Questionnaire With Answers

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six sigma dmaic approach can be used for incremental improvement

pdca solution needs to be identified: CHECK

helpful tool in identifying trends and cycles: Run

techniques to reduce waste and shorten cycle time: LEAN

dmaic and dmadv are methodologies of: SIX SIGMA

In Lean management, continuous improvement is also known as Kaizen.

processing to an extent beyond customer needs falls under which type of waste: over processing

in lean if a customer is not willing to pay for a particular process step: value added step

the rate of output based on customer demand and available time in hand is known as TAKT time

all activit and processes involved is producing a final product with value best describes the lean
principles: value stream

5. you r a PI lean: involve the customer in lean improvement project

6. ….. is required to get the buy in for the project? Project charter

Response plan helps : process owner to react out of control condi and in timely and appro response to
precosing problems, decreasing

Cost benefits analysis is used for: justify in fin terms, getting sponspor, and ascertaining roi

Which is not a goal of JIT: reduce variation

Work that requires rework fails under which type of waste? Defects

Any process step tht transforms the product, material, or information : value added step

Structed methodology used to identity and translate customer needs to technical requirements and
measureable features: QFD and house of quality

Value added is defined as : string of all activities required to bring product or service

Goal statement should map on to : definition defect and CTQ

A brm doinign a project on billing and receivables management wants to group all the causes:

Producing more than required falls under which tyoe of wasteL: over production
Mistake proffing toll is used while: refining a solution

Which statement s true: all the option

VOC is the item used to: describe the stated and unstated needs of the customer

Value stream maps are nothing but processing maps with add information: true

Cost benefit analysis: gives the net benefit of implementing the improvement

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