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Câu hỏi trắc nghiệm


1. Production grain : 1. Rice 2. Wheat 3. Corn

2. Definition: Cereals: grass family, one-seed fruit, a kernal=grain
3. Popular: Prime:( maize, wheat, rice) Quite significant(barley, sorghum)
4. Production root and tuber: (potatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes)
5. Maize : most in USA
6. Potatoes : most because more application( crisps/french fries), starch is easy digest,
different size:small size)
7. 1 city in Vn grow cassava: Tay Ninh, most in world: Africa
8. Cassva is not good for health beacause acid citricHCN(toxic) due to temperture,
enzyme in the body, (2) dificient in protein and micronutrients.
9. 1 city Vn grow sweet potatos: Vinh Long
10. Sweet potatoes: have tricin is inhitor for digestion enzyme.
11. Starch: main amylose, amylosepectin/ Flour: beside starch that have protein, ash,

Structure of cereals.

1. How to distingguish different grain:(color, Shape, size)

2. Structure of grain include 3 main:Pericarp, seed, seed coat
3. Naked(vỏ trần)(Wheat, Maize, Sorghum, Rye)/ Hulled grain(Rice, Barley, Oats)
4. Pericarp : At an early stage in grain development(rice ) may have a green pearly
appearance due to the chlorophyll in the inner pericarps cells.
5. Make “cốm: chosen matured grain because it can maintain color after cooking and
for long time, add color and young easy destroy by heat, not remain color, not good,
young sometime is broken rice, not whole rice.
6. Endosperm: largest component, greatest value consists of Aleurone, Starchy
7. Testa: True seed coat: vỏ lụa, Wheat, rye : 2 layers, Barley, oats, rice: 1 layer, Maize:
only the cuticle, Mature sorghum: no testa.
8. How to distinguish Maize: Depend on color(dark brownpurple), popular(White,
yellow). Struture and shape, hardness, size
9. Maize ear: 78% seed, 22% cod
10. Hardness decided to quality maize:( grinding, powder requirement, dust formation,
nutritional properties, processing for food products, the yeild of products from dry
and wet milling operations)
11. Depend on function maize we have( Dent corn, Flint corn, Flour corn, Popcorn, Sweet
12. Popcorn can expand 30-45 times expand(remove germ, hardness, high protein)
13. Maize grain structure(Hull, germ, endosperm, tip tap)
14. Hull maize : not synonymous with hull of barley but more similar to the “bran” of
wheat milling terminology(5-6% kernel)- using wet milling- contain cellulose,
pentosans, no lignin.(containt pericarp=water absorption, seed coat=
15. Aleurone layer(contain protein, oil, no starch) removed by wet milling
16. Endosperm:(82-84%) Both translucent(hard) and opaque(soft) within a single
kernel protein matrix distribution(a lot) hard, littlesoft.But equal protein
17. Maize harvested before it dries.
18. Why need to learn physical structures?
helps determine the technique used to process maize
When finished products with low fat content are require, the gem and pericarp (have
high fat content) have to be properly removed in the process.
Ex: bắp hạt: corn hard endosperm
Bắp bột: soft endosperm, corn starch Floursremoved germFlour, removed seed
coat and Aleurone layer by moist heat :wet milling process.
19. Maize nutrition: Less of essential amino, lysine, tryptophan. High phosphorus,
potassium.Protein(Albumin, Zein, Glutelin) :special in corn.
20. Rice:>40,000 varieties, How many type of rice product? Indica(long: not sticky rice,
trans), Japonica(Short) (high amilo pectin, opaque).
21. Classification: How many classification rice of product?
1. Depend on Grain size (length), Shape(Length/Width)
2. Based on Starch component
3. Aromatic
4. Amylose content
5. Processing method
22. Paddy(Hulled): Endosperm+germ+seed coat(Husk)  Brown: removed
HuskMilled rice: remove germ+ alogar layer.
23. Hull(Husk):high lignin(30%), slica(95%) low value.
24. Why use milled than brown?
High antinutritionenzyme to digestion protein (antitripsin).
High liquid: brown rice<milled rice
MC content, Longer time to cook because high liquid, high antitripsin(kill).(purple
color: anthocyanins:antioxidant)
25. Structure of rice(palea, endorsperm(Starchy endorsperm, aleurone layer),
rachilla, sterila lammea), embryo
26. Aleurone layer(high protein, lipid, vitamin, no starch, sugar)=THICKER.
27. None starch lipid(rice bran(aleurone layer),germ(embryo))/starch lipid(rice
endosperm, only starch)
27. Starchy Endosperm:Endosperm are thin-walled and packed with amyloplasts
containing compounf starch granuals.
28. Opaque/ translucent(more tightly): presence of pores between and within the
starch granuals.
29. Chemical composites
Water: 70% immature mature(16-28%)
Glucid: starch, glucoso, fructose germinated: maltose
Protein: Major Glutein(oryzein): 20 aa
Viatmin: B1, B2, B5 and E
(Seed coat ,aleurone layer, embryo)
30. Classification: 6 type: Hard red winter(HRW), Soft red winter(SRM), Hard red
spring(HRS), Hard white, Soft white, Durum. Depend on season, structure(hard/soft),
31. Gluten is matrix, chemical is prolamin (gliadin) group of (glutenin) glutelin.
32. Wheat flour: protein highFunction, Gluten matrix Bread product.
33.Struture: Pericarp, seed(seed coat, endorsperm, germ) Endosperm 84%, Bran
13.5%, Germ(2.5%).
