the time ur ready to fight ur dad, Torchik should have evolved to combuskin and
learned double kick. This should let u entirely sweep the gym with combuskin if
u have berries or other items to let u heal combuskin and restore the PP of doub
le kick. Although it pry would be smart to have a back up fighter, just in case
things go bad but u should be alright.
A good team for your doubles matches. Have a strong pokemon that knows Earthquak
e and an ally that is flying or has LEVITATE as a special ability. That way the
Earthquake will bash only ur enimies. This is especially true for the reporters
that follow u everywhere. The earthquake from a strong pokemon should take care
of both their pokemon. I used this to level up my weak flyers and to earn tons o
f money with the AMULET COIN. ;-)
Well, thats all 4 now. Ill post more when they come up. Later
Submitted by: Railer on March 29, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Special Recognition
Once you have collected all 200 Pokemon in this game, go to the Hotel in Lillyco
ve and the man who is incharge of the Game Freak will give you a diploma.
Submitted by: moocoweatsfire on December 04, 2004
Verified by: Mhl11, valence069
Starter Pokemon
In all the games, I always start with the water pokemon. in Sapphire, this is Mu
dkip. With this type, you can beat the first gym with just one or two pokemon, (
since Roxanne fights with rock pokemon)and a water-type helps with the second gy
m. Also, later in the game, it can learn other moves that will help you easily b
eat other leaders. Hope this helped!
Submitted by: Aithne StarSword on May 10, 2005
Verified by: HPinvent
Stay In the Safari Zone Forever!!!
Get a Pokemon that knows sweet scent and keep on using it until you find that ex
clusive Pokemon you want. Once you found it, feel free to battle it in order to
catch it!
Submitted by: moocoweatsfire on January 10, 2005
Verified by: Cheater X
Steven's Gift
After you defeat the Elite four, you will fight Steven, the champion. After you
beat him, you are the new champion. Then, go to his house in Mossdeep. You will
see an item on the desk. It is a pokeball containing a Beldum(steel, Level 5)
It knows take-down, and will evolve into a metang at level 20(steel, psychic). S
ometime around level 45 it will evolve into a Metagross,(steel, psychic), Steven
's most powerful pokemon!
Submitted by: Sapphire1994 on January 09, 2005
Verified by: gamecube_plus_ps2_me, Pokefreak921
Stronger Pokemon
Actually this works with any of the Pokemon games. What you need to do is take a
ny Pokemon you want stronger (preferably low level) give it all the HP up, and i
rons and stuff like that it can take then raise it. Raise it in low level areas
even when it reaches higher levels. If you do this you'll find that your Pokemon
gets stronger each level than it would if you raise it faster. Rare candies onl
y make weak pokemon at lvl 100. I've proven this for myself. for example, a Riac
hu lvl 100 I had had 260 HP when raised only with rare candies. however a Riachu
lvl 100 I had had 350 HP when i raised it with low incriments of EXP per battle
. It takes a while to do this but it's worth the wait!!!
Submitted by: Sarah on December 11, 2004
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
The Best Moves for Blaziken
Breed a male Vigoroth that knows Endure and Reversal with a female Blaziken to g
et a Torchic. Hatch one that is Hasty, Jolly, or Naive. Level it up and give the
Blaziken Sky Uppercut and Flamethrower. Attach a Salac Berry. It's almost unsto
ppable with the Endure/Reversal combo.
Submitted by: Orange and Black on January 16, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
The Elemental Stones
Haven't figured out how to get the Elemental Stones yet? Well, they might just b
e under your nose. Literally.
You know that house on water east of lilycove? Go in that house, and it should b
e a guy who is looking for shards. Search the water around his house, and you sh
ould find little bodies of water. Dive there, and underwater, search for dive op
enings to dive up. If you dive up in the right place, you will find a shard. Giv
e that to the man you met in that house and he will give you a stone depending o
n the color of the shard you gave him. (i.e, if you give him a Green Shard, he w
ill give you a Leaf Stone, as a Red Shard is to a Fire Stone, etc.)
Keep searching little bodies of water around his house. You will find shards to
trade in for stones.
Submitted by: Extreme Mewtwo on June 20, 2003
Verified by: legendmaniac, Kaiba_
Tips for battling and catching pokemon
If you are in front of a rare once-in-a-lifetime pokemon, save before you battle
it. That way, if it dies, you can try again.
If you are in front, near, or suspect a battler,save the game! You can find out
what pokemon they have (and what you need) and if you need to train your pokemon
. You just turn the gave off without saving if you die.
Submitted by: anonymous on November 23, 2005
Verified by: just4lizzy, Majjin Latias
TM1- Focus Punch - Find it on Route 115, then Surf Up until you get to another l
and. Then follow the rocky path after that. It is an item that is shaped like a
TM2 - Dragon CLaw - Find this powerful move in Meteor Falls
TM3 - Water Pulse - When you beat the 8th Gym, you get this TM.
TM4 - Calm Mind: The 7th Gym's gift to you after you beat it.
TM5 - Roar - Find this on Route 114 and talk to the guy with the Poocheyena.
TM6 - Toxic - Find this in the Fiery Path.
TM7 - Hail - Get it in the Shoal cave after helping the Old Man find his items.
TM8 - Bulk Up - After beating the Dewford Gym Leader, he will give this to you.
TM9 - Bullet Seed - Talk to somebody on Route 104 for him to give it to you.
TM10 - Hidden Power - Get this item at Slateport City, or the alternative way is
to get this TM at Fortree City.
TM11 - Sunny Day - Find this item in the Scorched Slab.
TM12 - Taunt - Solve a certain puzzle in the Trick House to get this TM.
TM13 - Ice Beam - Buy this item for 3,000 dollars at the Mauville Game Corner.
TM14 - Blizzard - But this TM for 5,000 dollars in the Lilycove Department Store
TM15 - Hyper Beam - Lilycove Store for 7,500$.
TM16 - Light Screen - Lilycove Store for 3,000$.
TM17 - Protect - Lilycove Store for 3,000$.
TM18: Rain Dance - Get this item in the Abandoned Ship underwater.
TM19 - Giga Drain - Get this item in Route 123.
TM20 - Safeguard - Lilycove Store for 3,000$.
TM21 - Frustration - Get this item in Pacifidlog Town after showing a certain ma
n a Pokemon that hates you.
TM22 - Solarbeam - Find this item in the Safari Zone
TM23 - Iron Tail - Located in Meteor Falls.
TM24 - Thunderbolt - Buy it in Mauville for 4,000 coins.
TM25 - Thunder - LilyCove Store for 5,500$.
TM26 - Earthquake - Located in Seafloor Cavern.
TM27 - Return - See how to get the Frustration TM except get a Pokemon that like
s you instead of one that hates you.
TM28 - Dig - Get this item in the Fossil Maniac's House and talk to the first pe
rson you see.
TM29 - Get this item in Victory Road
TM30 - Shadowball - Find this item on Mt. Pyre
TM31 - Brick Break - Get this item in Sootopolis City.
TM32 - Double Team - Get this item at Mauville Game Corner for 1,500 coins.
TM33 - Reflect - Get this item in the Lilycove Department Store for 3,000 dollar
TM34 - Shock Wave - Get this item after you beat the Mauville Gym Leader.
TM35 - Flamethrower - Mauville Game Corner for 4,000 coins.
TM36 - Sludge Bomb - Get this item in Dewford Town.
TM37 - Sandstorm - Located in the desert.
TM38 - Fire Blast - Lilycove Department Store for 5,500 dollars.
TM39 - Rock Tomb - Beat Rustboro Gym, then you get this TM.
TM40 - Aerial Ace - Gift after beating Fortree Gym.
TM41 - Torment - Get this item in Slateport City.
TM42 - Facade - Gift after beating Petalburg Gym.
TM43 - Secret Power - Find this item in Route 111.
TM44 - Rest - Get this item in Lilycove City.
TM45 - Attract - Get this item in Verdanturf Town.
TM46 - Theif - Get this item when Team Aqua or Team Magma invades the Oceanic Mu
TM47 - Steel Wing - Get this item in Granite Cave after talking to Steven.
TM48 - Skill Swap - Located in Mount Pyre.
TM49 - Snatch - Found on the S.S. Tidal.
TM50 - Overheat - Gift after beating Lavaridge Gym.
These are any and all of the TM's you need.
Submitted by: Extreme Mewtwo on April 05, 2003
Verified by: AltariaMaster23, LightningThedgehog
to get a bagon easily
first u need the hm waterfall and a pokemon that knows sweet scent(you can catch
an oddish in route 117).go to the meteor falls and cross the giant waterfall an
d try to go to the water which you can see as soon as you go to the ladder.go an
d surf in the water and go on going until you find a cave go in side it.and you
will find an item there(i forgot what is it). and go round until you get to see
2 wild pokemon but dont catch them just flee away.and go to theleft down part an
d go 2 steps from there and use sweet scent until you find a bagon.this cheat ne
eds some patience. it wors 100 percent.
Submitted by: pranav on April 23, 2009
Verified by: blkbelt
To get corsola and skitty
trade your pikachu to a girl in the first/second house on the right for a skitty
Evolve your gloom to a bellosom with a sun stone then trade it to a girl in paci
fidlo. SDhe;'s in teh house before the guy who tells you about mirage island.
Submitted by: pichu_crazy on April 24, 2006
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Training tip
I have a great tip for you to train and get your Pokemon stronger fast. Hook ont
o one of your Pokemon Extra share. Then take a Pokemon about the same level as t
he Elite 4. Keep winning the Elite 4 and pretty soon all you Pokemon will be a v
ery high level. After about going through the Elite 4 about 10-20 times you shou
ld have your weak Pokemon to about LV. 60.
Submitted by: TrunksnGoten on June 21, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
TV Guide
Always check TVs. There is at least one in each city, except Ever Grande City. H
ere they are-
Littleroot Town-Your House, Rivals House
Oldale Town-House on the bottom right
Petalburg City-Wally's House
Rustboro City-House across from PokeMart, House next to gym
Dewford Town-House at the very bottom right corner
Slateport City-The first house on the right fromt he beach
Mauville City-The house where you get Rock Smash
Verdanturf Town-The hosue on the bottom left with the lady and her pikachu
Fallarbor Town-Move Tutor's House
Lavaridge Town-House next to the Herb Shop
Fortree City-Last tree house on the northern set with the man in front of it, se
cond house on northern set with old lady
Lilycove City-House north of shipyard with four boys, Move Deleters House. There
is also one at the hotel, but you cant watch it.
Mossdeep City-House below PokeMart, the PokeBlock guys house, Super Rod's Guy's
Sootopolis City-House on the side with PokeCenter with Azumarril inside, House o
n side with Mart, as far south as you can go, House with Brick Break TM
Pacifidlog Town-Norhtern house on the left side, TM Mans house
Ever Grande City-None
This list is to save you time when you are running aroudn looking for a TV. TVs
are very helpful as they tell you things like-
When Lilycove Dept. Store has Clearout sales
When Energy Guru comes to Slateport
Service Day at Mauville Game Corner
Outbreaks of rare Pokemon on certain routes
Interviews with you
When Latias/Latios appears(once)

