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Overview in MS
Excel 1



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Pretest 3

1. The Quick Access Toolbar appears on the right side
of the title bar, above the ribbon.
2. The columns in a worksheet are identified by
3. The quick access toolbar starts off with Save, Undo,
and Redo and can be customized to contain the
commands you use most frequently. 15
4. Three worksheets are the default number of tabs in a
workbook. 17
5. The active cell in a worksheet is outlined by a bold
rectangle. 19
6. Name box is the intersection of a row and column.
7. Workbooks can be saved as web pages, PDF files,
and for use in previous versions of Excel
8. Ctrl+B Opens a new blank workbook


Microsoft Office Excel 365 offers powerful tools that helps you to easily organize, evaluate,
manage, and distribute information. The basis of Excel and locations where you do your usually
work are cells, rows, and columns within a worksheet, and worksheets as part of a workbook. The
tools that you commonly used while working in Excel are found on the ribbon that can be seen on
the top of your workspace. Each tab in your ribbon is divided into command groups depends on its

Quick access toolbar Title bar Command tabs


Active Column Formula
cell labels bar



Excel provides a list of templates that you can work on, and in most cases Blank workbook is
commonly used, and if you have existing workbook you can choose open previous file.

You can open Excel by following the steps below:

1. With the Windows desktop displayed, click the Start button in the
lower-left corner of your Windows screen.
2. Click the search button then type Excel and click enter. Another
way is to press the Windows key on your keyboard. Click the scroll

down menu then letter "E" to find Excel shortcut in start menu.
Click the Excel menu item to open Excel.
3. Click Blank workbook. A blank workbook opens, and the worksheet
named Sheet1 is displayed as shown in the image above.
Click other templates to see what
you can do in Excel or to start with
Blank workbook to Click to learn more an example
start a new file about Excel

Recent files you have opened

You have different ways in creating your workbook. You can simply open a new blank
workbook, or you click the File tab to access the backstage view. And if you want to open a new
workbook you can click CTRL + N to your existing workbook. You can also open your existing file
by searching it or by viewing your recent files. Also, you can use a template to create new workbook
that offers certain kinds of data such as sales reports, invoices, calendar, company budget, inventory,
schedule and so on.

Let us create a new blank workbook in Excel. Please follow the steps provided below.

1. Click Blank workbook. If you have just launched Excel, Book1 – Excel appears in the
title bar at the top of the window.
2. In your cell A1, type ABC Company. Note that as you type, the text appears in the cell
and in the formula bar.

3. Press Enter. The text is entered into cell A1 but seems as if it flows into cell B1.
4. In cell A2, type Calamba City, Laguna and then press Enter.
5. In cell A3, type and then press Enter.
6. Click the File tab then click blank workbook. A second Excel workbook opens and
Book2 appears in the title bar.
7. In cell A1, type XYZ Company and then press Enter.
8. In cell A2, type Makati City and then press Enter.
9. Click Close to close the Phone Calls workbook. In the message box, click Don’t Save.

By default, your created Office applications are stored to Document folder in your computer or
One drive if you want to store in Cloud storage, depending on settings specified during the program
When you save Excel file, you can save it to a folder on
your computer’s hard drive, a network drive, external hard drive, Compact Disc, USB drive,
OneDrive, or other storage location. Use the previous workbook, and do the following:
1. Click the File tab to open Backstage view. In the left pane, click Save As to display the
save options.
2. Click browse to open the Save As dialog box (see image below).

3. In the Save As dialog box, click New folder. A folder icon appears with the words New
folder selected.
4. Type ExcelSamples and then press Enter.
5. In the filename box, type ABC Company. Click the Save button.

OneDrive is a cloud-based application that lets you to

store and sync your files so you can retrieve them anywhere and share them with other people if
desired. Cloud storage also used to back up your files. Use the previous workbook, and do the
1. Click the File tab and then click Save As.
2. click your OneDrive account, and then click a folder location in the right pane. You may
need to sign into OneDrive if you have not already.

