The Radio Amateur's 1981

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The Radio Amateur's


of the
Newington, CT, USA 06111

Jay Rusgrove, W1VD
George Woodward, W1 RN

George Collins, AD0W
Doug DeMaw, W1FB
Gerald Hall, K1TD
Gerald Hull, VE1BXC
John Lindholm, W1XX
John Montague, W0RUE
Bob Shriner, WA0UZO
Harold Steinman, K1FHN
Ed Tilton, W1HDQ
Glenn Williams, AF8C

Cover Photo Credits

Top left
Tony Shannon, WD8QOT
Top right
Jeremy Royle, G3NOX
Bottom left
Meyers Studio
Bottom right
West Valley Amateur Radio Assn.,

Fifty-Eighth Edition

Copyright © 1980 by

The American Radio Relay League, Inc.

Copyright secured under the Pan-American


International Copyright secured ©

This work is Publication No. 6 of the Radio
Amateur's Library, published by the League.
A<( rights reservecf. No part of this work may
be'reproduced in any form except by written
permission of the publisher. All rights of
translation are reserved.

Printed iti USA

Quedan reservados todos los derechos

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:

Fifty-Eighth Edition

$10.00 in USA and Possessions

$11.00 in Canada, $12.50 elsewhere.
ISBN: 087259-058-5

Clothbound edition $15.75 in the USA and

Possessions, $18.00 in Canada and elsewhere.
ISBN: 087259-158-1
This 58th edition of The Radio Amateur's Handbook has
been extensively revised and expanded. The 64 additional
pages of this edition include many modern construction
projects, as well as updated tutorial sections. Much of the
theoretical discussion is inspired by the latest FCC
license examinations.
The editors have drawn heavily from extensive profes-
sional^ and amateur experience in creating and selecting
the contents of this volume. Therefore, we expect it to
have wide appeal in the electronics industry as well as in
its traditional role as "the amateur's bible."

Richard L. Baldwin, W1RU

General Manager

Newington, CT
November, 1980

Schematic Symbols Used in Circuit Diagrams


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LAMPS •^gn Jin -©:;

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OR . 1


1 Amateur Radio
2 Electrical Laws and Circuits

3 Radio Design Technique and Language

4 Solid-State Fundamentals

5 AC-Operated Power Supplies

6 HF Transmitting
7 VHF and UHF Transmitting

8 Receiving Systems

9 VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques

10 Mobile, Portable and Emergency


11 Code Transmission
12 Single-Sideband Transmission

13 Frequency Modulation and Repeaters

14 Specialized Communications Systems

15* Interference with Other Services

16 Test Equipment and Measurements

17 Construction Practices and Data Tables

18 Wave Propagation
19 Transmission Lines
20 Antennas for High Frequency

21 VHF and UHF Antennas

22 Operating a Station
23 Vacuum Tubes and Semiconductors
The Amateur's Code

The Amateur is Considerate ... He never knowingly uses the air in such a
way as to lessen the pleasure of others.

The Amateur is Loyal ... He offers his loyalty, encouragement and sup-
port to his fellow radio amateurs, his"local club and to the American Radio
Relay League, through which Amateur Radio is represented.

The Amateur is Progressive ... He keeps his station abreast of science. It is
and efficient. His operating practice is above reproach.

The Amateur Friendly
is Slow and patient sending when requested,
. . .

friendly advice and counsel to the beginner, kindly assistance, cooperation

and consideration for the interests of others; these are marks of the
amateur spirit.

The Amateur is Balanced . Radio is his hobby. He never allows it to
. . in-
terfere with any of the duties he owes to his home, his job, his school, or his


The Amateur is Patriotic ... His knowledge and his station are always
ready for the service of his country and his community.

Chapter 1

Amateur Radio

Imateur Radio. You've heard of it.

You probably know that Amateur Radio
operators are also called "hams."
(Nobody knows quite why!) But who are
these people and what do they do?
Every minute of every hour of every
day, 365 days a year, radio amateurs all
over the world communicate with each
other. It's a way of discovering new
friends while experimenting with different
and exciting new ways to advance the art
of their hobby. Ham radio is a global
fraternity of people with common and yet
widely vvarying interests, able to exchange
ideas and learn more about each other
with each new on-the-air contact. Because
of this Amateur Radio has the ability to
enhance international relations as does no
other hobby. How else is it possible to talk
to an engineer involved in a space pro-
gram, a Tokyo businessman, a U.S.
legislator, a Manhattan store owner, a
camper in a Canadian national park, the
head of state of a Mediterranean-area
country, a student at a high school radio
club in Wyoming, or a sailor on board a
ship in the middle of the Pacific? And all
without leaving your, home! Only with
Amateur Radio —
that's how!
The way communication is accom-
plished is just as interesting as the people
you get to "meet." Signals can be sent
around the world using reflective layers of
the earth's ionosphere or beamed from
point to point from mountaintops by
relay stations. Orbiting satellites that
hams built are used to achieve com-
munication. Still other hams bounce their
signals off the moon! Possibilities are
almost unlimited. Not only do radio
amateurs use international Morse code
and voice for communication, but they
also use radioteletype, facsimile and
For many years, the name Hiram Percy Maxim was synonymous with
Amateur Radio. The various forms of television. Some hams
inducted into the ARRL Hall of
cofounder and first President of ARRL was the first person to be even have computers hooked up to their
Fame. Aside from his pioneering work with radio, Mr. Maxim, who held the call sign
equipment. As new techniques and modes
contributed to the development of the automobile and the movies.

Amateur Radio 1-1


of communication are developed^ hams social as well as operational and technical

continue their long tradition of being activities. The fun provided by Amateur
among the first to use them. Radio is greatly enhanced when hams get
What's in the future? Digital voice- together so they can "eyeball" (see) each
encoding techniques? Three-dimensional other. It's a good supplement to talking to
TV? One can only guess. But if there is each other over the radio. The swapping
ever such a thing as a Star Trek of tales (and sometimes equipment), and a
transporter unit, hams will probably have
general feeling of high spirits add a bit of
them! spice to club meetings along with technical
Once radio amateurs make sure that matters on the agenda. Clubs offer many
their gear does work, they look for things people their first contact with Amateur
to do with the equipment and special skills Radio by setting up displays in shopping
they possess. Public service is a very large centers and at such events as county fairs,
and integral part of the whole Amateur Scout jamborees and parades.
Radio Service. Hams continue this tradi- Nearly half of all U.S. amateurs belong
tion by becoming involved and sponsor- to a radio club. And nearly every amateur
ing various activities in their community. radio club is affiliated with the ARRL.
Field Day, just one of many public Club affiliation is available to most
service-type activities, is an annual event Hurtling through the airless reaches of space, organized Amateur Radio groups. The
occurring every June when amateurs take OSCAR 8 is a relay station for amateurs around benefits are many: Use of films and slide
their equipment into the great outdoors the world. It provides reliable vhf and uhf
shows for club classes and meetings,
communications, and is the focus of a wide
(using electricity generated at the opera- on ARRL
range of experiments that advance the radio art.
rebate membership dues,
tion site) and test it for use in case of special publication offers,and other ser-
disaster. Not only do they test their
vices. Complete information on the re-
equipment, but they make a contest out of quirements and privileges of affiliation is
the exercise and try to contact as fiany available from the Club and Training
other hams operating emergency-type The OSCAR (Orbiting Satellite Carry- Department, ARRL hq., Newington, CT
stations as possible
(along with "or- ing Amateur /?adio) program is a relative- 06111.
dinary" types). Often they make Field ly new challenge for the Amateur Radio
Day a club social event while they are fraternity. Built by hams from many Getting Started in Amateur Radio?
operating. countries around the world, these in- "All of this sounds very interesting and
Traffic nets (networks) meet on the genious devices hitch rides as secondary seems to be a lot of fun, but just how do I
airwaves on a schedule for the purpose of payloads on space shots for commercial go about getting into this hobby? Don't
handling routine messages for people all and - government communications or you almost need a degree in electronics to
over the country and in other countries weather satellites. OSCAR satellites pass the test and get a license?"
where such third-party traffic is permit- receive signals from the ground on one Nothing could be further from the
ted. By doing so. amateurs stay in practice frequency and convert those signals to truth. Although you are required to have
for handling messages should any real another frequency to be sent back down a license to operate a station, it only takes
emergency or disaster occur which would to earth. Vhf (very high frequency) and a minimal amount of study and'effort on
require operating skill to move messages uhf (ultra-high frequency) signals normal- your part to pass the basic, entry-grade
Nets also meet because the
efficiently. ly do not have a range much greater than exam and get on the air.
members often have common interests: the horizon, but when beamed to these "But what about the code? Don't I
similar jobs, interests in different lan- satellites, a vhf/uhf signal's effective have to know code to get a license?" Yes,
guages, different hobbies (yes, some range is greatly increased to make global you do. International agreements require
people have hobbies other than ham communication a possibility. These Amateur Radio operators to have the
radio!), and a whole barrelful of other OSCAR satellites also send back telemetry ability to communicate in international
reasons. It is often a way to improve one's signals either inMorse or radioteleprinter Morse code. But the speed at which you
knowledge and to share experiences with (RTTY) code, constantly giving informa- are required to receive it is relatively low
other amateurs for the good of all tion on the condition of equipment
so you should have no difficulty. Many
involved. aboard the satellite. grade-school students have passed their
DX (distance) contests are popular and Self-reliance has always been a tests and each month hundreds of people
awards are sought by many
actively trademark of the radio amateur. This is from 8 to 80 join the ever-growing
amateurs. This armchair travel is one of often best displayed by the many* hams number of Amateur Radio operators
the more alluring activities of amateur who design and build their own equip- around the world.
radio. There are awards for Worked All ment. Many others prefer to build their Concerning the written exam: To get a
States (WAS), Worked All Provinces equipment from kits. The main point is license you need to know some basic elec-
(WAVE), Worked All Continents (WAC), that hams want to know how their equip- trical and radio principles and regulations
Worked 100 Countries (DXCC), and ment functions, what to do with it and governing the class of license applied for.
many others. how to fix a malfunction should oc-
it if The ARRL's basic beginner package,
Mobile operation (especially on the cur. Repair shops aren't always open dur- Tune in the World with Ham Radio, is
very high frequencies) holds a special ing hurricanes or floods and they aren't available for $7 from locfl radio stores or
attraction to many hams. It's always fun always out in the middle of the Amazon by mail from ARRL.
to keep in touch with ham friends over the jungle, either. Hams often come up with
local repeater (devices wjhich receive your variations on a circuit design in common Finding Help
signal and retransmit it for better coverage use so that they may achieve a special One of the first obstacles for a person
of the area) or finding new friends on function, or a totally original electronic seriously interested in Amateur Radio is
other frequencies while driving across the design may be brought out by a ham, all finding a local amateur to provide
country. Mobile units are often the vital in the interest of advancing the radio art. assistance. This volunteer amateur is
link in emergency communications, too, called an "Elmer." A nearby ham can
since they are usually first on the scene of Radio Clubs
help a newcomer with technical advice,
an accident or disaster* Amateur Radio clubs often provide putting up and testing antennas, advice on

1-2 Chapter 1

= m^=


trekking to the North Pole or flying high in the sky, where

Ohio because of a severe storm. Amateur Radio kept the crew

hams go Amateur Radio

in touch with hams on

often goes as jell

the ground.

dropped (i.e., frequency increased)

buying that first radio or just some needed longer distances than commercial stations
greater distances were achieved. The com-
encouragement. Also, nearly all would-be on the longer wavelengths. Even so,
signals often had to be relayed by in- mercial stations were not about to miss
amateurs attend an Amateur Radio class
termediate amateur stations to get a out on this opportunity. They moved their
for code, regulations and electronic
message to the proper destination. stations to the new shorter wavelengths
theory instruction. Where do you find this
Because of this, the American Radio while the battle raged over who had the
assistance? The ARRL Club and Training
Relay League was organized to establish right to transmit in this new area. Usually,
Department helps the prospective am-
routes of Amateur Radio communication itturned out to be the station with the
ateur in every possible way. It coordi-
and serve the public interest through stronger signal, able to blot out everyone
nates the work of more than 5000
volunteer Amateur Radio instructors Amateur Radio. But the dream of even- else.

tual transcontinental and even trans- National and international conferences

thoughout the United States and Canada
were called in the twenties to straighten
and provides a large variety of audio- oceanic Amateur Radio contact burned
hot in the minds of Radio Amateur ex- out the tangle of wavelength allocations.
visual aids and refers inquiries on
perimenters. Through the efforts of ARRL
Amateur Radio to one of the 5000 instruc-
World War broke out and Amateur amateurs obtained frequencies on various
tors. If you are looking for an Amateur

Radio, still in its infancy, was ordered out bands similar to what we have today: 160
Radio class or advice on how to get When the amateur
started, write the ARRL Club and Train- of existence until further notice. Many through 6 meters.
operators moved to 20 meters, the dream
ing Department for the name and address former Amateur Radio operators joined
the armed sevices and served with distinc- of coast-to-coast and transoceanic com-
of the nearest Elmer.
tion as radio operators, finding their skills munication without a relay station was
Looking Back to be much
needed. finally realized. (A more detailed history

"War End All of the early days of Amateur Radio is con-

How Amateur Radio become the
did After the close of the to
banned tained in the ARRL publication Two
almost unlimited hobby it is today? The Wars," Amateur Radio was still

by law; yet there were many hundreds of Hundred Meters and Down by Clinton B.
beginnings are slightly obscure, but elec-
formerly licensed amateurs just itching to DeSoto.)
trical experimenters around the turn of
the century, inspired by the experiments "get back on the air." The government
Public Service
of Marconi and others of the time, began had tasted supreme authority over the
radio services and was half inclined to Amateur Radio is a grand and glorious
duplicating those experiments and at-
among keep it. Hiram Percy Maxim, one of the hobby, but this fact alone would hardly
tempted communicate
founders of the American Radio Relay merit the wholehearted support given it by
themselves. were no regulatory
League, called the pre-war League's of- nearly all the world's governments at in-
agencies at that time and much in-
ficers together and then contacted all the ternational conferences. There are other
terference was caused by these "amateur"
until old members who could be found in an at- reasons. One of these is a thorough ap-
experimenters to other stations
tempt to re-establish Amateur Radio. preciation of the value of amateurs as
governments the world over stepped in
Maxim traveled to Washington, and DC sources of skilled radio personnel in time
and established licensing, laws and regula-
after considerable effort (and untold red of war. Another asset is best described as
tions to control the problems involved in
Amateur Radio was opened up "public service."
this new technology. "Amateur" ex- tape)
The "public service" record of the
perimenter stations were then restricted to again on October 1, 1919.
Experiments on shorter wavelengths amateur is a brilliant tribute to his work.
the "useless" wavelengths of 200 meters
were then begun with encouraging results. These activities can be roughly divided in-
and below. Amateurs suddenly found that expeditions and
was found that as the wavelength to two classes,
they could achieve communication over It

Amateur Radio 1-3

emergencies. Amateur cooperation with several explorations of the Antarctic being Sometimes Mother Nature goes On a
expeditions began in 1923, when a League
member,' Don Mix, ITS, accompanied
perhaps the best known. And this kind of rampage —
with earthquakes such as
work is noi all in the distant past, either: those in Alaska in 1964, Peru in 1970,
MacMillan to the Arctic on the schooner In 1978 Japanese explorer Naomi California in 1971, Guatemala and Italym
Bowdoin with an amateur station. Uemura, JG1QFW, became the per-
first 1976; floods like those in Big Thompson
Amateurs in Canada and the U.S. pro- son to trek to the North Pole alone. Canyon, Colorado, in 1976, Kentucky,
vided the home contacts. The success of Amateur Radio, through member stations Virginia, West Virginia, and Johnstown,
this venturewas so outstanding that other of the National Capitol DX Association Pennsylvania in 1977, Jackson, Miss, in
explorers followed suit. During subse- and the Polar Amateur Radio Club, 1979; the big forest fires of California,
quent years Amateur Radio assisted VE8RCS, at Alert, NWT, Canada, pro- particularly in 1977; tornadoes, hur-
perhaps 200 voyages and expeditions, the vided important backup communications. ricanes and typhoons, most anywhere,

Table 1

Canadian Amateur Bands

(limlta- Frequency
Hons) (MHz) Emissions
80 meters 3.500-3.725 A1, F1 5650.000-5925.000 A0, A1, A2, A3, perimental Service may use such modulation
(1,3,4,5) 3.725 A1, A3, F3 A4, A5, F1, F2, techniques or types of emission for packet
40 meters 7.000-7.050 A1, F1 F3, F4, F5, P0, transmission as they may select by experimen-
(1, 3, 4, 5) 7.050-7.100 A1, A3, F1 P1.P2, P3, P4, tation on conditions that they do not exceed
7.100-7.150 A1, F1 P5, P9 the bandwidths established in 10, 11 and 12.
7.150-7.300 A1, A3, F3 10000.000-10500.000 A0, A1, A2, A3," 14) Only packet transmissions shall be used.
20 meters 14.000-14.100 A1, F1 A4, A5, F1, F2, 15) Final rf output power used for packet
(1, 3, 4, 5) 14.100-14.350 A1, A3, F3 F3, F4, F5, P0, transmissions shall not exceed 100 watts peak
15 meters 21.000-21.100 A1, F1 P1, P2, P3, P4, power and 10 watts average power.
(1,3,4,5) 21.000-21.450 A1, A3, F3 P5, P9
10 meters 28.000-28.100 A1, F1 (9, 13, 15) 24000.000-24010.000
(2, 3, 4, 5) 28.100-29.700 A1, A3, F3 24010.000-24050.000 A0, A1, A2, A3, Operation in frequency band 1.800-2.000 MHz
6 meters 50.000-50.050 A1 A4, A5, F1, F2, shallbe limited to the area as indicated in the
(3, 4) 50.050-51.000 A1, A2, A3, F1, F3, F4, F5, P0, following table and shall be limited to the in-
F2, F3 P1, P2, P3, P4, dicated maximum dc power input to the anode
51.000-54.000 A0, A1, A2, A3, P5, P9 of the final radio frequency stage of the trans-
A4, F1, F2, F3, 24050.000-24.050.000 A0, A1, A2, A3, mitter during day and night hours respectively;
F4 A4, A5, F1, F2, for the purpose of this table "day" means the
2 meters 144.000-144.100 A1 F3, F4, F5, P0, hours between sunrise and sunset, and "night"
(3,4) 144.100-145.500 A0 ,
A1, A2, A3, P,1,P2, P3, P4, means the hours between sunset and sunrise.
A4 ,
F1, F2, F3, P5, P9 A1, A3 and F3 emissions are permitted.
(3, 4, 7) 144.500-145.800 P0. P1, A0, A1,

A2 A3, A4, F1,


A 8 C D £ F G H
F2, F3, ,
145.800-148.000 A0 Limitations
(3,4) ,
A1, A2, A3, British Columbia 3' 3 3 1
A4, F1, F2, F3,
1) Phone privileges are restricted to holders Alberta 3' 3 3 3 1 1
F4 of advanced Amateur Radio Operators Certifi- Saskatchewan 3' 3 3 3 3 1 1 3
(3,4) 220.000-220.100 A0 ,
A1, A2, A3, cates, and of Commercial Certificates. Manitoba 3' 2 2 2 2 2 2 3'
A4 , F1, F2, F3, 2) Phone privileges are restricted as in foot- Ontario 3 1 1 1 1 2
F4 note 1, and to holders of Amateur Radio Opera- North of 50° N.
(9, 10, 13, 15) 220.000-220.500 tors Certificates, whose certificates have been Ontario 3' 2 1 1
(9, 10, 13, 15) 220.500-221.000 endorsed for operation on phone in these South of 50° N.
(10, 13, 14, 15) 221.000-223.000 bands. Province of Quebec 1 1 1 2
(9, 12, 13, 15) 223.000-223.500 3)Amplitude modulation (A2, A3, A4) shall North of 52° N.
(3, 4) 223.500-225.000 A0 ,
A1, A2, A3, not exceed ± 3 kHz (6A3). Province of Quebec 3 2 1

A4, F1, F2, F3,

, 4) Frequency modulation (F2, F3, F4) shall South of 52° N.
F4 not produce a carrier deviation exceeding New Brunswick 3 2 1
(4, 6) 430.000-433.000 A0 ,
A1, A2, A3, ±3 kHz, (6F3) except that in the 52.54 MHz and Nova Scotia 3 2 1

A4 ,
A5, F1, F2, 144.1-148 MHz bands and higher the carrier Prince Edward Island 3 2 1

F3 . F4. F5 deviation shall not exceed ± 15 kHz (30F3). Newfoundland (Island) 3 1 1

(12, 13, 14, 15) 433.000-434.000 5) Slow scan television (A5), permitted by Newfoundland (Labrador) 2
(3, 4, 8) 434.000-434.500 P0, P1, P2, P3, special authorization, shall not exceed a band- Yukon Territory 3' 3 3 1
A0, A1, A2, A3, width greater than that occupied by a normal District of MacKenzie .3' 3 3 3 1 1
A5, F1, F2, F3, single-sideband voice transmission. District of Keewatin 3 . 1 1 3 2 2
F4, F5 6) Television (A5), permitted by special
District of Franklin 1 1
«6) 434.500-45Q.000 A0, A1, A2, A3, authorization, shallemploy a system of stan-
A4, A5, F1,F2,
'The power levels 500 day/100 night may be in-
dard interlace and scanning with a bandwidth
creased to 1000 day/200 night when authorize*d
F3, F4, F5 of not more than 4 MHz.
by a Radio Inspector of the Department of Com-
902.000-928.000 A3, F3 7) Pulse modulation with any mode of trans-
T21 5.000-1 300.000 A0, A1, A2, A3, munications.
mission shall not produce signals of a band-
A4, A5, F1, F2, width exceeding 15 kHz. Frequency Band
F3, F4, F5 8) Pulse modulation with any mode of
2300.000-2450.000 A0, A1, A2, A3, transmission shall not produce signals of a A 1.800-1.825 MHz E 1.900-1.925 MHz
A4, A5, F1, F2, bandwidth exceeding 30 kHz. B 1.825-1.850 MHz F 1.925-1.950 MHz
F3, F4, F5, P0, 9) Any mode may be used.
C 1 .850-1 .875 MHz G 1.950-1.975 MHz
P1, P2, P3, P4, 10) Packet transmissions shall not produce
D 1.875-1.900 MHz H 1.975-2.000 MHz
P5, P9 signals exceeding 10 kHz.
3300.000-3500.000 A0, A1, A2, A3, 11) Packet transmissions shall not produce
Power Level — Watts
A4, A5, F1.F2, signals exceeding 25 kHz. — Operation not permitted
F3, F4, F5, P0, 12) Packet transmissions shall not produce 1 — 25 night 125 day
P1, P2, P3, P4, signals exceeding 100 kHz. 2— 50 night 250 day
3 — 100 night
P5, P9 13) Licensees performing an Amateur Ex- 500 day

1-4 Chapter 1
came along. Much later, transistors were them to industry with surprising results.
any year, and the blizzards of 1979 and
now integrated circuits are a part During World War II, thousands of
1980. When disaster strikes, amateurs are utilized;
amateurs contributed their
ready, with equipment not needing power of the everyday hardware in the Amateur skilled

Radio shack. This is because the amateur knowledge to the development of secret
from the electric company, to carry on
is constantly in the forefront of technical
radio devices, both in government and
communications for police,' fire depart-
progress. His incessant curiosity and private laboratories. Equally as impor-
ments, and relief organizations. The abili-
eagerness to try anything new are two tant, the prewar technical progress by
ty of radio amateurs to help the public in
reasons. Another is that ever-growing amateurs provided the keystone for the
emergencies is one big reason Amateur
Amateur Radio continually overcrowds its development of modern military com-
Radio has survived and prospered.
frequency assignments, spurring amateurs munications equipment.
Technical Developments to the development and adoption of new In the fifties, the Air Force was faced
techniques to. permit the accommodation with converting its long range com-
Amateurs started the hobby with spark-
of more stations. munications from Morse to voice; jet
gap transmitters, which took up great
Amateurs have come up with ideas in bombers had no room for skilled radio
hunks of frequency space. Then they
their shacks while at home and then taken operators. At the time, amateurs had been
moved on to tubes when these devices

Table 2
U.S. Amateur Radio Frequency Allocations
Limitations Frequency Band Emissions Limitations
Frequency Band Emissions Limitations Frequency Band Emissions

28.000-29.700 A1 A4, A5, F0, FT,
1800-2000 A1, A3 1, 2
28.000-28.500 F1 F2, F3, F4, F5, P 5,
3500-4000 A1
28.500-29.700 A3, F3, A5, F5 3300-3500 A0, A1, A2, A3,
3500-3775 F1
A4, A5, F0, F1,
3775-3890 A5, F5 50.000-54.000 A1
F2, F3, F4, F5,P 5, 12
3775-4000 A3, F3 4 50.100-54.000 A2, A3, A4, A5
F1, F2, F3, F5 5650-5925 A0, A1, A2, A3,
4383.8 A3J/A3A 13
A4, A5, F0, F1,
7000-7300 A1 3, 4 51.000-54.000 A0
F2, F3, F4, F5, P 5, 9
7000-7150 F1 3, 4 144-148 A1
7075-7100 A3, F3 11 144.100-148.000 A0, A2, A3, A4
A5, F5 4 A5, F0, F1, F2, GHz
7150-7225 3,

7150-7300 A3, F3 3, 4 F3, F5

220-225 10.0-10.5, A0, A1, A2, A3,
14000-14350 A1 A0, A1, A2, A3,
A4, A5, F0, F1,
14000-14200 F1 A4, A5, F0, F1,
F5 24.0-24.25 F2, F3, F4, F5 5,10
14200-14275 A5, F5 F2, F3, F4,
420-450 A3, 48-50, 71-76 A0, A1, A2, A3,
14200-14350 A3, F3 A0, A1, A2,
165-170, 240-250 A4, A5, F0, F1,
A4, A5, F0, F1,
MHz F5 5,7 F2, F3, F4, F5, P
F2, F3, F4,
21.000-21.450 A1 1215-1300 A0, A1, A2, A3,
A5, F0, F1, Above 300 A0, At, A2, A3,
21.000-21.250 F1 A4,
F3, F4, F5 A4, A5, F0, F1,
21.250-21.350 A5, F5 F2,
F2, F3, F4, F5, R
21.250-21.450 A3, F3 2300-2450 A0, A1, A2, A3,

priate Commission engineer in charge and the borne operations will be permitted on this fre-
on a appropriate military area frequency coordinator. quency. Additionally, all stations operating on
1) The use of frequencies in this band Is
i) Those portions of Texas and
New Mexico this frequency must be located in or within 50
shared basis with the Loran-A radionavigation nautical miles of the state of Alaska.
system and is subject to cancellation or revi- bounded by latitude 33*24' N., 33*53' N., and
longitude 105*40' W. and 106*40' W. 14) All amateur frequency bands above 29.5
sion, in whole or in part, by order of the Com-
ii) The state of Florida, including the
Key MHz are available for repeater operation except
mission/without hearing, whenever the Commis- 50.0-52.0MHz, 144.0-144.5 MHz, 145.5-146.0 MHz,
sion shall determine such action is necessary in
West area and the areas enclosed within circles
of 200-mile radius centered at 28°21' N, 80*43' 220.0-220.5 MHz, 431.0-433.0 MHz, and
view Loran-A radionavigation
of the priority of
W. and 30*30' N., 86*30' W. 435.0-438.0 MHz. Both the input (receiving) and
system. The use of these frequencies by ama-
The state of Arizona. output (transmitting) frequencies of a station in
teur stations shall not cause harmful interfer-

iv) Those portions of California and Nevada

repeater operation shall be frequencies available
ence to Loran-A system. If an amateur station for repeater operation.
causes such interference, operation on the fre- south of latitude 37*10' N. and the area within a
200-mile radius of 34*09' N., 119*11' W. 15) All amateur frequency bands above 220.5
quencies involved must cease if so directed by
8) No protection in the band 2400-2450
MHz is MHz, except 431-433 MHz, and 435-438 MHz, are
the Commission.
afforded from interference due to the operation available for auxiliary operation.
[the subbands
2) Operation shall be limited to
of industrial, scientific and medical devices on NOTE _
and input powers in watts shown on page 6.J , 4.

2450 MHz. The types of emission referred to in the

3) Where, adjacent regions or subregions, a
9) No protection in the band 5725-5875
is af- amateur rules are as follows:
band of frequencies is allocated to different ser- — Steady, unmodulated pure carrier.
forded from interference due to the operation of 'Type A0
vices of the same category, the basic principle — Telegraphy on pure continuous
industrial scientific and medical devices on 5800 Type A1
is the equality of right to operate. Accordingly,
MHz. waves.
the stations of each service in one region or
No protection in the band 24.00-24.25 GHz Type A2 — Amplitude tone-modulated
subregion must operate so as not to cause .10)

afforded from interference due to the opera- telegraphy. »

harmful interference to services in the other

Type A3 — A-m telephony including single and
tion of industrial, scientific and medical devices
regions or subregions (No. 117, the Radio reduced or sup-
on 24.125 GHz. double sideband, with full,
Regulations, Geneva, 1959).
11) The use of A3 and F3 in this band is
pressed carrier.
4) 3900-4000 kHz and 7100-7300 kHz are
limited to amateur radio stations located out- Type — Facsimile.
available in the following U.S. possessions: — Television.
side Region Type A5
Baker, Canton, Enderbury, Guam, Howland, Jar-

12) Amateur stations shall not cause inter-

Type F0 — Steady, unmodulated pure carrier.
vis, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palmyra,
ference to the Fixed-Satellite Service operating Type F1 — Carrier-shift telegraphy.
American Samoa and Wake Islands. F2 — Audio frequency-shift telegraphy.
in the band 3400-3500 MHz.
5) Amateur stations shall not cause
f 3 — Frequency- or phase-modulated
13) The frequency 4383.8 kHz, maximum Type
ence to the Government radio-location service.

power 150 watts, may be used by any station telephony.

Type F4 — Fm facsimile.
power authorized under this part of communications
7) In the following areas dc plate input
with any other station authorized in the state of Type F5 — Fm television.
to the final transmitter stage shall not exceed
Alaska for emergency communications. No air- Type P — Pulse emissions.
50 watts, except when authorized by the appro-

Amateur Radio 1 -5

Segment! (kHz)
Input Power (Watts)
A 1800-1825
No operation, day or night B 1825-1850f
1 100 day, 25 night C 1850-1875
2 200 day, 50 night 1875-1900
3 500 day, 100 night 1900-1925 fThe range 1825-1830 kHz is used by DX sta-
4 1000 day, 200 night 1925-1950 tions attempting to contact North American
5 125 day, 25 night 1950-1975 stations. Use of this "DX Window" should be
6 250 day, 50 night 1975-2000 avoided by stations on this continent.

using single sideband for about a decade, .

example isthe OSCAR series of satellites, OSCAR program as older spacecraft are
and were communicating by voice at great initially put together by amateurs' who taken out of service. Write ARRL for
distances with both homemade and worked in the aerospace industry, and more information.
commercially built equipment. Generals launched as secondary payloads with
LeMay and Griswold, both radio ama- other space shots. At this writing eight The American Radio Relay League
teurs, hatched an experiment in which Amateur Radio have
satellites been Since its establishment in 1914 by
ham equipment was used to keep in touch launched. OSCARs 7 and 8, portions of Hiram Percy Maxim and Clarence Tuska,
with Strategic Ajr Command head- which were built by amateurs of several the American Radio Rejay League has
quarters in Omaha, Nebraska, from an different countries, are currently in space been and is today not only* the spokesman
airplane travelling around the vworld. The relaying the signals of amateurs. OSCARs for Amateur Radio in the U.S. and
system worked so well, the equipment 7 and 8 can be heard on almost any Canada, but the amateur organiza-
needed on|y slight modification to meet 29-MHz receiver. Development of third- tion in the world. It is by and
strictly of,
Air Force needs, and the expense and time generation Phase III satellites proceeds for amateurs, is noncommercial and has
of normal research and development pro- under the guidance of The Radio Amateur no stockholders. The members of the
cedures was saved. Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) with the League are the owners of the ARRL and
Many youngsters build an early interest assistance of Project OSCAR, Inc., the QST, the monthly journal of Amateur
in Amateur- Radio into a career. Later, as original nonprofit group, both affiliated Radio published by the League.
professionals, they may run into ideas with ARRL. The new Phase III satellites The League is pledged to promote in-
which they try out in ham radio. A good being built by AMSAT will continue the terest in two-way amateur communication

1 -6 Chapter 1
interested in the terest toamateurs the world over. ARRL World with Ham Radio is written for the
and experimentation. It is
previous contact with
sponsors an Intruder Watch Program so person without
relaying of messages by Amateur Radio.
Amateur Radio. designed to assist the
that unauthorized use of the amateur
It is
It is concerned with the
advancement of
prospective amateur to get into the hobby
the radio art. It stands for the radio frequencies may be detected and ap-
in the shortest possible time.Tune in the
maintenance of fraternalism and a high propriate action taken. At the head-
World comes complete with a code in-
standard of conduct. It represents the quarters of the League in Newington,
Connecticut, is a well-equipped struction and practice tape. For the per-
amateur in legislative matters.
laboratory to assist staff members in son seeking the General class or higher
One of .the League's principal purposes
preparation of technical material for QST license, there are the License Manual and
is to keep amateur activities so
well con-
and The Radio Amateur's Handbook. the ARRL Code Kit. The
ducted that the amateur will continue to
Among its other activities, the League publishes a series of question and answer
justify his existence. Amateur Radio of-
maintains a Communications Department manuals for each class of license. All are
fers its. followers Countless pleasures and
concerned with the operating activities of available from either your local radio
unending satisfaction. It also calls for the ARRL.
shouldering of responsibilities the — League members. A large field organiza- store or the
studied, taken the test
standards, a tion is headed by a section communica- Once you have
maintenance of high
tions manager in each of the League's 73 and have received your, license, you will
cooperative loyalty to the traditions of
sections. There are appointments for find that there is no other thrill quite the
Amateur Radio, a dedication to its ideals
— qualified members in various fields, as same as Amateur Radio. You may decide
and principles so that the institution of
outlined in chapter 22. Special activities to operate on the lowest amateur band,
Amateur Radio may continue to operate
and contests promote operating skill. A 160 meters (see map). Or you may prefer
"in the public interest, convenience and
special place is reserved each month in to operate in the gigahertz bands (billions
QST, the QST for amateur news from every sec- of cycles per second), where the entire
In addition to publishing
future of communications may lie.
ARRL maintains an active Amateur tion.
The ARRL publishes a library of infor- Whatever your interest, you are sure to
Radio station, W1AW, which conducts
mation on Amateur Radio. Tune in the find it in Amateur Radio.
code practice and sends bulletins of in-

Amateur Radio 1-7

Chapter 2

Electrical Laws and Circuits

^Jome of the manifestations of elec- ferred from one part of the circuit to there are materials that fall inbetween the
tricity and magnetism are familiar to another element by finding the numerical classifications of conductor and insulator,
everyone. The effects of static electricity values of entities called voltage and and might be labeled as semiconductors,
on a dry, wintry day, an attraction by the current. the latter term is applied exclusively to
magnetic north pole to a compass needle, Finally, there is the consideration of the materials where the motion of electrons
and the propagation and reception of fundamental properties of the matter that and holes is important.
radio waves are just a few examples. Less makes up the various circuit elements or
easily recognized as being electrical in devices. It is believed that all matter is Electrostatic Field and Potentials
nature perhaps, the radiation of light and made up of complex structures called All electrical quantities can

be ex-
even radiant heat from a stove are atoms which in turn are composed of pressed in the fundamental dimensions of
governed by the same physical laws that more or less unchangeable particles called time, force and length. In addition, the
describe a signal from a TV station or an electrons, protons and neutrons. Con-
quantity or dimension of charge is also
amateur transmitter. The ability to trans- struction of an atom will determine the required. The metric system of units
mit electrical energy through space with-
out any reliance on matter that might be
chemical and electrical properties of (SI — Systeme International d' Unites) is
matter composed of like atoms. The almost exclusively used now to specify
in that space (such as in a vacuum) or the periodic table of chemical elements a
is such quantities, and the reader is urged to 1

creation of a disturbance in space that can classification of such atoms. Electrons become familiar with this system. In the
produce a force are, topics that are play an important role in both the metric system, the basic unit of charge is
classified under the study of electromag- chemical and electrical properties of the coulomb. The smallest known charge
netic fields. Knowledge of the properties matter and elements where some of the is that of the electron which is
and definitions of fields is important in
understanding such devices as transmis-
electrons are relatively free to move — 1.6 X 10 " coulombs. (The proton
about. These materials are called conduc- has the same numerical charge except the
sion lines, antennas, and circuit-construction tors. On the other hand, elements where sign is positive.)
practices such as shielding. all of the electrons are tightly bonded in The concept of electrical charge is
Once a field nroblem is solved, it is the atomic structure are called insulators. analogous to that of mass. It is the mass
often possible to use the results over and Metals such as copper, aluminum, and of an object that determines the force
over again for other purposes. The field silver are very good conductors while of gravitational attraction between the
solution can be used to derive numerical glass, plastics, and rubber are good object and another one. A similar pheno-
formulas for such entities as resistance, insulators. menon occurs with two charged objects.
inductance and capacitance or the latter Although electrons play the principal If the charges can be considered to exist
quantities can be determined experi- role in the properties of both insulators at points in space, the force of attraction
mentally. These elements, then, form the and conductors, it is possible to construct (or repulsion if the charges have like signs)
building blocks for more complex con- matter with an apparent charge of is given by the formula
figurations called networks or circuits. opposite sign to that of the electron.
Since there is no need to describe the Actually, the electron is still the charge
physical appearance of the individual carrier but it is the physical absence of an
f - Q»Qz
elements, a pictorial representation is electron location that moves. However, it 4s-£r2
often used and it is cajled a schematic convenient to consider that an actual
diagram. However, each element must be charge carrier is present and it has been where Qi is the numerical value of one
assigned a numerical value, otherwise the labeled a hole. Materials in which the
schematic diagram is incomplete. If the
charge, Q2 is the other charge value, r is
motion of electrons and holes determine . the distance in meters.c is the permittivity
numerical values associated with the the electrical characteristics are called of the medium surrounding the charges,
sources of energy (such as batteries or semiconductors. Transistors, integrated and F is the force in newtons. In the case
generators) are also known, it is then and similar solid-state devices are
circuits of free space of a vacuum, t has a value of
possible to determine the power trans- made up from semiconductors. While 8.854 X 10| 2 and is the permittivity of

2*1 Chapter 2

free space. The product of relative permit- joules of energy to bring a charge of 1 cour
tivity and e o (the permittivity of free space) lomb from a point of voltage to any point
gives the permittivity for a condition on the sphere (as indicated by the dotted
/ where matter present. Permittivity is lines in Fig. 1). The direction of the force
\ + 1.67V~ >. is
on a charged particle at the surface of the
also called the dielectric constant and rela-
+25V V/ \
tive dielectric constants for plastics such surface of the sphere must be perpendicu-
and Teflon are 2.26 and lar to the surface. This is because charges
X \
as polyethylene
i / i A \a I
20 l3a |4o
2.1, respectively. (The relative dielectric are able to flow about freely on the con-
A 1*1 A
force with a direc-
*"y>». X
ductor but not off it.


r III 1

constant is also important in transmis-

The reciprocal of the tion other than a right angle to the surface
,\V> 1 '\ /
sion-tine theory.
square root of the dielectric constant of will have a component that is parallel to
the conductor and will cause the charges
= OV — •""
/\ the material used to separate the conduc-
/'V to move about. Eventually, an equilibrium
tors in a transmission line gives the velo-
city factor of the line. The effect of velo-
condition will be reached and any initial
city factor will be treated in later chap- field component parallel to the surface

will be zero. This motion of charge under
the influence of an electric field is a very
Fig. 1 — Field (solid lines) and potential (dotted
If instead of just two charges, a number
lines) lines Surrounding a charged sphere. important concept in electricity. The fate
of charged objects are present, the force
at which charge flows past a reference
on any one member likely to be a com-
point is defined as the current. A rate of 1

plicated function of the positions and defined as

coulomb per second is 1

magnitudes of the other charges. Conse-

quently, the concept of electric-field
strength is a useful one to introduce. The Because of the symmetry involved, the
direction of the electric force and electric
field strength or field intensity is defined as
5- the force on a given charge (concentrated field can be represented by the solid
lines in Fig. The arrows
at a point) divided by the numerical value straight 1.

of f^ie charge. Thus, if a force of 1 newton indicate the direction of the force op a
4- existed on a test charge of 2 coulombs, the positive charge, At points away from the

field intensity would be 0.5 newtons/ sphere, less energy will be required to
coulomb. bring up a test charge from zero reference.
Consequently, a. series of concentric

[ Whenever a force exists on an object, it

spherical shells indicated by the dashed
> will require an expenditure of energy to
lines will define the equipotential surfaces
2- move the object against that force. In
around the sphere. From mathematical
some instances, the mechanical energy
considerations (which will not be dis-
may be recovered (such as in a compressed
cussed here), it can be shown that the
1- spring) or it may be converted to another
potential will vary as the inverse of the
form of energy (such as heat produced by
distance from the center of the sphere.
friction). As is the case for electric-field
— 1
T 1
convenient to express This felationship is indicated by the
intensity, it is
3a2a4a 5a and by the graph in Fig.
DISTANCE SCALE charge as the potential or voltage
numbers in Fig. 1
of a charged object at a point. For in-
While field gives the
Fig. 2 —
Variation of potential with distance for stance, if it took the expenditure of 5 the electric

the charged sphere of Fig. 1 newton-meters (5 joules) to move a charge direction and magnitude of a force on a
charged object, also equal to the
of 2 coulombs from a point of zero energy it is

to a given point, the voltage or potential negative slope numerical value of the
would be 2.5 joules/coulomb.
at that point curve in Fig. 2. The slope of a curve is the
Because of the frequency of problems of rate of change of some variable with

this type,
' the dimension of joules/ distance and in this case, the. variable is
coulombs is given a special designation the potential This is why the electric field
is sometimes called the potential gradient
5 and one joule/coulomb is defined as 1
volt.Notice that if the voltage is divided (gradient being equivalent to slope). In the

by length (meters), the dimensions of field case of a curve that varies as the inverse of
intensity will be obtained and a field the distance, the slope at any point is
strength of one newton/coulomb is also proportional to the inverse of the distance
defined as one volt/meter. The relation- squared.

\ \ 1.25m
ship between field intensity and potential An examination of Fig. 1 would
indicate that the potential variation is

is illustrated by the following example

shown in Fig. 1. only dependent upon the shape of the

A conducting sphere receives a charge conductor and not its actual physical size.
> -
until its surface is at a potential of 5 volts. That is, once the value of the radius a of
the sphere in Fig. is specified, the
As charges are placed on the surface of a 1

potential at any other point a given

conductor, they tend to spread out into a
uniform distribution. Consequently, it will distance from the sphere is also known.
Z 5m\ \\- require the same amount of energy to bring Thus, Fig. 1 can be used for any number,
a given amount of charge from a point of of spheres with different radii. When it is
3- zero reference to any point on the sphere. changed by a certain percentage, all the
a 2a 3a 4a 5a
The outside of the sphere is then said to other values would change by the same
constitute an equipotential surface. Also, percentage too. However, the amount of
the amount of energy expended will be in- charge required to produce a given
Fig.3 —
Variation of field strength with distance
dependent of the path traveled to get to voltage, or voltage change, does depend
around a sphere charged to 5 volts for spheres i

the surface. For instance, it will require 5 upon the size of the conductor, its
different radii.

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-2

its position in relation to other used on the tip of a whip antenna in order cross-sectional area, but for an important
conductors and insulators. For a given to lower the field strength under transmit- theoretical case this is assumed to be true
conductor configuration, the voltage is ting conditions. (Fig. 5).
related to the required charge by the An examination of Fig. 3 reveals that A cylinder of a material with con-
formula the field strength zero for distances less
is ductivity o- is inserted between two end
than a which includes points inside the caps of infinite conductivity. The end caps
sphere. The implication here is that the are connected to a voltage source such as
effect of fields and charges cannot a battery or generator. (A battery consists
penetrate the conducting surface and of a number of cells that convert chemical
where the entity C is defined as the disturb conditions inside the enclosure. energy to electrical energy and a generator
capacitance. Capacitance will be discussed The conducting sphere is said to form an converts mechanical energy of motion to
in more detail in a later section. electrostatic shield around the contents of electrical energy.) The electric field is also
Since the electric-field intensity is the enclosure. However, the converse is considered to be
along theconstant
related to the change in potential with not true. That is, charges inside the sphere length, of the cylinder and, as a
distance, like potential, the manner in will cause or induce a field on the outside consequence, the slope of the potential
which it changes
be uneffected by the
will surface. This is why very important
it is variation along the cylinder will also be a
absolute physical size of the conductor that enclosures designed to confine the constant. This is indicated by the dashed
configuration. However, the exact numerical effectsof charges be connected to a point lines in Fig. 5.. Since the electric field is
value at any point does depend on the of zero potential. Such a point is often, constant, the current density will also be
dimensions of the configuration. This is called a ground. constant. Therefore, the total current
illustrated in Fig. 3 for spheres with dif-
entering the end caps will just be the
ferent radii. Note that for larger radii, the Fields and Currents
product of the current density and the
nuiherical value of the field strength at the In the last section,motion of
the cross-sectional area. The value of the
surface of the sphere (distance equal to a) charged particles in the
presence of an electric field will be the quotient of the
is than it is for smaller radii. This
less electric field was mentioned in connection, total and the length of the"
effect is important in the design of with charges placed on a conducting cylinder. Combining the foregoing results
transmission lines and capacitors. (A sphere and the concept of current was and introducing two new entities gives the
capacitor is a device for storing charge. In introduced. It was assumed that charges following set of equations:
older terminology, it was sometimes , could move around unimpeded on the
called a condenser.) Even though the same surface of the sphere. In the case of actual
voltage is applied across the terminals of a conductors, this is not true. The charges '-4) IsinceJ = o-E and E =—
transmission line or capacitor, the field appear to bump into atoms as they move
strength between the conductors is going o-AV
through the conductor under the influence I = J(A) =
to be higher for configurations of small of the electric field. This effect depends 1

physical size than it is for larger ones. If

the field strength becomes too high, the
upon the kind of material used. Silver is a
conductor with the least amount of
p = — and V -(*)
insulating material (including air) can opposition to the movement of charge
"break down." On the other hand, the R = Pi and V a IR -
while carbon and certain alloys of iron are A
effect can be used to advantage in spark rather poor conductors of charge flow. A where P the resistivity of a conducting
gaps used to protect equipment connected measure of how easily charge can flow
to an antenna which is subject to
material, R = the resistance. The final
through a conductor is defined as the equation is a very basic one in circuit
atmospheric electricity. The spark-gap conductivity and is denoted byo-. theory and is called Ohm's Law. Con-
conductors or electrodes are filed to sharp The current density J, in a conductor is figurations similar to the one shown in
points. Because the needlepoints appear the rate of charge flow or current through Fig. 5 are very common ones in electrical
as conductors of very small radii, the field a given cross-sectional area. It is related to circuitsand are called resistors.
strength is going to be higher for the same the electric field and conductivity by the
be shown in a later section that
It will
applied potential than it would be for formula the power dissipated in a resistor is equal
blunt electrodes (Fig. 4). This means the
to the product of the resistance and the
separation can be greater and the effect of J =o-E square of
the current. Quite often
the spark gap on normal circuit operation
resistance an undesirable effect (such as
will not be as pronounced. However, a In general, the conductivity and electric in a wire carrying current from one
blunt electrode such as a sphere is often field will not be constant over a large location to another one) and must be
reduced as much as possible. This, can be
accomplished by using a conductor with a
low resistivity such as silver (or copper
which is close to silver in resistivity, but is
not as expensive) with a large cross-
sectional area and as short a length as
possible. The current-carrying capability
decreases as the diameter of a conductor
size gets smaller.

Potential Drop and Electromotive Force

The application
of the relations be-
tween and similar con-
fields, potential,
cepts to the physical configuration shown
in Fig. 5 permitted the derivation of the

Fig. 4 — Spark gaps with sharp points break formula that eliminated further con-
down at lower voltages than ones with blunt sideration of the field problem. The idea
surfaces even though the separation is the Fig. 5 — Potential and field strength along a of an electrical energy source was also
same. current-carrying conductor.
introduced. A similar analysis involving
2-3 Chapter 2
electrical energy. A combination of minus sign. The next source is V4, and it

+ V2 - + V3 - sources and resistances (or other ele- appears as a voltage rise so it is considered
—vw- Wv— ments) that are connected in some way is positive. Since the current flow in all .the

called a network or circuit. It is evident resistors is in the same direction, all the

that the energy consumed in a network potential drops have the same sign. The
must be equal to the energy produced. potential drop is the product of the
Applying this principle to the circuit current in amperes and the resistance in
shown in Fig. 6 gives an important ohms. The sums for the emfs and potential
extension of Ohm's Law. drops and the resulting current are given
In Fig. 6, a number of sources and by
resistances are connected in tandem or in >

Fig. —A series circuit illustrating the effects of series to form a circuit loop. It is desired to Sum of emf = V,+ V 4 = -10 + 5
emf and potential drop. determine the current I. The current can
be assumed to be flowing in either a
= —5 volts

clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

If the assumption is not correct, the sign Sum of pot. drops = V 2 + V 3 + V 5 + V 6
mechanics and field theory would be of the current will be negative when the = 1(2 + 4 + 7 + 10) = 231

required to determine the characteristics network equations are solved and the
direction can be corrected accordingly. In
of an electrical generator and an applica-
tion of chemistry would be involved in de-
order to solve the problem, it is necessary I = -yj- = -0.217 ampere

signing a chemical cell. However, it will be to find the sum of the emfs (which is

assumed that this problem has been proportional to the energy produced) and
to equate this sum to the sum of the Because the sign of the current is negative,
solved and that the energy source can be
potential drops (which is proportional to it actually flowing in a counterclock-
replaced with a symbol such as that used
the energy consumed). Assuming the wise direction. The physical significance
in Fig. 5.
electromotive force (emf) current is flowing in a clockwise direction, of this phenomenon is that one source is
The term is

the first element encountered at point a is being "charged." For instance, the circuit
applied to describe a source of electrical
an emf, VI, but it appears to be connected in Fig. 6 might represent a direct current
energy, and potential drop (or voltage
consumes "backward." Therefore, it receives a (dc) generator and a battery.
drop) is used for a device that

larger area will have the lower resistance. that no. 28 has a resistance of 66.17 ohms
Given two conductors of the same size
per thousand feet. Since the desired
and shape, but of different materials, the
Resistance of Wijes resistance is 3.5 ohms, the length of wire
amount of current that will flow when a
The problem of determining the resis- required will be
given emf is applied will be found to vary
with what is called the resistance of the tance of a round wire of given diarneter
material. The lower the resistance, the and length — or its opposite, finding a 3.5
X 1000 = 52.89 feet.
and length of wire to supply a 66.17
greater the current for a given value of suitable size

emf. desired amount of can be

resistance —
ohms. A easily solved with the help of the copper Or, suppose that the resistance of the wire
Resistance is measured in
wire table given in a later chapter. This in the circuit must not exceed 0.05 ohm
circuithas a resistance of 1 ohm when an
table gives the resistance, in ohms per and that the length of wire required for
applied emf of 1 volt causes a current of 1
thousand feet, of each standard wire size. making the connections totals 14 feet.
ampere to flow. The resistivity of a
Example: Suppose a resistance of 3.5 Then
material is the resistance, in ohms, of a
cube of the material measuring one ohms is needed and some no. 28 wire-is on
centimeter on each edge. One of the best hand. The wire table in chapter 17 shows
conductors is copper, and it is frequently 1000
X R = 0.05 ohm
convenient, in making resistance cal-

culations, to compare theresistance of the Table 1

Relative Resistivity of Metals where R is the maximum allowable

material under consideration with that of
Resistivity resistance in ohms per thousand feet.
a copper conductor of the same size and Compared to Rearranging the formula gives
shape. Table 1 gives the ratio of the Materials
resistivity of various conductors to that of Aluminum (pure) 1.6
Brass 3.7-4.9
copper. 0.05 X 1000
The longer the path through which the Cadmium 4.4 R = = 3.57 ohms/1000 ft.
Chromium 1.8 14
current flows, the higher the resistance of Copper (hard-drawn) 1.03
that conductor. For direct current and Copper (annealed) 1.00
Reference to the wire table shows that no.
low-frequency alternating currents (up to Gold 1.4
iron (pure) 5.68 15 is the smallest size having a resistance
a few thousand cycles per second) the
Lead 12.8 less than this value.
resistance is inversely proportional to the Nickel 5.1
cross-sectional area of the path the 2.8-5.4
When the wire is not copper, the
Phosphor Bronze /
resistance values given in the wire table
current must travel; that is, given two Silver 0.94
7.6-12.7 should be multiplied by the ratios given in
conductors of the same material and Steel /
Tin 6.7 Table 1 to obtain the resistance.
having the same length, but differing in 3.4
Zinc Example: If the wire in the first example
crdss-sectional area, the one with the

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-4


were nickel instead of copper, the length having large conductance has low resis-
required for 3.5 ohms would be tance, and vice versa. In radio work the
term is used chiefly in connection with
vacuum-tube characteristics. The unit of
66.17 x 5.1
X 1000 = 10.37 feet conductance is the mho. A resistance of 1
ohm has a conductance of 1 mho, a .

resistance of 1000 ohms has a con-

Temperature Effects
ductance of 0.001 mho, and so on. A unit
The resistance of a conductor changes frequently used in connection with va-
with temperature. Although it is
its cuum tubes is the micromho, or one-
seldom necessary to consider temperature millionth of a mho. It is the conductance
in making resistance calculations for of a resistance of 1 Mft
amateur work, it is well to know that the
resistance of practically all metallic con- Ohm's Law
ductors with increasing tem-
increases The simplest form of electric circuit is a
perature. Carbon, however, acts in the battery with a resistance connected to its
opposite way; its resistance decreases terminals, as shown by the symbols in Fig.
when its temperature rises. The tem- 8. A complete circuit must have an
perature effect is important when it is unbroken path so current can flow out of
Fig. 7— Examples of various resistors. In the
foreground are 1-/4', 1/2- and 1 -watt composition
necessary to maintain a constant resis- the battery, through the apparatus con- resistors. The three larger cylindrical
tance under all conditions. Special materials nected to it, and back into the battery. com ponents at the center are wirewound power
that have little or no change in resistance The resistors. The remaining two parts are variable
circuit is broken, or open, if a
resistors, pc-board mount at the lower left and
over a wide temperature range are used in connection removed at any point. A
panel mount at the upper center,
that case. switch is making and breaking
a device for
connections and thereby closing or open-
ing the circuit, either allowing current to
A "paokage" of resistance made up into flow or preventing it from flowing.
a single unit is called a resistor. Resistors The values of current, voltage and
having the same resistance value may be resistance in a circuit are by no means
considerably different in size and con- independent of each other. The relation-
struction (Fig. 7). The flow of current ship between them is known as Ohm's
through resistance causes the conductor Law. can be stated as follows: The cur-
to become heated; the higher the resis- rent flowing in a circuit is directly propor-
tance and the larger the current, the tional to the applied emf and inversely
greater the amount of heat developed. proportional to the resistance. Expressed
Resistors intended for carrying large as an equation, it is
Fig. 8 — A simple circuit consisting of a battery
and resistor.
currents must be physically large so the
heat can be radiated quickly to the
(amperes) = E volts >
surrounding air. If the resistor does not I ( .

R (ohms) Table 2
get rid of the heat quickly it may reach a
temperature that will cause it to melt or Conversion Factors for Fractional and
The equation above gives the value of Multiple Units
current when the voltage and resistance
are known. It may be transposed so that
Skin Effect From To Divide by Multiply by
each of the three quantities may be found
The resistance of a conductor is not Units Microunits 1,000,000
the when the other two are known:
Milliunits 1000
same for alternating current as it is for (
Kilounits 1000
direct current. When the current is E = IR Megaunits 1,000,000
alternating there are internal effects that
Micro- Milliunits 1000
tend to force the current to flow mostly in units Units 1,000,000
the outer parts of the conductor. This (that is, the voltage acting equal to the
is Milli- Microunits 1000
decreases the effective cross-sectional area current amperes
in -
multiplied by the units Units 1000 .

of the conductor, with the result that the resistance in ohms) and Kilo- Units 1000
resistance increases. units Megaunits 1000
For low audio frequencies the increase
Mega- Units 1,000,000
in resistance is unimportant, but at radio units Kilounits 1000
frequencies this skin effect is so great that
practically all the current flow is confined
within a few thousandths of an inch of the (or, the resistance of the circuit is equal to the various units in common use. The
conductor surface. The rf resistance is the applied voltage divided by the prefixes attached to the basic-unit name
consequently many times the dc resistance, current). indicate the nature of the unit. These
and increases with increasing frequency. AH three forms of the equation are used prefixes are
In the rf range a conductor, of thin tubing almost constantly in radio work. It must
will have just as low resistance as a solid be remembered that the quantities are in micro — one-millionth (abbreviated u)
conductor of the same diameter, because volts, ohms and amperes; other units milli— one-thousandth (abbreviated m)
material not close to tile surface carries cannot be used in the equations without kilo — one thousand (abbreviated k)
practically no current. first being converted. For example, if the
mega — one million (abbreviated M)
current is in milliamperes it must be For example, 1 microvolt is one-millionth
changed to the equivalent fraction of an of a volt, and 1 megohm is 1,000,000
The reciprocal of resistance (that is, ampere before the value can be sub- ohms. There are therefore 1,000,000
1/R) is called conductance. It is usually stituted in the equations. microvolts in one volt, and 0.000001
represented by the symbol G. A circuit Table 2 shows how to convert between megohm in 1 ohm.
2-5 Chapter 2

venient for the current, and 0.05 ampere X E2, and that across R3 is called E3, then
The following examples illustrate the use
of Ohm's Law: 1000 = 50 milliamperes. El= IR1 = X 5000 = 37.9 volts

The current flowing in a resistance of E2=IR2 = 0.00757 X 20,000 = 151.4 volts

and Parallel Resistances
20,000 ohms is 150 milliamperes. What is
Series E3= IR3 = 0.00757 X 8000 = 60.6 volts
the voltage? Since the voltage is to be Very few actual electric circuits are as applied voltage must equal the sum of
found, the equation to use is E = IR. The simple as the illustration in the preceding
the individual voltage drops:
current be converted from
must first section. Commonly, resistances are found

milliamperes to amperes, and reference to connected in a variety of ways. The two

fundamental methods of connecting re-
E = El + E2 + E3
the shows that to do so it is
necessary to divide by 1000. Therefore, sistances are shown in Fig. 9. In the upper
= 37.9 + 151.4 + 60.6

drawing, the current flows from the = 249.9 volts

E = ^ X 20m = 3000 volts source of emf (in the direction shown by

the arrow, let us say) down through the
The answer would have been more
exact the current had been calculated to

When a voltage of 150 is applied to a first resistance, Rl, then through the if

second, R2, and then back to the source. more decimal places, but as explained
circuit, the current is measured at 2.5
These resistors are connected in series. above a very high order of accuracy is not
amperes. What is the resistance of the
circuit? In this case R is the unknown, so The current everywhere in the circuit has necessary.
the same value. In problems such as this considerable
In the lower drawing, the current flows time and trouble can be saved, when the
R =-=- = = 60 ohms to the common connection point at the current is small enough to be expressed in
top of the two resistors and then divides, milliamperes, if the resistance is expressed
one part of it flowing through Rl and the in kilohms rather than ohms. When
No conversion was necessary because the
other through R2. At the lower con- resistance in kilohms is substituted direct-
voltage and current were given in volts ,

and amperes. nection point these two currents again ly in Ohm's Law the current will be mil-

combine; the total is the same as the liamperes if the emf is in volts.
How much current will flow if 250 volts
is applied to a 5000-ohm resistor? Since I current that flowed into the upper
Resistors in Parallel
is unknown common connection. In this case the two
resistors are connected in parallel. In a circuit with resistances in parallel,
E 250 the total resistance is less than that of the
1 = = = ° 5am P ere Resistors in Series lowest value of resistance present. This is
TT 5000
When a circuit has a number of because the total current is always greater
Milliampere units would be more con- resistances connected in series, the total than the current in any individual resistor.
resistance of the circuit is the sum of the The formula for finding the total resistance

individual resistances. If these ^are num- of resistances in parallel is

bered Rl, R2, R3, and so on, then R

(total)= Rl + R2 + R3 + R4 + where . . .

many resistors as
the dots indicate that as R =
necessary may be added.
Example: Suppose that three resistors Rl
+ R2
+ R3 R4
SOURCE are connected to a source of emf as shown
in Fig; 10. The emf is 250 volts. Rl is 5000
ohms, R2 is 20,000 ohms, and R3 is 8000 where the dots again indicate that any
ohms. The total resistance is then number of resistors can be combined by
the same method. For only two resistances
SERIES (a very common case), the
R = Rl +R2 + R3 in parallel
formula becomes
= 5000 + 20,000 + 8000
= 33,000 ohms.
Rl X R2
R- =
The current flowing in the circuit is then Rl + R2
000757 amp Example: If a 500-ohm resistor is
=f = nSo= -

paralleled with one of 1200 ohms, the

PARALLEL = 7.57 mA. total resistance is

Fig. 9 — Resistors connected in series and in (We need not carry calculations beyond R1R2 500X1200
parallel. three significant figures, and often two
R = + 1200
Rl +R2 500
will suffice because the accuracy of
measurements is seldom better than a few
17 00
353 ohms
Voltage Drop
Ohm's Law applies to any part of a It is probably easier to solve practical

circuit as well as to the whole circuit. problems by a different method than the
Although the current is the same in all "reciprocal of reciprocals" formula. Sup-
three of the resistances in the example, the pose the three resistors of the previous
total voltage divides among them. The example are connected in parallel as
voltage appearing across each resistor (the shown in Fig. 1 1 The same emf, 250 volts,

voltage drop) can be found from Ohm's is applied to all three of the resistors. The

Law. current in each can be found from Ohm's

Fig. 10— An example of resistors in series. The Example: If the voltage across Rl (Fig. Law as shown below, II, being the current
solution of the circuit is worked out in the text. 10) is called El, that across R2 is called through Rl, 12 the current through R2

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-6

and 13 the current through R3. The voltage drops acrossR and Req are 1 voltage applied to it is 200 volts? From the
For convenience, the resistance will be El = X Rl * 23.3 X 5 = 117 volts
I equation
expressed in kilohms so the current will be E2 = I X Req = 23.3 X 5.71 = 133 volts
in milliamperes. P = II _ (200)
_ 40,000
with sufficient accuracy. These total 250 R 4000 ~ 4000
volts, thus checking the calculations so
= 10 watts

~ m = 50mA
far, because the sum of the voltage drops
must equal the applied voltage. Since E2 Or, suppose a current of 20 milliamperes
appears across both R2 and R3. flows through a 300-ohm resistor; Then

E 250
12 = ~ = 12.5mA
R2 20 P = PR = (0.02) x 300 2

E2_ 133 ,,.

R2 "20* = 6.65 mA

= 0.0004 X 300
E 250
= O.lTwatt
~ = 31.25 mA E2
R3 8 133
= 16.6 mA
Note that the current was changed from
milliamperes to amperes before sub-
The total current is
stitution in the formula.
where 12 = current through R2 Electrical power in a resistance is
13 = current through R3
I = II +12 +13 turned into heat. The greater the power
The is 23.25
total mA, which checks the more rapidly the heat is generated.
= 50 +12.5 + 31.25
closelyenough with 23.3 mA, the current Resistors for radio work are made in
= 93.75 mA through the whole circuit. many sizes, the smallest being rated to
"dissipate" (or carry safely) about 1/8
Power and Energy watt. The largest resistors commonly used
The total resistance of the circuit is Power — the rate of doing work — is in amateur equipment will dissipate about
therefore equal to voltage multiplied by current. 100 watts.
The unit of electrical power, called the
_E_ 250 watt, is equal to one volt multiplied by one Generalized Definition of Resistance
R = = 2.66 kilohms
I 93.75 ampere. The equation for power therefore Electrical power is not always turned
= 2660 ohms into heat. The power used in running a

Resistors in Series-Parallel
P = EI

An actual circuit may have resistances where

both and in series. To illustrate,
in parallel P = power in watts
we use the same three resistances again,- E = emf in volts

but now connected as in Fig. 12. The I = current in amperes

method of solving a circuit such as Fig. 12 < 5000
is as follows: Consider R2 and R3 in

parallel as though they formed a single Common and multiple units

resistor. Find their equivalent resistance. for power are the one one- milliwatt
Then this resistance in series with Rl thousandth of a watt, and the kilowatt, or
forms a simple series circuit, as shown at 1000 watts.
the right in Fig. 12. An exariiple of the
Fig. 1 1 — An example of resistors in parallel. The
Example: The plate voltage on a solution is worked out in the text. „
arithmetic is given under the illustration. transmitting vacuum tube is 2000 volts
Using the same principles, and staying and the plate current is 350 milliamperes.
within the practical limits, a value for R2 (The current must be changed to amperes
can be computed that provide a given will before substitution in the formula, and so.
voltage drop across or a given current R3 is0.35 amp.) Then R1

through Rl. Simple algebra is required.

Example: The first step is to find the
equivalent resistance of R2 and R3. From P = EI = 2000 X 0.35 = 700 watts
the formula for two resistances in parallel,
— ,R2 ,H3
E-250V »20k .8000
By substituting the Ohm's Law equiva-
p _ R2 X R3 20 X 8 _ 160.
~ ~ lent forE and I, the following formulas
R2 + R3 20 + 8 28
are obtained for power:
= 5.71 kft

The total resistance in the circuit is then p = Ei


R = Rl + R eq = 5kO + 5.71 kfl

P = I

= 10.71 kfl

These formulas are useful in power

The current is calculations when the resistance and
either the current or voltage (but not
both) are known.
250 Example: How much power will be
Fig. 12 — An example of resistors in series-
,-T« 10.71
= 23.3 mA parallel. The equivalent circuit is below. The
used up in a 4000-ohih resistor if the solution is worked out in the text.

2-7 Chapter 2

some other form than heat. Therefore output; The efficiency in the above
motor, for example, is converted to
mechanical motion. The power supplied power used in heating is considered to be example is 60 percent.
to a radio transmitter is largely converted a loss, because it is not the useful power.
into radio .waves. Power applied to a The efficiency of a device is the useful
power output converted form) In residences, the power company's bill
loudspeaker is changed into sound waves. (in its

divided by the power input to the device. for electrical energy, not for power.
But in every case of this kind the power is is

completely "used up" —

it cannot be In a vacuum-tube transmitter, for example, What you pay for is the work that
the object is to convert power from a dc electricity does for you, not the rate at
recovered. Also, for proper operation of
source into ac power at some radio fre- which that work is, done. Electrical work
the device the power must be supplied at a
quency. The ratio of the rf power output is equal to power multiplied by time; the
definite ratio of voltage to current. Both
these features are characteristics of resis- to the dc input is the efficiency of the tube. common unit is the watt-hour, which
tance, so it can be Said that any device that That is, means that a power of 1 watt has been
dissipates power has a definite value of used for one hour. That is,
"resistance." This concept of resistance as
something that absorbs power at a defi-
Eff = — W = PT
nite voltage/current ratio is very useful,
where W = energy in watt-hours
since it permits substituting a simple resis-
tance for the load or power-consuming where = efficiency (as a decimal)
Eff. P = power in watts

part of the device receiving power, often Po = power output (watts) T = time in hours

"with considerable simplification of calcu- Pi = power input (watts)

lations. Of course, every electrical device
has some resistance of its own in the more Example: If the dc input to the tube is Other energy units are the kilowatt-hour
narrow sense, so a part of the power sup- 100 watts, and the rf power output is 60 and the watt-second. These units should be
dissipated in that resistance watts, the efficiency is self-explanatory.
plied to it is
Energy units are seldom used in
and hence appears as heat even though the
amateur practice, but obvious that a
it is
major part of the power may be converted
to another form.
small amount of power used for a long
time can eventually result in a "power"
Efficiency Efficiency is usually expressed as a bill that is just as large as though a large

In devices such as motors and vacuum percentage; that is, it tells what percent of amount of power had been used for a very
to obtain power in the input power will be available as useful short time.
tubes, the object is

insulation, called the dielectic constant
Suppose two metal plates are placed,
flat the current flows only during the time of is

charge and discharge, and this time is of that particular insulating material. The
close to each other (but not touching) and
very short. There can be no material itself is called a dielectric. The
are connected to a battery through a usually
continuous flow of direct current "through" dielectric constants of a number of
switch, as shown in Fig. 13. At the instant
a capacitor, but an alternating current can materials commonly used as dielectrics in
the switch is closed, electrons will be
pass through easily if the frequency is high capacitors are given in Table 3. If a sheet
attracted from the upper plate to the
of polystyrene is substituted for air
positive terminal of the battery, and the enough.
The charge or quantity of electricity between the plates of a capacitor, for
same number will be repelled into the
that can be placed on a capacitor is example, the capacitance will be increased
lower plate from the negative battery
terminal. Enough electrons move into one proportional to the applied voltage and to 2.6 times.

plate and out of the other to make the emf the capacitance of the capacitor. The
between them the same as the emf of the larger the plate area and the smaller the
The fundamental unit of capacitance is
battery. spacing between the plate the greater the
If the switch is opened after the plates capacitance. The capacitance also depends

have been charged in this way, the top upon the kind of insulating material be-
Table 3
plate with a deficiency of electrons
is left tween the plates; it is smallest with air and Breakdown Voltages
Dielectric Constants
and the bottom plate with an excess. The insulation, but substitution of other Dielectric Puncture
plates remain charged despite the fact that insulating materials for air may increase Materia/ Constant' Voltage"
the battery no longer is connected. ,
the capacitance many times. The ratio of Air » 1.0 240
However, if a wire is touched between the the capacitance with some material other Alsimag 196 5.7 240
plates, to the Bakelite 4.4-5.4 300
two plates (short-circuiting them) the than air between the
Bakelite, mica-filled 4.7 325-375
excess electrons on the bottom plate will capacitance of the same capacitor with air
Cellulose acetate 3.3-3.9
flow through the wire to the upper plate, Fiber 5-7.5 150-180

thus restoring electrical neutrality. The Formica 4.6-4.9 450

Glass, window 7.6-8 200-250
plates have then been discharged. 335
Glass, Pyrex 4.8
The two plates constitute an electrical 3800-5600
Mica, ruby 5.4
capacitor; a capacitor possesses the pro- Mycalex 7.4 250
perty of storing electricity. (The energy Paper, Royalgrey 3.0 200
Plexiglas 2.8 990
actually is stored in the electric field
Polyethylene 2.3 1200
between the plates.) During the time the 500-700
electrons are moving —
that is, while the
5.1-5.9 40-100
capacitor being charged or discharged
is METAL Quartz, fused 3.8 1000
PLATES 150-315
a current is flowing in the circuit even
Steatite, low-loss 5.8
Teflon 2.1 1000-2000
though the circuit is "broken" by the gap * At MHz ** In volts per mil (0.001 inch)
between the capacitor plates. However, Fig. 13 — A simple capacitor. 1

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-8

Fig. 14 — A multiple-plate capacitor. Alternate
plates are connected together.

the farad, but this unit is much too large

for practical work. Capacitance is usually
measured in microfarads (abbreviated uF)
or picofarads (pF). The microfarad is
one-millionth of a farad, and the picofarad
(formerly micromicrofarad) is one-mil-
lionth of a microfarad. Capacitors nearly
always have more than two plates, the
alternate plates being connected together
to form two sets as shown in Fig. 14. This
makes it possible to attain a fairly large
capacitance in a small space, since several
plates of smaller individual area can be
stacked to form the equivalent of a single
large plate of the same total area. Also, all
plates, except the two on the ends, are ex-
posed to plates of the other group on both
sides, and so are twice as effective in in-
creasing the capacitance.
The formula for calculating capacitance

C = 0.224 ^(n - 1)

where C = capacitance in pF
K= dielectric constant of material
between plates
A= area of one side of one plate in
square inches Fig. 1 5 — Fixed-value capacitors are seen at A. A large computer-grade unit is at the upper left. The
d = separation of plate surfaces in 40-u.F unit is an electrolytic capacitor. The smaller pieces are silver-mica, disk-ceramic, tantalum,
inches polystyrene and ceramic chip capacitors. The small black unit (cylindrical) is a pc-board-mount
n = number of plates electrolytic. Variable capacitors are shown at B. A vacuum variable is at the upper left.

If the plates in one group do not have the

same area as the plates in the other, use unit. Th& solid dielectrics commonly used audio to several hundred megahertz.
the area of the smaller plates. are mica, paper and special ceramics. An
example of a liquid dielectric is mineral oil.
Voltage Breakdown
Capacitors in Radio
The electrolytic capacitor uses aluminum- When a high voltage is applied to the
The types of capacitors used in radio foil plates with a semiliquid conducting plates of a capacitor, a considerable force
work differ considerably in physical size, chemical compound between them; the is exerted on the electrons and nuclei of
construction, and capacitance. Some rep- actual dielectric a very thin film of insu-
is the dielectric. Because the dielectric is an
resentative types are shown in the lating material that forms on one set of insulator the electrons do not become
photograph (Fig. 15). In variable capaci- plates through electrochemical action when detached from atoms the way they do in
tors (almost always constructed with air a dc voltage applied to the capacitor.
is conductors. However, if,the force is great
for the dielectric) one set of plates is made The capacitance obtained with a given enough the "break down;"
dielectric win*
movable with respect to the other set so plate area in an electrolytic capacitor is usually it puncture and may char (if it
that the capacitance can be varied. Fixed very large, compared with capacitors hav- is solid) and permit current to flow. The
capacitors —that is, assemblies having a ing other dielectrics, because the film is so breakdown voltage depends upon the kind
single, nonadjustable value of capacitance thin — much than any thickness that
less and thickness of the dielectric, as shown in
— also can be made with metal plates is practicable with a solid dielectric. Table 3. It is not directly proportional to
and with air as the dielectric, but usually The use of electrolytic and oil-filled the thickness; that is, doubling the
are constructed from plates of metal foil capacitors is confined to power-supply thickness does not quite double the
with a thin solid or liquid dielectric sand- filtering and audio-bypass applications. breakdown voltage. If the dielectric is air
wiched in between, so that a relatively Mica and ceramic capacitors are used or any other gas, breakdown is evidenced
large capacitance can be secured in a small throughout the frequency range from by a spark or arc between the plates, but if
2-9 Chapter 2
the voltage is removed the arc ceases and
The voltage across xeach capacitor is
proportional the total capacitance
the capacitor is ready for use again.
divided by the capacitance of the capacitor
Breakdown will odcur at a lower voltage
SOURCE in question, so the voltage across Cl is
between pointed or sharp-edged surfaces OF EMF
than between rounded and polished
surfaces; consequently, the breakdown = 0.571
El X 2000 1142 volts
voltage between metal plates of given PARALLEL
spacing in air can be increased by buffing
the edges of the plates. Similarly, the voltages across C2 and C3
Since the dielectric must be thick to are
withstand high voltages, and since the SOURCE
thicker the dielectric the smaller the OF EMF
O 0.571
capacitance for a given plate area, a E2 X 2000 571 volts
high-voltage capacitor must have more
plate area than a low-voltage one of the SERIES
same capacitance. High-voltage, high-
E3 = X 2000 = 286 volts
capacitance capacitors are physically large. Fig. 1 6 — Capacitors in parallel and in series.

Capacitors in Series and Parallel

The terms "parallel" and "series" when approximately 2000 volts, the
expressed in either «F or pF; both kinds of totaling
used with reference to capacitors have the applied voltage.
units cannot be used in the same equation.
same meaning as with resistances.
Capacitors are frequently connected in
Capacitors are connected in parallel to
When a number of capacitors are con-
series to enable the group to withstand a
obtain a larger total capacitance than is
nected in parallel, as in Fig. 16, the total
available in one unit. The largest voltage larger voltage (at the expense of decreased
capacitance of the group is equal to the
that can be applied safely to a group of total capacitance) than any individual
sum of the individual capacitances, so capacitor rated to stand. However, as
capacitors in parallel is the voltage that
can be applied safely to the one having the shown by previous example, the
= Cl + C2 + C3 + C4 + lowest voltage rating. applied voltages does not divide equally
When capacitors are connected in among the capacitors (except when all the
However, if two or more capacitors are capacitances are the same) so care must be
series, the applied voltage is divided up
connected in series, as in the second taken to see that the voltage rating of no
among them, the situation is much the
drawing, the total capacitance is less than capacitor in the group is exceeded.
same as when resistors are in series and
that of the smallest capacitor in the group.
there is a voltage drop across each.
The rule for finding the capacitance of a
However, the voltage that appears across
number of series-connected capacitors is
each capacitor of a group connected' in
the same as that for finding the resistance
series is in inverse proportion to its
of a number of parallel-connected resis-
capacitance, ascompared with the capaci-
tors, That is,
tance of the whole group.
1 Example: Three capacitors having capaci-

+ J_ + J_ + _L
C2 C3 C4
tances of 1, 2 and 4 uF, respectively, are

connected in series as shown in Fig 17.

The total capacitance is
and, for only two capacitors in series, 1 1
C =
X C2
+ C2
Cl C2 C3, 12 4

4 *
= -j- = y = 0.571 hF Fig. 17 — An example of capacitors connected in

The same units must be used through- series. The solution to this arrangement is

out; that is, all capacitances must be worked out in the text.

It is possible to show that the flow of This voltage "drop" (which has nothing constant associated with the circuit itself,
accom- to do with the voltage drop in any called the inductance of the circuit.
current through a conductor is
resistance in the circuit) is the result of an Inductance depends on the physical
panied by magnetic effects; a compass
opposing voltage "induced" in the circuit characteristics of the conductor. If the
needle brought near the conductor, for
example, will be deflected from its normal while the field is building up to its final conductor is formed into a coil, for
north-south position. The current, in value. When the field becomes constant example, its inductance is increased. A
the induced emf or back emf disappears, coil of many turns will have more
other words, sets up a magnetic field.
The transfer of energy to the magnetic since no further energy is being stored. inductance than one of few turns, if both
field represents work done by the source Since the induced emf opposes the emf coils otherwise physically similar.
of the source, it tends to prevent the Also, if is placed around an iron
a coil
of emf. Power is required for doing work,
and since power is equal to current current from rising rapidly when the core its inductance will be greater than it
multiplied by voltage, there must be a circuit is closed. The amplitude of the was without the magnetic core.
voltage drop in the circuit during the time induced emf is proportional to the rate at The polarity of an induced emf is
in which energy is being stored in the field. which the current is changing and to a always such as to oppose any change in

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-10

the current in the circuit. This means that though the conductor not formed into ais
when the current in the circuit is coil. The inductance of a short
length of
increasing, work is being done against the straight wire is small, but it may not be
induced emf by storing energy in the negligible because if the current through it
magnetic field. If the current in the circuit changes its intensity rapidly enough the
tends to decrease, the stored energy of the induced voltage may be appreciable. This
field returns to the circuit, and thus adds will be the case in even a few inches of
to the energy being supplied by the source wire when an alternating current having a

. ""Ml of emf. This tends to keep the current frequency of the order of 100 MHz, or
flowing even though the applied emf may higher is flowing. However, at much lower
Fig. 18 —
Assorted inductors. A rotary
be decreasing or be removed entirely.
(continuously variable) coil is at the upper left. frequencies the inductance of the same
Slug-tuned inductors are visible in the lower The unit of inductance is the henry. wire could be ignored because the induced
foreground. An rf choke (three pi windings) is Values of inductance used in radio voltage would be negligibly small.
seen at the lower right. equipment vary over a wide range.
Inductance of several henrys is required in Calculating Inductance
power-supply circuits (see chapter on The, approximate inductance of single-
power supplies), and to obtain such values may be calculated from
layer air-core coils
of inductance necessary to use coils of
it is the simplified formula
many turns wound oniron cores. In
radio-frequency circuits, the inductance =
values used will be measured in milli- 9a + 10b
henrys (a mH, one one-thousandth of a
henry) at low frequencies, and in micro- where L = inductance in microhenrys
a = coil radius in inches
henrys ( «H, one one-millionth of a henry)

at medium frequencies and higher. Al-

b = coil length in inches

though coils for radio frequencies may be n = number of turns

wound on special iron cores (ordinary The notation is explained in Fig. 19. This
iron is not suitable), most rf coils made formula is a close approximation for coils
and used by amateurs are of the having a length equal to or greater than
Fig. 19 —
Coil dimensions used in the induc-
"air-core" type; that is, wound on an
tance formula. The wire diameter does not 0.8a.
enter into the formula. The spacing has been insulating support consisting of non- Example: Assume a coil having 48 turns
exaggerated in this illustration for clarity. The magnetic material (Fig. 18). wound 32 turns per inch and a diameter of
formula is for closewound coils. Every conductor has inductance, even 3/4 inch. This a = 0.75/2 = 0.375, b
= 48/32 = 1.5, and n = 48. Substituting,

L _ .375 X -375 X 48 X 48 „„
(9x.375)+(10 X 1.5)

To calculate the number of turns of a

single-layer coil for a required value of

n = V L(9a + 10 b)

Example: Suppose an inductance of 10

«H is required. The form on which the coil
is to be wound has a diameter of one inch
and long enough to accommodate a coil

of 1-1/4 inches. Then a = 0.5, b= 1.25,

and L = 10. Substituting,

n = V '0(4-5 + 12.5) _ \TT70

0.5 0.5
= 26.1 turns

A 26-turn coil would be close enough in

practical work. Since the coil will be 1.25
inches long, the number of turns per inch
will be 26.1/1.25 = 20.8. Consulting the
wire table, we find thatsno. 17 enameled
0.07 wire (or anything smaller) can be used. The
0.06 proper inductance is obtained by winding
the required number of turns on
the form
and then adjusting the spacing between
0.04 the turns to make a uniformly spaced coil
1.25 inches long.
Inductance Charts
Fig. 20 — Measured inductance of coils wound with no. 12 bare wire, eight turns to the inch
Most inductance formulas lose accuracy
The values include half-inch leads. Inches x 25.4 = mm.)
when applied to small coils (such as are
2-11 Chapter 2
AWG On b&o //von AWG OR BAS INCH
8 7.6 24 46.3
9 8.6 25 51.7
10 9.6 26 58
11 10.7 27 64.9
12 12 28 72.7 .,

13 13.5 29 81.6
14 15 30 90.5
' 101
15 16.8 31
16 18.9 32 113
17 21.2 33 127
18 23.6 34 '
19 26.4 35 158
20 29.4 36 175
21 33.1 37 198
22 37 38 224
23 41.3 39 248


— y

o >-
z ID 0.7
1- UJ
on _l 0.6
o <
z H 0.5
_l 0.4
a. kl
_j _l 0.3
o <t


1 2
1 2 3


Fig. 21— Factor to be applied to the inductance of coils listed in Fig. 22 —

Factor to be applied to the inductance of coils listed in
Table 4 for coil lengths up to five inches. Table 5, as a function of coil length. Use curve A for coils marked
A, and curve B for coils marked B.

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-12

6k. .008




UJ <t
> <
z q:
u Nomograph for determining values of parallel resistances and inductances, and series capacitors.
Cf The dashed line shows that a total resistance of 50 ohms is obtained (B scaleLwhen 85 ohms (A
UJ scale) is placed in parallel with 125 ohms (C scale). For greater quantities of R, C and L (250 or
a u
o greater), add the necessary number of zeros to the numbers of scales A, B and C.

Nomograph of capacitor Values versus reso-

nant frequency for 88-mH toroidal inductors.

2-13 Chapter 2

NO. 34

NO. 40





/ /
/ /
/ /
// 0.5- IN. DIA ROD

1.0 10



Fig. 24 — Inductance of various conductor sizes when arranged as straight members.

Fig. 23 — The proximity of the turns on a -

solenoid forms parasitic capacitors, as

sketched in A. The net effect of these
capacitors is called the distributed
capacitance, and causes the coil to exhibit a
used in vhf work and in low-pass filters coil with respect to frequency is illustrated
self-resonance, illustrated in B.
built for reducing harmonic interference in Fig. 23.
to television) because the conductor thick- Sometimes it is useful to know the in-
ness is no longer comparison
negligible in ductance of a straight wire, such as a com-
with the size of the coil. Fig. 20 shows the ponent lead. A straight, round, non-
Table 4 measured inductance of vhf coils, and magnetic wire in free space has an induc-
Machine-Wound Coil Specifications may be used as a basis for circuit design. tance approximated by the formula
Two curves are given: curve A is for coils
Coil Dla, No. of Turns Inductance wound to an inside diameter of 1 /2 inch;
Inches Per Inch IniiH
curve B is for coils of 3/4 inch inside di- Table 5
1-1/4 4 2.75 ameter. In both curves the wire size is no.
6 6.3
Machine-Wound Coil Specifications
12, winding pitch eight turns to the inch
8 11.2
10 17.5 (1/8 inch center-to-center turn spacing). Coil Die, No- of Turns Inductance
The inductance values given include leads Inches Per Inch in \xH
16 42.5
1/2 inch long. 1/2 4 0.18
1-1/2 4 3.9
(A) 6 0.40
6 8.8 Machine-wound coils with the
8 15.6 diameters and turns per inch given in 10 1.12
10 24.5
Tables 4 and 5 are available in many radio 16 2.9
16 63
stores, under the trade names of "B&W 32 12
1-3/4 4 5.2
Miniductor," "Air-dux" and 5/8 4 0.28
6 11.8
"POlycoil." Figs. 21 and 22 are used with (A) 6 0.62
8 21
8 1.1
10 33 Tables 4 and 5.
10 1.7
16 85 While forming a wire into a solenoid in- 16 4.4
2 4 6.6 creases its inductance, this procedure also 32 18
6 15 introduces distributed capacitance. Since 3/4 4 0.6
8 26.5
each turn is at a slightly different (ac) (B) 6 1.35
10 42
potential, each pair of turns forms a 8 2.4
16 108
10 3.8
* parasitic capacitor. At some frequency the
2-1/2 4 6.6 16 9.9
6 23 effective capacitance will have a reactance 32 40
8 41 equaL to that of the inductance, and the
1 4 1.0
10 64 inductor wilL show self-resonance. (Reac- (B) 6 2.3
3 4 14 tance and resonance are treated in the sec- 8 4.2
6 31.5 tion on alternating current.) Above the 10 6.6
8 56 16 16.9
self-resonant frequency, a coil takes on
10 89 32 68
the reactive properties of a capacitor in-
Inches x 25.4 = mm.
The behavior of a
Inches X 25.4 = mm.
stead of an inductor.

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-14

L = 0.0002b radius, suspended 40 mm
above a ground
plane. (The indtictance measured be- is

tween the free end and the ground plane,

and the formula includes the inductance
of the 40-mm grounding link.) A person
L = 0.0002b j(2.303 log, - skilled in the use of a sophisticated
calculator could produce the answer with
where only a few key strokes, but to demonstrate
L = inductance in tfie use of the formula, begin by

a = wire radius in mm evaluating these quantities:

b = wire length in mm 2
b + \fb + a
= 100 + 100.02 =
If the dimensions are expressed in inches
the length coefficient (outside the b + v^b
+ 4h 2 = 100 + 128.06 =
brackets) becomes- 0.00508. These for- 228:06
mulas are valid for low frequencies; the 2h
skin effect reduces the inductance at vhf = 40
a Fig. 25 — Typical construction of an iron-core
and above. As the frequency approaches inductor. The small air gap prevents magnetic
infinity, theconstant within the brackets b saturation of the iron and thus maintains the
= 25 inductance at high currents.
approaches unity. As a practical matter, 4
the skin effect won't reduce the induc-
tance bymore than a few percent. Substituting these figures into the formula
As an example, let a = 2 mm and b = yields:
densities (or with an air core) increasing
100 mm. Most pocket calculators can
compute either natural or common L = 0.0004605(100) log 10 the current through the coil will cause a
logarithms. Using the natural logarithm proportionate increase in flux, but at very
function, the problem is formulated as high flux densities, increasing the current
follows: may cause no appreciable change in the
[« ("If-)]} flux. When this is so, the iron is said to be
2(1 °0) saturated. Saturation causes a rapid
L = 0.0002(100) |(ln ) -
O.75J 0.0002 (128.06 - 100.02 - decrease in permeability, because it
2 + + 25 80
decreases the ratio of flux lines to those
= 0.02 [(In 100) - 0.75]
+ 2) = 0.066 pH.
obtainable with the same current and an
= 0.02 (4.606 - 0.75) These straight-wire equations cannot be air core. Obviously, the inductance of an
= (0.02) (3.855) = 0.077 ^H. simply solved for length as a function of iron-core inductor is highly dependent
desired inductance and given radius, but upon the current flowing in the coil. In an
Fig. 24 is a graph of the inductance for the proper length can be determined air-core coil, the inductance is indepen-
wires of various radii as a function of quickly with the aid of a pocket dent of current because air does not satu-
length. calculator. The technique is to estimate rate.
A vhf or uhf tank circuit can be the required length and plug that estimate Iron core coils such as the one sketched
fabricated from a wire parallel to a into the formula to see if it produces the in Fig. 25 areused chiefly in power-supply
ground plane, with one end grounded. A proper inductance. A few iterations will equipment. They usually have direct
formula for the inductance of such an ar- yield a length that is as close as the ac- current flowing through the winding, and
rangement is curacy of the formula will permit. the variation in inductance with current is
It may be overcome
usually undesirable.
L = 0.0004605b {
Iron-Core Coils: Permeability by keeping the flux density below the
Suppose that the coil in 25 is Fig. saturation point of the iron. This is done
wound on an iron core having a by opening the core so that there is a small
2h / b + \fb* + a^ \
"air gap," as indicated by the dashed
cross-sectional area of 2 square inches.
When a certain current is sent through the lines. The magnetic "resistance" intro-
a \b + + 4hV
coil it is found that there are 80,000 lines duced by such a gap is so large even —
of force in the core. Since the area is two though the gap is only a small fraction of
+ 0.0002 (>/b2 + 4h2 - \/b2 + a? square inches, the flux density is 40,000 an inch —
compared with that of the iron
lines per square inch. Now suppose that that the gap, rather than the iron, controls
the iron core is removed and the same the flux density. This reduces the induc-
+ j - 2h + a)
. current is maintained in the coil, and that tance, but makes it practically constant
the flux density without the iron core is regardless of the value of the current.
where found to be 50 lines per square inch. The For radio-frequency work, the losses in
L = inductance in ratio of the flux density with the given iron cores can be reduced to a satisfactory
a = wire radius in mm core material to the flux density (with the figureby grinding the iron into a powder
b = wire length parallel to ground same coil and same current) with an air and then mixing it with a "binder" of
plane in mm core is called the permeability of the insulating material in such a way that the
h = wire height above ground plane in material. In this case the permeability of individual iron particles are insulated
mm -
the iron is 40,000/50 = 800. The induc- from each other. By this means cores can

tance of the coil is increased 800 times be made that will function satisfactorily
If the dimensions are in inches, the by inserting the iron core since, other even through the vhf range that is, at —
numerical coefficients become 0.0117 for things being equal, the inductance will be frequencies up to perhaps- 100 MHz.
the first term and 0.00508 for the second proportional to the magnetic flux through Because a large part of the magnetic path
term. the coil. is through a nonmagnetic material, the

Suppose it is desired to find the induc- The permeability of a magnetic material permeability of the iron is low compared
tance of a wire 100 mm long and 2 mm in varies with the flux density. At low flux with the values obtained at power-supply

2-15 Chapter 2

are sufficiently separated so that no coil is If all the flux set up by one coil cuts all

in the magnetic field of another. the turns of the other coil, the mutual
That is, inductance has its maximum possible
value. If only a small part of the flux set
= LI + L2 + L3 + L4 + . .
up by one coil cuts, the turns of the other
the mutual inductance is relatively small.
If inductors are connected in parallel
(Fig. 26) —
and the coils are sepa- Two coils having mutual inductance are
said to be coupled.
rated sufficiently, the total inductance is
The ratio of actual mutual inductance
given by
to the maximumpossible value that could
1 theoretically be obtained with two given

J coils is called the coefficient of coupling
+ + + L4 T
LI L2 L3 between the coils. It is frequently ex-
pressed as a percentage. Coils that have
and for two inductances in parallel,
nearly the maximum possible (coefficient
= 1 or 100 percent) mutual inductance are
L = said to be closely, or tightly, coupled, but'
LI + L2 ifthe mutual inductance is relatively small
— Inductances in series and parallel. Thus the rules for combining inductances the coils are said to be loosely coupled.
Fig. 26
in series and parallel are the same for The degree of coupling depends upon the
resistances, if the coils are far enough physical spacing between the coils and
apart so that each is unaffected by how they are placed with respect to each
frequencies. The core is usually in the another's magnetic field. When this is not other. Maximum coupling exists when
form of a "slug" or cylinder that fits so the formulas given above' cannot be they have a common axis and are as close
inside the insulating form on which the used. together as possible (one wound over the
coil is wound. Despite the fact that with
other). The coupling is least when the coils
Mutual Inductance are far apart or are placed so their axes are
this construction the major portion of the
magnetic path for the flux is in air, the If two coils are arranged with their axes at right angles.

slug is quite effective in increasing the coil on the same line, as shown in Fig. 27, a The maximum possible coefficient of

inductance. By pushing the slug in and out current sent through coil 1 will cause a coupling is closely approached only when
of the the inductance can be varied
coil, magnetic field which "cuts" coil 2. the two coils are wound on a closed iron
over a considerable range. Consequently, an emf will be induced in core. The coefficient with air-core coils

* coil 2 whenever the field strength is may run as high as 0.6 or 0.7 if one coil is

changing. This induced emf is similar to wound over the other, but will be much
Eddy Currents and Hysteresis the emf of self-induction, but since it less if the two coils are separated.

When alternating current flows through appears in the second coil because of
Time Constant:
a coil wound on an iron core an emf will current flowing in the first, it is a •
Capacitance and Resistance
be induced, as previously explained, and "mutual" effect and from the results
since iron is a conductor a current will mutual inductance between the two coils. Connecting a source of emf to a
flow in the core. Such currents (called
eddy currents) represent a waste of power
because they flow through the resistance
of the iron and thus cause heating.
Eddy-eurrent losses can be reduced by
is, by cutting it
laminating the core; that
These strips or laminations
into thin strips.
must be insulated from each other by
painting them with some insulating
material such as varnish or shellac.
There is also another type of energy
loss: The iron tends to resist any change in
its magnetic state, so a rapidly-changing
current such as ac is forced continually to
supply energy to the iron to overcome this
"inertia.*' Losses of this sort are called
hysteresis losses.
Eddy-current and hysteresis losses in
iron increase rapidly as the frequency of
the alternating current is increased. For
can be used
this reason, ordinary iron cores
only at power and audio frequencies —
up to, say, 15,000 hertz. Even so, a very
good grade of iron or steel is necessary if
the core is to perform well at the higher

audio frequencies. Iron cores of this type

are completely useless at radio frequencies.

Inductances in Series and Parallel

When two or more inductors are
connected in series (Fig. 26) the total
inductance is equal to the sum of the Fig. 27 — Mutual inductance. When the switch, S, isclosed current flows through coil no. 1,

individual inductances, provided the coils setting up a magnetic field that induces an emf in the turns of coilno. 2.

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-16

capacitor causes the capacitor to become a very rapid change in current, and a back
charged to the full emf practically emf is developed by the self-inductance of
instantaneously, if there is no resistance in L that is practically equal and opposite to
the circuit. However,
the circuit if the applied emf. The result is that the
contains resistance, as in Fig. 28 A, the initial current is very small.
resistance limits the current flow and an The back emf depends upon the change
appreciable length of time is required for in current and would cease to offer
the emf between the capacitor plates to (A) (B) opposition if the current did not continue
build up to the same value as the emf of . to increase. With no resistance in the
the source. During
"building-up" this circuit (which would lead to an
Fig. 28 — Illustrating the time constant of an
period, the current gradually decreases RC circuit. by Ohm's Law) the current
large current,
from its initial value, because the in- would increase forever, alw.ays growing
creasing emf stored on the capacitor offers just fast enough to keep the emf of
increasing opposition to the steady emf of self-induction equal to the applied emf.
the source. When resistance is in series, Ohm's Law
Theoretically, the charging process is sets a limit to the value that the current
never really finished, but eventually the 80 can reach. The back emf generated in L
charging current drops to a value that is CHAF GE ^has only to equal the difference between E
smaller than anything that can be and the drop across R, because that
measured. The time constant of such a 40 difference is the voltage actually applied
circuit is the length of time, in seconds, to L. This difference becomes smaller as
required for the voltage across the 20 the current approaches the final Ohm's
capacitor to reach 63 percent of the Law value. Theoretically, the back emf
applied emf (this figure is chosen for 2RC never quite disappears and so the current
mathematical reasons). The voltage across TIME
never quite reaches the Ohm's Law value,
the capacitor rises with time as shown by but practically the differences become
Fig. 29. unmeasurable after a time. The time
The formula for time constant is constant of an inductive circuit is the time
SCHA ?GE in seconds required for the current to
T = RC reach 63 percent of its final value. The
formula is

where T = time constant in seconds v

C = capacitance in farads
R = resistance in ohms
Example: The time constant of a 2- M F TIME
capacitor and a 250,000-ohm (0.25 M)
where T = time constant in seconds
L = inductance in henrys
Fig. 29 — How the voltage across a capacitor R = resistance in ohms.
rises, with time, when charged through a
T = RC = 0.25 X 2 = 0.5 second
resistor. The lower curve shows the way in
which the voltage decreases across the The resistance of the wire in a coil acts as
capacitor terminals on discharging through the
If the applied emf
1000 volts, the is if itwere in series with the inductance.
same resistor.
voltage between the capacitor plates will Example: A coil having an inductance
be 630 volts at the end of 1/2 second. of 20 henrys and a resistance of 100 ohms
If C is in microfarads and R in has a time constant of
megohms, the time constant also is in
seconds. These units usually are more
L 20
convenient. T = = 0.2 second
a charged capacitor is discharged
R 100

through a resistor, as indicated in Fig.

28B, the same time constant applies. If if there is no other resistance in the circuit.
there were no resistance, the capacitor If a dc emf of 10 volts is applied to such a
would discharge instantly when S was coil, the final current, by Ohm's Law, is
closed. However, since R limits the
current flow the capacitor voltage cannot E 10
I = = 0.1 A or 100 mA
instantly go to zero, but it will decrease R 100
just as rapidly as the capacitor can rid
itself charge through R. When the
of its The current would rise from to 63
capacitor discharging through a resis-
is millamperes in 0.2 second after, closing the
tance, the time constant (calculated in switch.
the same way as above) is the time, in An
inductor cannot be "discharged" in
seconds, that it takes for the capacitor to the same way
as a capacitor, because the
lose 63 percent of its voltage; that is, for magnetic field disappears as soon as
the voltage to drop to 37 percent of its
Fig. 30 — Time constant of an LR circuit.
current flow ceases. Opening S does not
initial value. < leave the inductor "charged." The energy
Example: If the capacitor of the resistance and inductance are in series. In stored in the magnetic field instantly
example above is charged to 1000 volts, it Fig. 30, first consider L to have no returns to the circuit when S is. opened.
will discharge to 370 volts in 1/2 second resistance and assume that R is zero.
also The rapid disappearance 'of the field
through the 250 k(] resistor. Then closing S would tend to send a causes a very large voltage to be induced

Inductance and Resistance

current through the circuit. However, the in the coil —
ordinarily many times larger
instantaneous transition from no current than the voltage applied, because the
A comparable situation exists when to a finite value, however small, represents induced voltage is proportional to the

2-17 Chapter 2
speed wjth which the field changes. The applications a resistance-capacitance (RC)
common result of opening the swjtch in a time constant is involved, and it is usually
1 00
circuit such as the one shown is that a necessary to know the voltage across the
spark or arc forms at the switch contacts 70 capacitor at some time interval larger or
at the instant of opening. If the inductance 2 SO smaller than the actual time constant of
is large and the current in the circuit is 40 the circuit as given by the formula above.
high, a great deal of energy is released in a < 30 Fig. 31 can be used for the solution of
very short period of time. It is not at all such problems, since the curve gives the
O 20 voltage across the capacitor, in terms of
unusual for the switch contacts to burn or
H percentage of the initial charge, for
melt under such circumstances. The spark Z

or arc at the opened switch can be reduced (_) percentages between 5 and 100, at any
oc 10 '

or suppressed by connecting a suitable

time after discharge begins.
capacitor and resistor in series across the Example: A 0.01-uF capacitor is charged
contacts. to 150 volts and then allowed to discharge
,0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3
through a 0.1-megohm resistor. How long

Time constants play an important part 1

in numerous devices, such as electronic RC will it take the voltage to fall to 10 volts?
keys, timing and control circuits, and In percentage, 10/150 = 6.7 percent.

shaping of keying characteristics by From the chart, the factor corresponding

vacuum tubes. The time constants of Fig. 31 —
Voltage across capacitor terminals to 6.7 percent is 2.7. The time constant
in a discharging RC circuit, in terms of the equal to RC = 0.1 X 0.01
circuits are a'lso important in such of the circuit is
initial charged voltage. Taobtain time in
applications as automatic gain control seconds, multiply the factor t/RC by the time
= 0.001. The time is therefore 2.7 X 0,001

and noise limiters. In nearly all such constant of the circuit. = 0.0027 second, or 2?7 milliseconds.

Alternating Currents
The term phase essentially means "time," phase measurements are made with re-
or the time interval between the in- spect to the lowest, or fundamental, fre-
stant when one thing occurs and the quency.
instant when a second related thing takes The time interval or "phase difference"
place. The later event is said to lag the under consideration usually will be less
earlier,while the one that occurs first is than one cycle. Phase difference could be
said to lead. In ac circuits the current measured in decimal parts of a cycle, but
amplitude changes continuously, so the it is rhore convenient to divide the cycle

concept of phase or time becomes into 360 parts or degrees. A phase degree
is therefore 1/360 of a cycle. The reason
Fig. 33 —
When two waves of the same
important. Phase can be measured in the frequency start their cycles at slightly different
ordinary time units, such as the second, for this choice is that with sine-wave times, the time difference or phase difference
but there is a more convenient method: alternating current the value of the is measured in degrees. In this drawing wave B

Since each ac cycle occupies exactly the current at any instant is proportional to starts 45 degrees (one-eighth cycle) later than
wave A, and so lags 45 degrees behind A.
same amount of time as every other cycle the sine of the angle that corresponds to
of the same frequency, we can use the the number of degrees — that is, length of
cycle itself as the time unit. Using the time — from the instant the cycle began.
cycle as the time unit makes the specifica- There is no actual "angle" associated with a/" \
// vX *

tion or measurement of phase indepen- an alternating current. Fig. 32 should help A \B \

dent of the frequency of the current, so make this method of measurement clear. — w
\ /\ \

\\ vV

long as only one frequency is under con- /
\\ /
sideration at a time. When two or more
frequencies are to be considered, as in the
Measuring Phase
Thephase difference between two
n X
y ,/
/ \ X
/ \ /
case where harmonics are present, the currents of the same frequency is the time (1/4 CYCLE)

or angle difference between corresponding
parts of cycles of the two currents. This is
shown in Fig. 33. The current labeled A V i \ / \ .
' *

leads the one marked B by 45 degrees, \

1 CYCLE since A's cycles begin 45 degrees earlier in ?} 1

/ v V
time. It is equally correct to say that'B lags AMPLI
\ i
\ i

A by 45 degrees. \
\ i

Twoimportant special cases are shown

-. 180°—
in Fig. 34. In the upper drawing B lags 90 (1/2 CYCLE)
degrees behind A; that is, its cycle begins
just one-quarter cycle later than that of A. —
Fig. 34 Two important special cases of
When one wave is passing through zero, phase difference. In the upper drawing, the
the other is just at its maximum point. phase difference between A and B is 90
In the lower drawing and B are 180 A degrees; in the lower drawing the phase
difference is 180 degrees.
degrees out of phase. In this case it does
not matter which one considered to lead

or lag. B always positive while A is The waves shown in Figs. 34 and 35

Fig. 32 —
An ac cycle is divided off into 360

negative, and vice versa. The two waves could represent current, voltage,- or both.
degrees that are used as a measure of time or
phase. are thus completely out of phase. A and B might be two currents in separate
Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-18
repeat the events of the^first and second*
respectively, with this difference
the —
polarity of the applied voltage has --

reversed, and the current changes to

correspond. In other words, an alterna-
ting current flows in the circuit because of
the alternate charging and discharging of
the capacitance. As shown by Fig. 35, the
current starts its cycle 90 degrees before
the voltage, so the current in a capacitor
leads the applied voltage by 90 degrees.

Capacitive Reactance
The quantity of electric charge that can
be placed on a capacitor is proportional to
the applied emf and the capacitance. This
amount of charge moves back and forth in
the circuit once each cycle, and so the rate
of movement of charge —
that is, the cur-
rent —
proportional to voltage, capa-

citance and frequency. If the effects of

capacitance and frequency are lumped
together, they form a quantity that plays a
part similar to that of resistance in Ohm's
Law. This quantity is called reactance,
and the unit for it is the ohm, just as in the
case of resistance. The formula for it is

where Xc = capacitive reactance in ohms

A f = frequency in hertz
circuits, or might represent voltage and current during AB
is smaller than during
B current in the same circuit. If A and B OA. In the third interval, BC, the voltage
C = capacitance in farads
represent two currents in the same circuit rises from 71 to 92, an increase of 21 volts.
r = 3.14
(or two voltages in the same circuit) the This is less than the voltage increase
total or resultant current (or voltage) also during AB, so the quantity of electricity Although the unit of reactance is the
is a sine wave, because adding any number added is less; in other words, the average ohm, there is no power dissipation in
of sine waves of the same frequency current during interval BC is still smaller. reactance. The energy stored in the
always gives a sine wave also of the same In the fourth interval, CB, the voltage capacitor in one quarter of the cycle is
frequency. increases only 8 volts; the charge added is simply returned to the circuit in the next.
smaller than in any preceding interval and The fundamental units (cycles per
Phase in Resistive Circuits
second, farads) are too cumbersome for
therefore the current also is smaller.
When an alternating voltage is applied By dividing the first quarter cycle into a practical use in radio circuits. However, if
to a resistance, the current flows exactly in very large number of intervals, it could be the capacitance is in microfarads («F)
step with the voltage. In other words, the shown that the current Charging the and the frequency is in megahertz (MHz),
voltage and current are in phase. This is capacitor has the shape of a s/ne wave, the reactance will come out in ohms in the
true at any frequency if the resistance is just as the applied voltage does. The formula.
"pure" —
that is, is free from the reactive current is largest at the beginning of the Example: The reactance of a capacitor
effects discussed in the next section. cycle and becomes zero at the maximum of 470pF (0.00047 uF) at a frequency of
Practically, it is often difficult to obtain a value of the voltage, so there is a phase 7150 kHz (7.15 MHz) is
purely resistive circuit at radio frequencies,
because the'reactive effects become more
pronounced as the frequency
In a purely resistive circuit, or for
is increased.
difference of 90 degrees between the
voltage and current. During the first
quarter cycle the current flowing in the
normal direction through the circuit, since
~ i- 2jrfC
6.28 X
— *
7.15 X 0.00047

purely resistive parts of circuits, Ohm's the capacitor is being charged. Hence the = 47.4 ohms
Law is just as valid for ac of any frequency current is positive, as indicated by the
as it is for dc. dashed line in Fig. 35. Inductive Reactance

Reactance: Alternating Current in

In the second quarter cycle —
that is, in When an alternating voltage is applied
the time from D
to H, the voltage applied to pure inductance (one with no
to the capacitdr decreases. During this resistance —
all practical inductors have
In Fig. 35 a sine-wave ac voltage having time the capacitor loses its charge. resistance) the current is again 90 degrees
a maximum value of 100 is applied to a Applying the same reasoning, it is plain out of phase with the applied voltage.
capacitor. In the period OA, the applied that the current is small in interval DE However, in this case the current lags 90
voltage increases fronv to 38; at the end and continues to increase during each degrees behind the voltage the opposite —
of this period the capacitor is charged to succeeding interval. However, the current of the capacitor current-voltage relation-
that voltage. In interval AB the voltage is flowing against the applied voltage ship.
increases to 71; that is, 33 volts additional. because the capacitor is discharging into The primary cause for this is the back
In this a smaller quantity of
interval the circuit. The current flows in the em/generated in the inductance, and since
charge has been added than in OA, negative direction during this quarter the amplitude of the back emf is
because the voltage rise during interval cycle. proportional to the rate at which the
AB is smaller. Consequently the average The third and fourth quarter cycles current changes, and this in turn is

2-19 Chapter 2
inductances from 0.1 #H to 10 henrys, for
frequencies between 100 hertz and 100
megahertz. The approximate value of
reactance can be read from the chart or,
where more exact values are needed, the
chart will serve as a check on the order of
magnitude of reactances calculated from
the formulas given above, and thus avoid
"decimal-point errors."

Reactances in Series and Parallel

When reactances of the same kind are

connected in series or parallel the resultant
reactance is that of the resultant inductance

or capacitance. This leads to the same rules

that are used when determining the
resultant resistance when resistors are
combined. That is, for series reactances of
the same kind the resultant reactance is

X = XI + X2 + X3 + X4

and for reactances of the same kind in

Fig. 36 —
Phase relationships between voltage and current when an alternating voltage is applied
parallel the resultant is
to an inductance.

proportional to the frequency, the ampli- The which the

resistance of the wire of + i~
XI X2 X3 X4
tude of the current is inversely propor- coil is wound has no effect on the

tional to the applied frequency. Also, reactance, but simply acts as though it
since the back emf is proportional to were a separate resistor connected in
With the coil. or for two in parallel,
inductance for a given rate of current series

change, the current flow is inversely

proportional to inductance for a given
Ohm Law for Reactance
y _ XI x X2
~ XI + X2
applied voltage and frequency. (Another Ohm's Law for an ac circuit containing
way of saying this is that just enough only reactance is

current flows to generate an induced emf The situation is different when reac-
that equals and opposes the applied tances'of opposite kinds, are combined.
voltage.) --i Since the current in a capacitance leads
The combined effect of inductance and the applied voltage by 90 degrees and the
frequency is called inductive reactance, = current in an inductance lags the applied
also expressed in ohms, and the formula voltage by 90 degrees, the voltages at the
for it is terminals of opposite types of reactance
are 180 degrees out of phase in a series
XL = 2yfL circuit (in which the current has to be the
same through all elements), and the
where Xl = inductive reactance in ohms where E = emf in volts currents in reactances of opposite types
f = frequency in hertz I = current in amperes are 180 degrees out of phase in a parallel
L = inductance in henrys X = reactance in ohms circuit (in which the same voltage is
* = 3.14 The reactance in the circuit may, of applied to all elements). The 180-degree

Example: The reactance of a having coil course, be either inductive or capacitive. phase relationship means that the currents
Example: If a current of 2 amperes is or voltages are of opposite polarity, so in
an inductance of 8 henrys, at a frequency
of 120 hertz, is flowing through the capacitor of the the series circuit of Fig. 38A the voltage
example (reactance = 47.4 ohms) at
earlier E across the inductive reactance X L is of
X L = 2s-fL = 6.28 x 120 X 8 = 6029 ohms
opposite polarity to the voltage E c across
7150 kHz, the voltage drop across the
In radio-frequency circuits' the in- capacitor is the capacitive reactance c This if we X .

ductance values usually are small and the call XL

"positive" and c "negative" (a X
frequencies are large. If the inductance is
E = IX = 2 X 47.4 = 94.8 volts common convention) the applied voltage
expressed in millihenrys and the frequency E AC is E L - E c In the parallel
. circuit at

in kilohertz, the conversion factors for the If 120 hertz is applied to the
420 volts at B the total current, I, is equal to IL - Ic»

two units cancel, and the formula for 8-henry inductor of the earlier example, since the currents are 180 degrees out of

reactance may be used without first the current through the coil will be phase.
converting to fundamental units. Similarly, In the series case, therefore, the resul-

no conversion is necessary if the in- I = JL = J™L - .0697 A = 69.7 tant reactance of X L and X c is
X 6029
ductance is in microhenrys and the
frequency is in megahertz. mA X = X L — Xc
Example: The reactance of a 15-
microhenry coil at a frequency of 14 MHz Reactance Chart and in the parallel case (Fig. 38B),

is The accompanying chart, Fig. 37,

~x i x c
shows the reactance of capacitances from X =
X L -X C
XL = 2jrfL = 6.28 x 14 X 15 = 1319 ohms 1 pF to 100 «F, and the reactance of
Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-20

nun i i i

For Lac

Fig.37 —
Inductive and capacitive reactance vs. frequency. Heavy lines represent multiples of 10, intermediate light lines multiples of five: e.g., the
light linebetween 10 ^H and 100 hH represents 50 piH; the light line between 0.1 and 1 ^F represents 0.5 ^F, etc. Intermediate values can be
estimated with the help of the interpolation scale. Reactances outside the range of the chart may be found by applying appropriate factors to values
within the chart range. For example, the reactance of 10 henrys at 60 Hz can be found by taking the reactance to 10 henrys at 600 Hz and dividing by
10 for the 10-times decrease in frequency.

Note that in the series circuit the total and infinitely large in the parallel circuit.
reactance is negative if Xc is larger than
XL ; this indicates that the total reactance Reactive Power
is capacitive in such a case. The resultant In Fig. 38A the voltage drop across the
reactance in a series circuit is always inductor is larger than the voltage applied
smaller than the larger of the two in- to the circuit. This might seem to be an
dividual reactances. impossible condition, but it is not; the
In the parallel circuit, the resultant explanation is that while energy is being
reactance is negative (i.e., capacitive) if stored in the inductor's magnetic field,
Xl is larger than Xc , and positive (induc- energy is being returned to the circuit
tive) if XL is smaller than Xc
, but in every from the capacitor's electric field, and vice
case is always larger than the smaller of versa. This stored energy is responsible for
the two individual reactances. the fact that the voltages across reactances
In the special case where Xl = c , the X in series can be larger than the voltage
Fig. 38 —
Series and parallel circuits
total reactance is zero in the series circuit applied to them. containing opposite kinds of reactance.

2-21 Chapter 2
In a resistance the flow of current phase with the applied voltage while in a considered later in connection with tuned
reactance it is 90 degrees out of phase with circuits and transmission lines.
causes heating and a power loss equal to
PR. The power in a reactance is equal to the voltage, the phase relationship be- A series RX circuit can be converted in-
FX, but is not a "loss"; it is simply tween current and voltage in the circuit as to its parallel equivalent by means of the

power that is transferred back and forth a whole may be anything between zero formula
between the field and the circuit but not and 90 degrees, depending on the relative
+ X,
used up in .heating anything. To dis- amounts of resistance and reactance. *P
= and
tinguish this "nondissipated" power from
Series Circuits
the power which is actually consumed, the R/ + x 5
power When and reactance are
resistance in X„ =
unit of reactive is called the •
x c

volt-ampere-reactive, or var, instead of the series, the impedance of the circuit is

watt. Reactive power is sometimes called
"wattless" power.
Z =V R 2
+X J

where the subscripts p and s represent the

Impedance where Z = impedance in ohms parallel- and series-equivalent values,
R = resistance in ohms respectively. If the parallel values are
When a circuit contains both resistance
X = reactance in ohms known, the equivalent series circuit can be
and reactance the combined effect of the
found from
two is called impedance, symbolized by the The reactance may be either capacitive- or
letter Z. (Impedance is thus a more gene- inductive. If there are two or more
ral term than either resistance or reac- reactances in the circuit they may be and
tance, and is frequently used even for combined into a resultant by the rules 1 +
circuits that have only resistance or previously given, before substitution into ft)
reactance although usually with a qualifi- the formula above; similarly for resis-
cation —
such as "resistive impedance" to tances. RsRp
indicate that, the circuit has only resis-
x, =
The "square root of the sum of the xp

tance, for example.) squares" rule for finding impedance in a

The reactance and resistance com- series circuit arises from the fact that the Circuits containing a\d reactance
prising an impedance may be connected voltage drops across the resistance and resistance in any com- series or parallel
either in series or in parallel, as shown in reactance are 90 degrees out of phase, and bination are called complex circuits. The
Fig. 39. In these circuits the reactance is
so combine by the same rule that applies term "complex" means that the
shown as a box to indicate that it may be in finding the hypotenuse of a right- numerical resistance and reactance values
either inductive or capacitive. In the series angled triangle when the base and altitude can't be combined arithmetically because
circuit the current is the same in both are known. the voltages (in series circuits) and cur-
elements, with (generally) different vol- rents (in parallel circuits) are not in phase.
tages appearing across the resistance and Parallel Circuits
Complex notation for a series RX c ircuit
reactance. In the parallel circuit the same With resistance and reactance in paral- has the form jX, where j = \f - 1.
R ±
voltage is applied to both elements, but lel, as in Fig. 39B, the impedance is The reactive portion of the impedance is
different currents flow in the two branches.
called the imaginary component, because
Since in a resistance the current is in
the square root of a negative number can
-R2L be represented only by a mathematical
z =
V R + X> 2
operator. This is so because squaring a
positive or negative number always pro-
duces a positive result.
If the reactance is inductive, the sign of
where the symbols have the same meaning
the j operator is positive; a negative sign
as for series circuits. <
indicates a capacitive reactance. The
Just as in the case of series circuits, a
resistive part of the impedance is called
number of reactances in parallel should be
•the real component.
combined to find the resultant reactance
before substitution into the formula above;
The magnitude of the impedance (in
series- equivalent form) is represented by
similarly for a number of resistances in
Z = VR 2 + X 2 Magnitude is simply a

numerical quantity expressing the ratio of

Equivalent Series and Parallel Circuits voltage to current at the terminals of the
Fig. —
Series and parallel circuits The two shown in Fig. 39 are
complex circuit —
it provides no informa-

containing resistance and reactance.

equivalent if the same current flows when tion about the type or amount of reac-

a given voltage of the same frequency is tance present.

If parallel circuits are to be expressed in
applied, and if the phase angle between
voltage and current is the same in both R ± jX form, the R and X components
cases. It is in fact possible to "transform" must first be transformed into their series-
any given series circuit into an equivalent equivalent values. A useful complex nota-
tion for parallel circuits expresses the
R = 75 OHMS parallel circuit, and vice versa.
Transformations of this type often lead components terms of conductance arid
6 to simplification in the solution of susceptance, the resultant being admit-
EAC complicated circuits. However, from the tance. These concepts are treated in detail
o standpoint of practical work the useful- in the section on radio frequency circuits.
ness of such transformations lies in the For a thorough explanation of complex
fact that the impedance of a circuit may be circuits with practical examples, see Hall,

modified by the addition of either series or "A Simple Approach to Complex Cir-
parallel elements, depending on which cuits," July, 1977 QST.
happens to be most convenient in the Another way to represent a complex im-
Fig.40 —
Circuit used as an example for
impedance calculations. particular case. Typical applications are pedance is to indicate the magnitude and

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-22

the phase angle in the polar form ZZ.0. This current flows through both the must be followed by the words "leading"
Given any two of the three quantities R, X resistance and reactance, so the voltage or "lagging" to identify the phase of the
and Z, the phase angle can be determined drops are voltage with respect to the current. Specie
by fying the numerical power factor is not
E R = IR = 2 X 75 = 150 volts
always sufficient. For example, many dc-
= arctan — or E XL = IX L = 2 X 100 = 200 volts to-ac power inverters can safely operate
R '
loads having a large net reactance of one
. X The simple arithmetical sum of these two sign, by only a small reactance of the op-
= arcsin or drops, 350 volts, is greater than the posite sign.
applied voltage because the two voltages
= arccos are 90 degrees out of phase. Their actual Reactance and Complex Waves
resultant, when phase is taken into It was pointed out earlier in this chapter
Inductive reactances are assigned positive account, is that a complex wave (a "nonsinusoidal"
X values which lead to positive values of wave) can be resolved into a fundamental
0. Conversely, capacitive reactance causes
V ( 150) 2 +(200) f = 250 volts frequency and a series of harmonic
to be negative. Since the current in an in- frequencies. When such a complex voltage

ductor lags the applied voltage (voltage Power Factor wave is applied to a circuit containing
leads the current), defining reactance, the current through the circuit
as the angle In the circuit of Fig. 40 an applied emf
will not have the same wave shape as the
by which the voltage at the terminals of of 250 volts results in a current of 2
the complex impedance leads the current applied voltage. This is because the
amperes, giving an apparent power of 250
makes for consistency — a negative value X 2 = 500 watts. However, only the reactance of an inductor and capacitor
of by which the
indicates the angle depend upon the applied frequency. For
resistance actually consumes power. The
voltage lags the current. Note that the arc the second-harmonic component of a
power in the resistance is'-
cosine formula will not produce a sign for complex wave, the reactance of the
= PR inductor is twice and the reactance of the
the phase angle unless the sign of the reac- P .= (2)
x 75 = 300 watts
tance is known. capacitor one-half their respective values
at thefundamental frequency; for the
The power consumed to the
ratio of the
Ohm Law for Impedance
apparent power is called the power factor
third harmonic the inductor reactance is
three times and the capacitor reactance
Ohm's Law can be applied to circuits of the circuit, and in this example the

one-third, and so on. Thus the circuit

containing impedance just as readily as to power factor would be 300/500 = 0.6.
impedance is different for each harmonic
circuits having resistance or reactance Power factor is frequently expressed as a
only. The formulas are percentage; in this case, it would be 60
Just what happens to the current wave
shape depends upon the values of
"Real" or dissipated power is measured
resistance and reactance involved and
in watts;apparent power, to distinguish it
how the circuit is arranged. In a simple
E = IZ from real power, is measured in volt-
circuit with resistance and inductive
amperes. It is simply the product of volts
reactance in series, the amplitudes of the
and amperes and has no direct relation-
harmonic currents will be reduced because
ship to the power actually used up or dis-
the inductive reactance increases in pro-
where E = emf in volts sipated unless the power factor of the cir-
portion to frequency. When capacitance
I = current in amperes cuit is known. The power factor of a pure-
and resistance are in series, the harmonic
Z = impedance in ohms ly resistive circuit is
100 percent or 1,
current is likely to be accentuated because
while the power factor of a pure reactance
the capacitive reactance becomes, lower as
Fig. 40 shows a simple circuit consisting
, is zero. In this illustration, the reactive
of a resistance of 75 ohms and a reactance power
the frequency is raised. When both
inductive and capacitive reactance are
of 100 ohms in series. From the formula
present the shape of the current wave can
previously given, the impedance is VAR = I
X = (2)
X 100
be altered in a variety of ways, depending
= 400 volt-amperes
upon the circuit and the "constants," or
Z = V R +X L 2 2

the relative values of L, C and R, selected.

An equivalent definition of power fac- This property of nonuniform behavior
= V (75) +(100) 2
= 125 tor is
with respect to fundamental and har-
R monics is an extremely useful one. It is the
If the applied voltage is 250, then basis of "filtering," or the suppression of
undesired frequencies in favor of a single
E 250 or cos 0. Since power factor is always
1 = ~y = -rrr = ,
2 amperes desired frequency or group of such
rendered as a positive number, the value frequencies.

Two coils having mutual inductance without direct connection, and in the since no voltage will be induced in the
constitute a transformer. The coil con- process can be readily changed from one secondary if the magnetic field is not
nected to the source of energy is called the voltage level to another. Thus, if a device changing. If dc is applied to the primary
primary coil, and the other is called the to be operated requires, for example, 7 of a transformer, a voltage Will be induced
secondary coil. volts ac and only a 440-volt source is in the secondary only at the instant of
The usefulness of the transformer lies in available, a transformer can be used to closing or opening the primary circuit,
the fact energy can be
that electrical change the source voltage to that required. since it is only at these times that the field
transferred from one circuit to another A transformer can be used only with ac, is changing.

2-23 Chapter 2
2800 Although the secondary voltage is higher
X 117 = 7 x 117
than the primary voltage, the secondary
current is lower than the primary current,
) < = 819 volts and by the same ratio.
DARY Power Relationships; Efficiency
Also, if an emf of 819 volts is applied to

) ( the 2800-turn winding (which then be- A

transformer cannot create power; it
comes the primary) the output voltage can only transfer it and change the emf.
from the 400- turn winding will be 117 Hence, the power taken from the secon-
volts. dary cannot exceed that taken by the pri-
Either winding of a transformer can be mary from the source of applied emf.
used as the primary, providing the There is always some power loss in the
winding has enough turns (enough induc- resistance of the coils and in the iron core,

tance) to induce a voltage equal to the so in all power taken

practical cases the
applied voltage without requiring an from the source will exceed that taken
excessive current flow. from the secondary. Thus,
Fig. 41 — The transformer. Power is transferred
from the primary coil to the secondary by means Effect of Secondary Current
of the magnetic field. The lower symbol at left
P = nPi

indicates an iron-core transformer, the right one The current that flows in the primary
an air-core transformer. when no current is taken from the
where Po = power output from secondary
secondary is called the magnetizing current
Pi = power input to primary
of the transformer: In any properly
n = efficiency factor
designed transformer the primary induc-
The Iron-Core Transformer tance will be so large that the magnetizing The efficiency, n, always is less than 1. It

usually expressed as a percentage; if n is

As shown in Fig. 41, the primary and current will be quite small. The power is

consumed by the transformer when the 0.65, for instance, the efficiency is 65
secondary coils of a transformer may be
wound on a core of magnetic material. secondary is "open v —
that is, not deliver- percent.

This increases the inductance of the coils ing power —

only the amount necessary
is Example: A transformer has an effi-
ciency of 85 percent as its full-load output
so that a relatively small number of turns to supply the losses in the iron core and in
the resistance of the wire with which the of 150 watts. The power input to .the pri-
may be used to induce a given value of
voltage with a small current. A closed core primary wound.
is mary at .full secondary load will be
(one having a continuous magnetic path) When power is taken from the secon-
dary winding, the secondary current sets 150
such as that shown in Fig. 41 also tends to P; =-^- = = 176.5 watts
up a magnetic field that opposes the field 0. 85
insure that practically all of the field set
up by the current in the primary coil will set up by the primary current. But if the

cut the of the secondary coil.

turns induced voltage in the primary is to equal A transformer is usually designed to
However, the core introduces a power loss the applied voltage, the original field must have the highest efficiency at the power
because of hysteresis and eddy currents, be maintained. Consequently, the primary output for which it is rated. The efficiency
so this, type of construction is normally must draw enough additional current to decreases with either lower or higher
practicable only at power and audio set up a field exactly equal and opposite to outputs. On the other hand, the losses in
frequencies. The discussion in this section the field set up by the secondary current. the transformer are relatively small at low
isconfined to transformers operating at In practical calculations on trans- output but increase as more power is

such frequencies. formers it may be assumed that the entire taken. The amount of power that the
primary current is caused by the secondary transformer can handle is determined by
Voltage and Turns Ratio "load." This is justifiable because the its own losses, because these heat the wire

For a given varying magnetic field, the magnetizing current should be very small and core. There is a limit to the
voltage induced in a coil in the field will be in comparison with the primary "load" temperature rise that can be tolerated,
proportional to the number of turns in the current at rated power output. because a too-high temperature either will
coil. If the two coils of a transformer are If the magnetic fields set up by the melt the wire or cause the insulation to
in the same field (which is the case when primary and secondary currents are to be break down. A transformer can be
both are wound on the same closed core) equal, the primary current multiplied by operated at reduced output, even though
itfollows that the induced voltages will be the primary turns must equal the secon- the efficiency is low, because the actual

proportional to the number of turns in dary current multiplied by the secondary loss will be low under such conditions.

each coil. In the primary the induced turns. From this it follows that The full-load efficiency of small power
voltage is practically equal to, and transformers such as are used in radio
opposes, the applied voltage, as described receiversand transmitters usually lies
earlier. Hence,
-(*)' between about 60 and 90 percent,
depending upon the size and design.
where Ip = primary current
Is = secondary current Leakage Reactance
rip = number of turns on primary
In a practical transformer not all of the
where Es = secondary voltage ns = number of turns on secondary
magnetic flux is common to both windings,
E p = primary applied voltage although in well-designed transformers
lis = number of turns on secondary
Example: Suppose that the secondary
the amount of flux that "cuts" one coil
of the transformer in the previous
rip = number of turns on primary and not the other is only a small percen-
example is delivering a current of 0.2
tage of the total flux. This leakage flux
ampere to a load. Then the primary causes an emf of self-induction; conse-
The ratio, ris/np is called the secondary-
current will be
to-primary turns ratio of the transformer. quently, there are small amounts of leakage

Example: A transformer has a primary inductance associated with both windings

L 2800
X 0.2 = 7 X 0.2
of the transformer. Leakage inductance
of 400 turns and a secondary of 2800 400
turns, and an emf of 1 17 volts is applied to acts in exactly the same way as an equiva-

the primary. = 1.4 ampere lent amount of ordinary inductance in-

Electrlcal Laws and Circuits 2-24

Np /N s .= required turns ratio, primary
to secondary
Zp = primary impedance required

Zs = impedance of load connected

to secondary •

Fig. 42 —
The equivalent circuit of a transformer includes the effects of leakage inductance and
resistance of both primary and secondary windings. The resistance R is an equivalent resistance
representing the core losses, which are essentially constant for any given applied voltage and Example: A vacuum-tube af amplifier
frequency. Since these are comparatively small, their effect may be neglected in many
requires a load of 5000 ohms for optimum
approximate calculations.
performance, and is to be connected to a
loudspeaker having an impedance of 10
ohms. The 'turns ratio, primary to
serted in series with the circuit. It has, Example: A transformer has a primary- secondary, required in the coupling
therefore, a certain reactance, depending to-secondary turns ratio of 0.6 (primary transformer is
upon the amount of leakage inductance has 6/10 as many turns as the secondary)
and the frequency. This reactance is called and a load of 3000 ohms is connected to
leakage reactance. the secondary. The impedance looking
v = yTW =22.4
Current flowing through the leakage into the primary then will be k zr~ v io
reactance causes a voltage drop. This
voltage drop increases with increasing The primary therefore must have 22.4
current, hence it increases as more power 3000 X (0.6)
times as many turns as the secondary.
is taken from the secondary. Thus, the Impedance matching means, in general,
greater the secondary current, the smaller
= 3000 x 0.36 = 1080 ohms
adjusting the load impedance — by means
the secondary terminal voltage becomes. of a transformer or otherwise — to a
The resistances of the transformer wind- desired value. However there is also
ings also cause voltage drops when cur- By choosing the proper turns ratio, the another meaning. It is possible to show
rent is flowing; although these voltage impedance of a fixed load can be that any source of power will deliver its
drops are not in phase with those caused transformed to any desired value, within maximum possible output when the
by leakage reactance, together they result practical limits. If transformer losses can impedance of the load is equal to the
in a lower secondary voltage under load be neglected, the transformed or "reflected" internal impedance of the source. The
than is indicated by the turns ratio of the impedance has the same phase angle as impedance of the source is said to be
transformer. the actual load impedance; thus, if the "matched" under this condition. The
At power frequencies (60 Hz) the load is a pure resistance, the load pre- efficiency is only 50 percent in such a case;
voltage at the secondary, with a reason- sented by the primary to the source of just as much power is used up in the
able well-designed transformer, should not power also will be a pure resistance. source as is delivered to the load. Because
drop more than about 10 percent from The above relationship may be used in of the poor efficiency, this type of
open-circuit conditions to full load. The practical work even though it is based on impedance matching is limited to cases
drop in voltage may be considerably more an "ideal" transformer. Aside from -the where only a small amount of power is
than this in a transformer operating at normal design requirements of reasonably available and heating from power loss in
audio frequencies because the leakage low internal losses and low leakage the source is not important.
reactance increases directly with the reactance, the only requirement is that the
frequency. primary have enough inductance to Transformer Construction
operate with low magnetizing current at Transformers usually are designed so
Impedance Ratio the voltage applied to the primary. that the magnetic path around the core is
— one without
In an ideal transformer The primary impedance of a transfor- as short as possible. A short magnetic
losses or leakage reactance — the follow- mer — as it appears to the source of power path means that the transformer will
ing relationship is true; — is determined wholly by the load con- operate with fewer turns, for a given
nected to the secondary and by the turns applied voltage, than if the path were
ratio. If the characteristics of the trans- long. A short path also helps to reduce
Zp = Z s former have an appreciable effect on the flux leakage and therefore minimizes
impedance presented to the power source, leakage reactance.
the transformer is either poorly designed Two core shapes are in common use, as
where Zp = impedance looking into or is not suited to the voltage and shown in Fig. 43. In the shell type both
terminals from frequency at which it is being used. Most windings are placed on the inner leg, while
source of power transformers will operate quite well at in the core type the primary and
Zs = impedance of load con- voltages from slightly above to well below secondary windings may be placed on
nected to secondary the design figure. separate legs, if desired. This is sometimes
Np /N s
= turns ratio, primary to
done when it is necessary to minimize
secondary Impedance Matching
capacitive effects between the primary and
Many devices require a specific value of secondary, or when one of the windings
Thata load of any given impedance
is, load resistance (or impedance) for op- must operate at very high voltage.
connected to the secondary of the timum operation. The impedance of the Core material for small transformers is
transformer will be transformed to a actual load that is to dissipate the power usually silicon steel, called "transformer
different value "looking into" the primary may differ widely from this value, so. a iron." The core is built up of laminations,
from the source of power. The impedance transformer is used to change the actual
, insulated from each other (by a thin
transformation is proportional to the load into an impedance of the desired coating of shellac, for example) to prevent
square of the primary-to-secondary turns value. This is called impedance matching. the flow of eddy currents. The laminations
ratio. From the preceding, are interleaved at the ends to make the

2-25 Chapter 2
core. As a rough indication, windings of
small power transformers frequently have
about six to eight turns per volt on a core .

of 1 -square-inch (645 sq. mm) cross sec-

tion and have a magnetic path 10 or 12
inches (254 or 305 mm) in length. longer A
path or smaller cross section requires
more turns per volt, and vice versa.
In most transformers the coils are
wound in layers, with a thin sheet of
treated-paper insulation between each
layer. Thicker insulation is used between — An assortment of toroid cores. A
Fig. 45
coils and between coils and core. ferrite is placed at the top of the picture
for comparison. The two light-colored, plastic-
Autotransformers encased toroids at the upper left are tape-
wound types (Hypersil steel) are suitable for
The transformer principle can be audio and dc-to-dc converter transformers. The
utilized with only one winding instead of wound toroid at the right center contains two
toroid cores which have been stacked atop one
two, as shown in Fig. 44; the principles
another to increase the power capability.
just discussed apply equally well. A
one-winding transformer is called an
autotransformer. The current in the com-
mon section (A) of the winding is the
difference between the line (primary) and :j0f

the load (secondary) currents, since these

currents are out of phase. Hence, if the
line and load currents are nearly equal,
the common section of the winding may
Fig. 43 — Two common types of transformer be wound with comparatively small wire.
construction. Core pieces are interleaved to This will be the case only when the
provide a continuous magnetic path. primary (line) and secondary (load)
voltages are not very different. The
autotransformer is used chiefly for boost-
Fig. 46 — Breakaway view of a pot-core
ing or reducing the power-line voltage by assembly and an assembled pot core
relatively small amounts. Continuously (right).

variable autotransformers are commer-

cially available under a variety of trade
names; "Variac" and "Powerstat" are
typical examples.

Ferromagnetic Transformers and Inductors

The design concepts and general theory
of transformers which is presented earlier
in this chapter apply also to transformers
which are wound on ferromagnetic core
materials (ferrite and powdered iron).As
is the case with stacked cores made of
laminations in the classic I and E shapes, Fig. 47 — A bc-band ferrite rod loop antenna is
the core material has a specific permeabi- at the top of the picture (J. W. Miller Co.) A
lity factor which determines the inductance blank ferrite rod is seen at the center and a
of the windings versus the number of wire flat bc-band ferrite loop antenna is in the lower
turns used. Both ferrite and powdered-
iron materials are manufactured with a
wide range of m (initial permeability)
characteristics. The value chosen by the
designer will depend upon the intended . type of core is the self-shielding charac-
operating frequency and the desired band- Another feature is the compact-
Fig.44 —
The autotransformer is based on the

transformer principle, but uses only one width of a given broadband transformer. ness of a transformer or inductor, which
winding. The line and load currents in the is possible when using a toroidal format.
common winding (A) flow in opposite direc- Core-Types in Common Use Therefore, toroids are excellent not only
tions, so that the resultant current is the dif-
For use in radio-frequency circuits in dc-to-dc converters, but at audio and
ference between them. The voltage across A is

proportional to the turns ratio. especially, a suitable core type must be radio frequencies up to at least 1000 MHz,
chosen to provide the Q
required by the assuming the proper core material is selected
designer. The wrong core material destroys for the range of frequencies over which the
magnetic path as continuous as possible the Q
of an rf type of inductor. device must operate. Toroid cores are
and thus reduce flux leakage. Toroid cores are useful from a few available from micro-miniature sizes well
The number of turns required in the hundred hertz well into the uhf spectrum. up to several inches in diameter. The latter
primary for a given applied emf is deter- Tape-wound steel cores are employed in can be used, as one example, to build a 20-
mined by the size, shape and type of core some types, of power supplies notably — kW balun for use in antenna systems.
material Used, and the frequency. The dc-to-dc converters. The toroid core is Another form taken in ferromagnetic
number of turns required is inversely pro- doughnut shaped, hence the name toroid transformers and inductors is the "pot-
portional to the cross-sectional area of the (Fig. 45). The principal advantage to this core" or "cup-core" device. Unlike the

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-26

toroid, which has the winding over the
L1/L2 and L3/L4 lines must be 3 x R1
outer surface of the core material, the pot-
(30ohms in this example).
core winding is inside the ferromagnetic
material (Fig. 46). There are two cup-
shaped halves to the assembly, both made m
of ferrite or powdered iron, which are
connected tightly together by means of a
screw which is passed through a center
hole. The wire for the assembly is wound
i- nmn 5
• L3
6 '

on an insulating bobbin which fits inside

the two halves of the pot-core unit. The
advantage to this type of construction is
. that the core permeability can be chosen (A) • INDICATES PHASING
to ensure a minimum number of wire
turns for a given value of inductance. This 9-1 UNBALANCED TO
reduces the wire resistance and increases
the Q as opposed to an equivalent induc-
Hl-Z ©--3
tance which is wound on a core that has END
relatively low permeability. By virtue of
the winding being contained inside the fer- 4
rite or powdered-iron pot core, shielding
is excellent.
Still another kind of ferromagnetic-core Fig. 48 — Schematic and pictorial represen-
inductor is found in today's technology — tations of one type of "conventional"
the solenoidal type (Fig. 47). Trans- transformer. This style is used frequently at
the input and output ports of rf power L1/L2 pair are twice the length of L3/L4.
formers and inductors fabricated in this
amplifiers which use transistors. The magnetic
manner consist of a cylindrical, oval or material consists of two rows of 950-mu toroid
rectangular rod of material over which the cores for use from 1.8 to 30 MHz. The primary
Fig. 50 —
Schematic and pictorial presenta-
tions of a transmission-tine transformer in
wire winding is placed. This variety of and secondary windings are passed through
the center holes of the toroid-stack rows as
which the windings need to be configured for a
device does not have a self-shielding trait. specific impedance.
Therefore it must be treated in the same
manner as any solenoidal-wound inductor
broadband amplifier. In such an example
(using external shield devices). An exam- the reactance of the windings should be at
ple of a ferrite-rod inductor is the built-in least four times the impedance the
loop antennas found in portable radios
winding is designed to look into. There-
and direction finders.
fore, a transformer which has a 300-ohm
Core Size primary and a 50-ohm secondary load
should have winding reactances (Xl) of at
The cross-sectional area of ferromagne-
least 1200 ohms and 200 ohms, respec-
tic core is chosen to prevent saturation CONVENTIONAL BROADBAND tively. The windings, for all practical pur-
from the load seen by the transformer. TRANSFORMER
poses, can be regarded as rf chokes, and
This means that the proper thickness and (A)
the same rules apply. The permeability of
diameter are essential parameters to con-
the core material plays a vital role in de-
sider. For a specific core the maximum
signing a good broadband transformer.
operational ac excitation can be dete- The performance of the transformer at the
mined by low-frequency end of the operating range
E rms X lo- depends on the permeability. That is, the
B.op (ac)
4 44 m^ (gauss)
t (effective permeability) must be high

enough in value to provide ample winding

where Ac = equivalent area of the mag- L1-TO OCCUPY ENTIRE CORE reactance at the low end of the operating
netic path in cm 2
range. As the operating frequency is in-
E rms = applied voltage creased, the effects of the core tend to
N p = number of core turns disappear progressively until there are
f = operating frequency in Hz Fig.49 —
Another conventional transformer. scarcely any core effects at the upper limit
Primary and secondary windings are wound
B op = flux density in gauss of the operating range. For this reason it is
over the outer surface of a toroid core.
common to find a very low frequency core
The foregoing equation is applicable to material utilized in a transformer that is
inductors which do not have dc flowing in Types of Transformers
contained in a broadband circuit which
the winding along with ac. When both ac The most common ferromagnetic trans- reaches well into the upper hf region, or
and dc flows formers used in amateur radio work are even into the vhf spectrum. By way of
the narrow-band, broadband, conven-
_ E rms X 10' + N p dcA L
simple explanation, at high frequency the
~ 4.444 fN A e tionaland transmission-line varieties. low-frequency core material becomes in-
10A e
p Narrow-band transformers are used when efficientand tends to vanish electrically.
where Id c = the dc curtent through the
selectivity is desired ina tuned circuit, This desirable trait makes possible the use
such as an audio peaking or notching of ferromagnetics in broadband applica-
circuit, a resonator in an rf filter, or a tions.
Al = the manufacturer's index
tuned circuit associated with an rf Conventional transformers are those that
for the core being used
amplifier. Broadband transformers are are wound in the same manner as a power
The latter can be obtained for the core in employed in circuits which must have transformer. That is, each winding is
use by consulting the manufacturer's data uniform response over a substantial made from a separate length of wire, with
sheet. spread of frequency, as in a 2- to 30-MHz one winding being placed over the

2-27 Chapter 2
Table 6
Powdered-Iron Toroidal Com — AL Value* fcH/100 turns)
75-M/x 1-Mlx 2-M/x 6-M/x 10-Mix 12-Mix 0-Mix
41 -Mix 3-M/x
Green Grey Rd & Wh Bltie Red Yellow Black Gn S Wh Tan
Core = 75 = 35 M = 25 ji = 20 M = 10 M = 8 M = 6 M = 3 M = 1
M fi
Size 0.05-0.5 MHz 0.1-2 MHz 0.5-5 MHz 1-30 MHz 10-90 MHz 60-150 MHz 100-200 MHz ,150-300

T-200 755 360 NA 250* 120 100* NA NA NA

T-184 1640 720 NA 500* 240 195 NA NA NA
T-157 970 420 360* 320* 140 115 NA NA > NA
T-130 785 330 250* 200 110 96 NA NA 15.0

T-106 900 405 345* 325* ' 135 116 NA NA 19.0*

248 200* 160 84 70 58 32 10.6

T- 94 590
170 115 55 45 32* 22 8.5
T- 80 450 180
115 57 47 32 21 7.5
T- 68 420 195 180
100 49' 40 31 18 6.4
T- 50 320 175 135
T- 44 229 180 160 105 52* 42 33 NA 6.5

308 120* 90 80 40* 30 25 15 4.9

140* 93 85 43 36 25 16 6.0
30 375
70 34 27 19 13 4.5
25 225 100 85
52 27 22 16 10 3.5
20 175 90 65
13 8 3.0
16 130 61 NA 44 •
22 19
112 60 50* 48 20* 17*12 7.5 3.0

NA —
Not av ailable in that size.
Turns = 100V I^h + A L Value (above.)
All frequency figures optimum. 'Updated values (1979) from Micrometals, Inc.

Number of Turns vs. Wire Size and Core Size

Approximate maximum of turns —
single layer wound enameled wire

T-80 7-68 r-50 r-37 7-25 T-12

Wire Size T-200 7-?30 7-706 T-94

20 12 12 10 6 4 1
10 33
43 25 16 16 14 9 6 3
32 21 21 ' 18 13 8 5 1
14 54
28 24 17 13 7 2
16 69 41 28
37 37 32 23 18 10 4 1
18 88 53
47 47 41 29 23 14 '

6 1
20 111 67
53 38 30 19 9 2
22 140 86 60 60
67 49 39 25 13 4
24* 177 109 77 77
85 63 50 33 17 7
26 223 137 97 97
123 108 80 64 42 23 9
28 281 173 123
154 136 101 81 54 29 13
30 355 217 154
194 171 .127 103 68 38 17
32 439 272 194
247 218 162 132 88 49 23
34 557 346 247
304 268 199 162 108 62 30
36 683 424 304
389 344 256 209 140 80 39
38 875 544 389
492 492 434 324 264 178 102 51
40 1103 687

Physical Dimensions

Cross Cross
Inner Secf. Mean Outer Inner Secf. Mean
Area Length Core Dia. Dia. Height Area Length
Core Dia. Dia. Height
(in.) cm 2 cm Size (in.) (in.) (in.) cm 2 cm
Size (in.) (in.)

0.550 1.330 12.97 T- 50 0.500 0.303 0.190 0.121 3.20

T-200 2.000 1.250
2.040 '11.12 T- 44 0.440 0.229 0.159 0.107 2.67
T-184 1.840 0.950 0.710
0.570 1.140 10.05 T- 37 0.375 0.205 0.128 0.070 2.32
T-157 1.570 0.950
0.733 8.29 T- 30 0.307 0.151 0.128 0.065 1.83
T-130 1.300 0.780 0.437
0.437 0.706 6.47 T- 25 0.255 0.120 0.096 0.042 1.50
T-106 1.060 0.560
0.385 6.00 T- 20 0.200 0.088 0.067 0.034 1.15
T- 94 0.942 0.560 0.312
0.242 5.15 T- 16 0.160 0.078 0.060 0.016 0.75
T- 80 0.795 0.495 0.250
0.196 4.24 T- 12 0.125 0.062 0.050 0.010 0.74
T- 68 0.690 0.370 0.190

Inches x 25.4 = mm. Courtesy of Amidon Assoc., N. Hollywood, CA 91607 and Micrometals, Inc.

known as a trifilar one, and so forth (Fig. reference on the subject is by Ruthroff. 2
previous one with suitable insulation in
between. (Figs. 48 and 49). transmission- A 50). Itcan be argued that a transmission-
Ferrite Beads
line transformer is, conversely, one that line transformer is more efficient than a
uses windings which are configured to conventional one, but in practice it is diffi- Another form of toroidal inductor is

cult to observe a significant difference in the ferrite bead. This component is

simulate a piece of transmission line of a
specific impedance. This can be achieved the performance characteristics. An interest- available in various u\ values artd sizes,

by twisting the wires together a given ing technical paper on the subject of toroi- but most beads are less than 0.25-inch
number of times per inch, or by laying the dal broadband transformers was pub- (6.3-mm) diameter. Ferrite beads are used
by Sevick, W2FMI. The 1
classic principally as vhf/uhf parasitic sup-
wires on the core (adjacent to one another) lished
at a distance apartwhich provides a two-
wire line impedance of a particular value.
In some applications these windings are 'Sevick, "Simple Broadband Matching Networks,"
Ruthroff, "Some Broadband Transformers," Proc.
IRE, Vol. 47, August 1959, p. 137.
called bifilar. A three-wire winding is QST, January 1976.

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-28

pressors at trie input and output terminals
Table 7
of amplifiers. Another practical applica-
tion for them is in decoupling networks Ferrite Toroids AL - Chart (mH per tOOO turns) Enameled Wire
which are used to prevent unwanted mi- Core OJ-fvtlX 61-Mix 43-Mix 72-Mix 75-M/x
gration of rf energy from one section of a Size U-40 u-125 u-950 u -2000 u —5000
circuit to another. They are used also in
suppressing RFI and TVI in hi-fi and tele- FT- 23 7.9 24.8 189.0 396.0 990.0
FT- 37 17.7 55.3 420.0 884.0 2210.0
vision sets. In some circuits it is necessary FT- 50 22.0 68.0 523.0 1100.0 2750.0
only to place one or more beads over a short FT- 82 23.4 73.3 557.0 1 1 72.0 2930.0
length of wire to obtain ample inductive FT-114 25.4 79.3 603.0 1268.0 3170.0
reactance for creating an rf choke. A
few turns of small-diameter enameled wire Number turns = 1000V desired L (mH) + A L value (above)
can be looped through the larger beads to Ferrite Magnetic Properties
increase the effective inductance. Ferrite
beads are suitable as low-Q base imped- Property Unit 63-M/x 61-Mix 43-Mix 72-Mix 75-Mix
ances in solid-state vhf and uhf amplifiers.
Initial Perm. («i) 40 125 950 2000
The low-Q characteristics prevents self- 5000
oscillation thatmight occur if a high Q Maximum Perm. 125 450 3000 3500 8000
solenoidal rf choke were used in place of Saturation Flux

one made from beads. Miniature broad- Density @ 13 oer Gauss 1850 2350 2750 3500 3900
band transformers are sometimes fash- Residual Flux
Density Gauss 750 1200
ioned from ferrite beads. For the most 1200 1500 1250
part, ferrite beads can be regarded as Curie Temp. °C 500 300 130 150 160
small toroid cores. Vol. Resistivity ohm/cm x 10 8
1 1 x 10" 1 x 105 1 x 10* 5x10 s

Number of Turns Opt. Freq. Range MHz 15-25 \ .2-10 .01-1 .001-1 .001-1
Specific Gravity 4.7 4.7
The number of wire turns used on a 4.5 4.8 4.8
Loss 9.0 x 10" 5 2.2 x 10" 5 2.5 x 10- 5 9.0 x 10" 6
5.0 x 10' 6
toroid core can be calculated by knowing Factor u O @ 25 MHz. @ 2.5 MHz @ .2 MHz @ .1 MHz @ .1 MHz
the Al of the core and the desired
Coercive Force Oer. 2.40 1.60 0.30 0.18 0.18
inductance. The Al is simply the induc-
Temp. Co-eff %/°C
tance index for the core size and permeabi-
of initial Perm. 20-70°C 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.60
lity being used. Table 6 provides infor-

mation of interest concerning a popular Ferrite Toroids Physical Properties

assortment of powdered-iron toroid cores.
The complete number for a given core is Core OD ID Height le Ve
composed of the core-size designator in
the upper left column, plus the correspond- FT- 23 0.230 •
0.120 0.060 0.00330 0.529 0.00174 0.1264 0.01121
ing mix number. For example, a half-inch FT- 37 0.375 0.187 0.125 0.01 1 75 0.846 0.00994 0.3860 0.02750
FT- 50 0.500 0.281 0.188 0.02060
diameter core with a no. 2 mix would be . 1.190 0.02450 0.7300 0.06200
FT- 82 0.825 0.520 0.250 0.03810 2.070 0.07890
designated at a T-50-2 unit. The
L would A FT-114 1.142 0.748 0.295 0.05810 2.920 0.16950
be 49 and the suggested operating fre-

quency would be from 1 to 30 MHz. The OD - Outer diameter (inches) Ae - Effective magnetic cross-sectional area (in) 2
ID Inner diameter (inches)
Hi for that core
is 10. l
e - Effective magnetic path length (inches)
The required number of wire turns for a JHgt - Height (inches) Ve - Effective magnetic volume (in) 3
specified inductance on a given type of Ayy - Total window area (in)2 •A s - Surface area exposed for cooling (in)2
core can be determined by
Inches x 25.4 = mm. Courtesy of Amidon Assoc., N. Hollywood, CA 91607
Turns = 100 V desired L (^H) AL
where Al is obtained from Table 6. The
table also indicates how many turns of a
particular wire gauge can be close wound
Turns - 1000 V desired L (mH) -s- AL This will prevent the rough edges of the
to fill a specified core. For example, a core from abrading the enameled wire.
T-68 core will contain 49 turns of no. 24 where the Al for a specific core can be The inductance of a toroidal coil with
enameled wire, 101 turns of no. 30 taken from Table 7. Thus, if one required known A L is
enameled wire, and so on. Generally a 1-mH inductor and chose a no.
FT-82-43 toroid core, the number of turns
L = AL N
speaking, the larger the wire gauge the
would be
higher the unloaded Q of the toroidal
inductor. The inductance values are based L and A L must be in the same units.
on the winding covering the entire Turns = 1000 V 1 + 557
Tables 8 and 9 cross-reference the ferrite
circumference of the core. When there is
= 1000 V 0.001795 toroidal cores offered by several sources.
space between the turns of wire, some
control over the net inductance can be = 1000 X 0.0424 = 42.4 turns Checking RF Toroidal Devices
effected by
compressing the turns or
The equations given previously will
spreading them. The -inductance will For an FT-82 size core no. 22 enameled provide the number of wire turns needed
increase if compression is used and will wire would be suitable as indicated in for a particular inductance, plus or minus
decrease when the turns are spread farther Table 6 (using the T-80 core size as the 10 percent. However, slight variations in
apart. nearest one to an FT-82). If the toroid core permeability may exist from one
Table 7 contains data for ferrite cores. core has rough edges (untumbled), it is production run to another. .Therefore, for
The number of turns for a specified suggested that insulating tape (3M glass circuitswhich require exact values of
inductance in mH versus the Al can be epoxy tape or Mylar tape) be wrapped inductance it is necessary to check the
determined by through the core before the wire is added. toroid winding by means of an RCL

2-29 , Chapter 2
— —

Table 8
Ferrite Toroid Cores — Size Cross-Reference

Amidon Indiana General Ferroxcube Magnetics, Inc.
OD ID Thickness Fair-Rite
0.100 0.050 0.050
0.100 0.070 0.030 701 F426-1 -
—— t

F2062-T 40502
0.155 0.088
0.190 0.090 0.050
—- 213T050
1041T060 40601
0.230 0.120 0.060 FT-23 101 _ F303-1
0.230 0.120 0.120 901
i F867-1 40705
0.300 0.125 0.188
0.375 0.187 0.125 FT-37 201 F625-9 266T125 41003 Fig. 51 A —
Method for checking the induc-
FT-50 301 768T188 tance of a toroid winding by means of a dip
0.500 0.281 0.188
1101 F627-8 41306 meter, known capacitance value and a
0.500 0.312 0.250
1901 calibrated receiver. The self-shielding
0.500 0.312 0.500
FT-82 601 properties of a toroidal inductor prevent dip-
0.825 0.520 0.250
0.825 0.520 0.468 501 - — meter readings when the instrument is coupled
401 directly to the toroid. Sampling is done by
0.870 0.500 0.250
0.870 0.540 0.250 — 1801 F624-19 846T250 42206 means of a coupling link as illustrated.
1501 F2070-1 42507
1.000 0.500 0.250
1.000 0.610 0.250 1301
1.142 0.748 0.295 FT-114 1001 K300502 42908 Fig. 51 B —
(A) Illustration of a homemade

1.225 0.750 0.312 1601 winding shuttle for toroids. The wire is stored
1.250 0.750 0.375 1701 F626-12 on the shuttle and the shuttle is passed
1.417 0.905 0.591
K300501 through the center hole of the toroid, again
1.417 0.905 0.394
K300500 and again, the required number of turns is
528T500 43813 in place. (B) best to leave a 30* gap
1.500 0.750 0.500 It

400T750 between the ends of the torpid winding. This

2.000 1.250 0.750
2.900 1.530 0.500
144T500 will reduce the distributed capacitance con-

3.375 1.925 0.500 F1707-15 siderably. (C) Edgewise view of a toroid core,
3.500 2.000 0.500 F 1707-1 Illustrating the method for counting the turns
5.835 2.50 0.625 F1824-1 accurately. (D)The low-impedance winding of a
toroidal transformer is usually wound over the
large winding, as shown. For narrow-band
applications the link should be wound over the
cold end of the main winding (see text).
Table 9
Ferrite Toroid Cores — Permeability Cross-Reference

^0 Amidon Fair-Rite Indiana General Ferroxcube Magn

16 Q3
20 68
40 FT — 63 63, 67 Q2
100 65
125 FT — 61 61 Q1 4C4
175 62
250 FT - 64 64
300 83
375 31
400 G
750 3D3 A
800 33
850 43 H
950 FT - 43 TC-3
1200 34
1500 TC-7
1800 FT - 77 77 3B9
2000 FT - 72 72 TC-9 S, V,

2200 05
2300 3B7 G
2500 FT — 73 73 TC-12
2700 3E(3C8)
05P 3C5 F
4700 06
5000 FT — 75 75 3E2A J

12,500 3E3

X< = 2rfC End L <"H =

> 2rf
bridge or an RX
meter. If these in- illustration is necessary because the toroid
struments are not available, close approxi- has a self-shielding characteristic. The where Xc is the reactance of the known
mations can be "had by using a dip latter makes it difficult, and often capacitor value, f is in MHz and C is in

meter, standard capacitor (known value, impossible, to secure a dip in the meter u F. Using an example, where f is 3.5 MHz
stable type, such as a silver mica) and a reading when coupling the instrument (as noted on a dip meter) and C is 100 PF,
calibrated receiver against which to check directly to the toroidal inductor or L is determined by
the dipper frequency. Fig. 51A shows how transformer. The inductance can be
to couple a dip meter to a completed determined by Xl since Xl = Xc at X< - =455ohms
toroid for testing. The coupling link in the resonance. Therefore, 6.28 X 3.5 X 0.0001

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-30

Since Xi_ = Xc at resonance, of the AL factors discussed earlier in this built. It is better to place the low-
section. The greater the distributed impedance winding (LI of Fig. 51B-[D])
L <« H = = 20 ' 7wH capacitance the more restrictive the at the "cold" or ground end of L2 on the
6.26 X 3.5
transformer or inductor becomes when core. This is shown in pictorial and
It isassumed, for the purpose of accuracy, applied in a broadband circuit. In the case schematic form at Fig. 51B-(D). The win-
that the dip-meter signal is checked for of a narrow-band application, the Q can dings are placed on the core in the same
precise frequency by means of a calibrated be affected by the distributed capacitance. rotational sense, and LI is wound over L2
receiver. The pictorial illustration at Fig. 51B-(B) at the grounded end of L2. The purpose
shows the inductor turns distributed of this winding method is to discourage
Practical Considerations
uniformly around the toroid core, but a unwanted capacitive coupling between the
Amateurs who work with toroidal in- gap of approximately 30° is maintained windings —
an aid to the reduction of
ductors and transformers are sometimes between the ends of the winding. This spurious energy (harmonics, etc.) which
confused by the winding instructions method is recommended to reduce the might be present in the circuit where Tl is
given in For the
construction articles. distributed capacitance of the winding. employed.
most winding a toroid core with wire
part, The closer the ends of the winding are to In circuits which have a substantial
is less complicated than it is when winding one another, the greater the unwanted amount of ac and/or dc voltage present in
a cylindrical single-layer coil. capacitance. Also, in order to closely the transformer windings, it is prudent to
When many turns of wire are required, approximate the desired toroid inductance use a layer of insulating material between
a homemade winding shuttle can be used when using the A L formula, the winding the toroid core and the first winding.
to simplify the task. Fig. 51B-(A) il- should be spread over the core as shown. Alternatively, the wire can have high-
lustrates how be
this method may When the turns of the winding are not such as Teflon. This
dielectric insulation,
employed. The shuttle can be fashioned close wound, they can be spread apart, to procedure will prevent arcing between the
from a piece of circuit-board material. decrease the effective inductance (this winding and the core. Similarly, a layer of
The wire is wound On the shuttle after lowers the distributed C). Conversely, as insulating tape (3-M glass tape, mylar or
determining how many inches are re- the turns are pushed closer together, the Teflon) can be placed between the pri-
quired to provide the desired number of effective inductance is increased by virtue mary and secondary windings of the
toroid turns. (A sample turn around the of the greater distributed capacitance; toroidal transformer (Fig. 51B[D]). Nor-
toroid core will reveal the wire length per This phenomenon can be used to advan- mally, these precautions are not necessary
turn.) Once the shuttle is loaded, it is pass- tage during final adjustment of narrow- impedance
at levels under a few hundred
ed through the toroid center again and band circuits in which toroids are used. ohms at rf power levels below 100 watts.
again until the winding is completed. The The proper method for counting the Once the inductor or transformer is
edges of the shuttle should be kept smooth turns on a toroidal inductor is shown in wound and tested for proper perfor-
to prevent abrasion of the wire insulation. Fig. 51B-(C). The core is shown as it mance, a coating or two of high-dielectric
would appear when stood on its edge with cement should be applied to the wind-
How to Wind Toroids
the narrow dimension toward the viewer. ing^) of the toroid. This will protect the
The effective inductance of a toroid coil In this example a four-turn winding has wire insulation from abrasion, hold the
or a transformer winding is dependent in been placed on the core. turns in place and seal the assembly
part upon the distributed capacitance be- Some manufacturers of toroids recom- against moisture and dirt. Polystyrene
tween the coil turns and between the ends
mend that the windings on toroidal Dope is excellent for the purpose.
of the winding. When a large number of transformers be spread around all of the The general guidelines given for
turns are useti (e.g., 500 or 1000), the core in the manner shown in Fig. 51B-(B). toroidalcomponents can be applied to pot
distributed capacitance can be as great as That is, and secondary wifid-
the primary cores and rods when they are used as
100 pF. Ideally, there would be no ings should each be spread around most foundations for inductors or trans-
distributed or "parasitic" capacitance, of the core. This is a proper method when formers. The important thing remem- to
but this is not possible. Therefore, the un- winding conventional broadband trans- ber is that all of the powdered-iron and
wanted capacitance must be kept low as as formers. However, it is not recommended ferrite core materials are brittle. They
possible in order to take proper advantage when narrow-band transformers are being break easily under stress.

The Decibel
It is useful to appraise signal strengths in Common logarithms (base 10) are used.
terms of relative loudness as registered by
the ear. For example, if a person estimates Voltage and Current Ratios
that the signal is "twice as loud" when the Note that the decibelis based on power
transmitter power is increased from 10 ratios. Voltage or current ratios can be
watts to 40 watts, he will also estimate that used, but only when the impedance is the
VO LTA 6E O ! /
a 400-watt signal is twice as loud as a same for both values of voltage, or cur-
100-watt signal: The human ear has a rent.The gain of an amplifier cannot be o
logarithmic response. expressed correctly in dB if it is based on
This fact is the basis for the use of the the ratio of the output voltage to the input
relative-power unit called the decibel (dB). voltage unless both voltages are measured
A change of one decibel in the power level across the same value of impedance.
is just detectable as
a-ehange in loudness When the impedance at both points of
under ideal conditions. The number of measurement is the same, the following 1 (.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
decibels corresponding to a given power RATIO
formula may be used for voltage or cur-
ratio is given by the following formula: rent ratios: Fig. 52 —
Decibel chart for power, voltage and
current ratios for power ratios of 1:1 and 10:1.
In determining decibels for current or voltage
ratios the currents (or voltages) being com-
dB = 10 log
-f- dB = 20 log -r^- or 20 log pared must be referred to the same value of

2-31 Chapter 2
1 5

Table 10 )

Decibel equivalents E, I, and P ratios

Voltage Voltage
Voltage or
or or
Current Power Current Power
'Power Current Power
Current Ratio 4B Ratio Ratio
Ratio Ratio Ratio
Ratio Ratio
6.2 2.042 4.169
1.000 1.000 0.4898 0.2399
1.0000 1.0000 6.3 •2.065 4.266
1.012 1.023 0.4842 0.2344
0.9886 0.9772 0.1
2.089 4.365
1.047 0.4786 0.2291 6.4
0.9772 0.9550 0.2 1.023 4.467
0.2239 6.5 2.113
1.035 1.072 0.4732
0.9661 0.9333 0.3 2.138 4.571
1.047 1.096 0.4677 0.2188 6.6.
0.9550 0.9120 0.4

6.7 2.163 4.677

1.059 1.122 0.4624 0.2138
0.9441 0.8913 0.5 '

2.188 4.786
0.4571 0.2089 6.8
0.6 1.072 1.148
0.9333 0.8710 2.213 4.898
0.4519 0.2042 6.9
0.8511 0.7 1.084 1.175
0.9226 7.0 2.239 5.012
1.096 1.202 0.4467 0.1995
0.9120 0.8318 0.8 2.265 5.129
0.4416 0.1950 7.1
0.9 1.109 1.230
0.9016 0.8128
7.2 2.291 5.248
1.122 1.259 0.4365 0.1905
0.8913 0.7943 1.0 2.317 5.370
1.288 0.4315 0.1862 7.3
0.8810 0.7762 1.1 1.135 5.495
0.1820 7.4 2.344
1.2 1.148 1.318 0.4266
0.8710 0.7586 7.5 2.371 5.623
1.161 1.349 0.4217 0.1778
0.8610 0.7413 1.3 5.754

0.1738 7.6 - 2.399

1.4 1.175 1.380 0.4169
0.851 0.7244
7.7 2.427 5.888
1.189 1.413 0.4121 0.1698
0.8414 0.7079 1.5 2.455 6.026
0.4074 0.1660 7.8
0.6918 1.6 1.202 1.445
0.8318 7.9 2.483 6.166
1.216 1.479 0.4027 0.1622
0.8222 0.6761 1.7 6.310
0.1585 8.0 2.512
1.8 1.230 1.514 0.3981
0.8128 0.6607 2.541 6.457
1.245 1.549 0.3936 0.1549 8.1
0.8035 0.6457 1.9
0.1514 8.2 2.570 6.607
2.0 1.259 1.585 0.3890
0.7943 0.6310 8.3 2.600 6.761
1.274 1.622 0.3846 0.1479
0.7852 0.6166 2.1 6.918
0.1445 8.4 2.630
2.2 1.288 1.660 0.3802
0.7762 0.6026 2.661 7.079
1.698 U-Of QO 0.1413 8.5
0.7674 0.5888 2.3 1.303 7.244
371 0.1380 8.6 2.692
0.5754 2.4 1.318 1 . / OO
<, 0.7586
8.7 2.723 7.413
O K 1.334 1.778 0.3673 0.1349
0.7499 0.5623 £.0 7.586
0.3631 0.1318 8.8 2.754
0.5495 R
t.D 1.349 1.820
0.7413 8.9 2.786 7.762
7 1.365 1.862 0.3589 0.1288
0.7328 0.5370 2.818 7.943
1.905 0.3548 0.1259 9.0
0.5248 A
(t.O 1.380
0.7244 N
9.1 2.851 8.128
1.396 1.950 0.3508 0.1230
7161 0.5129 2.9
9.2 2.884 8.318
1.413 1.995 0.3467 0.1201
0.7079 0.5012 o.u 2.917 8.511
0.3428 0.1175. 9.3
0.4898 i 11
o. 1.429 2.042
0.6998 9.4 2.951 8.710
1.445 2.098 0.3388 0.1148
0.6918 0.4786 O.c.
2.985 8.913
0.3350 0.1122 9.5
0.4677 1.462 2.138
0.6839 9.6 3.020 9.120
1.479 2.188 0.3311 0.1096
U.Or O 0.4571 3.4 9.333
0.1072 -9.7 3.055
3.5 1.496 2.239 0.3273
0.6683 0.4467 3.090 9.550
0.3236 0.1047 9.8
3.6 1.514 2.291
0.6607 0.4365 9.9 3.126 9.772
1.531 2.344 0.3199 0.1023
0.6531 0.4266 3.7 10.000
0.1000 10.0 3.162
3.8 1.549 2.399 0.3162
0.6457 0.4169 3.350 11.22
2.455 0.2985 0.08913 10.5
0.6383 0.4074 3.9 1.567
11.0 3.548 12.59
1.585 2.512 0.2818 0.07943 '

0.6310 0.3981 4.0 3.758 14.13

0.2661 0.07079 11.5
0.3890 4.1 1.603 2.570
0.6237 12.0 3.981 15.85
1.622 2.630 0.2512 0.06310
0.6166 0.3802 4.2 4.217 17.78
0.2371 0.05623 12.5
0.3715 4.3 1.641 2.692
0.6095 13.0 4.467 19.95
1.660 2.754 0.2239 0.05012
0.6026 0.3631 4.4
0.04467 13.5 4.732. 22.39
4.5 1.679 2.818 0.2113
0.5957 0.3548 14.0 5.012 25.12
1.698 2.884 0.1995 0.03981
0.5888 0.3467 4.6 28.18

0.1884 0.03548 14.5 5.309

4.7 1.718 2.951
0.5821 0.3388 5.623 31.62
3.020 0.1778 0.03162 15.0
0.5754 0.3311
4.8 1.738 39.81
0.1585 0.02512 16.0 6.310
0.3236 4.9 1.758 3.090
0.01995 17.0 7.079 50.12
1.778 3.162 0.1413
0.5623 0.3162 o.u 63.10
0.1259 0.01585 18.0 7.943
0.3090 5.1 1.799 3.236
0.5559 19.0 8.913 79.43
1.820 3.311 0.1122 0.01259
0.5495 0.3020 5.2 100.00
0.1000 0.01000 20.0 10.000
0.2951 5.3 1.841 3.388
0.5433 0.00100 30.0 31.620 1,000.00
5.4 1.862 3.467 0.03162
0.5370 0.2884
0.00010 40.0 100.00 10,000.00
1.884 3.548 0.01
0.5309 0.2818 5.5 105
0.003162 0.00001 50.0 316.20
5.6. 1.905 3.631
0.5248 0.2754 10-" 1,000.00 10«
/% A AAA 3.715 0.001 60.0
0.2692 1.928
0.5188 0. /
10-' 70.0 3,162.00 10 7
5.8 1.950 3.802 0.0003162
0.5129 0.2630 10"» 80.0 10,000.00 10»
5.9 1.972 3.890 0.0001
0.5070 0.2570 10"8 90.0 31,620.00 109
6.0 1.995 39.31 0.00003162
0.5012 0.2512 -io 100.00 10 5 10'°
2.018 4.074 10- 5 1
0.4955 0.2455 6.1

relative-reading instrument on most Calibration of this kind is practical if the

where V = voltage
= current amateur receivers. However, during WW receiver is designed for a single amateur
I dif-
one receiver manufacturer used
at least
band, but multiband receivers exhibit
The S unit and dB are used as references II
ferent overall sensitivities for the various
on receiver signal-strength meters. No 50fiV for S9 and each S unit below S9 was
supposed to be equivalent to 6 dB. The bands, rendering an S meter grossly inac-
particular standard has been adopted by
meter divisions above S9 were in dB. curate except for a single band in which
the industry at this time, as an S meter is a
Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-32

calibration may havef been attempted. with a minus sign. Thus +6 dB means ratios.For example, a power ratio of 2.5
that the power has been multiplied by 4, is4 dB (from the chart). A power ratio of
Decibel Chart
while -6 dB means that the power has ' 10 times 2.5, or 25, is 14 dB (10 + 4), and
The two formulas are shown graphical- been divided by 4. a power ratio of 100 times 2.5, or 250 is 24
ly in Fig.52 for ratios from 1 to 10. Gains The chart may be used for other ratios dB A
(20 + 4). voltage or current ratio of
(increases) expressed in decibels may be by adding (or subtracting, if a loss) 10 dB 4 is 12 dB, a voltage or current ratio of 40
added arithmetically; losses (decreases) each time the ratio scale is multiplied by dB
is 32 (20 + 12), and one of 400 is 52
may be subtracted. A power decrease is 10, for power ratios; or by adding (or sub- dB (40 + 12). Table 10 provides an easy
indicated by prefixing the decibel figure tracting) 20 dB each time the scale is reference for voltage power and current
multiplied by 10 for voltage of current ratios versus dB.

Radio Frequency Circuits

The designer of amateur equipment tances would place on drastic limitations If the reactanceof either the coil or
needs to be familiar with radio-frequency rf circuit operation if
were not possible it capacitor issame order of
of the
circuits and the various related equations. to "cancel them out" by supplying the magnitude as the resistance, the current
This section provides the basic data for rightamount of reactance of the opposite decreases rather slowly as the frequency is
most amateur circuit development. kind —
in other words, "tuning the circuit moved in either direction away from
to resonance." resonance. Such a curve is said to be
Resonance in Series Circuits
broad. On the other hand, if the reactance
Fig. 53 shows a
resistor, capacitor and Resonant Frequency
is considerably larger than the resistance
inductor connected in series with a source The frequency at which a series circuit the current decreases rapidly as the
of alternating current, the frequency of X
is resonant is
L =
that for which
c X . frequency moves away from resonance
which can be varied over a wide range. At Substituting the formulas for inductive and the be sharp. A sharp
circuit is said to
some low frequency the capacitive reac- and capacitive reactance gives circuit respond a great deal more
tance will be much larger than the
readily to the resonant frequency than to
resistance of R, and the inductive reac-
frequencies quite close to resonance; a
tance will be small compared with either f = broad respond almost equally
circuit will
the reactance of C or the resistance of R.
well to a group or band of frequencies*
(R is assumed to be the same at all centering around the resonant frequency.
frequencies.) On the other hand, at some
where f= frequency in hertz Both types of resonance curves are
very high frequency the reactance of C will
L = inductance in henrys useful. A sharp circuit gives good selec-
be very small and the reactance of L will
be very large. In either case the current
C = capacitance in farads tivity — the
ability to respond strongly (in
r= 3.14 terms of current amplitude) at one desired
will be small, because the net reactance is
frequency and discriminate against others.
large. These unbare inconveniently large for A broad circuit is used when the
At some intermediate frequency, the radio-frequency circuits. formula using A apparatus must give about the same
reactances of C and L will be equal and more appropriate units is
response over a band of frequencies rather
the voltage drops across the coil and
than to a single frequency alone.
capacitor will be equal and 180 degrees
10 6
out of phase. Therefore, they cancel each f =
other completely and the current flow is LC
Most diagrams of resonant circuits
determined wholly by the resistance, R.
At that frequency the current has its where f = frequency in kilohertz (kHz)
largest possible value, theassuming L = inductance in microhenrys (uH)
source voltage to be constant regardless of C = capacitance in picofarads (pF)
frequency. A
series circuit in which the r= 3.14
inductive and capacitive reactances are
Example: The resonant frequency of a
equal is said to be resonant. R-10
series circuit
containing a 5-<tH inductor
The principle of resonance finds its most
and a 35-pF capacitor is
extensive application in radio-frequency
circuits. The reactive effects associated k-R-20
10 6 10"
with even small inductances and capaci- =
2r /IT 6.28 X V 5 x 35 t 0.4

10 6 10" Lr-50
~ = 12,036 kHz
6.28 x 13.23 83.08
— R-100
The formula for resonant frequency is not
-10 , +10
affected by resistance in the circuit. PERCENT CHANGE FROM
Resonance Curves
If a plot is drawn on the current flowing Fig. 54 —
Current in a series-resonant circuit
with various values of series resistance. The
in the circuitof Fig. 53 as the frequency is
values are arbitrary and would not apply at all
varied (the applied voltage being con- circuits, but represent a typical case. It is
stant) it would look like one of the curves assumed that the reactances (at the resonant
in Fig. 54. The shape of frequency) are 1000 ohms. Note that at fre-
Fig. 53 —
A series circuit containing L, C and the resonance
quencies mpre than plus or minus 10 percent
R "resonant" at the applied frequency when
is curve at frequencies
near resonance is
away from the resonant frequency, the current
the reactance of C is equal to the reactance of determined by the ratio of reactance to is substantially unaffected by the resistance in
L. resistance. the circuit.

2-33 Chapter 2
determined by the inherent
show only inductance and capacitance; no circuit is

resis- resistances associated with the com-

resistance is indicated. Nevertheless,
tance is always present. At frequencies up ponents.

to perhaps 30 MHz
this resistance is most-
Voltage Rise at Resonance
ly in the wire of the coil. Above this fre-

quency energy loss in the capacitor (prin- When a voltage of the resonant
cipally in the solid dielectric which,
must frequency is inserted in series in a
resonant circuit, the voltage that appears
be used to form an insulating support for
across either the inductor or capacitor is
the capacitor plates) also becomes a
equivalent to resis- considerably higher than the applied
Fig. 56 — Circuit illustrating parallel resonance.
tor. This energy loss is
voltage. The current in the circuit is
tance. When maximum sharpness or selec-
needed the object of design is to limited only by the "resistance and may
tivity is
reduce the inherent resistance to the low- have a relatively high value; however, the o i

est possible value.

same current flows through the high
reactances of the inductor and capacitor
The value of the reactance of either the
inductor or capacitor at the resonant and causes large voltage drops. The ratio
>- L
frequency of a series-resonant circuit, of the reactive voltage to the applied
divided by the series resistance in the voltage is equal to the ratio of reactance to
; c >- l ; ;c <
factor) of resistance. This ratio is also the Q of the
circuit, is called the Q (quality
circuit. Therefore, the voltage across
the circuit, or < R
either the inductor or capacitor is equal to
QE where E is the voltage inserted in
This fact accounts for the high
— <J
voltages developed across the components (A) (B)

of series-tuned antenna couplers.

where Q = quality factor
Fig. 57 —
Series and parallel equivalents when
the two circuits are resonant. The series
X= reactance of either coil or Resonance in Parallel Circuits resistance, r, in A is replaced in B by the
capacitor in ohms equivalent parallel resistance (R
2 e/r
=X =X 2 L/r)

When a variable-frequency source of

r = series resistance in ohms and vice versa.
constant voltage is applied to a parallel
Example: The inductor and capacitor in circuit of the type shown in Fig. 56 there is
a series circuit each have a reactance of a resonance effect similar to that in a
350 ohms at the resonant frequency. The series circuit. However, in this case the
resistance is 5 ohms. Then the Q is "line" current (measured at the point have the same Q. (These statements are
indicated) is smallest at the frequency for approximate, but are quite accurate if the
Q 10 or more). The circuit at A is a
v = r =
m. = 70
which the inductive and capacitive reac-

circuitviewed from the

if it is
5 tances are equal. At that frequency the

current through L is exactly canceled by "inside" —

that is, going around the loop

on the sharpness of the out-of-phase current through C, so

formed by L, C and r so its Q can be —
The effect of Q found from the ratio of X to r.
resonance of a circuit is shown by the that only the current taken by R flows in
the the At frequencies below resonance Thus, a circuit like that of Fig. 57A has
curves of Fig 55. In these curves

the current through L is larger than that an equivalent parallel impedance (at
frequency change is shown in percentage
through C, because the reactance of L is resonance) of .

above and below the resonant frequency.

smaller and that of C higher at low
Qs of 10, 20, 50 and 100 are shown; these R =
frequencies; there is only partial cancel-
values cover much of the range commonly r

lation of the two reactive currents and the

used in radio work. The unloaded Q of a where X is the reactance of either the induc-
line current therefore is larger than the
alone. At frequencies tor or the capacitor. Although R is not an
current taken by
actual resistor, to the source of voltage the
above resonance the situation is reversed
than C parallel-resonant circuit "looks like" a
and more current flows through
through L, so the line current again pure resistance of that value. It is "pure"
resistance because the inductive and
increases. The current at resonance, being
determined wholly by R, will be small if R capacitive currents are 180 degrees out of

is large and large if is small. R phase and are equal; thus there is no
The resistance shown in Fig 56 is not reactive current in the line. In a practical

necessarily an actual resistor. In many circuit with a high-Q capacitor, at the

cases it will be the series resistance of the resonant frequency the parallel impedance
coil "transformed" to an equivalent is

parallel resistance (see later). It may be

antenna or other load resistance coupled Zr = QX
into the tuned circuit. In all cases it

represents the total effective resistance in

where Z R = resistive impedance at reso-
the circuit.
Parallel and series resonant circuits are
-10 " .+10 +20
some respects. For instance,
Q = quality factor of inductor
quite alike in
RESONANT FREQUENCY A and B in Fig 57 will X = reactance (in ohms) of either
the circuits given at
the inductor or capacitor
behave identically, when an external
series-resonant circuits applied, L and C are the Example: The parallel impedance of a
Fig 55— Current in voltage is if (1)

having different Qs. In this graph

the current at
same in both cases, and (2) R multiplied circuitwith a coil Q of 50 and having
resonance is assumed to be the same
in all
equals the square of the reactance (at inductive and capacitive reactance of 300
slowly the by r,
cases. The lower the Q, the more ohms
frequency is resonance) of either L or C. When these will be
current decreases as the applied QX = X 300 = ohms
conditions are met the two circuits will ZR = 50 15,000
moved away from resonance.