And it tells you lots of other stuff too. Remember this- If a TV is flashing the
n its important. Go up to it and press the A button.
Good Luck!
Submitted by: skittycutie on June 29, 2005
Verified by: valence069
unlimated stones! rate please
its not that hard to get the stones. all you have to do is catch some pokemon on
the list. give the shards to the kid in the house of the coast of mossdeep city
and he will trade the shards for stones!
clamperal-blue shard------water stone
corscole-red shard-------fire stone
relicanth-green shard-----leaf stone
chinchou-yellow shard----lightning stone
relicanth - underwater near sootopolis city
chinchou - underwater near sootopolis city
clampearl- under water near sootopolis city
corsola- super rod fish for it at route 128
you might not get the shards on the first pokemon you capture so keep trying and
you can get unlimated stones!
p.s.lunatone gets you a moon stone and solrock gives you a sun stone.
Submitted by: regicheese on August 01, 2007
Verified by: jasonlim56
Unlimited luxory balls
Beat all the contests with a pokemon. Then keep beating the master rank contest.
Submitted by: Latias is cool on June 30, 2004
Verified by: Deoxys12
Unlimited Safari game
When you go to the safari zone go to where you want a pokemon from. When the tap
the directional pad lightly so you just face the direction. The man will never
call you to stop and the pokemon will still attack.
Submitted by: Little old me on May 18, 2006
Verified by: luckejessica
Unlimited Ssafari Time
To stay in the safari zone forever, all you have to do is:
1. Get the acro bike from Rydell
2. Go to the safari zone
3. Go to the patch of grass in which you will catch the pokemon you want. (Anywh
4. Get on the acro bike
5. Keep doing bunny hops (hold B) until you find a pokemon.
NOTE: this does not work in the places you need the mach bike to get to because
for this to work, you must have the acro bike.
Submitted by: da best on May 15, 2005
Verified by: SaphireHeenoto
Using Theif
After defeating the Team Aqua one of them will give you TM theif. Teach it to a
high level pokemon with high speed high defense but very low in sp. attack(theif
is a sp. att)
OK here goes:
ex: linoone holding nothing
battle something that holds an item use theif make sure it will not faint becaus
e you will not get the Item.
~Pokemon you can use theif on:
vulpix--rawst berry
numel--rawst berry
zigzagoon or linoon--oran berry
Spinda--chesto berry
Dragon tamer Nicholas' shelgon--dragon fang
Luvdisc--heart scale
lunatone--moon stone
lairon--hard stone
clamperl--blue shard
relecanth--green shard
Some are used on battle towers like Salac berry that raises speed.
I hope you will have a great day using theif
Submitted by: Cathrina on March 12, 2004
Verified by: Dark Divine Alex, SaphireHeenoto
want super high HP?
All you have to do is get a pokemon with a three eveloution line,evolve it the f
irst time then keep the second form, when the pokemon gets to lv 99,evolve it an
d it will have wicked hp yo,keep this handy for the battle tower.

hope this helps!