34. Pericarp:5% kernel consist protein 6%, ash 2%, cellulose 20%, fat 0.5%, nonstarch
35. Endosperm High protein, vitreous(transquency), Low protein-opaque
Hard ness: bond strength between protein and starch in the endosperm,
Transquency: results from lack of air spaces in the kernel. Air space diffract and
diffuse light and make the kernel appear opaque or Floury.
36. Strarchy endosperm (peripheral cell, prismatic cell, central cell)
37. Aleurone layer(one cell thick,13microm, remove during milling, high in ash,
38. Endosperm cell wall(pentosans:high water absord 10 times)
39. Germ(2.5-3.5%)- high protein, storage times of flour, charactiris of flour when
make bread, noddle.
40. glutein(hard)- amount of protein distribution-Low viscocity, Gliadin(high
1. The addition of water
2. Dough mixing
3. Hydration of dough ball
4. Hand-Washing of dough ball
5. wet gluten.
Barley class
41. Classification depend on purpose of use: Malting barleys:high protein 9.5%-
12.5%(cloudy juice)beer, Hull-less barley(naked): lower fiber, Feed barley:
42. Husk: Difficult to remove because physical structure, rice: Space easy to
remove, barley: no space, sticky hard to remove and no high silic and hull less.
43. Aleurone layer: thicker than other cereals(2-3 layer)-Blue
44. Endosperm: starch embedded in protein matrix (large lenticular granules, small
spherical granules)
45.composition Barley: lower protein, fat, high alpha amylase: Enzyme activity
Sorghum (20-30 mg)
Color: white, red, yellow or brown, pericarp+seed coat: 7.9%, germ:9.8%,
46.Thick Pericarp: 2. Starch in pericarp.(1-4 microm)--> For animal food:big seed less
bran consist of three layers(epicarp, mesocarp, endocarp)
All mature have testa some cultivars lack
47. Endosperm1. Hard=Soft endosperm(close to embryo, large intergranular air
48. Protein(alpha beta gama kafirins, other)
49. Phenolic content(white<Red<Black<Tanin) must use white less bitter.
50. Classification depend on Size, shape, color, texture, cooking characteristic and
51. Potato varieties depend on High-starch potatoes(dry, corky skin)good to starch
production , low-starch potatoes are called waxy” for glossy skin. These moist
tubers keep their shape during cooking.
52. Chosen medium size :less toxic ,large starch,none waxy, slitping,softy, skin to easy
Small size:high protein,waxy, hard,cohensive texture high toxic(dormant bub
spouted is not acceptable(but optimum spouting is desired attribute when the
tubers are used for propagation)
Large size: Large size, soft large eyes(dormant bub) and less starch
53. Potatoes have peptin: Propectin:insoluble, hard
Real pectin: soft, soluble
54. The cell wall materialspotato texture and fiber content(pectins, xyloglucans,
heteromannans and heteroxylans)
55. Solanin: toxin outer “skin” Should remove skin? green color skin Have toxin not
destroy by heat (>100C)stillpoisonous food
56. Parenchyma: starch granules are stored as a reverse material in the cellular
57. Compostion : high starch, but low lipid, high phenolic content (Flavanoid)
58. Sugar content (small>large)(low specific gravity>high specific gravity)
59. Low toreducing sugar ↑easy to darkspoilage germinated So, should
storage potatoes>10 C
60. Glycoalkaloids(stimulate germinate):solanine(40%)+chaconine(60%)100
(synergistically) not good for compsumtion, health, but good for insects,
environment.-->storage dark light
61. Low torespriration↓rooting↓sprouting↓sweeting↑
62. `The main quality attributes(color, size, texture) good quality
potoes(smooth,firm,free sprout, disorders)production
63. Potatoe processorsless eyes, oval/round(morphology), Low reducing sugar,
adequate solids)
Sweet potato
64. Classification: depend on size, shape (9), anthocynin position (anthocyzin)
65. Blue dominant(more cyanidin), Red dominant(more peonindin)
66. Different sweet potatoes and potatoes is distribution of latex(phenol component),
starch potatoes more , sweet potatoes(antinutriet:trisin>80C:kill)
67. Composition :high starch content, less protein, high sugar, none code, mature(high
fiber), maltose sugar(Bete amylase 1-6)
68. Different size starch granuals: yeild less, reducing sugar, color pigment.
69. Classification based on cyanogen:High cyanogen(bitter cassava), Low
cyanogen(sweet cassava) not HCN in fresh.
70. Struture : periderm (vỏ gỗ)=dead cork cellseasy to remove, high cenlulose
content, increase shelflife in storage because have cod, different with other:
distribution latex.
71. 95% HCN distribution in latex (underskin over parenchyma(khe mũ) remove
skin remove almost toxic
72. NOT storage cassava for long time( >24-48H after harvest), sweet
potato(reproductive organs) cassava root(stored energy)
73. When you cut latex ring:Linamarin +enzyme(linamarase) in latexAcetoneby
product HCN+O2died
74. primary deterioration:24h after harvest (physiological) : blue or brown
discolouration of the vascular bundles: vascular streaking secondary
deterioration(microbial):5-7 days after harvest :fungi, bacteris (wet, dry rots)
75. Should Pelling(remove toxic) ↓ chemical damage, drying, as soon as possible,
remove peel, washing, boilingopen.
76. Linamarin(vaculole)soluble in water, resists boiling in acid
77. Acetone cyanohydrin is soluble in water , boiling point 82C
78. Free HCN is volatile at 25.7C