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-34

resistance in series with the coil, as in Fig. small inductance) to have reasonably high
57A, not so easily defined. There is a set

of values for L and C that will make the

parallel impedance a pure resistance, but Impedance Transformation
with these values the impedance does not An important application of the parallel-
have its maximum possible value. Another resonant circuit is as an impedance-
set of values for L and C will make the matching device in the output circuit of a
parallel impedance a maximum, but this vacuum-tube rf power amplifier. There
maximum value is not a pure resistance. is an optimum value of load resistance for

\ O- 20
Either condition could be called "reso- each type of tube or transistor and set of
nance," so with low-Q circuits it is neces- operating conditions. However, the resis-
sary to distinguish between maximum im- tance of the load to which the active
Q"10^ pedance and impedance parallel
resistive device is to deliver power usually is
-20 -10 +10 +20 resonance. The difference between these L considerably lower than the value required
and C values and the equal reactances of a for proper device operation. To transform
series-resonant circuit is appreciable when the actual load resistance to the desired
Fig. 58— Relative impedance of parallel- the Q
is in the vicinity of 5, and becomes 1

resonant circuits with different Qs. These curves value the load may be tapped across part
are similar to those in Fig. 55 for current in a
more marked with still lower Q values. of the coil, as shown in Fig. 59B. This
series-resonant circuit. The effect of Q bn isequivalent to connecting a higher value
impedance is most marked near the resonant Q of Loaded Circuits of load resistance across the whole circuit,
In many
applications of resonant and is similar in principle to impedance
circuits the only power lost is that transformation with an iron-core trans-
dissipated in the resistance of the circuit former. In high-frequency resonant cir-
itself. At frequencies below 30 MHz most cuits the impedance ratio does not vary
of this resistance is in the coil. Within exactly as the square of the turns ratio,
limits, increasing the number of turns in because all the magnetic flux lines do not
the coil increases the reactance faster than cut every turn of the coil. A desired re-
it raises the resistance, so coils for circuits flected impedance usually must be ob-
in which the Q must be high are made tained by experimental adjustment.
with relatively large inductance for the When the load resistance has a very low
frequency. value (say below 100 ohms) it may be
However, when
Fig. 59 — The equivalent circuit of a resonant
energy to a load (as in the case of the
circuit delivers connected in series in the resonant circuit
circuit delivering power to a
The resistor R
load. (as in Fig. 57A, for example), in which
represents the load resistance. At B the load is resonant circuits used in transmitters) the case it is transformed to an equivalent
tapped across part of L, by which transformer energy consumed in the circuit itself is parallel impedance as previously de-
action is equivalent to using a higher
load usually compared with that
resistance across the whole circuit.
scribed.. If the Q is at least 10, the
consumed by the load. The equivalent of equivalent parallel impedance is
such a circuit is shown in Fig. 59A, where
the parallel resistor represents the load to
which power is delivered. If the power
7 _
_ X — 2

At frequencies off resonance the impe- dissipated in the load is at least ten times
dance is no longer purely resistive because
as great as the power lost in the inductor
where Z R = resistive parallel impedance
the inductive and capacitive currents are at resonance
and capacitor, the parallel impedance of
not. equal. The off-resonant impedance
the resonant circuit itself will be so high X= reactance (in ohms) of either
" therefore is complex, and is lower than the
compared with the the coil or capacitor
resistance of the load
resonant impedance for the reasons pre- that for all practical purposes the im- r = load resistance inserted in
viously outlined. series
pedance of the combined circuit is equal
The higher the circuit Q, the higher the to the load resistance. Under these
parallel impedance. Curves showing the
If the Q is lower than 10 the reactance
variation of impedance (with frequency) of
conditions the Q
of a parallel resonant will have to be adjusted somewhat, for the
circuit loaded by a resistive impedance is reasons given in the discussion of low-Q
a parallel circuit have just the same shape
circuits, to obtain a resistive impedance of
as the curves showing the variation of
the desired value.
current with frequency in a series circuit. Q = J_ While the
Fig. 58 is a set of such curves. A set of
X circuit shown in Fig. 59B will
usually provide an impedance step-up as
curves showing the relative response as a
with an iron-core transformer, the net-
function of the departure from the where R = parallel load resistance (ohms) work has some serious disadvantages for
resonant frequency would be similar to X = reactance (ohms) some applications. For instance, the
Fig. 55. The -3 dB bandwidth (band-
Example: A resistive load of 3000 ohms common connection provides no dc
width at 0.707 relative response) is given
is connected across a resonant circuit in isolation and the common ground is
which the inductive and capacitive reac- sometimes troublesome in regards to
tances are each 250 ohms. The circuit Q is ground^loop currents. Consequently, a
Bandwidth -3dB = f /Q
then network in which only mutual magnetic
coupling isemployed is usually preferable.
where the resonant frequency and
fb is
Q _R
y _ X ~
3000 However, no impedance step-up will
the circuit Q. It is also called the 250
= 12
result unless the two coils are coupled
"half-power" bandwidth, for ease of
tightlyenough. The equivalent resistance
The "effective" Q of a circuit loaded by seen at the input of the network will
Parallel Resonance in Low-Q Circuits
a parallel resistance becomes higher when always be lower regardless of the turns

The preceding discussion is accurate for

the reactances are decreased. circuit A ratioemployed. However, such networks
loaded with a relatively low resistance (a are still useful in impedance-transformation
Qs of 10 or more. When the Q is below 10,
few thousand ohms) must have low- applications if the appropriate capacitive
resonance in a parallel circuit having reactance elements (large capacitance and elements are used. A more detailed
2-35 Chapter 2
of matching, networks and portant simplifications in computations COUPLING
treatment NETWORK
similar devices will be taken up in the next involved in coupled networks. The as-
sumption of a dissipationless network is
Unfortunately, networks involving reac- usually valid with transmitting circuits
narrowband in since even a small network loss (0.5 dB)
tive elements are usually
would be desirable if will result in considerable heating at the
nature and it
higher power levels used in amateur
elements could be eliminated in order to
increase the bandwidth. With the advent applications. On
the other hand, coupled

ferrites, this has become possible and it circuits used in some receiving stages may
is now relatively easy to construct actual have considerable loss. This is because the
impedance transformers that are both network may have some advantage and its
broadband and permit operation well up high loss can be compensated by ad-
ditional amplification in another stage.
into the vhf portion of the spectrum. This
is also accomplished in part
by tightly However, such devices form a relatively
small minority of coupled networks
coupling the two (or more) coils that
make uptransformer either by
the commonly encountered and only the
dissipationless case will be considered in
twisting the conductors together or wind-
ing them in a parallel fashion. The latter this section.

configuration is sometimes called a bifilar

winding, as discussed in the section on
Effective Attenuation and Insertion Loss
ferromagnetic transformers.
The most important consideration in
Coupled Circuits and Filters any coupled network is the amount of
Two circuits are said to be coupled power delivered to the load resistance, Rs, Fig. 60— A representative coupling circuit (A)

from the source, Eac, with the network and ladder network (B).
when a voltage or current in one network
present. Rather than specify the source
produces a voltage or current in the other
voltage each time, a comparison is made
one. The' network where the energy circuit to the power
with the maximum available power from network in the
originates is often called the primary
any source with a given primary resis- delivered to the load with the network
circuitand the network that receives the
tance, Rp. The value of RP might be con- absent. Unlike the effective attenuation
energy is called the secondary circuit. Such
sidered as the impedance level associated which is always positive when defined by
coupling is often of a desirable nature
with a complex combination of sources, the previous formula, the insertion loss
since in the process, unwanted frequency
transmission lines, coupled networks, can take on negative values if Rp is not
components or noise may be rejected or
and even antennas. Typical values of equal to Rs or if Xp and Xs are not zero.
isolated and power transferred from a
Rp are 52, 75, 300 and 600 ohms. The In effect, the insertion loss would rep-
source to a load with greatest efficiency.
maximum available power is given by resent a powen gain under these con-
On the other hand, two or more circuits
ditions. The interpretation of this effect is
may be coupled inadvertently and un- power does not
produced. While a great
that maximum available
desirable effects
occur with the coupling network out of
number of coupling-circuit configurations
the circuit because of the unequal source
are possible, one very important class
the network is also dissipationless, the and load resistances and the non-zero
covers so many practical applications that If
power delivered to the load resistance, Rs, reactances. With the network in the
analysis of it will be covered in detail.
is just the power "dissipated"
in Rin. This now "matched"
circuit, the resistances are
Ladder Networks power is related to the input current by and the reactances are said to be "tuned
out." The action of the coupling network
Any two circuits that are coupled can be P = VRin in this instanceis very similar to that of a

drawn schematically shown In Fig.

as transformer (which was discussed in a
60A. A voltage source represented by Eac- and the current in terms of the other previous section) and networks consisting
with a source resistance Rp and a source variables is of "pure" inductors and capacitors are
reactance Xp is connected to the input of F
L ac often used for this purpose. Such circuits
the coupling network, thus forming = are often referred to as matching net-
+ R r+
primary circuit. At the output, a load -J (R p in )
tXp + *in>

works. Op the other hand, it is often

reactance X and a load resistance R, are
s Combining the foregoing expressions desired to deliver the greatest amount of
connected as shown to form the secondary gives a very useful formula for the ratio of power to a load at some frequencies while
circuit. The circuit in the box
power delivered to a load in terms of the rejecting energy at other frequencies. A
consist of an infinite variety of resistors, device that accomplishes this action is
maximum available power. This ratio
capacitors, inductors, and even transmis- called a filter. In the case of unequal
expressed in decibels is given by
sion lines. However, it will be assumed source and Joad resistance, it is often
that the network can be reduced to a Attn= -10 log = possible to combine the processes of
combination of and shunt elements
series filtering and matching into one network.
consisting only of inductors and capaci- f 4R inV
- ,„,
tors as indicated by the circuit shown
10 log
[_Cr p + K y + in
(x p + x in) ;_ Solving Ladder-Network Problems
Fig. 60B. For obvious reasons, the circuit

called network. In
a ladder and is sometimes called the effective From the last section, it is evident that
is often
elements ifthe values of Rin and Xin of Fig. 60A can
addition, if there are no resistive attenuation.
Xp and Xs are
In the special case where be determined, the effective attenuation
present, or if such elements can be
the network is said to be either zero or can be combined into a and possibly the insertion loss are also
coupling network, and where Rp is equal easily found. Being able to solve this
dissipationless, all the to Rs, the effective attenuation is also problem has wide applications in rf
If a network is
of the input equal to the insertion loss of the network. For instance, design formulas for
power delivered to the
The insertion loss is the ratio of the power often include a simplifying as-
network will be dissipated in the load
delivered to the load with the coupling sumption that the load resistance is
resistance Rs. This effect leads to im-
Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-36

R2 Rt-R( + R2
XT XL1 - (XCI + Xcfr)

GT- Gi + G2
Bt- Bci + BC2-BL1
Fig. 62 —
Application of conversion formulas
can be used to transform a shunt conductance
and susceptance to a series equivalent circuit
A. The converse is illustrated at B.

Fig. 61 —
Resistances and reactances add in series circuits while conductances
and suscep-
tances add in parallel circuits. (Formulas shown are for numerical values
of X and B.).

R =
constant with frequency. In the case of the formulas for the respective reciprocal
GT +
BT 2
many circuits, this assumption is not true. entities are
However, if the value of Rs and Xs at any -B T
particular frequency is known, the at- X =
-1 GT +
tenuation of the filter can be determined BL = 2rfL
even though it is improperly terminated.
Unfortunately, while the solution to These relations are illustrated in Fig. 62A
any ladder problem possible from a is
Bc = 2jrfC
and Fig. 62B respectively. While the
theoretical standpoint, practical difficul-
derivation of the mathematical expres-
ties are encountered as the network com- and are defined as susceptances. In a sions will not be given, the importance of
plexity increases.
computations Many parallel
combination of conductances and the sign change cannot be stressed too
to a high degree of 'accuracy may be susceptances, the total conductance is the highly. Solving network problems with a
required, making the process a tedious sum of the individual conductances, and calculator is merely a matter of book-
one. Consequently, the availability of a the total susceptances is the sum
of the keeping, and failure to take the sign
calculator or similar computing device is individual susceptances, taking the
res- change associated with the transformed
recommended. The approach used here is pective signs of the latter into account.
adapted readily to any calculating method
A reactance and susceptance is the most
comparison between the way resistance common source of error.
including the use of an inexpensive pocket and reactance add and the manner in
calculator. which conductance and susceptance add is A Sample Problem
shown in the example of Fig. 61. An entity The following example illustrates the
Susceptance and A dmittance called admittance can be defined
in terms manner in which the foregoing theory can
The respective
reactances of an in- of the total conductance and
ductor and a capacitor are given by
total be applied to a practical problem. filter A
susceptance by the formula with the schematic diagram shown in Fig.
63A is supposed to have an insertion loss
at 6 MHz
of 3 dB when connected
X, 2i-fL Y = V Gt + 2
Bt 2 between a 52-ohm load and a source with
a 52-ohm primary resistance (both p and X
-1 X s are zero). Since this is a case where the
Xc = effective attenuation is equal to the
2jrfC and often denoted by the symbol Y. If
insertion loss, the previous formula for .

the impedance of a circuit is known, the

effective attenuation applies. Therefore, it
In a simple series circuit, the total admittance is just the reciprocal. Like-
isrequired to find Rin and Xi n .
resistance is just the sum of the individual wise, if the admittance of a circuit is
Starting at the output, the values for the
resistances in the network and the total known, the impedance is the reciprocal of conductance and susceptance of the
reactance is the sum of the reactances. the admittance. However, conductance,
parallel RC circuit must be determined
it is important to note the sign reactance, resistance and susceptance are first.The conductance is just the recip-
of the reactance. Since capacitive reac- not so simply related. -If the total rocal of 52 ohms and the previous formula
tance is negative and inductive reactance resistance and total reactance of a series for capacitive susceptance gives the value
is positive, it is possible that the sum of circuit are known, the conductance and shown in parentheses in Fig. 63A. (The
the reactances might be zero even though susceptance of the circuit are related to upside-down ft is the symbol for mho;)
the individual reactances are not zero. In a the latter by the formulas
The next step is to apply the formulas
series circuit, it be recalled that the
for and reactance in terms
network is said to be resonant at the
G = of the conductance and susceptance and
frequency where the reactances cancel. RT 2
+X T 2
the results give a 26-ohjn resistance in
A complementary condition exists in a series with a -26-ohm capacitive reactance
parallel combination of circuit elements
-x T as indicated in Fig. 63B. The reactance of
and it is convenient to introduce the =
concepts of admittance, conductance and
susceptance. In the case of a simple
V + xT 2 the inductor can now be added to give a
total reactance of 78.01 ohms. The
conductance and susceptance formulas

resistance, the conductance is just the On the other hand, if the total con- can now be applied and the results of both
reciprocal That is, the conductance of a

ductance and '

of these operations is shown in Fig. 63C.
total susceptance of a
50-ohm resistance is 1/50 or 2 X 10" 2 .
parallel combination are known, the Finally, adding the susceptance of the
The reciprocal unit of the ohm is the mho. equivalent resistance and reactance can be 510.1-pF capacitor (Fig. 63D) gives the
For simple inductances and capacitances; found from the formulas circuit at Fig. 63A and applying the
2-37 Chapter 2
tables especially, to present all the circuit
components for a number of designs at
some convenient frequency. Translating
the design tosome desired frequency is
simply accomplished by multiplying all
the components by some constant factor.
The most common frequency used is the
value of f such that 2nf is equal to 1 .0.
This is sometimes called a radian fre-
quency of 1.0 and corresponds to 0.1592
Hz. To change a "one-radian" filter to a
new frequency f (in Hz ), all that is
necessary is to multiply the inductances
and capacitances by 0. 1592/5,.
In a similar manner, if one resistance
(or conductance) is multiplied by some

factor n, all the other resistances (or

conductances) and reactances (or sus- Fig. 64 — Ideal filter response curves are
shown A and characteristics' of
at practical
ceptances) must be multiplied by the same are shown at B.
factor in order to preserve the network
characteristics. For instance, if the secon-
dary resistance, Rs is multiplied by n,
all circuit inductances must be multiplied
frequencies while passing all others.) And
by n and the circuit capacitances divided
high-pass filters reject all frequencies be-
by n (since capacitive reactance varies as
low some cutoff frequency.
the inverse of C). If, in addition to
converting the filter of Fig. 63A to 7 MHz The attenuation shapes shown in Fig.
from 6 MHz, it was also desired to change 64A are ideal and can only be approached
or approximated in practice. For instance,
3 OldB
the impedance leyel from 52 to 600 ohms,
if the filter in the preceding problem was
the inductance would have to be multi-

by (6/7)(600/52) and the capac- used for low-pass purposes in an 80-meter

transmitter to reject harmonics on 40
itances by (6/7)(52/600).
(F) meters, its performance would leave a lot to

Using Filter Tables be desired. While insertion loss at 3.5 MHz

In a previous example, it'was indicated was acceptable, it would likely be too high
Fig. 63 — Problem illustrating network reduc-
at 4.0 MHz and rejection would probably
tion to find-insertion loss. that the frequency response of a filter
could be derived by solving for the be inadequate at 7.0 MHz.
insertion loss, of the ladder network for a
Fortunately, design formulas exist for
number of frequencies. The question this type of network and form a class called
formulas once more gives the value of Rin
might be asked if the converse is possible. Butterworth filters. The name is derived
and Xin (Fig. 63F). If the latter values are
That is, given a desired frequency from the shape of the curve for insertion-
substituted into the effective attenuation
response, could a network be found that loss vs. frequency and is sometimes called
formula, the insertion loss and effective
would have this response? The answer is a a maximally flat response. A forrnula for
attenuation are 3.01 dB, which is very
qualified yes and the technical nomen- the frequency response curve is given by
close to the value specified. The reader
is network
clature for this sort of process
might verify that the insertion loss is
synthesis. Frequency responses can be
0.167, 0.37 and 5.5 dB at 3.5, 4.0 and 7.0 +i
"cataloged" and, if a suitable one can be A = lOlogj,

MHz respectively. If a plot of insertion
loss versus frequency was constructed it
found, the corresponding network ele-
would give the frequency response of the ments can be determined from an asso- =
where fc the frequency for an insertion
ciated table. Filters derived by network
loss of 3.01 dB
synthesis and similar methods (such as
k = the number of circuit elements
Frequency Scaling optimized computer designs) are often
and Normalized Impedance referred to as "modern filters" even The shape of a Butterworth low-pass filter
though the theory has been in existence is shown in the left-hand portion of Fig.
Quite often, it is desirable to be able to
for years. The term is useful in dis- 64B. (Another type that is similar in
change a coupling network at one
tinguishing such designs from those of an nature, only one that allows some
frequency and impedance level to another
older approximate method called image- "ripple" in the passband, is also shown in
one. For example, suppose it was desired
parameter theory. Fig. 64B. Here, a high-pass characteristic
to move the 3-dB point of the filter in the
a Chebyshev response.)
preceding illustration from 6 to 7 MHz.
Butterworth Filters As can beseen from the formula,
An examination of the reactance and increasing the number of elements will
susceptance formulas reveals that multi- Filters can be grouped into four general
categories as illustrated, in Fig. 64A. result in a filter that approaches the
plying the frequency by some constant k
Low-pass filters have zero insertion loss "ideal" low-pass shape. For instance, a
and dividing both the inductance and
up to some critical frequency (fc) or cutoff 20-element filter designed for a 3.01-dB
.capacitance by the same value of k leaves
frequency and then provide high rejection cutoff frequency of 4.3 MHz, would have
the equations unchanged. Thus, if the MHz
of 0.23 dB and
above this frequency. (The latter condition an insertion loss at 4
capacitances and inductance in Fig. 63A
is indicated by the shaded lines in Fig. 64.)
84.7 dB at 7 MHz. However, practical
are multiplied by 6/7, all the reactances
difficulties would make such a filter very
and susceptances in the new circuit will Band-pass filters have zero insertion loss
between two cutoff frequencies with high hard to construct. Therefore, some com-
now have the same value at 7 MHz that promises are always required between a
the old one had at 6 MHz. rejection outside of the prescribed "band-
theoretically perfect frequency response
It is common practice with many filter width." (Band-stop filters reject a band of

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-38


and ease of construction.

i-2 L4
Element Values -VW _rrm_ rrrrv
Once the number of elements, k, is
determined, the next step is to find the
network configuration corresponding to
k. (Filter tables sometimes have sets of
curves that enable the user to select the
desired frequency response curve rather
than use a formula. Once the curve with
the fewest number of elements for the
specified passband
and stop-band in-
sertion loss found, the filter is then

fabricated around the corresponding value

of k.) Table 11 gives normalized element
values for values of k from 1 to 10. This
table is for 1-ohm source and load '

resistance (reactance zero) and a 3.01 -dB
cutoff frequency of 1 radian/second
(0. 1592 Hz). There are two possible circuit
Fig. 65 — Schematic diagram of a Butterwofth low-pass filter. (See Table 11 for element values.)
configurations and these are shown in Fig.
65. Here, a five-element filter is given as
an example with either a shunt element Then L and C give the actual circuit-
next to the load (Fig. 65A) or a series 1 C5 C3 C1
element values in henrys and farads in
element next to the load (Fig. 65B). Either
filter will have the same response.
terms of the prototype element values i—'WS/ — 1'

( t K T If-
from Table 1 1
After the values for the 1-ohm, 1-
However, the usefulness of the low-pass
radian/second "prototype" filter are found, prototype does not end here. If the
the corresponding values for the actual following set of equations is applied to the
frequency/impedance level can be deter- prototype values, circuit elements for a
mined (see the section on frequency and high-pass filter can be obtained. The filter
impedance scaling). The prototype in- shown in Fig. 66A and
is Fig. 66B which
ductance and capacitance values are correspond to Fig. 65A and Fig. 65B in
multiplied by the ratio (0.1592/%) where Table 9. The equations for the actual C4 C2
fc isthe actual 3.01-dB cutoff frequency.
Next, this number is multiplied by the
high-pass circuit values in terms of the r-V W

T | ( t If
low-pass prototype are given by
load resistance in the case of an inductor
and divided by the load resistance if the
is a capacitance. For instance, the
C = L =
R2i-fc C prot 2'fcLprot.
filter in the preceding example is for a
three-element design (k equal to 3) and the
and the frequency response curve can be
reader might verify the values for the
obtained from (B)
components for an fc of 6 MHz and load
resistance of 52 ohms.
A =
Fig. 66 — Network configuration of a Butter-
High-Pass Butterworth
The formulas for change of impedance
10 log 1 +
in worth high-pass filter. The low-pass prototype
can be transformed as described in the text.

and frequency from the 1-ohm, 1-radian/

For instance, a high-pass filter with three
second prototype to some desired level
can also be conveniently written as
elements, a 3.01-dB fc of 6 and 52 MHz through the use of Table 11. Unfor-
ohms, has a CI and C3 of 510 pF and an tunately, the process not as straightfor-

R L2 of 0.6897 «H. The insertion loss at 3.5 ward as it is for low- and high-pass filters
= c =
L and 7 MHz would be 14.21 and 1.45 dB
2rf„ ^prototype 2j-f„R ^Prototype if a practical design is to be obtained. In
respectively. essence, a low-pass filter is resonated to
where R = the load resistance in ohms some "center frequency" with the 3.01-dB
fc = the desired 3.01-dB Butterworth Band-Pass Filters
cutoff frequency being replaced by the
frequency in Hz Band-pass filters can also be designed filter bandwidth. The ratio of the band-

Table 11
Prototype Butterworth Low-Pass Filters
Fig. 65A C1 L2 C3 L4 C5 L6 C7 L8 C9 L10
Fig. 65B L1 C2 L3 C4 L5 C6 L7 C8 L9 C10

1 2.0000
2 1.4142 , 1.4142
3 1.0000 2.0000 1.0000
4 0.7654 1.8478 1.8478 0.7654
5 0.6180 1.6180 2.0000 1.6180 0.6180
6 0.5176 1.4142 1.9319 1.9319 1.4142 . 0.5176
7 0.4450 1.2470 1.8019 2.0000 1.8019 1.2470 0.4450
8 0.3902 1.1111 1.6629 1.9616 1.9616 1.6629 1.1111 0.3902
9 0.3473 1.0000 1.5321 1.8794 2.0000 1.8794 1.5321 1.0000 0.3473
10 0.3129 0.9080 1.4142 1.7820 1.9754 1.9754 1.7820 1.4142 0.9080 0.3129

2-39 Chapter 2
width to center frequency must be rela- frequency."
tively large, otherwise component values If the response is plotted against a

tend to become unmanageable. logarithmic frequency scale, the symmetry

While there are many variations of will become apparent. Consequently,
specifying such filters, a most useful using a logarithmic plot is helpful in
approach is to determine an upper and designing filters of this type.
lower frequency for a given attenuation. Examination of the component values
reveals that while the filter is practical, it
The center frequency and bandwidth are
then given by is a bit untidy from a construction (A)

standpoint. Rather than using a single

340.1-pF capacitor, paralleling a number
of smaller valued units would be ad-
visable. Encountering difficulty of this
BW = f2 - f.
sort is typical of most filter designs,

consequently, some tradeoffs between

If the bandwidth specified is not
the performance, complexity and ease of
3. 01 -dB bandwidth (BW C ), the latter can construction are usually required.
be determined from (4 IS 20 25 28
Coupled Resonators
fO(MHz) .

BW A problem frequently encountered in rf (B)

BW, = circuits is that of a coupled resonator.
1A 2K Applications include simple filters, oscil-
[10 - l] Fig. 67 —
A Butterworth band-pass filter.
lator tuned circuits, and even antennas.
(Capacitance values are in picofarads.).
The circuit shown in Fig. 68 A is
of the basic principles in-
in the case of a Butterworth response or illustrative

from tables of curves. A is the required volved. A series RLC circuit and the
The external terminals ab are "coupled"
attenuation at the cutoff frequencies.
upper and lower cutoff frequencies (fcu through a common capacitance, Cm.
and fci) are then given by Applying the formulas for conductance
and susceptance in terms of series
reactance and resistance gives
_ - BWC + V (BWc) 2 + 4fo 2

G ah = R + X 2 2

fcu = f«i. + B\V C r

A somewhat more convenient method - Bern - Rf 2 + X 2

is to pick a 3.01-dB bandwidth (the

the better) around some center frequency
The significance of these equations can
arid compute the attenuation at other
be seen with the aid of Fig. 68B. At some
frequencies of interest by using the
point, the series inductive reactance will
cancel the series capacitive reactance (at a
point slightly below f where the con-
f _f_ 1°
f ductance curve reaches a peak). Depen-
ding upon the value of the coupling
susceptance, B m , it is possible that a point
which can be substituted into the insertion-
loss formula or table of curves.
can be found where the total input suscep-
As an example, suppose it is desired to tance is zero. The input conductance at
this frequency, f is then G
build a band-pass filter for the 15-meter
, .

in order to eliminate the Since Go than the conductance at

is less
Novice band
possibility of radiation on the 14- and
the peak of the curve, 1/G or Ro is going
to be greater than R r This effect can be
Fig. 68 — A capacitfvely coupled resonator is
28-MHz bands. For a starting choice, 16 .

shown at A. See text for explanation of figure

MHz will be picked as the 3.01-dB applied when it is desired to match a shown
and 25 at B.
MHz. low-value load resistance (such as found
points giving a 3-dB bandwidth of 9
in a mobile whip antenna) to a more either a positive or negative reactance will
For these two points, fo will be 20 MHz. It
practical value. Suppose Rr and Cr in Fig. satisfy the equation for Gab, a positive
is common practice to equate the number
68 A are 10 ohms and 21 pF, respectively, value is required to tune out Bcm. If the
of branch elements or filter resonators to
and represent the equivalent circuit of a coupling element was a shunt inductor,
certain mathematical entities called "poles"
mobile antenna. Find the value of Lr and the total reactance would have to be
and the number of poles is just the value
Cm which will match this antenna to a 52- capacitive or negative in value.) Thus, the
of k for purposes of discussion here. For a
ohm feed line at a frequency of 3900 kHz. required inductance value for Lr will be
three-pole filter (k of 3), the insertion loss
Substituting the foregoing values into the 80.1 wH. In order to obtain a perfect
will be 12.79 and 11.3 dB at 14 and 28
formulas for input conductance gives. match, the input susceptance must be zero
MHz, respectively.
and the value of Bcm can be found from
CI, C3 and L2 are then calculated for a 10
9-MHz low-pass filter and the elements 52 10 2 + X 2
= B„,
for this filter are resonated to 20 MHz as 10 2 + (20.49)

shown in Fig. 67A. The response shape is Solving for X (which

is the total series

plotted in Fig. 67B and it appears to be reactance) gives a value of 20.49 ohms.
The reactance of a 21-pF capacitor at giving a susceptance value of 0.04 mhos
unsymmetrical about f In spite of this
which corresponds to a capacitance of

fact, such filters are called symmetrical

3900 kHz is 1943.3 ohms so the inductive
reactance must be 1963.7 ohms. While 1608 pF.
band-pass filters and fo is the "center
Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-40
Coefficient of Coupling elements would seem to contradict the
If the solution to the mobile whip- idea that low-loss or high-Q circuits
antenna problem is examined, it can be provide the best selectivity. However, this
seen that for a given frequency, Rr, Lr, is actually done in some filter designs to

and Cr only one value of Cm results in an

improve frequency response. In fact, the
input load that appears as a pure resis- filter with the added loss has identical

tance. While such a condition might be characteristics to one with "pure" ele-
defined as resonance, the resistance value" ments. The method is called predistortion
Obtained is not necessarily the one and is very useful in designing filters'
required for maximum transfer of power. where practical considerations require the
A definition that is helpful in deter- use of circuit elements with parasitic or
mining how to vary the circuit elements undesired resistance.
in order to obtain the desired input As the frequency of operation is
resistance is called the increased, components become
coefficient of
coupling. The coefficient of coupling is
Fig. 69 — Variation of k with input resistance smaller until a point is reached where
for circuit for Fig. 68.
defined as the ratio of the common or other forms of networks have to be used.
mutual reactance and the square root of Here, entities such as k and Q are
the product of two specially defined sometimes the only means of describing
such networks. Another definition of
reactances. If the mutual reactance is the significance and even the merit of such Q
capacitive, one of the special reactances is definitions as coefficient of coupling and that is quite useful in this instance is that it

the sum of the series capacitive reactances Q. If the circuit element values are isequal to the ratio of In (energy stored
of the primary mesh (with the resonator known, and if the configuration can be per rf cycle)/(energy lost per rf cycle.)
disconnected) and the other one is the sum resolved into a ladder network, important
of the series capacitive reactances of the properties such as input impedance and Mutually Coupled Inductors
resonator (with the primary discon- attenuation can be computed directly for A
number of very useful rf networks
Applying this definition to the
nected). any frequency. On the other hand, circuit involve coupled inductors. In a previous
circuit of Fig. 68A, the coefficient of information might be obscured or even section, there was some discussion on
coupling, k, is given by lost by attempting to attach too much im- iron-core transformers which represent a
portance to an arbitrary definition. For special case of the coupled-inductance
example, the plot in Fig. 69 merely in- problem. The formulas presented apply to
dicates Cm and C r are changing with instances where the coefficient of coupling
respect to one another. But it doesn't il- is very close to 1.0. While it is possible to
lustrate how
they are changing. Such in- approach this condition at frequencies in
formation is important in practical ap- the rf range, many practical circuits work
How meaningful the coefficient of plications and even a simple table of C
at values of k that are considerably less
coupling will be depends upon the and C r
vs. R in
for a particular R would
be than 1.0. A general solution is rather
particular circuit configuration under much more valuable than a plot of k. complex but many practical applications
consideration and which elements are Similar precautions have to be taken can often be simplified and solved
with the interpretation of circuit through use of the ladder-network method.
being varied. For example, suppose the Q.
value of Lr in the mobile-whip antenna Selectivity and Q are simply related for In particular, the sign of the mutual in-
single resonators and
WH components,
problem was fixed circuit ductance must be taken into account if
at 100 and Cm and
Cr were allowed but the situation rapidly deteriorates with there are a number of coupled circuits or if
to vary. (It will be
complex configurations. For instance, the phase of the voltage between two
recalled that Cr is 21 pF and represents
the antenna capacitance. However, the adding loss or resistance to circuit coupled circuits is important.
total resonator capacitance could be
changed by adding a series capacitor
between Cm and the antenna. Thus, Cr
could be varied from 21 pF to some lower U-M L2-M
value but not a higher one.)
A ,o rrm , mnrw
calculated plot of k versus input
tance, R in , is shown in Fig. 69.
Note the
.O—1<) oc
unusually high change in k when going
from resistance values near 10 ohms to
slightly higher ones. bO-
Similar networks can be designed to
work with any ratio of input resistance (A)
and load resistance but it is evident small
ratios are going to pose difficulties.
For -M L2+M
component tolerances are
larger ratios,
more relaxed. For instance, Cm might
-Oc o—/rrr\_jTrn_^ c

consist of switchable fixed capacitors with

C r being variable. With a given load
Cm essentially sets the value of

the reactance and thus the input resistance
while Cr and Lr provide the required
reactance for the conductance formula.
However, Lr (B)
if is varied, k varies also.
Generally speaking, higher values of Lr
(and consequently circuit Q) require lower Fig. 70 — Two types of magnetically coupled circuits. At A, only mutual magnetic coupling exists
values of k. while the circuit at B contains a common inductance also. Equivalents of
both circuits are shown
at the right which permit the application of the ladder-network
At this point, the question arises as to analysis discussed in this section
(If the sign of voltage is
unimportant, T1 can be eliminated.)
2-41 Chapter 2
The latter consideration can be il- can also be analyzed with the aid of Fig. L2
lustrated with the aid of Fig. 70A. An ex- 68B. At some frequency (fi in Fig. 72), the
two mutually coupled series reactance is zero and Gab in the
act circuit for the
coils on the left is shown on the right. Tl preceding formula will just be 1/Rr. Typi- ~- '

is an "ideal" transformer that provides cal values for Rr range from 10 k-ohm and

the "isolation" between terminals ab and higher. However, the equivalent induc-

cd. If the polarity of the voltages between tance of the mechanical circuit is normally
these terminals can be neglected, the extremely high (over 10,000 henrys in the
transformer can be eliminated and just the case of some low-frequency units) which
cd substituted. A results in a very high circuit Q (30,000). ==-j ' \ '

circuit before terminals

second shown in Fig. 70B. Here, Above f 1; the reactance is "inductive"
circuit is
\ 1
^> 1


it assumed tliat the winding sense

is and susceptance of the series
at (2, the

doesn't change between LI and L2. If so, resonator is just equal to the susceptance
then the circuit on the right of Fig. 70B of the crystal holder, B cm Here, the total .

can be substituted for the tapped coil susceptance is zero. Since B cm is usually
very small, the equivalent series suscep- Fig. 71 —
Diagram illustrating how M can be
shown at the left.
one of the self inductances. This
larger than
Coefficients of coupling for the circuits tance is also small. This means the value
represents the transition from lightly coupled
in Figs. 70A and 70B are given by for X in the susceptance formula will be circuits to conventional transformers since an
very large and consequently G ah will be impedance step up is possible without the
M- small, which corresponds to a high. input addition of capacitive elements.
k -
- s^rL 2
resistance. A
plot of the magnitude of the
impedance is shown in Fig. 72. The dip at
mode and
U + M f, is called the series-resonant
the peak at f 2 is referred to as the parallel-
k ~ V L,(Li + L2 + 2M)
resonant or "anti-resonant" mode. When
specifying crystals for oscillator applica-
If LI and L2 do not have the same value,
tions, the type of mode must be given M
an interesting phenonemon takes place as along with external capacitance across the
the coupling is increased. A point is
holder or type oscillator circuit to be used.
reached where the mutual inductance ex- Otherwise, considerable difference in ac-
ceeds the inductance of the smaller coil.
tual oscillator frequency will be observed.
The interpretation pf this effect can be il- The effect can be used to advantage and
lustrated with the aid of Fig. 71. While all f1 12 f
the frequency of a crystal oscillator can be
the flux lines (as indicated by the dashed
"pulled" with an external reactive ele-
lines) associated with LI also encircle —
Frequency response of a quartz-
ment or even frequency modulated with a Fig. 72
turns of L2, there are additional ones that The minimum value is only
crystal resonator.
device that converts voltage or current
encircle extra turns of L2, also. Thus, approximate since holder capacitance is
fluctuations into changes in reactance.
there are more flux lines for than there M neglected.

are for LI. Consequently, becomes M

Matching Networks
larger than LI. Normally, this condition is
73C set to some particular value. The
difficult to obtain with air-wound coils In addition to filters, ladder networks is

but the addition of ferrite material greatly are frequently used to match one im- parallel combination of C2 and Ra can
increases the coupling. As k increases so pedance value to another one. While there then be transformed to a series equivalent
that M is LI (Fig. 71), the net-
larger than are many such circuits, a few of them offer (see Fig 74). Then, L could be found by

work beginsbehave more like a

to particular advantages such as simplicity of breaking it down into two components, L'
transformer and for a k of 1, the design formulas or minimum number of and L". One component (L") would tune
equivalent circuit of Fig. 71A yields the elements.Some of the more popular ones out the remaining capacitive reactance of
are shown in Fig. 73. Shown at Fig. 73A the output series equivalent circuit. The
transformer equations of a previous sec-
and 73B, are two variations of an "L" network is then reduced to the one shown
tion. On the other hand, for small values
network. These networks are relatively in Fig 73A and the other component (L')
of k, the network becomes merely three '

of L along with the value for Ci could be

coils arranged in a "T" fashion. One ad- simple to design.
The somewhat more com-
situation determined from formulas (Fig 73A). Add-
vantage of the circuit of Fig. 70A is that is

shown at 73C and

plicated for the circuits ing the two inductive components would
there is no direct connection between the
73D. For a given value of input and give the actual inductive reactance required
two coils. This property is important from
output resistance, there are many net- for match in the circuit of Fig. 73C.
an isolation standpoint and can be used to
satisfy the conditions for a As mentioned before, it is evident an
suppress unwanted currents that are often works that
RFI difficulties. perfect match. The difficulty can be number of networks of the form
responsible for
resolved by introducing the "dummy shown in Fig. 73C exist since C2 can be
Piezoelectric Crystals variable" labeled N. assigned any value. Either a set of tables
From a practical standpoint, N should or a family of curves for Ci and L in terms
A somewhat form of resonator
order to optimize circuit of C2 could then be determined from the
consists of a quartz crystal between two be selected in

conducting plates. If a voltage is applied component values. Either values of N that foregoing method and as illustrated in
are too low or too high result in networks Fig. 74. However, similar data along with
to the plates, the resultant electric field
that are hard to construct. other information can be obtained by
causes a mechanical stress in the crystal.

Depending upon the size and "cut" of the The reason for this complication is as approaching the problem somewhat dif-

follows. Only two reactive elements are ferently. Instead of setting one of trie
crystal, a frequency will exist at which the
The effect of this required to match any two resistances. element values arbitrarily and finding the
crystal begins to vibrate.
to simulate a Consequently, adding a third element other two, a' third variable is contrived
mechanical vibration is

series RLC
circuit as in Fig. 68A. There is introduces a redundancy. This means one and in the case of Fig 73C and Fig 73D is
element can be assigned a value arbitrarily labeled N. All three reactances are then
a capacitance associated with the crystal
and the other two components can then be expressed in terms of the variable N.
plates which appears across the terminals
68A).Consequently, this circuit found. For instance, suppose C2 in Fig. The manner in which the reactances
(Cm in Fig.

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-42 .

R, > R2 mm
- R, R1-»- z£^C R2

Xc = R R2'


o 1(- — = C2
XiL " ~ A
Ceq -
! + (Xc2 /R 2 )
XL — R 2 *J R^ — R,
R<- •
L ^R2
V R R2
Xc=_ I


Rl > R2 N > , V R,/R 2 - 1

Y ci
x _ JLl
--jj- _nrm_
X C2 = :cz
V R 2
/R,( 1 4- a2) - 1

XL = R,
N + R 2/X C2 I + UVXo) 2

N> +1 (O

R < R2 N >
i , V R 2 /Ri - 1

XL = ^1
XC2 - D R2
J* N
/ ( 2 1)
- 1
R2 N -

NX C2 (D)
1 + (R 2 /X C2 )>

Fig.73 —
Four matching networks that can be used to couple a source and load with different
Fig. 74 —
Illustration of the manner in which
the network of Fig. 73C can be reduced to the
resistance values. (Although networks are drawn with R1 appearing as the source
resistance, all one of Fig. 73A assuming C2 is assigned some
can be applied with R2 at the source end. Also, all formulas with capacitive reactance are for the
arbitrary value. (The formulas shown are for
numerical or absolute value.)
numerical reactance values.)

change with variation in N for two with either one or the other or both of the a much lower resistance would deliver
representative circuits of the typeshown remaining two elements variable. In many relatively little power. However, as the
in Fig. 73C is shown in Fig. 75. The solid amateur transmitters, it is the inductor resistance is lowered, increasing amounts
curve is for an Ri of 3000 ohms and R2 that remains fixed (at least for a given of current will flow resulting in mora
equal to 52 ohms. The dashed curve is for band) while Ci and C2 (Fig 73C) are made power output. Then, the source is said to
the same R2 (52 ohms) but with Ri equal variable. While this system limits the be "loaded" more heavily.
to 75 ohms. For values of N very close to bandwidth and matching capability some- Similar considerations such as those
the minimum by the inequality
specified what, it is still a very useful approach. For discussed for the network of Fig. 73C also
(Fig 73C), Xc2 becomes
infinite which instance, the plot shown in Fig. 76 exist for the circuit of Fig. 73D. Only the
means C2 approaches zero. As might be indicates the range of input resistance limiting L network for the latter is the one
expected, the values of Xl and Xci at this values that can be matched for an R2 of 52 shown in Fig. 73B. The circuit of Fig. 73C
point are approximately those of an L net- ohms. The graph is for an inductive reac- is usually called a pi network and as
work (Fig 73A) and could be determined tance of 219 ohms. Xci varies from 196 to pointed out, it is used extensively in the
by means of the formulas in Fig 73A for 206 ohms over the entire range of Ri (or output stage of transmitters. The circuit of
the corresponding values of Ri and R2. approximately 20 percent). However, Xc2 Fig. 73D has never been given any special
The plots shown in Fig. 75 should give a varies from 15 to almost 100 ohms as can name, but it is quite popular in both
general idea of the optimum range of be seen from the graph. antenna and transistor-matching applica-
component values. The region close to the Since C2 more or the trans-
less sets tions.
left-hand portion should be avoided since formed resistance, often referred to as
it is The plot shown in Fig. 75 is for fixed
there is little advantage to be gained over the "loading" control on transmitters input and output resistances with the
an L network, while arf extra component using the network of Fig. 73C, with Ci reactances variable. Similar figures can be
is required. For very high values of N, the usually labeled "Tune." While the mean- plotted for other combinations of fixed
capacitance values become large without ing of the latter term should be clear, the and variable elements. An interesting case
producing any particular advantage either. idea of loading in a matching application isfor Xl and Ri fixed with R2, Xci, and
A good design choice is an N a few per- perhaps peedssome explanation. For Xc2 variable. A
lower limit for also N
cent above the minimum specified by the small values of Xc2 (very large C2), the exists for this plot only instead of an L
inequality. transformed resistance is very high. Con- network, the limiting circuit is a network
Quite often, one of the elements is fixed sequently, a source that was designed for of three equal reactances. A feature of this
2-43 Chapter 2
circuit is that the output resistance is the
1 XC2 ratio of the square of the reactance and
the input resistance. An analogous situa-
XL tion exists with a quarter-wavelength
xci transmission-line transformer. The output
xci\ resistance is the ratio of the square of the
characteristic impedance of the line and
the input resistance. Consequently, the
f special case where all the reactances are
equal in the circuit of Fig. 73C is the
lumped-constant analog of the quarter-
wavelength transformer. It has identical
phase shift (90 degrees) along with the
same impedance-transforming properties.

Fig. 75 — Network reactance variation as a Frequency Response

function of dummy variable N. Solid curves
In many instances, a matching network
and values of N from 8 to 11 are for an input
resistance of 3000 ohms and an output performs a dual role in transforming a
resistance of 52 ohms. The dashed curves are resistance value while providing frequency
for a similar network with an input and output Fig. 76 —
Input resistance vs. output reac-
matching versatility,
resistance of 75 and 52 ohms, respectively. tance for an output resistance of 52 ohms. The
curve is for a fixed inductor of 219 ohms (Fig. component and number of ele-
Values of N from 1 to 4 are for the latter
curves. 73C). X ci varies from 196 to 206 ohms. ments are the most important considera-
tions. But a matching network might also
be able to provide sufficient selectivity for
some application, thus eliminating the
need for a separate circuit such as a filter.
It will be recalled that Q and selectivity
are closely related for simple RLC series

and parallel circuits. Bandwidth and »the

parameter N of Fig.
73 are approximately
related in this manner. For values of N
much greater than the minimum specified
by the inequality N
and Q can be
considered to mean the same thing for all
practical purposes. However, the fre-
quency response of networks that are
more complex than simple RLC types is
usually more complicated also. Con-
sequently, some care is required in the
interpretation of N or Q in regard to
frequency rejection. For instance, a simple
circuit has a frequency response that
results in increasing attenuation for
increasing excursions from resonance.
Fig. 77 _ Frequency response of the network of Fig. 73C for two values of N.
This is not true for the pi network as can
be seen from Fig. 77. For slight frequency
changes below resonance, the attenuation
increases as in the case of a simple RLC
network. At lower frequencies, the at-
tenuation decreases and approaches 2.55
dB. This plot is for a resistance ratio of
,5:1, and the low-frequency loss is just
caused by the mismatch in source and
load resistance. Thus, while increasing N
improves the selectivity near resonance, it
has little effect on response for frequencies
much farther away.
A somewhat different situation exists
for the circuit of Fig. 73D. At frequencies
far from resonance, either a series
capacitance provides decoupling at the
lower frequencies or a shunt capacitance
causes additional mismatch at the higher
ones, This circuit then, has a response
resembling those of simple circuits unlike
the pi network. Curves a and b are for a
resistance ratio of 5: 1 with equal to 2.01 N
for curve a. Curve b is for an N of 10.
Curves c and d are for a resistance ratio of
50:1 with N equal to 7.04 and. 10

73D (see text). respectively.

Fig. 78 Frequency response of the circuit of Fig.

Electrical Laws and Circuits 2-44

Chapter 3

Radio Design Technique

and Language

^f^Lny amateurs desire to construct mated by a "pure" element such as a frequency of a capacitor is lower for high-
their own radio equipment and
some know- resistor,capacitor, inductor or a short capacitance units than it is for smaller-
ledge of design procedures becomes im- circuit in the case of an interconnecting value ones. Thus, CI in Fig. 2 provides a
portant. Even when some commercially conductor. In other cases, the unwanted low reactance for low frequencies such as
manufactured equipment is used, these component must be taken into account. those in the audio range while C2acts as a
techniques may still be required in setting However, it may be possible to break the bypass for frequencies above the self-
up peripheral equipment. Also, an appli- element down into a simple circuit resonant frequency of CI.
cant for an Amateur Radio license might consisting of single elements alone. Then,
be tested on material in this area. the actual circuit may be analyzed by RF Leakage
means of the basic laws discussed in the Although the capacitor combination
"Pure" vs. "Unpure" Components previous chapter. It may be also possible shown in Fig. 2 provides a low-impedance
In the chapter on electrical laws and to make a selection such that the effects of path to may not be very
circuits, it is assumed that the components the residual element are negligible. effective preventing rf energy from
in an of
electrical circuit consist solely However, there are other parasitic reaching point 2 that travels along the
elements can be reduced to a
that elements that may not only be difficult to conductor from point 1. At dc and
resistance, capacitance or inductance. remove but will affect circuit operation low-frequency applications, a circuit must
However, such elements do not exist in adversely as well. In fact, such con- always form a closed path in order for a
nature. An inductor always has some siderations often set a limit on how current to flow. Consequently, two con-
resistance associated with its windings and stringent a design criterion can be tolerated. ductors are required if power is to be
a carbon-composition resistor becomes a For instance, it is a common practice to delivered from a source to a load. In many
complicated circuit as the frequency of connect small-value capacitors in various instances, one of the conductors may be
operation is increased. Even conductor parts of a complex circuit, such as a common to several other circuits and
resistance must be taken into account if transmitter or receiver, for bypassing constitutes a local ground.
long runs of cable are required. purposes. A bypass capacitor permits However, as the frequency of operation
In many instances, the effects of these energy below some specified frequency to is increased, a second type of coupling
"parasitic" components can be neglected pass a given point while providing mechanism is possible. Power may be
and the actual device can be approxi- rejection to energy at higher frequencies. transmitted along a single conductor.
In essence, the capacitor is used in a crude (Although the same effect is possible at
form of filter. In more complicated filter low frequencies, unless circuit dimensions
designs, capacitors may be required for are extremely large, such transmission

complex functions (such as matching) in effects can be neglected.) The conductor

addition to providing a low reactance to acts as a waveguide in much the same
ground. manner as a large conducting surface,
An equivalent circuit of a capacitor is such as the earth, will permit propagation
shown in Fig. 1A. Normally, the series of a radio wave close to its boundary with
resistance, Rs, can be neglected. On the the air. This latter type of propagation is
other hand, the upper frequency limit of often cajled a ground wave and is
the capacitor is limited by the series important up to and slightly above the
inductance, Ls . In fact, above the point standard a-m broadcast band. At higher
where Ls and Cp form a resonant circuit, frequencies, the conductivity of the earth
the capacitor actually appears as an is such to attenuate ground-wave propa-
inductor at the external terminals. As a gation.
result, it becomes useless for bypassing A mode similar to ground-wave propa-
purposes. This is why it is common gation that can travel along the boundary
(A) (B) practice to use two capacitors in parallel of a single conductor is illustrated by the
for bypassing, as shown in Fig. 2. At first dashed lines in Fig. 2. As with the wave
Fig. 1 — Equivalent circuit of a capacitor is
inspection, this might appear as super- traveling close to the earth, a poor con-
shown at A, and for an inductor in B. fluous duplication. But the "self-resonant" ducting boundary will cause attenuation.

3-1 Chapter 3
Fig. 2 — A bypassing arrangement thai affords some measure of isolation (with the equivalent circuit
shown the inset). Dashed lines indicate a mode of wave travel that permits rf energy to leak past

bypass circuitry and should be taken into account when more stringent suppression requirements are
necessary. (L s and R s in the inset represent ttie equivalent circuit of the ferrite bead.)

This is why a ferrite bead is often inserted A different type of bypass-capacitor

over the exit point of a conductor from configuration is often used with as-
an area where rf energy is to be contained sociated shielding for such applications,
or excluded. In addition to loss (particu- as shown in Fig. 3. In order to reduce the
larly in the vhf range), the high permea- series inductance of the capacitor, and to
provide better isolation between points 1 (B)
bility of the ferrite introduces a series-
inductive reactance as well. Finally, the and 2, either a disk-type (Fig. 3A) or a
shield wall provides further isolation. coaxial configuration (Fig. 3B) is em- —
Fig. 3 A superior type of bypassing
The diagram for either arrangement to that shown in Fig. 2. Concentric
While the techniques shown in Fig. 2 ployed. circuit
conductors provide a low-inductance path to
get around some of the deficiencies of configuration is shown in the inset. While
ground and better rejection of unwanted single-
capacitors that are used for bypass such "feedthrough" capacitors are always wire wave modes.
purposes, the resulting suppression is connected to ground through the shield,
inadequate for a number of applications. this connection is often omitted on
Examples would be protection of a VFO drawings. Only a connection to ground is
shown, as in the inset in Fig. 3. represented by Rp as shown in Fig. 1A.
to surrounding rf energy, a low-frequency
receiver with a digital display, and However, if a dc ohmmeter was placed
Dielectric Loss across the terminals of the capacitor, the
suppression of radiated harmonic energy
Even though capacitors are usually reading would be infinite. This is because
from a transmitter. In each of these cases,
high-Q devices, the effect of internal loss dielectric loss is an ac effect. Whenever an
a very high degree of isolation is required.
applied to an
For instance, a VFO is sensitive to can be more severe than the case of a coil. alternating electric field is

voltages that appear on dc power supply This is because good insulators of insulator, there a local motion of the

lines and a transmitter output with a note electricity are usually good insulators of electrons in the individual atoms that

that sounds "fuzzy" or rough may result. heat generated in a

also. Therefore, heat make up the material. Even though the
Digital displays usually generate copious capacitor be conducted to the
must electrons are not displaced as they would
outside via the conducting plates to the be in a conductor, this local motion
rf energy in the low-frequency spectrum.
Consequently, a receiver designed for this capacitor leads. In addition, most capaci- requires the expenditure of energy and
range presents a situation where a strong tors are covered with an insulating coating results in a power loss.

source of emission is in close proximity to that further impedes heat conduction. Consequently, some care is required in
very sensitive receiving circuits. A similar The problem is less severe with capacitors the application of capacitors in moderate
using air as a dielectric for two reasons. to high-power circuits. The applied vol-
case exists with transmitters operating on
a frequency that is a submultiple of a The first advantage of air over other tage should be such that rf-current ratings
fringe-area TV station. In the latter two dielectrics is that the loss in the presence are not exceeded for the particular

instances, the problem is not so severe if of an alternating electric field is extremely frequency of operation. This is illustrated
the desired signal is strong enough to small. Secondly, any heat generated by in Fig. 4. A parallel-resonant circuit

"override" the unwanted energy. Un- currents on the surface of the conduc- consisting of LP , CP and Rl is connected to
ting plates is either conducted away by a voltage source, Vs through a coupling
fortunately, this is not the case normally ,

air currents or through the mass of the capacitor, Cc. It is also assumed the Rl is
and stringent measures are required to
isolate the sensitive circuits from the metal. much greater than either the inductive or
The dielectric loss in a capacitor can be capacitive reactance taken alone. This
strong source.

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-2

condition would be typical of that found formed" a voltage or an impedance from this reason, variable-coupling matching
in most rf-power amplifier circuits em- one level to another one, the term is networks,, or those using "link coupling"
ploying vacuum tubes. usually reserved for circuits incorporating have been popular for many years. In
Since the inductive and capacitive mutual magnetic coupling. Examples addition to matching flexibility, these
reactance of Lp and Cp cancel at would be i-f transformers, baluns, broad- circuits are good band-pass filters and can
resonance, the load presented to the band transformers, and certain antenna also provide isolation between antenna
source would be just R L This would . matching networks (see chapter 2). Of circuits and those of the transmitter.
mean the current through Cc would be course, many devices used at audio and
much less than the current through either power frequencies are also transformers in Design Formulas
Cp or Lp The effect of such "current rise"
. the sense used here and have been covered A basic two-mesh circuit with mutual
is similar to the voltage rise at resonance in aprevious chapter. magnetic coupling is shown in Fig. 6. The
discussed in the previous chapter. Even Networks that use mutual magnetic reactance, X, is arbitrary and could be
though the current at the input of the coupling exclusively have attractive ad- either inductive or capacitive. However, it
parallel-resonant circuit is small, the vantages over other types in many is convenient to combine it with the
currents that flow in the elements that common applications. A principal ad- secondary reactance (Xls) since this
make up the circuit can be quite large. vantage is that there is no direct makes the equations somewhat more
The requirements for Cc then, would be connection between the input and output compact. Hence, the total secondary
rather easy to satisfy in regards to current terminals. Consequently, dc and ac com- reactance is defined by
rating and power dissipation. On the ponents of current are separated easily
other hand, CP would ordinarily be thus eliminating the need for coupling
Xs = 2j-fL s +X
restricted to air-variable .types although capacitors. Perhaps even more impor-
some experiments have been successful tantly, it is also possible to isolate rf
using Teflon as a dielectric. 1 Generally currents because of the lack of a common The primary reactance and mutual reac-
speaking, the coupling capacitor should conductor. Quite often, an hf receiver in tance are also defined respectively as
have, a low reactance (at the lowest an area where strong local broadcast
frequency of operation) in comparison to stations are present will suffer from
the load presented by the tuned circuit. "broadcast harmonics" and possibly even
The effect of the coupling-capacitor rectified audio signals getting into sen-
reactance could then be compensated by sitive af circuits. In such cases, com-
slightly retuning the parallel-resonant plicated sometimes prove inef-
circuit. fective while a simple
tuned rf transformer
clears up the problem completely. This is
Inductors because the unwanted be components are
prevented from flowing on the receiver
Similar considerations to those dis-
chassis along with being rejected by the Rl»|xcp| = Xlp
cussed in the previous sections exist with
tuned-transformer filter characteristic.
inductors also, as shown in Fig. IB. Since
an inductor usually consists of a coil of A second advantage of coupled circuits Fig. 4 —
Consideration ot capacitor voltage and
wire, there will be a resistance associated using mutual magnetic coupling exclu- current ratings should be kept in mind in

with the wire material and this component sively is that analysis is relatively simple moderate-power applications.
is represented by Rs (Fig. IB). In addition, compared to other forms
of coupling
there is always a capacitance associated although exact synthesis
is somewhat
with conductors in proximity as il- complicated. That is, finding a network
lustrated in Fig. 5. While such capacitance with some desired frequency response
is distributed throughout the coil, it is a would be quite difficult in the general
convenient approximation to consider an case.

equivalent capacitance, Cp, exists between However, circuits using mutual-magnetic

the terminals (Fig. IB). Finally, inductors coupling usually have very good out-of-
are often wound on materials that have band rejection characteristics when com-
high permeability in order to increase the pared to networks incorporating other
inductance. Thus, it is possible to build an forms. (A term sometimes applied to
inductor with fewer turns and smaller in transformer or mutual-magnetic coupling
size than an equivalent coil with an "air is indirect coupling. Circuits with a single

core." resistive or reactive element for the

Unfortunately, high-permeability mate- common impedance are called direct-
rials presently available have considerable coupled networks. Two or more elements
loss in the presence of an rf field. It will be in the common impedance are said to
recalled a similar condition existed with comprise complex coupling.) For in-
the dielectric in a capacitor. Consequently, stance, relatively simple band-pass filters Fig. 5— Distributed capacitance (indicated by
in addition to the wire resistance, a loss are possible with mutual-magnetic coup- dashed lines) affects the operation of a coil at
high frequencies.
resistance is associated with the core and ling and are highly recommended for
represented by Rp. (See Fig. IB.) Since vhf-transmitter multiplier For
chains. '

this loss is more or less independent of the receiving, such filters are often the main
current through the coil but dependent upon source of selectivity. Standard a-m and fm
the applied voltage, it is represented by a broadcast receivers would be examples
parallel resistance. where intermediate-frequency (i-f) trans-
formers derive their band-pass charac-
—— Q
Transformers teristics from mutually coupled inductors.
Although the xterm transformer might A third advantage of mutually coupled o 1
be applied to any network that "trans- networks is that practical circuits with
'DeMaw and Dorbuck, "Transmitting Variables," great flexibility particularly in regard to
QST February 1975. matching capabilities are possible. For Fig. 6 — Basic magnetically coupled circuit.

3-3 Chapter 3

Critical coupling gives the flattest

Xp = 2rfL p ,X m = 2»rfM subtracted from the actual resistance 9.

desired and the transformed resistance response although greater bandwidth can
made equal to this difference. As an be obtained by increasing k to ap-
A set of equations for the input resistance proximately 1.5 kc- At higher values, a
and reactance is given by example, suppose an amplifier required a
load resistance of 3000 ohms, and the pronounced dip occurs at the center or
primary-coil resistance was 100 ohms. resonant frequency.
Then, the transformed resistance must be In the undercoupled case, a peak occurs
equal to 2900 ohms. (In either case, the at the resonant frequency of the primary
secondary coil resistance is merely added and secondary circuit but the transformed

to the secondary load resistance and the resistance is too >low and results in a
sum substituted for Rs.) mismatch. As the coupling is decreased
= Xp - still further, very little power is transferred
Coefficient of Coupling to the secondary circuit and most of it is
Although the equations for the input dissipated in the primary-loss and generator-
This permits reducing the two-mesh
of Fig. 6 to the single-mesh circuit impedance can be solved in terms of the source resistances. On the other hand, an
mutual reactance, the transforming mecha- interesting phenomenon occurs with the
of Fig. 7.
nism involved becomes somewhat clearer overcoupled case. It will be recalled that
Double-Tuned Circuits- if the of coupling is used
coefficient the transformed resistance is too high at
instead. The coefficient of coupling, k, in resonance because the coefficient of
A special case occurs if the value of Xs
terms of the corresponding reactances of coupling is greater than the critical value.
is zero. This could be accomplished easily
inductances is However, a special case occurs if the
by tuning out the inductive reactance of
primary and secondary circuits are iden-
the secondary with an appropriate capaci-
tical which also means the transformed
tor or by varying the frequency until a k
fixed capacitor and the secondary in-
yl X p Xs V L P LS resistance, Ri n must equal Rs.

ductance resonated. these con- Under The behavior of the circuit under these
Then, the input resistance becomes conditions can be analyzed with the aid of
ditions, the input resistance and reactance
Fig. 7. Assuming the Q of both circuits is
would be k2X X
— p s
high enough, the reactance, Xs, increases
very rapidly on either side of resonance. If
— Vm this variation is much greater than the
A,„ — A.
p The primary and secondary Qs are variation of Xm with frequency, a
defined as frequency exists on each side of resonance
ratio of Xm and Rs + Xs is
2 2 2
where the
Then, in order to make the input 1.0.Consequently, Rin is equal to Rs and
impedance purely resistive, a second series Wp 5
the transformed reactance is -Xs. Since
R„ Rs
capacitor could be used to cancel the the primary and secondary resonators are
reactance of Xp The completed network
. identical, the reactances cancel because of
is shown in Fig. 8 with CI and C2 being the
where a "loaded" Q is assumed. This the minus sign. The frequency plot for a k
primary and secondary series capacitors. would mean Rs included any secondary- of 0.2 (k c is 0.1)is shown in Fig. 9. If the
coil loss. For maximum-power transfer,
If Xm could be varied, it is evident that primary and secondary circuits are not
the secondary resistance could be trans- Rg would be the total primary resistance identical, a double-hump response still

formed to almost any value of input resis- which consists of the generator and coil
tance. Usually, the desired resistance, resistance.

would be made equal to the generator re- The coefficient of coupling under these
sistance, Rg, for maximum power transfer. conditions reduces to a rather simple
It rtiight also be selected to satisfy some
design goal, not necessarily related to maxi-
mum power transfer. This brings up a
k„ =
minor point but one that can cause con-
siderable confusion. Normally, in transmit-
ting circuits, the "unloaded Q" of the re- However, if it is desired to make the input
active components would be very high resistance some particular value (as in the
and the series parasitic resistances (dis- previous example), the
case of the
cussed in a previous section) could be ne- coefficient of coupling is then
glected. However, if it is not desired to do
so, how should these resistances be taken - R.
into account? If maximum power transfer k, = Fig. 7 Equivalent single-mesh network of the
XpQs two-mesh circuit of Fig. 6.
is the goal, the series resistance of the
primary coil would be added to the
generator resistance, Rg, and the trans- If the primary "loss" resistance is zero,
formed secondary resistance would be both formulas are identical.
made equal to this sum. At values of k less than kc, the input
On the other hand, a more common resistance is lower than either the pre-

case requires the total input resistance to scribed value or for conditions of maxi-
be equal to some desired value. For mum power transfer. Higher values of k
instance, an amplifier might provide result in a higher input resistance. For this

optimum efficiency or harmonic sup- reason, kc is called the critical coefficient

pression when terminated in a particular of coupling. If k is less than kc, the circuit

load resistance. Transmission lines also is said be undercoupled and for k

require a given load resistance in order to greater than kc, an overcoupled condition
be "matched." In such cases, the series results. A plot of attenuation vs. fre-
Fig.8 Double-tuned series circuits with

resistance of the primary coil would be quency for the three cases is shown in Fig. magnetic coupling.

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-4

0.9 0.95

Fig. 10 — Coupled network with parallel-tuned

circuits or "i-f" transformer.

Xeq(Cp) xeo(Cs)
o-\i— M

REO(IN) Lp-K >— Ls <REO(S)

Fig. 1 1 — Equivalent series circuit of the parallel

Fig. 9 —
Response curves for various degrees of coupling coefficient k. The critical coefficient of network shown in Fig. 10. This transformation is
coupling for the network shown in the inset is 0.1. Lower values give a single response peak (but less only valid at single frequencies and must be
than maximum power transfer) while "tighter" coupling results in a double-peak response. revalued if the frequency is changed.

occurs but the points where the trans- where one high-impedance load is
stances, type shown in Fig. 10 are widely used in
formed resistance is equal to the desired matched to another one, Rs in Fig. 10 is radio circuits. Perhaps the most common
value, the reactances are not the same much greater than the reactance of and G example is the i-f transformer found in
numerically. Consequently, there is 'at- CP This simplifies the transformations
. a-m and fm be sets. Many communica-
tenuation at peaks unlike the curve of Fig. and approximate relations are given by tions receivers have similar transformers
9. although the trend has been toward
Rea(S) = somewhat different circuits. Instead of
Other Circuit Forms 'R.
achieving selectivity by means of i-f
While the coupled network shown in transformers (which may require a num-
Fig. 8 is the easiest to analyze, it is not ber of stages), a single filter with
commonly encountered in actual circuits. quartz-crystal resonators is used instead.
As the resistance levels are increased, the As an example, suppose it was desired (The subject of receivers is treated in a
corresponding reactances become very to match a 3000-ohm load to a 5000-ohm later chapter.)
large also. In transmitting circuits, ex- source using a coupled inductor with a
tremely high voltages are then developed 250-ohm (reactance) primary and secon- Single-Tuned Circuits
across the coils and
For capacitors. dary coil. Assume the coupling can be In the case of double-tuned circuits,
high-impedance circuits, the circuit shown varied. Determine the circuit configura- separate capacitors are used to tune out
in Fig. 10 is often used. Although the tion and the critical coefficient of coupling. the inductive components of the primary
frequency response is somewhat different Since the load and source resistance and secondary windings. However, exami-
than the circuit of Fig. 8 (in fact, the have a much higher numerical value than nation of the equivalent circuit of the
out-of-band rejection is greater), a match- the reactance of the inductors, a parallel- coupled coil shown in Fig. 7 suggests an
ing network can be designed based upon tuned configuration must be used. In alternative. Instead of a separate capaci-
the previous analysis for the series circuit. order to tune out the inductive reactance, tor, why not "detune" a resonant circuit
This is accomplished by changing the the equivalent series capacitive reactance slightly and "reflect" a reactance of the
parallel primary and secondary circuits to must be -250 ohms. Since both Rs and RP proper sign into the primary in order to
series equivalents. (It should be em- are known, the exact formulas could be tune out the primary inductance. Since
phasized that this transformation is good solved for y and Req. However, because the transformation function (shown in the
at one frequency only.) The equivalent the respective resistances are much greater box in Fig. 7) reverses the sign of the
circuit of the one shown in Fig. 10 is than the reactance, the simplified ap- secondary reactance, it is evident Xs must
illustratedin Fig. 11 where the new proximate formulas can be used. This be inductive in order to tune out the pri-
resistanceand reactance of the secondary means the primary and secondary equiva- mary inductance.
are given by lent capacitive reactances are —250 ohms. This might seem to be a strange result
The equivalent secondary resistance is but it can be explained with the following
(250)V3000 or 20.83 ohms, resulting in a reasoning. From a mathematical point of
1 + y2 secondary Q of 250/20.83 or 12. (A view, the choice of the algebraic sign of
formula could be derived directly for the the transformed reactance is perfectly
X (C V — -R s
Q from the approximate equations.) The arbitrary. That is, a set of solutions to the
equivalent primary resistance and Q are equations governing the coupled circuit is
12.5 ohms and 20, respectively. Sub- possible assuming either a positive or .

y = R /x s c stituting the values for Q into the formula negative sign for the transformed reac-
for the critical c oefficient of coupling tance. However, if the positive sign is
A similar set of transformations exists for gives 1/V(20)(12) or 0.065. chosen, the transformed resistance would
the primary circuit also. In most in- Double-tuned coupled circuits of the be negative. But from a physical point of

3-5 Chapter 3
Fig. 12 —
A boil coupled magnetically to a
"shorted" turn provides insight to coils near solid
shield walls.

Fig.17 —"Reflected" reactance into the primary of a single-tuned circuit places restraints on
resistances that can be matched. This gives rise to a general rule that high-O secondary circuits
require a lower coefficient of coupling than low-Q ones.

Fig. 1 3 — "Link" coupling can be used to analyze view, this is a violation of the con- resonators can be coupled in this manner
a number of important circuits.
servation of energy since, it would imply although there may be considerable
the secondary resistance acts as a source separation (and no mutual coupling
of energy rather than an energy "sink." between" the larger coils) hence the term
Consequently, the solution with the nega- "link" coupling. While this particular
tive resistance does not result in a physi- method is seldom used nowadays, the
cally realizable network. term is still applied to the basic con-
The foregoing phenomenon has im- figuration shown in Fig. 13. Applications
plications for circuits one might not would be antenna-matching networks,
normally expect to be related to coupled output stages for amplifiers and, es-

networks. For instance, consider coil 1 pecially important, many circuits used at
(Fig. 12) in proximity to the one-turn

vhf that have no direct hf equivalent.

"shorted" coil 2. A time-varying current The cavity resonators used in repeater
in coil 1 will induce a current in coil 2. In duplexers are one form of vhf circuit that
turn, the induced current will set up a uses link coupling. A cross-sectional view
magnetic field of its own. The question is of a representative type is shown in Fig.
will the induced field aid or oppose the 14. Instead of ordinary coils and capaci-

primary field. Since the energy in a tors, a section of coaxial transmission

magnetic field is proportional to the line comprises the resonant circuit. The

square of the flux, the induced field must frequency of the resonator may be varied
oppose the primary field, otherwise the by adjusting the tuning screw which'
principle of the conservation of energy changes the value of the capacitor. Energy
would be violated as it was with the is coupled into and out of the resonator by
Fig. 14 —
A vhf/uhf circuit which can be "negative" resistance. Consequently, the means of two small, one-turn loops.
approximated by a link-coupled network using
induced current must always be in a Current in the input loop causes a
"conventional" components.
direction such that the induced field magnetic field (shown by dashed lines). If
opposes changes in the generating field. the frequency of the generating field is
This result is often referred to as Lenz's near one of the resonant "modes" of the
Law. configuration, an electric field will also be
If, instead of a one-turn loop, a solid generated (shown by solid lines). Finally,
shield wall was substituted, a similar energy may then be coupled out of the
phenomenon would occur. Since the total resonator by means of a second loop.
flux (for a given current) would be less A low-frequency equivalent circuit of
with the shield present than it would be in the resonator is shown in Fig. 15.

the absence of the shield, the equivalent However, the circuit can only be used to
coil inductance is decreased. That is why it give an approximate idea of the actual
is important to use a shield around a coil frequency response of the cavity. At
Fig. 1 5 — Equivalent low-frequency analog of the frequencies not close to the resonant
circuit shown in Fig. 14. that is big enough to reduce the effect of
such coupling. Also, a shield made from a frequency, the mathematical laws gover-
metal with a high conductivity such as ning resonant circuits are different from
copper or aluminum is advisable, other- those of "discrete" components used at
wise a loss resistance will be coupled into hf. Over a limited frequency range, the
the coil as well. resonator can be approximated by the
series LC circuit shown in Fig. 15.
Link Coupling Applying the formulas for coupled
An example of a very important class of networks shown in Fig. 7 to the two-link
single-tuned circuits is shown in Fig. 13. output link and load
circuit of Fig. 15, the
The primary inductor consists of a small can be transformed to ah equivalent series
Fig. 1 6 — The network of Fig. 1 5 can be reduced coil either in close proximity or wound resistance and reactance as shown in Fig.
with the transformation shown in Fig. 7. oyer one end of a larger coil. Two 16. In most instances, the reactance, Xs in ,

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-6


present. A plot of the reflected "reactance

as a function of Xs is shown in Fig. 17.
From mathematical considerations (which
will not be discussed) it can be shown that
the maximum and minimum of the curve
have a value equal to Xm 2 /2Rs. Con-
sequently, this value must be greater than
or equal to Xp in order that a value of Xs
existssuch that the reflected reactance will
Fig. 18— Single-tuned circuit with a parallel RC
secondary. cancel Xp. In the usual case where Xm 2 /
2Rs is greater than Xp it is interesting to

note that two values of X s exist where Xp

and the reflected reactance cancel. This
Fig. 20 —
Input resistance of the Fig. 1 9 circuit as
a function of frequency.
means there are two cases where the input
impedance is purely resistive and Rs could
be matched to either one of two source
resistances if so desired. The value of Xs at
these points is designated as Xsi and Xs2.
On the other hand, a high value of Rs

Fig. 19 — Text example of a single-tuned circuit.

requires Xm to be large also. This could
be accomplished by increasing the coeffi- -50
cient of coupling or by increasing the
the formula is just the reactance of the turns on the secondary coil. Increasing the
output link. Since the. two-link network turns on the primary also will cause Xm to
has been reduced to a single coupled be higher but Xp will increase also, This
circuit, the formulas can be applied again is sorfiewhat self-defeating since Xm 2
is UJ
u -
30 /
to find the input resistance and reactance.' proportional to p X .
An alternate approach is to use the paral- r-
Analysis of Single-Tuned Circuits <
lel configuration of Fig. 18. The approxi- Id
20 /
Single-tuned circuits are very easy to mate equivalent series resistance of the
construct and adjust experimentally. If parallel combination is then X(Cs) 2 /Rs
desired, the tuned circuit consisting of Ls, and the reactance is approximately 10/
Cs, and perhaps the load, Rs, can be con- X(Cs). (See diagram and text for Fig. 11.) / R-50n.
structed first and tuned to the "natural" This approach is often used in multiband
resonant frequency antenna systems. On some frequencies,
0.9 1 0.95 / 1.0 1.1
the impedance at the input of the feed line J.05
2frf (Hz)
is high so the circuit of Fig. 18 is
2r V L„C S
employed. This is, referred to as parallel —10
Then, the primary inductor, which may be tuning. If the impedance is very low, the
a link or a larger coil, is brought into circuit of Fig. 13 is used and is called
proximity of the resonant circuit. The
series tuning.
resonant frequency will usually shift As an example, suppose a single-tuned
upward. For instance, a coil and capacitor circuit is to be used to match a 1-ohm load 21
Fig. —
Input reactance of the Fig. 19 network.
combination was tuned to resonance by to a 50-ohm source as shown in Fig. 19. It Note two "resonant" frequencies (where
means of a grid-dip oscillator (see the might be pointed' out at this juncture that reactance is zero).

chapter on measurements) at a frequency coupling networks using mutual magnetic

of 1.8 MHz. When a two-turn link was coupling can be scaled in the same manner
wound over the coil, and coupled to the that filter networks are scaled (as dis-
grid-dip oscillator the resonant frequency cussed in chapter 2). For instance, the cir-
had increased to 1.9 MHz. A three-turn cuit of Fig. 19 could be scaled in order to
link caused a change to 2 MHz. match a 50-ohm load to a 2500-ohm
Quite often an actual load may be an source merely by multiplying all the
unknown quantity, such as an antenna, reactances by a factor of 50.
and some insight into the effects of the The input resistance and reactance of
various elements is helpful in predicting the circuit of Fig. 19 are plotted in Figs. 20
single-tuned circuit operation. Usually, as and 21, respectively. As pointed out
in the case of most matching networks, Rs earlier, there are two possible points
(Fig. 7) and the input resistance are speci- where the reactance is zero and this circuit
fied with the reactive components being could be used to match the 1-ohm load to
the variables. Unfortunately, the variables either a 50-ohm or 155-ohm source.
in the case of mutually coupled networks Assuming a 50-ohm source was being
are not independent of each other which used, the attenuation plot as a function of
complicates matters somewhat. frequency would be given by the solid
Examination of the equivalent circuit curve in Fig. 22.
shown in Fig. 7 woulcf indicate the first Withslight modification to include the
condition is that the reactance reflected effect of the source, the transformation of
from the secondary into the primary be Fig. 7 can be applied to the primary side
sufficient to tune out the primary reac- of the coupled circuit shown in Fig. 19.
tance. Otherwise, even though the proper This is illustrated in Fig. 23. The complete
resistance transfbrmation is obtainable, a circuitis shown at Fig. 23A and the
Fig. 22 — Response of the circuit shown in Fig.
reactive component would always be network with the transformed primary 19.

3-7 Chapter 3
a 1-ohm resistance (shown as a dashed circuit of Fig. 24A is
resistance and reactance is shown in Fig.

23B. line in Fig.23B) must be the same as that

In a lossless transformer, the maximum delivered to a 50-ohm load in Fig. 23A. Xm
available power at the secondary must be This assumes that the rest of the circuit V A2

the same as that of the original source on has been disconnected in either case. In
the primary side, neglecting the effects of order to fulfill this requirement, the
original source voltage must be multiplied and the network shown in Fig. 24B in
reactance. That is, the power delivered to
by the square root of the ratio of the new terms of the coefficient of coupling is
and old source resistance. illustrated in Fig. 24C. For k equal to 1.0,

The single-mesh transformed network the input reactance is zero and the input
is shown in Fig. 23C and it is interesting to resistance is given by
compare the response of an RLC series

circuit that actually possessed these

element values at resonance with the
circuit of Fig. 19. For comparison, the
response of such a circuit is shown in Fig.
22 as a dashed curve and it can be seen where Ni and N2 are the number of turns
that it differs only slightly from the on coil 1 and 2, respectively. From
coupled-circuit curve. The reason for the maximum-power transfer considerations,
^jnrTT\_nrrr\_) L such as those discussed for the circuit of
similarity is that even though the trans-
formation of the primary resistance and Fig. 23, the voltage transfer ratio becomes
reactance also changes with frequency, the
effect is not that great in the present case.

Broadband RF Transformers -(*>

The "sensitivity" of ^he frequency
characteristicof the transformation shown It will be recalled that the foregoing

in Fig. 7 depends mostly on the ratio of Xs equations occurred in the discussion of

to Rs. However, if Xs is much greater than the "ideal transformer" approximation in
Rs, the transformed reactance can be ap- Chapter 2. It was assumed then that the
proximated by leakage reactance and magnetizing cur-
rent were negligible. The effects on circuit

operation of these variables are shown in

_v 2
Fig. 25. The curves were computed for
Rs 2
+ x s
, x s various load resistances (Rs) using the
exact equations shown in Fig. 7.
and the resistance becomes Xi and X2 are assumed to be 100 and 10
Fig. 23 — The transformation of Fig> 7 applied to
ohms, respectively, with the solid curves
the primary side of the circuit of Fig. 1 9.
for a k of 1.0 and the dashed reactance
curve for k equal to 0.99 (the resistance
curve for the latter value is the same as the
one for k equal to 1.0). The ideal-
Applying this approximation to the transformer representation can be modi-
general coupled circuit shown in Fig. 24A fied slightly to approximate the curve of
xf -< >— X2 >ftz results in the transformed network of Fig. Fig. 25 as shown in Fig. 26. The shunt
24B. The coefficient of coupling for the reactance, Xmag is called the magnetizing


RlN y— /

XE / / //"
' /
>R2 ' I
k-0.99 / '

/ k-1.0





output load resistance for X, and X 2 e.qual to

Fig 24 — Equivalent-circuit approximation of two Fig. 25— Input resistance and reactance as a function of

coupled coils. 1 00 ohms and 10 ohms respectively (Fig. 24).

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-8


reactance and Xl is referred to as the 28. Since only three lines link coil 2, the especially true at af and power frequencies
leakage reactance. mutual inductance is 3 X 4/28 or 43 per- with transformers using iron cores where
Unfortunately, the two reactances are cent of maximum. the permeability is extremely high. This
not independent of each other. That is, Assuming both coils are "perfect," if a means the magnetizing reactance can be
attempts to change one reactance so that current Ii produced 7 flux lines in a made very high without increasing the
its effect is suppressed causes difficulties five-turn coil, then the same current in a leakage reactance accordingly as is the
in eliminating the effects of the other four-turn coil would produce (4/5X7) flux case with the circuit in Fig. 24C.
reactance. For instance, increasing Xi, lines, since the flux
proportional to the
is Therefore, ideal transformer conditions
Xm, and X2 will increase Xmag which is magnetizing current times the number of are considered to exist in the core and the
desirable. However, examination of Fig. turns. Consequently, the maximum flux final circuit can be approximated by the
24C reveals that the coefficient of coup- linkages in coil 1 from a current of the one shown in Fig. 29C.
ling, k, will have to be made closer to 1.0. same value as Ii but in coil 2 instead
Otherwise, the leakage reactance increases would be (4/5)(7)(5) or 28. Therefore, it
Bifllar and Twisted-Pub- Windings
since it is proportional to Xi can be seen that the mutual inductance is Although the core helps alleviate some
independent of the choice of coil used for of the problems with leakage arid mag-
High-Permeability Cores
the primary Or secondary. That is, a
As a consequence of the interaction voltage produced in one coil by a current
between the leakage reactance and the in the other one would be the same if the
magnetizing reactance, transformers that coils were merely interchanged. (This
approach ideal conditions are extremely
difficult (if not impossible) to build using
result has been used implicitly on a num-
ber of previous occasions without proof.)
<^_nnm 10

techniques common in air-wound or In addition, the maximum flux linkages in

low-permeability construction. In order to coil 2 produced by a current, Ii, would be 'RS
build a network that will match one (4/5)(7)(4). As an exercise, substitute the
resistance level to another one over a wide maximum inductance values into the for-
range of frequencies, ideal-transformer mula for the coefficient of coupling and
conditions have to be approached quite show that k is 1.0.
closely. Otherwise, considerable inductive The next step is to consider the effect of Fig. 26 — Approximate network for the curves of
reactance will exist along with the resistive winding coils on a form with a magnetic Fig. 25.

component as shown in Fig. 25. permeability much higher than that of air.
One approach is to use a core with a An example is illustrated in Fig. 28 and
higher permeability Familiar than air. the configuration shown is called a
examples would be power transformers toroidal transformer. Since the flux is
and similar types common to the af range. proportional to the product of the
However, when an inductor configuration permeability and the magnetizing current,
contains materials of more than one the flux in the core shown in Fig. 28 will
permeability, the analysis relating to Fig; be much greater than the coil con-
24C has to be modified somewhat. The figuration of Fig. 27. However, not all of
manner in which the core affects the the flux is confined to the core. As can be
circuit is a bitcomplicated although even seen in Fig. 28, some of the flux lines
a qualitative idea of how such trans- never penetrate the core (see lines marked
formers work is very useful. a in Fig. 28) while others enclose all the
First, consider the coupled coils shown windings of coil 1 but not
2 (see line coil
in Fig. 27. For a given current, Ii, a num- marked b). The significance of these
ber of "flux lines" are generated that link effects is as follows. The total flux linkage
both coil 1 and coil 2. Note that in coil 1, produced by the current, Ii is ,

not all of the flux lines are enclosed by all

the turns. The inductance of a coil is equal TOTAL = A + Aoair
to the ratio of the sum of flux lines linking
each turn and the generating current or and dividing both sides of the equation by
Ii gives

L. = TOTAL .

^T = Lair+L-core Fig. 27 — Coupled coils showing magnetic flux

where for the example shown in Fig. 27, Consequently, the circuit of Fig. 24 can be
a total is given by represented as shown in Fig. 29A. For X2
much greater than the load resistance, the
A TOTAL= A + A 2 + A 3 + A 4 + A 5
l approximate network of Fig, 29B can
replace the one of Fig. 29A.
Counting up the number of flux linkages At first sight, it might seem as though
in coil 1 gives little advantage has been gained by
introducing the core since the formulas
A total = 5 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 5 = 29 are much the same as those of Fig. 24C.
However, the reactances associated with
If all the flux lines linked all the turns, the core can be made very high by using a
^ -total would be 35 so U is 29/35 or 83 material with a high permeability. Also,
percent of its maximum possible value. even though there may be some "leakage"
Likewise, if all the flux (7 lines) generated from the core as indicated by line b in Fig.
in coil one linked all the turns of coil 2, the 28, it is ordinarily low and the coefficient
maximum number of flux linkages would of coupling in the core can be considered
be the number of turns on coil 2 times 7 or 1.0 for all practical purposes. This is Fig. 28 — Toroidal transformer.
3-9 Chapter 3
twist the wires together. Either way, there
netizing reactance, the residual parasitip
voltage-standing-wave ratio (VSWR).
These results are based on the exact are a number of advantages (and some
elements must still be made as low as
equations and it can be seen that the disadvantages) to be gained. Referring to
possible. This is especially important in
approximate relations shown in Fig. 29C Fig. 27, the fact that not all the flux lines
matching applications as the following
example illustrates. A transformer has a are valid up to 1 ohm or so. Curve A (Fig. linked all of the turns of a particular coil
only includes the effect of the meant the self inductance was lower than
primary and secondary leakage reactance 30)
secondary reactance and illustrates the if the turns were linked. Since^ the
of 1 ohm and 0.1 ohm, respectively, with a
manner in which the reactance is trans- separation between turns of a particular
coefficient of coupling of 1.0 in the core.
formed. Curve B is the total input coil is quite large in the configuration of
Xi and X2 are 1000 ohms and 100 ohms.
reactance which merely requires the Fig. 31, the flux linkage between turns is
A plot similar to the one of Fig. 25 is
shown in Fig. 30 along with a curve for addition of 1 ohm. The curve VSWR quite low. This means the corresponding
includes the effect of the latter. Useful leakage inductance is reduced according-
ly. However, the coupling between both
range of the transformer is between 1 and.
10 ohms with rapid deterioration in coils is increased because of the bifilar

VSWR outside of these values. (The winding (flux line A) in Fig. 3 1 which also
VSWR curve is for a characteristic- tends to reduce the leakage inductance of
impedance equal to 10 times the secon- either coil.
On the other hand, the capacitance
dary resistance. For instance, the transfor-
between windings increased considerably
mer would be useful in matching a 5-ohm is

load to a 50-ohm line.) as indicated by B in Fig. 31. . As a result,

As mentioned previously, these dif- the coupling between windings is both

ficulties are less pronounced at audio electrical and magnetic in nature. Generally

frequencies since the permeabilities nor- speaking, analysis of the problem is quite
mally encountered in iron-core trans- complicated. However, a phenomenon
XUAIR) X1C(1-K 2 c) X2»RS formers are so high, the actual inductance usually associated with such coupling is
it tends to be directional. That is,
of the winding itself is small in com- that
parison to the component represented by energy transferred from one winding to
the core. That is, a small number of turns another one propagates in a preferred
of wire wound <on a core may actually be direction rather than splitting equally. .

the equivalent of a very large coil.

However, materials suitable for rf ap- Directional Coupling
plications have much lower permeabilities Two conductors are oriented side by
and a narrower range of matching, values side over a conducting plane as shown in
is likely to be the result (such as in the Fig. 32. A current I in conductor 1 will
example of Fig. 30). Therefore, other induce a current Im in conductor 2
means are required in keeping the because of magnetic coupling. The actual
* 2(A,R)
XI (AIR) (tz)
parasitic elements as low as possible. value of the current will depend upon the
Either that, or less conventional trans- external circuitry attached to the con-
former designs are used. ductors but it will be assumed that the two
One approach shown in Fig. 31.
of them extend to infinity in both

Instead of separating the windings on the directions.

core as shown in Fig. 28, they are wound Since capacitive coupling exists also, a
in parallel fashion. This is called a bifilar
second set of current components denoted
winding although a more common ap- by Ic will also flow. The result is that a
Fig. 29— Effect of a high-permeability core on
transformer equivalent circuit. proach to achieve the same purpose is to wave toward the right in
conductor 1 produce a wave traveling
toward the left in conductor 2. Such
coupling is called contradirectional coup-
ling since the induced wave travels in the
\ VSWR opposite direction to the generating wave.
This is the principle behind many
practical devices and ones that are quite
common in amateur applications. In
adjusting a load such as an antenna, it is
// desirable to insure that energy is not
// reflectedback to the transmitter. Other-
s / wise, the impedance presented to the
transmitter output may not be within
range of permissible values. A directional
XIN(A) coupler is useful in determining how much
power is reflected as indicated in Fig. 33.
Energy originating from the transmitter
and flowing to the right causes a voltage
to be produced across the resistor at the
left. On the other hand, a wave traveling

from the right to the left produces a

o.i voltage across the right-hand resistor. If
both of these voltages are sampled, some
Rsiru idea of the amount of power reflected can
be determined. (The subject of reflected-
power'is taken up in more detail in the
Fig. 30— Curve for transformer problem discussed in the text.

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-10

chapter on transmission lines.) of the same phase and amplitude.
In some situations, the coupling de- Consequently, no additional current would
\r*-<\ «0
scribed can be very undesirable. Fof
flow if the two resistors were paralleled or
C0IL 2 instance, the lines shown in Fig. 33 might combined into a single resistor of R/2.
2 /
be conductors on a circuit board in a piece
of equipment. As a result, the coupling Extending the Low-Frequency Range
between lines can cause "feedback" and
because of its directional nature, it can be
As might be expected, the coupling

very difficult to suppress with con-

mechanism illustrated in Figs. 32 through
ventional methods. Therefore, it is good
34 is on dimensions such
highly dependent
/ C0IL1
as conductor spacing and line length. For
design practice to use "double-sided"
instance, maximum coupling of power
board (board with conductive foil on both
\v \y
COIL 2 from the primary wave to the induced
>r sides) so that a ground plane of metal is in
wave occurs when the "secondary" line is
~ close proximity to the conductors. This
a quarter-wavelength long 2 or some odd
tends to confine the fields to the region in
multiple of a quarter-wavelength. This
the immediate vicinity of wires.
Fig. 31 — Bifilar-wound transformer on toroidal would normally make such couplers
core. impractical for frequencies in the hf range.
Transmission-Line Transformers However, by running the leads through a
In effect, sections of transmission line in ferrite core as shown in Fig. 35, lower-
close proximity act as transformers with frequency operation is possible. Although
the unique feature that the coupling is the transformer of Fig. 35A is seldom
directional.For instance, if only magnetic used, it illustrates the manner in which the
coupling was present in the configuration conductors are employed electrically in
of Fig. 33, power would be divided the more complicated configurations of
equally between the resistors at either end Fig. 31and Fig. 35B. Also, the relationship
of the "secondary" section of transmis- between the parallel-line coupler in Fig.
sion line. As another example of direc- 34 and the "loaded" version of Fig. 35A is
tional effects, the network shown in Fig. easier to visualize.
34 can be used to couple two sources Recalling an earlier problem discussion
to a common load without "cross- (Fig. 28), a set of coupled coils wound on
coupling" of power from one source to a high-permeability core can be broken
DIRECTION the other one. (This assumes the sources down into combinations of two series
have the same frequency and phase. inductances. One inductance represents
Otherwise, a resistance of value 2R must the path in air while the other one includes
Fig. 32 — Effect of distributed capacitance on
be connected from points a to d.) Such a the effects of the flux in the core. As
transformer action.
configuration is called a hybrid combiner
and is often used to combine the outputs 'Oliver, "Directional Electromagnetic Couplers,"
Proceedings of the I.R.E., Vol. 42, p. 1686-1692;
of two solidstate amplifiers in order to
November, 1954.
increase powerhandling capability.
This permits the use of less expensive
low-power devices rather than very ex-
pensive high-power ones. Even though
more devices are required, it is still
' ' ' LOAD
simpler since the difficulties in producing
a high-power transistor increase in a greater
!«____ —-"^^ proportion as the power level is raised.
The manner in which the circuit shown
2? in Fig. 34 operates is as follows. A wave
from the generator on the left end of line 1
travels toward the right and induces a
wave in line 2 that travels toward the left
Fig. 33 — Basic configuration for a directional- and on into the load. No wave is induced
coupler type VSWR detector. in line 2 that travels toward the right
except for a small -fraction of power.
A similar situation exists with the
second generator connected at the right
end of line 2. A wave is induced in line 1

that travels toward the right. Since the

V1 load is end of
also connected to the right
a line 1, power induced wave will be
in the
+ r— V~V2f
dissipated here with little energy reaching
^ J2^^--^^— V
the generator at the left end of line 1. In
R> >R order to "simulate" a single load (since
I <
JV2 there are two generators involved), the
?R/2 value of the load resistance must be half of
V1 i

the generator resistance. Assuming that

two separate resistors of value R were
connected to the ends of the line, it would
be possible to connect them together

— Directional-coupler hybrid combiner.

without affecting circuit operation. This is Fig. 35 — Transmission-line transformers with
Fig. 34 because the voltage across both resistors is ferrite cores.

3-11 Chapter 3
phase, currents Ii and k must be identical

because of the symmetry, involved. How-

ever, if the coefficient of coupling is 1.0,
the self and mutual-reactance must be
equal. Therefore, the voltage across either
coil is zero since the terms subtract and a
low-impedance path exists between both
sources and the load.

Other Transformer Types

The hybrid combiner is only one
application of a combination transmission-
line or directional-coupler transformer
and conventional coupled-coil arrange-
ment. With other variations, the low-
frequency isolation is accomplished in the
same manner. Mutual-reactance terms
Fig 36 — Equivalent circuit of transmission-line transformer in the presence of the core. Dots indicate add to the self reactance to provide
winding sense of positive current into a dotted end of one coil will produce a voltage in the
coils. A isolations for some purpose with cancel-
that dotted end of the
other coil because of mutual coupling. The polarity of this voltage will be such components in the path
lation of reactive
"secondary" coil will be positive. (See text for crossed-arrow symbol in the m iddle of the
for the desired coupling. Very good
bandwidth is possible with a range from

before, it is assumed that the coefficient of usually too short to provide much be frequencies to uhf in the more esoteric
coupling or isolation. Therefore, the designs. Models that cover all the amateur
coupling in the core is 1.0. 3

circuit can be represented by the set of hf bands can be constructed easily.

If the hybrid combiner of Fig. 34 is
coupled coils shown in Figs. 37 and 38. Unfortunately, there is also a tendency
wound on a core (such as those of Fig. 31
For a current In flowing from a source to expect too much from such devices on
or Fig. 35), the low-frequency range of the
entire system increased considerably.
is 1 over to the mesh that includes source 2, occasion. Misapplication or poor design

The equivalent circuit showing the effect the mutual-reactance components add to often results in inferior performance. For
the self inductance of each coil. Con- instance, as indicated in an earlier
of the core on the air-wound coupler is
illustrated in Fig. 36.(The symbol in the sequently, a large reactance appears in example (Fig. 30), actual impedance levels
middle of the parallel lines is the standard series between the two sources which were important along with the desired
one for a directional coupler.) At the effectively isolates them. On the other transforming ratio. Using a transformer
higher frequencies, most core materials hand, currents from both sources that for an impedance level that it was not
decrease in permeability so the operation flow through the load resistor R/2 intended for resulted in undesirable
approaches that of the original air-wound produce fluxes that cancel and the reactive components and improper trans-
coupler and the inductance produced by voltages produced by the self- and forming ratio. However, when applied

the core can be neglected. At the low end mutual-reactance terms subtract. If both properly, the transformers discussed in

of the frequency range, the line lengths are sources have the same amplitude and the previous sections can provide band-
width characteristics that are obtainable
in no other way.
Another transformer type is shown in
I((Xl-XM)-0 v . v ,

112 II2(XL+XM) Fig. 39A. The windings of the coils are

+ " —1+ such that the voltages across the inductors
caused by the desired current are zero.
>R This is because the induced voltages
1v2 produced by the current in the mutual-
Jr. reactance terms just cancel the voltage
drop caused by the current flowing in the
self reactances of either coil. (Assuming
that the coefficient of coupling is 1.0.)
However, an impedance connected to
ground point c would be in series with
Fig. 37 — Low-frequency equivalent circuit of
the reactance (Xl) of the coil
hybrid combiner showing isolation of sources.
connected between points a and c. But

X (B)
there would be no induced voltage to
counter the voltage drop across this coil.
Therefore, if Xl is large, very little current
would flow in the impedance Z and it
would effectively be isolated from the
HXL-I2XM I2XL-MXM source.
In terminal c could be grounded as
shown Fig. 39B. The voltage drop
^2 across the coil from a. to c would then be
V1 I | 1 V2 equal to Vi However, the induced voltage

connected between points b and

in the coil

IE*'* d would also be Vi assuming unity

coupling (k equal to 1.0). Although the

'Ruthroff, "Some Broad-Band Transformers," Pro-

Fig. 38 — Desired coupling mode of hybrid Fig. 39 — Other applications of transmission-line ceedings of the I.R.E., Vol. 97, pp. 1337-1342;

transformers! August, 1959.


Radio Design Technique and Language 3-12

voltage drop produced by the inductors series with the load. This problem can be
Table 1
around the mesh through which Ii flows is offset somewhat by reducing Xl slightly
still zero, point d is now at potential -Vi Impedance (Ohms) (by using fewer turns) but this is counter
and a phase For
reversal has taken place. to the requirement of large Xl in the
this reason, the configuration shown in Twists per Inch circuit of Fig. 39C. Isolation is reduced in
Fig. 39B is called a phase-reversal trans- both cases although no detrimental effect
Size 2-1/2 5 7-1/2 10 12-1/2
former. on input impedance results in the trans-
no. 20 43 39 35
former of Fig. 39A by reducing Xl.
Baluns no. 22 46 41 39 37 32

The circuit shown in Fig. 39A is useful

no. 24
no. 26
Twisted Pairs —
Impedance and
load from a grounded no. 28 74 53 49 47
in isolating a 51
no. 30 49 46 47 Twisted pairs of wire are often used in
source. This is often required in many
Measured at 14.0 MHz the construction of broadband rf trans-
applications and the device that ac-
formers. The question often arises as to
complishes goal is called a balun
This chart illustrates the impedance of various what size conductors and what number of
(£>a/anced to unbalanced) transformer. two-conductor lines as a function o'f the wire
Baluns may also be used in impedance size and number of twists per inch.
twists per inch shouldbe used. To help
answer these questions the information
transforming applications along with the
contained in Tables 1 and 2 was devel-
function of isolation and a "1:1 balun"
oped. Table 1 illustrates the approximate
such as the one shown in Fig. 39A means Table 2
impedance for various sized conductors
the impedance at the input terminals ab
Attenuation (dB) per Foot with different numbers of twists per inch.
will be the same as the load connected
across terminals cd. Other transforming
These values are based on laboratory
Twists per Inch measurements and should be accurate to
ratios are possible such as 4:1 with the Wire
appropriate circuit connections. within an ohm. or two. Enameled copper
Size 2-1/2 5 7-1/2 10 12-1/2
One disadvantage of the network of wire was used for each pair. The informa-
no. 20 0.11 0.11 0.12
Fig. 39 A is that although the load is tion shown in Table 2 is the attenuation
no. 22 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
isolated from the source, the voltages at no. 24 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 per foot for the same twisted pairs of wire.
no. 26 0.11 0.13 0.13' 0.13 0.13 Information is not included for twists per
the output are not balanced. This is
no. 28 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.16 inch greater than 7-1/2 for the no. 20 wire
important in some applications such as no. 30 0.25 0.27 0.27

diode-ring mixers where a "push-pull"

- since this results in an unusable tight pair.
Measured at 14.0 MHz
input is required and so the circuit of Fig. Likewise, the information for twists per
39C is used. A third coil connected inch less than 7-1/2 for no. 30 wire is
between points e and f is wound on the Attenuation in dB per foot for the same lines omitted since these pairs are extremely
as shown in Table 1.
same core as the orignal transformer (Fig.
39A). This coil is connected so that a As a general rule the wire size can be
voltage across it produces a flux that adds polarity shown. Therefore, this circuit not selected based on the size core to be used
to that produced by the coil between a and only isolates the load from the source but and the number of turns that are required.
c. Assuming that both coils are identical, provides a balanced voltage also. The number of twists per inch can be
the voltage drop across either one must be Either the circuit of Fig. 39A or Fig. selected according to the impedance level
the same or half the applied voltage. 39C can be used if only isolation is desired. of transmission line that is needed. For
However, since the coil between b and'd is However, the network shown in Fig. 39C applications where moderate levels of
also coupled to this combination (and is is more difficult to design and construct power are to be handled (such as in the
an identical coil), the induced voltage since the reactance of the Coils between low- and medium-level stages of a solid-
must also be Vi/2. Consequently, the end points a and f must be very high through- state transmitter), smaller wire sizes
of the load connected to points c and e is out the frequency range of the transform- should be avoided. For receiver applica-
at a potential of +Vi/2 with respect to er. With both transformers, the coefficient tions, very small wire can be used. It is not
ground while point d is — V(/2 with respect of coupling must also be very close to 1.0 uncommon to find transformers wound
to ground when the input voltage has the in order to prevent undesirable reactance in with pairs of no. 32 wire -and smaller.

Nonlinear and Active Networks

Almost all the theory in previous output, it is convenient to consider certain element such as a resistor is said to be
sections has dealt with so-called passive elements as controllable sources of power. bilateral since it doesn't matter which way
components. Passive networks and com- Such devices are called amplifiers and are it is connected in a circuit. Semiconductor

ponents can be represented solely by part of a more general class of circuits and vacuum-tube devices such as triodes,
combinations of resistors, capacitors and called active networks. An
active network diodes, transistors and integrated circuits
inductors. As a consequence, the power generally possesses characteristics that are (ICs) are examples where the concept
output at one set of terminals in a passive different than those of simple RLC of a bilateral element breaks down. (For
network cannot exceed the total power circuits although the goal in many readers with limited backgrounds in the
input from sources connected to other instances is to attempt to represent them basic operation of vacuum tubes, recom-
terminals in the circuit. This assumes all in terms of passive elements and genera- mended study would be The Radio
the sources are at one frequency. Similar tors. Amateur's License Manual and Under-
considerations hold true for any network, standing Amateur Radio. Both publica-
however, it is possible for energy to be Nonlinearity
tions containfundamental treatments of
converted from one frequency (including Two other important attributes of vacuum-tube principles and are available
dc) to other ones. While the total power passive RLC elements are that they are from The American Radio Relay League.)
input must still equal the total power linear and bilateral. A two-terminal The manner in which the device is
3-13 Chapter 3
connected in a circuit andthe polarity of O
the voltages involved are very important.
E2 SIN 3u)t
An implication of the failure to satisfy
the bilateral requirements is that such
devices are nonlinear in the strictest sense.
El S INult
Linearity means that the amplitude of a
voltage or current is related to other
voltages and currents in a circuit by a
single proportionality constant. For in- (f)

stance, if all the voltages and currents in a V

circuit were doubled, a single remaining
voltage or current would be doubled also. i
/ \ \

That is, it couldn't change by a factor of i

/ \ i

one half or three no matter how complex

7 V
[ EZ \j
the network might be. Likewise, if all the
polarities of the currents and voltages in a
circuit are reversed, the polarity of a
remaining voltage or current must be
reversed also. Finally, if all the generators
or sources in a linear network are sine
waves at a single frequency, any voltage or Fig. 40 — Nonlinear transfer characteristic (see
text discussion).
current produced by these sources must
also be a sine wave at the same frequency
Consequently, if a device is sensitive to
have energy at frequencies that could
the polarity of the voltage applied to its
cause interference to nearby receiving
terminals, it doesn't meet the require- equipment. Filters and similar devices

ments of a bilateral element or a linear must be used to suppress this energy as

one either. However, because of the much as possible.
extreme simplicity of the mathematics of 2f 3f f(Hz>
The manner in which this energy is f

linear circuits as compared to the general - (C)

produced is shown in Fig. 40. A sine-wave
nonlinear case, there is tremendous
network (Vin) is
at the input of a nonlinear
motivation in being able to represent a
"transformed" into the output voltage 41 — Harmonic analysis and spectrum.
nonlinear circuit by a linear approxima- Fig.
waveform (Vout) illustrated. If the actual
tion. Many devices exhibit linear pro-
device characteristic is known, the wave-
perties over part of their operating range
form could be constructed graphically. It
or may satisfy some but not all of the
could also be tabulated if the output
requirements of linear circuits. Such, de-
voltage as a function of input voltage was
vices in these categories are sometimes
available in either tabular or equation
termed piece-wise linear. Either that, or
form. (Only one-half of the period of a
they are just referred to simply as linear.
sine-wave is shown in Fig. 40 for clarity.)
For instance, a linear mixer doesn't satisfy
Although the new waveform retains
the rule that a voltage or current must be
many of the characteristics of the original
at the same frequency as the generating
sine-wave, some transformations have
source(s). However, since the desired
taken place. It has zero value when t is
output voltage (or current) varies in direct
either or T/2 and attains a maximum at
proportion to the input voltage (or
T/4. However, the fact that the curve is
current), the term linear is applied to
flattened somewhat means energy at the
distinguish the mixer from types without
original sine-wave frequency has been
this "quasi-linear" property.
converted to other frequencies. It will be
recalled that the sum of a number of sine
Harmonic-Frequency Generation waves at one frequency result in another
In a circuit with only linear comr sine-wave at the same frequency. There-
ponents, the only frequencies present are fore, it must be concluded that the

those generated by the sources them- waveform of Fig. 40 has more than one
selves. However, this is not true with frequency component present since it is
nonlinear elements. One of the properties no longer a sine-wave.
of nonlinear networks mentioned earlier is One possible "model" for the new
that energy at one frequency (including waveform is shown in Fig. 41A. Instead of
dc) may become converted to other one sine-wave at a single frequency, there
frequencies. In effect, this is how devices are two generators in series with one
such as transistors and vacuum tubes are generator at three times the "fundamen-
able to amplify radio signals. Energy from tal" frequency <uwhere wis 2r f(Hz). If the
the dc power supply is converted to energy
two waves are plotted point by point,
Rl-10 k<EO
at the desired signal frequency. Therefore, the dashed curve of Fig. 41B results. While
a greater amount of signal power is this curve doesn't resemble the one of Fig.

available at the output of the network of 40 very closely, the general symmetry is
jui active device than at the input. the same. It would take an infinite number
On the other hand, such frequency of generators to represent the desired
generation may be undesirable. For curve exactly, but it is evident all the Fig. 42 — Basic triode amplifier and equivalent
instance, the output of a transmitter may frequencies must be odd multiples of the circuit.

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-14

— —

fundamental. Even multiples would pro- note that the amplification factor is
duce a lopsided curve which might be negative. This means that for an increase
useful for representing other types of in the signal voltage (ein), the controlled
waveforms. generator decreases in voltage. Con-
In either case, the multiples have a sequently, thereis a 180 degree phase shift
specific name and are called harmonics. between the input voltage and the
There is no "first" harmonic (by defini- controlled source. (Note the polarity of
tion) with the second, third and fourth the generator shown in Fig. 42B.)
multiples designated as the second, third In order to complete the equivalent
and fourth harmonics. Thus the dashed generator circuit, the source "impedance"
curve of Fig. 41 is the sum of the must be computed. This is accomplished
fundamental and third harmonic. by determining how the plate voltage var-
230 280. 325
Analyzing waveforms such as those of Eb{ VOLTS) ies with plate current at constant grid vol-
Fig. 40 is a very important subject. A plot tage as shown in Fig. 43B. The plate resist-
of harmonic amplitude such as that shown ance is then
in Fig. 41C is called the spectrum of the 30-
waveform and can be displayed on an 325-240
= „.„
instrument called a spectrum analyzer. If f = .

p (15-5)xlO- 3
the mathematical equation or other data
for the curve is known, the harmonics can = 15-
also be determined by means of a process which must be considered to be in series
called Fourier Analysis. with the controlled source of Fig. 42B.
It should be pointed out at this juncture

' that the reasoning why the foregoing

Linear Approximations 1 1
A r"t 1

100 200 J 300T 400 procedure is valid has not been presented.
of Nonlinear Devices 240 325
That is, why was the amplification factor
Nonlinear circuits may have to be EB(VOLTS) .

defined as the ratio of a change in plate

analyzed graphically as in the previous (B)
voltage to change in grid voltage at con-
example. There are many other instances stant current? Unfortunately, the mathe-
where only a graphical method may be Fig. 43 —
Triode characteristics and derivation of
matics involved although not difficult is
small-signal parameters.
practical such as in power-amplifier somewhat sophisticated. Some knowledge
problems. However, a wide variety of of the subject of partial differential
applications permit a different approach. Fig. 43 A. (Other areas are often picked equations is required for the theoretical
A model is derived from the nonlinear for power-amplifier operation but the derivation of these parameters. However,
using linear elements to
characteristics goal here is to find a point where the an intuitive idea can be obtained from the
approximate the more difficult nonlinear maximum voltage swing is possible with- following.
problem. This model is then used in more out entering regions where the" non- were completely
If the characteristics
complicated networks instead of the linearities affect the linear approxima- linear, of being nonlinear as
nonlinear characteristics which simplifies tion.) shown, the equivalent generator would be
analysis considerably. In the particular operating point cho- unaffected by changes in plate current but
The following example illustrates how sen, the cathode-to-grid voltage is -3, the only by changes in grid voltage. For
this is accomplished and although a cathode-to-plate voltage is 280,and the instance, if the plate current was increased
vacuum-tube application is considered, a plate current is 10 mA. It is assumed that from 10 to 17 mA (Fig. 43A), the
similar process is employed in solving the input-signal source in Fig. 42A is a amplification factor would be the equiva-
semiconductor problems as well. However, "short circuit" at dc and a 3-V battery lent of the change in voltage represented
there are some
additional factors involved connected as shown results in a dc voltage by the line cd divided' by -2. However,
in semiconductor design that do not apply of -3 being applied to the grid at all times. since the length of cd is almost the same as
to vacuum tubes. Device characteristics of Such a battery is called a bias battery or that of ab (the difference in plate voltage
early transistors were less uniform than bias supply. for a -2-V change at 10 mA), it can be
those of tubes although this is much less The next step is to determine how the concluded u doesn't change very much.
of a problem than it was formerly. In fact, plate voltage varies with grid voltage (eg) Not at least in the center region of the
much of the analysis required with vacuum for a constant plate current. Assuming characteristics.
tubes is unnecessary with modern solid- that the characteristic curves were com- Similar hold for the
statecomponents since many of the prob- pletely linear, this would permit evalua- plate resistance, rP wouldn't matter if
. It
lems have already been "solved" before tion of an equivalent ac voltage generator the curve for —A or -2 V was picked (Fig.
the device leaves the counter at the radio as shown 42B. For a constant plate
in Fig. 43B), since the change in plate voltage vs.
store. That is, amplifiers such as those in current of 10 mA,
the plate voltage chan- plate current would be approximately the
integrated circuits have the peripheral ele- ges from 325 (point b) to 230 (point a) same. Entities such as m and rP are often
ments built in and there is no need to de- when the grid voltage is changed from -4 called incremental or small-signal para-
termine the gain or other parameters such to -2 (Fig. 43A). meters. This means they are valid for
as the values of bias resistors. These numbers can be used to compute small ac voltages or currents around some
the amplification factor («) of the triode operating point but less so for large
The Triode Amplifier
which is removed
variations in signal or for regions
A simple network using a triode from the specified operating point. Also,
vacuum type is shown in Fig. 42A and a such parameters are not closely related to
typical set of characteristic curves is dc voltage characteristics. For instance, a
illustrated in Fig. 43A. The first chore in "static" plate resistance could be defined
finding a suitable linear approximation as the ratio of plate voltage to plate
for the triode is to determine an optimum Quite often, a set of characteristics will current. For the -3-V operating point
operating point. Generally speaking, a not be published for a triode and only the chosen, the static plate resistance would
point in the center of the set of curves is amplification factor will be given along be 280 divided by 10" 5 or 2.8 MQ. This
desirable and is indicated by point Q in with a typical operating point. However, is considerably different from the
3-15 Chapter 3
output energy of an amplifier is returned
small-signal plate resistance determined
previously which was 8500 ohms. to the input circuit and gets amplified
again. Since energy is being "fed back"
Amplifier Gain into the input, the general phenomenon is
The ratio of the variation in voltage called feedback. The manner in which
across the load resistance to change in feedback problems are analyzed is il-
input voltage is defined as the gain of the
The output voltage is
lustrated in Fig. 44.
For the equivalent circuit "sampled" by a network in the box
shown in Fig. 42B, this ratio would be marked beta and multiplied by this term.

This transformed voltage then appears in

series with the input voltage.e n which is i

A = i°- applied to the input terminals of the

amplifier (triangle with Ao). Ao is defined
as the open-loop gain. It is the ratio of the
In order to solve for the gain, the first step voltage that appears between terminals 3
is to determine the incremental plate and 4 when a voltage is applied to
current. This is just the source voltage terminals 1 and 2. The circuit of Fig. 44 is

divided by the total resistance of the an example of voltage feedback and a

circuit mesh or similar analysis holds for networks in-
corporating current feedback.
The closed-loop gain, Ac, can then be
" mA found by inspection of Fig. 44. From the
10 + 8.5
diagram, the output voltage must be
The output voltage- is then
e = A„(e in + 0e o )

eQ = i
P 10 45— Feedback example of an amplifier with
rearranging terms gives Fig.
cathode bias.
and combining the two foregoing equa- - Mo) = A e in
e„ (1
tions gives

defined by is- then

(47.5) (10)
and the closed-loop gain is

A = =
10 + 8.5 A R,-
A, = __f°_
~~ fi= 5l = jp ^. - 1

1 - Mo e in e° Rl Rl
It is somewhat inconvenient to have the

input and output voltages defined with

Cathode Bias that is positive since if the path 1
opposite polarities as shown in Fig. 42B.
As an application of the feedback to 2 considered, the feedback voltage is
Therefore, the gain becomes negative as
illustrated in the triangle in Fig. 42C. A concept, consider the amplifier circuit added to the input signal. Substituting the
triangle is the standard way of rep- shown in Fig. 45. It will be recalled that a values of and Ao into the feedback
bias battery was required in the previous "equation gives
resenting an amplifier stage in "block-
diagram" form. The amplifier gain de- example and a method of eliminating this

pends of course on the load resistance, extra source is to insert a small-valued A, =

cathode lead to
resistor in series with the 1- J*£A
Rl, and a general formula for the gain of RL
the circuit of Fig. 42B is
ground (Fig. 45A). In terms of the
amplifier block diagram, the circuit of some manipulation becomes
which after
Fig. 45B next task is to
results. The
evaluate the open-loop gain and the value -mR L
-wR L A, = +R L + +
A= of 0. r. (1 u)R c
With the exception of the cathode
Comparison of this equation with the one
resistor, the circuit of Fig. 45 is the same cathode
for the previous circuit with no
as that of Fig. 42. Consequently, the ac
resistor reveals that the gain has decreased
Feedback plate current must be
because of the term (1 +w)Rc in the
Being able to eliminate the equivalent denominator. Such an effect is called ,

circuitand use only one parameter such as negative or degenerative feedback.

the gain permits analysis of more com- + R, + R c On the other hand, if the feedback was
plicated networks. A very important such that the gain increased, regenerative
application occurs when part of the or positive feedback would result. Positive
The open-loop gain can then be de-
feedback can be either beneficial or
termined and is
detrimental in nature and the study of
feedback is an important one in elec-
A° ~ tronics. For instance, frequency genera-
e7J~ r
+ R L + Kc tion is possible in a circuit called an
oscillator. But on the other hand, un-
Next, is determined from the expression wanted oscillation or instability in an
for output voltage amplifier is very undesirable.

e = '
p Rl Oscillators

A special case of feedback occurs if the

and the feedback voltage which is

Fig. 44 — Network illustrating voltage feedback. ef = i„R c 1 - M

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-16


Fig. 46 — Tuned-plate tuned-grid oscillator.

becomes This would mean the

closed-loop gain would become infinite. H(—
An implication of this effect is that a very
small input signal would be amplified and
fed back and amplified again until the
output voltage became infinite. Either
that, or amplifier output would exist with PLATE
no signal input. Random noise could
"trigger" the input into producing output. —o-
Of course v an Fig. 48— Cross-sectional view of atypical reflex
infinite output voltage is a klystron oscillator. Such types as the 732 may
physical impossibility and circuit limi- still be available on occasion in surplus sales.
tations such as the nonlinearities of the
active device would alter the feedback COLPITTS CIRCUIT
equation. For instance, at high output
tube and in the electron stream. Electrons
voltage swings, the amplifier would either
emitted from the cathode* are accelerated
"saturate" (be unable to supply more Fig. 47 — Hartley and Colpitts oscillators. and "modulated" on the first pass through
current) or "limit" (be cutoff because the
the cavity resonator (which replaces the
grid was too negative) and Ao would conventional tuned circuit used at lower

decrease, voltage divider thus formed will result in a frequencies). The electrons 'are then
small-valued p and the conditions for turned around by the repeller electrode
Tuned-Plate Tuned-Grid Oscillator
oscillations will not be fulfilled. However, and pass through the cavity again. On
Itshould be stressed that it is the for conditions near f both the amplitude
, entering the cavity, the phase of the ac
product of 0Ao that must be 1.0 for and phase of the Aq product will be cor- field there is such that the stream is
oscillations to occur. In the general case, rect for oscillations to occur. retarded. However, this means that energy
both and A may
be complex numbers Under some conditions, the voltage must be given up to the cavity and on out
unlike those of the cathode-bias problem across the tank circuit may be sufficient to to the external circuit. As a result, the
just discussed. That is, there is a phase cause the grid to be driven positive with oscillations in the cavity are sustained.
shift associated with Ao and j3 with the respect to the cathode and grid current Similar effects are employed in other
phase shift of the product being equal to will flow through Cg. During the rest of microwave oscillators and amplifiers.
the sum of the individual phase shifts as- the rf cycle, Cg will discharge through Rg Motional energy in the electron stream is
sociated with each entity. causing a negative bias voltage to be ap- transferred to a desired ac field. In doing
Therefore, if the total phase shift is 180 plied to the grid. This bias voltage sets the so, dc energy in the power supply is
degrees and if the amplitude of the operating point of the oscillator and converted to useful ac energy at the
product is 1.0, oscillations will occur. At prevents excessive current flow. microwave frequency.
low frequencies, these conditions normal-
ly are the result of the effects of reactive Miscellaneous Oscillator Circuits Solid-State Microwave Oscillators
components. A typical example is shown Two other common
type of oscillators Since transistors are capable of amplifi-
-in Fig. 46 and the configuration is called a are shown in Fig 47. In Fig. 47A, feedback cation they can function also as oscilla-
tuned-plate tuned-grid oscillator. If the voltage is applied across a tapped tors. As was discussed earlier in this sec-
input circuit consisting of LI and CI is inductor while in Fig 47B, the voltage is tion, it is necessary only to feed back some
tuned to a frequency fo, with the output applied across a capacitor instead. Quite of the output power to the input port, in
circuit (L2, C2) tuned to the same fre- often, a tuned plate circuit is not the correct phase, to obtain oscillation. At
quency, a high impedance to ground will employed and an rf choke coil provides a microwaves it is very difficult to deter-
exist at the input and output of the ampli- high impedance load instead. mine the actual fmax (maximum frequency
fier.. Consequently, a small capacitance So-called "conventional" components of oscillation) of a given transistor be-
value represented by Cf is capable of sup- such as tubes, transistors, ICs, resistors, cause of the parasitic elements which exist
plying sufficient voltage feedback from inductors and capacitors are suitable up (L and C). Therefore, most microwave os-
the plate to the grid. to and including the uhf range. However, cillators which employ transistors require
At other frequencies, or if either circuit at higher frequencies and for higher power some empirical work in order to learn
is detuned, oscillations may not occur. levels in the uhf range, physical res- their capabilities as oscillators in the up-
For instance, off-resonant conditions in on the size of such components
trictions per uhf and microwave regions.
the output tank will reduce the output makes them impractical. Consequently, a Fig. 49 shows the fundamental circuitry
voltage and in effect, reduce the open- different approach is required. All the for a Colpitts microwave oscillator. The
loop gain to the point where oscillations components necessary for a particular inductance L and the CI, CI capacitances
will cease. On the other hand, if the input application may be included in the active represent the parasitic components of the
circuit is detuned far from f it will , device itself. This istrue in the klystrom transistor package.
present a low impedance in series with the oscillator shown in Fig. 48. Here the Ah L-band transistor oscillator is
relatively high reactance of Cf. The feedback action takes place inside of the illustrated in Fig. 50. An RCA 2N5108 is

3-17 Chapter 3

Fig. 51— Microstripline 2-GHz oscillator circuit

using theRCA 2N5470.

C C2 — 0.35-3.5 pF, Johanson type 4702 or
1 ,

Fig.50 — 1 .68-GHz oscillator using the RCA C3, C4 — 00 pF, Allen-Bradley type 5A5C or
2N5108. equiv. . '

L1 _ Microstripline 0.70-inch 7.8-mm) long x


0.30-inch (7.6-mm) wide, mounted on 1/32-

inch (0.8-mm)Teflon fiberglass board.
largely by solid-state devices. One device L2^Micro8tripline0.43-inch(10.9-mm)long x
(B) which is popular with amateurs is the . 0.08-inch (2.0 mm)wide mounted on 1/32-inch
Gunn diode. When the dc voltage applied Teflon fiberglass board.
across a sample^>f n-type gallium arsenide L3 — 6-inch (1.6-mm) ID
5 turns no. 33 wire, 1 /1

(GaAs) is increased, a point is reached X 3/1 6-inch (4.8-mm) long.

cz L4 — 50-ohm miniature coaxial 1-1/2.inches
beyond which the current flow fluctuates long.
at a regular rate. The frequency of this
variation is dependent upon the thickness
,4-- of the GaAs material, becoming higher as
the material is made thinner. Thinner
slabs require a lower threshold voltage to
initiate the "Gunn effect."

In practice, a Gunn-diode package (see
L Fig. 52) is mounted in a resonant cavity.
\JUUU~*X Dc bias is applied through a quarter-wave- CERAMIC
length choke. At millimeter wavelengths

this choke is very short and may be part of

OUTPUT the cavity wall. A
small-value bypass
capacitor may also form part of the cavity
wall. A
drawing of a typical Gunn-diode
Fig. 49 — Colpitis oscillator for use at microwave
oscillator is given in Fig. 53. While
frequencies: (A) basic ac circuit configuration;
application of Gunn diodes is mechani-
(B) basic ac circuit with the collector returned to
ground through a parasitic inductance, L, and the callyand electrically simple, the devices
output taken from base through capacitive do have several shortcomings the user
voltage divider; (C) basic ac circuit with should be aware of. Gunn-diode efficiency
transformer-coupled output.
is on the order of two -to five percent,

used a 1.68-GHz oscillator. The

as meaning the input power is 20 to 50 times
collector of Ql is connected to the ground the output power. Compared with the
power-supply requirements of the klys- Fig. 52— Cross-section drawing of a typical
plane of a 1/16-inch (1.6-mm) Tef- Gunn-diode package. The GaAs chip is
lon/fiberglass micro-stripline pc board. tron however, this fact poses no great
sandwiched between the copper pedestal and
Output power is extracted from the base hardship. the top section of the holder. Actual size of this
of Ql through LI, a 0.75-inch (19.1-mm) A more serious problem with Gunn package is about 0.2-inch (5.1-mm) long and
CI diodes is that of frequency instability with 0.13-inch (3.3-mm) in diameter.
length of 50-ohm micro-stripline, plus
and C2. Efficiency is approximately 20 voltage and temperature fluctuation. The
Power output
percent. at I.-68 GHz is in former is easily compensated for, but the
excess of 300 mW at -25 volts collector latter is not. At 10^,000 MHz
(10 GHz), a reference through a technique called

Gunn oscillator will drift on the order of injection locking. Here, a sample refer-
350 kHz for a temperature change of 1°C. ence signal is injected into the oscillator
An S-band solid-state oscillator is
may be cavity. If it is within the range of the
shown in Fig. 5 1 It operates at 2.0 GHz in
The entire cavity enclosed in a
thermal oven similar to those used with oscillator, the circuit will lock to this
the common-base oscillator mode. The
piezoelectric crystals, or the ambient reference. Locking may be maintained
RCA 2N5470 delivers approximately over a large range of bias and temperature
300 mW
of output when a collector supply temperature of the cavity may be raised
with a heating element. These cures only changes.
of +24 volts is used. Line section L4 and available to
degrade system efficiency by wasting Gunn-diode oscillators
CI form a phase-resonant loop to provide
additional power. Automatic-frequency- amateurs can provide power outputs up to
the required feedback.
control techniques may be used to 100 mW. At present, they are used mostly
Gunn-Dlode Microwave Oscillators stabilize the oscillator, with some increase on the 10- and 24-GHz bands. Devices are
in circuit complexity. Alternatively, the available to operate on the 5.6-GHz band
In the area of low-power microwave
generation, klystrons have been replaced Gunn oscillator may be locked to a stable as well.

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-18


work, meaning a system which operates

BIAS^ with numbers represented by directly
measurable quantities (analog readout -
mechanical dial system. See digital).
attenuator —
A passive network that re-
duces the power level of a signal with-
out introducing appreciable distortion.
T- balun — Balanced, to unbalanced-line
bank wound —
Pertaining to a coil (in-
IRIS HOLE DIODE ductor) which has two or more layers
of wire, each being wound over the top
of the preceeding one. (See solenoid.)
bandpass —
A circuit or component
characteristicwhich permits the passage
Fig.53 —
A simple Gunn-diode-oscillator cavity for direct mounting to waveguide or a waveguide horn. of a single band of frequency while at-
Coarse frequency adjustment is accomplished by means of the tuning screw. A smallercavity which
tenuating those frequencies which lie
functions as an rf choke is discussed in the text.
above and below that frequency band.
band-reject —
A circuit or device which
rejects a specified frequency band while
passing those frequencies which lie
above and below the rejected band (op-
AND posite of band-pass). Sometimes called
VOLTAGE REGULATOR "band-rejection," as applied to a filter.
bandwidth —
The frequency width of
r circuit or component, such as a band-
^J°_ ii D1
16V T pass filter or tuned circuit. Usually
POWER measured at the half-power points of
SUPPLY rr-> rT7 the response curve (—3 dB points).
base loading —
Applies to vertical anten-
nas for mobile and fixed-location use;
an inductance placed near the ground
end of a vertical radiator to change the
Fig. 54 —
Block diagram of a basic Gunn-diode oscillator, showing the various components
necessary electrical length. With variations the
for proper operation. Current Mm iting is desirable to prevent damage to the supply in the event
of Gunn
or Zener-diode failure. inductor aids in impedance matching.
C1 — Electrolytic
— Feedthrough/bypass capacitor voltage of Gunn diode. bifilar —
Two conducting elements used
C2 (part of D2 —
Gunn diode. in parallel;two parallel wires wound on
microwave cavity). RFC1 —
1/4-wavelength cavity. May be
D1 — Zener diode. Voltage selected
a coil form, as one example.
slightly higher than maximum safe operating
into cavity wall.
line maybe
A similar length of
bilateral — Having two symmetrical sides
or terminals; a filter (as one example)
which has a 50-ohm characteristic at
each port, with eMer port suitable as
. the input or output one.

In addition to
bias — To influence current to flow in a
microwave oscillation, a additional current capacity is needed an specified direction by means of dc vol-
Gunn diode produces significant output external pass transistor may be added. tage;forward bias on a transistor stage,
at lower frequencies. This oscillation will
or grid bias on a tube type of amplifier. •

modulate the bias voltage causing un-

desired extreme shifts in frequency. A
Glossary of Radio Terms <

binary — Relatingtwo logical ele-

It is not unusual for an inexperienced ments; a system of numbers having two
10 uF electrolytic capacitor connected radio amateur to be confused by some of as its base.
across the bias terminal will prevent such the terms which are taken for granted by bit — An abbreviation of a binary digit;
oscillation. It is also desirable to protect those who have been involved with the a unit of storage capacity. Relates pri-
the Gunn diode from possible application pastime for many years. Many of the marily to computers.
of overvoltage or voltage of an incorrect "strange" words which are found in this blanker —
A circuit or device which
polarity. A Zener diode will afford this handbook and other amateur publications momentarily removes a pulse or signal
protection at low cost and should be are listed here for the convenience of the so that it is not passed to the next part
mounted on the bias terminal as well. The layman in the radio field. Although this of a circuit; a noise blanker. Not to be
schematic of a basic Gunn oscillator and glossary is far from being all-inclusive, it confused with a clipper, which clips part
power supply is given in Fig. 54. does contain the most-used words which of a pulse or waveform.
Frequency modulation of a Gunn may cause confusion. A complete dic- bridge — An electrical instrument used
oscillator may be accomplished by modu- tionary of modern electronics words and for measuring or comparing induc-
lation of the bias supply. Audio may also expressions is available to those wishing tance, impedance, capacitance or resis-
be applied to the bias terminal through a to complement the radio library — IEEE tance by comparing the ratio of two op-
coupling capacitor. Frequency deviation Standard Dictionary
of Electrical and posing voltages to a known ratio; to
will be greater if the supply voltage is Electronics Terms by John Wiley & Sons, place one component in parallel with
directly modulated. Because oscillator Inc., New York, NY 10016 another; to join two conductors or
frequency is affected by supply voltage, components by electrical means.
The Terms
the bias regulation must be very good. broadband —
A device or circuit that
Typical bias requirements for Gunn active — As used in active filter or active is broadband has the capability of being
diodes are from 10 to 14 volts. This A device or circuit which requires
device: operated over a broad range of frequen-
voltage may be obtained from a variable an operating voltage. (See passive.) cies. A broadband antenna is one example.
output regulator such as the 723. If analog —
A term used in computer byte —
A sequence of adjacent binary
3-19 Chapter 3

digits operated upon as a unit — usual- ratio. Also, thenumber of decibels de-
pulse or signal).
encoder — A
device for enabling a
ly shorter than a word.
noting the ratio of two amounts of
express a character or mes-
cascade —
One device or circuit which voltage being 20 times the logarithm to circuit; to
sage by means of a code while using an
directly follows another; two or more the base 10 of this ratio.
similar devices or circuits in which the decoder —Adevice used for decoding an encoder. Using a tone or tones to acti-
encoded message. One such circuit vate a repeater, as one example, in
.output of one is fed to the input of the
would be a decoder used for decoding which case a Touch-Tone pad could be
succeeding one (tandem).
cascode —
Cascaded stages which are the output signal of a Touch-Tone pad. the encoder.

differential amplifier — An amplifier that excitation Signal energy used to drive
chip —Slang term for an integrated has an output signal which is propor- a transmitter stage (see drive). Voltage
applied to a component to actuate it,
circuit, meaning a chip of semiconduc- tional to the algebraic difference be-
tween two input signals (sometimes such as the field coil of a relay.
upon which an IC is
called a "difference amplifier"). Faraday rotation —
Rotation of the plane

clamp —
A circuit which maintains a digital —
Relating to data which is of polarization of an electromagnetic
wave when traveling through a
predetermined characteristic of a wave rendered in the form of digits; digital
tic field. In ^pace communications this
at each occurence so that the voltage or readout or display (see analog).
current is "clamped" or held at a speci- diplexer —
The simultaneous transmis- effect occurs when signals transverse

sion or reception of two signals while the ionosphere.

fied value.
clipper — - A device or circuit which limits using a common antenna, made pos- feedback — A
portion of the output
the instantaneous value of a wave form sible by using a "diplexer." Used in voltage being fed back to the input of
or pulse to a predetermined value (see TV broadcasting to transmit visual and an amplifier. Description includes ac
blanker). aural carriers by means of a single and dc voltage which can be used sepa-
closed loop —
A signal path which in- antenna. rately or together, depending on the

cludes a forward route, a feedback discrete — A

single device or circuit (a particular circuit.

path, and a summing point which pro- transistor as opposed to an IC) (see feedthrough —
Energy passing through a
circuit or component, but not usually
vides a closed circuit. In broad terms, composite),
an amplifying circuit which is providing dish —An antenna reflector for use at desired. A type of capacitor which

voltage or power gain while being ter- vhf and higher which has a concave can be mounted on a chassis or panel
minated correctly at the input and out- shape. For example, a part of a sphere wall to permit feeding through a
or paraboloid. dc voltage while bypassing it to ground
put ports, inclusive of feedback.
cold end —
The circuit end of a com- Doppler — The phenomenon evidenced at ac or rf. Sometimes called a "coaxial
ponent which is connected to ground or by the change in the observed frequen- capacitor."

is bypassed for ac or rf voltage (the cy of a wave in a transmission system ferromagnetic —

Material which has a
caused by a time rate of change in the relative permeability greater than unity
grounded end of a coil or capacitor).
common-mode signal — The instantane- of the path of travel be-
effective length and requires a magnetizing force. (Fer-
tween the source and the point of ob- rite and powdered-iron rods and to-
ous algebraic average of two signals
servation. roids).
applied to a balanced circuit, both sig-
nals referred to a common reference. drift — A change in componentor circuit finite — Having a definable quantity; a
composite —
Made up of a collection of parameters over a period of time. finite value of resistance or other elec-

distinct components; a complete ("com- drive —

Rf energy applied at the input trical measure.

of an rf amplifier (rf driving power or flip-flop An active circuit or device
posite") circuit rather than a discrete
which can assume either of two stable
part of an overall circuit. voltage).
conversion loss/gain — Relating to a dummy load —
A dissipative but essen- states at a given time, as dictated by the
nonradiating device having impe- nature of the input signal.
mixer circuit from which less output
energy is taken than is supplied at the
dance characteristics simulating those floating —
A circuit or conductor which
isabove ac or dc ground for a particular
input-signal port (loss); when a mixer of the substituted device.
— reason. Example: A floating ground bus
delivers greater signal output than is duplex Simultaneous two-way indepen-
which is not common to the circuit
supplied to the input-signal port (gain). dent transmission and reception in both
converter —A
circuit used to convert one directions.
— A
frequency to another frequency. In a re- duplexer — A device which permits simu- gate circuit or device,
upon the nature of the input
ceiver the converter stage converts the ltaneous transmission and reception of
which can permit the passage or
incoming signals to the imtermediate related signal energy while using a com-
blockage of a signal or dc voltage.
frequency. mon antenna (see diplexer).
core — An element made of magnetic ma- dynamic range —
Difference in dB or GDO — Abbreviation for a grid-dip

terial, serving as part of a path for dBm between the overload level and oscillator (test instrument). Correct for
magnetic flux. minimum discernible signal level (MDS) only a tube-type of dip meter.
damping — A
progressive reduction in in a system, such as a receiver. Parame- ground loop — A circuit-element con-
the amplitude of a wave with respect to ters include desensitization point and dition (pc-board conductor, metal chas-
time (usually referenced to microseconds distortion products as referenced to the sisor metal cabinet wall) which permits
or milliseconds); a device or network receiver noise floor. the unwanted flow of ac current from
added to a circuit to "damp" unwanted EMfc — Earth-moon-earth. Communi- one circuit point to another.
oscillations. cations carried on by bouncing signals half-power point —
The two points on a
decay time — The period of time during off the lunar surface. Commonly refer- response curve which are 3 dB lower in
which the stored energy or information red to as moonbounce. level than the peak power. Sometimes

"decays" to a specified value less than empirical —

Not based on mathematical called the "3 dB bandwidth."
its initial value, such as the discharge design procedures; experimental en- Hall effect —
The change of the electric
time of a timing network. deavor during design or modification conduction caused by the component of
decibel (dB) —
One tenth of a bel. The of a circuit. Founded on case-history the magnetic field vector normal to the

number of decibels denotes the ratio of experience or intuition. current density vector, which instead of

two amounts of power being 10 times enabling —

The preparation of a circuit being parallel to the electric field,
the logarithm to the base 10 of this for a subsequent function (enabling forms an angle with it.

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-20

high end —
Refers generally to the "hot" tor for controlling a transmitter or version of a circuit design.
(rf or dc) end of a component or circuit; receiver frequency. Can be a VFO Ql — Loaded Q of a circuit.
the end opposite the grounded or by- (variable-frequency oscillator), VXO Qu — Unloaded Q of a circuit.
passed end (see cold end).

(variable crystal oscillator), PTO (per- quagi — An
antenna consisting of both
high level The part of a circuit which is meability-tuned ostijlator), PLL (phase- full-wavelength loops (quad) and Yagi
relatively high in power output and locked loop), LMO
(linear master oscil- elements.
consumption as compared to the small- lator) or frequency synthesizer. resonator — A general term for a high-Q
signal end of a circuit.. Example: A modulation index —
The ratio of the fre- resonant circuit, such as an element of
transmitter PA stage is the high-level quency deviation of the modulated a filter.
might be the driver also.
amplifier, as wave to the frequency of the modu- return —
That portion of a circuit which
high-pass —
Related mainly to filters or lating signal. permits the completion of current flow,
networks which are designed to pass narrowband —
A device or circuit that usually to ground — a "ground return."
energy above a specified frequency, but can be operated only over a narrow ringing —The generation of an audible
attenuate or block the passage of energy range of frequencies. Low-percentage or visual signal by means of oscillation
below that frequency. bandwidth. or pulsating current; the annoying
high-Z —
The high-impedance part of a network —
A group of components con- sound developed in some audio filters
circuit; a high-impedance microphone; nected together to form a circuit which when the Q
extremely high.
a high-impedance transformer winding. will conduct power, and in most ripple —Pulsating current. Also, the
hot end —see high end. examples effect an impedance match. gain depressions which exist in the flat
hybrid —
A combination of two general- Example: An LC matching network portion of a bandpass response curve
ly unlike things; a circuit which con- between stages of a transistorized trans- (above the— 3 dB points on the curve).
tains transistors and tubes, for example. mitter.' Example: Passband ripple in the nose of
ideal — A theoretically perfect circuit or noise figure —
Of a two-port transducer an i-f filter response curve.
component; a lossless transformer or the ratio of the total noise power to
the rise time —
The time required for a pulse
device that functions without any faults. input noise power, when the input ter- or waveform to reach the peak value
insertion loss —
That portion of a signal, mination is at the standard temperature from some smaller specified value.
current or voltage which is lost as it of 290 K. rms —Root mean square. The square
passes through a circuit or device. The
loss of power through a filter or other
nominal — A theoretical or designated
root of the mean of the square of the
voltage or current during a complete
passive network.
quantity which may not represent the
interpolate —
To estimate a value be-
actual value.
the "ball-park value."
Sometimes referred to as
rotor — A
moving rotary component
tween two known values.
leakage —
The flow of signal energy
op amp — Operational amplifier. A high- within a rotation-control device. Not to
be confused with a rotator, which is the
gain, feedback-controlled amplifier.. Per-
beyond a point at which it should not total assembly.
formance controlled by external cir-
be present. Example: Signal leakage is

cuit elements. Most op amps are used

saturation — A condition which exists
across a filter because of poor layout when a further change in input pro-
(stray coupling) or inadequate shielding.
as dc amplifiers.
linear amplification — The process by
open loop —
A, signal path which does
duces no additional output (a saturated
not contain feedback (see closed loop).
which a signal is amplified without
parameter —
The characteristic behavior
selectivity — A measure of circuit capa-
altering the characteristic of the input bility to separate the desired signal from
of a device or circuit, such as the
waveform. Class A, AB and B ampli- those at other frequencies.
operating characteristics of a 2N5109
fiers are generally used for linear ampli-
shunt — A
device placed in parallel
load — A circuit or component that
parametric amplifier —
Synonym for "re-
with or aiross part of another device.
Examples: Meter shunts, shunt-fed ver-
actance amplifier." An inverting para-
receives power; the power which is ticalantennas and a capacitor placed
metric device for amplifying a signal
delivered to such a circuit or component. (shunted) across another capacitor.
without frequency translation from
Example: A properly matched antenna
input to output.
solenoidal —
A single-layer coil of wire
is a load for a transmitter.

—A circuit is said to be loaded parasitic —

Unwanted condition or configured to form a long cylinder.
when the desired power is being deli-

quantity, such as parasitic oscillations spectral purity —

An emission which
or parasitic capacitance; additional to contains essentially the desired signal
vered to a load.
component, with all mixing products
logic —Decision-making circuitry of the
the desired characteristic.
passive —
Operating without an opera- and harmonics attenuated greatly.
type found in computers.
long wire —
A horizontal wire antenna ting voltage. Example: An LC filter standing-wave ratio —
The ratio of the
which contains no amplifiers, or a diode amplitude of a standing' wave at an
which is one wavelength or greater in
mixer. antinode to the amplitude at a node.
size. A long piece of wire does not (less
than one wavelength) qualify as a long
Peak envelope power; maximum The SWR of a uniform feed line is ex-
amplitude that cart be achieved with pressed as
low end — See cold end. any combination of signals.


low level — Low-power stage or stages of permeability A term used express W 1 +.P
relationships between magnetic induc- 1 - P
a circuit as referenced to the higher- tion and magnetic force.
power stages (see high level).
— pill —
Slang expression for a transistor where P is the reflection coefficient.
low pass A circuit
property which or an IC. strip —General term for two or more
permits the passage of frequencies be-
low a specified frequency, but atte-
PL —
Private line, such as a repeater stages of a. circuit which in combina-
which is accessed by means of a speci- tion perform a particular function.
nuates or blocks those frequencies
fied tone. Examples: A local-oscillator strip, an
above that frequency (see high pass).
low-Z — Low impedance (see high-Z). PLL — Phase-Jocked loop type of oscil- audio strip or an i-f strip. •

mean — A value between two specified

lator. subharmonic —
A frequency that is an
port — The input or output terminal of a integral submultiple of a frequency to
values; an intermediate value.
or device.
circuit which it is referred. A misleading term
master oscillator — The primary oscilla- prototype — A working
first full-scale which implies that subharmonic energy
3-21 Chapter 3
the transceiver to which it is connected
unloaded — The opposite condition of
can be created along with harmonic
as a basic signal source. Example: A loaded.
varactor — A two-terminal semiconduc-
energy (not true). More aptly, a 3.5-
2-meter transverter used in combina-
MHz VFO driving a 40-meter transmit- tor device (diode) which exhibits a
tion with an hf-band transceiver.
ter, with 3.5-MHz leakage at the out-
put, qualifying as a subharmonic.
Transmatch —
An LC network used to voltage-dependent capacitance. Used
impedance match between a primarily as a tuning device or fre-
tank _ a circuit consisting of inductance effect an
quency multiplier at vhf and uhf.
transmitter and a feed line to an anten-
and capacitance, capable of storing
na. Not an "antenna tuner" or "an- VCO —
Voltage-controlled oscillator.
electrical energy over a band of fre- Uses tuning diodes which have variable
tenna coupler."
quencies continuously distributed about L and C dc applied to. change their junction
trap A device consisting of
a single frequency at which the circuit capacitances.
components which permits the blockage
is said to be resonant, or tuned.
of a specified frequency while allowing VSWR — Voltage standing-wave ratio.
toroidal — Doughnut-shaped physical
the passage of other frequencies. (See SWR.)
format, such as a toroid core.
wave trap or an antenna VU — Volume Unit.
transducer — Adevice which is used to
trap. VXO — Variable crystal oscillator.
transport energy from one system
trifilar— Same as bifilar, but with three Zener diode —
Named after the inventor.
(electrical, mechanical or acoustical) to
parallel conductors. A diode used to regulate voltage or
A loudspeaker or
trigger —
another. Example: function as a clamp or clipper.
To initiate action in a circuit
phonograph pickup.
transceiver — Acombination transmit- by introducing an energy stimulus from Z — Symbol for a device or circuit
an external source, such as a scope which contains two or more compo-
ter and receiver which uses some parts
trigger. nents. Example: A parasitic suppressor
of the circuit for both functions.
transverter —A converter which permits U— Symbol for unrepairable assembly, which contains a resistor and an induc-
such as an integrated circuit. (Ul, U2, tor in parallel (Zl, Z2, etc.). Z is also
transmitting and receiving at a specified
etc.) the symbol for impedance.
frequency apart from the capability of

Radio Design Technique and Language 3-22

Chapter 4

Solid-State Fundamentals

"The electrical characteristics of solid- quite important when an electron is either between the two circuits and the current
state devices such as diodes and transis- raised or falls between two different then consists of components at two slight-
tors are dependent upon phenomena that energy "states." For instance, when an ly different frequencies. The effect is simi-
take place at the atomic level. While semi- electron drops from one level to a lower lar to the splitting of electron energy levels
conductors can be employed without a» one, energy is emitted in the form of when two atoms are close enough to in-
complete knowledge of these effects, some electromagnetic radiation. This is the teract.
understanding is helpful in various appli- effect that gives the characteristic glow to
cations. Electrons, which are the principal neon tubes, mercury-vapor rectifiers, arid Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors
charge carriers in both vacuum tubes and even light-emitting diodes. The frequency Solids are examples of large numbers of
semiconductors, behave much differently of the emitted radiation is given by the atoms in close proximity. As might be
in either of the two circumstances. In foregoing formula where E is the dif- expected, the splitting of energy levels
free space, an electron can be considered ference in energy. However, if an elec- continues until a band structure is
as a small charged solid particle. On the tron receives enough energy such that reached. Depending upon the type of
other hand, the presence of matter affects it is torn from an atom, a process called
atom, and the physical arrangement of the
this picture greatly. For instance, an elec- ionization is said to occur (although the component atoms in the solid, three basic
tron attached to an atom has many prop- term is also loosely applied to transitions conditions can exist. In Fig. 3A, the two
similar to those of rf energy in
erties between any two levels). If the energy is discrete energy levels have split into two
tuned circuits. It has a frequency and divided by the charge of the electron (-1.6 bands. All the states in the lower band are
wavelength that depend upon atomic X 10" coulombs), the equivalent in "occupied" by electrons while the ones in
parameters just as the frequency associat- voltage is obtained. the higher energy band are only partially
ed with electrical energy in a tuned circuit A common way of illustrating these filled.
depends upon the values of inductance energy transitions by means of the
is In order to impart motion to an
and capacitance. energy-level diagram shown in Fig. 1A. It electron, the expenditure of energy is
A relation between the energy of an should be noted that unlike ordinary required. This means an electron must
electron an atomic "orbit" and
in its graphical data, there is no significance to then be raised from one energy state to a
associated frequency is given by the horizontal axis. In the case of a single higher one. Since there are many permit-
atom, the permitted energy can only exist ted states in upper level of Fig. 3 A that are
at discrete levels (this would be charac- both unoccupied and
f(Hz) " 6.625 x10-" teristic of a gas at low pressure where the
electrons in this level are relatively free to
atoms are far apart). However, if a single move about. Consequently, the material is
atom is brought within close proximity of a conductor. In Fig. 3B, all the states in
where the constant in the denominator is another one of similar type, the single the lower level are occupied, there is a big
called Planck's constant. This equation is energy levels split into pairs of two that gap between this level and the next higher
are very close together (Fig. IB). The ana- ,one, and the upper level is empty. This
logy between tuned circuits and electron* means if motion is to be imparted to an
energy levels can be carried even further electron, it must be raised from the lower
in this case. level to the upper one. Since this requires
Consider the two identical circuits that considerable energy, the material is an
are coupled magnetically as shown in Fig. insulator. (The energy-level represen-
2A. Normally, energy initially stored in tation gives an insight into the phenomena
CI would oscillate back and forth between of breakdown. If the force on an electron
LI and CI at a single frequency after the in an insulator becomes high enough
(A) „ (B) switch was closed. However, the presence because of an applied field, it can acquire
of the second circuit consisting of L2 and enough energy to be raised to the upper
Fig. 1 — Energy-level diagram of a single atom Is
C2 (assume LI equals L2 and CI equals C2) level. When this happens, the material
shown at A. At B, the levels split when two atoms are results in the waveform shown in Fig. 2B. goes into a conducting state.)
in close proximity. Energy also oscillates back and forth A third condition is shown in Fig. 4. In
4-1 Chapter 4
— y.


,<A) <B)

Fig. 3 The energy level of a conductor ts illustrated

at A. A similar level for an insulator is depicted at B.


Fig. 4 — Semiconductor energy-level representation.

Fig. 2 Electrical-circuit analog of coupled atoms. CONDUCTION BAND

excess of mobile electrons is called an
the material associated with this diagram,
the upper level is unoccupied but is very n-type semiconductor.
close to the occupied one. Hence, under By introducing an element with an
conditions where the random electron empty or unoccupied energy level near the
motion is low (low temperature), the lower partially filled level (such as boron),
material acts- as an insulator (Fig. 4A). a somewhat different transformation in
However, as the random or thermal conductivity occurs. This is shown in Fig.
motion increases, some electrons acquire 5B. Electrons from the lower level can
enough energy to move up to states in the move into the new unoccupied level if the
upper Consequently, both levels are
level. thermal energy is sufficient. This means
partially occupied as shown in Fig. 4B. there is an excess of unoccupied states in
The line marked Wf represents a statisti- the germanium lower energy level. Ger-
cal entity related to the "average" energy manium treated this way is called a p-type
of electrons in the material and is called semiconductor.
the Fermi Level. At absolute zero (no A physical picture of both effects is
thermal motion), Wf is just at the top of shown in Fig. 6. The trace elements or

the lower energy level. As electrons attain impurities are spread throughout the
crystal. Since the distance of
enough energy to move to the upper level, intrinsic
Wf is approximately halfway between the separation is much greater for atoms of LEVEL

two levels. the trace elements than it is for ones of the

intrinsic crystal, there is little interaction,
The PN Junction between the former. Because of this lack VALENCE
The material for the diagram shown in of "coupling," the distribution of energy
Fig. 4 is called an intrinsic semiconductor states is a single level rather than a band.

and examples are the elements germanium In Fig. 6A, atoms of the trace element are
and silicon. As such, the materials do not represented by the + signs since they have
have any rectifying properties by them- lostan electron to the higher energy level.
selves. However, if certain elements are
Consequently, such elements are called (B)

mixed into the intrinsic semiconductor in donors. In Fig. 6B, the impurity atoms
trace amounts, a mechanism for rec- that have "trapped" an electron in the
new state are indicated by the - signs.
Fig. 5—
The effects on the energy level if impurity
This is shown in Fig. 5A.
tification exists. atoms are introduced.
Atoms of this type are called acceptor
If an element with an occupied energy
level such as arsenic is introduced into impurities.

germanium,' a transformation in con- While it is easy to picture the extra free

electrons by the circled "minus" charges
ductivity takes place. Electrons in the new
occupied level are very close to the upper in Fig. 6A, a conceptual difficulty exists
partially filled band of the intrinsic with the freed "positive" charges shown in
germanium. Consequently, there are many Fig. 6B. In either case, it is the motion of

extra charge carriers available when ther- electrons that is actually taking place and (B)
the factdr that responsible for any
mal energy is sufficient to raise some of is

new level to the current. However, it is convenient to

the electrons in the
Germanium with an consider that a positive charge carrier Fig ; 6— N- and p-type semiconductors.
partially filled one.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-2

exists called a hole. It would seem as terminal. Note that the diagram indicates isnot the same for p- arid n-type materials
though a dislocation in the crystal-lattice not all the carriers reach the terminals. at the same temperature. At the Fermi
structure was moving about and con- This is because some carriers combine Level, the -probability that a particular
tributing to the total current. with ones of the opposite sign while energy state is occupied is one half. For
If a section of n-.type material is joined enroute. In the case of a diode, this effect n-type material, the Fermi Level is shifted
to another section made from p-type, a doesn't present much of a problem since upward toward the "conduction band"
one-way current flow results. This is the total current remains the same. Other (Fig. 5A). In a p-type material, it is shifted
shown in Fig, 7. A positive potential carriers take the place of those originally downward toward the "valence band."
applied to the p-type electrode attracts injected from the opposite regions. How- Although the theory behind the Fermi
any electrons that diffuse in from the ever, such recombination degrades the Level and definitions concerning the
n-type end. Likewise, holes migrating performance of transistors considerably conduction and valence bands won't be
from the p-type end into the n-type and will be discussed shortly. dealt with here, it is sufficient to know
electrode are attracted to the negative If a voltage of the opposite polarity to that theband structure shifts so that the
that of a Fig. 7A is applied to the Fermi Levels are the same in both parts of
terminals, the condition in Fig. 7B results. the joined sections (Fig. 10).
The mobile charge carriers migrate to The reasoning behind this effect is as
each end as shown leaving only the fixed follows. Consider conditions for hole flow
charges in the center near the junction. only for the moment. Since there is an
Consequently, little current flows and the excess of holes in the p region (Fig 10),
pn junction is "back biased." It can be there is a tendency- for them to move over
seen that the pn junction constitutes a into the adjacent n region because of
diode since current can flow readily only diffusion.' The process of diffusion is
in one direction. While this simple picture
demonstrated easily. If a small amount of
suffices for introductory purposes, proper dye is dropped into some water, it is
treatment of many important effects in concentrated in a small area at first.
semiconductors requires a more advanced However, after a period of time has
N p analysis than the elementary model passed, it spreads out completely through
affords. Returning to Figs. 3, 4 and 5, it
-e +
would be convenient if the diagrams were
the entire volume.
•*e + - ©* in terms of voltage rather than energy. As
Once the holes diffuse into the rt region,
they recombine with the electrons present
-e + ©*• pointed out earlier, the relation between and produce a current in the external
energy and voltage associated with an terminals denoted by Id (Fig. 10). But a
electron is given by paradox results because of this current. If
+J i
Si is opened so that Id flows through R,

where does the energy that is transferred
W=eV=(-i.6xlO-"),V (irreversibly) to this resistance come from?
In effect, it represents a perpetual-motion
Fig. 7—
Elementary illustration of current flow in a Because the electron has been assigned a
semiconductor diode. dilemma or else the semiconductor will
minus charge, a somewhat upside-down cool down since the diffusion process is
world results. However, if it is kept in the result of a form of thermal motion.
mind that it requires the expenditure oi Both conclusions are against the laws of
3V_ energy to move an electron from a point physics, so a third alternative is necessary.
of higher potential to one at a lower value, then assumed that the Fermi Levels

It is
this confusion can be avoided. As an align so that the potential across the
~ illustration, suppose an electron is moved terminals becomes zero, and no current
/ 5 from an atomic orbit indicated by I in Fig. will flow in the external circuit.
8 to orbit II. This would mean the electron However, if the Fermi Levels are the
A, \ \ „ i
would have had been moved against the
to same, the conduction and valence bands
\ \
%— V\ -
* y
force of attraction caused by the positive
nucleus resulting in an increase in
potential energy. (In other words, orbit II
in either section will no longer align. As a
consequence, a difference in potential
between the two levels exists and is
\/ \/ is at a higher energy level than orbit I.) indicated by Vb in Fig. 10. The formation
/ \ /\ However, note that the electrostatic of this junction or barrier voltage, is of
potential around the nucleus decreases prime importance in the operation of
with distance and that orbit II is at a lower pn-junction devices. Note that holes in the
potential than orbit I.
p region must overcome the barrier
Fig. 8— Potential diagram of an electron in atomic Consequently, the energy-level diagram voltage which impedes the flow of the
orbit. in terms of voltage becomes inverted as diffusion current. It will also be recalled
shown in Fig. 9. It is now possible to that both holes and electrons were
approach the problem of the pn junction generated in the intrinsic semiconductor
diode in terms of the energy-level dia- because of therma} effects (Fig. 4B). The
grams presented previously. If a section addition of either donor or acceptor
of n-type and p-type material is con- atoms modifies this effect somewhat. If
sidered separately, the respective energy donor atoms are present (n-type material),
(or voltage) levels would be the same. fewer holes are generated. On the other
However, if the two sections were joined hand, if acceptor atoms represent the
together and connected by an external impurities, fewer electrons are generated
conductor as shown in Fig. 10, a current in comparison to conditions in an intrinsic
would flow initially. This is because the semiconductor. In the case of p-type
voltage corresponding to the statistical material, holes predominate and are
Fig. 9— Energy-level diagram in terms of potential. entity referred to previously (Fermi Level) termed the majority carriers. Since there

4-3 Chapter 4
are fewer electrons in p-type material,
they are termed the minority carriers.
Referring to Fig. 10A, there are some
holes in the n region (indicated by the +
signs) because of the foregoing thermal
effects. Those neaf the junction will
experience a , force caused by the electric
field associated with the barrier voltage.
This field will produce a flow of holes into
the p region and the current is denoted by
It. Such a current is called a drift current
as compared to the diffusion current Id.
Under equilibrium conditions, the two
currents are equal and just cancel each
other. This is consistent with the assump-
tion that no current flows in the external
circuitbecause of the fact that the Fermi
Levels are the same and no voltage is
So far, only conditions for the holes in
the upper (or conduction) band have been
considered, but identical effects take place
with the inotion of electrons in the lower
energy band (valence band). Since the
flow of charge carriers is in opposition,
but because holes and electrons have '

opposite signs, the currents add.

The Forward-Biased Diode

If an external emf is applied to the
diode terminals as shown in Fig. 10B, the
equilibrium conditions no longer exist and
the Fermi Level voltage in the right-hand
region is shifted upward. This means the
barrier voltage is .decreased and con-
siderable numbers of carriers may now
diffuse across the junction. Consequently,
D becomes very large while 1 T
in value because of the decrease in barrier
voltage. The total current under
Fig. 10 — Energy-level diagrams for unbiased (A), forward-biased (B), and reversed-biased diode
"forward-bias" conditions then becomes D shows the resultant characteristics of the diode.
(C). Illustration

1 = 1,

q = 1.6 X 10"" coulombs (the
fundamental charge of an electron),
k = 1.38.X 10
joules/Kelvin increased. Consequently, charge carriers as possible in a practical diode since it

must Overcome a large "potential hill" would only degrade rectifier action. Also,
(Boltzmann's constant),
t = junction temperature in Kelvins, and the diffusion current becomes very since it is the result of the generation of
small. However, the drift current caused thermal carriers, it is quite temperature
e = 2.718 (natural logarithmic base)
Vx = applied emf, and I s = reverse- by the thermally generated carriers returns sensitive which is important when the
bias saturation current. to the value it had under equilibrium con- diode is part of a transistor. If the reverse
ditions. For large values of V x the current
voltage is increased further, an effect
This equation is discussed in greater detail approaches I s defined as the reverse
, called avalanche breakdown occurs as in-

in the section dealing with common silicon saturation current, I s is the sum of \j and dicated by the sudden increase in current
diodes. its counterpart in the lower or "valence" at V b In such an instance, the diode

band. Finally, the characteristic curves of might be damaged by excessive current.

The Reverse-Biased Diode the forward- and reversed-bias diode can However, the effect is also useful for
If the source, Vx , is reversed as shown be constructed and are shown in Fig. 10D. regulator purposes and devices used for

Fig. 10C, the barrier voltage is It is obvious that I s should be as small this purpose are called Zener diodes.

Semiconductor Devices and Practical Circuits

The radio amateur may be more in- treatment of how diodes, transistors and State Design for the Radio Amateur (an
terested in the practical aspects of ICs perform in actual circuits. Greater ARRL publication) is recommended as a

semiconductors than he or she might be in coverage of the chemistry and in-depth primer on basic semiconductor theory.
the theoretical considerations that are theory of solid-state devices can be The book also contains many pages of

covered in the previous section. This obtained by reading some of the texts proven construction projects which use
portion of the chapter provides a practical referenced throughout the chapter. Solid semiconductor devices.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-4

Semiconductor Diodes vary somewhat in the region of very small

However, the curve is
applied' voltages.
The vacuum-tube diode has been mostly straight, indicating a relatively
replaced in modern equipment designs. constant dynamic resistance. For small
Semiconductor diodes are more efficient
because they dp not consume filament
power. They are much smaller than tube
v; applied voltages the resistance is on the
order of 200 ohms or less. The back
resistance exhibits considerable variation
diodes. In low-level applications they and dependent upon the specific applied
operate cooler than tubes do. Solid-state
it tt
voltage during the test. It may vary from a
diodes are superior to tube types with few thousand ohms to well over a
respect to operating frequency. The (B) megohm. The back resistance of a ger-
former are suitable into the microwave NO CURRENT manium diode is considerably lower than
region: Most vacuum-tube diodes are not that of a silicon diode. The latter is greater
practical at frequencies above 50 MHz. than a megohm in most instances, but the
Semiconductor diodes fall into two germanium diode is normally less than a
main categories, structurally. Although megohm.
they can be made from silicon or ger-
manium crystals, they are usually Common Silicon Diodes
classified as p-n junction diodes or point- Apart from thefact that silicon p and n
contact diodes. These formats are il- materials are used in the formation of a
lustrated in Fig. 12. Junction diodes are silicon junction diode, the characteristics
used from dc to the microwave region, but of these devices are similar to those of ger-
point-contact diodes are intended primari- manium diodes. The voltage/current
ly for rf applications: the internal
Fig. 11 — A p-n junction (A) and its behavior
when conducting curves of Fig. 13 are representative.
(B) and nonconducting (C).
capacitance of a point-contact diode is The junction barrier voltage for silicon
considerably less than that of a junction diodes is somewhat higher (approximately
diode designed for the same circuit ap- 0.7 volt) than that of a germanium diode.
plication. As the operating frequency is The latter is on the order of 0.3 volt. The
increased the unwanted internal and exter- majority of the diodes in use today
METAL fall in-
nal capacitance of a diode becomes more CASE , BASE to the silicon class. They are rugged and
troublesome to the designer. Where a reliable from rf small-signal applications
given junction type of diode may exhibit a to dc power use.
capacitance of several picofarads, the
WIRE LEAD Silicon diodes are available in ratings of
point-contact device will have an internal SUPPORT
GERMANIUM 1000 volts (PRV) or greater. Many of
capacitance of 1 pF or less. WAFER these diodes can accommodate dc in ex-
(A) cess of 100 amperes. The primary rule
Selenium Diodes
N-TYPE in preventing damage to any diode is to
Power rectifiers made from selenium LEAD .
operate the device within the maximum
were in common use in ac power supplies
before 1965. Today they are manufac- If X
ratings by the manufacturer.
The device temperature
is one of the im-
tured for replacement purposes only. CASE portant parameters. Heat sinks are used
Selenium diodes are characterized by high MATERIAL with diodes that must handle large
forward voltage drop (which increases (B) amounts of power, thereby holding the
with age) and high reverse leakage cur- diode junction, temperature at a safe level.
rent. The voltage drop causes the device to The behavior of junction diodes under
dissipate power, and a typical rectifier varying temperatures is of interest to
stack has large cooling fins. An additional
designers of circuits that must perform
shortcoming of selenium rectifiers is that over some temperature range. The rela-
they sometimes emit toxic fumes when tionship between forward bias current,
they burn out. When replacing selenium Fig. 12 —
A point-contact type of diode is seen forward bias voltage and temperature is
diodes with silicon units, be certain that at A. A
junction diode is depicted at B and the defined by the classic diode equation:
the filter capacitors (and the entire diode symbol is at C.

equipment) can withstand the higher out-

put voltage. Some early solar cells were = I (e kt
f s
made of selenium, but silicon devices have
taken over this area, too. where q is the fundamental electronic
charge (1.6 X lO coulombs), V is the
Germanium Diodes bias potential,' A: is Boltzmann's constant

The germanium diode is characterized (1.38 X lO" 23 joules/Kelvin), (Kelvin =

by a relatively large current flow when "Celsius + 273), t is the junction
small amounts of voltage are applied in temperature in Kelvins, I
is the reverse-
-60 -50 -40 -30
the "forward" direction (Fig. 11). Small bias saturation current, I
f is the forward-
t 2 3
currents will flow in the reverse (back) FORWARD bias current, and e is the natural
direction for much, larger applied - 200
logarithmic base (2.718). The ratio q/k is

A s|< approximately 11,600, so the diode equa-

voltages. representative curve is shown
-300 3 1 tion can be written:
in Fig. 13. The dynamic resistance in
either theforward or back direction is / H.600V \
determined by the change in current that Fig. 13 — Typical point-contact diode (ger-
manium) characteristic curve. Because the If = lAe < ~l/ (Eq. 1)
occurs, at any given point on the curve,
back current is much smaller than the forward
when the applied voltage is changed by a current, a different scale is used for back It is useful to have an expression for the
small amount. The forward resistance will voltage and current. voltage developed across the junction

4-5 Chapter 4
when the forward current is held constant. but it's a simple matter (with the aid of a easilyby using diodes or transistors in
To obtain such an expression wc must pocket calculator) to extract the informa- place of mechanical switches or relays.

solve the diode equation for V. Expanding tion directly from Eq. 9. If the forward The technique is not a complicated one at
the right side of Eq. 1 yields: current is fixed at 1 milliampere, the diode dc and audio frequencies when large
drop at room temperature is 0.5955 volts. amounts- of power are being turned on
and off, or transferred from one circuit
This potential decreases at an initial rate
I = I e
- I
(Eq. 2)
point to another.
f s
of 2 millivolts per Kelvin. The
Adding I to both sides gives: temperature coefficient gradually in- Examples of shunt and series diode

creases to 3 millivolts per Kelvin at 340 switching are given in Fig. 14. The
1 1,600V
Kelvins. While the temperature curve isn't illustration at A, shows a 1N914 rf-

= linear, it is gradual enough to be con-

switching type of diode as a shunt on-off
If + I I
' (Eq- 3)
element between CI and ground. When

sidered linear over small intervals. When

Dividing through by I
the bias current is increased to 100
+ 12 volts are applied to Dl through Rl,
milliamperes, the room temperature junc- the diode saturates and effectively adds
CI to the oscillator tank circuit. Rl
tion potential increases to 0.7146 volts as
-h- + 1= e
1 '
(Eq. 4)
might be expected, but the temperature should be no less than 2200 ohms in value
to prevent excessive current flow through
coefficient stays well-behaved. The initial
which implies the diode junction.
potential decrease is 1.6 millivolts per
Kelvin, and this value increases to 2.5 Series diode switching is seen in Fig.

JM00V = _if_ millivolts per Kelvin at 340 Kelvins. 14B. In this example the diode, Dl, is
in( + (Eq 5)
inserted in the audio signal path. When SI
t Is The significance of the very minor
dependence of temperature coefficient on is in the ON
position the diode current
path is to ground through R2, and the
Multiplying each term by
^ bias current is that it isn't

an elaborate current regulator to bias

necessary to use
diode saturates to become a closed switch.
diodes used in temperature compensation When SI is in the OFF state Rl is
applications. The equations defining the grounded and + 12 volts are applied to the
behavior of junction diodes are approxi- diode cathode. In this mode Dl is back
V = *(-*-') (Eq. 6)
11,600 mations. Some of the voltages were ex- biased (cut off) to prevent audio voltage
pressed to five significant figures so the
from reaching the transistor amplifier.
This technique is useful when several
The undetermined quantity Eq. 6 is I s in , reader can verify his calculations, but this
stages in a circuit are controlled by a
the reverse saturation current. In ordinary much precision exceeds the accuracy of
single mechanical switch or relay. Rf
silicon signal diodes this current approxi- the approximations'.
circuits can also be controlled by means of
mately doubles with each 4.5 Kelvin-
Diodes as Switches series diode switching.
temperature increase. A mathematical ex-
pression for this behavior as a function of Solid-state switching is accomplished A significant advantage to the use of
temperature is:

No-a^s) - 7)

At room temperature (300 Kelvins), the

reverse saturation current is on the order
- 3
of 10 amperes. Eq. 7 describes a
phenomenon similar to radioactive decay,
where the 4.5-Kelvin current-doubling in-
tervalis analogous to the half-life of a

radioactive substance. This equation with

the given initial condition sets up an
initial-value problem, the solution of
which is: .

(t - 300) Jn2

= 10" e l3 4.5 (Eq.8)

(t) 2200 01

Substituting this expression for I s into Eq.

6 produces the diode voltage drop as a (A)
function of temperature for a constant AF AMR
current: 2juF ^OUT

V <" "

in + .
1 (Eq. 9) +12VO-

(t - 300) In2
10" ,3 e


The temperature coefficient of the junc-

tipn potential can be obtained from the Fig. 14 —
A silicon-switching diode, D1, is used at A to place C1 in the circuit. At B is seen a

partial derivative of V with respect to t, series switch with D1 in the signal path.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-6

diode switching is that long signal leads
are eliminated. The diode .switeh can be fi 01 Ft
placed directly at the circuit point of
+0 n~n- -N-
+0 rrru
14.3 V 13.6V
interest. The dc voltage which operates it
can be at some convenient remote point.
The diode recovery time (switching speed)
must be chosen for the frequency of (B)
operation. In other words, the higher the
operating frequency the faster the switch- Fig. 15 —
01 at A protects the equipment if the supply leads are cross-polarized in error. At B the
ing speed required. For dc and audio fuse will blow if the power supply is connected for the wrong polarity.
applications one can use ordinary silicon
power-supply rectifier diodes.

Diodes as Gates
Diodes can be placed in series with dc in

leads to function as gates. Specifically,

they can be used to allow current to flow
in one direction only. An example of this •
technique is given in Fig. tSA.
A protective circuit for the solid-state
transmitter is effected by the addition of
Dl in the dc line to the
equipment. The diode allows the flow of
positive current, but there will be a drop
of approximately 0.7 volt across the
diode, requiring a supply voltage of 14.3.
Should the operator mistakenly connect LINEAR RF AMPLIFIER
the supply leads in reverse, current will
not flow through Dl to the transmitter. In
this application the diode acts as a gate.
Dl must be capable of passing the current
taken by the transmitter, without over- DC INO-
A power type of diode can be used in
shunt with the supply line to the
D1 ^
transmitter for protective purposes. This 02ll
method is illustrated in Fig. 1SB. If the TIMING
supply polarity is crossed accidentally, Dl
will draw high current and cause Fl to
open. This is sometimes referred to as a RELAY DRIVER
"crowbar" protection circuit. The pri- (B)

mary advantage of circuit B over circuit A

is that there is no voltage drop between Fig. 16 —
D1 establishes a 0.7-volt bias reference at A. Approximately 1.4 volts of emitter bias are
the supply and the transmitter. established by connecting D1 and D2 In series at Illustration B.

Diodes as Voltage References

Zener diodes are discussed later in this + 9.1 V(RES.)
chapter. They are used as voltage refer- Q
ences or regulators. Conventional junc-
tion diodes can be used for the same pur-
7 MHz 100
poses by taking advantage of their barrier T
voltage characteristics. The greater the
voltage needed, the higher the number of .1TRIM
diodes used in series. Some examples of r -O OUTPUT
this technique are given in Fig. 16. At A
the diode (Dl) establishes a fixed value of
forward bias (0.7 V) for the transistor, ;^ C RFC
thereby functioning as a regulator. Rl is
chosen to permit a safe amount of current rr-} r^~>
to flow through the diode junction while
it is conducting at the barrier voltage.

The circuit of Fig. 16B shows two 3f W

diodes inserted in the emitter return of a
relay-driver transistor. Dl and D2 set up a
, —nrm_

cutoff voltage of approximately 1.4. This
reduces the static current of the transistor
when forward bias is not provided at the
transistor base. If too much static current
flows the relay may not drop out when the
forward bias decays across the timing
Fig. 17 —High-speed switching diodes of the 1N914 variety can be connected back to back and
used as tuning diodes. As the reverse voltage is varied by means of R1, the internal capacitance
network. The more sensitive the relay the of the diodes will, change.

4-7 Chapter 4

Fig. 18 —D1 serves as a bias stabilization device at A (see text). At B, D1 and D2 are employed as clippers to flatten the positive and negative af
peaks. Clipping will occur at roughly 0.7 volt if silicon diodes are used. Audio filtering is required after the clipper to remove the harmonic currents
caused by the diode action.

greater the chance for such a problem. Dl lowered. In the circuit shown here the The 18B shows how a
circuit of Fig.

and D2 prevent relay dropout problems of capacitance will vary from roughly 5 pF pair diodes can be connected in
this variety. D3 is used as a transient to 15 pF as Rl is adjusted. The diodes back-to-back fashion for the purpose of
suppressor. A spike will occur when the used in circuits of kind should have a
this clipping the negative and positive sine-
relay coil field collapses. If the amplitude high Q and high-frequency
excellent wave peaks in an audio amplifier. If
of the spike is great enough, the transient, characteristics. Generally, tuning diodes germanium diodes are used at Dl and D2
while following the do bus in a piece of are less stable than mechanical variable (lN34As or similar) the audio will limit at
equipment, can destroy transistors and capacitors are. This is because the diode roughly 0.3 V. With silicon diodes (1N914
diodes elsewhere in the circuit. In this junction capacitance will change as the or rectifier types) the voltage will not
application the diode (D3) can be ambient temperature varies. This circuit is exceed 0.7 V. Rl serves as the clipping-
regarded as a clamp, since it clamps the not well suited to mobile applications level control. An audio gain control is

spike at approximately 0.7 volt. because of the foregoing trait. normally used after the clipper filter,
along with some additional gain stages.
Using Diodes as Capacitors Diode Clippers and Clamps The output of the clipper must be filtered

Later in this chapter there is a The previous mention of diode clamp- to restore the sine-wave if distortion is to

discussion about VVC (voltage-variable ing action (D3 in Fig. 16) suggests that be Diode clippers generate
capacitor) diodes. They are known also advantage can be taken of the charac- considerable harmonic currents, thereby
and Varicap diodes. It is voltage of diodes tp clip
teristic barrier requiring an RC or LC type of audio
as tuning diodes
possible, however, to use ordinary silicon or limit the amplitude of a sine-wave. filter.

diodes as voltage-variable capacitors. This Although there are numerous applications

Diode Frequency Multipliers
is accomplished by taking advantage of in this general category, diode clippers are
the inherent changes in diode junction more familiar to the amateur In noise Designers of rf circuits use small-signal
capacitance as the reverse bias applied to limiter, audio limiter and audio compres- diodes as frequency multipliers when they
them is changed. The primary limitation sor circuits. Fig. 18 illustrates some want to minimize the number of active
in using high-speed switching diodes of which employ small-signal
typical circuits devices- (tubes or transistors) in a circuit.

the 1N914 a relatively low maxi-

variety is diodes as clamps and clippers. Dl in Fig. The primary disadvantage of diode multi-
mum capacitance. At a sacrifice to low 18A functions as a bias clamp at the gate pliers is a loss in gain compared to that

minimum capacitance, diodes can be used of the FET.,It limits the positive sine-wave which is availablefrom an active multi-
up the maximum avail-
in parallel to step swing at approximately 0.7 V. Not only plier. Fig. 19 contains examples of diode
able capacitance. An example of two does the diode tend to regulate the bias frequency multipliers. The circuit at A is
1N914 silicon diodes m a diode tuning cir- voltage, it limits the transconductance of useful for obtaining odd or even multiples

cuit is given in Fig. 17. As Rl is adjusted the FET during the positive half of the of the driving voltage. The efficiency of
to change the back bias on Dl and D2, cycle. This action restricts changes in this circuit is not high, requiring that an

there will be a variation in the junction transistorjunction capacitance. As a amplifier be used after the diode multi-
capacitance. That change will alter the frequency stability of the oscillator
result, plier in most applications. Resonator

VFO operating frequency. The junction is enhanced and the generation of LI /CI must be tuned to the desired
capacitance increases as the back bias is harmonic currents is greatly minimized. output frequency.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-8

Adiode frequency seen at B
in Fig. 19. It functions like a full-wave
power-supply rectifier, where 60-Hz ener-
gy is transformed to 120-Hz by virtue of
the diode action. This circuit will cause a
loss of approximately 8 dB. Therefore, it
is shown with a succeeding amplifier
stage. If reasonable circuit balance is
maintained, the 7-MHz energy will be
down some 40 dB at the output of D 1 and

D2 prior to the addition of LI and CI.
Additional suppression of the driving
energy is realized by the addition of
resonator LI /CI. Tl is a trifilar- wound
toroidal transformer. At this frequency (7
MHz) a 0.5-inch diameter ferrite core
(permeability of 125) will suffice if the
trifilar winding contains approximately 10
turns. Additional information on this
subject is given in Solid State Design for
the Radio Amateur,

Diode Detectors and Mixers

Diodes are effective as detectors and
mixers when circuit simplicity and strong-
signal handling capability are desired.
Impedance matching is an important
design objective when diodes are used as
detectors and mixers. The circuits are Fig. 19 — A simple diode frequency multiplier is shown at A. A balanced diode frequency doubler
is seen at B. T1 is a trifilar-wound broadband toroid transformer.
lossy, just as case with diode
is the
frequency multipliers. A
diode detector or
mixer will exhibit a conversion loss of 7
dB or more in a typical example. to i-f amro-
Therefore, the gain before and after the
detector or mixer must be chosen to
provide an acceptable noise figure for the
overall circuit in which the diode stage is

used. This a particularly critical factor


when diode mixers are used at the front

end of a receiver. A significant advantage
in the use of diode mixers and detectors is r
that they are broadband in nature, and
they provide a wide dynamic range.
Hot-carrier diodes are preferred by some
x (A)


designers for these circuits, but the 1N914 l-FO-
-W* 1

class of switching diodes provide good

performance if they are matched for a
similar resistance before being placed in
the circuit.
Fig. 20 illustrates some examples of
diode detectors. A
basic a-m detector is -WV 1

seen at A. The circuit at B is that of a
two-diode product detector. Rl and the
two bypass capacitors serve as an rf filter (455 kHz)
to keep signal and BFO energy out of the
following af amplifier stage. A four-diode
T< 03
product detector is illustrated at C. Tl is a LO-Z
l-FO 1 «f -*t-
trifilar-wound broadband transformer. INPUT
The characteristic input impedance of Tl
is 50 ohms. An rf filter follows this -wv-
detector also. BFO injection voltage for 3 1500
the detectors at B and C should be ^o.ot ;£:o.oi>"" Oaf
between 8 and 10 volts pk-pk for best
detector performance. »
r-rt f-f-i

Circuits for typical diode mixers are

given in Fig. 21. Product detectors are
also mixers except for the frequencies INJECTION (C)
involved. The output energy is at audio
frequencies rather than at some rf
Fig. 20 — D1 at A is used as a simple a-m detector. Two versions of diode product detectors are
intermediate frequency. The examples at illustrated at B and C. BFO injection for B and C should be approximately 10 volts pk-pk for best
A and B can be compared to those at C detector performance.