Submitted by: darkhelmet on July 02, 2007
Verified by: jonathan108
wierld but good combo in double battle
this can be made by any 2 pokemon exept 1 thing:one must have the move ''rage''a
nd the other must have a lower speed,lower attack and an attack move(tackle for
exemple).first the quick pokemon with rage attack the opponent.after,the second
pokemon use tackle and hit the pokemon who used rage.the first pokemon will boos
t it attack and will not be too hurt!(one thing, if the quick pokemon is at very
low hp,use false swipe for not make it faint!)
Submitted by: xtremnic21 on June 30, 2008
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Back to top
Berry Time Glitch Fix
As you may notice, some, if not all Sapphire Games have a Glitch when it comes t
o Berries. This Glitch can be fixed, by either of the following:
-Colosseum Bonus Disk (unconfirmed since I don't have a Gamecube.)
-Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red
-Pokemon Emerald
Now, for the last two methods, here's how to do it.
-You need another Gameboy, either Pokemon LG/FR or Emerald, and a Link Cable.
-Turn on the Gameboy that has Pokemon LG/FR/Emerald, load it up to the title pag
e (The one that says Pokemon --- and has a picture of either Venasaur/Charizard/
Rayquaza and press B+Select. Instructions should come up. Press A.
-Now, you should Connect the two Gameboys together, but make sure that te Player
one side is on the Gameboy with LG/FR/Emerald. DO NOT TURN ON THE OTHER GAMEBOY
. Once the Link Cable is Properly connected, press A.
-It will now tell you to hold down Select+Start on the Gameboy with Sapphire in
it to turn it on. It will now start fixing the glitch.
Hope that helped. If you need more help, just send me a message.
Submitted by: lilac9880 on June 10, 2010
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Back to top
Free Return/Frustrarion TMs
Every week, the man in the house on the east of Pacifidlog Town will give you a
free Return or Frustration TM depending on whether the 1st pokemon in your team
likes or dislikes you.
Submitted by: HeineRed on March 07, 2006
Verified by: Mhl11, HeJHogG
Get a painting from Tough contest!
All you have to do is beat the Tough Master Contest
Submitted by: anonymous on March 03, 2007
Verified by: luckejessica, Tycrazy710
Get easy the elemental stones !!!
WATER STONE: Go to the abbonded ship in route 108. (you need surf !!!)
THUNDER STONE : If you beat the Elite Four ...Go to Mauville City . There is a g
ymleader. He give you a key to his base.(his base is in route 110. You have to s
urf there.
FIRE STONE : Go to MT.Chimney. There is a entrance.Then you have to go in and yo
u see steam on the flour. There is boulders. You need strenght then. Move the bo
ulders a way and you see a pokeball. Pick it up and you have a fire stone.
MOON STONE : Go to Meteor Falls. And you will be find Moon stone.
Submitted by: IndoRyan on August 04, 2006
Verified by: Lashrom, dragonash77
Get Feebas and Milotic
Feebas and Milotic are cool Pokemon, well at least Milotic is. Feebas is a fish
with holes all through it but it is cool cause it evolves into Milotic, a super-
strong water Pokemon. This is just like the Magikarp - Gyarados story, but a hel
l of a lot harder to do. To get a feebas you must first go to route 119 (the rou
te going North on the left hand side of Fortree city). Along this entire route i
s a river. This is where you find Feebas. But, it is very hard. To save you time
, DO NOT try and catch feebas by just surfing, you'll never find it. You can sur
f a fish, but not just surf. Not the hard part. Of all of the places on the rive
r, only six random tile at once will hold Feebas. These tiles are always random,
but will only change if you change the trendy saying in Dewford City. My sugges
tion is to use the old rod as you don't have to fish for very long with it, alth
ough any rod will work (I caught mine wit a super rod). The best way to find a f
eebas is to move onto every possible tile and fish through about for or five pok
emon until you find one. When you do find the right tile they are pretty common.
Now that you have a feebas you can get a Milotic. Just don't do what I did and t
ry and evolve it by raising it up levels. All Feebas ever learns is Splash, Tack
le and Flail, and its stats hardly change. I ended up with a level 65 pokemon th
at was beaten by level 15 pokemon. Before you can get your Feebas to evolve it m
ust have the right nature. The best natures are Quiet, Rash, Modest or Mild but
any other nature will wor except for Adamant, Careful or Impish. The reason it n
eeds a compatible nature is because feebas evolves completely different from all
other pokemon. Feebas evolves through Pokeblocks. You must feed your feebas as
many blue or indigo Pokeblocks as it can eat to max out its beauty level. Its be
auty must be at level 170 or else it won't evolve. Once you have maxed out this,
simply raise it one level and you have your Milotic. The best way to take advan
tage of a Milotic is to catch a male and female feebas and have them breed to ge
t an egg. Hatch and evolve.
The berries that will get the blue and indigo Pokeblocks are:
Blue: Chesto, Oran and Wiki
Indigo: Lum, Bluk, Wepear, Kelpsey, Hondew, Cornn and Pamtre.
A Feebas learns these moves:
Splash Lvl 5
Tackle Lvl 15
Flail Lvl 30
A Milotic learns these moves:
Water Gun Lvl 1
Wrap Lvl 5
Water Sport Lvl 10
Refresh Lvl 15
Water Pulse Lvl 20
Twister Lvl 25
Recover Lvl 30
Rain Dance Lvl 35
Hydro Pump Lvl 40
Attract Lvl 45
Safeguard Lvl 50
Submitted by: Zarathustra on September 22, 2005
Verified by: Mhl11, travinator121611
Have A Pokeblock Case !!!
Go to Slateport City. Go to the Contest Building.
You see a little girl... Talk to her and you will get a Pokeblock Case !!!!
Submitted by: IndoRyan on August 04, 2006
Verified by: CrazyforHM, travinator121611
Hidden Trainer
On the Mauville-Slateport cycling road, right after you enter, but before you go
on the ramp,there is a little hidden path of trees.At the end of that path is a
psychic trainer.She has a level 16 Abra.
Submitted by: Champion_Girl on January 21, 2007
Verified by: Princess Areanne, travinator121611
How 2 Get Xatu and Phanpy
If you have an Acro Bike, go to the Safari Zone near Lilycove. After you get in,
go north and keep walking around until you see a white bridge lookin thing. Get
on your bike and ride onto the bridge(weird, huh?) but to jump those seperate p
arts, you need to press B and up together(this may take a few tries). keep going
until you find a patch of grass. I found my Phanpy and Xatu here in no time at
all; happy catching!
Submitted by: RyuuNoShoujo_Shiraku on July 07, 2008
Verified by: GexTheLizard
How to get the Hidden Power TM
First go tho Fortree City by whatever means. Then go to the second house at the
top where you will see an old lady. Talk to her and she will test your hidden po
wers. When she asks what hand she placed the stone in tell her right, right, and
then left and she will give you the Hidden Power TM.
Submitted by: anonimous on June 30, 2008
Verified by: blkbelt
Leaf Stone!
At the north of Fortree city, there is a long river. Use surf until the end of t
he river, then you will see a pokeball. That's the Leaf STONE!!!
Submitted by: anonymous on February 03, 2007
Verified by: mkeywood, sakura_388
Ledge Glitch
Right when you get out of Mauville City on the east side, there is an Aroma Lady
that will challenge you to a battle. Stand behind the ledge that separates you
and her and when she spots you, she will run up the ledge and battle you. Normal
ly, this can't be done.
Submitted by: Night Fury on April 23, 2007
Verified by: luckejessica, Tycrazy710
I have found a method to catch the legendary pokemon, but first you need to enab
le the purchase of the timer ball at Rustboro City mart. You can do this by talk
ing to the guy outside the tunnel entrance near rustboro (after you save him fro
m Petalburg Woods). You can now buy Timer Balls and Repeat Balls from Rustboro m
Timer Ball: Increases chances of catching the pokemon if more turns are taken.
Repeat Ball: Increased chances if you have already caught that pokemon.
Back on topic. The repeat ball is unnecessary. Make sure you bring 5+ timer ball
s when you go after: Kyogre/Groudon, The Regi's, Rayquaza.
To keep taking turns, use the move False Swipe. Or, buy a load of pokeballs and