79. Starch granule in form of granule
80. Wheat, corn, sorghum, barley(simple, 1 granule) rice(compound, many)
81. Starch granules(amylose, amylopectin)=semicrystalline
82. 3 types of starch
Type A most cereal : distribution in central,(less absord water)
type B tuber, root, high amylose cereal,retrograded: distribution outsise(more
water, easier to destroy)
Type C: pea and bean(pulse starches)
83. Rice starch :same shape, size
Sweet potato starch: Different shape, size, structure type
 Different functional
84. Potatoes(good raw material starch)>wheat>maizeproduction:High strach
content, Low content lipid, high content protein, big, round shape, available.
High phophorus+amylosesticky, mechanismshape
85. Starch : not dissolve in cold water because outer layr prevent destroy but is easy
dissolve in hot water beacause outer layer is detroyed by hot water lose structure.
86. 5 Functions of starch:Retrogradation
Gel clarity
Thermal Properties
87. Diffirent between Amylose and amylose pectin(high polymer, braches)
Amylose Long linear nature alpha D glucose 1-4
 easily to complex iodine, organic alcohols, fatty acidsclathrate
gelatinazation(increase to, time) or helical inclusion(ablity to complexturn
around make circle hold idone inside)Blue color
 Low polymer
 Tendency to associate with itself and precipitateGel formation
crystalline and retrogradation.
Amylopectin : primarily a 1-4 and 4-5% a 1-6 bond
 Reddish purple: iodine
 High Polymer and no gel formation(soft), retrogradation
 3 types A chain(1-4 not branches)B chain(1-4,1-6)C chain(1-4,1-6, reducing
88. Depend on Function that diffirent ratio between amylose and amylose pectin:1:4
1:1 mieng dong:transpanrancy: Relatively constant
Lysophospholipids non covalant+amylose opaque , low viscocity
Phosphate convanlant +amylose pectin high viscocity+trans.
Phosphorylated starches have a tremeous hydration capacity producing clear an
highly viscous pastes.
89. Heating starch in water: hold 30%DW, increase 5% volume.
Increasing Viscocity when starch take up water and swelling.
Starch solubilization is continuous
Hearting < t gelatinization not bring other change.
Never approach complete pasting or complete solubilization of starch.
90. Gelatinization: A process that disrupts the native molecular orders of starch
granules and typically occurs during thermal processing in the presence of water.
Diffusion of water into granulewater uptake by armorphousbackground
region, hydration and radial swelling of the starch granules, amylose leaching
91. Retrogradation:On cooling, the starch chains (amylose and amylosepectin)in the
gelatinized paste interact, leading to formation of more ordered structure. These
molecuar interactions.: Disordered chains, re-ordering, re association through
moleculat interations
increase crystallinity degree, gel firmness, exudation of water, appearance of B
X ray.
92. A Paste: is defined as viscous mass consisting a continous phase of solibilized
maylose and amylopectin and discontinuous phase pf granule ghosta and
93. Modification starch: Oxidation, Lipophilic substitution, Thermal
treatment,Crosslink, Stabilisation,enzyme conversion, acid thunning