4-9 Chapter 4




Fig. 22 — Cross-sectional representation of a
hot-carrier diode (HCD).


(50 OHMS) •L • (SO OHMS)




04 1 I I I


-H- FORWARD 1 1 - 1

r-fi m "
VE *TIC AL:! •mA/ DIV.
V p<j INT



HC 3

Fig 23 — Forward and reverse characteristics of a
hot-carrier diode as compared to a p-n junction



(C) \ LOatOO MHl


toV?"7 05

SIG. LO \ \ COM 'ens 101 LOSS

(50 OHMS) •! • (50 OHMS)

2^ /


Fig. 21 — The examples at A and B are for use in balanced modulators. The similarity between Fig. 24 — Noise figure and the conversion loss
these and balanced mixers is shown at C and D. of a typical HCD that has no bias applied.

at vhf and higher. Notable among the

and D purpose of illustrating the
for the toroidal types. They provide a broadband 1

good features of this type of diode are its

similarity between balanced modulators circuit characteristic.
higher operating frequency and lower
and mixers. It is evident that product
Hot-Carrier Diodes conduction voltage compared to a p-n
detectors, balanced modulators and mixers
The diodes One of the more recent developments in junction diode such as the 1N914.
are of the same family. in all
examples can be hot-carrier types or the semiconductor field is the hot-carrier When compared a point-contact to

matched silicon switching diodes of the diode, or "HCD." It is a metal-to- diode, mechanically and
the HCD is

semiconductor, majority-carrier conduc- electrically superior. It has lower noise,

1N914 class.
greater conversion, efficiency, larger square-
CI and C2 in Fig. 21C and D are used ting device with a single rectifying
junction. The carriers are typically high- law capability, higher breakdown voltage,
for balancing purposes. They can be
employed in the same manner with the mobility electrons in an n type of and lower reverse current. The internal
circuits at A and B. The transformers in semiconductor material. The HCD is capacitance of the is markedly HCD
are trifilar-wound particularly useful in mixers and detectors lower than that of a p-n junction diode
each illustration

Solid Stat* Fundamental* 4-10

versus LG drive for an HCD mixer are
given in Fig. 26. The test circuit used for
the curves of Fig. 25 applies. The curve
numbers indicate mA measured at point
A. Further information on hot-carrier
diodes can be found in the Fairchild Ap-
plication Note APP-177 and in the
Hewlett Packard Application Note 907.

Varactor Diodes
Mention was made earlier in this
chapter of diodes being used as voltage-
variable capacitors, wherein the diode
junction capacitance can be changed by
varying the reverse bias applied to the
diode. Manufacturers have designed cer^
tain diodes for this application. They are
called Varicaps (variable capacitor diodes)
or varactor diodes (variable reactance
diodes). These diodes depend upon the
change in capacitance which occurs across
their depletion layers. They are not used as
Varactors are designed to provide
various capacitance ranges from a few
picofarads to more than 100 pF. Each one
has a specific minimum and maximum .

capacitance, and the higher the maximum

amount the greater the minimum value.
10.0 15.0 Therefore, the amateur finds it necessary
LOCAL OSCILLATOR DRIVE (mW) to tailor his circuits for the midrange of
the capacitance curve. Ideally,he will
choose the most linear portion of the
curve. Fig. 27A shows typical capacitance-
voltage curves for three varactor diodes.
A representative circuit of a varactor
r^p-iTTY\ diode is presented in Fig. 28. In this


Ifwd NF
LO •
- 3dB

900 MHz
Fig. 25 — Curves for hot-carrier diode noise
figure versus local-oscillator drive power. The
bias currents are in mA as measured at point A
in the representative test circuit.

and it is less subject to temperature

Fig. 22 shows how the diode is

structured internally. A typical of

curves for an HCD and a p-n junction
diode are given in Fig. 23. The curves
show the forward and reverse charac-
teristics of both diode types.
Fig. 24 illustrates the noise figure and
conversion loss of an HCD with no bias
applied. When forward 6ias is applied to
the diode, the noise figure will change
from that which is seen in Fig. 24. Curves
amounts are seen in Fig.
for various bias
0.05 1.0
25. The numbers at the ends of the curves 10.0 15.0
signify the amount of current (-in mA)
flowing, into the test circuit at point A. ^ Fig.26 —
Local-oscillator drive power versus conversion loss for a specified bias amount.
A set of curves showing conversion loss Bias currents are in mA as measured at point A of the circuit in Fig. 25.

4-11 Chapter 4


Fig. 28 —Representative circuit of a varactor
diode showing case resistance, junction
resistance and junction capacitance.

equivalent circuit the diode junction

consists of Cj (junction capacitance)
Rj junction resistance). The bulk resis-
tance is shown as Rs For the most part

Rj can be neglected. The performance of

the diode junction at a particular fre-
quency is determined mainly by Cj and Rs.
As the operating frequency is increased,
the diode performance degrades, owing to
the transit time established by Cj and Rs.
An important characteristic of the
varactor diode is the Q, or figure of merit.
The Q of a varactor diode is determined
by the ratio of its capacitive reactance (Xj)
and its bulk resistance, Rs, just as is true
of other circuit elements, such as coils and
capacitors, where Q = X/Rs at a specified
TA-25'C frequency. Fig. 27B characterizes the Q of
f -1.0MHz' three Motorola varactor diodes (versus
reverse bias) at 50 MHz.
Present-day varactor diodes operate
into the microwave part of the spectrum.
They are quite efficient as frequency
multipliers at power levels as great as 25
watts. The efficiency of a correctly
designed varactor multiplier exceeds 50
percent in most instances. Fig.29 il-
lustrates the basic circuit of a frequency
multiplier which contains a varactor
diode. Dl is a single-junction device
which serves as a frequency tripler in this
0.6 1.0 4.0 6.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 example. FL1 is required in order tp
VR, REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) assure reasonable purity of the output
(A) energy. It is a high-Q strip-line resonator.
Without FL1 in the circuit there would be
considerable output energy at 144, 288
— and 864 MHz. Similar circuits are used as
MV1866- doubters, quadruplets and higher.
A Motorola MV
104 tuning diode is
used in the circuit of Fig. 30. It contains
two varactor diodes in a back-to-back
arrangement. The advantage in using two
T».25* C
f.SOM Hi MV1
diodes is reduced signal distortion, as
10 compared to a one-diode version of the
same circuit. Reverse bias is applied
s equally to the two diodes in the three-
H± terminal device. Rl functions as an rf
isolator for the tuned circuit. The reverse
bias is varied by means of R2 to shift the
operating frequency. Regulated voltage is"
as important to the varactor as it is to the
FET oscillator if reasonable frequency
4 6 10 20 stability is to be assured. Varactor diodes

VII, REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) are often used to tune two or more circuits
(Bf at the same time (receiver rf amplifier,
mixer and oscillator), using a single
potentiometer to control the capacitance
Fig.27 — Reverse voltage respective to diode capacitance of three Motorola varactor diodes (A). of the diodes. It is worth mentioning that
Reverse voltage versus diode Q for the varactors at A are shown at B. some Zener diodes and selected silicon

Solid State Fundamentals 4-12

FL1 i
432 MHz NO. 2 LOW RESISTIVITY GoAs 1-2/jm
O N0.1
144 MHz 432 MHz
r _rrrn 8


16 GHz
^0.001/1- cm MOum FOR
.1 T 10 GHz
I 288 MHz 7-
(50 OHMS)

432-MHz Fig. 31 — Cross-sectional illustration of Gunn diode.

-t (30 OHMS)
7" 7-

Fig. 29 — Typical circuit for a varactor-diode frequency tripler.

2N4416 32 — Active region thickness versus frequency
270 ©0.01 Fig.
of a Gunn diode.


:iooo -|( O OUTPUT J-TTTl -V-


>R1 I

100k -LI I _L


r—A/vV -O +9 V (REG.)
Fig.33— Equivalent circuit of a Gunn diode. The
parasitic reactances of the diode package are
Sg. 30 — Example of a varactor-tuned VFO. D1 contains two varactors, back to back (see text). included..

power-supply rectifier diodes will work solid-state devices it is possible to generate The composite wafer of Fig. 31 is
effectively as varactors at frequencies as useful power up to 35 GHz. metalized on both sides to permit bonding
high as 144 MHz. If a Zener diode is used Amateurs have been using Gunn diodes into the diode package. This process of
in this manner it must be operated below at 10 GHz, but it is important to realize metalization also ensures a low electrical
its reverse breakdown voltage point. The that these diodes are available for other and thermal resistance. The completed
stud-mount variety of power supply microwave frequencies. An in-depth treat- chip is bonded to a gold-plated copper
diodes (with glass headers) are reported to ment of the technology and chemistry of pedestal, with layer no. 2 next to the heat
be the best candidates as varactors, but Gunn diodes is provided in the Gunn sink.A metal ribbon is connected to the
not all diodes of this type will work •
Diode Handbook by Microwave As- back side of the diode to provide for
effectively: Experimentation is necessary. sociates, Incorporated. electrical contact.
Additional data concerning varactor diodes Fig. shows a cross-sectional re-
31 The curve in Fig. 32 shows the rela-
can be found in the Motorola booklet, presentation of a slice of the material from tionship of the diode active-region thick-
Designer's Manual for VVC Tuning Diodes, which Gunn diodes are made. Layer no. 1 ness to the frequency of operation. The
LIB 2 Rl. is The
the .active region of the device. curve illustrates an approximation be-
thickness of this layer depends on the cause the actual thickness of the active
Gunn Diodes chosen frequency of operation! For the region depends on the applied bias voltage
Gunn diodes are named after the 10-GHz band it is approximately 10 wm and the particular circuit usedrThe input
developer, i. B. Gunn, who was studying (10' 6 meters) thick.
The threshold voltage power to the diode must be 20 to 50 times
carrier behavior at IBM Corp. in 1963. isroughly 3.3 volts. At 16 GHz the layer the desired output power. Thus the
During that period he discovered what is would be formed to a thickness of 8 u m, efficiency from dc to rf is on the order of
known today as the "Gunn effect." and the threshold voltage would be about two to five percent.
Recently, semiconductor devices of the 2.6 volts. The resonant frequency of the diode
"bulk effect" variety have become so Layer no. 2 is grown epitaxially and is assembly must be higher than the opera-
practical that in areaswhere advanced doped to provide low This resistivity. ting frequency to allow for parasitic C
technology is practiced they are com- layer is grown on the active region of the and L components which exist. Fig. 33
monplace. Among these newer devices are semiconductor, but it is not essential to shows the equivalent circuit of a packaged
the TDO (tunnel-diode oscillator), the the primary operation of the diode. It is Gunn diode. Assuming a diode natural
ADO (avalanche-diode oscillator) and the, used to ensure good ohmic contact and to resonant frequency of 17 GHz, the
TEO With
(transferred-electron oscillator). prevent metalization from damaging the following approximate values result: Lp =
some of the present-day techniques and n-layer of the diode. 0.25 nH, Ca = 0.15 pF and Cb = 0.15 pF.

4-13 Chapter 4

• Go Al CHIP





Fig. 34 —
Illustration of a packaged Gunn
diode as seen in literature from Microwave
Associates. GUNN-DIODE

Additional components exist within the

diode chip. They are represented by Cd (B)
(capacitance) and -Rd (negative resis-
tance). These quantities, plus the stray
resonances in the diode holder and bias Fig. 35— Block diagram of a simple Gunn-diode transmitter for fm (A) and an up-converter Gunn-
diode transmitter (B).
leads in the microwave cavity, have a
direct bearing on the electrical behavior of
the Gunn oscillator. A cross-sectional
representation of a packaged Gunn diode
is shown at Fig. 34. especially that of the I region. Manufac- creases. For the intrinsic region to remain
Presently, Gunn diodes are useful for turers design for controlled thickness ' in a low-loss state, the maximum instan-
generating powers between 0.1 and 1 watt. regions having long carrier lifetime and taneous reverse or negative voltage must
As the technology advances these power high resistivity. Carrier lifetime is basical- not exceed the breakdown voltage. Also,
limits will increase. IMPATT (impact- ly a measure of the delay before an the positive voltage excursion must not
avalanche transit time) diodes are useful average electron and hole recombine. In a cause thermal losses to exceed the diode
as microwave amplifiers after a Gunn pure silicon crystal the theoretical delay is dissipation rating.
diode signal source. IMPATT diodes are on the order of several milliseconds, At high radio frequencies when a PIN
also capable of providing power output in although impurity doping can reduce the diode is at zero or reverse bias, the diode
the 0.1 to 1-watt class. Fig. 35 shows effective carrier lifetime to microseconds appears as a parallel plate capacitor,
block diagrams of two Gunn-diode or nanoseconds. essentially independent of reverse voltage.
systems. In each example an IMPATT When forward bias is applied to a PIN It is the value of this capacitance that
diode is used as an amplifier. Fig. 35 A diode, holes and electrons are injected limits the effective isolation that the diode
shows a direct fm transmitter which from the p + and n + regions into the I can provide. PIN diodes intended for high
employs a varactor-deviated Gunn-diode region. These charges do not immediately isolation and not power-handling
oscillator as a signal source. Fm is recombine. Rather, a finite quantity of capability are designed with as small a
provided by applying audio to the bias charge always remains stored and results geometry as possible to minimize the
lead of the varactor diode. The latter is in a lowering of the I-region resistivity. capacitance.
coupled to the Gunn-diode cavity. Fig. The amount of stored charge depends on
35B illustrates a microwave relay system the recombination time (carrier lifetime)
in which a Gunn diode is used as an LO and the level of the forward-bias current.
source. Essentially, the equipment is set The resistance of the I region under
up as a heterodyne up-converter transmit- forward-bias conditions is inversely pro-
ter. The upper sideband from the mixer is
portional to the charge and depends on
amplified at microwave frequency by the I-region width and mobility of the
means of an IMPATT diode. holes and electrons of the particular
semiconductor material. Representative
PIN Diodes graphs of resistance vs. forward bias level
A PIN diode is formed by diffusing are shown in Fig. 37A and B for low-level
heavily doped p + and n + regions into receiving and high-power transmitting
an almost intrinsically pure silicon layer, PIN diodes.
as illustrated in Fig. 36. In practice it is When a PIN diode is at zero or reverse
impossible obtain intrinsically pure
to bias, there is essentially no charge, and the W» I LAYER WIDTH
material and the I layer can be considered intrinsic region can be considered as a
to be a lightlydoped n region. Charac- As with an ordinary pn
low-loss dielectric.
a reverse breakdown or
Fig. 36 — The PIN diode is constructed by
of the PIN diode are primarily
teristics junction there is
diffusing p+ and n+ regions into an almost
determined by the thickness, area and Zener region where the diode current in- Intrinsically pure silicon layer. Thus the name
semiconductor nature of the chip, creases rapidly as the reverse voltage in- PIN diode.

Solid 8tat« Fundamentals 4*14

practice it is usually difficult to achieve
more than 40 dB isolation with a single
\ diode switch at uhf and microwaves.
Better performance, in excess of 100 dB,
\ is achievable using compound switches.
Compound switches are made up of two
or more diodes in a series/shunt arrange-
100 ment. Since not all diodes are biased for
the same state, some increase in bias-
circuit complexity results.
One general class of switches
used in
connection with transceive applications
requires that a common antenna be con-

0.001 0.01 0.10 10.0 100.0

nected to either the receiver or transmitter
during the appropriate receive or transmit
(A) states. When PIN diodes are used as
switching elements in these applications,
higher reliability, better mechanical rug-
gedness and faster switching speeds are
achieved relative to the electromechanical
relay. A basic approach is shown in Fig.

100 39A and B where a PIN diode is used in

series with the transmit line and another
diode shunt with
in the receive line. A
single bias supply is used to turn on the
series diode during transmit while also
turning on the shunt diode to protect the
receiver. The quarter-wave line between
N the two diodes is necessary to isolate the

IOjjA IOOjiA ItiA 10mA 100mA low resistance of the receiver diode from
the antenna connection. During receive
periods both diodes are effectively open
circuited, allowing signal energy to be ap-
plied to the receiver. At B is the same (B)
Fig. 37 — A1 A is a graph comparing diode basic circuit, although the quarter-wave
resistance to forward-bias current for a PIN line has been replaced with a lumped ele-
diode intended for low-level receiver applica- Fig. 38 — At A a PIN diode is used as an spst
tions. At 8 is a similar graph for a diode
ment section.
switch. At B, two diodes form an spdt
capable of handling over 100 watts of rf. Two of the more common types of at- switching arrangement.
tenuators using PIN diodes are shown in
Fig. 40.The type at A is referred to as a
Manufacturers of PIN diodes supply Bridged Tee, while the circuit at B is the low current drain, long life (sometimes 50
data sheets with all necessary design data common pi type. Both are useful as very years, as predicted), and small size. They
and performance specifications. Key broadband devices. It is interesting to are useful as visual indicators in place of
parameters are diode resistance (when for- note that the useful upper frequency of incandescent panel lamps. One of their
ward biased), diode capacitance, carrier these attenuators is often dependent on greatest applications is in digital display
lifetime, harmonic distortion, reverse the bias circuit isolation rather than the units, where arrays of tiny LEDs are
voltage breakdown and reverse leakage. PIN diode characteristics. arranged to provide illuminated segments
PIN diodes are used in many applica- in numeric-display assemblies.
tions, such as rf switches, attenuators and Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) The forward bias current for a typical
various types of phase-shifting devices. The primary component in optoelec- LED ranges between 10 and 20 for mA
Our discussion will be confined to switch tronics is the LED. This diode
contains maximum brilliance. An applied voltage
and attenuator applications since these are a p-n junction of crystal material which of 1-1/2 to 2 is also typical. 1000-ohm A
the most likely to be encountered by the produces luminescense around the junc- resistor in series with a 12 volt source will
amateur. The simplest type of switch that tion when forward
bias current is applied. permit the LED to operate with a forward
can be created with a PIN diode is the LED junctions are made from gallium current of approximately 10 (IR drop mA
series spst type. The circuit is shown in arsenide (GaAs), gallium phosphide (GaP), A
= 10 V). maximum current of 10 is mA
Fig-. 38A. Cl functions as a dc blocking or a combination of both materials suggested in the interest of longevity for
capacitor and C2 is a bypass capacitor. In (GaAsP). The latter is dependent upon the the device.
order to have the signal from the color and light intensity desired. Today, LEDs are also useful as reference
generator flow to the load, a forward bias the available LED colors are red, green diodes, however unique the applications
must be applied to the bias terminal. The and yellow. may seem. They will regulate dc at
amount of insertion loss caused by the Some LEDs are housed in plastic which approximately 1.5 V.
diode is determined primarily by the diode is affixed to the base header of a transistor The following are definitions and terms
bias current. Fig. 38B 'illustrates an spdt package. Other LEDs
contained are used in optics to characterize the proper-
type of switch arrangement which uses entirely in plastic packages which have a ties of an LED.
essentially two spst switches with a com- dome-shaped head at the light-emitting Incident flux density is defined as the
mon connection. For a generator current end. Two protrude from the
wires amount of radiation per unit area (ex-
to flow into the load resistor at the left, a opposite end (positive and negative leads) pressed as lumens/cm 2 in photometry;
bias voltage is applied to bias terminal 1. for applying forward bias to the device. watts/cm J in radiometry). This is a
For signal to flow into the load at the right There are countless advantages to the measure of the amount of flux received by
a bias must be applied to terminal 2. In use of LEDs. Notable among them are the a detector measuring the LED output.

4-15 Chapter 4





Fig. 40 — Two types of PIN diode attenuator

jrm. circuits.The circuit at A is called a Bridged
TRANSMITTER Tee and the circuit at B is a pi type. Both
exhibit very broadband characteristics.



C- y2-rfZo
GRI0( + )


Fig. 39 — PIN diodes are used to transfer a common antenna to either a transmitter or receiver. A
voltage applied to the bias terminal will swttch the system to the transmit mode connecting the
output of the transmitter to the antenna. At the same time the diode across the receiver input is
forward biased to a low-resistance state to protecUhe input stage of the receiver, The quarter-
wave line isolates the low resistance of the receiver diode from the common antenna connection.
At B the quarter-wave line is replaced with a lumped-element equivalent.

Emitted flux density is also defined as spread the flux over a wider viewing area Fig. 41 — A solar-energy diode cell. Electrons
radiation per unit area and is used to and hence have much less point intensity flow when upper surface. The
light strikes the

from a surface. (luminance) than the point-source diodes. bottom of the coated with foil to collect
cell is
describe light reflected
current for the load, or for the succeeding cell
This measure of reflectance determines in series-connected arrays of cells.
the total radiant or luminous emittance. Solar-Electric Diodes
Source intensity defines the flux density Sunlight can be converted directly into
which will appear at a distant surface and electricityby a process known as photovol-
is expressed as lumens/steradian (photom- taic conversion. For this purpose a solar generate excess holes and electrons (one
etry) or watts/steradian (radiometry). cell is used. It relies on the photoelectric hole/electron pair for each photon absorb-
Luminance is a measure of photometric properties of a semiconductor. Practical- ed). When this occurs near the p-n
and is obtained by dividing the
brightness ly, the solar cell is a large-area p-n junction, the electric fields in that region
luminous intensity at a given point by the junction diode. The greater the area of the will separate the holes from the electrons.

projected area of the source at the same cell, the higher the output current will be. This causes the holes to increase in the
point. Luminance is a very important A dc voltage output of approximately 0.5 p-type material. At the same time the
rating in the evaluation of visible LEDs. is obtained from a single cell. Numerous electrons will build up in the n,-type

While luminance is equated with cells can be connected in series to provide material. By making direct connection to

photometric brightness, it is inaccurate to 6, 9, 12, 24 or whatever low voltage is the p and n regions by means of wires,
equate luminance as a figure of merit for required. In a like manner, cells can be these excess charges generated ,by light
brightness. The only case where this rating connected in parallel to provide higher (and separated by the junction) will flow
is acceptable is^when comparing physically output current, overall. into an external load to provide power.
LEDs. Different LEDs are sub-
identical The solar diode cell is built so that light Approximately. 0.16 A can be secured
ject more stringent examination.
to can penetrate into the region of the p-n from each square inch of solar-cell
Manufacturers do not use a set of consis- junction, Fig. 41. Most modern solar cells material exposed to bright sunlight. A
tent ratings for LEDs (such as optical use silicon material. Impurities (doping) 3-1/2 inch diameter cell can provide 1.5 A
flux, brightness and intensity). This is are introduced into the silicon material to of output current. The efficiency of a solar
because of the dramatic differences in op- establish excess positive or negative cell (maximum power delivered to a load

tical measurements between point- and charges which carry electric currents. versus total solar energy incident on the
area-source diodes. Point-source diodes Phosphorous is used to produce n-type cell) is typically 11 to 12 percent.
-are a clear epoxy or set within
packaged in silicon. Borbri is used as the dopant to Arrays of solar cells are manufactured
a transparent glass lens. Area-source produce p-type material- for all manner of practical applications. A
diodes must employ a diffusing lens to Light is absorbed into the silicon to storage battery is used as a buffer between

Solid State Fundamentals 4-16

the solar panel and the load. p-n A
junction diode should be used between the
solar-array output and the storage battery CHARGING POINT
to prevent the battery from discharging (LEAD ACID SYSTEM)
back into the panel during dark periods.
An article on the subject of solar cells and PEAK POWER POINT
their amateur applications was written by
DeMaw ("Solar Power for the Radio
Amateur," August 1977 QST) and
should be of interest to those who wish to
utilize solar power. Solar Electric Genera-
tor Systems, an application pamphlet 28"C CELL
by Solar Power Corp. of N. Billerica, MA TEMP.

01862, contains valuable information on

this subject. TEMP.
Fig. 42 shows the voltage/current
Model E12-01 369-1 .5 solar ar-
curves to, a 40'C AMBIENT
ray manufactured by Solar Power Corp. 20.8 -
It can be seen that temperature has an ef-
fect on the array performance.

Tunnel Diodes
Onetype of semiconductor diode hav-
ing no rectifying properties is called a tun-
nel diode. The bidirectional conduction of
the device is a result of heavily doped p 0.4-

and n regions with a very narrow junc-

tion. The Fermi level lies within the con-
duction band for the n side and within the
valence band for the p side. A typical
current-vs. -voltage curve for a tunnel
diode is sketched in Fig. 43. When the for- 0.1-

ward bias potential exceeds about 30 mV,

increasing the voltage causes the current
to decrease, resulting in a negative
resistance characteristic. This effect VOLTS
makes the tunnel diode capable of ampli-
fication and oscillation. At one time tun-
Fig. 42 — VcHtage/current/temperature curve for a Solar Power Corp. array which contains 36
solar-electric cells in series. The curves are for a model E12-01369-1.5 solar panel.
nel diodes were expected to dominate in
microwave applications, but other devices
soon surpassed tunnel diodes in perfor-
mance. The two-terminal oscillator con-
cept had great fad appeal, and some
amateurs built low-power transmitters
based on tunnel diodes. In the 1960s the
Heath Company marketed a dip meter
that used a tunnel diode oscillator. Tunnel
diodes are not widely used in new designs;
this material is included only for com-

Zener Diodes
Zener diodes have, for the most part,
replaced the gaseous regulator tube. They
have been proved more reliable than tube
types of voltage regulators, are less
expensive and far smaller in size. POINT
These diodes fall into two primary
classifications: Voltage regulators and
voltage-reference diodes. When they are
used in power supplies as regulators, they
provide a nearly constant dc output
voltage even though there may be large
changes in load resistance or input
voltage. As a reference element the Zener
diode utilizes the voltage drop across its
junction when a specified current passes
through it in the reverse-breakdown
direction (sometimes called the Zener
direction). This "Zener voltage" is the
value established as a reference. There- Fig. 43 — Schematic symbol and current-vs.-voltage characteristic for a tunnel diode.
4-17 Chapter 4
1 o O

+ R*

O-AAAr -o -+
11 7V
OSC (Ein)
If (mA) o o— i 3ov;

30 2/0,. 10

IZ(mA) -o -+

6.8V* +6.8V

-J —
Fig. 44 — Typical characteristics of a Zener
diode (30 V).

VFO «— IL- 0.01A HOmA)

-t + 9.1V REG. Rs
VW-O+12 DC
I 9,1V

X 400 mW

Ejn (min.) ~ ^Dl

L + 0.1 I
12-9.1 2.9 (D)
.01A+.001A Oil

= 264 ohms
and I
Hn Imav E
/ (max.) \

D (max.)
-21 - 0.01 ) 9.1

g. - 0.01] 9.1
-AAA/ —
+ 24V
= 0.0085 x 9.1 = 0.078 W r~'~> + 4V REG. °- 4W

Rs = series resistance PA (E)

I = current of load in amperes
L 01

Edi = Zener -diode voltage

P D(max = total Dl dissipation in watts 36V 3.5 MHZ

mm mm

) r7~7 <w
. .

Fig.45 —
Example of how a shunt type of RF

Zener diode regulator is used. The equations INPUT

show how to calculate the value of the series -t
and the diode power dissipation. In
example a 400-mW Zener diode will suffice ri-j

fore, if a 6.8-volt Zener diode was set up in

+12 V
the foregoing manner, the resultant
reference voltage would be 6.8. RF CLAMP
At the present time it is possible to pur- (F)

chase Zener diodes which are rated for

various voltages between 2.4 and 200. The Fig. 46 — Practical examples of Zener diode applications. The circuit at A is useful for stabilizing
power ratings range from 1/4 to 50 watts. the filament voltage of oscillators. Zener diodes can be used in series to obtain various levels of
Fig. 44 shows the characteristics of a regulated voltage (B). Fixed-value bias for transmitter stages can be obtained by inserting a Zener
diode in the cathode return (C). At D an 18-volt Zener diode prevents voltage spikes from harming
Zener diode designed for 30-volt opera-
a mobile transceiver. A Zener-diode series regulator (20-V drop) is shown at E and an rf clamp is
tion. seen at F. D1 in the latter circuit will clamp at 36 volts to protect the PA transistor from dc
Fig. 45 shows how to calculate the series voltage spikes and extreme sine-wave excursions at rf. This circuit is useful in protecting output
resistance needed in a simple shunt stages during no-load or short-circuit conditions.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-18

regulator which employs a Zener diode.

An equation is included for determining COUPLING
the wattage rating of the series resistor.
Additional data on this subject is given in
_ mar —mm-i waveguide
H0RW /
chapter 7 of Solid State Design for the 222 MHZ
_nrm_ ft!I I

Radio Amateur.
Some practical applications for Zener
D— FM XMTR I ill
diodes are illustrated in Fig. 46. In addi^
tion to the shunt applications given in the INTERDIGITAL
diagram, Zener diodes can be used as rr?
series elements when it is desired to pro- SRD MULTIPLIER
vide a gate that conducts at a given . X 46
voltage. These diodes can be used in ac as
well as dc circuits. When they are used in Fig. 47 —
Step-recovery diode frequency multiplier for 10 GHz. The matching network elements
an ac type of application they will conduct are represented as lumped components but would take the form of Microstrip in an actual design.

at the peak voltage value or below,

depending upon the voltage swing and the
voltage rating of the Zener diode. For this
reason they are useful as audio and rf clip j
pers. In rf work the reactance of the diode efficiencyis inversely proportional to the audio applications it is practical to obtain
may be the controlling factor above ap- frequency multiple. Very high orders of output power in excess of 1000 watts by
proximately 10 MHz with respect to the multiplication are possible with step- using several amplifier blocks and hybrid
performance of the rf circuit and the recovery diodes, and one use for this power combiners. The primary limitation
diode. feature is in a comb generator an in- — at the higher power levels is essentially a
Most Zener diodes which are rated strument used to calibrate the frequency practical or economic one: Low voltage,
^higher than 1 watt in dissipation are axis of a spectrum analyzer. high-current power supplies are required,
contained in stud-mount packages. They A single harmonic of the excitation fre- and the cost can exceed that of a
should be affixed to a suitable heat sink to quency can be selected by an interdigital high-voltage, moderate-current supply of
prevent damage from excessive junction filter or cavity resonator. A 1-watt, the variety which would be employed with
temperatures. The mounting techniques 220-MHz fm transmitter could drive a a vacuum-tube amplifier of comparable
are the same as for power rectifiers and snap diode multiplier (X 46) and filter power. The primary advantages obtained
high-wattage transistors. combination to an output of about 10 through the use of solid-state power
milliwatts in the 10-GHz band a typical — amplifiers are compactness and reliability.
Reference Diodes In small-signal applications the transis-
and effective power level at that frequen-
While ordinary Zener diodes are useful cy. A representative system of this variety tor outweighs the vacuum-tube in perfor-
as voltage regulators, they don't exhibit issuggested in Fig. 47. The exciter should mance. The former is more efficient,
the thermal stability required in precision be well isolated from the SRD and its operates cooler, has much longer life, is
reference applications. A
reverse-biased matching network to prevent parasitic considerably smaller in size, and is less
semiconductor junction has a positive oscillations. expensive. A
naive designer might insist
temperature coefficient of barrier poten- that "tubes are better," but the transistor
tial, and a forward-biased junction has a Current-Regulator Diodes ranks no. 1 in the industry at this time.

negative coefficient. The way to tempera- A JFET with its gate shorted to its There remains in isolated instances a
ture-compensate a Zener diode is to con- source or connected below a source re- belief that transistors are hard to tame,
nect one or more common silicon diodes sistor will draw a certain current whose noisier than tubes and that they are
in series with it. When this is done as part value is almost entirely independent of the subject to damage at the flick of a switch.
of manufacturing
the process, the applied potential. The current (I D ss in None of this is true. A transistorized
resulting component is termed a reference FET terminology) is also quite stable with circuit which is designed and operated

diode, A 1N3499 6.2-volf reference diode temperature. Semiconductor manufac- correctly is almost always capable of
will maintain a temperature coefficient of turers take advantage of these properties exceeding an equivalent vacuum-tube
0.0005 percent per degree over the range and package the JFET circuit of circuit in all respects. An understanding of
Fig. 48A
of to 75° C. Reference diodes work best in a two-terminal package and it a call
when operated at a few milliamperes of constant-current diode. A special symbol,
current from a high-impedance or con- given in Fig. 48B, is assigned to this type
stant-current bias source. As the name im- of diode. The 1N5305 diode approaches
plies, these diodes aren't suited for cir- an ideal current generator, in that it draws
cuits where power
is taken directly from two milliamperes over the range of 1.8 to
the Reference diodes can't be
device. 100 volts. Constant-current diodes find
tested with an ohmmeter because two application in ohmmeters, ramp genera-
junctions are back-to-back —
the instru- tors and precision voltage references.
ment can't supply enough voltage to over-
come the Zener barrier potential. Bipolar Transistors

The word "transistor" was chosen to

Step-Recovery Diodes
describe the function of a three-terminal
One device characterized by extremely p-n junction device which is able to
low capacitance and short storage time is amplify signal energy (current). The
the step-recovery diode (SRD), sometimes inherent characteristic is one of "transfer-
called a "snap" diode. These diodes are ring current across a resistor." The
used as frequency multipliers well into the transistor was invented by Shockley,
rnicrowave spectrum. Switching the device Bardeen and Brattain at Bell Labs in 1947 Fig. 48— At A, an n-channel JFET connected
as a constant-current source. At B, the
in and out of forward conduction is the and has become the standard amplifying schematic symbol for the circuit in A when it
multiplication mechanism, and the power device in electronic equipment. In rf and is packaged as a two-terminal device.

4-19 Chapter 4
A base-emitter resistance, rb', also exists.
The junction capacitance, in combination
with rb', determines the useful upper
-REGION frequency limit (fx or fa) of a transistor by
establishing an RC time constant. MATERIAL

< © ® ® Power Amplification Tnn

Because the collector is biased in the EMITTER
back direction the collector-to-base resis- ALLOY-JUNCTION
tance is high. On the other hand, the
emitter and collector currents are sub-
stantially equal, so the power in the COLLECTOR
Fig. 49 — Illustration of a junction pnp tran- collector circuit is larger than the power in
Capacitances C be and C bc vary with
sistor. the emitter circuit (P = PR, so the powers
changes in operating and signal voltage (see NPN
are proportional to the respective resis-
tances, if the currents are the same). In
practical transistors emitter resistance is

of the order of a few hundred whileohms

how transistors function will help to
the collector resistance is hundreds or
prevent poor circuit performance: The
thousands of times higher, so power gains
fundamentals outlined in this chapter are
of 20 to 40 dB or even more are possible.
provided for the amateur designer so that Fig. 50 — Pictorial and schematic representa-

the common pitfalls can be avoided. tions of junction transistors. By way of analogy
Types the base, collector and emitter can be com-
Fig.49 shows a "sandwich" made from pared to the grid, plate and cathode of a triode
two of p-type semiconductor
layers The transistor may be one of the types tube, respectively.
material with a thin layer of n-type be- shown in Fig. 43. The assembly of p- and
tween. There are in effect two pn junction n-type materials may be reversed, so that
diodes back-to-back. If a positive bias is pnp and npn transistors are both possible. case terminal the resistances are ef-
applied to the p-type material at the left, The first two letters of the npn and pnp fectively in parallel, thus reducing the
current will flow though the left-hand designations indicate the respective polar- combined emitter resistances to a fraction
junction, the holes moving to the right ities of voltages applied to the
the of an ohm. (If a significant amount of
and the electrons from the n-type material emitter and collector in normal operation. resistance were allowed to exist it would
moving to the left. Some of the holes In a pnp transistor, for example, the cause degeneration in the stage and would
moving into the n-type material will com- emitter is made positive with respect to lower the gain of the circuit.)

bine with the electrons there and be both the collector and the base, and the Most modern are of the
neutralized, but some of them also will collector is made negative with respect to junction variety. Various names have been
travel to the region of the right-hand junc- both the emitter and the base. given to the several types, some of which
tion. Manufacturers are constantly working are junction alloy, mesa, and planar.
If the pn combination at the right is to improve the performance of their Though their characteristics may differ
biased negatively, as shown, there would transistors — greater reliability, higher slightly, they are basically of the same
normally be no current flow in this circuit. power and frequency ratings, and improved family and simply represent different
However, there are now additional holes uniformity of characteristics for any given physical properties and manufacturing
available at the junction to travel to point type number. One such development techniques.
B and electrons can travel toward point A, provided the overlay transistor, whose
so a current can flow even though this emitter structure is made up of several Transistor Characteristics
section of the sandwich is biased to emitters which are joined together at a An important characteristic of a tran-
prevent conduction. Most of the current is common case terminal. This process sistor is its beta (p.), or current-amplifica-
between A
and B and does not flow out lowers the base-emitter resistance, rb', tion factor, which is sometimes expressed as

through the common connection to the and improves the transistor input time Iife (static forward-current transfer ratio)
n-type material in the sandwich. constant. The latter is determined by rb' or h fe (smail-signal forward-current trans-
A semiconductor combination of this and the junction capacitance of the device. fer ratio). Both symbols relate to the
type is called a transistor, and the three The overlay transistor is extremely useful grounded-emitter configuration. Beta is
sections are known as the emitter, base in vhf and uhf applications. It is capable the ratio of the collector current to the
and collector, respectively. The amplitude of high-power operation well above 1000 base current
of the collector current depends principal- MHz. These transistors are useful as
ly upon the amplitude of the emitter frequency doublers and triplers, and are
current; that is, the collector current is able to provide an actual power gain in
controlled by the emitter current. the process.
Between each p-n junction exists an Another multi-emitter transistor has Thus, if a base current of 1 mA causes the
area known as the depletion, or transition been developed for use from hf through collector current to, rise to 100 mA the
region. It is similar in characteristics to a uhf. It should be of interest to the radio beta is 100. Typical betas for junction
dielectric layer, width varies in
and its amateur. It is called a balanced-emitter transistors range from as low as 10 to as
accordance with the operating voltage.The transistor (BET), or "ballasted" transis- high as several hundred.
semiconductor materials either side of the tor. The transistor chip contains several A transistor's alpha (<*) is the ratio of
depletion region constitute the plates of a triode semiconductors whose bases and the collector to the emitter current. Sym-
capacitor. The capacitance from base to collectors are connected in parallel. The bols hpg (static forward-current transfer
emitter is shown as Cb e (Fig. 49), and the various emitters, however, have built-in ratio) and hfb (small-signal forward-
collector-base capacitance is represented emitter resistors (typically about 1 ohm) current transfer ratio), common-base
as Cbc- Changes in signal and operating which provide a current-limiting safety hookup, are frequently used in connection
voltages cause a nonlinear change in these factor during overload periods, or under with gain. The smaller the base current,
junction capacitances, which must be taken conditions of significant mismatch. Since the closer the collector current comes to
into account when designing some circuits. the emitters are brought out to a single being equal to that of the emitter, and the

Solid State Fundamental* 4-20

closer alpha comes to being 1. Alpha for a
junction transistor is usually between 0.92
and 0.98.
Transistors have frequency charac-
teristics which are of importance to circuit
designers. Symbol ft is the gain bandwidth
product (common-emitter) of the transis-
tor. This is the frequency at which the
gain becomes unity, or 1. The expression
"alpha cutoff is frequently used to ex- 10
press the useful upper-frequency limit
of a transistor, and this relates to the 8
common-base hookup. Alpha cutoff is the
point at which the gain is 0.707 its value at
-le-6 mA —
1000 Hz.
Another factor which limits the upper Voltage-
frequency capability of a transistor is its 2
transit time. This is the period of time Fig. 53 — Curve-tracer display of a small-
required for the current to flow from O signal transistor characteristics.
-10 -20
emitter to collector, through the semi- COLLECTOR VOLTS
conductor base material. The thicker the
base material, the greater the transit time. —
Fig. 51 Typical collector-current versus
Hence, the thicker the base material the collector-voltage characteristics of a junction shown in Fig. 54 in elementary form. The
more likelihood there will be of phase transistor for various emitter-current values. three circuits correspond approximately
shift of the signal passing through it. At Because the emitter resistance is low, a to the grounded-grid, grounded-cathode
current-limiting resistor (R) is placed in series
frequencies near and above frr or alpha and cathode-follower circuits, respective-
with the source current. The emitter current
cutoff, partial or complete phase shift can can be set at a desired value by adjustment of ly, used with vacuum tubes.
occur. This will give rise to positive feed- this resistance. The important transistor parameters in
back because the internal capacitance, these circuits are the short-circuit current
Cb e , feeds part of the in-phase collector transfer ratio, the cut-off frequency, and
signal back to the base. The positive feed- the input and output impedances. The
back can cause instability and oscillation, short-circuit current transfer ratio is the
and in most cases will interlock the input ratio of a small change in output current
and output tuned circuits of an rf ampli- to the change in input current that causes
fier so that it is amost impossible to tune it, the output circuit being short-circuited.
them properly. This form of feedback can The cutoff frequency was discussed earlier
be corrected by using what is termed "uni- in chapter. The input and output
lateralization." Conventional positive (A) impedances are, respectively, the im-
feedback can be nullified by using pedance which a signal source working
neutralization, as is done with vacuum- into the transistor would see, and the
tube amplifiers. internal output impedance of the transis-
tor (corresponding to the plate resistance
Characteristic Curves of a vacuum tube, for example).
The operating principles of transistors
can be shown by a series of characteristic Common-Base Circuit
curves. One such set of curves is shown in The input circuit of a common-base
Fig. 51. shows the collector current vs.
It amplifier must be designed for low
collector voltage for a number of fixed impedance, since the emitter-to-base resis-
values of emitter current. Practically, the 10 20 30 tance is of the order of 25/I e ohms, where
collector current depends almost entirely COLLECTOR VOLTS
e is the emitter current in milliamperes.
on the emitter current and is independent The optimum output load impedance, Rl,
of the collector voltage. The separation may range from a few thousand ohms to
between curves representing equal steps of
Fig. 52 — Collector current versus collector
voltage for various values of base current in a 100,000, depending upon the require-
emitter current is quite uniform, in- junction transistor. The illustration at A shows ments.
dicating that almost distortionless output how the measurements are made. At B is a In this circuit the phase of the output
family of curves.
can be obtained over the useful operating (collector) current is the same as that of
range of the transistor: the input (emitter) current. The parts of
Another type of curve is shown in Fig. these currents that flow through the base
52, together with the circuit used for ob- method of connection. They may be con- resistance are likewise in phase, so the
taining it. This also shows collector cur- strasted with the high values of emitter circuit tends to be regenerative and will
rent vs. collector voltage, but for a current shown in Fig. 51. An actual oscillate if the current amplification factor
number of different values of base cur- oscillograph of a characteristic family of is greater than one.
rent. In this case the emitter element is curves for a small-signal transistor is

used as the common point in the circuit. shown in Fig. 53. It was obtained by Common-Emitter Circuit

The collector current is not independent means of a curve tracer. The common-emitter circuit shown in

of collector voltage with this type of con- Fig. 54 corresponds to the ordinary
nection, indicating that the output Transistor Amplifiers grounded-cathode vacuum-tube ampli-
resistance of the device is fairly low. The Amplifier circuits used with transistors fier. As indicated by the curves of Fig. 52,

base current also is quite low, which into one of three types, known as the
fall the base current is small and the input im-
means that the resistance of the base- common-base, common-emitter, and pedance is therefore fairly high several —
emitter circuit is moderately high with this common-collector circuits. These are thousand ohms in the average case. The

4-21 Chapter 4

At 5
5* F
f *;!i.
_tj(__o o-Hf

f 100k 1


+ 9V


Fig.54A —Differential amplifier. This arrange-

ment can be analyzed as a composite of the
common-collector and common-base circuits.

Q2 the input signal cannot modulate the

total collector current; only the ratio of
the currents varies. One beneficial result
of the constant-current bias is that a
+ 9V higher impedance is presented to the driv-

Fig. 54 —
Basic transistor amplifiers. Observe the input and output phase relationships tor the Bipolar Transistor Dissipation
various configurations. Apart from the characteristics men-
tioned earlier, it is necessary to consider
the matters of collector dissipation,
collector voltage and current and emitter
collector resistance is some tens of and the cutoff frequency is the same as in
current. Variations in these specifications
thousands of ohms, depending on the the grounded-emitter circuit. The output are denoted by specific parameter symbols
signal source impedance. The common- and input currents are in phase. which appear later in the chapter. The
emitter circuit has a lower cutoff frequen- maximum dissipation ratings of transis-
Differential Amplifier Circuit
cy than does the common-base circuit, but tors, as provided on the manufacturer's
it gives the highest power gain of the three An important variation of the fun- data sheets, tend to confuse some ama-
configurations. damental amplifier types is the differential teurs. An acceptable rule of thumb is to
In this circuit the phase of the output amplifier, drawn in Fig. 54A. The output select a transistor which has a maximum
(collector) current opposite to that qf
is voltage is proportional to the difference dissipation rating of approximately twice
the input (base) current so such feedback (with respect to ground) between the the dc input power of the circuit stage.
as occurs through the small emitter voltages applied to the input terminals. That is, if a 5-watt dc input is con-
resistance is negative and the amplifier is With the proper choice of operating con- templated, choose a transistor with a
stable. ditions, several differential amplifier 10-watt or greater rating. When power
stages of the type shown can be cascaded levels in excess of a few hundred are mW
Common-Collector Circuit (Emitter- directly. Fig. 54A shows the circuit in its necessary there is a need for heat sinking.
Follower) classic balanced form, but many circuits A sink is a metal device which helps to
Like vacuum-tube
the cathode use differential amplifiers in a single- keep the transistor cool by virtue of heat
follower, the common-collector transistor ended configuration. When only a single transfer from the transistor case to the
amplifier has high input impedance and input and output terminal is required, Rl sink. At power levels below. 5 watts it is

low output impedance. The latter is ap- could be a short circuit and the Q2 base common employ clip-on heat
practice to
proximately equal to the impedance of the could be grounded. Under these cir- sinks of the crown variety. For powers
signal input source multiplied by (1 - «). cumstances the differential amplifier can greater than 5 watts it is necessary to use
The input resistance depends on the load be understood as an emitter-follower driv- large-area heat sinks which are fashioned
resistance, being approximately equal to ing a common-base stage. The output is from extruded aluminum. These sinks
the load resistance divided by (1 - «). taken between the Q2 collector and have cooling fins on one or more of their
The fact that input resistance is directly ground. R3 establishes the current in Ql surfaces to hasten the cooling process.
related to the load resistance is a disadvan- and Q2, which should be equal under Some high-power, solid-state amplifiers
tage of this type of amplifier if the load is static conditions. employ cooling fans from which the air
one whose resistance or impedance varies Differential amplifiers work best when stream is directed on the metallic heat
with frequency. R3 is replaced by some type of constant- sink. Regardless of the power level or type

The current transfer ratio with this cir- current source. One type of current of heat sink used, silicone heat-transfer
cuit is regulator has been discussed in the diode compound should always be used between
section, and current sources made from the mating surfaces of the transistor and
1 bipolar transistors are covered later. the heat sink. Another rule of thumb is
With a current source biasing Ql and offered: If the heat-sink-equipped transis-

Solid State Fundamentals 4-22

in the small-signal class carry dissipation
ratings of 500 mW or less. Power
transistors are normally classed as » 500-
mW and higher devices. The practical
applications for all of these semiconduc-
tors range from dc to the microwave spec-

Bipolar Transistor Switches

Our present-day technology includes
the use of solid-state switches as practical
Fig. 57 — Circuit for a transistor switching cir-
alternatives to mechanical switches. When cuit (saturated).
a bipolar transistor is used a switching
application it is either in an on or off
state. In the on state a forward bias is ap- OSC.
plied to the transistor, sufficient in level to
Fig. 55 —
Typical characteristic for the collec- hQt— it
tor of an npn transistor which shows the three saturate the device. The common-emitter
primary regions involved during switching. format used for nearly all transistor

switches. Switching action is characterized

by large-signal nonlinear operation of the
EMITTER COLLECTOR device. Fig. 55 shows typical output
BASE JUNCTION BASE JUNCTION characteristics for an npn switching tran-
EMITTER BASE COLLECTOR sistor in the common-emitter mode. There
UJV> HOLES ELECTRONS HOLES are three regions of operation cutoff, —
II active and saturation. In the cutoff region
, \ 3 the emitter-base and collector-base junc-
tw tions are reverse biased. At this period the
°5 collector current is quite small and is com-
58 2 AND 3 i? 1 AND 2
z parable to the leakage current, I ceo , I C ev or
Fig. 56 illustrates the minority-carrier
concentration relative to an npn tran-
Fig. 56 —
Illustration of the minority-carrier .

sistor. During cutoff the concentration is

concentrations in an npn transistor. No. 1
shows the cutoff region. No. 2 is the active zero at both junctions because they are
region at the threshold of the saturation reverse biased (curve no. 1).
region. No. 3 is in the saturation region.
The emitter-base junction is forward
biased in the active region. At this time
the collector-base junction is reverse biased.
tor too warm to touch with comfort,
is Fig. 55 shows a load line along which
the heat sink is not large enough in area. switching from the cutoff to the active
Excessive junction heat will destroy a region is done. The transit time (speed)
transistor. Prior to destruction the device through the active region is dependent
may go into thermal runaway. During this upon the transistor frequency-response
condition the transistor becomes hotter characteristics. Thus, the higher the fre-
and its internal resistance lowers. This quency rating of the device, the faster the Fig. 58 — Examples of practical switching cir-
causes an increase in emitter/collector switching time. Curve no. 2 in Fig. 56 cuits. A pnp switch is used to key an oscillator
and emitter/base current. This increased depicts the minority-carrier concentration at A. When R1 is grounded the switching tran-
sistor is forward biased to saturation, thereby
current elevates the dissipation and of the active region.
permitting current to flow from the dc supply
further lowers the internal resistance. In the saturationregion the emitter- line to Q2. The circuit at B shows Q1 as a
These effects are cumulative: Eventually base and collector-base junctions are for- relay-driver npn switch. When + 12 volts is ap-
the transistor will be destroyed. heat A ward biased. During this period the for- plied to the base of Q1 it is forward biased to

sink of proper size will prevent this type of ward voltage drop across the emitter-base saturation, permitting current to -flow through
the field coil of K1A. D1 and D2 are included to
problem. Excessive junction temperature junction V BE(sat) is larger than it is across reduce the static collector current of Q1, which
will eventually cause the transistor to the collector-base junction. This results in in some instances could cause K1A to remain
become open. Checks with an ohmmeter a collector-emitter voltage termed closed after forward bias was removed from
will indicate this condition after a failure. Q1. D3 serves as a spike suppressor when the
VcE(sat)- Series resistances present in the
field of K1A collapses.
Excess collector voltage will also cause emitter and collector legs of the circuit
immediate device failure. The indication contribute to the" determination of
of this type of failure, as noted by means vCE(sat)- Since the collector in this state is base breakdown voltage, V(BR)CBO, should
of an ohmmeter, is a shorted junction. forward biased, additional carriers are in- be no greater than Vcc + VBE(off). Finally,
jected into the base. Some also reach the the minimum collector-to-emitter break-
Bipolar Transistor Applications Curve no. of Fig. 56 shows
collector. 3 down voltage, Y(br) cerl, must be greater
Silicon transistors are the most com- this minority-carrier concentration. Fig. than Vcc As is tfue in any transistor appli-
mon types in use today, although a few 57 contains the circuit for a basic cation, the junction temperature must be
germanium varieties are built for specific saturated-transistor switch. maintained at a safe value by whatever
applications. Collector voltages as great It is extremely important to make cer- means necessary.
as 1500 can be accommodated by some of tain that none of the transistor voltage A transistor switch can be turned on by
the high-power silicon transistors avail- ratings is exceeded during the "off" means of a pulse (Fig. 57) or by applica-
able now. Most small-signal transistors period: The minimum emitter-base break- tion of a dc forward bias. Typical circuits
will safely handle collector voltages of 25 down voltage, V(br)ebo. must not exceed for the latter are given in Fig. 58. The
or greater. Generally speaking, transistors VBE(off)- Also, the minimum collector- circuit at A illustrates how a pnp tran-

4-23 Chapter 4


2*F """""


MIC £ J>
^— 2N2222A 15V
H|-z 50k:t000
M1C° I T1



Fig.60 —
RC and transformer-coupled audio amplifiers suitable for high- and low-impedance

numerous audio-amplifier applications put impedance, and low output im-

from low-level to high power. It is com- pedance.
mon practice to use all npn or all pnp
Fig. 59,— Examples of npn and pnp amplifiers devices, regardless of the polarity of the Transistor RF Amplifiers
operating from a power supply with a negative power supply. In other circuits a mixture In most respects small-signal rf ampli-
of the two types may be found, especially fiers are similar in performance to those
when direct-coupled or complimentary- used in audio applications. However, to
sistorcan be used as a low-power switch symmetry stages are included. Fig. 59 effect maximum stable amplification some
to turn oscillator Q2 on and off. In the shows how pnp or npn stages can be used important design measures are necessary.
"on" state Rl is grounded. This places with power supplies which have positive Furthermore, the matter of proper im-
the bipolar switch, Ql, in a saturated or negative grounds. The essential dif- pedance matching becomes more im-
mode, thereby permitting current to flow ference in the circuits concerns returning portant than it is in simple audio
to Q2. A transistor switch of the type various elements to the negative or amplifiers. Other considerations are noise
shown at A of Fig. 58 can be used to con- positive sides of the power supply. The il- figure, purity of the amplified signal and

trol more one circuit

than stage lustrations show all one needs to do
that dynamic range.
simultaneously. The primary criterion is to use either type of device with the same Although bipolar transistors can be
that the switching transistor be capable of power supply is to interchange the resistor used as rf amplifiers for receiver front

passing the combined currents of the connections.The same principle applies ends, they are not found there in most of
The method when using npn or pnp transistors with a the high-performance receivers: Field-
various stages under control.
seen at A is often used in keying a power which
supply has a positive effect transistors are more often the

transmitter; ground. Knowledge of how done

this is designer's choice because of their high
An npn transistor switch is shown in enables the designer to mix npn and pnp input impedance and good dynamic-range
Fig. 58B. If desired, can be "slaved" to
it devices in a single circuit. This basic traits. A
correctly designed bipolar rf

the circuit of Fig. 58A by attaching Rl of technique is applicable to any type of input stage can exhibit good dynamic
circuit B to the collector of Ql in circuit transistor circuit — rf, audio or dc. range, however. It is necessary to operate
A. Because an npn device is used at B, a Some basic low-level audio amplifiers a fairly husky low-noise transistor in Class

positive forward bias must be applied to are shown in Fig. 60. These stages operate A, using a relatively high standing
the base via Rl to make the transistor in the Class A mode. The input impedance collector current — 50 to 100 mA,
•saturate. When in that state, current flows of these circuits is low typically be- — typically.

through the relay (K1A) field coil to ac- tween 500 and 1500 ohms. For the most Some rf and i-f amplifier circuits which
tuate the contacts at K1B. D3 is connected part the output impedance is established employ bipolar transistors are shown in
across the relay coil to damp inductive by the value to the collector load resistor. the examples of Fig. 62. When used with
spikes which occur when the relay-coil A matching transformer can be used at the appropriate L and C networks they are
field collapses. Dl and D2 may not be the input of these stages (Fig. 60B) when it suitable for either application. At in A
necessary. This will depend on the sen- is necessary to use, for example, a high- Fig. 62 the transistor base is tapped near

of the relay and the leakage current

sitivity impedance microphone with one of them. the cold end of the input tuned circuit to

of Ql in the off state. If there is con- Tl serves as a step-down transformer. provide an impedance match. The collec-
siderable leakage, Kl may not release Some direct-coupled audio amplifiers tor is tapped down on the output tuned

when forward bias is removed from Ql. are shown in Fig. 61. The circuit at A circuit to provide a proper match. If it is

Dl and D2 will elevate the emitter to ap- combines pnp and npn devices to provide desired, the base and collector taps can be

proximately 1.4 volts, thereby providing a compatible interface between them. moved even farther down on the tuned
sufficient reverse bias to cut off Ql in the Three npn stages are in cascade at B to circuits. This will result in a deliberate
off state. It can be seen from the illustra- provide high gain. This circuit is excellent mismatch. The technique is sometimes
tions in Fig. 58 that either npn or pnp for use in direct-conversion receivers, used to aid stability and/or lower the stage
transistors can be _used as electronic owing to the need for very high gain after gain. The circuit at B is operated in the

switches. the detector. At C is a Darlington pair — common-base mode. Taps are shown on
so named after the person who developed the input and output coils for impedance-
Transistor Audio Amplifiers the configuration. The .principle advan- matching purposes.
Bipolar transistors are suitable for tages of this circuit are high gain, high in- Broadband amplifiers with heavy

Solid State Fundamentals 4-24

band 4: 1 transformer in the collector cir-

cuit is required to step down the collector
isv impedance to 50 ohms. Design informa-

m— 02*1000 tion on this type of circuit is provided in
the ARRL book, Solid State Design for
z*»ioooO—|f 1000 the Radio Amateur. A bandpass type of
filter is needed at the amplifier input.

Another can be used at the output of the

4:1 transformer if desired. The transistor
used in any of the amplifiers of Fig. 62
should have an fT which is five to ten
V\Ar 0+
6 TO 12V times greater than the highest operating
1SV ° frequency of the stage. The 2N5179 has an
/X '
r~ fj in excess of 1000 MHz, making it a
GAIN=%*40dB good device up to 148 MHz for this ap-
(A) plication.

Transistor RF Power Amplifiers

Rf power amplifiers which use bipolar
transistors fall into two general categories
— Class C and linear. The latter is used
( OZ»2000 for a-m and ssb signal amplification and
the class of operation is A or AB. These
amplifiers are designed for narrow or
wideband applications, depending on the
purpose for which the stage or stages will
15V be used. Class C bipolar-transistor ampli-
Z^IOOOO fiers areused for fm and cw work.
Most wideband amplifiers contain fer-
rite-loaded broadband transformers at the
22k 47k input and
output ports. The output
AAA 1 VW- transformer is followed by a multipole
5/uF low-pass filter for each band of operation.
15V This is necessary to attenuate harmonic
currents so that they will not be radiated
by the antenna system. Although this type
GAIN«* 100dB of filtering is not always needed with a
(B) narrowband amplifier (the networks pro-
220k vide reasonable selectivity), filters should
be used in the interest of spectral purity.
Two-section filters of the half-wave or
low-pass T variety are entirely suitable for


)(- 2N4124| 22«F T+

AAA —0+ harmonic reduction at the 50-ohm output
I5V ports of amplifiers.
One of the principal difficulties en-
' I Ti^f
countered by amateurs who design and
270 build their own high-power, solid-state
amplifiers is instability at some point in
1000 the power range. That is, an amplifier
driven to its maximum rated output may
be stable when terminated properly, but
DARLINGTON PAIR when the drive level is reduced it is apt to
> 100dB
(C) break into self-oscillation at the operating
frequency, at vhf, or perhaps at very low
frequencies. Part of the problem is caused
Fig. 61 — Practical examples of direct-coupled audio amplifiers. by an increase in beta as the collector
current is decreased. This elevates the
amplifier gain to encourage instability.
negative feedback are useful as small- of frequencies, say, from 1.8 to 30 MHz. Also, solid-state amplifiers are designed
signal rf and i-f amplifiers. An example is This form of gain compensation is for a specific network impedance at a
shown at C in Fig. 62. Not only is negative necessary because as the operating fre- specified power-output level. When the
feedback applied (collector to base), but quency of a given transistor is decreased, drive is reduced the collector and base
degenerative feedback is obtained by vir- the gain increases, typically, the gain will impedances increase. This causes a mis-
tue of the unbypassed 10-ohm emitter increase on the order of 6 dB per octave. match. An increase in the loaded Q of the
resistor. The use of feedback ensures an Therefore, the probability of instability networks may also result —
a situation
unconditionally stable stage. As the (self-oscillations) becomes a major con- that encourages instability. Therefore, it is
operating frequency is decreased the sideration at low frequencies in an un- best to design for a specified power output
negative feedback increases because the compensated rf amplifier. The circuit of and adhere closely to that level during
feedback-network reactance becomes Fig. 62G operates and has a
stably operation.
lower. This is important if reasonably characteristic input and output impedance Solid-state power amplifiers should be
constant gain is desired over a wide range of approximately 50 ohms. The broad- operated just below their saturation

4-25 Chapter 4
points for best efficiency and stability.
That is the point which occurs when no

additional rf output can be obtained with 1.8-30MH2

increased driving power. Some designers

~J C Z«2O0
recommend that, for example, a 28-volt
transistor be used for 12-volt operation:
L0 -z
Saturation will take place at a level where
the transistors are relatively safe from
damage if a significant output mismatch is
present. Stability is usually better under
these same conditions, although the gain
of the transistors will be considerably
lower than would be the case if equivalent
/-T76 TO 14V
types of 12-volt devices were used.
Fig. 63 shows two single-ended NPN COMMON BASE
76 TO 14V
amplifiers of typical design. At there is A NPN COMMON EMITTER GAIN > 10dB
a broadband input transformer which GAIN >10<JB
steps down the 50-ohm source to the low (A)
base impedance of Ql: Most power stages AMPLIFIER
have a base impedance of 5 ohms or less. O.ot

Although there are a number of suitable

tuned networks that can be used to effect
the desired impedance match, the use of BANDPASS
Tl eliminates components and the FILTER
sometimes complex calculations required
for the design of a proper network. When
the actual base impedance of Ql is
unknown (it varies with respect to drive
leveland operating frequency), empirical
adjustment of the Tl turns ratio will per-
mit close matching. An indicator SWR
can be used between Tl and the signal
source to indicate a matched condition.
This test should be made with the maxi-
mum intended drive applied.
Fig. 62 — Illustrations of common-emitter and common-base rf ampliters for narrow-band use.

To continue the discussion relating to The circuit at C is that of a fed-back broadband amplifier which has a bandpass filter at the input.
Fig. 63A, a 10-ohm resistor (Rl) is
bridged across the secondary of Tl to aid
stability. This measure is not always
necessary. It will depend on the gain of ppnn
the transistor, the layout and the loaded Q
rrm_ _l I I I I

of Tl. Other values of resistance can be -I

used. A good rule employ
of thumb is to
only that value of resistance which cures
instability. It must be remembered that Rl
is in parallel with the transistor input im-
pedance: This will have an effect on the
turns ratio of Tl. When excessive driving
power is available, a deliberate mismatch
can be introduced at the input to Ql by
reducing the number of secondary turns.
If that is done, Rl can often be (A)
eliminated. The
shortcoming which 1.8 MHz

results from this technique is that the driv-

ing source will not be looking into a
50-ohm termination. Tl is normally a -l
ferrite-loaded transformer toroidal or — r
solenoidal. The core material for opera- 0.001

tion from 1.8 to 30 MHz is typically the

950-m (Initial permeability) type. The
primary winding of Tl (and other broad-
band transformers should be approxi- RFC
mately four times the terminal impedance
with respect to reactance, therefore, for a
50-ohm load characteristic the primary-
winding reactance of Tl should be
roughly 200 ohms. CLASS AB
Two rf chokes are shown in Fig. 63 A.
These are necessary to assure ample dc-
lead decoupling along with the related Fig. 63 — Circuits for rf power amplifiers. At A is a Class C type. The circuit at B is biased for
bypass capacitors. The upper rf choke linear amplification.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-26

serves also as a collector load impedance. C
under Class conditions. Most power selected to roll off the driving power
The reactance should be four or five times transistors intended for linear amplifica- toward the low end of the amplifier
the collector impedance. Three values of tion have built-in, degenerative-feedback operating range. As the frequency is
bypass capacitors are used to ensure effec- resistors at the emitter sites. This technique reduced, LI represents a lower reactance,
tive decoupling at vhf, hf and If. If the aids linearity.Depending on the package thereby permitting some of the drive
decoupling is inadequate, rf from the style C type of transistor, an
of a Class power to be dissipated in Rl.
amplifier can flow along the 12-volt bus to emitter-feedback resistor can be added ex- Tl is a conventional broadband trans-
other parts of the transmitter, thereby ternally. Such resistors are usually on the former (not a transmission-line type) with
Causing instability of one or more of the order of 1 ohm. a turns ratio set for matching 50 ohms to
stages. A simple low-pass T network is A broadband Class C amplifier is the base load presented by Ql and Q2. T2,
used for matching the collector to the shown in Fig. 64A. Tl and T2 are 4:1 another broadband transformer, is used
50-ohm load. It also suppresses harmonic broadband transformers connected in to provide balanced dc feed to the
energy. The loaded Q of this general type series to provide an impedance step down collectors. T3 is another broadband
of matching network should be kept of 16:1. For most applications this ar- transformer which is wound for lowering
below 4 in the interest of amplifier stabili- rangement will provide an acceptable the collector-to-collector impedance to 50
ty. Information on this and other types of match between 50 ohms and the base im- ohms. FL1 is designed for a bilateral
tuned matching networks is given in the pedance of Ql. In the example we have impedance of 50 ohms in this example.
ARRL Electronics Data Book. Data are assumed a base impedance of approxi-
also givenin that volume concerning mately 3 ohms. Bipolar-Transistor Oscillators
broadband transformer design. T3 a collector load and a
serves as Transistors function well as crystal-
Fig. 63B shows the same general step-up transformer. It is useful to use a controlled or LC oscillators. RC oscil-
amplifier. The difference is in the biasing. step-up transformer when the collector lators are also practical when a bipolar
The circuit at A is set up for Class C. It is impedance is low (25 ohms or less). This , transistor used as the active element.
driven into the cutoff region during enables designer to work with
the The same used for tube-type
operation. At B there is a small amount of filter-component values (FL1) that are oscillators apply when using transistors.
forward bias applied to Ql (approximate- more practical than would be the case if The essential difference is that transistor
ly 0.7 volt) by means of the barrier voltage an attempt was made to match 10 ohms to oscillators have lower input and output
set by Dl, a silicon power diode. Dl also 50 ohms with the filter network. FL1 in impedances, operate at low voltages, and
functions as a simple bias regulator. R2 this example is a double pi-section deliver low output power —
usually in the
should be selected to provide fairly low-pass type (half-wave filter). It is mW range. The greater the oscillator
substantial diode current. The forward designed to match 40 ohms to 50 ohms power, the greater the heating of the
bias establishes linearity for the amplifier and has a loaded Q of 1. transistor junction and other circuit
so that ssb and a-m driving energy can be Feedback can be applied tostabilize the elements. Therefore, in the interest of
amplified by Ql with minimum distor- amplifier. This seen in Fig. 64B. CI and
is oscillator stability it is wise to keep the dc
tion, Rl are chosen to reduce the amplifier gain input power as low as practical. The
Although some transistors are designed by whatever amount is necessary to pro- power level can always be increased by
especially for linear amplification, any vide stability and the broadband charac- means of subsequent amplifier stages at
power transistor can be used for the teristics desired. CI serves as a dc blocking minor cost.
purpose. Once the proper biasing point is capacitor. Some representative examples of
found for linear amplification with a A push-pull broadband linear amplifier crystal-controlled oscillators are provided
Class C type of transistor, an investigation is illustrated at Fig. 65. When additional in Fig. 66. At A
is an oscillator that can be
of linearity versus output power should b6 frequency compensation is desired used to obtain output at f (the crystal fre-
undertaken. Some Class C transistors are (beyond that available from a negative- quency), or at multiples of f. The circuit
incapable of delivering as much power feedback network) LI and Rl can be add- at B illustrates a Pierce type of oscillator
(undistorted) in Class AB as they can ed across the amplifier input. They are for fundamental output at 3.5 MHz. Cfb

T1 T2 10 OHMS li^ 40 OHMS
4:1 4:1

' ' ' s~r~7 U, 0.001* [ |+

-« 16:1 ^ RFC-<
z£z ^;o.1^25,uF


TO T2 0-


Fig. 64 -
Broadband transformers are employed at A for impedance matching. FL1 suppresses harmonic currents at the amplifier output In the
examples at B are feedback components C1 and R1 (see text).

4-27 Chapter 4


Fig. 65 — Example of a fed-back, push-pull, rf power amplifier set up for broadband service from 1.8 to 30 MHz. The circuit is biased for linear

may be necessary with some crystals to means of the link shown. Alternatively, a use the smallest amount of feedback that
capacitive divider can be placed across the will provide reliable oscillator perfor-
provide ample feedback to cause oscilla-

tion.The value of Cn, will depend on the inductor to provide a low-Z tap^off point. mance with the load connected.
The trimmer should be retained in parallel Fig. 67B illustrates a series-tuned Col-
operating frequency and the gain of the
1.8 to 20^MHz with the inductor to permit resonating the pitts oscillator, although this general cir-
transistor. Typically for
(fundamental mode) the circuit. cuit often referred to as a "series-tuned
capacitance value ranges from 25 to 100 Some typical rf and audio oscillators Clapp" oscillator. It is very stable when
pF. The higher values are typical at the are seen in Fig. 67. The circuit at A ob- polystyrene capacitors are used in the
lower end of the frequency range. In Fig. tains feedback by means of the emitter tap feedback and tuned circuits. Silver-mica
66C is an overtone oscillator. The collec- on the tuned circuit. Approximately 25 capacitors can be used as substitutes at a
percent of the oscillator rf power is used slight sacrifice in drift stability (long
tor tuned circuit must be able to resonate
above the crystal overtone fre-
slightly as feedback. The tap point on this type of term).

quency in order to ensure oscillation. oscillator is between 10 and 25 percent of A twin-T audio oscillator is shown at C
Low-impedance output can be had by the total coil turns. The designer should in Fig. 67. It is a very stable type of circuit

Solid Stat* Fundamentals 4-28


27k -AAAr-
220 -AAAr-

100 220 REG.
"\AAr-i reg. P

J, 1000

r 50 •
S.M. ii — —O TO BUFFER
—1(—OT0 BUFFER 1000
560 '


5-L 7-.

"t 'TV' I . 1 \ MAIN




-^VW 1

C1 C2 H-7
3300 2N1925,
-vw- 0.01 0.01
33k 33k
25V A/W-*-A/W—
180k ^ 2N2926 i 10k
2N2926 o.<

'0.02 ( DISTORTION ss 5%)




(C) (D)

Fig. 67 — The circuits at A and B are VFOs for use in transmitters or receivers. Audio oscillators are shown at C and D.

which delivers a clean sine-wave output. semiconductor manufacturers specify cer- with LO voltage applied to the emitter.
Mylar or polystyrene capacitors should be tain transistors for mixer service. Al- This technique requires slightly higher
used for best stability. though this does not mean that other of LO energy, but affords greater
A simple feedback circuit is effected by types of bipolar transistors can't be used LO isolation from the mixer input port.
means of Tl in Fig. 67D. Tl is a small for mixing, it is wise to select a device that A singly balanced bipolar-transistor
transistor output transformer with a isdesigned for that class of service. mixer is illustrated in Fig. 68 at C. Rl is
center-tapped primary and an 8-ohm Fig. 68 contains examples of three basic adjusted to effect balance. This circuit
secondary. This circuit is excellent for use types of transistor mixers. At A is seen the could be modified for emitter injection by
as a code-practice or side-tone oscillator. most common
one. It is found in simple changing Rl to 1000 ohms, replacing the
All of the rf oscillators described in circuitssuch as transistor a-m broadcast- 220-ohm resistors with 1-mH rf chokes,
these examples should be followed by one band, receivers. As an aid to dynamic and injecting the LO output at the junc-
or more buffer stages to prevent frequency range, the mixers of Fig. 68 can be used tion of the two 0.01-/xF capacitors. The
changes resulting, from load variations without rf amplifier stages ahead of them center tap of the input transformer (base
occuring after the oscillator chain. for frequencies up to and including 7 winding) would then be bypassed by
MHz: The noise in that range (ambient means of a 0.01 -pF capacitor.
Transistor Mixers from the antenna) will exceed that of the
Much of the modern equipment used by mixer. Other Uses for Bipolar Transistors
amateurs contains mixers which utilize The primary limitation in the perfor- It is possible to take advantage of the
FETs or diode rings. Good dynamic range mance of the mixer of Fig. 68A is that the junction characteristics of small-signal
is offered by those two circuits. However, local-oscillator voltage is injected at the transistors for applications which usually
there is no reason why a bipolar mixer base. This does not afford good employ diodes. One useful technique is
can't be used to obtain satisfactory LO/input-signal isolation. The un- that of employing transistors as voltage-
results if care is taken with the operating favorable result can be oscillator "pull- variable capacitors (varactors). This
parameters and the gain distribution in ing" with input load changes, and/or method is seen in Fig. 69. The collector-
the receiver or transmitter where they are radiation of the LO energy via the anten- base junction of Ql and Q2 serve as
used. The bipolar transistors used iri na if the front-end selectivity is marginal diodes for tuning the VFO. In- this exam-
receiver mixers should be selected ac- or poor. The advantage of the circuit is ple the emitters are left floating. A single
cording to noise figure (low) and dynamic that it requires less injection voltage than transistor could be used, but by connect-
range (high). The signal applied to it the one at B, where emitter injection is ing the pair in a back-to-back arrange-
should be kept as low as possible, Used. ment they never conduct during any part
consistent with low-noise operation. Most At Fig. 68B is the same basic mixer, but of the rf cycle. This minimizes loading of

4-29 Chapter 4
ward bias applied to the base-emitter
junction, a superdiode results. If the col-
lector were left open, the base-emitter
junction would behave like an ordinary
9 MHz
TO RF AMR! diode. With the collector tied to the base,
the diode current rises much more rapidly
OUTPUT with applied voltage because of the
2700 amplification provided by the transistor
560< -p.0.01 action. Two cross-connected super-diodes
form the basis for a highly effective peak
clipper or hard limiter. Fig. 71 illustrates
the application. Npn transistors are,
shown, but pnp units will yield identical
5-MHz LO 100 performance.
(1V pk-pk>

Constant-Current Generators

(A) The curves in Figs. 51 to 53 show that

the collector current of a bipolar tran-
sistor is essentially independent of the
.collector-to-emitter ' potential when the
device is biased in its active region. Fig.
9MHz 72A illustrates a constant-current source

TO RF AMP (or sink, if actual electron flow is con-

sidered) using a pnp transistor. A fairly

constant 1.2-volt potential drop is main-

tained across the diode string. The base-
emitter junction introduces a diode drop,
so the emf applied to the 62-fl resistor is a ,

constant 0.6 volt. A constant voltage

across a resistor forces a constant current.
This current flows in the emitter, and the
high alpha causes the collector current to
be nearly the same.
The circuit of Fig. 72B works in a
similar manner. Rl biases Ql into conduc-
tion. When the emf developed by R2
reaches 0.6 volts, Q2 begins to conduct,
shunting base drive away from Ql and
limiting its collector current.
A device that passes an arbitrary cur-
rent independent of the applied voltage
TO ., presents an infinite dynamic impedance to
the driving signal. This feature makes the
constant-current generator valuable in
several applications. One use for the cir-
cuits of Fig. 72 is in the bias control circuit
of a differential amplifier. Either con-
figuration can be used to establish the
proper amplifier current while providing
the tightest possible coupling between the
emitters of the differential pair. Another
way to employ a constant-current circuit
is to use it as an active load for the collec-

tor of a transistor amplifier stage. The in-

5-MHz LO I

(IV pk-pk) ' ' ' -H2V finite dynamic impedance of the current
(C) source causes the amplifier to exhibit very
high voltage gain. When the amplifier is
an npn transistor, the current source must
Fig. 68 — Some typical bipolar-transistor mixers. Their characteristics are discussed in the text.
be a pnp device, and vice-versa.

Two complementary bipolar transistors
connected as in Fig. 73 form the solid-
state analog of the latching relay a trig- —
the reverse-breakdown characteristic of ger pulse applied to the base of Q2 will ini-
the oscillator. The junction capacitance is
Ql to establish a fixed reference level. tiate current flow in both devices. This
varied by adjusting the tuning control,
Most transistors provide Zener-diode ac- current is limited only by the external cir-
Rl. In this circuit the tuning range is ap-
tion between 6 and 9 volts. The exact cuit resistance and continues independent
proximately 70 kHz.
can be value can be determined experimentally. of the trigger signal until the main source
A bipolar-transistor junction
is interrupted. Four-layer semiconductors
used as a Zener diode in the manner When the base and collector of a
taken of bipolar transistor are connected and a for- (pnpn or npnp) having this property are
shown in Fig. 70. Advantage is

Solid State Fundamentals 4-30


known as thyristors or silicon controlled

rectifiers(SCRs). SCRs find use in power
supply overvoltage protection circuits
(crowbars), electronic ignition systems, •

alarms, solid-state commutating systems

for dc motors and a host of other applica-
tions. Two complementary SCRs
fabricated in parallel, with a common gate
terminal, form a triac. These are used to
s~7—> switch alternating currents. The most
common application of the triac is in in-
candescent dimmers. Triacs have

-O+6.8V REG. sensitive gates, and prolonging the trigger

signal or injecting excessive gate current
can cause excessive heating. In circuits
P - POLYSTYRENE operating on 1 17-volt ac, a diac is used to

trigger a triac. A diac is a bidirectional

current-limiting diode. Structurally, it can
be compared to a triac without a gate. A
Fig. 69 — Bipolar transistors serve as varactor tuning diodes in this circuit (Q1 and Q2). motor speed control illustrating the use of
triacs and diacs is drawn in Fig. 74.

Unijunction Transistors
An unusual three-terminal semiconduc-
tor device is the unijunction transistor

(UJT), sometimes called a double-base

+9V REG.
OUTPUT diode. The elements of a UJT are base 1
9 REGULATOR base 2 and emitter. The single rectifying
2N3390 junction is between the emitter and the
inwtO-'VW The base terminals are
silicon substrate.
ohmic contacts, meaning that the current

f is a linear function of the applied voltage.

Current flowing between the bases sets up

a voltage gradient along the substrate. In
operation, the direction of flow causes the
F 9 71 ~ A P eak emitter junction to be reverse biased. The
Fia 70 - A biDOlar transistor will function as '
cli PP er circui < ^'"9 bipolar

alener diode whe^ connected as sZlZl transistors connected in the su P erdiode

con "
relaxation oscillator circuit (the most com-
mon UJT application) of Fig. 75 il-
lustrates the function of the UJT. When
the circuit is energized, the capacitor
charges through the resistor until the emit-
ter voltage overcomes the reverse bias. As
soon as current flows in the emitter, the
resistance of the base 1 region decreases
dramatically, discharging the capacitor.
The decreased base 1 resistance alters the
voltage distribution along the substrate,
establishing a new bias point for the emit-
ter junction. As more and more emitter
current flows, the majority carrier injec-
tion builds a space charge in the base 1
region, which causes the emitter current to "•
cease. Current is again available to charge

Fig. 72 —
Constant-current generators made with bipolar transistors. In A, the reference voltage
established by the diodes is converted to a current by the emitter resistor. A two-transistor feed-
back arrangement is employed at B. The functions of both circuits are explained in the text.
Fig. 73 — An SCR and its discrete functional

4-31 Chapter 4

T. ? ?


^-+1. DRAIN

74 — Schematic diagram of motor-speed control.

Q1 — Triac (siticon bidirectional thyristor), 8-A, D1 — Diac (silicon bilateral trigger), 2-A, V— SOURCE
200-V (Motorola MAC2-4 or HEP340 or 300-mW.

Fig. 76 —
Profile and symbol for an n-channel
junction field-effect transistor. In a p-channel
device, all polarities are reversed and the gate
arrow points away from the substrate.

Fig.75 —
A relaxation oscillator based on a unijunction transistor. The frequency of oscillation is

approximately 1500 Hz.

the capacitor and the cycle repeats. If the good dynamic range. These characteristics
resistor were replaced by a constant- apply to small-signal FETs. Power FETs,
current source, the output waveform which will later, have different
be treated
would be a linear ramp instead of a characteristics. Although some MOS-
sawtooth. The UJT schematic symbol FETs have but one gate, others have two
resembles that of an n-channel JFET — gates. Single-gate FETs can be equated FREE ELECTRON
the angled emitter distinguishes the uni- practically to a triode vacuum tube. The (NOW REDUCED)
junction transistor. gate represents the grid, the anode is
similar to the drain, and the cathode is (B)
Field-Effect Transistors like the source. The input impedance of

Field-effect transistors are assigned that FETs is a megohm or greater. The noise
figure of an FET making them
quite low, Fig. 77 — Operation of a JFET under applied
name because the current flow in them is is
bias. A
depletion region (light shading) is
controlled by varying electric field which ideal as preamplifiers for audio and rf well formed, compressing the channel and increas-
is brought about thrdugh the application into the uhf region. Nearly all of the ing the resistance to current flow.

of a voltage that controls the electrode MOSFETs manufactured today have

known as the gate. The analogy for a built-in gate-protective Zener diodes.

bipolar transistor is that in the latter the Without this provision the gate insulation
current flow is controlled by the current can be perforated easily by small static
charges on the user's hands or by the between source and drain. This current
applied to the base electrode.
of application of excessive voltages. The flow is made up of free electrons since the
There are two essential types
(FETs) in use protective diodes are connected between semiconductor is n-type in the channel, so
field-effect transistors
the gate (or gates) and the source of the a positive voltage is applied at the drain.
today. They are the junction FET and the
FET. This positive voltage attracts the negative-
MOSFET. The former is most commonly
ly charged free electrons and the current
called a JFET. It has no insulation
The Junction FET flows (Fig. 77). The next step is to apply a
between its elements, just as is the case
The MOSFET As was stated earlier, field-effect tran- gate voltage of the polarity shown in Fig.
with bipolar transistors.
sistors are divided into two main groups: 77. Note that this reverse-biases the gates
has a thin layer of oxide between the gate
Junction FETs and MOSFETs. The basic with respect to the source, channel, and
or gates and the drain-source junction.
JFET shown in Fig. 76. This reverse-bias gate voltage
The term MOSFET is derived from is drain.

metal-oxide silicon field-effect transistor. The reason for the terminal names will causes a depletion layer to be formed
The basic characteristic of the two types become clear later. A dc operating condi- which takes up part of the channel, and
are similar — high input impedance and tion is set up by starting a current flow since the electrons ndw have less volume

Solid State Fundamental* 4-32


in which to move the resistance is greater from the rest of the device by a layer of
and the current between source and drain very thin dielectric material, so this is not
is reduced. If a large gate voltage is ap- a p-n junction between the gate and the
plied the depletion regions meet, causing device —
thus the name insulated gate.
pinch off, and consequently the source- When a negative gate polarity is applied,
drain current is reduced nearly to zero. positive-charged holes from the p-type
Since the large source-drain current substrate are attracted toward the gate VGS VOLT
changes with a relatively small gate and the conducting channel is made more
voltage, the device acts as an amplifier. In narrow; thus the source-drain current is
the operation of that JFET, the gate ter- reduced. When a positive gate voltage is
minal is never forward biased, because if connected, the holes in the substrate are
itwere the source-drain current would all repelled, the conducting channel is made
be diverted through the forward-biased larger, and the source-drain current is in-
gate junction diode. creased. The MOSFET is more flexible (A)
resistance between the gate ter- since either a positive or negative voltage
minal and the rest of the device is very can be applied to the gate. The resistance
high, since the gate terminal is always between the gate and the rest of the device
reverse biased, so the JFET has a very is extremely high because they are
high input resistance. The source terminal separated by a layer of thin dielectric.
isthe source of current carriers, and they Thus the MOSFET has an extremely high
are drained out of the circuit at the drain. input impedance. In fact, since the
The gate opens and closes the amount of leakage through the insulating material is
channel which flows in the
current generally much
smaller than through the
pjnch-off region. Thus the operation of an reverse-biased p : n gate junction in the
FET closely resembles the operation of JFET, the MOSFET has a much higher
the vacuum tube with its high grid-input input impedance. Typical values of R for
impedance. the MOSFET are over a million
megohms. There are both single-gate and
MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide Semiconductors) dual-gate MOSFETs available. The latter
The other large family which makes up has a signal gate, gate 1, and a control
field-effect transistors is the insulated-gate gate, gate 2. The gates are effectively in
FET, or MOSFET, which is pictured making it an easy matter to control
schematically in Fig. 78. In order to set up dynamic range of the device by vary-
the Fig. 79 —
At A are typical JFET characteristic
a dc operating condition, a positive ing the bias on gate 2. Dual-gate curves. The picture at B shows an actual
polarity is applied to the drain terminal. MOSFETs are widely used as age- oscillograph of the family of curves produced
The substrate is connected to the source, controlled rf and i-f amplifiers, as mixers
by a curve tracer.
and both are at ground potential, so the and product detectors, and as variable at-
channel electrons are attracted to the tenuators. The between the gates
positive drain. In order to regulate this is relatively high mixer service. This
in VGS - + 2 VOLTS
source-drain current, voltage is applied to reduces oscillator "pulling" and reduces
the gate contact. The gate is insulated The forward transad-
oscillator radiation.
mittance (transconductance, or g m ) of VGS + 1 VOLT
dual-gate MOSFETs is as high as 40,000
GLASS Characteristic Curves

The characteristic curves for the FETs VGS -1 VOLT

described above are shown in Figs. 79 and VGS- -2 VOLTS

80. The drain-source current is plotted
against drain-source voltage for given gate

Fig. 80 — Typical characteristic curves for a

Field-effect transistors are classed into
two main groupings for application in
circuits, enhancement mode and depletion
mode. The enhancement-mode devices are
those specifically constructed so that they
current to decrease.
we can apply a
gate voltage of

SOURCE have no channel. They become useful only either polarity so the device can be
(B) when a gate voltage is applied that causes depleted (current decreased) or enhanced
a channel to be formed. IGFETs (in- (current increased).
sulated gate FET) can be used as To sum up, a depletion-mode FET is
enhancement-mode devices since both one which has a channel constructed; thus
polarities can be applied to the gate it has a current flow for zero gate voltage.
without the gate becoming forward biased Enhancement-mode FETs are those which
and conducting. have no channel, so no current flows with
SOURCE /SUBS. A depletion-mode unit corresponds to zero gate voltage.
Figs. 76 and 77, shown earlier, where a
channel exists with no gate voltage ap- Power FETs
plied. For the JFET we can apply a gate FETs capable of handling substantial
Fig. 78 — Profile and symbol for a MOSFET. voltage and deplete the channel, causing amounts of power are available for use

4-33 Chapter 4
frequency performance improved in GaAs
from dc through the vhf spectrum. They
are known under more than one name
— FETs. GaAs FETs are classified as
depletion-mode junction devices. The gate
vertical FETs, MOS POWER FETs and
is made of gold or aluminum, the
VMOS FETs. The power FET (MOS- Si02
type being susceptible to damage from
POWERtm FET) was introduced in 1976
static charges.
•by Siliconix, Inc. The device enabled
GaAs FETs are available for
designers to switch a current of 1 ampere N-«pi
small-signal and power applications. The
in less than four nanoseconds. The
power devices have noise figures almost as
transfer characteristic of the power FET is
N SUBSTRATE low as those specified for the small-signal
a linear one. It can be employed as a linear
types, and naturally exhibit greater
power amplifier or a low-noise, small-
signal amplifier with high
With this kind of FET there
dynamic range.
is no thermal
dynamic range and ruggedness. Several
semiconductor manufacturers throughout
the case with power types the free world offer gallium-arsenide
field-effect transistors in various noise
of bipolar transistors. Furthermore, there
figure, frequency and power ratings. In
is no secondary breakdown or minority-

storage time. The latter makes (A) the U.S., Hewlett-Packard and Micro-
them for use in switching
wave Semiconductor Corp. feature units
service). Of particular usable up through Ku-band. Represen-
amplifiers (Class
is the immunity of
amateurs tative type numbers are HFET-2201 and
interest to
power FETs to damage from a high SWR MSC H001, respectively. In Great Britain,
the Plessey and GAT6 devices
(open or short condition). These devices
can be operated in Class A, AB, B or C. feature low-noise performance up to 14

Zero bias results in Class C operation. GHz. The Nippon Electric Company of
manner in which a Japan is also competing strongly for
Fig. 81 illustrates the
(B) leadership in the GaAs FET market. A
MOSPOWER FET is formed. These de-
GaAs FET preamplifier is il-
vices operate in the enhancement mode.
lustrated in Fig. 86. For more background
The current travels vertically. The source Fig. 81 — Profile and symbol for a power FET
(VMOS enhancement-mode information on GaAs FETs, see Wade,
is on top of the chip but the drain is on the
"Introduction to GaAs Field-Effect Tran-
backside of the chip. In this vertical struc-
sistors," Ham Radio, January 1978, and
ture there are four layers of material
Wade and Katz, "Low-Noise GaAs FET
(N + P, N - and N + ). This device of-

fers high current density, high source/

UHF Preamplifiers," QST, June 1978.
drain breakdown low
capability and V DS =24V _ Practical FET Circuits
gate/drain feedback capacitance. These
features make the transistor ideal for hf

7 Small-signal FETs can be used in the

PULSE TEST same general types of circuits given earlier
and vhf use. 5 ,, 6
for bipolar transistors. The primary
82 depicts the drain current as
obstacle in some types of amplifier circuits
being linearly proportional to the gate-to- are
is instability. Certain precautions
source voltage. The more conventional '
necessary to prevent unwanted self-
J FET exhibits a square-law response
oscillations, but they do not differ
(drain current being proportional to the
markedly from those techniques applied
square of the gate-to-source voltage).
when working with triode tubes.
As an example, the Siliconix VMP-4
In Fig. 84 are examples of FET audio
power FET can provide a power just short
amplifiers. The circuit at A shows a simple
2 4 6 8 10 12
of 20 watts (saturated) at 160 MHz. Fig.
RC coupled stage with a gain of 10 dB or
83 shows curves fdr this device respective
greater. The input and output impedances
to saturated outputpower versus frequen- Fig. 82 —
Curve showing relationship between
are set by the gate and drain resistors. The
cy. In this case both the input and output gate-source voltage and drain current of a
circuit at B in Fig. 84 is similar to that at
impedances of the transistor are matched power FET.
A, except that a dual-gate is
conjugately. An advantage to this device
used as the active device (Ql). A positive
over the power bipolar transistor is that
bias is supplied to gate 2 by means of a
these impedances are barely affected by
resistive divider. In the circuit of Fig. 84C,
the drive levels applied. In wideband
a pnp transistor is combined with a JFET
amplifier service the MOSPOWER FET
to provide a direct-coupled pair. This con-
can be operated with complete stability. gain. The
figuration provides high
In-depth data on these devices is given in
amount of gain by the ratio of Rl
is set
the Siliconix application note, TA-76-1.
\yoD-: 6V and R2. Again, the input and output im-
GaAs FETs !» pedances are determined for the most part

For low-noise amplification at uhf and

microwaves, the state of the art is defined
N s
by the values of the input and output
resistors, 1 megohm and 1000 ohms,
24vN respectively.
by field-effect transistors fabricated from VDC

gallium arsenide. Also used in LEDs and RF and I-F Amplifiers

microwave diodes, gallium arsenide is amplifiers which
Small-signal rf and i-f
semiconductor compound, as opposed to
100 200 300 400 500 use FETs are capable of good dynamic
silicon and germanium, which are
FREQUENCY (MHz) range and will exhibit a low noise figure.
elements. This compound exhibits greater
It is for these reasons that many designers
carrier mobility (the electrons can move
prefer them to bipolar transistors. Fig. 85
more freely) than silicon or germanium, Fig. 83 Curves— for 24- and 36-volt operation
contains examples of FET rf or i-f
hence the transit time is reduced and high- of a power FET.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-34

amplifiers. In the example at A the gate
AF AMR and drain elements of Ql are tapped down
33k 100k
on L2 and L3 to provide stability. This
AAA/ -• 0+i 2V
I 1/uF represents an intentional mismatch, which
causes a slight sacrifice in stage gain. The
^"7 001 10-ohm drain resistor (Rl) is used only if
O—j(" * 4f—

k I

(Z-2700) vhf parasitic oscillations occur.
At B in Fig. 85 is seen a common-gate
FET amplifier.The source is tapped well
down on the input tuned circuit to effect
an impedance match. This circuit is
characterized by its excellent stability,
provided the gate lead is returned to
GAIN^IOdB GAIN>10dB ground by the shortest path possible. This
(A) (B) type of circuit will have slightly less gain
capability than the common-source exam-
AF AMR 100 ple at A.
In Fig. 85 at C is an illustration of a
[100 _1I22aiF
dual-gate MOSFET amplifier. Provided

02 1 i
isv the input and output tuned circuits are
P2 well isolated from one another there is less
0.01 chance for self-oscillation than with a
L ~ JFET. A positive bias is applied to gate 2,
lyuF but age voltage can be used- in place of a
P.2 I 15V
fixed-value voltage if desired. This circuit
AAA/ i f-±j11( O OUTPUT
J can provide up to 25 dB of gain.
>IO00 Fig. 85D shows
the configuration of a
cascode rf amplifier in which a dual JFET
(siliconix U257) is specified. The advan-
GAIN«<40dB tage in using the dual FET
that both is

(C) transistors have nearly identical charac-

owing to the fact that they are
fabricated on a common substrate. Two
Fig. 84 — Some typical audio amplifiers which employ FETs. separate JFETs can be used in this circuit


2:15 dB
NF <3dB

Fig. — A 1296-MHz preamplifier using a GaAs FET. Most of the currently available GaAs devices will work well at Q1.
C1, C2, C4 — 0.8- to 10-pF piston trimmer usable). wide by 0.9 (23 mm) long on 1/16-in. in.

(Johanson or JFD). Note: C1 may be re- Q1 — GaAs FET (see text). (1.6-mm) thick double-sided G-10 printed-
placed by a fixed low-inductance capacitor RFC1 — 3 turns, 1/16-in. (1.6-mm) ID, in lead of circuit board.
of 10 pF or more. resistor, spaced wire diameter. W2 — 50-tl microstripline, 0.105 (2.7 mm) in.

C3 — 0.3- to 3.5-pF piston trimmer (Johanson RFC2 — 5 turns no, 32 wire, 1/16-in. (1.6-mm) wide by 1.1-in. (28-mm) long on 1/16-in.
or JFD). ID, spaced two wire diameters. (1.6-mm) thick double-sided G-10 printed-
D1, D2 — Zener diode, 5.6 V (4.7 to 6.2 V W1 — 50-li microstripline, 0.105 (2.7 mm) circuit board.

if the one nearest to V D d has an loss 87A. Optimum tradeoff between conver- the gate no. 2, isolation from the re-

higher than mate. This ensures proper

its sion gain and IMD occurs near the point mainder of the electrodes. This mixer and
dc bias for cascode operation. Unmatched where the self-bias is 0.8 V. LO injection all other active FET mixers require a fairly

FETs require special forward-biasing voltage will be on the order of 1 (pk-pk) to low drain-load impedance in the interest
techniques and ac-coupling measures that provide good mixer performance. Con- of good IMD. If the drain tuned circuit is
aren't seen in this circuit. version gain with this mixer will be ap- made high in terms of impedance (in an
proximately 10 dB. effort to improve conversion gain) the
Cascode amplifiers are noted for their
stability, and low noise Fig. 87B illustrates a singly balanced drain-source peak signal swing will be
high gain, good
figure. With the circuit shown the noise JFET mixer. A
broadband transformer high. This will lead to a change in junction

figure at 28 MHz
is approximately 1.5 dB. (Tl) provides a low-impedance source for capacitance (varactor effect) and the
Short leads are necessary, and shielding the LO and supplies injection voltage in generation of harmonic currents. The
between the tuned circuits is recom- push-pull to the gates of Ql and Q2. The. result is distortion. Of primary
mended in the interest of stability. Careful latter should be, matched FETs or a dual significance is the condition called "drain-
layout will permit the use of toroidal FET such as the U430 by Siliconix. This load distortion." This malady occurs
inductors at L2 and L3. These com- mixer provides between 10 and 20 dB of when excessive signal levels overload the

ponents should be spaced apart and isolation between the mixer ports. The drain circuit. The result is degraded IMD
mounted at right angles to one another in signal is applied in parallel across the and cross-modulation effects. Rl in Fig.

order to reduce unwanted infringing sources of Ql and Q2 by means of broad- 88 used to decrease the drain-load im-

magnetic fields. Age can be

applied to this band transformer T2. Output at the i-f is pedance by means of swamping. A value
amplifier by routing the control voltage to taken from a balanced tuned circuit. to 10,000 ohms is suitable for a 40673
the gate of Q1B. A doubly balanced FET mixer is shown MOSFET mixer. Some J FETs require a
at C in Fig. 87. Broadband transformers lower drain load for optimum perfor-
FET Mixers are used throughout, with FL1 and FL2 mance. Values as low as 5000 ohms are
There are three types of FET mixers in providing low-pass selectivity at the mixer not unusual. This form of overloading is
common use today —
single-ended, singly output. The filters also provide an im- more pronounced at low dc drain-voltage
balanced and doubly balanced. In all pedance stepdown between the drains of levels, such as 6 or 8.

cases there is an advantage to using active Ql and T4 (1700 ohms to 100 ohms). LO
supplied the gates and
FET Crystal Oscillators
devices in place of passive ones (diodes). injection is to
This assures a conversion gain which signal input is to the sources. Port-to-port A group of crystal-controlled FET
helps minimize the number of gain stages isolation with this mixer is on the order of oscillators is presented in Fig. 89. At A is

required in a given circuit. 30 dBor greater. Bandwidth is one oc- an overtone type. The tuned circuit in the

A single-ended J FET mixer requires tave. In-depth information on this type of drain is resonated slightly higher than the
dbm of LO injection power. It can pro- circuit is given in the Siliconix application crystal frequency to assure reliable oscilla-

vide several decades of bandwidth and has note AN-73-4. tion. The circuit at B is a variation of the
a good IMD characteristic. The latter is Fig. 88 contains the circuit of a typical one A, but performs the same function.

far superior to most bipolar single-ended dual-gate MOSFET single-ended mixer. A Pierce type of triode oscillator is seen in
mixers. The major shortcoming is very Itsperformance characteristics are similar Fig. 89 at C. It is suitable for use with fun-

poor isolation between the three mixer to those of the mixer at Fig. 87A. The damental types of crystals. A Colpitts
ports (rf, LO and i-f). A typical single- primary exception is that the port-to-port oscillator appears at D in Fig. 89. Cn, in

ended mixer using a J FET is seen in Fig. isolation is somewhat better by virtue of the circuits at C and D are feedback

Solid State Fundamentals 4-36


capacitors. C^, in the circuit afC is chosen VFOs is similar to that which was dis- sistor equivalent circuits: There is no
experimentally. Typically, it will be from cussed in the section on bipolar transistor resistive divider for applying forward
100 to 500 pF, depending on the transistor oscillators. The notable difference is the bias.
characteristics and the crystal activity. impedance level at the device input. The The circuits of Fig. 90A and B are iden-
circuitsof Fig. 90 all have high-impedance tical except for the biasing of gate 2 at B.
FET VFOs gate terminals. Furthermore, fewer parts Both circuits illustrate oscillators. The
The principle of operation for FET are needed than is true of bipolar tran- source on LI should be
ta"p selected to




t2 T1

< + 3dBm)



O 100




2-17QQ ^ r~Y~Y~Y~) Z-1 00

:oi b



•mm GAIN*3dB




Fig. 87 — Various J FET mixers. See text for data.

4-37 Chapter 4




88 — A dual-gate MOSFET single-ended mixer.

^ 0.001

100 -0+9V(REG.)
^10 D1
3£lN914< 100l< >R1 .

^ C100 •


X (A)


3.5 MHz q

rO — if-

MPF102 -0+9V(REG.)




VFO + 9V

270 @90'



-T^™ X. 1/
|( O
r\ mi
— 5o


7.1 MH7 I I

T 7


Fig. 89 — A collection of typical circuits using

FETs as crystal-controlled oscillators. Fig. 90 — Three examples of VFOs in which FETs are used.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-38


provide approximately 25 percent of the

oscillator power as feedback. Dl in each 1 00 /uF
39V 1000
example is used to stabilize the gate bias.
It acts as a diode clamp on positive-going
excursions of the signal. This aids
and reduces the har-
oscillator stability
monic output of the stage. The latter is
reduced as a result of the positive swing of AF

the sine-wave being limited by Dl, which

in turn limits the device transconductance
on peaks. This action reduces changes in
junction capacitance, thereby greatly
restricting the varactor action which
generates harmonic currents. Dl most *HEAT
is SINK 1000 > -£2°°£f.
effective when
source-bias resistors are in-
cluded in the circuit (Rl).
Shown in Fig. 90 at C is a series-tuned
Colpitts VFO which uses a JFET. This is
1.8-30 MHz
an exceptionally stable VFO if careful
design and component choice is applied. 25V PK-PK Q1^^VNS7AJ
All of the fixed-value capacitors in the rf
parts of the circuit should be temperature- q J!

stable. Polystyrene capacitors are recom-

mended, but dipped silver-mica capacitors ~S I

will serveadequately as a second choice.

Preferably, LI should be a rigid air-
wound inductor. A slug-tuned inductor r-f?
can be used if the coil Q is high. In such EXCEPT AS INDICATED, DECIMAL VALUES OF
cases the slug should occupy the least CAPACITANCE ARE IN MICROFARADS ( jiF I
amount of coil space possible: Tempera- GAIN»8dB
ture changes have a marked effect on fer- * 1000, M- 000 000. 1
rite or powdered-iron slugs, which can
+ 28 V
change the coil inductance markedly. Cfb
of Fig. 90C are on the order of 1000 pF
each for 3.5-MHz operation. They are
proportionally lower in capacitance as the
operating frequency is increased, such as
680 pF at 7 MHz, and so on.
(0.27W) i>0A
Power FET Examples
Fig. contains examples of three
amplifiers which employ power FETs.
The circuit at A is an audio amplifier *HEAT SINK
CAIN 9114 dB
which can deliver 4 watts of output. At 3
watts of output the distortion is approxi-
mately two percent. Feedback is employed
to aid the reduction of distortion.
A Class Cis seen at B in Fig.
91 . The VN67AJ
capable of a saturated

output near 15 watts at 30 MHz. In this,

circuit the power output is considerably BROADBAND HF AMP
less. A
medium output power of 7 to 10 (C)
watts is suggested. The gain is approxi-
mately 8 dB over the frequency range
specified (with the appropriate drain 145 MHz SIG.
tank). If proper layout techniques are SIG. INO
used this amplifier is unconditionally 0.4W) <5W)
A broadband hf linear amplifier is

sliown at C.
A narrow-band
linear vhf power ampli-
fier isshown at D in Fig. 91. Power output GAIN 612 dB
IMD" -30dB
is 5 watts PEP. IMD is - 30 dB. It is in-

teresting to realize that this same amplifier

is suitable a high-dynamic-range
preamplifier for a vhf receiver. In. this ap-
plication the noise figure is on the order of + 28V
200 mA
2.5 dB and the gain is 11 dB.
Other FET Uses (D)

Fig. 92 contains illustrations of addi- Fig. 91 — Examples of power FETs in three amplifier circuits.
4-39 Chapter 4
j .

ponent f at the doubler output


Q2 ,7 10k Linear Integrated Circuits

-QOUT There are two general types of ICs
(integrated circuits). The first variety,
which we are addressing at the moment,
are called linear ICs. The other group are
known generally as logic ICs. These
devices will be discussed later in the
ICs are characterized by the term
"microcircuit." In essence they are com-
posed of numerous —
sometimes hun-
dreds — of bipolar and /or field-effect tran-
SCHMITT TRIGGER sistors on a single silicon chip (substrate).
Along with the individual transistors
formed on the substrate are diodes, capa-
citances and resistances. Some ICs con-
IM tain only diodes. Others may contain only
+12VO WV 1 resistors. Theprincipal advantages of ICs
20M 100 k are their compactness over an equivalent
+20VO —WV- -AA/V number of discrete transistors, and the
fact that all of the devices on the substrate
3NDO-— : 0.001 are evenly matched in characteristics.
That is the result of the manufacturing

process, whereby all of the IC transistors

are formed from a single slice of semicon-
ductor material under the same environ-
mental conditions. This provides an inher-
ent balance in their performance traits —
a condition which is nearly impossible to
realize with closely matched discrete tran-
VOLTMETER sistors. Therefore, when changes in IC
(B) temperature take place, the parameters of
the transistors on the chip change in uni-
son — a distinct advantage when the IC is
01 used in, say, a balanced modulator, mixer
or push-push doubler.
Most of the theory given earlier for bi-

SIG. IN O- 4
€> 500^ R
polar transistors applies to ICs, so it will
not be repeated here. Rather, the text will
Q2 provide data on practical applications of
MPF102 ICs. Linear ICs are so-called because in
most applications where they are used the
performance mode is a linear one. This
does not mean, however, that they can't
be used in a nonlinear mode, such as Class
C. The biasing will determine the opera-
ting mode, Class A through and includ-
ing Class C.

PUSH- PUSH DOUBLER + 12V IC Structures

(C) The basic IC is formed on a uniform
chip of n-type or p-type silicon. Impurities
Fig. 92 — JFETs are useful in additional kinds of circuits. Here are three such examples. are introduced into the chip, their depth
into it being determined by the diffusion
temperature and time. The geometry of
the plane surface of the chip is determined
JFETs. The cir-
tional practical uses for scale range of 2 or 20 volts. Meter ac- •by masking off certain areas, applying
cuit at A
shows a Schmitt trigger. It is curacy is quite good, with a linear reading photochemical techniques, and providing
emitter-coupled and provides a com- provided by Ml. a coating of insulating oxide. Certain
parator function. Ql places very light A push-push frequency doubler is areas of the oxide coating are then opened
loading on the measured input voltage. shown at C in Fig. 92. The input frequen- up to allow the formation of interconnect-
Q2 has high beta to enable the circuit to cy (f) is applied to the gates of Ql and Q2 ing leads between sections of the IC.
have a fast transition action and a distinct in push-pull. Output from the doubler is When capacitors are formed on the chip,

hysteresis loop. Additional applicationsof taken with the connected drains in paral- the oxide serves as the dielectric material.
this type are found in Linear Applications lel. Rl is adjusted for best waveform puri- Fig. 93 shows a representative three-

by National Semiconductor Corp. ty at 2f. The efficiency of this Class C component IC in both pictorial and sche-
A simple FET dc voltmeter with high doubler is on par with that of a straight- matic form. Most integrated circuits are
input impedance is seen in Fig. 92B. through Class C amplifier. Careful adjust- housed in TO-5 type cases, or in flat-pack
Multiplier resistances are given for a full- ment will nearly eliminate frequency com- epoxy blocks. ICs may have as many as 12

Solid State Fundamentals 4-40

When using ICs for rf work it is best to known as the IC array group. A short
R INSU- install them
in a low-profile type of IC course on these and other linear ICs was
LATING socket (minimum lead length type). The given by DeMaw in QST for January
thicker sockets are suitable for dc and through March 1977. Basically, the IC ar-
audio applications, where lead length is ray is a substrate which contains a number
SILICON not likely to be a critical factor. Excessive of individual diodes or npn bipolar tran-
r lead length can cause instability. This is sistors. They differ from conventional ICs
brought on by having numerous high-gain by virtue of having each of the transistors
VIEW OF CHIP devices packaged physically close to one independent from one another. Each tran-
another on the common substrate: High sistor base, emitter and collector is
gain and stray lead coupling set the stage brought out of the IC package by means
for self-oscillation! of its own single pin. This enables the
designer to treat each transistor as a
CMOS ICs discrete device, with the advantage that
The term CMOS means that the IC is a each transistor has nearly identical elec-
complimentary metal-oxide silicon type of trical characteristics (f , beta, dissipation
Fig. 93 — Pictorial and schematic representa-
integrated circuit. Essentially, the internal rating, etc.). Some array ICs have f T
tion of a simple IC. workings of the device are not unlike ratings as high as 1200 MHz, with maxi-
those of MOSFETs, the latter of which mum collector dissipation ratings as high
were treated earlier in this chapter: as 1 watt. Schematic illustrations of some
or more leads which connect to the MOSFETS are formed on the CMOS IC popular RCA array ICs are seen in Fig.
various elements on the chip. substrates.
Some of the present-day ICs are called CMOS devices consume very low power
LSI chips. The term LSI means large-scale — an advantage in battery-operated Subsystems ICs
integration. Such devices may contain the equipment, especially. The transit time A
branch of the linear-IC family tree is
equivalent of several conventional ICs, (propagation delay) through the FET the subsystem IC. It is a conventional-
and can have dozens of dual-in-line gates of a CMOS IC is very short ideal — package integrated circuit, but contains
package (DIP) connector pins. LSI ICs in logic circuits. It ranges from 25 to 50 ns nearly as much circuitry as an LSI chip.
are used in electronic organs, digital in most devices. This does not imply that Some of these devices represent the entire
clocks, electronic calculators, and so on. CMOS ICs aren't useful in linear applica- active-device circuitry for an fm or a-m
Essentially, they are just super-size ICs. tions: Some are designed primarily for the radio receiver. The designer needs only to
linear amplification of audio and rf add outboard
essential components
Some Practical Considerations energy (CA3600E, for one). Another sali- (front-end tuned circuits, i-f
In circuits where slight extra lead ent feature of CMOS chips is low noise. transformers, tuning meter, and audio
lengths can be .tolerated, prudent to it is Because FETs are used in these ICs the in- power amplifier) to realize a composite
install the ICs in sockets rather than put impedance is high, making them more piece of equipment. Other subsystem ICs
solder them into the pc board directly. In suitable than bipolar ICs for interfacing -
may contain only the i-f amplifiers, pro-
amateur work there is an occasional need with comparable impedance levels outside duct detectors, age loops, and audio pre-
to replace an IC during circuit de- the IC package. Fig. 94 shows the diagram amplifiers. This style of IC is sold by such
velopment for a typical one-shot design. of a CA3600E CMOSIC along with a manufacturers as RCA, National
This is particularly pertinent when bargain- block-symbol circuit for its use as a high- Semiconductor and Plessey. Fig. 96 il-
house ICs are purchased: Many have de- gain audio amplifier. lustratesan example of this kind of device
fects, and the task of removing an IC that
Array ICs
— the RCA CA3089E which is designed
is not in a socket is a task that no builder expressly for use in wide- or narrow-band
finds delightful. One branch of the linear-IC family is fm receivers. It features a quadrature

14 11

Q o


13 12W
)12 INPUT O- _r—
^^0 01

J CA3600E


O 6 O O
7 3 4 9
(GOOD TO 5 MHz) (B)

Fig. 94 - The diagram at A shows the internal workings of a CMOS IC. A 100-dB audio amplifier which employs the CA3600E is shown at B.

4-41 Chapter 4

(1 12 12 11 10 7 6 s
o o Q O 9 o o

© -® ©- 1 L
® © -04



6 -CM 6 6 O SUBS.
3 8 9
7 10
CA3018A CA3026 OR CA3049
(A) (B)

13 14
20- -03

5 4
sO- Q Q
iO- -04

-03 iiO- -OS


n 2 i

120- -05

© 6

<> 6
2 1
10O- -07

3 e sO- -OS
CA3724G CA3019 CA3039
(C) (D) (E)

Fig. 95 — Various transistor and diode-array ICs. The configurations suggest a variety of amateur applications.

detector, and contains amplifiers, design work is started. It is beyond prac- cuit of Fig. 98A functions as a differential
limiters, squelch circuit, metering circuit include the schematic diagrams
ticality to amplifier, as does the one at B. The basic
and an af amplifier. Those interested in of the ICs used in this book, but we will difference is that dc and ac balance are
compact portable amateur receivers show the circuit of the RCA CA3028A, featured at A, whereas only dc balance is

should find these devices especially in- because used frequently in the follow-
it is effected at B. The gain of either stage is

teresting. ing section. Fig. 97 contains the block and approximately 40 dB. Pin 2 of Ul is left
schematic representation of this IC. floating, but is used for LO injection
Practical Examples when the CA3028A is employed as a mixer
The main disadvantage in the use of IC RF and I-F Amplifiers or product detector. A Motorola
symbols in circuit diagrams is that the in- Nearly every manufacturer of ICs pro- MC1550G is similar to the RC shown in

ternal workings are not shown. This duces chips that are suitable for use as Fig. 98. A MC1590G is a more suitable IC
makes the designer work with a collection rf/i-f amplifiers, mixers, detectors, for i-f amplification when greater

of "magic boxes." Fortunately, IC oscillators and audio amplifiers. The cir- amounts of stage gain or age control are
manufacturers publish data books which cuits of Fig. 98 are examples of CA3028A desired.
show the block symbols and pin ar- rf or i-f amplifiers to which age is applied. An example of an MC1590G amplifier
rangements versus the schematic diagrams Maximum gain occurs when the age volt- is given in Fig. 99A. It is shown with age
of the active devices on the chips. This age (IC forward bias) is, at its highest applied to pin 2. The lower the age voltage
permits the amateur to understand what potential. The IC is nearly cut off when the higher the stage gain. This is the op-
the circuit configuration is before the the age level drops below 2 volts. The cir- posite condition from that of the

Solid State Fundamentals 4-42



1 O- -05
rrrr\ 70-A/W-1

20- -04

l-F O-
INPUT -|—H(—OAF! -03
RCA CA3028


Fig. 97 — Schematic and block examples of an

Fig. 96 — Example of a subsystem IC used as the heart of a narrow-band fm receiver. RCA CA3028A IC.


1" 8 7"

0.01 -p. >(0k

AGC> +2 TO +9V
(+3. TO +12V)
+12V (A)



560 9600
MIN.-a »- MAX.

Fig. 98 —
Rf and i-f amplifiers using the CA3028A IC. The example at A is balanced for ac and dc Fig. 99 — Circuit examples for Motorola IC i-f
whereas the circuit at B is balanced only for dc conditions. amplifiers.

4-43 Chapter 4

CA3028A of Fig. 98, where the gain in- BALAN.CED

creases with elevated age voltage. The MIXER
MC1350P of Fig. 99B is the low-cost ver-
sion of the MC1590G. It is shown with
manual control of the gain (Rl), but age sig.inputO
voltage can be applied instead. ) l-F OUTPUT

IC Mixers
Examples of IC active mixers are given
At A is seen a singly balanced
in Fig. 100.
mixer formed by the differential transistor
pair in a CA3028A. A doubly balanced
mixer is illustrated at B in Fig. 100. The
MC1496G contains two differential tran-
sistor pairs to permit the doubly balanced
configuration. This circuit does not exact-
ly follow the suggested one by Motorola.
Ithas been optimized for use as a trans-
mitting mixer by W7ZOI and KL7IAK
(Solid State Design for the Radio
Amateur, 1st edition, page 204). There are
numerous other ICs which can be used as
mixers. Examples of many practical cir-
book just ARRL DOUBLY
cuits are given in the
referenced. MIXER
The arrangements for product
SIG. INPUT O- — )(-

detectors and balanced modulators are

similar to those shown in Fig. 100. They
will not be described in this text, because
the primary difference between them and
a regular mixer lies in the frequencies of
the signals mixed (af versus rf) and the fre-
quency of the resulting output energy.

IC Audio Amplifiers
Practically every IC manufacturer of-
fers a line of audio ICs. Some are for use
as low-noise preamplifiers and others are
capable of delivering up to a few watts of 0.001 3300 56
output to a loudspeaker. Most of the AAV -AAA/ O+12V
audio-power ICs are designed for looking
directly into an 8- or 16-ohm load without LO
the need for a matching transformer. (1 V pk-pk)
Because these circuits are relatively mun- (B)
dane in nature they shall not be offered
here as illustrative examples. Practical ap-
plications for audio ICs can be' found in Fig. 100 — Two types of ICs are shown as mixers. The one at A is a singly balanced mixer.
the construction projects elsewhere in this
volume. Manufacturer's data sheets also
provide definitive information on the use
of these devices. /

Operational Amplifiers
operational amplifier (op amp) is a
high-gain, direct-coupled differential
amplifier whose characteristics are chiefly
determined by components external to the
amplifier unit. Op amps
can be assembled
from discrete transistors, but better ther-
mal from fabricating the
stability results
circuit on a single silicon chip. Integrated
circuit op amps are manufacturered with
bipolar, JFET and MOSFET devices,
either exclusively or in combination.
A design based on discrete components
is shown in Fig. 101. Circuits of this vari- - V RE'

ety were in common

use before the advent -O-v
of inexpensive IC-fabrication technology.
The input stage consists of a differential Fig. 101 —
An operational amplifier assembled from discrete components. IC op amps contain
pair biased by a constant current source. more transistors (for current limiting and other peripheral functions), but the circuit topology is
The terminal marked " -" is the inverting similar to that shown here.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-44

input and the one marked " + " is the forms the output buffer. A more com- The differential inputs allow for both in-
noninverting input. The next stage, the prehensive discussion of operational verting and noninverting circuits. Fig. 102
pnp transistor, provides most of the amplifiers is given by Woodward in "A shows these configurations and gives their
voltage gain. High gain is realized through Beginner's Look at Op Amps," April and transfer equations.R L does not appear in
the use of a constant current source for June 1980 QST. the equations, implying that the output
the pnp collector load. The frequency The most common application for op impedance is zero. This condition results
response is determined by the collector-to- amps is in negative feedback circuits from the application of heavy negative
base capacitance of the pnp stage. This operating from dc to perhaps a few hun- feedback. Most IC op amps have built-in
capacitance is fixed internally in some IC dred kHz. Provided the device has suffi- current limiting. This feature protects the
op amps and connected externally to cient open-loop gain, the amplifier IC from damage caused by short circuits,
others. A pair of emitter followers in a transfer function is determined almost but also limits the values of load resistance
complementary symmetry arrangement solely by the external feedback network. for which the output impedance is zero.









Fig. 103 — An amateur application for a summing amplifier — an audio combiner.

4-45 Chapter 4
Most op amps work best with load re- 75k
sistances of at least 2 kO.
Since the op amp magnifies the dif-
ference between the voltages applied to its
inputs, applying negative feedback has the
effect of equalizing the input voltages. In
the inverting- amplifier configuration the T0+9V
feedback action combined with Kirch-
hoff's current law establishes a zero im-
pedance, or virtual ground at the junction
of Rf and Rj. The circuit input impedance
is just Rj. Negative feedback applied to

the noninverting configuration causes the Ui: LF353N

input impedance to approach infinity.
The virtual ground at the inverting in-
Fig. 104 — BCD D/A converter suitable for connection to a B-series CMOS driving source.
put terminal of an inverting operational
amplifier circuit allows several currents to
be summed without interaction. This prin-
ciple can be used to advantage by the
amateur wishing to simplify his or her sta-
tion control system. An example of a sum-
ming amplifier is given in Fig. 103. The
circuit shown allows the operator to
monitor the outputs of several receivers
with one loudspeaker. The 3.9-fi resistors
simulate the loudspeaker in each receiver.
An inverter follows the summing ampli-
fier to restore the antivox signal to the
proper phase. Fig. 104 shows another ap-
plication for a summing amplifier, a D/A
converter. An FET-input operational
amplifier can operate with the high-value
resistors required by CMOS digital ICs
while maintaining low offset and drift errors. Fig.105 —
(A) Differential voltage comparator. Either inverting or noninverting circuits may be
ICs intended for op-amp service can used. (B) Schmitt trigger. The constants shown here are suitable for connecting + 5-V TTL to
also be used in open-loop or positive feed- ± 7-V CMOS logic.

back applications. Connecting one input

to a fixed reference voltage as in Fig. 105A
forms a comparator. The open-loop gain
of the IC is so high that it acts more like a comparator with positive feedback, or VOX circuit using the LM3900 Norton op
switch than an amplifier. When the hysteresis, is called a Schmitt trigger. A amp.
voltage applied to the free input terminal Schmitt trigger is illustrated in Fig. 105B.

is less than the reference voltage, the IC The potential on the noninverting input Op Amps as Audio Filters

output stays near one of the power rails. terminal depends on the output state as One of the more common uses to which
If the input voltage exceeds the reference, well as the reference voltage. op amps are put can be seen in the RC
the output swings to the opposite rail. A active audio-filter field. Op amps have the
The Norton Amplifier
distinct advantage of providing gain and
unusual type of op amp is the Nor-
An variable parameters when used as audio
ton, named for the network theorem on filters. Passive filters which contain L and

O +12V
which its operation is based. Fig. 106 C elements are generally committed to
shows a simplified diagram of the input some fixed-value frequency, and they
stage of a Norton amplifier. The non- exhibit an insertion loss. Finally, op amps
inverting input makes use of Dl and Ql in contribute to the attainment of minia-
a current mirror configuration. When in- turization which is seldom possible while
put current is applied to Ql, it steals base employing bulky inductors in a passive
drive from Q2, the inverting input. This type of audio filter.
amplifier must have input current to Although RC active filters can be built
operate, hence it is not a high-impedance with bipolar transistors, the modern
device. In the inverting-amplifier con- approach is to utilize operational ampli-
figuration the numerical voltage gain is fiers (op amps). The use of an op-amp IC,
Rf/Ri, but the noninverting input terminal such as a type 741, results in a compact
must be returned to the positive supply filter pole which will provide stable
through a resistance of 2Rf to equalize the operation. Only five connections are made
input currents. Any attempt to use this to the IC, and the gain of the filter section,
type of IC as a voltage follower is doomed plus the frequency characteristic, is de-
to failure —
the input stage will be termined by the choice of components
destroyed by excessive current. The chief external to the IC.
usefulness of Norton amplifiers is in Although there are numerous ap-
single-supply applications where the dc plications for RC active filters, the
levelof the signal is very near ground. The principal use in amateur work is that of
ssb chapter of this Handbook features a establishing selectivity at audio frequen-

Solid State Fundamentals 4-46

ties.One or two poles may be used as a
band-pass or low-pass section for im- ?t BANDPASS FILTER
proving the passband characteristics dur-
ing ssb or a-m reception. Up to four filter -O-
poles are frequently employed to acquire
selectivity for cw or RTTY reception. The
greater the number of poles, up to a
practical limit, the sharper the skirt + O-
response of the filter. Not only does a
well-designed RC filter help to reduce
ratio in

improves the signal-to-noise
receiving systems.
Considerable design data is found in the
National Semiconductor Corp. applica-
X r-T7

tion note AN72-15 in which a thorough (A) 1 — value

Select for CI, C2

treatment of Norton amplifiers is given, CI = C2

+v 2 — Q
centering on the LM3900 current-dif-
Q 3 — A
ferencing type of op-amp. Design infor- v

mation is given for high-, low-, and band- 4 — Choose f

pass types ofRC active audio filters. The r-VW- then

simplified design data presented here is
Rl = Q_
based on the technique used in AN72-15.
Fig. 107 shows a single band-pass-fliter
o —vw- A v <u Cl
pole and gives the equations for obtaining
the desired values for the resistors once
the gain, Q, fD and C1-C2 capacitor values

i V+^xT output R2 =
(2Q2 - A v )o> Cl

= 2Q
are chosen. CI and C2 are equal in value 2R R3
« r-h? • „C1
and should be high-Q, temperature-stable
components. Polystyrene capacitors are (B) R4 = R5 for V REF =
excellent for use in this part of the circuit.
Disc-ceramic capacitors are not recom- +v R4, R5

X .02 X R3
mended. R4 and R5 are equal in value and
are used to establish the op-amp reference
voltage. This is V cc /2.
Fig. 106 — (A) Input circuit of a Norton opera- Fig. 107 —
Basic circuit for an RC active band-
tional amplifier. (B)Norton op amp connected pass filter. One pole is shown along with the
CI and C2 should be standard values of as an inverting amplifier. Note the special sym- fundamental equations for finding the
capacitance.The filter design is less com- bol used to denote a Norton IC. resistance values needed.
plicated when CI and C2 serve as the
starting point for the equations. Other-
wisesome awkward values for CI and C2
mightresult. The resistance values can be
"fudged" to the nearest standard value
after the equations have been worked. values. For certain design parameters and monly available to the electronics hob-
The important consideration is that C1-C2 values, unwieldy resistance values byist. Questions of drift, offset, bandwidth,
matched values must be used when more may from the equations. If this hap-
result slew rate and noise were academic; the only
than one filter pole is employed. For most pens, select a new value for CI and C2. practical alternative to the 709 or 741 was cir-
amateur work it will be satisfactory to use The resistance values assigned to Rl cuitry made from discrete transistors. A
five percent, 1/2- watt composition through R5, inclusive, are the nearest much wider selection of op amps is available
resistors. If the resistor and capacitor standard values to those obtained from today, and the amateur designer can choose
values are not held reasonably tight in the equations. The principal effect from the components best suited to the applica-
tolerance for a multipole filter, the f for this is a slight alteration of fc and Av . tion. Also, theperformance of some existing
each pole may be different, however In a practical application the RC active circuits can be upgraded by replacing 709s
slight. The result is a wide nose for the filter should be inserted in the low-level and 741s with improved devices. To this end,
response, or even some objectionable audio stages. This will prevent over- a brief survey of op amp specifications is in
passband ripple. loading the filter during the reception of order.
Fig. 108 illustrates the design of a strong signals. The receiver af gain control Offset voltage is the potential between the
single-pole band-pass filter. An arbitrary should be used between the audio amplifier input terminals in the closed-loop
f of 900 Hz has been specified, but for cw preamplifier and the input of the RC ac- condition. Ideally, this voltage would be zero.
reception the operator may prefer tive filter for best results. If audio-derived Offset results from imbalance between the
something much lower —
200 to 700 Hz. age is used in the receiver, the RC active differential input transistors. Values range
An A v (gain) of 1 (unity) and a Q of 5 are filter will give best performance when it is from millivolts in ordinary consumer-grade
stated. Both the gain and Q can be in- contained within the age loop. Informa- devices to only nanovolts in premium Mil-
creased for a single-section filter if tionon other types of active filters is given spec units. The temperature coefficient of
desired, but for a multisection RC active by Bloom in July 1980 QST. offset voltage with respect to time is drift.

filter it is best to restrict the gain to or 2

1 A few microvolts per degree Celsius (at
and use a maximum Q of 5. This will help Important Op Amp Specifications the input) a typical drift specification.

prevent unwanted filter "ringing" and Construction projects in the amateur There are two types of noise associated
audio instability. 709 and 741 more
literature call for the with operational amplifiers. Burst, or pop-
CI and C2 are 680-pF polystyrene than any other type of operational ampli- corn noise is a low-frequency pulsing, usually
capacitors. Other standard values can be fier, not because these devices are ideal below 10 Hz. The amplitude of this noise is
used from, say, 500 to 2000 pF. The for every application, but because until approximately an inverse function of
limiting factor will be the resultant resistor recently, they were the only ones com- temperature. The other noise is sometimes

4-47 Chapter 4
and is a wideband signal whose
f = 900Hz Av = 1 « = 2rf0(Hz , amplitude varies inversely with frequency.
For some analytical purposes, drift is con-
Q = 5 C1,C2 = 0.00068uF sidered as a very low frequency noise compo-
nent. Op amps that have been optimized for
R1 = X 10-6) and noise are called instrumenta-
(1) (6.28 X 900) (0.00068 offset, drift
tion amplifiers. The latest instrumentation
= 1,300,948 ohms
amplifier is the Semiconductor

R2 =
[2(25) -1] [6.28 x 900
(0.00068 x 10-6)]
= 26,550 ohms i-AA/V-*
—O+izv LM10, designed by
Robert Widlar, the
acknowledged "father of the IC op amp."
The architecture of the LM10 is different
R3 = .
= 2,601,896 ohms P= POLYSTYRENE from any other device, but the practical ap-
(6.28 X 900) (0.00068 X 10- 6
plications are the same.
The small-signal bandwidth of an op amp
R4, R5 = 2,601,896 X 0.02 = 52,018 ohms
is the frequency range over which the open-
loop voltage gain is at least unity. This
Fig. 108 — A design example based on the circuit of Fig. 107. specification depends mostly on the frequen-
cy compensation scneme (for example, the
capacitor in Fig. 101). Fig. 109 shows how the
10 R
maximum closed-loop gain varies with fre-
-AA/V quency. The power bandwidth of an opera-
tional amplifier is a function of slew rate, and

is always lessthan the small-signal value. Slew

80 -O OUTPUT rate is a measurement of output voltage swing
per unit time. Values from 0.8 to 13 volts per

z 60 microsecond are typical of modern devices.

< The hobbyist should maintain 'a supply
of inexpensive 741 and 301 op amps for
Ul 40
breadboarding, but should also be
< prepared to use improved devices in the

O 2° final design. In an active filter for exam-

ple, a 741 will demonstrate whether or not
the circuitis working, but a low-noise,

wide-bandwidth device will give higher

performance, especially in receiving ser-
-20 -

vice. An abbreviated table of operational

amplifier specifications is given in chapter
23.Most of the devices listed are available

Fig. 109 —
Open-loop gain and closed-loop gain as a function of frequency. The vertical distance from hobby electronics stores or the mail-
between the curves is the feedback or gain margin. order firms listed in chapter 17.

Digital-Logic Integrated Circuits

Digital logic is the term used to describe trical knowledge. For this reason, digital systems, keyers, Morse code/RTTY
an overall design procedure in which logic theory is usually treated separately readers, frequency and fre-
"on" and "off" are the important words, from electrical theory. Digital designers quency synthesizers depend heavily on
not "amplification," "detection," and are often highly specialized. It is fairly digital techniques. In the future, digital
other terms commonly applied to most common to hear of an "electrical en- electronics will make further inroads in
amateur equipment. It is "digital" gineer" who can design an incredibly Amateur Radio communications, par-
because it deals with discrete events that complex logic system but cannot get the ticularly in the area of signal processing.
cap be characterized by digits or integers, power supply working! Digital designers The fundamental principle of digital
in contrast with linear or analog systems sometimes tend to be somewhat chauvin- electronics is that a device can have only
in which an infinite number of levels may istic, holding the view that anything worth two logical states: "on" and "off." This
be encountered. It is "logic" because it doing is worth doing digitally. While it is system is perfectly suited to binary (base
follows mathematical laws in which "ef- true that almost any function can be im- or radix 2) arithmetic, which uses only two
fect" predictably follows "cause." plemented digitally, in some cases an numerals: and 1. The simplest digital
Logic systems can be implemented by analog approach may be simpler or more devices are switches and relays. Some
mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or elec- cost-effective. The radio amateur, as a pre-1950 computers were built almost en-
trical means. The linkage that causes well-rounded communications expert, is tirely of relays. Low speed and rapid wear
automotive windshield wipers to complete in a position to choose the technology best were the objections to mechanical devices,
their cycle after they have been turned off suited to his needs, without prejudice. In so the next generation of digital in-
is an example of a mechanical logic recent years, Amateur Radio equipment struments used electron tubes as the
system. It is entirely possible to under- has made increasing use of digital elec- switching elements. Physical size and
stand complex digital subjects such as tronics, and this trend can be expected to power consumption were the factors that
computer architecture without any elec- continue. Today's repeater control limited the complexity of digital circuits

Solid State Fundamentals 4-48




AO :n>-<



X 1
, 3E> XOR

Fig. 110 — Relay models of the three logical

operations. A: AND gate B: OR gate C: inverter. Fig. 111 — The standard logic symbols, with corresponding Boolean equations and truth tables.

using tubes, Modern

technology systems of
allows digital
tremendous complexity to be built at a COM COM
small fraction of the cost of previous
+ v o- —o- NC
—o— NC
Combinational Logic
The three logical operations are "and,"
"or" and "not." An and gate may be
assembled with two relays as shown in
Fig. 1 10A. In order to have voltage at the
X A 6 C
output (C), we must energize A and B. If L L H TRUTH TABLE
we connect the contacts in parallel rather L H L H= HIGH VOLTAGE
than in series, an or gate results (Fig. '
11 OB). The "not," "complement" or
"inverse" function may be implemented
with a normally-closed relay contact as il-
lustrated in Fig. 1 IOC. If we apply voltage
to A we will have no voltage at C, and vice
versa. With the proper system of and and
not gates or OR" and not gates, any logical
or arithmetic function may be synthe-
sized, and or or gates are often combined
A B c A B c
with inverters in IC packages and called 1


nand and nor gates. 1

H=1 H=0 1 1

A combination of gates called

special 1 (B)
L= L=1 1 1
an "exclusive or" has an output only if
1 1
the two inputs are complementary. This 1

combination is used frequently enough to

be packaged specially and assigned a fun-
damental symbol. •
C = AB
Logic systems have polarity. If the
highest voltage level represents a binary
one and the lowest level represents a zero,
the logic is said to be positive. If the op-
posite representation is used, the logic is
Fig. 112 —
At A, combinational logic implemented with relays, shown with the electrical truth
table. Assigning 1 and to the electrical states as in B leads to two schematic symbols, one for
negative. positive logic and one for negative logic. The two symbols are electrically equivalent; depending
Since each input or output of a digital on the application, one may represent the logical operation being performed better than the other.

4-49 Chapter 4
binational circuit.

A+B - A? Sequential Logic
A circuit in which the output state is a
function not only of the input levels but
NAND NOR also of past output states is a sequential
logic circuit. Conventional truth tables are
not generally applicable to sequential cir-
OR — NOT cuits because a iertain input condition
may not have a unique output state. The
NOR NAND simpler sequential circuits are sometimes
B defined by a modified truth table showing
input transitions and output state progres-
sions. State tables, flow diagrams and tinv
ing charts are the tools used to design
NOT NOT complex sequential machines.
The dependence on previous output
A B A+B A+B A B A ¥ A B states implies a requirement for memory.
The simplest memory element is a special
type of bistable multivibrator (flip-flop)
called a latch. A D (for data) flip-flop is
often used as a latch. A flip-flop can store
one bit (binary digit) of- information. A
typicalD. flip-flop with its truth table is
Fig. 113 — One of the fundamental theorums shown in Fig. 1 15 A. The logic level at D is
of combinational logic. The block diagrams OR AND
and theft corresponding expanded truth tables
transferred to Q on the positive transition

theorum and show the relationship

verify the
of the clock pulse. The Q output will re-

between the schematic symbols in Fig. 112. Fig. 114 — and negative-logic sym-
Positive- tain this logic level regardless of any
DeMorgan's Theorum can also be stated as bols for the common functions. The horizontal- changes at D until the next positive clock
Ai = a + opposite gates are electrically identical.
B. ly
transition. D throughput is said to be
synchronous because it is actuated by the
clock signal. The flip-flop shown also has
set and and R) inputs. These in-
reset (S

network can have only two possible states, and one output, and suppose a high level puts are asynchronous because they are
it is possible toof the input com-
list all output is desired only when both inputs independent of, and in fact overide, the
binations and their corresponding out- are low. A search through the truth tables clock and data inputs.
of Fig. 1 1 1 shows the nor gate to have the Fig. 1 15B shows a common application
puts, thus completely characterizing the
operation. Such a list is called a truth proper characteristics for our application. for a D flip-flop, a modulus-two frequen-

table. However, the phrasing of the problem cy divider. The sequence of events is il-

Each type of gate is assigned a distinc- (the words only and both) strongly sug- lustrated by the timing diagram. Several
tive schematic symbol. The and gate sym- gests the and (or nand) function. ' A of these flip-flops may be cascaded in a
bol has a straight edge on the input side negative-logic nand is functionally single IC package and called a counter.

and a blunt convex edge on the output equivalent to a positive-logic nor gate, The states of the Q outputs can be read as
side. The or gate is characterized by a and the nand symbol better expresses the a binary code, indicating the number of
concave edge on the input side and a sharp circuit function in the application just clock pulses received in an interval.
cusp on the output side. A small circle at described. Small circles (called state in-
the output of a gate signifies that an inver- dicators) on the input side of a gate signify

sion has taken place. negative logic. Fig. 112 traces the evolu-
Digital systems may be designed with tion of the electromechanical switching Of D R s 5

Boolean algebra. Circuit functions may be circuit into a nor or nand gate, depend- t 1

defined by algebraic equations. The sym- on the logic convention chosen. 1 1

ing NO
bology and laws of Boolean algebra are DeMorgan's Theorum, one of the most i
e 1 i

somewhat different from those of or- important results from Boolean algebra, *. LEVEL
CHANGE a 1 1

dinary algebra. The " + " symbol is used justifies the conversion from one logic (A) a=DONT a 1 1 1 1
to indicate the"or" function. "And" is convention to the other. An application of
represented by "•" or juxtaposition of this theorum appears in Fig. 113. When
the variables. A bar with a variable in- viewed as a continuation of Fig. 112, the
dicates that it has been inverted. Fig. Ill block representation of the Boolean equa-
shows the symbols for the common logic, tions clarifies the negative logic sym-
functions with their associated Boolean bology. {

equations and truth tables. Positive logic Finally, Fig. 113 gives detailed electrical <Jiru\riJirLnjiji_rL
is assumed. With the exception of the "ex- truth showing identical output
clusive or," all of the gates may be ex- states for any combination of inputs. A
panded to any number of inputs. There is complete chart of equivalent symbolic
no universally-accepted definition for an representations is given in Fig. 114.
exclusive OR gate with more than two in- A circuit made of the fundamental Fig. 115 —A D flip-flop. In A, set and reset
puts. gates and configured such a way that
in ("jam") inputs are provided. Note that the func-
tional truth table shows Q and S both in the
The Boolean algebra associated with the output is a function of the present
high state for one combination of Ft and S.
logic networks can sometimes be static input levels only is called a combina-
While this appears contradictory, it is the stan-
simplified through the use of negative tional logic circuit. Pulses and transitions dard way of defining the operation of this type
logic. Consider % circuit having two inputs are not considered in the design of a com- of flip-flop.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-50

ficient filing of large amounts of informa- erased and rewritten.* This device is
tion calls for special-purpose devices. sometimes called a "read-mostly
Semiconductor memories are classified by memory."
their operating characteristics, organiza- Semiconductor RAMs may be volatile
tion and size. even with power applied —
these are call-
"When specifying memory size or ed dynamic RAMs and must have" the
Q organization the symbol "k"
refers to stored data "refreshed" at regular inter-
1024 bits, bytes or words. Thus a 64-k bit vals (100 rhs or less). The refresh interval
memory contains 65,536 bits of storage and technique varies significantly from
(sometimes called a 65-k memory in er- one device type to another. RAMs that do
s R Q ror!).A byte is a fundamental fraction of not need to be refreshed are called static
1 1 a word and most often refers to a collec- RAMs. Dynamic RAMs tend to have
1 1
tion of eight bits. A word may be any larger storage capacity and slower access
1 1 1
number of bits, depending on the applica- than static RAMs. Some static RAMs
1 (
tion and system. Common word lengths have "dynamic read-out" circuits which
are 8, 16, 32, 36, 60 and 64 bits. limit the length of time data remains valid

Fig. 116 — A regenerative switching circuit A memory IC of a given capacity may on the output pins and imposes minimum
called an RS The circuit could be im-
flip-flop. be organized in a number of ways. A 4-k times between successive readings. Many
plemented with NOR
gates, in which case the memory may be organized 4k X 1, lk X RAMs may have their supply voltages
first defined input state would be 11.
4, 512 X 8 and so on, with the second reduced without loss of data while they
number designating the number of bits are not being accessed, thus reducing
that can be accessed simultaneously. power consumption.
An RS flip-flop is shown in Fig. 116. Several sets of operating characteristics Large memory arrays are often used for
Two inverting gates connected in this are used to classify memories. If the loca- the generation and conversion of informa-
fashion form a regenerative switching cir- tions in an IC can be accessed in any order tion codes. One IC can be programmed to
cuit. The accuracy of the accompanying it is said to be a random access device. convert the five-level RTTY codd to the
truth table depends on the input states oc- Almost all semiconductor memories are eight-level ASCII code popular in com-
curing in the order given. The output cor- random access devices. puter devices. National Semiconductor
responding to an input of 1 1 could easily The other generic access mode is serial manufactures a single IC which generates
be the complement of that shown if it access. Examples of serial access the entire 56-character eight-level code.
followed a 00 input state. An important memories are shift registers, CCD Several ICs are now available for
rule in the design of sequential logic cir- (charge-coupled device) memories, and character generation where letters and
cuits is that the simultaneity of events can- most mechanical storage devices such as numerals are produced for display on an
not be depended upon. magnetic tape. Serial devices introduce a oscillograph screen.
The RS flip-flop is the simplest type. Its variable access delay, called latency,
outputs change directly as a result of which depends on the internal state of the Microprocessors
changes at its inputs. The type T flip-flop device when an address is presented to it. An important'new (from the 1970s)
"toggles," "flips," or changes its state Unless specified otherwise, it is assumed class of integrated circuit is the
during the occurrence of a T pulse,' called that a memory device can be written into microprocessor. A microprocessor com-
a clock pulse. The T flip-flop can be as well as read. Semiconductor memories bined with a few other ICs and input/out-
considered as a special case of the J-K flip- which can
be written in are usually put devices forms a microcomputer. To-
flop. Although there is some/disagreement "volatile," meaning they lose their con- day, practically every IC manufacturer
in the nomenclature, a J-K flip-flop is tents if the power is removed. A special produces microprocessors, either of its
generally considered to be a toggled or class of memory, the Read Only Memory own design or as a second source. Some
clocked R-S flip-flop. It may also be used (ROM), is not volatile. Some are mask- recent pieces of Amateur Radio equip-
as a storage element. The J input is fre- programmed during manufacture this — ment incorporate microprocessors for
quently called the "set" input; the K is type of device is what is usually called a channel sequencing and other functions.
called the "clear" input (not to be con- ROM. Another device of read-only The microprocessor portion of such
fused with the clock input). The clock in- memory programmed in the field and is
is equipment is part of a special purpose
put is called c. A clear-direct or C D input called Programmable Read-Only
a computer, meaning the input and/or out-
which overrides all other inputs to clear Memory (PROM). A PROM is manufac- put isn't available for general use or pro-
the flip-flop to is provided in most J-K tured with all bits in one state, and the gramming.
flip-flop packages. user creates bits of the opposite state by More and more amateurs are using
There are essentially two types of flip- an irreversible process, such as blowing general-purpose computers for radio-
flop inputs, the dc or .level-sensitive type, fuses or destroying transistors in the IC. related activities. A variety of architec-
and the "ac" or transition-sensitive type. The manufacturer's specified program- tures is possible, but the most basic con-
It should not be concluded that an ac in- ming technique must be followed exactly figuration is illustrated in Fig. 117. In a
put is capacitively coupled. This was true if a reliable result is to be obtained. typical amateur set-up, the program and
for the discrete-component flip-flops but Erasable PROMs (EPROMs) can be data are input through a keyboard or
capacitors of relatively large value just do returned to their unprogrammed state by cassette recorder, and a CRT display or
not fit into microcircuit dimensions. The exposing the IC to ultraviolet light printer serves as an output device. The
construction of an ac input, uses the through a window in the package. capabilities of most computer systems can
"master-slave" principle, where the ac- Another type of PROM
is the Electrically be enhanced by supplementing the inter-
tions of a master flip-flop driving a slave Alterable PROM
(EAPROM). These nal storage unit with additional memory.
flip-flop are combined to produce a shift devices are programmeda nondestruc-
in A computer is a machine and is in-
in the output level during a transition of tive, reversible manner, usually in the nor- capable of independent thought or action.
the input. mal operating circuit. They can retain The machine can only do what it is in-
stored data for up to 10 years even when structed or programmed to do. The ex-
Semiconductor Memories power is removed (storage time is reduced pression most commonly used to describe
While simple systems of flip-flops can at high temperatures). Individual words, the way a computer works is "GIGO/'
be used to store a small number of bits, ef- and sometimes blocks of words, can be meaning "garbage in, ^garbage out."

4-51 Chapter 4
available for an s.a.s.e. from ARRL. A
three-part t
series Meet the
Microprocessor, by Thomas and Belter,
MICROPROCESSOR appeared in August, September and Oc-
tober 1976 QST.

Digital System Design Considerations

Digital engineers use a variety of
graphical and analytical tools to design
logic systems. Once a circuit having the
desired performance is found, the
engineer works to minimize the number of
components through the application of
switching theory. As noted in the in-

troduction to this digital logic section,

switching theory is a subject unto itself
INPUT STORAGE OUTPUT and cannot be treated justly in this Hand-
Switching theory is based on ideal
switches, and real electrical devices don't
always emulate ideal switches well enough
I 9
to synthesize a logic design with switching
theory alone. Therefore, a digital designer
must consider the electrical characteristics
of the logic elements he's using. Propaga-
tion delay and transmission line reflec-
tions become significant factors as the
speed of the logic system increases. The

ultimate application of the system also in-
I 1

fluences the design. For example, an at-

L tempt to design a frequency synthesizer
strictly as a "number cruncher" is doom-
ed to failure. The reason is that any solid-
state digital device is also an analog device
DATA PATH having a finite transfer function. This
transfer function can cause a device to act
as an amplifier, multiplier or mixer as well
Fig. 117 — The basic parts of a digital computer.
as a switch. A frequency synthesizer
designed only as a logical machine will be
rife with spurious outputs and noise that

There are programs called text editors, picture elements that differ from the can't be predicted from switching theory.
which translate invalid instructions into previous frame. This technique, known as Stray coupling between sections, small
the nearest valid ones, but even here the digital refreshment, is a sophisticated job transients on the power supply, and junc-

machine isn't thinking, because the text for a microcomputer system. The high- tion noise can pollute the final output
editor program was written by a human. speed data communication made possible spectrum without affecting the logical
Amateur computing is a hobby quite by computers may allow a complete function.
distinct from Amateur Radio, but there vhf/uhf contact in a single meteor burst. Particular attention should be paid to
are some worthwhile computer applica- Existing practice with this propagation power supply decoupling. In general, a

tions in radio. Some of these are Morse mode sometimes requires hours to ex- few 0.01 disc ceramic bypass capacitors

code and RTTY encoding and decoding, change call signs and signal reports. will prevent the switching transients of
SSTV chracter generation, aural readout The current state of the art in amateur one IC from changing the state of
(any format) of digital displays and EME work requires many kilowatts of erp another. If the logic system is to be used
satellite commanding. Of course, a and ultra-low-noise receivers to obtain -with radio equipment, more extensive
microcomputer system can be used for barely perceptible lunar echos. By statis- measures may be necessary. For a logic .

routine filing and record keeping. Some tical analysis of the receiver output, a system to have electromagnetic com-
hams keep their station logs by computer, microcomputer could possibly pull a lunar patibility (EMC), it must not radiate

and can instantly retrieve information echo out of the noise, thereby easing the energy into a radio receiver or be adverse-
about previous contacts. A computer can station gain requirements. ly affected by energy radiated from a

relieve the tedium of sorting tasks (for ex- Amateurs are becoming more interested nearby transmitter. The EMC problem is
ample, the index of this Handbook was in computer-aided design. This technique receiving increased attention as more
organized with the aid of a microcom, is especially useful for designs requiring radio amateurs acquire personal com-
puter system), but the most exciting ap- many - iterative calculations, such as in- puters for their stations.
plications are to things that weren't possi- terstage matching networks in solid-state
Logic Device Fabrication Technology
blebefore the personal computer era. transmitters. The tables of filters appear-
Some innovations that need to be ing elsewhere in this Handbook were Nearly all modern logic systems use in-
developed by radio/computer enthusiasts generated by a computer. tegrated circuits. The ICs are classified ac-
are video bandwidth compression QST publishes articles on nontrivial ap- cording to the complexity of the circuit on
(MSTV), high-speed data communication plications of microcomputers to Amateur the chip. ICs having 15 or more active
and weak-signal enhancement. One Radio. A bibliography of QST articles devices fall into the MSI or medium-scale
method for transmitting moving images in from 1975 ^ to the present on micro- integration category. The simple gate and
a narrow bandwidth is to send only those processors and microcomputers is flip-flop circuits use MSI technology.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-52

Dual-inline packages with 14 or 16 pins
are common for these circuits. Specialized -O +Vcc

circuits using 100 or more active devices

are classified as LSI, for large-scale in-
tegration. Sortie serial-to-parallel con- SN7404
verters, arithmetic logic units and data
converters use LSI technology. Many LSI
packages occupy four times the pc-board : O
area of standard MSI packages. Up to 64 INPUTO-
pins are used on some LSI devices. The —O OUTPUT

very latest fabrication technology has

enabled the creation of VLSI, or very
large-scale integration systems. These cir-
cuits have over 1000 active devices on a
single chip. Third-generation microcom-
puters, frequency counters and a wide
variety of "smart" instruments will make
use of this technology.

Digital-Logic IC Families
There are several families or types of
ICs that are seeing widespread use. Each
family has its own inherent advantages 13Q
and disadvantages. Each is geared to its
own particular market, meeting a specific
set of needs. RTL (resistor-transistor
logic) and DTL (diode-transistor logic)
are obsoleteand are no longer used in new INPUT 10- (POSITIVE LOGIC)
designs. They are manufactured for exact -O OUTPUT
replacement purposes only. INPUT 1

INPUT 2 0-
Transistor-Transistor Logic — TTL
TTL is one of the bipolar logic families.
Also known as TL 2
(T. squared L), this —O GROUND NOR GATE
family has a variety of circuit configura- (NEGATIVE LOGIC)

tions. Some devices have "open collec- (B)

tor" outputs, and these may be "wire
ORed." Open collector outputs are useful Fig. 118 — TTL circuits and their equivalent logic symbols (seetext). Indicated resistor values are
for interfacing with other logic families or typical. Identification of transistors is for text reference only; these are nor discrete components.
components. Although + 5 volts
is recommended' power supply for
TTL, open collectors can be connected to
a different voltage through the external
load resistor, within the limits specified at speeds up to 35 MHz. Two commonly is represented schematically in Fig. 118A.
for the device. Most TTL devices have used TTL devices are represented A low level applied to the input will cause
"totem pole," or "active pull-up" output schematically in Fig. 118. High-speed ICs Ql to conduct current. This will cause Q2
and these cannot be wired ORed.
stages, (50 MHz) are identified by 54HO0- or to be near cutoff, in turn biasing the
Typically, the outputs are capable of sink- 74H00-series numbers. These ICs "totem pole" arrangement of, Q3 into
ing more than they can source.
cur-rent consume more power than their ordinary saturation and Q4 near cutoff. As a result
This situation is of importance only when counterparts. The 54L00- and the output level will be high, about volt 1

interfacing devices outside a particular 74L00-series of devices are designed for below V cc If the signal at the input is

TTL subfamily. TTL devices have a lower power consumption that the stan- high the conduction state of each tran-
fanout (number of inputs that can be dard types. These ICs typically dissipate sistor reverses and the output drops nearly
driven by a single output) of 10 within a one milliwatt per gate, or about one-tenth to ground potential (low). The input
subfamily. If TTL inputs are left open, of that dissipated by standard TTL. diode protects the circuitry by clamping
they assume a "high" logic state, but Operating speed is the tradeoff for the any negative potential to approximately
greater noise immunity will be realized if lower power, and the maximum speed for -0.7 volt, limiting the current in Ql to a
pull-up resistors are used. When operated this subfamily is 3 MHz. safe value. Note that this protection is ef-
with a + 5-volt supply, any input voltage The subfamilies discussed so far operate fective only against transients. The output
level between 2.0 and 5.5 is defined to be as saturated switches. The 54S00- and diode is required to ensure that Q3 is cut
high. A voltage less than 0.8 is an input 74S00-series have Schottky diode clamps off when the output is low.
low. TTL ICs output a minimum high that keep the transistors out of saturation. The circuit in Fig. 1 18B, one section of
level of 2.4 volts, and. a maximum low Some ICs of this series are useful up to a type 7400 gate very similar to that of

level of 0.4 volts. The switching transients 125 MHz. The power dissipation is about A. The difference is that Q5 is a multiple-
generated by TTL devices appear on the twice that of standard TTL. A commonly emitter transistor with one input to each
supply line and can cause false triggering used subfamily combining low power emitter. A low level at either input will
of other devices. For this reason, the dissipation with fairly high speed is the turn on Q5, causing the output to go
power bus should have several bypass 54LS00- and 74LS00-series. The dissipa- HIGH.
capacitors per pc board. tionand speed for this series are 2 mW — ECL
"Plain" TTL ICs are identified by and 45 MHz, respectively. Emitter-Coupled Logic
5400- or 7400-series numbers and operate One section of a type 7404 hex inverter ECL has the highest speed of any of the
4-53 Chapter 4
levels swing to within a few millivolts of
-Ov„ the power supply voltages. The input
switching threshold is approximately one
half the power supply voltage (V DD -
V ss ). This characteristic contributes to
high immunity to noise on the input signal
or power supply. CMOS
input current
drive requirements are miniscule, so the
fanout capability is tremendous, at least in
low-speed systems. For high speed
systems, the input capacitance increases
3E the dynamic power dissipation and limits
1Z 02 the fanout.
Four subfamilies of CMOS logic ICs
are being produced at present. The 4000A
series is the original commercial line and
operates with power supplies from 3 to 12
volts. A subfamily having some improved
characteristics is the 4000B (for buffered)
series. The B series can be powered from-
supplies up to 18 volts. This feature makes
the devices especially attractive for
automotive applications. The output im-
Fig. 119 — Circuit topology of the ECL family. The functions of the various components are ex- pedance of buffered ICs is independent of
plained in the text. Complementary outputs call for the modified logic symbol. the input state. An unbuffered series,
designated 4000UB meets all the B series
specifications except that the logic outputs
and the input logic levels
are not buffered
logic forms. Some ECL devices can these levels appear at the emitters of the must be within 20 percent of the power
operate at frequencies higher than 1.2 output buffers, Q5 and Q6. The circuitry supply terminal voltages. Several trade-
GHz. This family is different from the associated with Q4, Dl and D2 is a bias offs must be considered when choosing
other forms of bipolar logic in that the generator. The reference voltage between buffered and unbuffered ICs.
transistors operate in a non-saturating established at the base of Q3 determines The buffered devices have greater noise
mode that analogous to that of some
is the input switching threshold. immunity and drive capability, but the
linear devices. The typical logic swing is speed is low compared to the unbuffered
only 800 mV. ECL devices are characterized
Metal-Oxide Semiconductors — MOS types. Some special-purpose 400O series
for use with a -5.2-volt power supply, The
logic families using all n-channel or ICs have tri-state output circuits. The
but operation from other supplies is possi- allp-channel field-effect transistors are third state is neither high or low, but is a
ble. If the Vcc terminal is connected to used extensively in microprocessors, high-impedance condition which allows
+ 2.0 volts and the Vee terminal con- digital watches and calculators. Where en- several outputs to be paralleled for wire
nected to - 3.2 volts, the device can drive tire functions can be synthesized on a ORing or multiplexing. The 74C00 series is
a 50-ohm load directly with respect to single chip, this technology is quite useful. designed to be a plug-in replacement for
ground. The power output obtained this Ordinary NMOS and PMOS gate pack- low-power TTL devices in some applica-
way is about dBm. ECL ICs dissipate a ages are not very popular. Most general- tions. Some CMOS devices can function

great deal of power, and heat sinking is purpose logic networks are now made at speeds greater than 15 MHz.
sometimes necessary. The ECL family with complementary metal-oxide A simplified diagram for a CMOS logic
finds use in'uhf frequency synthesizers semiconductor (CMOS) ICs. This family inverter is given in Fig. 120. Some of the
and counters, as well as in computers. has p-channel and n-channel transistors diodes in the input and output protection
Some highly specialized ICs have on the same chip. Only one of each com- circuits are inherently part of the
capacitively coupled inputs, and therefore plementary pair is turned on at any time, manufacturing process. Even with the
have minimum as well as maximum toggle so the power dissipation is negligible ex- protection circuits, CMOS ICs are suscep-
rates. cept during logic transitions. A notable tible to damage from static charges.

There are several ECL subfamilies feature of CMOS

devices is that the logic Certain precautions have become
being produced. Speed, power dissipa-
tion, and the ability to drive transmission
lines cannot be optimized simultaneously,

so different versions are offered to allow

the designer to choose the tradeoffs best
suited to his application. ECL subfamilies
are compatible, but only over a limited
1-5k 15-30 J\
temperature range. The differences be-
tween subfamilies are mostly in resistance input o— AAAc -AA/V- -O OUTPUT
values, and the presence or absence of in-
put and output pull-down resistors.
A significant feature of ECL gates is
that complementary output functions are W-
available from each circuit. The circuit of
Fig. 1 19, for example, is a nor/or gate.
-O v
Ql or Q2, together with Q3 forms a dif-
ferential amplifier. When the Q2 collector
goes high, the Q3 collector goes low, and Fig. 120 — Internal structure of a CMOS gate.
Solid State Fundamentals 4-54
accepted for handling these devices. The pins
should not be inserted in styrofoam as is + 5V +5 V + 5V
commonly^done with bipolar integrated
circuits unless the styrofoam is wrapped in
aluminum foil. The 3M Company "cc 2k < 330/1.
manufactures spongya conductive

material for this purpose under the trade TTL

name Velostat. Before removing a CMOS (ACTIVE PULL-UP)
IC from its protective material, make cer-
tain that your body is grounded. A con-
ductive bracelet connected to the ground rT7 /-T7
terminal of a 3-wire ac outlet through a (A)
10-Mfi resistor is adequate for this pur-
+ 5VO -O +15V
pose. In industry, extreme protective
measures are sometimes taken, such as CC
4.7 k 3.9k MIN
blowing ionized air over an assembly area.
The amateur experimenter needn't go to CMOS
that extent; common sense will enable him (ACTIVE PULL-UP)
or her to use CMOS logic without destroy- v
ing many devices.
/"ft rr?
Special Digital ICs

In addition to the logic families men-

tioned above, other families are being - - 1N914
developed (sometimes on a speculative
basis) and are seeing comparatively
limited use. One such family is integrated /-ry (B)

injection- logic, or PL. Other

families use
various techniques in the production of
metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) de- + 5V O- 0+9 v


vices. H-MOS (for high performance) is a

scaled-down silicon gate MOS process; •cc 36k
V-MOS is an anisotropically etched TTL
double-diffused MOS process, and
cess. SOS
is a planar double-diffused pro-
isa complementary silicon-on-
sapphire process. The proponents of each
of these families claim theirs is the best

0.1 15k


way of achieving higher speeds and den- /-T7 '

— +9 V
sities at lower power dissipation on
smaller chips which cost less.

Interconnecting Logic Families (C)

Each semiconductor logic family has its —

Fig. 121 Methods for driving CMOS loads from TTL sources. The circuit complexity depends on
own advantages in particular applications. the power supply voltages. The operation of these circuits is discussed in the text.

Table 1

Electrical Characteristics of the Common Logic Families

Standard TTL Schottky TTL High-speed TTL Low-power TTL Schottky low-power ECL III ECL 10 k
(active pull-up) (74S) (74H) (74L) TTL (74LS) (1600 series)
Vcc = +5.0 V Vcc = +5.0 V Vcc = +5.0 V . Vcc = +5.0 V Vcc = + 5.0 V, Vcc = 0V,
VEE = -5.2 V
minimum high.
input voltage 2.0 V 2.0 V 2.0 V 2.0 V 2.0 V -1.095 V -1.105 V
maximum HIGH
input current 40 50 M A 50 mA 20jiA 20 hA
maximum LOW
input voltage 0.8 V 0.8 V 0.8 V 0.8 V 0.8 V -1.485 V -ll475 V
maximum LOW
input current 1.6 mA 2.0 mA 2.0 mA 400 mA 400 >/A
minimum high 2.4 V* 2.5 V 2.4 V 2.4 V 2.5 V -0.9 V - 0.825 V
output voltage mA) mA)
(30 (30
maximum high
output current 800 1.0 mA 1.0 mA 400 /iA 400 M A 40 mA 50 mA
maximum LOW
output voltage 0.4 V 0.5 V 0.4 V 0.3 V 0.5 V -1.75 V -1.725 V
maximum LOW Open emitter —
output current 16 mA 20 mA 20 mA 4.0 mA 8.0 mA pull-down re-
sistor required

4-55 Chapter 4

satisfactory results, even if they have a

+ 15V + 5V common power supply. The buzzword in-
o O terface is often' used to describe the in-
tegration of two types of logic into a com-
patible system. There are a number of ICs
intended especially for mating different
logic families. The CD4049UB and
CD4050B hex designed to
buffers are

4000B OR
drive TTL gates from input sig- CMOS
SERIES nals. TTL to-ECL and ECL-to-TTL con-
74C 1N270
version can be implemented with the
SS N1017 and N 1 068 integrated circuits


manufactured by Signetics and others.

(A) rT7
Unfortunately, these components aren't
always conveniently available to the small
investor, so logic interface must some-
times be accomplished by other means.
+ 5T015V + 5V A knowledge of the circuit topologies
O O and input/output characteristics will

allow the concoct reliable

designer to
digital interstage networks. Typical inter-
"cc nal structures have been illustrated for
each common logic family. The input/
CMOS OUT output characteristics of the common
(ANY TYPE) (ANY TYPE) logic families are listed in Table 1 This in- .

formation was compiled from various in-

SS 220jv dustrial publications and is intended only
* GATE PROTECTED as a guide. Certain ICs may have charac-
ri-7 teristics that vary from the values given.
The following section discusses some
(B) specific logic Often more
than one conversion scheme is possible,
depending on whether the designer wishes
Fig. 122 —
CMOS-to-TTL interface circuits. When both devices operate from a +5-volt supply, the
to optimize power consumption or speed.
diode in A can be eliminated. The circuit in B exhibits maximum flexibility with respect to supply
voltages and logic subfamilies. Usually one must be traded off for the
other. Where an electrical connection be-
tween two logic systems isn't possible, an
frequency range. The programming func- optical isolator can always be used.
For example, the highest frequency stages
in a uhf counter or frequency synthesizer tions have practically no speed con-
would use ECL. After the frequency has straints, so considerable power can be
TTL-Driving CMOS
been divided down to less than 25 MHz, saved by using CMOS in that part of the A CMOS gate is easily driven by a TTL
the speed of ECL is unnecessary, and the system. device when both are powered by a + 5-
expense and power dissipation is un- Each of these logic families has its own volt source. The totem-pole output struc-
justified, TTL is the obvious choice for input voltage and current requirements, ture of most TTL ICs prevents a high
the signal-processing operations in this so they can't be randomly intermixed with output level of sufficient potential to pro-
perly activate the CMOS input. A pull-up
resistor connected from the interface
point to the power bus will remedy this
problem. The maximum usable value for
this component is 15 kfl, but the circuit
capacitance will reduce the maximum
CMOS(4000A) CMOS(4000B) CMOS (7400C) possible speed of the CMOS Lower gate.
values will generate a more favorable RC
+5.0 V +10.0 V +15.0 V +5.0 V +10.0 V +15.0 V product at the expense of increased power
+ 5.0 V +10.0 V
dissipation. A standard TTL gate can
drive a pull-up resistor of 330 Q, but a
3.5 V 7.0 V 4.0 V 8.0 V 12.5 V 3.5 V 8.0 V - low-power version is limited to 1.2 kfl for
a minimum. The resistor pull-up tech-
1.0 mA 1.0 (iA
nique is 121A.
illustrated in Fig.
When the CMOS device is operating on
V 3.0 V 1.0 V 2.0 V 2.5 V 1.5 V 2.0 V
a power supply other than + 5 volts, the
TTL interface is more complex. The
1.0 (iA 1.0 MA
V V V common-base level shifter of Fig. 121B
4.95 V 9.95 V 4.95 V 9.95 V 14.95 2.4 9.0
(•• --no load- (360 (iA) (10 (iA) will translate a TTL output signal to a
+ 15-volt CMOS signal while preserving

300 (iA 250 (iA 1.6 mA 1.3 mA 3.4 mA 1.75 mA 8.0 mA the full noise immunity of both gates. An
(2.5 V) (9.5 V) (2.5 V) (9.5 V) (13.5 V) (0 V) (0 V) operational amplifier configured a as
0.05 V 0.05 V 0.05 V 0.05 V 0.05 V 0.4 V 1.0 V comparator, as in Fig. 121C, makes an ex-
— no load ••) (360 (iA) (360 (iA)
cellent converter from TTL to CMOS
300 (iA 600 (iA 500 (iA 1.3 mA 3.4 mA 1.75 mA 8.0 mA using dual power supplies. An FET op
(0.4 V) (0.5 V) (0.4 V) (0.5 V) (15 V) (5 V) (10 V)
amp is shown because the output voltage

Solid State Fundamentals 4-56

of this type can usually swing closer to the
power rails than a bipolar unit. Where the
pulse rate is below 10 kHz or so, a 741 -O + 5.0 v
type of amplifier may be used. The
Schmitt trigger configuration of Fig. 105B 'cc
will further enhance the noise immunity at
the interface point, but will invert the ECL
logic. An
additional inverter (either linear
or digital) placed on either side of the in- 'cc
terface will resurrect the logic to its
"true" form.
CMOS Driving TTL
The 4049UB and 4050B devices already
mentioned can drive two standard TTL
loads when a common + 5-volt supply is r-ry rr-7 (A)
used. Most A-series CMOS ICs can't sink
enough current to drive TTL gates to a
reliable low input state. Gates from the
more-modern B-series can drive one low-
power TTL loa^ directly. The 74C0O
family capable of direct connection to
+ 5VO-
low-power TTL with a fanout of two. The
drive capability of CMOS
gates can be in-
creased by connecting identical gates in
1.2 k
parallel, but this practice not recom-

mended unless all the gates are contained

in a single IC package. W W W AA/V- ECL
122A shows a simple method for
Fig. 12k
driving a TTL load from a CMOS source
operating with a higher voltage power 10k

supply. The diode blocks the high voltage

from the CMOS gate when it is in the (B) -0-5.2V
high output state. A germanium diode is
used because its lower forward voltage
drop provides higher noise immunity for
the TTL device in the low state. The
68-kfi resistor pulls the input high when
+5V O-
the diode is back biased. While TTL in-
puts assume the high state when left
open, floating the input is a poor practice 2N3904
because the gate is sensitive to noise in this 2N2222
condition. 6.2 k
3.3 k
Standard TTL inputs draw 1.6 mA in-, TTL AAAr vC c
the low A
pull-down resistor for
this purpose can be no larger than 220 0.
To pull this resistor up to an acceptable
high level requires 10 mA, which is
beyond the capabilities of most CMOS
6.2 k EE
devices. When a pull-down resistor is
used, a dual-gate MOSFET having high
transconductance makes a good buffer -5.2 V

between CMOS and TTL systems. This

scheme is diagrammed in Fig. 122B. The

CMOS power supply voltage isn't critical

when this system is used, because the out-
put impedance of the device is CMOS Fig. 123 —
These circuits will allow TTL gates to drive ECL systems using various power supply
high compared to the pull-down resis- arrangements. Each is discussed in the text.
tance, and the protective diodes in the
FET can handle more current than the
CMOS IC can provide. In fact, this circuit
can also be used with split supplies, pro-
vided the positive CMOS output excur-
sion is at least 5 volts.

TTL Driving ECL

When a common power supply is used, + 5V and V EE grounded, the same circuit for the ECL system. Where speed is not a
the resistor network of Fig. 123 will A willwork with V cc connected to ground consideration, a TTL output can be con-
allow a standard TTL gate to drive an and V EE (and the "ground" terminal of nected directly to an, ECL input if a pull-
ECL input at the maximum TTL speed. the TTL device) connected to - 5V. This up resistor is used.
Although shown with V cc connected to arrangement provides full noise immunity Independent TTL and ECL systems can

4-57 Chapter 4
be coupled by the circuits drawn in Fig.
123B and C. In B, the TTL gatje is di-
vorced from the voltage divider network
when the output is high. In this state the
junction of the 1.2-kQ and 12-kfi resistors
assumes a potential of nearly + 5 volts.
When the TTL output goes low, the
anode end of the diode string is pulled
down to about + 2.5V. This 2.5-volt logic
swing is attenuated and shifted to the pro-
per non-saturating ECL levels by the
resistor network.
An emitter follower stage is used in C.
The - 1.8-volt potential at the ECL input
established by the resistor network
prevents the transistor from turning on
when the TTL output is low. A ger-
manium diode provides a stiff voltage
reference in the low state and prevents ex-
cessive conduction in the upper transistor
of the IC output structure. The voltage
translation process is similar to that in
part B of the figure. Returning the collec-
tor to + 5V rather than ground keeps the
transistor well out of saturation.

ECL Driving TTL

The complementary output of ECL
gates can be Used to advantage in con-
verting toTTL levels. Modern ECL ICs
have emitter-follower outputs that are
Fig. 124 — Bipolar transistors are used in these ECL-to-TTL translators. ideal for switching the base-emitter junc-
tions of bipolar transistors.For coupling
logic systems having a common 5- or
5.2-volt power supply, the pnp transistor
+9VO and pull-up resistor combination of Fig.
124 A may be used. A positive supply is
shown, but the system will also work with
negative supplies. The circuit in Fig. 124B
will condition -5.2-volt ECL signals to
drive + 5-volt TTL gates. Transposing the
out and out connections of the ECL device
will effect a logic inversion with the
translation. This technique can also be ap-
plied to flip-flops, which have Q and Q

-9V ^ !0k V
Speed is rarely a consideration when
mating a relatively slow logic family to

+ I5VO-
one that is very fast —
the system cannot
be faster than the slowest logic element
used. The speed of ECL ICs comes from
DD 2N4403 keeping the transistors out of saturation,
2N3906 and it is for this reason that the defined in-
CMOS 2N2907 put logic swing is only about 400 mV.

However, the input levels can be

anywhere within the range of the power

supply without damaging the device.
30k "cc
r~f~7 Negligible input current is required for
either logic state, so when a common 5- or
5.2-volt power supply is used, CMOS can
drive ECL directly.
10 k A variety of circuits can be used be-
tween CMOS and ECL systems having
different power supplies. The scheme il-
lustrated in Fig. 125 A, is useful when a
split power supply is used for the CMOS
logic. The advantage of using a MOSFET
Fig. 125 —Split-supply CMOS logic can drive ECL through a MOSFET, as in A. When the
CMOS system
converter is that the fanout (to other
powered from a single high-voltage supply, the bipolar transistor circuit of B can be used. Note
that the
logic is inverted when this method is used.
CMOS devjces) is not compromised. Fig.

Solid State Fundamentals 4-58

125B shows a + 15-volt CMOS system
-0+15V driving a - 5.2-volt ECL gate through a
pnp transistor. Altering some of the
cc +V DD resistance values will make this circuit
work with split-supply CMOS as well.
CA3140 -w- CMOS This conversion method results in a logic
inversion, but that problem can usually be
EE "SS remedied at the ECL output.
10k < > 10k
ECL-Driving CMOS
Some voltage amplification is required
-5.2 V if ECL gate is to drive CMOS. When
the ECL supply is negative and the CMOS
(A) supply is positive, the circuit of Fig. 124B,
illustrated for ECL-to-TTL conversion
+ 5.2 V may be used. All of the resistors can be
< 10k
made much larger with CMOS for re-
2N4401 duced power consumption.
2N3904 2N4403
, . .
2N2907 The differential comparator arrange-
2N2222 f-VNAr
10k ment in Fig. 126A is another good transla-
OUT tion method. If the CMOS system has
split power supplies, the - V terminal of
.OUT the op amp shoulci be returned to V ss .

With split CMOS supplies the op amp can

be connected directly to the CMOS input;
10 k 100 k the resistor and diode are unnecessary. If
complementary ECL outputs aren't
available, one of the comparator inputs
should be biased to some potential be-
tween the two ECL logic levels.
Fig. 126B shows a way to obtain the re-
quired CMOS logic swing when both

Fig. 126 — Interface circuits for ECL-driving CMOS. A method useful when different power sup-
families are powered from the same
plies are usedis illustrated in A. The diode prevents the -5.2-volt low level from damaging
source. This npn-pnp saturated amplifier
CMOS device. When a common supply is available, the two-transistor amplifier/translator of B will also work when a common negative
may be used. supply is used.

Abbreviated Semiconductor Symbol List

Field-Effect Transistor Symbols Bipolar Transistor Symbols Bipolar Transistor Symbols, (continued)
— Voltage amplification C lbo — Input capacitance, open circuit 'ceo — Collector-cutoff current, base open
— channel capacitance
Intrinsic (common base) — Emitter current
— Drain-to-source capacitance ^ieo — Input capacitance, open circuit
MAG — Maximum available amplifier gain
(includes approximately 1-pF drain-to- (common emitter) PC E — Total dc or average power input
case and interlead capacitance)
^obo ~ Output capacitance, open circuit to collector (common emitter)
— -Gate-to-drain capacitance (in- (common base) POE — Large-signal output power
cludes 0.1-pF interlead capacitance)
Coeo — Output capacitance, open circuit (common emitter)
— Gate-to-source interlead and case (common emitter) — Load resistance
capacitance f
c — Cutoff frequency — Source resistance
— Small-signal input capacitance, 1y — Gain-bandwidth product (frequency — Base-supply voltage
short circuit at which small-signal forward current- »BC — Base-to-col lectorvoltage
— Small-signal reverse transfer transfer ratio, common emitter, is unity — Base-to-emitter voltage
capacitance, short circuit or1) V CB — Collector-to-base voltage
Ofs — Forward transconductance Sme — Small-signal transconductance V CBO — Collector-to-base (emitter open)
9 is — Input conductance (common emitter) vbc — Collector-supply voltage
— Output conductance h re — Static
forward-current transfer ratio V CE — Collector-to-emitter voltage
— Dc drain current (common base) V CEO — Collector-to-emitter voltage (base
DS(OFF) — Drain-to-source OFF current h (b — Small-signal forward-current open)
GSS — Gate leakage current' transfer ratio, short circuit (common — Collector-to-emitter saturation
— Effective gate-series resistance base)
DS(ON) — Drain-to-source ON resistance h FE — Static
forward-current VEB — Emitter-to-base voltage
gd — Gate-to-drain leakage resistance (common
transfer ratio emitter) Vl
EBO — Emitter-to-base voltage (collector
— Gate-to-source leakage resistance ty e — Small-signal forward-current open)
V DB — Drain-to-substrate voltage •
transfer ratio, short circuit (common V — Emitter-supply voltage
V DS — Drain-to-source voltage emitter)
— Forward transconductance
Vqb — Dc gate-to-substrate voltage h|£ — input resistance (common
Static Yie — Input admittance
Vqb — Peak gate-to-substrate voltage emitter) — Output admittance
V GS — Dc gate-to-source voltage h ie — Small-signal input impedance,
Vqs — Peak gate-to-source voltage short (common emitter)
V GS(OFF) — Gate-to-source voltage
cutoff lb — Base current
— Forward transadmittance =gfS l
c — Collector current
— Output admittance 'cbo — Collector-cutoff emitter
— Load admittance open

4-59 Chapter 4

The conductivity of any semiconductor

junction is enhanced when it is il- 1 LAN! iii-
luminated. The discussion of solar cells in-
troduced the photovoltaic phenomenon. IQOOjiF

Photoelectric semiconductor devices used

for signaling rather than power generation
fall into the optoelectronic category.
Before photodiodes and phototransistors
were commonly available, amateur ex-
perimenters improvised by removing por-
tions of the device envelopes and install-
ing lenses to focus light on the junctions.
An experimental optical communications
system sketched in Fig. 127.

A variety
large of photoelectric
semiconductors exists today, including
bipolar phototransistors, photoFETs,
photodiodes (pn junction, PIN and varac-
tor), light-activated silicon-controlled rec-
tifiers (LASCRs) and optocouplers. An _
Fig. 127 — A visible light (or infrared) voice communications system. A phototransistor in the
optocoupler, or optoisolator, is an LED receiver recovers the amplitude-modulated signal from the transmitter.

and a phototransistor in a common IC

package. These devices often represent the
cleanest way to mate solid-state circuits
operating at widely differing voltages.
One such application might be a low-
voltage dc power supply regulated in the DTS423
> W

ac primary circuit. Units having several

kilovolts of isolation are available.
output circuits of some optocouplers are
designed to drive digital logic circuitry
1^ (>^)^
with a minimum of additional com- O 5 V
ponents. ,

figure of merit for an optocoupler 117 VAC

is the ratio of the LED
current to the
phototransistor collector current. Dar- A
lington output transistor is used in some

devices to establisha more favorable

transfer characteristic. The phototran-
sistor base lead is brought out of some
packages for controlling the transistor
when the LED is not energized. PRI

A circuit illustrating the use of an op-

tocoupler appears in Fig. 128. The keying
circuit of a vacuum-tube type of transmit-
ter is another place where an optocoupler
could be used to advantage. An opto-
coupler can also be used to key an afsk
generator from a teleprinter loop.
One class of optocoupler leaves the
LED and photodector exposed. These Fig 128 — Line voltage regulation is a representative linear application for an
optoisolator. The

devices are used extensively in punched- circuit shown here can protect high-voltage rectifiers and filter capacitors from ac surges.

card readers for electronic data processing

systems. Another use is in automotive ig-
nition systems as a replacement for
mechanical breaker points. An optical state relays capable of switching 10 A at but the elimination of visual uncertainty
117 from CMOS control signals are
V allows greater precision. A digital display
shaft-encoder is an array of open opto :
manufactured by International Rectifier is an array of light sources that can be
couplers chopped t by a rotating wheel.
Company and others. energized in various combinations to form
When a shaft encoder is used to address a
symbols. Some of the light source ar-
frequency synthesizer, the operator can
Solid-State Displays rangements are illustrated in Fig. 129. The
adjust the frequency in a manner that has
Digital readout devices comprise an im- dot-matrix system is the most versatile,
the "feel" of an ordinary vfo.
portant branch of optoelectronics. The but the seven-segment format is the one
An optoisolator packaged with a triac
advantage of digital readout is that there most used by amateurs. It displays the
forms a solid-state relay that can replace
is no interpretation error, as in an analog decimal digits with high readability. Each
electromechanical units is most applica-
readout such as a clock, speedometer or segment is identified by a letter, and Fig.
tions. The advantages of this scheme in-
ammeter. The digital readout can be no 130 shows the standard layout. In addi-
clude freedom from contact bounce, arc-
more accurate than the circuitry driving it, tion to the segments, some displays
ing, mechanical wear and noise. Solid-

Solid State Fundamentals 4-60


l iii
A B C 7 16 EACH 150JV
—vw H4-
ids o MSB O-

R 33 C / /£'i7 LSBO
TEST u"~
Fig. 129 — Various formats for symbolic
displays. RIPPLE O- -O RIPPLE

+ 5V

13 2N4403

bed f

e 1

Fig. 130 —
Segment identification and layout 8
of a seven-segment readout device.

contain a decimal point on one side of the DISPLAY /~T7
character array. Another type of display is (B) •

the bar graph. This device can be thought

of as a fast-responding incremental analog Fig. 131 — At A, a 7447A decoder/driver connected tb a common-ahode LED display. The current
meter. Some Amateur Radio applications drain is 20 mAper segment. At B is a method for using the same decoder with a common-cathode
for the bar graph device might be receiver device.

S-meters or PEP-output indicators.