use them. Make sure they are only pokeballs, they cost less and can count for a
turn. the move False Swipe leaves the target with 1 hp without fail (however it
is not instantaneous. Example, it may only bring him down to say...59. But keep
using it until the bar is almost totally black.)You can keep using False Swipe b
ecause it will NEVER kill your target. You may want to bring extra potions and m
aybe a sleeper/paralyzer/freezer. You don't want the target to kill you instead.
The combo I used was: Relicanth with Yawn (He was only lvl 33.) and Sceptile lv
l 68 with False Swipe. Keep going with False Swipe and status problems. Then aft
er a bunch of turns, try a timer ball.
A few more possible combos would be:
Swablu (Or a Sing-er) and A False Swiper.
Magneton/Manectric (Thunder Wave) and a False Swiper.
One final note. Do not burn, poison, or confuse the enemy. You do NOT want to ki
ll him.
Submitted by: Anonymous on January 08, 2005
Verified by: Mhl11, sefwan
Legendaries Tips.
OK. The Timer Ball, exclusive at the Rustboro mart, is your best friend here. Wh
en you try to capture the Regi Trio, make sure you have a few of these plus some
moves just to take up a turn. Such as: False Swiping it until you run out of pp
, Throwing like 50 pokeballs (just pokeballs, no great balls or ultra balls, or
just rest yourself so you can't die. Whatever you do, dont kill him. You can do
one of the following to make him less dangerous:
Paralyze him.
Sleep him. (Yawn is good)
Freeze him.
Use the move Encore after he uses Super Power. He will keep using it, but it tak
es away so much attack and defense, that by the end it will only do about 2 dama
ge anyway.
So just keep throwing pokeballs, use useless moves (False Swipe when hes got 1 h
p.) Or just screech him to death, just don't kill him, poison him, or confuse hi
m. Keep taking turns until the Timer Ball spirits him away to Lannette's PC. And
for God's sake don't use your master ball!
Submitted by: I_Am_Great on January 08, 2005
Verified by: Mhl11, Tycrazy710
Lots of berries
At the start of the game, set your clock to the time it is, but swap am & pm (eg
. if it's 10:00am put 10:00pm)
Then when you get far enough to visit the berry master's house, go there. Take a
ll the berries and plant new ones. Because it is night when you play during the
day, it will rain. (It always rains at the berry master's house during night tim
e.) Thus the game will treat it as if you're always watering the berries wheneve
r you play.
So the berries will grow faster and with more berries.
Submitted by: DEK141 on July 29, 2007
Verified by: Tycrazy710
orange hand
In the move box when you move a pokemon the hand is colored white. Well if you p
ress select the had will change to the color orange. Wierd huh?
Submitted by: masquerain lover on April 05, 2006
Verified by: pichu_crazy, mhuuh
Sceptile, the greatest capturing tool.
Next to the master ball, Sceptile is your best, quickest, and most convenient wa
y to capture pokemon. Make sure he knows False Swipe, or just breed him with ano
ther pokemon so the egg's hatchling knows it. Carry a few pokeballs around with
you, and just False Swipe the pokemon you wanna capture. The move False Swipe is
designed to leave 1 HP to the target. Critical hits do not change this. Althoug
h in combat this move is next to useless, you can catch those stupid pokemon you
never got around to while you were focused on the gym challenge.
Submitted by: I_Am_Great on January 08, 2005
Verified by: Mhl11
Sealed Chamber Guide
This is a guide to get the three elemental legendaries of Ice, Rock And Steel. T
hey are Registeel, Regice And Regirock.
The sealed champer is located near the bottom end of the ocean current.
First of all you need a Relicanth. Catch these in the diving area located around
Sootopolis. Secondly you need a Wailord. Catch these with a Super Rod on Route
129. Alternately, catch a Wailmer and evolve it at Lvl 40. You must also have a
pokemon that knows Dig!
Step 1. The Relicanth must be first in your party and your Wailord last. Go to t
he Sealed Chamber and walk to the end of the room and use dig while standing in
front of the end wall. A door will Open!
Step 2. Once again walk to the end of the room with Relicanth and Wailord in the
right places. Read the wall and then press B. Three clicks will sound and text
will appear saying a door opened far away.
Step 3. Go and visit the Island cave, Above Dewford. Go inside, read the text bu
t simply wait for 2 minutes and the door will open. Walk through. TADA! Regice.
Bring Many Ultra Balls.
Step 4. Visit the Desert Ruins at the bottom of the desert. Go inside read the t
ext. Please Note that you must be in the centre of the wall. It simply says Righ
t, Right, Down, Down then us strength. The door opens! TADA! Regirock.
Step 5. Visit the Ancient Tomb. [south east of fortree city] Sorry don't know ex
actly where it is! Go inside. Don't bother reading the text. Just go to the midd
le of the cave and use Fly. The door opens. TADA! Registeel.
Hope this helped all you legendary lovers out there!
Submitted by: NZ Demon on October 14, 2005
Verified by: Deoxys12, flyer133
Selling non-buyable items
Here are some items you can sell but you can't buy and how much they sell for:
Nugget: $5000
Perel: $700
Big Perel: $4900
Master Ball: $0
Rare Candies: about $1000
Idems you can't buy:
Rare Candies
Master Ball
Big Perel
[Mod Edit] Rare Candies are around 4900.
Submitted by: Ellis the Man! on May 14, 2006
Verified by: sander123, masterfullnessmaster
The DRAGON CLAW TM! And secret TM.
First, beat wallace, teach waterfall to a pokemon. Then go to Meteor Falls in Fa
llabor town. Go up the water fall. Go into a cave. Then Surf here and there unti
l you see another cave. Go inside. go until the end and you get the TM02
DRAGON CLAW! Before you get to Laviradge town(first time), there are team aqua a
nd magmas blocking the way.Go up, Then you will see Archie. Beat him(require pok
emon lvl 25 above) and take the meterite in that container. Go back to Fallabor.
Right behind the girl with the azumarill, there is a house. Go inside and give
the man that meterite and he will give you a TM!
Submitted by: anonymous on February 06, 2007
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Tip: Pokeblock Testing.
You hear about all these disputes about animal testing on the news? Time to forg
et that. When I first started playing with pokeblocks and stuff, I found myself
giving all sorts of them to each of my pokemon, with no regard for which stats t
hey boosted. If you are unsure of which stats they boost, feed to it a totally u
seless pokemon *Cough*Magikarp. A great prize winner would be:A super cute Linoo
ne with Mud Sport, and Covet, and possible Attract. Or a maxed beautiful Kyogre
with Sheer Cold, Ice Beam, Surf, and Hydro Pump.
Submitted by: I_Am_Great on January 08, 2005
Verified by: this cheat is unverified
Training Lv. 20 and under pokemon
Find interveiwer gabbey and tv.They are in theree places 1. below the desert abo
ve mauvill city. 2. across the sea on the right of mauvill city 3. right of fort
ree city.
make sure you have the pokemon you want to train in either the first or second s
lot and a really strong pokemon in the other (one or two). Face interveiwer gabb
ey and tv in a doble battle. Defeat both of their pokemon with your stronger pok
emon your weaker pokemon gets the same exp. as your stronger one it just raises
higer like two or three levels.
Submitted by: pie on May 08, 2006
Verified by: sander123
walk on water
Well you must have dive. What you do is you go to Evergrande City and find the t
he underwater where you find the aqua hideout. First go in front of the door and
take about four steps back. Press B repeatedly (keep pressing B)while moving fo
rward until you look like you're going through the door. You should stop on the
door and it will ask you if you want to go up from underwater. Say yes. If succe
sful, you will be standing on water. If you got an acro bike, you can make splas
hes by hopping to keep wild pokemon away like a repel (sort of). Remember, you m
ust stop in side the door. It works for Ruby and Emerald too.
Submitted by: zigzaggirl on January 20, 2007
Verified by: ejsoccer24, marill
Pokémon Sapphire Forum Posts
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Pokemon Sapphire Version Cheats