94. Quality loss: is stored grain is cause main by deterioration natural process which
broken down organic matter through either physical/chemical process.
Biological processes where contained nutri ent and energy are used by other life
form.(Respiration, transpriration, germination)
95. A silo is storage facility in bins with provision mechanical loading and unloading of
the grains.
96. Angle of respose:  equipment small size big angle/big sizesmall angle
97. (physical)
1. Moisture No.1 for safe storage(high MC microorganism grow, enzyme
reaction) Rice have lower moisture content
2. time
3. Temperture(fungi inactived when stored <20 ->40)priority: low tless
energysave money
High t >30Grain germinated again
98. HR enviroment >MC foodmove in food (opposite:move out)
99. Biological
Mycotoxins(Aspergillushot –pot : boc nong, chemical composition in grain
(ocharotoxins), change color (yellow), appearance change)+Alfatoxin
100. Rice, sorghum, rice, wheat resistant to alfatoxin (germ:samll, low lipid, has
husk, low protein)
And popular in corn: have germ have a lot lipid.
In the stored grains microbes produce hotpot which ultimately cause both
qualitive anf quantitives damages in the grain.
101. Alfa toxins contaminate before and after harvest. Control in
Harvesting(timeliness(harvest at their optimum maturity, MC is
lowest),Cleanup(Damage portion should be removed), drying(aw<0.7),
storage(Moisture and insect control(safe MC level)<13.5% for corn),cotrol insect
(will attack grains and MC can accumulate and provide microclimate for fungal
growth), Antifugal (fungicides, fumigant(ammonia, phosphine)
102. Hidden infestation(mot gao) /Feed on broken kernels,grain dust.
103. Temperture<10C limit insects. 9% or lower restrict infestation(fungi grow
rapidly destroy insects.
104. Aeration:
Maintaining uniform moisture content/temperature
Prevent the accumulation of moisture migration from warm to cold layer
105. Should or should not silo? Should if have aeration
106. Cool: move out grain
Warm: move in grain 2 figure in textbook

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