LED Readouts by Texas Instruments and' others. This is among several digits. The multiplexer
Displays made from light-emitting an open-collector TTL device designed to logic, which is usually contained on a
diodes are the ones most commonly used pull down common-anode displays single IC, scans the input data lines and
because of their good readability and through external current-limiting re- sequentially routes the data for each digit
relative ease of circuit integration. sistors. A 7447A will also drive common- into the decoder. The displays are wired in
Character heights of 0.3 and 0.6 inches are cathode displays if external transistors are parallel; that is, all of the "a" segments
standard, although larger units are used. Fig. 131 shows the connections for are connected together, and so on. The
available. LED readouts are manufac- both types of display. common element of each digit is enabled
tured with one element of each segment The dc illumination method shown is at the proper time by the multiplexing cir-
common. The character to be displayed is the easiest to implement, but higher light cuit that selects the input data. With this
usually encoded in BCD form, so it is output with lower energy consumption system, only one digit is energized at any
necessary to employ some combinational can be had by pulsing the display. A flash a factor that greatly eases the
logic to illuminate the proper segments. rate of 100 Hz be imperceptible
will power-supply requirements. In order to
The circuitry to accomplish this is called a because of the persistence of human vi- maintain the brightness of each digit, the
decoder. Various seven-segment decoders sion. As more digits are added to a dis- current to each LED segment must be in-
are manufactured to drive common- play, using a decoder/driver for each digit creased. A typical display .should be
cathode and common-anode devices. becomes unfeasible from an economic operated at a peak current of 100 mA for
Some of these devices contain advanced and pc-board real estate point of view. A each segment, with a pulse duration of 50
features. The decoder IC most available technique called multiplexing allows a to 250 microseconds at a 20-percent duty
to hobbyists is the 7447A, manufactured single decoder /driver IC to be time-shared cycle.

4-61 Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Ac-Operated Power Supplies

used in some applications (notably ac-dc being connected between one wire and the
I ower-line voltages have been "stan-
and some television receivers), neutral, while the other half of the load is
dardized" throughout the U.S. at 117 and radios
Supplies of this sort operate directly from connected between the other wire and
234 volts in residential areas where a
the power line, making it necessary to neutral. Heavy appliances, such as electric
single phase voltage is supplied. These
connect the chassis or common-return stoves and heaters are designed for
figures represent nominal voltages. "Nor-
point of the circuit directly to one side of 234-volt operation and therefore are
mal" line voltage in a particular area may across the two ungrounded
the ac line. This type of power supply connected
be between approximately 110 and 125
represents a shock hazard when the wires. While both ungrounded wires
volts, but generally will be above 115 volts.
equipment is connected to other units in should be fused, a fuse should never be
In many states the service is governed by a
the amateur station or when the chassis is used in the neutral wire, nor should a
PUC (public utilities commission). The switch be used in this side of the line. The
voltage average across the country is ap- exposed. For safety reasons, an isolation
transformer should be used with such reason for this is that opening the neutral
proximately 117.
equipment. wire does not disconnect the equipment. It
ac-current capability of the service
simply leaves the equipment on one side
isa factor of line length from the dwelling
the Power-Line Considerations: Connections of the 234-volt circuit in series' with
to the nearest pole transformer, plus
In most residential systems, three wires whatever load may be across the other
conductor size of the line. Many older
are brought in from the outside to the side of the circuit, as shown in Fig. IB.
homes are a 60-ampere
supplied with
distribution board, while in a few older Furthermore, with the neutral open, the
service while most new homes have 100
systems there are only two wires. In the voltage will then be divided between the
amperes. Houses equipped with electric
three-wire system, the third wire is the two sides in inverse proportion to the load
heat will have services ranging from 150 to
neutral, which is grounded. The voltage resistance, the voltage on one side
200 amperes. soars on
between the two wires .normally is dropping below normal, while it
The electrical power required to operate happen to
234, while half of this voltage appears the other side, unless the loads
Amateur Radio equipment is usually
between each of these wires and neutral, be equal.
taken from the ac lines when the equip-
The usual line running to baseboard
ment is operated where power is available. as indicated in Fig. 1 A. In systems of this
type the 117-voIt household load is outlets rated at 15 amperes. Considering
For mobile operation the source of power
divided as evenly as possible between the the power consumed by filaments, lamps,
isalmost always the car storage battery.
two sides of the circuit, half of the load transmitter, receiver and other auxiliary
Dc voltages used in transmitters, recei-
vers and other related equipment are derived
from the commercial ac lines by using a
transformer-rectifier-filter system. The trans-
former changes the ac voltage to a suitable
value and the rectifier converts the ac to NO FUSE
pulsating dc. A
filter is used to smooth out
these pulsations to an acceptably low level.
Essentially pure direct current is required
to prevent 60- or 120-Hz hum in most
pieces of amateur equipment. Transmit-
ters must be operated from a pure dc sup-
ply as dictated by federal regulations. If a Xjuult "UUULF
constant voltage is required under condi-
tions of changing load or ac-line voltage, a »I17V- »417V
rrrrx rm\
regulator is used following the filter. o
When the prime power source is dc (a 6 6 6 6 {Eh
battery), the dc is used directly or is first (A) (B) (C)
changed to ac and is then followed by the
transformer-rectifier-filter combination.
The latter system has lost considerable Fig 1 —
Three-wife power-line circuits. At A —
Normal three-wire-line termination. No fuse should be used in

popularity with the advent of low-voltage the grounded (neutral) line. B —

A switch in the neutral does not remove voltage from either side of the line. C
semiconductor devices. — Connections for both 1 1 7- and 234-volt transformers. D —
Operating a 1 1 7-volt plate transformer
Transformerless power supplies are from the 234-volt line to avoid light blinking. T1 is a 2:1 step-down

Ac - Operated Power Supplies 5-1

equipment, it is not unusual to find this to an earth ground, thereby grounding the
with the line voltage and, if the phasing of
15-A rating exceeded by the requirements chassis or frame of the appliance and the windings is correct, the voltage
of a station of only moderate power. It preventing the possibility of electrical applied to the primaries of the transmitter
must also be kept in mind that the same shock to the user. All commercially transformers can be brought up to the
branch may be in use for other household manufactured items of electronic test rated 117 volts by setting the transformer
purposes through another outlet. For this equipment and most ac-operated amateur tap switch on the right tap. If the phasing
reason, and to minimize light blinking equipment are being supplied with these of the two windings of the transformer
when keying or modulating the transmit- three-wire cords. Adapters are available happens to be reversed, the voltage will be
ter, a separate heavier line should be run for use where older electrical installations reduced instead of increased. This con-
from the distribution board to the station dp not have mating receptacles. For nection may be used in cases where the
whenever possible. A 3-volt drop in line proper grounding, the lug of the green line voltage may be above 1 17 volts. This
voltage will cause noticeable blinking of wire protruding from the adapter must be method is preferable to using a resistor in
lights. attached underneath the screw securing the primary of a power transformer since
If the system is of the three-wire, 234-V the cover plate of the outlet box where itdoes not affect the voltage regulation as
type, the three wires should be brought connection is made, and the outlet box seriously. The circuit of 2B illustrates the
into the station so that the load can be itself must be grounded. use of a variable autotransformer (Variac)
distributed to keep the line balanced. The
for adjusting line voltage.
voltage across a fixed load on one side of Fusing
the circuit will increase as the load current All transformer primary circuits should Constant-Voltage Transformers
on the other side is increased. The rate of be properly fused. To determine the Although comparatively expensive, spe-
increase will depend upon the resistance approximate current rating of the fuse or cial transformers called constant-voltage
introduced by the, neutral wire. If the circuit breaker to be used, multiply each transformers are available for use in cases
resistance of the neutral is low, the current being drawn from the supply in where it is necessary to hold line voltage
increase will be correspondingly small. amperes by the voltage at which the and/or filament voltage constant with
When the currents in the two circuits are current is being drawn. Include the fluctuating supply-line voltage. These are
balanced, no current flows in the neutral current taken by bleeder resistances and static-magnetic voltage regulating trans-
wire and the system is operating at voltage dividers. In the case of series formers operating on principles of ferro-
maximum efficiency. resistors, use the source voltage, not the resonance. They have no tubes or moving
Light blinking can be minimized by voltage at the equipment end of the parts, and require no manual adjustments.
using transformers with 234-volt pri- resistor. Include filament power if the These transformers are rated over a range
maries in the power supplies for the keyed transformer is supplying filaments. After of less than 1 volt-ampere (VA) at 5
or intermittent part of the load, con- multiplying the various voltages and volts output up to several thousand VA at
necting them across the two ungrounded currents, add the individual products. 1 17 or 234 volts. On the average they will
wires with no connection to the neutral, as Then divide by the line voltage and add 10 hold their output voltages within one per-
shown in Fig. 1C. The same can be or 20 percent. Use a fuse or circuit breaker cent under an input voltage variation of
accomplished by the insertion of a with the nearest larger current rating. ±15 percent.
Step-down transformer with its primary
operating at 234 volts and secondary Line- Voltage Adjustment Safety Precautions
delivering 117 volts. Conventional 117- In communities trouble is
certain All power supplies in an installation
volt transformers may be operated from sometimes experienced from fluctuations should be fed through a single main
the secondary of the step-down trans- in line voltage.Usually these fluctuations power-line switch so that all power may
former (see Fig. ID). are caused by a variation in the load on be cut off quickly, either before working
When a special heavy-duty line is to be the line. Since most of the variation comes on the equipment, or in case of an
installed, the local power company should at certain fixed times of the day or night, accident. Spring-operated switches or
be consulted as to local requirements. In such as the times- when lights are turned relays are not sufficiently reliable for this
some localities it is necessary to have such on at evening, they may be taken care of important service. Foolproof devices for
a job done by a licensed electrician, and by the use of a manually operated cutting off all power to the transmitter
there may be special requirements to be compensating device. A simple arrange- and other equipment are shown in Fig. 3.
met. Some amateurs terminate the special ment is shown in Fig. 2A. A tapped trans- The arrangements shown in Figs. 3A and
line to the station at a switch box, while former is used to boost or buck the line B are similar circuits for two-wire
others may
use electric-stove receptacles voltage as required. The transformer (117-volt) and three- wire (234-volt) sys-
as the termination. The power is then should have a secondary varying between tems. S is an enclosed double-throw switch
distributed around the station by means 6 and 20 volts in steps of 2 or 3 volts and of the sort usually used as the entrance
of conventional outlets at convenient its secondary should be capable of switch in house installations. J is a
points. All circuits should be properly carrying the full load current. standard ac outlet and P a shorted plug to
fused. The secondary is connected in series fit the outlet. The switch should be located

Three- Wire 117- V Power Cords

To meet the requirements of state and
national codes, electrical tools, appliances
and many items of electronic equipment
now being manufactured to operate from TO
the 117-volt line, they must be equipped
with a three-conductor power cord. Two
of the conductors carry power to the
device in the usual fashiort, while the third
conductor is connected to the case or

frame. *

When plugged into a properly wired

mating receptacle, the three-contact pola-

Fig. 2 Two methods of transformer primary control. At A is a tapped transformer which may be connected
as to boost or buck the line voltage as required. At B is indicated a variable
transformer or autotransformer
rized plug connects this third conductor (Variac) which feeds the transformer primaries.

5-2 Chapter 5

Mm sr

\ i
i \


• 1.4ERIIS

> (A) PRV 2.6ERMS

<J ,
< 1

I / 1


\ I \ 4
\_' 1

X -w-




Fig 4 —Half-wave rectifier circuit. A illustrates the basic circuit and B displays
the diode conduction
diode is shown at C and
and nonconduction periods. The peak-reverse voltage impressed across the
for the resistor load is 1.4 E rms and
D with a simple resistor load at C and a capacitor load at D.
TO 2.8 E rms for the capacitor load.

the main power switch, or a similar The peak reverse voltage (PRV), the
arrangement at the bench, if the bench is voltage that the rectifier must withstand

Fig. 3— Reliable arrangements for cutting off all located remotely from the transmitter. when it isn't conducting, varies with the
power to the transmitter. S is an enclosed A bleeder resistor with a power rating load. With a resistive load it is the peak ac
double-pole power switch, J a standard ac outlet, which gives a considerable margin of voltage (1.4 Erms) but with a capacitor
P a shorted plug to fit the outlet and a red lamp.

and a load drawing little or no

safety used across the output of filter
A is for a two-wire 1 1 7-volt line, B for a three- can rise to 2.8 Er ms The reason
all transmitter power supplies, so that the
current it .

wire 234-volt system, and C a simplified

arrangement for low-power stations. filter capacitors will be discharged when for this is shown in Figs. 4C and
turned off. 4D. With a load as shown at C
the high-voltage is
the amount of reverse voltage applied to
Rectifier Circuits: Half-Wave the diode is that voltage on the lower side
prominently in plain sight, and members
Fig. 4 shows a simple half-wave rectifier of the Zero-axis line or 1 .4 Erm S capaci- . A
of the household should be instructed in
As pointed out in the semi- tor connected to the circuit (shown at D)
its location and use. I is a red lamp located circuit.
conductor chapter a rectifier (in this case a will store the peak positive voltage when
alongside the switch. Its purpose is not so
semiconductor diode) will conduct cur- the diode conducts on the positive pulse.
much to serve as a warning that the power
and rent in one direction but not the other. If the circuit is not supplying any current
is on as it is to help in identifying
should During one half of the ac cycle the the voltage across the capacitor will re-
quickly locating the switch it

rectifier will conduct and current will flow main at that same level. The peak reverse
become necessary for someone else to cut
through the rectifier to the load (indicated voltage impressed across the diode is now
the power off in an emergency.
by. the solid line in Fig. 4B). During the the sum of the voltage stored in the capa-
The outlet J should be placed in some
other half cycle the rectifier is reverse citor plus the peak negative swing of volt-
corner out of sight where it will not be a
biased and no current will flow (indicated age from the transformer secondary. In
temptation for children or others to play
by the dotted line in Fig. 4B) to the load. this case the PRV is 2.8 Er ms-
with. The shorting plug can be removed to
open the power circuit if there are others As shown, the output is in the form of
Full-Wave Center-Tap Rectifier
around who might inadvertently throw pulsed dc and current always flows in the
the switch while the operator is working same direction. A filter can be used to A commonly used rectifier circuit is
smooth out these variations and provide a shown in Fig. 5. Essentially an arrange-
on the rig. If the operator takes the plug
higher average dc voltage from the circuit. ment in which the outputs of two half-
with him, it will prevent someone from
This idea will be covered in the next wave rectifiers are combined, it makes use
turning on the power in his absence and
section on of both halves of the ac cycle. transfor- A
either hurting himself or the equip- filters.

ment or perhaps starting a fire. Of utmost The average output voltage — the mer with a center-tapped secondary is re-
importance is the fact that the outlet J voltage read by a dc voltmeter with this — quired with the circuit.
circuit (no filter connected) is 0.45 times The average output voltage is 0.9 times
must be placed in the ungrounded side of
the rms value of the ac voltage delivered the rms voltage of half the transformer
the line.
by the transformer secondary. Because the secondary; this is the maximum that can
Those who are operating low power
frequency of the pulses is rather low (one be obtained with a suitable choke-input
and feel that the expense or complication
pulsation per cycle), considerable filtering filter. The peak output voltage is 1.4 times
of the switch isn't warranted can use the
required to provide adequately smooth the rms voltage of half the transformer
shorted-plug idea as the main power is

dc output. For this reason the circuit is secondary; this is the maximum voltage
switch. In this case, the outlet should be
usually limited to applications where the that can be obtained from a capacitor-
located prominently and identified by a
current required is small, as in a input filter.
signal light, as shown in Fig. 3C.
transmitter bias supply. As can be seen in Fig. 5C the PRV
The test bench should be fed through

Ac - Operated Power Supplies 5-3

impressed on each diode is independent of tween the rectifier and the load to smooth drawn, not only because of increased
the type load at the output. This -is out the pulsations into an essentially voltage drops on the transformer, filter
because the peak reverse voltage condition constant dc voltage. Also, the design of chokes and the rectifier (if high-vacuum
occurs when diode A conducts and diode thefilter depends to a large extent on the
rectifiers are used) but also because the
B does not conduct. The positive and dc voltage output, the voltage regulation output voltage at light loads tends to soar
negative voltage peaks occur at precisely of the power supply, arid the maximum to the peak value of the transformer
thesame time, a different condition than load current that can be drawn from the voltage as a result of charging the first
exists in the half-wave circuit. As diodes A supply without exceeding the peak- capacitor. By proper filter design
and B cathodes reach a positive peak (1.4 the
current rating
of the rectifier. Power latter effect can be eliminated. The change
E,. ms ), the anode of diode B is
at a negative supply filters are low-pass devices using in output voltage with load is called
peak, also 1.4 Er ms , but in the opposite series inductors and shunt capacitors.
direction. The total peak reverse voltage is
voltage regulation and is expressed as a
therefore 2.8 Erms. Load Resistance
Fig. 5B shows that the frequency of the 100 E i~ E ;)
In discussing the performance of power-
output pulses is twice that of the Percent regulation = (

supply sometimes convenient

filters, it is E2
half-wave rectifier. Comparatively less to express the load connected to the where
filtering is required. Since the rectifiers
output terminals of the supply in terms of =
work alternately, each handles half of the Ei the no-load voltage
resistance. The load resistance is equal to
load current: The current rating of each E2 = the full-load voltage
the output voltage divided by the total
rectifier need be only half the total current
current drawn, including the current
drawn from the supply. A
steady load, such as that represented
drawn by the bleeder resistor. by a
Twoseparate transformers, with their receiver, speech amplifier or unkeyed

primaries connected in parallel and stages of a transmitter, does not require

Voltage Regulation
secondaries connected
good (low) regulation as long as the
in series (with The output voltage of a power supply
the proper polarities), proper voltage is obtained under load
may be used in always decreases as more current is
this However, if this substitu-
conditions. However, the filter capacitors
tion is made, the primary volt-ampere
rating must be reduced to about 40 per-
cent less than twice the rating of one DIODE
transformer. + CONDUCTION

Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier AC EPEAK'<.4ERMS
I /» (1 « A RIPPLE-48%/<20Hl
Another commonly used rectifier cir- B '» A '* B " A r B
cuit is illustrated in Fig. 6. In this
\ I \
' \ / w
\ I \


arrangement, two rectifiers operate in NON-CONDUCTION

(A) (B)
series on each half of the cycle, one
rectifier being in the lead to the load, the
other being in the return lead. As shown
in Figs. 6A and B, when the top lead of
the transformer secondary is positive with REVERSE
respect to the bottom lead diodes and C A '".A
will conduct while diodes B and
reverse biased. On
the next half cycle

when the top lead of the transformer is

negative with respect to the bottom diodes
B and D will conduct while diodes A and
C F s- F "! -" ave center-tap rectifier circuit. A illustrates the basic circuit.

are reverse biased. Diode conduction is shown

B with diodes A and B alternately conducting. The
The output wave shape peak-reverse voltage for each diode E rms
is 2 8 >-
the same asis as depicted at C.
that from the simple center-tap rectifier
circuit. The maximum output voltage into
a resistive load or choke-input filter is 0.9
times the.rms voltage delivered by the
transformer secondary; with a capacitor
and a light load the output voltage is
filter EPEAK"(.4ERMS
1.4 times the secondary rms voltage. \* d ;V/W,a.C;V RIPPLE. 48%/(20Hj
Fig. 6C shows the peak reverse voltage
to be 2.8 Er ms for each pair of diodes.
WM m
\ / v ;
; \
v ;
; \
i ;

Since the diodes are connected in series DIODE

each diode has 1 .4 E rms as the reverse volt- (A)
age impressed across it. Each pair of
diodes works alternately so each handles
half of the load current. 2.8ERMS
The rectifier in REVERSE
this should have a minimum
circuit 1.4 ERMS
current rating of one half the total load /

\ /
current to be drawn from the supply. VOLTAGE SWING

Filtering L
The pulsating
dc waves from the
L- * 6 d9e r Ct '" er C " oult The basiccircuit is illustrated
at A. Diode conduction and
not sufficiently constant in
rectifiers are
amplitude to prevent hum corresponding
2SrB «h
and n
diodes D h "? Sh n at B Di0deS A and C conduct on one hal < ° f the input'cycle whHe
T -

conduct on the other. C displays the peak-reverse

voltage for one-half cycle Since
to the pulsations. Filters are required be-
h S C

^. USeS ,wo diodes essential| i" «•"• the

y 2.8 E rm8 is divided'between two dio'dis or 1 4

5-4 Chapter 5

component. Series chokes will readily pass the load resistance is high. Silicon recti-
must have a voltage rating safe for the
dc but will impede the flow of the ac fiers have a higher allowable peak-to-dc
highest value to which the voltage will \
removed. component. ratio than do thermionic rectifiers. This
soar when the external load is
The alternating component called permits the use of capacitor-input filters
A power supply will show more (higher) is
at ratios of input capacitor to load resis-
regulation with long-term changes in load ripple.The effectiveness of the filter can be
expressed in terms of percent ripple, tance that would seriously shorten the life
resistance than with short temporary
which' is the ratio of the mis value of the of a thermionic rectifier system. When the
changes. regulation with long-term
ripple to the dc value in terms of series resistance through a rectifier and
changes often called the static regula-
is t

percentage. filter system is appreciable, las when high-

tion, to distinguish it from the dynamic
vacuum rectifiers are used, the voltage re-
regulation (short temporary lo*i changes).
100 E, gulation of a capacitor-input power sup-
A load that varies at a syllabic or keyed Percent ripple (rms) — ply is poor.
rate, as represented by some audio and rf
The output voltage of a properly
amplifiers, usually requires good dynamic where
designed choke-input power supply is less
regulation (15 percent or less) if distortion Ei = the rms value of ripple voltage
than would be obtained with a capacitor-
products are to be held to a low level. The E2 = the steady dc voltage
input filter from the same transformer.
dynamic regulation of a power supply is
Any multiplier or -amplifier supply in a Generally speaking, a choke-input filter
improved by increasing the value of the
code transmitter should have less than five will permit a higher load current to be
output capacitor.
percent ripple. A linearcan amplifier drawn from a thermionic rectifier without
When essentially constant voltage re-
required tolerate about three percent ripple on the exceeding the peak rating of the rectifier.
gardless of current variation is
plate voltage. Bias supplies for linear
(for stabilizing an oscillator, for example),
Capacitive-Input Filters
special voltage-regulating circuits de- amplifiers,and modulator and modulated-
amplifier plate supplies, should have less Capacitive-input filter systems are shown
scribed later in this chapter are used.
than one percent ripple. VFOs, speech in Fig. 7. Disregarding voltage drops in
Bleeder amplifiers and receivers may require a the chokes, all have the same characteris-
ripple reduction to 0.01 percent. tics except in respect to ripple. Better
A bleeder resistor is a 'resistance
Ripple frequency is the frequency of the ripple reduction will be obtained when
connected across the output terminals of
the power supply. Its functions are to pulsations in the rectifier output wave — sections are added as shown in Figs. 7B
the number of pulsations per second. The and C.
discharge the filter capacitors as a safety
measure when the power is turned off and frequency of the ripple with half-wave
Output Voltage
improve voltage regulation by pro- rectifiers is the same as the frequency of
viding a load resistance. When
minimum the line supply —
60 Hz with 60-Hz To determine the approximate dc
supply. Since the output pulses are voltage output when a capacitive-input
voltage regulation is not of importance,
doubled with a full-wave rectifier, the filter is used, the^ graphs shown in Fig. 8
the resistance may be as high as 100 ohms
per volt. The resistance value to be used ripple frequency is doubled to 120 Hz — will be helpful. An example of how to use

with a 60-Hz supply. the graph is given below.

for voltage-regulating purposes is discussed
The amount of filtering (values of Example:
in later sections. From the consideration
inductance and capacitance) required to Full-wave rectifier (Use graph at B)
of safety, the power rating of the resistor
should be as conservative as possible, give adequate smoothing depends upon Transformer rms voltage = 350
since a burned-out bleeder resistor is more the ripple frequency, with more filtering Load resistance = 2000 ohmS
dangerous than none at all! being required as the ripple frequency is Series resistance = 200 ohms
lowered. Input capacitance = 20 wF
Ripple Frequency and Voltage
Type of Filter
Pulsations at the output of the rectifier 200
= 0.1 RC 2000 X 20
- wn

Power-supply two into

can be considered to be the resultant of an filters fall
RS '2000 lobo" 1000
alternating current superimposed on a classifications, capacitor input and choke
steady direct current. From this view- input. Capacitor-input filters are charac- From curve 0.1 and RC = 40, the dc vol-
terized by relatively high butput voltage in X =
point, the filter may be considered to tage is (350 1.06) 370.
respect to the transformer voltage. Advan- know
consist of shunt capacitors, which short- In many casqs it is desirable to
circuit the ac component while not tage of this can be taken when silicon rec- the amount of capacitance required for a
tifiers are used or with any rectifier when
interfering with the flow of the dc power supply given certain performance
criteria. This is especially true when
designing a power supply for an ap-
plication such as powering a solid-state
transceiver. The following example should
JTTTI^. -0+ give the builder a good handle on how to

arrive at circuit values for a power supply
using a single capacitor filter.

(A) (B)
I Fig. 9 is the circuit diagram of the
power supply
to be used.

Output voltage =12.6

Output current = 1 ampere
+ 0- _mnn_ -CH-
Maximum ripple = 2 percent
" L2
rt r: OC
Load regulation = 5 percent .

RECTIFIER The rms secondary voltage of Tl must

-o- X (C)
-o- be the desired output voltage plus the volt-
age drops across D2 and D4 divided by

Fig. 7 —
Capacitive-input filter circuits. At A is a simple capacitor filter. B and C are single- and EsF
-1M+M = 9.93
double-section filters, respectively. 1.41

Ac - Operated Power Supplies 5-5

In practice the nearest standard trans-
former (10 V) would work fine. Alterna-
tively, the builder could wind his own
transformer, or remove secondary turns
from a 12- volt transformer to obtain the
desired rms secondary voltage.
A two percent ripple referenced to 12.6
volts is 0.25 V rms. The peak-to-peak
value is therefore 0.25 X
2.8 = 0.7 V. This
value required to calculate the required

capacitance for CI.

Also needed for determining the value
of CI is the time interval (t) between the
full-wave rectifier pulses which is cal-
culated as follows:

t = J- = 4- = y x
(Hz) 120

where t is the time between pulses and f is

the frequency in Hz. Since the circuit
makes use of a full-wave rectifier a pulse
occurs twice during each cycle. With
half-wave rectification a pulse would
occur only once a cycle. Thus 120 Hz is
used as the frequency for this calculation.
CI is calculated from the following

10 30 50 100 300 1000
E rip (pk-pk)"]


^lA X8.3 X IP' 3

3 j j 10 6

= 11,857

where I L is the current taken by the load.

The nearest standard capacitor value is

12,000 pF. It will be an acceptable one to
use, but since the tolerance of electrolytic
capacitors is rather loose, the builder may
elect to use the next larger
standard value.
Diodes D1-D4, inclusive, should have a
PRV rating of at least two times the
transformer secondary peak voltage. As-
suming a transformer secondary rms
value of 10 volts, the PRV should be at
least 28 volts. Four 50-volt diodes will
provide a margin of safety. The forward
current of the diodes should be at least
twice the load current. For a 1-A load, the
diodes should be rated for,at least 2 A.
The load resistance, Rl, is determined
°y Eo/Il» which in this example is 12.6/1 =
12.6 ohms. This factor must be known in
order to find the necessary series resis-"
tance for five-percent regulation. Calcu-
late as follows:

Rs(max)= Load regulation (

= 0.05 = 0.O63 ohm 300 500 1000
10 (R IN OHMS, C IN pf)

Fig. 8 —
Dc output voltages from a half- and full-wave rectifier circuit as a function of the filter
capacitance and load resistance (half-wave shown at A and full-wave
Therefore, the transformer secondary dc shown atB). R s includes
transformer winding resistance and rectifier forward resistance. For the ratio
FUR, both resistances
resistance should be no greater than 0.063 are ohms; for the RC R
in product, is in ohms and C is in «F.

5-6 Chapter 5
ohm. The secondary current rating should D2

be equal to or greater than the II " 1 am- -M-

pere. i o.o<^~
CI should have a minimum working
voltage of 1.4 times the output voltage. In
EC i I

the case of this power supply the capacitor
should be rated for at least 18 volts.
-H- 4 •

Choke-Input Filters
WithV thermionic rectifiers better volt-
E (no load)
=E sec xl-41 CI (E min ) =E X1.41
age regulation results when a choke-input
filter, as shown in Fig. 10, is used. Choke P =E o X I
Fl (A) = 2I/N (N = turns ratio)
input permits better utilization of the Ri =E„ + I, E sec 2E + 1.41
thermionic rectifier, since a higher load
current can be drawn without exceeding
the peak current rating of the rectifier.
Fig. 9 — This figure illustrates how to design a simple unregulated power supply. See text for a
thorough discussion.

Minimum Choke Inductance

A choke-input filter will tend to act as a
capacitive-input filter unless the input
choke has a certain minimum
at least
value of inductance called the critical
value. This critical value is given by

Lcrit (henrys) = E (volts)

I (mA)
where E = the supply output voltage Fig. 10 —
Diagram showing various voltage drops that must be taken into consideration in determining
I = the current being drawn through the required transformer voltage to deliver the desired output voltage.
the filter.
load current of 200 is drawn from the mA W F or more is usually adequate. When
If the choke has at least the critical
supply, the inductance will drop to 5 H. the supply is used with a Class B amplifier
value, the output voltage will be limited to
the average value of the rectified wave at The critical inductance for 200 at mA (for modulation pr for ssb amplification)
the input to the choke when the current 1000 volts is 1000/200 = 5 H. Therefore or a cw transmitter, increasing the output
drawn from the supply is small. This is in the 5/25 H choke maintains the critical capacitance will result in improved dy-
contrast to the. capacitive-input filter in inductance at the full current rating of 200 namic regulation of the supply. However,
which the output voltage tends to soar mA. At all load currents between 40 mA a region of diminishing returns can be
and 200 mA, the choke will adjust its in- reached, and 20 to 30 «F will usually
toward the peak value of the rectified
wave at light loads. ductance to the approximate critical value. suffice forany supply subjected to large
changes at a syllabic (or keying) rate.
Minimum-Load — Bleeder Resistance Output Voltage
From the formula above for critical in- Provided the input-choke inductance is Resonance
ductance, it is obvious that if no current is at least the critical value, the output Resonance effects in the series circuit
drawn from the supply, the critical induc- voltagemay be calculated quite closely by: across the output of the rectifier, formed
tance will be infinite. So that a practical E = 0.9E, - (I B +I L ) X (Rl +R2) - E by the first choke and first filter capacitor,
value of inductance may be used, some must be avoided, since the ripple voltage
current must be drawn from the supply at where would build up to large values. This not
all times the supply is in use. From the E = output voltage only is the opposite action to that for
formula we find that this minimum value E = rms voltage applied to the recti- which the filter is intended, but may also
of current is fier (rms voltage between center-tap cause excessive rectifier peak currents and
and one end of the secondary in the abnormally high peak-reverse voltages.
(mA) = E—(volts)
^ case of the center-tap rectifier) For full-wave rectification the ripple fre-
IB = bleeder current (A) quency will be 120 Hz for a 60-Hz supply,
= load current (A) and resonance will occur when the pro-
In the majority of cases it will be most I L
Ri = first filter choke resistance duct of choke inductance in henrys times
convenient to adjust the bleeder resistance
R.2 = second filter choke resistance capacitor capacitance in microfarads is
so that the bleeder will draw the required
Er = voltage drop across the rectifier. equal to 1.77. At least twice this product
minimum current. From the formula, it
of inductance and capacitance should be
may be seen that the value of critical in-
used to ensure against resonance effects.
ductance becomes smaller as the load cur- The various voltage drops are shown in
With a swinging choke, the minimum
rent increases. Fig. 10. At no load II is zero; hence the
rated inductance of the choke should be
no-load voltage may be calculated on the
Swinging Chokes used. If too high an LC filterproduct is
basis of bleeder current only. The voltage
used, the resonance may occur at the
Less costly chokes are available that regulation may be determined from the
radio-telegraph keying or voice syllabic
willmaintain at least the critical value of no-load and full-load voltages using the
rate, and large voltage excursions (filter
inductance over the range of current likely formulas previously given.
drawn from These
practical supplies.
bounce) may be experienced at that rate.
to be
chokes are called swinging choices. As an Output Capacitor
Ratings of Filter Components
example, a swinging choke may have an Whether the supply has a choke- or
inductance rating of 5/25 H and a current capacitor-input filter, intended for if it is In a power supply using a choke-input
rating of 200 mA. If the supply delivers use with a Class af amplifier, the A filterand properly designed choke and
1000 volts, the minimum load current reactance of the output capacitor should bleeder resistor, the no-load voltage
should be 1000/25 = 40 mA. When the full be low for the lowest audio frequency; 16 across the filter capacitors will be about

Ac Operated Power Supplies

- 5-7
-o +


Fig. 1
1 — In most applications, the filter chokes may be placed in the negative instead of the positive
side of the circuit. This reduces the danger of a voltage breakdown between the choke winding and '

Fig. 1 2 — The "economy" power supply circuit is

a combination of the full-wave and bridge-
rectifier circuits.

Wv— )\
± -o + universal practice to place filter chokes in
the positive leads of plate power supplies.
LINE DAi; C2^b EDC DA i i CZ^Z This means that the insulation between
the choke winding and its core (which
should be grounded to chassis as a safety
(A) 7£ CONDUCTING measure) must be adequate to withstand
the output voltage of the supply. This
voltage requirement is removed if the
CI chokes are placed in the negative lead as
*.4 ERMS DB shown in Fig. 11. With this connection,
EPEAK*2.8ERMS the capacitance of the transformer secon-
+ C2 m
dary to ground appears in parallel with
ZfZ 2.8 ERMS J ll- the filter chokes tending to bypass the
chokes. However, this effect will be
negligible in practical application except

fC) , in cases where the output ripple must be

reduced to a very low figure. Such
applications are usually limited to low-
Fig. 13 — Illustrated at A
a half -wave voltage-doubler circuit. B displays how the first half cycle of
voltage devices such as receivers, speech
input voltage charges C 1 During the next half cycle (shown at C) capacitor
C2 is charged with the
and VFOs where insulation is

transformer secondary voltage plus that voltage stored in C 1 from the previous half cycle. D illustrates amplifiers
the levels to which each capacitor is charged throughout the cycle. no problem and the chokes may be placed
in the positive side in the conventional
manner. In higher-voltage applications,
there is no reason why the filter chokes

should not be placed in the negative lead

nine-tenths of the ac rms voltage. Never- is used, it is important that each of the to reduce insulation requirements. Choke
theless, it is advisable to use' capacitors capacitors be shunted with a resistor of terminals, negative capacitor terminals
rated for the peak transformer voltage. about 100 ohms per volt of supply voltage and the transformer center-tap terminal
This large safety factor is suggested applied to the individual capacitors, with should be well protected against acciden-
because the voltage across the capacitors an adequate power rating. These resistors tal contact, since these will assume full
can reach this peak value if the bleeder may serve as all or part of the bleeder supply voltage to chassis should a choke
should burn out and there is no load on resistance. Capacitors with higher voltage burn out or the chassis connection fail.
the supply. made with a dielectric
ratings usually are
In a capactive-input filter, the capaci- of thin paper impregnated with oil. The The "Economy" Power Supply
tors should have a working- voltage rating working voltage of a capacitor is the In many
transmitters of the 100-watt
at least as high, and preferably somewhat voltage that withstand continuously.
it will class, an excellent method for obtaining
higher, than the peak voltage from the
plate and screen voltages without wasting
transformer. Thus, in the case of a center- Filter Chokes
power in resistors is by the use of the
tap rectifier having a transformer deliver- chokes or inductances are wound
Filter "economy" power-supply circuit. Shown
ing 550 volts each side of the center tap, on iron cores, with a small
gap in the core in Fig. 12, it is a combination of the full-
the minimum safe capacitor voltage rating to prevent magnetic saturation of the iron wave and bridge-rectifier circuits. The volt-
willbe 550 X 1.41 or 775 volts. An 800-volt at high currents. When the iron becomes age at El is the normal voltage obtained
capacitor should be used, or preferably a saturated its permeability decreases, and with the full-wave circuit, and the voltage
1000-volt unit. consequently the inductance also decreases. at E2 is that obtained with the bridge cir-
Despite the air gap, the inductance of a cuit. The total dc power obtained from the
Filter Capacitors in Series
choke usually varies to some extent with transformer is, of course, the same as
Filter capacitors are made in several the direct current flowing in the winding; when the transformer is used in its normal
different types. Electrolytic capacitors, hence it is. necessary to specify the induc- manner. In cw and ssb applications, addi-
which are available for peak voltages up tance at the current which the choke is tional power can usually be drawn with-
to about 800, combine high capacitance intended to carry. Its inductance with little out excessive heating, especially if the
with small size, since the dielectric is an or no direct current flowing in the winding transformer has a rectifier filament wind-
extremely thin film of oxide on aluminum will usually be considerably higher than ing that isn't being used.
foil. Capacitors of this type may be the value when full load current is flow-
connected in series for higher voltages, ing. Half-Wave Voltage Doubler •

although the filtering capacitance will be

Fig. 13 shows the circuit of half-wave
reduced to the resultant of the two Negative-Lead Filtering
voltage doubler. Figs. 13B, C and D
capacitances in series. If this arrangement For many years has been almost
it illustrate the circuit operation. For clarity,

5-8 Chapter 5
assume the transformer voltage polarity at voltage, D A is cutoff and diode D B c6n- the capacitors will remain charged €1 —
ducts charging capacitor C2. The amount to 1.4 E rms and C2 to 2.8 E rms When a .

the moment the circuit is activated is that

shown at B. During the first negative half of voltage delivered to C2 is the sum of load is connected to the output of the
D a noncon- peak secondary voltage of the transformer doubler, the voltage across C2 drops,
cycle A conducts (D B is in
ductive state), charging CI to the peak plus the voltage stored in CI (1.4 E rms ). during the negative half cycle and is
rectified voltage (1.4 Er ms ). CI is charged On the next negative half cycle, B is D recharged up to 2.8 E rms during the
with the polarity shown at B. During the nonconducting and C2 will discharge into positive half cycle.

positive half cycle of the secondary the load. If no load is connected across C2 The output waveform across C2 re-
sembles that of a half-wave rectifier cir-
cuit in that C2 is pulsed once every cycle.
The drawing at Fig. 13D illustrates the
levels to which the two capacitors are
charged throughout the cycle. In actual
operation the capacitors will not dis-
charge all the way to zero as shown.

Full- Wave Voltage Doubler

Shown in Fig. 14 is the circuit of a
full-wave voltage doubler. The circuit
operation can best be understood by
following Figs. 14B, C and D. During the
positive half cycle of transformer secon-
dary voltage, as shown at B, D A conducts
charging capacitor CI to 1.4 E rrns D B is .

not conducting at this time.

During the negative half cycle, as
shown at C, D B conducts charging
capacitor C2 to 1.4 E rms while DA is

nonconducting. The output voltage is the

sum of the two capacitor voltages which
will be 2.8 Er ms under no-load conditions.
Fig. 14D illustrates that each capacitor
alternately receives a charge once per
cycle.The effective filter capacitance is
that ofCI and C2 in series, which is less
Fig. 14 — A full-wave voltage doubler is displayed at A. One half cycle is shown at B and the next than the capacitance of either CI or C2
half cycle at C. Each capacitor receives a charge during every cycle of input voltage. D illustrates
how each capacitor alternately charged.
Resistors R in Fig. 14A are used to limit

the surge current through the rectifiers.

Their values are based on the transformer
voltage and the rectifier surge-current
rating, since at the instant the power sup-
ply is turned on the filter capacitors look
like a short-circuited load. 'Provided the
limiting resistors can withstand the surge
current, their current-handling capacity is
based on the maximum load current from
the supply. Output voltages approaching
twice the peak voltage of the transformer
can be obtained with the voltage doubling
circuit shown in Fig. 14. Fig. 15 shows
how the voltage depends upon the ratio of
the series resistance to the load resistance,
and the load resistance times the filter
capacitance. The peak reverse voltage
across each diode is 2.8 E rms
Voltage Tripling and Quadrupling
A voltage-tripling circuit is shown in

Fig. 16A. On one half of the ac cycle CI

and C3 are charged to the source voltage
through Dl, D2 and D3. On the opposite
half of the cycle D2 conducts and C2 is
charged to twice the source voltage,
because it sees the transformer plus the
charge in CI as its source. (Dl is cut off
during this half cycle.) At the same time,
D3 conducts, and with the transformer
and the charge in C2 as the source, C3 is
Fig. 15 — Dc output voltages from a full-wave voltage-doubling circuit as a function of the filter
charged to three times the transformer
capacitances and load resistance. For the ratio R s /R and for the RC product, resistances are in
ohms and capacitance is in microfarads. Equal resistance values for R s and equal capacitance of
values for C are assumed. ' The voltage-quadrupling circuit

Ac - Operated Power Supplies 5-9


Fig. 16B works in substantially similar This does not apply, of course, to
fashion. In either of the circuits of Fig. 16, amateur transmitter plate transformers,
the output voltage will approach an exact which usually are rated for intermittent

multiple of the peak ac Voltage when the service.

output current drain is low and the
capacitance values are high. Rewinding Power Transformers
In the circuits shown, the negative leg
Although the home winding of power
of the supply is common to one side of the
transformers is a task that few amateurs
transformer. The positive leg can be made
undertake, the rewinding of a transformer
common to one side of the transformer by
secondary to give some desired voltage for
reversing the diodes and capacitors.
powering filaments or a solid-state device
Plate and Filament Transformers: is not difficult. It involves a matter of only

Volt-Ampere Rating a small number of turns and the wire is

large enough to be handled easily. Often a
The number of volt-amperes delivered
receiver power transformer with a burned-
by a transformer depends upon the type of
out high-voltage winding, or the power
filter (capacitor or choke input) used, and
transformer from a discarded TV set can
upon the type of rectifier used (full-wave
be converted into an entirely satisfactory
center tap, or full-wave bridge). With a (B)
transformer without great effort and with
capacitive-input filter the heating effect in
little expense. The average TV power
the secondary is higher because of the Fig 16 —
Voltage-multiplying circuits with one
transformer for a 17-inch or larger set is side of transformer secondary common. (A)
high ratio of peak-to-average current. The
capable of delivering from 350 to 450 Voltage tripler; (B) voltage quadrupler.
volt-amperes handled by the transformer
watts, continuous duty. If an amateur Capacitances are typically 20 to 50 pF
may be several times the watts delivered to depending upon output current demand. Dc
transmitter is being powered, the service is
the load. With a choke-input filter, ratings of capacitors are related to
not continuous, so the ratings can be
provided the input choke has at least the E peak( 1 4E ac)-

critical inductance, the secondary volt-

increased by a factor of 40 or 50 percent C1 —
Greater than E„ eak

amperes can be calculated quite closely by

without danger of overloading the trans- C2 —
Greater than 2E peak
former. C3 —
Greater than 3E peak
the equation:
The primary volt-ampere rating of the
C4 —
Greater than 4Epeak

^ n
(Full-wave ^
Sec VA =
v*. 0-707 EI— transformer to be rewound, if known, can
be used to determine its power-handling
capability. The secondary volt-ampere
E rating will be 10 to 20 percent, less than the LAMINATION
(Full-wave bridge) Sec VA = WINDING STACK
primary rating. The power rating may
also be determined approximately from
where the cross-sectional area of the core which
E = total rms voltage of the secondary is inside the windings. Fig. 17 shows the
(between the outside ends in the case method of determining the area, and Fig.
of a center-tapped winding) 18 may be used to convert this in-
I = dc output current in milliamperes formation into a power rating.
(load current plus bleeder current) Before disconnecting the winding leads
from their terminals, each should be
The primary volt-amperes be some-will marked removing the
for identification. In
what higher because of transformer losses. core laminations, care should be taken to
note the manner in which the core is
assembled, so that the reassembling will
Broadcast and Television Replacement be done in the same manner. Most
Transformers transformers have secondaries wound
Small power transformers of the type over the primary, while in some the order
sold for replacement in broadcast and is reversed. In case the secondaries are on WIDTH X HEIGHT (WXH) OF CORE
television receivers are usually designed the inside, the turns can be pulled out
for service in terms of use for several from the center after slitting and removing — Cross-sectional drawing of a typical
Fig. 17
hours continuously with capacitor-input the fiber core. power transformer. Multiplying the height (or
filters. In the usual type of amateur The turns removed from one of the thickness of the laminations) by the width of
transmitter service, where most of the original filament windings of known the central core area in inches gives the value
to be applied to Fig. 18.
power is drawn intermittently for periods voltage should be carefully counted as the
of several minutes with equivalent inter- winding is removed. This will give the
vals in between, the published ratings can number of turns per volt and the same
be exceeded without excessive transformer figure should be used in determining the amateur-service transformers is '700 cmil/
heating. number of turns for the new secondary. A. The larger the cmil/A figure, the cooler
With a capacitor-input filter, it should For instance, if the old filament winding the transformer will run. The current
be safe to draw 20 to 30 percent more was rated at 5 volts and had 15 turns, this rating in amperes of various wire sizes is
current than the rated value. With a is 15/5 = 3 turns per yolt. If the new shown in the copper-wire table in another
choke-input filter, an increase in current secondary is to deliver 18 * volts, the chapter. If the transformer being rewound
of about 50 percent is -permissible. If a required number of turns on the new is a filament transformer, it may be
bridge rectifier is used, the output voltage winding will be 18 X 3 = 54 turns. necessary to choose the wire size carefully
will be approximately doubled. In this' In winding a transformer, the size of to fit the small available space. On the
case, it should be possible in amateur wire is an important factor in the heat other hand, if the transformer is a power
transmitter service to draw the rated developed in operation. A cross-sectional unit with the high-voltage winding re-
current, thus obtaining about twice the area of 1000 circular mils per ampere is moved, there should be plenty of room for
rated output power from the transformer. conservative. A
value commonly used in a size of wire that will conservatively

5-10 Chapter 5
handle the required current.
After the first layer of turns put on is
during rewinding, secure the ends with ui 3-3/4
cellulose tape. Each layer should be o
5 3-1/2
insulated from the next; ordinary house-
hold waxed paper can be used for the 5 3-1/4
purpose, a single layer being adequate. O ,
Sheets cut to size beforehand may be
secured over each layer with tape. Be sure z
~ 2-3/4
to bring all leads out the same side of the <
core so the covers will go in place when J 2-1/2
the unit is completed. When the last layer UJ
a: 2-1/4
of the winding is put on, use two sheets of o
waxed paper, and then cover those with 2
vinyl electrical tape, -keeping the tape as o
add mechanical 1-3/4
taut as possible. This will t
strength to the assembly.
The laminations and housing are </)

assembled in just the opposite sequence to 2 1-1/4

that followed in disassembly. Use a light
coating of shellac between each lamina- 50 100 15 200 250 300 350 4 4 50 500
tion. During reassembly, the lamination POWER RATING OF TRANSFORMER IN WATTS
stack may be compressed by clamping in a
vise. If the last few lamination strips can- Fjg. 18 — Power-handling capability of a transformer versus cross-sectional area of core.
not be replaced, it is better to omit them
than to force the unit together.

Rectifier Ratings: Semiconductors

Silicon rectifiers are being used almost

exclusively in power supplies for amateur
equipment. Types are available to replace
high-vacuum and mercury-vapor rectifiers.
The semiconductors have the advantages
of compactness, low internal voltage drop,
low operating temperature and high cur-
rent-handling capability. Also, no fila-
ment transformers are required.
Silicon rectifiers are available' in a wide
range of voltage and current ratings. In
peak reverse voltage ratings of 600 or less,
silicon rectifiers carry current ratings as
high as 400 amperes, and at 1000 PRV the
current ratings may be several amperes or
so. The extreme compactness of silicon
types makes feasible the stacking of
several units in series for higher voltages.
Standard stacks are available that will
handle up to 10,000 PRV at a dc load
current of 500 mA, although the amateur
can do much better, economically, by
stacking the rectifiers himself.

Protection of Silicon Power Diodes

Fig. 1 9 — The circuit a simple half-wave rectifier with a resistive load. The waveform
shown at A is
The important specifications of a shown and diode current. B illustrates how the diode current is
to the right is that of output voltage
silicon diode are modified by the addition of a capacitor filter. The diode conducts only when the rectified voltage is
greater than stored capacitor voltage. Since this time period is usually only a short portion of a cycle,
1) PRV
(or PIV), the peak reverse (or
the peak current will be quite high. C shows an even higher peak current. This is due to the larger
peak inverse) voltage. capacitor which effectively shortens the conduction period of the diode.
2) Io, the average dc current rating.
3) Irep, the peak repetitive forward
4) Isurge, the peak one-cycle surge as 10 to 20 times the average dc current, As the voltage begins to rise on the next
current. The first two specifications appear under certain conditions. This is shown iff positive pulse a point is reached where the

in most catalogs. The last two often do Fig. 19. At A is a simple half-wave recti- rectified voltage equals the stored voltage
not, but they are very important. fierwith a resistive load. The waveform to in the capacitor. As the voltage rises be-
Since the rectifier never allows current the right of the drawing shows the output yond that point the diode begins to supply
to flow more than half the time, when it voltage along with the diode current. At B current. The diode will continue to con-
does conduct it has to pass at least twice and C there are two periods of operation duct until the waveform reaches the crest,
the average direct current. With a to consider. After the capacitor is charged as shown. Since the diode must pass a cur-
capacitor-input filter, the rectifier con- to the peak-rectified voltage a period of rent equal to that of the load over a short
ducts much less than half the time, so that diode nonconduction elapses while the period of a cycle the current will be high.
when it does conduct, it may pass as much output voltage discharges through the load. The larger the capacitor for a given load,

Ac - Operated Power Supplies 5-11

Silicon rectifiers with 750-mA dc ratings,

-AAAr-J-Wv- as an example, seldom have 1 -cycle surge

D1 D2
ratings of less than 15 amperes; some are
rated up amperes or more.) From
to 35
this then, can be seen that the rectifier

should be selected on the basis of Isurge

and not on Iq ratings.

Thermal Protection
The junction of a diode is quite small,
hence it must operate at a high current
density. The heat-handling capability is,

therefore, quite small, formally, this is

not a prime consideration in high- voltage,
low-current supplies. When using high-
current rectifiers^ at or near their maxi-
mum ratings (usually 2-ampere or larger
stud-mount some form of heat
sinking is mount-
necessary. Frequently,
ing the rectifier on the main chassis —
directly, pr by means of thin mica insula-
ting washers — will suffice. If insulated
from the chassis, a thin layer of silicone
grease should be used between the diode
Fig. 20 —
The primary circuit of T1 shows how a 117-volt ac relay and a series dropping resistor, R
and the insulator, and between the insula-
can provide surge protection while/C charges. When silicon rectifiers are connected in series for high-
voltage operation, the inverse voltage does not divide equally. The reverse voltage drops can be tor and the chassis to assure good heat
equalized by using equalizing resistors, as shown in the secondary circuit. To protect against voltage conduction. Large high-current rectifiers
"spikes" that may damage an individual rectifier, each rectifier should be bypassed by a 0.01 -«F
often require special heat sinks to main-
capacitor. Connected as shown two 400-PRV silicon rectifiers can be used as an 800-PRV rectifier,
although it is preferable to include a safety factor and call it a "750-PRV" rectifier. The rectifiers, D1 tain a safe operating temperature. Forced-
through D4, should be the same type (same type number and ratings). air cooling is sometimes used as a further
aid. Safe case temperatures are usually
given in the manufacturer's data sheets
and should be observed if the maximum
capabilities of the diode are to be realized.

Surge Protection
Each time the power supply is acti-
vated, assuming the input filter capacitor
has been discharged, the rectifiers must
look into what represents a dead short.
Some form of surge protection is usually
necessary to protect the diodes until the
input capacitor becomes nearly charged.
Although the dc resistance of the trans-
former secondary can be relied upon in
some instances to provide ample surge-
current limiting, it is seldom enough on
high-voltage power supplies to be suit-
able. Series resistors can be installed
between the secondary and the rectifier
strings, but are a deterrent to good voltage
regulation. By installing a surge-limiting
device in the primary circuit of the plate
transformer, the need for series resistors
in the secondary circuit can be avoided. A
practical method for primary-circuit surge
control is shown in Fig. 20. The resistor,
Fig. 21 — Methods of suppressing line transients. See text.
Rs introduces a voltage drop^ in the
primary feed to Tl until C is nearly
charged. Then, after C becomes partially
the shorter the diode conduction time and diode's capability can be made by using charged, the voltage drop across R s les-
the higher the peak repetitive current (Irep). these rules ofthumb for silicon diodes of sens and allows Kl to pull in, thus apply-
When the supply is first turned on, the the type commonly used in amateur ing full primary power to Tl as K1A
discharged input capacitor looks like a power supplies: shorts out Rj. Rs is usually a 25-watt resis-
dead short, and the rectjfier passes a very Rule 1) The maximum Irep rating can tor whose resistance is somewhere be-
heavy current. This is Isurge. The maxi- be assumed to be approximately four tween 15 and 50 ohms, depending upon
mum Isurge rating is usually for a dura- times the maximum Iq rating. the power supply characteristics.
tion of one cycle (at 60 Hz), or about 16.7 Rule 2) The maximum Isurge rating
milliseconds. can be assumed to be approximately 12 Transient Problems
If a manufacturer's data sheet is. not times the maximum Iq rating. (This A common cause of trouble is transient
available, an educated guess about a should provide a reasonable safety factor. voltages on the ac power line. These are

5-12 Chapter 5
short spikes, mostly, that can temporarily should be placed across each diode. Fig.
increase the voltage seen by the rectifier to 22A shows the complete series-diode
values much higher than the normal circuit. The capacitors should be non-

transformer voltage. They come from inductive, ceramic disk, for example, and
distant lightning strokes, electric motors should be well matched. Use 10-percent-
turning on and off, and so on. Transients tolerance capacitors if possible.
cause unexpected, and often unexplained,
Diodes in Parallel (A)
loss of silicon rectifiers.
It's always wise to suppress line Diodes can be placed in parallel to
transients, and it can be easily done. Fig. increase current-handling capability.
21 A shows one way. CI looks like Equalizing resistors should be added as R
280,000 ohms 60 Hz, but to a sharp
at shown in Fig. 22B. Without the resistors, r-A/W- -M-
transient (which has only high-frequency one diode may take most of the current.
components), it is an effective bypass. C2 The resistors should be selected to have
provides additional protection on the about a 1-volt drop at the expected peak —wv

secondary side of the transformer. It current.

should be 0.01 «F for transformer volt-
Voltage Dropping Resistor
ages of 100 or less, and 0.001 wF for
high-voltage transformers. Certain plates and screens of the Fig. 22 A — —
Diodes connected in series should
Fig. 21B shows
another transient- various tubes in a transmitter or receiver be shunted with equalizing resistors and spike-sup-

suppression method using selenium sup- often require a variety of operating

pressing capacitors. B —
Dio'des connected in
parallel should be series current equalizing resis-
pressor diodes. The diodes do not conduct voltages differing from the output voltage tors.

unless the peak voltage becomes abnor- of an available power supply. In most
mally high. Then they clip the transient cases, it is not economically feasible to

peaks. General Electric sells protective provide a separate power supply for each
diodes under the trade name, "Thy- of the required voltages. If the current
rector." Sarkes-Tarzian uses the descrip- drawn by an electrode (or combination of +o- -vw-
tive name, "Klipvolt," electrodes operating at the same voltage) FROM TO
Transient voltages can go as high as is reasonably constant under normal SUPPLY
twice the normal line voltage before the operating conditions, the required voltage
suppressor diodes clip the peaks. Capaci- may be obtained from a supply of higher
tors cannot give perfect suppression voltage by means of a voltage-dropping
either. Thus, it is a good idea to use resistor in series, as shown in Fig. 23 A.
power-supply rectifiers rated at about The value of the series, resistor, Rl, may
+o- -O + E
twice the expected PRV. be obtained from Ohm's Law,

Diodes in Series POWER -o+
Where the PRV rating of a single diode I

is hot sufficient for the application,

(Two where -o-
similar diodes may be used in series.
E<j = voltage drop required from the
500-PRV diodes in series will withstand
supply voltage to the desired voltage.
1000 PRV, and so on.) When this is done, (B)
I = total rated current of the load
a resistor and a capacitor should be placed
-O + E
across each diode in the string to equalize
the PRV drops and to guard against Example: The plate of the tube in one
transient voltage spikes, as shown in Fig. stage and the screens of the tubes in two -O +E(
22A. Even though the diodes are of the other stages require an operating voltage FROM
same type and have the same PRV rating, of 250. The nearest available supply volt- SUPPLY
they widely different back
may have age- is 400 and the total of the rated plate -0+ E2

resistances when they are cut off. The and screen currents, is 75 mA. The
reverse voltage divides according to required resistance is
Ohm's Law, and the diode with the higher
400 - 250 150
back resistance will have the higher R = = 2000 ohms (C)
.075 .075
voltage developed across it. The diode
may break down.
we put a swamping resistor across The power rating of the resistor is Fig. 23 — A — Series voltage-dropping resistor.

each diode, R as shown22A, the

in Fig. obtained from P (watts) = I
R = (0.075)
2 B — Simple voltage divider.

resultant resistance across each diode will X (2000) = ,1 1.2 watts. A, 20-watt resistor is

be almost the same, and the back voltage the nearest safe rating to be used. R2 = E1
R1 =11+12
E E1

will divide almost equally. A good rule of

Voltage Dividers 12 must be assumed.
thumb for resistor size is this: Multiply the
PRV rating of the diode by 500 ohms. For Theregulation of the voltage obtained
example, a 500-PRV diode should be in this manner obviously is poor, since C— Multiple divider circuit.

shunted by 500 X 500, or 250,000 ohms. any change in current through the resistor
The shift from forward conduction to will cause a directly proportional change R3 = E2 R2 = E1

I 3 11 + 13
high back resistance does not take place in the voltage drop across the resistor. The
instantly in a silicon dipde. Some diodes regulation can be improved somewhat by
E -E1
take longer than others to develop high connecting a second resistor from* the R1
back resistance. To protect the "fast" low-voltage end of the first to the negative
diodes in a series string until all the diodes power-supply terminal, as shown in Fig.
are properly cut off, a 0.01- »F capacitor 23B. Such an arrangement constitutes a 13 must be assumed.

Ac - Operated Power Supplies 5-13

voltage divider. The second resistor, R2, voltage to a load current of almost any
acts as a constant load for the first, Rl, so value as long as the variation in the current +o- -0+
that any variation in current from the tap dpes not exceed 30 to 35 mA. If, for
becomes a smaller percentage of the total example, the average load current is 100
current through Rl. The heavier the mA, a VR
tube may be used to hold the
current drawn by the resistors when they voltage constant provided the current
alone are connected across the supply, the does not fall below 85 mA
or rise above SUPPLY OUTPUT o+
better will be the voltage regulation at the 115 mA.
tap.. The value of the limiting resistor must
Such a voltage divider may have more lie between that which just permits
than a' single tap for the purpose of minimum tube current to flow and that
which just passes the maximum permis- 1
obtaining more than one value of voltage.
A typical arrangement is shown in Fig.
23C. The terminal voltage is E, and two
sible tube current when there is no load
current. The latter value is generally used.
taps are provided to give lower voltages, It is given by the equation:
El and E2, at currents II and 12
Fig. 24 — Voltage stabilization circuit using a VR
tube. A negative-supply output may be regulated
respectively. The smaller the resistance _ (E 8 -E,) by reversing the polarity of the power-supply
R= connections and the VR-tube connections from
between taps in proportion to the total I
those shown here.
resistance, the lower is the voltage
between the taps. The voltage divider in
where x

the figure made up of separate

R = limiting resistance in ohms
resistances, R2 and R3. R3 carries
Rl, Es = voltage of the source across which
the tube and resistor are connected. -o +
only the bleeder current, 13; R2 carries 12
in addition to 13; Rl carries II, 12 and 13.
Er = rated voltage drop across the
regulator tube.
To calculate the resistances required, a ^0 +
bleeder current, must be assumed;
I = maximum tube current in
amperes (usually 40 mA, or 0.04 A)
generally it is low compared with the total
load current (10 percent or so). Then the Two tubes may be used in series to give
required can be calculated as
values a higher regulated voltage than is obtain- -o
shown in the caption of Fig. 23, 1 being in able with one, and also to give two values
decimal parts of an ampere. of regulated voltage. Regulation of the (A)

The method may be extended to any

, order of one percent can be obtained with
desired number of taps, each resistance these regulator tubes when they are opera-
section being calculated by Ohm's Law ted within their proper current range. The
using the needed voltage drop across it capacitance in shunt with a VR tube
and the total current through it. The should be limited to 0. 1 ix F or less. Larger
power dissipated by each section may be values may cause the tube drop to oscil-
calculated by multiplying I and E or I 2 late between the operating and starting
and R. voltages.

Voltage Stabilization: Gaseous Zener Diode Regulation

Regulator Tubes A
Zener diode (named after Dr. Carl
There is frequent need for maintaining Zener) can be used to stabilize a voltage (B)
the voltage applied to a low-voltage source in much the same way as when the
low-current circuit at a practically con- gaseous regulator tube is used. The typical Fig. 25 —
Zener-diode voltage regulation. The
stant value, regardless of the voltage circuit is shown in Fig. 25A. Note that the voltage from a negative supply may be regulated
cathode side of the diode is connected to by reversing the power-supply connections and
regulation of the power supply or
the diode polarities.
variations in load current. In such the positive side of the supply. The electri-
applications, gaseous regulator tubes cal characteristics of a Zener diode under
(0B2/VR105, 0A2/VR150, etc.) can be conditions of forward and reverse voltage
used to good advantage. The voltage drop are given in chapter 4. it and the current through it. Conversely,
across such tubes is constant over a Zener diodes are available in a wide themaximum current a particular diode
' moderately wide current range. Tubes are variety of voltages and power ratings. The may safely conduct equals its power rating
available for regulated voltages near 150, voltages range from less than two to a few divided by its voltage rating. Thus, a 10-V,
105, 90 and 75 volts. hundred, while the power ratings (power 50-W Zener operated at its maxi-
diode, if

The fundamental circuit for a gaseous the diode can dissipate) run from less than mum would conduct 5
dissipation rating,
regulator is shown in Fig. 24. The tube is 0.25 watt to 50 watts. The ability of the amperes of current. A 10-V 1-W diode, on
connected in series with a limiting resistor, Zener diode to stabilize a voltage is depen- the other hand, could safely conduct no
Rl, across a source of voltage that must dent upon the conducting impedance of more than 0. 1 A, or 100 mA. The conduct-
be higher than the starting voltage. The the diode, which can be as low as one ohm ing impedance of a diode is its voltage
starting voltage is about 30 to 40 percent or less in a low-voltage, high-power diode rating divided by the current flowing
higher than the operating voltage. The to as high as a thousand ohms in a low- through it, and in the above examples
load is connected in parallel with the tube. power, high-voltage diode. would be 2 ohms for the 50-W diode, and
For stable operation, a minimum tube 100 ohms for the 1-W diode. Disregarding
current of 5 to 10 mA is required. The
Diode Power Dissipation small voltage changes which may occur,
maximum permissible current with most Unlike gaseous regulator tubes, Zener the conducting impedance of a given
types is 40 mA; consequently, the load diodes of a particular voltage rating have diode is a function of the current flowing
current cannot exceed 30 to 35 if the mA varied maximum current capabilities, de- through it, varying in inverse proportion.
voltage is to be stabilized over a range pending upon the power ratings of each of The power-handling capability of most
from zero to maximum load. A single VR the diodes. The power dissipated in a Zener diodesis rated at 25°C, or approxi-

tube may also be used to regulate the diode is the product of the voltage across mately room temperature. If the diode is

5-1 4 Chapter 5

1L 0.5A
Q( 0-25
— F1
RS ,

H7 C3 TiZ OA
VAC _ +400Quf
7£ D3 V 50V
D4 ' : 2000juF (4V
-w- C2 '
25V IW

v^rms^uv,, C2 («F) = 0.5 CI («F) V =V sec (rms) X 1.41

Cl (uF) — See section on capacitive filters

Rp=V oX 80 P o =V X L
CI (V) = 2V VR1 = V o +0.7 Rl = V o+1l
C2(V min )>V z V„=V„-V -0.7 7 F1=I L X2

Fig. 26 Illustration of a power supply with regulation. A pass transistor, Q1, is used to extend the range of the Zener-diode regulator.

operated in a higher ambient temperature, single Zener diode, and also to give two (electronically). The average dc voltage
its power capability must be derated. A values of regulated voltage. The diodes available from the regulator is propor-
typical 1-watt diode can safely dissipate need not have equal breakdown voltages, tional to the duty cycle of the switching
only 1/2 watt at 100°C. because the arrangement is self equalizing. wave form, or the ratio of the on time to
However, the current-handling capability the total period of the switching cycle.
Limiting Resistance of each diode should be taken into Re- Switching frequencies of several kilohertz
The value of Rg in Fig. 25 is determined count. The limiting resistor may be calcu- are normally used to avoid the need for
by the load requirements. If Rg is too large lated as above, taking the sum of the extensive filtering to smooth the switching
the diode will be unable to regulate at diode voltages as Ez, and the sum of the frequency from the dc output.
large values of II, the current through load currents as II- pertains essen-
The above information
If R s is too small, the diode dissipation circuit can A
tially tovoltage regulators.
rating may be exceeded at low values of Electronic Voltage Regulation also be constructed to provide current
II. The optimum value for R§ can be cal- regulation. Such regulation is usually
Several circuits have been developed for
culated by: power obtained in the form of current limitation
regulating the voltage output of a

-E, supply electronically. While more compli- — to a maximum value which is either
-DC (min)
RS = cated than the VR-tube and Zener-diode preset or adjustable, depending on the
L (max) circuit. Relatively simple circuits, such as
circuits, they will handle higher voltage
and current variations, and the output described later, can be used to provide
When Rs is known, the maximum dis-
Current limiting
voltage may be varied continuously over current limiting only.
sipation of the diode, Prj, may be deter-
a wide range. circuitry may also be used in conjunction
mined by Voltage regulators fall into two basic with voltage regulators.
types. In the type most commonly used by
E pC(max) ~ E_Z_ Discrete Component Regulators
Pn = _ j L (min) amateurs, the dc supply delivers a voltage
higher than that which is available at the The previous section outlines some of
output of the regulator, and the regulated the- limitations when using Zener diodes as
In the first equation, conditions are set voltage is obtained by dropping the volt- regulators. Greater current amounts can
up for the Zener diode to draw 1/10 the age down to a lower value through a be accommodated if the Zener diode is
maximum load current. This assures dropping "resistor." Regulation is accom- used as a reference at low current,
diode regulation under maximum load. plished by varying either the current permitting the bulk of the load current to
Example: A 12-volt source is to supply through a fixed dropping resistance as flow through a series pass transistor (Ql
a circuit requiring 9 volts. The load cur- changes in input voltage or load currents of Fig. 26). An added benefit in using a
rent varies between 200 and 350 mA. occur (as in the VR-tube and Zener-diode pass transistor is that of reduced ripple on/
regulator circuits), or by varying the equi- the output waveform. This technique is
E z =9.1 V (nearest available value)
valent resistive value of the dropping ele- commonly referred to as "electronic
ment with such changes. This latter tech- filtering."
nique, is used in electronic regulators Ql of Fig. 26 can be thought of as a
where the voltage-dropping element is a simple emitter-follower dc amplifier. It
Pb- [ia#i-«.2] 9., vacuum-tube or a transistor, rather than increases the load resistance seen by the
an actual resistor. By varying the dc volt- Zener diode by a factor of beta ( ^ ). In this
circuit arrangement D5 is required to
=0.185 X9.1 = 1.7 W age at the grid or current at the base of
these elements, the conductivity of the supply only the base current for Ql. The
The nearest available dissipation rating device may be varied as necessary to hold net result is that the load regulation and
above 1.7 W
is 5; therefore, a 9.1-V 5-W the output voltage constant. In solid-state ripple characteristics are improved by a
Zener diode should be used. Such a rating, regulators the series-dropping element is factor of beta. Addition of C2 reduces the
it may be noted, will cause the diode to be called a pass transistor. Power transistors ripple even more, although many simple
in the safe dissipation range even though are available which will handle several supplies such as this do not make use of a
the load is completely disconnected amperes of current at several hundred capacitor in that part of the circuit.
[I L (min) = 0]. volts, but solid-state regulators of this The primary limitation of this circuit is
type are usually operated at potentials that Ql can be destroyed almost im-
Obtaining Other Voltages below 100 volts. mediately if a severe overload occurs at
Fig.25B shows how two Zener diodes The second type of regulator is a Rl. The fuse cannot blow fast enough to
may be used in series to obtain regulated switching type, where the voltage from the protect Ql. In order to protect Ql in case
voltages not normally obtainable from a dc source is rapidly switched on and off of an accidental short at the output, a

Ac - Operated Power Supplies 5-15

current limiting circuit is required. lAn

example of a suitable circuit is shown in
Fig. 27. UNRES. 2N3055 SENSOR R2

should be mentioned that the greater
O 14.4V
the value of transformer secondary volt-
age, the higher the power dissipation in 02
2N2102 D6 i i +
Ql. This not only reduces the overall :o.i

efficiency of the power supply, but

requires stringent heat sinking at Ql. *RL vo

Design Example OS R1^2600
Example: Design a regulated, well-
filtered, 13-volt dc supply capable of deli-
vering 0.5 A, using the circuit of Fig. 26.
Calculate the ratings for all components. Fig. 27 — Overload protection for a regulated supply can be effected by addition of a current-overload
A standard 18- volt secondary transformer protective circuit.

is to be used.

Information on calculating the trans- Therefore:

former, diode and input capacitor ratings PQ1 = 0.5A X 12V = 6 watts
were given earlier in this chapter and will It is a good idea to choose a transistor for cO-
not be repeated here. In order to calculate Ql that has at least twice the rating
the value or Rs in Fig. 26 the base current calculated. In thisexample a transistor
of Ql must be known. The base current is with a power dissipation rating 12 watts
approximately equal to the emitter cur- or more would be used.
rent of Ql in amperes divided by beta. The 0.01- wF capacitors at the primary
The transistor beta can be found in the of Tl serve two functions. They act as
manufacturer's data sheet, or measured and help prevent rf
transient suppressors
with simple test equipment (beta = Ic/Ib)- energy from entering the power-supply
Since the beta spread for a particular type regulator.
of transistor —
2N3055 for example, (A)
where it is specified as 25 to 70 — is a fair- Current Limiting for Discrete-Component
ly unknown quantity, more precise calcu- Regulators
lations for Fig. 26 will result if the transis- Damage to Ql of Fig. 26 can occur
tor beta is tested before the calculations when the load current exceeds the safe
are done. A conservative approach is to amount. Fig. 27 illustrates a simple
design for beta minimum of the transistor current-limiter circuit that will protect Ql.
used. Calculating lb: All of the load current is routed through

R2. A
voltage difference will exist across
b = 0.02A :20 mA R2, the amount being dependent upon the
exact load current at a given time. When
As pointed out order for D5
earlier, in the load current exceeds a predetermined
to regulate properly it is necessary that a safe value, the voltage drop across R2 will o
fair portion of the current flowing forward bias Q2 and cause it to conduct.
through R§ should be drawn by D5. The Since D6
is a silicon diode, and because (B)

resistor will have 0.02 A flowing through Q2 a silicon transistor, the combined

it as calculated above (base current of voltage drops through them (roughly 0.7
Ql). A conservative amount of 10 mA will V each) will be 1.4 V. Therefore the
be used for the Zener diode current voltage drop across R2 must exceed 1.4 V A/W-f Oe
bringing the total current through Rs to before Q2 can turn on. This being the
0.03 A or 30 mA. From this, the value of case, R2 chosen for a value that
• 06
Rs can be calculated as follows: provides drop of 1.4 V when the
~ V z) maximum safe load current is drawn. In 0.45
- (V (25.3 - 14) „,
= 3760hmS
— this instance 1.4 volts will be seen when II

O03 reaches 0.5A. ? 07
When Q2 turns on, some of the current
The nearest standard ohmic value for Rs through Rs flows through Q2, thereby de-
is 390. The wattage ratings forRs and priving Ql of some of its base current.
D5 can be obtained with the aid of the This action, depending upon the amount r
formulas given earlier for Zener-diode of Ql base current at a precise moment, o
regulators. cuts off Ql conduction to some degree,
The power rating for Ql will be calcu- thus limiting the flow of current through (C)

lated next. The power dissipation of Ql is it.

equal to the emitter current times the Fig. 28 —

At A, a Darlington-connected pair for
collector-to-emitter voltage. Calculate as High-Current-Output Regulators use as the pass element in a series-regulating
circuit. At B and C, the method of connecting two
follows: When a single pass transistor is not
or more transistors in parallel for high current
available to handle the current which may
Pqi = 'e X ^CE output. Resistances are in ohms. The circuit at A
be required from a regulator, the current- may be used for load currents from 100 to 5 mA
where handling capability may be increased by A, at B for currents from 6 to 1 A, and at C for

VCE = the desired V - (V z - V BE ), connecting two or more pass transistors in currents fromflto 15A.
Q1 — Motorola M JE 340 or equivalent.
and V BE is approximately 0.7 V for a The circuits at B and C of Fig. 28
Q2-Q7, incl. — Power transistor such as 2N3055
silicon transistor. show the method of connection. The or2N3772.

5-16 Chapter 5

resistances in the emitter leads of each where they protrude through the heat
transistor are necessary to equalize the sink. Tantalum capacitors are usually POSITIVE
currents. recommended because of their excellent SUPPLY
bypass capabilities up into the vhf range.
Fixed-Voltage IC Regulators
The modern trend in regulators is
Adjustable-Voltage IC Regulators
toward the use of three-terminal devices Relatively new on
the electronic scene
commonly referred to as three-terminal are high-current, adjustable voltage regu-
regulators. Inside each regulator is a lators. These ICs require little more than
reference, a high-gain error amplifier, an external potentiometer for an ad-
sensing resistors and transistors, and a justable voltage range from 5 to 24 volts at
pass element. Some of the more sophis- up to 5 amperes. The on these
unit price
ticated have thermal shutdown,
units items is making them
currently around $6 SUPPLY
over-voltage protection and current fold- ideal for a test bench power supply. An n NEGATIVE OUT

back. Many of the regulators currently adjustable-voltage power supply using the
on the market are virtually destruction- Fairchild 78HG series of regulator is
proof. Several supplies using these ICs are described in the construction section of
featured in the construction section of this this chapter. The same precautions should
chapter. be taken with these types of regulators as
Three-terminal regulators (a connection with the fixed-voltage units. Proper heat
for unregulated dc input, regulated dc sinking and lead bypassing is essential for
output and ground) are available in a wide proper circuit operation. SUPPLY
range of voltage and current ratings. NEGATIVE
Fairchild, National and Motorola are
A 12-Volt 3-Ampere Power Supply REGULATOR

perhaps the three largest suppliers of these Shown in Fig. 31 is a no-frills 12-volt
regulators at present. It is easy to see why supply capable of continuous operation at (C)

regulators of this sort are so popular when the 3-ampere level. Many low-power hf
one considers the low price and the transceivers and most vhf-fm transceivers
number of individual components they require voltages and currents on this
can replace. The regulators are available order. Power of this type
in several different package styles — purchased from the manufacturers can be
TO-3, TO-39, TO-66, TO-220 and dual quite costly. Described here is a very SUPPLY
in-line (DIP), to name just a few. simple to build and relatively inexpensive
Three-terminal regulators are available (around $20 using all new components)
as positive or negative types. In most alternative.
cases, a positive regulator is used to The schematic diagram for the power
regulate a positive voltage and a negative supply is shown in Fig. 32. As can be seen, Fig. 29 —
A and B illustrate the conventional
regulator a negative voltage. However, the circuit is simplicity itself. A trans- manner in which three-terminal regulators are
used. C and D show how one polarity regulator
depending on the systems ground require- former, two diodes, three capacitors and a
can be used to regulate the opposite polarity
ments, each regulator type may be used regulator form the heart of the supply.
to regulate the "opposite" voltage. Binding posts, a pilot light, fuse and
Figs. 29A and B illustrate how the regu- on-off switch complete the design.
lators are used in the conventional mode. Ac from the mains is supplied to the
Several regulators can be used with a transformer-primary winding through the
common-input supply to deliver several fuse in one leg, and the on-off switch in
common ground. Negative
voltages with a the other. The secondary circuit feeds a
regulators may be used in the same full-wave rectifier circuit which is filtered
manner. If no other common supplies by CI. This unregulated voltage is routed
operate off input supply to the
the to the input terminal of the regulator IC
regulator, the circuits of Figs. 29C and D which bypassed directly at the case, with

may be used to regulate positive voltages a 2-uiF tantalum capacitor. The case of the Fig. 30 — Three-terminal regulators require
careful bypassing directly at the case. Here, both
with a negative regulator and vice versa. IC is connected to ground. A 2-uF the input and output leads are bypassed.
In these configurations the input supply is tantalum capacitor is also used at the
floated; neither side of the input is tied to output terminal of the regulator to
the system ground. prevent unwanted oscillation of the error
When choosing a three-terminal regu- amplifier inside the IC. A pilot light
lator for a given application the important attached to the regulated output indicates
specifications to look for are when the supply is in use.
maximum output voltage,
output current, The regulator has built-in thermal shut
minimum and maximum input voltage, down and over-current protection. Short
line regulation, load regulation and power circuiting the output of the supply will
dissipation. cause no damage. A wide margin of
In use, these regulators require an conservative component rating was used
adequate heat sink since they may be in the design of this supply. It should be
called on to dissipate a fair amount of possible to run the supply for hours on
power. Also, since the chip contains a end at its maximum rating.
high-gain error amplifier, bypassing of the
input and output leads is essential to Construction
stable operation (See Fig. 30). Most Rather than using an expensive cabinet,
manufacturers recommend bypassing the the power supply is housed on an alu- Fig. 31 — Exterior view of the 12-volt, 3-ampere ,

input and output directly at the leads minum chassis measuring 5X9-1/2X3 no-frills power supply.

Ac - Operated Power Supplies 5-17

pass transistors will result. On the other
hand, bottom of the filter ripple
voltage must be high enough to maintain
the necessary voltage differential across
the regulator. Since the power capability
of this supply is limited by the dissipation
of the pass transistors rather than the
INPUT transformers, every effort was made to
optimize the input to the regulator. An
O) U1 (BOTTOM VIEW) "odd couple" of computer-grade
OTHERS ARE IN PICOFARADS ( pF OR J1J1F); aluminum filter capacitors, totaling more
RESISTANCES ARE IN OHMS ; UTPUT than 0.1 F, supplies 22.3 V dc (under a
k. 1,000, M-IOOO, OOO.
20-A load) to the regulator at less than 1 V
pk-pk ripple. The price for low
Fig,32 — Schematic diagram of the 3- ampere power supply.
12-volt, preregulator ripple is extremely high peak
C1 — Electrolytic capacitor, 4200 «F, 50 J2 — Binding post.
V, J1, rectifier current. A bridge package rated
General Electric 86F166M or equiv. S1 — Spst toggle.
for 25 amperes continuous duty proved
C2, C3 — Tantalum capacitor, 2 «F, 50 T1 — Power transformer; primary 117
V. V,
D1 D2 — Silicon diode, 50
, 6 A, HEP R01 00 or
V, secondary 24 V Stancor P-8663 or equiv. ct,
unequal to the task; individual 35 A
eqiiiv. U1 — Voltage regulator, Fairchild 78H12KC or diodes perform adequately.
DS1 — assembly, 12
Pilot light V. equiv. Voltage regulation is handled by an IC
,F1— Fuse, 1 A.
regulator that is supplemented by an array
of eight 2N3055 power transistors. These
transistors came from various sources and
showed unequal current distribution,
inches (127 X 241 X 76 mm). Mounted fixed-station operator must obtain an ex- despite the 0.1 -Q spreading resistor in each
atop the chassis is the power transformer, These "accessories" cost
ternal ac supply. emitter. Although higher value resistors
filter capacitor and regulator. The regula- upwards of $200 and sometimes offer only would correct this condition, their power
tor is attached to a heat sink that measures marginal performance. The heat sinks on rating would have to be increased, as
3 X 4-1/2 X 1 inches (76 X 114 x 25 most transceivers are adequate for low- would the regulator input voltage. Tran-
mm). Two tantalum -capacitors, not visible duty-cycle ssb operation. A fan is required sistors from a single manufacturing lot
in the pictures, are mounted at the IC ter- for SSTV, RTTY, slow-speed cw, or even should be sufficiently uniform for this ap-
minals on the underside of the sink. Since speech-processed ssb. Matching accessory plication. An additional 2N3055, Q4,
good ground connections are required to power supplies are subject to the same drives the array of eight from the
prevent IC oscillations, remove the ano- limitations and may fall down under these regulator in a Darlington configuration.
dizing from the heat sink where it will conditions, even if externally cooled. The Q2 monitors the voltage developed across
contact the chassis. combined shortcomings of the transceiver the current-sense resistor, reducing the
The layout of the underside of the and power supply discourage many regulator output drive when the load cur-
chassis can be seen in Fig. 33. Two operators from trying modes other than rent exceeds 30 A. If the unit has been
binding posts (one red and one black) and ssb. A
sturdier power supply can go a long supplying 20 A for more than 10 minutes,
the fuse holder are mounted on the rear way toward increasing the flexibility of a the current-limiting point folds back to
apron. The on-off switch and pilot light solid-stateamateur station. about 24 A
as a result of heating in the
occupy a portion of the front panel. The power supply described in this sec- sense resistor. While the power supply as a
Dymo tape labels complete the front tion is a heavy-duty unit capable of 300 whole is current limited by Q2, the
panel. watts continuous duty or 400 watts PEP. regulator ICis not. If the collector of Q4

The cost will depend on the availability of were to open, for example, the regulator
A 300- to 400-Watt 12-Volt Supply components, but should be significantly would attempt to drive the pass transistors
Most modern hf transceivers in the less than those sold to match a product alone, through the Q4 base-emitter junc-
100- watt output class have solid-state out- line. Complete output metering, over- tion.The IC maximum rated current (500
put stages that require a nominal 13.6-volt voltage shutdown and current limiting are mA) could be exceeded under these condi-
power source. This voltage is available features of the design. tions without activating Q2. Ql senses
directly from vehicular electrical systems, base drive to the Darlington array and
so manufacturers don't generally built ac Design Information
power supplies into these transceivers. The generous power rating is made
This approach leads to lightweight com- possible by the heavy-duty transformers.
pact units for- mobile service, but the In the unit pictured, the transformers
were each specified for 40 V at 15 A, and
had a cross-sectional area of nearly 4 in 2
(250Q mm
). The secondaries were wound

with no. 11 (2 mm) wire. Turns were

removed from each secondary winding
until each produced an open-circuit out-
put of 19.5 V rms (at the minimum ex-
pected line voltage). With a 20-A dc load,
the ac output potential drops to 18.8 V.
This information is provided because the
exact transformers used are no longer
available. The transformer output voltage
is very important in high-power applica-

tions. If the applied to the

Fig. 34 — 3/4 view of the 300- to 400-watt
power supply showing four of the series pass
regulatory circuitry is higher than transistors. The various sheet metal panels are
Fig. 33 »— Interior view of the power supply. necessary, excessive heating of the series fastened together with angle brackets.

5-18 Chapter 5
limits the maximum regulator output cur- ing that the finswould be more efficient if transformers of different manufacture are
rent to about 300 mA. This additional mounted A more conservative
vertically. used it might be wise to select units having
protection is not shown in the IC approach might be to mount an additional a higher current rating —
just to be sure.
manufacturer's applications literature. heat sink in the rear panel area and use 9 S2 is included in the design so that
R3, R4 and R9 set the output voltage over or 12 pass transistors. The emitter either half or all of the secondary voltage
an adjustment range of 12 to 14 V. The spreading resistors are mounted on the may be applied to Ul This feature was in-

power supply includes a "crowbar" over- transistor heat sinks. Q4 should be cluded so that the dissipation of the pass
volitage protection citcuit consisting of separately heat sinked, although the sink transistor may be reduced when using the
Q5, Dl and the associated resistor net- shown is larger than necessary. "top A supply with low-voltage, high-current
work. RIO forms a divider with the hat" and chassis bracket similar to that of loads: The graph displayed in Fig. 41 can
cathode-to-gate resistor internal to most Q5 would be sufficient. be used as a guide in selecting the HI or
SCR?. If your device does hot include The rectifier diode anodes are common LO mode of operation.
such a resistor, one can be installed exter- to the mounting studs. For this reason, The regulator consists of a pass tran-
nally. Should the output voltage exceed two of the studs must be sleeved and the sistor "wrapped around" an adjustable
the threshold of Dl, plus some level deter- cases and nuts must be insulated from the voltage regulator. Circuit operation can
mined by RIO, Q5 will fire, short- base plate with mica washers. If a suitably be understood by noting the values of R3
circuiting the output terminals.Q5 has a rated bridge assembly can be obtained at a and R2. The majority of the three-
continuous current rating of 25 A. While reasonable price, it will simplify the terminal regulator currentflowwill
this may seem underspecified, the compo- mounting while providing superior ther- through R3 and Dl. The offset voltage in
nent can withstand a surge of many times mal conduction. In any case, be sure to Dl is approximately equal to the emitter-
the continuous figure, and won't be called use mica washers with all semiconductors base potential of Ql. Because of this, the
upon to pass the full current for more whose cases are above ground and apply voltage drop across R3 will be the same as
than a few milliseconds. As soon as Q5 heat sink compound to all mounting sur- that across R2. Since the ohmic value of
fires, it pulls the output voltage below the faces. R2 is 0.33 of R3, three times as much cur-
conduction threshold of Q3, which allows Liberal use of terminal strips simplifies rent will flow in Ql as in U2. The net
the input voltage to shut down the the wiring and troubleshooting, should it result is that the current capability of the
regulator. Without this feature, both the be necessary. Use no. 10 or no. 12 wire for overall circuit is increased by a factor of
series pass transistors and the SCR would the high-current circuits. The electronic four. Also, the current-limiting
be destroyed in a short time from ex- components don't generate ap-
that characteristics of the three-terminal
cessive dissipation. preciable heat are contained on a printed regulator are transferred directly to the
This supply has one other feature — circuit card. The etching pattern and parts composite circuit.
remote sensing. When heavy loads are placement guide are presented in Fig. 37. Ml and associated shunt resistor are

connected through long cables, the cable Most of the components for this power placed at the input to the regulator circuit
voltage drop degrades the load regulation. supply were purchased from mail-order so that the voltage drop across the resistor
This problem can be circumvented by in- firms that advertise in the Amateur Radio will not adversely alter the supply-voltage
cluding the cable within the regulator press. regulation. The relatively small current
feedback loop. To accomplish this, drawn by the regulator circuitry does not
remove the jumper, between the output A 1.2- to 15-Volt, 5-Ampere Supply seriously affect the meter accuracy. M2.
and sense terminals, and connect the sense The power supply shown
in Figs. 38 to measures supply output voltage.
terminal directly to the load (the sense 42 intended for general purpose, test-

lead wire size isn't critical). This connec- bench applications. The output is ad- Construction
tion can't compensate for resistance in the justable from 1 .2 to 17 volts at currents up The power supply is housed in a
return (ground) lead, but an extra chassis- to 6 amperes. Metering is provided for homemade enclosure that was fabricated
to-chassis connection can usually be made voltage levels up to 15 volts and current from sheet aluminum. Dimensions of the
to reduce the return resistance to an in- levels up to 5 amperes. Most of the com- enclosure are 5-1/2 X 6 X 8 inches (140
significant value. The pk-pk output ripple ponents used in this supply are of the X 152 X 203 mm), although any cabinet
at full load is 5 mV. A complete schematic junk-box variety with the possible excep- that will house the components may be
diagram is given in Fig. 35. tion of U2, the three-terminal voltage used. Circuit board pattern and layout in-
regulator. The circuit will tolerate fairly formation is given in Fig. 42. The com-
Mechanical Details wide component substitutions and still of- pleted circuit board is mounted vertically
One assembly method can be seen in fer good performance. The majority of to the chassis using spade lugs and no. 6
Figs. 34 and by no
36, although this is the circuit components are mounted on a hardware. A small heat sink for the
means the only workable solution. The 2-3/4 X 4-1/2 (70 X 114 mm) circuit LM317K regulator was;made from a scrap
unit shown uses a 16-1/2 X 12 X 1/8-in. board. All controls, including the mains piece of aluminum. A Radio Shack
(419 X 305 X 3 mm) aluminum plate for fuse are located on the front panel for 276-1364 sink designed for the TO-3
a foundation. This is expensive material if easy access. package will work fine. The pass tran-
purchased new —
a framework fashioned sistor is mounted to a larger heat sink
from angle stock may be an expedient The Circuit which is bolted to the rear panel of the
alternative. Transformers suitable for this Two power transformers are used in power supply. Here, a Motorola MS-10
application are quite heavy and require a parallel to feed Ul, the full-wave bridge was used. A suitable substitute would be
firm supporting structure. The pass tran- rectifier assembly. The transformers the Radio Shack 276-1361. Bear in mind
sistor heat sinks form the sides of the specified are rated at 2 amperes each. The that the transistor must be insulated from
enclosure. These sinks, like most of the prospective builder might question the the sink. Use a small amount of heat-sink
components, are surplus items measuring wisdom of using only 4 amperes worth of compound between the transistor and the
4x12 inchesX102 X 305 mm) with fins transformer in a 5-ampere supply. This is sink for a good thermal bond.
protruding 1/2 in. from each flat surface. a valid question. With a 5-ampere load Since the power supply can deliver up to
Asymmetrically spaced transistor connected to the output of the supply, the 6 amperes, fairly heavy wire should be
mounting holes explain the surplus status transformers deliver more than their rated used for those runs carrying the bulk of
of the sinks. The dimensions quoted secondary voltage and do not become the current. No. 18 plastic wire was used
represent a minimum, rather than maxi- unreasonably Warm to the touch even in this unit and it_agpeared to be ade-
mum radiation area, especially consider- after continuous-duty operation. If quate.

Ac - Operated Power Supplies 5-19

The completed power supply may be mal and short-circuit protection it is vir-

"crowbarred" without worry of regulator tually destruction proof. A digital panel

or pass transistor destruction. Perhaps the meter used to monitor voltage and cur-

only precaution that should be mentioned rent, selectable by a front-panel switch.

is that of the exposed collector of the pass Although we termed this a '*rich man's
transistor. Although no damage will occur supply", it will cost far less to construct
if the case is shorted to ground it will

cause the loss of output voltage. This

could occur if the power supply is
mounted on a test bench with a number of
leads dangling behind the unit. A simple
fix for this would be to mount a plastic
TO-3 transistor cover over the case.

A Deluxe 5- to 25-Volt, 5-Ampere Supply

The power supply illustrated in Figs. 43 Fig. 36 — Interior of the heavy-duty supply.
and 45 and schematically at Fig. 44 might The current-sense mounted on a
resistors are
simple pc board that is elevated on ceramic
be termed a rich man's power supply. The standoffs in the front center. The control pc
unit shown can supply voltages from 5 to board is fastened to the base plate by spade
25 at currents up to 5 amperes. With ther- bolts. The large internal heat sink is for Q4.


Q6-014 * R12-R19


04 2N3055 *

4b, L_$!
-nzn- C2


R5 ^6.8k

1+ 10JJF

Fig. 35 — Schematic diagram of the 300- to 400-watt power supply.

type, 35 A, 100 PRV. 1N1184 R or equiv.
C6 — Filter capacitor or capacitors totaling Q5 —
Silicon control rectifier, 25 A, 50 V. optional.
0.1 F or more at 30 V or greater. R20 — 5 0.1-n, 5-W resistors in parallel. T1 — Combination of transformers capable of
D2-D5 — Silicon rectifier diodes, anode stud S1 — Spst, 10 A, 125 V ac, built-in pilot light supplying 18.8 V ac at a 20-A dc load.

5-20 Chapter 5

this unit as compared to a ready-made

supply with the same features. Cost, using
all new component^, will be on the order

of $75. The most expensive single item in

the supply is the digital panel meter,
which sells in single lot quantities for
around $40 at present. As more com-
panies start manufacturing these items the
prices- should drop significantly.
The digital readout, however, is not
much more expensive than two high-
quality meters. The prospective builder
should consider * this when choosing
between the digital panel meters and two
analog panel meters. Voltage measure-
ments are read directly off the panel meter
in volts. Current is measured in amperes
with a reading of 0.05 equal to 50 mA.





Fig. 37 —
At A, the etching pattern for the control pc card. B is the parts-replacement guide. The
black lines are an x-ray view of the foil side.

— [>> <f] —

Fig. 38 — A simple 1.2- to 15-volt, 5-ampere

power supply. All controls are mounted on the
front panel for easy access. The milliammeter
reading is multiplied by 100 to obtain the true
output current.

o '

Circuit Details remain unchanged. Notice that U2 is reason a board pattern is not supplied.
placed to the left or at the input side of The and rear panels are spray
The circuit diagram of the power supply the regulator. This is so the current painted white and the cover is blue. Dymo
is shown in Fig. 44. Tl is a 36-volt, center- drawn by the readout will not affect labels are used on the front panel to
tapped transformer rated at 6 amperes. current readings taken at the load. identify each of the controls. Cable lacing
Dl and D2 are used in a full-wave rectifier Sections A
and B of S2 are used to switch of the various leads adds to the clean
providing dc output to the filter capacitor, the meter between the voltage and current appearance of the supply.
C3, a 34,000-fiF, 50-volt electrolytic of the sensors. S3C is used to switch the decimal
computer-grade variety. The unregulated point in the digital panel meter to read A "Sanitary" High- Voltage Supply
voltage is fed to Ul, a Fairchild 78HGKC correctly for both voltage and current. Power
supplies aren't usually noted for
regulator, the heart of the supply. This As shown in the schematic, a single- adding decor to the shack. Most hams
chip is rated for 5-A continuous duty point ground is used for the supply. Used would rather hide them so that nonham
when used with an adequate heat sink. Rl in many commercial supplies, this tech- visitors won't ask, "What's that ugly
and R2 form a voltage divider which sets nique provides better voltage regulation looking thing?" However, an attempt was
the output voltage of the supply. Rl is a and stabilization than the "ground it made to improve the appearance of this
ten-turn potentiometer. Ul is bypassed anywhere" attitude. In this supply, the model along with the function of pro-
with 2.2-^F tantalum capacitors directly at single-ground point is at the front panel viding high voltage for general amplifier
the input and output pins. binding post labelled MINUS. All leads purposes. Not all the additions are
Zl, as outlined earlier, is a digital panel that are to be connected to ground should frivolous.For instance, the use of "rug
meter. Connections to the meter are made go only to that point. runners" instead of the usual sharp
through a spiral edge connector supplied corners on the bottom of the unit prevents
with the readcfut. U2 is used to supply a gouging an easily damaged surface such as
regulated 5 volts for powering the digital a bench or floor.
panel meter. The input and ground leads The deluxe power supply is housed in a The diode bridge rectifier is mounted
of this regulator are attached to the input homemade enclosure that measures 9X11 on a separate pc board that can be
(non-regulated) side of Ul. X 5 1/4 inches (229 X 279 X 133 mm). Ul removed easily. Accidental contact is
R4, R5 and R6 form a divider circuit to is mounted to a large heat sink (3X5 prevented by a Plexiglas sheet which also
supply the digital meter with an output X 2 inches; 76 X 127 X 51 mm) which is permits viewing of the circuit board while
voltage reading. R5 is made adjustable so attached to the rear apron of the supply. in the power supply. Although a
it is still
that the meter can be calibrated. R3 is a The front panel sports the digital-panel sheet-metal cutter and bender were used
current-sensing resistor which is placed in meter, power switch, binding posts, fuse to fabricate the sides, a "cut-and-file"
the negative lead of the supply. This holder, voltage-adjust potentiometer and method could result in a similar job if the
resistor is used on the input side of the meter-selector switch. Although a circuit builder was willing to spend the time.
regulator (Ul) so as not to affect the board is shown in the photograph as Either that or angle brackets (such as
voltage regulation of the power supply at supporting R4, R5, R6, R7, Dl, D2, CI those on the front of the unit) could be
high load currents. Any voltage dropped and C2 these items could just as well be used inside of the top and bottom covers
across the resistor will be made up by the mounted on terminal strips. For this in order to form an overlap surface for the
regulator, so the output voltage will covers.


o.oi T Rl
*T 2*

"X D1

<>"" 2.5A
5W 100 V


Fig. 39 — Schematic diagram of the 5-ampere power supply. Component designations on the schematic diagram but not shown in the' parts list are
for text or placement-auide reference only.
(Resistor used only as a form for the wire).
C1 — 3300 35 volt, axial leads.
jiF, Q1 —Silicon PNP power, Radio Shack R6 — 2500 ohms, 2 watts, panel mount.
— Binding posts.
J1, J2 276-2043 or equiv. 51 — Spst, toggle.
Ml — 0-50 Calectro DI-914 or equiv.
rriA, R1 —Meter shunt, 13 inches no. 22 enameled 52 — Dpdt, toggle. Both sections connected
M2 — 0-15 volt, Calectro DI-920 or equiv. wire wound on a high-value, 1-watt resistor. in parallel.

5-22 Chapter 5

Fig. 40 — Inside view of the power supply. 10

Component placement is not at all critical,
however the layout shown here provides a neat
appearance. VOLTS

Fig. 41 — For voltage and current requirements that fall to the left of the diagonal line, the power

supply may be operated in the LO mode. Pass-transistor dissipation will be reduced when the
supply is operated in this manner.



T1, T2 —
117-V primary, 18-V ct secondary.
— B is
Radio Shack 273-1515 or equiv. Fig. 42 At A, circuit board layout pattern as viewed from the component side of the board.
represent unetched
U1 — Bridge-rectifier assembly, 50 V,25 A. the full-scale etching pattern for the power supply circuit board. Black areas
U2 — Regulator, LM-317K copper as seen from the foil side of the board.

Ac Operated Power Supplies 5-23

Fig. 45 Interior view of the deluxe power

put at 3400 V dc. Primary-circuit and

transient considerations are simplified by
the use of 234 V ac instead of 117 V.
While the addition of a 234- V line might
seem like an unjustified inconvenience,
experience has proven this approach to be
the most acceptable method. However,
additional protection is afforded by the
use of the 10-ohm, 10-watt resistors in the
Fig. 43 —Front view of the deluxe 5- to 25-volt, secondary of Tl.
5-ampere power supply.
The filter capacitors listed in Fig. 47 are
plastic dielectric units that are no longer
manufactured. Suitable oil-filled capaci-
tors can be purchased at hamfest flea
Circuit Details „ markets. Most of these capacitors contain
The power supply employs a full-wave the carcinogenic chemical PCB, so avoid
bridge rectifier and is capable of 1-A out- any that appear to be seeping oil.







L-o jr o-




Fig. 44 —Schematic diagram of the deluxe power supply. All resistors are halAwatt carbon types unless noted otherwise. Capacitors are disc
ceramic unless noted otherwise. Numbered components not appearing in the parts list are for text reference only.
J1-J3, incl.— Binding post. .

C3 —Electrolytic capacitor, 34,000 yF, 50 V. R1 — Potentiometer, 20-ku, linear, 10 turn. secondary 36 V ct, 6 A. Stancbr P-8674 or
Sprague 36O343G050DF2A or equiv. Clarostat type 731A or equiv. equiv.
C4, C5 — Tantalum capacitor, 2.2 ^F, 50 V. R2 — Resistor, circuit board mount.
0.1JJ, U1 — Regulator, Fairchild 78HGKC or equiv.
C6 — Tantalum capacitor, 4.7 50 V.
fiF, 51 — Toggle switch, dpst. U2 — Regulator, n A7805 or equiv.
D1, D2 — Silicon rectifier, 100 V, 12 A 52 — Toggle switch, 3pdt. Z1 — Digital panel meter. Datel DM3100N or
F1 — Fuse, 2 A. T1 — Power transformer; primary 117 V, equiv.

5-24 Chapter 5
Fig. 47 — Schematic diagram of the high-voltage power supply.

Ac Operated Power Supplies

- 5-25
Chapter 6

HF Transmitting

L-ven though some modern transmitters

and transceivers contain only solid-state 3.5 MHz
devices, it is still practical to use a hybrid

circuit that contains

a mixture of tubes
active semiconductor stages. Typical-
the unit has transistors, diodes
to the driver stage of the transmitter.
and ICs
Qi if

1 3.5MHz

At that point one will find a tube driver
which is used to supply rf power to a tube
type of amplifier. The latter might consist
of a pair of 6146Bs or two sweep tubes.

The principal advantage of tube ampli-
fiers is that they are somewhat less subject
to damage from excessive drive levels and
mismatched loads. However, a properly
designed solid-state driver and PA section
should be immune to output mismatch -AA/V
damage, provided an SWR-protection 5600
circuit has been included in the transmit- KEY
ter. A solid-state amplifier is slightly more
difficult to design and have work cor-
rectly than is a tube amplifier of
equivalent power. This is because purity
of emissions is harder to achieve when
transistor power stages are employed.
Transistors generate considerably more
harmonic energy than tubes do, and the 0.01
former are prone to self-oscillation at If,
vlf and audio frequencies unless some
careful design work is done. This is not
generally true of tube amplifiers. )lmH
If one is to ignore the foregoing
problems and concentrate mainly on cost
and convenience, transistors may have the
edge over tubes. A 13.6-volt design can be -0+250 V
operated directly from an automotive or
solar-electric supply, whereas a tube
amplifier requires a high-voltage power
supply for mobile, portable and fixed-
station use. When an ac power source 4s
required, the cost of a high-voltage,
medium-current supply for tubes versus a
low-voltage, high-current power source
for transistors is similar, provided new
components are used in both. At power-
output levels in excess of approximately Fig. 1 — A transistor oscillator is shown at A. The example at B illustrates a tube type of crystal
150 watts the transistor-amplifier power oscillator.

6-1 Chapter 6
supply becomes rather expensive because \

of complex regulator-circuit requirements. CLASS C £ 3.5 MHz
For this reason it is the choice of most Or— If

amateurs to utilize vacuum tubes in high-
1 ' r\ r\
3.5 MHz
power hf and vhf amplifiers. The number
of power transistors required (plus com-
biners) to generate a 1-kW signal may run
considerably higher in cost than a tube or
tubes for an amplifier of equivalent power. io.1 J±.22/jF
The price of large heat sinks versus a cool-
ing fan may place the solid-state amplifier '
1mH '100
in a prohibitive class also.
The decision to buy or build a
transmitter is founded on some basic
considerations: Cost compared to features; HA/H 1500
professional equipment appearance con-
trasted to that of homemade apparatus; MAr
the knowledge and satisfaction gained
from building equipment, as weighed
against buying store-bought gear and sim-
ply becoming an operator. The judgment Fig. 2 — Circuit example of a simple, solid-state cw transmitter.
must fit the amateur's objectives and af-
fluence. Home-built transmitters are usual-
ly easier to service than commercial ones
because the builder knows the circuit lay-
out and how each stage functions. Further-
more, the cost of maintenance is markedly
lower for homemade equipment than for
most factory-built gear. But the greatest
significance to home-built circuits is the
knowledge gained from constructing a ^7
project and the pride that goes with using
it on the air!

Frequency Generation
The most basic type of transmitter is
—^^^^^^ (B)
one which contains a single stage, is
crystal controlled, and is designed for cw
operation. A circuit example is given in
Fig. 1. This kind of transmitter is not v
especially suitable for use on the air
because it is somewhat inefficient and is
prone to generating a chirpy cw signal
unless loaded rather lightly. But, the same
circuit is entirely acceptable when fol-
lowed by an isolating stage (buffer/ampli- (C)

fier) as shown in Fig. 2. The second stage

not only builds up the power level, but it
gives the oscillator a relatively constant
load to look into. The latter helps to pre-
vent oscillator pulling and attendant chirp-
ing of the cw note.
Fig. 3 illustrates the basic types of
—6> ^M^ ~> ^M^—» ^PA^ >
transmitters for cw and work. TheRTTY
drawing at A
represents the general circuit
given in Fig. 2. Illustration B is an
expansion of that circuit and includes a
frequency multiplier. A heterodyne type Fig. 3— Block diagrams of various transmitters which use specific frequency-generation methods.
of generator, which is currently popular
for multiband transmitters and trans-
ceivers, is shown as the exciter section of a
work. However, linear amplifiers are
transmitter in drawing C. A frequency The block diagram of Fig. 4 outlines the
functional stages of a ssb transmitter. Zl entirely satisfactory for any transmission
synthesizer is shown as the rf generator at
can be a simple VFO, a heterodyne mode Once the
at a sacrifice in efficiency.
generator (Fig. 3C) or a frequency ssb signal generated it can not be passed
For operation on a-m, any of the
lineups given in Fig. 3 are suitable, synthesizer. The essential difference be- through a frequency multiplier. All post-
tween type of transmitter and one that filter stages must operate straight through.
provided a molulator is added. It is used this

to modulate the operating voltage to the would be used for cw/RTTY is that the rf Class C amplifiers are generally used in fm
amplifiers must operate in the Class A, transmitters as well as in cw and RTTY
PA stage, or in some designs the operating
voltage to the PA and the stage im- AB or B mode (linear) rather than the transmitters. Fm operators who are heard
mediately before it. Class C mode which is suitable for cw to say, "I'm running my transceiver into a

HF Transmitting 6-2
f,2«,3'f, ETC.



:£:cpb vj
Fig. 4 — Block diagram of a heterodyne type of ssb transmitter.
J L5—06.3
S.3 V


>15k 2N2 2 22

14-TY I
toV (,2f,3f,'ETC.

( : 47


2f, 3f, ETC.

I I f >100k

(3(, 5f OF FUND.)


Fig. 6 — Two com mon tube types of crystal


tuned various harmonics of the

HARMONIC OVERTONE crystal frequency will appear in the
(C) (D)
output. Therefore, if good spectral purity
is desired it is necessary to use a
double-tuned collector tank to obtain a
Fig. .5 — Four types of popular solid-state crystal oscillators.
bandpass characteristic, or to employ the
tank circuit shown and follow it with a
harmonic filter.
linear," are missing the technical facts: causes frequency The extent of
drift. the An overtone oscillator is depicted in
The amplifier is probably a Class one, C drift is related to the manner in which the Fig. 5 at D. The crystal oscillates at an
which is very non-linear in operation. quartz crystal is cut and the actual heat at odd multiple of the fundamental cut —
a given point in time. It is for these usually the third or fifth harmonic. In this
Crystal Oscillators
reasons that the amount of feedback used example the drain tank is tuned ap-
A crystal-controlled oscillator uses a should be held to only that level which proximately to the desired overtone.
piece of quartz which has been ground to provides quick oscillator starting and when the tank is
Oscillation will begin
a particular thickness, length and width. reliable operation under load. The power tuned slightly above the overtone fre-
For the most part, the thickness deter- necessary to excite a successive stage quency. A high-Q tuned circuit is neces-
mines the frequency at which the crystal properly can be built up inexpensively by sary.
oscillates, irrespective of the stray capaci- means of low-level amplifiers. Vacuum-tube crystal oscillators are
tance in the immediate circuit of the cry- The active element in an oscillator can presented in Fig. A. modified Pierce
stal. The stray capacitance does have be a tube, transistor or IC. Some common oscillator is shown at A. In this case the
some effect on the operating frequency, examples of solid-state oscillators are shown screen grid of VI functions as the plate of
but overall it can be considered minor. in Fig. 5. A triode Pierce oscillator which a triode tube. Feedback is between the
The power available from such an employs a JFET is illustrated at A. A screen and control grids. Qb may be
oscillator is restricted by the heat (caused bipolar transistor is used at B to form a required to ensure the desired feedback
by circulating rf current) the crystal can Colpitts oscillator. The example in Fig. voltage. In a typical oscillator the value of
withstand before fracturing. The cir- 5C shows a means by which to extract the Cfb will range from 10 to 100 pF for
culating current is determined by the harmonic of a crystal by tuning the oscillators operating from 1.8 to 20 MHz.
amount of feedback required to ensure collector circuit to the desired harmonic. At lower frequencies the feedback capaci-
excitation. Excessive heating of the crystal Unless a bandpass filter is used after the tor may require a higher value.

6-3 Chapter 6

series capacitor (C 1) connected between

A Colpitts style of tube oscillator is is

illustrated in Fig. 6 at B. The feedback is the low side of the crystal and ground.
between the grid and cathode by means of The series hookup is used to help offset
the high input capacitance of the oscil-

r— a capacitive divider (CI and C2). The

lator. The input capacitance consists of
plate tank can be tuned to the crystal
frequency or harmonics thereof. In the the series value of feedback capacitors C2
interest of good oscillator stability it is and C3 plus the input capacitance (Qn) of
suggested that the supply voltage to the Ql. Conversely, the input capacitance of
circuits of Figs. 5 and 6 be regulated. This
the circuit at B in Fig. 8 is quite low be-
is especially significant in the case
of cause a triode tube is employed. In this
harmonic or overtone oscillators where kind of circuit the trimmer capacitor is
6 used in a parallel manner as shown. The
-vcc small amounts of drift are multiplied by
the ehosen harmonic factor. choice between series and parallel trim-
ming will depend on the active device used
The usual cause of erratic oscillation, or
and the amount of input capacitance
no oscillation at all, is excessive loading
present. This rule applies to tube oscil-
on the oscillator output (succeeding stage
lators as well as those which use
of circuit), insufficient feedback, or a
+VO0 transistors.
AA/V-P sluggish crystal. Concerning the latter, a
crystal which is not ground to a uniform
Crystal Switching
thickness and feathered carefully around
the edges may be difficult to make Although several crystals for a single
be selected by mechanical
ne -O oscillate. Attempts by inexperienced ama-
teurs to grind their own crystals may lead
oscillator can'
means, a switch must be contained in the
r to this condition.
develop un-
rf path. This can impose severe restrictions
on the layout' of a piece of equipment. Fur-
Some crystal oscillators
thermore, mechanical switches normally
I wanted vhf self-oscillations (parasitics)
even though the circuits may be function- require that they be operated from the

ing normally otherwise. The result will be front panel of the transmitter or receiver.

a vhf waveform superimposed on the de- That type of format complicates the re-
sired output waveform when the rf voltage mote operation of such a unit. Also, the
is viewed by means of an oscilloscope. switch leads can introduce unwanted reac-
Fig. 7 — Two methods for suppressing vhf and Parasitics can cause TVI and specific pro- tances in the crystal circuit. A better tech-
uhf parasitic oscillations. R1 at A damps the nique illustrated in Fig. 9, where Dl and
blems elsewhere in the circuit with which js
parasitics and Z1 at B (ferrite beads) serves that
purpose. the oscillator is used. Two simple methods D2 — high-speed silicon switching diodes
are used to select one of two or more
for preventing vhf parasitics are shown in
Fig. 7. The technique at A
calls for the in- crystals from some remote point. As
sertion of a low-value resistance (Rl)in operating voltage is applied to one of the
the collector lead as close to the transistor diodes by means of S 1 it is forward biased

body as possible. Typical resistance values into "hard" conduction, thereby complet-

are 10 to 27 ohms. The damping action of ing the circuit between the crystal trimmer
the resistor inhibits vhf oscillation. An al- and ground. Some schemes actually call
3, ternative to the use of resistance for
swamping vhf oscillation is illustrated at B
for reverse-biasing the unused diode or
diodes when they are not activated. This
-|( O OUTPUT in Fig. 7. One or two high-mu miniature ensures almost complete cutoff, which
ferrite beads («i= 950) are placed near the may not be easy to achieve in the circuit
transistor body in the lead to gate 1. The shown because of the existing rf voltage
beads can be used in the drain lead when a on the anodes of Dl and D2.
tuned circuit or rf choke are used in that
SERIES C Variable-Frequency Oscillators
part of the circuit. However, when the
drain is at ac ground, as shown at B, it The theory and general application of
does not constitute part of the feedback variable-frequency oscillators is treated in
circuit. Ferrite beads can be used in the chapter 8. The circuit principles are the
base or collector lead of the circuit of Fig. same regardless of the VFO
7 A rather than employing Rl. Similarly, Some additional considerations pertain
Rl can be used at gate 1 of the oscillator. to the use of VFOs in transmitters as com-
It is necessary in some applications of pared to a VFO
contained in a receiver.
crystal oscillators to ensure spot accuracy Generally, heating of the interior of a
of the operating frequency. Various transmitter cabinet is greater than in a re-
reactances are present in most oscillator ceiver. This is because considerably more
circuits, causing the operating frequency power is being dissipated in the former.
to differ somewhat from that for which Therefore, greater care must be given to
the crystal was manufactured. Addition of oscillator long-term stability. Tempera-
a trimmer capacitor will permit "rub- ture-compensating capacitors are often
PARALLEL C bering" the crystal to a specified fre- needed in the frequency-determining portion
(B) quency within its range. This procedure is of the oscillator to level off the long-
sometimes referred to as "netting" a term stability factor. Some oscillators are
— crystal. designed for use with a temperature-
Fig. 8 The crystal-oscillator operating
frequency can be shifted slightly by means of Fig. 8 shows two circuits in which a control oven for the purpose of main-
trimmer capacitors as shown at A and B. A series trimmer capacitor might be used to taining a relatively constant ambient
hookup (A) is used with transistors to help temperatore in the oscillator compart-
compensate for differences in the opera-
compensate for the relatively high input
capacitance of the transistor. ting frequency of the oscillator. At A the ment —
even while the equipment

HF Transmitting 6-4
being adjusted from the front panel of the
osc. equipment. Variable capacitors with plated
brass plates are preferred over those
which have aluminum plates. The alumi-
num is more subject to physical changes in
the presence of temperature variations
than is the case with brass. The tun- VFO
ing-capacitor rotor must be grounded at
both ends as a preventive measure against
instability.Some designers have found
that a 1/8- to 1/4-inch (3.2- to 6.4-mm)
thick piece of aluminum or steel plate
serves as aji excellent base for the VFO
assembly. It greatly reduces instability
which can be caused by stress on the main
chassis of the equipment. The VFO mod-
ule can be installed on shock mounts
to enhance stability during mobile opera-

Concerning Electrical Stability

Fig. 9— A method for selecting one of two (or several) crystals by means of diode switchinq D1 and
D2 are the switches. Apart from the mechical considerations
just discussed, the relative quality of the
components used in a VFO circuit is of
great importance. Fig. 10 contains three
is otherwise turned off. jumping and a frequent need for recalibra- illustrations of basic solid-state tunable
Another design matter related to a tion of the VFO readout versus operating oscillators which are suggested for ama-
transmitter-contained VFO is rf shielding frequency. teur applications. The numbered com-
of the oscillator and the attendant Regardless of the format selected for ponents have a .direct bearing on the
low-level buffer/isolation stages that fol- the VFO coil, the finished product should short- and long-term stability of the VFO.
low it. Fairly high levels of stray rf can be be coated with two or three applications That is, the type of component used at
present in a transmitter andsome of that of polystyrene cement (Q dope) or similar each specified circuit point must be
energy may
migrate to the oscillator low-loss dopant. This will keep the coil selected with stability foremost in mind.
section by means of stray radiation or turns secured in a permanent position — The fixed-value capacitors, except for the
conduction along wiring leads or circuit- an aid to mechanical stability. drain bypass, should be temperature-
board elements. Thus, it is important to The VFO coil should be mounted well stable types. Polystyrene capacitors are
provide as much physical and electrical away from nearby conducting objects recommended for frequencies up to
isolation as possible. The VFO should be (cabinet walls, shield cans,and so on) to approximately 10 MHz. A
second choice
housed in a rigid metal box. All dc leads prevent frequency shifts which are likely is the silver-mica capacitor (dipped or
entering the enclosure require rf-decou- to occur if the chassis or cabinet are plain versions). Silver micas tend to have
pling networks that are effective at all fre- stressed during routine handling or mobile some unusual drift characteristics when
quencies involved in the transmitter de- operation. Movement of the chassis, cabi- subjected to changes in ambient tem-
sign. The VFO box needs to be interfaced net walls and other nearby conductive ob- perature. Some increase in value while
securely with the metal chassis on which it jects can the coil is close by) change the
(if others decrease. others are relatively
rests to ensure good electrical contact. Ex- coil inductance. Furthermore, the proxi- stable. It is often necessary to experiment
cessive stray rf entering the VFO circuitry mity effects of the conductive objects pre- with several units of a given capacitance
can cause severe instability and erratic os- sent an undefined value of capacitance be- value in an effort to select a group of
cillator operation. tween the coil and these objects. Changes capacitors that are suitably temperature-
in spacing will alter that capacitance, stable. The same is not true of polystyrene
Fundamental Stability Considerations
causing frequency shifts of an abrupt capacitors. Ordinary disk-ceramic capaci-
Apart from the recommendations given nature. tors are unsuitable for use in stable VFOs.
in the foregoing text for VFO stability, It follows that all forms of mechanical Those with specified temperature charac-
there are some measures which
specific stability are of paramount importance if teristics (NPO and similar) are useful,
must be taken when designing an oscil- the VFO is to be of "solid" design. Thus, however, in compensating for drift.
lator of this type. The form upon which the trimmer or padder capacitors that are The circuit of Fig. 10A is capable of
the VFO coil is wound is of special used in the circuit should be capable of very stable operation if polystyrene
significance with regard to stability. remaining at their preset values despite capacitors are used at C3 through C8,
Ideally, the use of magnetic core material temperature changes and vibration. For A test model for
inclusive. 1.8 to 2.0 MHz
should be avoided. Therefore, powdered this reason it is not wise to utilize ceramic exhibited only 1 hertz of drift fronva cold
iron, brass, copper and ferrite slugs, or or mica trimmers. Air-dielectric variable startto a period some two hours later.
toroid cores for that matter, are not capacitors of the pc-board-mount sub- Ambient temperature was 25°C. Ql can
recommended when high stability is miniature type are recommended. be any high-gm JFET for use at vhf or uhf.
required. The reason is that the properties The main tuning*element (capacitor or Capacitors CI through C4 are used in
of such core materials* are affected by permeability tuner) needs to have sub- parallel as a means to distribute the rf
changes in temperature and can cause a stantial rigidity: It should be mounted in current among them. A
single fixed-value
dramatic shift in the value of inductance place in a secure manner. Variable capacitor in that part of the circuit would
which might not occur if an air-core coil capacitors used as main-tuning elements tend to change value versus time because
was employed. Furthermore, some styles should be of the double-bearing variety. of the rf heating within it. Therefore, a
of slug-tuned inductors are subject to They should rotate easily (minimum distinct advantage exists when several
mechanical instability in the presence of torque) in order to minimize mechanical capacitors can be used in parallel at such
vibration. This can cause severe frequency stress of the VFO assembly when they are points in a VFO circuit. The same concept

6-5 Chapter 6
S °

is generally true of C5, C6 and CI. In the

interest of stability, C5 should be the VFO
smallest value that will permit reliable 180
AAA/ 0+12 v
oscillation. Feedback capacitors C6
C7 are typically the same value and have 9.1 V
an Xc of roughly 60. Therefore, a suitable
value for a 1.5-MHz VFO would be 1500 C8
pF. MAIN >100k^ [D1 -O OUTPUT

C8 of Fig. 10A should be the smallest TUNING

capacitance value practical with respect to

ample oscillator drive to the succeeding
stage —
generally a buffer or amplifier.
The smaller the value of C8, the less the
chance for oscillator pulling during load SERIES -TUNED COLPITTS
changes. a gate-clamping diode for
Dl is (A)
controlling the bias of the FET. The
function of this stabilizing diode is treated
in chapter four. Basically, it limits the
positive swing of the sine wave. This
action restricts the change in Ql junction
£fv — 180
— + '

capacitance to minimize harmonic genera- "^C1 ^C2 o>—s

<^100k— T ,
400m *

tion and changes in the amount of C asso- rti

ciated with LI.
The reactance of RFC can be on the

order of 10-kft. The drain bypass, C9,

should have a maximum Xc of 10 ohms to
ensure effective bypassing at the operating HARTLEY
frequency. Ideally, an X c of 1 ohm would

be used (0.1 wF at 1.5 MHz). D2 is used to VFO

provide 9.1 volts, regulated, at the drain rAAAr
of Ql. Lower operating voltages aid
stability through reduced rf-current heat-
ing, but at the expense of reduced
oscillator output.
A Hartley oscillator is shown in Fig.
10B. This circuit offers good stability
is one of the better circuits to
and use
tuned. The tap O OUTPUT
when the tank is parallel
7" 7~:c2
on LI is usually between 10 and 25 percent
of the total coil turns, tapped above the
grounded end, This ensures adequate
feedback for reliable oscillation. The
higher the FET g m the lower the feedback PARALLEL -TUNED COLPITTS
needed. Only that amount of feedback (C)

which is necessary to provide oscillation

should be used: Excessive feedback will
cause instability and prohibitive rf heating Fig. '10 — Three common types of VFOs for use in receivers and transmitters.

of the components. Most of the rules for

the circuit of Fig. 10A apply to
oscillator in Fig. 10B. polar transistors have a substantially
Parallel tuning of the kind used in Fig.
A suitable transistor for Ql of Fig. 10C
an RCA 40673. The Texas Instruments higher capacitance, which tends to com-
10B and C are suitable for use below, say, is
plicate a VFO design for the higher
3N211 also ideal, as has an extremely
6 MHz, although the circuit at B can
be is it

used successfully into vhf region.

the high gm —
approximately 30,000. Dual- operating frequencies. The uhf
2N5179, are

MOSFETs are suitable for the signal transistors, such as the

However, the Colpitts oscillators of A and gate
best suited to the circuits under discus-
circuits of Fig. 10A and B if biased as
C in Fig. 10 have large amounts of shunt sion.
capacitance caused by C6 and C7 of A,
'shown at C. Also, they can be used as
single-gate FETs by simply connecting VFOs
and C5 and C6 of C. The smaller the Load Isolation for
gates 1 and 2 together. No external bias is
coupling capacitor between LI and the Load changes after the oscillator have a
pronounced this effect is. required if this is done. Gate 2 of Ql (Fig.
gate, the less on the operating
IOC) should be bypassed with a low- pronounced effect
The net result is a relatively small value of
reactance capacitor (C4), as is the rule for frequency. Therefore, it is imperative to
inductance at LI, especially with respect provide some form of buffering (isolating
the drain bypassing of all three examples
to Fig. 10C, which lowers the tank
given in Fig. 10. stage or stages) between the oscillator and
impedance and may prevent oscillation
Bipolar transistors are satisfactory for the circuit to which it will be interfaced.
C-to-L ratio). The series-tuned
use in the three VFOs just discussed. The The net effect of load changes, however
circuit of Fig. 10A solves the shunt-C
principal disadvantage attendant to the minor, is a change in reactance which
problem nicely by requiring considerably- causes phase shifts. The latter affects the
use of bipolars in these circuits is the low
greater inductance at LI than would be operating frequency to a considerable
acceptable in the circuit of Fig. 10C. The base impedance and higher device input
capacitance. Most FETs exhibit an input degree. Therefore, the more isolating
circuit at A
resembles the popular
stages which follow the oscillator (up
to a
"series-tuned Clapp" of the early 1950s. C of approximately 5 pF, but many bi-
HF Transmitting 6-6

Q Of 3. The transformation ratio is on the

EMITTER order of 20:1 (1000-ohm drain to 50-ohm
FOLLOWER Rl is placed across LI to further


— 0+12V broaden the network response. The 50-
ohm output level is recommended in the
VFO O 1(- interest of immunity to load changes: The

L °' z higher the output impedance of a buffer

-If O
u OUTPL chain the greater the chance for oscillator
pulling with load changes. Pk-pk output
across C3 should be on the order of 3 volts
when using the oscillator of Fig. 10A.

Other VFO Criteria

Apart from the stability considerations

+ 9V1REG.) just treated, purity of emissions from
(A) VFOs is vital to most designers^ It is
prudent to minimize the harmonic output
of a VFO chain and to ensure that vhf
parasitic energy is not being generated
within the LO system.
The pi-network output circuit of Fig.
1 IB helps reduce harmonics because it is a
+ 9V(REG.) low-pass network. Additional filtering can
be added at the VFO-chain output by
inserting a half-wave filter with a loaded
SOURCE Q of 1 <XL and Xc = 50 for a 50-ohm line).
FOLLOWER AMP. Vhf parasitics are not uncommon in the

\ 5600
— oscillator or its buffer stages, especially
when high fr transistors are employed.
The best preventive measures are keeping
M the signal leads as short as possible and

p' T
adding parasitic suppressors as required.
The parasitic energy can be seen as a
superimposed sine wave riding on the
VFO output waveform when a high-
01,02,- MPFI02.2N4416,
frequency scope is used.
E300, SUITABLE A low- value resistor (10 to 22 ohms)
can be placed directly at the gate or base
of the oscillator transistor to stop
parasitic oscillations. Alternatively, one
(B) or two ferrite beads (950«i) can be slipped
over the gate or base lead to resolve the
problem. If vhf oscillations occur in the
Fig. 1
— VFO buffer and buffer/amplifier sections which provide isolation between the oscillator and buffer stages, the same preventive
the VFO-chain load. The circuit at B is recommended for most applications. mea-
sures can be taken.
VFO noise should be minimized as
practical number, of course), the less Q2 of Fig. 11A an operates as much as possible. A
high-Q oscillator
likelihood of load shifts being reflected emitter-follower. The
rf-voltage output tank will normally limit the noise band-
back to the oscillator. will be approximately 0.9 of that which is width adequately. Resistances placed in
Buffer stages can perform double duty supplied to the base. In a typical VFO the signal path will often cause circuit
by affording a measure of rf amplifica- chain, using an oscillator such as the one noise. Therefore, it is best to avoid the
tion, as needed. But, care must be taken to in Fig.10A, this buffer strip will deliver temptation to control the rf excitation to a
avoid introducing narrow-band networks approximately 1 volt pk-pk across the < given LO stage by inserting a series
in the buffer/amplifier chain if consider- 470-ohm emitter resistor of Q2. resistor. The better method is to use
able frequency range is planned, e.g., 5.0 A somewhat better circuit is offered in small-value coupling capacitors.
to 5.5 MHz. If suitable broadband charac- Fig. UB. Ql is a JFET which has a high
teristics are not inherent in the design, the input impedance (l-Mflor greater) by vir- A Practical VFO
oscillator-chain output will notbe constant tue of the FET-device characteristic. This The circuit of Fig. 12 is for a high
across the desired tuning range. This minimizes loading of the oscillator. RFC1 stability 1.9-MHz VFO. A
1.8- to
could seriously affect the conversion gain is chosen to resonate broadly with the stray
circuit-board pattern and layout is in-
and dynamic range of a receiver mixer, or circuit capacitance (roughly 10pF) at the cluded. Although the VFO frequency is
lower the output of a transmitter in some midrange frequency of the LO chain. Al- for 160-meter operation, other tuning
parts of a given band. though this does not introduce significant ranges up to 10 MHz
are possible with
Fig. 11A illustrates, a typical RC selectivity, does provide a rising charac-
this circuit. The
design guidelines offered
coupled VFO buffer with broadband teristic in the rf-voltage level at the source in the previous section will be useful in
response. CI is selected for minimum of Ql.
coupling to the oscillator, consistent with
altering the circuit to other frequencies. A
Q2 functions as a fed-back amplifier close approximation can be had by simply
adequate drive to Ql. Ql and Q2 should with shunt feedback and source degenera- taking the Xl and Xc values for the
have high fr and medium beta to ensure a tion. The feedback stabilizes the amplifier
components specified in Fig. 12A and
slight rf-voltage gain. Devices such as the and makes broadband. The drain tank
determining from those reactances the
2N2222A and 2N5179 are suggested. is designed as a pi network with a loaded new values for the frequency of interest.

6-7 Chapter 6


. 2.5 mH

) (50 OHMS)
1.8-1.9 MHz

I 0.0036






k«1 000, M=1000 000. POLY = POLYSTYRENE

-ce- -R4-
C10 I — Rll
-C7- I
5 \
R8 „ RIO -° 15 "

-R2- _ CB RF C 2~
CU ~ I
I NFC 1 Rb R9 C14
I •

s Ql RFC 3
-C4— -CI J —

tlftfllilP If
m ill Clb
lliflf '

*18li II


-C2 —
_C3 —



constant room temperature. Although it is shown for

Pin 19 At A is the circuit of a proven VFO chain which has exceptional stabilty under fairly

(Miller 23A155RPC).

VFO mixed with energy oscillator energy as high as the microwave

The tuning range be determined by will a highly stable is

from a crystal-controlled oscillator. The region. The PLL has the advantage that
the capacitance value of CI. Data on
frequencies of the two oscillators are no mixing stage is used in conjunction
precise component values for other fre-
chosen so that spurious outputs generated with the output oscillator, so the output
quency ranges are not available from the
energy is quite "clean." The Kenwood
ARRL. Further information on VFO during the mixing process do not fall with-
TS-820, the Collins 651S-1, and the
design and the general circuit of Fig. in the desired output range. A band-pass
the mixer output attenuates out- National HRO-600 currently use PLL
12- A was provided by DeMaw in June filter at
of-band spurious energy. The charts given high-frequency oscillator systems.
1976 Ham Radio.
The basic diagram of a PLL is shown in
in chapter 8 can be used to choose oscil-
Premixing lator combinations which will have a Fig. 13B. Output from a voltage-controlled
variable- minimum of spurious outputs. oscillator (VCO) and a frequency stan-
It is difficult to build a
dard are fed to a phase detector which
frequency oscillator for operation above
PLL produces an output voltage equal to the
10 MHz with drift of only a few Hz. A
Receivers and transmitters of advanced difference in frequency between the two
scheme called premixing shown in Fig. The error voltage is amplified, fil-
now using phase-locked loops signals.
13 A, may be used to obtain VFO output
design are
(PLLs) to generate highly stable local tered, and applied to the VCO. The error
in the 10- to 50-MHz range. The output

HF Transmitting 6-8
mable frequency dividers included so that
the VCO output is always locked to a
crystal reference. The frequency is changed
by modifying the instructions to the divi-
BANDPASS ders; steps of 100 Hz. are usually
for hf receivers while 10-kHz increments
are popular in vhf gear.


VFO Dials
One of the tasks facing an amateur
builder is the difficulty of finding a
(A) (B)
suitable dial and drive assembly for a
VFO. A dial should provide a sufficiently
slow rate of tuning —
10 to 25 kHz per
Fig. 13 — Block diagrams of the (A) premixing and (B) phase-lock loop methods. knob revolution is considered optimum —
without backlash. Planetary drives are
popular because of their low cost;
however, they often develop objectional
voltage changes the frequency of the VCO ceiver. A typical circuit is given in Fig. 14. backlash after a short period of use.
until it is locked to the standard. The Complete construction details on this PLL Several types of two-speed drives are
bandwidth of the error-voltage filter de- were given in January 1972 QST. A sec- They are
available. well suited to home-
termines the frequency range over which ond type of phase-locked loop uses a made amateur equipment. The Eddystone
the system will remain in phase lock. stable mf VFO
as the standard which sta- 898 precision dial has long been a favorite
Three types of phase-locked loops are frequency of an hf or vhf VCO.
bilizes the with amateurs, although the need to ele-
now in use. The simplest type uses har- This approach is used in the receiver de- vate the VFO far above the chassis intro-
monics of a crystal standard to phase- scribed by Fischer in March 1970 QST. duces some mechanical-stability problems.
lock an HFO, providing the injection for The other PLL system also uses & crystal- If a permeability-tuned oscillator (PTO) is
the first mixer in a double-conversion .re- controlled standard, but with program- used, one of the many types of turn



7, U1

0+12 V



K-1,000, M'1,000,000.

Fig. 14 — A practical PLL for a crystal-controlled HFO. Y1 is chosen so the harmonic content is ample at the desired output frequency A 200-kHz crystal i

fine to 40 MHz, a 500-kHz one is suitable to 60 MHz and a 1-MHz crystal is good for use to 80 MHz. L1 and L3 are resonant at the output frequency.

6-9 Chapter 6

t (INPUT) O 1(-

Fig. 15 _ a five-digit readout that uses LEDs.

100 KHz (A)





I r n 1 (B)
_i 1 o
Fig. 16 — Frequency counter block diagram.

counters made for vacuum variable capaci-

tors or rotory inductors may be employed.

Linear Readout
If linear-frequency readout is desired
the dial, the variable capacitor must be
only a small portion of the total
capacitance in the oscillator tank. Capaci-
tors tend to be very nonlinear near the PUSH-PULL TRIPLER
ends of rotation. A gear drive providing a (C) +vcc
1.5:1 reduction should be employed so
that only the center of the capacitor range and push-pull
adjustment, the Fig. 17 - Single-ended multiplier (A), push-push doubler (B) tripler (C).

is used. Then, as a final

plates of the capacitor must be filed until

linear readout is achieved. In a PTO, the
pitch of the oscillator coil winding may be
use neon-glow tubes called'Mxi'es (a trade should be chosen, because this type of
varied so that linear frequency change
name of the Burroughs Corp.), or a seven- high-accuracy crystal exhibits the best
results from the travel of the tuning slug.
segment display using incandescent lamps, temperature stability. The clock output
Such a VFO was described in July 1964
filament wires in a vacuum tube, or LCDs energy is divided in decade-counter ICs to
QST. A different approach was employed
(liquid crystal display), or LEDs (light- provide the pulse which opens the input
by Lee (November 1970 QST), using a
emitting diodes). typical LED display is
A gate of the counter for a preset time. The
variable-capacitance diode (Vaficap) as
The use of MSI and LSI number of rf cycles which pass through
the VFO
tuning element. meter whichA shown in Fig. 15.
some containing as many as 200 the gate while it is open are counted and
reads the voltage applied to the Varicap circuits,
VFO transistors on a single chip, reduces the stored. Storage is used so that the readout
was calibrated to indicate the
size required for an electronic dial to a few does not blink. At the end of each
square inches of circuit-board space. counting cycle the information that has
Electronic Dials A
typical counter circuit is given in Fig. been stored activates the display -LEDs,
The accuracy of the counter is which present the numbers counted until
An electronic dial consists of a sim- 16.
determined by a crystal standard which is another count cycle is complete.
plified frequency counter which reads
often referred to as a clock. The output complete electronic dial arranged to be
either the VFO or operating frequency of
from a 100-kHz calibration oscillator, the combined with an existing transmitter or
a transmitter or receiver. The advantage
type often used in receivers and trans- receiver was described in October 1970
of an electronic dial is the excellent
QST. Also, Macleish et al reported an

accuracy (to 1 hertz, if desired) and the ceivers, may be employed if accuracy of
Hz For readout down to adapter which allows a commercially
fact that VFO tuning does not have to be 100 is sufficient.
1-tolO-MHz AT-cut crystal made frequency counter to be mated with
linear. The readout section of the dial may 1 Hz, a

HF Transmitting 6-10
ham gear so that the counter performs as Table 1
an electronic dial (May 1971 QST). Chebyshev High-Pass and Low-Pass Filters-Attenuation
Wo. poles, ripple VSWR 2fc 3fc 5'c 6>c 7'c
Frequency Multiplication 3 pole, dB 1 2.66 22.46 34.05 41.88 47.85 52.68 56.74
It may
be necessary to use frequency 3 po|e, 0.1 dB 1.36 12.24 23.60 31.42 37.39 42.22 46.29
3 pole, 0.01 dB 1.10
multipliers at some point after the VFO or 4.08 13.73 21.41 27.35 32.18 36.24
3 pole, 0.001 dB 1.03 0.63 5.13 11.68 17.42
other frequency generator in a transmit- 22.20 26.25
5 pole, 1 dB 2.66 45.31 64.67 77.73
ter. When this need is present, the circuits
87.67 95.72 102.50
5 pole, 0.1 dB 1.36 34.85 54.21 67.27 77.21 85.26 92.04
of Fig. 17 can be applied. Of course, 5 pole, 0.01 dB 1.10 24.82 44.16 57.22 67.17 75.22 82.00
vacuum-tube multipliers are entirely suit- 5 pole, 0.001 dB 1.03 14.94' 34.16 47.22 57.16 65.22 71.99
able if the design is not one which uses 7 pole, 1 dB 2.66 68.18 95.29 113.57 127.49 138.77 148.26
7 pole, 0.1 dB 1.36 57,72
semiconductors. The fundamental prin- 84.83 103.11 117.03 128.31 137.80
7 pole, 0.01 dB 1.10 47.68 74.78 93.07
ciples for frequency multiplication are 106.99 118.27 127.75
7 pole, 0.001 dB 1.03 37.68 64.78 83.06 96.98 108.26 117.75
applicable to tubes and transistors alike. 9 pole, 1 dB 2.66 91.06 125.91 149.42 167.32 181.82 194.01
The requisite is that of operating 'the 9 pole, 0.1 dB 1.36 80.60 115.45 138.96 156.86 171.36 183.55
devices in Class G, Although a transistor 9 pole, 0.01 dB 1.10 70.56 105.41 128.91 146.81 161.31 173.51
9pole, 0.001 dB
circuit may be
seen with forward bias 1.03 60.55 95.40 118.91 136.91 151.31 163.50
applied to a frequency multiplier, the Note: For high-pass filter configuration 2f c becomes f
c /2, etc.
stage must be driven hard enough to

override the bias and operate Class C.

Forward bias is sometimes used in a Table 2

multiplier stage (solid state) to lower the

Chebyshev Low-Pass Filter — T Configuration
excitation requirements. Negative voltage No. poles, ripple L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 C1 C2 C3 C4
(reverse bias) is often used on the grid of a 3 pole, 1 dB 16.10 16.10 3164.3
vacuum-tube 3 pole, 0.1 dB 8.209
multiplier, but forward bias 8.209 3652.3
3 pole, 0.01 dB 5.007 5.007
is not. 3088.5
3 pole, 0.001 dB 3.253 3.253
The 2312.6
of Fig. 17A is probably the
5 pole, 1 dB 16.99 23.88 16.99 3473.1 3473.1
least suitable for frequency multiplication. 5 pole, 0.1 dB 9.126 15.72 9.126 4364.7 4364.7
Typically, the efficiency of a doubler of 5 pole, 0.01 dB 6.019 12.55 6.019 4153.7 4153.7
this type is 50 percent, a tripler is 33 5 pole, 0.001 dB 4.318 10.43 4.318 3571.1 3571.1
percent, and a quadrupler is 25 percent. 7 pole, 1 dB 17.24 24.62 24.62 17.24 3538.0 3735.4 3538.0
7 pole, 0.1 dB 9.400 16.68 16.68 9.400
Additionally, harmonics other than the 4528.9 5008.3 4528.9
7 pole, 0.01 dB 6.342 13.91 13.91 6.342
one to which the output tank is tuned will 4432.2 5198.4 4432.2
7 pole, 0.001 dB 4.690 12.19 12.19 4.690 3951.5 4924.1 3951.5
appear in the output unless effective 9 pole, 1 dB 17.35 24.84 25.26 24.84 17.35' 3562.5 3786!9 3786.9
bandpass filtering is applied. The collector 3562.5
9 pole, 0.1 dB 9.515 16.99 17.55 16.99 9.515 4591.9 5146.2 5146.2 4591.9
tap on LI of Fig. 17A is placed at a point 9 pole, 0.01 dB 6.481 14.36 15.17 14.36 6.481 4542.5 5451.2 5451.2 4542.5
which offers a reasonable compromise 9 pole, 0.001 dB 4.854 12,81 13.88 12.81 4.854 4108.2 5299.0 5299.0 4108.2
between power output and spectral purity: Component values normalized to 1 MHz and 50 ohms. L in /jH; and C in pF.
The lower the tap with respect to Vcc the ,

lighter the collector loading on LI and the

greater the filtering action of the tuned Table 3
Chebyshev Low-Pass Filter Pi Configuration
circuit. The tradeoff is, however, a
reduction in output power as the mis- Wo. poles, ripple C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 L2
L1 L3 L4
match of the collector to the load 3 pole, dB1 6441.3 6441.3 7.911
increases. 3 pole, 0.1 dB 3283.6 3283.6 9.131
3 pole, 0.01 dB 2002.7
Apush-push doubler is seen at Fig.
3 pole, 0.001 dB 1301.2
17B. Because of the conduction angle of
5 pole, 1 dB 6795.5 9552.2 6795.5 8.683 8.683
this type of circuit the efficiency is similar 5 pole, 0.1 dB 3650.4 6286.6 3650.4 10.91 10.91
to that of a straight amplifier which 5 pole, 0.01 dB 2407.5 5020.7 2407.5 10.38 10.38
operates in Class C. Also, the driving 5 pole, 0.001 dB 172.7.3 4170.5 1727.3 8.928 S.928
frequency (f) will be well attenuated at the 7 pole, 1 dB 6896.4 9847.4 9847.4 6896.4 8.85 9.34 8.85
7 pole, 0.1 dB 3759.8 6673.9 6673.9 3759.8
doubler output if electrical balance and 11.32 12.52 11.32
7 pole, 0.01 dB 2536.8 5564.5 5564.5 2536.8 11.08 13.00 11.08
component symmetry are ensured. A 7 pole, 0.001 dB 1875.7 4875.9 4875.9 1875.7 9.879 12.31 9.879
12AU7A tube will work nicely in this type 9 pole, 1 dB 6938.3 9935.8 10,105. 9935.8 6938.3 8.906 9.467 9.467 8.906
of circuit well into the vhf region. Tl in 9 pole, 0.1 dB 3805.9 6794.5 7019.9 6794.5 3805.9 11.48 12.87 12.87 11.48
this example is a trifilar-wound, broad- 9 pole, 0.01 dB 2592.5 5743.5 6066.3 5743.5 2592.5 11.36 13.63 13.63 11.36
band toroidal transformer. It drives the 9 pole, 0.001 dB 1941.7 5124.6 5553.2 5124.6 1941.7 10.27 13.25
gates of Ql and Q2 in push pull (opposite Component values normalized to 1 MHz and 50 ohms. L in ^H; C in pF.

phase). The drains are in parallel and are

tuned to 2f. Rl is used to establish
electricalbalance between Ql and Q2. Rl what better than a tripler using the circuit current FCC
regulations, wherein all spu-
is set while the doubler is being fully of Fig. 17A. If vacuum tubes are used, in rious emissions from a transmitter must
driven. Diode doublers can be used in a the circuits of Fig. 17, the input, ports be 40 dB or greater below the peak power
similar circuit, but the subject will not be should employ high-impedance tuned of the desired signal, filtering is important.
treated here (see chapter four).
A push-pull tripler is illustrated in Fig.
circuits for best performance. The type of used filter — band-pass, notch,
17C. Once again the matter of electrical Output Filtering
low-pass or high-pass — will depend on
the application. Band-pass filters afford
balance and symmetry is important to Output purity from oscillators, multi- protection against spurious responses
good operation. The circuit discriminates pliers and amplifiers is of paramount above and below the amateur band for
against even harmonics, thereby aiding importance to the performance of numerous which they have been designed. Low-pass
spectral purity. The efficiency is some- circuits. In the interest of compliance with filters attenuate energy above the desired


Table 4
Chebyshev High-Pass Filter T Configuration
C3 C4 C5 L1 L2 L3 L4
No. poles, ripple C1 C2 ,

3 pole, 1 dB 1573.0 1573.0
3 pole, 0.1 dB 3085.7 3085.7
dB 5059.1 8.201
3 pole, 0.01 5059.1
dB 7786.9 7786.9 10.95
3 pole, 0.001
7.293 7 OOI
5 pole, 1 dB 1491.0 1060.7 1491.0
2775.6 5.803 5.803
5 pole, 0.1 dB 2775.6 1611.7
4208.6 60.98 6.098
5 pole, 0.01 dB 4208.6 2018.1
7.093 7.093
5 pole, 0.001 dB 5865.7 2429.5 5865.7
1028.9 1469.2 7.160 6.781 7.160
7 pole, 1 dB 1469.2 1028.9
7 pole, 0.1 dB 2694.9 1518.2 1518.2 2694.9 5.593 5.058 5.593 Fig. 19 — Here is a photograph of a 7-pole low-
7 pole, 0.01 dB 3994.1 1820.9 1820.9 3994.1 5.715 4.873 5.715 pass filter designed with the information con-
7 pole, 0.001 dB 5401.7 2078.0 2078.0 5401.7 6.410 5.144 6.410 tained in Table 3. The filter is housed in a
1002.7 1019.8 1460.3 7.110 6.689 6.689 7.110 small aluminum Minibox.
9 pole, 1 dB 1460.3 1019.8
1491.2 2662.2 5.516 4.922 4.922 5.516
9 pole, 0.1 dB 2662.2 1491.2 1443.3
1670.2 1764.1 3908.2 5.576 4.647 4.647 5.576
9 pole, 0.01 dB 3908.2 1764.1
1977.1 5218.3 6.657 4.780 4.780 6.657
9 pole, 0.001 dB 5218.3 1977.1 1824.6

Component values normalized to 1 MHz and 50 ohms. L in ^H; and C in pF. output frequency, while high T pass filters
reduce energy below the band of interest.
It is common practice to includes harmo-
nic filter at the output of a VFO chain to
ensure purity of the driving voltage to a
mixer or amplifier stage. The filter
Table 5
Chebyshev High-Pass Filter — Pi Configuration bandwidth must be adequate for the
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 C1 C2 C3 C4 tuning range of the VFO in order to
No. poles, ripple
3201.7 prevent attenuation of the output energy
3 pole, 1 dB 3.932 3.932
7.714 2774.2 within the desired band. For this reason, a
3 pole, 0.1 dB 7.714
3 pole, 0.01 dB 12.65 12.65 3280.5 low-pass type of filter is used in preference
4381.4 one by some designers.
3 pole, 0.001 dB 19.47 19.47 to a bandpass
2.652 3.727 2917.3 2917.3 The information contained in Figs.
5 pole, dB 1 3.727
2321.4 2321.4
5 pole, 0.1 dB 6.939 4.029 6.939 18-20 and in Tables 1-5 will allow the
5.045 10.52 2439.3 2439.3
5 pole, 0.01 dB 10.52
builder to select an appropriate
1.466 2837.3 2837.3
5 pole, 0.001 dB 1.466 6.074
1469.2 Chebyshev filter design to fulfill a par-
5.014 5.014 7.159 1469.2 1391.6
7 pole, 1 dB 7.159
3.795 6.737 2237.2 2023.1 2237.2 ticular need.Information is included for
7 pole, 0.1 dB 6.737 3.795
4.552 9.985 2286.0 1949.1 2286.0 both high-pass and low-pass filters with 1
7 pole, 0.01 dB 9.985 4.552
2564.1 2057.7 2564.1
7 pole, 0.001 dB 13.50 5.195 5.195 13.50 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 db passband ripple.
2675.6 2844.1
These figures correspond to VSWRs of
2.549 2.507 2.549 3.651 2844.1 2675.6
9 pole, 1 dB 3.651
3.608 3.728 6.656 2206.5 1968.9 1968.9 2206.5
9 pole, 0.1 dB 6.656 3.728
2.66, 1.36, 1.10 and 1.03 respectively. Ad-
4.410 9.772 2230.5 1858.7 1858.7 2230.5
9 pole, 0.01 dB 9.772 4.410 4.176
4.561 4.943 13.05 2466.3 1911.8 1911.8 2466.3 ditionally, information provided for
9 pole, 0.001 dB 13.05 4.943
and C pF. both "T" and "pi" types of filter con-
Component values normalized to 1 MHz and 50 ohms. L in M H; in
The filters are "normalized" to a fre-
quency of 1 MHz and an input and output
impedance of 50 ohms. In order to trans-
late the designs to other frequencies, all
that necessary is to divide the compo-

nent values by the new frequency in MHz.

(The 1-MHz value represents a "cutoff"
frequency. That is, the attenuation in-
creases rapidly above this frequency for
^5 POLE , .001 dB the low-pass filter or below this frequency
^5 POLE .01 dB
for the high-pass filter. This effect should
^5 POLE..1 dB
,,5POLE,1dB not be confused with the variations in at-
tenuation in the passband.) For instance,
if it is desired to reduce harmonics from a
(dB) VFO at frequencies above 5 MHz (the new
cutoff frequency), the inductance and
capacitance values would be divided by
Other impedance levels can also be used
by multiplying the inductor values by the,
ratio Z o /50 and the capacitor values by
50/Z o where Z is the new impedance.

This factor should be applied in addition

to the ones for frequency translation.
HARMONIC FREQUENCY In order to select a suitable filter design
the builder must determine the amount of
attenuation required at the harmonic fre-
Fig 18 — A representative drawing of the attenuation levels that could be expected from a 5-pole, quencies (for the low-pass case) or
from the information contained in Tables 2 or 3. The exact amount
of at-
low-pass filter designed "subharmonic" frequencies (for the high-
tenuation (theoretical) can be obtained from Table 1. This drawing shows how passband ripple
pass application). Additionally, the
and roll-off slope are interrelated.
HF Transmitting 6-12
O -

-tf— f — DRIVER

0.001 (Hl-Z)


High-Pass Filter —
Pi configuration

(See Table 5 for normalized values)

Ah -r — If o

i i

High-Pass Filter —
T configuration
(See Table 4 for normalized values)
H( o Gp * D
INPUTO- 0.001 (Hl-Z)
LO -t -I

I Filter
— T configuration
(See Table 2 for normalized values)


001 0.01


Low-Pass Filter —
Pi configuration
(See Table 3 for normalized values)

X (B)

Fig. 20 —
Shown here are the four filter types BROADBAND DRIVER
discussed in the text and Tables 1-5. 0.1

builder must determine the maximum per-

missible amount of passband ripple and
therefore theVSWR of the filter. With
thisinformation the builder can refer to 560 <f 2N5109
Table 1 to select an appropriate filter
design. The attenuation values given here INPUTO )\-
and assume perfect com-
are theoretical '
ponents, no coupling between filter sec- (LO-Z)

tions and no signal leakage around the

filter. A "real life" filter should follow
these values fairly close down to the 60- or
70-dB attenuation level. At this point the

theoretical response will be de- likely
graded somewhat by the factors just men-
tioned. Once the filter design has been
selected the builder can refer to Tables 2-5 22.UF
to obtain the normalized component
In many cases the calculated capacitor
values will be sufficiently close to a stan-
dard value so that the standard-value item Fig. 21 — Circuit examples of transistor and tube driver stages for use in transmitters.
may be used. Alternatively, a combina-
tion of fixed-value silver-mica capacitors
and mica compression trimmers can be paper capacitors are not suitable for use in BNC connectors for the input and output
used in parallel to obtain the chart values. rf filters. Standard mica or silver-mica
connections. Some practical low-pass
Toroidal inductors, because of their self- types are recommended. filter values are given later in this chapter.
shielding properties, are ideal for use in Fig. 19 shows a filter that was designed
these filters. Miniductor stock can also be with the information contained in Table Driver Stages
used. However, it is much bulkier and will 3. It is a 7-element, low-pass type of pi con- The choice between tubes and transis-
not offer the same degree of shielding be- The unit is housed in a small
figuration. tors in low-level amplifier and driver
tween filter sections. Disk-ceramic or aluminum Minibox and makes use of stages will depend upon the nature of the


VFO • ,.
I500<J 2N222

(8 MA)





Fig. 22 — Practical circuit for a three-stage broadband amplifier/driver. See text.

region, thereby making the stage suitable

composite transmitter. Some designs con- important to use low-Q, low-inductance rf
chokes and matching networks to dis- for ssb signal amplification. A 1.5-ohm
tain a mixture (hybrid) of tubes and
courage low-frequency tuned-base, tuned- can be added between the emitter
semiconductors, while other circuits have
collector oscillations. The suppression and ground to help prevent thermal
no vacuum tubes at all. If tubes are used
concepts just discussed are illustrated in runaway and to introduce degeneration
a hybridcircuit, they are generally
(feedback) for enhancing stability. No
restricted to the driver and PA sections of Fig. 21 at B and C. In trie circuit at B there
are two 950-mu ferrite beads added over bypass capacitor would be used from
the transmitter. There is no particular
the pigtail of RFC1 to swamp the Q of the emitter to ground if this were done. Tl is a
reason why tubes should be used in
narrow-band toroidal rf transformer that
preference to power transistors for output choke. Three bypass capacitors (0.001,
0.01 and 0.UF) are used with RFC2 of has a turns ratio suitable for transforming
powers up to, say, 150 watts, despite the
Fig. 20B to provide effective rf decoupling the collector impedance to the grid
prevailing myth that tubes are more
impedance (determined by the value of the

rugged, operate more stably, and produce from vhf to mf. A 22-«F capacitor is used
near RFC2 to bypass the +VCC line at low grid resistor of the PA) of the final
less spurious output. It is true that
frequency and audio. This method is amplifier. The secondary winding of Tl is
transistors are less tolerantthan tubes to
recommended for each high-gain solid- tuned to resonance at the operating
SWR levels in excess of 2:1, but a watt of
correctly designed transistor amplifier can state stage « a transmitter. frequency. Approximately 1

SWR-protection power output can be taken from Ql in the

be operated safely if
Driver Circuits hf region when a 12-volt Vcc is used. This
circuitry is included. Furthermore, spec-
The of Fig. 21A and 21B are is ample power for driving a pair of 6146B
tral purity can be just as good from a circuits
of those which would be employed tubes in ClassAB1.
solid-state amplifier as it is from a tube typical

type of amplifier. A harmonic filter to excite a tube type of PA stage. The A

broadband type of solid-state driver
A is shown in Fig. 21C. The tradeoff
6GK6 tube driver at cari be biased for
normally follows a solid-state power
Class C or Class AB operation, making it broadband operation (1.8 to 30 MHz in
stage, whereas this measure may not be
suitable for cw or ssb service. Of course, this example) is a reduction in maximum
required when tubes are used in the
AB mode would be suitable for cw and available (MAG). Therefore, the
amplifier. Amplifier IMD (third- and the
and would require considerably less output power from Ql of Fig. 21C will be
fifth-order products) in solid-state power ssb,
excitation power than would the same less than 1 watt. The stage operates Class
stages which operate linearly is fully as
stage operating in Class C. Other tubes A, making it linear. The emitter is
acceptable as that which is observed in
amplifiers. that perform well in this circuit are the unbypassed to .provide emitter degenera-
most tube types of linear
IMD 6CL6, 12BY7A and 5763. The output tion. Shunt feedback is used between the
Typically, if a design is correct, the
tank is designed for high impedance in base and collector to enhance stability and
will be on the order of -33 dB from the
order to interface properly with the contribute to the broadband characteristic
reference power value.
high-impedance grid of the PA. may be of the circuit. Tl is a broadband conven-
The major area of concern when It

or PA necessary to a neutralization
include tional transformer wound on a toroid core.
designing a solid-state driver
with type of amplifier,
this The turns ratio is adjusted to match the
section is to prevent low-frequency self- circuit
especially if careful layout is not used. The approximate 200-ohm collector impedance
oscillations. Such* parasitics tend to
high transconductance of the 6GK6 series impedance of the transistor PA
to the base
modulate the carrier and appear as
encourages self-oscillation near the opera- stage. The latter is typically less than 5
spurious responses within the amplifier
ting frequency. a parasitic choke
Zl is ohms. Heat sinks are required for the tran-
passbund. The low-frequency parasitics
which should be included as a matter of sistors of Fig. 21B and C. The primary of
occur as a result of the extremely high
course to prevent vhf parasitics. Tl should have a reactance of roughly
gain exhibited by hf and vhf transistors at
A transistor amplifier which is suitable four times the collector impedance. This is
the low-frequency end of the spectrum.
for driving a Class C tube PA is presented related to the lowest proposed operating
The theoretical gain increase for a given MHz the
in Fig. 2 IB. Ql operates Class C, so it is frequency. Therefore, for 1.8
transistor is 6 dB per octave as the =
lowered. The same not satisfactory for amplifying ssb energy. primary winding would be 70<tH (Xl
operating frequency is
Therefore, it However, forward bias (approximately 800 ohms). This can be achieved easily by
is not true of vacuum tubes.
decoupling 0.7 volt) can be added to move the using an FT-50-43 Amidon core. The pri-
is necessary to employ quality
similarly operating curve into the Class AB (linear) mary advantage to a broadband driver is
and bypassing in the circuit. It is

HF Transmitting 6-14
CAPACITIVE COUPLING BANDPASS COUPLING output range from 15 to 30 watts. CI at the
emitter of Ql can be selected to provide
the overall gain needed in this strip. The
value given at CI proved suitable for the
ARRL version of this amplifier. The final
value will depend on the gain of the
individual transistors acquired for this

Coupling Between Transmitter Stages

Correct impedance matching between a
stage and its load provides maximum
transfer of power. The load can be an
antenna or a succeeding stage in a
(A) (B) transmitter. Thus, the output impedance_
of a stage must be matched to the input of
TRANSFORMER COUPLING the following stage. Various forms of
DRIVER coupling networks are popular for use in
DRIVER tube or transistor circuits. The choice will
depend on a number of considerations —
available driving power versus tolerable
mismatch, selectivity required and the
impedance levels being matched. When
working with transistors, the collector
impedance can be approximated by

V 2

Z =

where Z is in ohms and P is the power

output from the stage. However, deter-
mining the input impedance of the base
(C) of the following stage is difficult to do
without expensive laboratory equipment.
Generally, when the PA delivers in excess
PA of 2 watts of output power, the base
DRIVER )w Z-5A 02 impedance of that stage, will be less than
01 z-8on
mnm^ J
10 ohms —
frequently just 1 or 2 ohms.
For this reason some kinds of LC
matching networks do not lend them-
selves to the application. Furthermore,
without being able to predict the precise

XX o.oi ;±; 0.1

T1.T2-4.1 2 RATIO
input impedance of a transistor power
amplifier, it becomes desirable to use what
is sometimes referred to as a "sloppy"
matching network. This is an LC network
in which both the inductance and capaci-
7h tance elements are., variable to allow lati-
tude of adjustment while securing a
matched condition. On the other hand,
some designers purposely introduce a
Fig. 23 — Typical coupling methods for use between amplifier stages. See text.
mismatch between stages to control the
power distribution and, aid stability.
When this technique is used it is necessary
it need not be band-switched or peaked
that Rms and dc voltages are noted on the to have more driving power than would be
by means of a front-panel control. The .diagram of Fig. 22 to aid in troubleshoot- needed under a matched condition. An
transistor selected for broadband service ing. Overall gain for the strip at 7 intentional mismatch results in a tradeoff
should have a very high fx rating. It needs MHz is 31 dB, with slight gain varia- between gain and the desired end effect of
to have high beta as well.' Transistors de- tions elsewhere in the passband. Tl con-
introducing a mismatch.
signed for uhf service are excellent as hf- sists of 30 turns of no. 28 enameled wire
band amplifiers when broadbanding is
In the interest of stability it is common
(primary) on an FT-50-43 toroid. The sec- practice to use low-Q networks between
contemplated. Neutralization is not neces- ondary has four turns of no. 28 wire. T2 stages in a solid-state transmitter. The
sary when using bipolar-transistor ampli- uses 16 turns of no. 28 enameled wire
penalty for using a low-Q resonant
fiers. (primary) looped through an Amidon
network is poor selectivity: There is little
A practical three-stage' broadband am- BLN-43-302 balun core. The 'second-
attenuation of harmonic or other spurious
plifier strip is shown schematically in Fig. ary contains four turns of no. 28 wire.
energy. Conversely, tube stages operate at
22. With an input of 10 level
it is pos- mW RFC1, RFC2 and RFC3 are 250- M H units. relatively high impedance levels (plate and
sible to obtain 1.4 watts of output from They are made by winding 20 turns of no. grid) and can be neutralized easily (not
3.5 to 29 MHz. A keying transistor (Q4) is 28 enameled wire on FT-37-43 toroid true of transistors). This permits the
included for turning the amplifier off by cores. Dl and D2 are 1-A, 50-PRV rectifier
employment of high-Q networks between
means of a VOX, or for keying it during diodes. This driver was designed to excite a stages, which in turn provide good
cw operation. Motorola MRF- 449A PA stage to a power- selectivity. Most solid-state amplifiers use
6-15 Chapter 6
1 — Select Q L RIN (

2 — X L1 = Q L R|N + XciOUT)
4- Xc2 = Rl
3 _ X C2 = A RL 1 — Select Q L /rT=V
2 — X L1 = X C(0UT)
4 - XC1 = rTTT 3 - X C1 = Q L Rin 5- X L2 = X G1
+ Ql 2
R|N fl )

Where A f
Fig. 25 — Circuit and equations tor network no. 2.

And B = R| N (1 + Ql 2 )

— for
rin m
Fig.24 Circuit and mathematical solution Cout
matching network no. 1.
Qi \



matching networks with loaded Qs of 5 or
less. Tube stages more commonly contain
networks with loaded Qs of 10 to 15. The WHEN Rin < Rl
5 i A~r OR Rin > Rl
higher the Q, up to a practical limit,
the greater the attenuation of frequencies
other than the desired ones. In all cases,
the input and output capacitances of tubes NETWORK 3
and transistors must be included in the
network constants, or to use the en- 1 — Select Q L Where A = R, N (1 + Q L2
gineering vernacular, "absorbed" into the
2 - X L1 = (R| N Q L ) + X C(0UT)

3 — X[_2 = R[_ B
network. The best source of information And B 1

A /Rl
on the input and output capacitances of 4-Xd
power transistors is the manufacturer's QL + B
data sheet. The capacitance values are de-
pendent upon the operating frequency Fig. 26 — Network-solution equations and circuit for network no. 3.

and power level of the transistor a very —

complex set of curves. Most tube data
A common form of transformer coup- ^ in the diagram. RFC1 serves as a dc
sheets list specific values of input and out-
ling is seen at Fig. 23C. Tl is usually a*
return for the base of Q2. The of the rf Q
put capacitance, which do not vary with
toroidal inductor for use up to ap- choke is degraded intentionally by the
the operating frequency or power level.
proximately 30 MHz. At higher frequencies additiqn of two 950-mu ferrite beads. This
The interstage coupling method seen in
often difficult to provide a secondary aids stability, as discussed earlier in this
Fig. 22A is a common one when vacuum it is

winding of the correct impedance ratio re- chapter. An advantage to using this type
tubes are employed. The driver plate has a
spective to the primary winding. Depend- of circuit is that vhf and uhf parasitics are
tuned circuit which is resonant at the
number of transformer discouraged and harmonic currents are
operating frequency. A low-value cou- ing on the total
attenuated when C2 is fairly high in
pling capacitor (100 pF in this example) turns used, the secondary might call for
capacitance. This is not true of the circuit
less than one turn, which is impractical.
routes the drive from the plate of VI to
However, for most of the spectrum up to in Fig. 23C.
the grid of V2 across a high-impedance
When the impedance levels to be
element, RFC2. The other choke, RFC1, 30 MHz this technique is entirely satisfac-
network tory. The primary tap on Tl is chosen to
matched are of the proper value to permit
isused as part of the decoupling
transform the collector impedance of Ql employing specific-ratio broadband trans-
for the supply voltage to VI.
formers, the circuit of Fig. 23E is useful.
Band-pass coupling between tube stages to the base impedance of Q2 by means of
the turns ratio between the tapped section In this example two 4:1 transformers are
is demonstrated at Fig. 23B. CI has a very
and the secondary winding of the trans- used in cascade to provide a 16:1
small capacitance value and is chosen to
Rl may be added in shunt with transformation ratio. This satisfies the
provide a single-hump response when the former.
the secondary to stabilize Q2 if there is a match between the 80-ohm collector of Ql
two resonators (LI and L2) are peaked to
tendency toward self-oscillation. The and the 5-ohm base of Q2. The shortcom-
the operating frequency. The principal
value used will be in the 5- to 27-ohm ing of this technique is the lack of selecti- ,

advantage to this circuit over that of Fig.

range for most circuits. The rule of thumb vity between stages, but the advantage is
23A is greater purity of the driving energy
is to use just enough resistance to tame the"
in the broadband characteristic of the
to V2 by virtue of increased selectivity. As coupling system. The phasing dots on the
an alternative to capacitive coupling (C I), instability.
method for coupling between stages diagram near Tl and T2 indicate the cor-
link coupling can be used between the
rect electrical relationship of the transform-
cold ends of LI and L2. Similar band-pass by means of a capacitive divider is
er windings.
networks are applicable to transistor illustrated in Fig. 23D. The net value of

stages. The collector and base of the two CI and C2 in series must be added to the Network Equations
stages would be tapped down on LI a^d capacitance of C3 when determining the
When the source impedance is greater
L2 minimize loading. This helps
to inductance required for resonance with
than the load impedance (Fig. 24),
preserve the loaded Q of the tuned LI. The basic equation for calculating the
network desirable. The output
capacitance ratio of CI and C2 is included
1 is
circuits, thereby aiding selectivity.

HF Transmitting 6-16

capacitance of Ql must be included in the 3.5 MHz

0.1 juF T
equations. It is expressed in the network AMP LI L2
examples which follow as "Cout-" Before
the equations can be worked it is
O J,50-n
necessary to choose a network loaded Q.
A Q of 3, 4 or 5 is suggested for amateur


_J QL-4
Network 2 (Fig. 25) can be applied
when the source impedance is less than the
load impedance. The rules for computing
the L and C values are the same as for
HH °r RFC1; RFC2 - 4Z01 (1.5/JH)

network 1, but with variations in the

A low-passT network is shown in Fig.
26. It has the advantage of being useful for NETWORK 3

matching a high source impedance to a DESIGN EXAMPLE

low load impedance, or vice versa.
Furthermore, the low-pass characteristic
v 2 144
aids harmonic reduction. Some designers 1 z« ~ cc 7.2 ohms
feel that of the various matching networks
used in semiconductor work, the T
2 - QL = 4
network is the best in terms of collector
3 - X U1 = (R, N Q L + XC(0UT) =
) (7.2 x 4) + 455 = 484 ohms
efficiency. •
L1()i H) = -*L = _4§4_ = 22
Networks 1, 2 and 3 are entirely 2nf 6.28 X 3.5 21.98
suitable for use between a transistor PA — X L2
4 = RL B, Where A = R, N (1 + Q L 2 = 122
and the antenna, but harmonic filtering
should be included between the network And B-/X" -1.1.2
and the transmission line to the antenna.
These three networks are covered in detail
' X 2 = 50 x 1.2 = 60 ohms
in theMotorola Application Note AN-267. L
And L2 (mH) = 2.73 M H
Another excellent paper on the subject
was written by Becciolini Motorola — 5-X,C1 A 122.4 122.4
= 23.5
Application Note AN-271. The equations QL + B 4 + 1.2 5.2

for networks 1, 2 and 3 were taken from 1 1

AN-267. That paper contains computer .-.

2nfX c 6.28 x 3.5 x 23.5

solutions to these networks and others,
with tabular information for various Qs = 0.0019 mF
and source impedances. A fixed load
value of 50 ohms is the base for the Fig. 27 — A practical example of network no. 3 and the solution to the network design.
tabular data.
A design example for network 3 is given
in Fig. 27. The solutions for the other two nature of toroidal inductors, some cou- thereby cancelling the unwanted in-phase
networks follow the same general trend, pling is possible when they are in close (positive) feedback. A typical circuit is
so examples for networks 1 and 2 will not proximity. given in Fig. 28. L2 provides a 180-phase
be given. In Fig. 27 the component u t"
"Q reversal because it is center tapped. CI is
is taken from the manufacturer's data
Stable Operating Conditions
used between the plate and the lower half
sheet. If it is not available it can be ig- Purity of emissions and longevity of the of the grid tank to permit cancellation of
nored at the expense of a slight mathema- active devices in a tube or transistor the unwanted feedback voltage. CI is set
tical error in the network determination. circuit depend heavily upon stability for the approximate value of the grid-
By making CI variable the network can be during operation. The subject of power- plate capacitance of the tube, the value of
made to approximate the correct trans- lead decoupling has already been treated, which can usually be found on the tube
formation ratio. At the lower frequencies wherein bypassing for vhf, hf and If is data sheet. CI is adjusted in one of two
CI will be fairly large in value. This may essential in thedc leads to each transistor ways: It is set at a value which results in
require a fixed-value silver-mica capacitor amplifier stage.The bypass capacitors are no change in tube grid current as the plate
being used in parallel with a mica used in combination with low-inductance tank is tuned through its range. Alterna-
compression trimmer to obtain the exact rf chokes in most instances. Although the tively, operating voltages are applied to
value of capacitance needed. The equa- same concept can be applied to tube types the tube, but no drive is used. A scope or
tions will seldom yield standard values of of amplifiers, the possibility of self- sensitive rf meter is connected to the plate
capacitance. oscillations at frequencies lower than vhf tank and CI is adjusted for zero output
LI and L2 of Fig. 27 can be wound on are not as pronounced. For the most part, signal — indicating that self-oscillation is
powdered-iron toroid cores of suitable tube amplifiers will operate stably if not taking place. Extreme care must be
cross-sectional area for the power in- input-output shielding is provided for exercised when the tube operating voltages
volved. This is explained in an earlier high-gain stages (grid circuitry shielded are present! Always keep the probe of the
chapter' of this book. LI and L2 should be from plate circuitry). Depending upon the measuring instrument connected to a cir-
separated from one another by mounting inter-electrode capacitances of tubes, a cuit point which does not contain dc vol-
them apart and at right angles. Al- neutralization circuit may be necessary. tage. Sampling at L4 is recommended for
ternatively, a shield can be used between This will cancel positive feedback and the circuit of Fig. 28. CI needs to have
the inductors. This will prevent unwanted prevent regeneration. It involves sampling ample plate spacing to prevent voltage
capacitive and inductive coupling effects a small amount of the output energy breakdown when the amplifier is operat-
between the input and output terminals of (opposite phase of the input energy) and ing.
the network. Despite the self-shielding feeding it back to the amplifier input, All leads which conduct rf energy

6-17 Chapter 6
both circuit locations. Generally, the low-
est power port is best suited for the sup-
pression devices discussed here. This
means that the resistor or ferrite beads
should be located at the base terminal of
the transistor.
Because of the rising gain characteristic
of bipolar transistors as the frequency is
lowered, shunt and degenerative feedback
are often used to prevent instability. The
net effect is that in the regions where
low-frequency self-oscillations are most
likely to occur, the feedback increases by
nature of the feedback network. The
Fig. 28— Example of neutralization of a single-ended rf amplifier
heavier the feedback, the lower the
amplifier gain. In the circuit of Fig. 30 CI
and R3 provide negative feedback which
increases progressively as the frequency is
lowered. The network has some effect at

the desired operating frequency a —

gain/stability tradeoff —
but has a
pronounced effect at the lower frequencies.
The values for C 1 and R3 are chosen ex-
perimentally in most instances, the precise
values being dependent upon the operat-
ing frequency of the amplifier and the
amount of feedback voltage available
from the tap-off point. CI will usually be
between 220pFand 0.0015wF for hf-band
amplifiers. R3 may be a value from 51 to
5600 ohms. A rule of thumb that may
prove helpful is to use a network that re-
duces the stage gain by approximately 1.5
dB at the lowest operating frequency.

of Fig. 30 provides emitter degene-

ration at low frequencies when the bypass
capacitor, C2, is chosen for adequate rf
bypassing at the intended operating fre-
quency. Below the desired frequency, C2
becomes progressively less effective as the

Fig. 29 — Suppression methods for vhf and uhf parasitics in solid-state amplifiers. frequency is lowered, thereby increasing
the degenerative feedback caused by R2.
This lowers the amplifier gain. R2 in a
power stage is seldom greater than 10
should be kept as short as possible in an suppression can be had by inserting a and may be as low as 1
Ohms in value,
amplifier circuit, and likewise with the low-ohmage resistor (10 to 51 ohms) in ohm. It is important to consider that
pigtails of bypass capacitors. This applies series with the tube input, near the tube
under some operating and layout condi-
to tube or transistor amplifiers. socket. This is illustrated by Rl of Fig. 28.
tions R2 can cause instability. This form
Zl of Fig. 28 is a vhf parasitic choke. Vhf or uhf parasitics can be detected by of feedback should be used only in those
Such a network will damp self-oscillations means of a high-frequency scope, or by circuits' where unconditional stability can
at vhf and uhf by acting' as a series probing the plate tank with a sensitive
be achieved.
impedance which breaks up the usual wavemeter which tunes from 30 and MHz on
Solid-state amplifiers that are built
unwanted vhf/uhf circuit path. Zl con- higher.
pc boards can be made stable (in addition
sists of a non-inductive resistor between Parasitic oscillations can be prevented
to the foregoing measures) by utilizing
51 and 100 ohms. A coil is wound around in solid-state amplifiers by using a small
double-clad pc board material. The
the resistor body to provide a broadband amount of in the base or
copper on the component side of the
rf choke which presents a high impedance collector of low-power amplifiers
board is used as a ground-plane surface by
at vhf and higher, but looks like a low (Fig. 29A). The value of Rl or R2 is
removing the copper around each hole
reactance in the hf region and lower. A typically between 10 and 22 ohms.
where a component is to be mounted. This
typical parasitic suppressor for a power Resistors are seldom necessary at both
ground plane is made electrically common
level up to 150 watts contains 6 to 8 turns points in a circuit, but can be used
to the ground elements on the etched side
of no. 20 wire wrapped around a 56-ohm, effectively at either point. Rl or R2
of the board. Such a technique helps
composition resistor. The coil ends should be located as close to the transistor
prevent unwanted ac ground loops which
are soldered to the resistor pigtails near as practical.
can cause feedback and instability. Fur-
the body of the resistor. Zl is then placed At power levels in excess of approxi-
thermore, the nonground etched elements
as close to the tube plate pin or cap as mately 0.5 Watt, the method of parasitic
form low-capacitance bypass capacitors
possible. For higherpowers it is
rf suppression shown in Fig. 29B is suggested.
against the ground-plane surface of the
practical to use a high-wattage Globar The voltage drop across a resistor would
board. This aids in reducing the chance
resistor, or a 25-watt noninductive (NIT) be prohibitive at the higher power levels, parasitic oscillations.
for vhf and uhf
power resistor around which a suitable so one or more ferrite beads can be substi-
Rl of useful in swamping the
Fig. 30
tuted (Zl and Z2). A permeability of 125
number of wire turns (no. 14 or 12 wire)
input of an amplifier. This reduces the
have been wound. Additional parasitic' will suffice. The beads need not be used at

HF Transmitting 6-18

chance for low-frequency self-oscillations,

but has a minor effect on the amplifier
performance in the desired operating
range. Values from 3 to 27 ohms are
typical. When they are in shunt with the
normal (low) base impedance of a power
amplifier, they contribute only slightly to
the lowering of the device input im-
pedance. The rule of thumb is to use the
largest value of resistance that will ensure
stability. Rl should be located as close to
the transistor base terminal as possible.
The pigtails must be kept short to prevent
stray inductances from forming. It is
helpful to use two resistors in parallel to Fig. 30— Illustration of shunt feedback in a transistor amplifier. Components C1 and R3 comprise the
limit the amount of inductive reactance feedback network.
introduced by a single resistor.
C3 of Fig. 30 can be added to some capacitance of C3 must be absorbed into expressions "bal-oon" and "bal-um" are
power amplifiers to damp vhf/uhf parasi- the network design in the same manner as not correct.
tic oscillations. The capacitor should be the C ut of the transistor. The broadband transformers illustrated
low in reactance at vhf and uhf, but must in Figs. 31, 32 and 33 are suitable for use
present a high reactance at the operating Broadband Transformers
in solid-state circuits, as matching devices
frequency. The exact value selected will The usefulness of toroidal broadband between circuit modules and in antenna-
depend upon the collector impedance. A transformers is practically beyond de- matching networks. For low power levels
reasonable rule of thumb is to use an Xc of scription in this text. But, some of the the choice of core material is often ferrite.
10 times the collector impedance at the more popular transformer configurations Powdered-iron is more often the designers
operating frequency. Silver-mica or ceramic- are presented here for those who wish to preferencewhen working with fairly high
chip capacitors are suggested for this ap- employ them in matching networks of power. The primary objection of
plication. For example, a 3.5-MHz ampli- associated with solid-state devices and some, respective to the use of ferrite at
fier with a 10-ohm collector impedance tubes. It important to realize that
is high power, is damage to the core material
would use a capacitor with an Xc of 100 broadband transformers are best suited to during saturation and overheating. This
ohms. CI would be 454 pF under this rule. low-impedance applications, say, up to a can alter the permeability factor of the
At 150 MHz the same capacitor would few hundred ohms. They should be core material permanently. Powered-iron
have an Xc of only 2.3 ohms, making it an thought of as devices which can transform is more tolerant in this regard.
effective vhf and higher bypass element. one impedance to another, in terms of the Fig. 31 shows two types of 4:1
An additional advantage is seen in the by-, transformation ratio they make possible. transformers, plus a /method for con-
passing action for vhf and uhf harmonic They should not be regarded as devices necting two of them in series to effect a
energy in the collector circuit. C3 should which are built for some specified pair of 16:1 transformation. The circuit at E is
be placed as close to the collector terminal impedances, such as 200 ohms to 50 ohms often used between a 50-ohm source and
as possible, using short leads. The effects in the case of a 4: 1 transformer. The term the base of an rf power transistor.
of C3 in a broadband amplifier are "balun," despite its misuse, pertains only Two styles of 9: transformer are seen
relatively insignificant at the operating to a broadband transformer which con- in Fig. 32 at A and C. They are also found
frequency. However, when a narrow-band verts a balanced condition to one which is and
at the input to transistor amplifiers
collector network is employed, the added unbalanced, or vice versa. The often-heard between the collector and the load. The

Fig. 31 — Circuit illustrations of 4:1 broadband transformers.

<M9 Chapter 6

800 OHMS

• L3
• L1

{- > R2

• cO-



. R2
, LO-Z

16:1 9:1 4:1


Fig. 32 — Circuit examples of 9:T broadband transformers (A and C) and a variable-impedance transformer (E).