Tags: Pokemon Sapphire Version Cheats, Pokemon Sapphire Version Cheat Codes, Pok
emon Sapphire Version Hints, Pokemon Sapphire Version Secrets
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Open Regirock/Registeel/Regice Lair
NOTE: You need a Relicanth and a Wailord on your team.
At the sealed chamber midway between Pacifidlog and Slateport (accessible only f
rom Pacifidlog) use Dive to enter a tunnel that leads to a slab with braille. Su
rface there and enter the sealed chamber.
The next step is to go to the back of that room and use Dig on the space where y
ou see braille in the back of the room to open up the next area.
Go to the rear part of the second room and read the inscriptions. It says you mu
st have a Relicanth in the lead slot and a Wailord in the last slot (of your Pok
emon line-up). You will then open up the entrances to each lair.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Unlockable: Find Latias
Once you become the Pokemon League Champion, pay extra attention to the TV. It w
ill broadcast information about a super-rare Pokemon. After that, be on the look
out for the Latias, which is exclusive to the Sapphire version of the game.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Unlockable: Exclusive Pokemon: Kyogre
The Sapphire version allows you to catch the ancient Pokemon Kyogre. It's only a
vailable in Sapphire, and you only face it once... in the Cave of Origin in Soot
opolis City. Save your Master Ball so you'll be sure to capture it at this encou
Pokemon Sapphire Version Unlockable: Find Corsola
Head down to Pacificlog Town. Go into the house that has a girl beside it. Once
you are in, talk to the woman in the back. It you have a Bellossom and you want
to get rid of it, you can trade it to her for a Corsola.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Find Nosepass
First, be sure to have a Pokemon who knows Rock Smash. Go to Dewford Town to the
Granite Cave and smash a couple rocks inside and Nosepass should show up.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Nab Shedinja
To get a Shedinja, follow these easy steps:
1. Catch a Nincada in Route 116 near Rustboro.
2. Make sure you have a extra slot in your party.
3. Also, you must have some Pokeballs if you have any.
4. Raise your Nincada to Level 20, it will evolve into a Ninjask.
5. And, you got a Shedinja!
If you don't have any extra space and/or Pokeballs, you're out of luck.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Ruby-Exclusive Pokemon
The following pokemon are not found in Sapphire and must be traded from the Ruby
* Seedot
* Nuxleaf
* Shiftry
* Mawile
* Zangoose
* Solrock
* Groudon
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Get to Rayquaza Quickly
Enter the Sky Pillar. Go to the second floor. Once you are there, use dig. It wi
ll take you right to Rayquaza.
Submitted by - anonomys (Lalnytns@aol.com)
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Capture Ralts
Ralts (the Pokemon Wally has as a starter) is a good pokemon to have in your par
ty through out your entire game. If you want to get it at the start of your game
, go to route 102 (outside of Petalburg City) and check in the small pile of gra
At the start of the game, it is pretty hard to find Ralts unless your Pokemon re
ally likes you, which is almost impossible. Just be patient, and you'll find Ral
ts. He/She evolves into Kirlia, then into Gardevoir.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Bring My Fossil to Life
Go to the sandstorm in Route 111 and go all the way up and all the way to the ri
ght. There you will find two fossils--The Claw Fossil and the Root Fossil--and y
ou'll need to pick one. Then go to the President's office in Rustboro City. Ente
r the room with lots of scientists and talk to the one in the lower right hand c
orner. Next, exit the building and walk around for about 30 seconds. Go back in,
talk to the same scientist that you talked to the first time and you will have
the Pokémon from the fossil.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Erase Save Data
At the title screen, where it says "PRESS START," press UP + SELECT + B to erase
your save data and start a new game.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: HM Locations
* HM#1--Cut: You get Cut at cutter's house in Rustborro.
* HM#2--Fly: You get Fly From May after beating Team Aqua at the weather pla
* HM#3--Surf: You get Surf from Wally's parenet's house next to your dad's G
ym after you beat your dad.
* HM#4--Strenth: You get Strength after you break one of the rocks seperatin
g the couples in the cave to the right of Rustborro.
* HM#5--Flash: You get Flash from the first guy you see in the cave next to
* HM#6--Rock Smash: Get Rock Smash in the house on the right side of Mauvill
e as soon as you enter from the bottom of Mauville.
* HM#7--Waterfall: You get Waterfall on the top left corner on the third, or
forth floor of The Cave Of Origin.
* HM#8--Dive: You get Dive at Steven's house in the top left corner of Mossd
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Battle Tower Prizes
Complete tasks in the Battle Tower to earn the following prizes:
1-5 Victories:
* Calcium
* Carbos
* HP Up
* Iron
* Protein
* Zinc
6 or more Victories:
* Bright Powder
* Choice Band
* Focus Band
* King's Rock
* Leftovers
* Mental Herb
* Quick Claw
* Scope Lens
* White Herb
50 Victories in a row:
* Award Ribbon
* Silver Shield
100 Victories in a row:
Gold Shield
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Rare Pokemon Location: Rayquaza
On Route 131 you'll find the Sky Pillar dungeon. When you enter it you need a Ma
ch bike to pass the different obstacles. At the top you'll find the level 70 Pok
emon Rayquaza.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Battle in a Friend's Secret Base
Once you link up at Pokemon Record Corner, your friend's Secret Base will appear
in your game. Once you enter the Hall of Fame, find the Base, and you'll be abl
e to fight your friend there.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Watch TV for Tips
Watch television to see commercials advertising bargains and the like. Here are
some occurences to keep your eyes peeled for:
* A commercial for the Mauville Game Corner. When it plays, head over there
for increased prizes.
* A commercial for the Lilycove Department Store. Get a discount after you s
ee the commercial.
* Pokemon sighting information. When the TV tells you a specific Pokemon is
spotted, go to that location to find the monster in question.
* A commercial for the Slateport City energy guy. Go to him to get energy it
ems at a reduced price.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Berries
Here's a list of all the berries:
1. Cheri Berry
2. Chesto Berry
3. Pecha Berry
4. Rawst Berry
5. Aspear Berry
6. Leppa Berry
7. Oran Berry
8. Persim Berry
9. Lum Berry
10. Sitrus Berry
11. Figy Berry
12. Wiki Berry
13. Mago Berry
14. Aguav Berry
15. Iapapa Berry
16. Razz Berry
17. Bluk Berry
18. Nanab Berry
19. Wepear Berry
20. Pinap Berry
21. Pomeg Berry
22. Kelpsy Berry
23. Qualot Berry
24. Hondew Berry
25. Grepa Berry
26. Tamato Berry
27. Cornn Berry
28. Magost Berry
29. Rabuta Berry
30. Nomel Berry
31. Spelon Berry
32. Pamtre Berry
33. Watmel Berry
34. Durin Berry
35. Belue Berry
36. Liechi Berry
37. Ganlon Berry
38. Salac Berry
39. Petaya Berry
40. Apicot Berry
41. Lansat Berry
42. Starf Berry
43. Enigma Berry
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint: Manually Share XP
Pick the pokemon you want to go up in exp. and put it in your first of pokemon.
Then, get in a battle and do not fight yet! Shift to a stronger pokemon and then
start to fight the opponent. Afterwards, both of your pokemon will have gained
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint - Lottery Ticket Save/Load Exploit
Go to the Lilycove counter, save the game and expire the rest of the (real) day
with pokemon in hand or a stowage box. Proceed to play the lottery and check to
see if the numbers on hte lottery match any of your pokemon's original (not curr
ent) trainer ID numbers. If not, you reset and reload the save.
Otherwise, the number of lottery digits matching your pokemon trainer IDs grabs
you a prize depending on the matches: 3rd Prize (2 Correct Digits) - ooo## = PP
2nd Prize (3 Correct Digits) - oo### = Exp. Share
1st Prize (4 Correct Digits) - o#### = Max Revive
Big Prize (5 Correct Digits) - ##### = Master ball
Of course the more trainer ID's you have ( Gotten by trading pokemon you caught
for ones other players have caught) the more likely you will get and faster you
will get the masterball Prize). This is of course, the non-glitch method of gain
ing PP and master balls.
Pokemon Sapphire Version Hint - Feebas Milotec Creation
Feebas is a fish with holes all through it but it is cool cause it evolves into
Milotic, a super-strong water Pokemon. To get a feebas go to route 119. Along th
is entire route is a river. This is where you find Feebas.
To save you time, do not surf (you'll never find it). Only six river tiles will
hold Feebas. These tiles are always random, but will only change if you change t
he "trendy saying" in Dewford City. Use a fishing rod, and fish a few pokemon fr
om each map tile until you get an idea which one has Feebas.
Feebas learns only Splash, Tackle and Flail, and its stats hardly change. Before
you can get your Feebas to evolve to Milotec, you must have the right nature.
The best natures are Quiet, Rash, Modest or Mild but any other nature will wor e
xcept for Adamant, Careful or Impish. The reason it needs a compatible nature is
because it evolves through Pokeblocks. You must feed your feebas as many blue o
r indigo Pokeblocks as it can eat to max out its beauty level. Its beauty must b
e at level 170 or else it won't evolve. Once you have maxed out this, simply rai
se it one level and you have your Milotic. The best way to take advantage of a M
ilotic is to catch a male and female feebas and have them breed to get an egg. H
atch and evolve.
The berries that will get the blue and indigo Pokeblocks are:
Blue: Chesto, Oran and Wiki
Indigo: Lum, Bluk, Wepear, Kelpsey, Hondew, Cornn and Pamtre.
A Feebas learns these moves:
Splash Lvl 5
Tackle Lvl 15
Flail Lvl 30
A Milotic learns these moves:
Water Gun Lvl 1
Wrap Lvl 5
Water Sport Lvl 10
Refresh Lvl 15
Water Pulse Lvl 20
Twister Lvl 25
Recover Lvl 30
Rain Dance Lvl 35
Hydro Pump Lvl 40
Attract Lvl 45
Safeguard Lvl 50