Select your One drive Create folder in your

account One drive account

3. Click the New folder button in the Save As dialog box. (see image above)
4. In the New folder text box, type ExcelSamples to save a folder for this lesson on your
OneDrive and then press Enter.
5. Double-click the Excel Lesson 2 icon to move to that folder.
6. In the filename box, type ABC Company. Click the Save button.

In entering data in your worksheet, select your desired cell and then type the text. After you
entered the text, you can press Tab to move to the next column. If you want to enter data to the
next cell of your row just press Enter key. You may also used arrow keys to move to the adjacent cell
then type your text.
Using your current workbook (ABC Company) do the following:
1. Click Cell A5, type Employee List then press Enter key.
2. Click Cell A6, type Employee Name, and press Tab. You will notice that the active cell
moves to B6.
3. Type Position then press Enter. You will notice that the active cell moves to B7.
4. Press your left arrow key, you will notice that active cell moves to A7. Type Rose
Malaborbor and then press Tab.
5. Type Probationary then press Enter.
6. Enter the data same as illustrated below:

7. Save your workbook. You can click the diskette icon or simply use CRTL + S.

In Excel, column width and row height are determined based on the existing data. For column
width the default value is 8.43(64 pixels) while row height the default value is 15.00(20 pixels).When
you insert an entry in a column that expands beyond the column’s width, it is necessary to adjust the
column width to accommodate the entry. Use the previous workbook to change the width and
height, follow the stated steps below:
1. Move the mouse pointer between columns A and B, to the column markers at the top of
the worksheet (see image below). The mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow.

2. Double-click the column marker between A and B. The width of the column changes to
the widest entry in column A. In this case, the widest entries are Employee List and Rose
Malaborbor’s name.
You can also change your width and row by selecting the columns and rows you want to change the
3. Select columns B, C, and D then in your column header right click then choose column
width then enter the desired width for your column. Same process done in column; select
the rows you want to change the height size. See sample demonstration below.

To maintain an area of a worksheet visible at the same time as you scroll to another area of the
worksheet, go to the View tab, where you can Freeze Panes to lock specific rows and columns in

1. Select View tab > Freeze Panes > Freeze First Column.

1. Select your third column.

2. Select View tab > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes.


1. Select the cell below the rows and to the right of the columns you would like to keep
visible when you scroll.

2. Select View tab > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes.

1. Select view tab> Freeze Panes >Unfreeze Panes.


1. Select one or more columns, and then click the Ctrl to select additional columns that are
not adjacent.

2. Right-click the selected column/s, and then select Hide.

Note: The double line between the two columns is the indicator that you have hidden a column.

1. Select the adjacent columns for the hidden columns.


2. Right-click the selected columns, and then select Unhide.

In your worksheet you can enter three types of data namely text, number, and formulas. Text
entries contain alphabetic characters and any other characters that do not have a purely numeric
value. Excel has the capacity to compute and analyze numbers based on your entered numeric

values. If you entered wrong numbers, there is a possibility that your output will display wrong

In Excel, numeric data are any digits from 0 to 9 and optionally with special characters such as
period that used to present decimal point, comma between numbers, minus sign or plus sign to
represent negative and positive values, and percentage sign.

In Excel, dates are used to trail data over a period. Dates can be used in formulas to forecast
graphs and charts. The default date format of year is represented in four digits format and right
justified in cell. If you enter 8/17/20, the date will display 8/17/2020. If you type August 17, 2020,
the date will display as 17-Aug-20. If you type 8/17 without a year, Excel reads the date to be the
present year. 17-Aug will display in the cell, and the formula bar will display 7/17/ followed by the
present four-digit year.
Use your existing workbook (ABC Company) and do the following:
1. Click C6 and type Date Hired then press Enter.
2. In cell C7, type 8/7/2019 then press Enter.
3. In cell C8, type 9/7/17 then press Enter.
4. In cell C9, type May 21, 2017 and then press Enter.
5. In cell C10, type 4/23 and then press Enter. 23-Apr is entered in the cell.
6. In cell C11 and C12, type 5/27/2019 then press Enter.