C the chapter on electrical laws and circuits. the tube must dissipate more heat. Other
variable-ratio transformer of Fig. 32 is

It is important to remember that true types of operation, such as cw or

excellent for obtaining a host of im-
plate, screen or biasing voltage is the single-sideband phone are intermittent in
pedance transformations. This trans-
voltage between the particular electrode nature, resulting in less average heating
former was developed by W2FMI for use
and filament or cathode. Only when the than in other modes where there is a
in matching ground-mounted vertical
cathode is directly grounded to the chassis continuous power input to the tube during
may the electrode-to-chassis voltage be transmissions. There are also different
Phase-reversal, l:l,balun and hybrid-
taken as the true voltage. The required rf ratings for tubes used in transmitters that
combiner transformers are shown in Fig.
driving voltage is applied between grid are in almost constant use (CCS

33. The circuit at E of Fig. 33 is useful
and cathode. Continuous Commercial Service), and for
when it is necessary to feed two signals to
Plate power input is the dc power input tubes that are to be used in transmitters
a single load. When the input signals are
to the plate circuit (dc plate voltage X dc that average only a few hours of daily
on different frequencies the power is split —
operation (ICAS Intermittent Com-
evenly between R3 and R4. When the plate current). Screen power input like-
wise is the dc screen voltage X the dc screen mercial and Amateur Service). The latter
input voltages are on the same frequency
current. are the ratings used by amateurs who wish
(as with two transistor amplifiers feeding
Plate dissipation is the difference to obtain maximum output with reasonable
a single load), with the amplitudes and
between the rf power delivered by the tube tube life.
phase identical, all of the power is

delivered to R4. to its loaded plate tank circuit and the dc

plate power input. The screen, on the Maximum Tube Ratings
RF Power Amplifier Circuitry
other hand, does not deliver any output Maximum ratings, where they differ
In addition to proper tank and output- power, and therefore its dissipation is the from the values under typical
coupling circuits, an rf amplifier must be same as the screen power input. operating values, are not normally of
provided with suitable operating voltages significance to the amateur except in
Transmitting-Tube Ratings maximum
and an rf driving or excitation voltage. All special applications. No single
rf amplifier tubes require a voltage to Tube manufacturers specify the maxi- value should be used unless all other
operate the filament or heater (ac is mum values that should be applied to the ratings can simultaneously be held within
usually permissible), and a positive dc tubes they produce. They also publish sets the maximum values. As an example, a
voltage between the plate and filament or of typical operating values that should tube may have a maximum plate-voltage
cathode (plate voltage). Most tubes also result in good efficiency and normal tube rating of 2000, a maximum plate-current
require negative dc voltage (biasing
a life. rating of 300 a maximum
mA, and
voltage) between control grid (grid no. 1) The same transmitting tube may have plate-power-input rating of 400 watts.
and filament or cathode. Screen-grid different ratings, depending upon the Therefore, if the maximum plate voltage
tubes require in addition a positive manner in which the tube is to be of 2000 is used, the plate current should be
voltage (screen voltage or grid no. 2 operated and the service in which it is to limited to 200 mA
(instead of 300 mA) to
voltage) between screen and filament or be used. These different ratings are based stay within the maximum power-input
cathode. primarily upon the heat that the tube can rating of 400 watts.
Biasing and plate voltages may be fed to safely dissipate. Some types of operation,
Maximum Transistor Ratings
the tube either in series or parallel with the such as with grid or screen modulation,
associated rf tank circuit as discussed in are less efficient than others, meaning that Transistor data sheets specify a maxi-

HF Transmitting 6-20
f^7 -AA/V-

> R2
> 50 R1 • L1
l'UNBAL. 50




R2 R2

Fig. 33 — Assorted broadband transformers.

mum operating voltage for several condi- frequency and is by no means all-inclusive facturerspush the power margin a bit har-
tions. Of special interest to amateurs is the from, for example, medium frequency up which delivers a
der, utilizing a transistor
Vceo specification (collector-to-emitter vol- to the vhf spectrum. The frequency at power output which is as great as 3/4 the
tage, with the base open). When a transis- which a particular gain figure applies is Pd rating. So close a safety margin is
tor is called upon to handle an ac signal, stated on the transistor data sheet. Gene- somewhat risky for inexperienced builders.
the collector-to-emitter voltage can rise to rally, the gain will be higher below that
twice the dc supply. Thus, if a 12- volt sup-
Sources of Tube Electrode Voltages:
frequency and it will decrease above that
Filament or Heater Voltage
used, the transistor should have a
is frequency. Gain information is useful in
Vceo of 24 or greater to prevent damage. If predicting how much output power can be The heater voltage for the indirectly
that same transistor is amplitude-modulated obtained for a given input power; i.e., a heated cathode-type tubes found in low-
(as in the PA of an a-m transmitter), a 13-dB gain transistor delivering an output power classifications may vary 10 percent
collector-emitter voltage swing (theoreti- of 10 watts would require a driving power above or below rating without seriously
cal) as great as four times the supply vol- of 0.5 W
(GamfdB) = 10 log [P2/P1]) reducing the life of the tube. But the vol-
tage can occur. A transistor chosen for Power dissipation for a transistor is ex- tage of the higher-power, filament-type
this application should have a Vce0 of 48 pressed symbolically as Pd. This maximum tubes should be held closely between the
or greater. rating is based on a case temperature of rated voltage as a minimum and five per-
The fp of a common-emitter
rating 25°C. For example, a total device dissipa- cent above rating as a maximum. Make
transistor amplifier is based on the point tion of 30 watts might be specified at a sure that the plate power drawn from the
at which the transistor gain is unity (1) case temperature of 25°C. If greater tem- power line does not cause a drop in fila-
with respect to operating frequency. In the peratureswere expected, the transistor ment voltage below the proper value when
interest of predictable performance and would have to be derated in per de- mW plate power is applied.
amplifier stability it is best to select a gree C. A Motorola MRF215 would be Thoriated-type filaments lose emission
transistor that was designed for a par- derated- 177 mW per additional degree C. when the tube is overloaded appreciably.
ticularfrequency range. When this is not The effectiveness of the transistor heat If the overload has not been too pro-
practical, the,fr shouldbe roughly 5 to 10 sink plays an important role in maximum longed, emission sometimes may be re-
times the operating frequency. Therefore, power utilization of a given device. It is stored by operating the filament at rated
a suitable transistor for use at 3.5 MHz not unusual to see a cooling fan used in voltage with all other voltages removed
would have an between 17.5 and 35
fr combination with a large heat sink to aid for a period of 10 minutes, or at 20 per-
MHz. If a much
higher fp were selected, in lowering the transistor ease tempera- cent above rated voltage for a few minutes.
say, 250. MHz, the published rf perfor- ture:Heat is one of the worst enemies of
Plate Voltage
mance curves for the (device would be power transistors.
quite inaccurate at 3.5 MHz, and the tran- A rule of thumb for selecting a Pd rat- Dc plate voltage for the operation of rf
sistor gain would be extremely high com- ing which is suitable for a given rf power amplifiers is most often obtained from a
pared to the rated gain at the intended output amount is to choose a transistor transformer-rectifier-filter system (see
operating frequency of the device. which has a maximum dissipation of twice power-supply chapter) designed to deliver
Power transistor gain is normally the desired output power. Hence, a 20- the required plate voltage at the required
specified as "typical" dB. This informa- watt transistor would be picked for use in current. However, batteries or other de-
tion applies to some specified operating a 10-watt-output amplifier. Some manu- generating devices are sometimes used in

6-21 Chapter 6
" -

certain types of operation (see portable- operation (Fig. 35 A), a resistance of the
mobile chapter). appropriate value can be placed in the
emitter return as shown; Most transistors
Bias and Tube Protection will operate in Class C without adding
of obtaining bias are bias externally, but in some instances the
Several methods
shown in Fig. 34. At A, bias is obtained by amplifier efficiency can be improved by

the voltage drop across a resistor (Rl) in means of emitter bias. Reverse bias
the grid dc return circuit when rectified supplied to the base of the Class C
transistor should be avoided because it f
grid current flows. The proper value of , OPERATING

may be determined by dividing breakdown of the

will lead to internal ;0.01> R1 BIAS
the required biasing voltage by the dc grid device during peak drive periods. The
destruction frequently a cumulative
current at which the tube will be operated.

phenomenon, leading to gradual destruc-

Then, so long as the rf driving voltage is
tion of the transistor junction. (B)-<sov
adjusted so that the dc grid current is the
recommended value, the biasing voltage A
simple method for Class AB biasing

will be the proper value. The tube is

is seen in Fig. 35B. Dl is a silicon diode
which acts as a bias clamp at approximately
biased only when excitation is applied,
0.7 V. The forward bias establishes linear-
since the voltage drop across the resistor
amplification conditions. That value of
depends upon grid-current flow. When
excitation is removed, the bias falls to bias not always optimum for a specified

zero. At zero bias most tubes draw power

transistor in terms of IMD. Variable bias
far in excess of the plate-dissipation of the type illustrated in Fig. 35C permits
rating. It is advisable to make provision for the designer sufficient variance to locate
protecting the tube when excitation fails by the best operating point respective to linea-
accident, or by intent as it does when a rity.

precending stage in a cw transmitter is keyed.

If the maximum cw ratings shown in the Screen Voltage for Tubes

tube tables are to be used, the input For cw and fm operation, and under
should be cut to- zero when the key is certain conditions of phone operation
open. Aside from this, it is not necessary (amplitude modulation) the screen may be Fig. 34 — Various techniques for providing
that plate current be cut off completely operated from a power supply of the same operating bias with tube amplifiers.
but only to the point where the rated type used for plate supply, except that
dissipation is not exceeded. In this case voltage and current ratings should be
plate-modulated phone ratings should be appropriate for screen requirements. The
used for cw operation, however. screen may also be operated through a
With most tubes this protection, plus series resistor or voltage-divider from a inputO-
the required operating, bias, can be source of higher voltage, such as the
supplied by obtaining all bias from a plate-voltage supply, thus making a
source of fixed voltage, as shown in Fig. separate supply for the screen unnecessary.
34B. Certain precautions are necessary, depend-
Fixed bias may be obtained from dry ing upon the method used.
batteries or from a power pack (see It should be kept in mind that screen
power-supply chapter). If dry batteries are current varies widely with both excitation
used, they should be checked periodically, and loading. If the screen is operated from
since even though they may show normal
voltage, they eventually develop a high
internal resistance.
In Fig. 34C and D, bias is obtained
a fixed-voltage source, the tube should
never be operated without plate voltage
and load, otherwise the screen may be
damaged within a short time. Supplying
-.' - ?
(S T

from the voltage drop across a Zener the screen through a series dropping
diode in the cathode (or filament center- resistor from a higher- voltage source,
tap) lead. Operating bias is obtained by such as the plate supply, affords a
the voltage drop across VR1 as a result of
measure of protection, since the resistor

plate (and screen) current flow. The causes the screen voltage to drop as the ^ 22>F
Zener-diode wattage rating is twice the current increases, thereby limiting the
product of the maximum cathode current power drawn by the screen. However, (B)
times the developed bias. Therefore, a with a resistor, the screen voltage may
tube requiring 15 volts of bias during a vary considerably with excitation, making
maximum cathode-current flow of 100 it necessary to check the voltage at the
mA would dissipate L5 W
in the Zener
screen terminal under actual operating
diode. The diode rating, to allow a conditions to make sure that the screen
suitable safety factor, would be 3 or W voltage is normal. Reducing excitation
greater. The of Fig. 34D illustrates
circuit will cause the screen current to drop,
how Dl would be used with a cathode- increasing the voltage; increasing excita-
driven (grounded-grid) amplifier as op- tion will have the opposite effect. These
posed to the grid-driven example at C. changes are in addition to those caused by
changes in bias and plate loading, so if a
A-? sTt —r—
screen-grid tube is operated from a series +vcc (C)
Transistor Biasing resistor or a voltage divider, its voltage

Solid-state power amplifiers generally should be checked as one of the final ad-
operate in Class C or Class AB. When justments after excitation and loading Fig. 35 — Biasing methods for use with transistor
some bias is desired during Class C have been set.

HF Transmitting 6-22

Anapproximate value for the screen- for each tube under various operating impedance step-up is necessary if the grid
vpltage dropping resistor may be obtained conditions. These figures, however,do not is to be fed from a, low-impedance
by dividing the voltage drop required frora include .circuit losses. In general, the transmission line.
the supply voltage (difference between the driver stage for any Class C amplifier
supply voltage and rated screen voltage) should be capable of supplying at least Cooling: Tubes
by the rated screen current in decimal . three times the driving power shown for Vacuum tubes must be operated within
parts of an ampere. Some further ad- typical operating conditions at frequencies the temperature range specified by the
justment may be necessary, as mentioned up to 30 MHz and from three to 10 times at manufacturer long tube life is to be
above, so an adjustable resistor with a higher frequencies. achieved. Tubes
with glass envelopes
total resistance above that calculated Since the dc grid current relative to the rated at up to 25 watts of plate dissipation
should be provided. biasing voltage to the peak
is related may be run without forced-air cooling, if a
driving voltage, dc grid current is
the moderate amount of cooling by con-
Protecting Screen-Grid Tubes
commonly used as a convenient indicator vection can be arranged. If a perforated-
Considerably less grid bias is required of driving conditions. A driver adjustment metal enclosure is used, and a ring of
to cut off an amplifier that has a that results in rated dc grid current when 1/4-inch diameter holes are placed around
fixed-voltage screen supply than one that the dc bias is at its rated value, indicates the tube socket, normal air flow can be
derives the screen voltage through a high proper excitation to the amplifier when it reliedupon to remove excess heat at room
value of dropping resistor. When a "stiff is fully loaded. temperature|.
screen voltage supply is used, the neces- In coupling the grid input circuit of an For tubes with greater plate dissipation,
sary grid cutoff voltage may be determined amplifier to the output circuit of a driving or those operated with plate currents in
from an inspection of the tube curves or stage the objective is to load the driver excess of the manufacturer's ratings
by experiment. plate circuit so that the desired amplifier (often the case with TV
sweep tubes)
grid excitation is obtained without ex- forced air cooling with a fan or blower is
Feeding Excitation to the Grid ceeding the plate-input ratings of the needed. Fans, especially those designed
The required rf driving voltage is
driver tube. for cooling hi-fi cabinets, are preferred
supplied by an oscillator generating a because they operate quietly. However, all
Driving Impedance
voltage at the desired frequency, either fans lose their ability to move air when ex-
directly or through intermediate amplifiers, The grid-current flow that results when cessive back pressure exists. For applica-
mixers, or frequency multipliers. the grid is driven positive in respect to the tions where a stream of air must be
explained in the chapter on vacuum- cathode over a portion of the excitation directed through a tube socket, a blower is
tube fundamentals, the grid of an. amplifier cycle represents an average resistance usually required.
operating under Class C conditions must across which the exciting voltage must be One method for directing a flow of air
have an exciting voltage whose peak value developed by the driver. In other words, around a tube envelope or through tube
exceeds the negative biasing voltage over a this is the load resistance into which the cooling fins involves the use of a
portion of the excitation cycle. During driver plate circuit must be coupled. The pressurized chassis. This system is shown
this portion of the cycle, current will flow approximate grid input resistance is given in Fig. 36. A blower is attached to the
in the grid-cathode circuit as it does in a by chassisand forces air up through the tube
diode circuit when the plate of the diode is socket and around the tube. A chimney
positive in respect to the cathode. Tl Input impedance (ohms) (not shown in this drawing) is used to
quires that the rf driver supply power. The driving power (watts) guide the air around the tube as it leaves
~ dc grid X 620,000 the socket. A chimney will prevent the air
power required to develop the required current (mA) 2

peak driving voltage across the grid-cathode from being dispersed as it hits the
impedance of the amplifier is the rf driving For normal operation, the driving power envelope or cooling fins, concentrating
power. and grid current may be taken from the the flow for maximum cooling.
The tube tables give approximate tube tables. Since the grid input resistance Most manufacturers rate tube cooling
figures for the grid driving power required is a matter of a few thousand ohms, an requirements for continuous-duty opera-
tion. The manufacturer's literature will in-
dicate the required cubic feet per minute
(CFM) of air flow at some particular back
pressure. Back pressure is the pressure
that is builtup inside the airtight chassis
when the blower is operational. Forced air
entering the chassis from the blower can
escape only through the tube socket/tube/
MANOMETER chimney assembly. Since this assembly
AIRSYSTEM represents a certain amount of resistance
SOCKET to the flow of air, an amount of pressure
is built up inside the chassis. The exact
amount of pressure will depend on the
blower and the tube socket/tube/chimney
characteristics. Blowers vary in their abili-
ty to work against back pressure so the
matter of blower selection should not be
taken lightly.
Values of CFM and back pressure for
'AIR TIGHT CHASSIS some of the more popular tubes, sockets
and chimneys are given in Table 6. Back
pressure is specified in inches of water and
Fig. 36 — Airforced into the chassis by the blower and exits through the tube socket. The
can be easily measured as indicated in
manometer is used to measure system back pressure, which is an important factor in determining Figs. 36 and 37, by means of a
the proper size blower. manometer. A manometer is nothing

6-23 Chapter 6
the unit. As an example, assume that an
ATMOSPHERIC ATMOSPHERIC amplifier is to be built using a 3-1000Z
tube. Ablower capable of supplying 25
CFM back pressure of 0.38 inches of
at a
water is required. Referring to Table 7 it
appears that the second blower listed
would be suitable, although it may be
marginal since it can only supply 25 CFM
into a back pressure of 0.4 inches of
water. The next larger size would provide
a margin of safety.
When a pair of tubes is used, the CFM
rating is doubled, but the back pressure
remains the same as that for one tube. A
pair of 3-1000Z tubes, for example, would
require 50 CFM at a back pressure of 0.38
inches of water. In this case the fifth
blower listed Table would be
in the
suitable since it can supply 85 CFM at a
back pressure of 0.4 inches of water.
— Always choose a blower that can supply at
Fig. 37 At A the blower is "off" and the water will seek its own level in the manometer. At B
the blower is "on" and the amount of back pressure in terms of inches of water can be measured least the required amount of air. Smaller
as indicated. blowers will almost certainly lead to
shortened tube life.
Table 6 also contains the part numbers
Table 6
for air-system sockets and chimneys to be
Specifications of Some Popular Tubes, Sockets and Chimneys
used with the tubes that are listed. The
Tube CFM Back Pressure Socket Chimney builder should investigate which of the
SK-416 sockets listed for the 4CX250R,
3-400Z/8163 13 0.13 SK-400, SK-410
3-500Z 13 0.082 SK-400, SK-410 SK-406 4CX30OA, 4CX1000A and 4CX1500A
3- 1000Z/8164 25 0.38 SK-500, SK-510 SK-516 best fits the circuit needs. Some of the
3CX 1500/8877 35 0.41 SK-2200, SK-2210 SK-2216 sockets have certain tube elements
4- 250A/5D22 2 0.1 SK-400, SK-410 SK-406
grounded internally through the socket.
4-400A/8438 14 0.25 SK-400, SK-410 . SK-406
4-1000A/8166 20 0.6 SK-500, SK-510 SK-506 Others have elements bypassed to ground
4CX250R/7850W 6.4 0.59 SK-600, SK-600A, SK-602A, SK-606 through capacitors that are integral parts
SK-610, SK-610A, SK-611, SK-626 of the sockets.
SK-612, SK-620, SK-620A
SK-621, SK-630
An efficient blower is required when
4CX300A/8167 7.2 0.58 SK-700, SK-710, SK-711A, SK-606 using the external-anode tubes, such as
SK-712A, SK-740, SK-760 the 4CX250R. Such tubes represent a
SK-761, SK-770 trade-off which allows high-power opera-
4CX350 A/8321 7.8 1.2 Same as 4CX250R
tion with a physically small device at the
4CX1000A/8168 25 0.2 SK-800B, SK-810B, SK-890B SK-806
4CX1 500/8660 expense of increased complexity in the
8874 8.6 0.37 cooling system. Other types of external-
These values are for sea-level elevation. For locations well above sea-level (Denver, Colorado, for anode tubes are now being produced for
example), add an additional 20% to the figure listed. conductive cooling. Electrical insulators
which are also excellent thermal conduc-
tors, such as AlSiMg (aluminum-silicon-
magnesium compound) and Be
Table 7
(beryllium), couple the tube to a heat sink.
Blower Performance Specifications
Requirements for the heat dissipator are
Wheel Wheel RPM Free Back Pressure (inches) Cutoff Stock calculated in the same way as for power
Dia. Width Air 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (Vo.
transistors, as outlined below. Similar
2" 1" 3160 15 13 4 0.22 2C782
3" 1-15/32" 3340 54 48 43 36 25 17 0.67 4C012 tubes are made with special anode struc-
3" 1-7/8" 3030 60 57 54 49 39 23 0.60 4C440 tures for water or vapor cooling, allowing
3" 1-7/8" 2880 76 70 63 56 45 8 0.55 4C004 high-power operation without producing
3-13/16" 1-7/8" 2870 100 98 95 90 85 80 0.80 4C443
an objectionable noise level from the cool-
3-13/16" 2-1/2" 3160 148 141 135 129 121 1.04 4C005
ing system.

Transistor Cooling

more than a piece of clear tubing, open at plications a standard ruler can be used for Some bipolar power transistors have
both ends and fashioned in the shape of a the measurement and the results will be the collector connected directly to the case
"U." The manometer is temporarily con- sufficiently accurate. of the device, as the collector must
nected to the chassis and is removed after Table 7 illustrates the performance dissipate most of the heat generated when

the measurements are completed. As specifications for one particular brand of the transistor is in operation. Others have
shown in the diagrams, a small amount of blowers. These are Dayton blowers which the emitter connected to the case. How-
water is placed in the tube. At Fig. 37A, are available through, W. W. Grainger ever, even the larger case designs cannot

the blower is "off" and the water will outlets throughout the U.S. Blowers with conduct heat away fast enough to keep the
seek its own level. At B, the blower is similarwheel dimensions of different operating temperature of the device
"on" (socket, tube and chimney in place) manufacture likely have similar functioning within the safe area, the

and the pressure difference, in terms of characteristics. If in doubt about maximum temperature that a device can
inches of water, is measured. For most ap- specifications contact the manufacturer of stand without damage. Safe area is usually

HF Transmitting 6-24


Device Case 5 W 10 W 25 W 50 W 100 W

TO-5 17.2 7.2 1.2 0.71 0.35
TO-44 1.2 9.2 0.44 n/a n/a


3 4 5 8 10 2 3 50 80 100 200 300 500


Fig. 38 —
Heat-sink thermal resistance versus size. The sink volume can be determined by multiplying the height and cross-sectional area.
At B are
numbers which show the approximate thermal resistance needed for operating at various power levels with adequate cooling. TO-5 and TO-44 case
styles are listed.

specified in a device data sheet, often in

graphical form. Germanium power tran-
sistors may be
operated at up to 100°C
while the silicon types may be run at up to
200°C. Leakage currents in germanium
devices can be very high at elevated
temperatures; thus, for power applica-
tions silicon transistors are preferred.
A thermal sink, properly chosen, will
remove heat at a rate which keeps the
transistor junction temperature in the safe
area. For low-power applications a simple
clip-on heat sink will suffice, while for
100- watts input power a massive cast-
aluminum finned radiator will be neces-
sary. In general, the case temperature of
a power transistor must be kept below the CLASS C AMP
point at which it will cause discomfort
when touched. Silicone grease should be
used between the transistor body and the
heat sink to aid heat transfer.

Heat-Sink Design
Simple heat sinks, made as described in
the Construction Practices chapter, can be
made more effective (by 25 percent or
more) by applying a coat of flat-black
+215V (K _|(_*jHnnn.
paint. Finned radiators are most effective
when placed where maximum air flow can
be achieved —
outside a case with the fins LOAD

placed vertically. The size of a finned heat

sink required to give a desired thermal 6HF5XTTV '
'WS/ 1

resistance, a measure of the ability to

dissipate heat, is shown in Fig. 38A. Fig.
36B a simplified chart of the thermal
^ 0.005
resistance needed in a heat sink for 2000V
transistors in TO-5 and TO-44 cases. 30 mA NO- SIS.

Fig. 39 —
Circuit examples of typical single-
ended, parallel and push-pull tube amplifiers.

6-25 Chapter 6
These figures are based on several excitation is keyed in a cw transmitter, Grid- (control or screen) modulated .

assumptions, so they can be considered a Class C

operation of subsequent amplifiers output amplifiers in a-m operation run at
worst-case situation. Smaller heat sinks will, under certain conditions, introduce a carrier efficiency of 30 to 35 percent, and
may be usuable. key clicks not present on the keyed excita- a grid-modulated stage with 100 watts
The thermal design of solid-state cir- tion (see chapter on Code Transmission). input has a carrier output of 30 to 35
cuitshas been covered in April 1972 QST. The peak envelope power (PEP) input or watts. (The PEP output, four times the
output of any cw (or fm) transmitter is the carrier output, is 120 to 140 watts.)
The surface contact between the transistor
"key-down" input or output. Running the legal input limit in the
case and the heat sink is extremely
important. To keep the sink from being United States, a plate-modulated output
A-M stage can deliver atarrier output of 650 to
"hot" with dc, a mica insulator is usually
employed between the transistor case and In an amplitude-modulated phone trans- 750 watts, while a screen- or control-
the heat dissipator. Newer types of mitter, plate modulation of a Class C out- grid-modulated output amplifier can deli-
transistors have a case mounting bolt put amplifier results in the highest output ver only a carrier of 300 to 350 watts.
insulated from the collector so that it may for a given input to the output stage. The
efficiency is the same as for cw or fm with
be connected directly to the heat sink.
the same amplifier, from 65 to 75 Only linear amplifiers can be used to
Output Power from Transmitters: percent. (In most cases the manufacturer amplify ssb signals without prohibitive
CW or FM rates the maximum allowable input on distortion, and this limits the choice of

In a cw or fm transmitter, any' class of plate-modulated phone at about 2/3 that output amplifier operation to Classes A,
amplifier can be used as an output or of cw or fm.) A plate-modulated stage ABi, AB2 and B. The efficiency of
intermediate amplifier. (For reasonable running 100 watts input will deliver a operation of these amplifiers runs from
efficiency, a frequency multiplier must be carrier output from 65 to 75 watts, about 20 to 65 percent. In all but Class A
operated Class C.) Class C operation of depending upon the tube, frequency and operation the indicated (by plate-current
the amplifier gives the highest efficiency circuit factor. The PEP output of any a-m meter) input will vary with the signal, and
signal is four times the carrier output is not possible to talk about relative
(65 to 75 percent), but it is likely to be

accompanied by appreciable harmonics power, or 260 to 300 watts for the inputs and outputs as readily as it is with
and consequent TVI possibilities. If the 100-watt input example. other modes. Therefore linear amplifiers
are rated by PEP (input or output) at a
given distortion level, which indicates not
only how much ssb signal they will deliver
but also how effective they will be in
amplifying an a-m signal.

Linear Amplifiers for A-M

In considering the practicality of adding
a linear output amplifier to an existing
a-m transmitter, it is necessary to know
the carrier output of the a-m transmitter
and the PEP output rating of the linear
amplifier. Since the PEP output of an a-m
signal is four times the carrier output, it is
p = 22 TO 500mA obvious that a linear with a PEP output
rating of only four times the carrier
output of the a-m transmitter is no
(B) amplifier at all. If the linear amplifier has
a of eight times the a-m
PEP output rating
transmitter output, the output

power will be doubled and a 3-dB
improvement will be obtained. In most
6146B cases a 3-dB change is just discernible by
the receiving operator.
By comparison, a linear amplifier with

3 0.01
—AAA/ ' a PEP output rating of four times an
existing ssb, cw or fm transmitter will
*3, quadruple the output, a 6-dB improve-
ment, it should be noted that the linear
-O + 200V
~7h amplifier must be rated for the mode (ssb,
cw or fm) with which it is to be used.

V2 5
I 6i46By'
6146B Grounded-Grid Amplifiers
r^~> 1,4,6
UUULT The preceding discussion applies to

^ ( ]

vacuum-tube amplifiers connected in a
grounded-cathode or grounded-grid cir-
-W- )h- cuit. However, there are a few points that
apply only to grounded-grid amplifiers.
2/17 2(] 7
A tube operated in a given class(ABi , B,
0.01 „
C) will require more driving power as a
grounded-grid amplifier than as a grounded-
cathode amplifier. This is not because the
CLASS AB1 AMP grid losses run higher in the grounded-
grid configuration but because some of

HF Transmitting 6-26
the driving power is coupled directly ended amplifier which operates Class AB2 connected as shown to obtain a 1-kW-dc
through the tube and appears in the plate in grounded-grid fashion. Tl is a broad- input linear amplifier. Attention must be
load circuit. Provided enough driving band, trifilar transformer which keeps the paid to selecting a set of tubes with nearly
power is available, this increased require- cathode and filaments above ac ground to matched dynamic characteristics. If this is ,

ment is of no concern in cw or linear opera- provide a method for driving the cathode not done, one or more of the tubes may
tion. In a-m operation, however, the fed- of VI. Operating bias is developed by in- draw the major part of the current during
through power prevents the grounded-grid serting Dl in the cathode return. Zl is a the driven period. This would cause them
amplifier from being fully modulated (100 vhf parasitic suppressor. RFC2 functions to operate in excess of their safe plate-
percent). as a safety device in the event the plate dissipation ratings and be destroyed.
blopking capacitors short and dc flows in- An exampleof a push-pull amplifier is
Amplifier Circuits: Parallel and
to the load (antenna or Transmatch). The offered in Fig. 39D. Two 6146Bs are used
Push-Pull Amplifiers
rf choke permits high dc current to flow to in a Class AB1 format. CI and C2 are the
The circuits for parallel-tube amplifiers ground, blowing the power supply fuses neutralizing capacitors. Join points A-A
are the same as for a single tube, similar and destroying the choke. It should have and B-B to complete the circuit. CI and
terminals of tubes being connected to- an XL which is at least 10 times the load C2 are shown in series with 0.001 -^F
gether. The grid impedance of two tubes resistance. blocking capacitors. The latter need not
in parallel is half that of a single tube. This TV sweep tubes used in parallel are seen be used if access to the neutralizing
means that twice the grid tank capacitance at Fig. 39C. Each plate lead contains a capacitors can be had without shock
should be used for the same Q. ,
parasitic choke (Zl and Z2). Dl is" chosen hazard. The circuit concepts shown in Fig.
The plate load resistance is halved so to provide the necessary idling current for 39 are applicable to all types of transmit-
that the plate-tank capacitance for a single the class of operation desired. The unique and power levels. Specific types
ting tubes
tube also should be doubled. The total feature of this circuit is that the control of tubes are shown merely to provide
grid current will be doubled, so to grids of VI and V2 are tied together and practical examples during this treatment.
maintain the same grid bias, the grid-leak driven across a 50-ohm resistor. This
resistance should be half that used for a method eliminates the need for a tuned
Grounded-Grid Amplifiers
The required driving power is
single tube. circuit or matching transformer at the Fig. 38A shows the input circuit of a
doubled. The capacitance of a neutraliz- amplifier input. Additionally, by strap- grounded-grid tribde amplifier. In con-
ing capacitor should be doubled and the ping the grids to a low impedance (50 figuration it is similar to the conventional
value of the screen dropping resistor should ohms), amplifier stability can be realized grounded-cathode circuit except that the
be cut in half.
without the need for neutralization. The grid, instead of the cathode, is at ground
In treating parasitic oscillation, it is 100-ohm resistors in the screen-grid leads potential. An amplifier of this type is
often necessary to use a choke in each are used to discourage vhf oscillations and characterized by a comparatively low in-
plate lead, rather than one in the common to help equalize the screen currents of the put impedance and a relatively high driver
lead. This avoids building in a push-pull tubes. Several sweep tubes can be parallel- power requirement. The additional driver
type of vhf resonance, which may cause
inefficient operation at higher frequen-
cies.See Fig. 39C and D.
Two or m#re transistors are often
operated in parallel to achieve high output
power, because several medium-power
devices often cost less than a single
high-power type. When parallel operation
is used, precautions must be taken to

insure that equal drive is applied to each

transistor. Otherwise, one transistor may
"hog" most of the drive and exceed its
safe ratings.
In practice, not wise or necessary to
it is

A push-pull cir-
use transistors in parallel.
cuit, such as that of Fig. 43 is preferable
and it tends to cancel even harmonics a —
benefit. Alternatively, single-ended
amplifiers can be joined to deliverpower
to a single load bymeans of hybrid com-
biners. This technique was illustrated by
Granberg in April and May 1976 QST. He
used combiners to parallel the outputs of
four 300-watt, push-pull, solid-state
amplifiers. Fig.33E shows the circuit of a
hybrid-combiner transformer.
A typical single-ended tube amplifier
which employs a 6146B in Class C is
shown in Fig. 39A. Neutralization is pro-
vided by means of CI. LI has a tap near
the ac-ground end to provide a small
amount of feedback voltage of the correct
iphase for neutralization. Meters are
placed in the appropriate circuit points for
monitoring the important voltages and
Fig. 39B shows the circuit of a single- Fig. 40 — Methods for driving grounded-grid amplifiers.

6-27 Chapter 6


5 on Q1
RF449A Z = 5.6(~l

- 7/iH -

16:1 1

Fig. 42 — Typical circuit for a single-ended, Class C transistor power amplifier.


2N5320 I

1.8-2.0 ^
1.8-2.0 MHz


Fig. 41 —
A 30-A filament choke for use with
grounded-grid amplifiers. It contains 28 turns
of no. 10 enameled wire, closewound in bifilar
fashion on a 7-inch (178-mm) by 1/2-inch
(13-mm) ferrite rod. The core permeability can
be 950 or 125.

power is not consumed in the amplifier * _pnnn_t_ -O +12.5 V

but is"fed through" to the plate circuit
where it combines with the normal plate
.rr f 3/,H
i 22/iF

output power. The total rf power output

is the sum of the driver and amplifier out-

put powers less the power normally re-

quired to drive the tube in a grounded-
cathode circuit. Fig. 43 — Circuit example of a broadband, push-pull, solid-state power amplifier.
Positive feedback is from plate to
cathode through the plate-cathode capaci-
tance of the tube. Since the grounded-grid grid for rf, operation is very much like work provides benefit other than im-
is interposed between the plate and cathode, that of a triode except that the positive pedance matching —
a reduction in the
this capacitance is small, and neutraliza- voltage on the screen reduces driver- IM distortion produced by the stage when
tion usually is not necessary. power requirements. amplifying an ssb signal.
In the grounded-grid circuit the cathode In indirectly-heated cathode tubes, the
Transistor Amplifiers
must be isolated for rf from ground. This low heater-to-cathode capacitance will
presents a practical difficulty especially in often provide enough isolation to keep rf Fig. 42 contains the circuit of a typical
the case of a filament-type tube whose out of the heater transformer and the ac single-ended transistor amplifier. It is

filament current is large." In _

plate- lines. If not, the heater voltage must be shown for Class C operation.a con- Tl is

modulated phone operation the driver applied through rf chokes. ventional toroidal broadband transformer
power fed through to the output is not In a directly-heated cathode tube, the which matches the 50-ohm driver load to
modulated. filament must be maintained above rf the 5-ohm base of QI. The primary of Tl
The chief application for grounded-grid ground. This can be done by using a requires sufficient reactance to look like
amplifiers amateur work below 30
in bifilar-wound filament choke (Fig. 40B four times the 50-ohm source impedance.
MHz is where the available
in the case and C). With this method, a double A 7-fiH winding satisfies the need at
driving power far exceeds the power that solenoid (often wound on a ferrite core) is 7 MHz. The collector circuit employs a T
can be used in driving a conventional generally used, although separate chokes network to transform the 5.6-ohm collec-
grounded-cathode amplifier. can be used, or a toroid core of large tor to a 50-ohm load. The collector rf

Screen-grid tubes are also used some- cross-sectional area can be used. A typical choke followed by a second one, which

times in grounded-grid amplifiers. In filament choke is shown in Fig. 41. with the associated bypass capacitors
some cases, the screen is simply connected The input impedance of a grounded- decouples the amplifier from the 13.5-volt
in parallel with the grid and the tube grid power stage is usually between 30 and power supply.
operates as a high- u triode. In other 150 ohms. A high-C, low-Q pi-section net- A push-pull, broadband, solid-state

cases, the screen is bypassed to ground work can be used to obtain an SWR of 1 : amplifier circuit seen in Fig. 43. As

and operated at the usual dc potential. between the exciter and the amplifier. shown, it is biased for Class C operation.
Since the screen is still in parallel with the This is shown in Fig. 40C. The input net- However, if linear amplification was

HF Transmitting 6-28

desired, the center tap of Tl could be

lifted from ground and forward bias ap-
plied at that point. If that were done, the
10-ohm, base-swamping resistors would
be returned to the transformer center tap
instead of being grounded as shown.
T2 of Fig. 43 is a phase-reversal choke
which places the collectors of Ql and Q2
in the correct phase (180 degrees apart).
T3 is a conventional transformer which
matches the 44-ohm collector-to-collector
impedance to a 50-ohm harmonic filter,
FL1. The collector coupling capacitors are Fig. — Inductive-link output coupling
45 cir-

pairs of 0.1 -^F capacitors in parallel. This cuits.

method C1 — Plate tank capacitor — see text and Fig.

will pass more current with less
44 for capacitance.
capacitor heating than would be the case L1 — To resonate at operating frequency with
if only one capacitor were used at each C1. See LC chart and inductance formula
point in the Ceramic chip
circuit. inelectrical-laws chapter, or use ARRL
Lightning Calculator.
capacitors are recommended. Dl and D2
L2 — Reactance equal to line impedance. See
may be added as protection against dc reactance chart and inductance formula in
voltage spikes on the 13.5-V line. Also, if electrical-laws chapter, or use ARRL Light-
the amplifier should break into self- ning Calculator.

oscillation, the Zener diodes will limit the R — Representing load.

collector swing and prevent damage to the

transistors. The diodes are helpful also
when the amplifier is not terminated in a Transistor:
proper load. ARRL lab tests show that
Fig. 44 — Chart showing plate tank
Zener diodes used in the manner indicated (Collector Volts) 2
capacitance required for a Q of 10. Divide the R. =
have no significant effect on amplifier tube plate voltage by the plate current in 2 X Power Output (Watts)
performance, and they do not enhance the milliamperes. Select the vertical line cor-
responding to the answer obtained. Follow this Parallel-Resonant Tank
generation of harmonic currents. The
vertical line to the diagonal line for the band in
reason is' that the diodes are not conduct- C
question, and thence horizontally to the left to The amount of that will give a Q of
ing under normal conditions. They have read the capacitance. For a given ratio of plate 10 for various ratios is shown in Fig. 44.
been proven effective as high as 30 MHz, voltage/plate current, doubling the capacitance
For a given plate-voltage/plate-current
shown doubles the Q. When a split-stator
and may function satisfactorily into the ratio, the Q will vary directfy as the tank
capacitor is used in a balanced circuit, the
vhf region. Matching networks and their capacitance of each section may be one half capacitance, twice the capacitance
solutions can be found earlier in this the value given by the chart. doubles the Q, and so on. For the same Q,
chapter. the capacitance of each section of a split-
stator capacitor in a balanced circuit
RF Power-Amplifier Tanks and should be half the value shown.
Coupling for Tubes by the ratio of loaded Q to unloaded Q by These values of capacitance include the
the relationship: output capacitance of the amplifier tube,
Tank Q the input capacitance of a following
Rf power-amplifiers used in amateur Eff. =100(1 - amplifier tube if it is coupled capacitively,
transmitters are operated under Class C and all other stray capacitances. At the
or AB conditions (see chapter oh tube where Ql is the loaded Q and Qu is the higher plate-voltage/plate-current ratios,
fundamentals). The main objective, of unloaded Q. the chart may show values of capacitance,
course, is to deliver as much fundamental The Q
is determined (see chapter on for the higher frequencies, smaller than
power as possible into a load, R, without electrical laws and circuits) by the L/C those attainable in practice. In such a
exceeding the tube ratings. The load ratio and the load resistance at which the case, a tank Q higher than 10 is
resistance, R, may be in the form of a tube is operated. The tube load resistance unavoidable.
transmission line to an antenna, or the is related, in approximation, to the ratio
input circuit of another amplifier. A Inductive-Link Coupling: Coupling
of the dc plate voltage to dc plate current
to Flat Coaxial Lines
further objective is to minimize the at which the tube is operated and can be
harmonic energy (always generated by an computed from When the load R in Fig. 45 is located
amplifier) fed into the load circuit. In for convenience at some distance from the
attaining these objectives, the Q of the amplifier, or when maximum harmonic
tank circuit is of importance. When a load Class-A Tube: reduction is desired, it is advisable to feed
is coupled inductively, the Q of the tank the power to the load through a low-
RL _
Plate Volts
circuit will have ah effect on the impedance coaxial cable. The shielded
coefficient of coupling necessary for
1.3 X Plate Current
construction of the cable prevents radia-
proper loading of the amplifier. In respect tion and makes it possible to install the
Class-B Tube:
to all of these factors, a tank Q of 10 to«20 line any convenient manner without
is usually considered optimum. A much
Plate Volts danger of unwanted coupling to other cir-
lower Q will result in less efficient opera- L cuits.
tion of the amplifier tube, greater har-
1.57 x Plate Current
If the line is more than a small fraction
monic output, and greater difficulty in of a wavelength long, the load resistance
coupling inductively to a load. A much Class-C Tube: at its output end should be adjusted, by a
higher Q will result in higher tank current matching circuit if necessary, to match the
rL _
with increased loss in the tank coil. Plate Volts impedance of the cable. This reduces los-
Efficiency of a tank circuit is determined 2 x Plate Current ses in the cable and makes the coupling

6-29 Chapter 6
jnrm. -O0UTPUT



o o
+s.s. + H.V.

\ K"1
C_ I

+ TO TUBEO 1(-


L2 _f
7~ ci

Fig. 47 — Examples of pi (A) and pi-L (B) networks.

Fig. 46 — With flat transmission lines, power

transfer is obtained with looser coupling if the
line input is tuned to resonance. C1 and L1
should resonate at the operating frequency.
See table for maximum usable value of C1. If mum coil is one whose self-inductance is practicable values of inductance and
the circuit does not resonate with maximum such that its reactance at the operating capacitance connected in series with the
C1 or less, inductance of L1 must be increased frequency is equal to the characteristic im- line's input terminals. Suitable circuits are
or added in series at L2.
pedance, Z , of the line. given in Fig. 46 at B and C. The of the Q
3) It is possible to make the coupling coupling circuit often may be as low as 2,
between the tank and pickup coils very without running into difficulty in eettine
tight. adequate coupling to a tank circuit of prop-
Table 8 The second in this list is often hard to er design. Larger values of Q can be used

Capacitance pF
Coupling to Flat
in for meet. Few manufactured link coils have and will result in increased ease of cou-
Coaxial Lines with Tuned Coupling Circuit adequate inductance even for coupling to pling, but as the Q is increased the fre-
a 50-ohm line at low frequencies. quency range over which the circuit will
Frequency Characteristic Impedance of Line
If the line is operating with a low SWR, operate without readjustment becomes
Band 52 75
(MHz) (ohms) (ohms) the system shown in Fig. 46A will require smaller. It is usually good practice,

3.5 450 300 tightcoupling between the two coils. Since therefore, to use a coupling-circuit Q just
7 230 150 the secondary (pickup coil) circuit is not low enough to permit operation, over as
14 115 75 resonant, the leakage reactance of the much of a band as is normally used for a
21 80 50 pickup coil will cause some detuning of particular type of communication,
28 60 40
the amplifier tank circuit. This detuning without requiring retuning.
'Capacitance values are maximum usable. effect -increases with increased coupling, Capacitance values for a Q of 2 and line
Note: Inductance in circuit must be adjusted to but is usually not serious. However, the impedances of 52 and 75 ohms are given in
resonate at operating frequency. amplifier must- be adjusted to
tuning the accompanying table. These are the
resonance, as by the plate-
indicated maximum values that should be used. The
current dip, each time the coupling is inductance in the circuit should be ad-
changed. justed to give resonance at the operating
frequency. If the link coil used for a par-
adjustments at the transmitter indepen- Tuned Coupling ticular band does not have enough induc-
dent of the cable length. The design difficulties of using "un- tance to resonate, the additional induc-
Assuming that the cable is properly ter- tuned" pickup coils, mentioned above, tance may be connected in series as shown
minated, proper loading of the amplifier can be avoided by using a coupling circuit in Fig. 46C.
will be assured, using the circuit of Fig. tuned to the operating frequency. This
46A, if contributes additional selectivity as well, Characteristics

1) The plate tank circuit has reasonably and hence aids in the suppression of spu- In practice, the amount of inductance in
higher value of Q. A value of 10 is usually rious radiations. the circuit should be chosen so that, with
sufficient. Ifthe lin^ is flat the input impedance somewhat loose coupling between LI and
The inductance of the pickup or link
2) willbe essentially resistive and equal to the the amplifier tank coil, the amplifier plate
coil is close to the optimum value for the Z of the line. With coaxial cable, a circuit current will increase when the variable
frequency and type of line used. The opti- of reasonable Q can be obtained with capacitor,.Cl, is tuned through the value

HF Transmitting 6-30

of capacitance given by the table. The

coupling between the two coils should Table 9
then be increased until the amplifier loads Pi-network values for various plate impedances with a loaded Q of 12.
normally, without changing the setting of
C 1 If the transmission line is flat over the
. MHz 150(12) 2000(12) 2500(12) 3000(12) 3500(12) 4000(12) 5000(13) 6000(14) aooofn
entire frequency band under consideration, *
3.5 420 315 252 210 180 157 126 114 99
it should not be necessary to readjust C
7 190 143 114 95 82 71 57 52 45
when changing frequency, if the values 14 93 70 56 47 40 35 28 25 22
given in the table are used. However, it is 21 62 47 37 31 27 23 19 17 15
unlikely that the line actually will be flat 28 43 32 26 21 18 16 13 12 10
over such a range, so some readjustment
3.5 2117 1776 1536 1352 1203 1079 875 862 862
of CI may be needed to compensate for 942 783 670 583 512 451 348 341 341
changes in the input impedance of the line. 14 460 382 326 283 247 217 165 162 162
If the input impedance variations are not 21 305 253 216 187 164 144 109 107 107
210 174 148 128 97 72 70 70
large, C I may be used as a loading control, 28 _ 111

no changes in the coupling between LI 5.73 7.46 9.17 10.86 12.53 14.19 17.48 19.18 21.98
and the tank coil being necessary. 7 3.14 4.09 5.03 5.95 6.86 7.77 9.55 10.48 12.02
The degree of coupling between LI and 14 1.60 2.08 2.56 3.03 3.49 3.95 4.85 5.33 6.11

the amplifier tank coil will depend on the 21 1.07 1.39 1.71 2.02 2.34 2.64 3.25 3.56 4.09
28 0.77 1.01 1.24 1.46 1.69 1.91 2.34 2.57 2.95
coupling circuit Q. With a Q of 2, the
coupling should be tight —
These component values are for use with the circuit of Rg. 44A and were provided by W6FFC.
with the coupling that is typical of
"fixed-link" manufactured coils. With a
swinging link it may be
necessary to
increase the Qof the coupling circuit in
order to get sufficient power transfer. This
Table 10
can be done by increasing the L/C ratio.
Pi-network values for various plate impedances and frequencies.
Pi and Pi-L Output Tanks These values are based on a loaded Q of 12.
A pi-section and pi-L tank circuit may Zin Freq. C1 L1 C2 L2
also be used in coupling to an antenna or (Ohms) (MHz) (pF) (ixH) (pF) (hH)
transmission shown in Fig 45. The
line, as 1500 3.50- 403. 7.117 1348. 4.518
optimum of capacitance and
values 1500 4,00 318. 7.117 991. 4.518
inductance are dependent upon values of 1500 7.00 188. 3.900 596. 2.476
1500 7.30 174. 3.900 543. 2.476
amplifier power input and output, load
1500 14.00 93. 1.984 292. 1.259
resistance. 1500 14.35 89. 1.984 276. 1.259
Values for L and C may be taken direct- 1500 21.00 62. 1.327 191. 0.843
ly from Tables 9 and 10 if the output load 1500 21.45 59. 1.327 185. 0.843
resistance is the usual 52 ohms. It should 1500 28.00 48. 0.959 152. 0.609
1500 29.70 43. 0.959 134. 0.609
be borne in mind that these values apply
only where the output load is resistive, 2000 3.50 304. 9.086 1211. 4.518
i.e., where the antenna and line have been 2000 4.00 239. 9.086 894. 4.518
matched. 2000 7.00 142. 4.978 534. 2.476
2000 7.30 131. 4.978 490. 2.476

Output-Capacitor Ratings 2000 14.00 70. 2.533 264. 1.259

2000 14.35 67. 2.533 249. 1.259
The voltage rating of' the output 2000 21.00 47. 1.694 173. 0.843
capacitor will depend upon the^ SWR. If 2000 21.45 45. 1.694 167. 0.843
2000 28.00 36. 1.224 135. 0.609
the load is resistive, receiving-type air
2000 29.70 32. 1.224 120. 0.609
capacitors should be adequate for amplifier
input powers up to 2-kW PEP when feed- 2500 3.50 244. 11.010 1115. 4.518
ing 52-75-ohm loads. In obtaining the lar- 2500 4.00 191. 11.010 827. 4.518
2500 7.00 114. 6.033 493. 2.476
ger capacitances required for the lower
2500 7.30 105. 6.033 453. 2.476
frequencies, it is common practice to 2500 14.00 56. 3.069 240. 1.259
switch one or more fixed capacitors in 2500 14.35 53. 3.069 230. 1.259
parallel with the variable air capacitor. 2500 21.00 38. 2.053 158. 0.843
2500 21.45 '36. 2.053 154. 0.843
While the voltage rating of a mica or
2500 28.00 29. 1.483 127. 0.609
ceramic capacitor may not be exceeded in 2500 29.70 26. 1.483 111. 0.609
a particular case, capacitors of these types
- are limited in current-carrying capacity. 3000 3.50 204. 12.903 1042. 4.518

Postage-stamp silver-mica capacitors should 3000 4.00 159. 12.903 777. 4.518
3000 7.00 94. 7.070 468. 2.476
be adequate for amplifier inputs over the 3000 7.30 87. 7.070 426. 2.476
range from about 70 watts at 28 MHz
to 3000 14.00 47. 3.597 222. 1.259
400 watts at 14 MHz
and lower. The 3000 14.35 44. 3.597 217. 1.259
3000 21.00 32. 2.406 146. 0.843
larger mica capacitors (CM-45 case) hav-
3000 21.45 30. *
2.406 145. 0.843
ing voltage ratings of 1200 and 2500 volts
3000 28.00 24. 1.738 115. 0.609
are usually satisfactory for inputs varying 3000 29.70 21. 1.738 105. 0.609
from about 350 watts at 28 MHz
to 1 kW
at 14 MHz and lower. Because of these 3500 3.50 174. 14.772 997. 4.518
3500 4.00 136. 14.772 738. 4.518
current limitations, particularly at the
3500 7.00 81. 8.094 444. 2.476
higher frequencies, it is advisable to use as 3500 7.30 75. 8.094 404. 2.476
large an air capacitor as practicable, using 3500 14.00 40. 4.118 215. 1.259
the micas only at the lower frequencies.

6-31 Chapter 6
Broadcast-receiver replacement-type to emitter or cathode. In general, the best amplifier, it is usually necessary to load

capacitors can be obtained reasonably. arrangement using a tube is one in which the grid circuit, or to use a neutralizing
Their- voltage insulation should be ade- the cathode connection to ground, and the circuit.

quate for inputs of 1000 watts or more. plate tank circuit are on the same side of The capacitive neutralizing system for
the chassis or other shielding. The "hot" screen-grid tubes is shown in Fig. 48A. CI
More About Stabilizing Amplifiers lead from the input tank (or driver plate is the neutralizing capacitor. The capaci-
A straight amplifier operates with its tank) should be brought to the socket tance should be chosen so that at some ad-

input and output circuits tuned to the through a hole in the shielding. Then justment of CI,
same frequency. Therefore, unless the when the grid tank capacitor or bypass is
coupling between these two circuits is grounded, a return path through the hole
Cl Tube grid-plate capacitance (orC Bp )
brought to the necessary minimum, the to cathode will be encouraged, since —
C3 Tube input capacitance (or C !N )
amplifier will oscillate as a tuned-plate, transmission-line characteristics are simu-
tuned-grid circuit. Care should be used in lated.

arranging components and wiring of the The giid-cathode capacitance must in-
Screen-Grid Tube Neutralizing Circuits
two circuits so that there will be negligible clude all strays directly across the tube
opportunity for coupling external to the The plate-grid capacitance of screen- capacitance, including the capacitance of
tube or transistor itself. Complete shiel- grid tubes is reduced to a fraction of a the tuning-capacitor stator to ground.
ding between input and output circuits picofarad by the interposed grounded This may amount to 5 to 20 pF. In the
usually is required. All rf leads should be screen. Nevertheless, the power sensitivity case of capacitance coupling, the output
kept as short as possible, and particular of these tubes is so great that only a very capacitance of the driver tube must be
attention should be paid to the rf return small amount of feedback is necessary to added to the grid-cathode capacitance of
paths from input and output tank circuits start oscillation. To assure a* stable the amplifier in arriving at the value of

Neutralizing a Screen-Grid
Amplifier Stage
There are two general procedures
C2 12 available for indicating neutralization in a
Zin Freq. C1 L1
(Ohms) (MHz) (pF) (tiH) (pF) (ixH) screen-grid amplifier stage. If the screen-
3500 14.35 38. 4.118 206. 1.259 grid tube is operated with or without grid
3500 21.00 27. 2.755 136. 0.843 current, a sensitive output indicator can
3500 21.45 25. 2.755 138.
be used. If the screen-grid tube is operated
3500 28.00 21. 1.989 106. 0.609
with grid current, the grid-current reading
3500 29.70 18. 1.989 99.
can be used as an indication of neutraliza-
4000 3.50 153. 16.621 947. 4.518 tion. When the output indicator is used,
4000 4.00 119. 16 621 706. 4.518
both screen and plate voltages must be re-
4000 7.00 71. 9.107 418. 2.476
9.107 387. 2.476
moved from the tubes, but the dc circuits
4000 7.30 65.
4000 14.00 35. 4.633 204. 1.259 from the plate and screen to cathode must
4000 14.35 33. 4.633 197. 1.259 be completed. If the grid-current reading
4000 21.00 23. 3.099 137. ,
0.843 is used, the plate voltage may remain on
4000 21.45 22. 3.099 132. 0.843
2.238 107. 0.609
but the screen voltage must be zero, with
4000 28.00 18.

4000 29.70 16. 2.238 95. 0.609 the dc circuit completed between screen
and cathode.
20.272 872. 4.518
5000 3.50 123. The immediate objective of the neutrali-
5000 4.00 95. 20.272 658. 4.518
zing process is reducing to a minimum the
5000 7.00 57. 11.108 387.
11.108 360. 2.476 rf-driver voltage fed from the input of the
5000 7.30 52.
5000 14.00 29. 5.651 186. 1.259 amplifier to its output circuit through the
5000 14.35 27. 5.651 183. 1.259 grid-plate capacitance of the tube. This is
5000 21.00 19. 3.780 125. 0.843
done by adjusting carefully, bit by bit, the
5000 21.45 18. 3.780 123. 0.843
28.00 2.730 95. 0.609 neutralizing capacitor or link coils until
5000 15.

5000 29.70 13. 2.730 89. 0.609 an rf indicator in the output circuit reads
minimum, or the reaction of the unloaded
6000 3.50 103. 23.873 829. 4.518
plate-circuit tuning on the grid-current
6000 4.00 80. 23.873 621. 4.518
368. 2.476 value is minimized.
6000 7.00 48. 13.081
6000 7.30 44. 13.081 340. 2.476 The wavemeter shown in the Measure-
6000 14.00 24. 6.655 172. 1.259 ments chapter makes a sensitive neutrali-
6.655 173. 1.259
6000 14.35 zirig indicator. The wavemeter coil should
6000 21.00 16. 4.452 1 1 7. 0.843
be coupled to the output tank coil at the
6000 21.45 15. 4.452 116. 0.843
6000 28.00 13. 3.215 87. 0.609 low-potential or "ground" point. Care
6000 29.70 11. 3.215 84. 0.609 should be taken to make sure that the
coupling is loose enough at all times to
8000 3.50 78. 30.967 747. 4.518
569. 4.518
prevent burning out the meter or the rec-
8000 4.00 60. 30.967 '

16.968 337. 2.476 tifier. The plate tank capacitor should be

8000 7.00 36.
8000 7.30 33. 16.968 312. 2.476 readjusted for maximum reading after
8000 14.00 18. 8.632 165. 1.259 in neutralizing.
each change
8000 14.35 17. 8.632 159. 1.259
104. 0.843
Whenthe grid-current meter is used as
8000 21.00 12. 5.775
8000 21,45 11. 5.775 106. 0.843 a neutralizing indicator, the screen should
8000 28.00 9. 4.171 86. 0.609 be grounded for rf and dc, as mentioned
8000 29.70 8. 4.171 77.
above. There will be a change in grid
current as the unloaded plate tank circuit
Operating Q - 12. Output load - 52 ohms. Computer data provided by Bill Imamura, JA6GW.
is tuned through resonance. The

HF Transmitting 6-32

zing capacitor (or inductor) should be ad-

justed until this deflection is brought to a

minimum. As a final adjustment, screen

voltage should be returned and the
neutralizing adjustment continued to the
point where minimum plate current,
maximum current and maximum
screen current occur simultaneously. An
increase in grid current when the plate
tank circuit is tuned slightly on the
high-frequency side of resonance indicates
that the neutralizing capacitance is too
small. If the increase is on the low-
frequency side, the neutralizing capaci-
tance is too large. When neutralization is
complete, there should be a slight decrease
in grid current on either side of resonance.

Grid Loading
The use of a neutralizing circuit may
often be avoided by loading the grid
circuit if the driving staje has some power
capability to spare. Loading by tapping
the grid down on the grid tank coil (or the
plate tank coil of the driver in the case of
capacitive coupling), or by a resistor from
grid to cathode is effective in stabilizing
an amplifier.

Low-Frequency Parasitic Oscillation

The screening of most transmitting

screen-grid tubes is sufficient to prevent
low-frequency parasitic oscillation caused
by resonant circuits set up by rf chokes in
grid and plate circuits. When rf chokes are
used in both grid and plate circuits of a
triode amplifier, the split-stator tank Fig. 48 — A neutralization circuit may use either C1 or C2 to cancel the effect of the tube grid-plate

capacitors combine with the rf chokes to

capacitance (A). The circuit at,B shows the usual vhf-parasitic circuit in bold lines.
form a low-frequency parasitic circuit, un-
less the amplifier circuit is arranged to

7 prevent it. Often, a resistor is substituted

for the grid rf choke, which will produce

Table 11
the desired result. This resistance should
be a least 100 ohms. If any grid-leak resis- Typical Tank-Capacitor Plate Spacings
tance is used for biasing, it should be sub- Spacing Peak Spacing Peak Spacing Peak
stituted for the 100-ohm resistor. Inches (mm) Voltage Inches (mm) Voltage Inches (mm) Voltage
0.015(0.4) 1000 0.07(1.8) 3000 0.175(4.4) 7000
Component Ratings: Output Tank 0.02(0.5) 1200 0.08(2.8) 3500 0.25(6.3) 9000
Capacitor Voltage 0.03(0.8) 1500 0.125(3.0) 4500 0.35(8.9) 11000
0.05(1.3) 2000 0.15(3.8) 6000 0.5(12.7) 13000
In selecting a tank capacitor with a
spacing between plates sufficient to
prevent voltage breakdown, the peak rf
voltage across a tank circuit under load,
but without modulation, may be taken between plates. Typical plate spacings are capacitor shaft and the dial. The section of
conservatively as equal to the dc plate or shown in Table 1 1 the shaft attached to the dial should be well
collector voltage. If the dc supply voltage Output tank capacitors should be grounded. This can be done conveniently
also appears across the tank capacitor, mounted as close to the tube as tem- through the use of panel shaft-bearing units.
thismust be added to the peak rf voltage, perature considerations will permit, to
making the total peak voltage twice the dc make possible the shortest capacitive path Tank Coils
supply voltage. If the amplifier is to be from plate to cathode. Especially at the Tank coils should be mounted at least
plate-modulated, this last value must be higher frequencies, where minimum cir- their diameter away from shielding to
doubled to make it four times the dc plate cuit capacitance becomes important,, the prevent a marked loss in Q. Except
voltage, because both- dc and rf voltages capacitor should be mounted with its perhaps at 28 MHz it is not important
double with 100-percent*amplitude modu- stator plates well spaced from the chassis that the coil be mounted quite close to the
lation. At the higher voltages, it is desirable or other shielding. In circuits where the tank capacitor. Leads up to 6 or 8 inches
to choose a tank circuit in which the dc rotor must be insulated from ground, the are permissible. It is more important to
and modulation voltages do not appear capacitor should be mounted on ceramic keep the tank capacitor as well as other
across the tank capacitor, to permit the insulators of sizecommensurate with the components out of the immediate field of
use of a smaller capacitor with less plate plate voltage involved and most — the coil. For this reason, it is preferable to
spacing. >
important of all, from the viewpoint of mount the coil so that its axis is parallel to
Capacitor manufacturers usually rate safety to the operator — a well-insulated the capacitor shaft, either alongside the
their products in terms of the peak voltage coupling should be used between the capacitor or above it.

-6-33 Chapter 6

—————————— often employed, as the small inductance Circuit Description
values required for a lumped inductance
Table 12 The schematic diagram of the transmit-
become difficult to fabricate.
Wire Sizes for Transmitting Coils for Tube ter is displayed at Fig. 50. Ql and
Transmitters * RF Chokes associated components comprise a
Power Colpitts variable-frequency crystal
Band (MHz) Wire Size
The characteristics of any rf choke will
Input (Watts) oscillator. CI
used to adjust the fre-
vary with frequency, from characteristics
1000 28-2 6
Q resembling those of a parallel-resonant
quency of the oscillator and C2 is used to
1A 7 o
4C 4 Q limit the span of the oscillator. If no limit
circuit of high impedance, to those of a

J. a- l.o I v
is provided the oscillator can operate "on
500 28-21 8 series-resonant circuit, where the impe-
14-7 12 its own" and no longer be under the con-
dance is lowest. In between these extremes,
. 3.5-1.8 14
the choke will show varying amounts of
trol of the crystal —
an undesirable cir-
150 28-21 12
inductive or capacitive reactance.
cumstance. Supply voltage is fed to the
14-7 14 oscillator only during transmit and spot
3.5-1.8 18 In series-feed circuits, these characteris-
periods. This prevents the oscillator from

28-21 14 tics are of relatively small importance be-

75 interfering with received stations
14-7 18 cause the rf voltage across the choke is
3.5-1.8 22 negligible. In a parallel-feed circuit, how- operating on the same frequency.
25 or less* 28-21 18 ever, the choke is shunted across the tank Output energy from the oscillator is
14-7 24 circuit, and is subject to the full tank rf routed to Q2, a grounded-base amplifier.
3.5-1.8 28 This stage provides some gain, but more
voltage. If the choke does not present a
•Wire size limited principally by consideration of Q. sufficiently high impedance, enough power important, a high degree of isolation be-
will be absorbed by the choke to cause it tween the oscillator and the driver stage.
Pulling and chirp are virtually non-
to burn out.
To avoid this, the choke must have a
sufficiently high reactance to be effective
The driver stage uses a broadband
amplifier that operates Class A. Keying of
There are many factors that must be at the lowest frequency, and yet have no
this stage is accomplished by ungrounding
taken into consideration in determining series resonances near the higher-frequency
bands. the base and emitter resistors. C10 is used
the size of wire (see table 4) which should
to shape the waveform. Although the key-
be used in winding a tank coil. The con-
A VXO-Controlled Transmitter for 3.5 to ing is rather hard there is no evidence of
siderations' of form factor and wire size
21 MHz clicks.
which will produce a coil of minimum loss
The variable-crystal oscillator (VXO) Two MRF472 transistors are used in
are often of less importance in practice than
represents a convenient method for parallel for the power amplifier. These
the coil size that will fit into available
generating a highly stable, adjustable- transistors were designed for the Citizen
space or that will handle the required power
frequency signal. With the circuit shown Band service and work quite nicely at 14
without excessive heating. This is par-
of screen-grid in Fig. 50 the frequency spans shown in MHz. Each transistor is rated for 4-watts
ticularly true in the case
Table 11 can be realized. This circuit output which gives a margin of safety
tubes where the relatively small driving
makes use of fundamental-type crystals when operated at the 6-watt output level.
power required can be easily obtained
only and is therefore limited to frequen- L2 is used as a dc ground for the bases
even if the losses in the driver are quite
cies below roughly 25 MHz. Most crystals making the transistors operate Class C.
high. It may be considered preferable to
take the power loss if the physical size of produced for frequencies above 25 MHz The low output impedance at the collec-
are overtone types and will not work in tors is stepped up by a broadband
the exciter can be kept down by making
this circuit. Since the operator is apt to transformer to the 50-ohm impedance
the coils small.
Transistor output circuits operate at favor one portion of a band over another, level. A Chebyshev filter is used

a few crystals are all that is necessary for to a clean output signal. This
relatively low impedances because the
coverage of a part of the band. The transmitter exceeds current FCC specifica-
current is quite high. Coils should be
with transmitter, as shown, rated for 6 watts tions regarding spectral purity. D2 is used
made of heavy wire or strap, is

connections made for the lowest possible of output while running at the 10-watt dc to clamp the collector voltage waveform
resistance. At vhf, stripline techniques are input level. should the transmitter be operated into an

Fig. 49 — Photographs of the completed 6-watt, VXO-controlled transmitter. Miniature coaxial cable (RG-174/U) is used for connections between the
circuit board, connectors and switches for all runs carrying rf energy.

HF Transmitting 6-34
open circuit or high SWR
antenna system. a dead short to a wide-open load will
The transmitter designed to operate into
is cause no damage to a VMOS power FET.
a load that is close to 50 ohms resistive. Damage can occur as a result of excessive
SI is used as the transmit/receive operating voltages on the gate or drain,
switch. One section transfers the antenna just as when using too much voltage on
to an accompanying receiver or the output the grids or plate of a vacuum tube. The
of the transmitter strip. Another section is same rules apply to drain current (ex-
used to activate the VXO during transmit cessive dissipation) versus plate current.
and the third section is provided for Finally, excessive heat will ruin a tran-
receiver muting purposes. sistor as it will when tubes are permitted to
run too hot.
It is convenient to regard a VMOS
The majority of the circuit components device in the same fashion as we might
are mounted on a double-sided, printed- perceive a triode vacuum tube. The major Fig. 51 —
Spectral display of the VXO-
circuit boards. One side of the
board is difference is that VMOS transistors use controlled transmitter. Here the transmitter is
etched with the circuit pattern and the lower operating voltages than tubes do, operated in the 20-meter band. The second har-
other side is left as a ground plane. A and the input and output impedances are monic is down 56 dB relative to the fundamen-
taloutput. Similar presentations were obtained
small amount of copper is removed from low, comparatively speaking. One can
on each of the other bands. This transmitter
around each hole on the ground-plane even dip the drain current during tuneup, complies with the current FCC specifications '

side of the board to prevent the leads from and monitor the current by means of a regarding spectral purity.
shorting to ground. A scale etching pat- drain meter.
tern and parts layout guide is shown in
Fig. 52.
Affixed to the front panel are the
transmit/receive switch, spot switch, and
the tuning capacitor. The rear apron sup-
ports the antenna and mute jacks, key
jack and binding posts.
a homemade cabinet measuring 3x6
X 8-1/4 inches (76 X 150 X 210 mm)
was used in the construction of this
transmitter. The builder may elect to build
his or her own cabinet from sheet
aluminum or circuit-board material. The
layout is not critical except that the lead
from the circuit board to CI should be
kept as short as possible — an inch or two

(25 to 51 mm) is fine,

The final transistors are heatsinked to
the ground plane of the circuit board
using mica washers and silicone com-
pound. With the normal transmit duty cy-
cle this heat sink is sufficient. If for some
reason the prospective builder plans long
key-down periods, an additional heat sink
connected to the tops of the transistors
would be helpful.
The only adjustment needed is that of
setting the VXO limit capacitor. This can ,

be done with the aid of a receiver. Using a

21 -MHz fundamental-type crystal, adjust
the capacitor for a maximum frequency
spread of approximately 10-15 kHz. If too
much frequency spread is available, in-
crease the amount of capacitance. Make a
final check with the receiver by listening
to the keyed signal from the transmitter. _i C 2 _£ci
It should be steady and chirp free. The \ Nlimit
spectral display of the transmitter is
shown in Fig. 51.
Low-Power VMOS Transmitter
for 3.5 to 28 MHz
Power FETs have a distinct advantage Fig. 50 — Schematic diagram of the VXO-controlled transmitter. All resistors are 1/4-watt carbon
types unless noted otherwise. All resistors are mylar or disc ceramic unless otherwise noted.
over power bipolar transistors: They are
Polarized capacitors are electrolytic or tantalum. Q4 and Q5 must be heat sinked to the circuit
virtually destruct-proof when handled board.
correctly. They do not go into thermal C1, C2, C3, C4, C6, C17 and C18 -
See Table 11. M1 — 0-1 mA meter, Calectro D1-91Z or equiv.
runaway, are not subject to secondary D1 — Zener diode, 9.1 V, W. 1 Q1, Q2, Q3 — Transistor, 2N2222A or equiv.
breakdown, and are immune to the poten- D2 — Zener diode, 36 V, W. 1 Q3 — Transistor, 2N3866 or equiv.
J1, J2 — Binding post. Q4, Q5 — Transistor, MRF-472 or equiv.
tially damaging effects of operating into
J3 — Key jack. R14 R17, incl. — Fixed resistor, 1.8 ohms,

incorrect loads. Therefore, anything from L1, L3, L4, L5 — See Table 11. 1/2 W:

6-35 Chapter 6

Fig. 52 — Scale etching pattern and parts layout guide tor the 6-watt transmitter. Gray areas represent unetched copper. One side of the board is a
complete ground plane.

Transmitter Circuit
block diagram of the transmitter is
provided in Fig. 54. It shows the switching
method used to change from the transmit
to receive modes, plus the keying circuit.
Q5 and the related components are built
as a separate module. In this model a
small piece of circuit board is used. It has
a group of 1/4-inch (6.3 mm) squares cut
into the copper-clad side by means of a
hacksaw. The pads serve as solder ter-
minals. The two resistors and three
capacitors in the base lead of Q5 are as
key-shaping components.
Fig. 55 shows the interior of the
transmitter. The keying transistor is at the
upper right, the PA below
module is just
it and the board is at
oscillator /doubler pc
the left of the first two. Although Fig. 54
indicates that S4B is used as a receiver-
muting switch, it has not been Wired into
the unit shown, and no muting jack has
been included on the back panel. The
U-shaped main chassis measures 5 X 7 x
2 inches (127 X 178 X 51 mm), the width
being the larger dimension. The chassis
and perforated cover are homemade from
aluminum stock which is 1/16 inch (1.6
mm) thick. The crystal switch (SI) is

R18 —
Meter shunt, 13-1/2 inches no. 26 T1, T2 — Broadband transformer, 10 turns no.
enamel wire wound on a high value 1-watt 24 enameled wire, bifilar wound on an
FT-37-43 core.
— Toggle switch, 3pdt. T3 —
Broadband transformer, 10 turns no. 24 Fig. 53 — Exterior of the W1FB VMOS
51 were
transmitter. The basics of this unit
52 — Push-button switch, spst, normally open. enameled wire on an FT-50-43 core.
53 — Toggle switch, dpdt. ,
Y1 —
See Table 11. treated in May 1979 QST.

HF Transmitting 6-36
mounted on the rear lip of the chassis.
Four enhancement-mode FETs are used
in the transmitter. Ql, Q2 and Q3 (Fig.
56) are Siliconix VN66AK devices in

* - 3/4" DIA. SINK TO-39 cases. Supertex VN0106N-2 VMOS

Rl " SELECT FOR METER USED FETs are suitable as direct substitutes.'
DBLR. ARROWS INDICATE DIRECTION Crown heat sinks are required on all three
OF SIGNAL AND VOLTAGE transistors (Thermalloy 2215B or equiv.).
To ensure operation as an oscillator, Ql
HO >-
PA. requires a forward voltage on the gate. A
ANT. Pierce oscillator is used at Ql, with one
o r> — I ot V-
winding of broadband transformer Tl
being the drain impedance. CI C2 and C3 ,

are feedback capacitors. Source capacitor

t S5B
Cs controls the amount of degenerative
feedback in the oscillator. It may or may
not be required. This depends upon the
type of crystals used at Y1-Y4 (crystal ac-
tivity). If low oscillator output is noted, or
if a chirpy cw note is obtained, Cs should

be included. Use only that amount of

capacitance which will ensure proper
oscillation. Typical values range from 10 100 pF.
Tl supplies drive to push-push doubler
Q2/Q3 at a phase difference of 180°. The
drains of the doubler are in parallel and
tapped toward the B + end of LI to effect
an impedance match between the doubler
and the gate of the PA transistor. Fig. 57
shows the board pattern and parts layout
to scale.

Fig. — Block diagram of the VMOS transmitter. The arrows indicate the direction of dc and the
Circuit details for the PA stage are
signal. Q5 is the-keying switch. It may be eliminated by keying the B+ line to Q1 directly. J1-J4,
given in Fig. 58. A Siliconix VN67AJ or
incl. are single-hole mount phono jacks. J5 is a two-circuit phone jack. M1 is a 500-mA instru- Supertex VN1206N-1 (TO-3 case) is
ment. A 0-1 mA meter can be used by adding a suitable shunt at R1. A Simpson no. 2121 (1-1/2 employed Q4. It is insulated from its
inch — 38 mm) diameter meter is seen in Fig. 53. S2-S5, incl. are miniature toggle switches. homemade U-shaped heat sink (1 x 2 x
1-1/4 inch —
25 X 51 x 32 mm) by
means of a standard TO-3 size mica
wafer. The Q4 mounting screws must pass
through holes large enough to prevent
contact between the transistor case (com-
mon to the drain), the heat sink and cir-
cuitground. Final checks should be made
with anohmmeter before applying power.
Silicone grease is spread on both sides of
the mica washer before assembly, plus on
the bottom surface of the heat sink.
A half-wave low-pass filter is used at
the PA
input to suppress harmonic cur-
rents in the drive to
Q4. It is designed for
a bilateral impedance of 150 ohms and a
Ql of 1. The 35 pF input capacitance
(C iss ) of Q4 is absorbed into the network
at C7.
RFC1-RFC4 of Fig. 56 and RFC6 of
Fig. 58 are 950-mu miniature ferrite
beads. They are necessary to damp vhf
parasitic oscillations. Drive is applied to
the PA gate across a 150-ohm resistor if
Class C operation is desired. For Class AB
use, Rl is added and the gate-to-ground
resistor is changed to 160 0.

'Siliconix Incorporated, 2201 Laurelwdod Rd., Santa

Clara, CA 95054. Tel. 408-988-8000.
Supertex, Inc., 1225 Bordeaux Dr., Sunnyvale, CA
94086. Tel. 408-744-0100. Order VMOS devices
Fig. 55 — Interior view of the transmitter. Details are given in the text.
from Sue Short.
orders less than $100.
$2 handling fee is required for

6-37 Chapter 6
3.5-29 MHz

k' OOO, M'lOOO 000.


Fig. - Schematic diagram of the VMOS exciter strip. Fixed-value capacitors are disc ceramic unless otherwise noted. Resistors are 1/2-W com
position unless indicated otherwise.

C1-C3, incl. Silver-mica feedback capacitor.RFC1-RFC4, — Miniature 950-mu ferrite

Cs — See text. bead by Amidon Assoc.

RFC5 — 10 turns no. 20 enam. wire on Amidon Y1-Y4, incl — Fundamental crystal at one half
C4 — Miniature air variable, 100 pF (Hammar-
T50-43 (950 mu, diam.) ferrite toroid. the desired operating frequency. Sockets are
lund MAPC-100-B or equiv.) Arco 424 mica 0.5-in.

trimmer can be used. If trimmer is used, S1 — Single-pole, 4-position, single-wafer F-605 pc mount. These and the crystals are
mount it on the pc board. phenolic switch. type GP, 30 pF load capacitance in HG-6/U
L1, L2 —
See Table 14. T1 — See Table 14. type cases.


or K ia e
31 <*

ilk 560k ft

-VW- 02 R
£§ 5
V2— — |j- J_

150 01
*-j,0.0 •ft
o Q3 RFC4

— -


T "^4 op . RFOS


OF H6. 2

Fig. 57 — Scale pattern and layout of the exciter board. Parts marked with an asterisk (*) are mounted on the etched side of the board.

The PA tapped near the B +

drain is oscillograph is seen at Fig. 59. It was for the various component values are pro-
end of L5 to provide an impedance match taken while using an HP
analyzer. Q4 was vided in Table 10.
to the load. FL2 removes excessive har- operating in Class AB, which provides C12 of Fig. 58 must be added between
monic currents from the transmitter out- somewhat better spectral purity than is the rf modules if Class AB operation is
put, making the spectral purity con- obtained under Class C conditions. planned. It prevents the gate bias from
siderably better than that required by pre- LI, L2, L5, L6, FL1 and FL2 must be being short-circuited to ground.
sent. FCC regulations. A spectral built for the band of operation. Details If a VN67AJ is not readily available for

HF Transmitting 6-38





Fig. 58 —
Schematic diagram of the VMOS power amplifier. Fixed-value capacitors are disc ceramic unless otherwise noted. Resistors are
C8 —50-pF miniature air variable (Hammar- board. See Table 10. L7 —
10 turns no. 20 enam. wire on Amidon
lund MAPC-50-B or equiv.). Arco 424 mica C5, C6, C7, C9, C10, C11 —
See Table 10.
- FT-50-43 ferrite toroid (0.5-in. dia, 950 mu).
trimmer suitable. If used, mount on pc L3, L4, L5, L6, L8, L9 —
See Table 10. RFC6 —
Miniature 950-mu ferrite bead.


Fig. 59 -r Spectral display of the transmitter

output while delivering 6.5 watts to a 50-0 dum-
my load. Horizontal scale is 10 MHz/div. Ver-
tical scale is 10 dB/div. The white line at the
left is the zero reference of the analyzer. The
three responses to the right of the full-scale
carrier blip are the second, third and fourth
harmonics, respectively. All spurs are -56 dB
or greater below peak carrier power.

use at Q4, a Supertex VN0106N can be

used as a direct substitute: VMOS devices
with a built-in gate-source Zener diode TOSEiB
OF -t(> 2
should be avoided in this transmitter. The * -MOUNT'ON BOTTOM be 3OAR0
Zener diode increases the C iss limits the
A — NO. 6 HOLE

upper-frequency characteristics of the

transistor and clamps the rf drive voltage Fig. 60— Scale pattern and parts layout for the VMOS PA module. Parts marked by an asterisk (•

+ A VN89AA are mounted on the etched side of the board.

at 15. Siliconix was tested
at Q4. Power output at i\ MHz was ap-
proximately 1.5 watts lower than when
using the VN67AJ. This was caused by the
built-inZener diode. Performance was note. The tank circuits of Q2/Q3 and Q4 A scale pattern and parts layout for the
otherwise satisfactory. suppress the oscillator frequency by some PA circuit board is given in Fig. 60.
The oscillator (Ql) operates at half fre- 80 dB when they are tuned exactly to Both rf modules use double-clad pc
quency in order to restrict chirp on the cw resonance. board. The foil on the component side

6-39 Chapter 6
The front and rear panels of the trans-
mitter sprayed with Aerosol-can
Table 13
enamel paint of the builder's choice. The
Component Values for the VXO Controlled, 6-Watt Transmitter aluminum surfaces are first abraded with
sandpaper to aid the paint in adhering to
oo, PI 7 L3 vxo
A RanQG the metal surfaces. Soap and hot water
Band C1 C2 C4 Co LI /

80 M 365 ~ 220 1UU pon 6

KO T°i
urnb OQ Turnc W
OJ TrirnQ
Ull 13
1 3-5 kHz should be applied liberally to the metal
T-37-2 T-502 T-502 surfaces prior to painting. Moisture and
M 100 470 40 Turns 21 Turns 25 Turns 6-8 kHz
40 365 finger marks should not exist on the metal
T-37-2 T-50-2 T-50-2
30 Turns 18 Turns 22 Turns 8-10 kHz to be painted. Dymo tape labels are used
30 M 150 68 50 330
(10 MHz) T-37-2 T-50-2 T-50-2 to identify the controls. The tape should
20 M 50 10 50 50 240 35 Turns 16 Turns 19 Turns 10-12 kHz be of a color that matches the painted sur-
T-37-6 T-50-6 T-50-6
faces, thereby imparting a professional
15 M 50 10 33 33 150 27 Turns 15 Turns 18 Turns 12-14 kHz
T-37-6 T-50-6 T-50-6 decor.
The top cover can be made of solid
aluminum if desired. Metal L brackets can
be mounted on the right and left edges of
the chassis bottom to permit affixing the
cover at two points. No. 6 sheet-metal
vides clearance between the chassis and screws are suitable for the purpose.
serves as a ground plane to reduce un-
wanted rf ground loops an aid to— the etched sides of the boards. It also en-
2 sures a secure grounding method for the
ground foils on the boards. Checkout should include visual inspec-
Assembly Notes All rf leads between the boards and tion forunwanted solder bridges on the pc
their related panel controls are shielded. boards. Check also to make certain that
The pc boards are-supported above the
Miniature RG-174/U 50-fl coax cable was no poor solder joints exist. Finally, test
chassis on metal standoff posts. This pro-
used in the version described here. The the B + lines by means of an ohmmeter to
boards, negatives and parts kits are available from shield braids are grounded at each end of ensure that no short circuits are present.
Circuit Board Specialists, P. O. Box 969, Pueblo,
CO 81002. Tel. 213-722-2000. each cable. A 24-volt regulated power supply is re-

Table 14
Coil and Capacitor Data for the 5-Band VMOS Power FET Transmitter

L6 L8, L9 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9, C11 C10

Band 11 L1 L2 L3, L4, L5
(pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF) (pF)

15 trifilar turns 24jiH. 60 turns 15 turns 6mH. 37 21 M H. 36 10 turns 2 M H. 21

no. 28enam. wire no. 28 ins. turns of no. turns of no. of no. 22 turns no.
80 no. 28 enam. 1500
28 enam. 24 enam. ins. wire 26 enam. 270 560 220 140 820
wire (10 twists on T68-2 toroid wire over
Tap 37 turns RFC5 end wire on wire on over L7 wire on
per inch) on an core.
FT50-43 ferrite above RFC5 end. of L1. T37-2 toroid T68-2 toroid end of T37-2
core. core. Tap at L5. toroid core.
toroid core.
8 turns.

7jiH. 35 turns of 8 turns of 3.22fiH. 27 6 M H. 32 9 turns 1 M H. 15

no. 24 enam. wire no. 24 ins. turns of no. turns of no. of no. 22 turns of
on T68-2 toroid wire over 26 enam. 24 enam. ins. wire no. 22
40 910
wire on over L7 enam. wire 150 300 120 140 470
core. Tap at RFC5 end wire on
20 turns above of L1. T37-2 T68-2 toroid end of on T37-2
RFC5 end. toroid core. core. Tap L5. toroid core.
6 'turns
above L7.

2mH. 20 turns of 5 turns of 1.65mH. 20 ^.8^tH.1? 5 turns 0.55mH.

no. 22 enam. wire no. 24 ins turns of no. turns of no. of no. 22 11 turns of
20 470
wire over 26 enam. 22 enam. ins. wire no. 22 enam. 75 150 39 100 220
on T68-6 toroid
core. Tap 11 turns RFC5 end wire on T37-2 wire on T68-6 over L7 wire on
15 trifilar above RFC5 end. of L1. toroid core. toroid core. end of L5. T37-2
Tap 4 turns toroid core.
turns (10 twists
per inch) of above L7.
no. 28 enam. 4 turns of 0.37|iH.
0.7(iH. 12 turns 3 turns of 1.1 M H. 17 VH. 14
wire on an turns of no. no. 22 ins. 9 turns of
15 of no. 22 enam. no. 22 ins. turns of no.
FT50-61 wire over no. 22 enam. 50 100 18 50 150 300
wire on T68-6 wire over enam. wire 20 enam.
ferrite toroid L7 end of wire on
toroid core. Tap RFC5 end onT37-2 wire on T68-6
core. toroid core. L5. T37-2
7 turns above of L1. toroid core.
RFC5 end. Tap 3 turns toroid core.
above L7.

0.5(iH. 10 turns 2 turns of 0.8mH. 14 0.8mH. 13 3 turns of 0.28mH.

of no. 22 enam. no. 22 ins. turns of no. turns of no. no. 22 ins. 8 turns of
10 100 200
22 enam. 20 enam. wire over no. 22 39 75 50
wire on T68-6 wire over
toroid core. Tap RFC5 end wire on T37-2 wire on T68-6 L7 end of enam. wire
6 turns above of L1. toroid core, toroid core. L5. on T37-2
RFC5. Tap 3 turns toroid core.
above L7.

All cores other than for T1 are powdered iron. Cores and ferrite beads for this circuit were furnished via courtesy of Amidon Assoc., N. Hollywood,
CA 12033.

HF Transmitting 6-40
quired for this circuit. It should be
negative feedback voltage through a
capable of delivering at least 600 of mA separate one-turn winding. The charac-
current continuously. It needs to be well
teristic impedance of ac and bd (windings
Filtered so that a T9 cw note will result.
mm on T2) should be approximately equal to
Positive keying is used if a solid-state
the collector-to-collector impedance of Ql
keyer is employed. A bug or straight key is and Q2, but it is not critical. For physical
suitable if a keyer is not desired.
Tuneup entails adjusting the doubler
HH i» mm
convenience a bifilar winding is used. The
center-tap of T2 is really be, but for stabi-
tank for a dip in drain current. Alter- lization purposes, b and c are separated by
natively, C4 can adjust for maximum
. . * ' rf chokes which are bypassed individually.
drain current (optimum drive) at Q4.
rent at Q4.
C8 is adjusted for a dip in drain cur-
n -~ ,'
IP Construction

A scale pc-board template is shown in

This transmitter is designed to work in- Fig. 64. Double-sided board is used, and
to a 50-0 load. If the antenna is SWR patterns are shown for each side of the
much above 1.5:1, a Transmatch is re- board.
commended to assure that FL2 looks into All parts are mounted on the circuit
the required 50 fi. A proper match will
board. The MRF454s are soldered to the
result in maximum power transfer to the
board, but the flanges are bolted tightly to
antenna. Output from this transmitter will Fig. 61 —
The completed 140-watt amplifier
the heat sink. Apply a thin layer of silicone
vary from 6 to 7 watts in Class AB (5 to 6 board and heat sink. D1 is mounted on the
underside of the circuit board sandwiched be- grease to Ql, Q2 and Dl where they will
watts for Class C). Amplifier efficiency
tween the board and the heat sink. contact the heat sink. This aids in efficient
for Class C operation is roughly 85 per-
heat transfer. The board is attached to the
cent, whereas an efficiency of 79 percent
heat sink by means of five screws. They
was observed during Class AB conditions.
are tapped into the heat sink: Four are at
The standing drain current of Q4 is ap- the frequency range this amplifier is the board corners, and the fifth goes
proximately 40 mA
for Class AB service, designed for. An input frequency-correction through the board, through Dl, and into
for Class C use it is approximately zero. network is employed to give a gain flat- the heat sink.

A 140-W Solid-State Linear Amplifier

ness response of better than 1 dB across A large heat sink is required for proper
the band. Rl, R2 and the associated 5600- dissipation of heat. A
nine-inch (229-mm)
Solid-state technology has progressed pF shunt capacitors comprise the input- length of Thermalloy 6153 or a seven-inch
to the point where devices capable of correction network. With the negative (178-mm) length of Aavid Engineering
producing up to 100-watts output in the hf feedback applied via R3 and R4 through 60140 extrusion is suitable for 100-percent
range are available at reasonable cost. L5, the equivalent of an attenuator is
This unit, designed by K7ES, applies the
duty cycle operation (such as RTTY or
formed with frequency-sensitive charac- SSTV operation).
aforementioned technology to a broad- teristics. At 30 MHz the input power loss
band linear-amplifier design. Power out- is 1 to 2 dB, increasing to 10 to 12 dB at Tune Up and Operation
put 140 watts from 1.6 to 30 MHz. The
is 1.6 MHz. The gain variation of the rf tran- Since this is a broadband amplifier, no
amplifier described here originally ap- sistors is the reciprocal of this, resulting in tuning adjustments are necessary. One
peared in QST for June and July 1977. a gain flatness of approximately 1 dB. In- need only set the bias control so that the
put VSWR better than 1.75 across the
The Circuit
amplifier draws 200 mA of quiescent
The MRF454
current. A
regulated power supply capable
transistor is specified for The input transformer, Tl, and the of delivering 13.6 volts dc at 25 A is re-
a continuous power output of 70 watts. output transformer, T3, are of the same quired for amplifier operation.
The maximum continuous current allow- type. The low-impedance windings consist If direct operation into an antenna is
able is 15 A. Maximum dissipation is of two pieces of metal tubing which are expected, filtering of the output is neces-
limited to 250 watts. The minimum shorted electrically at one end the — sary to meet FCC regulations for spectral
recommended collector idling current is opposite ends being the connections of the purity. The filters shown in Fig. 65 will
100 mA per device. windings (Fig. 63). The multiturn, high- provide more than sufficient harmonic at-
Fig. 62 shows the basic circuit. The bias impedance windings are wound through tenuation with less than 1 dB of loss at the
supply uses active components rather than the tubing so that the low- and high- operating frequency.
trie common diode clamping scheme. impedance winding connections are at Collector efficiency is in the vicinity of
Some advantages of this system are opposite ends of the transformer. Alterna- 50 percent. IMD products are typically 32
line-voltage regulation capability, low tively, copper braid can be substituted for to 34 dB below PEP. Power gain is
standby current, and a wide range of the metal tubing. The braid can be taken approximately 15 dB, which means that
voltage adjustment. With the component from the coaxial cable of the proper approximately 5 watts will drive the
values shown the bias is adjustable from diameter. This is exemplified in Fig. 63B. amplifier to the rated output of 140 watts.
0.5 to 0.9 volt. The 0.5-ohm resistor The primary and secondary coupling The spectral displays for harmonics and
between pins 1 and 10 of the MC1723 sets coefficientis determined by the length- IMD are shown in Fig. 66.
the current-limiting point of the chip at to-diameter ratio of the metal tubing or
1.35A. Temperature-compensating diode braid, plus the gauge and insulation The Novice "1/4 Gallon"
Dl is added for bias tracking as the power thickness of the wire used for the
Some Novice class licensees own trans-
devices heat up. This circuit prevents high-impedance winding. high coupling A mitters that are not capable of running the
thermal runaway. The base-emitter junc- coefficient is necessary for good high- maximum legal-power input for that class
tion of a 2N5190 is used as this diode.
Physical dimensions of the 2N5190 allow
frequency response. Both transformers license —250 watts. This amplifier was
are loaded with ferrite material to provide designed primarily with this in mind.
it to be used as the center standoff post of sufficient low-frequency inductance. Approximately 25 watts of power are
the circuit board, ensuring adequate ther- The collector choke (T2) provides an required to drive the amplifier to 165-
mal bonding of the diode junction to the artificial center-tap for T3. This produces watts output on 80 meters. If a 75-watt
heat sink. even-harmonic cancellation. Additionally, transmitter is used to drive the amplifier,
Device input impedances vary across T2 is a low-impedance point that supplies the transmitter output should be reduced

6-41 Chapter 6

Rf 50-OHM



BIAS .68>|F .68juF



500 juF


n.c. I

a ^ - Circuit diagram of the 140-watt amplifier.
62 All capacitors except part of C1, C2 and the electrolytic types are ceramic chips. Capacitors
Others are type 1813 or size 18, respectively.
w ith values higher than 82 pF are Union Carbide type 1225 or Varadyne size 14.

C;1 - 760 pF (two 470-pF chip capacitors in 03 - 2N5989 or equiv. T2 -

6 turns no. 1 8 enameled wire bifHar wound
Ferrite core: Stackpole 57-9322, mH„n»
r»,„. Indiana
parallel with an 820-pF silver mica). R1, R2 -Two ohm, 1/2W, in parallel
C2 — R3, R4 — Two5.6 ohm, 1 12 W, in parallel. General F627-8 Q1 or equiv.
1000-pF disc ceramic.
D1 — 2N5190 or equiv. T1— Primary: 3 turns no. 22 insulated wire. T3 — Primary: Braid ortubing loop. Secondary: 4
Secondary: Braid ortubing loop. Core material: turns no. 8 insulated wire. Core material: Two
L1, L2— Ferrite choke, Ferroxcube VK200 .1

Stackpole 57-3238 ferrite sleeves (7D material)

19/4B. Stackpole 57-1 845-24B, Fair-Rite Products
L3, L4 — Two Fair-Rite Products ferrite beads 2873000201 or two Fair-Rite Products 0.375- or a number of toroids with similar magnetic
characteristics and 0.175-inch sq. (1 13-mm
(2673021801 or equiv.) on no. 16 wire. inch OD x 0.2-inch ID x 0.4 inch (9.5 X 5.1 x
mm), Material-77 beads A sq.) total cross-sectional area.
L5— 1 turn through torroid of T2. 10.2 for type
_ Motorola MC1723G or equiv.
Q1,Q2 — MRF454. (Fig. 63A) transformer. UT

to a level just sufficient to drive the ampli- from a transmitter that has more than The power supply uses an old TV-set
enough power to drive the amplifier than transformer that has three secondaries:
fier to its full-power input. This can usual-
it is to boost the output from a transmitter 600, 6.3 and 5.0 volts. The 600-volt
ly be accomplished by lowering the drive
that provides insufficient drive. Class B winding supplies the full-wave bridge rec-
to the transmitter output stage and re-
operation was chosen for {hat reason. tifier with ac energy. Dc output from the

The Circuit
The main ingredient in this amplifier is

a pair of 6KD6 television-sweep tubes (see

Fig. 68. Although the tubes are rated at 33
watts of plate dissipation, they can
handle temporary overloads of at least
100 watts without sustaining permanent
damage. These tubes were chosen over
811s or 572Bs because they can often be
"liberated" from old television sets or can
be purchased new from most TV service
Dll, an 11 -volt Zener diode, provides
cathode bias for. the tubes and establishes
the operation as Class B. That class of
amplifier requires less driving power than Fig. 63 — Shown are the two methods of constructing the transformers as outlined in the text. At

does a Class C stage for the same power the the one-turn loop
left, is made from brass tubing; at the right, a piece of coaxial cable braid is

output. It is easier to reduce the output used for the loop.

HF Transmitting 6-42

<g)<g) ® (g>


0.68^f| q |68mf|

8 ci **C1

W B L5
k E
fe) X 680PF

R3- R4
110(4F/20V R3— R4

— ®M 62)
— R2
5 60 Op

B opf

Tl 390PK

® — 150£2- ®" 20H/5W

-100012- __ 5n .
/Srvv iooopf I
lOOOVV^'J 18K C2



o£ « tta WJ^a rtlS tX'"-

GraV areaS rePreS6nt Un6tChed C0PPer
PaUern 3t the
e,t iS
0r the tOP Side f ,he board
° and the

rectifier assembly is filtered by means of plate current. One should be careful if Construction
three 330-^F capacitors. The 47-kfi resis- working near the meter with the power
tors across each of the capacitors equalize on, as full plate potential will be present Perhaps the best way to classify this
the voltages across the capacitors and between each of the meter leads and amplifier would be to call it a "junker
drain the charge when the power supply ground. Caution: Turn off and unplug the type" amplifier. Every attempt was made
isturned off. Equalizing resistors are used amplifier before making any changes or to keep the amplifier as simple and easy to
across each of the diodes to ensure that adjustments. build as possible. The only critical values
the reverse voltage will divide equally be-
tween the two diodes in each leg. The
capacitors across each diode offer spike
protection. Each 6KD6 draws 2.85 am-
peres of filament current. Both filaments Fig. 65 — This table
are connected in parallel across the 6.3- shows the values for
seven-pole Chebyshev
volt transformer winding. The 5-volt
low-pass filters suitable
winding is connected in series with the 6.3- foruse with the
volt winding; the total (11,3 volts) is rec- amplifier. These filters
tified, filtered, and used to power the have been designed
around standard
Band Fc (MHz) VSWR capacitance values for
A 0-50 jiA meterused to measure the
160 2.02 1.09
C1, C7 C3, C5 L2, L6 L4
each of the capacitors.
1200 2700 5.42 6.41
plate voltage and current. The meter reads 80 4.11 Capacitance values are
1.07 560 1300 2.62 3.13
0-1000 in the plate- volts position and 40 7.98 in pF and inductance
1.08 300 680 1.37 1.62
0-500 mA
in the plate-current position. A 20 15.16 1.09 160 360 .72 .85
values are in ^H. This in-
formation was prepared
15 21.69 1.06 100 240
0.26-ohm shunt placed in the high-
is .49 .59
by Ed Wetherhold,
10 36.85 1.10 68 150 .30
voltage lead to facilitate metering of the .36

6-43 Chapter 6
Fig. 67 —The completed quarter-kilowatt
Fig.66 -
Spectral photographs of the output from the 140-watt
amplifier. The display at the left

was taken with the amplifier operating on the 80-meter band. At the right is a close
look at the
^ D „ tier
to 34 dB below
IMD products generated by the amplifier. Third-order products are down some 32

- composition type unless otherwise specified. Fixed-value

Fig. 68 Schematic diagram of the 1/4-kilowatt amplifier. Resistors are the 1/2-watt
capacitors are disc ceramic unless otherwise noted. Polarized capacitors are

— L1 — 1 8 turns B & W3022 coil. The entire coil is Amidon FT-82-72 core.
B1 1 17-Vac blower.

Variable capacitor, 340 pF maximum, used for 80-meter.operation and is tapped for RFC2, RFC5 —
Rf choke, 2.5 mH, 500 mA.
(Millen 19335 or equiv.) the other bands as follows: 7-1/2 turns for 40 RFC3, RFC4 —
15 turns no. 14-enam. wire on an

C2 —
Variable capacitor, 1 095 pF maximum meters; 13-1/2 turns for 20meters; 14-1/2 turns
Amidon FT-82-72 core.

Spst toggle switch* 4 A.
for 15 meters; 15-1/2 turns for 10 meters. Turns
(surplus 3-section 365-pF variable).

Silicon diodes, 1000 Volt, 2 A. are measured from C2 end of coil. 52 —
Dpdt toggle switch, low current type.
D1 - D8, incl.
— Silicon diode, 50 M1 — Panel meter 0-50»A, Calectro D1-910 or 53 —
Spst toggle switch, low current type.
54 — Single-pole, 5-position ceramic rotary
D9 V< 1 A.

D10— lamp assembly, 12

Pilot V. equiv.
D11 — Zener diode, 11 50 W. R1 — Meter shunt, 10 feet (3.048m) no. 24 enam. switch, single-wafer type.
T1 — Television transformer (see
J1 J2 — Coaxial connector, SO-239. wire wound of a large ohmic value 2-watt
Z1, Z2 — 5 turns no. 18 enam. wire on a 47-ohm,

J3 — Connector, phono type. composition resistor.

K1 — Dpdt 12-V
relay, 2-A contacts.
field, RFC1 — 20 turns no. 24 enam. wire on an 1-watt resistor.

HF Transmitting 6-44
noninductive dummy load. Connect the
relay control line to the transmitter or
external antenna-relay contacts. Then
plug in the line cord and turn the power
switch to the on position. With the meter
switch in the plate volts position,
the reading on the meter should be
approximately 425, which corresponds to
850 volts. If the power transformer used
has a high- voltage secondary other than

600 volts, the reading will vary according-

ly. Ifno plate voltage is indicated by the
meter, check your wiring for possible er-
Fig. 69 —
An inside view of the amplifier. C1 is
located at the lower right. C2 is mounted rors or defective components. Next, place
below the chassis and is connected to L1 meter the plate current posi-
using a feedthrough insulator.
Fig. 70 —
Underside of the amplifier. Compo-
tion, the band switch to the 80-meter nent layout is not particularly critical.
band, and apply a small amount of drive

are those for the amplifier plate-tank

to the amplifier — enough to make the
circuitry.Reasonable parts substitutions
meter read 50 mA (5 on the meter scale). The Circuit
With the plate-tank loading control fully
elsewhere in the circuit should have little The power tube is used in the grounded-
meshed, quickly adjust the plate tuning
or no effect on the performance of the cathode configuration (Fig. 72). If the
capacitor for a dip in plate current. Apply
amplifier. For example, if 330- uF filter tube to be used is a tetrode, the screen and
more drive (enough, to make the meter
capacitors are not available, 250- or grid should be tied together to simulate a
'read 100 mA), advance the loading con-
300-uF units could be substituted. They triode. The 0.01 -fiF disc capacitors
trol approximately one-eighth turn and from
shouid be rated at 450 volts or greater to
readjust the plate tuning control for a dip each cathode terminal to ground provide
provide a margin of safety. If a 0.001-W F
in the plate current. Continue this proce- a low-impedance rf path, effectively by-
is not on hand
plate-blocking capacitor
dure until the plate-current maximum dip passing the cathode to ground. Grid vol-
and a 0.005mF unit is, use it. Builders tage is developed across a low resistance,
isapproximately 300 mA. The final value
often attempt to match parts exactly to
of plate current at which the amplifier Rl, which coinciderttally maintains a con-
the type specified in a schematic or parts
should be run depends on what the plate stant load impedance for the exciter and
list. A
few projects are this critical in
voltage is under load. In our case this prevents instability.
nature, but the majority, including this
value was 800 volts. Therefore, the amount The output circuit is a pi-network. The
one, are not. values for the pkte-tank components
of current corresponding to 250 watts in-
The transformer used in this amplifier depend on the plate load impedance of the
put is approximately 310 mA. (I = P/E, I
was garnered from an old TV set. Any - 250/800, = tube. This is a function of the plate
1 3 12.5 mA.) The same tune-up
hefty transformer with a high-voltage voltage and the plate current. To allow the
procedure should be followed for each of
secondary between 550 and 700 volts builder flexibility in power-supply re-
the other bands. The amplifier efficiency
should be adequate. Most of these quirements, Table 15 lists the pi-network
on 80 through 20 meters is approximately
transformers will have multiple low- values needed for different plate voltages.
65 percent, dropping to 60 percent on 15
voltage secondaries suitable for the tube The computed
meters. On 10 meters, efficiency is slightly
values assume the use of
filaments and relay requirements.
less than 50 percent. Poor efficiency on appropriate plate current for 1 kilowatt
The chassis used to house the amplifier input at the plate voltage given. Observe
the higher bands is caused primarily by
happened to be on hand and measured 3 X the high-output capacitance characteris- the maximum tube ratings when choosing
10 X
14 inches (76 X 254 X 356 mm). No a power-supply voltage.
tics of sweep tubes.
doubt the amplifier could be constructed High voltage goes to the plate through
on a smaller chassis. The beginner is
RFC The choke is wound
A "Universal" Three-Band Linear
1 . in such a way
cautioned not to attempt to squeeze too
as to reduce its distributed capacitance
much in too small a space. Amplifier
over conventionally wound choke.
The front, rear, side and top panels are The cost for acan be asproject RFC3 prevents high voltage from ap-
constructed from sheet aluminum and important a goal as ultimate performance. pearing on the antenna should the
help to keep the amplifier "rf tight." Any The challenge of finding surplus or used plate-blocking capacitors (CI and C2)
air-flow openings are "screened" with electronic components for a project may short; it provides a dc path to ground,
perforated aluminum stock. The front- be even greater than the challenge of thereby blowing the power-supply fuse.
panel meter opening is shielded by means actual construction. This amplifier was
of an aluminum enclosure (a small designed to make use of the many tubes
Minibox would serve quite nicely). The available through surplus channels and
on-off power switch, pilot light, meter flea markets for bargain prices. Some
switch, band switch, tuning and loading commercial users employ these tubes and
controls, and amplifier in-out switch are remove them from service after a pre-
all located on the front panel. On the rear scribed period as part of preventive
panel are the amplifier input and output maintenance. These "pulls" still offer
connections, relay control jack and the thousands of hours of satisfactory use in
fuse holder. As can be seen from the amateur equipment.
photograph, a fan is located near the tube This amplifier is capable of running one
envelopes to keep them cool during kilowatt of dc input on the 160-, 80- and
operation. 40-meter amateur bands. The high-
frequency usefulness of the 833A in the
Setup and Operation
amplifier shown limits the usage to those
Attach the transmitter output to the three bands. Pi-network values are given
amplifier input connection. Then, join the for various surplus tubes: 4-400A,
output of the amplifier to a 50-ohm 4-250A, 304TH and 833 A (Table 15). Fig. 71 — Front panel of the amplifier.
6-45 Chapter 6







Fig. 72 — Schematic diagram of the three-band nplifier.

B1 — Muffin fan, 80 to 100 CFM suitable, 117 connector.


VAC. J3, J4 — Phono jack, panel mount. RFC3— 2.5-mH

choke (Millen- 34300-2500 or

C1, C2— 1000-pF transmitting capacitor, 5000 J5, J6—High-voltage connection, Millen 37001.
— 6turns no. 18 enam. on FT-37-43
volts (Centralab 858series). K1 —
Dpdt, 5-A contacts. Coil voltage is 24 dc.
C3 — Transmitting air variable, 200 pF, E. F. K2 —
Dpdt, 2-A contacts. Coil voltage is 24 dc.
Toroid core.
—Spst toggle switch.
Surplus E. F. Johnson inductor in this
Johnson 154-0016-001 orequiv. L1 .

52 — High voltage, single-pole, three-position,

C4 — Transmitting air variable, 1 000 pF Millen model. Use Table 6 values. Copper tubing
rotary switch, ceramic insulation (such as from
16999 orequiv. (0.25 inch dia.) suitable.
C5— 1000-pFtransmitting capacitor, 5000 volts, M1 — 500 mA dc. surplus BC-191 or -375E transmitter).
— 1 1 7-volt primary; secondary 24 V ac at 1 .2
Centralab 858 series. M2— 500 Vdc. T1
— V ct at 10 A.
C6 —
0.002-»F transmitting capacitor, 5000 R1 _50-ohm noninductive resistor, 50 W, Sage T2 1 1 7-volt primary; secondary 1

Hammond 167510.
volts, Centralab 858 series. 3550M or similar.
— R2— Meter multiplier resistor made from five 1.8 V1 — 833A, see text.
100 PRV, 1 A.
Z1 — Parasitic suppressor. 4 turns, no. 16 enam.
D1-D4, incl.
D5 —
Zener diode, 37V, 50 W. Mfl,-watt1 series.

D6 —
Zener diode, 23V, 50 W. RFC1 — See text and Fig. 76. wound around three 150rohm, 1-watt resistors

J1 J2,

SO-239 chassis-mounted coaxial RFC2 — 40 turns no. 24 enam. on T-80-2 Toroid connected in parallel.

Operating bias for the tube sets the a sealed box. All metal-to-metal bond
Table 15
operation to Class AB2. D5 and D6 raise areas should be cleaned carefully to
Pi-Network Values
the cathode potential above ground to guarantee good electrical contact. An
establish the appropriate idling current of abundance of fastening screws hold these 160 meters
the tube. When in the standby mode, relay seams together, further "RFI-proofing"
Plate Voltage C3 C4 L1
contacts switch to a different bias level, the box. Air is blown across the tube by
reducing plate current to zero. means of a muffin fan. Plenty of cooling 490 pF 2987 pF 17.83 nH
air not only stabilizes the tuning of the 2500 305 pF 2098 pF 27.59 <iH
Construction amplifier but also lengthens tube life. 3000 222 pF 1676 pF 37.29 «H
3500 193 pF 1676 pF 42.74 <iH
Construction is straightforward. While Many variations in switching, metering
the layout shown here proved ideal for the and power supplies are possible with a
80 meters
components on hand, many builders will unit such as this. The methods shown here
use parts other than the ones shown. are intended to be examples of the various 2000 252 pF 1536 pF 9.17 «H
Parts availability and in- 2500 157 pF 1079 pF 14.19 mH
Physical constraints may require different possibilities.
pF 862 pF 19.18 uH
3000 114
layout arrangements. The main con- dividual desires of the builder dictate the pF 21.98 »H
3500 99 pF 862
siderations are to keep lead lengths to a final design.

minimum, and to ensure adequate grounds 40 meters

Tune-up and Operation
where needed. »H
2000 114 pF 670 pF 5.03
A homemade box encloses the
sealed Because of the expected variations wH
2500 71 pF 451 pF 7.77
circuitry. Three potential problem areas between different amplifiers, there are no 3000 52 pF 341 pF 10.48 uH
dictate that in this, and all rf power ampli- hard and fast rules for tune-up. For initial 3500 45 pF 341 pF 12.02 uH

fiers, a shielded box is necessary. Safety tune-up less than full plate voltage is
These values normalized for a dc power input
considerations, both due to high dc and recommended. This permits a greater
of 1 kW.
high rf voltages, RFI reduction and ade- safety margin (both for the amplifier and
quate air cooling of the tube all necessitate the operator) if unexpected events occur.

HF Transmitting 6-46
Kl a plug-in type of relay with con-

tacts that are rated for 10amperes of cur-

rent. This relay plugs into an octal socket
that is located between the filament trans-
former and one of the 4-400A tubes. K2 is
a small spdt relay that was garnered from
the junk box and is of unknown origin.
Any similar relay should work fine.

The amplifier was build on a 10 4 14 x
3-inch (254 x 356 X 76-mm) aluminum
chassis. A heavy duty front panel was
constructed from a discarded rack panel
and measures 10 X 14 inches (254 X 356
mm) making the overall dimensions of the
amplifier 14 x 10 X 10 inches (356 X
254 x 254 mm).
Layout of the components is not
especially critical,however the builder

Fig. 73 —
RFC1 is wound on 1-1/4 inch (32-mm)
Fig. 74 — Interior view of the three-band should strive to keep the tank-circuitry
amplifier. The band switch is mounted to the leads as short as possible to avoid stray
diameter polystyrene rod as depicted.
front panel inside one end of the tank coil. capacitances and inductances. The general
layout of this amplifier can be seen in the
accompanying photographs.
Increase drive slowly while making ad- fed through a heavy duty bifilar-wound A flange made from Plexiglass tubing
justments, this again providing a safety choke which uses a 950 mu ferrite rod 1/2 and flat 1/4-inch Plexiglass stock is used
margin. Remember, hazardous voltages are inch (13 mm) in diameter and 7 inches to connect to the defroster hose. Part of
present in this amplifier, and these should (178 mm)long of material. Power is fed this flangeis visible in the photograph of
be respected at all times. directly into the filament without the aid the underneath of the chassis. An alter-
wattmeter is helpful during tune-up. of an input matching' network. The input native to building your own flange would
A goal of maximum output power VSWR is such that most transmitters be to purchase one from a supplier of cen-
consistent with high efficiency should be should have no difficulty in driving the vacuum cleaning systems. Of course,
sought. Efficiency on the order of 55 to 65 amplifier. thereis no reason the builder couldn't
percent can be expected. In order to The 8.2-volt Zener diode develops bias mount the blower directly on the rear
increase tube longevity, the manufac- and allows the tubes to run in Class AB. panel of the amplifier.
turer's maximum ratings should never be The 50-kfi/10 watt resistor in conjunction A aluminum cover (not
exceeded. with K2 cut. the amplifier off during shown photographs) is used to
in these
receive or standby periods. A
single 0-150 enclose the top of the amplifier. Good
An Economy 2-kW Amplifier mA panel meter is used to monitor either contact between this cover and the mating
The amplifier described here was built plate or grid current —
selectable with a surfaces is important for effective
with mostly junk-box components. A pair front-panel switch, S2. For plate-current shielding. Make sure to remove any paint
of 4-400A tubes are run in grounded-grid measurements the meter reads 0-1.5 to ensure a good metal-to-metal contact.
fashion and can develop 2-kW PEP input amperes (utilizing meter shunt R2) and
when driven from a 100- watt exciter. Ap- reads 0-450 mA for grid-current measure- Operation
proximately 40 watts of drive is required ments (using meter shunt Rl). This amplifier is designed to operate at
for 1-kW operation and 100 watts for A power supply capable of
small the1-kW level for cw operation and at the
2-kW operation. The amplifier makes use operating Kl and K2 is included in the 2-kW PEP level for ssb. This amplifier
of Eimac SK-410 air-system sockets and amplifier. An amplifier control jack was optimized for the 1500-watt level,
SK-406 chimneys. A blower, which is located on the rear apron of the amplifier thereby providing reasonable efficiency at
mounted is grounded for amplifier operation.
external to the amplifier chassis, both the 1 and 2 kW
levels without the
forces air through a length of automobile The pi network consists of two coils — need for switching the power-supply
defroster hose, approximately 2 inches one wound from 3/16-inch (4.7 mm) cop-
(51 mm) in diameter and is flexible, through per tubing and one wound from large
the pressurized chassis and out the air Mihiductor stock. The coil made from
system sockets and chimneys. By mount- copper tubing is wound in two different
ing the blower away from the amplifier, diameters. It starts out from the 4-400A
and therefore the operating position, this plates at the smaller diameter (for 10 and
"15 meters) and progresses
source of noise can be greatly reduced, if to the larger
not eliminated. diameter (for 20 meters) all with one con-
tinuous piece of tubing. A
portion of the
copper tubing is used on 40 meters along
The Circuit
with a length of Miniductor stock. The
The schematic diagram^of the amplifier builder may wishto end the copper tubing
is shown in Fig. 76. Relay Kl is used to coil at the 20-meter tap position and con-
switch "around" the amplifier during tinue on from that point with the Mini-
receive periods or when it is desired to ductor stock for 40 and 80 meters. The in-
bypass the amplifier. S4 allows the ductance values required for each band Fig. 75 —
This is a photograph of the front
operator to switch around the amplifier are given in Fig. 76 so that the builder may panel of the 4-440A amplifier. The amplifier is

while leaving it in a standby conditon, relatively compact, measuring 10 x 14 x 10

adapt junk-box coils for the tank cir-
inches (254 x 356 x 254 mm). The PEP input
ready for operation. Filament voltage is cuitry. for this amplifier is 2 kW.

8-47 Chapter 6
tubes. The circuit configuration is ground-
ed grid and uses no tuned-input tank
components. When properly adjusted, the
amplifier is capable of IMD charac-
teristics which are better than can
be achieved by a typical exciter, therefore
the added complexity of band switching a
tuned-input circuit was deemed unneces-


Building an amplifier such as this is

often an exercise in adapting readily
available components to a published
circuit. For this reason, a blow-by-blow
description of this phase of the project will
not be given. An effort was made,
however, to use parts which are available
generally, and should the builder desire,
this model could be copied verbatim.
The most difficult constructional prob-
lem is that of aligning the tube sockets
is imperative that the sockets
correctly. It
be aligned so that when the tubes are
mounted in place, the flat surfaces of the
anodes fit smoothly and snugly against
the thermal-link heat-transfer material.
Any misalignment here could destroy the
tubes (or tube) the first time full power is

applied. The mounting holes for the tube

sockets are enlarged to allow final
positioning after the tubes are "socked" in
place with the clamping hardware. Pres-
sure must be applied to the anodes so that
Fig. 76— Schematic diagram of the amplifier. A pair of 4-400A tetrodes are used, they are always snug against the thermal
C1, C4 — Transmitting ceramic, 1000 pF. or equiv.
link. The hardware used to perform this
C2 — Variable, 150 pF, 4500 V. Johnson 154-15 R1 — Grid meter shunt, 0.33 ohms. Wind 2 feet
function must be nonconducting material
or equiv. (610 mm) no. 32 wire on a large value or 1-
C3 — Variable, 1095 pF, receiving type, 3 sec- 2-watt resistor. capable of withstanding as much as
tion, 365 pF per section used here. R2 — Plate-meter shunt, 0.0733 ohms. Wind 1
250°C (482°F). The pressure bracket
J1, J2 — Coaxial connector, builder's choice. foot, inch (330 mm) no. 32 wire on a large
used here was fabricated from' several
J3 — Phono connector. value or 2-watt resistor.
Millen jack-bar strips (metal, clips removed)
K1 — Relay, dpdt, 12-volt field. RFC1 — Filament choke, 20 bifilar turns on no.
K2 — Relay, spdt, 12-volt field. 12 enameled or plastic covered wire on a mounted in back-torback fashion. The
L1 — Copper tubing, 3/16-inch (4.7 mm) 950 mu, 7 x 1/2 inch (178 x 13 mm) ferrite entire assembly is held in place by means
diameter. 6-1/2 turns at 2-inch (51 mm) dia- rod.
of a long piece of no. 10 threaded brass
meter tapering into 6 turns at 3-inch (76 mm) RFC2 — Plate choke, B&W 800 or equiv.
diameter. Tap at 5-1/4 turns for 10 meters, RFC3 — Choke, 2.5 mH, 300 mA. rod which passes through a small hole in
6-1/4 turns for 15 meters, 9-1/4 turns for 20 51 — Band switch, 5 position. Millen 51001 or the center of the heat sink. An attempt to
meters. (10 meters, 2.3 pH; 15 meters 3.2 equiv.
jiH; give meaningful comments about how
20 meters, 4.9 jiH. Note: stray inductances 52 — Toggle switch, spdt. tight the tubes should be pressured to the
must be subtracted from these figures.) S3, S4 — Toggle switch, spst.
copper and aluminum sink will not be given.
L2 — 14-1/2 turns no. 12 wire, 6 turns T1 — Filament transformer, 5 volts, 30
per inch. B&W 3033 or equivalent. Tap amperes, 117-volt primary. Stancor P6492 or Suffice it to say that the tubes should fit
at 4-3/4 turns from L1 end for 40 equiv. flat and snugly against the thermal hard-
meters. Use entire coil for 80 meters. T2 — Transformer, 12.6 volts, 300 mA. ware. The heat sink was purchased from
(40 meters, 9.6 jiH; 80 meters, Z1, Z2 — Parasitic suppressor, 2 turns 5/16
Thermalloy and is connected to a 1/4-inch
17.5 itH. Note: stray inductances inch (8 mm) wide copper strap wound around
must be subtracted from these figures.) three 100-ohm, 2-watt resistors in parallel. (6.3-mm) thick piece of ordinary copper
M1 — 0-150 mA panel meter. Simpson 06400 plate. The total cost for the copper and
the aluminum sink is somewhat more than
the price of a good centrifugal blower ($30)
but the savings offered by not having to
purchase special tube sockets and glass
chimneys overcomes the cost differential.
voltage. With 3400 volts on the plate, the dealing with high-power amplifiers is heat
1 kW plate current should be 294 mA and and how to reduce it. The usual method The RF Deck
the grid current should be roughly 100 has been to use a large fan or blower, but The two sections of the pi-L network
mA. At 2 kW
the plate current will be 588 this solution is generally noisy. By using are isolated from each other by placing
mA and the grid current approximately the principles of heat transfer, a noiseless one of them under the chassis. Although
200 mA. Idling plate current will run ap- amplifier can be made with the use of an not shown in the photograph, a shield was
proximately 120 mA. Efficiency on all adequate heat sink and conduction-cooled added to prevent rf energy from entering
bands should be roughly 60 percent. tubes. '
the control section underneath the chassis.
The amplifier shown photo-
in the The shield divides the chassis between the
A Conduction-Cooled 2-Kilowatt Amplifier graphs and schematically in Fig. 80 uses a tube sockets and the inductors. The

One of the major concerns when pair of 8873 conduction-cooled triode loading capacitor is mounted directly

HF Transmitting 6-48
Fig. 77 —A top view of the amplifier. The transmit/receive relay can be Fig. 78 — Photograph of the underside of the chassis. Component
seen between the filament transformer and one of the 4-400A tubes. placement is not critical. The builder should plan a layout that suits his
or her components.

beneath the plate-tuning capacitor. This

scheme provides an excellent mechanical
arrangement as well as a neat front-panel
The 8873s require a 60-second warmup
time, and accordingly, a one-minute
time-delay circuit is included in the
design. The amplifier IN/OUT
switch is
independent of the main power switch and
the time delay. Once the delay circuit
"times out," the amplifier may be placed
in or out of the line to the antenna,
whenever desired. A safety problem exists
here: There is no large blower running,
and there are no brightly illuminated —
Fig. 79 External view of the 8873 amplifier and power supply.
tubes to warn the operator that the
amplifier is turned on. Except for the pilot
lamp on the front panel, one might be
fooled into believing the amplifier is
turned off! And if the pilot lamp should
burn out, there is absolutely no way to tell
if the power is turned on (with the
resultant high voltage at the anodes of the
8873s). Beware!

Tuning a pi-L-output circuit is some-
what different from tuning a conventional
pi-network because the grid current
should be monitored closely. Grid current
depends on two items —
drive power and
amplifier loading. The procedure found to
be most effective is to tune for maximum
power output with the loading sufficiently
heavy to keep the grid current below the
maximum level while adjusting the drive
power for the proper amount of plate
current. The plate current for cw opera-
tion should be 450 mA
and approximately
900 mA under single-tone tuning conditions
for ssb. This presents a problem since it is
not legal to operate under single-tone tun- Fig. 81 —
top view of the 80-10 meter conduction-cooled amplifier. The chassis is 17 x 12 x 3
inches (432 x 305 x 76-mm) and is totally enclosed in a shield. A separate partition was
ing conditions for ssb. Sixty watts of drive
fabricated to prevent rf leakage through the meter holes in the front panel. An old National Radio
power will provide full input levels. For company vernier dial is used in conjunction with the plate tuning capcitor to provide ease of ad-
use with high-power exciter, see October justment (especially on 10 meters). The position of the dial for each band is marked on the dial
1973 QST. skirt with a black pen and india ink.

6-49 Chapter 6





k'1000, M. 1,000, OOO.

Fig. 80 — Circuit diagram

for the 8873 conduction-cooled amplifier. Component designations not listed below are for text reference. RFC1 and RFC2
are the same ferrite rod in the same direction; three wires are wound together (Amidon MU-125 kit). Tube sockets for V1 and V2 are E. F.
wound on
Johnson 124-0311-100. The thermal links are available from Eimac with the tubes. The heat sink is part number 2559-080-AOOO from Astrodyne Inc.,
353 Middlesex Ave., Wilmington, MA 01887.
C1 —
Transmitting air variable, 347 pF, E. F. from connection point with Li, 2-1/2 inches from 3.375 feet of no. 22 enam. wire wound
Johnson 154-0010-001. (63.5-mm) for 20 meters, 7-3/4 turns for 40 over the body of any 2-watt resistor higher
C2 — Transmitting air variable, 100 pF, E. F. meters. than 100 ohms in value.
Johnson 154-30. L3 — 11-1/2 turns, 2-inch (51-mm) diameter, 6 R2 — Meter shunt, 0.2 ohm made from five 1-
D2-D7, incl. — 1000 PRV, 2.5 A, Motorola tpi, Barker and Williamson 3025. ohm, 1-watt resistors connected in parallel.

HEP170. L4 — 10 turns, 2-inch (51-mm) diameter, 6 tpi, RFC1, RFC5, RFC6 — 2.5 mH Millen

D8 — 8.2-V, 50-W Zener diodes. with taps at 3 turns for 10 meters, 3-1/2 turns 34300-2500.
J1 — SO-239 chassis mounted coaxial for 15 meters, 4-3/4 turns for 20 meters, 6-3/4 RFC3 — Rf choke, Barker and Williamson
connector. turns for 40 meters, all taps made from Model 800 with 10 turns removed from the
J3, J4, J5 — Phono jack, panel mount. junction of L3, Barker and Williamson 3025. bottom end.
J6 — High-voltage connection, Millen 37001. M1 — 200 mA full scale, 0.5-ohm internal resis- RFC4 — 22 M H, Millen 34300.
K1 — Enclosed, three-pole relay, 110-volt dc tance Simpson Electric Designer Series S1 — High-voltage band-selector style, double
coil, Potter and Brumfield KUP14D15. model 523. pole, six position, James Millen 51001 style.
L1 — 4-3/4 turns of 1/4-inch (6.3-mm) copper M2 — mA scale, 43 ohms internal resis-
1 full Z1, Z2 — 2 turns 3/8-inch (9.5-mm) wide copper
tubing, 1-3/4-inch ID, 2-1/4 inches long. tance (Simpson Electric, same series as M1). strap wound over three 100-ohm, 2 watt
L2 — 12-1/2 turns, 1/4-inch (6.3-mm) copper R1 — Meter shunt 0.05555 ohms constructed resistors connected in parallel.

tubing, 2-3/4-inch (70 mm) ID, tap at one turn

HF Transmitting 6-50
Chapter 7

VHF and UHF Transmitting

he frequencies above 50 MHz were stage. While relatively simple to construct, power levels involved, there is no reason
once a world apart from the rest of such transmitters can be a cause of much to consider transmitting mixers differently
amateur radio, in equipment required, in grief unless the builder takes precautions than their receiving counterparts. One
modes of operation and in results to prevent undesired multiples of the thing to keep in mind is that many
obtained. Today these worlds blend oscillator and the multiplier stages from deficiencies in the transmit mixer will
increasingly. Thus, the reader does not
if being radiated. For frequencies below 450 show up on the air. Receiver-mixer
find what he needs in these pages to solve MHz the transmitting mixer is not troubles are your problem. Transmit-
a transmitter problem, it will be covered difficult to construct and is recommended mixer troubles become everyone's prob-
in the hf transmitting chapter. This for most applications. Spurious-signal lem!
chapter deals mainly with aspects of radiation is much easier to prevent with A trio of popular types of transmitting
transmitter design and operation that call the latter, although it does not lend itself mixers is shown in Fig. 2. The doubly
for different techniques in equipment for to compact fm equipment design. For balanced diode mixer at A may be built
50 MHz and up. operation on the higher amateur uhf using either discrete components, or the
bands, the oscillator-multiplier approach phase relationship between ports may be
SSB/CW vs. FM offers definite advantages and is recom- established using etched-circuit strip lines.
Whenever vhf operators gather, the mended at present. Fig. 1 shows how the Miniature DBMs are available at low cost
subject of fm vs. ssb and cw is bound to harmonics of a 144-MHz signal may be from several manufacturers. They offer an
come up. Because of their mode differences, multiplied to permit operation on ama- almost-foolproof method of generating
the two types of operation are segre- teur microwave bands. Stability at 144 vhf ssb. Another popular mixer uses a pair
gated on the lower four amateur vhf bands. MHz is easy to achieve with the current of FETs in a singly balanced configuration.
Actually, both forms of communications technology, making stable microwave If care is taken in construction and adjust-
have their advantages and disadvantages. signals simple to generate. Varactor ment, local-oscillator rejection will be ade-
They are better discussed subjectively diodes are Used as frequency-multiplying quate with this circuit. To be safe, a series-
among operators. Here we are only in- devices. They are installed in resonant tuned trap, designed to attenuate the LO
terested in the different requirements each cavities constructed from double-sided leakage even further, should follow this
mode places upon the transmitting equip- pc-board material. Operation will proba- stage. A typical FET balanced mixer is
ment used. In general, equipment used for bly be crystal controlled, as even the best shown in Fig. 2B.
fm is of the oscillator-multiplier type. transceiver/transverter combination used Finally, we see a typical vacuum-tube
Because ssb cannot be passed satisfactori- to generate the 144-MHz signal may create mixer (Fig. 2C). Because it can handle
ly through a frequency-multiplication stage, problems when the output is multiplied in more power, the tube mixer has endured
generation of vhf ssb signals requires the frequency 40 times! A frequency synthe- at vhf. Its higher output, when compared
use of one or more mixer stages. Vhf cw sizerwith a stable reference oscillator may to most solid-state mixers, reduces the
may be generated by either method. Re- be used to generate the 144-MHz signal, number of subsequent amplifier stages
cently, manufacturers of synthesized as but its output should be well filtered to
well as crystal-controlled amateur fm eliminate noise.
transceivers have been using a combina- Although spurious outputs of the
tion of both approaches. The multimode various multiplier stages may not cause X9 • 1296 MHz
vhf transceiver, which offers the operator harmful interference, that is no excuse for X16 • 2304 MHz
a choice of cw, ssb, fm and often a-m, is a not removing them. In most cases, the Q
reality. Here again we find both approach- of successive cavities will suffice. A X24 = 3456 MHz
es to signal generation. band-pass filter may be used to filter the X40-3760 MHz
final multiplier stage. Construction details
The Oscillator-Multiplier Approach X72" 10,368 MHz
of a 432-to-1296 MHz frequency multi-
This type of transmitter, which may be plier using switching diodes are presented
used for fm or cw, generally starts with a later in this chapter. Fig. 1 —The harmonic relationships of most
crystal oscillator operating in the hf range, microwave bands to the 2-meter band are
followed by one or more frequency- Transmitting Mixers diagrammed here. The 1 5-mm (24 GHz) band
bears no easily utilized integral relationship to
multiplier stages and at least one amplifier With the possible exception of the 144 MHz.

7-1 Chapter 7
needed to reach a specific power level.
Apart from feeling more comfortable with
tubes, this is the only advantage available
from using them as mixers, at least
on the lower vhf bands.

High-Level Transmitting Mixers

When designing a transmitting conver-
ter for vhf, the tradeoffs between the ad-
vantages of mixing at a low power level,
such as in a diode-ring mixer, and using
several stages of linear amplification must
be weighed against the cost of amplifying
devices. Linear uhf transistors are still

relatively expensive. On 432 MHz and

above, it may be desirable to mix the i-f

and local-oscillator signals at a fairly high

level. This method makes it unnecessary
to use costly linear devices to reach the
same power level. High-level mixing
results in a slightly more distorted signal
than it is usually possible to obtain with
conventional methods, so it should be
used only when essential. Fig. 3 gives the
schematic diagram of a typical 432-MHz
high-level mixer. VI is the final amplifier
tube of a retired commercial 450-MHz fm
transmitter. The oscillator and multiplier
stages now produce local-oscillator injec-
tion voltage, which is applied to the grid
as before. The major change is in the cath-
ode circuit. Instead of being directly at
ground, a parallel LC circuit is inserted and
tuned to the i-f. In this case a 10-meter i-f
was chosen. With the exception of 144
MHz any amateur band could serve as the
i-f. Two meters is unsuitable because the
third harmonic of the i-f would appear at
the output, where it would combine with
the desired signal. In fact, some additional
output filtering is needed with this circuit.
A simple strip-line filter, such as appears
in the ARRL Radio Amateur's VHF
Manual, will do the job. The original crys- Fig. 2— A trio of commonly used vhf transmitting mixers. At A, perhaps the simplest, a commercially available
tal in the transmitter is replaced with one diode doubly balanced mixer. Rf output is low, requiring the use of several stages of amplification to reach a
yielding an output at the desired local- useful level. At B, a singly balanced mixer using FETs. Adjustment of this circuit is somewhat critical to prevent
the local-oscillator signal from leaking through. A mixer of this type can supply slightly more output than a
oscillator frequency, then the intermediate
diode mixer. (3dBm, as opposed to 1 dBmforthe mixer shown at A). At C, a high-level mixer using a vacuum-
stages are retuned. tube triode is shown. V1 in this case might be a 2C39 or 7289. With the correct circuit constants this mixer
One disadvantage of the high-level could provide an ssb output of 1 5 watts on 1 296 MHz. Power input would be about 1 00 watts! In addition, 1
mixer the relatively large amount of
is watts of LO and 5 watts of i-f drive would be needed. Despite these requirements, such a circuit provides a
relatively low-cost means of generating high-level microwave ssb. Spurious outputs at the LO and image
local-oscillator injection required. In most
frequencies will be quite strong. To attenuate them a strip-line or cavity filter should be used at the mixer
cases it is simpler to mix at a lower level
and use linear amplifiers than to construct
the local-oscillator chain. On the higher
bands, it may be generate
feasible to
local-oscillator energy at a lower fre- and even uhf bands. Many amateurs have ssb began taking over the hf bands. Today
quency and use a passive varactor mixer a considerable investment in hf sideband the hf trend one-package stations,
is to
to reach the injection frequency. Here gear. This equipment provides accurate transceivers. The obvious move for many
again, the previous caveats pertaining to frequency calibration and good mechani- vhf operators is a companion box to
diode-multiplier spurious outputs pertain. cal and electrical stability. It is effective in perform both transmitting and receiving
If the local-oscillator injection is impure, cw as well as ssb communication: These conversion functions. Known as transver-
the mixer output will be also. Considerable qualities being attractive to the vhf ters, these are offered by several manu-
theory concerning mixers is found in operator, it is natural for him to look for facturers. They are also relatively simple
chapters 4 and 8 of this publication and in ways to use his hf gear on frequencies to build, and are thus attractive projects
Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, above 50 MHz. for the homebuilder of vhf gear.
an ARRL publication. Increasing use is currently being made
of vhf accessory devices, both ready made •v

Designing for SSB and CW and homebuilt. This started years ago
Transverter vs. Separate Units

The almost universal use of ssb for with the vhf converter, for receiving. does not necessarily follow that what

voice work in the hf range has had a major Rather similar conversion equipment for ispopular in hf work is ideal for vhf use.
impact on equipment design for the vhf transmitting has been widely used since Our bands are wide, and piling-up in a

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-2

220 MHz. At 420 MHz and higher,
coaxial tank circuits are effective. Resonant
cavities are used in some applications
above 1000 MHz. Examples of all types of
circuits are seen later in this chapter. Coil
and capacitor circuits are common in 50-
MHz amplifiers, and in low-powered, mo-
bile and portable equipment for 144 and
even 220 MHz.

Most vhf amplifiers, other than the
grounded-grid variety, require neutrali-
zation if they are to be satisfactorily sta-
ble. This is particularly true of AB1 ampli-
fiers, which are characterized by very
high power sensitivity. Conventional neu-
tralization is discussed in chapter 6. An
example is shown in Fig. 4A.
A tetrode tube has some frequency
where inherently neutralized. This is
it is

likely to be in the lower part of the vhf

region for tubes designed for hf service.
Neutralization of the opposite sense may
be required in such amplifiers, as in the
example shown in Fig. 4B.
Conventional screen bypassing methods
may be ineffective in the vhf range. Series-
tuning the screen to ground, as in 4C, may
Fig. 3 — Partial schematic diagram of a 70-cm (432-MHz) mixer, built from a converted fm transmitter. The be useful in this situation. A critical com-
original oscillator-multiplier-driver stages of the unit now provide LO injection. A strip-line filter should bination of fixed capacitance and lead
be used at the output of the mixer to prevent radiation of spurious products.
length may accomplish the same result.
Neutralization of transistorized amplifiers
is not generally practical, at least where

narrow segment of a band, which the efficiency of the AB1 linear amplifier is bipolar transistors are used.
transceiver encourages, than ideal
is less low in a-m service, this type of operation Parasitic oscillation can occur in vhf
use of a major asset of the vhf bands — makes switching modes a very simple amplifiers, and, as with hf circuits, the
spectrum space. Separate ssb exciters and matter. Moving toward the high efficiency oscillation is usually at a frequency
receivers, with separate vhf conversion of Class C from AB1 for cw or fm service considerably higher than the operating
units for transmitting and receiving, tend is accomplished by merely raising the frequency, and it cannot be neutralized
to suit our purposes better than the drive from the low AB1 level. In AB1 out. Usually it is damped out by methods
transceiver-transverter combination, at service the efficiency is typically 30 to 35 illustrated in Fig. 5. Circuits A
and B are
least in home-station service. percent. No grid current is ever drawn. As commonly used in 6-meter transmitters.
Amplifier Design and Operation
the grid drive is increased, and grid Circuit A may absorb sufficient fundamen-
current starts to flow, the efficiency rises tal energy to burn up in all but low-power
All amplifiers in vhf transmitters once rapidly. In a well-designed amplifier it transmitters. A
better approach is to use
ran Class C, or as near thereto as available may reach 60 percent, with only a small the selective circuit illustrated at B. The
drive levels would permit. This was amount of grid current flowing. Unless circuit is coupled to the plate tank circuit
mainly for high-efficiency cw and quality the drive is run well into the Class C and tuned to the parasitic frequency. Since a
high-level amplitude modulation. Class C region, the operating conditions in the minimum amount of the fundamental
is now used mostly for cw or fm, and in amplifier can be left unchanged, other energy will be absorbed by the trap, heat-
either of these modes the drive level is than the small increasing of the drive, to ing should no longer be a problem.
completely uncritical, except as it affects improve the efficiency available for cw or At 144 MHz and higher, it is difficult to
the operating efficiency. The influence of fm. No switching or major adjustments of construct a parasitic choke that will not be
ssb techniques is seen clearly in current any kind are required for near-optimum resonant at or near the operating fre-
amplifier trends. Today Class AB1 is operation on ssb, a-m, fm or cw, if the quency. Should uhf parasitics occur, an
popular and most amplifiers are set up for amplifier is designed primarily for AB1 effective cure can often be realized by
linear amplification, for ssb and — to a service. If high-level a-m were to be used, shunting a 56-ohm 4 2-watt resistor across
lesser extent —
a-m. The latter is often there would have to be major operating- a small section of the plate end of the
used in connection with small amplitude- conditions changes, and very much higher tuned circuit as shown -in Fig. 5C. The
modulated vhf transmitters, having their available driving power. resistor should be attached as near the
own built-in audio equipment. Where a-m plate connector as practical. Such a trap
output is available from, the ssb exciter, it Tank-Circuit Design
can often be constructed by bridging the
is also useful with the Class AB1 linear Except in compact low-powered trans- resistor across a portion of the flexible
amplifier, for only a watt or two of driver mitters, conventional coil-and-capacitor strap-connector that is used in some
output is required. circuitry is seldom used in transmitter transmitters to join the anode fitting to
There is no essential circuit difference amplifiers for 144 MHz and higher the plate-tank inductor.
between the AB1 linear amplifier and the frequencies. U-shaped loops of sheet Instability in solid-state vhf and uhf
Class C amplifier; only the operating metal or copper tubing, or even copper- amplifiers can often be traced to oscilla-
conditions are changed for different laminated circuit board, generally give tions in the If and hf regions. Because the
classes of service. Though the plate higher Q and circuit efficiency at 144 and gain of the transistors is very high at the

7-3 Chapter 7
Capacitive reactance of C is chosen to be
AMP very low at the parasitic frequency. R then
appears as a swamping resistor, damping
144 MHz the oscillation.

VHF TVI Causes and Cures

The principal causes of TVI from vhf
transmitters are:
1) Adjacent-channel interference in
channels 2 and 3 from 50 MHz.
2) Fourth harmonic of 50 in MHz
channels 11, 12 or 13, depending on the
operating frequency.
3) Radiation of unused harmonics of
the oscillator or multiplier stages. Examples
are 9th harmonic of 6 MHz, and 7th har-
monic of 8 MHz in channel 2; 10th har-
monic of 8 MHz in channel 6; 7th harmonic
of 25-MHz stages in channel 7; 4th har-
monic of 48-MHz stages in channel 9 or
10; and many other combinations. This
may include i-f pickup, as in the cases of
24-MHz interference in receivers having
21-MHz i-f systems, and 48-MHz trouble
in 45-MHz i-fs.
4) Fundamental blocking effects, in-
cluding modulation bars, usually found
only in the lower channels, from 50-MHz
5) Image interference in channel 2 from
144 MHz, in receivers having a 45-MHz

6) Sound interference (picture clear in

BIAS +400V some cases) resulting from rf pickup by

the audio circuits of the TV receiver.
There are other possibilities, but nearly
all can be corrected completely, and the
AMR rest can be substantially reduced.
Items 1, 4 and 5 are receiver faults, and
nothing can be done at the transmitter to
reduce them, except to lower the power or
increase separation between the transmit-
ting and TV antenna systems. Item 6 is
also a receiver fault, but it can be
alleviated at the transmitter by using fm
or cw instead of a-m phone.
Treatment of the various harmonic
troubles, Items 2 and 3, follows the
standard methods detailed elsewhere in
this Handbook. The prospective builder of
new vhf equipment should become familiar
with TVI prevention techniques and in-
corporate them in new construction pro-
Fig. 4 — Representative single-ended amplifiers. The same techniques are
circuits for neutralizing vhf
applicable to stages that operate in push-pull. At A, C1 is connected in the manner that is common to most vhf
or uhf amplifiers. The circuits at B and C are required when the tube is operated above its natural self- Use as high a starting frequency as
neutralizing frequency. At B, C1 is connected between the grid and plate of the amplifier. Ordinarily, a short possible, to reduce the number of har-
length of stiff wire can be soldered to the grid pin of the tube socket, then routed through the chassis and
monics that might cause trouble. Select
placed adjacent to the tube envelope, and parallel to the anode element. Neutralization is effected by varying
the placement of the wire with respect to the anode of the tube, thus providing variable capacitance at C1 The.
crystal frequencies which do not have
circuit at C is a variation of the one shown at B. It too is useful when a tube is operated above its self- harmonics in local TV channels. Example:
neutralizing frequency. In this instance, C1 provides a low-Z screen-to-ground path at the operating The 10th harmonic of 8-MHz crystals
frequency. RFC in all circuits shown are vhf types and should be selected for the operating frequency of the
used for operation in the low part of the
50-MHz band falls in channel 6, but
6-MHz crystals for the same band have no
lower frequencies, instability is almost part of the circuit. It is not unusual, for harmonic in that channel.
certain to occur unless proper bypassing example, to employ a 0.1-wFdisk ceramic If TVI
is a serious problem, use the

and decoupling of stages is carried out. in parallel with a 0.00 1-wF disk capacitor lowest transmitter power that will do the
Low-frequency oscillation can usually be in such circuits as the emitter, base, or job at hand. Keep the power in the
cured by selecting a bypass-capacitor collector return. The actual values used multiplier and driver stages at the lowest
value that is effective at the frequency of will depend upon the frequencies involved. practical level, and use link coupling in
oscillation- and connecting it in parallel An additional stabilization method for preference to capacitive coupling. Plan for
with the vhf bypass capacitor in the same solid-state amplifiers is shown in Fig. 5E. complete shielding and filtering of the rf

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-4

Fig. 5 —
Representative circuits for vrtf
parasitic suppression are shown at A, B, and
C. At A, Z1 (for 6-meter operation) would
typically consist of 3 or 4 turns of No. 13 wire
wound on a 100-ohm 2-watt non-inductive
resistor. Z1 overheats in all but very low power
circuits. The circuit at B, also for 6-meter use,
is more practical where heating is concerned.
Z2 is tuned to resonance at the parasitic fre-
quency by C. Each winding of Z2 consists of
two or more turns of no. 14 wire determined —
experimentally —
wound over the body of a
100-ohm 2-watt (or larger) noninductive resistor.
At C, an illustration of uhf parasitic suppres-
sion as applied to a 2-meter amplifier. Nonin-
ductive 56-ohm 2-watt resistors are bridged
across a short length of the connecting lead
between the tube anode and the main element
of the tank inductor, thus forming Z3 and Z4.
The circuit at how bypassing
D illustrates
for both the operating frequency and lower fre-
quencies is accomplished. Low-frequency
oscillation is discouraged by the addition of
the O.l^iF disc ceramic capacitors. RFC1 and
RFC2 are part of the decoupling network used
to isolate the two stages. This technique is not
required in vacuum-tube circuits. At E, a
capacitor with low reactance at the parasitic
frequency is connected in series with a
1/2-watt carbon resistor. At 144 MHz, C is
typically O.OOI^F. R may be between 470 and
2200 ohms.

sections of the transmitter, should these

steps become necessary.
Use coaxial line to feed the antenna
system, and locate the radiating portion of
the antenna as far as possible from TV
receivers and antenna systems.
A complete discussion of the problems
and cures for interference is in the ARRL
publication, Radio Frequency Interference.

A Linear Transmitting Converter

for 432 MHz
Linear transmitting converters offer
several advantages over frequency multi-
plication schemes for the 70-cm band.

C1 —
5-25-pF ceramic trimmer.
C2, C3 —
1 .8-5-pF air variable, E. F. Johnson

C4, C5, C6, C7 —
1 .5-3-pF air variable, E. F

Johnson 160-203.
C8 — 1.5-5-pF variable, Johnson
air E. F.
C9 — Trimmer capacitor, 15pF.
C10— See 14 and
Fig. text.
C1 C12 — These components are
1 , built into
T 44 cavity,
D1 — 90-volt, 0-watt Zener diode, N3004 or
1 1

D2 — 200-volt, 0-watt Zener diode, 1N3015or

equiv. For direct chassis mounting of the diode

use the reverse-polarity version of D1 and D2,
i.e., 1N3004Rand 1N3015R, respectively.
J1-J5, inclusive— Type BNC coaxial connector.
J6, J7 — Closed-circuit Jack, Insulate from

L1 —
21 turns no. 26
3/16-inch dia. plastic rod.
enam. close-wound on

L2 —
7 turns no. 20 enam, cjose-wound on 3/8-
inch dia. slug-tuned form
L3 —
5 turns no. 16 enam. 1/2-inch dia,
made of
centertapped, turns spaced one wire diameter 1/4-in. brass. RFC1 —^22 turns no. 26 enam. on^/16-inch dia.
L4, L6— Hairpin loop, 1-7/8-inch long, 7/8-inch L9— Hairpin loop 1-inch long, 1-inch wide, no. plastic rod. Spaced on wire diameter.
wide, no, 1 4 tinned. 12 enam., spaced 1/8 inch above L8. RFC2-RFC5, inclusive — 5 turns no. 22 insulated
L5, L7 — Each two pieces no. 14 tinned, 3 inches L10, L11, L12— Part of T-44 cavity. hookup wire, 3/1 6-inch dia.
long. (75mm) looped frorr) C4 or C6 to the 6939 L101-L104, inclusive — 4 turns no. 20'insulated RFC6, RFC 7— 5 turns no. 26 enam., 1/8- inch
base. hookup wire, 1/4-inch dia., close wound. diameter, close-wound.
L8 —
Hairpin loop 1 -7/8-inch long x 1 - inch wide, L201-L205, inclusive — 4 turns no, 18 insulated RFC8, RFC9 — Part of T-44 cavity.
no. 12 enam., with plate connectors hookup wire, 1 /4-inch dia., close wound. Y1 — Overtone crystal, 67.333 MHz.

7-5 Chapter 7

L101 L10Z
_rrrr\ _nrm_

L103 L104
—o _nrm_ -o
X t


200V -J
(SEE 10W -<RFC5
V4 V5
TEXT) 6 9 39
404 MHz 432 MHz ANT.
L5 L8 L9

Tm_T 2,7

; ^o.ooi 7TS
-,-0.001 CURRENT

V -O-H.


-o—o— jrm. 0.001/FT
-o—o- k -1000, M' 000 000

X 3;


-100V 250V V 800V

Fig. 6 — Schematic diagram of the heterodyne exciter for 432 MHz.
Inches x 25.4 = mm.

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-6

Any mode in which the low-frequency the bypass capacitors is replaced with 5- short of the necessary drive for grounded-
exciter capable of generating can be
is mil (0.127-mm) Teflon sheet. This is all grid design. This amplifier can easily, be
translated to the higher frequency. Fre- the modification required for the 2C39 PA. driven to 500-watts PEP input by trans-
quency stability is similar to that of the hf Tune-up simply a matter of applying
is mitters in this power class.

unit, and all the hf operating features are voltage to the unit and adjusting the tuned
maximum on a The Circuit
retained when using the transmitting circuits for indication
converter. Single sideband and cw opera- wavemeter. Coupling between L3, and A single4CX250B is used in a conven-
tion, are prevalent on Mode B operation L4/L5 and L6 should be as loose as tional grounded-cathode arrangement
(70-crrr transmit, 2-meter receive) of the possible while still providing adequate (Fig. 10). The tuned grid circuit and the
OSCAR and a
linear transmitting
series, drive for the 6939s. Final adjustment is pi-network in the output is a standard
converter permits this option. made by applying approximately 0.5 watt design that works well on 6 meters.
A approach (using tubes) is
traditional of drive and adjusting for maximum Driving power is fed into the tuned grid
employed here 6 to 9). This unit is
(Fig. power output as indicated by a watt-meter circuit through a 50-ohm T pad. Selection
a modified version of one appearing in in the feed line. For normal use, of the correct T-pad value will compen-
November 1973 QST by W2AIH. De- approximately 0.5 watt of 28-MHz energy sate for driving power of a watt or so up to
tailed construction notes are described in is adequate for full output with minimum 25 watts. R5 provides very heavy swamping
that article. The output is 35 watts from a distortion. More drive will cause distor- and assures that the amplifier is completely
modified surplus Motorola T-44 transmit- tion in the mixer and will generate spurious stable. If R5 resistor is omitted for drive
ting module. OSCAR Mode B requires signals within and out of the ham band. of less than watt, the amplifier will have

less than 10 watts erp for effective access to be neutralized. Another advantage of
T-44 Cavity Modification
of the satellite. Feed-line loss in a typical the T pad and resistive input is a more
drop the 35-watt output
installation will It was felt that the inductive tuning constant load to the driving stage.
to the level where an omnidirectional, arrangement was somewhat inefficient so In the plate circuit, heavy copper-strap
Unity-gain antenna will be sufficient for this was. replaced with a capacitive type conductors are used to provide low
use with OSCAR. For other applications, instead. A "flapper" capacitor of spring inductance leads. The output capacitance
the most popular kilowatt amplifier for brass is attached to the newly fabricated of the 4CX250B (4.4 pF) plus strays and
432 MHz, a design by K2RIW (April and top cover. The top cover is bent from the plate tuning capacitance should be 10
May 1972 QST), requires in excess of 20 aluminum sheet stock (0.035 inch). Tun- to 12 pF for a reasonable circuit Q. The
watts of drive for maximum output. The ing is accomplished by means of a screw amplifier plate circuit should resonate at
output of this transmitting converter which bears against the spring-brass 50 MHz with the tuning capacitor (CI) as
handily provides for both situations. capacitor plate. Some adjustment of the near minimum value as possible.
Injection to the mixer is provided by line that forms LI 1 may also be needed to When drive is ^provided by a trans-
multiplication of 67.33-MHz energy from bring the plate tank near resonance. Final ceiver, a dpdt relay (Kl) places the
the oscillator. The 6922 dual triode is used adjustment is accomplished by means of amplifier in the line in the transmit
as a Butler oscillator. The plate circuit of C10. condition and connects the antenna to the
V1B is capacitively coupled to the input of transceiver in the receive condition.
the 6688 pentode doubler, V2. The
Optional LO Output Cutoff bias is applied to the amplifier in
following stage uses a 6939 as a tripler for In some applications, rf energy at the the receive condition and is reduced to the
an output frequency of 404 MHz. LO frequency (404 MHz) is required. This operating value while transmitting by
Inductive coupling is used between the is accomplished by mounting a BNC grounding one end of the bias potentio-
tripler and the 6939 mixer, V4, and connector (with the pin sawed off) near meter, R4. A double set of VOX send/
between the output of the mixer and the L5. Refer to the bottom view of the driver receive contacts is required to perform
6939 amplifier stages (L4, L5/L6 and L7, stages. The connector can be seen just these two functions (K2).
respectively). A 6939 driver-amplifier above C4 in the third compartment from
stage runs Class AB1 for good suppression the left.

of unwanted mixing products. The final An LMB CO-7 cabinet is used as the
A Low-Drive 6-Meter PA
amplifier is a cathode-driven 2C39 triode. basic amplifier housing (Fig. 11). It is

Input power to the cathode is coupled There have been some excellent articles necessary to add four small brackets to
through a variable capacitor to provide an on 6-meter amplifiers in the 1- and 2-kW stiffen the front and back panels. Two
impedance match to the exciter. The plate PEP levels. Usually grounded-grid design pieces of 1/2 X 1/2-inch (12.7 X 12.7-mm)
and cathode hardware are modified com- is used' and the amplifiers require exciters Reynolds aluminum angle stock are
ponents from a T-44 amplifier. A flapper in the 100-watt class. The new popular added to the sides of the built-in chassis to
type of capacitor is used to tune the plate solid-state 6-meter transceivers that de- provide additional strength and provide
circuit to resonance. The mica dielectric in velop approximately 10-watts PEP fall an air seal between the bottom and top of

Fig. 7 — Bottom view showing stages for V1 through V5. Fig. 8 — Bottom view of T-44 cavity.

7-7 Chapter 7
vice.This leaves two options for owners the tube (roughly 100 pF). The tube socket
OF CAVITY FASTENING CIO of 10-watt-output rigs. One solution is to and add an additional 20 pF. This
use a solid-state "brick" amplifier to tuning method places the tube input
drive the grounded-grid amplifier. This capacitance in series with the tuning
results complex
in relay-switching capacitor, effectively reducing the circuit
systems, not to mention the cost of the capacitance. A number of other networks
amplifier and a high-current supply to were one somewhat exotic
tried, including
— — 2-1/4" J power it. The other approach is to use a current-feed method, but none proved as
TOP COVER tetrode such as the 4CX1000A in ,a simple and effective as the one shown.
( INCHES k 25.4 = mm) grounded-cathode amplifier. In the circuit Bias voltage is shunt fed to the grid
--(-3/4'V described, 10 watts of drive will provide 2 through Rl. This resistor also heavily
kilowatts of input power, thereby ob- swamps the grid circuit and helps to pro-
o t
NO. 32 (-1/8 viating an intermediate amplifier stage. vide amplifier stability without the need
i for neutralization. Should it be desired to
CIO Circuit Description
increase the gain of the amplifier for use
The schematic diagram of the amplifier with lower power rigs, the value of Rl can
Fig. 9 — Layout details for modified top cover is shown in Fig. 16. As the 4CX1000A is a be increased and the network components
and brass capacitor flap. Inches x 25.4 = -

high-mu tube, care must be taken in the changed as appropriate. The cathode is
design and construction of the amplifier grounded through short, heavy leads at
to prevent instability. In the circuit the base of the SK-800B tube socket. A
shown, this was accomplished without the screen bypass capacitor an integral part

need for neutralization —

one of the of this socket. The capacitor is 1500 pF, is
drawbacks commonly associated with the rated for 400 volts and is of the mylar-film
use of these tubes. variety. Capacitors are connected between
the chassis. All the perforated holes above The input network is series tuned and a ground and each of the three filament-
the top of the chassis must be covered with link couples power from the exciter to the connection points.
masking tape to make the top portion of tube. Series tuning was chosen primarily The plate circuit used in this amplifier is
the cabinet airtight. Directly beneath the because of the large input capacitance of of the common pi-network variety, with
4CX250B tube socket, a large hole is
punched bottom of the cabinet for
in the
an air entrance. The photograph of the
amplifier shows that the 4CX250B does
not have a chimney. It was later found
that the chimney must be used to provide
adequate cooling. A 4-inch diameter hole
is cut in the back panel of the cabinet and

a 5-inch Roton Whisper fan is mounted

over the hole to exhaust air from the 20O0V
Air flow is through the bottom of the VALUES OF CAPACITANCE ARE
cabinet, through the socket of the IN MICROFARADS jiF( OTHERS



4CX250B, through the chimney into the O.OQ1 RESISTANCES ARE IN OHMS',
anode and out of the cabinet through the k -1000. MM 000 000

exhaust fan. Very little blower noise is

generated using this method of cooling as
compared to the conventional, squirrel-
cage blower fan. The amplifier construc-
tion is quite simple as can be "seen from
Figs. 12 and 13, and can be duplicated


power supply is shown in
Fig. 14. With 2000 volts on the anode and
a plate current of 250 mA, the power out-
put as measured by a Bird Thruline watt-
meter into a Bird dummy load was 325
watts. This agrees closely with the tube
specification sheets.

A 2-kW PEP Amplifier for 50 to 54 MHz v v v

D v
A number of manufacturers sell low-
power-output (10 watts) transceivers and
transverters for 6-meter operation. This
particular power-output level not in line is
Fig. 10 — Schematic diagram of the 500-W amp ier for 6 meters. Unless otherwise specified,

capacitors are disc ceramic and resistors are c, 3on composition. (Inches x 25.4 = mm),
with that required to drive the popular C1 — 50 pF, receive spacing or aux. relay if only spst option available.
grounded-grid amplifiers. Even the high- C2 — 25 pF, 3 kV (surplus cap. in unit). L1 —6 turns no. 14 solid wire, 1/2-inch dia,
mu triodes, such as those of the 8874 C3 — 140 pF, receive spacing. 1-1/4 inch long. Tap 1-1/2 turns from gnd end.
family, require at least 25 watts of drive C4 — Cer. cap, 2 paralleled 500 pF, 5 kV. L2 —5 turns no. 10 solid wire, 1-3/88 dia, 2

for 1 kilowatt of input. Over 50 watts of

K1 — Dpdt relay, 12-V coil (can have dc/power inch long (see text).
type contacts but rf design preferable). RFC1 —
35 turns no. 22 enam. wire on 5/8-
drive may be required for 2-kilowatt ser- K2 — Dpdt relay. Either T-R contacts in exciter inch dia cer. ins.

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-8

tfl 12juF

I +2000 7-- l\

A 10A
1 n~n-

D5 5W
J±4 0j,F J±40/iF -=f^r
350V 350V
Fig. 11 — Designed and by Dick Stevens,
W1QWJ, this amplifier fills the need for a low-
drive model usable with 10-watt exciters.

V D7 2W

C Xf0V /^L?
6.3 AC
12V RELAY -100V

Fig. 14 —Power supply for the amplifier.
— Top view of the amplifier (note B1 —Blower motor (see text). ac coil.
Fig. 12
paralleled ceramic capacitors for C4).
D1-D4, incl. —Each leg consists of 2 series T1 — Power transformer, 1400 V ac, 500 mA.
silicon diodes (1 A, 1000 PRV). T2 — Power transformer, 500 V at 100 mA.
D5, D6, D7 —
Silicon diode, 1 A, 1000 PRV. sec. 12-V, 1-A sec. and 6.3-V, 3-A sec.
D8 -Silicon diode, 3 A, 100 PRV. T3 — Filament transformer. 6.3 V, 1A.
K3 —Power relay, dpdt 10 A, contacts 117-V

dictates the circuit Q, which is roughly 14.

A single, multisecondary transformer
provides power for the filament, bias and
screen supplies. Although the filament
winding is rated for 6.3 V at 8.8 A, the
transformer delivers 6.0 V at' 9.0 A —
Fig. 13 — Bottom view of the amplifier. precisely that required by the 4CX1000A.
The transformer was run for a period of
10 hours under these conditions and no
appreciable heating of the wires or core Fig. 15 — Front-panel view of the 2-kW,
was noted. Transformers of other manu- 6-meter amplifier.
facture or different voltage/current
ratings should be carefully checked.
two exceptions. First, the internal tube The high-voltage secondary of the
plate capacitance, which is on the order of transformer provides energy for the bias
10-pF, comprises what would be con- and screen supplies. Zener diodes limit the ensuring that the screen is protected.
sidered the "tuning." capacitor of the net- dissipation of the bias potentiometer. R6 Without such a safety device, a failure of
work. Since the tube capacitance is fixed, cuts the amplifier off during receive the high-voltage supply would mean that
the inductor is used as an adjustable ele- periods. For transmit, a short is placed at the screen dissipation might be pushed
ment. A compressible/expandable coil is J5. well above the specified 12- watt maximum
used here. This arrangement allows the The same transformer secondary also rating. D4-D9, inclusive, make up the
amplifier to cover the entire 6-meter band, feeds the screen supply. Here, a full-wave screen-voltage regulator.
provides the dc energy. Ql, D3, Ml, - HV lead, con-
located in the
whereas other designs using shorted-turn rectifier

and slug-tuned techniques will cover little Rl and R2 form a regulator that limits the tinuously monitors cathode current.
more than 1-MHz of tuning range. Addi- current that can be drawn through the Meter shunts are provided in the bias and
tionally, the compressing and expanding transistor to 40 mA. This extra circuitry is screen supplies. M2 can be switched be-
of the coil does not have an adverse effect desirable in the event of high-voltage sup- tween grid and screen by means of S2.
on the inductor Q, as typically occurs with ply failure. No more than 40 of cur-mA This meter teads to 10 for grid andmA
the other systems. The tube capacitance rent can be drawn through the regulator, to 100 mA
for screen current.

7-9 Chapter 7


1 ;







Fig. 16 — Schematic diagram of the 6-meter amplifier. Parts designations shown on the schematic but not called out the parts are for text
in list

reference only
C1 — Miniature variable, panel mount, 32 pF D14 — Zener diode, 30 volt, watt.
1 M1 — 0-1 mA, Simpson 15070 or equiv.
maximum. DS1 — Neon indicator built into S1. M2 — 0-1 A, Simpson 15101 or equiv.
C2 — Silver mica, 15 pF, mounted directly F1 — Fuse,1 ampere. Q1 — 2N2905A or equiv.
across C1. j1 _ Coaxial connector, BNC chassis mount, R4 — Meter shunt, V 7-1/2" (41.4 mm) no.
C4 — Tube internal plate capacitance. 34 enam. wire wound on a high-value, 1/2-
UG-625B/U or equiv.
C5, C7 — Transmitting capacitor, 0.001 hF. J2 — Coaxial connector, type N chassis watt resistor.
5000 volt. Centralab 858S-1000 or equiv. mount, UG-58/U or equiv. R5 — Potentiometer, 25k-ohm, 5 watt.
C6 — Transmitting variable, 250 pF maximum. J3 _ High-voltage connector, Millen 37001 or R7 — Meter shunt, 4.3 ohm, 1/4 watt.
C8 — Screen bypass built into SK-800B socket. equiv. RFC1 — 36 turns no. 24 enam. wire on a 1"
C20, C24 — Electrolytic, 40 yF, 450 volt. J4 — 4 conductor. (25.4 mm) diameter Teflon rod.

D1, D2, D10-D12, incl.,D15, D16 — Silicon, 2.5 J5, J6 — Phono connector. RFC2, RFC3 — 6 turns no. 22 enam. wire on an
ampere, 1000 volt. L1 — 2 turns no. 24 enam. wire wound over L2. FT-50-43 core.
L2 — 10 turns no. 24 enam. wire on a 51 — Spst, rocker type with built-in neon
D3 — Zener diode, 45 volt, watt.

D4-D9,,incl. — Zener diode, stud mount, 56 T-50-12 core. indicator.

volt, 10 watt. L3 — See text and drawing. 52 — Rotary, 2 pole, 2 position.

D13 — Zener diode, 200 volt, 5 watt. T1 — Stancor P8356 or equiv. See text.

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-10

3/4"X 4-1/2"x 1/16"

1/4 I.D. PANEL

I D.

1/4 " X 28
ROD 5-3/4" LONG.

X- 3-1/2 TURNS
2-3/4 X 3-1/4 COPPER TUBING



2-3/4 X 2-3/4 2-3/4 X 3-1/4


Fig. 19 — Dimensional drawing of the inductor assembly. Delrin can be obtained from most
plastic supply houses. Check the Yellow Pages of your local telephone directory for dealers.

Fig. 17 — Photograph of the underside of the

amplifier.The grid-compartment chassis is
normally enclosed by a perforated aluminum
cover which was removed for this photograph.

A-7 C.^Z
C-2' i <~~T7

r-f? rr->

Fig. 21 —
Schematic diagram of the low-pass
filterthat is used after the amplifier/Good
quality capacitors such as silver-mica types
should be used.
C1, C2 —82 pF silver mica, 1000 V.
L1, L3 —
4 turns no. 14 enam. wire close
wound on a 5/16 in. (8 mm) form.
L2 —5 turns no. 14 enam. wire close wound
on a 7/16 in. (11 mm) form

Fig. 20 —
Photograph of the assembled ad-
justable inductor. Make certain to use only
Fig. 18 — This is the plate compartment of the plated brass hardware for pieces that come
amplifier. Details of the inductor are given in into contact with the coil.
the text and in additional photographs and
used. The built-in screen bypass capacitor duty hand nibbler tool was used to make
is an important factor in amplifier stabili- the large hole. All leads entering the grid
ty. Other sockets without this capacitor compartment pass through 1000-pF feed-
should be avoided. through capacitors to ensure an rf-tight
The amplifier is on a 10 X 12 X 3
built enclosure. The amplifier input connection
The amplifier is intended to be operated inch (254 X 305 X 76 mm) aluminum is through a UG-625B/U (female) chassis-
from a high-voltage supply similar to the chassis that attached to an 8-3/4 inch
is mount BNC connector, directly into the
one described in the Power Supply chap- (222 mm) high, 19 inch (483 mm) wide grid compartment. The general placement
ter of this book. Since the design and con- rack panel.Sheet-aluminum panels are of the input-network components can be
struction of such supplies is routine, -one made so that the overall height of the seen in the photograph. A perforated
will not be described here. amplifier enclosure is 7-1/2 inches (191 aluminum cover is placed over the smaller
mm). grid-compartment chassis. This piece
Construction The grid compartment is constructed must allow adequate air flow for proper
Many of the construction details can be from a second aluminum chassis that tube cooling. It is a good idea to check air
seen in the accompanying photographs. measures 7 X 7 X 2 inches (178 X 178 flow with and without this piece in place
The general layout is not especially X 51 mm). It is easiest to cut the hole for in order to determine whether the material
critical, although good isolation between the tube socket with the smaller chassis is suitable.
the grid and plate circuitry is a must. To bolted in place. In this manner exact The remainder of the bottom chassis
this end, the Eimac SK-800B socket is alignment can be guaranteed. A heavy- houses the screen and bias power-supply

7-11 Chapter 7

Fig. 22 — Full scale etching pattern for the printed-circuit board. Black areas represent unetched copper.


-TO C18

o m^ 1
— 56k

-TO C15

o 900SJ

Fig. 23 — Parts-placement guide for the printed-circuit board as shown from the component side.

components and the control circuitry. for the diodes is supplied primarily by the heater/defroster hose. A
length of this

Many of the parts are contained on a system blower, as the diode stack is hose connects the pressurized chassis to
single-sided circuit board. The board mounted in the air flow path. Cooling for the blower, which can be mounted at
etching pattern and parts-layout diagram the tube is by means of a blower that is some convenient location. For ultra-quiet

are given in Figs. 22 and 23. Zener diodes mounted external to the chassis. A plastic operation the blower can be mounted in a
are mounted on an aluminum and plate flange (Newtone 366, used with central closet or in an adjoining room. Copper or

the circuit board. While the aluminum vacuum cleaning systems) is suitable for brass screening is used to cover the flange
provides some heat-sink action, cooling use with 2-inch (51 -mm) automobile opening, thus rnaintaining an rf-tight

VH F and U H F Transmitting 7-1

chassis.Information on how to select a amplifier components get intolerably
suitable blower is given in the Hf Table 1
Transmitting chapter of this Handbook. Operating Parameters
Connection to the meters is through 1 kW 2kW The Circuit
1000-pF feedthrough capacitors. 3000 Vdr A 4CX250 tetrode is used in the
Plate voltage 2100 Vdc
The plate compartment is somewhat Plate current grounded-cathode circuit. The 4CX250 is
less "busy" than the underside of the (single tone) 480 mA 667 mA a high-mu tube, so high gain is inherent to
Plate current
amplifier. The only component that needs the design. The cathode is grounded
(idling) . 50 mA 50 mA
explanation the inductor. Details of the
Power input . 1000 W 2000 W directly through tabs in the Eimac
construction are shown in Fig. 19, and a Power output 620 W 1250 W SK-630 socket, reducing feedback pos-
photograph is shown in Fig. 20. Two Efficiency 62 % 62.5 % sibilities. The screen is grounded through
pieces of 3/8 inch (10 mm) Delrin plate are Drive power 4 W 9W a low-inductance bypass capacitor built
used as the stationary end pieces. A 1/4 into the tube socket. The socket also has a
inch (6.4 mm) control bushing is used at built-in screen-ring shield. All these
the center of each piece. A third piece of measures help eliminate the greatest
Delrin stock is used for the movable plate. problem with amplifiers of this type:
This piece is tapped to accommodate the feedback and subsequent self oscillation.
1/4-28 thread of the shaft that is used to The grid circuit is a simple tuned line
move the plate. The shaft is "double made from no. 14 bus wire. A link couples
nutted" on each side of the rear support power to this line. At the high-impedance,
to prevent the shaft from moving in rela- tube end of the line, bias voltage is shunt
tion to either the front or rear supports. fed to the grid through a 2700-ohm
As the front-panel knob is turned, only resistor. This resistor also swamps the
the movable plate changes position to input heavily, assuring amplifier stability
compress or expand the coil. The exact without neutralization.
dimension of the coil is fairly critical, so it The plate circuit is series tuned. Series
should be made as close to specification as tuning places the tube output capacitance
possible. Once the coil has been wound it in series with the tuning capacitor,
can be silver plated to prevent oxidation. Fig. 24 — Spectral photograph of the amplifier effectively reducing tank circuit capaci-
and filter adjusted for 1-kilowatt operation.
As a point of interest, the amplifier Each horizontal division represents 50 MHz
tance. This allows for a larger tank coil
front panel was painted orange. Black and each vertical division is 10 dB. This which might otherwise become unwork-
press-on lettering was used to label the amplifier complies with current FCC re- ably small if parallel tuning were used.
front panel controls and a light coat of quirements for spectral purity. High voltage is fed to the tube at the low-
clear lacquer was applied to protect the impedance point of the tank coil through
lettering. an rf choke. Power output is coupled
At this time adjust CI for minimum through a variable link, reducing har-
reflected power as indicated by the input monic content. Series tuned traps at the
It is a good idea initially to check out SWR indicator. Apply additional drive second and third harmonics ensure clean
the various tube-element voltages without power and continue adjusting L3 and C6 spectral response, far surpassing FCC
the tube in the socket. The screen voltage for maximum power output. Use the requirements.
may turn out to be different than the operating parameters given in Table 1 as a The power supply uses a full-wave
nominal 336 because of poor Zener-diode guide. For the amplifier described here an bridge rectifier circuit in the high voltage
voltage tolerances. As long as the voltage adjustable high-voltage supply was used. circuit.Series-dropping resistors lower the
is under 375 no problems should be en- The voltage and current levels for 1-kW high voltage to the correct value for the
countered. Operation of the protective and" 2-kW operation were chosen to tube screen. Screen voltage is regulated by
circuitry can be verified by loading the equalize the plate impedance,
thus re- a string of Zener diodes. Series LEDs in
output of the screen supply with ap- quiring only a minimal change in the set- the bias and screen-voltage lines provide
propriate high-wattage resistors. Ensure tings of L3 and C6 for cw and ssb opera- warning of excess current flow. Bias is
that the bias control will allow adjustment tion. If the fixed-voltage supply is used to switched between cutoff [-120 volt*) and
between the values shown on the power this amplifier, similar efficiencies - 50 volts regulated daring traaanut opera-
schematic. Set the voltage toroughly should be attained. tion.
- 150 so that the tube will be cut off when As with many amplifier designs for vhf
it is first turned on. and uhf operation, additional low-pass
Eimac recommends that the 4CX1000A filtering is required to meet the FCC
heater voltage be applied for a period of spectral-purity requirements (all spurious
not less than three minutes before other - 60 dB or greater below peak power). A
operating voltages are applied. Whether suitable filter circuit is shown in Fig. 21.
this procedure is really necessary or not is The unit was constructed in a small
a good question. Several well-known and aluminum Minibox and is mounted direct-
respected amplifier manufacturers that ly at the output connector by means of a
use this tube do not follow this double-male adapter. With this filter the
philosophy. amplifier easily exceeds the FCC re-
Connect a transmitter capable of sup- quirements. A spectral photograph is
plying 10 watts of powento Jl through an shown in Fig. 24.
SWR indicator. Also, connect a dummy
load and power meter to J2. After the A Low-Drive 2-Meter PA
amplifier has warmed up for several This amplifier will provide a 200-watt
minutes, short J5 and adjust the bias con- output with as little as 2 watts of drive in
trol for an idling current of 50 raA. Apply linear With more drive, more
Fig. 25 — A 500-watt amplifier for the 2-meter
band, complete with power supply, is housed
a small amount of drive power and adjust power output can be had (up to 350 in this cabinet. The hole plug covers a former
L3 and C6 for maximum power output. watts), but at higher power levels the location of a control.

7-13 Chapter 7


I ) ;




Fig. 26 —
Schematic diagram and parts list of the 144-MHz amplifier. Inches x 25.4 = mm.

B1 — Blower, 15 ft'/min. D14, D15 —
Light emitting diode (V F = 1.6 V, R13, R26 5kf!, 2-W potentiometer.
C1-C12, incl. —
0.01 (iF disc ceramic, 100-Vdc. = 60 mA). R14-R19, incl. — 39k£l, 10-W.
incl. — 20M1, 25-W.
C13 — 100 mF, 350 Vdc. D16 —33-V, 5-W Zener diode. R20-R25,
C14-C19, incl. —
200 jiF electrolytic, 450-Vdc. D17-D22, incl. —
56-V, 10-W Zener diode. . R27 — Meter shunt, 0.05555 ohms (3.375 feet
C20, C22 —
15-pF air variable, Hammarlund F1 —10-A fuse. (1.03 m) no. 22 enam. wire wound on any
HF-15-X or equiv. J1, J3, J4, J5 —
Type SO-239. large-value, 2-watt resistor).

C21 —5-pF air variable, Hammarlund J2 —Phono jack, panel mount. RFC1 —
20 turns no. 24 enam. wound on 100k,

HFA-25-B with 2 middle rotor plates and two L1, L2 —

See text and Fig. 45. 1-W resistor.

end stator plates removed, or equiv. L5, L6 —

3 turns no. 18 tinned, 1/4-inch ID, S1 — Spst, 10A.
C23, C24 —
5-pF air variable, E. F. Johnson 3/8 inch long. T1 — Primary 117 V ac, secondary 1250 V ac,
160-0104-001 or equiv. L3 — 3-1/2 turns no. 10, 1-1/4 inch ID, 2 inch 500 mA, Hammond 720 or equiv.
C25 —
0.0O1 fiF, 4-kV feedthrough capacitor, long. T2 — Primary 117 V ac, secondary 125 V ac,
Erie 2498 or equiv. L4 — turn no. 14 enameled, 1-inch ID.
1 50 mA; 6.3 V ac, 2.0 A, Stancor PA-8421 or
C26 —Screen bypass capacitor built into M1 — 0-1 mA meter. equiv.
Eimac SK-630A tube socket. R1, R12, incl. — 390kQ, 1/2-W. V1 — Eimac 4CX250B.
D1-D13, incl. —
1000 PIV, 2.5-A silicon diodes.

prevents air leakage. The grid circuit electrical contact to the screen. A stan-
should be installed so that no other circuit dard Eimac ceramic tube chimney is
Despite the compact design, few pre- is in close proximity to the tuned line, link mounted on a wooden standoff. The
cautions are necessary. Caution with or tuning capacitor. Cooling air is blown chimney fits over the tube anode in an
respect to high-voltage leads is mandatory, into the plate compartment through a inverted style. The hole in the top cover is
of course. The plate circuitry is entirely screened hole. Several screw, nut and screened in the same way as is the fan
flat-washer combinations guarantee good inlet. Cool air enters through the fan hole
enclosed by a shielded box, which also

Chapter? 7-14
) "

Fig. 27 —
Top view of the 2-meter amplifier.
Voltage-dropping resistors and Zener diodes
may be seen on the left-hand side of the
-chassis. The small transformer next to the
plate compartment is T2. Details of the wood REFLECTOMETER
spacer may be seen at right.

Lnpf¥\_ JTTTl.
( 69 mm 7\ 30



( 76mm)
200 10>
10W 25W
IN 3311
12V ^ y
Fig. 28 — Formation details for L1 and L2. ARE IN PICOFARADS t pF OR jjjiF); 200

Fig. 33 —
Schematic diagram of the 144-MHz amplifier. Included is information for the input reflec-
tometer used as an aid to tuning the cathode circuit for low SWR. C7, C8 and C9 are fabricated as
described in the text and Fig. 32. Inches x 25.4 = mm.
B1 — Blower, Fasco 59752-IN or Dayton 2C610. 82-62 or equiv.
Wheel diameter is 3-13/16 inches. J5 — HV connector, James Millen 37001 or
C2 — 5- to 30-pF air variable, Hammarlund equiv.
HF-30-X or equiv. L1 — Double-sided pc board, 1-1/4 x 4-7/16
C3, C4, C5, C6 — 0.1
nF, 600-V, 20-A inches.
feedthrough capacitor. Sprague 80P3 or L2 — 4-1/4 inches of no. 18 wire. L1 and L2 are
equiv. part of the input reflectometer circuit.
J1, J2, J6 — Type BNC. L3 — 6 turns no. 18 enam., 5/8-in. long on
J3 — Type N. 3/8-in. dia form (white slug).
J4 — Coaxial panel jack, UG-22B/U, Amphenol L4 — 3 turns no. 14 enam., 5/8-in. long x

The output traps are built into a box thoroughly checked for mistakes. The high
Fig. 29 — Bottom view of the amplifier. A thin
fabricated from copper-clad circuit board. voltage present can be lethal if not treated
sheet of Teflon has been placed between the The easiest approach to mounting it is by- carefully. Be sure no wires are touching
electrolytic capacitors and their aluminum means of a double-male UHF-type con- anything they shouldn't.
mounting strap. At upper right is the power
nector to the jack on the rear of the plate Primary voltage should initially be
supply rectifier board. Details of the grid cir-
compartment. applied through a variable line transfor-
cuit are also visible.
An input attenuator may be required to mer. This allows the voltage to be brought
reduce transceiver output power down to up slowly so that if something is awry it
the 2-watt level necessary to drive the can be noticed before any damage can
and passes through the tube anode cooler. amplifier. Standard composition resistors occur. Once the primary has been safely
Tube-warmed air exits through the chim- can be used in attenuator construction. brought up to its normal voltage, voltage
ney and out the screened hole in the top. The attenuator is built in a separate box checks on the tube should be made. Screen
A small portion of the cooling air passes from the amplifier. voltage should be about 325 and bias
through the tube socket, cooling the tube should be about -130 V. AC filament vol-
Tune-up and Operation
base before flowing through the underside tage should be about 6.
of the chassis. Upon completion, all wiring should be Shorting J2 places the amplifier in the

7-15 VHF and UHF Transmitting



C1P \ 9

— Front-panel layout of the 2-meter
t Fig. 30
kilowatt amplifier.


04 Ji
DS ! I


.001 0.001
6.m.: -e.M.

'9ft 9

X V /0-001/FT


/+\ 25 k > CAL.

rrm ^ meuTs»^ 6 Hv I

Fig. 31 —
The placement of input-circuit com-
ponents and supporting bracket may be seen
in this bottom view. When the bottom cover is
in place, the screened air inlet allows the
blower to pull air in, pressurizing the entire
under-chassis area. The Minibox on the rear
0117 V - ACQ
apron is a housing for the input reflectometer

Lead length to L3 is
9/16-in. ID. 5/8-in. Lead
length to cathode bus is 3/4-in. on 1-Mfi, 2-watt compostiton resistor.
L5 _ Air-dielectric strip See text
line. RFC3, RFC4 —
Each 2 ferrite beads on com-
P1 — Type BNC. ponent leads.

P2 — Type N. RFC5, RFC6 10 turns no. 12 enam., bifilar
R1 — Meter range multiplier. Ten 500-kO, 2-W wound, 5/8-in. dia.
composition resistors in series. S1 —
Single-pole, three position rotary switch,
RFC1 — 7 turns no. 16 tinned, 1/2-in. ID x non-shorting contacts.
1-in. long. T1 —
5-v, 10-A secondary, center tap not used,

RFC2 — 18 turns no. 18 enam., close wound Stancor P-6135 or equiv.

transmit mode. With no drive applied, and disconnect the temporary load resis-

adjust bias for an idling plate current of tors.

50 MA. This establishes class of operation Connect a source of drive to J 1 through

AB2. Adjustment of the warning-LED an SWR indicator. A 50-ohm dummy
potentiometers requires the use of tem- load should be connected to J3. Applying
porary load resistors. Remove power a small amount of drive, adjust grid
Fig. 32 —
The tube and plate line is in place,
from the amplifier. Temporarily connect a capacitor C for a dip in SWR on the with the top and side of the compartment

150-kft resistor from the grid terminal to indicator. The SWR may not be close to removed for clarity. The plate-tuning vane is at
of L 1 with bottom center. A bracket is attached to the
If not, readjust the position
ground. Turn on the power. Do not short 1 : 1,
side panel to support the rear of the Teflon rod
Adjust R13 until the grid-sensing LED respect to L2. Recheck the SWR. Continue supporting the tuning vane. The coil at the op-
just comes on. Turn the power off again. the process until the input SWR is close to posite end of the plate line is RFC1, connected
Since no voltage isapplied to the am- between the high-voltage-bypass plate and the
Connect a string of 10 1000-ohm, 1-watt 1:1.
top section of the plate-line sandwich. Items
adjustment is very simple. In the
resistors from the screen terminal of the plifier,
outside the tube enclosure include the filament
tube socket to ground. Turn the power on amplifier shown, the LI adjustment was transformer, blower motor, relays, and a power
again. Adjust R26 until the screen sensing optimum when placed approximately 1/8- supply to operate a VOX-controlled relay

. LED just comes on. Turn the power off inch (3-mm) from and parallel to L2. system.