Pokemon Sapphire Version: Feebas/Milotic Guide by Johanass

Version 1.2, Last Updated 2004-01-26 View/Download Original File
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Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire
Comprehensive Feebas/Milotic Guide
Version 1.2
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Table of Contents
0) Version History
1) Getting Started
-Where are the Rods?
2) Finding Feebas
3) Evolving your new Feebas
4) Pokéblocks
-Getting the Berries
5) Breeding Options
6) Move List
-TM and HM list
-Egg Moves
7) Credits
(NOTE: To jump to a specific part, press Control+F and copy and paste
the heading of what you want to jump straight to it.)

+++++***********----------0) Version History----------***********+++++

01/26/04 version 1.2
Updated some things, fixed a typo, not too much done, however it's
now a final version as far as I can tell.
04/27/03 version 1.1
I updated the list of credits, did a little editing for continuity
and clarification. Added berry phrase for Pamtre berries, corrected the
erroneous egg move statement.

04/03/03 version 1.0

This is my first FAQ, I've written mini-faq's for friends but
never something to submit. I figured I would put in everything I know
about this specific topic and then take out the useless stuff. Well
here's what's left! I hope you find it useful. Enjoy version 1.0!

+++++***********----------1) Getting Started----------***********+++++

Well, first off you need a fishing rod. Any of the three will work
fine, old rod, good rod, or super rod will work for you. The old rod is
what I suggest because then you won t have to waste as much time on the
many other Pokémon you find by fishing. You will also need a Pokémon
with Surf, if you for some reason got rid of your old HM slave with Surf
on it, or for some reason don t have a Pokémon with Surf, you have to
teach it to one, no way around it. Just get any water type and teach it

????? Where are the rods ??????

The old rod is found in Dewford town near the dock where you first enter the
The good rod is found when you go on the west side of the lake on route 118.
You can either a.) go to Mauville city and use surf to get across the river,
or alternately you can go around Mt. Pyre and past the berry master from
Lilycove city. However the second route will make you wait much longer and
the first is recommended greatly. You have to walk that way while furthering
the story anyway.
The Super rod, which is overlooked by many, is actually right on Mossdeep
Island. If you go all the way to the right and go up the stairs you will
see a white rock in front of you. From there follow the path up and you
will see a house. Go in the house and talk to the guy, he will give you
the super rod.
+++++***********---------- 2) Finding Feebas----------***********+++++
This is the hardest part. To find Feebas you have to go to Route 119, the
route directly west of Fortree city. Now here s the kicker, you need to
fish for Feebas, however he only appears in 6 out of approximately 400
squares. Now it wouldn t be so bad, but the 6 squares are randomly reset
every time you change the popular phrase in Dewford town. Again it
wouldn t be so bad if you could just set the phrase to what someone else
has and then fish in the spot the other person was to get it. But alas,
this won t work. When you change the phrase the 6 squares are randomized
The best method I have found is to start in the lower right corner of
Route 119 and then move left all the way, up one row, then right all the
way like so, following the arrows. go up, then right, then up then left:

Start here []
So you will be sure to hit every tile. I suggest that you fish in each
tile 5 times. More is a little bit of overkill, and less just has enough
to let Feebas slip through.
If you are turned off of getting Feebas yet, your in luck, there is a
small silver lining to this cloud. When you do find a tile with Feebas,
you will be sure to find a lot of them. In the squares where he appears
he has an approximate encounter rating of around 60-80%. So you will see
him many times. I would recommend grabbing a few, and making sure you get
at least one female, that way you can always breed more instead of going
through this hell trying to get another.
****NOTE: The tile your fishing in will be the tile that your facing, not
the tile that your on.
+++++***********---------- 3) Evolving Feebas----------***********+++++

Finally the good part, because now you are stuck with an ugly fish. Well
to evolve it once again isn t easy. You need to feed it Blue or Indigo
Pokéblocks to get his beauty rating to 170. Now here s the tricky part,
you can only feed a Pokémon 12 Pokéblocks before it won t eat anymore.
Therefore you need high quality Pokéblocks to feed your Feebas.

+++++***********---------- 4) Pokéblocks ----------***********+++++

The Pokéblocks will raise various stats, mainly used in the contest part
of the game, which I will not be going into detail about. I suggest looking
at the gamefaqs.com Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire Message board for help, or look
into a FAQ on the same site for help in the contest portion of the game.
Back to the subject at hand, The Pokéblocks we want will make either blue
or indigo blocks; these will increase Feebas beauty. Like I said before we
need to get the beauty rating of Feebas up to 170 before it will evolve. Now
since there is no numerical representation on the summary function of the
party screen, for simplicity we can easily assume that 170 is extremely close
to max.
****NOTE: Some Pokémon only like certain colored blocks, this is determined
by their personality. I highly recommend checking your Feebas
personality before trying to feed it Pokéblocks, if it is Impish,
Careful, or Adamant, don t even bother trying to evolve him. He will
only evolve with very high quality berries because those personalities
hate DRY blocks, which is what the indigo and blue blocks are. Any
other personality will be ok to evolve with. Some people swear by
using only Rash, Quiet, Modest, or Mild, since they love Dry blocks,
however any other personality will work also. However with one of
the four just listed you can use lower level Pokéblocks.
To make these blocks you need certain berries, you can use low level and low
quality berries, however you do run the risk of not being able to evolve
Feebas. Here is a list compiled by the user jimmycrakcorn:
Group "C" (levels ~11)
Chesto Berry - Blue
Oran Berry - Indigo
Lum Berry - Indigo
Bluk Berry - Indigo
Weaper Berry - Indigo
Group "B" (levels ~23)
Wiki Berry - Indigo
Kelpsy Berry - Indigo
Hondew Berry - Indigo
Cornn Berry - Indigo
Group "A" (levels ~45)
Pamtre Berry
In this list it separates them into 3 classes, A, B, and C. C would be all
the berries that are NOT recommended to use for making Pokéblocks to evolve
Feebas with. However B is a very viable choice, and when these blocks are
fed to Feebas it should be almost guaranteed to evolve. Also finally you
find the Group A berries, or rather berry. You can feed this to Feebas and
not even have to feed him 12 to max out beauty. The preferred berries usually
used are Cornn, Hondew, and Kelpsy. There have also been reports of a few
people using Wikki berries, but those reports are less prolific.

????? Getting the Berries ??????

You can get the group "B" berries around the Hoenn region, however a popular
spot to go is the "Berry Master." The berry master lives on Route 23. If you
go to Lilycove and exit to the left, follow the path to the safari zone, next
surf south, past Mt. Pyre, and below Mt. Pyre you will be on Route 23. Follow
this route and you will end up at the house of the "Berry Master." Inside talk
to the gentleman and he will give you 2 rare berries, you can save before you
talk to him, and just reset and keep trying until he gives you the desired
berry(s). Another option you have here is talking to his wife. If you tell
the "Berry Master's Wife" the phrase "CHALLENGE CONTEST" then she will give
you one Pamtre berry, the only 'A' class berry. You only get one however,
and telling her the phrase again will not get you another. Make sure you
plant it and grow more, and that way you can make sure to always have at
least one.

****NOTE: To get the word "CONTEST" in your vocabulary you have to beat the
Elite Four.
When you do get your berries and are ready to make Pokéblocks, make sure you
have the Pokéblock case. This can be found in the contest hall in Slateport.
Talk to the little girl on the left when you enter and she says she has 2
cases, and gives you one.
Now that you have the case and the berries, head over to Lilycove city and
go to the contest hall there. I choose this hall because that you can try
to mix berries with 3 other people at the Pokéblock blender. Once your there,
walk over to the berry blender and choose the berry you want to blend into a
Pokéblock. You will then be put into a mini-game where you have to hit the
(A) button right when the arrow is pointing at your pointer. If you miss a
blue X appears, but if you hit, a red O appears, and finally if you get a
bull s-eye a red O with an X in it appears.
The more O s and O s with X s you get the better. You will get a higher level
Pokéblock, a level 23 Pokéblock is good for Feebas evolution. Also a lower
Feel rating is better; usually you can get around a Feel rating of 11.
After feeding your Feebas the 12 indigo or blue Pokéblocks, he should hopefully
have a high enough rating to evolve him. Now here is where it s finally easy,
to evolve him once his beauty is high enough, you just have to level him in
battle. After he goes up in level he will evolve. You could even use a rare
candy if you wish. He will still evolve either way, as long as you have his
beauty high enough.

+++++***********---------- 5) Breeding Options ----------***********+++++

Some people have decided they want an extra edge with their Feebas/Milotic,
so what they do is breed it to have specific moves when it hatches. One example
is breeding a female Feebas or Milotic with a male Corsola to breed over the
move Mirror Coat. While it is a very good move in Player vs. Player, you might
not see it used quite as much against the computer AI.
******SIDE NOTE: To get a Corsola, you will need to fish just south of
Evergrande city, either above or below the waterfall,
however the Super rod is required for Corsola. Once you have a
Corsola then you must first, make sure it s male, and second,
level it up to level 39 to make it learn Mirror Coat.
To then breed the move over, you need to put the female Feebas or Milotic,
and male Corsola in the daycare next to Mauville. Leave and walk around for
a while and come back, hopefully the old man outside the day care will be
standing outside the fence, talk to him and he will give you an egg that your
Feebas or Milotic laid. Next, you can take your Feebas/Milotic and Corsola
out of daycare if you want. Now if you took out your 2 Pokémon, you can bring
them back to the pc in the pokecenter, they aren t needed right now. However
keep the egg in your party and walk around. I suggest using the Mach bike and
riding around the town. Eventually the egg will hatch and you will have a
Feebas with the move Mirror Coat. It will also be level 5, so you can train
a somewhat better Pokémon. Refer to the advanced trainers guide on Gamefaqs.com
for information on how to train a better Pokémon.