Combo box can be used in your workbook to enhance the user interaction wherein users can
choose among selections in a drop-down list.
The first thing that you need to check if the developer is included in your ribbon. If your
developer is not visible, follow the process indicated below.
1. Go to File tab then click Options. When the Excel Options dialog box opens, click on
Customize Ribbon.

2. Make sure you select the checkbox for developer then click the OK button and you must
find the developer tab in your ribbon.

3. Click the developer tab and click on the arrow under Insert.

4. Select the Combo Box and drag your mouse and draw the Combo Box into your

5. Add new work sheet to create list to use. Do the sample list below.

6. Right click on our new Combo Box element and select Format Control.

7. In your Input range, click Sheet2 tab then select the created list (Male and Female) and
click the OK button. Sample output shown below.

Sample Output:

Data Validation is a feature which limits the user input to a worksheet. Technically, you create a
validation rule that controls what kind of data can be entered into a certain cell.

To add data validation in Excel, use the existing workbook (ABC Company) and perform the
following steps.

1. In your cell E6, type Department.

2. In your Sheet2, type the listed department below.

3. Select cell E7 in Sheet1.

4. Click Data tab then data tools groups and click data validation.

5. In your data validation window, choose List then get the value in Sheet2 and press OK

Sample Output:

Another way to create data validation using name a range.

1. In your Sheet2 highlight the CCS, CEAS, CBMA, CE.

2. Change the name of the highlighted texts in your name box.

3. Do the same process in step5 except Source selection. In your Sheet2 highlight cell E2
to E5 and check if name box is equivalent to Dept then press OK button.

If you have a local area connection, all users within the network can gain access to any file. And
not just that, the changes that have been made to the file could be tracked. You will also be able to
set which users would be able to access the file. Here’s how you enable the feature.

1. Go to File > Options > Quick Access Toolbar.

2. Under the Choose Commands From drop-down menu, choose All Commands. Scroll
down the list until you can see the Share Workbook (Legacy) and then choose that item.

3. Click the Add button.


4. Do the same for the following commands:

• Track Changes (Legacy)

• Protect Sharing (Legacy)

• Compare and Merge Workbooks

5. Click OK when you are done.

Here’s how to do it.

1. Open the file and go to File > Share > Link Setting.

2. Invite people you would intend to collaborate with by entering their email address. You
can also set the permission settings. (I select specific people)


In this activity, you will create a workbook for ABC, Inc., that is a result of orders showing the most
desired options for houses for first-time homebuyers.
1. Click cell A1, type ABC, Inc., and then press Enter.
2. Click cell A2 and type First- time homebuyers.
3. Beginning in A4, type the following labels and values. Press Tab between each new cell and Enter
to move to a new row:
Customer Name Option Priority Cost Quantity
Eds Esberto Gameroom Low 55,000 1
Erick Carriaga Exercise equipment Low 2500 1
Rose Malaborbor Fenced yard for dog Medium 10,000 2
Rose Bengco Flat screen HDTV Medium 1,000 1
Rose Bengco Smart TV Medium 15000 1
Tiff Nova Washer & dryer High 7500 1
Lean De Luna Dishwasher Medium 6000 1
Ande Luna Near bike path High 3150 3
Ben Tutor Basketball hoop Low 1000 1
Rose Malaborbor Air Fryer Medium 6500 1
4. Apply data validation using list in priority column.
5. Apply data validation in Cell E4 by applying the following:
• Number greater than zero is allowed.
• It has input message stating “Number must be greater than 0”.

• A warning message saying, “Please enter value greater than zero!”.

6. If necessary, adjust the column widths to display all the text in the columns.
7. Customize your worksheet.
7. SAVE the workbook as Lastname_ActivityNumber. e.g. Malaborbor_Activity1


Harvey, G. (2019). Excel 2019 All-in-one for Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.

Bluttman,K.(2019). Excel Formula & Functions for Dummies (5th Ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Curtis, F. (2015). Microsoft Excel 2016 Step by Step. Redmond,Washington:Microsoft Press.


1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. F

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