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-16

Reconnect the system so that a power- negligible inductance, directly to the connector. A small wire was soldered to
indicating device is inserted in the line chassis in close proximity to the grid- the center pin of the BNC connector,
between the dummy load and J3. Apply return point. A flexible-strap arrange- inside a Minibox, with the 1500-ohm,
primary power. Short J2 and apply ment, similar to that
of the tuning 1-watt composition resistoY and the
approximately 2 watts of drive. Adjust the capacitor, is used to connect the output
rectifier diode joined at this point.
grid capacitor for maximum plate current. coupling capacitor to the center pin of a Relative output voltage is fed, via
Do not key the rig for longer than about type-N coaxial connector mounted in the feedthrough capacitors, to the level-
20 seconds at a time. Peak the tuning and chassis base. Ceramic (or Teflon) pillars, setting potentiometer and multimeter
the loading controls alternately for maxi- used to support the air strip line, are switch.
mum output. Since the amplifier is not located under the middle set of plate-line A calibrated string of 2-watt com-
neutralized, the plate-current dip will not dc isolation bushings. This places these position resistors, totaling 5 Mft, was
coincide with maximum output. pillars well out of the intense rf field installed to facilitate "on-the-spot" de-
If a calibrated wattmeter is available, associated with the tube, or high-im- termination of power input, and to attest
output should be measured at about 200 pedance end of the line. In operation, to the presence or absence of high voltage
watts with a plate current of 200 mA. plate tuning and loading is quite smooth in the plate tank circuit. A full-scale range
Efficiency is about 58 percent. These are and stable, so a high-loaded is Q of 5000 volts is obtained with the 0-1 mA
the normal operating parameters. If either apparently not bothersome in this respect. meter. If desired, the builder may use 10
of the indicator LEDs turns on, either the In this amplifier, output coupling is ac- 500-kft, 2-watt, 1 -percent resistors for the
amplifier not tuned properly, there is
is complished by the capacitive probe and reasonable accuracy will be
too much or some equipment
drive, method. As pointed out by Knadle' "Ma- : obtained.Of course this monitor feature
failure has taken place. jor advantages of capacitive probe may be eliminated if other means are used
Adjustment of the traps requires use of coupling are loading linearity and elimina- to measure and monitor plate voltage.
a -wavemeter or a dip meter in the tion of moving contact surfaces."
wavemeter function. Coupling the wave- Capacitive-probe coupling is a form of Testing and Operation
meter to the dummy load should indicate "reactive transformation matching" The amplifier is unconditionally stable,
some harmonic energy at twice the whereby the feed-line (load) impedance is with no parasitics. To verify this, a
fundamental and three times the funda- transformed to the tube resonant-load im- zero-bias check for stability was made.
mental. Adjust one trap capacitor for mini- pedance (R ) of 1800 ohms (at the 2-kW This involved shorting out the Zener
mum harmonic energy at the second har- level) by means of a series reactance (a diode in the cathode return lead, reducing
monic and the other for minimum third- capacitor in this case). At the 1-kW level, bias to essentially zero volts. Plate Voltage
harmonic energy. R is approximately twice that at the 2-kW was applied, allowing the tube to dissipate
PEP level. Therefore, the series coupling about 885 watts. The input and output
A 2-kW PEP Amplifier for 144 MHz capacitor should be variable and of suffi- circuits were then tuned through their
Large external-anode triodes in a cient range to cover both power levels. ranges with no loads attached. There was
• cathode-driven configuration offer out- Formulas to calculate the transformation no sign of output on the relative output
standing reliability, stability and ease in values have been presented in QST. 2 meter and no change in the plate and grid
obtaining high power at 144 MHz. The The electromechanical method of probe currents. As with most cathode-driven
selection somewhat limited and they are
is coupling used in this amplifier is easy to amplifiers, there is a slight interaction
not inexpensive. Data on the recently assemble and provides good electrical between grid and plate currents during
introduced 3CX1500A7/8877, a high-mu, performance. Also, it has no moving- normal tune-up under rf-applied con-
external-anode power triode, appeared contact surfaces and enables placement of ditions. This should not be misconstrued
very promising. A reasonable -heater the output coupling, or loading, control as amplifier instability.
requirement (5 VA) and an
at 10 on the front panel of the amplifier for ease Tolerances of the Zener diode used in
inexpensive socket and chimney com- in adjustment. the cathode return line will result in values
bination made the tube even more of bias voltage and idling plate currents
attractive. Support Electronics other than those listed in Table 1. The
The techniques employed in the design The grid- and cathode-metering circuits 1N3311, a 20-percent tolerance unit, is
and construction of the cathode-driven employed are conventional for cathode- rated at12 volts nominal but actually
3CX1500A7/8877 amplifier described driven amplifiers. The multimeter, a basic operates at 10 volts in this amplifier
here (Figs. 30 to 33) have removed many 0-1 mA movement, is switched to ap- (within the 20-percent tolerance).
of the mechanical impositions of other propriate monitoring points. All testingand actual operation of this
designs. Those interested in obtaining An rf-output monitor is a virtual amplifier was conducted with a Raytrack
complete constructional details should necessity in vhf amplifiers to assure high-voltage power supply used in con-
refer to the two-part article appearing in maximum power load
transfer to the junction with the author's 6-meter ampli-
December 1973 and January 1974 QST. while tuning. Most capacitive-probe out- fier. The power supply control and output
put coupling schemes presented to date do cable harness was moved from one
Input Circuit
not lend themselves to built-in relative- amplifier to the other, depending on the
The plate tank operates with a loaded Q output monitoring circuits. In this ampli- desired frequency of operation.
on the order of 40 at 2-kW PEP and 80 at fier, one of these built-in circuits is Drive requirements were measured for
1kW. Typical loaded Q values of 10 to 15 achieved quite handily. The circuit con- and 1600
plate power-input levels of 1000
are used in hf amplifiers. In comparison, sists of a 10:1 resistive voltage divider, watts with a Bird Model 43 Thruline
we are dealing with a relatively high diode rectifier, filter and adjustable wattmeter and a slug of known accuracy.
loaded Q, so losses in the strip-line indicating instrument. Two 7500-ohm, Output power was measured simulta-
tank-circuit components must be kept 2-watt carbon resistors are located in the neously with drive requirements at the
very low. To this end, small-diameter plate compartment connected between the 1000 and 1600 watt plate power input
Teflon rods are used as mechanical drive type-N rf-output connector and a BNC levels. A second Bird model 43 with a
for the tuning capacitor and for physical 1000- watt slug was used to measure
support as well as mechanical drive for the amplifier output into a Bird 1000-watt
output-coupling capacitor. The tuning 'Knadle, "A Strip-line Kilowatt Amplifier for 432 Termaline load. A 2500- watt slug would
MHz," QST, April and May 1972.
vane or flapper capacitor is solidly ! bfe necessary to determine output power at
Belcher,"Rf Matching Techniques, Design and
grounded through a wide flexible strap of Example," QST, October 1972. the 2-kW input level, so I stopped at the

7-17 Chapter 7

one-turn link attached to the rf output

connector. Top and bottom covers are
Table 2 then secured. As with all cathode driven
Pad Values tor Input Attenuator amplifiers, excitation should never be
Attn(dB) R1 R2 R3 (ohms) applied when the tube heater is activated
none and plate voltage is removed. Next, turn on
6 .18 18 68
the tube heater and blower simulta-
10 '27 27 39
43 43 11 neously, allowing 90 seconds for warm-up.
A plate potential between 2400 and 3000
volts then may be applied and its presence
verified on the multimeter. The power
supply should be able to deliver 800 mA
or so. With the VOX relay actuated,
resting current should be indicated on the Fig. 34 — Front-panel layout of the 220-MHz
Table 3
cathode meter. A small amount of drive is kilowatt.

Performance Data applied and the plate tank circuit tuned

for an indication of maximum relative
Power input, watts 1000 1600
Plate voltage 2600 2450 power output. The cathode circuit can
Plate current (single tone) 385 mA 660 mA now be resonated, tuning for minimum
Plate current (idling) 50 mA 50 mA reflected power on the reflectometer, and
Grid bias -10V -10V not for maximum drive power transfer.
Grid current (single tone) 35 mA 54 mA
Tuning and loading of the plate- tank
Drive power, watts 1,8 41
sequency for network. Medium values of Q were cho-
Efficiency (apparent) 59.5% 61,8% circuit follows the standard
sen to provide high efficiency. Both the
Power gain (apparent) 15.2 dB 13.9 dB any cathode driven amplifier. Resonance
Power 595 1000 cathode and the heater are operated at the
output, watts is accompanied by a moderate dip in

plate/cathode current, a rise in grid same rf potential; the heater is held above
current and a considerable increase in
rfground by the impedance of the filament
relative power output. Plate-current dip is
choke. The plate tank is a pair of quarter-
wavelength striplines placed symmetrically
not absolutely coincident with maximum
power output, but it is very close. Tuning about the tube. 2 This arrangement per-
Table 4
and output-loading adjustments should be mits a more uniform flow of current
Operating Conditions
for maximum efficiency and output as through the anode, preventing "hot spots"
432 MHz 432-MHz Addi-
indicated on the output meter. Final on the anode conducting surface.
drive power output power
watts watts adjustment for lowest VSWR at amplifier tionally, tube output capacitance is effec-
2 30 input should be done when the desired tively halved, as one-half the tube capaci-
4 50
plate input-power level has been reached. tance (13 pF) is used to load each stripline.
5 80
Striplines act as low-pass circuit elements
7 100 A 220-MHz High-Power Amplifier
9 140 even with the high unloaded-Q conditions
Circuits for 220-MHz power amplifiers found at 220 MHz. Linear inductors also
Ep— 1000 V
long been designed around the offer control of odd-mode harmonics. No
Ip — 60 mA, zero signal.
Ip — 300 mA, single tone (cw). 140 W output. external-anode tetrode. While these tubes spurious responses could be found in this
offer high gain, instability problems have amplifier up through the 900-MHz region.
caused many builders considerable con- A strip-line impedance can be varied by
sternation over the years. Multiple- changing its width and relation to its
tube amplifiers are often necessary to ground planes. Physical dimensions of the
obtain the high power levels many tube limit the position of the stripline
moonbouncers and weak-signal specialists above one ground plane. In order to
require. Push-pull amplifiers have been conynercially available chassis, the

1000-watt output point and worked tried with moderate success, and recently was placed 1-1/4 inch (32-mm)

backwards to calculate apparent stage parallel-tube designs have found favor.' above one side of an inverted 4-inch
gain and efficiency. Modern computer-aided tube designs (102-mm) high chassis. This means that
Efficiency measurements also were have brought forth high-tttriodes such as approximately 75 percent of the rf current
made employing the "tube air-stream the 3CX1500A7/8877, a 1500-watt dis- flows through the chassis, but only 25
heat-differential" method. Several runs sipation external-anode triode with maxi- percent through the top shield
were made at 885 watts static dc and mum ratings good through 250 MHz. The cover. The percentage flowing
normal rf input. Apparent efficiencies of ceramic insulation allows a heavy flow of through the top reduces the effect of any
62 to 67 percent were noted. These values rf current through the tube, with no loss mechanical anomalies associated with a
were about five percent higher than the of stability in a properly designed circuit. removable cover.
actual power output values given in Table Low heater requirements (5 V at 10.5 A) F'or quarter-wavelength lines, the ratio
1. Both efficiency measurement schemes add to the appeal of the 8877. This ampli- of line impedance to reactance should be
serve to confirm that the amplifier is fier employs the 3CX1500A7/8877 in . between 1.5 and 2.0 for the best band-
operating the upper limit of the
at cathode-driven circuit. The grid is grounded width. Taking stray capacitance into ac-
theoretical 50 to 60 percent efficiency directly to the chassis, adding to the stabil- count, expected tuning capacitance and
range for typical Class AB2 amplifiers. ity. The amplifier (Figs. 34 to 38) is un- tube output capacitance gives a value of
To commence routine operation, the conditionally stable — more so than some 55 ohms for Xc. Values of line impedance
variable capacitor in the input circuit amplifiers built for the hf region. versus line length for resonance at 222
should be set at the point where lowest MHz were computed on a programmable
Circuit Details and
input VSWR was obtained during the calculator for impedances between 30
"cold-tube" initial tune-up. The ability of The input circuit consists of a T
the plate tank to resonate at 144-145 MHz !
Barber,Rinaudo, Orr and Sutherland, "Modern
with the top cover in place should be Knadle, "A Strip-Line Kilowatt Amplifier for 432 CircuitDesign for VHF Transmitters," CQ,
verified with a grid-dip meter, via a MHz," QST, April and May 1972. November and December 1965.

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-18

220 MHz

'200 JD2

Fig. 35 — Schematic diagram of the 220-MHz amplifier. Unless otherwise specified, all capacitors are disc ceramic and resistors are 1/2-watt carbon
composition. Inches x 25.4 = mm.
C1 — Air variable, 15 pF. J3 — High-voltage connector (Millen). RFC2, RFC3 — 10 turns no. 18 enam. bifilar
C2, C3 — Button mica, 500-pF, 500-V rating. L1 — 3 turns No. 14, 1/4-inch ID, 3/4-inch long. wound on 3/4-inch Teflon rod close wound.
C4-C9, inclusive — Teflon capacitor (use 10-mil L2 — 1/4-inch wide, 2-3/8 inch long copper —
• RFC4 5 turns no. 16 enam. wound on 1-Mt),
Teflon sheet). flashing strap. 2-watt composition resistor.
C10 — Doorknob capacitor, 500 pF, 5-kV rating. L3 — Plate inductor (see Fig. 38). —
T1 Filament transformer, 5.0 V at 10.5 A.
D1-D4 - 1000 PRV, 3A. RFC1 —
8 turns no. 18 enam. 1/2-inch dia.,
J1, J2 — Coaxial receptacle, type N. 3/4-inch long.

100 ohms. These were plotted on a graph. The plate blocking capacitor consists of along the same principles. A piece of
Final dimensions were determined using a sandwich of brass plate and the stripline, circuit board was once again sandwiched
this system,choosing dimensions that fell with Teflon sheet as the dielectric. This with Teflon sheet to the side wall of the
into the middle of the graph, thus forms a very low-loss, high-voltage capa- chassis. This technique is used effectively
allowing for any unpredicted effects. citor. The plate bypass capacitor is built throughout as an inexpensive bypass or

7-19 Chapter 7
— |






(INCHES x 25.4 = mm)


7 5"



Fig. 36 —
Bottom view of the amplifier. RFC2 and RFC3 can be seen above tube socket (bifilar

winding). Copper strap L2 shown connected to C1. Small coil is L1 and larger coil is RFC1. The
grid of the tube should be grounded to the chassis with finger stock similar to that used in the PLATES FOR C8 (2) PLATES FOR C7
plate line. Component mounted on the heat sink at left is the Zener diode used for biasing MATERIAL* 1/16" BRASS MATERIAL 1/16" BRASS

Fig. 38 —
Construction details of plate line
and associated components. Inches x 25.4

feedthrough capacitor at vhf. efficiency for a given power input. Low

Amplifier output is coupled through a heat dissipation yields longer tube life.
capacitive probe. Transformation of the High-power amplifiers require consid-
load impedance to the tube resonant-load erable attention to cooling. The plate
impedance is achieved by means of a compartment is pressurized by air from an

series reactance (the loading capacitor). external blower, and holes in the chassis
The tuning capacitor is solidly grounded allow a portion of this air to pass through
by means of a flexible strap of negligible the grid and cathode structure. Most of
inductance. Mechanical details were de- the air flows through the anode, a
scribed by Sutherland.
handmade Teflon chimney, then out the
A rather elaborate metering system is top cover. Aluminum screening is tightly

employed. Although all of the meters bonded around these two openings. No
provide useful data, only the plate and radiated rf could be detected around the
grid meters are necessary for proper chassis except within one inch of the
amplifier use. At a repeater site where anode exhaust hole.
key-down service the rule rather than
is To commence operation, the input
measurement of heater should be adjusted for minimum VSWR
Fig. 37 — Interior view of the amplifier. Con-
the exception,
tact of the tube with "hot side" of C6 is ac- usage and voltage provide data requisite with no voltages applied. The covers
complished with suitable finger stock to tube replacement. The anode exhaust- should be in place whenever voltage is
(available from the tube manufacturer). This temperature metering circuit takes advan- present. Drive should never be applied
conductor, in conjunction with a similar one
tage of a thermal property of semiconduc- without plate voltage and a load con-
separated by the Teflon insulator, forms the
tors. As the temperature changes the for- nected if the 1
filament is energized.
L3/C6 combination. The entire assembly is
sandwiched together by means of four in- ward resistance of a diode changes in a Cooling air must always be supplied
sulated bushings (apprpximately 3/4-inch or nearly linear manner. The diode sensor is whenever the filament is turned on.
19-mm diameter). Placement of bushings is not After a 60-second warmup small amounts
critical. RFC4 can be seen at the right con-
made a part of a bridge circuit, allowing
nected to C9. C8 is seen at the center of the calibrated operation. Calibration may of drive may be applied. The plate circuit
photo and has a nominal spacing of 1 inch (25 be determined by packing the diode is then tuned for maximum output
mm) to similar plate soldered to L3. Tuning in ice for the low point (0° C) and immers- indication. The then in-
drive level is
capacitor, C7, can be seen at the right con- creased. Tuning and loading follow the
ing it in boiling water for the high point
nected to C9. C8 is seen at the bottom center
of the photo and has a nominal spacing of 1 (100° C). The amount of heat dissipated normal procedure for any cathode-driven
inch (25 mm) to similar plate soldered to L3. by the tube is inversely proportional to the amplifier: Adjustments are made for
Turning capacitor, C7, can be seen in upper maximum output and efficiency. When
center of photo (see Fig. 38 for dimensions). the desired plate output power has been
Drive mechanism can be of builder's

'Sutherland, "High-Performance 144 MHz Power

Amplifier," Ham Radio, August 1971. achieved, the input circuit should be
choice or see reference 5.

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-20




Fig. 39 — The 432-MHz amplifier built by

WA1JLD and W1SL.

adjusted for minimum input VSWR.

A Conduction-Cooled Amplifier for
432 MHZ
Equipment for 432 MHz varies in style,
size, complexity and ancestry. Some
stations use converted uhf fm transmitters
that once saw duty in taxicabs or the like.
Others have been able to build up-
converters using tubes such as the 6939. 6
The design criteria for a desirable
amplifier were simple —
a table-top
conduction-cooled (quiet) unit that would
deliver 100-watts output at a drive level of
less than 10 watts. The table-top configura-
tion would be more attractive to many
stationowners than would the old reliable
LED jr.
rack-and-panel system of days gone by. R2 10

3/<00> pi

'Moretti, "A Heterodyne Exciter for 432 MHz,"

QST, November 1973 (also see Feedback, QST,
March 1974, page 83). + 250 TO 300VO— WV
2000 .
2SW >5P00

7500 50

Fig. 41 — Schematic diagram of the 432-MHz amplifier. Inches x 25,4 = mm.

C1 — 1.8- to 5.1-pF air variable, E. F. Johnson J5 — Phono-type connector. External relay
160-0205-001. Mount on phenolic bracket. contacts should be wired to short J5 for
C2 — 1/2-inch dia. disc on center conductor "carrier on" condition.
of coaxial extension. See text. J6 — High-voltage connector, James Millen
C5 — 2-1/2 x 4-inch pc board, single-sided, 37001.
with 0.01-inch thick Teflon sheet for insula- L1 — 1-3/4 x 4-inch double-sided pc board,
tion to chassis. Copper-foil side mounted to- spaced 7/8-inch from chassis.
ward the chassis wall. L2 — 3-1/2 x 6-1/4-inch double-sided pc board
D1 — 1/4-inch dia LED. or aluminum strip. Length from tip of line
J1 — BNC chassis-mount connector with to tube center is 7-1/8 inches. See Fig. 49.
threads filed to inside brass sleeve.
fit Heat Sink — Astrodyne no. 3216O500-A0000,
J2 — Type "N" coaxial connector. 5x5 inches. Can be painted flat black or
J3, J4 — Tip jacks or binding posts. anodized for better dissipation.
R1 — 27-ohm, 1-W, 6 in parallel.
R2 — 100-kO 1-W, 3 in parallel.

Fig. 40 —A look at the bottom of the amplifier

reveals the grid compartment (top center) and The conduction-cpoling requirement was heavily upon previous designs that utilized
the ac and dc connection cables from the to get away from the blower/air-hose/ the air-cooled, external-anode tubes as
power supply. A grid line is tuned by means of insulated-box problems that follow the shown in Fig. 41 and in the photographs.
a butterfly type of capacitor mounted on
phenolic so that the total capacitance is re-

usual external-anode design. At the 100- A half-wave grid line is fabricated from
duced. A small disc on the end of a coaxial watt output level, some transmission-line double-sided pc-board material. The

section provides capacitive input coupling to loss couldbe tolerated and still allow the input-coupling method departs slightly
the grid circuit. The flexible coupling shown use of a modest antenna for satellite ac- from previous examples, but only in the
here has since been replaced by two universal-
cess. mechanics of adjustment. The plate line is
joint type of connectors to remove some an-
noying backlash in the tuning control. A high- similar to published information, with
Ampl(fler Circuitry
wattage dropping resistor, part of the screen slight variations in the method of tuning.
supply circuitry, is shown at the right. The amplifier (Figs. 39 to 43) draws Input coupling to the amplifier is by

7-21 Chapter 7
protuberances to worry about behind the
cabinet. A standard-size chassis is used to
COPPER fill the gap between the panel and the
HEAT | BeO THERMAL amplifier proper, and incidentally to
provide mounting space for peripheral
electronics. As long as the parts placement
within the amplifier grid and plate
(190 mm)
compartments not changed from the

design given here, it will not matter what

isdone externally.
o ^ o The grid compartment is a 5 X 7 X 2-inch
3 ^ 1-1/2"
(127 X 178 X 50-mm) aluminum chassis
with captive nuts in the bottom lip to
permit securing the bottom plate. For the
1 SOCKET compartment a 5 X 10 X
plate 3-inch (127
X 254 X 76-mm) aluminum chassis was
provide better mounting
a. modified to
surfaces for the heat sink and to allow the
L 5/8"-»- mounted on the
plate-tuning flapper to be
(16mm) end wall of the compartment. One end of
« 2" » the chassis was removed and pieces of
aluminum angle stock were fastened
around the open end. These pieces were
drilled to accept no. 8-32 screws that
Fig. 42 — Cutaway drawing from the side of trie grid and plate compartments. The plate line may thread into tapped holes in the heat sink.
be made of two pieces, as shown here, or of one single piece of aluminum strip. C4 is
Tapped holes in the top surface of the heat
from the end-on view. The arm that moves C4 and the eccentric that moves C3 are fastened to sink and captive nuts in the top lips of the
their insulated shafts by epoxy cement. Small Teflon buttons prevent accidental
shorts between
chassis permit a perforated top plate to be
the capacitors and the plate line. (Inches x 25.4 = mm).
fastened securely for minimum rf leakage.
Total dimensions are given in Fig. 42.

Tube Placement

means of a capacitive probe to the grid probes, 7

it was determined that the tube An Eimac SK-630 socket and SK-1920
line. A small tab of copper is soldered to would stay within temperature maximum thermal link are used in mounting the
the grid line and forms one side of the ratings while dissipating 100 to 200 watts tube and conducting the heat away from
disk on the center conductor of dc. A liberal coating of thermal- the anode. The thermal link is made of
conducting grease was used to aid heat toxic beryllium oxide (BeO). The manu-
of a coaxial section is^the movable portion
transfer. More on this subject later. facturer's caution against abrasion, frac-
of the coupling. This coaxial section is
Early tests with only dc applied, and tures or disposal should be heeded. Parts
fabricated from pieces of brass tubing that
A later ones with the full dc and rf voltages placement in the anode-block area is
will slide together, telescope fashion.
present, confirmed that at the 100-watt critical heat transfer and
BNC chassis-mount fitting with the if

threads filed down is soldered into the output level no forced-air cooling was minimum strain on the tube are to be
movable piece of tubing to allow required. At higher output levels of 175 to obtained. The tube socket must have
sufficient clearance in its mounting hole
ease of connection from the exciter. A 200 watts, the temperatures on the anode
and heat sink were still below the that some lateral movement toward or
piece of copper wire and a couple of
maximum allowed by the manufacturer, away from the heat sink is allowed. The
Teflon discs extend the center conductor
but high enough that it was felt prudent to socket secured to the chassis with the
for attachment of the capacitor plate
usual toe clamps supplied. Because of the
inside the grid compartment. Once ad- add a quiet "whisper" fan for safety.
justed, the sliding portion is held in place Operational tests proved that the added rim formed on the socket by the integral
background noise was not distracting to screen-bypass capacitor, a spacer is
by means of a small compression clamp.
The plate line is the familiar half- the operator. needed between the thermal link and the
wavelength variety, with capacitive tuning heat sink. A piece of copper, 1/4-inch
provided by movable vanes or "flappers."
Construction (6.3-mm) thick and about 2-3/4 X 4-1/2-
In earlier versions using this tuning There are several configurations pos- inches (70 X 14-mm) serves as the spacer,

were moved by
flappers package, and the constructor
sible for the as well as providing excellent heat transfer
scheme, the
should feel free to mold them to fit his to the inner face of the heat sink. This
means of string that was allowed to wind
idea of how things should be assembled. copper spacer and the BeO thermal link
or unwind around a shaft, providing
An LMB cabinet (CO-1) was selected for are both held in place between the tube
front-panel control. After a few instances
of loss of control, caused by the nylon an enclosure because it matches many of anode and the heat sink by the pressure
becoming untied, the "gray boxes" found in a lot of shacks. applied by the ceramic pillars. The anode
fishing line melting or
the writers decided that there had to be a Rather than mount the heat sink through end of the plate line is bent up to form a
an unsightly hole in the rear panel of the surface that will permit screws to thread
better way. Accordingly, the cam-on-
was decided mount the into the insulators. In the early version of
a-rod method was tried and found satis- cabinet, it to
factory. Both plate-tuning and output- amplifier parallel to the front panel. This the amplifier this shaped and bent piece of

coupling flappers are adjusted in this places the heat sink inside, but there is aluminum was only long enough to
adequate ventilation through the box to provide some mounting surface to which
manner (Fig. 42).
allow proper cooling. This mounting the plate line (double-sided pc board in
Cooling scheme also permits a fan to be mounted this instance) was fastened by means of

so that there are no awkward five no. 6-32 screws and nuts with lock
Several tests were performed to check inside,
washers. The photograph shows this
the effectiveness of the thermal-link/heat- 'TemprobesTest Kit, by Tempilf Hamilton Blvd.
South NJ 07080. particular scheme in the top view. A later
sink cooling system. With the aid of Tern- Plainfield,

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-22

version had the pc board replaced with an located under the support chassis. Heater exceed the power dissipation rating of the
aluminum strip of the same size. A voltage should be measured at the tube tube element concerned.
still-later test was made with the anode- socket, not at the power supply. The not practical to operate this tube in
It is
clamp/plate line all constructed from one newer power supply, HP-23B, can be used this configuration at more than 1200-V
piece of aluminum. No difference in if the series resistance added is sufficient plate potential. Tests were made at 1500
plate-circuit performance could be noticed, to drop the potential from 12 to 6 V as V, with disastrous results. At that dc level,
which was the reason for the tests of dif- needed by the tube. with the added rf voltage, the stress across
ferent materials.
the BeO thermal link caused it to become
A moderate coating of thermal- Adjustment and Operation
"very unhappy." This caused it to
conducting grease should be applied Initial testing shouldperformed
be produce frying sounds, which made the
between the copper plate, the heat sink, while operating the amplifier at reduced authors unhappy. The condition also
the thermal link, and the anode block. plate and screen voltages, if possible. caused a reduction of plate-circuit effi-
Don't overdo it, however. In one test a Output coupling should be at maximum, ciency and much unwantedheating of
glob of the material found its way down to and the input-coupling probe should be nearby metal parts. Investigation of the
th6 screen ring, and the combination of rf near maximum. Again, do not adjust the phenomenon showed that the high of Q
and dc voltages between the screen and exciter circuits to make up for misadjust- the circuit caused the fault. Rather than
plate caused the material to break down. ment of the amplifier. Input power should do a complete redesign of the plate circuit
be adjusted by increasing or decreasing and because the
Power Supply goal was a 100-watt
the 432-MHz excitation to the amplifier. unit, the decision was made to leave well
Most of the earlier testing of this unit An output power indicator should be used enough alone and recommend a 1200-volt
was performed while using the Heath as an aid in adjustment of the amplifier. limit. This unit was originally described
HP-23A to supply all voltages. The Provisions were made in the wiring to the by W1SL and WA1JLD in January 1976
amplifier can be operated at the 80- to multi-meter switch to display a sample of QST.
100-watt output level without unduly rf energy, such as might be obtained from
taxing the capability of this supply. a directional coupler.' The input-probe A Grounded-Grid Kilowatt Amplifier for
Accordingly, the wiring and plug connec- spacing and the grid-line tuning should be 432 MHz
tions were made up with this feature in adjusted for maximum drive to the tube; An Eimac 8874 high-mu triode was
mind. When a larger supply was con- this should be concurrent with minimum selected for use in this amplifier. Triodes
structed for tests at the 200-watt level, SWR as seen by the exciter. Move the offer a simpler design approach than
connections were made compatible with coupling probe in small increments the — multigrid tubes, such as those in the
those on the Heath supply as far as proper position tend to be somewhat
will popular 4CX250 family. No screen or bias
practicable. When using the HP-23A, difficult to find. Output coupling and plate supplies are required and stability is all
provision must be made to drop the tuning should be adjusted for maximum but guaranteed. The only price that must
filament potential to the nominal 6.0 V output. The reason for starting with maxi- be paid for these conveniences is the
required by the 8560A heater. A voltage- mum coupling is that with minimum added drive-power requirement. Approxi-
dropping resistor for this purpose is coupling and reactive loads, the amplifier mately 25 watts of energy is required to
could be unstable. Loading should be de- drive this amplifier to the 1-kW input
creased until there is a smooth, but not level. The amplifier* will deliver over 500
sharp, dip in plate current. A
reading in watts of output when adjusted for opera-
the vicinity of 250 to 300 mA
at resonance tion at 1 kW input. This amplifier was
is about of 800
right, at a plate potential originally described in the October 1979
V. As with most tubes in this family, maxi- issue of QST
by Stephen Powlishen,
mum output is seldom achieved at mini- K1FO.
mum plate current. Use the output power
as an indication of proper operation, but Circuit Description
be sure that the screen is not .abused — A schematic diagram of the 432-MHz
small amounts of negative screen current kilowatt is given in Fig. 45. Wl is a half-
are no cause for alarm. In all cases, do not wavelength stripline which is tuned and
loaded by C6 and C7 respectively. Plate
choke RFC4 is connected at the approxi-
'McMullen, "The Line Sampler," QST, April 1972. mate electrical center of the plate line. C8

Fig. 43 — The amplifier chassis is mounted

parallel to the front panel. A varactor-diode
tripler is mounted on the subchassis, at the
right. This view of the amplifier shows the
ceramic insulators that provide pressure to
hold the tube anode against the thermal link
and the heat-sink assembly. A half-wavelength
plate line occupies most of the length of the
chassis, with a flapper type of tuning capacitor
mounted on the left wall. The two VR tubes,
center, are regulators for the screen voltage.
Insulated shafts extend into the plate compart-
ment, under the plate line, where they rotate
eccentric discs to provide tuning control. Two Fig. 44 —The high-power uhf amplifier. The toggle switches control filament power and stand-
tip jacks at the extreme right allow a cooling by/operate functions respectively. Multimeter function is selected with the switch located
fan to be connected, if needed for higher tween the meters, while the plate tuning and loading controls are at the right. Modern knobs and
power operation. homemade meter faces give the amplifier a commercial appearance.

7-23 Chapter 7


/ Qf)^*o /C3 9{_£*. _J


V02 JiD3



k- IOOO, M-IOOO 000.

117 117

Fig. 45 — Schematic diagram of the amplifier. UG-1094/U.

— M2 1-mA meter movement with shunts to
B1 — 50-ft 3 (1.4-m 3)/min blower, Ripley J2 Chassis mount N female connector,
provide 90-mA (grid current) and 3-kV (plate
Sk2754-2A or equiv. UG-58A/U.
— Air-variable capacitor, 15 pF, j3 _ High-voltage connector, Millen 37001, voltage) full-scale deflection.
C1, C2
Johnson 189-0565-001, 160-0107-001 or J4, J5 — Power connectors, as available. R4 —Grid-current shunt.
E. F.
J6, J7 — RCA phono jacks.
RFC1 —
10 turns no. 18 enam. wire, close
K1 — Time-delay relay, 90 second, normally wound, 1/4 inch (6 mm) diameter.
C3-C5, incl. — Feedthrough capacitor, 500 pF,
RFC2, RFC3 —
10 turns no. 16 enam. wire,
300 V. open contact, Amperite 115N090T.
— Homemade "flapper" capacitor. K2 — Control relay, 28-volt coil, 1-A 4pdt close wound, 1/4 inch (6-mm) diameter.
C6-C8, incl.
contacts. RFC4 —
5 turns no. 16 wire, one inch (25 mm)
Details of construction in text and Fig. 50.

Electrolytic capacitor, 500 ^, 25 V. K3, K4 — Coaxial relays equipped with suit- long, 1/4 inch (6-mm) diameter.
C9, C10

50-watt, 8.2-volt Zener diode, IR Z-3307-C able connectors. K4 should have N con- 51 — Toggle switch, spst.
nectors, K3 may be BNC or N. 52 — Toggle switch, spst.
or equiv.
— 1-A 1000-PIV diode, 1N4007 or L1 —3-1/2 turns no. 16 enam. wire, 3/4-inch 53 — Rotary switch, single pole, three
D2-D5, incl.
(19 mm) long, 1/4-inch (6 mm) diameter.
— — 12 — 1-1/2 turns no. 16 enam. wire, 5/8-inch 54 — Toggle switch, spst (optional, see text).
D6 50-watt, 21-volt Zener diode (optional — Filament transformer, 6.3-volt, 3-A,
(16 mm) long, 1/4 inch (6 mm) diameter.
see text).

3AG fuses. M1 — 1-mA meter movement with shunt to Stancor P-6466 or equiv.
T2 — Transformer, 12.6 volts, A.
F1, F2
J1 —
Chassis mount BNC female connector, provide 600-mA full-scale deflection.

switched in to supply near-cutoff bias With the exception of the multimeter

functions as the plate-bypass capacitor. is

during standby periods. Ml is used solely functions the metering and bias circuits
The half-wavelength cathode line is com- the 220-MHz
to monitor plate current in the high- are similar to those in
prised of W2, L2 and C2. Ll and CI serve 10

to match the tube input impedance to the voltage supply negative-return lead. M2 is amplifier.

50-ohm input. As the grid is switched to read grid current, high voltage
amplifier 'McMullen, "The Line Sampler," QST, April 1972.
grounded for dc as well as rf, Dl is used to and relative output. The latter function is '"Sutherland, "High Power Linear Amplifier for 220
by means of an external line sampler.' MHz," Ham Radio, December 1971.
develop operating bias at the cathode. R3

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-24

• NO. 19 DRILL 0.(66"
for fishlIne to
,0 " s ,N /SS5AN8B>

/HOLE |-1/4"0IA



— 6-3/4
— 84"

— Top view of the amplifier, with the Fig. 48 —Dimensions of the plate line are mm- INCHES X 25.4
Fig. 46 given here. The line may be constructed from (A)
plate compartment cover removed. The tube, 1/16-inch (1.6-mm) thick copper or brass. Cor-
plate line (W2) and RFC4 may be seen at ,the ners of the line should be filed to give a CLEARANCE
top of the photo. Note the large number of 3/16-inch (5-mm) radius. HV FEED-
holes drilled in the plate compartment to THRCUfiH
receive the cover hold-down screws. A tight NO. 33 { 0.11 3 IN.) /
seal is required to prevent rf and air leaks.

19-inch (133 x 483-mm)

The plate line was fabricated from a

rack panel is

1 1-3/lS
Gh) H t

t *— 3-i/e -*
piece of 1/16-inch (1.6-mm) thick brass.
Fig. 48 gives detailed information for
making the

— 10-1/2"
1 — J

In addition to brass, lines

were made from copper, both unplated
mm- INCHES X 25.4
and silver plated, with no discernible dif-
ference in efficiency. Double-sided G-10 IB)

Fig. 47 —
This bottom view shows the cathode printed circuit board would probably Fig. 49 —
At A, dimensions of the plate com-
compartment and the shafts for C6 and C7. A work as well. Best thermal stability was partment bottom cover. At B, dimensions of
cover is placed over the cathode compartment
obtained with the unplated solid-copper the rear panel of the amplifier.
during tune-up and operation.
line. The line is supported by 1.5-inch

(38-mm) long ceramic insulators,

although standoffs made of Teflon will
Separate coaxial relays attached to the also serve. C6 and C7 are made from
input and output terminals allow the beryllium-copper .sheet. Details of their used to center the screw in the hole. Fig.
amplifier to be switched in and out of the construction appear in Fig. 50. These 50 gives details of the remaining
line in a manner popular with hf "flappers" are moved with fishing line metal work.
amplifiers. Time-delay relay Kl prevents which is tied to 1/4-inch (6.4-mm) fiber An enclosure attached to the rear wall
the amplifier from being switched into ser- shafts. These shafts may be seen in the houses the meter dropping resistors and
vice for 90 seconds after the tube heater is underside view. provides a protective hood over the high-
energized, allowing the element to reach The anode
operating temperature. A
normally closed
collet (Eimac no. 008294) is voltage terminal. cover
I made this 3x4
secured to the bottom of with stan- Wl X 1.5 inches (76 X
38 mm) in 102 X
contact of K2 applies full voltage to the dard 60/40 solder. Use no. 4-40 screws size, but the dimensions are not critical.
heater during standby periods. The and nuts to hold the collet in place during' As a final note on construction, it is
voltage is reduced during operation as the soldering operation. The grid collet necessary to isolate the shaft of CI from
recommended by the manufacturer. (Eimac no. 882931) is attached to the ground, if the rotor is connected to the
chassis with eight no. 4-40 machine screws shaft of the capacitor. Rf potential at this
and nuts. A poor ground connection for point is low, allowing the capacitor to be
Place and cathode-compartment con- 'the grid will greatly increase the amplifier mounted on a small piece of plastic if an
struction is from 0.032-inch (0.8-mm) drive requirements or make the unit total- insulated unit is not available.
thick aluminum sheet attached to 1/2-inch ly inoperative.
(13-mm) aluminum angle stock. Some C8, the plate-bypass capacitor, is made Cooling the Amplifier
angle stock may be anodized, giving the from two brass one mounted on
plates, This amplifier is thermally stable; that
surface a dull appearance. This material either side of the plate compartment. A is, heat-induced warping of tuned-circuit
must be lightly sanded to remove the 0.005-inch (0. 13-mm) thick piece of components and the resulting decrease in
anodized metal, which is a poor conduc- Teflon sheet used for- the dielectric
is power output is minimal. A major reason
tor. Holes are drilled in the angle stock to material. While this Teflon thickness may is no doubt the effective cooling system
allow attachment of the covers; these are seem inadequate, it is rated at 1000 volts used. The cathode compartment is
tapped for no. 4-40 screws. Details of the per - mil (0.03 mm) thickness. It is pressurized with a medium-sized blower.
10.5 X 4 X 3-inch (267 x 102 X necessary to coat the dielectric with Dow Any convenient unit capatole of supplying
76-mm) plate compartment may be seen in Corning type DC-4 silicone grease to fill in
the top view photo. Construction of the
50 ftVmin. (1.4 mVmin.) may be used. A
any imperfections in the surface that piece of copper window screen is attached
cathode compartment is similar, and may might allow a leakage path and subse- to the side cover with aluminum solder, to
be seen in the photo of the underside. It quent capacitor breakdown. This silicone shield the air inlet. Air flows from the
measures 4 X 4 X 1-3/4 inches (102 x grease has dielectric properties similar to cathode compartment through the socket
102 X 44 mm). The aluminum brackets Teflon. A
no. 8 (4-mm) brass screw is and into the plate compartment, pro-
holding the rf enclosures to the front used to hold the plates in place, and also viding some cooling of the grid area of the
panel also serve as end covers for the com- acts as the high-voltage feedthrough ter- tube as well. A chimney is made of
partments. Compartment spacing from minal. A 3/8-inch (10-mm) diameter 0.01-inch (0.25-mm) Teflon sheet, i.5 X
the panel is four inches (102 mm). A 5-1/4 washer was sliced from a Teflon rod and 12 inches (38 X 305 mm) in size. A piece

7-25 Chapter 7
1-1/2-inch (38-mm) copper pipe. This xinderdrive an amplifier, of this type,
resulting in an efficiency of only 20 to 30
2" pipe has .an outside diameter of 1-5/8
inches (41 mm) and should fit snugly into percent. If a wattmeter is not available,

T the hole. The Teflon chimney will be held
firmly in place and no air should leak
tune for maximum forward power as in-
dicated on the line sampler. For one-
kilowatt input, drive power must be at
from the box without passing through the from
* least 20 watts. Grid current will vary
5/4" .t anode cooler.
* -t/4 30 to 70 mA as a result of tube dif-
Operation ferences. Less grid current is a sign of in-

maximum resistance sufficientdrive and too much loading.

Decreasing the load capacitance should
NO. 29 in series with the tube heater. Apply
result in reduced plate current and
o.ise" 4-1/4"
heater power and allow two minutes for
creased grid current. Slight readjustment
INCHES K 2».4 tl/16 the element to reach operating tempera-
ture. Now energize K2 and adjust R9 to of the plate-tuning capacitor should also
place 5.7 volts at the socket pins. Apply be required. Table 5 contains a summary
plate voltage (about 2000 volts). Idling of amplifier operating conditions at the
Fig. 50 — Dimensions of the cathode line and
one-kilowatt level. If 40 watts or more of
the flappers used to tune and load the plate plate current should be approximately 30
circuit are given here. Additional information is excitation are available, the cw plate effi-
mA. Apply drive and adjust its level to
ciency can be boosted to about 59 percent
contained in the text.
bring the plate current up to 150 mA. Ad-
just C6 (plate tuning) for maximum out-
by means of increasing the bias to 21
of 1-5/8-inch (41-mm) copper pipeOD Aswitch can be installed on the
put. Input capacitors CI and C2 may then
was used as a form to make the chimney. panel to select another diode in
be coarsely adjusted for maximum plate
The Teflon is held together with RTV place of Dl when operating cw.
current.Simultaneously increase drive
(room-temperature vulcanizing) adhesive.
plate tuning and loading for
Air in the plate compartment must now and adjust Conclusions
flow through the anode cooling fins to maximum output until input power
From a cold start, the amplifier reaches
escape. The air outlet is built on a reaches one kilowatt or the desired level.
The input circuit may be adjusted for full output five seconds after drive is ap-
2-1/4-inch (57-mm) square copper plate.
plied. After the first transmission, full
A 1-5/8-inch (41-mm) diameter hole is minimum reflected power when the pro-
per drive level is established. output is obtained in one second, with no
made in the plate and a piece of copper further drift noticed. This amplifier has
window screening is soldered over it. On An accurate wattmeter is strongly
recommended for use during initial ad- been operated for several months without
the side opposite the screening is soldered
of justments. It is very easy to overload and need for retuning.
a 3/8-inch (9.5-mm) long piece

VHF and UHF Transmitting 7-26

Chapter 8

Receiving Systems

u low good should receiver performance being offered by some manufacturers, and practical receiver operates. Design data
be? A suitable answer might be, "As good although performance is acceptable in and related philosophy are included for
as is possible, consistent with the state of many instances, there is considerable those who are inspired toward developing
the amateur art and the money available room improvement. At least there is
for a homemade receiver.
to the purchaser." That opens up a wide only one mixer to cause intermodulation
area for debate, but the statement is not distortion (IMD) and overloading prob- Sensitivity
meant to imply that a receiver has to be lems in a single-conversion superhetero- One of the least understood terms
costly or complex to provide good dyne receiver. A strong doubly bal- among amateurs is sensitivity. In a casual
performance: Some very basic, inex- anced mixer (DBM) and careful gain definition the word refers to the ability of
pensive homemade receivers offer out- distribution in such a receiver can yield a receiver to respond to incoming signals.
standing performance. superb performance if a proper design
It is proper to conclude from this that the
For many years the evolution of effort is put forth. Of course, the local better the sensitivity, the more responsive
commercial amateur receivers seemed to oscillator should be stable and low in the receiver will be to weak signals. The
stagnate except for the window dressing noise components to further enhance popular misconception is that the greater
and frills added to the front panels. performance. Thus far, not many com- the receiver front-end gain, the higher the
Emphasis was placed on "sensitivity" mercially built amateur receivers meet the sensitivity. An amateur who subscribes to
(whatever was really meant by that term) foregoing criteria. In terms of dynamic this concept can ruin the performance of a
in the advertising. Some amateurs con- range, some manufactured receivers ex- good receiver by installing a high-gain
cluded, as a result of the strong push for hibit an MDS (minimum discernible preamplifier ahead of it. Although this
sensitive receivers, that the mark of a good signal) of -145 dBm (referenced to the will cause the S meter to read much higher
unit was seen when atmospheric noise on noise floor), blocking of the desired signal on all signals, it can actually degrade the
the hf bands could push the S-meter does not occur (1 dB of compression) until receiver sensitivity if the preamplifier is of
needle up to an S2 or S3. Very little the adjacent test signal is some 116-dB inferior design (noisy).
thought, if any, was given -
to the above the noise floor, and the two-tone A true measure of receiver sensitivity is
important parameters of a receiver — IMD ison the order of 85 dB. Greater obtained when the input signal is ref-
high dynamic range, fine readout reso- detail concerning this measurement tech- erenced to the noise generated within the
lution and frequency stability. Instead, nique will be given later in the chapter. A receiver. Since the significant noise genera-
countless receivers were placed on the receiver with the approximate figures just ted inside a receiver of good design
market with 5- or 10-kHz dial increments given is considered to be an acceptable originates in the rf and mixer stages
and excessive amounts of front-end gain. one for use where fairly strong signals (sometimes in the post-mixer amplifier), a
The latter caused the mixer (or mixers) to prevail. However, it is possible to improve low-noise front end is vital to high
collapse in the presence of moderate and those numbers considerably; it has been sensitivity. The necessary receiver gain
strong signals. Double-conversion super-
heterodyne receivers were for a long time
done by amateurs who designed and built can be developed after the mixer —
their own receivers. Examples are W7ZOPs in the i-f amplifier section. The internal
the choice of manufacturers and ama- "Competition Grade Receiver" (March noise is generated by the thermal agitation
teurs. The second i-f was often 100 or 50 and April 1974 QST) and the W1CER of electrons inside the tubes, transistors or
kHz, thereby enabling the designer to get receiver described in June and July 1976 ICs. It is evident from the foregoing
fairly reasonable orders of selectivity by QST. discussion that a receiver of high sen-
means of high-Q i-f transformers. That The foregoing suggests strongly that sitivity could be one with relatively low
concept predated the availability of amateurs should consider designing and front-end gain. This thought should be
crystal-lattice and mechanical filters. The building their own receivers. Certainly, kept in mind as we enter the discussion of
low-frequency second i-f dictated the use such an endeavor is within the capability dynamic range and noise figure.
of a double-conversion circuit in order to of many experimenters. The satisfaction
minimize image responses. derived from such an effort can't be Noise Figure
Single-conversion receivers offer much measured. The following sections of this The lower the receiver noise figure
cleaner performance in terms of spurious chapter are written for those who wish to (NF), the more sensitive it is. Receiver
responses and dynamic range. They are acquire a better understanding of how a noise figures are established primarily in

8-1 Chapter 8
the rf amplifier and/or mixer stages.
Low-noise active devices (tubes or transis-
tors) should be used in the receiver
front AUDIO
end to help obtain a low noise figure or GEN. METER 0.707 A
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The un- OR

wanted noise, in effect, masks the weaker


/ 1

signals and makes them difficult to / |

in the receiver front end

Noise generated Fig i Block diagram of a noise measurement / 1

isamplified in the succeeding stages along setup. / 1

with the signal energy. Therefore, it is in / 1

the interest of sensitivity that internal

/ ., 2
jfl \
noise should be kept as low as possible. 1.87 1.9

/Noise, the signal-to-signal ratio,

Some amateurs confuse external noise
which usually given in dB. Typically,
(man-made and atmospheric, which comes is

noise this runs about 5 to 10 dB for a good re- Af = 30 kHz

in on the antenna) with receiver
during discussions of noise figure. Al- ceiver below 30 MHz. Lower noise figures 2Af = 60 kHz
though the ratio of the external noise to can be obtained, but they are of no real
the incoming signal level has a lot to do value because of the external noise arriv-
with reception, external noise does not ing from the antenna. It is important Qu = = 31.6
to remember also that optimum noise 2Af( - 3 dB) .06 MHz
relate to this general discussion. It is

an rf amplifier does not always

because external noise levels are quite figure in

high on 160, 80, 40 and 20 meters that coincide with maximum stage gain, —
A curve and equation for determ ining the
Fig. 2
emphasis is seldom placed on a low especially at vhf and higher. It is for this unloaded Q of a tuned circuit.
receiver noise figure for those bands. reason that actual noise measurements are
However, as the operating frequency is important to peak performance.
increased from 15 meters up through the
microwave spectrum, the matter of re- Selectivity

ceiver noise becomes a primary considera- Many amateurs regard the expression
tion. At these higher frequencies the "selectivity" as equating to the ability of a
receiver noise almost always exceeds that receiver to separate signals. This is a
from external sources, especially at 2 fundamental truth, particularly with re-
meters and above. spect to i-f selectivity which has been
established by means of high-Q filters
(LC, crystal, monolithic or mechanical).
Noise-Figure Measurements But in a broader sense, selectivity can be
Amateurs can use a thermal noise employed to reject unwanted signal
source for determining receiver noise energy in any part of a receiver the —
The resistance of the noise- front end, i-f section, audio circuit or
local-oscillator chain. Selectivity is a
generator output must match that of the
receiver input, 50 ohms to 50 ohms, for relative term, since the degree of band-

example. Fig. 1 shows a setup for making width can vary from a few hertz to more
than megahertz, depending on the
these measurements. The first reading is a -X-
design objectives. Therefore, it is not
taken with the noise generator turned off. -
uncommon to hear terms like "broadband t- <

The receiver audio gain is adjusted for a

convenient noise reading in dB, as filter" or "narrow-band filter." -

observed on the audio power meter. The The degree of selectivity is determined >,

noise generator is turned on next, and its by the bandwidth of a filter network. The 1 s—
output is increased until a convenient
power ratio, expressed by N2/N1, is
bandwidth is normally specified for the
minus 3-dB points on the filter response

observed. From numbers the noise

these curve; the frequencies where the filter

figure can be calculated by output power is half the peak output -\-
[(N2/N1) - power elsewhere in the passband. The
NF = (excess)dB -
10 log

the difference in noise

difference in frequency between a minus -t- \
where (excess) dB
power between the receiver noise
and that from the noise generator.
3-dB point and the filter center fre-
quency is known asAf. The bandwidth of
the filter then becomes 2 A f Fig. 2 .
1.75 1.8 1.85

If a thermal diode such as a 5722 tube is illustrates this principle and shows how
used as the noise source, and if the circuit the unloaded Q
of a tuned circuit or
is operated in the "temperature-limited resonator relates to the bandwidth charac- —
Fig.3 A tunable Cohn type of filter is shown at
mode" (portion of the tube curve where teristic. A. L5 and L6 are the bottom-coupling inductors
saturation occurs, dependent upon cathode If a tuned circuit is used as a filter, the (1.45 mH). L1 and L4are 70 uH and L2, L3are
temperature and plate voltage), the (ex- higher its loaded Q, the greater the 140 «H. A response curve for the tunable filter is
given at B.
cess) dB can be calculated by selectivity. To make the skirts of the

= response curve steeper, several high-Q

(excess)dB 10 log (20RdId)
resonators can be used in cascade. This
where Rd = the noise source output re-
aids the selectivity by providing greater
sistance rejection of signals close in frequency to
Id = the diode current in amperes
the desired one. The desirable effect of
curve included to illustrate the se-
Most manufacturers of amateur com- cascaded filter sections can be seen in Fig. is

munications receivers rate the noise 3. The circuit is that of a tunable Cohn lectivity obtained.

characteristics with respect to signal type of three-pole filter for use in the front An ideal receiver with selectivity ap-
end of a 160-meter receiver. The response plied to various significant parts of the
input. The common expression is S+ Noise

Receiving Systems 8-2

circuit might be structured something like elsewhere in the band. This is caused' by
this: IMD products from the mixer. Clearly, DETECTOR
a) Selective front end for rejecting strong signals cause undesired interference
out-of-band signals to prevent overloading and distortion of the desired signal when a
and spurious responses. receiver's dynamic range is poor. Design
b) Selective i-f circuit (two i-f filters: features of importance to high dynamic
one 2.4-kHz ssb bandwidth and one
for range receivers will be appearing in the L1

for 400-Hz cw bandwidth). theory sections of this chapter. The four Hot
c) RC active or passive audio filter for terms which have been defined in this
audio selectivity to reduce wideband section were thus treated to enable the
noise and provide audio selectivity in the reader to better understand the material
range from 400 to 2500 Hz (ssb), or a very that follows.
narrow bandwidth, such as 650 to 750 Hz,
for cw. Detection and Detectors
d) Selective circuits or filters in the local Detection (demodulation) is the process (A)

oscillator chain to reject all mixer in- of extracting the signal information from
jection energy other than the desired a modulated carrier wave. When dealing
frequency. with an a-m signal, detection involves
This illustrates clearly that selectivity only the rectification of the rf signal.
does not simply mean the ability of a re- During fm reception, the incoming signal
ceiver to separate one amateur signal from must be converted to an a-m signal for
another that is nearby in frequency, or to put
detection. n / Hoi.
"separate the stations." More specifically, Detector sensitivity is the ratio of
it means that selectivity can be used to desired detector output to the input.
select one
frequency or band of fre- .Detector linearity is a measure of the
quencies while rejecting others. Practical ability of the detector to reproduce the
applications of selective circuit elements exact form of the modulation on the
will be found later in the chapter. incoming signal. The resistance or im-
pedance of the detector is the resistance or
impedance it presents to the circuits it is
Dynamic Range connected to. The input resistance is

Here another term which seems to

is important in receiver design, since if it is

confuse some amateurs and even some relativelylow it means that the detector
willconsume power, and this power must DETECTOR
receiver manufacturers. The confusion D2
concerns true dynamic range (as treated be furnished by the preceding stage. The
briefly at the start of this chapter) and the signal-handling capability means the abili-
age control range in a receiver. That is, if a ty to accept signals of a specified
receiver age circuit has the capability of amplitude without overloading or dis-

controlling the overall receiver gain by tortion,

some 100 dB from a no-signal to a
large-signal condition, a misinformed Diode Detectors
individual might claim that the dynamic The simplest detector for a-m is the
range of the receiver is 100 dB. A receiver diode. A germanium or silicon crystal is
with a true dynamic range of 100 dB an imperfect form of diode (a small
would be a very fine piece of equipment, current can usually pass in the reverse
indeed! direction), but the principle of detection in
Dynamic range relates specifically to the a semiconductor diode is similar to that in Fig. 4 — Simplified and practical diode detector
amplitude levels of multiple signals that a vacuum-tube diode. the elementary half-wave diode*
circuits." A,
can be accommodated during reception.' Circuits for both half-wave and full- detector; B, a practical circuit, with rf filtering and
This is expressed as a numeric ratio, audio output coupling; C, full-wave diode
wave diodes are given in Fig. 4. The detector, with output coupling indicated. The
The present state of the
generally in decibels. simplified half-wave circuit at Fig. 4A circuit, L2C 1 is tuned to the signal frequency;

receiver provides optimum dynamic

art includes the rf tuned circuit, L2C1, a typical values for Q2 and R1 in A and C are 250
ranges of up to 100 dB. This is the coupling coil, LI, from which the rf pF and 250 kfl, respectively; in B, C2 and C3 are
maximum dynamic range attainable when energy is fed to L2C1, and the diode, Dl, 100 pF each; R1, 50kfl; and R2, 250 kfl. C4 is
the distortion products are at the sen-
0.1 uF
with its load resistance, Rl, and bypass
sitivity limit of the receiver. Simply stated, capacitor, C2.
dynamic range is the dB difference (or The progress of the signal through the
ratio) between the largest tolerable re- detector or rectifier is shown in Fig. 5. A Rl smoothed shown
is out, as in C. C2
ceiver input signal (without causing audible typical modulated signal as exists in the thus acts as a
it filter for the radio-frequency
distortion products) and the minimum tuned circuit is shown at A. When this component of the output of the rectifier,
-discernible signal (sensitivity). signal applied to the rectifier, current
is leaving a dc component that varies in the
Poor dynamic range can cause a host of will flow only during the part of the rf same way as the modulation on the
receiving problems when strong signals cycle when the anode is positive with original When this varying dc
appear within the front-end passband. respect to cathode, so that the output of voltage applied to a following amplifier
Notable among the maladies is cross the rectifier consists of half-cycles of rf. through a coupling capacitor (C4 in Fig.
modulation of the desired signal. Another These current pulses flow in the load 4), only the variations in voltage are
effect is desensitization of the receiver circuit comprised of Rl and C2, the transferred, so that the final output signal
from a strong unwanted signal. Spurious resistance of Rl and the capacitance of C2 is ac, as shown in D.
signals may appear in the receiver being so proportioned that C2 charges to In the circuit at 4B, Rl and C2 have
tuning range when a strong signal is the peak value of the rectified voltage on been divided for the purpose of providing
'Hayward, "Defining and Measuring Receiver Dy- each pulse and retains enough charge a more effective filter for rf. It is
namic Range," QST, July, 1975. between pulses so that the voltage across
important to prevent the appearance of

8-3 Chapter 8


t A. ilk ilk

(C) .(A)


rm~ \ . /
i-L!, -?
T i
(D) 0.1


Fig. 5 — Illustrations of the detection process. RF -i


any rf in the output of the

voltage '

detector, because it may cause over-

loading of a succeeding amplifier stage.
The audio-frequency variations can be
transferred to another circuit through a
coupling capacitor, C4. R2 is usually a 6— Plate-detection circuits. In each example the input circuit is tuned to the signal
"potentiometer" so that the audio volume Typical R 1 values for the tube circuit at A are 1 000 to 5600 ohms. For the FET
circuit at B, R1 is on the

can be adjusted to a desired level. order of 100 to 3900 ohms.

Coupling from the potentiometer (volume
control) through a capacitor also avoids
any flow of dc through the moving
contact of control. The flow of dc through DETECTOR
a high-resistance volume control often 01
tends to make the control noisy (scratchy)
after a short while.

The full-wave diode circuit at Fig. 4C
differs in operation from the half-wave
circuit only in that both halves of the rf
cycle are utilized. The full-wave circuit has

the advantage that rf filtering is easier i
than in the half-wave circuit. As a result,
less, attenuation of the higher audio
frequencies will be obtained for any given
degree of rf filtering.
The reactance of C2 must be small
compared to the resistance of Rl at the Fig. 7 — An infinite-impedance detector.
radio frequency being rectified, but at
audio frequencies must be relatively large
an increase in average plate shown, is good. Up to the overload point
compared to Rl. If the capacitance of C2 circuit causes
The average plate current follows the detector takes no power from the
is too large, response at the higher audio
frequencies will be lowered. the changes in the signal in a fashion tuned circuit, and so does not affect its Q
Compared with most other detectors, similar to the rectified current in a diode and selectivity.

the gain of the diode is low, normally detector.

Infinite-Impedance Detector
running around 0.8 in audio work. Since In general, transformer coupling from
the plate circuit of a plate detector is not The circuit of Fig. 7 combines the high
the diode consumes power, the Q of the
satisfactory, because the plate impedance signal-handling capabilities of the diode
tuned circuit is reduced, bringing about a
of any tube is very high when the bias is detector with the low distortion and, like
reduction in selectivity. The loading effect
near the plate-current cutoff point. The the plate detector, does not load the tuned
of the diode is close to one half the load
same is true of a JFET or MOSFET. circuit it connects to. The circuit re-
resistance. The detector linearity is good,
high. Impedance coupling may be used in place sembles that of the plate detector, except
and the signal-handling capability is

of the resistance coupling shown in Fig.6. that the load resistance, 27-kQ, is con-
Plate Detectors Usually 100 henrys or more of inductance nected between source and ground and
required. thus is common on both gate and drain
The plate detector is arranged so that is

The plate detector more sensitive circuits, giving negative feedback for the
rectification of the rf signal takes place in

circuit or the
of the tube than the diode because there is some audio frequencies. The source resistor is
the plate
amplifying action in the tube or transistor. bypassed for rf but not for audio, while
collector of an FET. Sufficient negative
It will handle large signals, but is not so the drain circuit is bypassed to ground for
bias is applied to the grid to bring the
tolerant this respect as the diode. both audio and radio frequencies. An rf
plate current nearly to the cutoff point, so in
Linearity, with the sejf-biased circuits filter can be connected between the
that application of a signal to the grid

Receiving Systems 8-4

cathode and the output coupling ca-
pacitor to eliminate any rf that might
otherwise appear in the output. PRODUCT DETECTOR
The drain current is very low at no
signal, increasing with signal as in the case
of the plate detector. The voltage drop
across the source resistor consequently
increases with signal. Because of this and
the large initial drop across this resistor, OUT
the gate usually cannot be driven positive
by the signal. D2
Product Detectors
A product detector is similar in function
to a balanced or product modulator. It is
also similar to a mixer. In fact, the latter is

sometimes called a "first detector" in a

receiver circuit. Product detectors are
used principally for ssb and cw signal PRODUCT DETECTOR
detection. Essentially, a detector
it is

whose output is approximately equal to SIG. ,

the product of the beat-frequency oscil- HOI

lator (BFO) and the rf signals applied to
it. Output from the product detector is at 7^7
audio frequency. Some rf filtering is

necessary at the detector output to D4

prevent unwanted i-f or BFO voltage from BFO .,
—w- /T7
reaching the audio amplifier which fol-
NJ. O |f
lows the detector. LC or RC rf decoupling
networks are satisfactory, and they need
not be elaborate. Fig. 9 illustrates this (B)

type of filtering.

Diode Product Detectors

The product detectors shown in Fig. 8 PRODUCT DETECTOR
are called "passive." The term means that BFO
the devices used do not require an SIG.
operating voltage. Active devices (transis-
tors, ICs and tubes) do require an
operating voltage. Passive mixers and
detectors exhibit a conversion loss, whereas
active detectors provide a conversion
gain. Passive detectors usually require a

substantially greater level of in- BFO

jection voltage than the case with active
detectors. Therefore, the primary draw-
backs to the use of diodes in these circuits
are the loss in gain ajid the high injection
level required. A typical conversion loss
for a two-diode detector (Fig. 8A) is 5 dB.
The four-diode detectors have a loss of
Fig. 8 — Examples of diode product detectors. Singly balanced types are shoyvn at A and B. A doubly
balanced version is illustrated at C.
approximately 8 dB. The BFO injection
level for each of the diode detectors shown
in Fig. 8 is + 13 dBm, or 20 mW. Since the though some designers use cores with less been added to improve the circuit balance
terminal impedance of the detector is initial permeability. An Amidon.FT-50-43 while presenting a more symmetrical load
roughly 50 ohms, an rms BFO voltage of is entirely suitable as a transformer core to the BFO. The result is better isolation
1, or a pk-pk voltage of 2.8 is required. for the circuits shown. Fifteen trifilar between the BFO and i-f input ports.
The advantages to the use of diodes in a turns are ample for each transformer. Two broadband transformers are used
product detector are circuit simplicity, High-speed silicon switching diodes are to provide the doubly balanced detector
low cost, broadband characteristics, low satisfactory for use in the circuits of Fig. of Fig. 8C. The advantage with this
noise figure and good port-to-port signal 8. They should be as closely matched as configuration is that all: three ports are
isolation. This type of detector is excellent possible for forward and back resistance. isolated from one another effectively.
at the inputof a direct-conversion receiver Closely matched diodes can be had by
(to be treated later in the chapter). using a diode-array IC, such as the RCA Simple Active Product Detectors
The transformers shown in the circuits CA3019 or 3039. Hot-carrier diodes are Fig. 9 contains two examples of
of Fig. 8 are broadband, toroidal-wound excellent for the circuits shown. Matched single-ended active detectors which em-
types. The black dots near the windings of lN914s are the choice of many amateur ploy FETs. They are quite acceptable for
Tl and T2 indicate the phasing required. designers. use in simple receivers which do not
The core material is ferrite and the A singly balanced detector is seen at A require high performance characteristics.
windings are trifilar. Core permeability in Fig. 8. An improved singly balanced The circuit at Auses a JFET which has
can be 950 for most applications, al- detector is shown at B. Two diodes have BFO injection voltage supplied across the

8-5 Chapter 8
converted to a-m by means of trans-
former Tl. The voltage induced in the Tl
PRODUCT DETECTOR secondary is 90 degrees out of phase with
the current in the primary. The primary
MPF102 RFC signal is introduced through a center tap
_nrm_ on the secondary, coupled through a
°^ 1 0.005
capacitor. The secondary voltages com-
bine on each side of the center tap so that
the voltage on one side leads the primary
'1500 signal while the other side lags by the
same amount. When rectified, these two
voltages are equal and of opposite
polarity, resulting in zero-voltage output.
BFO A shift in input frequency causes a shift in
I NJ. the phase of the voltage components that
(A) result in an increase of output amplitude-
on one side of the secondary, and a
corresponding decrease on the other side.
The differences in the two changing
voltages, after rectification, constitute the
audio output.
PRODUCT DETECTOR RCA developed a circuit that has now
become standard in entertainment radios
AF and which eliminated the need for a
1 UT
preceding limiter stage. Known as the
_L 1juF
ratio detector, this circuit is based on the
idea of dividing a dc voltage into a ratio
which is equal to the ratio of the
'1500 amplitudes from either side of a dis-
criminator transformer secondary. With a
100 :iojuf detector that responds only to ratios, the
input signal may vary in strength over a
wide range without causing a change in
the level of output voltage —
fm can be
detected, but no a-m. In an actual ratio
detector, Fig. 12B, the dc voltage required
is developed across two load resistors,
— provided A and a dual-gate MOSFET shunted by an electrolytic capacitor.
Fig. 9 Active product detectors. A JFET example is at

type is at B. Other differences include the two diodes,

which are wired in series-aiding rather
than series^opposing, as in the standard
conversion gain it performs
source resistor. Because the source is not it
discriminator circuit. The recovered audio
similarly to balanced diode
the singly which is
bypassed, instability can occur if the is taken from a tertiary winding

circuit is used as a mixer which has ah i-f detector of Fig. 8B. Doubly balanced tightly coupled to the primary of the
that is close to the signal frequency. This active detectors are seen at B and C of Fig. transformer. Diode-load resistor values
problem is not apt to become manifest 10. These ICs contain two sets of are selected to be lower (5000 ohms or
audio frequency. differential amplifiers each. The "diff
when the output is at less)than for the discriminator.
Slightly more injection power is needed amps" are cross-connected in the exam- sensitivity of the ratio detector is
for circuit A than is necessary for the ples shown to obtain doubly balanced one half that of the discriminator. In
detector at B. An rms voltage of roughly circuits. The virtues of these detectors are
general, however, the transformer design
0.8 is typical (6.5 mW). similar to the equivalent four-diode types, values for Q, primary-secondary coupling,
The detector of Fig. 9B operates in a but they exhibit several dB of conversion and load will vary greatly, so the actual
similar fashion to that of A, but the BFO gain. The MC1496G is made by Motorola performance differences between these
is injected on control gate no. 2. and the CA3102E is an RCA device.
two types of fm detectors are usually not
Approximately 1 volt rms is needed (0.1 significant. Either circuit cart provide
mW). FETs with proper injection levels
FM Detectors
excellent results.
and moderate signal-input amounts have The first type of fm detector to gain A crystal discriminator is shown in Fig.
IMD popularity was the frequency discrimi-
excellent characteristics. Generally, 12C. This provides an adjustment-free
they are preferred to single-ended, bipolar- nator. The characteristic of such a discriminator by virtue of the quartz
transistor detectors. The circuits at A and detector is shown in Fig. 11. When the fm resonator. The components without as-
B contain rf chokes and bypass capacitors signal has no modulation,, and the carrier
signed values are selected to give the
at point zero, the detector has no A
in the drain leads to minimize the transfer is
desired bandwidth. unit of this type is

of BFO energy to the succeeding audio output. When audio input to the fm sold by Spectrum International Co.
stage. The bypass capacitors are useful transmitter swings the signal higher in

also for rolling off the unwanted high- frequency, the rectified output increases in
TRF Receivers
frequency audio components. the negative direction. Over a range
where the discrimination is linear (shown Tuned-radio-frequency receivers have
Active Balanced Product Detectors as the straight portion of the line), the little value in Amateur Radio today, but

conversion of fm to a-m which is talcing in the early days they were suitable for the
Examples of active IC product de-
A singly place will be linear. reception of spark and a-m signals. They
are given
tectors in Fig. 10.
A practical discriminator circuit is consisted mainly of a couple of stages of
balanced version is shown atA. It uses an
shown 12A. The fm signal is selective rf amplification, an a-m type of
RCA differential-pair IC. Except for the in Fig.

Receiving Systems 8-6




i i

INPUT ^ _ Hl-Z T1 lo-Z
is !
i /
I I I i i

FREQ. \/° !

< A !

' I

(1.5V RMS2mW)
(A) Fig. 1 1 — Characteristic of an fm discriminator.

-A/W- • 0+12V
1200 J+ 100>jF uses for the TRF receiver are restricted
mainly to reception of a-m broadcast
(300mV RMS) ,2?oo
signals, for hi-fi reception and for field-
BFO O strength indicators of cw or a-m signals.
U1 Superregenerative receivers were quite
popular among vhf and uhf amateurs in
O,OUTPUT the '30s, '40s and early '50s. The principle
0.05 of operation was an oscillating detector
1000 L-A/W- 1

X 15V 5
which had its oscillation interrupted



(quenched) by a low-frequency voltage
slightly above the audible range (20 to 50
kHz being typical). Some superregenera-
tive detectors employed a so-called self-
quenching trait, brought about by means
of an RC network of the appropriate time
constant. The more esoteric "supergenny"
or "rushbox" detectors used an outboard
quench oscillator. This type of circuit was
more sensitive than the straight regenerative
detector, butwas best suited for reception
of a-m and wide-band fm signals. Because
of the quenching action and frequency,
the detector response was extremely
broad, making it unsuitable for narrow-
band signals versus audio recovery.
High-Q input tuned circuits helped make
them more selective, but a typical
superregenerative receiver which used a
tuned cavity at the detector input could
accommodate only 10 1000-^V, 30-percent
modulated a-m signals in a range from 144
from 144 to 148 MHz without signal
overlap. These tests were performed in the
ARRL laboratory with the 10 signals
separated from one another by equal
A major problem associated with the
use of regenerative and superregenerative
Fig. 10 — Examples of IC product detectors. At A is a singly balanced version, while those at B and C receivers was oscillator (detector) re-
are doubly balanced. radiation. The isolation between the
detector and the antenna was extremely
poor, even when an rf amplifier was
employed ahead of the detector. In many
detector and an audio amplifier. Varia- could be copied, if they were loud, when instances the radiated energy could be
tions were developed as regenerative and the regeneration control was set for a heard for several miles, causing intense
superregenerative receivers. The straight non-oscillating condition. For weak-signal interference to other amateurs in the
regenerative detector was simply a self-os- a-m reception the regeneration control community.
cillating detector which provided in- was advanced to increase the detector
creased sensitivity (similar in function to a sensitivity and the signal was tuned in at Direct-Conversion Receivers
product detector) and a beat note for cw zero beat, thereby eliminating the het- A more satisfactory type of simple
reception. Amplitude-modulated signals erodyne from the carrier. Present-day receiver is called the direct-conversion or

8-7 Chapter 8
synchrodyne type. Although there is a
distinct possibility of signal radiation, it is
considerably lower in level than with
regenerative receivers. This results from
better isolation between the antenna and
the source of the oscillation. A modern
direct-conversion receiver uses a separate
oscillator and a balanced or doubly
balanced detector. Both features help to
reduce unwanted radiation.
The detection stage of this receiver is
actually a product detector that operates
at the desired signal frequency. The
product-detector circuits described earlier
in the chapter are suitable in this kind of
receiver. A tuned rf amplifier is useful
ahead of the detector at 14 MHz and
higher, but it is seldom necessary from 160
through 40 meters. This is because the
atmospheric and man-made noise from
the resonant antenna usually exceeds that
of the detector below 14 MHz. When no rf
stage is used, it is desirable to include a
tuned network ahead of the detector.
Fig. 12 shows typical front ends for
direct-conversion receivers. One circuit
(D) employs a passive detector. The other
(E) contains an active detector. The latter
is desirable in the interest of increased

The circuit of Fig. 12D shows a singly
balanced passive detector. Frqnt-cnd
is provided by a tuned circuit.
Tl a broadband, trifilar-wound torOid

transformer. It is tapped on the input

tuned circuit at the approximate 50-ohm
point. An rf filter used after Dl and D2

to prevent LO energy from being passed

on to the audio amplifier.
12E illustrates an active singly
balanced IC detector. The input im-
pedance across pins and 5 is roughly

1000 ohms. However, the secondary

winding of the input tuned circuit can be
RFC 5/jF made lower than 1000 ohms to reduce the
TQ H GH . 6A N
| |

—O AUDIO AMR signalamount to the detector. This will

(+80 TO +100 d 8)
ensure improved dynamic range through a
;0.05 ~0.05
deliberate mismatch. Such a practice is
useful when an rfi amplifier precedes the
detector. For maximum sensitivity when
no rf amplifier is included, it is more prac-
tical 1000-ohm transformation
to use a
from the 50-ohm antenna (larger link at
the detector input). An audio transformer
is used at the output. The
primary should have low dc
resistance to provide dc balance between
TO the collectors of the differential-amplifier
ANT. O- pair in the IC. Alternatively, a center-
tapped primary can be used. If this is
done, pin $ should be connected to one
end of the winding and the B+ fed to the
center tap. The impedance between pins 6
and 8 is approximately 8000 ohms.
In order to obtain ample headphone
ACTIVE DETECTOR volume during reception of weak signals it
(E) is necessary to use an audio amplifier

which has between 80 and 100 dB of gain.

The first af amplifier should be a
Fig. 12 — Popular types of fm detector (A,B and C) and typical detectors which can be used in the low-noise type, such as a JFET, The
front ends of direct-conversion receivers (D and E). A passive detector is seen at D. The version at E
audio-gain control should follow the first
provides considerable conversion gain.

Receiving Systems 8-8

benefits obtained are probably not worth
the effort.
7-7.3 MHz
Direct-conversion receivers are not
especially suitable above 14 MHz because
it is difficult to secure adequate BFO
stability at so high a frequency. A
practical solution to the problem is the
employment of a heterodyne BFO chain
in which a 5-MHz VFO is heterodyned
with crystal-controlled oscillators. Direct-
conversion receivers are ideal for use in
simple transceivers because the BFO can
be used also as the frequency source for
the transmitter, provided the appropriate
frequency offset is included between
transmit and receive to permit copy of ssb
and cw signals without readjusting the

Characteristic Faults
A major difficulty connected with
direct-conversion receivers is microphonics.
The effect is noted when the operating
receiver is bumped or moved. An an-
noying ringing sound heard in the

receiver output until the mechanical

vibration ceases. The simple act of
peaking the front end or adjusting the
volume control can set off a microphonic
response. This trait is caused by the
extreme high gain needed in the audio
amplifier. Slight electrical noises in the
receiver front end, caused by small
vibrations, are amplified many times by
the audio channel. They are quite loud by
the time they reach the speaker or phones.
Fig. 13 — Example of a practical direct-conversion receiver for 40 meters. The best precautionary measure to reduce
microphonics is to make all of the
detector and BFO circuit leads and
components as rigid as possible. Addition
of an rf amplifier stage ahead of the
detector will also help by virtue of
COAX CORE ;u = 950 increasing the front-end gain. This re-
FEED duces the amount of audio gain needed to
POWER copy a signal, thereby diminishing the

• •
• •
loudness of the microphonics.
The other common problem inherent in
direct-conversion receivers is hum (Fig.
14). The most pronounced when
fault is

an ac type of power supply is used. The

Fig. 14 —
A method for eliminating common-mode hum in a direct-conversion receiver, as described hum becomes progressively worse as the
byW7ZOI. operating frequency is increased. For the
most .part, this is caused by ac ground
loops in the system* The ac modulates the
audio amplifier. Selectivity for ssb and cw by tuning the signal in at zero beat. BFO voltage, and the hum-modulated
reception can be had by including a Direct-conversion receivers of the type energy introduced in the detector

passive or RC active audio filter after the illustratedin Fig. 13 provide double- directly, as being radiated and
as well
gain control. Fig. 13 contains a circuit *
signal reception. That is, a cw beat note picked up by the antenna. The most
which shows a typical direct-conversion will appear either side of zero beat. This is practical steps toward a cure are to affix
receiver in its entirety. As was stated useful during sideband reception, wherein an effective earth ground to the receiver
earlier, the detector is operating as a the upper sideband is received on one side chassisand power supply, use a battery
product detector rather than a mixer, and of zero beat and the lower sideband will power supply, and feed the antenna with
the VFO is serving as a BFO. The appear on the opposite side of zero beat. coaxial cable. End-fed wire antennas
difference between the in-
frequency QRM will be greater, of course, with this increase the possibility of hum if they are
coming 7-MHz signal and the 7-MHz kind of receiver because there is no voltage fed impedance at the
BFO injection voltage is at audio fre- rejection of the unwanted sideband. Some receiver end). Decoupling of the ac power
quency (zero i-f). This is amplified by designers have contrived elaborate circuits supply leads (dc leads to the' receiver) is
means of Ql, filtered through a passive which, by means of phasing networks, also an effective preventive measure for
LC audio network, then amplified by two provide single-signal reception. Unfor- hum. This was explained by Hayward,
40-dB op-amp stages. It is possible to tunately,the circuit becomes nearly as W7ZOI, in July 1977 QST, page 51. The
copy a-m signals with this type of receiver complex as that of superheterodyne. The cure is to add a toroidal decoupling
8-9 Chapter 8

choke, bifilar wound, in the plus and between the power supply and receiver. ted by the rectifier diodes and being
minus dc leads from the power supply. The effect is to prevent BFO
energy from reradiated by the ac line. This form of
This will prevent high-impedance rf paths entering the power supply, being modula- buzz is called "common-mode hum."

Superheterodyne Receivers
Nearly all of the present-day communi- shunt audio noise limiters. An assortment purpose of making the second i-f lower
cations receivers are structured as super- of techniques is being used to improve the than the first. This helps to increase the
heterodyne types. Fig. 15 shows a simple overall selectivity of these receivers — overall selectivity in some designs, but it
block diagram of a single-conversion elaborate i-f filtering, RC active or LC often degrades the receiver dynamic range
superheterodyne circuit. This basic design passive audio filters. However, the basic through the addition of a second mixer.
has been popular since the 1930s, and only circuit concept remains unchanged. The Multiconversion receivers are more prone
a few general circuit enhancements have advancement of greatest significance in re- to spurious responses than is the case with
been introduced in recent years. Sophisti- cent years is the changeover from vacuum single-conversion designs, owing to the
cated versions of this type of receiver use tubes to semiconductors. This has in- additional oscillator and mixing fre-
various alternatives to the circuits in- creased the life span of the of the equip- quencies involved. The "cleanest" per-
dicated in the block diagram. The local ment, improved overall efficiency, aided formance is obtained from properly
oscillator, for example, might utilize a stability (reduced heating), and con- designed single-conversion receivers.
phase-locked loop or synthesizer type of tributed to greater ruggedness and
Circuit Function
LO chain rather than a straight VFO. miniaturization.
Digital readout is used in some models in Some manufacturers still produce dou- In the example of Fig. 15 it is assumed
place of the more traditional analog ble- or multiconversion superheterodyne is adjusted to receive the
that the receiver
readout method. Rf types of noise receivers, but the circuits are similar to 20-meter band. Front-end selectivity is
blankers (often very complex) are chosen that of Fig. 15. Multiconversion receivers provided by the resonant networks before
by some designers in preference to simple have a second mixer and LO chain for the and after the rf amplifier stage. This part

Receiving Systems 8-10

of the receiver is often called the
preselector, meaning that it affords a S METER IkHz/DIV. MAIN TUNING
specific degree of front-end selectivity at (RELATIVE SIGNAL (0-100 kHz
the operating frequency. The rf amplifier FOR EACH BAND)
increases the level of the signal from the FRONT— END
antenna before it reaches the mixer. The PEAKING
amount of amplification is set by the
designer, consistent with the overall
circuit requirements (gain distribution).
Generally, the gain will be from a few dB
to as much as 25 dB.
When the incoming signal reaches the
mixer it is heterodyned with the local-

oscillator frequency to establish an i-f

(intermediate frequency). The i-f can be
the sum or the difference of the two
frequencies. In the example given, the i-f is
the difference frequency, or 9 MHz.
An lattice or ceramic
i-f filter (crystal

monolithic) used after the mixer. At low


intermediate frequencies (455 kHz and ' BAND / ' \ CAL. GAIN
similar), mechanical filters are often used.
The i-f filter sets the overall receiver
selectivity. For ssb reception it is usually RF/I-F
2.1 kHz wide at the 3-dB points of the CONTROL 400- AND 25-kHz JACK
response curve. For cw reception it is
between 200 and 500 Hz in bandwidth,
depending upon the design objective.
Fig. 1 6 — Layout of a typical modern amateur receiver.
Wider filters are available for a-m

Output from the i-f filter is increased by

one or more amplifier stages. The overall
gain of most i-f strips varies from 50 to age terminals of the rf and i-f amplifiers. It voltage is applied.
100 dB. The amount of signal gain is
can be used also to operate an S meter for Oscillator instability .can result from a
determined by the design objective, the observing relative signal-ltrength levels. host of poor design practices. To improve
type of amplifier devices used, and the When the incoming signal is weak the the stability characteristics it is useful to
number of gain stages. gain-controlled stages operate fully. As observe the following:
The amplified i-f energy routed to a is the incoming signal becomes stronger the 1) Use regulated operating voltages
product detector where it mixed with is age circuit starts lowering the gain of the (well filtered).
the beat-frequency oscillator output. This rf and i-f stages, thereby leveling the audio 2) Avoid whenever possible the use of
produces an audio-frequency voltage output at the speaker. A well-designed age magnetic core material in the oscillator
which is amplified and fed to a speaker or system will provide a uniform level of tank coil. Air-wound or ceramic-form
headphones. The BFO is adjusted for audio output (at a given af-gain control coils are best if they are rigid.
reception of the upper or lower sideband, setting) over an incoming signal-level 3) Use temperature-stable, fixed-value
depending on which is appropriate at the variation of 100 dB. The net effect is to capacitors in the frequency-determining
time. In either case the BFO frequency is prevent overloading of some of the part of the circuit. Polystyreneand silver-
offset slightly from the center frequency of receiver stages and to protect the operator mica capacitors are recommended.
the i-f filter. For ssb reception it is usually from the startling effect of tuning from a 4) Ensure that all mechanical and elec-
offset approximately 1.5 kHz, in which weak signal to an extremely loud one. Fig. trical components are secured rigidly in
case it falls on the slope of the i-f response 16 shows the front panel and controls for their part of the circuit. This will lessen
curve. For cw reception the BFO is offset a typical amateur-band superheterodyne the chance for mechanical instability.
approximately 700 Hz from the i-f filter receiver.
5) Build the oscillator on a firm, flex-
center frequency to produce a 700-Hz free chassis.
peak audio tone in the speaker. Other Local Oscillators 6) When practical, enclose the
values of cw offset are common, but 700 own
A good communications receiver con- oscillator in its shield compartment
Hz is preferred by many cw operators. tains oscillators that operate in a stable and use rf filtering in the dc Supply leads..
The overall gain of the receiver can be and manner. Poor oscil-
spectrally pure Needless to say, the more constant the
adjusted manually (by means of a lator performance can spoil the best of ambient temperature surrounding the
panel-mounted control) or automatically. receivers even though all other parts of the oscillator, the greater will be the fre-
The latter is accomplished by means of an circuit are functioning in elegant fashion. quency stability.

age circuit. Energy can be sampled from Not only should the oscillator be stable Precautions should be taken to ensure
the i-f amplifier output or the audio with regard to short- and long-term drift, that the oscillator in a receiver looks into
amplifier. Depending on the method used, it should haye minimum noise in the a constant load impedance. Even minute
the resultant age is called i-f derived or output (at least 80 dB below the peak load changes will cause phase shifts which
audio derived. There are many arguments value of the fundamental energy) and be can affect the oscillator frequency. The
pro and con about which method is best. reasonably free of spurious responses. effect is more pronounced with VFOs
They shall- not be considered here. In Fig. Concerning the latter, it is not difficult to than is with crystal-controlled oscil-

15 the age voltage is sampled from the i-f design an oscillator which has all har- lators. Because of these conditions it is
strip, amplified by the age amplifier and monics attenuated by 60 or 70 dB. good design practice to couple very lightly
then rectified to provide a dc control Another important characteristic of an to the oscillator stage. The power level can
voltage. A dc amplifier is used to drive the oscillator is quick starting when operating be increased by adding one or more

8-11 Chapter 8
Cfb osc.

HWV- 22k 0.01

__+9V 2N4416

7MH7 I I

^ 50 ^P^rX I 1000
0.01 r+i


osc. 2V
0.01 I
2N4416 | 42 MHz
18 — Method for changing crystals by

means of diode switching.



trimmer can be placed in parallel with the

crystal. Whether a series or parallel
trimmer used will depend also on the
(C) (D) type of crystal used (load capacitance and
other factors).
Feedback capacitance (Cfb) for the
Fig. 17— Practical examples of crystal-controlled oscillators. circuit at B in Fig. 17 must be found
experimentally. Generally, a value of 100
pF will suffice for operation from 3.5 to
20 MHz. As the operating frequency is
buffer/amplifiers before the oscillator crystal-controlled oscillator circuits that lowered it may require additional ca-
signal supplied to the mixer or detector.
is provide acceptable performance in ama- pacitance. The drain rf choke should be
teur equipment, only a few of the popular self-resonant below operating frequency.
Changes in operating voltage will result
in frequency shifts. It is for this reason ones will be highlighted here. In the A third-overtone crystal is illustrated at
recommended for circuits offered as illustrations, the feed- Fig. 17D. Satisfactory operation can be
that regulated voltage is

back must be ample to assure quick had by inserting the crystal as shown by
oscillators. Zener diodes are adequate for
starting of the oscillator. Some circuits the dashed lines. This method is especially
the purpose.
such as those in function quite well without the addition of useful when low-activity crystals are used
Magnetic cores,
external feedback components (internal in the overtone circuit. However, CI will
slug-tuned coils, change their properties
with variations in ambient temperature, capacitance within the transistor or tube have little effect if the crystal is connected
thereby causing inductance changes which being adequate). Other circuits need from gate to drain, as shown. C2-L1 is
can severely affect the oscillator fre- external feedback -capacitors. Poor-quality adjusted slightly above the desired over-
quency. Furthermore, mechanical in- (sluggish) crystals generally require larger tone frequency to ensure fast starting of
amounts of feedback to provide operation the oscillator. The circuits shown in Fig.
stability can result if the slugs are not
affixed securely in the coil forms. Toroidal which is comparable with that of lively 17can be used with dual-gate MOSFETs
Some surplus crystals are slug- also, assuming that gate 2 is biased with a
inductors are similarly unsuitable for use crystals.
VFOs. gish, as can be the case with those which positive 3 to 4 volts.
in stable
Oscillator can be held to an
noise have been reground or etched for a A large number of crystals can be
acceptable by employing high-Q
level different operating frequency. Therefore, switched by means of silicon diodes in the
tuned circuits. The higher the tank Q, the some experimentation with feedback vol- manner shown at Fig. 18. The advantage of
tage may be necessary when optimizing a this technique is that the switching is done
narrower the bandwidth, and hence, the
given circuit. As a rule of thumb it is at dc, thereby permitting the control point
lower the noise output voltage. Excessive
necessary to use one-fourth of the to be a considerable distance from the
LO noise will have a serious effect on
mixer performance. oscillator output power as feedback oscillator circuit. Dl through D3, in-

clusive, are 1N914 diodes or equivalent.

High amounts of harmonic currenf in power, to ensure oscillation.
the LO-chain output can cause unwanted Fig. 17 shows four types of common
The same can be used
VXO Circuits
mixer injection. If the receiver front-end oscillator.
Variable-frequency crystal oscillators
selectivity is not of high magnitude, with tubes by applying the appropriate
operating voltages. CI is included for (VXOs) are useful in place of con-
spurious signals from outside the band of
adjusting the crystal to the frequency for ventional crystal oscillators when it is
interest will be heard along with the
desired ones. Harmonic energy can de- which it has been ground. In circuits necessary to "rubber" the crystal fre-
grade the performance of some kinds of where considerable shunt capacitance is quency a few kHz. AT-cut crystals in
mixers, making it worthwhile to use present (Fig. 17A and C) the trimmer is HC-6/U type holders seem to provide the
usually connected in series with the greatest frequency change when used in a
suitable filtering at the LO-chain output.
crystal. When there is minimal parallel VXO. To obtain maximum frequency
Crystal Oscillators capacitance (approximately 6 pF in the shift it is vital to reduce stray circuit
capacitance to the smallest possible
Although there is a wide variety of circuits at B and D, Fig. 17) the netting

Receiving Systems 8-12

1 i

5.0-5.3 7.3-17.6
vxo 1

I7h MHz MHz

TO (4-MHz
^F0^ > UF^ > HET.

HAS 3.3-MHz
7^ 1

OSC. ,

Fig. 20 — Technique for heterodyne frequency generation in a receiver.


r /

G2^ 1
• —t~ 0+9V

Vj^? s ^po.oi
_I _t 1°2 •

Ct^-, C2^ SM >100k![lN914

5.0-5.5 MHz
+ 9V # C1
(A) S.M.
(B) RES.

Fig. 19 — Circuitsfortwo types of VXOs.

amount. This calls for low-capacitance
switches, low minimum-capacitance vari-
able capacitors, and the avoidance of
crystal sockets. The crystals should be
spaced well away from nearby metal
surfaces and circuit components to further
reduce capacitance effects. The higher the 5.0-5.5 MHz)

crystal fundamental frequency, the greater

the available frequency swing. For exam-
ple, a 3.5-MHz crystal might be moved S.M. "SILVER MICA
a total of 3 kHz, whereas a 7-MHz crystal REG.
could be shifted 10 kHz. Although some (B)
amateurs claim shifts as great as 50 kHz at
7 MHz, the circuit under those conditions
is no longer operating as a true VXO. Fig. 21 — Examples of electron-coupled VFOs.
Rather, it has gone into the VFO mode. In
a situation of that kind the high-stability
traits of a VXO
are lost. transistor junction capacitance — a only that which corresponds to true VXO
Fig. 19 contains a simple VXO circuit at contributing factor to the generation of control, even though greater range can be
A. By adjusting X
l the operator can shift harmonic currents. Clamp diodes.are used had after the circuit ceases to be a highly
the crystal frequency. The range will start for the same purpose in conventional FET stable one. Xl is not adjusted again. A
at the frequency for which the crystal is VFOs. The circuit of Fig. 19A will provide buffer stage should be used after either of
cut and move lower. Dl in both circuits is a swing of approximately 5 kHz at 7 the VXO circuits to prevent frequency
included to stabilize the FET bias, and MHz. pulling during load changes.
reduce the transistor junction capacitance An improved type of VXO is presented VXOs of this general type are useful in
during the peak of the positive rf-voltage at B ifi Fig. 19. Depending upon the exact portable transmitters and receivers when
swing. It acts as a clamp, thereby limiting characteristics of the crystal used at Yl, full band coverage is sacrificed in ex-
the transistor g m at peak-voltage periods. swings as great as 15 kHz are possible. change for stability and simplicity. Output
This lowers the junction capacitance and Xl is set initially for a reactance value from VXOs can be multiplied several
provides greater VXO swing. Dl also that will provide the maximum possible times to provide LO energy for vhf and
reduces harmonic output from the VXO frequency shift when CI is tuned through uhf receivers and transmitters. When that
by restricting the nonlinear change in its range. The frequency shift should be is done it is possible to realize 100 kHz or

8-13 Chapter 8
more of frequency change at 144 MHz. oscillator has a crystal for each amateur 25 percent of the total number of turns for
band accommodated by the receiver. The proper feedback.
VFO Circuits crystals and appropriate bandpass filters A comparison is drawn in Fig. 22
Variable-frequency oscillators are simi- are switched by means of a panel- between a bipolar transistor and JFET
lar in performance to the VXOs which mounted control. The band-pass filter version of a series-tuned Colpitts oscil-
were described in the foregoing text. The (Fig. 20) is desirable in the interest of lator (some times called a "series-tuned
essential difference is that greater fre- preventing 5- and 12.3-MHz energy from Clapp")- This type of oscillator can be
quency coverage is possible, and no reaching the receiver mixer. doubly A made very stable by using polystyrene
crystals are used. The practical upper balanced mixer is recommended if mini- capacitors in the frequency-determining
frequency limits for good stability range mum unwanted energy is desired at the part of the circuit.' Silver-mica capacitors
between 7 and 10 MHz. For operation at mixer output. are satisfactory if they have been graded
higher frequencies it is better to employ a Some typical VFOs are shown in Figs. out for temperature stability, but most
heterodyne type of VFO. This calls for a 21 and 22. A vacuum-tube ECO (electron- run-of-the-mill, silver-mica units have
VFO operating at ,
say, 5 MHz. The VFO coupled oscillator) is compared to a unpredictable characteristics in this re-
output is heterodyned in a mixer with similar one which utilizes a dual-gate gard. Some are very stable, while others
energy from a crystal-controlled oscillator MOSFET in Fig. 21. The capacitor shown from the same lot may exhibit positive or
to provide a resultant sum or difference in dashed lines (CI) can be used in that negative drift characteristics. Polystyrene
frequency at the desired LO-chain output part of the circuit rather than at the low capacitors are considerably better in this
frequency. A block diagram is given at end of the tank coil if greater bandspread respect. These VFO
circuits can be scaled

Fig. 20 to illustrate the concept. Most is desired. CI is the main-tuning capacitor to other operating frequencies by using
modern receivers employ this style of and C2 is the padder for calibrating the the values shown determine the
local-oscillator circuit. The heterodyne oscillator. The coil tap is approximately reactances of the capacitors. This in-
formation will enable the designer to
select approximate values in pF for other
VFO Fig. 23 illustrates a composite VFO
which has a buffer stage that is followed
by an amplifier. Dl can be included to
provide the necessary frequency offset
-0+9V when switching the receiver from upper to
lower ssb. This is necessary in order to
eliminate the need to readjust the receiver
calibration dial when changing sidebands.
CI is adjusted for the desired offset
amount. The pi-network output from the
amplifier stage is designed to transform

500 ohms to 50 ohms. The low-impedance

output is desirable in the interest of
minimum frequency pulling from load
P. POLYSTYRENE changes. A 3300-ohm swamping resistor is
used across the pi-network inductor to
(A) (B)
broadband the tuned circuit and to
prevent any tendency toward instability
when a high-impedance load is attached
Fig. 22 — Colpitts VFOs. A bipolar transistor type is seen at A, while a FET version is given at B. to the circuit. Long-term drift measure-

+ 9V REG.
+12V —
O 'W\/— 01

5.0 -5.5 MHz


.5.0-5.5 <
QL = 4

-I -L
7- -7-

Fig. 23 — Suggested circuit for a stable series-tuned Colpitts VFO. Buffering follows the oscillator to increase the output level and provide load isolation.

Receiving Systems 8-14

case of circuit A. The principal advantage
RF AMR to the circuit at B is that front-panel

100 k 330 k
peaking adjustments would not be nec-
essary once the trimmers in the filters were
set for the desired response. A similar
tuned circuit for either example in Fig. 24
would be used between the rf amplifier
and the mixer.
Regardless of the type of LC input
network used, a built-in step attenuator is
worth considering. If can be used for
measuring changes in signal level, or to
reduce overloading effects when strong
signals appear in the receiver passband.
Fig. 25 shows how this can be done. The
example at A is suitable for simple
receivers when. calibration in dB is not a
requisite, and when maintaining an
impedance match between the tuned
circuit and the antenna is not vital. The
circuit at B is preferred because the pads
are of 50 ohm impedance. In the circuit
shown there are three steps available: 6, 12
and 18 dB, depending on how the switches
are thrown. The resistance values speci-
fied are the closest standard ones to the
actual values needed to provide precisely 6
or 12 dB of attenuation. For amateur
work the accuracy is adequate. Front-end
attenuators are useful when vhf converters
are used ahead of the station receiver. If
the converters have a significant amount
of overall gain they can degrade the
dynamic range of the main receiver when
strong signals are present. The attenuators
can be set to simulate a condition of unity
gain through the converter, thereby aiding
receiver dynamic range. It is worth
remembering, however, that an attenuator
used at the input of a receiver when no
converter is attached will degrade receiver
sensitivity and noise figure. A receiver
used frequently for antenna and received-
(B) signal dB measurements might have
several 3-dB pads included, thereby pro-
viding greater resolution during measure-
Fig. 24 — Method for selecting band-pass filters for 75 and 80 meters at the input to an rf amplifier. ments.

RF Amplifiers
ments with type of circuit -at the
this front-end network may have a 3-dB band- It was implied earlier in the chapter that
frequency specified indicated a maximum width of 100 kHz for a given Q and load rf amplifiers are useful primarily to
shift of 60 Hz over a three-hour period. factor. At 40 meters the same type of net- improve the receiver noise figure. When
Output was measured at approximately 1 work would be 200-kHz wide at the 3-dB atmospheric and man-made noise levels
volt rms across 50 ohms. points of the response curve. It is for this exceed that of the mixer it should be
reason that most receivers have a tunable possible to realize better dynamic range
Receiver Front Ends
front-end section (preselector). If fixed- by not having an rf amplifier. The gain of
The designer has a number of options tuned filters were used, at least two such the rf stage, when one is used, should be
available when planning the input section filters would be necessary to cover from set for whatever level is needed to override
of a receiver. The band-pass characteristics 3.5 to 4 MHz or 1.8 to 2.0 MHz, this the mixer noise. Sometimes that is only a
of the input tuned circuits are of consider- would complicate the design and cost of few dB. A good low-noise active device
able significance if strong out-of-band the equipment. should be employed as the rf amplifier in
signals are to be rejected —
an ideal de- Fig. 24 shows the two concepts just such instances. For hf-band work 40673s,
sign criterion. Most of the commercial re- discussed. The circuit at A covers all of MPF102s and 2N4416s are good. Most
ceivers available to the amateur use tuned the 80-meter band, and if selective enough modern receiving tubes specified for use
circuits which can be adjusted from the offers some in-band rejection. A pair of as rf amplifiers are suitable also. For vhf
front panel of the equipment. The greater Butterworth band-pass filters might be work the Siliconix E300 and U310 FETs
the network Q, the sharper the frequency used at FL1 and FL2 of Fig. 24 to cover are excellent low-noise devices.
response, and hence, the better the adja- all of the 80-meter band. A lot of A well-designed receiver should not
cent-frequency rejection. For a given net- additional components would be required, have age applied to the rf amplifier. The
work design the bandwidth doubles for and the in-band rejection of unwanted best noise figure and rf-stage dynamic
each octave higher. That is, an 80-meter signals would be less than in the range will result when age is not applied.

8-15 Chapter 8
This is because the. age voltage changes
the operating characteristics of the rf
amplifier from Class A
to a less linear INPUT
mode. _qTO RF
Fig. 26 shows some typical rf amplifiers AMP.
for use in amateur receivers. Tube-type
circuits have not been included because
they are not much in vogue, nor do they
offer any particular advantages over
solid-state amplifiers.
The circuit at A in Fig. 26 is likely to be
the least subject to self-oscillation of the (A)
four examples given. The common-base
hookup helps to ensure stability if the gate
lead kept as short as is physically

possible. The gain from a common-gate

amplifier of this type is lower than that of
a common-source amplifier. However,
gains up to 15 dB are entirely typical. The
drain of the FET need not be tapped
down on the drain coil, but if it is there
will be less loading on the tuned circuit,
thereby permitting somewhat greater
tuned-circuit selectivity: The lower the
drain tap, the less the stage gain.
All of the FET amplifiers in Fig. 26 are (B)
capable of providing low-noise operation
and good dynamic range. The common-
source circuits at illustrations B and C can
25— Front-end attenuators. A simple type given A and a step-attenuator version is seen at B.
provide up to 25 dB of gain. However, Fig. is at



. (A) (B)

560 > 2N517 9

PPPQ -|(—O(5on.)
TO o-)H> 1.8-30 MHz

ant. O-

100> ~0.01



Fig. 26 Narrowband rf amplifiers are shown from A to C. A fed-back broadband. rf amplifier is seen at D.

Receiving Systems 8-16

they are more prone to instability than is

the circuit at A. Therefore, the gates are

shown tapped, down on the gate tank:
Placing the input at a low impedance
point on the tuned circuit will discourage
/7\d *2-"

self-oscillation. The same is true of the

drain tap. JFETs will hold up under
100 V>7 s
SIG. -t
considerable rf input voltage before being 7~~
damaged. Laboratory tests of the MPF102
showed that 80 volts pk-pk (gate to '560
source") were required to destroy the 0.001;

device. However, in the interest of good

operating practices the pk-pk voltage pk-pk
should be kept below 10. Tapping the gate
down on the input tuned circuit will result LO
in lower levels of pk-pk input voltage, in
addition to aiding stability. (A) .

A broadband bipolar-transistor rf am-

plifier is shown in Fig. 26 at D. This type MIXER
of amplifier will yield approximately 16
dB of gain up to 148 MHz, and it will be
r^VvV- AVv 0+12V
rhj 33k 100k
unconditionally stable because of the
degenerative feedback in the emitter and f-2
f1 +f2
the negative feedback in the base circuit.
)h f2-f1
pk-pk G2
A broadband 4:1 transformer is used in
the collector to step the impedance down
to approximately 50 ohms at the amplifier 7- -o'"
output. A
50-ohm characteristic exists at SIG. -t ^100k l'
the input to the 2N5179 also. band-pass A IN
filter should be used at the input and
output of the amplifier to provide
selectivity. The 4:1 transformer helps to
assure a collector load of 200 ohms, which
is preferred in an amplifier of this type.

This style of amplifier is used in CATV (B) +12V

applications where the transformation
from collector to load is 300 to 75 ohms.
Fig. 27 — Two styles of active mjjcers using FETs.
Receiver Mixers
One of the most important parts of a
high-performance receiver is the mixer. It
is at this point where the greater

consideration for dynamic range exists.

For best receiver performance the mixer
should receive only enough' preamplifier
signal to overcome the mixer noise. When
excessive amounts of signal energy are

i N\N—O+12V
permitted to reach the mixer there will be
r^-f 33k 100K

desensitization, cross-modulation and

f1 +f2
IMD products in the mixer. When these f 2 — f1
effects are severe enough the receiver can
be rendered useless. Therefore, it is ad-
vantageous to utilize what is often called a
"strong mixer." That is one which can
handle high signal levels without being
adversely affected.
Generally speaking, diode-ring passive
mixers fare the best in this regard.
However, they are fairly noisy/and require
considerably more LO injection than is
rf r l-F

the case with active mixers. For the less

sophisticated types of receivers k is 0.001
entirely adequate to use single-ended 5V pk-pk
active mixers, provided the gain dis-
f 2
tribution between the antenna and mixer LO
is proper for the mixer device used.
Field-effect transistors are preferred by
most designers; bipolar-transistor mixers
are seldom used.
The primary advantage of an active
mixer is that it has conversion gain rather Fig. 28 — An active singly balanced FET m ixer.

8-17 Chapter 8
dynamic range.
An LC, crystal-lattice, or mechanical
type of band-pass filter is almost always
used after the mixer or the post-mixer
amplifier. This helps to establish the
overall selectivity of the receiver. It also
rejects unwanted mixer products that fall
outside the passband of the filter.
In the interest of Optimum mixer
performance, the LO energy supplied to it
should be reasonably clean with respect to
frequencies other than the desired LO
one. Many designers, for this reason, use a
band-pass filter between the LO output
and the mixer input. Excessive LO noise
will seriously degrade receiver performance.
LO noise should be 80 dB or more below
the peak level of the desired LO frequen-
cy. Excessive noise will appear as noise
side-bands in the receiver output.

Typical Mixer Circuits

Fig. 27 shows two single-ended active
mixers which offer good performance.
The example at A employs a JFET with
LO injection supplied to the source across
a 560-ohm resistor. This injection mode
requires somewhat more LO power than
would be used if injection was done at the
gate. However, there is less occasion for
LO pulling when source injection is used,
and there is better isolation between the
LO and antenna than would be the case
with gate injection.
The circuit at B in Fig. 27 is similar to
that of A with regard to general perform-
ance. The major difference is that a dual-
gate MOSFET is used to permit injection
of the LO energy at gate 2. Since there is

considerable signal isolation between gates

1 and 2, LO
pulling is minimized and.
antenna-LO isolation is good.
A singly balanced active mixer is

illustrated at Fig. 28. Two 40673 dual-gate

MOSFETS are connected in push-pull,
Fig. 29 — Singly and doubly balanced diode mixers. but with the. LO frequency injected in
parallel at 2 of each device. A
potentiometer used in the sources of the

transistors to permit circuit balance. This

mixer offers superior performance to
those shown in Fjg. 27.
One of the least complicated or
expensive mixers is the two-diode version
(singly balanced) seen in Fig. 29 A. A
trifilar-wound broadband toroidal trans-
former is used at the mixer input. The
shortcoming of this mixer over the one
seen at B is that signal isolation between
all three mixer ports is not possible. A

better version is that at B in Fig. 29. In this

case allthree mixer ports are well isolated

from one another. This greatly reduces the
probability of spurious responses in the
receiver. Conversion loss with these
Fig. 30— Method fordiplexingthe mixer output to improve the IMD characteristics.
mixers is approximately 8 dB. The,
impedance of the mixer ports is ap-

than loss. This means that the stages whereas an FET active mixer may exhibit proximately 50 ohms.
following the mixer need not have as a conversion gain as great as 15 dB. The Irriproved IMD characteristics can be

much gain as when diode mixers are used. cost of gain stages in this era is relatively had from a diode-ring mixer, by placing
a diplexer after the mixer as seen in
A typical doubly balanced diode mixer small/This easily justifies the use of strong
will have a conversion loss of some 8 dB, passive mixers in the interest of high Fig. 30. The diplexer consists of a

Receiving Systems 8-18


Fig. 31 — CA3028A singly balanced mixer. The circuit for the IC is given at B.

Fig. 32 — MC1496G doubly balanced mixer and circuit of the IC.

high-pass network (LI) and a low-pass mixer as that of Fig. 29. However, it has CA3028A and MC1590G ICs are the
one (L2). L2 is tuned to the i-f and good conversion gain and a fairly low most popular ones amateur work
serves as a matching network between 50 noise figure. because they are easy to obtain and are
ohms and Ri_, the FET gate resistor. LI relatively low in cost. With careful layout
and the associated series capacitors are I-F Amplifiers
techniques either device will operate in a
tuned to three times the i-f and terminated The amount of i-f amplification used in stable manner. Bypassing should be done
in 50 ohms. This gives the mixer a proper a receiver will depend upon how much as near to the IC pins as possible. Input
resistive termination without degrading signal level is available at the input to the and output circuit elements must be
the 9-MHz i-f. The high-pass network has i-f strip. Sufficient gain is needed to ensure separated to prevent mutual coupling
a loaded Q of 1. ample audio output consistent with which can cause unstable operation. If IC
driving headphones or a speaker. Another sockets are used they should be the
IC Mixers consideration is the amount of age- low-profile with
variety short socket
Although there numerous ICs
are initiated i-f gain range. The more i-f stages conductors.
available for use as mixers, only two are used (a maximum of two is typical) the Fig. 33 contains examples of bipolar
shown here. Fig. 31 shows a CA3028A greater the gain change caused by age and FET i-f amplifiers. Typical
singly balanced active mixer. The diagram action. on the order of 80 dB
The range is component values are given. A CA3028A
at B shows the inner workings of the IC. when two CA3028A ICs are used in the i-f IC, connected for differential-amplifier
The LO is injected at pin 2 of the IC. strip. A pair of MC1590G ICs will operation, is shown
in Fig. 34 as an i-f
Conversion gain is on the order of 15 dB. provide up to 120 dB of gain variation amplifier. Up 40 dB of gain is possible
Fjg. 32A illustrates a doubly balanced with age applied. with this circuit. The IC is useful up to 120
IC active mixer which employs an Nearly all modern receiver circuits MHz and has a low noise figure.
MC1496G. A schematic diagram of the utilize ICs as i-f amplifiers. Numerous A Motorola MC1590G IC will provide
IC is shown at B. The performance of this types of ICs are available to provide linear up to 50 dB of stage gain when used as an
mixer is excellent, but it is not as strong a rf and i-f amplification at low cost. The i-f amplifier. An example of the circuit is

8-19 Chapter 8

I-F 2N2222A
TO o_ ^ l-F



+12V (MAX. GAIN +9V

Fig. 35 — Age is applied to an MC1590G IC.



XT operated in push-pull with respect to

input and output tuned circuits.

TO Q_ Choice of Frequency
- The selection of an intermediate fre-
quency compromise between con-
is a
flicting The lower the i-f, the
0.01 higher the selectivity and gain, but a low
;o.oi >ioo i-f brings the image nearer .the desired

signal and hence decreases the image

ratio. A low i-f also increases pulling of
(B) frequency. On the other
the oscillator
hand, a high i-f is beneficial to both image
Fig. 33 — Methods for applying age to a bipolar i-f amplifier (A) and a dual-gate MOSFET i-f stage (B). ratio and pulling, but the gain lowered is

and selectivity is harder to obtain by

simple means.
An i-f of the order of 455 kHz gives

-F AMP good selectivity and is satisfactory from

the standpoint of image ratio and
^7 7^ oscillator pulling at frequencies
MHz. The image ratio is poor at 14
up to 7
SIG. when the mixer is connected to the
0.01 antenna, but adequate when there is a
tuned rf amplifier between antenna and
l-F mixer. At 28 MHz and on the very high
~° OUT
frequencies, the image ratio is very poor
unless several rf stages are used. Above 14

VW MHz, pulling is likely to be bad without
very loose coupling between mixer and
•2200 oscillator. Tuned-circuit shielding also
With i-f of about 1600 kHz,
O satisfactory image ratios can be secured
(MAX. GAIN +9 V on 14, 21 and 28 MHz with one rf stage of
good design. For frequencies of 28 MHz
and higher, a Common solution is to use
Fig. 34 — An IC type of i-f amplifier with age applied. double conversion, choosing one high i-f
for image reduction (9 MHz is frequently
used) and a lower one for gain and
selectivity. A popular i-f at present is 3.3
to 3.4 MHz, which is used by some
commerical designers as the last i-f in
given Fig. 35. Age operates in the
in With both amplifiers (Figs. 34 and 35) double-conversion receivers.
reverseof that which is applied to a the input impedance is on the order of In choosing an i-f it is wise to avoid
CA3028A. With the latter the gain will be 1000 ohms. The output impedance is close frequencies on which there is considerable
maximum with maximum age voltage. An to 4000 ohms. These values are for activityby the various radio services, since
MC1590G delivers maximum gain at the single-ended operation, as shown. The such signals may be picked up directly by
low age voltage level. . values are doubled when either device is the i-f wiring. Shifting the i-f or better

Receiving Systems 8-20

shielding are the solutions to this inter-
ference problem.

Fidelity; Sideband Cutting

Amplitude modulation of a carrier
generates sideband frequencies numerically Hf-Ol-F
0.01 AMP-
equal to the carrier frequency plus and
minus the modulation frequencies present.
If the receiver is to give a faithful ASYMMETRICAL
reproduction of modulation that contains,
for instance, audio frequencies up to 5000
Hz, it must at least be capable of
•amplifying equally all frequencies con-
tained in a band extending from 5000 Hz
above or below the carrier frequency. In a
superheterodyne, where all carrier fre- MIX.
quencies are changed to the fixed inter-
mediate frequency, the i-f amplification
must be uniform over a band 5-kHz wide,
when the carrier is set at one edge. If the
carrier is set in the center, a 10-kHz band is
required. The signal-frequency circuits
usually do not have enough overall
selectivity to affect materially the "adja-
cent-channel" selectivity, so that only the Y2'
i-f amplifier selectivity need be con-
If the selectivity is too great to permit
uniform amplification over the band of T°
TO 1/
frequencies occupied by the modulated MIX. <H(- 7~< -M-0"F
0.01 0.01 AMR
signal, some of the sidebands are "cut."
While sideband cutting reduces fidelity, it >RT
is frequently preferable to sacrifice re-
production naturalness in favor of com-
munications effectiveness. Y1- Y1'
The selectivity of an i-f amplifier, and Y2-Y2'
hence, the tendency to cut sidebands,
increases with the number of tuned
circuits and also is greater with the lower
Fig. 36 — A comparison between crystal i-f filters. The selectivity is increased as crystals are added.

the intermediate frequency: From the

communication standpoint, sideband cut- cutting is not at all serious, and the gain in receiver is that which separates signals
ting is never serious with two-stage selectivity worthwhile in crowded
is and reduces QRM, assuming that se-
amplifiers at frequencies as low as 455 amateur bands as an aid to QRM lectivity in other parts of a receiver is

kHz. A two-stage i-f amplifier at 85 or 100 reduction. ignored but correct. Narrow-response
kHz will be sharp enough to cut some of filters are used after the last mixer or

the higher-frequency sidebands if good

I-F Selectivity post-mixer amplifier to establish the
transformers are used. However, the The most significant selectivity in a overall selectivity of a receiver. Most

Table 1

Min. 3 dB Min. 4 dB Max. 60 dB Max. 60 dB Max.RV Max. RV Max. IL Max. IL Min. 60 dB S&L fles. Cap.
Part& Type BW@25°C BWOTR BW@25°C BWOTR @25°C OTR @25° COTR SBR -5% +5%
Numbers (kHz) (kHz) (kHz) (kHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (kHz) ohms (pF)
526-9689-010 0.375 0.375 3.5 4.0 3.0- 4.0 10.0 12.0 445-F60L ,2000 350
F455FD-04 F60H-465 350
526-9690-010 1.2 1.2 8.7 9.5 3.0 4.0 10.0 12.0 445-F60L 2000 350
F455FD-12 F60H-465 350
F526-9691-010 1.9 1.9 5.4 5.9 3.0 4.0 . 10.0 12.0 445-F60L 2000 330
F455FD-19 F60H-465 330
526-9692-010 2.5 2.5 6.5 7.0 3.0 4.0 10.0 12:0 445-F60L 2000 510
F455FD-25 F60H-465 510
526-9693-010 2.9 ,2.9 7.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 10.0 12.0 445-F60L 2000 510
F455FD-29 F60H-465 510
526-9694-010 3.8 3.8 9.0 10.0 3.p 4.0 10.0 12.0 445-F60L 2000 1000
F455FD-38 '
F60H-465 1000

526-9695-010 5.8 5.8 14.0 15.0 3.0 4.0 10.0 12.0- 445-F60L 2000 1100
F455FD-58 F60H-465 1100

OTR = Operating Temperature Range, RV = Ripple Voltage, IL = Insertion Loss, SBR = Stop Band Range, S & L = Source and Load

Courtesy of Collins Radio Co.

8-21 Chapter 8


receivers which use a second i-f of 455

kHz contain mechanical filters. Table 1
lists various mechanical filters which are j 3»— > DISK OUTPUT
manufactured by Collins Radio Co. TRANSDUCER RESONATORS TRANSDUCER

At intermediate frequencies above 500

kHz it is common practice to use crystal
These can be designed with just one

crystal (Fig. 36A), or with two or more

crystals. Fig. 36B illustrates a two-crystal,
half-lattice filter and a cascaded half- Fig. 37 — Block diagram of a mechanical filter (Collins Radio).
lattice filter is shown at C of Fig. 36.

The single-crystal example shown at A

of Fig. 36 is best stated for simple receivers
intended mainly for cw use. CI is adjusted
to provide the bandpass characteristic An illustration of how a mechanical amount of shunt capacitance will depend
shown adjacent to the circuit. When the filter operates is provided in Fig. 37. on the filter model used. The manu-

BFO frequency is placed on the part of Perhaps the most significant feature of a facturer's data sheet specifies the proper
the low-frequency slope (left) which gives mechanical filter is the high Q of the capacitor values.
the desired beat note respective to resonant metallic disks it contains. A Q Most bipolar transistor i-f amplifiers
f (approximately 700 Hz), single-signal figure of 10,000 is the nominal value have an input impedance of 1000 ohms or
reception will result. To the right of obtained with this kind of resonator. If L less. There are situations where the output

f o in Fig. 36A the response drops sharply and C constants were employed to acquire impedance of the stage preceding the filter
to reduce output on the unwanted side of a bandwidth equivalent to that possible is similarly low. In circuits of this variety
zero beat, thereby making single-signal with a mechanical filter, the i-f would it isbest to use series-resonating capacitors
reception possible. If no i-f filter was used, have to be below 50 kHz. in preference to parallel ones. Stray circuit
or if the BFO frequency fell at f neajly , Mechanical ifilters have excellent fre- capacitance, including the input and output
equal response would exist either side of quency-stability characteristics. This makes capacitances of the stages before and after
zero beat (double-signal response) as is it possible to fabricate them for fractional the filter, should be subtracted from the
the case with direct-conversion receivers. bandwidths of a few hundred hertz. value specified by the manufacturer.
QRM on the unwanted-response side of Bandwidths down to 0.1 percent can be Collins mechanical filters are available
the i-f passband would interfere, with obtained with these filters. This fheans with center frequencies from 64 to 500
reception. The single-crystal filter shown that a filter having a center frequency of kHz and in a variety of bandwidths.
is capable of at least 30 dB of rejection on 455 kHz could have a bandwidth as small Insertion from 2 dB to as
loss ranges
the high-frequency side of zero beat. The as 45.5 Hz. By inserting a wire through the much as 12 dB, depending on the style of
filter termination R x has a marked effect
, centers of several resonator disks, thereby filter Of
greatest interest to ama-
on the response curve. It is necessary coupling them, the fractional bandwidth teurs are455-kHz mechanical filters
to experiment with the resistance value can be made as great as 10 percent of the specified as F455. They are available in
until the desired response is obtained. center frequency. The upper limit is bandwidths of 375 Hz, 1.2 kHz, 1.9 kHz,
Values can range from 1500 to 10,000 governed primarily by occurrence of 2.5 kHz, 2.9 kHz, 3.8 kHz and 5.8 kHz.
ohms. unwanted spurious filter responses adja- Maximum insertion loss is 10 dB, and the
cent to the desired passband. characteristic impedance is 2000 ohms.
A half-lattice filter is shown at B in Fig.
symmetrical and Mechanical filters can be built for Different values of resonating capacitance
36. The response curve is

center frequencies from 60 to 600 kHz. are required for the various models,
there is a slight dip at center frequency. ;

minimized by proper selection The main limiting factor is disk size. At spreading from 350 to 1 100 pF. Although
The dip is

the low end of the range the disks become some mechanical filters are terminated
of R T Yl and Y2 are separated in

internally, this series requires external

frequency by the amount needed to obtain prohibitively large, and at the high limit of
the range the disks become too small to be source and load termination of 2000
cw or ssb selectivity. The bandwidth at the
be approximately 1.5 practical. ohms. The F455 filters are the least
3-dB points will
The principle of operation seen in expensive of the Collins line.
times the crystal-frequency spacing. For is

Most modern have selectable

upper or lower sideband reception Y 1 and Fig. 37. As the incoming i-f signal passes receivers

through the input transducer it is con- i-f. filters provide suitable bandwidths
Y2 would be 1.5 kHz apart, yielding a
verted to mechanical energy. This energy for ssb and cw. Most of the commercial
3-dB bandwidth of approximately 2.25
is passed through the disk resonators to receivers use a 500- or 600-Hz bandwidth
kHz. For cw work a crystal spacing of 0.4
filter out the undesired frequencies, then filter for cw and a 2.1- or 2.4-kHz
kHz would result in a bandwidth of
roughly 600 Hz. 'The skirts of the curve through the output transducer where the bandwidth for ssb. The input and output
mechanical energy is converted back to ends of a filter should be well isolated
are fairly wide with a single half-lattice
filter, which uses crystals in the hf region. the original electrical form. from one another if the filter characteristics
The transducers serve a second func- are to be realized. Leakage across a
The skirts can be steepened by placing
cascade, as tion:They reflect the source and load filter will negate the otherwise good
two half-lattice filters in
shown 36C. Rl and Rt must be
in Fig. impedances into the mechanical portion performance of the unit. The problem
selected to provide minimum ripple at of the circuit, thereby providing a becomes worse as the filter frequency is
termination for the filter. increased. Mechanical switches are not
the center of the passband. The same rule
between the crystals Mechanical filters require external re- recommended above 455 kHz for filter'
for frequency spacing
sonating capacitors which are used across selection because of leakage across the
applies. CI is adjusted for a symmetrical
the transducers. If the filters are not switch wafers and sections. Diode switch-
resonated there will be an increase in ing is preferred by most designers. The
The of Fig. 36 can be built
insertion loss, plus a degradation of the switching diodes for the filter that is out of
easily and inexpensively by amateurs. The
passband characteristics. Concerning the the circuit are usually back-biased to
transformers shown are tuned to center
frequency. They are wound bifilar or latter, there will be various unwanted dips ensure minimum leakthrough.
the nose response (ripple), which can In the interest of reducing wideband
trifilar on ferrite of powdered-iron cores in

of appropriate frequency characteristics. lead to undesirable effects. The exact noise from the i-f amplifier strip it is

Receiving Systems 8-22


\ used. The overall signal-to-noise ratio is

greatly enhanced by this method.

FL1 > FL2 I—OPROD. Automatic Gain Control

8-POLE Automatic regulation of the gain of the

receiver in inverse proportion to the signal
strength is an operating convenience in
reception, since it tends to keep the output

level of the receiver constant regardless of

input-signal strength. The average rec-
Fig. 38 — Crystal i-f filters can be used at both ends of the i-f strip. FL2 greatly reduces wideband i-f
tified dc voltage, developed by the
received signal across a resistance in a
detector circuit, is used to vary the bias on
the rf and i-f amplifier stages. Since this
voltage is proportional to the average
amplitude of the signal, the gain is

443 kHz

reduced as the signal strength becomes
greater. The control will be more com-
plete and the output more constant as the
number of stages to which the age bias is
applied is increased. Control of at least
two stages is advisable.
Various schemes from simple to ex-
travagant have been conceived to develop
age voltage in receivers. Some perform
poorly because the attach time of the
circuits is wrong for cw work, resulting in
I-F AMPS "clicky" or "pumping" age. The first

AGC AMP. DC DC significant advance toward curing the

AMR AMP. problem was presented by Goodman
uf>w RECT. W1DX, "Better AVC for SSB and Code
LEVEL + 30dB^ > ! Reception," January 1957 QST. He
coined the term, "hang" avc, and the
455 kHz technique has been adopted by many
S METER! mA] amateurs who have built their own
receiving equipment. The objective is to
make the age take hold as quickly as
possible to avoid the ailments mentioned
in the foregoing text.
TIME-CONSTANT For best receiver performance the i-f
should be contained within the age
loop, which strongly suggests the use of
Fig. 39 — A system for developing receiver age voltage. rf-derived age. Most commercial receivers
follow this rule. However, good results
can be obtained with audio-derived age,
despite the tendency toward a clicky
response. If RC active audio filters are
used to obtain receiver selectivity, they
worthwhile to use a second filter which March and April 1974 QST. The second should be contained within the audio-age
has exactly the same center frequency as filter, FL2, has somewhat wider skirts loop if possible.
the first. The second filter is placed at the than the first, FL1. An RC active audio Fig. 39 illustrates the general concept of
end of the i-f strip, ahead of the product filter after the product detector has a an age circuit. Rf energy is sampled from
detector. This is shown in Fig. 38. The similar effect, but the results are not quite the output of the last i-f by means of light
technique was described by W7ZOI in as spectacular as when two i-f filters are coupling. This minimizes loading on the

Table 2

Application SSB Tran. SSB Rec. Digital Data A-M A-M CW ; FM
Filter type XF-9A XF-9B XF-9NB XF-9C XF-9D XF-9M XF-9E
No. of crystals 5 8 8 8 8 . 4 8
6-dB bandwidth 2.5 kHz 2.4 kHz 0:5 kHz 3.75 kHz 5.0 kHz 0.5kHz 12 kHz
Passband ripple ' <1 dB <2dB <0.5dB <2dB <2dB <1 dB <2dB
Insertion loss <3dB <3.5dB <6.5 dB <3.5dB <3.5 dB <5 dB <3 dB
Term, impedance soon soon soon soon soon 500(2 120011
Ripple capacitors 30 pF 30 pF 30 pF 30 pF 30 pF 30 pF 30 pF
Shape factor 6:50 dB 6:60 dB 6:60 dB 6:60 dB 6:60 dB 6:60 dB 6:60 dB
1.7 1.8 2.2 1.8 1.8 4.4 1.8
Stop-band atten. >45 dB ,>100dB >90dB >100dB >100dB >90dB >90dB
Courtesy of Spectrum International

8-23 Chapter 8
tuned circuit of the i-f amplifier. The i-f
energy is amplified by the age amplifier,
then converted to dc by means of an age
rectifier. Rl and CI are selected to
provide a suitable decay time constant
(about 1 second for ssb and cw). Ql and
Q2 function as dc amplifiers to develop
the dc voltage needed for age control of
the i-f (and sometimes, rf) amplifier
stages. The developed age voltage can be
used to drive an S meter. A level control
can be placed at the input of the age
amplifier to establish the signal input level
(receiver front end) which turns on the age
system.Most designers prefer to have this
happen when the received signal level is
between 0.25 and 1 /*V. The exact
parameters are based somewhat on sub-
An af-derived age loop is shown in Fig.

40. It is suitable for use with CA3028A i-f

amplifier ICs. Provision is made for

manual i-f gain control. Dl functions as a

gating diode to prevent the manual-

control circuitry from affecting the nor- 3cT
mal age action. This
in a receiver
described by
was first

DeMaw in June
used 100
-A/VWr — I

and July 1976 QST.

An rf-derived age systemis seen in Fig. +9V T0+2V
41. It operates on a similar principle as
that of Fig. 40, except that an op-amp is
used in place of the discrete bipolar dc
amplifiers of Fig. 40. Current changes are
sampled across the 10-kn FET source
resistor by means of the op-amp dif-

ference amplifier. With the values of

resistance given, the output dc swing of S-METER
the op-amp is the desired +2 to +9 volts
for controlling CA3028A i-f amplifiers.
This system was also used in the DeMaw
It certainly is not essential to have age
in a receiver. If the operator is willing to EXCEPT AS INDICATED, DECIMAL VALUES OF
adjust the gain manually, good per- CAPACITANCE ARE IN MICROFARADS jiF )
; 0+12V
formance is certain to result. Age is RESISTANCES ARE IN OHMS',
mainly an operator convenience: It pre- kOOOO, M-1000 000.
vents loud signals from blasting out of
the speaker or headphones when the op-
erator tunes the band at a given af-gain Fig.41 — An age system for CA3028AM amplifiers. An op-amp is used as difference amplifier to
setting. provide age voltage while operating an S meter.

Beat-Frequency Oscillators
The circuits given for crystal-controlled
oscillators earlier in this chapter are
suitable for use in BFO circuits. A beat A BFO need not be crystal controlled. fier helps to boost the oscillator output
oscillator generates energy which is It can use a VFO type of circuit, or it can to satisfy the requirement.

supplied to a product detector for be tuned by means of a Varactor diode

S Meters
reception of cw and ssb signals. The BFO (see chapter 4 for a discussion of
semiconductor theory). Elimination of the Signal-strength meters are useful when
frequency is offset by the appropriate
amount with respect to the center crystals represents a cost savings to the there need to, make comparative
is a

frequency of the i-f filter. For example, a builder, but frequency stability may not readings. Such might be the case when

BFO used during cw reception is usually be as good as when crystal control is another operator asks for a comparison
some 700 Hz above or below the i-f center employed. between two antennas he is testing.
frequency. During ssb reception the offset When the BFO is operated at frequen- Because S meters are relative-reading
is slightly more — approximately 1.5 kHz cies above 3 MHz itis helpful to use a instruments, signal reporting based on the

above or below the i-f center frequency, buffer stage after the oscillator to mini- amount of needle deflection is generally
depending upon the need for upper or mize the effects of pulling. Furthermore, without meaning. No two receivers render
a passive product detector is used in the the same reading for a given signal, unless
lower sideband operation. Typically, the if

BFO is placed roughly 20 dB down on the receiver, a substantial amount of BFO by coincidence. This is because the gain
slope of the i-f passband curve for ssb output power will be required ap- — distribution within an amateur receiver
proximately +7 dBm. The buffer/ampli- varies from band to band. Since most S
reception or transmission.

Receiving Systems 8-24

meters are activated from the age line in a
receiver, what might be S9 on one ham
band could easily become S6 or 10 dB
over S9 on another band. A receiver that
rendered accurate readings on each band
it covered would be extremely esoteric and

An attempt was made by at least one
receiver manufacturer in the early 1940s
to establish some significant numbers for
S meters. S9 was to be equivalent to 50
fiV, and each S unit would have been
equal to 6 dB. The scale readings above S9
were given in dB. The system never took
hold in the manufacturing world, probably
for the reasons given earlier in this
In addition to the example shown in
Fig. 41, some typical S-meter circuits are
offered in Fig. 42. The example at C can
be used with rf- or audio-derived age.

Noise Reduction
In addition to active-device and circuit
noise, much of the noise interference
experienced in reception of high-frequency
signals is caused by domestic or industrial
electrical equipment and by automobile
ignition systems. The interference is of
two types in its effects. The first is the
"hiss" type, consisting of overlapping
pulses similar in nature to the receiver
noise. It is largely reduced by high
selectivity in the receiver, especially for
code reception. The second is the "pistol-
shot" or "machine-gun" type, consisting
of separated impulses of high amplitude.
The hiss type of interference usually is
caused by commutator sparking in dc and
series-wound ac motors, while the shot
type results from separated spark dis-
charges (ac power Jeaks, switch and key
clicks, ignition sparks, and the like).
Fig. 42 —Various methods for using an S meter. At A, V1 is a meter amplifier. As the age voltage
The only known approach to reducing increases the plate current decreases to lower the voltage drop across R1. An up-scale meter reading
tube, transistor and circuit noise is results as the current through the meter increases. At B, the i-f energy is rectified by means of D1 to
deflect the meter. A 10-kft control sets the meter sensitivity. At C, the negative age voltage forward
through the choice of low-noise, front-
biases the transistor to cause an increase in collector current, thereby deflecting the meter upwards
end, active components and through more with signal increases.
overall selectivity.

Impulse Noise
Impulse noise, because of the short because of its short duration, and very adaptable to most receivers without any
duration of the pulses compared with the effective noise reduction is obtained. Such modification of the receiver itself. However,
time between them, must have high devices are called "blankers" rather than they cannot prevent noise peaks from over-
amplitude to contain much average "limiters." loading previous stages.
energy. Hence, noise of this type strong In passing through selective receiver
enough to cause much interference generally circuits, thetime duration of the impulses Noise-Limiter Circuits
has an instantaneous amplitude much is bandwidth of
increased, because of the Pulse-type noise can be eliminated to an
higher than that of the signal being the circuits. Thus, the more selectivity extent which makes the reception of even
received. The general principle of devices ahead of the noise-reducing device, the the weakest of signals possible. The noise
intended to reduce such noise is to allow more difficult it becomes to secure good pulses can be clipped, or limited in
the desired signal to pass through the pulse-type noise suppression. amplitude, at either an rf or af point in the
receiver unaffected, but to make the receiver circuit. Both methods are used by
receiver inoperative for amplitudes greater Audio Limiting receiver manufacturers; both are effective.
than that of the signal. The greater the A considerable degree of noise re- A simple audio noise limiter is shown at
amplitude of the pulse' compared with its duction in code reception can be ac- Fig. 43. It can be plugged into the
time of duration, the more successful the complished by amplitude-limiting ar- headphone jack of the receiver and a pair
npise reduction. rangements applied to the audio-output of headphones connected to the output of
Another approach is to "silence" circuit of a receiver. Such limiters also the limiter. Dl and D2 are wired to clip
(render inoperative) the receiver during maintain the signal output nearly constant both the positive and negative peaks of
the short duration time of any individual during fading. These output-limiter sys- the audio signal, thus removing the high
pulse. The listener will not hear the "hole" tems are simple, and they are readily spikes of pulse noise. The diodes are

8-25 Chapter 8

i JW\r l 1

1.5MEG. I rf

St \0F

Fig. 43 —
A simple audio limiter/clipper. R1 sets
the bias on the diodes for the desired limiting

back-biased by 1.5-volt batteries permit- 'T- 0.01 C

ting Rl to serve as a clipping-level
control. This circuit also limits the
amount of audio reaching the head-
phones. When tuning across the band,
strong signals will not be ear-shattering
and will appear to be the same strength as
the weaker ones. SI is open when the
circuit is not in use to prevent battery
drain. Dl and D2 can be germanium or
silicon diodes, but lN34As or lN914s are
generally used. This circuit is usable only
with high-impedance headphones.
The usual practice in communications Fig. 44 — Examples of rf and audio anl circuits. Positive and negative clipping takes place in both
circuits. The circuit at A is self-adjusting.
receivers is to use low-level limiting, Fig.
44. The limiting can be carried out at rf or
af points in the receiver, as shown.
Limiting at rf does not cause poor audio
diode. In many applications the value of
quality as is sometimes experienced when In a shunt limiting circuit, a non-
conducting element is connected in shunt bias manually by the operator;
is set
using series or shunt af limiters. The latter
across the circuit and operated so that it usually the clipping level will be set at
limits the normal af signal peaks as well as
becomes conductive above a given signal about 1 to 10 volts.
the noise pulses, giving an unpleasant
level,thus short-circuiting the signal and The af shunt limiter at A, and the rf
audio quality to strong signals.
preventing its being transmitted to the shunt limiter a B operate in the same
In a series-limiting circuit, a normally
remainder of the amplifier. The usual manner. A pair of self-biased diodes are
conducting element (or elements) is
conducting element will be a forward- connected across the af line at A, and
connected in the circuit in series and
biased diode, and the usual noncon- across an rf inductor at B. When a steady
operated in such a manner that it becomes
cw signal present the diodes barely
nonconductive above a given signal level. ducting element will be a back-biased is



0.001 1
'N91 4^0.001 1N34AJ I



and Li are tuned to the receiver

Fig 45— Diagram of a noise blanker. C1 i-f.

Receiving Systems 8-26

conduct, but when a noise pulse rides in
on the incoming signal, it is heavily
because^ capacitors CI and C2
tend to hold the diode bias constant for
the duration of the noise pulse. For this SIG. IN C1 ' jTTT\jTU\_nrrrL ;C3>R o
o L2A L2B L2C
reason the diodes conduct heavily in the
presence of noise and maintain a fairly
constant signal output level. Considerable L3 88 mH
clipping of cw signal peaks occurs with
L2 •
264 mH rn
this type of limiter, but no apparent
deterioration of the signal quality results. Fig. 46A — Schematic diagram of the W3NQN high-performance passive cw filter. L2 consists of
LI at C is tuned to the i-f of the receiver. three 88-mH toroidal inductors in series. L1 and L3 are center tapped.
An i-f transformer with a conventional
econdary winding could be used in place
. of LI, the clipper circuit beting connected
to the secondary winding; the plate of the
6BA6 would connect to the primary
winding in the usual fashion. ( CYLINDRICAL CASE CONTAINING FIVE 88-mH INDUCTORS


I-F Noise Silencer
The noise silencer circuit shown in

Fig. 45 designed to be used ahead of the


high-selectivity section of the receiver.

Noise pulses are amplified and rectified,
and the resulting negative-going dc pulses

are used to cut' off an amplifier stage
during the pulse. A manual "threshold" u |cj
control is set by the operator to a level DETAIL OF INTERNAL
that only permits rectification of the noise 22-mH COIL LEADS TO
pulses that rise above the peak amplitude GIVE B8 mH .
of the desired signal. The clamp transistor,
Q3, short
circuits the positive-going pulse
Running the 40673 con-
1 1 Rl

trolled i-f amplifier at zero gate 2 voltage

allows the direct application of age voltage. Fig. 46B — Pictorial details of now standard 5-toroid (88 mH each) surplus assembly can be wired
See July 1971 QST for additional details. to provide the filter of Fig. 46A.

Passive CW Audio Filters

- Even though a receiver may have
narrow-band i-f filtering for cw reception Table 3
(200 to 600 Hz, typically), the addition of CW Bandpass Filter Designs Using 88-mH Inductor Assemblies
an audio filter can be of value to the
Component Values and Design Parameters of 6-Element BP Filters.'
operator. If a post i-f amplifier crystal or
mechanical filter is included in the receiver
Freq. C1, 3' C2 f-BW (Hz)
design, a subsequent audio filter won't do No. to W) (ohms) (di) (A„) (3dB)
much toward enhancing performance.
1 1140 0.9827 155.1 170.0
But, when only one i-f filter is used (ahead 2 379.4 2.0 0,667 600 0.0167 92.4 161.5
of the i-f strip), audio filters of narrow 3 514 Zero N/A 154.9
bandwidth can greatly improve the 4 1769 0.9827 266.0 291.6
650.6 0.68 0.2268
5 880.6 Zero N/A 265.6
receiver noise figure. This is because the
inherent wide-band noise from the i-f Notes:

amplifiers has the potential of degrading 'All tabulated designs are based on L1 = L3 = 88 mH and L2 = 264 mH.

the signal-to-noise ratio of the receiver.

Using the proper design equations, any value of f c may be selected; however, for higher values of
f the 3 dB bandwidth becomes too wide for good selectivity.
Similarly, many receiver audio amplifiers
'To minimize the physical size of the capacitors, metallized Mylar capacitors are recommended.
will pass high and low frequencies that are *A P = Maximum amplitude of passband ripple.
not needed in communications work. A
well-designed passive or. active audio filter
will greatly reduce wide-band noise and
will restrict the audio bandwidth of the
receiver —
a significant aid to reception chosen will depend on the operator's how to wire the filter when using the stan-
during weak-signal work and when the peak-frequency preference. Proper ter- dard 5-toroid package which is available
QRM level is high. '
mination of the filter is necessary in order on the surplus market.
Fig. 46A
contains the circuit of a to realize the conditions set forth in Table
6-element, high-performance Chebyshev 3. An ideal place for insertibn of the filter RC Active Audio Filters <

bandpass filter. It was designed by Ed is immediately after the 1st audio The active type of audio filter is more
Wetherhold, W3NQN, for use in this amplifier stage. However, this type of popular than the passive type shown in
book. It contains five 88-mH telephone- filter can be used between the receiver Fig. 46A. The primary advantages of ac-
type toroidal inductors (available as audio output and the headphones if atten- tive filters are (1) unity gain or greater
surplus). Table 3 provides component tion is given to the value of R and Rl- (passive filters have some insertion loss),
values and pertinent data for the center Fixed- value resistors can be used to ensure ,
and (2) they can be built more compactly
frequencies of 379.4 and 650.6 Hz. The fc correct filter termination. Fig. 46B shows than LC filters can. Another advantage of

8-27 Chapter 8
-0+ 12 V

Pick H 0iQ,«o=2jrfc
where =center.freq.
Choose C
Then R, = „®
H rC


2-(2Q'-H> C

IfH o = 2,fo =800Hz,Q=5

f, 1000 Hz 2.2 k
and C = .022 wF
R, =22.6kn(use 22k)
R 2 =942n (use 1000)
R 3 =90.4kO (use91K,or 100k)

— Circuit example of one pole section of an RC active audio filter which uses discrete Fig. 47B — Equations for designing an RC ac-
Fig. 47A tive audio filter.
active devices, Q1 and Q2.




PR00. ?.+





k. 1000, M-IOOO 000.


750-Hz CW

Fig. 48 — Practical circuit for a two-pole cw RC active filter, showing how it can be switched into and out of the audio channel of a receiver.

Receiving Systems 8-28

RC active filters is that they can be made Op amp ICs are used as the active High-Q, stable capacitors are im-
with variable Q and variable center or devices in most RC active filters. The 741, perative to proper filter performance.
cutoff frequencies. These two features can LM301 and 747 types of ICs are suggested Polystyrene capacitors are recommended
be controlled at the panel of the receiver for that application. However, discrete for use at C Qf Figs. 47 A
and 47B. The
by means of potentiometers. devices can be used with equal success if frequency-determining resistors and
Most RC active filters are designed for a the builder so desires. Fig. 47A shows one capacitors should be as close to the design
gain of 1 to 5. A recommended gain section of an active filter which uses tran- values as possible. Variations greater than
amount is 2 for most amateur applica- sistors.Ql serves as a source-follower at 5 percent in resistance and capacitance in
tions. The more filter sections placed in the input and Q2 is one section of the a multipole filter will widen the 3-dB
cascade, the better the skirt selectivity. Cascaded additional filter sections
filter. bandwidth and cause dips in the 'nose of
The maximum number of usable FC filter would consist of the circuit which is com- the response curve. In other words, fc
sections is typically 4. The minimum ac- mon to Q2. The values of Rl and R2 should be exactly the same for all filter
ceptable number is 2 for cw work, but a would be changed to modify the fc of the sections in an ideal example.
single section RC active filter is often filter. The lower the
resistance value the A practical example of a two-pole RC
suitable for ssb reception in simple higher A
dual potentiometer could
the" fc . active filter which uses a dual op-amp IC
receivers. As the Q and number of filter be used in place of Rl and R2 to provide is given in Fig. 48. It is switched in and out
sections increases there a strong ten- is frequency variations. of the audio amplifier by means of SI As .

dency toward "ringing." This becomes Design data for RC active filters which shown, the filter represents the minimum
manifest in the speaker or earphones as a use ICs is given in Fig. 47B. One pole is acceptable design for most cw work. A
howling sound which can be most unplea- shown. The term H is the desired voltage three- or four-pole filter of this type
sant to hear. The same is true of passive gain of the filter. Gains between unity (1) would be more desirable for cw work
audio filters which have extremely high and 2 are the most common. under adverse band conditions (QRM or
loaded-Q values. weak signals).

A Simple Receiver for Beginners

Good results are obtainable with the "basic

direct-conversion receiver presented here.
The circuit is without easy
frills, making it

to construct and operate. Information is

given for operation on 80 or 40 meters, DET.
7.0-7.2 MHz
with only fouf transistors, one IC and OR
No 3.60-3.8 MHz
three diodes. attempt has been made FL1
to provide cw selectivity, but reception of C1

cw and ssb signals is entirely adequate for ANT.


this first effort at receiver building. 50-fl

The circuit of Fig. 50 is designed for

headphone output. The overall receiver
sensitivity is suitable for comfortable
reception of even the weaker signals when
a resonant antenna is used. The front-end
filter, L1/L2/C1/C2/C3, is designed to
work 50-ohm antenna. This network
into a
is fixed tuned, so it does not have to be

adjusted across the tuning range once it

has been preset for midrange in the
coverage of the main-tuning dial. If a
50-ohm antenna is not available, the user

Fig. 50— Schematic diagram of the direct-conversion receiver. Capacitors are disk ceramic
unless noted otherwise. Polarized capacitors are electrolytic. Resistors are 1/4- or 1/2-watt
C2, C3 — Mica compression trimmer, Arco 427 for 40-meter version.
Fig. 49 — Front view of the beginners receiver. orequiv. D1 — Silicon switching diode. N914 or equiv.

The panels are made from double-sided pc C5— Miniature air variable, Hammarlund HF-15 D2 — Zener diode, 9.1-V, 400 mWor watt. 1
board material. or similar for 80-meter version. HF-10 or similar D3— Silicon rectifier diode, 50 PRV, 1 A suitable.

8-29 Chapter 8
Table 3
Component Data tor the Direct-Conversion Receiver
(pF) C2(pF) C3 (pF) C4 (pF) C5 (pF) C6(pF) C7, C8 {pF)
Band LI. L2(uH) C1
240 nom. 198 nom. 42 s.m. 10 max. 200 560
40 M 2 _
, 5
poly, or poly, or
Arco 427 Arco 427
20 ts. no. s.m.

20 enam. on
core. Use 2-
turn link on L1.
184 nom. 116 nom. 68 s.m. 1 5 max. 950
80 M 8.7
* 7
Arco 427 poly, or pojy. or
40 ts. no.
Arco 427
s.m. s.m.
24 enam.on
core. Use 2-
turn link on L1.

polystyrene. L3 nom. inductance for 40 meters = 4.5 M H (J. W, Miller

= 42A476CBI or equivalent). L3 mrtere has norrv in- £r M
S M = silver mica. Poly
enam. wire on an Amidon FT 50-43 toroid core. Twist
ductance of 96 M H Miller 42A105CBI or equivalent). T1 consists of 15 bifilar turns of no. 24
(J. W.
wire's 6 times per inch before winding. C2 and C3 are
miniature mica compression trimmers.

can a small antenna-matching

install method is to adjust the matching network through Tl, driving the source of Q2.
circuit between the receiver and the by means of a transmitter and SWR VFO injection is on the detector gate. Q3
audio preamplifier. It direct
antenna system (a small Transmatch) to indicator. Then the receiver can be is the is

connected in place of the transmitter and coupled to the drain of the product
provide the proper termination for FL1.
detector. An additional 40 dB of audio
A rough approximation of the proper FL1 adjusted as outlined later.
settings for the tuner can be found by Ql of Fig. 50 operates as a fed-back gain is provided by Ul, an operational-
adjusting for maximum sensitivity while broadband amplifier. Output from Ql is amplifier IC. A
330-ohm resistor is in
weak signal. A better routed to the product detector. (Q2) series with the headphone line to permit
listening to a
the use of 8- and 16-ohm phones. Without
the resistor the IC tends to self-oscillate at
audio frequencies. The resistor is not
required when the headphones have an
impedance of 600 ohms or greater.
protection diode, D2, is included to
PRE AMP prevent accidental damage to the receiver
if the power supply is attached with the

wrong polarity. Positive voltage will pass

Q3 through the diode, but negative voltage
will be blocked.
TheVFO uses only one transistor.
Voltage to the drain of the FET, 04, is
regulated at 9. 1 volts by means of a Zener
diode, D2. Dl helps to stabilize the
oscillatorby limiting the positive swing of
the sine wave during oscillation. Table 3
contains the correct values for the VFO
parts, respective of the operating band,
which do not have specified values on the
schematic diagram of Fig. 50.

The receiver is built from pieces of
double-sided pc board, except for the
etched-circuit board which is single sided.
The overall layout is larger than need be,
inorder to make the project less difficult
BC 2
for inexperienced builders to assemble.
3 The VFO is enclosed in a separate
compartment made from three pieces of

PHASING VIEW double-sided pc board. The side pieces
measure 2-1/2 X 3 inches (64 X 76 mm).
IN MICROFARADS (jiF) OTHERS , ; The rear wall of the VFO box is 2 X 2-1/2
inches (51 X 64 mm). The rear corners of
k -IOOO, M« 000 000
the box are joined by flowing solder along
the inner seams. A
1-1/2 X 2-inch (38 X 51
mm) plate is soldered inside the front of
the compartment, 1/2 inch (13 mm) frorh
composition. Numbered components which do not have assigned values are so designated for the front panel. This plate is also made
layout purposes. Others appear in Table 3. FT indicates feedthrough type.
from double-sided pc board. It is the
J1— SO-239 R1 —
10-kO carbon control, audio taper
mounting plate for the main-tuning
J2— Two-circuit phone jack, preferred.
U1 - 741 op amp, 8-pin dual in line.
„ .

Mount ,
capacitor. Three no. 6 spade bolts hold
J3- Single-hole mount phono jack.
Q2, Q4 — Motorola MPF1 02 JFET. VFO
box to the main circuit board.
directly on pc board or use 8-pin IC socket. the

Receiving Systems 8-30


Fig. 52 — Outside view of the simple superhet

receiver. The front and rear panels are made
from double-sided circuit board.

supply, place a short length of wire near

the VFO circuit. The opposite end of the
wire is connected to the antenna post of a

calibrated amateur receiver. Look for the

VFO signal in the 80- or 40-meter bands
(depending upon which model is built).
Once it is located, indicating that the
oscillator is working, set C5 for maximum
capacitance. Tune the receiver being used
for calibration purposes to the low-
frequency end of the VFO range (3.6 or
7.0 MHz) and adjust the slug of L3 in the
homemade receiver until a signal is heard.
When C5 is set for minimum capacitance

the signal should appear at approximately

3.8 or 7.2 MHz. As an alternative to the
foregoing alignment method, a frequency
counter can be coupled to the gate lead of
Q2 for direct VFO readout.
Fig. 51 — Top view of the receiver showing the input the upper right, the VFO and its
filter at
All that remains
in, the alignment
enclosure at the lower center and the audio-amplifier IC at the lower left. A
Radio Shack vernier
procedure is to set C2 and C3 of FL1 for
drive is used to turn the VFO tuning capacitor. A panel-reinforcing bracket peak signal response in the center of the
is visible at the upper
VFO tuning range. If a -50-ohm signal
generator is available it should be used for
the purpose. If not, a 56-ohm resistor can
The front and rear panels of the receiver could be placed in that spot to provide be connected across Jl and a random
are 4-3/4 inches (127 mm) high and 6 speaker volume. Designs for such ac- length of antenna wire attached to the
inches (625 mm) wide. The etched-circUit cessory items are left to the skills of the. antenna post of the receiver. The trimmers
board is soldered to the panels 3/4 inch builder. of FL1 should then be set for maximum
(19 mm) up from the lower edges of the must be done with care
All solder joints response of a weak signal near the center
panels. After the panels are in place (they to prevent cold-solder joints and un- of the VFO tuning range. The 56-ohm
should be drilled for the attached parts wanted bridges (shorts) from one circuit resistor will provide a suitable termination
first — see photographs), the leading foil to another. Final inspection with a for FLl if the antenna wire is not a quarter
edges of the VFO box can be tack- magnifying glass is recommended. If a wavelength long or some multiple thereof.
soldered to the front panel at two points radio club adopts group
this receiver as a Circuit boards and negatives for this
to ensure rigidity. The rear panel can be project suggested that the members
it is receiver are available from Circuit Board
reinforced by connecting a small home- trade receivers for the purpose of in-
made bracket between the inner wall of
Specialists, Box 969, Pueblo, CO 81002.
spection before applying the operating Complete parts kits are also available
the panel and the etched-circuit board at voltage. from the same supplier.
some convenient point. Fig. 52 contains a scale template for the
A 1-inch (25-mm) diameter hole is circuit board, plus a parts-placement A Simple Superhet for 75-Meter SSB
made in the front panel, centered on the guide. The general layout scheme of the Circuit elaboration
not always is
shaft of the tuning capacitor. This will receiver is apparent when viewing the essential to good receiver performance. .

permit ample leeway when mounting the photographs. D3 is connected between J3 This is particularly true when the builder
vernier-drive mechanism., and the pc board 12-volt bus. desirescompact equipment for portable
A blank area is provided near the rear
operation. The simplicity concept is
of the etched-circuit board. This was done Checkout and Operation
enhanced further by the low current drain"
to allow room for accessories to be added, The VFO tuning range should be which can be realized when only the bare
such as an RC active audio filter or a checked first. With operating voltage essentials are designed into the circuit.
small crystal-controlled converter to per- from two 6- volt lantern batteries (series This superheterodyne receiver rep-
mit reception of the 20- or 15-meter connected), 10 size D
flashlight cells in resents themost basic approach that will
bands. Alternatively, an audio amplifier series, or a 12-volt regulated dc power provide acceptable selectivity, immunity
8-31 Chapter 8 *


1 I

100K Dl Mp = 1

-trr„ JUMPER.
2 ** F

-1000!! — I

100K Q4 G 5 U
-0.1— I

D 5
— 0.1"
Q2 °1 50pF„ 50J1F,
lboon -o.oj- ce
180fi TO FT 1000J1 I

ioo on
500/ih J. ' 47K

| I 560S2
ioon i

~" 10 ""~

Tl PRI \ . I

— 100S1

\ — C3 TRIM —


I — C2 TRIM-

D3 (+13V)

Fig. 53— Scale pattern of the pc board showing parts placement. Shown from the component side of the board.

Miller 8814 transformer/filter specified.

to front-end overloading and sensitivity. element, FL2. This part was
i-f selectivity

contains a monolithic filter that

Five transistors, four diodes and one IC chosen because of the low cost. However, It

comprise the semiconductor count in the any of the Collins 455-kHz mechanical provides a 4-kHz bandwidth at the 3-dB
A supply voltage of 11 to 14 is filters designed for ssb bandwidth can be points of the response curve. It is
on the order used, provided the insertion less is low. suggested that the Miller 8814 be used in
The current drain
suitable. is

circuit changes necessary would place of a mechanical filter to ensure

of 50 mA maximum. The only
be modification of the terminating re- maximum overall receiver gain and
Fig. 54 shows the schematic diagram of
this receiver. A fixed-tuned Butterworth sistances, the filter resonating capacitors, reduced cost. An extra stage of i-f

and the BFO (Yl and Y2). This

crystals amplification may be required with some
front-end . filter permits coverage from
model calls for 2700 ohms at each end of mechanical filters in order to have
3.75 to 4.0 MHz without the need for
two 360 pF resonating headphone output on weak
the filter. A high-transconductance the filter, plus 'sufficient
filter bandwidth is 2.2
The signals.
dual-gate MOSFET, Ql, serves as the capacitors.
mixer. Conversion gain with this device kHz at 3-dB points. The 60-dB
the Output from FL2 is routed to a
bandwidth is 5.5 kHz. A lower-cost single-stage i-f amplifier, Q2, another
(3N211) is very high, owing to the g m of
3N211 FET. The gain of this amplifier,
30,000 micromhos. A
Collins Radio CB- 455-kHz filter alternative is offered in the
modification diagram of Fig. 55. A J. W. plus that of the audio-amplifier is
type mechanical filter is shown as the

Receiving Systems 8-32

Fig. 54—
Schematic diagram of the ssb receiver.
Fixed-value capacitors are disk ceramic unless
noted otherwise. Polarized capacitors are MIXER
electrolytic. Fixed-value resistors aire 1/4-.or 1/2-
watt composition.
C1 C2 —
Mica compression trimmer, 300 pF

max. Arco 427 or equiv. -

C3 — Miniature 25-pF air variable, Hammarlund

HF-25 or similar.
C4 — Circuit-board mount subminiature air

variable or glass piston trimmer, 1 pF mix. A

NPO; miniature ceramic trimmer suitable as (50A
second choice.
D1 —
LED, any color 'or size. Used only as 1.5-V
reference diode. ,

D2, D3—
Silicon switching diode, 1N914or
D4 — Polarity-guarding diode. Silicon rectifier,
50 PRV, 1 A.

D5 Zener diode, 9.1 volts, 400 mW or 1 watt.
FU1 —
Band-pass filter (see text)
FL2— Collins Radio CB-type mechanical filter,
Rockwell International no. 5269939010, 453.55
kHz center freq.
J1 — SO-239.
J2 — Single-hole-mount phono jack.
J3 — Two-circuit phone jack.
L1 — Two turns no. 24 insulated wire over ground
end of L2.
12, L3 —
40 turns no. 24 enam. wire on T-68-6
toroid core.
L4 — Slug-tuned inductor, 3.6 to 8.5 range, J. W.
Miller42A686CBI or equivalent suitable.
Substitutes should have Q of 100 or greater at
4 MHz and be mechanically rigid.
Q1-Q5, incl. —
Texas Instruments 3N21 1 FET.
R1 —
Dual control, 1 0-kn per section, linear
taper, Allen Bradley type JD1 N200P or similar.
Separate controls can be used by providing
extra hole in front panel.
RFC1, RFC3 —
10-mH Miniature rf choke, J. W.
Miller 70F102AI orequiv.
RFC2— 1-mH Miniature rf choke, J. W. Miller
70F103AI or equiv.
S1 — Two-pole, two-position phenolic or ceramic
wafer switch.
Ti — 455-kHz miniature transformer (see i-f text),
J. W. Miller no. 2067.
U1 — 8-pin dual-in-line 741 op amp.
Y1 Y2 — International Crystal Co. type GP, 30-pF

load capacitance, HC-6/U style of holder. Lsb

452.25 kHz, and usb 454.85 kHz.

controlled manually by means of a dual that take-off point. Some oscillator Audio gain is provided by Ul, a 40-dB
control, R1A/R1B. The bias on gate 2 of pulling (slight) will be observed when FL1 op amp. The receiver output is adequate
Q2 varied at R1A to set the i-f gain
is is aligned. However, once the front-end for weak signals (1 «V or greater) with the
level.In order to obtain a wide range of filter is tuned the effect will not be arrangement shown in Fig. 54. Addition
control it is necessary to place gate 2 at a noticed. A VFObuffer/amplifier would of a 0.5 or 1-watt audio IC would enable
volt or two minus with respect to gate 1. resolve this condition, but is not necessary the builder to employ a speaker rather
This achieved by "bootstrapping" the
is in practice if circuit simplicity is to be than phones, but the current drain of the
stage with Dl, an LED which conducts at keynoted. D2
used as a switching diode
is receiver would be considerably higher.
roughly 1.5 volts. Therefore, when R1A 1

to offset the VFO frequency when

has its arm at ground, gate 2 of Q2 is changing from upper to lower sideband. Construction Notes
effectively at-1.5 volts (minimum gain). This eliminates the need, to readjust the The etched-circuit board is the single-
Dl serves purely as a reference diode in main-tuning dial of the receiver. This part sided variety (copper on only one side).
this instance. Alternatively, two 1N914 of the circuit need not be included if dial Double-sided pc board material is used
diodes can be used in series from source to calibration is not essential when changing for the front- panel, rear panel and the
ground to provide a reference of roughly sidebands. VFO enclosure. Constructional details
1.4 volts. A 3N211 is employed at Q4 (gates tied and dimensions follow closely those given
A 3N21 FET serves as the VFO. Gates
1 together) as the product detector. Output for the direct-conversion beginner's re-
1 and 2 are connected together to simulate from the i-f amplifier is fed to the source ceiver treated earlier in this chapter.
a single-gate transistor. Injection for the of Q4. BFO energy is supplied to Q4 from Therefore, that information will not be
mixer is taken from the gate of Q3 in another 3N211 (Q5). Yl and Y2 are repeated here. Pc boards, negatives and
order to realize a 3-volt pk-pk level at gate selectable to permit upper and lower parts kits for this receiver are available
2 of Ql. A pure sine\vave is available at sideband reception. Since lower-sideband from Circuit Board Specialists, listed in
transmissions are the general rule on 75 the text for the foregoing beginner's
meters, the builder may elect to use only receiver. An
adaptor pc board is available
'The LED should be installed so that the lsb crystal and eliminate SI and the from that supplier to permit using the
it illuminates
when Rl is set for maximum receiver gain. VFO offset circuitry. modification shown in Fig. 55.
8-33 Chapter 8
Fig. 56 — Top view of the simple superhet
receiver showing the locations of the various
EXCEPT AS' INDICATED, DECIMAL components. The VFO and its enclosure are at
VALUES OF CAPACITANCE ARE the center of the etched-circuit board adjacent to
the front panel. The layout seen here differs in
01-05 some areas from the artwork in Fig. 57 due to late
RESISTANCES ARE IN OHMS', (BOTTOM) circuit changes.The speaker on the rear panel is
k "IOOO . M- 1,000,000.
not used.


Fig. 57 shows the scale pc pattern and
parts placement for this receiver. The
panels are soldered to the ground foil
which forms the perimeter of the etched-
circuit board.

Adjustment and Use

FL1 is designed to be terminated in a
50-ohm load. The antenna or signal
generator used during adjustment of CI
and C3 should provide a 50-ohm termina-
tion. Tune in a weak signal near 3875 kHz
and adjust CI and C2 for maximum signal
output in the headphones. There may be
some interaction, so repeat this step two
or three times. This assumes that the VFO
has been calibrated by means of the slug
in L4 to provide mixer injection at 443.55
kHz when C3 is set for minimum
T2 capacitance (plates unmeshed).
456 kHz Tl is peaked last for maximum signal
output from the receiver, again using a
3l weak-signal source. This transformer is
l-F AMP adjusted for resonance at the center of the
FL2 passband —
453.55 kHz.
Offset trimmer C4 of Fig. 54 should be
T1 set as follows. Tune in a weak signal for
zero beat, with SI in the upper-sideband
position. Switch S2 to lower sideband and
200 adjust C4 for. zero beat as heard in the
S.M. headphones. The main-tuning dial should
D1 t-0,1 not be moved during this part of the
456.3 kHz The reason FL2 does not have a center
Y2- 453.7 kHz frequency of 455 kHz is because it was
designed by Collins for use as a lower-
sideband filter. An upper-sideband filter is
used with it in CB radios! That permits the
use of a single BFO crystal at 455 kHz for
Fig. 55 — Circuit modifications for inclusion between the mixer and i-f amplifier of the circuit in Fig. 54. either sideband. The bandpass of this
T2 is a J. W. Miller no. 8814 i-f filter transformer (see text). filter is symmetrical, just as is true of the

Receiving Systems 8-34


TO J2 (+13V)' TO R1A HIGH



360PF xooon
10QK c .uAXTOqg

RIB HIGH rjb^mTTT- 10wr

I ,„ j

©I Tl
1 I



? ?

s«on I




—— 1-4—— \\ J^Sm^ -Mibr

-RFC 3-
zoLf I .0,1- «
I I C AX t0^4
( Q6

50PF 1S0KF



/ i8on
TO 0.001 "F FT V

Fig. 57— Scale template of the circuit board and the parts-placement guide.

regular 455-kHz Collins mechanical filters The main frame of this receiver is the spread of the VFO. A 10:1 vernier drive is
in amateur receivers. FL2 was chosen for one described by W1FB in QS^for June recommended for the VFO if that is done.
this project because the price is roughly and July of 1974. It tunes the 160-meter Analog readout over a 500-kHz tuning
one-third that of the mechanical filters band and provides coverage of the 80-, range is rather impractical, owing to the
used by most amateur builders. 40-, 20-, and 15-meter bands by means of lack of dial resolution which will result. If
down-converters which are switch- the wider frequency coverage is desired,
A Medium-Grade Receiver selected from the front panel. The the bandwidth of the converter circuits
This circuit, represents a fair tradeoff 160-meter tunable i-f receiver covers only will not cover all of the 80- and 40-meter
between simplicity and good dynamic 200 kHz. Hence, any 200-kHz segment of bands. There will be some loss of front-
range. The packaging format (Fig. 58) is the higher bands can be accommodated end gain at the edges of those bands.
pretty much up to the builder. Etched cir- with a given down-converter. The builder
cuit boards and parts kits can be obtained must decide if cw or ssb is his or her Main-Frame Circuit
from a supplier. 2 choice when ordering the converter and The tunable i-f receiver (main frame) is
BFO Those wishing to use a
crystals. shown schematically in Fig. 59. LI pro-
Circuit Board Specialists, P. O. Box 969, Pueblo, digitalfrequency readout can extent the vides a 50-ohm input to the tuned circuit
CO 81002. Tel. 303-542-5083. Negatives, pc tuning range of the main frame to 400 or
boards and complete parts kits available for this (L2) from the down-converters or a
project. 500 kHz by increasing, the frequency 160-meter antenna. Tl is tapped across

8-35 Chapter 8
receiver. Output is sampled from the pro-
duct detector, then amplified by means of
U3. D3 and D4 rectify the amplified audio
and drive a cascaded dc amplifier con-
sisting of Q6 and Q7. The age time con-
stant is set by a capacitor in parallel
with a 1M-Q resistor. The time constant
can be varied to suit the operator by
changing the value of the charging
capacitor in that ^network. Values of less
than 1 jiF will shorten the discharge time
and vice versa. D5
serves as a gating diode
to prevent loss of the age drive voltage
through the i-f gain control, R3.
The age strip drives the S meter, Ml,
through Q7. Age voltage for Ul and U2 is
obtained at the emitter of Q7. R2 should
be set so that maximum receiver input
signal provides + 9 volts at pin 4 or Ul
and U2.

Local Oscillator
Q13 operates as a highly stable series-
— tuned Colpitis oscillator. Polystyrene
Fig.58 Photograph of the miniature 5-band superheterodyne receiver. This layout arrangement
was developed by WA0UZO of Circuit Board Specialists. fixed-value capacitors are used to ensure
stabilityand offer drift compensation
which corrects for the positive drift of the
core material in L12. Silver-mica capaci-
tors can be substituted with a possible
degradation in long-term stability. C2 is
500 and a + 9. Minimum gain at the + 2-volt age the main-tuning capacitor. C4 is optional.
part of the tuned circuit at is is
If it is used it should be panel-mounted to
center-tapped broadband transformer. level.
permit dial calibration from band to
Mixer and Filter Product Detector and Audio Channel band. This will be necessary because the
A converter crystals may not be precisely on
Two 40673 or 3N211 MOSFETs are singly balanced product detector is

fed from the low-Z secondary winding of the specified frequencies.

used as a singly balanced active mixer (Ql
and Q2). Local-oscillator injection is ap- ,T4. BFO injection is supplied by Q5, Q14 serves as a source-follower buffer
Ql which shown with a 454.3-kHz crystal stage. The signal level is built up by means
plied to the paralleled gates no. 2 of is

and Q2. Output from the mixer is by for use with the Collins cw filter specified of Q15, a Class A broadband amplifier.
FL1 If a Collins ssb i-f filter is used at Sufficient LO output is available at 50Q to
means of T2, a broadband trifilar-wound for .

10-kO resistor is FL1, the BFO crystal will have to be of a swing the no. 2 gates of the balanced mix-
pot-core transformer.
frequency that falls 20 dB down on the er to 3 volts pk-pk. The added power
bridged across the mixer drains to limit
the signal swing —
an aid to mixer IMD. filter curve, upper or lower sideband. The developed by Q15 is necessary to provide
the required injection voltage across the
FL2 filters the LO voltage to keep har- manufacturer specifies which frequencies
are correct for the filter being used. For 50-0 load presented by harmonic filter
monic energy to the mixer at a low level.
The 68-pF capacitor between FL2 and the upper and lower sideband operation it will FL2. A
40673 can be used in place of the
be necessary to use two BFO crystals. 3N211 specified at Q13. Similarly, a
mixer gates can be changed in value to ob-
2N4416 will be satisfactory at Q14.
tain the 3-volt pk-pk LO voltage which is Thus, a selector switch will be needed be-
specified. tween the gate of Q5 and the two crystals.
Front-End Converters
An MPF102 or 2N4416 JFET is used as RC filtering is used at the output of the
a post-mixer amplifier (Q3). The drain product detector to keep the BFO and i-f The same circuit-board pattern is used
load resistor is chosen to match the filter leakage from reaching the audio for the 40, 20 and 15 meter converters. In
impedance. A
2-kO value is specified for preamplifier, Q4. Any JFET will suffice order to obtain a 200-kHz bandwidth on
use with the Collins F455FD-04 filter at at Q4, such as a 2N4416. 80 meters, FL3 is used. Also, no rf amp-
FL1. If a different filter is used, such as Q17 functions as an audio muting lifier stage is necessary on 80 meters.

anssb type, the drain load resistor may switch during transmit. It is actuated via Therefore, the pc-board pattern is dif-
have to be changed to match the im- J2 by grounding the Q17 base line through ferent from that for the other hf bands.
pedance of the filter. Also, the end an external set of relay contacts or The converters of Fig. 60 are designed
resonating capacitors at FL1 may need to bipolar-transistor dc switch. for a broadband i-f output of 1.8 to 2.0
be a different value (see manufacturer's U4 amplifies the audio to speaker level. MHz. They are selected for the desired
data sheets). LC filtering is used at the output of U4 to operating band by means of S 1 When this .

suppress unwanted hf oscillations which switch is placed in the 160-meter position

I-F Amplifier could interfere with overall receiver per- the converters are bypassed to permit
A two-stage CA3028A i-f amplifier is formance (spurious responses). The routing the antenna directly to the mixer
used following the i-f filter, FL1. Series MC1306P IC designed for low- voltage
is of the main frame for reception on 160
regulation is applied to the operating operation. Therefore, the 3-terminal meters.
voltage of this circuit in order to provide regulator, U5, has been included in the Q8 performs as a low-gain, common-
9.1 Automated gain control
volts. is circuit. gate rf amplifier. The source tuned circuit
developed by the age strip and supplied to is peaked for the center of the band seg-

pin 4 of the CA3028As through Q7. Maxi- AGC System ment of interest. It is broad enough in

mum gain occurs when the age voltage is Audio-derived is used in this response to require no additional tuning.

Receiving Systems 8-36

MPF102 455 kHz
40673 BW" 400 Hz
1.8-2.0 MHz

68 ;
(FIG. '

680 ;


Fig. 59 — Schematic diagram of the receiver main frame. Fixed-value capacitors are disc ceramic unless noted otherwise. Poly, signifies polystyrene
capacitor. Polarized capacitors are electrolytic or tantalum. Fixed-value resistors are 1/2-watt composition unless noted differently.
C1 — Miniature 100-pF variable (panel- J2 —
Phono Jack. L12 —
17 to 41 tiH high-Q slug-tuned inductor
mounted). J3 —
Three-conductor closed-circuit jack. (Q u = 175 at f op ). (J. W. Miller Co.
C2 — 50-pF air variable (vernier driven). Should L1 —
2 turns no. 26 enam. wire over the 43A335CBI or equiv.).
have double-bearing format and low torque.

ground end of L2 winding. Ml —
Panel meter, 0-1 dc. mA
C3 Miniature 30-pF air trimmer. L2 —
70 turns no. 26 enam. wire on a T68-1 R1 —
Audio-taper, 50-kO composition control.
C4 — Miniature 10-pF air variable (panel- toroid core (55 j»H). This core and others R2 —
Pc-mount 50-kll control.
mounted). avail, from Amidon Assoc., Q. R. Whitehouse R3 — Linear-taper, 10-ktl composition control.
D1-D6, incl. —
Silicon switching diode. and Palomar Engineers (see QST ads). R4 — Pc-mount, 100-0 composition control.
D7, D8 — Zener diode. L10, L11 —
3-(iH inductor. 26 turns no. 26 RFC1 — Miniature 10-mH choke W. Miller
FL1 — Collins mechanical filter (see text). enam. wire on T37-2 toroid core. 70F102A1 or equiv.).

The same is true of the drain tuned circuit. cordingly. This will depend on the actual The principle of operation for the
A broadband bifilar-wound transformer, gain of Q10 and the activity of Y2. Sub- 80-meter converter (Fig. 61) is similar to
T6, couples the mixer output to LI of the miniature coaxial cable, such as RG- that of the other unit?. FL3 is a fixed-
main receiver. LO injection to gate no. 2 174/U, should be used for all connections tuned bandpass filter. The 120-pF series
of Q9 should be on the order of 3 volts pk- to SI and other distant parts of the circuit. center capacitor could be replaced by a
pk. The 15-pF coupling capacitor between The shield braid must be grounded at each 200-pF miniature trimmer to permit pre-
Q10 and Q9 may need to be chosen ac- end of each run of coax. cise peaking at mid frequency. This

8-37 Chapter 8





RFC2 — Miniature 33-jiH choke (J. W. Miller T2 — Trifilar-wound bobbin with 50 turns of no. U3 — 741 op-amp IC (any brand).
70F335A1 or equiv.). 28 enam. wire on PC-2213-77 pot core U4 — Motorola audio IC.
RFC4, RFC5 — Miniature 1-mH choke (J. W. (L = 10 mH). Amidon Assoc. core. U5 — Three-terminal regulator IC, 8 V.
Miller 70F103A1 or equiv.). T3, T4 —Miniature 455-kHz i-f transformer Y1 — BFO crystal, HC-6/U holder. International
— (J. W. Miller 2067 or equiv.). Crystal Mfg. Co. type GP, 30-pF load
S2 Spst toggle or slide switch.
T1 — Primary with 6 turns no. 26 enam. wire T5 — Broadband bifilar-wound transformer. 10 capacitance. Choose frequency for filter

over ct portion of secondary. Secondary has bifilar turns no. 24 enam. wire on FT50-43 used (see text).

36 turns no. 26 enam. wire, center tapped, on toroid core (m,

= 950), 50 jiH. Y4 — 100-kHz crystal.
FT50-43 toroid core (n, = 950). U1, U2 — RCA IC.

(R5) to prevent front-end overloading in 50-Q input impedance.

practice could be extended also to the two
750-pF fixed-value capacitors. In that case the presence of extremely strong signals.
a pair of 680-pF silver-mica units could be The builder may wish to replace this with
used. Each would be in parallel with a a T or pi type of step attenuator which The layout of this receiver is left to the
200-pF miniature trimmer. presents a constant 50-0 impedance to the whims of the builder. The major consi-
receiver. This is especially significant with deration that the various oscillators be
A simple rf attenuator is included ahead

of the converters and the main receiver respect to FL3, since it is designed for a shielded from one another and from other

Receiving Systems 8-38

, ;

4.8-2.0 MHz

09 Tt
40673 o s,f
-0»—OTO L1

4^JJk •Lnnm_

0»—O + 'S V



Fig. 60 —Schematic diagram of the 40-, 20- and 15-meter converters, shown for 40-meter operation. Fixed-value capacitors are disc ceramic unless
otherwise indicated. Resistors are 1/4- or 1/2-W composition.
C5, C6 —Miniature ceramic or mica trimmer, wire (8 iiH) on T50-6 toroid core. Tap 4 turns wafers to aid isolation.
5 tb 25 pF. above ground. 15 meters: 25 turns no. 28 T6 —
Bifllar broadband, transformer (70 nH).
C fb — Feedback capacitor. 39 pF for 20 and enam. wire (4 pH) on T50-6 toroid core. Tap Use 12 bifilar turns no. 24 enam. wire on
15 meters. 4 turns above ground. FT50-43 toroid core 5 950).
L3 — 2 turns no. 28 enam. wire over ground L5 —
40, 20, 15: same as L4 but tap each coll Y2 —
International Crystal Mfg. Co. type GP
end of L4 winding (40, 20 and 15 meters). at midpoint. (30-pF load) In FM-1 holder, fundamental
L4 — 40 meters: 50 turns no. 28 enam. wire (13 R5 —
500-0 linear-taper cqmposltion control. mode. 40 meters: 5.20 MHz. 20 meters:
hH) on T50-2 torold core. Tap 4 turns above S1 —
3-pole, 5-posltion rotary wafer switch, 12.20 MHz. 15 meters: 19.2 MHz.
ground end. 20 meters: 44 turns no. 28 enam. phenolic or ceramic Insulation. Use three

parts of the circuit. Those wishing to

break the circuit into modules can place 1.8-2.0 MHz
each completed unit in separate shield
enclosures as an aid to stage isolation. The
primary purpose of this presentation is to
__nrorL-^ q - qi

provide the circuit fundamentals for a TO
working receiver of above average perfor-
FIG. 60)
The board and kit supplier refer-
enced an alternative to the
earlier provides
Collins filter: A piggyback board mounts
in place of FL1 allowing the use of a low-

cost monolithic filter/transformer which EXCEPT AS INDICATED, DECIMAL

is suitable for ssb reception. The operat- VALUES OF CAPACITANCE ARE
is the same as that used in the
ing principle ARE IN PICOFARADS ( pF OR jijiF)
simple superheterodyne receiver described RESISTANCES ARE IN OHMS;
k -1000. M.I 0OO00O TO
earlier in this chapter.
SIC { FIS. 60)
(+13V) .

High-Performance Receiver Design

Concepts SEE TEXT

The Amateur Radio design technology * * SELECT FOR 3V PK-PK

is changing so rapidly today that it is im-
possible to publish a high-performance
receiver circuit which remains timely at Fig. 61 —Schematic diagram of the 80-meter down-converter. Fixed-value capacitors are disc
the time thework is committed to print. ceramic unless otherwise noted. Resistors are 1/4- or 1/2-W composition.
As new components and active devices are L6 —3 turns no. 24 enam. wire over ground toroid core (15 j*H).
introduced to the market, better designs end of L7. T7 — Same as T6 of Fig. 60.
L7, L8 —
21 turns no. 24 enam. wire, center- Y3 — International Crystal Mfg. Co. type GP
become possible. These advances make tapped, on T50-2 toroid core (2.4 M H). (30-pF load) In HC-6/U (F-700) holder.
obsolete many of the circuits found in the L9 —54 turns no. 28 enam. wire on T50-2 Fundamental cut, 1.7 MHz.

