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Freeman has been a partner in a commercial construction

company #6270
Freeman has been a partner in a commercial construction company for over 25 years and has
finally decided to dispose of their interest in the partnership. Of the other two partners,
Thierfelder and Pape, only Pape has expressed an interest in acquiring Freeman's interest.
However, neither of the remaining partners want Freeman to sell their interest to an outside
party. The partners have always allocated profits and losses based on their proportionate
average capital balances. Therefore, Thierfelder and Pape are both interested in what impact a
sale by Freeman would have on their capital balance and in turn their interest in profits and
losses.Assume that prior to a sale by Freeman, the capital balances are $80,000, $40,000, and
$40,000 for Freeman, Thierfelder, and Pape, respectively, and the recorded net assets of the
partnership have a current value of $200,000. Pape has sought out your advice and has posed
the following questions:1. What would be Pape's capital balance if Freeman sold their interest
for $125,000 to either Thierfelder or an outside party?2. What would be Pape's capital balance if
Freeman sold their interest to the partnership for $125,000 and the bonus method was used to
record the transaction?3. What would be Pape's capital balance if Freeman sold their interest to
the partnership for $125,000 and the goodwill method, which only recognizes goodwill traceable
to Freeman, was used to record the transaction?4. What would be Pape's capital balance if
Freeman sold their interest to the partnership for $125,000 and the goodwill method, which
recognizes goodwill traceable to the entire partnership, was used to record the transaction?5. If
one of the above goodwill methods were used, which one would be preferable?6. What
constructive comments would you have regarding the method by which profits and losses are
allocated by the partnership?Provide a response to each of Pape's questions and assume that,
based on average capital balances, profits and losses are allocated 50%, 25%, and 25% to
Freeman, Thierfelder, and Pape, respectively.View Solution:
Freeman has been a partner in a commercial construction company


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