+++++***********---------- 7) Move list ----------***********+++++

Feebas Level up moves:

Splash Normal type lvl 1
Tackle Normal type lvl 15
Flail Normal type lvl 30

Now for those paying attention, this means don t waste time leveling
Feebas, just try and evolve it right away!!!
Milotic s Level up moves:
Water Gun Water type lvl 1
Wrap Normal type lvl 5
Water Sport Water type lvl 10
Refresh Normal type lvl 15
Water Pulse Water type lvl 20
Twister Dragon Type lvl 25
Recover Normal Type lvl 30
Rain Dance Water type lvl 35
Hydro Pump Water Type lvl 40
Attract Normal type lvl 45
Safeguard Normal type lvl 50

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& TM and HM list &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

TM Feebas Milotic
Water Pulse X X
Toxic X X
Hail X X
Hidden Power X X
Ice Beam X X
Blizzard X X
Hyper Beam X
Protect X X
Rain Dance X X
Safeguard X
Frustration X X
Iron Tail X
Return X X
Double Team X X
Façade X X
Secret Power X X
Rest X X
Attract X X

Surf X X
Waterfall X X
Dive X X

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& EGG MOVES &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Now, lastly for the egg moves that can be taught to it by breeding
Feebas or Milotic with a Pokémon in its egg class which is Dragon
and water 1.
Mirror Coat
Mud Sport
Light Screen
Confuse Ray
The Pokémon in it s egg type are: (organized by evolution)
Relicanth (Water 1)
Corsola (Water 1)
Corphish Crawdaunt (Water 1)
Feebas Milotic (Water 1)
Psyduck Golduck (Water 1)
Spheal Sealo Walrein (Water 1)
Clamperl Huntail Gorebyss (Water 1)
Horsea Seadra Kingdra (Water 1)
Wingull Pelipper (Water 1)
Lotad Lombre Ludicolo (Water 1)
Surskit Masquerain (Water 1)
Azurill Marill Azumarill (Water 1)
Seviper (Dragon)
Swablu Altaria (Dragon)
Bagon Shelgon Salamence (Dragon)
Treeko Grovyle Sceptile (Dragon)
A sample move set for Milotic:
Rain Dance or Mirror Coat or Ice Beam

+++++***********---------- 7) Credits ----------***********+++++

This FAQ was compiled together by me, Johanass, and the research
done by myself and many more people on the Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire
Message boards. I owe a credit to everyone posting especially in
JimmyCrackCorn's Milotic thread, and also lulumarie for correcting
the berry table for the Wikki Berries placement in the "B" category.
If you would like to add something, question something, or ask
for something to be added, please contact me at dimmesdale@netzero.net
Please put Milotic Guide question, or something near that in the
subject or your email might accidentaly get deleted as spam.
:::NOTE::: FOR EVERYONE EMAILING ME: Read my FAQ, I will not answer
any question that is painstakingly described in my FAQ
For example, a popular email to me is:"How do I get a
Feebas?" These will be ignored, along with "Which rod
should I use?" Both questions are in the FAQ if you just
took a minute and read it. Otherwise, I will happily
respond. =)
Also, if Milotic or Feebas does not appear in the
subject line of the email, or if the email is blank,
the email will also be deleted as spam. I get close to
150 spam messages a day, I don't have a surplus of time
to weed through them. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.
I will happily respond to all emails I can.
This Document is Copyright 2003 by Johanass (Chris Lefevre)
Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire and all related marks are copyrighted and
trademarked by their respective owners. I am not affiliated with
them in any way.
This FAQ may be posted on any site so long as it remains unchanged
as I have posted it, in part or in full. You also must email me
telling me that you wish to post it on another site. You may not
charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.
You may save this FAQ and also print it out if you wish.
Thanks to all who helped with the filling in the few blanks I had,
anyone who would wish to further contribute to this FAQ is welcome
to do so, and you will be noted in the FAQ.
Pokemon Sapphire Version: Feebas/Milotic Guide by Johanass
Version 1.2, Last Updated 2004-01-26 View/Download Original File
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Finding Feebas
Feebas's location is one of the most peculiar in the entire game. To find it, yo
u have to go to Route 119. Feebas can only be obtained through fishing, but you
can't fish in just any spot. Out of the estimated 400 squares of water on Route
119, Feebas only appears in 6 of them. These 6 squares are entirely random, so a
sking somebody else where they got Feebas from won't help much.
In addition to this, every time you change the "Trendy Phrase" in Dewford Town,
the 6 squares are randomised again. There isn't really a method to finding the s
ix squares. If you fish in one place at least six times with the Super Rod (The
chances are a lot better with the Super Rod), and you haven't encountered a Feeb
as, then most likely you are not on the right square. On the bright side, once y
ou find the Feebas squares, you will discover that it is quite common. Feebas ap
pears approximately 60% to 80% of the time in those 6 specified squares, so be s
ure to catch more than one.
Evolving Feebas
Just like finding Feebas, evolving it isn't very easy as well. Feebas evolves in
a unique way: You must get its Beauty rating to 170, and then have it grow a le
vel. The main problem is that there is no numerical representation of your Pokem
on's Beauty rating. The only way to raise Beauty is by feeding Feebas Blue or In
digo PokeBlocks.
PokeBlocks are used to raise five different aspects of your Pokemon: Smartness,
Cuteness, Coolness, Beauty and Toughness. These aspects are used in the contests
, a side-quest in Ruby and Sapphire (see our Contests guide for more information
). As mentioned before, only two types of PokeBlocks raise Beauty: Blue or Indig
o. But before making the PokeBlocks, you should check what your Feebas' nature i
s. Certain natures accept certain colours of PokeBlocks, while they reject other
s. If your Feebas is Rash, Quiet, Modest or Mild, you're in luck as these nature
s love Dry PokeBlocks (which is what Blue and Indigo are). If your Feebas is Imp
ish, Careful or Adamant, don't even bother trying to evolve him, as these nature
s hate Dry PokeBlocks. If your Feebas is any other nature, it should still evolv
e as long as you feed it high quality PokeBlocks.
To make Blue and Indigo PokeBlocks you need certain berries. The following is a
list of all Berries which make either Blue or Indigo PokeBlocks:
~ Lv 10
Chesto Berry
Oran Berry
Lum Berry (Lilycove)
Bluk Berry
Wepear Berry (Lilycove) ~ Lv 25
Wiki Berry
Kelpsy Berry
Hondew Berry (Lilycove)
Cornn Berry ~ Lv 50
Pamtre Berry
As mentioned in the Contest section of the site, the higher the level of the Pok
eBlock and the lower the Feel, the more effective the PokeBlock will be. In orde
r to get the smoothest (lowest feel) PokeBlocks, I recommend you blend your Berr
ies in the Lilycove Contest Hall. The Berries in the first group won't do any go
od, so do not use them for evolving Feebas. The Berries in the second group are
all good for evolving Feebas, though Pamtre Berry (3rd group) is definately the
best Berry to use for this cause. Your PokeBlocks should be at Level 23 or above
. If your PokeBlocks come out lower than that, try using a different Berry. If y
ou feed Feebas 12 PokeBlocks (the maximum), all above Level 23, then he is sure
to evolve once you raise him by one level.
To find out where to acquire the Berries mentioned above, you can go to the Berr
ies and PokeBlocks section of the site by clicking here.
The Results
All those hours spent on catching and evolving the Magikarp-wannabe pay off. Fee
bas evolves into Milotic. Check out Feebas' Pokedex page and Milotic's page for
their stats and abilities.

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