8-39 Chapter 8
current amateur literature. Therefore, this oscillations should not be allowed to take quartz element and the circuit to minimize
section of chapter 8 is devoted to design place in any part of a receiver. the generation of IM products.

objectives, circuit techniques and some 5) Wide-range age. The age circuit Careful attention must be given to cor-
should engage at low signal levels and rect filter termination and input/output
practical examples. This will serve as the
basis for individual designs which can be hold the receiver output at a constant resonance to ensure minimum passband
plateau over a wide range of input-signal ripple (unwanted dips in the nose of the
carried out by the more experienced
amateur. levels. For example, the audio output response curve): Most filters require a
homemade should remain constant in amplitude over specified external terminal capacitance to
The interest in building
receiversof the more complex variety has a range of input signal from less than a resonate the input and output trans-

waned in a tragic fashion during the past microvolt to better than 10,000 yiV, formers within the filter module.' Similar-
depending on the external noise level ly, each filter has a characteristic input
decade. This has been brought on by an
increased interest in operating and which reaches the receiver front end. The and output impedance which must be
through the availability of sophisticated age attack time should be set so that matched to the source and load.
receivers and transceivers found on the "pumping" and "clicking" is not noted 9) Detector and audio channel. An
commercial market. For this reason it when strong signals are received. otherwise excellent receiver can be spoiled

seems prudent to devote this portion of 6) Local oscillator. Not only must the by an inferior product detector or audio-
local oscillator be stable, it needs to have amplifier strip. The detector must be able
the Handbook to design approaches. The
information given here is based on circuit low noise and good spectral purity at the to handle the highest output signal from

and performance investigations in the

output. Ideally, the LO noise floor should the i-f strip without saturating. Although

ARRL laboratory. It is slanted toward the be 80 to 100 dB below the peak output active product detectors are sometimes
practical side of design and application in voltage. Spurs and harmonics in the out- used, they are the most prone to the fore-

order to be of greater use to amateurs who put should fall at least 50 dB- below peak going malady. The preference of most
have no formal background in electronics. output. LO output energy must be con- designers is a passive diode detector of the
fined to the mixer by means of ap- singly or doubly balanced variety. This
Performance Objectives propriate shielding and filtering. type of detector can handle high signal
7) /-/ amplifiers. An i-f amplifier strip levels with large amounts of BFO injec-
What should an amateur look for in
needs to have sufficient gain to drive the tion. Since the detector is the lowest-level
terms of high performance when building
subjective outlook would detector and provide ample excitation to part of the audio channel, hum and noise
a receiver?
the audio channel. The design should in- should be minimal at. that point in the cir-
call for a lot of "bells and whistles" with
clude active devices which can ensure a cuit. Passive detectors do not need
which to play, but a discerning operator is
collective 80 dB or greater age swing over operating voltages; hence one primary
interested in performance under all of the
adverse conditions one might encounter in the input-signal range mentioned in item source of hum is avoided.
the course of operating an amateur sta- 5. A low-noise audio preamplifier should

tion. The following are representative of Wide-band noise is generated within follow the detector in a quality design. It

the major considerations in receiver per- most i-f amplifier chains. An improve- should be able to withstand the maximum
formance: ment in receiver "noise bandwidth" can output from the detector at peak receiver
High dynamic range. This is the be realized by adopting the W7ZOI filter input signal without operating in a non-
"tailending" scheme which calls for use linear manner. The audio gain control can
abilityof the receiver to perform well in
the presence of strong signals within and of a second immediately after the
i-f filter be used to the best advantage when it is
outside the amateur band of interest. last i-f amplifier. The second
filter can located after the af preamplifier. If it is

Poor dynamic range results in cross- have slightly greater bandwidth than the used ahead of the preamplifier, the noise
receiver desensitiza- filter used ahead of the first i-f amplifier. figure of the audio channel may be de-
modulation effects,
tion and spurious responses from the mix- The tailend filter will reduce the wide- graded at low settings of the gain control.
er which appear in the tuning range as band noise components. This technique is Audio shaping is normally applied to
additional signals (mixer IMD). discussed in greater detail in Solid State the af channel to provide a low-frequency
Design for the Radio Amateur, by The rolloff at some frequency well above 60 or
2) Good selectivity. This feature in-
cludes the receiver front end (rf amplifier ARRL. 120 Hz. This greatly reduces the chance of
In order for a filter to power-supply ripple appearing in the
and mixer) along with the i-f and audio 8) I-f filters.
selectivity. The objective (ideal) is to have function as such, there must be some in- audio output. Also, there is little need for
the receiver pass only those frequencies to sertion loss (IL) if a passive network is low-frequency response below, say, 300
which it is tuned, while rejecting all being used. The IL is typically highest Hz in a communications receiver. Simi-

This Utopian goal can not be when a mechanical filter is used. This fac- larly, the high-frequency response should
realized, but it can be approached closely tor must be taken into account when plan- be restricted so that rolloff starts around
enough to ensure good performance. ning the receiver gain distribution. Most 2000 Hz. A satisfactory tailoring of the
mechanical filters have an IL of 8 dB or audio passband can often be done by
3) Low noise figure. The noise figure
should be such that it is somewhat below greater, whereas a well designed crystal- proper selection of the R and C com-
the level of the receiver antenna noise lattice filter has a characteristic IL of less ponents in that part of the circuit.
under typical "quiet" band conditions. than 5 dB. All of the audio stages must operate as

This means that the noise generated In some designs the i-f filter is the linearly as possible up to peak signal

within the receiver —

notably the early limiting factor in achieving high perfor- levels.This will minimize distortion and
stages —should be kept to an absolute mance in mixer IMD. This is because of aid weak-signal reception greatly. It is

minimum so that it does not mask the movement of the mechano-electrical prudent, therefore, to use an output stage
(degrade) weak incoming signals. contacts within the filter, which generate which is capable of delivering greater un-
High order of stability. All of the IM products which are independent of distorted power output than will ever be
receiver oscillators, crystal-controlled or those in the mixer. Laboratory investiga- needed. Cross-over distortion is to be
LC types, need to be drift free in an ideal tions indicated that mechanical filters avoided also. The effects of this are most
circuit. Since this is practically impossible, were somewhat worse than crystal filters apparent under weak-signal conditions.
maximum drift (long term) should not ex- in this respect, limiting the receiver IMD The signal has a "fuzzy" sound when this
ceed 50 to 100 Hz a good design. The
in profile to roughly 95 dB. The crystal type of distortion is present. Some of the
greater the i-f selectivity, the more impor- holders in lattice filters must be able to audio-power ICs have significant cross-
tant the oscillator stability. Self- provide positive electrical contact with the over distortion which can not be cor-

Receiving Systems 8-40

rected. This because the biasing is done
is fashioned inexpensively from pieces of networks are not highly lossy or poorly
within the IC, and it can't be changed. double-sided pc board. Modular construc- matched to the source and load. This
For this reason it is helpful to use discrete tion permits the amateur to try new cir- rationale applies to frequencies up to ap-
devices in the audio channel. This enables cuits within the receiver without disrupt- proximately 14 MHz. At 20 meters and
the designer to bias the amplifiers for ing the remainder of the circuitry. higher an rf amplifier may be needed to
minimum distortion. 11) "Bells and whistles": This discus- ensure an acceptable receiver noise figure.
Tuned audio amplifiers can be used to sion does not include such themes as syn- As a general rule the designer should
provide steep skirts outside the desired thesizers, i-f passband tuning, noise use no more gain in the rf stage than is
passband. An example of a simple blankers, computer-programmed func- necessary to obtain an acceptable noise
application of this, using a single pot-core tions and digital frequency readout. These figure. The higher the stage gain, the
inductor with variable Q, was described are primarily matters of whim and subjec- greater the sensitivity. But, more gain
by K1TX in April 1979 QST. Various tivity, however useful they might be. than is needed will degrade the receiver
types of passive LC filters can be used to For reasons of practicality the builder dynamic range markedly, by virtue of the
obtain cw or ssb selectivity at audio. must decide whether he will use analog or mixer being fed larger amounts of input
RC active audio filters with variable Q digital readout of the receiver frequency. signal than if no rf amplifier was used. So,
and adjustable peak frequency offer an There are two disadvantages attendant to even at the very early part of a receiver it is
excellent means for limiting the audio analog systems: Quality dial
.(1) pay attention to gain distribution.
vital to
bandwidth, minimizing wide-band noise mechanisms are scarce and highly expen- This fundamental rule applies from stage
and reducing QRM. Ideally, these filters sive. Readout resolution is usually
(2) to stage throughout the receiver.
should be contained in the low-level part poor more than 200 kHz of any band is
if There should be sufficient selectivity
of the audio channel rather than at the covered. The major advantages of analog ahead of the rf amplifier (and in most in-
receiver output. This will prevent frequency readout are reduced circuit stances between it and the mixer) to
overloading of the filter, which can impair complexity, lower cost (sometimes) and restrict passage of signals outside the
the performance and introduce intolerable less current drain from the receiver power amateur band of interest. This will greatly
amounts of distortion. supply. Heating is diminished also — a reduce the probability of unwanted im-
10) Structural considerations: There definite benefit to stability. ages in the tuning range. Furthermore^ it
can be considerable latitude in the A frequency
counter and a digital will help prevent very strong out-of-band
mechanical approach one takes when lay- display, on other hand, permit
the commercial signals from entering the
ing out a high-performance receiver. 500-kHz frequency spreads with good receiver front end and impairing perfor-
Aesthetics have no place in this discus- resolution. A shaft encoder is needed for mance. This form of selectivity is called
sion. We will address the matter of struc- synthesized LO systems to avoid thumb- "preselection." It can take the form of
ture versus performance and leave the wheel frequency selection. But, it is easy LC circuits which are very narrow in
beauty of the front panel to the builder. to use parts of the synthesizer circuit for bandwidth, and tracked manually from
The major points of concern are rigidity the frequency counter, thereby making the front panel. Alternatively, fixed-tuned
of the overall assembly and shielding the two circuits compatible. In this type of LC filters can be used to provide selective
against incidental pickup and radiation. system, or in one which has a conven- circuits^ A bandpass type of filter or tuned
The chassis and panels should be strong tional LO and a counter a 10:1 vernier circuit is the choice of most designers
enough to prevent undue stress on the pc drive without detectable backlash is because rejection is offered above and
boards during flexing or vibration. In a almost mandatory to keep the tuning rate below the frequency band of interest.
like manner the local oscillator should be within practical limits. The choice between small-signal FETs
relatively immune to any mechanical It should be stressed here that counters and bipolar transistors in an rf preampli-
stress which is imposed on the receiver. can create noise and spurious responses if fier is more than arbitrary. FETs exhibit
An excellent assembly technique is one they aren't designed and used correctly. low noise figures at hf and they consume
that uses a modular approach for the Careful shielding and filtering must be ap- less dc power than bipolars for an
various key circuit assemblies in the plied to prevent the counter from affect- equivalant output intercept. Generally
receiver. Each module is contained in its ing other parts of the receiver circuit. speaking, FETs are less subject to block-
own shield box. All signal leads entering The same general considerations apply ing in the presence of strong input signals.
and leaving the various modules are made to synthesizers. The design must be car- Bipolar transistors, on the other hand,
from RG-174/U or similar coaxial cable. ried out with care to minimize phase have rather wel defined input and output
The shield braid is grounded at each end noise, which can degrade the mixer noise impedances and can be used more easily
of each cable. Leads which carry dc are figure and the ultimate i-f selectivity. with negative feedback than is true of
decoupled where they leave the module Three QST articles are offered as FETs. These features make them ideal for
shield. L-C or R-C decoupling networks references on high-performance receivers. ensuring a proper and constant filter ter-
are suitable in most instances. Feed- They contain information which will be of mination (filters must be terminated cor-
through capacitors cah be mounted on the value to the amateur designer. 4 rectly in order to perform in a proper
box walls of each module to serve as ter- manner). A common-source FET which
minal connections for the dc voltages, RF Amplifiers operates in the hf spectrum can not meet
while functioning also as parts of the When it is deemed necessary to use an rf the foregoing condition. The use of feed-
decoupling networks. Since 50-Q amplifier ahead of the receiver mixer, back (negative and degenerative) in a
miniature cable is suggested for intercon- thought must be given to gain, linearity, bipolar-transistor preamplifier makes
necting leads, the points to which they signal-handling ability and noise figure. possible a low noise figure and a good in-
connect in the circuit should be designed The choice between bipolar transistors put and output match.
for a like impedance. This form of and FETs another consideration. An rf
is Bipolar transistors which are designed
modular construction and shielding great- amplifier should not be necessary in a for CATV and uhf oscillator work, such
ly reduces the chances for "birdies" by properly designed receiver, even if a as the2N5179 (biased for about 20 mA)
keeping rf energy where it belongs. It also passive mixer is used, provided the input and the 2N5109 (biased for roughly 50
prevents unwanted external signals from mA) are excellent for use as rf amplifiers
'Wes Hayward,W7ZOI, "A Competition-Grade
being picked up by low-level parts of the Receiver," April 1974. Doug
QST, March and ahead of a mixer. Fig. 66 shows a practical
circuit. Miniboxes or die-cast aluminum DeMaw, W1FB, "His Eminence the Receiver," example of an ARRL circuit which uses a
QST, June and July 1976. Jay Rusgrove, W1VD,
boxes are excellent for use in modular
"Human Engineering the Station Receiver," QST, 2N5109. A photograph of the assembled
work. But, homemade enclosures can be January 1979. module is at Fig*. 63.

8-41 Chapter 8
. '




k.1000, MM 000 000.


. ATTEN. \
300/S.M. ,
36 ( 50A)|I
1500 _L 3000 -i- 1500
"T S.M. "T
S.M. S.M.

-r- C2~~
-*-470 Sic:
-fc. C4

f c0 .2.2MHz

Fig! 62 — Schematic diagram of a high-level rf amplifier for a receiver. L1 contains 41 turns of no. 24 enam. wire on a T68-2 toroid core.(10 »iH). L2
and L3 have 26 turns of no. 24 enam. wire on a T68-2 toroid core (4 mH). L4, L5 and L6 consist of 43 turns of no. 24 enam. wire on a T68-6 toroid core
(8.74 pH). T1 contains 16 bifilar turns of no. 26 enam. wire on an FT50-43 ferrite core.

In Fig. 62 a single tuned circuit is shown

at the input to the rf amplifier.For im-
proved input preselecion it would be
useful to employ a double-tuned bandpass
filter with top or bottom coupling.
Although the circuit constants are for
160-meter operation, this amplifier is

suitable for use up through 10 meters with

appropriate changes in the LC networks.
Ql of Fig. 62 handles large signals easi-
ly by virtue of the high standing collector
current —approximately 50 mA. It
operates Class A
to ensure high linearity
and uses negative and degenerative feed-
back. The measured noise figure for the
circuit as shown is approximately 5 dB at
30 MHz, which is more than ample for use
from 160 through 10 meters. A lower
noise figure might be possible if a complex
feedback system (beyond the scope of this
book) was employed. Fig. 63 —
Photograph of the assembled rf amplifier module. Small mica trimmers are used to
resonate FL2.
Tl provides an impedance transforma-
tion from 2000 to 500, thereby assuring a
proper match to the 50-0 cascaded filters. FET. (Oxner, May 1979 QST, p. 23). The where
FL1 is a low-pass network with a Ql of 1 circuit designed with feedback and is
is G is the desired stage gain for the
FL2 is a Butterworth bandpass filter. A structured for a source and load im- amplifier, and
6-dB pad is used at the output of FL2 to pedance of 500. The stage gain is deter- G M is the forward transconductance
provide a 50-0 termination for the filter mined by the designer's needs. Once this value of the transistor expressed in
and to reduce the gain of the preamplifier. parameter is chosen the values for Rl and mhos. (Y21 real)

The measured gain of this circuit from the R2 can be obtained from The equations don't yield standard
input tuned circuit to the output of the at-
tenuator pad is 7.5 dB. This amount of
gain was chosen when the preamplifier
Rl = S. resistance values in most instances. In an
amateur application the nearest standard
value will often suffice. R2 of Fig. 64 con-
was designated for use ahead of a diode- sists of six 30-0 resistors in parallel to ob-

ring mixer (DBM) to provide unity gain

between the antenna and the mixer out- [« WC + 4(| + ^.J^)] tain 50. Three are soldered from one
source tab to ground, and the other three
put: Most diode-ring mixers exhibit a con- go from the remaining source tab to
(Eq- 1)
version loss of 7 to 8 dB, typical. ground. This helps reduce stray induc-
Fig. 64 shows a. high performance rf (Eq.2) tance in that part of the circuit. power A
amplifier which uses a VMOS vhf power gain of approximately 13 dB results with

Receiving Systems 8-42

Fig.64 —
Diagram of the Class A large-signal
rfamplifier which uses a VMOS power FET. T1
has 9-1/2 turns of no. 30 enam. wire on a Fig. 65 — Practical circuit for a doubly balanced diode-ring mixer. The components are discussed
Stackpole no. 57-9130 ferrite balun core, in the text.

the component values shown. Noise figure band input and output transformers at version gain of 6 dB. Output intercept is

is 4 dB at 30 MHz. A 1-dB saturation specific lower levels. (A thorough discus- + 23 dBm and the input intercept checks
power output of 3.7 watts was observed, sion concerning diode mixers and their out at +17 dBm. Indications are that
indicating the suitability of this type of behavior is presented in the League's with further experimentation with VMOS
circuit for high signal-handling applica- book, Solid State Design for the Radio devices, mixer biasing and LO injection
tions. Amateur, chapter 6.) Fig. 65 shows a power the input intercept could be im-
The basic circuits of Figs. 66 and 68 are practical circuit for a DBM. It includes a proved to at least in an op-
,+ 25 dBm
suitable also as post-mixer amplifiers in diplexer at the i-f port to establish a 51-fi timized case. Theof Fig. 66 was
receivers. The VMP4 is a fairly expensive termination for the mixer. This offers an biased for a total mixer current of 50 mA
Siliconix transistor. It is likely that one of improvement to the IMD level by a few with LO power (+ 15 dBm) applied. The
the lower-pricedpieces, such as the dB over a similar mixer with no diplexer. use of 'Siliconix VMP-4 transistors should
VN66AK, would provide good service at The diodes can be HP2800 hot-carrier lead to even better mixer performance. A
hf in the circuit of Fig. 64. types. Carefully matched lN914s are photograph of the assembled experimen-
sometimes used as substitutes. Tl and T2 tal mixer with its post-mixer amplifier and
High-Performance Mixers are broadband toroidal transformers filter is shown in Fig. 67.
Doubly balanced diode-ring mixers (baluns). For wideband use in the hf spec- Fig. 66 shows that a broadband linear
(DBMs) of the type discussed early in this trum the cores should have a high post-mixer amplifier is used. It is followed
chapter are often used to obtain high permeability. A (9.4-mm)
0.37-inch by a 6-dB pad and diode clamps. The pad
dynamic range. Among the advantages diameter ferrite core (Amidon FT37-43) provides a constant load for the amplifier,
are low noise (diode mixers generate very with a mu of 950 will work nicely. Ten Q3, and stabilizes the filter termination
little noise) and broadband charac- trifilar turns of no. 30 enamel wire can be (FL3). The diodes prevent damage to FL3
teristics. The
mixer noise figure is used for the windings. Output intercept in the presence of very strong receiver in-
approximately the conversion loss of the for this circuit is typically + 13 dBm with put signals. FL1 filters the LO output to
diode ring —
typically 7 to 8 dB. The the LO injection at + 7 dBm. This pro- ensure a clean injection voltage to the
balanced mixer circuit provides port-to- vides an input intercept of 20 dBm (output mixer. The VMOS balanced mixer ex-
port isolation which is not possible with intercept plus the 7 conversion loss =
dB hibits a noise figure of roughly 8 dB at 14
single-ended or singly balanced mixers. 20 dBm). Calculations for a high-level MHz.
This feature can aid the mixer IMD and diode mixer, assuming a +17 dBm LO
help to minimize spurious responses level(recommended), the output intercept I-F Amplifiers

resulting from the LO energy entering willbe + 23 dBm. Again, assuming a 7-dB The criteria for i-f amplifiers are pretty
other parts of the receiver circuit. conversion loss the input intercept well defined in the philosophy section of
The main shortcomings of diode mixers becomes quite desirable +30 dBm. — this part of the chapter. The choice of
are the high level of LO injection needed This is based on the respective perfor- active devices for i-f strips usually leads to
(approximately + 7 dBm for most) and mances of the commercially available ICs. The Motorola MC1590G of
the necessity of proper mixer termination, SRA-1 and SRA-1H DBMs. It can be seen MC1350P are commonly found in high-
especially at the i-f output port. This type from the foregoing that better mixer per- performance These and the
of mixer is subject to harmonic mixing — formance can be realized at the higher RCA CA3028A IC offer good gain and
another trait which the designer must deal LO-injection levels. The actual LO power age range with low noise figures. So, the
with. applied will depend upon the ability of the choice will depend in- part on availability
Some high-level diode-ring mixers are diodes to handle the current. and whim. Normally, just two IC stages
available commercially.They require a are used in an i-f strip.
high amount of injection power (+17
Singly Balanced VMOS Mixer Dual-gate MOSFETs are used as i-f

dBm foracceptable performance). The circuit of an experimental active amplifiers by some amateurs, but at least
Laboratory analysis suggests that high- mixer with highlevel capability is shown in four stages are needed to approach the
level mixers misbehave as a result of diode F^ig. 66. Two VMOS power FETs are gain of two ICs designed for .the applica-
imbalance at specific current levels. The employed in a singly balanced format. tion. Furthermore, FETs do not provide
effect is one of the IMD not dropping 3 Laboratory measurements of the circuit the age range of ICs unless the control
dB when the input tones are lowered 1 dB between Tl and T2 (50-Q terminations) at gates can be made to swing slightly
in level. This phenomenon could be 14 MHz, with a frequency of 5 MHz
LO negative. The usual gate no. 2 age range is
caused in part by saturation of the broad- and an i-f of 9 MHz, yielded a mixer con- from -2 volts to +4 volts for full age

8-43 Chapter 8

+ 6dB



k- IO0O, M-l 000 000.

Fig. 66 — Circuit details are for a VMOS power FET singly balanced mixer. L1 and L2 have 13 turns of no. 24 enam. on a T50-6,torold core. L4 con-
tains 21 turns of no. 26 enam. wire on a T50-2 core. T1 and T2 have 12 trlfilar turns of no. 26 enam. wire on an FT50-61 torold core. T4 contains 7
primary turns of no. 26 enam. and 21 secondary turns of no. 26 enam. on an FT50-61 torold core. FL3 is a Spectrum International 8-pole crystal lat-
tice filter. Bandwidth is 500 Hz.

Fig. 72 contains the circuit of an i-f strip
which uses two Collins mechanical filters
in the "tail-ending" scheme discussed
earlier. The ssb filter is at the front end of
the strip and the narrower (400 Hz) filter
is diode-switched into the circuit for low-
noise cw reception. For phone-only recep-
tion both filters can be of a 2. 1-kHz band-
width, and both would remain in the cir-
cuit at all times. At considerably greater
expense one could have a cw and a ssb
filter at the output end of the i-f strip.
They would be selected by means of diode
switching to permit a tail-end filter to be
in the circuit for either mode. The
photograph 69 was taken before
in Fig.
some circuit changes were made, so it does
not conform exactly to the diagram in Fig.
68. It does, however, illustrate the recom-
mended layout for good filter isolation.

During ssb operation FL2 is shorted

across by means of Dl and D2. Q2 is used
to equalize the overall gain of the receiver
when the modes are changed. It compen- Fig. 67 — Photograph of the experimental VMOS high-level mixer. Circuit boards for this and
sates for the 10 dB of insertion loss caused other modules shown photographically In this section of chapter 8 are available from Circuit

by FL2. During ssb operation the gain of Board Specialists, Box 969, Pueblo, CO 81002.

Receiving Systems 8-44


COLLINS +60 dB + 50dB
(-10dB )


455 kHz
BWL = 2.1 kHz F455FD-04
SIG. IN O BWL= 400Hz






Fig. 68 — Schematic diagram of a 455-kHz i-f strip which uses filter tail-ending. See the text.

Q2 reduced by virtue of SIC and Rl.

is operation. Sampling ahead of Q2 would pedance of Ul provides a suitable ter-
Age amplifier Ql is used to prevent cause a 10-dB differential in the age action mination for FL1 —
roughly 20000. T2
loading across T2. The i-f energy is sam- between the cw and ssb modes. FL1 should have a 20: 1 impedance step-down
pled at the drair^of Q2 so that the age will should have an input termination of ratio for going into a diode type of pro-
be relatively constant for both cw and ssb 20000. The characteristic input im- duct detector. The value is not critical.

VMOS FET Audio Amplifier

The importance of clean audio in a
was stressed earlier in this section.
An output level of 1 watt or greater with
less than 10 percent distortion is recom-
mended for amateur receivers.
Fig. 70 shows the circuit of a simple
VMOS power FET Class A audio
amplifier which was based on a Siliconix
design and adapted for amateur use in the
ARRL laboratory. Output power into a
4-0 load is 2.5 watts at less than 10 percent
Ql need not be a dual-gate MOSFET.
The 40673 was used in this model because
a J FET, such as a 2N4416 or MPF102,
was not handy at the time of assembly.'
Any low-noise JFET can be substituted at
Ql . A 1-volt pk-pk input tone (at 500) will
produce 2.5 watts of output. Ql draws 1.2
Fig. 69 — Photograph of the assembled i-f strip from Fig. 72. Double-sided pc-board material is mA and Q2 idles at 300 mA, rising to
used. roughly 325 mA at peak signal periods.

8-45 Chapter 8
. 6p«=30dB .


^7~0+ 24 V
500 AlF
* - HEAT SINK 50 V

Fig. 71 —
Assembled view of the VMOS audio
Fig. 70 — Circuit of a VMOS audio amplifier with 2.5 watts of output. T1 is a Triad TY-29X channel. For actual use, the large transistor near
(see text). T1 should have a heat sink (see text).

CI is necessary to provide a roll-off at recommended in the interest of preventing The shield compartment is made from sec-
high audio frequencies. It serves also to vhf oscillations. The copper on the com- tions of double-sided pc board. A feed-
prevent hf and vhf self-oscillations at Q2. ponent side of the board serves as a through capacitor serves as a terminal for
The peak voltages and currents which ground plane and should be made com- BFO and helps to
the 12-volt line to the
result from self-oscillation can destroy Q2 mon ground foils on the etched side
to the prevent rf energy from leaving the BFO
immediately (gate-source and drain- of the board at several points. A U-shaped module via the 12-volt lead.
source breakdown). Dl and D2 are heat sink (not shown should be
in Fig. 71)
necessary across Tl to damp transients used at Q2. It can be made from 16-gauge Local-Oscillator Structure
which can occur when the field in Tl col- aluminum stock. The vertical members of The local oscillator system shown in
lapses. Without the Zener diodes in the the sink should be at least 1-1/2 inches (38 Fig. 74 is an assembled version of the
circuit, drain-source breakdown poses a mm) high. practical VFO shown in chapter 6. The
significant threat. compartment is made from pc-board sec-
Feedback is taken from an 8-0 tap on Universal BFO tions. A U-shaped press-fit aluminum
Tl and supplied to the source of Ql to Fig. 72 provides a diagram of a BFO cover is used to enclose the top of the box.
keep distortion at a minimum (observe the which can be tailored for use at any of the This kind of shielding is important for the
polarity at Tl).An 8-0 speaker should not popular intermediate frequencies. The prevention of stray radiation from the
be attached to the 8-0 tap, as it will lower constants shown are for use at 455 kHz. VFO into other parts of the receiver cir-
the feedback and increase distortion. For higher operating frequencies it will be cuit.The enclosed module tends to pre-
Almost any large-signal VMOS tran- necessary only to modify the feedback vent rapid internal changes in ambient
sistor can be used at Q2. The Siliconix capacitors of the oscillators (G1-C5, in- temperature —
an aid to frequency stabili-
VN67AF and N89AF devices (plastic clusive). The higher the operating fre- ty. Double-sided etched-circuit boards are
TO-202 format) would be good choices at quency the lower the capacitance value. not recommended for LC oscillators. This
Q2. The division ratio established by C4 and is because the etched foils and the ground

Tl is a 24-0 to 4 and 8 ohms C5 should be maintained at all frequencies plane form numerous low-value
transformer. A
Triad TY-29X is shown in on which this circuit is used. This will pre- capacitors, none of which are stable: The
the model of Fig. 71. A homemade vent the 50-0 input impedance of Q4 from pc-board insulating material represents a
transformer would be easier to realize and loading the oscillators and preventing poor dielectric material for stable
it would be quite inexpensive. The core them from functioning. capacitors.
stack from a 1 -ampere or large filament This circuit was designed especially for
transformer would be suitable as a foun- use with a diode-ring product detector, A High-Performance AGC Circuit
dation for a homemade unit. The turns which requires a substantial amount of in- of an i-f strip
Fig. 75 contains the circuit
ratio would be 1.73:1 for the primary /8-0 jection power. A 50-0 pad can be placed and age chain which offers excellent per-
windings. For the primary/4-0 combina- in the output of Tl if lower injection formance. This circuit was designed by
tion it would be 2.45:1. No. 26 enameled
. levels are needed. Tl should be terminated W7ZOI for use in his Competition Grade
wire will be suitable for the current taken in approximately 500 for the best perfor- CW The complete receiver cir-
by Q2. Use the maximum number of turns mance. cuit found in Solid State Design for the

possible, consistent with the turns ratios Yl, Y2 and Y3 provide the proper BFO Radio Amateur, chapter 9.
mentioned. This will ensure sufficient in- frequencies for upper sideband, lower This age circuit is suitable for use with
ductance to prevent the loss of low- sideband and cw. JpETs can be substi- the i-f strip of Fig. 72. It employs a full
frequency audio. tuted for the 40673s at Ql, Q2 and Q3. "hang" action. The age is defeated by
Double sided pc-board material is The assembled BFO is seen in Fig. 73. means of SI. The time constant is selec-

Receiving Systems 8-46

453.6-456.4 kHz
50- n.
°- 1
(10 V pk-pk)


k -1000, M= 000 000

DRAIN 10.6 35
01, Q2.Q3

Q4 DC pk-pk
e(O o)c
0^3 t_T BASE

Fig. 72 — A 3-channel BFO for universal use in receivers. T1 contains 25 bifilar turns of no. 30 enam. wire on an FT5Q-43 toroid core (950 mu).

Fig. 74 — Photograph of an assembled local oscillator showing how it

Fig. 73 —
Interior view of the BFO module. Double-sided pc-board sec- should be packaged for good stability. Circuit details are discussed in
tions serve as the box walls. the text and early in chapter 8.

8-47 Chapter 8



Fig. 75 — Circuit details of the W7ZOI i-f amplifier and high-performance age system. This circuit provides full-hang age characteristics.

able at S2. Rl at U3 should be set for + 5 in Fig. 41 of this chapter. It does not in- A broadcast-band filter is a good exam-

volts at pin 6 of U3 with the age off. With corporate the hang feature used in Fig. 75. ple. The circuit and construction informa-
Q5 and Q6 as part of the circuit, the tion for such a filter appear later in this
receiver is practically silent after a strong
signal disappears from the passband. But, A
number of receiver accessories have
after a timing period associated with net- become popular either through necessity A Stable 10-Meter Preamp
work C1-R2, the receiver will return to or through the operating convenience that When receivers run out of gas in terms
full gain in roughly 50 milliseconds. This they provide. Notable among these items of front-end gain and noise figure, it
is very advantageous when loud pulses of are noise blankers, audio filters, usually happens on 15 and 10 meters. A
noise enter the receiver. The effect is preamplifiers, frequency converters and typical symptom is the need to carry the
similar to that of a noise blanker. A de- interference Although
filters. only audio gain wide open to copy a weak
tailed descriptionof this type of age cir- relatively few amateurs choose to build signal. This problem can often be resolved
cuit can be found in chapter 5 of Solid own receivers from the ground up,
their by adding a preamplifier between the
State Design for the Radio Amateur, by many more are inclined to try their hand receiver input and the antenna.
the ARRL. at a somewhat less complex station ac- not beneficial to add gain ahead of
It is

A less complex age circuit for use with cessory — especially if it is something that a receiver that has sufficient sensitivity.
RCA CA3028A i-f amplifiers is provided is needed for -successful station operation. The end product may be excessive front-

Receiving Systems 8-48


Fig. 76 —
Exterior view of the enclosed
preamplifier. A U-shaped, press-fit aluminum
cover is used. Fig. 78 — Inside view of the preamplifier.

end gain, leading to the demise of common-gate (grounded gate) type. regardless of the load connected to the
dynamic range. If the latter is degraded Stability is relatively easy to obtain with amplifier. Properly applied feedback en-
significantly, cross modulation, IMD and the latter, but a tradeoff in gain will ac- sures unconditional stability. Circuits of
desensitization will become manifest when company modification. common-gate A this kind are ideal for amateur builders
strong signals are present in and near the JFET amplifier usually provides between who have limited practical experience in
band of interest. In other words, don't use 10 and 14 dB of gain, whereas a common- the workshop.
a preamp if your receiver performs source version will yield up to 25 dB of Fig. 77 shows the preamplifier circuit.
satisfactorily now. All that will be gain in some circuits. Tl is a toroidal input transformer which is
achieved is a higher S meter reading and a An alternative to using a common-gate tuned to the operating frequency by
higher ambient noise level when no signals configuration was highlighted in Solid means of CI. Rl and C2 form a shunt
are present. State Design for the Radio Amateur, feedback-network which aids stability by
where Hayward and DeMaw gave design lowering the gain. R2 provides additional
Circuit Description
data for fed-back bipolar-transistor rf stability by introducing degenerative feed-
A major problem experienced by some amplifiers. The same principles apply to back. R2 is not bypassed for rf.
builders who use common-source FETs in FET amplifiers, where gain is traded for The drain circuit contains a second
rf amplifiers is instability. Despite careful bandwidth and stability. tuned transformer, T2. R4 and C5 form a
layout and input-output isolation, in- A design objective with any amplifier decoupling network in the 12- volt supply
stability seems to occur. A quick solution should be unconditional stability no — line. This helps prevent unwanted signal
might be to change the circuit to a self-oscillations at any frequency, energy from entering the preamplifier via
the power-supply leads.

Construction Data
RF AMP A printed-circuit layout is given to scale
R1 C2 in 79. Pc-board material (double
Wv |f- sided) used as a shield enclosure for the

preamplifier. The etched-circuit board is

also double sided, with the copper on the
28-29.7 MHz
component side serving as a ground plane.
This aids stability. The outer dimensions
OUTPUT of the box are (HWD) 1-1/2 X 1-3/4 x
50J"L 3-15/16 inches (38 X 44 x 100 mm). A 3
X 4-1/2 inch (76 X 115 mm), pc-board
base is used as the bottom cover, and a
U-shaped, press-fit aluminum cover serves
as a top shield for the assembly.
The pc board is soldered in place inside
the box (Fig. 64) after the circuit has been
built and tested. A single-hole mount


phono jack is used at each end of the box
RESISTANCES ARE IN OHMS to provide input and output connections
k'10OO, M'1000 000.
+12V for the 50-ohm coaxial cables of the
system. A 0.001 -fiF feedthrough capacitor
is mounted at one end of the box to allow
Fig. 77 — Schematic diagram of the 10-meter preamplifier. Data for 15-meter operation can be found In
routing of the 12-volt supply to the
the text. Fixed-value capacitors are disc ceramic. Resistors are 1/4-watt composition types. Numbered preamplifier.
components not appearing in the parts list are so identified for pc layout purposes only.
C1, C3 —
Mica compression trimmer, 100 pF T1, T2 —
0.6 \M with 1-turn link. Wind 12 turns Performance
max. Elmenco 423 suitable. of no. 24 enameled wire on Amidon or
J1, J2 —
Coaxial connector of builder's choice. Palomar T50-6 powdered-iron toroid core.
A 3-dB bandwidth of 1 MHz is
Q1 — Motorola JFET, MPF102 or equiv. (see Spread turns evenly around core and cement characteristic of this preamplifier, The
text). in place. measured gain is 15 dB. Stability is

8-49 Chapter 8
about 80 dB. This is sufficient to suppress
interference since the rf signal-to-noise
ratio very rarely exceeds 60 dB. Practical
experiments have shown this noise
blanker to be superior to other configua-
tions. The famous "woodpecker" com-
pletely disappears when it is switched in.
The circuit layout should not be too
critical. However, some care is required to
build the switching gate without leakage.
Good balance is required. Slightly better
performance can be expected using HP
3081 pin diodes, but this is achieved at
considerable higher expense.

A Space-Perception CW Filter
The circuit described here was originally
conceived as an experiment to test the
excellent under all conditions, including Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin, West Ger- ability of the brain/ear subsystem to dif-
an open-loop situation (no termination at many.' Martin's circuit is very involved ferentiate between tones of different
either end of the circuit). The noise figure and expensive. The simpler version pitch. An example of where this would occur
is under 2 dB at 30 MHz. A slightly better published here can be added to any hf is in a "pileup" situation where many sta-
noise figure and increased dynamic range receiver with a first i-f between 9 and 70 tions are transmitting at the same time on
might be possible with a Siliconix U310 MHz. assumed that the receiver has
It is or about the same frequency. When these
JFET. However, at 10 and 15 meters no and that the amplifier
rf preamplifiers signals are of the same relative amplitude,
either the MPF102 or 2N5484 are entirely following the mixer has a low enough it is difficult to separate them. It was

suitable. A 2N4416 FET would be an noise figure to make such a preamplifier thought that if the brain/ear system was
acceptable substitute. unnecessary. This circuit originally ap- given more information than just frequen-
Operation on 15 meters can be had by peared in an article by Rohde in the May cy difference between tones, that separa-
adding two turns of wire to teh main wind- 1980 issue of QST. tion of the individual signals would be
ings of Tl and T2. No ohter changes are The noise blanker uses a Siemens enhanced. Initial tests with several users
necessary. The circuit constants given in TCA440 IC that incorporates all the of this filter indicate that this is likely the
Fig. 77 are for 10-meter operation. A elements of a single-conversion receiver. case.
parts kit, pc board or pc negative are The i-f chosen is about 2 MHz and the The filter detailed here is_ actually com-
available from Circuit Board Specialists, values of the input coils are selected for an prised of two filters — a high-pass and a
P.O. Box 969, Pueblo, CO 81002. This input frequency of 9 MHz. [Editor's low-pass. The output from the low-pass
circuit is 40 and 80
suitable for use on 20, Note: This circuit is provided for tutorial filter is left ear and the informa-
fed to the
meters by merely changing the Tl/Cl and purposes. Further design information on tion from the high-pass filter is applied to
T2/C3 circuits for the desired frequency. the TCA440 is contained in "Designed the right ear. Stereo headphones are re-
Examples of Semiconductor Circuits," quired. The frequency response is tailored
A High-Dynamic-Range Noise Blanker Siemans Corp., Issue 1975/76. Copies of as shown in Fig. 82. As can be seen, the
The two most violent sources of pulse the material relevant to the TCA440 are roll-off is such that aj 700 Hz (the center
interference are discharges during a from Siemens Corp., IC Com-
available of the pass-band) each tone is down 6 dB.
lightning storm and noise generated by ponent Group, 186 Wood Ave. South, It is assumed that the receiver i-f band-

jamming and pulse radar stations.

stations Iselin, NJ 08830.] width is limited to approximately 400 Hz
A nuisance called the "woodpecker" is a The 9-MHz signal is taken from the for the filter described.
several-megawatt over-the-horizon pulse mixer of the receiver and fed to a CP643 With this filter in the receive line the
radar system that apparently has its origin amplifier and a BF246C source follower. move from
user will notice that signals
in the U.S.S.R. This system produces The source follower drives a series tuned one ear to the other when tuning' across
pulses up to several hundred microvolts at circuit. The signal is then applied to the the signals. Assume that the receiver pro-
the receiver input and interferes with com- TCA440 single-conversion receiver and duces a low-pitched note, increasing in
munications. LORAN is the bane of converted to the 2-MHz i-f. An external audio frequency as the receiver is tuned
amateurs using the 160-meter band. germanium diode provides fixed age through the signal. As the signal is first
Naturally occurring noise discharges such voltage to pin 9 of the TCA440. An audio heard (at a 500-Hz tone) it will appear
as lightning add to the man-made noise testoutput is available to monitor the age predominantly in the left earpiece. As the
sources to make a noise blanker a necessi- action of this receiver section. The 2-MHz signal is tuned and the pitch rises, more of
ty in modern communications receivers. i-f output is taken from a BF246 source the signal will be heard in the right ear.
In general, the rise and decay times of follower and drives a BC177 with an When the 700-Hz note is approached, the
man-made and naturally occurring noise adjustable-trigger threshold. The 74LS173 tones will be equal in each ear. If the
pulses are substantially faster than the rise IC has the proper rise and decay times to signal is tuned farther in the same direc-
and decay times of desired signals. This drive the four-diode switching gate via a tion, the higher-pitched tone will move
phenomenon can be used to differentiate 2N2219 driver. across to the- right ear.
between the two types of interference. It is It was determined that the intercept When two different tones are applied to
therefore desirable a pulse
to build point of this arrangementabout 26 dBmis the simultaneously (as when two

receiver that can become part of the ex- and the switching gate has a depth of signals close in frequency are received),
isting receiver system without degrading the filter will split the signals, placing the
the overall receiver performance. lower-pitched tone more in the left ear
'Martin, "Moderner Stocraustaster mit hoher luter-
The noise blanker example of Fig. 80 is modulationsfestigkett," cq-DL magazine, July and the higher-pitched tone in the right
based on a publication by M. Martin, 1978, p. 300. ear. By doing this, the signals are
'Martin, "Grosssignalfester Stocraustaster fuer
Kurzwellen-und UKW-Empfaenger mit grossem separated not only in tone, but also in
'Circuit Board Specialists, Box 969, Pueblo CO 81002. Dynamikbereich," UKfV-Berishte, Feb. 1979, p.74. relative position. With a little practice,

Receiving Systems 8-50

signals can be assigned a position— just adjustable-gain headphone driver. used. Alternatively, a power supply
to the left of center, way to the right of U1A and U2B form the high-pass filter similar those used with small tape
center, near the middle, and so on. section with characteristics similar to recorders and the like may be used. These
those of the low-pass circuit. The roll- units have the transformer and other
The Circuit off frequency of this section is 840 Hz as power-supply components in a molded
The schematic diagram for the filter is this produces the -6 dB response at the assembly that plugs into a wall outlet.
shown in Fig. 83. Two BiFET quad op- desired 700-Hz frequency. U2A is the low-
Construction and Adjustment
amps are used for the filter sections and pass driver section.
headphone drivers. U1C is a follower used No pains were taken toimpedance- Construction of the filter is simplified
to feed the high- and low-pass branches. match the system for various positions of through the use of a printed-circuit board.
U1D and U2C form the low-pass section. the function switch. This results in a slight The parts-placement guide and etching
Each filter section is a 3-pole Butterworth change in volume from the filter "out" pattern for this board are shown in Figs.
type with 18-dB attenuation per octave. condition to any of the filter "in" posi- 85 and 86. The filter is assembled in a
Two filters in cascade produce a 36-dB per tions. The small changes in volume were homemade aluminum enclosure that
octave roll-off. The cutoff frequency was not found to be objectionable. A power measures 6-3/4 X 2-1/4 x 3-1/2 inches
selected as 583 Hz to produce the -6 dB supply was not included in the unit as the (171 X 57 X 89 mm). Construction is not
response at 700 Hz. Section U2D is an station 12- volt regulated supply could be critical and any cabinet that will house the
components may be used. No doubt, the the receiver so that a 700-Hz note is ap- from adjacent commercial or amateur sta-
unit could be made smaller than the one With the filter in the
plied to the filter. tions. A simple cure for this problem is to
shown the photographs. The rotary
in lp/hp (low-pass/high pass) mode, adjust install between the antenna and receiver a
switch mounted to the left of the board,
is controls Rl and R2 so that the tone is of filter that will sufficiently attenuate the
and hookup wire is used to make connec- equal volume in each ear. It should be out-of-band signals but pass those signals
tions throughout the unit. Other types of noted thatthe gains of the driver of interest with little or no attenuation. If
connectors rrfay be used for the input, out- amplifiers should not be adjusted too the receiver is designed for reception of
put and power connections. The ones shown high, as there might be some hum pickup frequencies below and above the broad-
here were chosen for use in the writer's sta- in the low-pass section. Experimentation cast band, a 550- to 1600 kHz band-stop
tion. with the settings of Rl and R2 should pro- filter will be required. However, if recep-

Adjustment of the filter involves setting vide an optimum gain/noise setting. tion is desired only below or above the
the level controls for each of the two broadcast band, then a less complex low
channels. This is accomplished by first in- A BC- Band Energy Rejection Filter or high-pass filter will suffice. Because a
serting a pair of stereo headphones at J2 Inadequate front-end selectivity, of majority of ham receivers are used for
and making a connection between the out- bipolar-transistor ff amplifier and mixer reception above 1600 kHz, a high-pass
put of the station receiver and Jl. Apply a stages which perform poorly, can result in filter will generally be preferable to the
regulated 10 to 15 volts dc at J3. Adjust unwanted cross-talk and overloading band-reject filter. For the same number of


Fig. 81 — Photograph of the space-perception cw filter. Press-on lettering was used to label the
control and jack functions.

+ 12
4.7k TO 15 V 840 HZ


( ) 1





-O son
,5 ',H
^_L- 2000
-Q + 5V

Fig. 82 —
Relative frequency response of the two filter sections. The left ear receives information
from the low-pass filter and the right ear receives signals from the high-pass filter.

Receiving Systems 8-52

components, the high-pass filter perfor-
mance superior to that of the band-

reject type.
Since the power level of broadcast sta-
tions can be quite high, the stop-band at-
tenuation of the high-pass filter should
also be high, preferably in excess of 60 dB.
The cutoff frequency should be selected
so less than dB of
attenuation occurs

above 1800 kHz, the start of the

160-meter band. Receivers are generally
designed to present a 50-ohm load to the
antenna, and the filter should also be
designed for the same impedance level.
The rate of attenuation rise, VSWR, pass-
band ripple, and number of com-
ponents are all interrelated and many
design choices are possible. In the high-
pass design to be discussed, the maximum
VSWR of the filter was selected to be
1.353. To
obtain adequate stop-band at-
tenuation and a reasonable rate of at- Fig. 84 — Interior view of the completed filter.

— It—

| U2C




k '1000
, M» 000 000

Fig. 83 —
^Schematic diagram of the cw filter. All resistors are 1/4-watt, 5-percent types. All polarized capacitors are electrolytic. Others are miniature
ceramic types. J3 — Miniature power-supply connector.
J1 — Phono connector. S1 — Rotary, 4 pole, 4 position. U1, U2— TL084C BiFET quad op-amp, Radio
J2 — Stereo headphone connector. T1, T2 — Primary 1000 ohm, secondary 8 ohm. Shack 276-1714 or equiv.

8-53 Chapter 8
tenuatioh rise, a filter of 10 elements was ficulty in obtaining the desired response. 100 MHz, the insertion loss of the filter

considered necessary. Finally, to simplify If the attenuation peaks (f2, f4 and f6) at gradually increased to 2 dB. The
construction, only those designs permit- Q.677, 1.293 and 1.111 MHz are not ob- measured input impedance versus fre-
ting the use of standard-value capacitors tained, a slight squeezing or separating of quency was in good agreement with the
were considered. the toroidal-inductor winding should be calculated input impedance between 1.7
all that is required to tune the series- amd 4.2 MHz. (The frequency range
Building the Filter resonant circuits. Note that series circuit above 4.2 MHz was not tested.) Over the
The filter layout, schematic diagram C6-L6 should resonate at f6 = 1.111 range tested, the input impedance of the
and response curve, the component values MHz, but from the response curve it ac- filter remained within the 37 to 67.7 ohms

used, and the toroidal-inductor winding tually resonated at about 1.130 MHz. This input-impedance window (equivalent to a
specifications are shown in Fig. 88. The
all frequency error of about 2 percent is small maximum VSWR of 1.353).
design parameters and the calculated filter enough to ignore. The A s value was Construction of the filter is relatively
components values and other calculated selected to be 58.3 dB, and examination of simple, as shown in the photograph, and
parameters are shown in the upper right- the reponse curve shows the measured no difficulty should be experienced if the

hand corner of Fig. 88. The standard- filter response to be in good agreement. Mallory SXM polystyrene capacitors are
value capacitors used are listed under the The measured values of cutoff frequency used. These capacitors have a standard
filter schematic diagram. Note that all (at theattenuation level of 0.0988 dB) and tolerance of 2.5 percent and are available
standard values are within 2.8 percent of the measured value of fA s (the frequency through all Mallory distributors. The
the design values. Since the maximum A
where s is first reached) are also in good Micro-metals iron powder T50-2 toroidal
deviation between the actual capacitance agreement with the calculated values. The cores are available through either Amidon
used and the design value will be only 5.3 measured pass-band loss was less than 0.8 or Palomar Engineers. This material
percent, there should be little or no dif- dB from 1.8 to 10 MHz. Between 10 and originally appeared in a QST article by
Wetherhold, W3NQN, in February 1978. •

Open and Shorted Coaxial Lines as Notch


Open and shorted quarter-wavelength

lines can be used effectively as notch
filters for both receiver and transmitter
applications. Transmission line theory in-
dicates that a quarter-wavelength line
shorted at one end will produce an open
circuit at the other end. Conversely, a
quarter-wavelength line open on one end
will appear as a short circuit at the other
end. These characteristics can be used to
advantage for several forms of notch

As anexample, assume that in-

terference that is being caused by a com-

mercial station in the 4.24-MHz range is

adversely affecting the performance of a
receiver. A notch filter can be constructed
from a length of cable and connected in
parallel with the antenna at the receiver,
as shown in Fig. 89. It is desired that the
5jiF/25V notch be at 4.24 MHz and a quarter-
wavelength section of cable open at the
far end will be used. The velocity factor of
the cable must be included in the calcula-
O tions. As shown in the diagram, the cable
length is calculated from the standard for-
mula for wavelength.
One mustbe careful when using notch
filterssuch as these because there will be
additional notches across the frequency
spectrum. For an open quarter
100 J|F
wavelength of line there is an additional
25v :
notch at each odd multiple of that fre-
quency. Thespectrum analyzer
photograph shown 90 is an exam-
in Fig.
ple. The horizontal axis is 10-dB per divi-
sion. This display is of a 38-foot, 3-inch
(1 .6 m) piece of RG-58A/U solid dielec-

tric coaxial cable open at the far end. As

can be seen, the first notch appears at
roughly 4.24 MHz and repeats at each odd
harmonic of that frequency. The notches
get smaller in depth as the frequency in-
creases. This is primarily because of the

Receiving Systems 8-54


// -

100 mF
m « so

Fig. 87 — The on perfboard in a 2

filter is built
x 2 x 5-inch Minibox. The filter can be made
smaller if desired, and phono connectors can
be used in place of the BNC fittings shown

these should be checked before a cable is

included in the receiver or transmitter

line. It may turn out that an additional
' ' :
18 f "sr.- . * v3y I?! f sa^-iB:* w" notch at either the odd or even harmonic
of the quarter-wavelength frequency may
fall on a particular band of interest. In

this case the notch will greatly reduce the

received signal levels!
Fig. 85 — Parts-placement guide for the po board as viewed frorh the component side of the Using two or more cables of the same
board. length will enhance the depth of the
notches. The law of diminishing returns
prevails and little is to be gained by adding
more than two lines. One alternative to
cutting two individual lines for the same
frequency would be to use a continuous
loop of cable as shown in Fig. 92. This
loop acts the same as two open lines at
half the total line length. As shown in the
spectral photograph, the notch depth has
been increased to 30 dB. The same piece
of cable was used for this photograph as
that for the other two. Since the line is
essentially two pieces, one half the length
of the original, the frequency has been
shifted upward by a factor of two.


(38'3"0F CABLE FOR
Fig. 86 —
Full-scale etching pattern for the pc board used in the cw filter. Black areas indicate
A VF OF 0.66)


unetched copper.

increased loss of the cable at higher fre- quency has been shifted to twice the fre-
quencies. quency as that shown in Fig. 90. Now, ad-
The display in Fig. 91 is for the same ditional notches occur at every even multi-
Fig. 89 — A quarter-wavelength of coaxial
cable used as a notch fitter. The length of
piece of cable, only this time it is shorted ple of the quarter-wavelength frequency. line can be calculated using the formula that
at the far end. The fundamental notch fre- All notch frequencies for filters such as is given.

8-55 Chapter 8
(Taken from Saal's Catalog CO?15)
R.C. * 15%, VSWP = 1.353. Ap = 0.0988 OB
bl, A, = 58.3 dB, U s = 1.28676
Ho A 6~ 2-495. 1.307, 1.521
f coad * » -69MHz. Ro = 53 oh
„_ \ f (.


CI = 1751 PF C6 = 4262 OF
C2=.0151uF C7 = 2254. pF
C3 = 1184pF L2 = 3.66»lH
C4 = 3085pF L4 = 4.91 fiH
C5= 1322 PF. L6 = 4.82MH

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1 8 2.0 2.2


1% 88 — Filter-response curve, insertion loss, layout and schematic diagram. Terminal impedance is 50 ohms for this 1.7-MHz, high-pass filter.


Fig. 90— Spectral photograph of how notches Fig. 91 —Spectral photograph of notches at
appear at every odd multiple of the quarter- every even multiple of the quarter-wavelength
wavelength frequency for an open-ended line. as occurs with a shorted line. Horizontal
Each horizontal division represents 5 MHz and calibration is S MHz per division and the ver-
each vertical division is 10 dB. tical axis is 10 dB for each division.
Fig. 92 — Spectral photograph (far left) for a
continuous loop of cable used as a notch filter.
Here the continuous loop acts as two open-
circuited lines connected in parallel (center).
Each horizontal division represents 5 MHz and
each vertical division Is 10 dB.

Receiving Systems 8-56


Chapter 9


Receiving Techniques

A dequate receiving capability is es-

sential in vhf and uhf communications,
though simple to build and economical to
use, is inherently lacking in selectivity.
ratio as
with respect
the operat-
whether the station is a transceiver or a With this general information in mind, ing frequency rises.
combination of separate transmitting and this section will cover vhf and uhf receiver
receiving units, and regardless of the "front end," stage by stage.
Noise. Temperature, Noise Factor and
modulation system used. Transceivers and Noise Figure
fm receivers are treated separately in this RF Amplifiers Noise, in the context of this discussion,
Handbook, but their performance involves Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N): The limit- is produced by the movement of electrons
basic principles that apply to all receivers ing factor in the reception of signals is in any substance (such as resistors, tran-
for frequencies above 30 MHz. Important noise. Noise can be classified into two sistors and FETs) that has a temperaturj
attributes are good signal-to-noise ratio broad forms, random and nonrandom. above absolute zero (-273° C or 0° K).
(low noise figure), adequate gain, sta- Nonrandom noise such as interfering Electrons move in a random fashion col-
bility, and freedom from overloading and signals are reduced or eliminated through liding with relatively immobile ions that
other spurious responses. techniques aimed at directly filtering or make up the bulk of the material. The
Except where a transceiver is used, the otherwise suppressing detection of the final effect is that, in most substances
vhf station often has an hf-band com- unwanted signals. This is only possible there is no net current in any particular
munications receiver for lower bands, because the nonrandom noises are dis- direction on a long-term average, but
with a crystal-controlled converter for the crete in nature and are relatively pre- rather a series of random pulses. These
vhf band in question ahead of it. The dictable. pulses produce what is called thermal
receiver serves as a tunable i-f system, Random noise is generated by sources agitation noise, thermal noise or Johnson
complete with detector, noise limiter,
. both internal and external to the receiver. noise.
BFO and audio amplifier. Unless one The external noise problem varies con- As the currents caused by electron
enjoys work with communications re- siderably with frequency of reception. movement increase with temperature, so
ceivers, there may be little point in build- Below about 25 MHz, man-made, atmos- does the noise power. Also, as the pulses
ing this part of the station. Thus our con- pheric, and galactic noise picked up by the are random, they spread out over a broad
cern here will be mainly with converter de- antenna is usually far greater than the frequency spectrum. As it turns out, if we
sign and construction. noise generated within the receiver. In a examine the power contained in a given
Choice of a suitable communications majority of cases, noise output from a passband, the value of that power is in-
receiver for use with converters should not receiver tuned to the hf range drops
dependent of the center frequency of the
be made lightly, however. Several degrees dramatically when the antenna is discon-
passband. This is expre'ssed as
of selectivity are desirable: 500 Hz or less nected from the receiver. When this is
for cw, 2 to 3 kHz for ssb, 4 to 8 kHz for observed, it clearly demonstrates that p = kTB
a-m phone and 12 to 36 kHz for fm phone reception is limited by external noise. where p is the thermal noise power, k is
are useful.The special, requirements of fm Since the ionosphere is less active at 50 Boltzmann's constant (1.374 X 10" 23
phone are discussed in chapter 13. Good MHz, atmospheric noise is of less concern joule per °K), T is absolute temperature in
mechanical design and frequency stability than at hf. Even in a quiet location, °K and B is the bandwidth in hertz.
are important. Image rejection should be however, external noise usually overrides Notice that the power is directly propor-
high in the range tuned for the converter receiver noise in a well-designed system. tional to temperature, and at 0° K the
output. This may rule out 28 MHz
with Above 100 MHz, external noise other noise power is zero.
receivers of the single-conversion type than man-made is rarely a problem in Active devices normally exhibit noise
having 455-kHz i-f systems. weak-signal work. The noise charac- temperatures different from their ambient
Broadband receiving gear of the sur- teristics of a receiving system become temperatures. The thermal noise pro-
plus variety a poor investment at any
is important as they are the primary limita- duced by a semiconductor device will limit
price, imless one is interested only in local tion in weak-signal work. Unfortunately, its ability to respond to input signals
work. The superregenerative receiver, circuit design and component choice be- below the level of the internally generated

9-1 Chapter 9
Noise temperature, noise factor Brief analysis of this equation shows that
the first stage of a receiving system is the
and noise figure are all measures of this 3O0O
device noise. The results are expressed in
most important with regard to noise figure.
2000 If the gain of this and succeeding stages is
terms of temperature, ratios and decibels,
* greater than unity, the denominator of

Consider a 50-ohm termination con- 1000 each successive term becomes greater. The
nected to the input of a device with the •00 numerical value of terms beyond the
termination cooled to absolute zero. eoo second or third approaches zero and can
There would be no noise produced by this NF (dB)_o K be ignored.
It might seem that the more gain an rf
source, and the noise output from the 300 0.1 — 6.75
0.2 13.67 amplifier has, the better the signal-
device would be that of the internally 0.3 20.74
200 to-noise ratio and therefore the better the
generated noise. If the termination were 0.4 27.98
0.5 35.39 reception. Thisis not necessarily true. The
now heated to a temperature that would 0.6 42.96
0.7 50.72 primary function of an rf amplifier is to
raise the output noise of the device by 3 0.8 — 58.66
dB (thermal agitation noise equal to the 0.9 — 66.78 establish the noise figure of the system.

internally generated noise of the device)

i 1.0 Z 75.09
One good rf stage is usually adequate
1.2 92.29 unless the mixer is a passive type with loss
and the temperature of the termination "
1.3 — 101.20
Two rf stages are the usual
_ instead of gain.
measured, the effective input noise . 1.4 110.31
1.5 _ 119.64 maximum requirement.
temperature (T E ) of the device would be 129.18

The noise temperature

1.7 — 138.94 Once the system noise figure is es-
this value. . 1.8 _ 148.93
tablished, any further gain necessary to
specification is independent of bandwidth 1.9 159.16

proportional noise
2.0 169.62
bring a signal to audible levels may be ob-
and is directly to
tained from intermediate-frequency stages
power. For example, if we were to halve NOISE FIGURE (dB)
or in the audio channel. Use of the
the noise temperature we would double
the signal-to-noise ratio.
minimum gain necessary to set the overall
Teceiver noise figure is desirable in order
In order to convert a noise temperature Fig. 1 —
Relationship between noise figure
to avoid overloading and spurious signals
measurement to noise figure an in- and noise temperature.
termediate calculation is required — noise in subsequent stages.
Further examination of the equation
factor (f). Noise factor is by definition the
temperature, the equation can be points out the desirability of mounting the
ratio of the total output noise power to re-
first stage of the receiver system at the
the input noise power when the termina- arranged as follows:
antenna. The transmission line from the
tion is at the standard temperature of
antenna to the receiver can be considered
290° K (17° C). The noise power caused TE = 290 [antilog(NF/10)- 1]°K
as a stage in the receiving system. The first
only by the input noise of the termination
stage of a receiving system makes the
is simply the noise power of the source where noise figure is expressed in dB. A
major contribution of noise figure to the
multiplied by the gain of the device. graph illustrating the relationship between
system, so it is highly desirable that the
Mathematically noise figure and noise temperature is given
first stage be a low-noise amplifier with
in Fig. 1.

= GKBT Noise factor can also be represented in

gain. A transmission line is a "lossy"
N,power input
amplifier, and if placed as the first stage of
terms of signal-to-noise ratios as
a receiving system, automatically limits
where G is the gain of the device and T is S/N at input the system noise figure to that of the
290° K. The total noise caused by the in- f =
S/N at output transmission line, at best. If the first rf
put noise of the termination and the inter- amplifier is placed before the lossy
nally generated noise is simply the sum of
and noise figure can be found from transmission line stage, at the antenna, the
the two noise sources multiplied by the amplifier gain will tend to mask the noise
gain of the device, or
NF = 10 log 10 f added by the transmission line.

Npower total = GKB(T + T E) =
S/N at input
10 login
S/N at output Excessive amounts of gain or undesired
where TE is the effective input noise feedback may cause amplifier instability.
temperature and T is 290° K. The noise A vhf receiving system consists of an Oscillation may occur in unstable ampli-
factor (0 is calculated as interconnection of individual stages, some fiersunder certain conditions. Damage to
noisier than others. Each stage's noise the active device due to overdissipation is
- Nppwer total
contribution to the reduction of signal- only the most obviqus effect of oscillation.
'power input to-noise ratio can be expressed as a noise Deterioration of noise figure, spurious
figure. How much the noise figure of a signals generated by the oscillation; and
particular stage affects system noise figure reradiation of the oscillation through the
= 1 + depends on the gain of the stages between antenna, causing interference to other
that stage and the antenna. That is, if a services (i.e., RFI), can also occur from
stage's gain is sufficiently large, its noise amplifier instability.
figure will tend to override or "mask" the Neutralization or other forms of feed-
where TE is the effective input noise
back may be required in rf amplifiers to
noise contribution of the stage following
temperature and T is 290° K. Noise
it.Mathematically, the noise factor of a reach stability. Amplifier neutralization is
figure can then be calculated as follows:
receiving system can be expressed as achieved by feeding energy from the
amplifier output circuit back to the input
f,-l f„ -1 in such an amount and phase as to cancel
NF = 10 log 10 f = 10 logio (1 + F =f, + -
+ •+: out the effects of device internal ca-
lo G,G, G 2G,
pacitance and other unwanted input-output

where noise figure is expressed in decibels. where coupling. Care in termination of both the
Should the noise figure of the device be fn = noise factor of the n stage input and output can produce stable
known and it is desired to find the noise G n = gain of the n th
stage results from an otherwise unstable ampli-

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-2

fier. Attention to proper grounding and

proper isolation of the input from the

output by means of shielding also can
yield stable operating conditions.

Overloading and Spurious Signals

Normally, the rf amplifier is not a
significant contributor to overloading
problems in vhf receiving systems. The rf
amplifiers in the first or second stage of a
receiving system operate in a linear service
and if properly designed require a
substantial signal input to cause deviation
from Overloading usually oc-
curs in the naturally
nonlinear mixer
stages. Images and other responses to out
of band signals can be reduced or
eliminated by proper filtering at the
amplifier input.
In general, unwanted spurious signals
and overloading increase as the signal
levels rise at the input to the offending
stage. Consequently, minimum gain prior
to the stage minimizes overloading. Since
noise figure may suffer at reduced gain, a
compromise between optimum noise figure
and minimum overloading must often
be made. Especially in areas of high
amateur activity, sacrificing noise figure (B)

somewhat may result in increased weak-

signal reception effectiveness if the lower
noise-figure system is easily overloaded.

Typical Circuits

Common circuits for rf amplifiers are

illustrated in Figures 2 through 5.
Examples of amplifier construction are
given later in this chapter. The termina-
tion impedance of both the input and
output of these examples are low im- AA/V
pedance (50 ohms), lending them to
preamplifier service. Preamplifiers are
useful for improving the noise figure of C' 0+12 V

existing equipment.
The choice of active device has a
profound effect on the weak-signal per- Fig. 2 —
Typical grounded-source rf amplifiers. The dual-gate MOSFET, A, is useful below 500
formance of an rf amplifier. Although MHz. The junction FET, B, and neutralized MOSFET, C, work well on all vhf bands. Except where
given, component values depend on frequency.
tubes can be used on the vhf and uhf
bands, their use is seldom seen, as
solid-state devices provide far better
performance at lower cost. Bipolar transis-
tors can provide excellent noise figures noise figure. also be employed in the input circuit to
up through 4 gHz if chosen and used At 432 MHzand above, inexpensive further reduce the losses.
properly. The JFET is usable through the FETs cannot provide the low noise figure It should be pointed out that the
432-MHz band, although the most com- attainable from bipolars. The wavelength terminating impedance of transistors for
monly available ones drop off in per- at these higher frequencies also allows the optimum noise figure is usually not the
formance quickly beyond that frequency. convenient use of tuned lines rather than same as that for optimum power transfer
Dual-gate MOSFETs also are usable conventional coils, easing the possible (gain).This complicates the designing and
through 432 MHz. The GaAs FET, design difficulties of the lower terminating tuning procedures somewhat, but careful
though somewhat costly, provides superior impedances of bipolars. measurements and adjustment can com-
noise figures past the 1296 MHz band. The input network of an rf amplifier pensate for these shortcomings. The
Most rf amplifiers for use below the should be as low in loss as possible, if a dual-gate MOSFET has different internal
432-MHz band use FETs rather than low noise figure is desired. Since any loss geometry, so optimum noise match is
bipolars. Unless bipolar* transistors are before the first stage is effectively added to virtually identical to optimum gain match.
run at relatively high standing currents the noise figure, it is well to keep these This means that adjusting a dual-gate
they are prone to overloading from strong losses to a minimum. High-selectivity MOSFET amplifier for maximum gain
signals. Additionally, their lower termi- circuits oftenhave significant losses and usually provides best noise figure.
nating impedances can present some- should be avoided at the front end. L Some examples of common-source
what awkward design considerations to networks usually provide the least loss amplifiers are shown in Fig. 2. Many pro-
the builder. The FET minimizes these while assuring proper impedance match- perly designed dual-gate MOSFET
problems while presenting acceptable ing. High-quality components should amplifiers do not require neutralization to

9-3 Chapter 9
Fig. 5 shows typical bipolar amplifiers
for the uhf range. Fig. 5A illustrates a
common-emitter amplifier, analogous to
the common-source FET amplifier. The
common-base amplifier of Fig. 5B can
similarly be compared to a common-gate
FET amplifier.

Front-End Protection
The first amplifier of a receiver is

susceptible to damage or complete burnout

through application of excessive voltage
to its input element by way of the
antenna. This can be the result of
lightning discharges (not necessarily in the
immediate vicinity), rf leakage from the
station transmitter through a faulty
send-receive relay or switch, or rf power
from a nearby transmitter and antenna
system. Bipolar transistors often used in
low-noise uhf amplifiers are particularly
sensitive to this trouble. The degradation
may be gradual, going unnoticed until the
receiving sensitivity has become very
equipment is likely to survive a
directhit from lightning, but casual
damage can be prevented by connecting
Fig. 3 —
Grounded-gate FET preamplifier tends to have lower gain and broader frequency diodes back-to-back across the input
response than other amplifiers described. circuit. Eithergermanium or silicon vhf
diodes can be used. Both have thresholds
of conduction well above any normal
signal level,about 0.2 volt for germanium
AMP. 100
and 0.6 volt for silicon. The diodes used
should have fast switching times. Com-
puter diodes such as the 1N914 and
hot-carrier types are suitable. A check on
weak-signal" reception should be made
before and after connection of the diodes.

RF Selectivity

Ever-increasing occupancy of the radio

spectrum brings with it a parade of
receiver overload and spurious responses.
Overloading problems can be minimized
by the use of high dynamic range receiving
techniques, but spurious responses such as
the receive image must be filtered out
before mixing occurs. Conventional tuned
circuits cannot provide the selectivity
necessary to eliminate the plethora of
signals found in most ham neighborhoods.
Other filtering techniques must be used.
— Although some amateurs use quarter-
Fig. 4 Cascode amplifier circuit combines grounded-source and grounded-gate stages, for high
gain and low noise figure. Though JFETs are shown, the cascode principle is useful with
wavelength coaxial cavities on 50, 144 and
MOSFETs as well. 220 MHz, the helical resonators shown in
Fig. 6 are usually a better choice as they
are smaller and easier to build. In the
frequency range from 30 to 100 MHz,
where it's difficult to build high-Q
An common-gate amplifier, shown in Fig. 3. inductors, and because coaxial cavities are
achieve stability and best noise figure.
example of this approach is shown in Fig. The feedback reduces the stage gain and very large, the helical resonator is an
lowers the input impedance, increasing excellent choice. At 50 MHz, for example,
2A. Neutralization may be required; Fig.
the bandwidth of the stage. An additional a capacitance-tuned, quarter-wavelength
2C shows capacitive neutralization ap-
plied to dual-gate MOSFET amplifier. benefit of common-gate amplifiers is coaxial cavity with an unloaded of 3000 Q
Common-source J FET amplifiers usually reduced susceptibility to overload as com- would be about 4 inches (100 mm) in
pared to common-source amplifiers. diameter and nearly 5 feet (1.5 m)long. On
require neutralization to attain satisfac-
The cascode circuit of Fig. 4 combines the other hand, a helical resonator with
tory operation. Inductive neutralization
as shown in Fig. 2B is commonly used. the common-source and the common-gate the same unloaded Q
is about 8.5 inches

Using the gate as the common stage ele- amplifiers, securing some of the advan- (216 mm) in diameter and 1 1.3 inches (287

tages of each. Increased gain over a single mm) long. Even at 432 MHz, where
ment introduces negative feedback and
greatest asset. coaxial cavities are common, the use of a
eliminates the need for neutralization in a stage is its

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-4

6.2 V

432 MHz

Fig. 6 —Round and square helical resonators,

showing principal dimensions. Diameter, D (or
side, S) is determined by the desired unloaded
Q. Other dimensions are expressed in terms of
I00 D (or S) as described in the text.

determine helix length, b = 0.825E or (b

= 0.99S). For shield length, B = 1.325D
600 ^3, and H = 1.60S.
Calculation of these dimensions is

simplified by the design chart of Fig. 8.

500 ^^TOOT S~~f7
-WV Note that these ratios result in a helix with
a length 1.5 times its diameter, the
condition for maximum Q. The shield is
about 60 percent longer than the helix —
although it can be made longer to —
Fig. 5 — Examples of uhf amplifiers using bipolar transistors.
completely contain the electric field at the
top of the helix and the magnetic field at
the bottom.
It should be mentioned that the winding
helical resonator will result in substantial losses and imperfections in practical pitch, P, is used primarily to determine the
size reductions. The following design materials, yields values of unloaded Q required conductor size. During actual
information on helical resonators origi- which are attained in practice.
easily construction the length of the coil is
nally appeared in a June 1976 QST article Silver plating of the shield and coil will adjusted to that given by the equations
by W1HR. increase the unloaded by about threeQ for helix length. Conductor size ranges
The helical resonator has often
been percent over that predicted by the equa- from 0.4P to 0.6P for both round and
described simply as a coil surrounded by a tion. At vhf and uhf, however, it is more square resonators and is plotted graphical-
shield, but it is actually a shielded, practical to increase slightly the shield size ly in Fig. 9.
resonant section of helically wound (i.e., increase the selected
u by about Q Obviously, an area exists (in terms of
transmission line with relatively high three percent before making the calcula- frequency and unloaded Q) where the
characteristic impedance and low axial tion). The fringing capacitance at the open- designer must make a choice between a
propagation velocity. The electrical length circUited end of the helix is about 0.1 5D conventional cavity (or lumped LC cir-
is about 94 percent of an axial quarter •pF approximately 0.3 pF and a
(i.e., for a shield cuit) helical resonator. At the higher
wavelength, or 84.6 electrical degrees. One two inches, or 51 mm, in diameter). frequencies, wheremight be con-
lead of the helical winding is connected Once the required shield size has been sidered, the choice is affected by shape
directly to the shield and the other end is determined, the total number of turns, N, factor; a coaxial resonator is long and
open circuited as shown in Fig. 6. winding pitch, P, and characteristic relatively small in diameter, while the"
Although the shield may be any shape, impedance, Z , for round and square length of a helical resonator is not much
only round and square shields will be con- helical resonators with air dielectric greater than its diameter. second A
sidered in this section. between the helix and shield, are given by consideration point where the
is that
winding pitch, P, is less than the radius of
Design 1908 1590 _ f°D 2
N = P f the helix (otherwise the structure tends to
The unloaded Q of a helical resonator is "2312
be nonhelical). This condition occurs
determined primarily by the size of the 99,000 82,500 when the helix has less than three turns
shield. For a round resonator with a P =
CD CS 1606 ("upper limit" on the design nomograph
copper coil on a low-loss form, mounted of Fig. 7).
in a copper shield, the unloaded Q is given In these equations dimensions D and S are
by and f is in MHz. The design
in inches, Construction

Q u =50D VX~ nomograph for round helical resonators To obtain as high an unloaded Q as
which can be used with slide-rule
in Fig. 7, possible, the shield should not have any
accuracy, is based on these formulas. seams parallel to the axis of the helix. This
where D = inside diameter of the shield in
Although there are many variables to is usually not a problem with round
inches (X 2.54 = mm) and f = fre-
consider when designing helical resona- resonators because large-diameter copper
quency in MHz tors, certain of shield size and
ratios tubing is used for the shield, but square ,

can is square, assume D to be

If the shield length, and coil diameter and length, will resonators require at least one seam and
1.2 times the width of one side. This provide optimum results. For helix di- usually more. However, the effect on
formula, which includes the effects of ameter, d = 0.55D, or d = 0.66S. To unloaded Q is minimal if the seam is silver
9-5 Chapter 9

< 5000 10,000
-i r 4000 9000
015 04 2000 6000
0.2 J" 0.9 1500 100~£- 5000
90 -
- 5000

TURNS ~ - 2500

02 ~ z 5
1000 £.0 -
SO 005 - t
- - 60 -. - I

aos - _
i|. B0
- 900
40-7 IQ0 800
5.0 700



40 J ~ K
20 -
7 50 50 J :

- 60

- 200
1 00 260

- shield diameter s indicated by. nde* hn .from Qu

Fig. 7 Design nomograph for round helical resonators. After selecting unloaded Q required ^Number
shield of about 3.8 inches (97 mm) for an unloaded Q of 500 at 7 MHz)
scale to frequency scale (dashed index line shown here indicates a
onurns N
So Pitch P, and characteristic impedance, Z,,, are determined by
diameter on right-hand side of the chart (index line indicates P = 0.047
index line from the frequency scale through previously determined
inch, 1 mm, N = 70 turns, and Z = 3600 ohms).

Most helical resonators are tuned by of the circuit. However, to keep

soldered carefully from one end to the
means of a brass tuning screw or high dissipation loss to 0.5 dB or less (as is the
quality air-variable capacitor across the case for low-noise vhf receivers), the
Best results are obtained when little or
open end of the helix. Piston capacitors unloaded Q must be at least 18 times the
no dielectric is used inside the shield. This
vhf and uhf also work well, but the of the tuning Q loaded Q. Although this may be difficult
is usually no problem at
capacitor should ideally be several times to achieve in practice, it points up the
because the conductors are large enough
the unloaded Q
of the resonator. Varactor necessity of considering both selectivity
that a supporting coil form is not
required. The lower end of the helix diodes have sometimes been used where and insertion loss before choosing the
remote tuning is required, but varactors unloaded Q of any resonant tuned circuit.
should be soldered to the inside of the
shield at a point directly opposite from the can generate unwanted harmonics and
bottom of the coil. other spurious signals if they are excited
by strong, nearby signals. Signals may be coupled into and out of
Although the external field is mini-
When a helical resonator to be tuned helical resonators with inductive loops at
mized by the use of top and bottom is

by a variable capacitor, the shield size is the bottqm of the helix, capacitive probes
covers, the top and bottom of the shield
based on the chosen unloaded Q at the at the top of the helix, direct taps on the
may be left open with negligible effect on
operating frequency. Then the number of coil,or any combination of these. Al-
frequency or unloaded Q. If covers are
provided, they should make
however, turns, N
and the winding pitch, P, are though the correct tap point can be cal-
with the shield. In based on resonance at 1.5f Tune the culated easily, coupling by loops and
good electrical contact

resonator to the desired operating fre- probes must be determined experimentally.

those resonators where the helix is
connected to the bottom cover, that cover quency, f .
When only one resonator is used, the
input and output coupling is often
must be soldered solidly to the shield to
Insertion Loss provided by probes. For maximum isola-
minimize losses.
The insertion loss (dissipation loss), IL, tion the probes are positioned on opposite
Tuning in dB, of all tuned resonant circuits is sides of the resonator.

A helical resonator designed from the given by When coupling loops are used, the
Fig. 7, if carefully built, plane of the loop should be perpendicular
nomograph of
to the axis of the helix and separated a
will resonatevery close to the design fre-
quency. Resonance can be adjusted over a
(f^ u
dB small distance from the bottom of the coil.
For resonators with only a few turns, the
small range by slightly compressing or ex-
If the helix is made where Q a = loaded plane of the loop can be tilted slightly so it
panding the helix.
is parallel with the slope of the
slightly longer than that called for in Fig. Q u = unloaded Q. conductor. Helical resonators with in-
8, the resonator can be tuned by pruning
This plotted in Fig. 10. For the most ductive coupling (loops) will exhibit more
the open end of the coil. However, neither is

practical cases > 5) this can be attenuation to signals above the resonant
of these methods is recommended for (Q d
closely approximated by IL = 9.0 (Q a/Q u) frequency (as compared to attenuation
wide frequency excursions because any
length will dB. The selection of a loaded Q for a tuned below resonance) whereas resonators with
major deviation in helix
capacitive coupling (probes) exhibit more
circuit is dictated primarily by the required
degrate the unloaded Q of the resonator.

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-6

nection into and out of the filter is one of
the greatest offenders with regard to filter
leakage. Proper dc lead bypassing through-
out the receiving system is good practice,
/especially at vhf and above. Ferrite beads
placed over the dc leads may help to
reduce leakage even further.
Proper termination of a filter is a
necessity if minimum loss is desired from
the Most vhf rf amplifiers optimized

for noise figure do not have a 50-ohm

terminating input impedance. As a result,
any filter attached to the input of an rf
amplifier optimized for noise figure will
not be properly terminated, and the Fig. 9 —
Helix conductor size vs. winding
filter's loss may rise substantially. As this pitch, P. A winding
pitch of 0.047 inch (1 mm),
loss is directly added to the rf amplifier's for example, dictates a conductor diameter be-

noise figure, prudent consideration should tween 0.019 and 0.028 inch (number 22-or 24
be made of filter choice and placement in
the receiver.

Conversion of the received energy to a
Fig. 8 —
Helical-resonator design chart. After lower frequency, so that it can be
the shield diameter has been determined, helix
amplified more efficiently than would be NSERTION LOSS
diameter, d, helix length, b, and shield length,
B, can be determined with this graph. Index possible at the signal frequency, is a basic
line indicates that a shield diameter of 3.8 principle of the superheterodyne receiver.
inches (97 mm) requires helix mean diameter The stage in which this is done may be
of 2.1 inches (53 mm), helix length of 3.1 in-
ches (79 mm), and shield length of 5 inches
called a "converter," or "frequency
(127 mm). converter," but we will use the more
common term, mixer, to avoid. confusion
with converter, as applied to a complete
vhf receiving accessory. Mixers perform
similar functions in both transmitting and
attenuation below the passband as shown receiving circuits, and mixer theory and Fig. 10 — Insertion toss of all tuned resonant
for a typical 432-MHz resonator in determined by the
circuits is ratio ofloaded to
practice are treated in considerable detail
Fig. 11. This characteristic may be a con-
unloaded Q as shown here.
elsewhere in this Handbook.
siderationwhen choosing a coupling A receiver for 50 MHz
or higher usually
method. The passband can be made more has at least two such stages; one in the vhf
symmetrical by using a combination of or uhf converter, and usually two or more
coupling methods (inductive input and in the communications receiver that
capacitive output, for example). follows it.We are concerned here with the
If more than one helical resonator is first mixer. •7 -r—
required to obtain a desired bandpass The mixer would convert any
ideal -i

characteristic, adjacent resonators may be signal input to it to another chosen

coupled through apertures in the shield frequency with no distortion, and would +-
wall between the two resonators. Un- have a noise figure of dB. Unfortunately
fortunately, the sizeand location of the a mixer such as that only exists in a dream 4—
aperture must be found empirically, so world. The mixer that has a dB noise 325 33 O 3 5 a<

this method of coupling is not very figure (or equivalent loss) has yet to be FREQUENCY (MHzl

practical unless you're building a large conceived. This means that the proper use
number of identical units. of rf amplification and perhaps post- Fig. 11 —
Response curve for a single-
resonator 432-MHz filter showing the effects of
Since the loaded Q of a resonator is mixer amplification is necessary for
capacitive and inductive input/output coupling.
determined by the external loading, this maximum receiver performance with re- Response curve can be made symmetrical on
must be considered when selecting a tap gard to sensitivity. Improving sensitivity is each side of resonance by combining the two
(or position of a loop or probe). The ratio the less difficult of the mixer failings to methods (inductive input and capacitive output
or vice versa).
of this external loading, Rb, to the mend.
characteristic impedance, Z for a quarter-
, Because the mixer operates in a
wavelength resonator is calculated from nonlinear mode, reduction of distortion amplifier before the mixer will increase
becomes a major design problem. As the the input levels to the mixer, lowering the
mixer input level is increased, a point is point where the input level to the receiving
reached where the output no longer system will cause compression. It be-
Qu increases linearly with input. A phe- hooves the builder not to use more gain
nomenon known as compression occurs. than is necessary to establish system noise
Even when filters are properly designed When the compression point is reached, figure prior to the mixer.
and built, they may be rendered totally the sensitivity of the mixer is reduced for If more than one signal is present in the
ineffective if not installed properly.Leak- every signal in the passband. This is passband going into the mixer, they may
age around a filter can be quite high at vhf manifested as desensing. Different types mix with each other to produce spurious
and uhf where wavelengths are short. of mixers characteristically reach their responses known as intermodulation dis-
Proper attention to shielding and good compression points at different input tortion (IMD) products. As the input
grounding is mandatory for minimum so proper rnixer choice can
levels, levels further increase, higher-order IMD
leakage. Poor coaxial cable shield con- minimize this type of distortion. Any products may appear, seemingly filling the
9-7 Chapter 9
O '

The signal and the heterodyning fre-

quency are fed into the mixer and the
mixer output includes both the sum and
7- c

X difference frequencies of the two. In the

case of the circuit shown in Fig. 12A the
difference frequency is retained, so the
1296-MHz input signal is converted down
:ioo MHz. The sum frequency is filtered
to 28
out by the 28-MHz tuned circuits.

_ /28-MHz A quality diode (such as the hot-carrier

type) has a fairly low noise figure up
7p l-F AMP.

through the microwave region. Since most

active mixers fall off in performance
above 500 MHz, the diode mixer is the
one most commonly found in amateur
microwave service. Unfortunately, all
diode mixers have conversion loss. The
loss must be added to the noise figure of
the stage following the mixer to determine
(A) the system noise figure. A low-noise stage
following the mixer is necessary for good
weak-signal reception. The noise figure of
most communications receivers is far
INPUT 50 MHz higher than what is needed for a low noise
o figure system, if no rf amplification is
220 Bipolar transistors are not good square-
law type devices, and thus are not favored
0.005 for single-ended applications. Their major
3, use is in switching-type mixers of the
_Qtl2V balanced variety.

osc. TA (B)
Field-effect transistors have good square-
law response and are very popular vhf
mixers. The dual-gate MOSFET is proba-
2N5486 bly the most common mixer found in
220 MHz 144 MHz
vhf amateur equipment. The MOSFET
INPUT O- OUTPUT can provide considerable conversion gain,
— while at the same time maintaining a
reasonable noise figure. MOSFET over-
.0.001 load characteristics are suitable for the
vast majority of applications. Local-
oscillator energy can be applied at one of
OSC. the MOSFET gates, effectively isolating
0+12 V the local oscillator from the other signals.
The gate impedance is high, so relatively
little injection is needed for maximum
conversion gain. A typical example is

shown in Fig. 12B.

JFETs are close to the MOSFET in

— mixer performance but are more difficult

Fig. 12 Examples of single-ended mixers. The diode mixer, A, is usable through the microwave
region. FET mixers, B and C, offer conversion gain and low noise figure. to apply in practical hardware. As with
the MOSFET, input impedance to a JFET
mixer is high, and substantial conversion
gain is available. JFET bias for mixer

frequencies. For receiving ap- service and must be adjusted for

is critical
passband. Proper mixer operating con- these
amateurs typically want to best results. The output impedance of a
ditions will alleviate IMD problems, and plications,
detect only one of the mixing products, JFET is lower than a dual-gate MOSFET;
also reduce gain-compression problems.
usually the first order mixing product. typically around 10 k ft. Although other
A third type of distortion is cross
Filtering must be applied to separate the possibilities exist, local-oscillator injection
modulation. This is most readily observed
desired signal from the rest. Post-mixer should be made at the JFET source for
on a-m signals. When the carrier is on,
filtering is not adequate, as input images best results. source is a low-
cross modulation is evidenced by modula-
characteristics of another signal can be mixed to the same intermediate impedance point, so considerably more
frequency as the desired signal. Input local-oscillator power is required than if a
being superimposed on the received car-
dual-gate MOSFET were used as mixer.
rier. Techniques to improve IMD charac- filtering discriminates against these images

improve cross modulation and prevents unwanted out-of-band sig- Noise figures as low as 4 dB are possible
teristics also
nals from possibly overloading the mixer. with circuits like that shown in Fig. 12C.
A problem inherent to all mixing The injection level of the local oscillator
affects mixer performance. Raising LO
systems is image generation. Whenever Single-ended Mixers
level increases conversion gain in an FET
two signals are mixed, components are
Most mixers are single-ended. The mixer. The local-oscillator signal should
produced at the sum and difference of the
two signal frequencies, and at multiples of simplest type of mixer is the diode mixer. be as large as possible without pushing the

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-8

FET into its pinchoff region. The gate
junction of the FET should never conduct RFC
in mixer applications. Increased IMD

products result from either of the afore-

mentioned conditions and should be osc.
1152 MHz
carefully avoided. The local-oscillator INJECTION 1152 MHz
energy should be as pure as possible.
Distorted injection energy not only in- 144 MHZ
creases IMD production but also in- L1
creases stage noise figure.
Proper termination of the output of an
FET mixer optimizes overload per- INPUT
formance. If the impedance seen at the o 1296 MHz ^^35
drain of an FET mixer is too high at any of 1296 MHz A4
the mixer product frequencies, large
voltage excursions can occur on the FET
drain. If thevoltage excursion on the drain RFC
islarge enough, output distortion will be
01,02 HP5082-2717
evident. Often these high-voltage ex-
( 1
cursions occur at frequencies outside the
desired passband, causing distortion from
signals not even detectable by the receiver.
A resistor within the output matching TO
network is often used to limit the 15k
broadband impedance to a suitably low
rT7 i2v

Balanced Mixers
Use of more than one device in either a
singly or doubly balanced mixer offers
many advantages over a single-ended
Dt-04 HP 5082-2835
mixer. The balance prevents energy
injected into a mixer port from re- RF
appearing at another port. The implications
of this are significant when minimum
mixer distortion is sought. The port-

1 # I

to-port isolation inhibits any signals other

than the mixing products from reaching
any other stages further along in the
system where they might be mixed,
causing undesirable signals. The usually
large local-oscillator signal is kept away (B)

from the rf amplifier stages where it might OUTPUT

cause gain compression because of its
magnitude. Any amplitude-modulated noise
fou/id on the local-oscillator signal is

suppressed from the mixer output, where Q1A U430

it might be later detected. In a singly RF
balanced mixer only one port, usually the
local-oscillator input,
other two. A
is isolated from the

doubly balanced mixer

• pmn • |* * OUTPUT
isolates all three ports from each other.
The most common balanced mixer uses
diodes. The disadvantages presented ear- ' 1
lier with respect to single-ended diode INJECTION

mixers apply here also. A singly balanced

diode mixer is shown in Fig. 13A.
Hot-carrier diodes are normally used for Q1B
Dl and D2, they can handle high
currents, have a low noise figure, and are :ooi

available for use up through several

The doubly balanced mixer is more

common today. Commercial modules, (C)

very reasonably priced, are often used

instead of homemade circuits. Large-scale
manufacturing can usually offer electrical
balance not so easily attained with the
homemade units. Isolation of 35 to 40 dB
Fig. 13 — Balanced mixers for vhf and uhf. The singly balanced mixer, A, provides isolation of the
local oscillator from the output. The doubly balanced diode mixer B, has all ports isolated from

is typical at vhf, with only 6 to 7 dB of


each other, and is broadband throughout vhf. A special dual JFET is used in C to give high
conversion loss. High local-oscillator dynamic range with low noise figure. •

9-9 Chapter 9
injectionis needed to reach optimum
performance with these mixers. Proper Q12V
broadband termination of all the mixer
ports is necessary to prevent unwanted
signals from being reflected back into the
mixer "rat race," only to emerge at
another port. The i-f port (shown in Fig. 9V
13B) is the most critical with respect to 400 mW
termination and should be terminated at 0.0
50 + jO ohms. Transmission line trans- "If—
formers provide the necessary phase shift, 3,
as half the bridge is fed 180 degrees out of OUTPUT
O 116-MHz
phase with respect to the other half. These
can be wound on ferrite toroid forms to
effect a broadband response. Careful
winding of the transformers improves
balance in the circuit, which in turn
improves port-to-port isolation.
Active devices can be used very
effectively in balanced mixers. Both FETs
and bipolars can be used successfully.
Active balanced mixers offer all the
~47 O000
benefits of balanced diode mixers plus the
added advantage of conversion gain (A)
rather than loss. Less rf amplification is
needed to establish low system noise
figure because of this conversion gain
than would be needed with a diode mixer.
IN O- • • •
Low gain prior to the mixer keeps mixer -O OUT
input levels low, maximizing mixer over-
load resistance. High dissipation active
devices can be used, yielding better mixer HP5082-2835
performance than is available from diode
balanced mixers. Fig. 13C shows a dual
FET which has been specially designed for (B)

mixer applications. Rl allows for elec-

balance adjustment in the circuit. A
sharp null in focal oscillator output at the Fig. 14 —Typical crystal oscillator for vhf use, A. The diode frequency doubler, B, provides good

mixer output can be observed when Rl is rejection of the fundamental signal.

set to the optimum point, showing

electrical balance has been achieved.

will mix with signals present in the mixer, proper overtone is the actual oscillation
Injection Stages creating spurious outputs at the mixer frequency. The network is
collector tank

Oscillator and multiplier stages sup- output. A clean local oscillator will paralleltuned and can be wound on a
plying heterodyning energy to the mixer prevent these unwanted outputs. The toroid core to reduce radiation. The
should be as stable and free of unwanted oscillator chain output can be heavily output is link coupled from the tank,
frequencies as possible. Proper appli- filtered to cut down the harmonic content minimizing harmonic coupling. This oscil-
cation of crystal control^ gives stability of the oscillator, but good planning and lator would be followed by a buffer to
design will minimize the unwanted energy, bring the signal up to that level needed
pursuant to needs. Two major influencing
factors control oscillator stability, tem- making the filter job less demanding. A and to purify the oscillator signal further.

perature and operating voltage. As the high-frequency crystal in the oscillator A similar oscillator could be used in a
minimizes the number of times the 220-MHz converter. Since crystals are not
temperature of a component changes, its

fundamental oscillator frequency has to available 192 MHz, the frequency

internal geometry changes somewhat as
materials expand or be multiplied reach the converter
to required conversion to 28-MHz
the constituent
contract. When the geometry changes, the injection frequency. Proper use of doublers converter output, the most logical ap-
internal capacitance often changes, af- rather than triplers can eliminate any proach is to use a 96-MHz oscillator and
fecting the resonant frequency of the odd oscillator frequency multiples, so a double its output. Fig. 14B shows a diode
low-pass filter at the output only has to frequency doubler suitable for the ap-
tuned circuits controlling oscillator fre-
quency. Use of quality components which the fourth harmonic and beyond.
filter A plication. The phase-shifting transformer

have good temperature characteristics band-pass filter would be needed at the can be made from a trifilar winding on a
tripler to eliminate the second ferrite core. Hot-carrier diodes allow the
helps in this regard. Minimum power output of a
should be extracted from the oscillator as harmonic and the higher ones. Finally, use of a doubler like this up through at
good shielding and power-line filtering least 500 MHz. There is a loss of about 8
excessive heat dissipation within either the
should be used throughout to prevent any dB through the doubler, so amplification
crystal or the transistor will cause internal
capacitance changes in those units, moving stray radiation from reaching the mixer or is needed to bring the injection signal to
the resonant frequency. Voltage to the causing RFI problems elsewhere. the appropriate level. Fundamental energy
Fig. 14A shows a typical circuit useful is down by as much as 40 dB from the
transistor should be regulated for best
stability. Simple Zener diode regulation is for providing the 116-MHz injection second harmonic with a balanced diode
IC energy necessary to convert a 144-MHz doubler such as this. All the odd
sufficient or a three-terminal regulator
can be used. signal down to 28 MHz. R z dampens the harmonics are well down in amplitude
crystal action somewhat, assuring that the also, all without tuned circuits. A low-
Any unwanted injection frequencies

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-10

nut. Input and output connectors are not preamplifier uses a 2NS24S or 2NS486
critical;phono-type jacks may be used in JFET to achieve a noise figure as low as
the interest of low cost. 1.3 dB. The JFET operates grounded-
Adjustment is so easy that it almost source with inductive neutralization. The
needs no description. After connecting the preamplifier was first described by WB6-
amplifier to a receiver, simply tune the NMT in March 1972 QST.
input (CI) and the output (C4) for The preamplifier is built on double-clad
maximum indication on a weak signal. circuit board, mounted on spacers inside
One possible area of concern might be an LMB T-F770 aluminum box, 2-3/4 X
that the used in the 10- and
toroids 2-1/8 X 1-5/8 (70 X 54 X 42 mm)
6-meter versions are not always uniform inches in size. A shield of circuit board
in permeability, as purchased from various stock divides the amplifier as indicated
suppliers. However, it is an easy matter by the broken line in the circuit dia-
Fig. 15 — Two versions of the preamplifier. to add- capacitance or remove a turn gram. SMA or N-type fittings are
The one in the box is for 2-meter use. Toroids as required to make the circuits resonate recommended for the input and output
are used in the six-meter version (right) and in at the correct frequency. connectors. E. F. Johnson manufactures an
the ten-meter preamplifier (not shown). Input is
at the right on both units. The extra rf choke
inexpensive line of SMA
connectors which
Low-Noise 220-MHz JFET Preamplifier
are highly desirable for low-noise connec-
and feedthrough capacitor on the right end of
the Minibox are for decoupling a crystal- At 220 MHz cosmic noise is below 1.4 and uhf. Top grade glass trim-
tions at vhf
current metering circuit that is part of a dB, so very low noise receiving systems mers or miniature air variables should be
2304-MHz mixer. are effective at that frequency. This used for CI, C2 and C4 for best results.
pass filter can be used to eliminate the
undesired harmonics from the output.
MOSFET Preamplifiers for 10, 6 and 2
If an hf or vhf receiver lacks gain,
or has a poor noise figure, an external
preamplifier can improve its ability to
detect weak signals. This preamplifier uses
an RCA 40673 dual-gate MOSFET.
Designs for using this device as a mixer or
as a preamplifier abound and many of
them are excellent.
When comes to simplicity, small size,

good performance, low cost, and flexi-

bility, a design by Gerald C. Jenkins,
W4CAH, certainly qualifies.
The preamplifier really shines in pep-
ping up the performance of some of
the older 10-meter receivers that many
have pressed into service. A
version is also very useful for any of the
modes of communication available on
that band.
In Fig. 16 the voltage dropping resistor, EXCEPT AS INDICATED, DECIMAL
R4 and the Zener diode, Dl, may be of

the value necessary to obtain 9 to 12 V dc ARE IN PICOFARADS ( pF OR J1J1F);

for operation of the unit. By increasing RESISTANCES ARE IN OHMS',
the resistance and dissipation rating of R4 k 'IOOO, M> 000 000

and Dl, the preamplifier may be operated

from the 150- to 200- V supply found in
many tube-type receivers.
The layout of the board is so simple Fig. 16 —
Schematic diagram for the preamplifier. Part designations not listed below are for pc
that hardly worth the effort of making
it is board placement purposes. Alternative input circuit for use with microwave diode mixer is shown
a negative for the photo-etch process. A at B.

Kepro resist-marking pen was used with

C1, C4 —
See Table 1, L1, L2 — See Table 1.
C2, C3, C5, C6, C7, C9 — Disc ceramic. R4 — 3 turns no. 28 enam. on ferrite bead. A
success on several boards. Another ap- C8 — 0.001 feedthrough capacitor. 220-ohm, 1/2-watt resistor may be sub-
proach and one that is highly J1, J2 — Coaxial connectors. Phono-type, BNC stituted.
recommended — is to cover the copper or SO-239 acceptable. P.FC2 —33 nH, iron-core inductor. Millen
J300-33 or J. W. Miller 70F335A1.
with masking tape, transfer the pattern
with carbon paper, then cut away the tape
to expose the part to be etched. On small, Table 1

simple boards the masking-tape method is 28 MHz 50 MHz 144 MHz

hard to beat. L1 17 turns no. 28 enam. on 12 turns no. 26 enam. on 5 turns no. 20 tinned
The pc board may be mounted in Amidon T-50-6 core. Tap at Amidon T-37-10 core. Tap at 1/2-inch ID x 1/2-inch
almost any small enclosure. Construction 6 turns from ground end. 5 turns from ground end. long. Tap at 2 turns from
is not tricky or difficult. It should take
ground end.

only a few minutes to complete the unit

L2 Same as L1, without tap. Same as L1, without tap. 4 turns no. 20 tinned like
L1, without tap.
after the board is prepared. The board is
C1.C4 15 to 60-pF ceramic trimmer. 1.8- to 16.7-pF air variable. 1.5- to 11,6-pF air variable.
fastened in the enclosure by means of one Erie 538-002F. E. F. Johnson 189-506-005. E. F. Johnson 189-504-005.
metal standoff post and a no. 4 screw and

9-11 Chapter 9
drain, at 12 to 15 volts dc. Touch the
TO +V SUPPLY neutralizing coil, L2. If there is any
R4 TAP LI change in current, ttie stage is
Keeping contact with L2 (to prevent
' ' X * INPUT oscillation), readjust mA. Using a Rl for 5
I .

strong 220-MHz test signal, adjust C4 for

I . —Ol - R2 I I
maximum signal indication. Set CI to
1-6 Rf~ 1 -T 7- I

minimum capacitance, and peak C2.

Increase CI slowly until signal no longer


, "I

C2 and C4
then back off one turn and readjust
for maximum signal.
:5 i -C3-
1 .

vrRtf's Now reverse the preamplifier, con-

necting Jl to the receiver input, and
MOUNTING HOLE feeding the signal to J2. With the dc still

applied, tune L2 to minimum signal

Fig. 17 — Full-scale layout and parts place- feed-through. If L2 has an ungrounded
ment guide for the pc board. Foil side shown. brass slug, the amplifier attenuation
should be about 50 dB. Drain current
should remain at 5 mA.
Connect the amplifier normally, and
The dc voltage for the preamplifier repeat the process outlined above, until
is through one arm of a coaxial
fed the tuning of C4 remains nearly constant.
T fitting at the receiver input. This Finally, adjust CI for best signal-to-noise
assumes use of some sort of blocking ratio (lowest noise figure) and readjust
capacitor in the receiver input, to prevent C2. This should yield a noise figure of 1.5 (B)

grounding the dc through a coupling loop to dB, and gain of 12 to 18 dB,

Fig. 19 — At A, 432-MHz GaAs FET preampli-
or tap on a grounded tuned circuit. The depending on the transistor used. Often fier builtby K2UYH. The transistor is mounted
rf choke in the preamplifier circuit, the lower-gain condition will also give the at the central shield by soldering the source

RFC1, and the one used at the receiver best noise figure. lead directly to the copper foil. The drain lead
of the transistor passes through a hole in the
input (to isolate the dc from the rf) are not
Low-Noise GaAs FET Preamplifiers for shield. At B, a 1296-MHz GaAs FET
critical. Any
reasonably good vhf choke preamplifier built by WA2ZZF. In this model,
432 and 1296 MHz
should do. If you're still willing to take the the transistor is connected to striplines etched
losses involved in the line, and you want Gallium-arsenide field-effect transistors on glass-epoxy board. SMA-type coaxial con-
(GaAs FETs) have recently come into use nectors are shown although type N or BNC
to use the preamp at the receiver input,
connectors may be used.
leave RFC1 out of the circuit, and connect as low-noise microwave amplifiers. Ama-
the dc as shown in Fig. 18. teur experimentation has shown that they
can provide excellent performance on the
Adjustment uhf and lower microwave amateur bands. ticularly the ones characterized as C-band
First set Rl for about 5 mA current These devices are rather expensive, par- and X-band (4-12 GHz) microwave
low-noise amplifiers. However, other
GaAs FETs, power
characterized as
amplifiers for low and medium-power (up
to 1 /4 watt) microwave applications will
EXCEPT AS INDICATED, DECIMAL provide almost the same noise figure at
uhf and are being made available to

ARE IN PICOFARADS ( pF OR J1J1F); amateurs. The power devices also have

RESISTANCES ARE IN OHMS', wide dynamic range, providing less inter-
~C3 k -1000, M.I 000 000
390 modulation distortion and lower sus-
220 MHz C5 LINE ceptibility to* burnout. The receiver pre-
amplifiers to be described are relatively
simple to construct and have sufficient
tuning range for almost any GaAs FET
-M- / in available. They were first described by
K2UYH and WA2ZZF in June 1978
-o +
These preamps for 432 MHz (Fig. 19A)
and 1296 MHz (Fig. 19B) use power
GaAs FETs made by Microwave Semi-
conductor Corp.; however, devices made
by NEC (Nippon Electric Co.) perform at
Fig. 18 — WB6NMT 220-MHz preamplifier.
Circuit and parts information for the
— 0.8 jar 1 to 10 pF glass trimmer,
least as well, and many similar devices will
Johanson 2960 of JFD VAM or MVM series. turn from top, subject to adjustment for 1 also certainly work. Construction details
C2 — Like C1, or Corning Direct Traverse lowest Air-wound coils also usable, but nf. are shown in the photographs and sche-
CGW. 0.8 to 10 pF. toroids preferred.
432-MHz preamp is
matic diagrams. The
C3 — 390-pF silver mica. L2 — 9 turns no. 28 enam. on 1/4-in. (6.3 mm)
C4 — Like C1, C2 or less-expensive type with slug-tuned form (Miller 4500, brass slug). Do built in a 2-1/4 X 1-inch (57 X 38
X 1-1/2
to 10-pF range.
1 not ground the slug. X 25-mm) box made of double-sided
C5 — Experiment with values to 5 pF, for L3 — Like L1, but no tap. 1 printed-circuit board. A cover plate is

maximum gain in system as will be used. Q1 — 2N5245, 2N5486, MPF-107, TIS-88.

recommended but does not significantly
J1, J2 — SMA or N-type connector. R1 — 200- or 250-ohm control.
RFC1 — Vhf choke, 0.8 to 3 pH. Use only affect tuning. The GaAs FET source is
L1 — 4 turns no. 22 enam. or Micrometals rf

T-37-0 toroidal core (Amidon Associates). Tap when preamp is antenna mounted (see text). soldered to the central shield board with

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-12


the drain lead projecting through a hole.

Several other versions have been con-
structed; in one of these, the wire inductors
are replaced by straps placed parallel to
the bottom plate, and spaced approxi-
mately 1/8 inch (3 mm) above it; a typical
strap dimension would be 3 inches (76.2
mm) long by 1/2 inch (13 mm) wide. The
1296-MHz preamp is constructed in a
2-3/4 X 2-1/8 X 1-5/8-inch (70 X 54 X
41-mm) Minibox (BUD CU-3000A or TWO 1.5-V D|
equivalent). The GaAs FET is bolted, BATTERIES

between two pieces of 1/16-inch (1.6-mm) +

printed-circuit board, using 0-80 screws
(available at many hobby shops). The lead
height is sit on top of the
just right to
50-ohm lines printed on these boards. The
ground connection for the tuning capaci-
tors is provided by mounting screws
and by copper foil soldered around one Fig. 20 —Schematic diagram of the 432-MHz preamplifier.
C1 —0.03- to 3.5-pF piston trimmer volts usable).
edge of each board. The ground plane (Johanson or JFD). L1 —
1 turn no. 18 wire (see photo) or strip-
board are smoothly tinned to
sides of the C2, — 0.8- to 10-pF piston trimmer
C3 line (see text).
reduce copper-to-aluminum corrosion. (Johanson or JFD). L2 — no 18 wire, 0.9 in. (23 mm) long.
01, D2 — Zener diode, 5.6 volts (4.7 to 6.2 Q1 — GaAs FET (see text).

Handling Precautions
The MSC GaAs FETs have

resistant gold gates,and are only sus- Q
L— ^
2 470
ceptible to damage from overvoltage or
excess heating.
ticularly those
other types, par-
of Japanese manufacture,
have aluminum gates which are very
I QiA? J

l"° -J
sensitive to static burnout, and should be
handled in the same manner as un-
protected MOS devices. In any case, work 6. 0.O01

quickly when soldering the devices and

use a grounded or cordless soldering iron.
After assembly, the Zener diodes shown D2 * <J I
should protect the device in normal A-r
operation. Of course, it should be realized
that these devices are physically small and
require reasonably careful handling.

Adjustment and Performance

Fig. 21 —
Schematic diagram of the 1296-MHz preamplifier.
Normal Vds = 1.5
operating voltages are C1, C2, C4 —
0.8- to 10-pF piston trimmer RFC2 —
5 turns no. 32 wire, 1/16-in (1.6-mm)
to 3V, V GS = -0.5 to -2V; gate current is (Johanson or JFD). Note: C1 may be re- ID, spaced two wire diameters.
negligible and may be supplied from a placed by a fixed low-inductance capacitor W1 —
50-ohm microstripline, 0.105 in. (2.7 mm)
battery. Peak the tuning capacitors on a of 10-pF or more. wide by 0.9 in (23 mm) long on 1/16-in. (1.6-
C3 —
0.3- to 3.5-pF piston trimmer (Johanson mm) thick double-sided G-10 printed-circuit
strong signal, then trim them and adjust
or JFD). board.
the drain and gate voltages with the aid of 01, D2 — Zener diode, 5.6 V (4.7 to 6.2 V W2 —
50-ohm microstripline, 0.105 in. (2.7 mm)
a noise-figure meter or weak-signal source. usable). wide by 1.1-in (28-mm) long on 1/16-in. (1.6-
Minimum noise figure occurs near the Q1 — GaAs FET (see text). mm) thick double-sided G-10 printed-circuit
RFC1 — 3 turns, 1/16-in (1.6-mm) ID, in lead board.
tuning for maximum gain. Output tuning
of resistor, spaced wire diameter.
should have little effect, but the noise
figure is sensitive to the input tuning and
gate voltage; varying the drain voltage
should give a broad peaking of noise value of these stabilizing resistors is at years, provided the amateur builder with
figure. Drain current is controlled by gate your own risk! many new choices of hardware to use in
voltage. After peaking up the preamp, Typical noise figures to be expected the building of receivers, converters, or
drain current will probably be between 20 with these preamps are on the order of 1 preamplifiers. The broadband doubly
and 100 mA. dB at 432 MHz and 3 dB or
1296 less at balanced mixer package is a fine example
It should be emphasized that these MHz. The devices are capable of even of this type of progress, and as amateurs
devices have extremely high gain at uhf better performance than this; significant gain an understanding of the capabilities
and will readily oscillate unless adequate improvements are obtainable at 1296 of this device, they are incorporating this
precautions are taken. -Stability is ob- MHz with attention to good uhf con- type of mixer in many pieces of equip-
tained by the use of the resistor connected struction techniques and low-loss cir- ment, especially receiving mixers. The
directly from the drain to ground, at the cuitry. However, the circuits shown are combined mixer/amplifier described here
expense of some gain reduction. The easily reproduced and still provide excel- was presented originally in March 1975
values shown should provide adequate lent performance. QST by K1AGB.
stability if good bypassing is used; gain
will be around 20 dB at 432 MHz and 15 Doubly Balanced Mixers Mixer Comparisons
dB at 1296 MHz. Any increase in the Advances in technology have, in recent Is a DBM really better than other

9-13 Chapter 9

Table 2
Manufacturer Relcom Anzac MCL MCL MCL MCL
M6F MD-108 SRA-1 SRA-1 H RAY-1 MA-1
Frequency Range (MHz)
2-500 5-500 5-500 5-500 5-500 1-2500
2-500 5-500 51-500 5-500 5-500 1-2500
DC-500 DC-500 DC-500 DC-500 1-1000
i-f DC-500
Conversion loss Q
9 UD may
HR 111 OA 7.5 dB max. 6.5 dB typ. 6.5 dB typ. 7.5 dB typ. 8.0 dB typ.

34-40 dB min. 40 dB min. 45 dB typ. 45 dB typ. 40 dB typ. 40 dB typ.
Isolation, LO-RF
Af\ AD ton A(\ HR Afi HR tun 40 dB tvo
Mid-range LO i-f 25-35 dB min. 35 dB mm. 4u ob typ. \\ir\

Total input power 50 mW 400 mW 500 mW 500 mW 1 w 50 m W

LO power requirement: +7 dBm (5 mW) + 7 dBm (5 mW) +7 dBm (5 mW) '
+17 dBm (50 mW) + 23 dBm (200 mW) + 10 dBm (10 mW)
Signal 2-dB
compression level Not spec. Not spec. + 1 dBm + 10 dBm + 15 dBm +7 dBm
Impedance, all ports 50 ohms 50 Ohms 50 ohms 50 ohms 50 ohms 50 ohms
Relcom, Division of Watkins-Johnson, 3333 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304.

specifications apply only at stated LO power level. Anzac Electronics, 39 Green Street, Waltham, MA 02154.
Mini-Circuits Laboratory, 2625 East 14th St., Brooklyn, NY 11235.

the r-f and i-f "ports." As mixers, most

devices have noise figures in excess of
(2.7mm) those published for them as rf amplifiers
and will not provide sufficient sensitivity
for weak-signal work N To minimize noise,
mixer-device current is generally main-
tained at a low level.' This can reduce
dynamic range, increasing overload po-
0.137 (3.4mm)
(A) tential, as defined in the terminology
appendix. Gain contributions of rf ampli-
fiers (used to establish a low system noise
0.125 TYR figure) further complicate the overload
t (3.1mm) problem. LO-noise leakage to the rf and
0.023 i-f ports adversely affects system per- —
Fig.23 The i-f port of a double-balanced
(0.58 mm)~ formance. Mixer dynamic range can be mixer is matched at fLO —
hf and reactive at

0.420 limited by conversion of this noise to i-f, fLO ± frf. In this configuration conversion
"(10. •mm) placing a lower limit on mixer system loss, rf compression and desensitization levels
- 0.285 can vary ±3dB while harmonic modulation and
sensitivity. Generally 20 dB of mixer
( 6.7mm) third-order IMD products can vary ±20 dB.
midband interport isolation is required,
(2.7mm) and most passive DBM can offer greater
than 40 dB. requirement, as will be demonstrated
A commercially manufactured doubly later. Additional LO power is fairly easy

balanced diode mixer offers performance to generate, filter, and measure. If we

predictability, circuit simplicity and flexi- accept the fact that more LO power is
bility.Closely matched Schottky-barrier necessary for the DBM
than is used in
hot-carrier diodes, commonly used in conventional single-device active mixing
most inexpensive mixers of this type, circuits, we leave only two real obstacles

0.123 TYR provide outstanding strong-signal mixer to be overcome in the DBM, those of
(3.1mm) SATE"
^ (2)0.062 OIA. performance (up to about dBm at the rf conversion loss and i-f output interfacing.
J ^ (1.3mm) input port) and add little (0.5 dB or so) to To minimize conversion loss in a DBM,
the diodes are driven by the LO beyond

0.02 3 the mixer noise figure. Essentially, diode

(0.68mm) conversion loss from rf to i-f, listed in their square-law region, producing an
Table 2 represents most of the mixer con- output spectrum which in general includes
Fig. 22 —
Dimensional information for the
tribution to system noise figure. Midband the terms 2 :

GaAs FET packages supplied by MSC. At A, Fundamental frequencies /LO and/rf

isolation between the LO port and the rf 1)
case style 98, top view, and at B, top view of
case style 97. Drain and source leads are and i-f ports of a DBM
is typically > 35 dB 2) All of their harmonics
spaced 0.065 in. (1.65 mm) above the bottom of — far greater than that achievable with 3) The desired i-f output, JLO ± fti
the case. MSC designation for these case conventional single device active-mixing 4) All higher order products of n/LO ±
where n and m are integers.
styles is Flipac.
schemes. This isolation is particularly ad- mfif,
vantageous in dealing with low-level local- The DBM, by virtue of its symmetry
types?What does it offer, and what are its oscillatorharmonic and noise content. Of and internal transformer balance, sup-
disadvantages? To answer these questions, course, selection of LO devices with low presses a large number of the harmonic
a look at more conventional "active" audio noise figures, and proper rf filtering modulation products. In the system
(voltages applied) mixing techniques and in the LO putput, will reduce problems described here, /LO is on the low side of
The from this source. /rf, therefore, numerically, the desired i-f
some of their problems is in order.
reader is referred to an article in QST* Often-listed disadvantages of a diode output is /rf - /LO. Nonetheless, the term
dealing with mixers. Briefly reiterated, DBM are (a) conversion loss, (b) LO /LO ± /rf appears at the i-f-output port

common single-device active mixers with power requirements, and (c) i-f-interface equal in amplitude to the desired i-f
gain at vhf and uhf are beset with problems. The first two points are closely signal, and this unused energy must be
problems of noise, desensitization and interrelated. Conversion loss necessitates effectively terminated to obtain no more
small local-oscillator (LO) isolation from some low-noise r-f amplification to es- than the specified mixer-conversion loss.

tablish a useful weak-signal system noise

'DeMaw and McCoy; 'Learning to Work With Semi-
conductors," Part IV, QST, July 1974. figure. Active mixers also have this 2
See appendix.

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-14




BEADS 14 OR 28 MHz 14 OR 28 MHz

. I-F

Fig. 24 — A schematic diagram for the double-balanced mixer and i-f post amplifier. The i-f can be either 14 or 28 MHz. Parts values are given in
Table 3.

This is not the image frequency,7LO -fi -f, Also greatly affected are third-order directly at themixer i-f terminal. This
which will be discussed later. inter-modulation-product ratio and the approach is easiest for the amateur to
In any mixer design, all rf port signal suppression of spurious signals, both of implement and duplicate, so a form of it
components must be bypassed effectively which may vary ±10 dB or more. It is was tried —
with success. In our circuit,
for best conversion efficiency (minimum the most sensitive
ironic that the i-f port is CI serves a dual purpose. Its reactance at
loss). Energy not "converted" by mixing to a reactive termination, as this is a fif + JLO is small enough to provide a
action willreduce conversion gain in receiving point where sharp-
system low-impedance "short-circuit" condition
active systems, and increase conversion skirted filters are often desired. to this term for proper mixer operation.
loss in passive systems such as the diode Briefly, here is what happens with a Additionally, it is part of the input
DBM. Rf bypassing also prevents spur- reactive i-f port termination. Fig. 23 reactance of the mixer i-f-amplifier inter-
ious resonances and other undesired shows a DBMwith "high side" LO face.Fortunately the network impedance-
phenomena from affecting mixer per- injection and an i-f termination matched transfprmation ratio is large enough, and
formance. In this system, rf bypassing at at JLO - fif but reactive to JLO +fif. The in the proper direction, to permit a fairly
the i-f-output port will be provided by the latter term re-enters the mixer, again large amount of capacitance (low react-
input capacitance of the i-f interface. The combines with the LO and produces terms ance) at the mixer i-f-output port. The
DBM is not a panacea for mixing ills, and that exit at the rf port, namely 2/LO +/rf, capacitor, in its dual role, must be of good
its effectiveness can be reduced drastically a dc term, and JLO + fif - yLO (the quality at vhf/uhf (specifically /rf + JLO),
if all ports are not properly terminated. original input frequency). This
rf-port with short leads, to be effective. The mixer
condition affects conversion loss, as condition (/rf + JLO)/Jxf - JLO) > 10 is
DBM Port Terminations
mentioned earlier, in addition to rf-port met at 432 and 220 with a MHz
Most DBM-performance inconsisten- VSWR, depending on the phase of the 404/192-MHz LO (2Sf-MHz i-f) and on 14
cies occur because system source and load reflected signal. The term 2/LO + /rf also MHz with a 130-MHz LO (14-MHz i-f).
impedances presented to the mixer are not affects the harmonic spectrum resulting in At 50 MHz, with a 36 MHz LO, we are
matched at all frequencies encountered in spurious responses. slightly shy of the requirement, but no
normal operation. The terminations (at- One solution to the i-f-interface prob- problems were encountered in an operat-
tenuator pads) used in conjunction with lem is the use of a broadband 50-ohm ing unit. The pi-type interface circuit
test equipment by manufacturers to resistive termination, like a pad, to assures a decreasing impedance as i-f
measure published performance char- minimize reflections. In deference to operation departs from midband, thereby
acteristics are indeed "broadband" match- increased post-conversion system noise lessening IMD problems.
ed. Reactive mixer terminations can cause figure, seemed impractical to place such

system problems, and multiple reactive a termination at the mixer i-f output port.
The LO Port
terminations can usually compound these While a complimentary filter or diplexer The primary effect of a reactive LO
problems to the point where performance (high-pass/low-pass filters appropriately source is an increase in harmonic modula-
is very difficult to predict. Let's see how terminated) can be used to terminate both tion and third-order IMD
products. If
we can deal with reactive terminations. fif + JLO and /rf - JLO', a simpler the drive level is adequate, no effect is
method can be used if fif + JLO is less noted on conversion loss, rf compression
The I-F Port than 1 GHz and fif + (JLO)/(fif - JLO) > and desensitization levels. A reactive LO
The i-f port is very sensitive to 10. Place a short-circuit termination to ./rf source can be mitigated by simply
mismatch conditions. Reflections from + yLO, like a simple lumped capacitance, padding the LO port with a 3- or 6-dB pad
the mixer/i-f amplifier interface (the pi and increasing the LO drive a like
'Presentation and calculation format of these terms is
network in Fig. 24) can cause the based on "low-side" LO injection. See the appen- amount. If excess LO power is not
conversion loss to vary as much as 6 dB. dix for explanation. available, matching the LO source to the

9-1 S Chapter 9
mixer will improve performance. This the modular-construction approach per-
Table 3 mits good signal isolation and enables the
method acceptable for single-frequency

LO when appropriate test

applications, DBM l-F Amplifier Parts List mixer-amplifier/i-f system to be used at a
equipment is available to evaluate match- variety of rf and LO-input frequencies, as
14 MHz i-f output 28 MHz i-f output mentioned earlier.
ing results. For a 3-db pad
CI 470pFJFD471J 300 pF JFD 301J Most commonly available, inexpensive
was incorporated at the LO-input port as or equal. or equal,
an interface in both versions of the mixer. C2 390pFSM not used
DBM are not constructed to take ad-

Thus the LO port is presented with a C3 180pFSM 51 SM

pF vantage of powers much above + 10
reasonably broadband termination, and is C4 39pFSM SM
18 pF dBm (10 mW). To do so requires
C5 56pFSM SM
27 pF additional circuitry which could degrade
relatively insensitive to applied frequency,
C6 300pFSM 15QpFSM
as long as below about 500 MHzVThis
it is
other mixer characteristics, specifically
implies that frequencies other than ama- L1 9 turns 18enam.,
no. 9 turns 24enam.,
no. conversion loss and interport isolation.
teur assignments may be covered and — close wound on a 3/8-
inch (9.5 mm) diameter
close wound on a 1/4-
inch (6.3 mm) diameter
The advantage of higher LO power is
such is indeed the case when appropriate primarily one of improved strong-sigha^-
red-slug coil form. green-slug coil form.
LO and rf amplifiers are used.
frequencies handling performance. At least one
L2 18turnsno. 26enam., 12 turns no. 26enam., manufacturer advertises a moderately
Remotely located LOs, when adjusted for
a 50-ohm load, can be connected to the
close wound on a 3/8- close wound on a 1/4-
inch diameter green-
priced "high-level" receiving DBM that
inch diameter red-slug
mixer without severe SWR and reflective- coil form. slug coil form.
can use up to +23 dBm (200 mW) LO
loss problems in the transmission line. power, and still retain excellent con-
Tap down 7 turns from No tap used. version loss and isolation characteristics,
Broadband mixers exhibit different top for 3N 140 drain
characteristics at different frequencies, connection. See text.
shown in Table 1. The usefulness of mixers
due to circuit resonances and changes in with LO power requirements above the
diode impedances from LO
L3 Same as L2 but no tap. Same as L2, spaced 1
commonly available +7 dBm (5 mW)
spaced 1 1/8-inch inch (25 mm) center-to-
power-level changes. Input impedances of level amateur receiving applications
(29 mm) center-to- center with L2.
the various ports are load dependent, even center with L2. may be a bit moot, as succeeding stages in
though they are isolated from each other most amateur receivers will likely over-
R1 300 ohm 1 /4 W, carbon. 430 ohm, 1 /4 W,
load before the DBM. Excessive over-

physically, and by at least 35 dB R3 carbon.

R2 16ohm, 1/4 W, carbon. 11 ohm, 1/4 W, carbon. design is not necessary.
electrically. At higher frequencies, this
In general, mixer selection is based on
effect is more noticeable, since isolation
Ferrite beads can be replaced by a 1 0-ohm, the lowest practical LO level requirement
tends to drop as frequency increases. For
1 /4 W carbon resistor at one end of the choke, that will meet the application, as it is more
this reason, it is important to maintain the if desired.
economical and results in the least LO
LO power at its appropriate level, once SM = Silver Mica.
leakage within the system. As a first-order
other ports are matched.
approximation, LO power should be 10

The RF Port dB greater than the highest anticipated

input-signal level at the rf port. Mixers
A reactive rf source is not too image-response potential in the 84 to
with LO requirements of +7 dBm are
detrimental to system performance. This 88-MHz range. TV channel 6 wideband- quite adequate for amateur receiving
is good, since the output impedance of fm audio will indeed appear at the applications.
most amateur preamplifiers is seldom 50 i-f-output port near 28 MHz unless
ohms resistive. 3-dB pad is used at the rf appropriate rf-input filtering is used to
Application Design Guidelines
port in the 50- and 144-MHz mixer to 14 eliminate it. While octave-bandwidth
MHz, and a 2-dB pad is used in the vhf/uhf "imageless mixer" techniques can While the material just presented only
220/432-MHz to 28 MHz, although they improve system noise performance by scratches the surface in terms of DBM
add directly to mixer noise figure. Rf about 3 dB (image noise reduction), and theory and utilization in amateur vhf/uhf
inputs between about 80 and 200 are MHz image signal rejection by 20 dB and — receiving systems, some practical solutions

practical in the 14-MHz i-f-output model, much greater with the use of a simple to the non-ideal mixer-port-termination
while the 28-MHz-output unit is most gating scheme —
such a system is a bit problem have been offered. To achieve
useful from 175 to 500 MHz. Mixer -esoteric for our application. Double or from most commercially
best performance

contribution to system noise figure will be multiple-conversion techniques can be manufactured broadband in ama- DBM
almost completely overcome by a low- used to advantage, but they further teur receiver service, the following guide-
noise rf amplifier with sufficient gain and complicate an otherwise simple system. lines are suggested:

adequate image rejection. Image noise and signal rejection will 1) Choose i-f and LO frequencies, which
depend on the effectiveness of the filtering will provide maximum freedom from
Image Response provided in the rf-amplifier chain. interference problems. Don't "guessti-
Any broadband mixing scheme will mate"; go through the numbers!
Mixer Selection 2) Provide a proper i-f-output termina-
have a potential image-response problem.
In most amateur vhf/uhf receiver systems The mixer used in this system is a tion (most critical).
(as in these units) single-conversion, Relcom M6F, with specifications given in 3) Increase the LO-input power to
techniques are employed, with the LO Table 2. Suitable substitute units are also rf-input power ratio to a value that will

placed below the desired rf channel for presented. The M6F is designed for provide the required suppression of any
non-inverting down-conversion to i-f. printed-circuit applications (as are the in-band interfering products. The speci-
Conversion is related to both i-f and LO recommended substitutes), and the lead fied LO power (+7 dBm) will generally

frequencies and, because of the broad- pins are rather short. While mixers are accomplish this.
band nature of the DBM, input signals at available with connectors attached, they 4) Provide as good an LO match as

the rf image frequency (numerically fLO are more expensive. The simple package is possible.
-./i-f in our case) will legitimately appear suggested as, aside from less expense, 5) Include adequate pre-mixer rf-image
inverted at the i-f-output port, unless improved interface between mixer and i-f filtering at the rf port.

proper filtering is used to reduce them at' amplifier is possible because of the short When the mixer ports are terminated
the mixer rf-input port. For example, a leads. The combining of mixer and i-f properly, performance usually in excess of
144-MHz converter with a 28-MHz i-f amplifier in one converter package was published specifications will be achieved
output (116-MHz LO) will have rf done for that reason. Along these lines, — and this is more than adequate for

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-16

Fig. 26 — The bottom view of the DBM/i-f
amplifier shows component and shielding Fig. 27 —This is a side view showing con-
layout. L1. the mixer-amplifier interface induc- struction details for the double-tuned i-f output
tance and associated components are in- circuit. The 3N140 drain lead passes through
dicated. C1, with wide silver-strap leads, is
its the shield wall via a small Teflon press-fit
connected directly between the mixer i-f output bushing and connected directly to L2. A dc-
pin and the copper-clad ground plane with input isolationcompartment along with device
essentially zero lead length. Connection be- gate 2 biasing components (bias configuration
tween the mixer output pin and other com- modified slightly after photograph was taken),
ponents (L1. C2 and the rf choke for d-c return) can be seen to the left of the i-f output com-
is made by using excess lead from C1. The
ponents. L2 and L3 are spaced 1-1/8-inch
43-ohm. 1'4-W resistor in the 3N140 gate 1 lead (29-mm) center-to-center in the 14-MHz model
is connected between the high-impedance end shown, and 1 inch (25 mm) apart in the 28-MHz
of L1 and a space terminal on the coil form. unit.
The device gate no 1 lead and resistor are
joined at this point. It is important that in-
put/output isolation ol the 3N140 be maintain-
ed as it is operating at high gain. Mixer
Fig. 25.— This top view of the DBM/i-f packages other than the M6F may have dif- ments were made on the DBM/i-f ampli-
amplifier shows the plastic mixer package plus ferent pin connections and require slightly dif- fier, using the test setup shown in Fig. 28,
rf/LO inputs and i-f output jacks clearly marked ferent input-circuit layout and shielding. from both tones of a two-equal-tone rf-
for cabling. The unit is mounted on the open Double-sided copper-clad board was used
face of a standard 6 x 4 x 2-inch (152 x 102
input test signal consisting of —10 dBm
x 51-mm) aluminum chassis. This shielding is each tone. The tones were closely spaced
necessary to prevent the 3N140 from picking in the 144-MHz range, and converted to
up external signals in the 14-MHz region. 14 MHz LO. Close spacing was necessary
sociated inductance. Both amplifiers were to ensure third-order products would ap-
tuned independently of their respective pear essentially unattenuated within the
most amateur vhf/uhf receiver mixing mixers, and checked for noise figure as relatively narrow i-f-output passband. In
applications. well as gain. With each i-f amplifier operation, as simulated by these test
pretuned and connected to its mixer, conditions, equivalent output signal levels
The Combined DBM/I-F Amplifier
signals were applied to the LO and at J3would be strong enough to severely
A low-noise i-f amplifier (2 dB or less) rf-input ports. The pi-network inductance overload most amateur receivers. Perhaps
following the DBM helps ensure an was adjusted carefully
in the i-f interface the early Collins 75A series R390A and
acceptable system noise figure when the to see if performancehad been altered. No those systems described by Sabin 4 and
mixer is preceeded by a low-noise rf change was noted. I-f gain is controlled by Hayward5 would still be functioning well.
amplifier, A pi-network matching system the externally accessable potentiometer. A high-performance, small-signal, vhf/
used between the mixer i-f-output port Passband tuning adjustments in the drain uhf receiving amplifier optimized for
and gate 1 of the 3N140 transforms the circuit are best made with a sweep IMD reduction and useful noise figure is
nominal 50-ohm mixer-output impedance generator, but single-signal tuning tech- only as good as any succeeding receiving-
to a 1500-ohm gate-input impedance (at niques will be adequate. While there system stage, in terms of overload. The
28 MHz) specifically for best noise should be no difficulty with the non- DBM/i-f-amplifier combination present-
performance. The network forms a narrow- gate-protected 3N140, a 40673 may be ed significantly reduces common first-
band mixer/i-f-output circuit which serves substituted directly if desired.
two other important functions: It helps
achieve the necessary isolation between
DBM/I-F Amplifier IMD Evaluation "Sabin, "The Solid-State Receiver," QST, July 1970
'Hayward, "A Competition-Grade CW Receiver,"
rf-and i-f signal components, and serves as Classical laboratory IMD measure- QST, March and April 1974.
a 3-pole filter, resulting in a monotonic
decrease in match impedances as the
operating i-f departs from mid-band. This
action aids in suppression of harmonic-
distortion products.
The combined DBM/i-f amplifier is
shown schematically in Fig. 24 and
pictorially in the photographs. In the
14-MHz model, the 3N140 drain is tapped
down on its associated inductance to
provide a lower impedance for better
strong-signal-handling ability. The 3N140
produces about 19 dB gain across a
700-kHz passband, flat within 1 dB
between 13.8 and 14.5 MHz. A 2-MHz
passband is used for the 28-MHz model, —
Fig. 28 A test setup used to measure IMD. The first attenuator adjusts the input level to the
and the device drain is connected directly unit under test. The second one provides a means of staying within the linear range of the spec-
to the high-impedance end of its as- trum analyzer.

9-17 Chapter 9
level of two input tones by 10 dB will
cause the desired output to increase by 10
dB, but the third-order output will
increase by 30 dB. If the mixer exhibited
no compression, there would be a point at
which the level of the desired output
would be equal to that of the third-order
product. This is called the third-order
intercept point and is the point where the
desired-output slopes and third-order
slopes intersect (Fig. 29).

Noise Figure
Noise figure is a relative measurement
based on excess noise power available
from a termination (input resistor) at a
particular temperature (290° k). When
measuring the NF of a double balanced
mixer with an automatic system, such as
the HP-342A, a correction may be
necessary to make the meter reading
consistent with the accepted definition of
receiver noise figure.
In a broadband DBM, the actual noise
bandwidth consists of two i-f passbands,
one on each side of the local-oscillator
frequency (fLO +/i-f and/LO -fi-f). This
double sideband (dsb) i-f response in-
cludes the rf channel and its image. In
general, only the rf channel is desired for
further amplification. The image con-
— A third order intercept determined by extrapolating the desired product curve tributes nothing but receiver and back-
Fig. 29 point is

beyond the mixer compression point and intersecting with the third-order IM-product curve. In this ground noise.
case LO power is + 7 dBm, conversion loss is 5 dB. When making an automatic noise-
figure measurement using a wideband
noise source, the excess noise is applied
mixer overload problems, leaving the signal that causes the small-signal con- through both sidebands in a broadband
station receiver as the potentially weak version loss to increase by 1 dB, i.e., DBM. Thus the instrument meter in-
link in the system. When properly reducing a weak received signal by 1 dB. dicates NF
as based on both sidebands.
understood and employed, the broadband Intermodulation Products This means that the noise in the rf and
DBM followed by a selective low-noise i-f
Distortion products caused by multiple
image sidebands is combined in the mixer
amplifier can be a useful tool for the i-f-output port to give a double con-
and their harmonics mixing with
rf signals
amateur vhf/uhf receiver experimenter.
each other and the LO, producing new
tribution (3 dB greater than under ssb
conditions). For equal rf-sideband re-
Appendix output frequencies.
sponses, which is a reasonable assumption,
Mixer Terminology and in the absence of preselectors, filters,
Mixer Intermodulation Intercept Point
frf— input frequency
rf or other image rejection elements, the
fLO — local-oscillator input frequency Because mixers are nonlinear devices, automatic NF meter readings are 3 dB
/i-f — i-f output frequency
all signals applied will generate others.
When two signals (or tones), Fl and F2,
lower than the actual NF for DBM
By convention, mixing signals and their are applied simultaneously to the rf-input most
The noise figure for receivers (and
products are referred to the LO frequency port, additional signals are generated and DBM) is generally specified with only one
for calculations. In the mixer system appear in the output as fLO ± («F1 + sideband for the useful signal. As men-
presented, /rf is always above fLO, so we wF2). These signals are most troublesome tioned in the text, most DBM
diodes add
will refer our signals to /rf, with the when n ± m is a low odd number, as the no more than 0.5 dB (in the form of NF)
exception of Fig. 23 which uses the ./LO resulting product will lie close to the de-
to conversion loss, which is generally
reference. sired output. For n - 1 (or 2) and m - 2
measured under single-signal rf-input
Overload (or 1), the result is three (3), and is called the (ssb) conditons. Assuming con- DBM
two-tone/third-order intermodulation prod-
A generic term covering most undesired version efficiency (or loss) to be within
operating phenomena associated with When Fl and F2 are separated by
ucts. 1
specifications, there is an excellent proba-
device non-linearity.
MHz, the third-order products will lie 1
bility that the ssb NF is also satisfactory.
MHz above and below the desired Noise figure calculations in the text
Harmonic Modulation Products outputs. Intermodulation is generally were made using a graphical solution of
Output responses caused by harmonics specified under anticipated operating the well known noise-figure formula:
of fLO and /rf and their mixing products. conditions since performance varies over
RF Compression Level the broad mixer-frequency ranges. Inter- fT = f, +(Lzi
modulation products may be specified at
The absolute single-signal rf input T
levels required (i.e., 50 dB below the converted to dB.
power level that causes conversion loss to
desired outputs for two 0-dBm input
increase by 1 dB. Improved Wide Band I-F Responses
signals) or by the intercept point.
RF Desensitization Level The intercept point is a fictitious point The following information was de-

The rf input power of an interfering determined by the fact that an increase of veloped in achieving broad-band per-

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-18


Fig. 30 — Suggested changes in the mixer-to 3N140 pi-network interface circuit, producing lower Fig. 31 —
Completed 6- and 2-meter converters
Q L and better performance. (left and center) with power supply.

formance in the mixer-to-amplifier cir- cross-modulation as a prime system Id at both choices of i-f. Best inter-
cuitry. In cases where only a small portion consideration, this 3: 1 change (reduction) modulation figure for the 3N201 was
of a band is of interest the original circuit in source resistance implies a 3:1 im- obtained with a small forward bias on
values are adequate. For those who need provement in cross-modulation and total gate 1, and the bias-circuit modification
to receive over a considerable portion of a harmonic distortion. shown may be tried, if desired.
band, say one to two MHz,
a change of Tests on the 3N201 dual-gate MOSFET
some component provide improved
will have shown device noise performance to Converters for 50, 144 and 220 MHz
performance over a broad range while be excellent for source impedances in the The were originally
converters here
maintaining an acceptable noise figure. 1000- to 2000-ohm region. For optimum designed by the Rochester VHF Group
The term "nominal 50-ohm impedance" noise and good cross-modulation per- and appeared in August 1973 QST. The
applied to diode DBM
ports is truly a formance, the nominal 50-ohm mixer i-f design was the basis for a club project so
misnomer, as their reflective impedance is output impedance is stepped up to about the same board is used for all three
rarely 50 ohms + jO and of 1 is a VSWR 1500 ohms for i-f amplifier gate 1, using converters, with only slight modifications
almost never achieved. Mixer perform- the familiar low-pass pi network. This is a for each band. Design features include
ance specified by the manufacturer is mismatched condition for gate 1, as the 1) Low noise figure.
measured in a 50-ohm broadband system, device input impedance for best gain in 2) State-of-the-art freedom from cross
and it is up to the designer to provide an the hf region is on the order of 10kS2. modulation.
equivalent termination to ensure that the Network loaded-Q values in the article are 3) Sufficient gain to override the
unit will meet Appropriate
specifications. a bit higher than necessary, and a design front-end-noise of most receivers.
matching techniques at the rf and LO ports for lower Ql is preferred. Suggested 4) Double-tuned bandpass interstage
will reduce conversion loss and low-power modified component values are listed in and output circuits to achieve a flat
requirements. Complex filter synthesis can Fig. 30. High-frequency attenuation is response over a 2-MHz portion of either
improve the i-f output match. However, if reduced somewhat, but satisfactory noise band.
one does not have the necessary equip- and bandwidth performance is more 5) Filtering of the local oscillator chain
ment to evaluate his efforts, they may be easily obtained. Conform size is the in the 144- and 220-MHz models to
wasted. Simple, effective, easily reproduced same, so no layout changes are required reduce spurious responses.
reduced circuitry was desired as long as for the modification. Components in the 6) Small size and low power con-
the trade-offs were acceptable, and measure- interface must be of high Q and few in sumption.
ments indicate this to be the case. number to limit their noise contribution 7) Freedom from accidental mistuning
The most critical circuit in the com- through losses. The 28-MHz values during the life of the converter.
bined unit is the interface between mixer provide satisfactory interface network Other points considered were such things
and i-f amplifier. It must be low-pass in performance over a 2-MHz bandwidth. A as freedom from the necessity of neu-
nature to satisfy vhf signal component higher Q l in the 28-MHz interface can be tralization and the use of moderately
bypassing requirements at the mixer i-f useful if one narrows the output network priced transistors.
port. For best mixer IMD characteristics and covers only a few hundred kilohertz Several breadboard models were con-
and low conversion loss, it must present to bandwidth, as is commonly done in structedand tested as the design evolved.
the i-f port a nominal 50-ohm impedance 432-MHz weak-signal work. Fig. 31 shows two completed converters
at the desired frequency, and this im- Device biasing and gain control methods and a power supply.
pedance value must not be allowed to were chosen for simplicity and adequate
increase as i-f operation departs from Circuit Design
performance. Some sort of gain adjustment
midband. The impedance at the i-f is desirable for drain-circuit overload pro- Schematic diagrams for the three ver-
amplifier end of the interface network tection. It is handy way to "set" the
also a sions areshown in Figs. 32, 33 and 34.
must be in the optimum region for receiver S meter. A good method for gain The configuration of the rf and mixer
minimum cross-modulation and low noise. adjustment is reduction of the gate-2 bias portions of the circuit are virtually
A dual-gate device offers two important voltage from its initial optimum-gain bias identical for all three with the values of
advantages over most bi-polars. Very point (greater than +4 V dc), producing a the frequency-determining components
little, any, power gain is sacrificed in
if remote-cutoff characteristic (a gradual re- being scaled appropriately. The major
achieving best noise Tigure, and both duction in drain current with decreasing gate difference between the converters is a
parameters (gain and NF) are relatively bias). The initial gain-reduction rate is higher change in the local oscillator chain. A
independent of source resistance in the with a slight forward bias on gate 1, than for minor change in the method .of interstage
optimum region. As a result, the designer Vgis = 0. Input and output circuit coupling was necessary to prevent stray-
has a great deal of flexibility in choosing a detuning resulting from gain reduction capacitance effects from making the
source impedance. In general, a 3: . (Miller effect) is inconsequential as the alignment critical on the 50-MHz con-
change in source resistance results in only gate- 1 and drain susceptances change very verter.
a 1-dB change in NF. With minimum little over a wide range of Vg2S and All inductors in the 50-MHz model and
9-19 Chapter 9
1 ;






Fig. 32 — Schematic diagram of the 50-MHz converter. All resistors are 1/4-watt composition. C2, C8, C10 and C15 are 0.001 ytF disc ceramic. C4 is

0.01 -nF disc ceramic. All other capacitors are dipped mica.
L1-L6, incl. —
All no. 28 enam. wire wound on L3, 12 turns; L4, 18 turns; L5, 18 turns tap- tapped at 6 turns from hot end.
Amidon T-25-6 cores as follows: L1, 14 turns ped at 4 turns from cold end; L6, 26 turns Y1 — 22-MHz crystal. International Crystal
tapped at 4 turns and 6 turns; L2, 13 turns; Mfg. Co. type EX.


Fig. 33 —
Schematic diagram of the 144-MHz converter. All resistors are 1/4-watt composition. C8, C10, C15 and C18 are O.OOI-pF disc ceramic. All
other capacitors are dipped mica units.
L1, L2, L3, L7, L8 —
All no. 20 enam. wire from hot end. cold end.
formed by using the threads of a 1/4-20 bolt L4 —
18 turns no. 28 enam. wound on Amidon L6 —
16 turns no. 28 enam. wound on Amidon
as a guide. L1, 5 turns tapped at 1-3/4 turns T-25-6 core. T-25-10 core.
and 3/4 turn from cold end; L2, 5 turns; L3, L5 —
18 turns like L4, tapped at 4 turns from Y1 —
38.666-MHz crystal. International Crystal
4 turns; L7 and L8, 5 turns tapped at 2 turns Mfg. Co. type EX.

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-20

0 + 12 V
Fig. 34 —Schematic diagram of the 220-MHz converter. All resistors are 1/4-watt composition. C8, C10, C15 and C18 are 0.001-/jF disc ceramic. All
other capacitors are dipped mica units.
L1, L2, L3, L7, L8 —
All no. 20 enam. wire cold end, and L8, 4 turns tapped at 2-1/2 cold end.
formed by using the threads of a 1/4-20 bolt turns from hot end. L6 —
18 turns no. 28 enam. wound on Amidon
as a guide. L1, 4 turns tapped at 1-1/2 turns L4 —
18 turns no. 28 enam. wound on Amidon T-25-10 core.
and 3/4 turn from cold end; L2, 4 turns; L3, T-25-6 core. Y1 —
48.000 MHz crystal. International Crystal
2 turns; L7, 3 turns tapped at 1-1/2 turns from L5 —
18 turns like L4, tapped at 4 turns from Mfg. Co. type EX.

the 28-MHz output circuit are wound on winding wire around the threads of a feedback in this case. The drain tank is
Amidon toroid cores. The tuned circuits 1/4-20 bolt. The turns of LI are spread to modified to provide output at the third
are aligned by spreading or compressing permit adding taps prior to mounting on harmonic, thus eliminating the need for a
the turns around the toroid core. After the board. The degree of interstage separate tripler stage. Q4 is used as an
alignment the coils are glued in place with coupling in the two-meter model is isolation amplifier running at very low
Silastic compound (sold as bathtub controlled by the positions of L2 and L3. current level (as controlled by R9) to
caulk). Since they are mounted at right angles, the provide attenuation of the adjacent
The rf amplifier, Ql, is used in a coupling is very light. By changing the harmonics. This stage is not needed for
grounded-gate configuration. The input angle between these two coils, the amplification of the oscillator signal but
circuit is tapped to provide a proper passband may be optimized. without the additional filtering, severe
match between the antenna and source of In the 144- and 220-MHz converter oscil- "birdies" may result from nearby fm or
the FET while maintaining a reasonable lator stages, Q3 is changed to an oscil- TV stations. In all three versions, a
Q. The 50-MHz interstage coupling lator/tripler by replacing the source bias ,
number of printed-circuit pads will be left
network consists of C3, C5, L2 and L3. resistor with L6. Replace bypass capa- over when construction is completed.
Band-pass coupling .is controlled by the citor, CI 3, with a suitable value to These are the result of providing both
capacitive T network of C3 and C5 in resonate L6 near the crystal frequency. bands on a common pc layout. For
ratio with C6. A 40673 dual-gate MOS- Source-to-gate capacitance provides the example, the isolation amplifier following
FET is used in the mixer circuit (Q2).
Gate 1 receives the signal, while gate 2 has
the local-oscillator injection voltage ap-
plied to it through C7. A slight amount of
positive bias applied to gate 2 through

R2. A top-coupled configuration, using

toroid inductors, serves as the 28-MHz
output circuit of both converters.
The oscillator circuit in the 50-MHz
model is straighforward, relying on the
drain-to-gate capacitance of the FET for
feedback. A
tap at four 'turns from the hot
end of the toroid winding provides the
injection to the mixer through capacitor
C7. In the 144- and 220-MHz converter
the rf stage is identical to the 50-MHz
version except for the tuning networks.
LI, L2, and L3 are air wound, self-
Fig. 35 — Scale-size layout for the pc board. The same pattern is used for each band. Foil side
supporting, and are formed initially by shown here.

9-21 Chapter 9
using a sweep generator, diode probe, and
oscilloscope is a necessity to assure the
flat response over the tuning range.

Commercial attenuators can be used to

calibrate each converter by the sub-
RF stitution method.
* Tuning of the air-wound rf circuit for
144 and 220 MHz is accomplished by
spreading or compressing the turns of the
coils.After aligrfment, the windings are
secured by a bead of Silastic compound
along the coil to hold the turns in place.
9 S D The transistors used in the rf stage are
also subject to some variation in noise

figure. When this occurs, an rf FET
should be carefully with an
oscillator FET, since performance of the
FET as an oscillator usually is satisfac-
Small ceramic trimmers can be used in
place of the fixed-value mica capacitors in
the tuned circuits of these converters. The
midrange of the trimmer should be
approximately the value of the mica
CIS capacitors replaced. This procedure may

o t> +I2V simplify the tuning process of the con-

verters where a sweep generator setup is
not available. A little careful tweaking
S * * 04 ^°
should give a reasonably flat response.
If trimmers are used, the rf input circuit
should be tuned to the center of the
desired response, 50.5 MHz as an
Fig. 36 — Parts-placement guide for the 50-MHz converter, A, and the 144- and 220-MHz con- example. This circuit tunes broadly and is
verters, B.View is from the foil side of the board. Dashed lines show the location of shields that
not too critical. The rf interstage circuits
are soldered to short pieces of wire which project through holes in the pc board. The shields may
be fabricated from sheet brass or copper, or scraps of copper-clad board material. should be stagger tuned, one at 50.0 MHz

the oscillator is not used on 50 MHz.

Therefore, this stage is bypassed by a
jumper wire from L6 to C7. Five
additional holes are located in the ground
area along the centerline of the board and 25 mA
between rf and mixer stages. Component
lead clippings are soldered into these holes
to provide a mounting for the shield 117 VAC
partitions, which are soldered to the wires
where they extend through the board. Fig.
36 shows the parts layout for the three
converters. Notice that one lead of C3 SWITCH AND TRANSFORMER .


must reach past the ground hole and

connect to the foil. R3 is not used on the
50-MHz converter.

Alignment and Test

Perhaps the most difficult task in the
-D3- D4-
project was the test and tune-up of the -C2-
finished converter. A single test setup .02 12V DC OUT
—— D5—
R R2 12V AC IN



Fig. 37 —
An i-f attenuator may be necessary if
the receiver following the converter is excep-
tionally hot. Values for 6 dB; R1, R2 18 — Fig. 38 — Schematic diagram and parts-placement guide for the power supply to the -converters.
ohms; R3 —
68 ohms. For 10 dB: R1, R2 27 — The transformer is mounted external to the board. Pc board size is identical to the one used for
ohms; R3 —
39 ohms. the converters.

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-22

and the other at 51.0 MHz. As an example, example given here was designed pri-

the output i-f circuits can be tuned in a marily for use from 144.0 to 144.2 MHz.
manner similar to the interstage circuits. In this case the tunable i-f is 28.0 to 28.2
A High-Performance 2-Meter Converter
Top performance is a requisite for vhf
RF Amplifiers and Filter
receivers during contests and when the 39 shows the front-end section of
operator engaged in weak-signal wo"rk.
is the converter. CI was not needed in the
The criteria are low noise, frequency prototype model, but can be included in
stability and freedom from unwanted the interest of obtaining the lowest
spurious responses in the overall receiver, possible noise figure. The tap point to Fig. 40 —Close-up view of the interior of the rf
The latter can be assured by using an LO which CI is connected is approximately 50 front-end amplifier arid bandpass filters.
chain which has proper spectral purity, ohms without CI in the circuit. LI and C2 Spring-brass tabs are soldered to the divider
walls to assure good electrical contact with
and by using narrow-band filtering at the comprise the input resonator, FL1. Ql
the aluminum side plate (see text). A third
receiver front end. Additional benefits are operates in the common-gate mode. The 0.001-jjF feedthrough capacitor was added to
obtained when utilizing filtering at the i-f source tapped on LI to provide an
is the lower edge of the third compartment from
output of a vhf converter. This circuit, impedance match. A Siliconix E300 JFET the left after this photograph was taken. It
serves as a tie point for the 100-ohm decou-
developed by W1FB, complies with the is used at Ql and Q2 in the interest of low
pling resistors (see Fig. 39).
foregoing design and performance ob- noise and high dynamic range. It is rated
jectives. It intended for use on ssb, cw
is by the manufacturer as having a typical
and a-m, notably below 146 MHz. The noise figure of 1.3 dB at 100 MHz. The
dynamic range of this converter is dynamic range is specified as 100 dB or pc-board double-clad module wall. Three
excellent, owing in part to' the use of a greater. Power gain is listed as 17 to 0.00 1-«F feedthrough capacitors and two
doubly balanced diode-ring mixer that is 20 dB in the common-gate mode. In 100-ohm resistors serve as the 12- volt
followed by a diplexer. The diplexer this circuit the gainapproximately
is set at decoupling elements. Ql and Q2 are
assufes that the mixer terminated in its
is 10 dB per stage by means of the tap points* mounted on the outside wall of the
characteristic impedance - 50 ohms. on the resonators and the value of rf-amplifier module.
An overall gain of 15 dB was measured source-bias resistance. The 10-ohm re-
Mixer and Post-Mixer Amplifier
for the composite converter. All spurious sistors used in the drain leads of each
energy at the LO-chain output is — 72 dB transistor reduce the gain slightly. They Ul and Q3 of Fig. 41 are contained in

or greater below the desired output (116 are included for suppression of parasitic the second module. Ul is a four-diode
MHz). A two-pole Butterworth filter is oscillations. doubly balanced mixer assembly. It has a
used at the i-f output of the converter. FL2 consists oftwo aperture-coupled conversion loss of approximately 8 dB.
This 28-MHz filter prevents unwanted resonators. The aperture is set for an This requires the inclusion of a post-mixer
energy from the converter from reaching insertion loss of roughly 5 dB in order to i-f amplifier, Q3. The latter is set for a

the tunable i-f main receiver —

a further obtain the desired 200-kHz overall front- gain of roughly 8 dB. LO injection is

aid to the elimination of birdies. The end selectivity. FL3 is the fourth re- supplied to Ul at 116 MHz. The LO
converter has a 3-dB bandwidth of 200 sonator. Output is taken at 50 ohms by power is +7 dBM (approximately 0.5 volt
kHz. This is established by the highly means of a 560-pF coupling capacitor. rms across 50 ohms).
selective four-resonator input filter which This circuit is unconditionally stable. The L5, the 51 -ohm resistor and two 39-pF >

is similar to a helical resonator. The gate lead must be made as short as capacitors form the diplexer in com-
converter can be adjusted for any 200-kHz possible to ensure stability. It is returned bination with the L network (L6/C6). L5
segment of the 2-meter band. The to ground on the inner conductor of the and the 39-pF capacitors comprise a
high-pass network with a loaded of Q
1 (X L and X
c = 50). The cutoff frequen-
cy of the network is three times the i-f (84
MHz). The 51-ohm resistor serves as a
144 MHz 144 MHz 144 MHz termination for the mixer. L6 and C6, by
FL1 FL2 F L3 virtue of the low-pass characteristic, help
prevent 116- and 144-MHz energy from
reaching Q3. This network is designed to
match 50 ohms to 2200 ohms.
Q3 is another E300 FET, chosen for the
low-noise characteristic. An unbypassed
10-ohm resistor is used in the source to
cause degeneration in the interest of
stability. A two-pole Butterworth band-
pass filter is used at the output of Q3. It
has a 3-dB bandwidth of 500 kHz and is
tuned for a center frequency of 28.250
MHz. The filter input characteristic is
12,000 ohms. The 10-pF output coupling
NO CONNECTION capacitor provides a 50-ohm terminal
impedance for looking into a 50-ohm
tunable i-f receiver. The circuit of Fig. 41
Fig. 39 — Schematic diagram of the converter front end. Fixed-value capacitors are disc ceramic.
is contained in a module fashioned from
Feedthrough types are used where indicated. Resistors are 1/2-watt composition.
C1 — 50-pF ceramic trimmer (see text). single-sided pc board. The copper surfaces
C2-C5, incl. — 5-pF capacitor. Subminiature air inches (16 x 32 mm) long. Q1, Q2 sources are inside the box.
variable of glass piston trimmer of high-Q tapped 1/2 turn above ground. Input and out-
type. E.F. Johnson 160-102 suitable. Johnson put taps are 1/4 turn from ground. Drain Local-Oscillator Section
193-4-1 (13 pF max.) used in this model. taps are 1/2 turn from high end of coils.
L1-L4, incl. —4 turns no. 16 bare or silver- Q1, Q2 —
Siliconix E300 JFET. 2N4416 suit- A simple overtone oscillator is used at
plated copper wire, 5/8-inch ID x 1-1/4 able at slight reduction in performance. the beginning of the LO chain (Fig. 42).
9-23 Chapter 9

28- 28.5 MHz




k -1000, M= OOO OOO

Fig. 41— Schematic diagram of the passive mixer, diplexer and post-mixer amplifier. Fixed-value capacitors are disc ceramic except those shown
as feedthrough types. Resistors are 1/2-watt composition. ~ UAA1B
C6-C8 incl — 35-pF ceramic or Mylar trimmer. L5 — 5 turns no. 24 enam. wire on T-50-6 Q3 —
Silicomx E300 JFET or 2N4416.
Solder 47- and 33-pF silver mica capacitors toroid core (0.09 M H). U1 -
Diode-quad doubly balanced mixer. MCL
across pc foils for C7 and C8, respectively. L6 — 21 turns no. 24 enam. wire on T-50-6 SRA-1 or SBL1, or Cimarron CM-1 suitable.
toroid core (1.8 uH).

Fig. 42 —
Schematic diagram of the local-oscillator
chain. Fixed-value capacitors are disc ceramic except
those shown as feedthrough types. Resistors are
1/2-watt composition.
C9, C10 —Miniature 60-pF ceramic or Mylar trimmer.
C11 —
25-pF miniature ceramic or Mylar trimmer.
C12, C13 —13-pF miniature trimmer or glass-piston
type, high Q. E. F. Johnson 193-4-1 used in this
D1 — Zener diode, 9.1 V. 400 mW
or 1 watt.
D2, D3 — High speed silicon switching diode or hot-
carrier diode. 1N914 used here.
L9 —7 turns no. 16 bare wire, 1/4-inch ID x 1/2
inch long (6.3 x 12.7 mm). Tap diodes 1-3/4 turns
from ground.
L10, L11 —
7 turns no. 16 bare wire. 1/4-inch ID
x 3/4 inch long (6.3 x 19 mm). Tap 1 turn above
ground. Center-to-center spacing is 3/4 inch (19 mm).
Q4-Q6, incl. —
2N5179 transistor.
T1 —8 turns no. 24 enam. wire on T-50-6 toroid
core (0.25 /jH). Secondary has 3 turns over primary
winding, no. 24 enam.
T2, T4 —
6 bifilar turns no. 30 enam. wire on Amidon
FT-23-43 toroid core.
T3 —7 trifilar turns no. 30 enam. wire on FT-23-43
toroid core.




k. ICOO, M-IOOO 000.

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-24

. ;

end overload of the analyzer. In effect, it is at

full scale. The vertical line at the far left is a
zero-reference response from within the Fig. 44 —
View of the assembled modules before the mounting bolts and other final touches were
analyzer. Vertical scale is 10 dB/div. and the added. The LO assembly is at the lower left, with the LO amplifier and filter at the upper right,
horizontal scale is 50 MHz/div. The mixer and i-f filter module are at the lower right.

C9 can be adjusted to shift the oscillator LO chain as viewed on an HP analyzer. It disrupting the complete converter. Most
frequency by a small amount. Greater can be seen that all spurious responses are of the circuit boards are much larger than
range for netting the crystal can be 72 dB or greater below the desired necessary. This was done with a view
obtained by inserting a small amount of 116-MHz energy level. Imagine that the toward possible revisions to the circuits of
inductive reactance between C6 and Y 1 carrier amplitude is full scale when the first model. Those who are skilled at
A tuned toroidal transformer, Tl, is comparing the levels of the spurs. The layout work may want to compress the
adjusted for resonance at approximately 116-MHz carrier has been suppressed by circuits somewhat.
58 MHz. CIO is set for reliable starting of means of a trap to prevent front-end Small Teflon press-fit feedthrough bush-
the oscillator (consistent with high out- overloading of the analyzer. This has no ings are used as input and output
put) when the operating voltage is turned effect on the accuracy of the spur-level terminals for the various modules. They
on. Zener-diode regulation (Dl) is used to readings. The full-scale line at the far were purchased at a flea market, so the
aid oscillator stability. » . left in Fig. 43 is the zero-reference blip original source is not known. Any
Output from Q4 is routed to a fed-back, from the analyzer. It should be ignored. low-loss miniature bushing should be
broadband, Class A amplifier, Q5. The Q4, Q5 and the related circuitry are suitable as a substitute. Alternatively, the
feedback provides a 50-ohm input charac- contained in a module made from RG-174 miniature coaxial cables can be,
teristic and contributes to excellent stability single-sided pc board. The copper foil is routed directly and out of the
of the 58-MHz amplifier. Negative feed- on the inside of the box. D2, D3, Q6 and modules for connection to the circuits.
back and emitter degeneration are used at related components are in a separate For attachment to the +12- volt supply,
Q5 and Q6 for this purpose. T2 is a broad- container. Double-sided pc board is used. each module has 0.001-/xF feedthrough
band 4:1 toroidal transformer. It trans- capacitors. These components are mount-
forms the- collector impedance of Q5 to 50 Construction Data
ed on the box walls. Small Teflon
ohms. Output is taken at this point and Modular construction is used in this feedthrough bushings are used at Q 1 and
fed to a separate module which contains design so that various portions of the Q2 to permit circuit connections for the
T3 through FL5. circuitcan be isolated from one another in FET leads inside the module. The FETs
The output from Q5 is used to drive a an effective manner. Another benefit to are installed on the outer wall of the
two-diode balanced doubler, D2 and D3. this style of construction is that the front-end module.
A trifilar-wound broadband toroidal trans- builder can experiment with other circuits All of the modules are affixed to the
former (T3) couples the energy to the (substitutes) and install them without main chassis 7X11X2 inches (180 X 280
doubler. L9 and CI 1 comprise a 1 16-MHz
resonator which serves as an impedance
transformer between the diodes and Q6.
This resonator also suppresses energy at
other than 116 MHz. The diodes and the
base of Q6 are tapped close to ground on
L9 to effect an impedance match. The
stage gain from L9 to the output of FL5
was measured as 16 dB. The gain is
needed to ensure a +7-dBm injection level
at Ul, the mixer.
Another broadband step-down trans-
former, T4, is used to effect an impedance
match. It transforms "the collector im- OTHERS ARE IN PICOFARADS ( pF OR jiJlF);
pedance of Q6 to the 50-ohm input k-IOOO, M'lOOO 000.
impedance of band-pass filter FL5. The
latter greatly suppresses the 58-MHz
energy passing through Q6. It also rejects
Fig. 45 —
Schematic diagram of the regulated 12-volt power supply used with the 2-meter con-
verter.Capacitors are disc ceramic except the one with polarity marked, which is electrolytic.
the harmonics of the 116-MHz LO chain. D4-D7, incl. are 50 PRV silicon diodes. S1 is a spst toggle switch. T5 delivers 24V ac at 1 A,
Fig. 43 shows the spectral output of the and U2 is a National Semiconductor three-terminal regulator.

9-25 Chapter 9
+ 12V

FOR L.10, Lll



Fig. 46 — Scale layouts and parts-placement guides for the three circuit boards. Views are shown from the bottom (etched sides) of the boards.

amplifier assembly are 5-3/4 X 1-7/8 used for all of the etched circuits.
terial is
X 50 mm) by means of no. 6 spade bolts.

The latter are bolted to the side walls of inches (155 X 50 mm), length and width. A ground-bus copper strip is retained
assembly The box height is 1-1/2 inches (3.8 cm). around the entire perimeter of each board.
the modules. The rf amplifier
This container and the one for the This permits the builder to solder the
uses the chassis surface as part of the box
low-level stages of the LO chain do not boards into the shield boxes.
shield. An aluminum plate is attached to
module by means of have copper on the outside. Therefore it is The low-level section of the LO chain is
the side wall of the
necessary to provide a grounding contact housed in a box which is 5-1/4 inches (135
spade bolts. This type of construction was
for the press-fit U-shaped aluminum mm) long, 2-1/4 inches (58 mm) wide and
used to ease assembly of the front end
covers. Shim-brass or flashing-copper 2 inches (51 mm) high. The last half of the
filter and amplifiers. Spring-brass fingers
compartment dividers strips are located opposite one another on LO is contained in an enclosure
are soldered to the
the upper lips of the side walls. The strips which 4-1/8 inches (105 mm) long,
to assure solid contact to the aluminum
are approximately 1-1/2 inches long (38 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) wide and 1-1/4
side plate (see Fig. 44). The aperture size
mm) and 3/4 inch (19 mm) wide. They are inches (32 mm) high. The end com-
between L2 and L3 of FL2 is 1 X 5/8 inch
soldered to the inner walls of the box, then partment houses the bandpass filter. It is
(25 X 16 mm). Each resonator compart- 1-1/2 X 1-1/2 inches (38 X 38 mm) square.
bent over the edges and down the outside
ment measures 1-1/4 X 1-1/4 X 2 inches The depth of the compartment is 1 inch
of the box walls This provides a ground
(32 X 32 X 50 mm). The coils are
contact for the box covers (25mm). The lower surface of the filter
centered in the compartments.
Single-sided glass-epoxy pc-board ma- compartment is part of the main pc board,
Dimensions for the mixer/post-mixer

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-26

the end of which has not been stripped of
copper. 4.8"


inner and outer copper surfaces of
the modules which use double-clad pc
sides should be connected together
to assure electrical contact. This can be
U-.8" » «
120.3mm) I'll

.8" »U .8" -4»-.e" -*\

10-32 NUT

.25" (6.32mm )

done by running short lengths of bare wire v S TO WALL

through the box walls at four points per
wall, then soldering the wires in place on
each surface (inner and outer). Al-
ternatively, angle stock can be made of
flashing copper and soldered across each Z
corner of the box. The U-shaped lids will
complete the electrical contacts when

Choose a 200-kHz segment of the
2-meter band that suits your purposes.
Place a 2-meter signal at the midpoint of
that tuning range (144.1 MHz for .75'

coverage from 144.0 to 144.2 MHz). (19mm)

Connect the converter to a receiver tuned
and peaked at 28.1 MHz. Apply power to SOFT COPPER TUBING
the converter and locate the 2-meter signal AND NUT
in the receiver tuning range. It should fall
close to 28.1 MHz. Observe the receiver S ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS
meter and adjust of the converter tuned
all FREQ. X Y z
circuits for maximum meter reading. This 2.00" 2.00" 2.25"
1296 MHz (90-6mm) (SO.Smm) 157.1mm)
procedure should be repeated two or three .93 75" 1.00" 1.25"
375 2304 MHz (2».«mm| 1 25.4mi«| 3l.7mm)
times again, using the weakest 2-meter ''(9.25mm)

signal that will provide needle deflection

on the S meter.
This circuit should provide a noise
figure of less than 4 dB with careful O
adjustment. CI of Fig. 39 may be required
to achieve this result. It was not used in
the ARRL model because accurate noise-
Fig. 47 —
Dimensions and layout for the filter and mixer portions of the interdigital converters.
figure measuring equipment was not The signal input is to the left rod, labeled "A." Local-oscillator injection is through the diode to
available. However, without the input rod "E." D1 is the mixer diode, connected to the center rod in the assembly.
capacitor, a 0.1 -^V signal into the con-
verter provided a loud cw response in the
tunable i-f receiver, roughly equivalent to
an RST of 559. The test receiver was a
Kenwood TS-820 with a 500-Hz i-f filter.
A similar front end was built earlier, using
2N4416 FETs. When used with a 2-meter
fm receiver it provided 20 dB of quieting
with a 0.18 mV input signal.

Power Supply
A well-filtered 12- volt regulated dc
supply is recommended for use with this
converter. It should be capable of
accommodating a load current of 100 mA
or greater. The unit shown here contains a
12- volt regulated supply under the main
chassis. A red LED is used as the on-off
indicator. The circuit is shown in Fig. 45.
A bottom can be added to the
chassis. Adhesive-backed plastic feet (four)
should be affixed to the bottom plate to
prevent scratching the operating desk.
Pc-board layouts and parts-placement
guides are given in Fig. '46. The drawings
show the etched sides of the boards. Each Fig. 48 — The converter for 1296 MHz. This unit was built by R.E. Fisher, W2CQH. While the mixer
board is illustrated to scale. assembly (top center) in this model has solid brass walls, it can be made from lighter material, as
explained in the text and shown in Fig. 47. The i-f amplifier is near the center, just above the
Interdigital Converter for 1296 or 2304 mixer-current-monitoring jack, J1. A BNC connector at the lower left is for 28-MHz output. The
MHz local oscillator and multiplier circuits are to the lower right. Note that L6 is very close to the
chassis, just above the crystal. The variable capacitor near the crystal is an optional trimmer to
In a world where rf spectrum pollution adjust the oscillator to the correct frequency.

9-27 Chapter 9
f C8 I I i

39PF/SM I 1.7
' I 1 PF 0.01 SRA 1
I •L6- t
12K 39pF

. — M


0.0 5111 39PF



+ 12V

116mHz I


560R C9
3 I

Fig. 46 — Scale layouts and parts-placement guides for the three circuit boards. Views are shown from the bottom (etched sides) of the boards.

amplifier assembly are 5-3/4 X 1-7/8 terial is used for all of the etched circuits.
X 50 mm) by means of no. 6 spade bolts.
The latter are bolted to the side walk of inches (155 X 50 mm), length and width. A ground-bus copper strip is retained
The box height is 1-1/2 inches (3.8 cm). around the entire perimeter of each board.
the modules. The rf amplifier assembly
This container and the one for the This permits the builder to solder the
uses the chassis surface as part of the box
low-level stages of the LO
chain do not boards into the shield boxes.
shield. An aluminum plate is attached to
module by means of have copper on the outside. Therefore it is The low-level section of the LO chain is
the side wall of the
necessary to provide a grounding contact housed in a box which is 5-1/4 inches (135
spade bolts. This type of construction was
for the press-fit U-shaped aluminum mm) long, 2-1/4 inches (58 mm) wide and
used to ease assembly of the front end
covers. Shim-brass or flashing-copper 2 inches (51 mm) high. The last half of the
filter and amplifiers. Spring-brass fingers
compartment dividers strips are located opposite one another on LO is contained in an enclosure
are soldered to the
the upper of the side walls. The strips
lips which 4-1/8 inches (105 mm) long,
to assure solid contact to the aluminum
are approximately 1-1/2 inches long (38 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) wide and 1-1/4
side plate (see Fig. 44). The aperture size
mm) and 3/4 inch (19 mm) wide. They are inches (32 mm) high. The end com-
between L2 and L3 of FL2 is 1 X 5/8 inch
soldered to the inner walls of the box, then partment houses the bandpass filter. It is
(25 X 16 mm). Each resonator compart- 1-1/2 X 1-1/2 inches (38 X 38 mm) square.
ment measures 1-1/4 X 1-1/4 X 2 inches bent over the edges and down the outside
of the box walls This provides a ground The depth of the compartment is 1 inch
(32 X 32 X 50 mm). The coils are
contact for the box covers (25mm). The lower surface of the filter
centered in the compartments.
Single-sided glass-epoxy pc-board ma- compartment is part of the main pc board,
Dimensions for the mixer/post-mixer

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-26


the end of which has not been stripped of

copper. 4.8"
inner and outer copper surfaces of

the modules which use double-clad pc U~ .8" » U .8" » U .8" » « .8" —i TO BOTTOM
fin Haul i I
board sides should be connected together

to assure electrical contact. This can be 10-32 NUT .25 (6.32mm )

done by running short lengths of bare wire g '

through the box walls at four points per
wall, then soldering the wires in place on
each surface (inner and
Al- outer).
ternatively, angle stock can be made of
flashing copper and soldered across each
(C2) Z
corner of the box. The U-shaped lids will
complete the electrical contacts when

Choose a 200-kHz segment of the
2-meter band that suits your purposes.
Place a 2-meter signal at the midpoint of
that tuning range (144.1 MHz for .75"
coverage from 144.0 to 144.2 MHz). (19mm)
Connect the converter to a receiver tuned
and peaked at 28.1 MHz. Apply power to SOFT COPPER TUBING
the converter and locate the 2-meter signal AND NUT
in the receiver tuning range. It should fall
close to 28. 1 MHz. Observe
meter and adjust of the converter tuned
all FREQ. X y z
circuits for maximum meter reading. This 2.00" 2.00" 2.25"
1296 MHz (50.8mm) (50.8mm) (57.1mm)
procedure should be repeated two or three .9375" 100" 1.25"
- .375 2304 MHz (25-8mm) (25.4 mm) ( 3t.Tmm)
times again, using the weakest 2-meter (9.25mm)
signal that will provide needle deflection
on the S meter.
This circuit should provide a noise
figure of less than 4 dB with careful
adjustment. CI of Fig. 39 may be required
to achieve this result. It was not used in
the ARRL model because accurate noise- Fig. 47 —
Dimensions and layout for the filter and mixer portions of the interdigital converters.
figure measuring equipment was not The signal input is to the left rod, labeled "A." Local-oscillator injection^s through the diode to
available. However, without the input rod "E." D1 is the mixer diode, connected to the center rod in the assembly.
capacitor, a 0.1-fiV signal into the con-
verter provided a loud cw response in the
tunable i-f receiver, roughly equivalent to
an RST of 559. The test receiver was a
Kenwood TS-820 with a 500-Hz i-f filter.
A similar front end was built earlier, using
2N4416 FETs. When used with a 2-meter
fm receiver it provided 20 dB of quieting
with a 0.18 «V input signal.

Po wer Supply
A well-filtered 12- volt regulated dc
supply is recommended for use with this
converter. It should be capable of
accommodating a load current of 100 mA
or greater. The unit shown here contains a
12- volt regulated supply under the main
chassis. A red LED is used as the on-off
indicator. The circuit is shown in Fig. 45.
A bottom can be added to the
chassis. Adhesive-backed plastic feet (four)
should be affixed to the bottom plate to
prevent scratching the operating desk.
Pc-board layouts and parts-placement
guides are given in Fig. "46. The drawings
show the etched sides of the boards. Each Fig. 48 — The converter for 1296 MHz. This unit was built by R.E. Fisher, W2CQH. While the mixer
board is illustrated to scale. assembly (top center) in this model has solid brass walls, it can be made from lighter material, as
explained in the text and shown in Fig. 47. The i-f amplifier is near the center, just above the
Interdigital Converter for 1296 or 2304 mixer-current-monitoring jack, J1. A BNC connector at the lower left is for 28-MHz output. The
MHz local oscillator and multiplier circuits are to the lower right. Note that L6 is very close to the
chassis, just above the crystal. The variable capacitor near the crystal is an optional trimmer to
In a world where rf spectrum pollution adjust the oscillator to the correct frequency.

9-27 Chapter 9


( J? 1°?°'
k «IOOO. M= I OOOOOO 6?°

Fig 49 Schematic diagram of the 1296-MHz converter with oscillator and multiplier sections included. Dimensions for the filter and mixer assembly are
given in Fig. 47.
C1, C2 —
30-pF homemade capacitor.
See text D1 — Hewlett Packard 5082-2577 or 5082-2835. nominal).
and Fig. 2. D2 — Hewlett Packard 5082-281 or 5082-2835.
1 L3 — 10 turns like L1 (0.5 i*H).
C3, C4 — 0.8- to 10-pF glass trimmer, Johanson J1 — Closed-circuit jack. L4, L5— 6 turns like L1 (0.2 pH).
J2 — Coaxial connector, type BNC acceptable L6 — Copper strip, 1/2-inch wide x 2-1/2 inches
2945 or equiv.
C5 — 0.001-yF button mica. L1, L2 — 18 turns no. 24 enam. on 1/4-inch (127 x 635 mm) long. See text and photo-

C6 — 2- to 20-pF air variable, E.F. Johnson 189- (6.3-mm) OD slug-tuned form (1.5 jjH graphs.
— 33
507-004 or equiv. RFC1 )jH, J.W. Miller 74F33SA1 or equiv.

is becoming more serious, even into the copper-clad epoxy fiberglass. One ground and serves as the coupling section to the
microwave region, it is almost as im- plane is made larger than the microwave input. Rod B is the high-Q resonator

portant to keep unwanted signals out of a assembly and thus provides a convenient and is tuned by a 10-32 machine screw.
receiver as it is to prevent radiation of mounting plate for the remainder of the Rod C provides the filter output-coupling

spurious energy. An interdigital filter was converter components. section to the mixer diode, Dl.

described some years ago, featuring low The sidewalls are bent from 0.032-inch The mixer diode is a Hewlett-Packard
insertion loss, simplicity of construction, thick sheet brass or they can be made from 5082-2577 Schottkey-barrier type which is
and reasonable rejection to out-of-band 1/4 3/4-inch (6 X 19 mm) brass rod.
X available from distributors for about $4.
could be used in either One edge of each sidewall is soldered to the The cheaper 5082-2835, selling for 90
signals. It
larger ground plane. The other edge is cents, can be used instead, but this
transmitters or receivers.
This twice-useful principle has now fastened to the smaller ground plane by substitution will increase the 2304-MHz
been put to work again as a mixer. — 4-40 machine or self-tapping screws, each mixer noise figure by approximately 3 dB.
Again, the ease of construction and located over the centerline of a rod. The One pigtail lead of the mixer diode is
adaptation leads many to wonder that it sidewall should be sanded flat,
edges tack-soldered to a copper disk on the
had not been thought of before. It was before the ground plane is attached, to ungrounded end of rod C. Care should be
first described by in January W2CQH assure continuous electrical contact. Note taken to keep the pigtail lead as short as
that no end walls are required since there possible. If rod C is machined from solid
1974 QST
are no electric fields in these regions. brass stock, then it is feasible to clamp one
A Filter and Mixer Electrically, rods A, B, and C comprise of the mixer-diode leads to the rod end
A layout of the microwave portions of a one-stage, high-loaded-Q (Ql = 100), with a small setscrew. This alternative
both converters is shown in Fig. 47. The interdigital filter
tuned to the
which is method facilitates diode substitution and
structure consists of five interdigitated incoming signal frequency near 1296 or was us,ed in the mixer models shown in the
round rods, made of 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) 2304 MHz. The ungrounded end of rod A photographs.
OD brass or copper tubing. They are is connected to a BNC coaxial connector Fig. 47 also shows that the other end of

soldered to two sidewalls and centrally Dl is connected to a homemade 30-pF

located between two ground-planes made Bandpass for Amateur bypass capacitor, CI, which consists of a
'Fisher, "Interdigital Filters

of 1/16-inch (1.6 mm) sheet brass or VHF/UHF Applications," QST, March 1968. 1/2-inch-square copper or brass plate

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-28


k= 1000, M=I000 000.




Fig. 50 — Schematic diagram of the 2304-MHz version of the converter, with the i-f amplifier. The oscillator and multiplier circuits are constructed
C1, C23 — 30-pF homemade capacitor (see D2 — Hewlett Packard 5082-281 1 or 5082-2835. slug-tuned form (0.25 ^H).
text). J1 — Closed-circuit jack. L3— Copper strip 1/2 x 2-11/16 inches (13 x
C3, C4, C5 —0.8- to 10-pF glass trimmer, J2, J3, J4 —Coaxial connector, type BNC. 69 mm). See text and photographs.
Johanson 2945 or equiv. L1 — 5 turns no. 20 enam., 1/4-inch ID x 1/2 RFC1 — Ohmite Z-144 or equiv.
D1 — Hewlett Packard 5082-2577 or 5082-2835.' inch long. (6.35 x 12.7 mm). RFC2 — Ohmite Z-460 or equiv.
L2 — 6 turns no. 24 enam., on 1/4-inch OD

Fig. 51 —Schematic diagram of the oscillator and multiplier for the 2304 MHz converter. As explained in the text, a fixed-value resistor may be
substituted for R1 after the value that provides proper performance has been found.
C1, C2, C3 —
0.8- to 10-pF glass trimmer, L4 — Copper strip 1/2 x 1-1/2 in. (13 x 38
Johanson 2945 or equiv. L1— 10 turns no. 24 enam. on 1/4-in. OD slug- mm). Space 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) from chassis.
C4 — 0.001-^F button mica. tuned form. RFC1 —10 turns no. 24 enam. 1/8-in. ID, close
J1 — Coaxial connector, type BNC or equiv. L2, L3 — 3 turns like L1. wound.

9-29 Chapter 9
clamped to the sidewall_ with a 4-40 The multiplier circuits are tuned to
machine screw. The dielectric material is a
Table 4 resonance in the usual manner by holding
a wavemeter near each inductor being
small sheet of 0.004-inch (0.1 mm) thick Converter Specifications
Teflon or mylar. A
4-40 screw passes tuned. Resonance in the Q3 collector
through an oversize hole and is insulated 1296 MHz 2304 MHz circuit found by touching a VTVM

Noise figure 5.5 dB 6.5 dB probe (a resistpr must be in the probe) to

from the other side of the wall by a small
Conversion gain 20 dB 14 dB C2 and adjusting the Johanson capacitors
plastic shoulder washer. 3-dB bandwidth 2 MHz 7 MHz
until about —1.5 volts of bias is obtained.
In the first converter models con- Image rejection 18dB 30 dB
28 MHz 144 MHz The 317- to 1268-MHz multiplier cavity is
structed by the author and shown in the l-f output
then resonated by adjusting the 10-32
photographs, CI was a 30-pF button mica
machine screw until maximum mixer
unit soldered to the flange of a 3/8-inch
current measured at Jl. When resonance
diameter threaded panel bearing (H. H.

found, Rl should be adjusted so

Smith No. 119). The bearing was then shielded housing. is

screwed into a threaded hole in the that about 2 mA of mixer current is

Oscillator and Multipliers obtained. As an alternative to mounting a
sidewall. This provision made it con-
venient to measure the insertion loss and The nonmicrowave portion of the potentiometer in the converter, once a
bandwidth of the interdigital filters since converter rather conventional. Ql, a
is value of resistance has been found that
the capacitor assembly could be removed dual-gate MOSFET, was chosen as the provides correct performance it can be
and replaced with a BNC
connector. 28-MHz i-f amplifier since it can provide measured and the nearest standard fixed-
Rods C, D, and E comprise another 25 dB of gain with a 1.5 dB noise figure. value resistor substituted. Some means of
high loaded-Q (Ql = 100) interdigital The mixer diode is coupled to the first adjusting the collector voltage on the

filter tuned to the, local oscillator (LO) gate of Ql by a pi-network matching multiplier stage must be provided initially

frequency. This filter passes only the section. It is most important that the to allow for the nonuniformity of transis-

fourth harmonic (1268 or 2160 MHz) proper impedance match be achieved tors.

from the multiplier diode, D2. The two between the mixer and i-f amplifier if a
low noise figure to be obtained. In this
A 2304-MHz Version
filters have a common output-coupling is

case, the approximately 30-ohm output Fig. 50 and 51 show the schematic
section (rod C) and their loaded Qs are
impedance of the mixer must be stepped diagrams of the 2304-MHz converter and
high enough to prevent much unwanted
coupling of signal power from the antenna up to about 1500 if Ql is to yield its rated multiplier. The mixer and i-f preamplifier

to the multiplier diode and LO power noise figure of 1.5 dB. It is for this reason was built on a separate chassis since, at

back out to the antenna. that a remote i-f amplifier was not the time of their construction, a multiplier
The multiplier diode is connected to the employed, as is the case with many chain from another project was available.
contemporary uhf converters. An i-f of 144 MHz was chosen, although
driver through C2, a 30-pF
bypass capacitor identical to CI. D2 is a Q2 functions in an oscillator-tripler cir- 50 MHz would work as well. An i-f output
Hewlett-Packard 5082-2811 although the cuit which delivers about 10 milliwatts of 28 MHz, or lower, should not be used
of 158.5-MHz drive to the base of Q3. The since this would result in undesirable
5082-2835 works nearly as well. Fifty
milliwatts drive at one-quarter of the LO emitter coil, L3, serves mainly as a choke interaction between the mixer and multi-
frequency is sufficient to produce 2 ofmA to prevent the crystal from oscillating at plier interdigital filters.

mixer diode current, which represents its fundamental frequency. Coils L4 and The 2304-MHz mixer and i-f amplifier
about 1 milliwatt of the local-oscillator L5, which are identical, should be spaced section,shown in Fig. 50, is very similar to
its 1296-MHz counterpart. Ql, the dual-
injection. A Schottky-barrier was chosen closely such that their windings almost
over the more familiar varactor diode for touch. gate MOSFET, operates at 144 and MHz
doubles the frequency to 317 MHz,
Q3 thus has a noise figure about 1-dB higher
the multiplier because it is cheaper, more
stable, and requires no idler circuit. providing about 50 milliwatts drive to the than that obtainable at 28 MHz.
Fig. 49 shows the schematic diagram of multiplier diode. It is important that the The multiplier chain, Fig. 51, has a
MHzconverter. All emitter lead of Q3 be kept extremely separate oscillator for improved drive to
the 1296 to 28
components are mounted on a 7 X 9-inch short; 1/4-inch (6.3 mm) is probably too the 2N3866 output stage. Otherwise the
(178 X 229 mm) sheet of brass or long. L6, the strip-line inductor in the circuitry is similar to the 1296-MHz
copper-clad epoxy-fiberglass board. As collector circuit of Q3, consists of a 1/2 X version.

mentioned earlier, this mounting plate 2-1/2-inch (127 X 635-mm) piece of

also serves as one ground plane for the flashing copper spaced 1/8-inch (3-mm)
above the ground plane. The cold end of Fisk, "Double-Balanced Mixers," Ham Radio, March
microwave mixer. When completed, the 1968.
mounting plate is fastened to an inverted L6 is bypassed to ground by C5, a Ress,"Broadband Double-Balanced Modulator,"
aluminum chassis which provides a 0.001-iu,F button mica capacitor. Ham Radio, March 1970.

VHF and UHF Receiving Techniques 9-30

Chapter 10

Mobile, Portable and

Emergency Equipment

istence of
major justification
Amateur Radio
in the
is to
220 and 440
MHz. It is expected that this
service mode will soon include
decrease power?" Thus, going from 800
watts to 500 watts is an act of QRP. Con-
provide a pool of experienced operators in widespread occupancy of the 1215-MHz versely, QRO means "increase power."
time of national or community need. band and higher. Power levels as low as a few milliwatts
When the call for emergency communica- Mobile hf-band operation still appeals are often suitable for emergency work
tions is voiced by cities, towns, counties, to numerous amateurs because it elimi- when the cw mode is employed in the hf
states or the federal government, mobile nates the constrictions imposed by vhf bands. Similarly, ssb and fm transmis-
and portable radio equipment is pressed and uhf repeaters, their operators and sions on vhf and uhf at the mW
level are
into service where heeded. Aside from the their normal coverage contours. When effective over line-of-sight paths. The ad-
occasional need for disaster and emergen- operating mobile on ssb or cw with hf vantage of this type of QRP
equipment is
cy communications provided by ama- transceivers, worldwide contacts are long-term operation from batteries.
teurs, a great deal of pleasure and possible for those who enjoy that style of Numerous examples of equipment design-
challenge can reward the amateur when communication. ed for QRP work are provided in the
operating portable or mobile under nor- High-power mobile operation has be- League's book, Solid State Design for the
mal conditions. In this regard, most come entirely practical from the automo- Radio Amateur.
mobile operation is carried out today by tive 13.6-volt dc battery system. This
means of narrow-band fm and repeaters. results from the use of transistorized
Electrical-Noise Elimination
The major repeater frequencies are 146, equipment.- With only two transistors, a One of the most significant deterrents
linear power amplifier can deliver 150 to effective signal reception during mobile
watts or more of rf output. For the most or portable operation is electrical im-
part, dynamotors, vibrator packs and dc- pulse noise from the automotive ignition
u>-dc converters are things of the past, system. The problem also arises during the
making mobile and portable operation
much less expensive and much more effi-

QKP Operation
Low-power operation has taken a
significant jump forward in recent years
and the ardent core of the movement
almost qualifies as a cult. The basic con-
cept do things the "hard way,"
is to
proving that power levels of less than 10
watts are entirely effective •
reasonably good antennas are used. QRP
is a relative term. To the station running 1

watt, 10 watts is QRO (high power). It is

the equivalent of a 100-watt station using

a kilowatt amplifier for a 10-dB gain. For
operating awards and contests, the ARRL
definition of QRP is 10 watts input (or 5
Fig. 1 — This may represent the ultimate in
watts measured output). The- expression
portable vhf operation. The aggregate antenna
gain represented by this setup could be very "QRPp" has been adopted by some low-
effective in time of emergency. This installa- power enthusiasts to mean "very low
tion was built and operated by N6NB/K6YNB, power." It is not recognized by ARRL.
who with a similar system, set a single-
It should be said that QRP in its proper Fig. 2 — WB5MKX and K5GM demonstrate the
operator national record during a vhf contest, practicality of portable operation from a
earning more than 60,000 points. The antenna use as an International Q Code symbol remote site as they operate W5KA/5 during an
shown is effective also for EME work. means "Decrease power" or "Shall I ARRL Field Day contest.

10-1 Mobile, Portable and Emergency Equipment

gasoline-powered portable ac candidates for beads. Install them liberal- Plug Co., Box 910, Toledo, OH 43661.
use of
Some automotive parts distributors also
generators. This form of interference can ly, then load test the engine for adequate

spark energy. stock this publication.

completely mask a weak signal, thus
rendering the station ineffective. Most The plane sheet metal surfaces and
Charging-System Noise
electrical noise can be eliminated by tak- cylindrical members such as exhaust pipes
often exhibit resonance in one of the Noise from the vehicular battery-
ing logical steps toward suppressing it.
up the noise amateur bands. Such resonances en- charging circuit can interfere with both
The first step is to clean
courage reradiation of spark impulse transmission and reception of radio
source then utilize the receiver's
energy. Bonding these structural members signals. The charging system of a modern
built-in noise-reducing circuit as a last
with heavy braid can reduce the level of automobile consists of a belt-driven three-
measure to knock down any noise pulses
or from other man- spark noise inside the vehicle and out. phase alternator and a solid-state voltage
from passing cars,
Other types of noise to be described later regulator. Solid-state regulators are a
made sources.
can also be helped by bonding. Here are great improvement over the elec-

Spark-plug Noise the main areas to bond. 1) Engine to tromechanical vibrating contact units of
frame; 2) air cleaner to engine block; 3) earlier times. Interference from the charg-
Most manufactured prior to
exhaust lines to frame; 4) battery ground ing system can affect a receiver in two
1975 were equipped with simple Kettering
ways: Rf radiation can be picked up by
inductive-discharge ignition systems. A terminal to frame; 5) hood to fire wall; 6)
steering column to frame; 7) bumpers to the antenna, and noise can be conducted
variety of noise-suppression methods were
frame; and 8) trunk lid to frame. directly into the circuits via the power
devised for these systems, including
In the United States, automobile cable. "Alternator whine" is a common
resistor spark plugs, clip-on suppressors,
manufacturers voluntarily comply with an form of conducted interference. It has the
resistive high-voltage cable and even com-
high-voltage RFI standard devised by the Society of greatest effect on vhf fm communica-
plete shielding. Resistive
SAE J551, most tions, because synthesized carrier
cable and resistor plugs provide the Automotive Engineers,
recently revised in May 1980. Basically, generators and local oscillators are easily
greatest noise reduction for the least ex-
the standard requires that the strength of frequency modulated by power supply
pense and effort. While almost all vehicles
resistance cable the field radiated by a random vehicle be The alternator ripple
voltage fluctuations.
produced after 1960 had
such cable no greater than 14 dB above 1 microvolt is most noticeable when transmitting,
as standard equipment,
per meter per kilohertz from 20 to 80 because the machine is more heavily load-
develops microscopic cracks in the insula-
MHz, sloping up to 25 dB in the 400- to ed in that condition. If the ripple
tion and segmentation of the conductor
1000-MHz range. The receiving antenna is amplitude is great enough, alternator
after a few years of service. These defects
located 33 feet (10 m) from the vehicle and whine will be imparted to all incoming
can defeat the suppression ability of the
oriented for measurements in both the signals by the LO.
cable before the engine performance is

and horizontal planes. SAE J551 Conducted noise can be minimized by

degrades noticeably. Two years is a vertical
has been adopted as law in Canada. connecting the radio power leacls directly
reasonable replacement interval for spark-
Automotive RFI standards are also under to the battery, as this is the point in the
plug cable. Older editions of this Hand-
active development in Europe. The group electrical system having the lowest im-
book described complete shielding
situation there CISPR pedance. If the regulator is adjustable, set
methods for inductive-discharge ignitions. studying the is

the voltage is necessary to

no higher than
Late-model automobiles employ (Comite International Special des Pertur-
bations Radioelectrique). The SAE is ensure complete battery charging. Radio
sophisticated high-energy electronic igni-
cooperating with CISPR to promote inter- equipment manufacturers combat voltage
tion systems in an attempt to reduce ex-
haust pollution and increase fuel mileage. national standardization. FCC docket variations by internally regulating, critical
* '

comes 20654 is a Notice of Inquiry concerning circuits wherever possible.

With increased sophistication
greater sensitivity to modification solu- — the automotive RFI issue. The manufac- Both conducted and radiated noise can

turers and users of radios in the land be suppressed by filtering the alternator
tions to RFI caused by older Kettering
mobile service (j ust above the 2-meter leads. Coaxial capacitors (about 0.5 fjF)
systems cannot be uniformly applied to
band), represented by the Electronics In- are suitable, but don 't connect a capacitor
the modern electronic ignitions.
dustries Association, responded to the to the field. The field lead can be shielded
Such fixes may be ineffective at best,
NOI by stating that even vehicles comply- or loaded with ferrite beads if necessary.
and at worst may impair the engine per-
ing with J551 can seriously degrade A parallel-tuned LC trap in this lead may
formance. One should thoroughly under-
mobile vhf communications. SAE J551 be effective against radiated noise. Such a
stand an ignition system before at-
was never intended to protect vehicular trap in the output lead must be made of
tempting to modify it. One of the signifi-
cant features of capacitive discharge receivers —
only fixed receivers located no. 10 wire or larger, as some alternators
near roadways. conduct up to 100 amperes. The alter-
systems, for example, is extremely rapid
On the whole, modern automobiles are nator slip rings should be kept clean to
voltage rise, which combats misfire caused
cleaner from an RFI standpoint than prevent excess arcing. An increase in
by fouled spark plugs. Rapid voltage rise
The interference "hash" noise may indicate that the
depends on a low RC time constant those of 20 years ago.
problem, however, at least at vhf and uhf, brushes need to be replaced.
presented to the output transformer. For
this reason, high-voltage suppression persists because present-day receivers are
Instrument Noise
cable designed for capacitive-discharge about 10 dB more sensitive than their
predecessors. Some automotive instruments are
systems is wound with monel wire. It ex-
Useful tips for solving ignition noise capable of creating noise. Among these
hibits a distributed resistance of only
problems can be found in Giving Two- gauges and senders are the heat- and fuel-
about 600 ohms per foot, as contrasted
way Radio Its Voice, published by the level indicators. Ordinarily, the addition
with 10 kilohms per foot for carbon-
Champion Spark Plug Company. This of a 0.5 fiF coaxial capacitor at the sender
center cable used with inductive-discharge
covers noise- element will cure the problem.
systems. Increasing the RC product by well-prepared publication
suppression fundamentals, preliminary Other noise-generating accessories are
shielding or installing improper spark-
procedures, methods for pinpointing in- turn signals, window-opener motors,
plug cable could seriously compromise the
terference, and techniques for solving heating-fan motors and electric
capacitive-discharge circuit operation.
noise problems in automotive and marine windshield-wiper motors. The installation
Ferrite beads represent a possible means
environments. A copy of this booklet can of a 0.25-^iF capacitor will usually
RFI reduction in newer vehicles. Both
be obtained for $1 from Champion Spark eliminate their interference noise.
primary and secondary ignition leads are

Chapter 10 10-2
Faraday shield between LI and L2 ensures
that the coupling is purely magnetic. The
coupling between L2 and L3 is purely elec-
trostatic. Adjusting the coil coupling
causes the noise The block
to null.
diagram of Fig. 3B illustrates a more
modern broadband approach to noise
cancellation. A short wire near the igni-
tion coil couples impulse energy into the
active impedance transformer, which is
simply an FET source follower stage. The
amplitude and phase of the noise are con-
trolled by the attenuator and delay line,
respectively. The signal combiner can be a.
^"7 hybrid ferrite transformer at hf or a
transmission line multicoupler at vhf.
(The following material was assembled
by Dave Geiser, WA2ANU.) The
availability of equipment
makes practical the use of battery power
under portable or emergency conditions.
Hand-held transceivers and instruments
are obvious applications, but even fairly

powerful transceivers (100 or so out- W
put) may be practical users of battery
power. Solid-state kilowatt mobile
Fig. 3 — Automotive noise-cancelling systems. At A, the circuit used in the BC-342 hf receiver. At
amplifiers exist, but these are intended for
B, a suggested broadband noise-cancelling scheme. operating from an auxiliary battery that is
constantly charged. The lower-power
equipment can be powered from either of
two types of batteries, the "primary" bat-
Corona-Discharge Noise The Soviet "woodpecker" over-the- tery intended for one-time use, and the
Some mobile antennas are prone to cor- horizon radar has inspired some serious storage (or "secondary") battery that
ona build-up and discharge. Whip anten- development work on noise blankers that may be recharged many times.
nas which come to a sharp point will don't degrade receiver dynamic range. A batterya group of chemical cells,

sometimes create this kind of noise. This Receivers for vhf fm service are generally usually connected to give some
is why most mobile whips have steel or designed for optimum noise figure at the desired multiple of the cell voltage. Each
plastic balls at their tips. But, regardless expense 'of resistance to overload. Recent assortment of chemicals used in the cell
of the structure of the mobile antenna, advances in rf amplifier design have pro- gives a particular nominal voltage, and
corona buildup will frequently occur dur- ven that low noise figure and high this must be taken into account to make
ing or just before a severe electrical storm. dynamic range are not mutually exclusive. up a particular battery voltage.
The symptoms are a high-pitched A high-performance noise blanker is
•useless if the front end of the receiver Primary Batteries
"screaming" noise in the mobile receiver,
which comes in cycles of one or two overloads on the noise pulses. A helical The most common primary cell is the
minutes duration, then changes pitch and resonator at the receiver input affords carbon-zinc flashlight type, in which
dies down as it discharges through the some protection against noise overload chemical oxidation converts the zinc into
front end of the receiver. The condition because it restricts the total noise energy salts and electricity. When there is no cur-
will repeat itself as soon as the antenna delivered to the front end. rent flow, the oxidation stops until the
system charges up again. There is no cure Some fm receivers suffer from impulse next time current is required. Some
for this condition, but it is described here noise because of inadequate a-m rejec- chemical action does continue, so even-
to show that it is not of origin within the
tion.The cure for this ailment is to ensure tually stored batteries will degrade or dry
electrical system of the automobile. hard limiting in the i-f stages and to use a out to the point where the battery will no
detector that is inherently insensitive to longer supply the desired current. If this
amplitude variations. has happened without battery use, the
Electronic Noise Reduction
Particularly troublesome vehicular im- time taken for the degradation is called
When all electrical noise generated pulse noise can sometimes be cancelled at shelf life.
within a vehicle has beer^ eliminated, the the receiver input. The technique involves The carbon-zinc battery has a nominal
mobile operator can be annoyed by RFI sampling the noise voltage from a separate voltage of 1.5 volts, as does its "heavy
from passing vehicles. Some measures can "noise antenna" and adjusting its phase duty" or "industrial" brother. These lat-
be taken in the receiver to reduce or reject and amplitude to cancel the noise ter types are capable (for a given size) of
impulse noise. (Noise limiters and noise delivered by the "signal antenna." For producing more milliampere hours and
blankers are discussed in the hf receiving this sytstem to be effective, the signal less voltage drop than a carbon-zinc bat-
chapter.) The placement of a noise antenna must be positioned to provide the tery of the same size, and also have longer
blanker in the receiver is important. The best possible signal-to-noise ratio, and the shelf life. Alkaline primary batteries have
blanking circuit must be placed ahead of noise antenna located close to the noise even better characteristics and will retain
the sharp selectivity, otherwise the i-f source and effectively shielded from the more capacity at low temperatures.
filter will stretch the noise pulses, and they desired signal. Fig. 3A shows the noise Nominal voltage is 1.5 volts.
cannot be blanked without destroying a. cancellation circuit used in some models Lithium primary batteries have a
major portion of the received intelligence. of the BC-342, a WWII receiver. The nominal voltage of about 3 volts per cell

10-3 Mobile, Portable and Emergency Equipment

and by far the best capacity, discharge, size medium automotive bat-
of small and any type of battery.

shelf-life and temperature characteristics. teries.These batteries may furjiish be- A practical limit of discharge occurs

tween 1000 and 1200 watt-hours per when the load will no longer operate
Their disadvantages are high cost and the
charge at room temperature, and when satisfactorily on the lower output voltage
fact that they cannot be readily replaced
properly cared for may be expected to last near the "discharged" point. Much gear
by other types in an emergency.
Silver oxide (1.5 V) and mercury (1.4 V) more than 200 cycles. They often have intended for "mobile" use may be de-
batteries are very good where nearly con- lifting handles, screw terminals as well as signed for an average of 13.6 V and a peak

stant voltage is desired at low currents for the conventional truncated-cone of perhaps of 15 V, and not operate well
long periods. Their main use (in sub- automotive terminals, and may be fitted below 12 V. For full use of battery charge
miniature versions) is in hearing aids, with accessories such as plastic carrying the gear should operate well (if not at full

though they may be found in other quan- cases, with or without built-in chargers. power) on as little as 10.5 V with a
tity uses such as household smoke alarms. Lead-acid batteries are also available nominal 12 to 13.6-V rating.

with jelled electrolyte. These types may be Somewhat the same condition may be
Rechargeable or Storage Batteries mounted in any position if sealed, but seen in the replacement of carbon-zinc
some are position-sensitive if vented. cells by nickel-cadmium storage cells.
Many of the chemical reactions in
Lead-acid batteries with liquid elec- Eight of the former will give 12 V, while
primary batteries are theoretically revers-
trolyte usually fall into one of three classes ten of the same-size nickel-cadmium units
ible if current is passed through the bat-
tery in the reverse direction. For instance,
— conventional with filling holes and are required. If a 10-cell battery-holder is
vents, permitting the addition of distilled used, the equipment should be designed
zinc may be plated back onto the negative
water lost from evaporation or during for 15 V in case the carbon-zinc units are
electrode of a zinc-carbon battery.
high-rate charge or discharge, '
plugged in.
Recharging of primary batteries should
"maintenance-free" from which gas may Deep-cycle and nickel-cadmium storage
not be done for two reasons: It may be
generated escape but water cannot be added, and batteries should be run to the end of their
dangerous because of heat
sealed. Generally, the deep-cycle batteries useful charge before recharging, and then
within sealed cells,and where there may
both the charge and life have filling holes and vents. charged fully. Both types will tolerate a
be some success,
light continual charge (trickle) and the
are limited. In the zinc-carbon example,
Battery Capacity sealed nickel-cadmium types tolerate a
the zinc may not replate in the locations
The common rating of battery capacity near-full charging rate continuously.
that had been oxidized. Pinholes in the
case result, with consequent fluid leakage is ampere hours, a product of current
Discharge Planning
that will damage the using equipment. drain and time, the symbol "C" is com-
monly used; C/10, for example, would be Transceivers "usually drain a battery at
One type of alkaline battery is
the current available for 10 hours con- two or three rates: one for receiving, one
rechargeable, and is so marked. If the
not marked tinuously. The value of C changes with perhaps for transmit standby, and one for
recommended charging rate is

the discharge rate and might be 110 at 2 key-down or average voice transmit. Con-
on such a battery, the manufacturer's ad-
amperes but only 80 20 amperes. Fig. 4 sidering just the first and last of these
vice should be asked. In a number of cases at
gives capacity-to-discharge rate for two (assuming the transmit standby equal to
the manufacturer markets chargers and
standard-size lead-acid batteries. Capacity receive),average 2-way cw communica-
recommends that only those should be
used. may vary from 35 mA
hours for some of tion would require the low rate 3/4 of the
the small hearing-aid batteries to over 100 time and the high rate 1/4 of the time. The
The most-common small-storage bat- ,

ampere hours for a size 27 deep-cycle ratio may vary somewhat with voice. The
tery the nickel-cadmium type, with a
user may calculate the percentage of bat-
nominal voltage of 1 .2 V per cell. Careful- storage battery.
The primary cells, being sealed, usually tery charge used in an hour by the com-
ly used, these arecapable of 500 or more
benefit from intermittent (rather than bination (sum) of rates. If, for example,
charge and discharge cycles, compared to
50 or so for alkaline types. The nickel- continuous) use. The resting period allows 20% of the .battery capacity is used, the
completion of chemical reactions needed battery will provide 5 hours of com-
cadmium battery must not be fully
dispose of by-products of the munications per charge. In most actual
discharged for best life. Where there is to
more than one cell in the battery, the discharge.
most-discharged cell may suffer polarity All batteries will fall in output voltage
reversal. All storage have batteries as discharge proceeds. "Discharged" con-

discharge limits, and nickel-cadmium dition for a 12-V lead-acid battery, for in-

types should not be discharged more than stance, should not be less than 10.5 volts.

1.2 V below nominal battery voltage. (It isalso good to keep a running record

The most widely used storage battery is of hydrometer readings, but the conven-
the lead-acid type. In automotive service tional readings of 1.265 charged and 1.100

the battery is usually expected to discharged apply only to a long, low-rate

discharge partially at a very high rate, and discharge. Heavy loads may discharge the
battery with little reduction in the
then to be recharged promptly while the
alternator is also carrying the electrical hydrometer reading.)
load. If the conventional auto battery is Batteries that become cold have less of
allowed to discharge fully from its their charge available, and some attempt
nominal 2 V per cell to 1.75 V per cell, to keep a battery warm before use is
only about 50 cycles of charge and worthwhile. The battery may lose 70% or
discharge may be expected, with reduced more of its capacity at cold extremes but
storage capacity. recover with warmth.
The most attractive battery for extend- All batteries have some tendency to 20
5 10 '5

ed high-power electronic application is the freeze, but those with full charges are less AMPERES

so-called "deep-cycle" battery (intended susceptible. A fully-charged lead-acid bat-

for such use as powering electrical fishing tery is safe to -30°- F (-26° C) or colder.
motors and the accessories in recreational Storage be warmed
batteries may —
Fig. 4 Output capacity as a function of
vehicles). The24 and 27 batteries fur-
size somewhat by charging. Blowtorches or discharge rate for two sizes of lead-acid
nish a nominal 12 volts and are about the other flame should never be used to heat batteries.

Chapter 10 10-4
traffic and DX-chasing situations the time
spent listening should be much greater
than that spent transmitting.

Caring for Storage Batteries

In addition to the precautions given
above, the following are recommended.
(Your manufacturer's advice will prob-
ably be more applicable.)
Gas escaping from storage batteries
may be explosive. Keep flame away.
Dry-charged storage batteries should be
given electrolyte and allowed to soak for
at least half an hour. They then should be .

charged at perhaps a 15 A rate for 15

minutes or so. The capacity of the battery
will build up slightly for the first few
cycles of charge and discharge, and then
have fairly constant capacity for many
cycles. Slow capacity decrease may then
be noticed.
No battery should be subjected to un-
necessary heat, vibration or physical
shock. The battery should be kept clean.
Frequent inspection for leaks is a good
idea. Leaking or spraying electrolyte
should be cleaned from the battery and
surroundings. The electrolyte is chemical-
ly active and electrically conductive, and
may ruin electrical equipment. Acid may
be neutralized with sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda), and alkalies may be
neutralized with a weak acid such as
vinegar. Both neutralizers will dissolve in
Fig. 5 — The WA7ARK mobile NiCad charger. The power cable has an in-line fuse and is ter-
water, and themselves be quickly washed minated^ a cigarette-lighter accessory plug.
off. Do not let any of the neutralizer enter
the battery.
Keep a record of the battery usage, and
include the last output voltage and (for
lead-acid storage batteries) the
hydrometer reading, This allows predic- + 12-14 v
tion of useful charge remaining, and the
recharging or procuring of extra batteries,
thus minimizing failure of battery power
during an excursion or emergency.

Charging Storage Batteries

The rated full charge of a storage bat-
tery, C, is expressed in amperp-hours.
Since no battery is perfect, more charge
than this must be offered the battery for
full-charge. If, for instance, the charge
rate is 0.1 C
"10-hour" rate), 12 or
(the 10k

more hours may be needed for the charge.

Four common classes of charge rate are
standby (or trickle); slow (or overnight),
quick (or "rapid") and fast. The standby
charge may be on the order of 30 to 100
mA for a C of 100 Ah, with the slow r-T-7
charge 10 A for the same C, the quick
charge 30 A and the fast charge 100 A.
Note that one battery is not designed for CAPACITANCE IN jiF *HEAT SINK NiCd BATTERY PACK
all of these charge rates. Deep cycle lead-
acid and sealed nickel-cadmium cells are
best charged at a slow rate, while
automotive and some nickel-cadmium
types may safely be given quick charges.
(This depends on the amount of heat Fig. 6— Schematic diagram for the mobile NiCad charger.
generated within each cell, and cell vent- D1.D2 — Silicon rectifiers, A, 50 V (1N4001
1 TIP32,orequiv.)
or equiv.) Q2 — Npn audio transistor, 25 V, 2 A (2N4922
ing to prevent pressure build-up.) Some D3 — General-purpose LED. RS 276-2020, or equiv.)
batteries have built-in temperature sens- Q1 — Pnp audio transistor, 25 V, 2 A (2N4919, U1 — 555 timer.

10-5 Mobile, Portable and Emergency Equipment

Figs. 7and 8 are the etching pattern and storage battery. The regulator prevents
ing, used to stop or reduce charging
parts-placement guide for the charger. overcharging of the battery. The station
before the heat rise becomes a danger.
The Plexiglas assembly shown is only one equipment takes its power from the bat-
Quick and fast charges do not usually
of several possible packaging schemes. tery. Most automotive 12-volt batteries
allow gas recombination, so some of the
For maximum convenience and utility, are suitable for use with solar-electric
battery water will escape in the form of
below a certain build a compartment and connector to fit panels. NiCad batteries are satisfactory
gas. If the water level falls
also. Fig. 9 shows a solar array in a frame.
point, acid hydrometer readings are no your battery pack.
to The cells are wired in series.
longer reliable. If the water level falls
SOLAR-ELECTRIC POWER Fig. 10 shows a solar-electric system
plate level, permanent battery damage
Although solar-electric arrays are quite suitable for low- or high-power operation.
may result.
when purchased new, surplus If the current drain is less than the capaci-
Overcharging in moderation causes lit- expensive
and groups of cells (ar- ty of the solar bank (1.5 A in this case),
tle loss of battery life, and some
nickel- individual cells
rays) can be bought inexpensively on oc- the load can be powered from the solar
cadmium batteries may be left on con-
A timer on casion. Photons from the sun strike the cells through the regulator circuit. For
tinual charge in storage.
p-n junctions of the cells to generate 0.5
• heavier loads, the current is taken from
chargers of lead-acid batteries prevents ex-
The the storage batteries, which are charged
cessive overcharge if set to make up for volt per cell (see chapter 4). current
rating of an individual cell is dependent by the solar array. The circuit of Fig. 10
your recorded discharge plus perhaps
upon the diameter of the cell. Typical pro- was designed by John Akiyama, W6PQ^,
20%. Some chargers" will switch over
duction units deliver 100 mA, 600 mA, 1 and was described by John Halliday,
automatically to an acceptable standby
charge. A or 1.5 A. Cells with higher current W5PIZ in August 1980 QST. In the same
ratings are manufactured, but are quite issue, Doug Blakeslee, N1RM, described

costly. Table 1 lists some solar battery an electronic switch to automatically

disconnect storage batteries from a solar
A solar-electric panel generally contains system when full charge (13.5 V) is
36 cells wired in series. This provides ap- reached. The circuit is shown in Fig. 11.

proximately 18 volts dc (no-load condi- Ul, D4 and D5 establish a 6.2-V reference

Charging a 12-volt NiCad battery pack
tions) at peak sunlight. The current for comparator U2. A voltage divider
from an automotive electrical system is
capability of the panel determined by
is composed of Rl, R3 and R7 scales the
because the vehicle voltage is only
the diameter of the cells. Greater amounts battery voltage down to the reference
a few tenths of a volt higher than the
to control of current output can be had by parallel- value, while R4
provides hysteresis to pre-
NiCad voltage. The problem is
ing like panels. That is two 1.5-A panels vent oscillation. When the battery poten-
the charging current under varying engine
can be operated in parallel to deliver 3 tial exceeds the comparator threshold, U2
speeds. The device pictured in Fig. 5
making amperes of current, and so on. goes high, turning off Ql and Q2. The
solves the problem electronically,
your car easy The usual operating system has the ar- LED, D6, indicates that the battery is be-
charging a NiCad pack in
ray output routed through a regulator to a ing charged.
and convenient.
The circuit, shown in Fig. 6, designed
by Mike Mladejovsky,. WA7ARK, first
appeared \n,The Microvolt. The basis of
this charger is the familiar capacitive
voltage doubler circuit used in conven-
tional dc power supplies. The voltage
doubler is driven by a chopper consisting
of a 555 timer followed by a complemen-
tary pnp-npn emitter-follower buffer. The
555 programmed to oscillate at about

3.3 kHz; its output is high for about 200

US and low for about 100 ^s.
While the 555 output is low, Ql con-
ducts, precharging CI to the supply
voltage minus the conduction thresholds
of Dl and Ql. When the timer output
goes high, Q2 conducts, causing the
charge in CI to be added to the supply
voltage. CI discharges through Q2, D2
and Rl into the NiCad battery.
Rl was chosen to provide an average
charging current of about 150 mA at 12.6
V input. The LED indicator shows that
the battery is being charged. The charging

current depends on the supply voltage.

This varies from about 12.5 V in a parked
vehicle to about 14.8 V when the engine is
running, causing the charging current to
vary from about 140 mA
to about 185
mA. This will charge a 500 mAh battery
pack in five or four hours, respectively. If
your battery requires a lower charging
current, you can scale Rl (doubling Rl
halves the charging rate, and so on.)
Ed Kalin, K1RT, designed the pc art- Fig. 7 —
Etching pattern forthe mobile NiCad charger pc board. The foil side is shown; black
work and built the unit pictured in Fig. 5. represents copper.

Chapter 10 10-6

Some Solar Battery Manufacturers and


Solar Power Corporation

c/o Lindberg Company
4163 Montgomery, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Tel. 505-881-1006
Solarex Corporation
1335 Piccard Dr.
Rockville, MD 20850
Tel. 301-948-0202
nicad output Applied Solar Energy
15251 E. Don Julian Rd.
City of Industry, CA 91746
Tel. 213-968-6581

Solec International
12533 Chadron Ave.
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Tel. 213-325-6215



Fig. 8 — Parts-placement guide tor the mobile NiCad charger pc board. The component side is
shown with an x-ray view of the foil.

PORTABLE AC POWER SOURCES megawatts of power. Perhaps the most Fig. 9 —Solar-electric arrays are excellent for
short -or long-term field and emergency use to
practical power range for most purposes power amateur stations. A 14-volt, 1 .5-A solar
There are two popular sources of ac would be in the neighborhood of 2 kW. panel and two automobile batteries in parallel
power for use afield. The first' is what is Larger units tend to become too heavy for can provide many after-dark hours of operation
referred to as a dc-to-ac converter, or one person to lift and handle easily while with typical 100-watt hf-band transceivers of
more commonly, an inverter. the solid-state variety.
smaller generators lack sufficient power
The ac output voltage is a square wave. output for many applications. A 2-kW
Therefore, some types of equipment can alternator is quite heavy but is capable of thenumbers on the drawing.
not be operated satisfactorily from the in- supplying power for just about any large Use the proper grade of fuel. Newer
verter. Certain types of motors are among power tool. It is roughly the equivalent of models will burn either "no-lead" or
those items which require a sine-wave out- having a single 15-A outlet in an ordinary regular leaded gasoline. Do not use
shows a picture of one style of
put. Fig. 12 electric service. Of course,
handle will premium or so-called "hi-test"
it grades
commercial inverter. Heat sinks are used moderate-power amateur equipment with unless the owner's manual recommends it.
to cool the switching transistors. The unit ease. Such have a high lead content for
shown is available from Heath Company proper burning in high-compression
in kit form. It delivers 117 volts of ac at Maintenance Checklist
automobile engines and are generally un-
175 watts continuous power rating. The Although more suitable
complicated for small, low-compression
'primary voltage is 6 or 12 dc. maintenance chores should be performed engines found in most alternator com-
When sine-wave output is required by qualified service personnel, many sim- binations. Check the owner's manual to
from a portable ac power supply, ple measures which will prolong the life of determine whether oil must be mixed with
gasoline-engine alternators are used. They the alternator can be done at home or the gasoline. While two-cycle models re-
are available with ratings of several afield. Perhaps the best plan is to log the quire an oil-gas mixture, most generators
kilowatts, or as little as500 watts. One of dates of when the unit was used and the have a four-cycle engine that burns or-
the large/ units is shown in Fig. 13 where operating time in hours. Also included in dinary gasoline with no extra additives.
WB9QPI has just completed a the log would be dates of maintenance Gasoline for emergency purposes should
maintenance run for the W0OHU/0 Field and type of service performed. Oil only be stored in small amounts and
Day group. changes, when gasoline was purchased for rotated on a regular basis. Older stock can
Alternators powered
by internal- emergency purposes, and similar data be burned in a car (that uses the same
combustion engines have been used for Would fall under this category. grade of gas as the generator) since storing
years to supply 117/235 ac independently Important points that are common to gasoline for any length of time is inad-
of the commercial mains. Such combina- all types of generators are indicated for a visable. The more volatile components
tions range from tiny units powered by typical one in Fig. 14 (Consult the evaporate, leaving excess amounts of a
two-cycle or four-cycle gasoline engines in manufacturer's manual for additional in- varnish-like substance that will clog car-
the low-wattage class to giant multi- structions that might apply to a particular buretor passeges. Also, be sure gasoline
cylinder diesels capable of supplying model.) The following checklist relates to containers are of an approved type with a

10-7 Mobile, Portable and Emergency Equipment

6+ 14 V DC


Fig. 12 — Photograph of a commercial dc-to-ac

•inverter that operates from 6 to 12 volts dc and
delivers 117 volts ac (square wave) at 175
S3 .

0-25 O I VOLT
^0= ±Q *

clean interior, free of rust or other foreign

matter. Similar considerations apply to
— Schematic diagram of solar power supply. Note that battery charging circuit does not the gas tank on the engine itself.
Fig. 10
employ a regulator or switch to shut off charging current once the storage battery reaches full The majority of difficulties with small
charge state. Because the output of the solar panels is, at most, 1-1/2 ampere and the storage engines are related to fuel problems in
batteries are full-size automobile batteries, the danger of damage from overcharging
is not great.
some way. Dirty fuel or water in the
Anyone contemplating higher current solar batteries or smaller storage batteries should give
gasoline is one source, with carburetor
serious consideration to a regulator and/or an automatic cutoff switch for the charging circuit.
(See Fig. 11) trouble because of the use of old gas being
BT1, BT2, BT3 —
20-V, 1/2-ampere solar panels equiv. another common cause. Except for minor
by Spectrolab. Q2 —
Npn silicon 115 W
transistor, power
adjustments recommended in the instruc-
BT4, BT5 —
12-V, lead-acid automobile switching, 2N3055, Radio Shack 276-2041 or
equiv. tion manual, it is seldom necessary to
D1 _ Motorola MR 752/7414 or any diode with R1 — 0.27 watt.
11,1 touch the carburetor controls. Avoid the
at least 2-ampere capacity and with at R2 — 220 a, watt, carbon composition.
temptation to make such adjustments in
least 50 PIV. R3 — 2.2 k-n, watt, carbon composition.
the case of faulty operation. Follow the
Q1 —Npn silicon 90-W transistor, power S1, S2, S3 — Spst, momentary contact switch.
switching, TIP31, Radio Shaek 276-2020 or S2 — Dpdt knife switch. recommendations in this guide so that



12V TO
=- BT1 ~ CI

2N2907 2N3055

Fia 11 - Schematic diagram of the electronic switch. Resistances are in ohms; k = 1000; capacitance values are in microfarads OiF)
2 (5800 mm 2 or more.
BT1 — Automotive storage battery, lead-acid rent rating sufficient to pass output of 9 full in. )

the solar panel. R7 _ 10 kw, 1/2 watt, carbon control,

C1 — 1000-mF, 35-V electrolytic. D6 — Light-emitting diode, any type. linear taper, pc mount.
Q2 — Low-frequency power transistor; 2N3055, U1 — 3 terminal, 5-volt regulator.
C2 - 0.33-mF, 35-V.
D3 — Silicon diode, PIV of 50 or more, cur- HEP S7000, or equivalent. Use heat sink of U2 — Op amp, any of the 741 family usable.

Chapter 10 10-8
Some manufacturers recommend a high-
detergent oil that comes in various service
grades such as MS, SD, and similar types.
Examine the top or side of the cans in
which the oil is sold and see if the letters
correspond to those recommended by the
engine manufacturer.
3) The carburetor mixes gasoline with
air, which is then burned in the engine.

Before entering the carburetor, the air

must be filtered so that it is free of dust
and other foreign matter that might other-
wise be drawn into cylinder(s). Particles
that do get by the air filter are picked up
by the oil. That should be changed more
often if the alternator is operated in a
dusty location. Also, it is important to
clean the air
filter frequently. It contains a
foam-like substance which can be cleaned
in kerosene and then soaked in fresh
Fig. 14 —
The numbers indicate the primary
Fig. 13 —
Large gasoline generators of the kW motor oil. Squeeze excess oil from the maintenance points of a large power generator
and higher class are excellent for powering filter before replacing. Also, consult the (see text for details).
several amateur stations from a complex field instruction manual for further recommen-
site. Maintenance, as discussed in the text, is
a vital matter to ensure reliable operation.
Here, WB9QPI has just finished a maintenance 4) Once
the gas/air mixture enters the
check of the group's Field Day power plant. cylinder, compressed by the piston in-
it is Two very important safety precautions
to a very small volume and ignited by the should be observed with regard to the ex-
spark plug. During the rapid burning that haust system. Never operate an alternator
then occurs, the expansion caused by the in closed surroundings such as a building.
more complicated maintenance pro- resulting heat forces the piston down and Dangerous gases are emitted from the ex-
cedures (such as carburetor overhaul) are delivers the mechanical power to the alter- haust which are highly toxic. Secondly,
not required. nator. never refuel an engine while it is running
Another important factor often
2) As might be expected, proper operation or if the exhaust system is still very hot.
neglected in maintenance of alternator of the ignition system is an important fac- Unfortunately, this last precaution is
engines is oil. While lubrication is one job tor in engine performance. Power for the disregarded by many, which is extremely
oilhas to perform, there are other con- spark is supplied by a device called a foolish. (Experienced service station
siderations as well. The engine oil in the magneto thatnormally installed on the operators
is will refuse an
to refuel
crankcase also collects a large amount of front of the engine. The magneto seldom automobile with the motor running,
solid combustion products, bits of metal requires servicing and such work should which is often prohibited by law.) Don't
worn away by the moving parts, and any only be done by those qualified to do so. become an unnecessary statistic.
dust or other foreign matter that enters (This is one reason why the magneto is 6) Most alternators are air-cooled as op-
the carburetor intake. For instance, it is often located under a flywheel that is dif- posed to the water-cooled radiator system
especially important to observe the ficult to remove by the inexperienced.) of the automobile. A fan on the front of
manufacturer's recommendations con- On the other hand, faulty spark plugs the engine forces air over the cylinder and
cerning the length of time the engine may are the usual cause of ignition problems. an unobstructed entrance for this air flow
be operated before an oil change is re- Special equipment is required to test a is necessary. Avoid operating the alter-
quired during the break-in period. If you spark plug properly, but an easier solution nator in areas where obstruction to this
ever have the opportunity to examine the is to have a new one handy. In fact, keep flow might result (such as in tall grass).
oil from a new engine, you will note a two spare plugs on hand. Spark plug life Alternators should be operated such that
metallic sheen to it. This is from the ex- can be notoriously short on occasion. a sufficient amount of air circulation is
cessive amount of metal that is worn However, repeated plug failure is also ab- present for cooling, caburetion and ex-
away. After the break-in period, much normal and other causes such as a poor haust.
less metal is abraded and the oil doesn't gas/air mixture might be the culprit.
have to be replaced as often. Replace the spark plug with a type Storage
The oilshould be checked fre-
level similar t© theone that came with the alter- Proper maintenance of an alternator
quently during engine operation. Each nator or a substitute recommended by the when it is not being used is just as impor-
time fuel has to be added the oil should be manufacturer. Some models have resistor- tant as during the time it is in operation.
checked also. When storing an alternator, type plugs which are desirable The usual procedure
for is to run the engine
it is also wise to drain the oil and replace it
ignition-noise suppression. Resistor plugs dry of gasoline, drain the crankcase and
with fresh stock. This is because one of are usually indicated by an R prefix. For fill it with fresh oil, and remove the spark
the combustion products is sulfur which instance the resistor version of a plug. Then pour a few tablespoons of oil
forms sulfuric acid with water dispersed in Champion CJ-8 would be an RC-J8. into the cylinder and turn the engine over
the oil. The acid then attacks the special 5) Little maintenance is required in a few times with the starter and replace
metal in the
bearing surfaces causing pit- regard to the exhaust system. In some the plug. But never crank the engine with
ting and premature replacement. forested areas, a spark-arrester type of the plug removed and the ignition or start
Also note the grade and weight of oil muffler is required, so be sure that your switch in the on or run position. The
recommended by the manufacturer. unit is so equipped before contemplating resulting no-load high voltage might cause

Unlike their larger counterparts in the operation in such a location. "Quiet damage to the magneto. It is also a good
automobile, most small engines do hot hours" may also be imposed in some idea to ground the spark-plug wire to the
have oil filters, which is another reason places during the nighttime hours if engine frame with a clip lead in case the
why required changes are more frequent. generator exhaust noise is too loud. switch is accidentally activated.

10-9 Mobile, Portable and Emergency Equipment

Moisture is the greatest enemy of an formance between the two methods. A
iron product —
such as a generator, in base-ioading coil requires fewer turns of
storage. The coating of oil helps retard WHITE WIRE wire than one for center loading, and this
rust formation here which might actually is an electrical advantage because of
weld the two surfaces when the engine is reduced coil losses. A base-loaded anten-
restarted, resulting in premature wear. BLACK WIRE na is more stable during wind loading and
Consequently it is important to store the sway. If a homemade antenna system is
alternator in an area of low humidity. contemplated, either system will provide
Although the maintenance procedures BLACK good results, but the base-loaded antenna
outlined may seem like a chore, the long- may be preferred for its mechanical ad-
term benefits include low repair costs and vantages.
like-new performance. Engines for alter-
Loading Coils
nator combinations must be able to han-
dle a variety of loads while maintaining a BREAKER There are many commercially built

constant speed in order to keep the output antenna systems mobile

available for

frequency constant. A mechanical gover- operation, and some manufacturers sell

nor performs this latter function by the coils as separate units. Air-wound
metering the fuel supplied to the engine coils of large wire diameter are excellent
under different load conditions. BLACK GREEN for use as loading inductors. Large
However, the system cannot function pro- Miniductor coils can be installed on a
perly with an engine in poor mechanical solid phenolic rod and used as loading
condition because of lack of proper coils. Miniductors, because of their turns

maintenance. — spacing, are easy to adjust when

Fig. 15 A simple accessory that provides
overload protection for generators that do not resonating the mobile antenna, and pro-
Grounds have such provisions built in. vide excellent Q. Phenolic-impregnated

Newer generators are supplied with a paper or fabric tubing of large diameter is
three-wire outlet and the ground connec- antennas are favored by some, it is better suitable for making homemade loading
to place the antenna mount on the rear coils. It should be coated with liquid
tion should go to the plug as shown in Fig.
deck of the vehicle, near the rear window. fiberglass, inside and out, to make it
15. On older types, the ground would
have to be connected separately to the This locates the antenna high and in the weatherproof. Brass insert plugs can be
clear, assuring less detuning of the system installed in each end, their centers drilled
generator frame and then to the common
terminal in the junction box. A pipe or when moves to and from the
the antenna and tapped for a standard 3/8 X 24 (9.5
rod can then be driven into the ground car body. Never use a base-loaded anten- mm X 24) thread to accommodate the

and a wire connection made to either a na on a bumper mount. Many operators mobile antenna sections. After the coil
clamp supplied with the rod or by means avoid cutting holes in the car body for winding is pruned to resonance it should
of a C-clamp for larger sizes of pipe. fear of devaluation when selling the be coated with a high-quality, low-loss
From an ignition-noise-suppression stand- automobile. Such holes are easily filled, compound to hold the turns securely in
and few car dealers lower the trade-in place, and to protect the coil from the
point, the ground is desirable along with
safety considerations when power tools price because of the holes. weather. Liquid polystyrene is excellent
are being used. The choice of base or center loading a for this. Hobby stores commonly stock

mobile antenna has been a matter of this material for use as a protective film
The ground connection goes to the
controversy for many years. In theory, the for wall plaques and other artwork.
green wire in commercially made three-
center-loaded whip presents a slightly Details for making a home-built loading
wire conduit. Conduit purchased from an
higher base impedance than does the base- coil are given in Fig. 16.
electrical store comes with a color-coded
insulation and the colored wires should be loaded antenna. However, with proper
Impedance Matching
connected as shown in Fig. 15. Consult impedance-matching techniques employed
Fig. 17 illustrates the shunt-feed
the owner's manual for the generator for there is no discernible difference in per-
further details on power hookup that
might apply to your particular model.

Table 2
HF MOBILE ANTENNAS Approximate Values for 8-foot Mobile Whip
The antenna perhaps the most impor-

tant item in the successful operation of a Base Loading

mobile installation. Mobile antennas, Loading RC(Q50) RC(Q300) RR Feed R* Matching
whether designed for single or multiband t(kHz) LfcH) Ohms Ohms Ohms Ohms LfcH)

use, should be securely mounted to the 1800 345 77 13 0.1 23 3

automobile, as far from the engine com- 3800 77 37 6.1 0.35 16 1.2

7200 20 18 3 135 15 0.6

partment as possible (for reducing noise
14,200 4.5 7.7 1.3 5.7 12 0.28
pickup), and should be carefully matched 0.5 14.8 16 0.28
21,250 1.25 3.4
to the coaxial feed line connecting them to 29,000 36 0.23
the transmitter and receiver. All antenna
connections should be tight and weather- Center Loading
proof. Mobile loading coils should be pro- 1800 700 158 23 0.2 34 3.7

150 72 12 0.8 22 1.4

tected from dirt, rain and snow if they are 3800
40 36 6 3 19 0.7
to maintain their Q and resonant frequen- 14,200 8.6 * 15 2.5 11 19 0.35
cy. The greater the Q of the loading coil, 21,250 2.5 6.6 1.1 27 29 0.29
the better the efficiency, but the narrower RC = Loading-coil resistance; RR = Radiation resistance.
will be the bandwidth of the antenna •Assuming loading coil Q = 300, and including estimated ground-loss resistance.
system. Suggested coil dimensions for the required loading inductance are shown in a following table.

Though bumper-mounted mobile

Chapter 10 10-10
Table 3
Suggested Loading-Coil Dimensions
Req'd No. VIEW
Wire D/a. Length
Turns Size In. In.
700 190 22 3 10 METER, SEVERAL
150 100 16 2-1/2 10 SOLDER LUG
77 75 14 2-1/2 10 AND WASHER
77 29 12 5 4-1/4

40 28 16 2-1/2 2
12 2-1/2 4-1/4
1/(6" OR 1/8" WALL
20* 17 16 2-1/2 1-1/4 THICKNESS
20 22 12 2-1/2 2-3/4

8.6 16 14 2 2
8.6 15 12 2-1/2 3
4.5 10 14 2 1-1/4 SNUG FIT IN TUBING
4.5 12 12 2-1/2 4
2.5 8 12 2 2 BRASS INSERT
25 8 6 2-3/8 4-1/2 PLUG
1.25 6 12 1-3/4 2
1.25 6 6 2-3/8 4-1/2
To obtain dimensions in millimeters, multii
inches by 25.4.

method of obtaining a match between the

antenna and the coaxial feed line. For 3/8" <34 BRASS
operation on 75 meters with a center- STUD

loaded whip, L2 will have approximately Fig. 17 — A mobile antenna using shunt-feed
(B) matching. Overall antenna resonance is deter-
18 turns of no. 14 wire, spaced one wire mined by the combination of L1 and L2. Anten-
thickness between turns, and wound on a na resonance is set by pruning the turns of L1,
1-inch (25-mm) diameter form. Initially, Fig. 16 — Details for making a home-built or adjusting the top section of the whip, while
mobile loading coil. A breakdown
view of the observing the field-strength meter or SWR in-
the tap will be approximately 5 turns
assembly given at A. Brass end plugs are
is dicator. Then, adjust the tap on L2 for lowest
above" the ground end of L2. Coil L2 can snug-fit into the ends of the phenolic tubing, SWR.
be inside the car body, at the base of the and each is held in place by four 6-32 brass
antenna, or it can be located at the base of screws. Center holes in the plugs are drilled
the whip, outside the car body. The latter and tapped for 3/8-24 thread. The tubing can be
The chart of shows the
Fig. 19
any diameter from one to four inches (25 to 100
method is preferred. Since L2 helps deter- mm). The larger diameters are recommended. capacitive reactance of Cm
and the induc-
mine the resonance of the overall antenna, Illustration B shows the completed coil. tive reactance of Lm necessary to match
LI should be tuned to resonance in the Resonance can be obtained by installing the various antenna impedances to 50-ohm
coil,applying transmitter power, then pruning
desired part of theband with L2 in the cir- coaxial cable. The chart assumes the
the turns until the lowest SWR is obtained.
cuit. The adjustable top section of the antenna element has been resonated.
Pruning the coil for maximum field-strength-
whip can be telescoped until a maximum meter indication will also serve as a resonance In practice, L M need not be a separate
reading is noted on the field-strength indication. inductor. Its by
effect can be duplicated
meter. The tap is then adjusted on L2 for adding an equivalent amount of induc-
the lowest reflected-power reading on the tance to the loading coil, regardless of
SWR bridge. Repeat these two ad- Lm X103 " H whether the loading coil is at the base or at
justments until no further increase in field "L 2nf(kHz) J the center of the antenna.
strength can be obtained; this point where
should coincide with the lowest SWR. The Adjustment
Ra = the antenna feed-point
number of turns needed, for L2 will have impedance In adjusting this system, at least part
to be determined experimentally for Rq = the characteristic impedance Cm should be variable, the balance being
40-and 20-meter operation. There will be of the transmission line. made up of combinations of fixed mica
proportionately fewer turns required. As an example, if the radiation capacitors in parallel as needed. A small,
resistance is 20 ohms and the line is one-turn loop should be connected be-
Matching with an L Network tween C M and the chassis of the car, and
50-ohm coaxial cable, then at 4000 kHz,
Any resonant mobile antenna that has a the loading coil should then be adjusted
V 20 (50 - 20) 9
feed-point impedance less than the 10 for resonance at the desired frequency as
.28) (4000) (20) (50) -]
characteristic impedance of the transmis- indicated by a dip meter coupled to the
sion line can be matched to the line by loop at the base. Then the transmission
_ r /6oo
600 I 4
means of a simple L network, as shown in * 10 line should be connected, and a check
|_(6.28) (4) (2) (5)_|
Fig. 18. The network is composed of C M made with an SWR indicator connected at
and L M The required values of C M and
. 24.5 the transmitter end of the line.
X 10 4 = 975 pF
L M may be determined from the follow- 251.2 With the line disconnected from the
ing: antenna again, C M should be .readjusted
20 (50 - 20) and the antenna returned to resonance by
X 10 3
rVR A (Ro-RA) 1 28) (4000) readjustment of the loading coil. The line
x 1Q9pF should be connected again, and another
L 2nf (kHz) RA R J "600 24.5
= 0.97 /jH
check made with the SWR bridge. If the
and 25.12 25.12 SWR is less than it was on the first trial,
10-11 Mobile, Portable and Emergency Equipment
the adjustment and slight compensation 1

made at the loading coil to maintain


TELESCOPING Top-Loading Capacitance CAPACITY

Because the coil resistance varies with WIRE

the inductance of the loading coil, the

resistance can be reduced, beneficially, by
reducing the number of turns on the coil.
LOADING This can be done by adding capacitance to

that portion of the mobile antenna that is
LM above the loading coil (Fig. 20). To
1 achieve resonance, the inductance of the
coil is reduced proportionally. "Capacity

hats," as they are often called, can consist 1
of a single stiff wire, two wires or more, or
a disc made up from several wires like the SPRING MOUNT
spokes of a wheel. A solid metal disc can
also be used. The larger the capacity hat, 1
in terms of volume, the greater the
capacitance. The greater the capacitance,
Fig.20 —
A capacitance "hat" can be used to
COAX the smaller the amount of inductance improve the performance of base- or center-
needed in the loading coil for a given reso- loaded whips. A solid metal disc can be used
place of the skeleton disc shown here.

nant frequency.
> LM
> CM ~ There are two schools of thought con-
cerning the attributes of center-loading the signal than is the case with the
T"'ll IlllHifc-
and base-loading. It has not been 5/8-wavelength type of antenna. The


established that one system is superior to ter that takes place when vertical polariza-

par nT*nv the other, especially in the lower part of tion is caused by vertical conduc-
used is

the hf spectrum. For this reason both the tive objects being between the mobile
/-J *7
base and center-loading schemes are antenna (near field) and the station being
popular. Capacity-hat loading is ap- worked (or the repeater). As the vehicle
— A whip antenna may also be plicable to either system. Since more in- moves past these objects there is a
Fig. t8
matched to coax line by means of an L net- ductance is required for center-loaded momentary blockage or partial blockage
work. The inductive reactance of the L network whips to make them resonant at a given of the signal path.
can be combined in the loading coil, as in- frequency, capacity hats should be par-
dicated at the right.
ticularly useful in improving their efficien-
Perhaps the most popular vertical
VHF QUARTER-WAVELENGTH antenna for fm mobile and fixed-station
VERTICAL use is the 5/8-wavelength vertical. As
Ideally, the vhf vertical antenna should compared to a 1/4-wavelength vertical, it
be installed over a perfectly flat plane has some gain over a dipole. Additionally,
reflector to assure uniform omnidirec- the so-called "picket-fencing" type of
tional radiation. This suggests that the flutter which results when the vehicle is in

center of the automobile roof is the best motion is reduced when a

place to mount it. Alternatively, the flat 5/8-wavelength radiator is employed, as
portion of the auto rear-trunk deck can be discussed earlier.
used, but will result in a directional pat- This style of antenna is suitable for
tern because of car-body obstruction. Fig. mobile or fixed-station use because it is
21 illustrates at A and B how a Millen small, omnidirectional and can be used
high-voltage connector can be used as a with radials or a solid-plane ground (such
roof mount for a 144-MHz whip. The as is afforded by the car body). If radials
Fig. 19 —
Curves showing inductive and
. hole in the roof can be made over the are used, they need be only 1/4
capacitive reactances required to match a
dome light, thus providing accessibility wavelength or slightly longer. A 5 percent
50-ohm coax line to a variety of antenna
through the upholstery. RG-59/U and increase in length over 1/4 wavelength is
matching section L, Fig. 21C, can be suggested for the radial wires or rods.
routed between the car roof and the ceil-
CM be readjusted in the same
should ing upholstery and brought into the trunk
The antenna shown here is made from
direction until the point of minimum compartment, or down to the dashboard
SWR is found. Then the coupling between of the car. Some operators install an SO- low-cost materials. Fig. 22A and B shows
the line and the transmitter can be ad- 239-type coax connector on the roof for the base coil and aluminum mounting
justed for proper loading. It will be mounting the whip. The method is similar plate. The coil form is a piece of low-loss
noticed from Fig. 19 that the inductive to that of Fig. 21. solid rod, such as Plexiglas or phenolic.

reactance varies only slightly over the It has been established that quarter- The dimensions for this and other parts of

range of antenna resistances likely to be wavelength vertical antennas for mobile the antenna are given in Fig. 23. A length
encountered in mobile work. Therefore, work through repeaters are not as effec- of brazing rod is used as the whip section.
most of the necessary adjustment is in the tive as 5/8-wavelength verticals are. The The whip should be 47 inches (1.2 m)
capacitor. The one-turn loop at the base 1/4- wavelength types cause considerably long. However, brazing rod comes in
should be removed at the conclusion of more "picket fencing" (rapid flutter) of standard 36-inch (0.9-m) lengths, so it is

Chapter 10 10-12
Fig. 21 — At A and B, an illustration of how a quarter-wavelength vertical antenna can be
mounted on a car roof. The whip section should be sdldered into the cap portion of the Millen
connector, then screwed to the base socket. This handy arrangement permits removing the anten-
na when desired. Epoxy cement should be used at the two mounting screws to prevent moisture
from entering the car. Diagrams C and D are discussed in the text.

necessary to solder an 11 -inch (279-mm) 2-meter transmitter and experiment with

extension to the top of the whip. A piece the coil-tap placement . If the whip section
of no. 10 copper wire will suffice. Alter- is47 inches long, an SWR of 1:1 can be
natively, a stainless-steel rod can be pur- obtained when the tap is at the right
chased to make a 47-inch whip. Shops location. As an alternative to the forego-
that sell CB antennas should have such ing method of adjustment, place the tap at
rods for replacement purposes on base- four turns from the top of LI, make the
loaded antennas. The limitation one can whip 50 inches long and trim the whip
expect with brazing rod is the relative length until an SWR of 1:1 is secured.
fragility of the material, especially when Keep the antenna free of conductive ob-
the threads are cut for screwing the rod in- jects or human bodies during tune-up, as
to the base-coil form. Excessive stress can conductive objects will detune the antenna
cause the rod to break where it enters the and spoil the match. This antenna was
coil form. The problem is complicated described more completely in June 1979
somewhat in this design by the fact that a QST, page 15.
spring not used at the antenna mounting

point. Innovators can find all manner of A 5/8-WAVELENGTH

solutions to the problems just outlined by 220-MHz MOBILE ANTENNA
changing the physical design and using This antenna, Figs. 24 and 25, was
different materials when constructing the developed to fill the gap between a
overall antenna. The main purpose of this homemade 1/4-wavelength mobile -anten-
description is to provide dimensions and na and a commercially made 5/8-wavelength
tune-up data. model. There have been other antennas
The aluminum mounting bracket must made using modified CB models. This still
be shaped to fit the car with which it will presents the problem of cost in acquiring
be used. The bracket can be used to effect the original antenna. The major cost in
Fig. 22— (A) A photograph of the
5/8-wavelength vertical base section. The
a "no-holes" mount with respect to the this setup is the whip portion. This can be matching coil is affixed to an aluminum
exterior portion of the car body. The in- any tempered rod that will spring easily. bracket which screws onto the inner lip of the
ner lip of the vehicle trunk (or hood for car trunk. (B) The completed assembly. The
Construction coil has been wrapped with vinyl electrical
front mounting) can be the point where
tape to prevent dirt and moisture from
the bracket attaches by means of no. 6 or The base insulator portion is con- degrading performance.
no. 8 sheet-metal screws. The remainder structed of (13-mm) Plexiglas
of the bracket is bent so that when the rod. A few minutes work on a lathe was
trunk lid or car hood is raised and sufficient to shape and drill the rod. The sulator. When the coil is transferred to the
lowered, there is no contact between the bottom 1/2-inch (13-mm) of the rod is Plexiglas rod it keep its shape and will
bracket and the moving part. Details of turned down to a diameter of 3/8 inch, not readily move. After the tap point has
the mounting unit are seen in Fig. 23 at B. (9.5-mm). This portion will now fit into a been determined, a longitudinal hole is
A 14-gauge metal thickness (or greater) is PL-259 uhf connector. A hole, 1/8-inch drilled into the center of the rod. A no. 22
recommended for best rigidity. (3-mm) diameter, is drilled through the wire can then be inserted through the
There are 10-1/2 turns of no. 10 or no. center of the rod. This hole will contain center of the insulator into the connector.
12 copper wire wound on the 3/4-inch the wires that make the connections be- This method is also used to attach the
(19-mm) diameter coil form. The tap on tween the center conductor of the connec- whip to the top of the coil. After the whip
LI is placed approximately four turns tor and the coil tap. The connection be- has been fully assembled a coating of
below the whip end. A secure solder joint tween the whip and the top of the*coil is epoxy cement is applied. It seals the entire
is imperative. also run through this opening. A stud is assembly and provides some- additional
force-fitted into the top of the Plexiglas strength. During a full winter's use there
Tune-up rod. This allows the whip to be detached was not any sign of cracking or
After the antenna has been affixed to from the insulator portion. mechanical failure. The adjustment pro-
the vehicle, insert an SWR
indicator in the The coil should be initially wound on a cedure is the same as for the 2-meter
50-fi transmission line. Turn on the form slightly smaller than the base in- antenna just described.

10-13 Mobile, Portable and Emergency Equipment

quite heavy and bulky for backpacking,
and the miniature cables such as RG-174
T are too lossy. A practical solution to the
coax problem is to use folded dipoles
made from lightweight TV twin lead. The
characteristic impedance of this type of
dipole is near 300 ohms, but it can be
transformed to a 50-ohm source or load
by means of a simple matching stub.
Fig. 26 illustrates the construction
INCHES k 25.4 = mm method and important dimensions for the
6-32 THREAD, twin-lead dipole. A
silver-mica capacitor

Fig. 24 Photograph of the 220-MHz
LONG is shown for the reactive element, but an
5/8-wavelength mobile antenna. The bottom
6-32 NUT-c—

NO. 6 SOLDER LUG open-end stub of twin lead can serve as end of the coil is soldered to the coaxial
well, provided it is dressed at right angles connector.
LOCK WASHER to the transmission line for some distance.
The stub method has the advantage of
6-32 THREAD, easy adjustment of the system resonant
3/4" * 3-1/2" frequency.
NO. 10 OR 12 The dimensions and capacitor values
for twin-lead dipoles for the hf bands are
given in Table 4. These dimensions were
1" DEEP calculated by Jerry Hall, K1TD, and Jay
Rusgrove, W1VD. To preserve the (0.72m)
GASKET balance of the feeder, a 1 1 balun must be

NO. 10
used at the end of the feed line. In most
applications the balance is not important,
(A) and the twin lead can be connected direct-
ly to a coaxial output jack, one lead to the
center contact, and one lead to the shell.

Because of higher impedance, a folded


dipole exhibits a wider bandwidth than a

single-conductor type. The antennas
described here are not as broad as a stan-
ALUM. STOCK dard folded dipole because the impedance
6-1/2 TURNS NO. 12
transformation mechanism is frequency ENAMEL COVERED WIRE.
N0.6 SOLDER t^^—flO. 6 HOLES selective. However, the bandwidth should TAP AT 1-S/4 TURNS
^BOLT TO INNER LIP be adequate. An antenna cut for 14.175
MHz, for example, will present a VSWR
of less than 2:1 over the entire 20-meter Fig. 25 — Diagram of the 220-MHz mobile
50 -A
QRP Transmatch Idea provide an inductance range of 1.9 to
Perhaps the most common type of cir- roughly 20^H. The rod is a 4-inch
cuit in use by amateurs for Transmatches (102-mm) piece of 125-mu stock which
(antenna tuners) is the T-match variety of has an OD
of 1/2 inch (13 mm). The rods
Fig. 27A. Under some conditions it offers are available from Amidon Associates,
good suppression of harmonics by func- (see chapter 17.)
tioning as a bandpass tuned circuit. But, it If the method of Fig. 27B is adopted, a
Fig. 23 —
Structural details for the 2-meter
antenna are provided at A. The mounting can also operate as a high-pass network, panel bushing should be used at the front
bracket is shown at B and the equivalent cir- in which case there is no suppression of panel to provide support for the tuning
cuit is given at C. harmonic energy. Just how it functions shaft. This will keep the ferrite rod
will depend upon the impedance it looks centered in LI throughout its travel. The
into. Despite this limitation it is a simple end of the drive shaft nearest the rod can
and easily adjusted network which is be epoxy-cemented to the rod. A

SIMPLE ANTENNAS FOR HF capable of matching 50 ohms to practical- (13-mm) diameter washer can be soldered
PORTABLE OPERATION ly any impedance an antenna might pre- to the end of the 1/4-inch (6.3-mm) drive
sent. shaft before the cementing is done. This

The antenna is a
typical portable hf Small components can be used for QRP willensure adequate mating surface at the
random-length wire flung over a tree and equipment because the developed rf point where the cement is applied. The
end-fed through a Transmatch. QRP voltage and current are low. CI and C2 end of the rod should be scored
Transmatches can be made quite com- can be miniature bc-band variable (checkered) by means of a metal file to aid
pact, but each additional piece of equip- capacitors for power amounts up to 25 the bond between the rod and the drive
ment necessary makes portable operation watts. A small-diameter coil can be used shaft.

less attractive. The station can be at LI. If additional inductance is needed to en-

simplified by using resonant impedance- An experimental model of the coil ar- sure a wide range of matching conditions,
matched antennas for the bands of in- rangement of Fig. 27B was tried in the simply insert a small amount of fixed-
terest. Perhaps the simplest antenna of ARRL laboratory. This method proved to value inductance between the ground end
this type is the half-wave dipole, center- be unique in eliminating the need for coil of LI (Fig. 27 A) and chassis ground. An
fed with 50- -or 75-ohm coax. Unfor- taps and a switch. The ferrite-rod slug is spst switch can be utilized to short out the

tunately, RG-58, RG-59 or RG-8 cable is pushed into LI from the front panel to added coil when it is not needed. Similar-

Chapter 10 10-14
(DC) receivers are so simple they can't
possibly compete with a good superhet,
right? Wrong! DC receivers have only one
significant disadvantage when compared
to superhets: the presence of an audio im-
age which doubles the amount of noise
and interference heard.
The only other inherent disadvantage is

the inability to generate other than audio-

derived age. The same careful attention to
detail and potential problems is required
in designing the DC receiver as is required
for a top-quality superhet, if comparable
performance is to be realized. This last
point is frequently overlooked, and that
may be one reason why the DC receiver is

often' looked upon as a mediocre per-

All other problems can be overcome
with careful design, and even the two in-
50JT. herent disadvantages can be overcome to
some extent. On cw, narrow af filters may
Fig. 26 — A
twin-lead folded dipole makes an excellent portable antenna that is easily matched be used; reducing the image bandwidth
to 50-ohm stations. See text and Table 4 for details.
along with the desired signal bandwidth.
RIT helps also: When an image signal pro-
duces the same beat note as the desired
signal, adjusting the RIT will move one up
Table 4
in pitch and the other down, thus
Twin-Lead Dipole Dimensions and Capacitor Values
separating them.
Frequency Length A Length B cs Stub Length As for age, this rig does perfectly well
3.75 MHz 124'-9-1/2" 13'-3-1/2" 289 pF 38'-2-1/2" without. This receiver is on a par with all
7.15 MHz 65'-5-1/2"
6'-11-1/2" 152 pF 20'-1/2" but the best superhet for any type of
14.175 MHz 33' 3'-6" 76 pF 10'-1"
operation, except perhaps during contests
21.225 MHz 22'-1/2" 2'-4" 51 pF 6'-9"
28.5 MHz 16'-5" 1'-9" 38 pF 5'-1/2" in conjunction with a high-power
transmitter, but at a fraction of the com-
meters = x 0.305
mm = in. 25.4
plexity. Note also that to use a superhet in
a transceiver, an additional oscillator and
mixer must be added to the transmitter to
convert the VFO to the transmit frequen-
ly, the minimum inductance of LI can be than 20 mA; reasonable transmitter effi- cy. In a transceiver using a DC receiver the
halved by placing another 1.9-piH induc- ciency; high-performance
. direct- required shift only a few hundred hertz,

tor in parallel with LI. This can be ac- conversion receiver; and small size (1-1/2 and can easily be accomplished by pulling
complished by means of a switch also. X 2-1/2 X 3-1/2 in. [40 X 70 X 90 the VFO.
In order to realize the full inductance mm]). Since the rig was designed for portable
range of the ferrite slug and LI, the rod This material has been excerpted from use, current-drain was a major considera-
travel should permit total withdrawal an August 1980 QST article by Roy tion. Experience indicates that many solid
from the coil to full entry into it. An SWR Lewallen, W7EL. Fig. 28 shows the ex- contacts may be had using simple anten-
indicator should be used with the terior of the transceiver. nas and operating during the night with 2
Transmatch to permit proper adjustment. watts on 40 meters. This power level is
Some Underlying Philosophy
also more than adequate for short-range
AN OPTIMIZED QRP "High-performance direct -con version daytime operation. Power drain is low-
TRANSCEIVER receiver" may seem to be self- enough that the rig will run for about a
contradictory. After all, direct-conversion week of evening operation from one
Many QRP rigs have been described in
Amateur Radio publications over the
years. The distinguishing characteristic of
this transceiver is that it was designed and 3.5-29 MHz
then optimized for high performance. It's 50-JV
relatively easy to build something that Jl
works, but it usually requires a great deal

more effort to produce something that

works really well. That effort has gone in-
to this rig, and the result is a 40-meter cw
transceiver with the •
characteristics: full electronic break-in;
clean keying and smooth, quiet transceive GRD. BUSHING
(A) (B)
operation; stable VFO coverage from 7.0
to 7.15 MHz; receiver incremental tuning
(RIT); single 12-volt supply operation;
Fig. 27 —
At A is the schematic diagram of the QRP Transmatch. C1 and C2 are small bc-band
variable capacitors. L1 is a B&W
no. 3013 Miniductor or equivalent. It contains 4 turns per inch of
2-watt power input, 1 .5-watt output into a no. 16 copper wire, is 3 inches long and has an OD of 1 inch. The sketch at B shows details of
50-ohm load; receive current drain less how the variable inductor might be mounted. J1 and J3 can be phono jacks. J2 is a binding post.

10-15 Mobile, Portable and Emergency Equipment

charge on ten NiCad "A" cells (660

The oscillator, Fig. 29, is a good exam-
ple of the principle that a circuit doesn't
necessarily need to be complex to work
well, properly designed. This simple

Hartley circuit exhibits less than 200-Hz

warm-up drift, with about half of that oc-
curring within one minute after turn-on.
This drift performance is completely
repeatable, as the building of many such
oscillators has shown. The circuit used
here is the result of a considerable amount Fig. 28 — This diminutive QRP transceiver is a joy to operate. It features a high-dynamic-range
of experimentation directed toward iden- receiver, smooth break-in operation, RIT and a host of other high-performance features.

tifying the sources of drift in such VFOs.

Avoid double-sided pc board for VFO
construction. Circuit pads that are op- collector, as many Zener diodes have a reaching Q10, thus greatly enhancing im-
posite the ground plane form unstable large amount of shunt capacitance. When munity to a-m. Q10 presents an input im-
parasitic capacitors. The inductor can be adding the diode, the collector pedance of approximately 50 ohms for
stabilized by boiling it for a few minutes. capacitance be reduced by an
must maximum power transfer.

Use NPOceramic capacitors. amount approximately equal to the

Receiver Audio
If extreme environments with rapid capacitance of the diode when it is reverse
temperature changes are to be en- biased by the collector supply voltage. In Because the receiver audio gain exceeds
countered, you may want to compensate this transmitter, the total capacitance at 100 dB, great care must be taken to pre-
the VFO. This can be done by replacing the collector should equal approximately vent feedback or amplification of power
part of the fixed capacitance with negative 450 pF, including the fixed capacitor, the supply hum. This receiver uses an active
temperature coefficient (TC) capacitors, 51-pF receiver-pickoff capacitor, the decoupling circuit consisting of Q9 and
such as polystyrene or negative TC Zener diode and the transistor (about 10 associated parts to avoid these problems
ceramic units. pF for this type). If the capacitance of the in the input stage, where the sensitivity is

The VFO buffer, although designed for diode can't be measured, the 385-pF fixed greatest.

low current drain, is the major power con- capacitor should be made variable and ad- Following the preamp is the active
sumer in the receiver, requiring 10 raA. justed for best transmitter efficiency. audio filter. This one is a peaked low-pass
The key to efficiency in this sort of buffer The value of L2 is not critical, as long as type with a Q of five —
low enough to
is to choose the transformer turns ratio to it's not much smaller than the 10 (iH keep ringing unnoticeable. It is simple,
sustain as large a voltage swing at the out- shown. Conventional solenoidal rf chokes noncritical and adequate for general

put stage collector (or drain) as possible. will work fine also, but toroids are re- operating. The peak frequency is about
Buffer voltage gain is approximately one quired in a tightly packed rig to keep 650 Hz, which corresponds to the
half, providing about 2.5 volts pk-pk out- mutual coupling acceptably low. transmit-receive frequency difference with

put. the RIT control centered. An LM301 is

The Receiver used because of its low noise and relatively

The RIT circuit uses a Zener diode as a
voltage-variable capacitor. While Zener More time has been spent improving the low current drain. A TL071 or TL072
diodes inexpensive
are and readily receiver than any other part of the rig. should give comparable performance, and
available, their nominal capacitances may The end result is no more complex than one section of an LM358 may be used
vary a great deal with different manufac- the first version, but the improvement has with a 2-dB increase in noise figure.
An empirical procedure to adapt been great, again showing that complexity The last two stages are conventional
the circuit to ah individual diode is to and performance don't equate. amplifier stages, with frequency response

select a series capacitor (here 15 pF) to ob- Receiver signal pickoff is through the rolled off outside the range of about 150

tain a tuning range of about 1300 Hz with 51-pF capacitor from the transmitter out- to 1500 Hz.

a diode reverse bias variation of about 9 to put filter. When transmitting, the diodes U3 is a sidetone oscillator. The injec-
4 volts. When the control is adjusted to protect the receiver and cause the 51-pF tion level is set by the 100-kfl resistor at

the center of its range, the frequency shift capacitor to become part of the transmit- pin 6 or U2B; this may be varied to suit in-

should equal the center frequency of the ter output network. When receiving, the dividual taste.

receiver audio filter (about 650 Hz). Dur- capacitor and L5 make up a fairly low-Q
Keying and T-R
ing transmit, or when the zero button is seriesresonant network to reduce signal
depressed, the shift is removed, causing attenuation by maintaining an approx- Three events must occur when this type
the transmit frequency to be the same as imately 50-ohm source impedance to the of transceiver is keyed, and they must oc-
that of a received signal peaked at the mixer. The additional filtering it provides cur in the proper sequence if operation is
audio-filter center and tuned to the cor- is helpful also. The mixer is a conven- to be clean. They are, in order: (a) receiver

rect side of zero beat. tional doubly balanced type. mutes, (b) VFO shifts frequency, and (c)

Following the mixer is a diplexer. Its transmitter keys. These events must occur
The Transmitter purpose is to provide a wide-band 50-ohm in reverse sequence when switching back
The transmitter is a fairly efficient termination for both rf and af, while from transmit to receive. The sidetone
preventing rf energy from getting into the oscillator must also be keyed, but its
(75%) Class C design. The Zener diode
was added after twice blowing the output af amplifier and preventing af energy timing isn't as critical.
transistor by inadvertently transmitting from being wasted in the rf termination. Attention to this sequence and proper
with the antenna disconnected. The diode The rf termination consists of the 0.1 -pF transmitter waveform shaping makes the"

protects the output transistor from this capacitor and 5 1 -ohm resistor; RFC1 and difference between a poor-sounding rig

hazard. Some caution is necessary when the 0.47-^F capacitor form a low-pass and a really clean one. Many people have
using a Zener diode at the output-stage filter which prevents any residual rf from been surprised to learn my power input —
Chapter 10 10-16
10-17 Mobile, Portable and Emergency Equipment
because "it doesn't sound like a QRP
rig." Only a few parts are required to ac-
complish this. In addition, it's easier to
copy a clean weak signal than a poor one,
so good keying and freedom from chirp,
clicks and roughness are particularly im-
portant for QRP transmitters.
The receiver is muted by Ql 1 which acts
as a series gate. Q10, Ul and U2A are all

driven to saturation for a while when the

transmitter is keyed, and again when the
key is released. Qll is turned off im-
mediately when the transmitter is keyed,
then turned back on after the disturbance
is over, about 60 ms after the key is re-

leased. The diodes around U2A present

the output of U2A from swinging to
ground during the disturbance, a condi-
tion which turns Ql 1 on when it should be
off. I find the 60 ms delay to be ideal, as it
removes distractions between dits and
Fig. 30 — High component density is necessary to squeeze all the circuitry of the transceiver in-
dahs at medium speeds while being short to such a small package. Point-to-point wiring is also used. The transmitter circuitry is at the up-
enough to provide essentially instan- per left in the photo. The- output transistor, which is bolted to the case, is hidden below the top
taneous break-in. The disturbance (hence, layer of components.
required delay) could possibly be reduced

further by limiting the swing of either or tically allows dense packing. It helps a
both Q10 and Ul, or biasing Ul and U2A great deal to mount components on both
Fig. 29 — The circuit of the W7EL 40-meter outputs closer to the postive supply sides of the board, and to ignore the con-
QRP transceiver. Resistors are 1/4 or 1/8-watt, voltage. vention of placing parts in neat rows. The
5%. All ferrite cores are available from Amidon use of 1/8-watt resistors saves a surprising
Oscillator frequency shift is obtained by
Associates. When winding the inductors that
use BLN-43-2402 cores, the wire should be changing the bias on the Zener diode amount of space compared to 1/4-watt .

passed once through both holes of the core for (used as a voltage-variable capacitor) in units.Another great space-saver is the use
each "turn" specified. See the illustration. the VFO circuit when going from transmit of tantalum, rather than aluminum, elec-
C1 —
IpF, 3-V non polarized ceramic.
The timing pro- Small parts are nearly
trolytic capacitors.
— Silicon general-pur- to receive or vice versa. is
D2, D3, D5-D13, incl.
pose/switching diode; 1N914, 1N4152 or vided by Q8, which comes on fast when always more expensive and less available
equiv. the key is closed, but goes off some five than their larger counterparts, so each
D4 — Zener, 33-V, 400-mW, 1N973 or equiv. milliseconds after the transmitter output builder must decide if the trade-off is a
D14 — Zener, 10-V, 400-mW, 1N961 or equiv. •

good one.
— Approx. 3mH; 26 turns on a T-44-6 drops to zero following the release of the
core. Tap at seven turns from ground end. key. Shaped transmitter keying is provid-
12 — Approx. 10 43 turns on a T-50-2
/iH, ed by Q7 and associated components. Adjustment and Operation
core. Simultaneous keying of the base and col- The only adjustments required are the.
L3, L4 — iM\ 19 turns on a T-37-6 core.

L5 — 9.4 58 turns on a T-37-6 core.

lector circuits, of the driver stage was re- VFO trimmer, used to set the VFO fre-
Q1, Q11 — Silicon n-channel JFET, 300 mW, quired to give the desired rise and fall quency at the lower band edge; the drive
2N4416. times of a few ms at the transmitter out- level pot, used to set power input at 2
Q2, Q3, Q10 — General purpose, silicon npn, put. The sidetone oscillator is keyed from watts (although no major problem will
310-mW, 2N3904.
the same line.
Q4 — General purpose, silicon npn, 1.8 W, arise if driven at higher or lower levels, ef-
2N2222. ficiency may drop slightly); and the
Q5 — Rf power, silicon npn, 7 W, 2N3553 Construction transmitter tank circuit,
or 2N5859. -

Fig. 30 shows the interior of the which is peaked at the center of the fre-
Q6, Q7 — General purpose, silcon pnp, 310
mW, 2N3906. transceiver. It would be very difficult to quency range. None should require re-
Q8 — General purpose, npn, 310 mW, duplicate the unit exactly, because many adjustment once set.
2N4124 or 2N3565. hard-to-find miniature components are Operation is, by design, simple. The
Q9 — General purpose, silicon npn, 310 mW, used. Lewallen suggests starting with a only point worth noting is that, as with
RFC1 — 100-mH subminiature choke, wound on box and building the rig into it, rather any direct-conversion receiver, signals
a 1/4-watt-resistor-sized ferrite form. Dc re- than the other way around. Get a good must be tuned on the correct side of zero
sistance is approx. 8 0. idea of the placement of controls, con- beat so that the transmitter will be on the
T1 —Primary 15 turns, secondary 3 turns.
nectors and large components before you same frequency as the received signals.
Wound on a BLN-43 2402 core.
T2 —Primary 39 turns (approx. 6.7 ^H), begin. Since it's difficult to troubleshoot Guest operators have picked this up in a
secondary 5 turns. Wound on a T-44-6 core. or modify such a rig once built, ideally a few minutes, so the spot button is seldom
T3, T4 —
Five trifilar turns on a BLN-43-2402 larger breadboard version should first be used. When the rig is new, however, it's
constructed, perfected and operated. nice to have the assurance of knowing just
U1 — op amp, LM301.
U2, U3 —Dual op amp, LM358N (one section Building the circuitry on small pieces of where the transmitter will be when the key
of U3 unused). perfboard and mounting the boards ver- is pressed.

Chapter 10 10-18

Chapter 1

Code Transmission

I 1 adiotelegraphy is a popular medium To illustrate the key-click problem we problem is a function of power supply
of amateur communications because it is used a square-wave model. In real life, the load regulation (see chapter 5). Note that
highly effective and relatively un- situation may be worse because the keying in a class C amplifier the change in power
complicated. The process by which a envelope often has a sharp spike on the output related to plate or collector voltage
radio signal is interrupted to generate a leading edge and decays exponentially regulation is proportional to the square of
coded message of dits and dahs is called throughout the duration of the pulse. This the voltage change (see chapter 6). The
on-off keying or make-break keying. On- type of wave is even richer in harmonics power supply for a solid-state transmitter
off keying may also be used in than a square wave. The severity of the may be regulated easily and inexpensively
Radioteletype transmission; although this
method is seldom used today. In the early
years of Amateur Radio, keying a
transmitter consisted of inserting a
telegraph key in any convenient power
lead — even the ac input! Such a
haphazard approach today is an invitation
to trouble, from the standpoints of signal
quality and safety. Our cw subbands may
shrink in the future. Successful operation
under crowded conditions and adherence
to FCC regulations concerning stability
and purity of emissions requires clean
signals. In this chapter we define good
keying, analyze keying defects and show
how radiotelegraphy can be implemented
with modern technology.
Oi-off keying is a form of amplitude
modulation and, as such, generates
sidet ands whose spacing from the carrier
is proportional to the keying speed. A
keying speed of 12 wpm corresponds to an
information rate of 5 Hz, which
theoretically requires 10 Hz of bandwidth.
An untreated keying waveform, however,
approaches square-wave modulation,
consisting of the keying frequency plus all
of the odd harmonics. These harmonics
create sidebands extending many kilohertz (D)

They are called

either side of the carrier. Fig. 1 — These photos show cw signals as observed on an oscilloscope. At A is a dot generated
key clicks. Limiting the rise and decay at a 46-baud rate with no intentional shaping, while at B the shaping circuits have been adjusted
times of the keying waveform to not less for approximately 5-ms rise and decay times. Vertical lines are from a 1-kHz signal applied to the
Z or intensity axis for timing. Shown at C is a shaped signal with the intensity-modulation of the
than 5 iris restricts the bandwidth of the
pattern removed. For each of these photos, sampled rf from the transmitter was fed directly to the
transmitted signal to 100 Hz, theoretically deflection plates of the oscilloscope.
allowing keying speeds up to 120 wpm. In A received signal having essentially no shaping is shown at D. The spike at the leading edge is
practice, the keying at this speed would typical of poor power-supply regulation, as is also the immediately following dip and rise in
amplitude. The clicks were quite pronounced. This pattern is typical of many observed signals,
sound too "soft," but a 5 ms time con-
although not by any means a worst case. The signal was taken from the receiver's i-f amplifier
stant is adequate for speeds up to 40 to 50 (before detection) using a hand-operated sweep circuit to reduce the sweep time to the order of
wpm. one second. (Photos from October and November 1966 QST.)

11-1 Chapter 11
— 4

5-ev by electronic means, but such a scheme

Q KEYED STAGE applied to a high-power tube type of
transmitter is costly and dissipates con-
siderable power. Fortunately, the plate
voltage waveform can be corrected with a
©2N2905 passive circuit (see Dome, May 1977
2N2907 QST). Note also that the power source
must be nearly pure dc to ensure that the
transmitter output signal is not broadened
J, by hum modulation.
150 75 Once the power supply voltage has been

TV/ "I
FLECTION brought under control, it is a simple mat-
ter to shape the keying envelope with an
2N3904 100PF RC network. The figures in this section il-
I.0GIC INPUT O- -WV-i 2N4401 tov -
lustrate the application of time-constant
circuits to various keying methods.
When a circuit carrying current is
opened or closed mechanically, a spark is

Fig. 2 — Cathode keying. Envelope shaping accomplished by means of the RC network. Q1

is generated. This spark causes the circuit to
must be able to withstand the plate voltage of the keyed stage. Some suitable types are: DTS-423, radiate energy throughout the elec-
2N6457 (400V), SDT 13305 (500V), DTS-801 (800V), MJ12010 (950V), 2SC1308K, ECG 238 (1500V). tromagnetic spectrum. When a transmit-
These are high-energy devices and are capable of switching any value of plate current the tube is
ter is keyed manually or through a relay,
likely to draw. For plate voltages below about 350, the 2N3439 is adequate (and much less
expensive). the spark at the contacts can cause local
BCI, but this spark has no effect on the rf
output signal. A simple filter (0.01 -(iF
KEYED capacitor in series with 10 ohms) across
the key or relay contacts will usually
reduce the local clicks to a tolerable level.
Solid-state switching methods significant-
ly reduce the current and voltage that

2N3906 must be switched mechanically, thereby

2N4403 IN 91
reducing local clicks and enhancing
-w Modern transistorized
operator safety.
transmitters incorporate this type of key-
ing. With proper device selection, solid-
state keying may be implemented in older
1N914 t L tube types of designs as well.
_LC1 Amplifier tubes may be keyed in the
0.01 cathode (filament transformer center-tap
for directly heated types), grid-bias supply
VOLTAGE or screen. Transistors should be keyed in
one leg of the collector supply. The low
o impedance of rf power transistor circuits
INPUT usually requires the emitter to be ground-

— ed as directly as possible; therefore, no

Fig. 3 Blocked-grid keying. The rise time of the keying pulse is determined by C1 and its
associated network. The decay time is governed by the R1C2 product. R g is the existing grid leak. solid-state analog of cathode keying ex-
Typical values for R1 and C2 are 220 kt) and 0.022 piF. Some transistors suitable for Q1 are: ists. Similarly, blocked-grid keying has no
2N5415 (200V), MM4003 (250V), MJE350 (300V), 2N5416, RCS882 (350V), 2N6213 (375V), 2N6214 transistor equivalent, because a reverse
bias sufficient to cut the stage off in the
presence of heavy excitation would cause

breakdown of the base-emitter junction.
Mechanical contacts frequently bounce
several times before stabilizing in the
closed state. The beginnings of keying
pulses formed by bouncing contacts are
poorly defined. This defect can degrade
the readability of a code signal under
adverse conditions. Relays and
semiautomatic keys are especially prone to
this malady. The circuit of Fig. 9 will help
J34 39
clean up the pulses generated by
2N4401 mechanical contacts.
A satisfactory code signal can be
^ O W—-AAAA-
amplified by means of a linear amplifier
without affecting the keying characteris-
tics. If, however, the signal is amplified by

one or more nonlinear stages (e.g., a class

C multiplier or amplifier), the signal
envelope will be modified, possibly in-
Fig. 4 —
If a suitable high-voltage pnp transistor cannot be obtained, an npn unit can be used

with an optical isolator. The rise time of the keying envelope is controlled by the "integrating"
troducing significant key clicks. It is possi-
capacitor connected to the base of the phototransistor. ble to compensate for this effect by using

Code Transmission 11-2

tonger-than normal rise and decay times in
the exciter and letting the amplifier
modify the signal to an acceptable one.
Any clicks generated by a linear amplifier
are likely to be the result of low-frequency
parasitic oscillations.
A change in frequency at the beginning
of a keying pulse is called a chirp. If the
oscillator isn't keyed, chirp is the result of
changing dc operating potentials or
changing rf load conditions on the
oscillator. The voltage to the oscillator LOGIC O-
can be regulated easily, as most transmit-
ters use fairly low power oscillators. If the
oscillator frequency is pulled by the
loading effect of subsequent keyed stages,
better load isolation is indicated. Chapter
6 gives a thorough treatment of buffering
If break-in operation is desired (see
below), it may be necessary to key the
transmitter's oscillator. Oscillators may Fig. 5 —
Circuit to interface digital logic with positive or negative key lines. Q1 and Q2 must be
be keyed by the same methods used for able to withstand the expected negative and positive keying voltages and currents.
amplifiers, but greater care is required to
obtain good results. In general, the goals
of clickless and chirplesS oscillator keying
are mutually exclusive. This is because a
key-click filter will cause the operating
voltage to be applied slowly, thereby
creating a chirp. Crystal oscillators may
be keyed satisfactorily if active crystals are
used. A keyed oscillator may exhibit a
continuous frequency change during a
keying pulse. This defect is called ayoop.
It is caused by rf heating in the tank cir-

cuit or crystal. Yoop is usually an indica-

tion of a faulty component or excessive LOGIC
oscillator power.
Break-in operation with a VFO-
controlled transmitter usually dictates
some form of differential keying. In this
system, the oscillator is turned on as
quickly as possible and the amplifier is
keyed after the oscillator has stabilized.
When the key is released, the oscillator
operates until the amplifier output has Fig. 6 — Keying Class C amplifiers in the 100-watt class, such as those sold
circuit for solid-state
decayed to zero. Shaping of the keying for vhf fm service. Q1 must be able to pass the amplifier collector current without dropping too
envelope is accomplished in the amplifier much voltage. Types 2N6246, SK3173 and RS2043 are good for currents up to 15 amperes.
keying circuit. In the past, break-in opera-
tion was implemented with VR tubes and
relays. The complexity of such systems

frightened many hams away from this

convenient mode. With modern circuitry,
break-in can be simple, quiet and safe.
One method of break-in keying is shown
in Fig. 10.
A few notes concerning oscillator key-
ing are in order. Do not attempt to key an
oscillator unless it is stable while running
free, at the same time the other stages are
keyed. If the oscillator frequency is

multiplied, chirps, and yoops will be

multiplied also. The transmitter signal
should be checked at the,highest operating
frequency, It may be found that the signal
quality is satisfactory on 160 meters but
leaves something to be desired on 10. * GATE PROTECTED
Modern transmitters and transceivers pro-
vide multiband operation by the
heterodyne method (see chapter 6) and Fig. 7 —
Keying a dual-gate MOSFET oscillator. The 741 op-amp is used as a comparator. With
should be stable on all bands. the input resistors shown, the circuit can be triggered by any +5-volt logic device.

11-3 Chapter 11
run con-
If the transmitter oscillators
tinuously, they may
be audible as a
backwave between keying pulses. A
strong backwave may indicate the need
for neutralizing one or more transmitter
stages.' In general, if the backwave con-
forms to the -40 dB spurious signal rule, it

won't be objectionable.
The figures in this section illustrate
methods by which various solid-state and
thermionic devices may be keyed. In these
armature of the hand key is at
circuits, the
ground potential and the voltages across
the key are imperceptible. The current
through the key is generally less than one
milliampere. A neon bulb with a proper
series resistor across thekey will alert the
operator to junction breakdown of the
high-voltage transistors. As long as safety
is given due consideration, the key-at-

ground convention need not be followed,

but this standardization is useful for
equipment interconnections. Digital con-
Fig. 8 — Keying a doubly balanced modulator in a cw-ssb transmitter. trol is shown in all of the examples. This
feature simplifies the simultaneous keying
+ VDDI5-15V) of transmitter stages, T-R switches, side-
o tone oscillators and muting systems. The
ICs used to perform the control functions
are very plentiful and inexpensive. These
systems use a logic "one" to indicate a
key-down condition.

Break-in (QSK) is a system of
radiotelegraph transmission in which the
station receiver is sensitive to other signals
between the transmitted keying pulses.
This capability is very important to traffic
handlers, but can be used to great advan-
tage in ragchewing as well. Break-in gives
AAAA cw communication the dimension of more
natural conversation.
Fig. 9 —
Debouncing circgit for hand keys and relay contacts. The minimum dit length is deter- Most commercially manufactured
mined by the R1C1 product. transceivers feature a "semi break-in"
mode in which the first key closure ac-
tuates the VOX relay. The VOX controls
are usually adjusted to hold the relay
closed between letters.With proper VOX
adjustment, it is possible for the other
operator to break your transmission be-
tween words, but this system is a poor
substitute for true break-in.

Separate Antennas
The simplest way to implement break-
in is to use a separate antenna for receiv-
ing. If the transmitter power is low (below
50 watts or so) and the isolation between
transmitting and receiving antennas is
good, this method can be satisfactory.
Best isolation is obtained by mounting the
antennas as far apart as possible and at
right angles. Smooth break-in involves
protecting the receiver from permanent
damage by the transmitter power and
assuring that the receiver will "recover"
fast enough to be sensitive between keying
pulses. If the receiver recovers fast enough
but the transmitter clicks are bothersome

— (they may be caused by receiver overload

Fig. 10 Differential (sequential) keying system for fast break-in with oscillator-multiplier
transmitters. and so exist only in the receiver) their ef-

Code Transmission 11-4

feet on the operator can be minimized -0+18V
through the use of an output limiter. The
separate antenna method is most useful
on the 160-, 80- and 40-meter bands,
where the directional effects of the anten-
nas aren't pronounced.
40673 *
Switching a Common Antenna
When powers above about 50 watts are
used, where two antennas are not
'180K 1M> 1M, eo) REc
available, or when it is desired to use the 1N914 y_

same antenna for transmitting and receiv-

ing (a "must" when directional antennas
are used), special treatment is required for
quiet break-in operation on the transmit-
Vacuum relays or reed switches
used to switch the antenna between the
may be
1 — -fO„/ANT

transmitter and receiver in step with the

keying. This method is satisfactory for I

power levels up to the legal limit, but the r+7 r-h

relays are expensive and the system timing
is critical.

Perhaps the most modern and elegant Fig. 11 —

A T-R switch can be connected to the input side of the transmitter pi network. For
approach is the use of PIN diodes to powers up to about 100 W, C1 can be a 5-10 pF, 1000-V mica unit. For high-power operation a
smaller "gimmick" capacitor made from a short length of coaxial cable should be used.
switch the antenna. These devices are
available in power ratings up to about 100
watts, but are quite expensive at present.
There are no keying-speed constraints
when PIN diodes are used, and if the pro-
a XMTR .

per devices are selected, the spectral purity (SHORT ( O-)

of the output signal won't be affected.
The important electrical parameter in this 1N9t4j <2M
regard is carrier lifetime.
An easy and economical way to imple-
ment break-in with a single antenna is to 62 K
use an electronic T-R switch. With such a '
0-5W lo.OI
device the antenna is connected to the 22K
transmitter at all times. In the most com- logic
M- 2N3439 J7
mon type of electronic T-R switch, a tube

is used to couple the antenna to the
receiver. When the transmitter is keyed,'
the rf output causes the tube to draw grid
current through a high-resistance grid
leak. The high negative bias thus
developed cuts off the plate current, -300V
limiting the signal delivered to the
Unfortunately, when the grid circuit is Fig. 12 —
An external T-R switch. The primary of T1 is 50 turns of no. 30 enameled wire on an
FT37-43 toroid core. The secondary is 15 turns of no. 30 wound 6ver the primary.
driven into rectification, harmonics are
generated. A commercially manufactured
low-pass filter after the T-R switch can
help to eliminate TVI caused by the har-
monics, but the lower-order harmonics prevents any grid current flow at power received signal. It is commonly stated that
may cause interference to other com- levelsup to 800 watts. This power figure electronic T-R switches are usable only
munications. Another common shortcom- assumes a 50-ohm system with a unity with transmitters having Class C output
ing of T-R switches is that the transmitter VSWR. The circuit can withstand peak rf stages because the "diode noise"
output circuit may "suck out" the re- voltages up to 300. The power capability generated by the resting current of a linear
ceived signal. In a transmitter having a must be derated if the impedance at the amplifier will mask weak signals. Actual-
high-impedance tuned output tank circuit, point of connection is higher than 50 ly, the class-of-service designation is not
both of these problems can be cir- ohms. Although the path has a signal related to key-up conditions, so there is no
cumvented by connecting the T-R switch diode, it is effectively "linearized" by the reason that a linear amplifier can't be
to the input side of the tank circuit. With high-value series resistor, and should not biased off during key-up periods.
this configuration, the .grid rectification significantly degrade the spectral purity of
Reduction of Receiver Gain
harmonics are suppressed and the received the transmitter output.
External T-R switches should be well
During Transmission
signal peaked by means of the tuned cir-
cuit. Fig. 1 1 shows a MOSFET T-R switch shielded and the power leads carefully For absolutely smooth break-in opera-
that works on this principle. filtered. In general, the coaxial cable to tion withno clicks or thumps, means must
A T-R switch for use external to any the transmitter should be as short as possi- be provided for momentarily reducing the
transmitter shown in Fig. 12. The tube is
is ble, but some experimenting may be gain through the receiver. A muting
grid-block keyed, and the fixed-value bias necessary to eliminate "suckout" of the function completely disables the receiver

11-5 Chapter 11

0^5 T O 15

+15 V-
10 K 10K
6 IN9I4


Fig. 15 —
A 555 universal timer used as a
0.1 =t R2 sidetone generator. Pin 4 is taken to ground to
interrupt the tone. The frequency of oscillation
is about 500 Hz with the constants shown.

Fig. 13 — A diode attenuator for receiver gain reduction during keying. The logic threshold is
If the audio output muted, the
determined by ———
R1 + R2
( + VCC), For +l5-volt CMOS logic, R1 = R2 = 1M. For + 5-volt receiver can be used to monitor one's key-

ing, provided both stations are on the

TTL operation, R1 = 130 kfi, R2 = 15k. *
same frequency. Some DX operators
transmit and listen on separate frequen-
cies. When using your receiver as a
monitor, you should be careful about
drawing any conclusions concerning the
quality of your signal. The signal reaching
the receiver must be free of any line
voltage effects induced by the transmitter.
. LOGIC O- 270K To be certain of your signal quality you
should listen to your station from a
.TO NEXT distance. Trading stations with a nearby
amateur is a good way to make signal

Keying Speeds
In radiotelegraphy the basic code ele-

ment is the dit, or unit pulse. The time
270K> '270K>
I!" duration of a dit and a space together is
that of two unit pulses.A dah is three unit
pulses long. The space between letters is
three unit pulses; the space between words
or groups is seven unit pulses. A speed of
Fig. 14 — Gain-reduction circuit for receivers using a fixed-bias dual-gate MOSFET in the first
one baud is one pulse per second.
stage. As much as 40 dB of attenuation is possible with this method. The logic threshold is
calculated as in Fig. 13.
Assuming that a speed key is adjusted
to give the proper dit, space and dah
values mentioned above, the code speed
can be found from

audio during key-down periods. Assum- monitor one's sending. A 555 timer con- = dits/min
Speed (wpm)
ing the transmitter signal at the receiver is nected as an astable multivibrator is com- 2.5
held below the damage level, muting the monly used for this purpose. This device 2.4 X dits/sec.
audio output can be an effective means of delivers rectangular output pulses, and the For example, a properly adjusted elec-
achieving smooth break-in, provided no resulting signal often sounds quite tronic key gives a string of dits which are
age is used. Age systems suitable for cw raucous. A variation of the standard 555 counted as 10 dits per second. Speed =
operation are characterized by long circuit appears in Fig. 15. The diodes 2.4 X 10 = 24 wpm.
"hang" times. Unless the transmitter maintain the symmetry of the waveform Many modern electronic keyers use a
signal in the receiver is at a level similar to independently of the pitch and the RC clock or pulse-generator circuit which
that of the other station, the age system filter removes many of the objectional feeds a flip-flop dit generator. For these
will seriouslydesense the receiver, render- harmonics. A keying monitor can be keyers the code speed may be determined
ing the break-in system useless. diode A powered by the rf output of the transmit- directly from the clock frequency
attenuator suitable for use with T-R ter. Such a circuit is shown in Fig. 16.
switches or separate antennas is shown in Keying monitors often have built-in Speed (wpm) = 1.2 X clock'frequency (Hz)
Fig. 13. If the receiver uses a dual-gate loudspeakers, but it is less expensive and
MOSFET with no age in the first stage, more convenient to inject the monitor For a quick and simple means of deter-
the method of Fig. 14 may be used. signal into the audio output stage of the mining the code speed, send a continuous
receiver. With this system one always string of dahs and count the number of
Monitoring hears his sidetone from the same source dahs which occur in a five-second period.
If the receiver output is muted, an (speaker or headphones) as the other sta- This number, to a close approximation, is
audio sidetone oscillator must be used to tion's signal. the code speed in words per minute. A

Code Transmission 11-6

method for checking the speed of a Morse Speed (wpm) = (zeros/min) X 0.44. generation. A single- or dual-lever paddle
keyboard is to send a continuous string of may be used. If operated with a dual-lever
zeros, with proper interletter spacing. A Single IC Keyer paddle, the 8044 is capable of iambic
Most keyboards will automatically insert shows a circuit for an electronic
Fig. 17 operation (an alternating series of dits and
the correct space if the key is released and keyer built around a single 8044 CMOS in- dahs is produced when both contacts are
reactivated before the end of the tegrated circuit. Features designed into closed). A
dit memory is included to pre-
character. If zeros are sent for one thisIC include contact debouncing, rf im- vent loss of dits caused by the operator
minute, the speed is approximately munity and self-completing character leading the keyer. The circuit shown in-
corporates a weight control to alter the
dit-space ratio. This feature allows partial
compensation for delays and slow rise
times in the transmitter.
The 8044 has a built-in sidetone
generator with adjustable pitch. At the
keyer output, a high logic level represents
the key-down state. This output can
source enough current to turn on most
npn transistors. With the timing com-
ponents shown, the speed range is about
8-50 wpm. The quiescent current drain of
this keyer is on the order of 50
microamperes, so no on-off switch is re-
quired. This keyer is ideal for mounting
inside a transceiver for station compact-
ness. The 8044 IC is marketed by Curtis
Electro Devices, Inc., Mountain View,
CA. The price range is $15.

An Inexpensive Buffered Morse Keyboard

Until recently, the price of commercial-
ly manufactured keyboards and the cost
of many home-built units have made the
keyboard keyer an expensive station com-
ponent. But, with the explosive growth of
home computers, large supplies of surplus
Fig. 16 — An rf-powered keying monitor suitable for power outputs from about 20 to 100 W. This keyboards and digital-logic material have
circuit should be installed inside the transmitter or a shielded enclosure to minimize RFI.
been made available at reasonable prices.
The Morse keyboard described in earlier
Handbooks was a cost-effective keyer that
worked well but lacked some of the deluxe
features found on commercial units. This
revised version is an extension of the
previous design, with a 32-character buf-
fer memory added. An investment of
about $50 (1980 prices) can secure the
parts for an alert shopper. Al Helfrick,
K2BLA, did the electrical design work.
The pc-board development, mechanical
design and construction were performed
in the ARRL laboratory.

Circuit Description

A 64-kHz scan oscillator drives a binary

counter. The Q outputs of the counter are
used to program the multiplexers. Each
combination of scanning lines is selected
in sequence until a key-switch closure is
detected. When the feedback loop is
closed the scan oscillator is inhibited. At

this point the binary number represented

by the counter-output states is loaded into
the first-in/first-out (FIFO) registers. This
parallel data ripples down the first set of
FIFOs directly into the second set. If all
four FIFOs are full they inhibit further
data entry. The parallel data from the


k I
000 M-IO0O000
j FIFOs is then converted to serial form by
the two shift registers.
The seven-bit (six data plus one carry
Fig. 17 —
Circuit diagram for the keyer. D1-D6, incl., 1N270 or equiv. All potentiometers are linear out) data format has 128 possible com-
taper and resistors are 1/2- or 1/4-watt. binations. By connecting the key switches

11-7 Chapter 11
fo the proper scanning lines (given in zero is added as an "end bit," and the ones. An optional circuit "examines" the
Table 1),the combinations corresponding characters are sent from right to left. All contents of the FIFOs and displays the
to the valid Morse characters are selected. of the characters must be represented by buffer status on three LEDs. The com-
In the keyer, binary zero represents dit, seven-bit binary numbers where all of the plete circuit is given in Figs. 18, 19 and 20.
and binary one represents dah. An extra unused bits to the left of the end bit are This circuit description is necessarily

*o— >
+TH 01
v 0I) 4528 -™ .

v+O- 270k r x cx DUAL ONE SHOTrst

r C(1)

V 3S - TR


12 13



U5 -{>
» o- 4051 4024
RST rT7 4528
Q3. vss
» <r r*+i
02 /T7
CLK 10k
» 04
-VvV* O v+

O- I/O
c 03 J2
<r I/O
B 02 «

U2 11 ,
6 U8 Ql 3
40105 40105 t>
A3 O- I/O



0« 2 H

O- I/O
v EE
14 3

A6 <3_ I/O
15 2

O- I/O
-r -Ov+
v+ C


A9 I/O 10 7
B D3 02

A10 I/O U3 U9 11 6 UIO

A 401,05 02 40105 «1
All I/O
12 5
AI2 I/O 13 4
AI3 I/O 14 3

AI4 <- I/O

V+O- 15 2
A15 I/O
v+ o-


v+o —vw IT U6A
4528 + TR

100 ONE SHOT cx

Fig. — Keyswitch encoder and buffer circuits for the K2BLA keyer.
U1, U2,U3 — CD4051B decoder/multiplexer. U5 — CD4024B binary counter.
U4, U6 — MC14528 dual monostable multi-vibrator. U7, U8, U9, U10 — CD40105 FIFO register.

Code Transmission 11-8





k- 1000, M< 000 000.

Fig. 19 — Decoder and output circuits for the keyboard. The open-collector output is suitable for transmitters having positive key lines up to 40 V.
Arrangements for other key lines are given earlier in the chapter.
U11, U12 —
CD4035B parallel shift register
U13 — CD4013B dual D flip-flop U19 —
CD4011B quad 2-input NAND gate
U14, U15 —
CD4027B dual JK flip-flop U16, U17, U18 — CD4001B quad 2-input NOR gate U20 —
MC14501 8-input NAND/AND gate

11-9 Chapter 11

Table 1

Keyswitch Connections
Character From To

A B7 A10
B B6 .
C B6 A5
D B7 Al
E B7 Al £.
A4 .

G B7 I


J B6 A14
AC +vo- 470
K B7 AO U22
A2 88C30
L B6
M B7 A1 1,

B7 A7
P 1

B6 A6 _
^7 vO
U7PIN14 <^]
Q B6 A1
R B7 A2
S B7
A Ik
U7 PIN 2 < —
T B7 A13
U B7 A4
V B6 A8
w B7 A6 Fig. 20— Optional sidetone generator and buffer status indicator.

X B6 A9 U21 — CD4001B quad 2-input NOR gate. U22 — 88C30 dual differential line driver.

Y B6 A13
z B6 A3
1 > B5 A14
~ A il£
2 B5 A dc voltage from 5 to 15; a regulated supply recovery speed of the receiver. If the
3 B5 A8
AA isn't necessary. Penlight cells will work receiver age time constant is fairly fast, it
4 B5 Av
5 B4 Av fine, but if the optional circuitry is in- should be possible to hear signals between
6 B4 A1
Al cluded, the larger C or D cells should be characters at keying speeds of up to 25
7 B4 used. wpm. If the receiver age is turned off, or
8 B4 A7
Figs. 27 and 28 reveal some of the con- set for very fast recovery, signals can be
9 B4
SK B2 A8 struction Apollo cabinet
details. An heard between characters at speeds of up
AR B4 A10 houses the assembly, but a home-made to 50 wpm. If you prefer, the receiver can
KN B4 A13 enclosure will work as well. The dimen- be muted during characters and two out-
AS B4 A2
sions and mounting arrangements will be puts, the + mute and — mute, are pro-
BT B5 A1
AA B6 A5 dictated by the keyboard the builder ob- vided for this purpose. Several transmit-
B3 A3 tains. ters were tried with this system and it was
B2 -
A10 possible to use them without modifica-
Operating the Keyboard tion, so long as the final amplifier was
Sending Morse code with this keyer is biased off under key-up conditions. No
very much like typing. Character spacing background hash was noticable.
is automatic (provided one types in step The PIN diode T-R system is not
brief. Helfrick's original QST article with or ahead of the output), and word plagued by problems commonly asso-
(January 1978) contains a more com- •
spaces are made with the space bar. With ciated with some other systems. First,
prehensive treatment of the keyboard cir- the buffer the operator may type up to 32 "suckout" (receiver desensing) has been
cuitry. characters ahead of the output. The unit eliminated, as has the problem of critical
has a "dump" switch, so if the operator interconnecting line lengths. Also, since
Hardware Assembly must abort a transmission, pushing the the saturated diode technique has been
The keyer circuits are assembled on two button will instantly terminate the code abandoned there should be no chance for
6 x 4-1/2-inch (152 X
1 14-mm) double- output. Using the buffer takes a little TVI. No high-priced vacuum relays are
sided pc boards. One board holds the key- getting used to. Most operators like to used. No amplifiers are placed ahead of
switch encoder and buffer, while the other copy exactly what they send, and with the the receiver that could affect receiver per-
holds the shift registers and output de- buffer you can't do that. You must type formance. In short, the system described
coding circuitry. Figs. 21 through 24 con- and ignore the output (or disable the side- here provides excellent performance and
tain the etching patterns and component- tone), or you may become quite confused. suffers none of the ills of earlier systems.

placement guides for these boards. The

two boards are designed to be stacked one
A PIN Diode T-R Switch The Circuit

over the other. A small third circuit board The T-R switch system described here is A schematic diagram of the circuit is

holds the optional sidetone oscillator and usable with most any 100-W (output) shown in Fig. 30. The diagram is divided
buffer indicator. This is a single-sided power level transmitter/receiver or trans- into two sections, as is the actual circuitry.
board and its etching pattern and parts ceiver/receiver combination. This system That portion of the circuit to the left of

layout appear in Figs. 25 and 26. The buf- isdesigned for flexible operation and in- the dotted line intended to be mounted

fer indicator draws 100 times the current terconnection to various pieces of com- at the operating position for easy access.

of the main circuit; therefore a separate mercial or home-made equipment. For the Circuitry to the right of the line can be
power switch should be used to disable the /simplest setup, no, modifications to the mounted remotely, perhaps behind the
indicator. All of the ICs are CMOS units. transmitter or receiver are necessary. All station equipment.
The oscillator circuits using gates require that's required is to plug the station equip- The transmitter is connected to the
any series can be used
B-series devices, but ment into the system. The only limitation antenna through a quarter- wavelength,
elsewhere. The keyboard will work on any associated with this simple setup is the lumped-constant circuit. SI selects the ap-

Code Transmission ,
Fig. 21 — Bottom-side etching pattern for the encoder/buffer circuit board. Black represents unetched copper.


HjokJ* nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn

U2 f
3- U3


nnnnnnnn % *
U9 .


\ uuuuu UUU'I
DxlQQnnjQQ. nnnnnnnn i

U8 C



Fig. 22 — Component-side etching pattern and component-placement guide for the encoder/buffer board.
11-11 Chapter 11
Fig. 23 — Bottom-side etching pattern for the decoder/output board.

OUTPUT" y x x i
nnnnnnn nnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnn,
Q »,

U12 C


C m
pnnnnnn. "nnnnnnn nnn nnnnn ,

C 3 U18
018 U2C C
c D
c D DUDUDD07 uuuuuuu uuuuuuuu
x —
1 >

nnnnnnnn nnnnnnn
U15 UI3



Fig. 24 t- Component-side etchirig pattern and component-placement guide for the decoder/output board.

Code Transmission 11-12

Fig. 27 — Interior view of the keyboard. Heavy
bus wire is used for thepc-board intercon-

Fig. 25 — Etching pattern for the buffer indicator/sidetone generator board, shown from the foil

16 470


021 j„ p uJS"


Fig. 28 — The completed Morse keyboard

Fig. 26 —
Component-placement guide for the buffer indicator/sidetone generator board, with an measures 14-1/2 x 8-1/4 x 3-1/4 inches (368 x
x-ray view of the foil. 210 x 83 mm).

propriate circuit for the frequency in use. D2 connected in series and D3 in shunt. The station keyer (or straight key, bug
Quarter-wave circuits are required to pre- Combination switches provide superior or keyboard) connected to either J6 or

vent "suckout" of the received signal. attenuation performance to either the J7 depending on the output keying poten-
"Suckout" occurs with tube-type trans- series orshunt elements alone. Approxi- tial. Ql and Q2 provide a suitable signal
mitterswhen the high-impedance end of mately 50 dB of isolation from the anten- for driving Q3 through Q9. Q3 controls
the transmitter pi network becomes na to the receiver connection is provided D3 and turns the diode on during trans-
unloaded; during receive periods, for ex- throughout the rf range. These results mission and off during receive. Q4 and Q5
ample. As the pi network is one type of should be reproducible if the same type of control Dl and D2, biasing the diodes on
impedance-inverting network, the high PIN diodes are used and the board layout for receive and off for transmit. At first
resistance presented by the non- shown is followed closely. glance it might appear that some
operational tube causes the low-
impedance end of the network to ap-
proach ohms. The quarter-wavelength
lumped-constant sections provided in the
T-R system serve to. step the nearly zero
impedance level of the transmitter output
up to an almost' infinitely high impedance
that will not reduce the received signal
level. As shown in the schematic diagram,
the antenna is connected directly to; J3
which feeds the PIN diode switch section
of the T-R circuit.
The components located between J3
and J4 comprise the switch that protects
the receiver from the transmitted signal. A Fig. 29 — Exterior view of the PIN Diode T-R Switch. The box at the right is mounted at the
"T" configuration is used, with Dl and operating position. The box at the left can be mounted remotely.

11-13 Chapter 11
Fig. 30 — Schematic diagram of the T-R switch system! All resistors are 1/4-watt composition types. All capacitors are miniature ceramic, 50-volt
types unless polarization is indicated. Polarized types are aluminum electrolytic or tantalum. Component designations listed in the schematic, but
not called out in the parts list, are for text or layout reference only
C1, C2 — Mica, 820 pF, 500 V T-80-6 core.
C3, C4 — Mica, 470 pF, 500 V. choice). RFC1, RFC2 — Toroid choke, 20 turns no. 26
C5, C6 — Mica, 220 pF, 500 V. —
J6, J7 Phone, 1/4 inch or builder's choice. enam. wire on a FT-37-75 core.
C7, C8 — Mica, 150 pF, 500 V. —
J8-J11, incl. Phono or builder's choice. RFC3-RFC9, incl. — Toroid choke, 26 turns
C9, C10 — Mica, 110 pF, 500 V. —L1 Toroid, 20 turns no. 18 enam. wire on a no. 30 enam. wire on an FT-23-75 core.
C32 — Electrolytic, 1000 (iF, 35 V. T-80-2 core. 51 — Rotary wafer, 2 sections, 5 positions,
C33 — Tantalum, 1 pF, 35 V. —L2 Toroid, 15 turns no. 18 enam. wire on a ceramic.
D1-D3, incl. — PIN diode, Unitrode 1N5763 or T-80-2 core. 52 — Toggle, spst.
equiv. —L3 Toroid, 11 turns no. 18 enam. wire on a T1 — Miniature power, primary 117 V, sec-
D4-D9, incl. — Power, 100 PRV, 1 A. T-80-6 sore. ondary 12 V at 300 mA. Radio Shack 273-
D10 — Light-emitting diode. —L4 Toroid, 9 turns' no. 18 enam. wire on a 1385 or equiv.
F1 — Fuse, 1/2 A. T-80-6 core. U1 — Three-terminal regulator, 12-V output.
J1-J5, incl. — Rf connector, female l(builder's —L5 Toroid, 8 turns no. 18 enam. wire on a Radio Shack RS-781 2 or equiv.

Code Transmission 11-14


Fig. 32 —Inside view of the remotely mounted portion of the system. Short lengths of wire are
used to attach the connectors to the appropriate circuit board foils. All power supply components .

simplification of the switching diode and are mounted on the circuit board.
control circuitry might be possible. Since
it was desired to power the system from a
12-V dc source (for portable operation),
and high negative voltages could not be
used to reverse bias the diodes during
transmit, an unusual arrangement was
devised. Hence, the more complicated cir- parts-placement patterns are shown in component leads are grounded. Many ol
cuit. J8 and J9 are provided for keying the Figs, 33 and 34. An interior 'view of this the component ground connections are
transmitter; one of the two outputs should unit is shown in Fig. 31. The rotary-switch not made on the pattern (bottom) side of
be suifable for almost any transmitter. J 10 wafers are positioned to line up closely the board. These components must be
and J 1 1 are for muting the station receiver with the appropriate circuit board connec- soldered on the top side to- complete the
during transmission. Again, dual-polarity tion points. An extra ceramic spacer is in- gound connection.
outputs are provided. Choose the one ap- serted in each of the switch section sup- Garden-variety components are used,
plicable to the equipment in use. port rods to provide the needed separa- with the exception of the PIN diodes. The
The power supply is depicted at the bot- tion. Short lengths of no. 18 tinned wire diodes are Unitrode 1N5763 types, which
tom center of the schematic diagram. are used for the connections from the can be obtained from many supply
Power to the system is routed through an board to the switch contacts. RG-58A/U houses. All of the rf chokes are hand
on/off switch that is mounted at the con- cable is used to make the connection from wound on small ferrite cores. Since encap-
head. An LED indicator is included as
trol the antenna coaxial connector to the front sulated chokes are relatively expensive and
a reminder that power is switched on. wafer. The cable braid is soldered to cores are not, the time spent winding the
Connection from the control head to the ground lugs at each end. chokes can result in reduced cost.
remote unit is made via feedthrough The second enclosure used for the T-R
capacitors at each box. These capacitors switch system is constructed from sheet Circuit Checkout
ensure that each cabinet remains rf-tight. aluminum and measures 2-1/8 X 4-1/8 Interconnection of the two modules re-
The power supply is of the usual variety in X 7 inches (54 X 105 X 178 mm). An hookup wire, each
quires four lengths of
all respects. A step-down transformer, ideal commercial enclosure would be the long enough to reach between the two
full-wave rectifier, filter and three- Bud CU-247 die-cast aluminum box. units when installed in their operating
terminal regulator provide the necessary These boxes are extremely rugged and rf positions. The wires are twisted, cable-
voltage. A fuse is included in one leg of tight. The power supply, PIN-diode tied or laced together. Wires of different
the ac line. switch and control circuitry are mounted colors will help distinguish the connec-
on a circuit board. Circuit board etching tions and prevent possible surprises the
Construction and parts-layout information are shown in firsttime power is applied! Connections
As mentioned earlier, the T-R switch Figs. 33 and 34. Double-sided circuit- are as follows: Cll to C27, C12 to C28
system is constructed in two enclosures. board material was used, with the top side and C13 to C29. The fourth wire, ground,
The circuitry intended for mounting at the of the board left substantially unetched to connects the two boxes. A
coaxial cable is
operating position is built into a Bud act as a ground plane. Copper must be used to connect J3 and J4.
Minibox that measures 3x4x5 inches removed from around circuit-hole loca- Connection to the station equipment is

(76 X 102 mm). The part number

x 127 tions forcomponents that are not con- a simple matter. The keyer is plHgged into
of this box is CU-3005A. This enclosure nected to ground. This can be accom- either J6 or J7. If the keyer provides a
houses the circuit-board mounted quarter- plished in the etching process with the aid positive voltage when keyed, use J7. If the
wave-length sections, rotary switch, of the top-side etching pattern. Alter- keyer provides a ground, use J6. Connect
on/off power switch, LED indicator, natively, the copper can be removed from the antenna to Jl and the station receiver
coaxial connectors and feedthrough around holes with a large drill. Do not to J5. Do not connect the transmitter at
capacitors. The circuit board etching and remove copper from around holes where this time. A check of the system operation

11-15 Chapter 11


Fig. 33 — Parts-layout patterns of the two printed-circuit boards. Each board is shown from the component side.

can nowbe made. If all is in order at this step attenuator' and received, signals. At- receiver noise when the keyer is activated.

point, should be heard in the

signals tenuation should be on the order of 50 dB. Connect the transmitter output to J2 and
receiver. Actuating the keyer should cause If no measurement equipment is available, install a cable between the transmitter key

the signals to become inaudible. The exact a received signal and the receiver S-meter jack and J8 or J9. If muting of the
amount of attenuation can be measured may be used. A strong signal should receiver is desired, make the appropriate

using a calibrated signal generator or a become almost completely buried in the connection at J 1 or J 1 1

\ '

Code Transmission 11-16


o oo
o o o o ooo^oo.
o o
o o o o o o.oo
o o 0^,0
o o o
o o o o
A ° ° ° o WWW
o o o oo o o o ooo

o o

Fig. 34 — Etching patterns for the two printed-circuit boards. THe smaller board is single-sided while the large one is double-sided. Patterns are pro-
vided for both sides of the board. Patterns are to scale. Black areas represent unetched copper.

1 1-17 Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Single-Sideband Transmission

the high-frequency amateur All of the intelligence is contained in the cent a-m signals. Perhaps the most impor-
bands, single-sideband is the most widely sidebands, but two-thirds of the rf power tant advantage of eliminating the carrier is

used radiotelephony mode. Since ssb is a is in the carrier. The carrier serves only to that the overall efficiency of the transmit-
sophisticated (or simplified, depending on demodulate the signal in the receiver. If ter is increased. The power consumed by
one's point of view) form of amplitude this carrier suppressed in the transmitter
is the carrier can be put to better use in the
modulation, it is worthwhile to take a and reinserted in the proper phase in the sidebands. The power in the carrier is con-
brief look at some f-m fundamentals. receiver, several significant communica- tinuous and an a-m transmitter requires a
Modulation is a mixing process. When rf tions advantages accrue. If the reinserted heavy-duty power supply. A dsb (double
and af signals are combined in a standard carrier strong compared to the incoming
is sideband) transmitter having the same
a-m transmitter (such as one used for doubleTsideband signal, exalted carrier power output as an a-m transmitter can
commercial broadcasting) four output sig- reception is achieved in which distortion use a much lighter power supply because
caused by frequency-selective fading is the duty cycle of voice operation is low.
nals are generated: the original rf signal,
called the carrier, the original af signal, greatly reduced. A refinement of this
Balanced Modulators
and two sidebands, whose frequencies are technique, called synchronous detection
the sum and difference of the original rf uses a phase-locked loop to enhance the The carrier can be suppressed or nearly
and af signals, and whose amplitudes are rejection of interference. Also, the lack of eliminated by using a balanced modulator
proportional to that of the original af a transmitted carrier eliminates the or an extremely sharp filter. In ssb trans-

signal.The sum component is called the heterodyne interference common to adja- mitters it is common practice to use both

upper sideband. It is erect, in that in-

creasing the frequency of the modulating
audio signal causes a corresponding in-
crease in the frequency of the rf output
signal. The difference component is called
the lower sideband, and is inverted, mean-
ing an increase in the modulating frequen-
cy results in a decrease in the output fre-
quency. The amplitude and frequency of
the carrier are unchanged by the modula-
tion process, and the original af signal is
rejected by the rf output network. The rf
envelope as viewed on an oscilloscope has

the shape of the modulating waveform.

Fig. IB shows the envelope of an rf
signal that is modulated 20 percent by an
af sine wave. The envelope varies in am-
plitude because it is the vector sum of the
carrier and the sidebands. A spectrum
analyzer or selective receiver will show the
carrier to be constant. The spectral photo-
graph also shows that the bandwidth of an
a-m signal is twice the highest frequency
component of the modulating wave.
An amplitude-modulated signal cannot
be frequency multiplied without special
processing because the phase/frequency
relationship of the components of the
modulating waveform would be severely
distorted. For this reason, once an a-m
signal has. been generated at a fixed fre-
quency, it can be moved in frequen'cy only Fig. 1— Electronic displays of a-m signals in the frequency and time domains. (A) Unmodulated
carrier or single-tone ssb signal. (B) Full-carrier a-m signal with single-tone sinusoidal
by heterodyning.
Single-Sideband Transmission 12-1
Table 1
Table 2
A-M Emission Types Emission Types Possible with
Type of transmission Supplementary characteristics Symbol an SSB or ISB Transmitter
With no modulation A Symbol Audio Input
Telegraphy without the use of a modulating audio A0 •Jiiiyic otoauy iwilc
frequency (by on-off keying). Ai A1 vm vm rvoyuiy ui a oinyio ions.
Telegraphy by the on-off keying of an amplitude A3 Speech.
modulating audio frequency or audio frequencies A3A opccon.
or by the on-off keying of the modulated emission A3B Speech (two channels).
(special case: an unkeyed emission amplitude A3J Speech.
modulated). a2 A9B SSTV and speech, RTTY and speech.
Telephony Double sideband
F1 Two alternating constant-
Single sideband, reduced carrier
amplitude tones (RTTY).
A3A F5
Single sideband, suppressed carrier Frequency-varying, constant-
A3 J
Two independent sidebands amplitude tone (SSTV).
Facsimile (with modulation of main carrier either
directly or by a frequency modulated subcarrier).
Facsimile Single sideband, reduced carrier A4A in push-pull. Dl is a Zener diode and is
Television Vestigial sideband A5C used to stabilize the dc voltage. Controls
Multichannel voice-frequency telegraphy Single sideband, reduced carrier A7A Rl and R2 are adjusted for best carrier
Cases not covered by the above, e.g., a
combination of telephony and telegraphy. suppression.
Two independent sidebands A9B
The circuit at E offers superior carrier
(See Table 2.)
suppression and uses a 7360 beam-deflec-
tion tube as a balanced modulator. This
tube is capable of providing as much as 60
dB of carrier suppression. When used
devices. The basic principle of any balanc- of forward-to-reverse resistance of each. with mechanical or crystal-lattice filters
ed modulator is to introduce the carrier in This ratio is an important criterion in the the total carrier suppression can be as
such a way that it does not appear in the selection of diodes. Also, the individual great as 80 dB. Most well-designed bal-
output, but so that the sidebands will. The diodes used should have closely matched anced modulators can provide between 30
type of balanced-modulator circuit chosen forward and reverse resistances; an ohm- and 50 dB of carrier suppression; hence

by the builder will depend upon the con- meter can be used to select matched pairs the 7360 circuit is highly desirable for op-
structional considerations, cost, and the or quads. timum results. The primary of trans-
active devices to be employed. One of the simplest diode balanced former Tl should be bifilar wound for
In any balanced-modulator circuit there modulators in use is that of Fig. 2A. Its best results.
be no output with no audio signal.
will use is usually limited to low-cost portable Vacuum-tube balanced modulators can
When audio is applied, the balance is equipment in which a high degree of car- be operated at high power levels and the
upset, and one branch will conduct more rier suppression is not vital. A ring bal- double-sideband output can be used
than the other. Since any modulation pro- anced modulator, shown in Fig. 2B, of- directly into the antenna. Past issues of
cess isthe same as "mixing" in receivers, good
fers low cost.
carrier suppression at QST have given construction details on
sum and difference frequencies (side- Diodes Dl through D4 should be well such transmitters (see, for example, Rush,
bands) will be generated. The modulator matched and can be lN270s or similar. CI "180-Watt D.S.B. Transmitter," QST,
is not balanced for the sidebands, and is adjusted for best rf phase balance as July 1966).
they will appear in the output. evidenced by maximum carrier null. Rl is
In the rectifier-type balanced modu- also obtainable. It may be necessary to ad- IC Balanced Modulators
lators shown in Fig. 2, at A and B, the just each control several times to secure- Integrated circuits (ICs) are presently
diode connected in such a
rectifiers are optimum suppression. available for use in balanced-modulator
manner that, if they have equal forward Varactor diodes are part of the unusual and mixer circuits. A diode array such as
resistances, no rf can pass from the carrier shown in Fig. 2C. This arrangement
circuit the RCA CA3039 is ideally suited for use
source to the output circuit via either of allows single-ended input of near-equal in circuits such as that of Fig. 4A. Since all
the two possible paths. The net effect is levels of audio and carrier oscillator. Ex- diodes are formed on a common silicon
that no
rf energy appears in the output. cellent carrier suppression, 50 dB or more, chip, their characteristics are extremely
When audio is applied, it unbalances the and a simple method of unbalancing the well matched. This fact makes the IC ideal
circuit by biasing the diode (or diodes) in modulator for cw operation are features in a circuit where good balance is re-
one path, depending upon the instan- of this design. Dl and D2 should be rated quired. The hot-carrier diode also has
taneous polarity of the audio, and hence at 20 pF for a bias of - 4 V. Rl can be ad- closely matched characteristics and ex-
some rf will appear in the output. The rf justed to cancel any mismatch in the diode temperature stability. Using broad-
in the output will appear as a double- characteristics, so it isn't necessary that band toroidal-wound transformers, it is
sideband suppressed-carrier signal. the varactors be well matched. Tl is possible to construct a circuit similar to
In any diode modulator, the rf voltage wound on a small-diameter toroid core. that of Fig. 5 which will have 40 dB of car-
should be at least six to eight times the The tap on the primary winding of this rier suppression without the need for
peak audio voltage for minimum distor- transformer is at the center of the wind- balance control?. Tl and T2 consist of
tion. The usual operation involves a frac- ing. trifilar windings, 12 turns of no. 32 enam.
tion of a volt of audio and several volts of A bipolar-transistorbalanced modu- wire wound on a 1/2-inch (13-mm) toroid
rf. Desirable diode characteristics for lator is shown
2D. This circuit is similar
in core. Another device with good inherent
balanced modulator and mixer service in- to one used by Galaxy Electronics and balance is the special IC made for modu-
clude: low noise, low forward resistance, uses closely matched transistors at Ql and lator/mixer service, such as the Motorola
high reverse resistance, good temperature Q2. A phase splitter (inverter), Q3, is used MC1496G or Signetics S5596. sample A
stability, and fast switching time (for to feed audio to the balanced modulator circuit using the MCI 496 can be seen in
high-frequency operation). Fig. 3 lists the in push-pull. The carrier is supplied to the Fig. 4B. Rl is adjusted for best carrier
different classes of diodes, giving the ratio circuit in parallel and the output taken
is balance. The amount of energy delivered
12-2 Chapter 12




- Typical circuits of balanced modulators. Representative parts values are given and should serve as a basis for designing
one's own
Fig. 2

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-3

Diode Type • M 1,000,000
Point-contact germanium (1N98) 500 lOOjliF
Small-junction germanium (1N270) 0.1M (5V "T+ -H2V
Low-conductance silicon (1N457)
High-conductance silicon (1N645)
Hot-carrier (HPA-2800)
48 M
480 M
2000 M

Fig, 3 —Table showing the forward-to-reverse

resistance ratio for the different classes of
solid-state diodes.
4 2 3

from the carrier generator affects the level

of carrier suppression; 100 mV of injec- 100Q
tion is about optimum, producing up to I
'OO ] ^lOk
55 dB of carrier suppression. Additional
information on balanced modulators and
other ssb-generator circuits is given in the
texts referenced at the end of this chapter.

SINGLE-SIDEBAND EMISSION Fig. 4 — Additional balanced-modulator circuits in which integrated circuits are used.
A further improvement in communica-
tions effectiveness can be obtained by
transmitting only one of the sidebands.
When the proper receiver bandwidth is BALANCED MODULATOR
(4 E A HPA-5082-5826
used, a single-sideband signal will show an )

effective gain of up to 9 dB over an a-m

O- +«—
signal of the same peak power. Because GENERATOR
the redundant information is eliminated,

the required bandwidth of an ssb signal is

half that of a comparable a-m or dsb emis-
sion. Unlike dsb, the phase of the local
carrier generated in the receiver is unim-

portant. INPUT

Generating the
If the
SSB Signal: Filter

dsb signal from the balanced

Method m ;o.oi

modulator is applied lo a bandpass filter, Fig. 5 — Balanced-modulator design using hot-carrier diodes.
one of the sidebands can be greatly at-
tenuated. Because a filter cannot have in-
finitely steep skirts, to obtain adequate
suppression of the unwanted sideband the Table 3
response of the filter must begin to roll off Guidelines for Amateur SSB Signal Quality
within about 300 Hz of the phantom car-
Parameter Suggested Standard
rier. This effect limits the ability to
Carrier suppression At least 40-dB below PEP.
transmit bass frequencies, but as Will be
Opposite-sideband suppression At least 40-dB below PEP.
shown in the section on speech processing, Hum and noise At least 40-dB below PEP.
these frequencies have little communica- Third-order intermodulation distortion At least 30-dB below PEP.
tions value. The filter rolloff can be used Higher-order intermodulation distortion. At least 35-dB below PEP.
Long-term frequency stability At most 100-Hz drift per hour.
to obtain an additional 20 dB of carrier
Short-term frequency stability At most 10-Hz pk-pk deviation in
suppression. The bandwidth of an ssb fil-
a 2-kHz bandwidth.
ter is selected for the specific application.
For voice communications, typical values
are 1800 to 4000 Hz. image rejection. This consideration re- tions. High quality components and
Fig. 6 illustrates two variations of the quires the heterodyne-oscillator frequency careful adjustment are required for good
filter, method of ssb generation. The to be above the fixed ssb frequency on results with this type of filter. An alternate
heterodyne oscillator is represented as a some bands and below it on others. To possibility is a "synthesized" filter com-
simple VFO, but may be a premixing sys- reduce circuit complexity, early amateur of high-performance operational
tem or synthesizer. The scheme at B is per- filter types of ssb transmitters did not in- amplifiers used as gyrators or "active in-
haps less expensive than that of A, but the clude a sideband selection switch. The ductors." A further drawback of ssb
heterodyne oscillator frequency must be result was that the output was lsb on 160, generation in this frequency range is that
shifted when changing sidebands if the 75 and 40 meters, and usb on the higher multiple conversion is necessary to reach
dial calibration is to be. maintained. The bands. This convention persists despite the desired output frequency with ade-
ultimate sense' (erect or inverted) of the the flexibility of most modern amateur ssb quate suppression of spurious mixing pro-
final output signal is influenced as much equipment. ducts.
by the relationship of the heterodyne- Mechanical filters are an excellent
oscillator frequency to the fixed ssb fre- Filter Types
choice for ssb generation in the 400- to
quency as by the filter or carrier frequency For carrier frequencies in the 50- to 500-kHz region. These filters are de-
selection. The heterodyne-oscillator fre- 100-kHz region, a satisfactory filter can scribed in some detail in the receiving
quency must be chosen to allow the* best be made up of lumped-constant LC sec- chapter. For wide dynamic range receiving

12-4 Chapter 12
— (

applicatons, the more modern types using

piezoelectric transducers are preferred for
BALANCED lowest interrnodulatiqn distortion. In
OR I _ I
MIXER ^ transmitters, where the signal levels can be
^ hs.
predicted, the types using
D->- AMPv^ magnetostrictive transducers are entirely
Quartz crystal filters are commonly
used in systems in which the ssb signal is
CARRIER HETERODYNE generated in the- high-frequency range.
osc. OSC Some successful amateur designs have
(^) also employed crystals at 455 kHz.
1=1 Generally, four or more crystal elements
(A) are required to obtain adequate selectivity
for ssb transmission. Crystal-filter design
is a sophisticated subject, and the more
BALANCED esoteric aspects are beyond the scope of
Handbook. The discussion


piezoelectric crystal theory in the Elec-
trical Laws and Circuits chapter is suffi-
cient background material for the general
understanding of the concepts outlined in
this section.

A fundamental crystal filter section is

the half-lattice, shown in Fig. 7. The pass-

band of this type of filter is slightly wider
than the frequency spacing between the
crystals. The antiresonant (parallel
resonant) frequency or pole of the low-
frequency crystal must be equal to the
series-resonant frequency or zero of the
high-frequency crystal. Such a filter is
Fig. 6 — The filter method of ssb generation. Two sideband selection schemes are commonly useful for casual receiving purposes, but
the ultimate stopband attenuation is poor,
and numerous spurious responses will
PARALLEL exist just outside thf passband. Cascading

FREQUENCY two of these sections back-to-back, as in

-9 Fig. 8, will greatly suppress these parasitic
resonances and steepen the skirts without
O- -v materially affecting the passband. An im-
portant factor in the design of this type of
filter is the coefficient of coupling be-

tween the two halves of the transformer.

The coupling must approach unity for
proper operation. A twisted-pair or bifilar
winding on a high-permeability ferrite
core most nearly approximates this ideal.
Fig. 7 —
The half-lattice crystal filter. Crystals A and B should be chosen so that the parallel- Some crystal filters have tuned input and
Very tight
resonant frequency of one is the same as the series-resonant frequency of the other. output transformers. The flatness of the
results. The
coupling between the two halves of the secondary of T1, is required for optimum passband is heavily dependent on the ter-
theoretical attenuation-vs.-frequency curve of a half-lattice filter shows a flat
passband between
of the pair of crystals. minating resistances. Lattice filters exhibit
the lower series-resonant frequency and higher parallel-resonant frequency
fairly symmetrical response curves and
can be used for lsb or usb selection by
means of placing the carrier frequency on
the upper or lower skirt.
An asymmetrical shown in Fig.*
filter is

9. sideband suppression
Good unwanted
can be obtained with only two crystals
using this approach. The crystals are
ground the same frequency. The
potential bandwidth here is only half that
obtained with a half-lattice design. The
maximum bandwidth of almost any
crystal filter can be increased by using
plated crystals intended for overtone
The home construction of crystal filters
can be very time-consuming, if not expen-
sive. The reason for this is that one must
Fig. 8 — Half-lattice filters cascaded in a back-to-back arrangement. The theoretical curve of such experiment with a large number of crystals
a filter has increased skirt selectivity and fewer spurious responses, as compared with a simple
halflattice, but the same passband as the simple circuit. to produce a filter with satisfactory per-

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-5

Y1 Y2 Y3

IN Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 OUT

(^Dh- D^0'T | HDh

Y1.Y2.Y3- 9681.2 kHz ~VT r-ht
A-7 r-H "t^
r-H "t
"t Hi

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y8

. 220/V
7^'71 pF
"ZiZ 120pF ^;150 pF OUTPUT


Y1 TO Y6 - 9681.2 kHz


9673 74 73 76 77 78 79 9680 81 82 83

Fig. 9 — An asymmetrical filter and theoretical Fig. 10 —Some ladder filters based on CB crystals, with the response that can be expected from
attenuation curve. the 6-pole unit.

formance. Crystal grinding and etching very little on the 3-dB bandwidth.
can be a fascinating and highly educa- Ladder having six or more elements
filters Table 4
tional activity, but most'home builders are suitable for ssb transmitting and CB Frequencies
would prefer to spend their time on other receiving service. In general, the band-
Frequency Frequency
aspects of equipment design. High-quality width is inversely proportional to the Channel (MHz) Channel (MHz)
filters are available from several manufac- values of the shunt capacitors and directly
1 26.965 21 27.215
turers in the $50 to $100 price class. Most proportional to the terminal impedances. 2 26.975 22 27.225
amateurs who build their own ssb equip- Table 4 lists the frequencies of the CB 3 26.985 23 27.255
Jhent adopt a "systems engineering" ap- channels. Overtone crystals for CB service 4 27.005 24 27.235
proach and design their circuits "around 5 27.015 25 27.245
have fundamental resonance at approxi-
6 27.025 26 27.265
filters of known performance. Some filter mately one third of the listed frequency. 7 27.035 27 27.275
suppliers are listed in the Construction 8 27.055 28 27.285
and Data Tables chapter. It is still worth- Filter Applications 9 27.065 29 27.295
while to have an appreciation for the basic 10 27.075 30 27.305
The important considerations in circuits
11 27.085 31 27.315
design ideas, however, for many of the using bandpass filters are impedance 12 27.105 32 27.325
less expensive filters can be improved matching and input/output isolation. The 13 27.115 33 27.335
markedly by the addition of a couple of requirements for the latter parameter are 14 27.125 34 27.345
''crystals external to the package. The 15 27.135 35. 27.355
less severe transmitting applications
16 27.155 36 ,27.365
technique is to steepen the skirts by group- than they are for receiving, but with prop- 17 27.165 37 27.375
ing sharp notches on either side of the er layout and grounding, the opposite 18 27.175 38 27.385
passband. sideband suppression should be deter- 19 27.185 39 27.395
An important exception to the above 20 27.205 40 27.405
mined by the shape factor rather than
commentary is the ladder filter. Although signal leakage. The filter must be ter-
this type of filter is treated in textbooks, it minated with the proper impedances to
has received attention in the amateur ensure a smooth bandpass response.
literatureonly recently. , The significant Fig. 11A shows a typical ssb generator transformer of the modulator. The tank
feature of ladder filters is that all of the using a KVG (see QST nds) crystal filter. circuit is broadly resonant at 9 MHz and
crystals are ground for the same fre- The grounded-gate JFET presents a rejects any spurious signals generated in
quency.. Low-cost CB crystals are ideally broadband 50-ohm termination to the the modulator that might be propagated
suited to this application. Representative balanced modulator and transforms the through the filter. Crystal filters should be
designs by F6BQP and G3 JIR are given in impedance to the 500 ohms required by isolated from any dc voltages present in
of this type can be
Fig. 10. Filter sections the filter. The dc return for the source of the circuit.
cascaded for improved shape factor with the JFET is through the output A circuit using a Collins mechanical

12-6 Chapter 12

NPUT r 0.01
\[ O Z.-50A

O '


Fig. 11 - Connecting a packaged filter into an ssb generator. (A) 9-MHz crystal filter. (B) 455-kHz mechanical filter.

filter is 1 IB. The i-f

illustrated in Fig. The phasing method was used in many
Table S
transformer prevents spurious responses pre- 1960 amateur ssb exciters, but became
Unwanted Sideband Suppression
and removes dc bias. The output ter- less popular after the introduction of
as a Function of Phase Error
minating network does double duty as the relatively inexpensive high-performance
Phase Error (degrees) Suppression <dB)
bias network for the transistor amplifier bandpass filters. The phase shift and
amplitude balance of the two channels 0.125 59.25
stage. The output transformer is the
dc return for the base circuit. This tech- must be very accurate if the unwanted 47.16
nique is legitimate so long as the current is sideband is to be adequately attenuated. 1.0 41.11

limited to 2 mA. Table 5 shows the required phase accuracy 2.0 35.01
of one channel (af or rf) for various levels 3.0
SSB Generation: The Phasing Method of opposite sideband suppression. The
5.0 26.85
Fig. 12 shows another method for ob- numbers given assume perfect amplitude 10.0 20.50
taining a single-sideband signal. The balance and phase accuracy in the other 15.0 16.69
channel. It can be seen from the table that 20.0 13.93
audio and carrier signals are each split in- 9.98
to components separated 90° in phase and a phase accuracy of ± 1 ° must be main- 6.0
applied to balanced modulators. When tained the signal quality is to satisfy the

the dsb outputs of the modulators are criteria tabulated at the beginning of this

combined, one sideband is reinforced and chapter. It is difficult to achieve this level
the other The figure shows
is cancelled. of overall accuracy over the entire speech ± 2° if the peak deviations can be made
band. Note, however, that speech has a to occur within the spectral gap.
sideband selection by means of transpos-
complex spectrum with a large gap in the The major advantage of the phasing
ing the audio leads, but the same result
that the ssb signal can be
can be had by means of switching the car- octave from 700 to 1400 Hz. The phase- system is
generated at the operating frequency
rier leads. accuracy tolerance can be loosened to

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-7




Fig. 12 — The phasing system of ssb generation.



J> 500
r 15 V

3 -O + V

3000 Hz O- 12


SEC- 600 JT.

1 -1- 47,uF

J 4

-o T0

Fig. 13 — A circuit using the B&W 2Q4 audio phase shift network.
® 2

100 k


R : 12k ±10%
CI : 0.044juF (2 x 0.022juF
C2 i 0.033>jF
C3 : 0.02/iF Ul, U2 : HIGH PERFORMANCE
C4 : O.OIjuF
C5: 5600pF
C6 !

Fig. 14 — A high-performance audio phase shifter made from ordinary loose-tolerance components.
12-8 Chapter 12
\. ( TO BAL

NO. 1
0-5>- INPUT

NO. 2
Fig. 15 —A simple rf phase shifter. One of the
capacitors can be variable for precise align-
ment. I
without the need for heterodyning. Phas-
ing can be used to good advantage even in
fixed-frequency systems. A loose-toler-
ance ( ± 4°) phasing exciter followed by a
simple two-pole crystal filter can generate
a high-quality signal at very low cost.
Fig 16 — Block diagram of a phase-locked-loop phase-shifting system capable of maintaining
Audio Phasing Networks quadrature over a wide bandwidth. The doubly balanced mixer is used as a phase

It would be difficult to design a two-

port network having a quadrature (90°)

phase relationship between input and out-
put with constant-amplitude response
over a decade of bandwidth. A practical
approach, pioneered by Robert Dome,
W2WAM, is to use two networks having a
differential phase shift of 90°. This dif-
ferential can be closely maintained in a
simple circuitif precision components are

used. The 350/2Q4 audio phase shift net- S

work manufactured by Barker and MOD NO.l
Williamson is such a circuit. The price
class is $20. The 2Q4 is a 1950 vintage
component but it is still useful. A modern 4fc O- C

design using this device is given in Fig. 13.

The insertion loss of the 2Q4 is 30 dB and
the phase shift accuracy is ±1.5° over the 2fc l
300-3000 Hz
speech band. ,

The tolerances of the components can

be relaxed considerably if several phase- C Q -OTO BAL
shift sections are cascaded. sixth-order
network designed^ by HA5WH is shown in

Fig. 14.Using common ± 10-percent LINE

tolerance components, this phase shifter

provides approximately 60 dB of opposite
sideband attenuation over the range of
300 to 3000 Hz. (A)
( B)
Numerous circuits have been developed
to synthesize the required 90° phase shift
electronically. Active-filter techniques are
used in most of these systems, but preci- Fjg. 17 —(A) A digital rf phase shift network. The bandwidth of this system is
limited only by the
sion components are needed for good capabilities of the ICs. The RC network connected to the set lines of the flip-flops
ensures a con-
sistent phase relationship every time the circuit is energized. (B) The required
results. An interesting phasing system
multiplication in (A) can be obtained from this exclusive OR gate circuit. Additional
gates can be
-described in Electronics for April 13,
used for the delay lines. The more conventional push-push multiplier circuits can also be used.
1978, makes use of a tapped analog delay
line.These "bucket brigade" devices are
quency, problems similar to those in the small, such as in the 144.1- to 145-MHz
becoming available at reasonable prices
audio networks must be overcome. range, the rf phase shift can be obtained
on the surplus market.
A differential rf phase shifter is shown conveniently by means of transmission-
RF Phasing Networks in Fig. 15. The amplitudes of the quadra- line methods. If one balanced modulator
to be generated at a ture signals won't be equal over an entire feed line is made an electrical quarter
If the ssb signal is
phone band, but this is of little conse- wavelength longer than the other, the two
fixed frequency, the rf phasing problem is
quence as long as the signals are strong signals will be 90° out of phase. It is im-
trivial; any method that produces the
enough to saturate the modulators. portant that the cables be properly ter-
proper phase shift can be used. If the
Where percentage bandwidths are minated.
signal is produced at the operating fre-

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-9





Fig. 18 - Independent-sideband generators. (A) Filter system. (B) Phasing system. The block marked "rf combiner" can be a hybrid combiner
summing amplifier.

One methodfor obtaining a 90° phase microphone input, F5 emission will result. Many commercially manufactured ssb
over a wide bandwidth is to generate
shift Two alternating tones from an afsk RTTY transceivers have provisions for control-
the quadrature signals at a fixed frequency keyer will cause the transmitter to produce ling the transmit or receive
frequency with
and heterodyne them individually to any A
an Fl keyed audio tone will be
signal. an external VFO
or receiver. With slight
desired operating frequency. Quadrature translated into an Al signal. This tech- modification it should be possible to slave
hybrids having multioctave bandwidths nique is a perfectly legitimate way to two transceivers to a single VFO for isb
are manufactured commercially, but they operate cw with an ssb transceiver, and is operation. The oscillators in the trans-
cost hundreds of dollars. Another prac- simpler than the more traditional method ceivers must be aligned precisely.
tical approach is to use two VFOs in a of upsetting the balanced modulator for The most obvious amateurapplication
masterrslave phase-locked loop system. carrier leakage. One can vary the for independent sideband is the transmis-
Many phase detectors lock the two signals transmitting frequency independently of sion of slow-scan television with
in phase quadrature. A
doubly balanced the receiving frequency by means of simultaneous audio commentary. On the
mixer has this property. One usually changing the audio tone. The strength of vhf bands, other combinations, are possi-
thinks of a phase-locked loop as having a the tone determines the transmitter power ble, such as voice and code or SSTV and
VCO locked to a reference signal, but a output. Good engineering practice re- RTTY.
phase differential can be controlled in- quires that the tone be frequency-stable
dependently of the oscillator. The circuit and that the total harmonic distortion be The Speech Amplifier
in Fig. 16 illustrates this principle. A less than one percent. Also, the carrier The purpose of a speech amplifier is to
digitalphase shifter is sketched in Fig. 17. and opposite sideband must be suppressed raise the level of audio output from a
If ECL ICs are used, this system can work at least 40 dB. Of course the rise and microphone to that required by the modu-
over the entire hf spectrum. decay times of the audio envelope must be lator of a transmitter. In ssb and fm trans-
controlled to avoid key clicks. This sub- mitters the modulation process takes place
Other SSB Modes ject is treated in detail in Chapter 1 1 at low levels', so only a few volts of audio
An ssb transmitter simply a frequency
is are necessary. One or two simple voltage-
translator. Any frequency- or amplitude- Independent Sideband Emission
amplifier stages will suffice. A-m
varying signal (within .the bandwidth If two ssb exciters, one usb and the transmitters often employ high-level plate
capabilities of the transmitter) applied to other lsb, share a common .carrier modulation requiring considerable audio
the input
will be translated intact oscillator, two channels of information power, compared to ssb and fm. The
(although frequency inversion takes place can be transmitted from one antenna. microphone-input and audio voltage-
in Isb) to the chosen radio frequency. If Methods for isb generation in filter and amplifier circuits are similar in all three
amplitude-limited tones corresponding to phasing transmitters are shown in Fig. 18. types of phone transmitters, however.
the video information of a slow-scan May 1977 QST carried an article on con- When designing speech equipment it is
television picture are fed- into the verting the popular Drake TR4-C to isb. necessary to know (1) the amount of

12-10 Chapter 12

peaks (sharp rises in the reproduction issuspended in a magnetic circuit. When

MPSA10 OUTPUT curve) limit the swing or modulation to sound impinges on the diaphragm, it
the maximum drive voltage, whereas the moves the coil through the magnetic field,
usable energy is contained in the flat part generating an alternating voltage.
of the curve. A microphone must be ter-
Electret Microphones
minated in its specified load impedance if
the designed frequency response is to be The electret microphone has recently
realized. appeared as a feasible alternative to the
Microphones are generally omnidirec- carbon, piezoelectric or dynamic micro-
tional, and respond to sound from all phone. An electret is an insulator which
directions, or unidrectional, picking up has a quasi-permanent static electric
sound from one direction. If a micro- charge trapped in or upon it. The electret,
phone is to be used close to the operator's operates in a condenser fashion which
mouth, an omnidirectional microphone is uses a set of biased plates whose motion,'
ideal. If, however, speech is generated a caused by air pressure variations, creates a
foot (0.31 or more from the
m) changing capacitance and an accompany-
microphone, a unidirectional microphone ing change in voltage. The electret acts as

will reduce reverberation by a factor of the plates would, and being charged, it re-
1.7:1. Some types of unidirectional quires no bias voltage. A
low voltage pro-
microphones have a proximity effect in vided by a battery used for an FET im-
that low frequencies are accentuated when pedance converter is the only power re-
the microphone is too close to the mouth. quired to produce an audio signal.
Ekctrets traditionally have been suscep-
Carbon Microphones tible to damage from high temperatures

The carbon microphone consists of a and high humidity. New materials and dif-
metal diaphragm placed against a cup of ferent charging techniques have lowered
loosely packed carbon granules. As the the chances of damage, however. Only in
diaphragm is actuated by the sound extreme conditions (such as 120°F or
pressure, it alternately compresses and 49 °C at 90 percent humidity) are prob-
decompresses the granules. When current lems present. The output level of a typical
LO-Z DYNAMIC is flowing through the button, a variable electret is higher than that of a standard

dc will correspond to the movement of the dynamic microphone.

— diaphragm. This fluctuating dc can be
Fig. 19 Speech circuits for use with Microphone Amplifiers
standard-type microphones. Typical parts used to provide voltage corresponding to
values are given. the sound pressure. The output of a car- The circuit immediately following the
bon microphone extremely high, but
is audio input establishes the signal-to-noise
nonlinear distortion and instability has ratio of the transmitter. General-purpose
reduced its use. ICs such as the 709 and 741 op amps are
widely used in speech amplifiers, but they
Piezoelectric Microphones are fairly noisy, so it is best to precede
audio power the modulation system must
microphones make use of
Piezoelectric them with a lower-noise discrete device
furnish, and (2) the output voltage
developed by the microphone when it is the phenomenon by which certain (FET or bipolar transistor). The circuits in

few materials produce a voltage by mechanical Fig. 19 fulfill this requirement.

spoken into from normal distance (a
inches) with ordinary loudness. It then stress or distortion of the material. A
Voltage Amplifiers
number diaphragm is coupled to a small bar of
becomes possible to choose the
material such as Rochelle salt or ceramic The important characteristics of a
and type of amplifier stages needed to
made of barium titanate or lead zirconium voltage amplifier are its voltage gain,
generate the required audio power
without overloading or undue distortion titanate. The diaphragm motion is thus maximum undistorted output voltage,

anywhere in the system. translated into electrical energy. Rochelle- and frequency response. The voltage

salt crystals are .

susceptible to high gain is the voltage-amplification ratio of
Microphones temperatures, excessive moisture, or ex- the stage. The output voltage is the maxi-

The level of a microphone is its elec- treme dryness. Although the output level mum af voltage that can be secured from
is higher, their use is declining because of the stage without distortion. The
tricaloutput for a given sound intensity.
their fragility. amplifier frequency response should be
The level varies somewhat with the type.
It depends to a large extent on the distance Ceramic microphones are impervious to adequate for voice reproduction; this re-
from the sound source and the intensity of temperature and humidity. The output quirement is easily satisfied.
the speaker's voice. Most commercial level is adequate for most modern ampli- The voltage gain and maximum un-
They are capacitive devices and the distorted output voltage depend on the
transmitters are designed for the median fiers.

output impedance is high. The load im- operating conditions of the amplifier. The
level. If a high-level mic is used, care
should be taken not to overload the input pedance will affect the low frequencies. output voltage is in terms of peak voltage
To provide attenuation, it is desirable to rather than rms; this makes the rating in-
amplifier stage. Conversely, a microphone
of too low a level must be boosted by a reduce the load to 0.25 megohm or even dependent of the waveform. Exceeding
preamplifier. lower, to maximize performance when the peak value causes the amplifier to
of a operating ssb, thus eliminating much of distort, so it is more useful to consider
The frequency response (fidelity)

microphone is its ability to convert sound the unwanted low-frequency response. only peak values in working with
uniformly into alternating current. For
high articulation it is desirable to
Dynamic Microphones A circuit suitable for use as a

reproduce a frequency range of 200-3500 The dynamic microphone somewhat microphone preamplifier or the major
resembles a dynamic loudspeaker. A light- gain block of a speech system is shown in
Hz. When all frequencies are reproduced
weight coil, usually made of aluminum Fig. 20. The response rolls off below 200
equally, the microphone is considered
"flat." Flat response is highly desirable as wire, is attached to a diaphragm. This coil Hz to reduce hum pickup. Ordinary 741

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-11

op amps can be used in stages following
the preamp, provided the voltage gain is -Q+12V
held to about 20 (26 dB).

Gain Control
A means for varying the overall gain of
the amplifier is necessary for keeping the

final output at the proper level for

modulating the transmitter. The common
method of gain control is to adjust the
value of ac voltage applied to the input of
one of the amplifiers by means of a

voltage divider or potentiometer.

The gain-control potentiometer should
be near the input end of the amplifier, at a
point where the signal voltage level is so
low there is no danger that the stages
ahead of the gain control will be overload-
ed by the full microphone output. In a
high-gain amplifier it is best to operate the
first stage at maximum gain, since this
gives the best signal-to-hum ratio. The
control is usually placed in the input cir- Fig. 20 —
A speech amplifier suitable for microphone or interstage use. The input and output im-
cuit of the second stage. pedances can be tailored to match a wide range of loads. Maximum gain of this circuit is 40 dB.

Remote gain control can be accomplish-

ed with an electronic attenuator IC, such
as the Motorola MFC6040. A dc voltage ELECTRONIC ATTENUATOR
varies the gain of the IC from + 6 to - 85 -H2V <-YY"r^
dB, eliminating the need for shielded leads Q MIC ° ' 1 Oaudio AMP
to a remotely located volume control. A mr\,W*tJ

typical circuit is shown in Fig. 21.

—w— —o—
INPUT O——)|- |(——OOUTPUT (A)
Phase Inversion
Some balanced modulators and phase
shifters require push-pull audio input.
X 0.47

tE 50juF
i >»<n 6 O.

„ IC -j-


The obvious way to obtain push-pull out-

put from a single-ended stage is to use a
X 2 5V
50 k

transformer with a center-tapped second-

ary. Phase inverter or phase splitter cir-
cuits can accomplish the same task elec- Fig. 22 —
Rf filters using LC (A) and RC (B)
tronically. A differential amplifier can be Fig. 21 — A dc voltage controls gain of trie components, which are used to prevent feed-
this IC, eliminating the need for shielded leads back caused by rf pickup on the microphone
used to convert a single-ended input to a
to the gain controh lead.
push-pull output. Two additional phase
splitter circuits are shown in Fig. 23.

Speech -Amplifer Construction good ground between the circuit board power outputs too low for consistently ef-
Once a suitable circuit has been selected and the metal chassis is necessary. Com- fective communications. Most modern
for a speech amplifier, the construction plete shielding from rf energy is always re- grounded-grid linear amplifiers require 30
problem resolves itself into avoiding two quired for low-level solid-state audio cir- to 100 watts of exciter output power to
difficulties—. excessive hum, and un- cuits. The microphone input should be drive them to their rated power input. An
wanted feedback. For reasonably humless decoupled for rf with a filter, as shown in exciter output amplifier serves to boost
operation, the hum voltage should not ex- Fig. 22. At A, an rf choke with a high im- the output power to a useful level while
ceed about one percent of the maximum pedance over the frequency range of the providing additional selectivity to reject
audio output voltage —
that is, the hum transmitter is employed. For high- spurious mixing products.
and noise should be at least 40 dB below impedance inputs, a resistor may be used Two stages are usually required to ob-
the output level. in place of the choke. tain the necessary power. The stage
Unwanted feedback, if negative, will When using paper capacitors as preceding the output amplifier is called
reduce the gain below the calculated bypasses, be sure that the terminal mark- the driver. Some tubes that work well as
value; if positive, is likely to cause self- ed "outside fojl," often indicated with a drivers are the 6CL6, 12BY7, 6EH7 and
oscillation or"howls." Feedback can be black band, is connected to ground. This 6GK6. Since all of these tubes are capable
minimized by isolating each stage with utilizes the outside foil of the capacitor as of high gain, instability is sometimes en-
decoupling resistors and capacitors, by a shield around the "hot" foil. When countered in their use. Parasitic suppres-
avoiding layouts that bring the first and paper or mylar capacitors are used for sion should be included as a matter of
last stages near each «other, and by coupling between stages, always connect course. Some form of neutralization is
shielding of "hot" points in the circuit, the outside foil terminal to the side of the recommended. Driver stages should be
such as high-impedance leads in low-level circuit having the lower impedance to operated in Class A or AB1 to minimize
stages. ground. distortion. The higher quiescent dissipa-
If circuit-board construction is used, tion can be easily handled at these power
Driver and Output Stages
high-impedance leads should be kept as levels. The new VMOS power FETs are
short as possible. All ground returns The most-commonly-used balanced well suited to ssb driver circuits.
should be made to a common point. A modulators and transmitting mixers have The exciter output amplifier can be a

12-12 Chapter 12
i 3

Fig. 23 — Phase splitter circuits using (A) a

JFET and (B) a dual-operational amplifier.
»1K .1 lit

+ 15V
f )l o
MPF102 D

i»f j -
vjy S +,, 15V

412 V

10 K

10 K 1 uf
o-)|- -W\A- + m15V

Fig. 24 — (A) Typical ssb voice-modulated

signal might have an envelope of the general
nature shown, where the rf amplitude (current
or voltage) is plotted as a function of time,
which increases to the right horizontally. (B)
Envelope pattern after speech processing to
+ 15V
crease the average level of power output.

U1 : MC1458CP1 calibrated in watts only by using a sine-

wave signal — which a voice-modulated
(B) signal definitely is not.)
The ratioof peak-to-average amplitude
varies widely with voice of different
TV horizontal sweep tube. Some sweep envelope power, abbreviated PEP. The characteristics. In the case shown in Fig.

tubes are capable of lower distortion than peak -envelope power of a given transmit- 24A theaverage amplitude, found
others, but if not overdriven most of them ter is intimately related to the distortion graphically, is such that the peak-to-
are satisfactory for amateur use, yielding considered tolerable. The lower the signal- average ratio of amplitudes is almost 3:1.
IMD levels between - 26 and - 30 dB, to-distortion ratio the lower the attainable The ratio of peak power to average power
typically, Some types suitable for AB1 ser- peak-envelope power, as a general rule. is something else again. There is no simple

vice are 6DQ5, 6GB5, 6GE5, 6HF5, 6JE6, For splatter reduction, an S/D ratio of 25 relationship between the meter reading
6JS6, 6KD6, 6LF6, 6KG6 and 6LQ6. A dB is considered a border-line minimum, and actual average power, for the reason
genuine transmitting tube such as a 6146B and better figures are desirable. mentioned earlier.

can be operated in the higher efficiency The signal power, S, in the standard
Class-AB2 or B modes for the same dis- definition of S/D ratio is the power in one DC Input
tortion produced by sweep tubes in AB1. tone of a two-tone test signal. This is 6 dB FCC regulations require that the

Transmitting tubes have the additional below the peak-envelope power in the transmitter power be rated in terms of the
advantages of uniformity and ruggedness. same signal. Manufacturers of amateur dc input to the final stage. Most ssb final

Linear amplifiers, including those using ssb equipment usually base their publish- amplifiers are operated Class AB1 or
solid-state devices, are treated in detail in ed S/D ratios on PEP, thereby getting an AB2, so that the plate current during
chapter 6. S/D ratio that looks 6 dB better than one modulation varies upward from a
based on the standard definition. In com- "resting" or no-signal value that is

POWER RATINGS OF paring distortion-product ratings of dif- generally chosen to minimize distortion.
SSB TRANSMITTERS ferent transmitters or amplifiers, first There will be a peak-envelope value of
Fig. 24A is more or less typical of a few make sure that the ratios have the same plate current that, when multiplied by the

voice-frequency cycles of the modulation base. dc plate voltage, represents the instan-
envelope of a single-sideband signal. Two taneous tube power input required to pro-
Peak vs. Average Power duce the peak-envelope output. This is the'
amplitude values associated with it are of
particular interest. One is the maximum Envelope peaks occur only sporadically "peak-envelope dc input" or "PEP in-
peak amplitude, the greatest amplitude during voice transmission, and have no put." It does not register on any meter in
reached by the envelope at any time. The direct relationship to meter readings. The the transmitter. Meters cannot move fast
other is the average amplitude, which is meters respond to the amplitude (current enough to show it —
and even if they did,
the average of ajl the amplitude values or voltage) of the signal averaged over the eye couldn't follow;. What the plate
contained in the envelope over some several cycles of the modulation envelope. meter does read is the plate current
significant period of time, such as the time (This is true in practically cases, even
all averaged over several modulation-enve-
of one syllable of speech. though the transmitter output meter
rf lope cycles. This multiplied by the dc plate
The power contained in the signal at the may be calibrated in watts. Unfortunate- voltage is the number of watts input re-
maximum peak amplitude is the basic ly,such a calibration means little in voice quired to produce the average power out-
transmitter rating. It is called the peak- transmission since the meter can be put described earlier.

Single-Sideband Transmission 1 2-1


In voice transmission the power input -0 + 6V

and power output are both continually
varying. The power input peak-to-average
ratio, as the power-output peak-to-
average ratio, depends on the voice
°- 47 4.7juF
characteristics. Determination of the in- LOW-Z
MIC O 1(
put ratio is further complicated by the fact OUTPUT
that there is a resting value of dc plate in- -O 80 mV

put even when there is no rf output. No

exact figures are possible. However, ex- AGC
perience has shown that for many types of GENERATOR
voices and for ordinary tube operating
conditions where a moderate value of \L 1 U2 §

resting current is used, the ratio of PEP \\ SL620C

input to average input (during a modula-
tion peak) will be in the neighborhood of +
" —vw

2:1. That is why many amplifiers are rated

for a PEP input of 2 kilowatts even (OOjuF
though the maximum legal input is 1 15V
PEP Input
The 2-kW PEP input rating can be in-
terpreted in this way: The amplifier can
handle dc peak-envelope inputs of 2 kW,
presumably .with satisfactory linearity.
But it should be run up to such peaks if —
and only if —
in doing so the dc plate cur-
rent (the current that shows on the plate
meter) multiplied by the dc plate voltage
does not at any time exceed 1 kW. On the
other hand, if your voice has characteris-
ticssuch that the dc peak-to-average ratio
is, you should not run a
for example, 3:1,
greater dc input during peaks than
2000/3, or 660 watts. Higher dc input '4700
would 'drive the amplifier into nonlin-
earity and generate splatter. OOUTPUT
youf voice happens to have a peak-
If 2/1

to-average ratio of less than 2:1 with this 1000P" 12V

particular amplifier, you cannot run more

than 1 kW dc input even though the
envelope peaks do not reach 2 kW,
It should be apparent that the dc input

rating (based on the maximum value of dc

input developed during modulation, of Fig. 25 — Typical solid-state compressor circuits.

course) leaves much to be desired. Its

principal virtues are that it can be and compression or clipping of the rf filtering some of the audio output and
measured with ordinary instruments, and waveform after the ssb signal has been k
applying the rectified and filtered dc to a
that it is consistent with the method used generated. One form of rf compression, control electrode in an early stage in the
for rating the power of other types of commonly called ale (automatic level con- amplifier.
emission used by amateurs. The meter trol) isalmost universally used in amateur A example of an audio com-
readings offer no assurance that the ssb transmitters. Audio processing is also is shown in Fig. 25A. Low-
pressor circuit
transmitter is being operated within used to increase the level of audio power impedance microphones can be connected
linearity limits, unless backed up by contained in the sidebands of an a-m directly to the . input of the Plessey
oscilloscope checks using your voice. transmitter and to maintain constant SL630C. Ul has an age terminal which
It should be observed, also, that in the fm transmitter. Both com-
deviation in an allows logarithmic control of the output
case of a grounded-grid final amplifier, pression and clipping are used in a-m level with a variable dc voltage. High-
the 1-kW input permitted by FCC regula- systems, while most fm transmitters frequency cutoff is accomplished by con-
tions must include the input to the driver employ only clipping. necting a 0.002-^F capacitor between pins
stage as^ well as the input to the final 3 and 4. Manual gain contrpl is effected
amplifier itself. Both inputs are measured Volume Compression by applying a dc voltage to pin 8.
as described above. Although it is obviously desirable to Age voltage for Ul is developed by the
keep the voice level as high as possible, it SL620C. A
suitable time constant for
Speech Processing is difficult to maintain constant voice in- voice operation is established by the
Four basic systems, or a combination tensity when speaking into the micro- capacitors connected to pins 3, 4 and 6,
thereof, can be used to reduce the peak- phone. To overcome this variable output respectively. The IC provides a fast-
to-average ratio, and thus, to raise the level, it is possible to use automatic gain attack, slow-decay characteristic for the
average power level of an ssb signal. They control that follows the average (not in- age voltage when voice signals are applied
are compression or clipping of the af wave stantaneous) variations in speech ampli- and a short burst of age voltage when a
. before it reaches the balanced modulator, tude. This can be done by rectifying and short noise burst occurs. Twenty transis-

12-14 Chapter 12


ti- 50>uF
AAA ^-0+i2v


03 f-AA/v f Q4
04 1(

20H T

470 330 <? 0K -T N ^CLIPPED.



-AyvV AF
47k GAIN
>10k " IPPED AF
± 0.02>jF~ 1
n r.l

X ^output

1N3754 ETC.

- (B)

Fig. 26 — This drawing illustrates use of JFETs or silicon diodes to clip positive and negative voice peaks.

torsand four diodes are used in U2. this purpose should have relatively little

The compressor will hold the output attenuation below about 2500 Hz, but

level constant within 2 dB over a 40-dB high attenuation for all frequencies above
range of input signal. The nominal output 3000 Hz.
level is 80 mV; the microphone used The values of L and C should be chosen
should develop at least 3 mV
at the gate of to form a low-pass filter section having a PPING
Ql. cutoff frequency of about 2500 Hz, using
Fig. 25B shows an IC audio compressor the value of the terminating resistor load
circuit using the National Semiconductor resistance. For this cutoff frequency the
LM-370. This IC has two gain-control formulas are
points, pins 3 and 4; one is used for the in-
LI = R ^. _
CI = C2 = ™ 63.6 5 10

put gainadjustment while the other 7850 OR CLIPPING (SSB)
receives age voltage whenever the output
level exceeds a preset norm. R2 establishes where
the point at which compression starts. R = ohms Fig. 27 —
The improvement in received signal-
LI = henrys to-noise ratio achieved by the simple forms of
signal processing.
Speech Clipping and Filtering CI = mF
In speech waveforms the average power C2 = fiF
content is considerably less than in a sine There is a loss in naturalness -with capacitor follow the clipper to form a sim-
wave of the same peak amplitude. If the "deep" though the voice is
clipping, even ple R-C filter for attenuating the high-

high amplitude peaks are clipped off, the highly intelligible. With moderate clipping frequency components generated by the
remaining waveform will nave a con- levels (6 to 12 dB) there is almost no clipping action, as discussed earlier. Any
siderably higher ratio of average power to change in "quality" but the voice power is top-hat or similar silicon diodes can be
peak amplitude. Although clipping dis- increased considerably. used in place of the 1N3754S. Germanium
torts waveform and the result
the Before drastic clipping can be used, the diodes (1N34A type) can also be used, but
therefore does not sound exactly like the speech signal must be amplified several will clip at a slightly lower peak audio

original, it is possible to secure a worth- times more than is necessary for normal level.

while increase in audio power without modulation. Also, the hum and noise
SSB Speech Processing
sacrificing intelligibilty. Once the system must be much lower than the tolerable
is properly adjusted // will be impossible level in ordinary amplification, because Compression and clipping are related,
to overdrive the modulator stage of the the noise in the output of the amplifier in- as both have fast attack times, and when

transmitter because the maximum output creases in proportion to the gain. the compressor release is made quite
amplitude is fixed. In the circuit of Fig. 26B a simple diode short, the effect on the waveform ap-

By itself, clipping generates high-order clipper is shown following a two- proaches that of clipping. Speech process-
harmonics and therefore will cause splat- transistor preamplifier section. The ing is most effective when accomplished at
ter. To prevent this, the audio frequencies lN3754s conduct at approximately 0.7 radio frequencies, although a combina-
above those needed for intelligible speech volt of audio and provide positive- and tion of af clipping and compression can

must be filtered out after clipping and negative-peak clipping '

of the speech produce worthwhile results. The advan-
before modulation. The filter required for waveform. A 47-kfi resistor and a 0.02-fjF tage of an outboard audio speech pro-

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-15

cessor is that no internal modifications are
necessary to the ssb transmitter with
which it be used.
To understand the effect of ssb speech
processing, review the basic rf waveforms
shown 24A. Without processing,
in Fig.
they have high peaks but low average
power. After processing, Fig. 24B, the
amount of average power has been raised
considerably. Fig. 27 shows an advantage
of several dB for rf clipping (for 20 dB of
processing) over its nearest competitor.
Investigations by W6JES reported in
January 1969 QSrshow that, observing a
transmitted signal using IS dB of audio
clipping from a remote receiver, the in-
telligibility threshold was improved nearly
4 dB over a signal with no clipping. In-
creasing the af clipping level to 25 dB gave
Fig. 28 — Two-tone envelope patterns with various degrees of rf clipping. All envelope patterns an additional 1.5 dB improvement in in-
are formed using tones of 600 and 1000 Hz. (A) At clipping threshold; (B) 5 dB of clipping; (C) 10 Audio compression was
dB of clipping; (D) 15 dB of clipping. found to be valuable for maintaining
relatively constant average-volume

Fig. 29— (A) Control voltage obtained by sampling the rf output voltage of the final amplifier. The diode back bias, 40 volts or so maximum, may be
taken from any convenient positive voltage source in the transmitter. R may be a linear control having a maximum resistance of the order of 50 ko.
D1 may be a 1N34A or similar germanium diode.
(B) Control voltage obtained from grid circuit of a Class AB1 tetrode amplifier. T1 is an Interstage audio transformer having a turns ratio, secon-
dary to primary, of 2 or 3 to 1. An inexpensive transformer may be used, since the primary and secondary currents are negligible. D1 may be a 1N34A
or similar; time constant R2C3 is discussed in the text.
(C) Control voltage is obtained from the grid of a Class AB1 tetrode amplifier and amplified by a triode audio stage.
(D) Ale system used in the Collins 32S-3 transmitter. * v '

(E) Applying control voltage to the tube or (F) linear IC-controlled amplifier.

12-16 Chapter 12



+ 10V (REC.) 100O< "MOV (TRANS.)




GROUND OSC. <>2700<?33k

+10V (REC.)

+iov + 10V (TRANS.)
( C)

Fig. 30 — Transceiver circuits where a section is made to operate on both transmit and receive. See text tor details.

speech, but such a compressor added little ping. The effect of such clipping on a two- dB is typical. An ale circuit with shorter

to the intelligibilty threshold at the tone test pattern is shown in Fig. 28. time constants function as an rf

receiver, only about 1-2 dB. Automatic level control, although a syllabic compressor, producing up to 6 db
Evaluation of rf clipping from the form of rf speech processing, has found improvement in the intelligibility thresh-

receive side with constant-level speech, its primary application in maintaining the old a distant receiver. The Collins
and filtering to restore the original band- peak rf output of an ssb transmitter at a Radio Company uses an ale system with
width, resulted inan improved in- relatively constant level, hopefully below dual time constants (Fig. 29D) in their
telligibility threshold of 4.5 dB with 10 dB the point at which the final amplifier is S/Line transmitters, and this has proven
of clipping. Raising the clipping level to 18 overdriven when the audio input varies to be quite effective.
dB gave an additional 4-dB improvement over a considerable range. These typical Heat an extremely important con-

at the receiver, or 8.5-dB total increase. ale systems, shown in Fig. 29, by the sideration in the use ofany speech pro-
The improvement of the intelligibility of a nature of their design time constants offer cessor which increases the average-to-
weak ssb signal at a distant receiver can a limited increase in transmitted average- peak power ratio. Many transmitters, in
thus be substantially improved by rf clip- to-PEP ratio. A
value in the region of 2-5 particular those using television sweep

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-17

tubes, simply are not built to stand the ef- from the filter is amplified and dent of signal waveform. thermocouple A
fects of increased average input, either in capacitance-coupled to the transmitter ammeter connected in series with the load
the final-amplifier tube or tubes or in the mixer. The relay contacts also apply ale would be a typical example of such a
power supply. If heating in the final tube voltage to the first i-f stage and remove system. The output power would be equal
is the limiting factor, adding a cooling fan the screen voltage from the, second i-f to PR, where I is the current in the am-
may be a satisfactory answer. amplifier, when transmitting. meter and R is the load resistance (usually
Bilateralamplifier and mixer stages, 50 ohms). In order to find the PEP output
used by Sideband Engineers in their
first with the latter method (using a two-tone
A transceiver combines the functions of SBE-33, also have found application in test input signal), the power output is
transmitter and receiver in a single other transceiver designs. The circuits multiplied by two.
package. In contrastpackagedto a shown in Fig. 30B and C are made to A spectrum analyzer is capable of
"transmitter-receiver," it utilizes many of work in either direction by grounding the giving the most information (of the three
the active and passive elements for both bias divider of the input transistor, com- methods considered here), but it is also
transmitting and receiving. Ssb transceiver pleting the bias network. The application the most costly method and the one with
operation enjoys widespread popularity of these designs to an, amateur transceiver the greatest chance of misinterpretation.
for several justifiable reasons. In most for the 80- through 10-meter bands is Basically, a spectrum analyzer is a receiver
designs the transmissions are on the same given in the Fifth Edition of Single Side- with a readout which provides a plot of
(suppressed-carrier) frequency as the band for the Radio Amateur. signal amplitude vs. frequency. The
receiver is tuned to. The only practical The complexity of a multiband ssb readout could be in the form of a paper
way to carry on a rapid multiple-station transceiver is such that most amateurs buy chart but usually it is presented as a trace
"roundtable" or net operation is for all them fully built and tested. There are, on a CRT. For a spectrum analyzer to
stations to transmit on the same fre- however, some excellent designs available provide accurate information about a
quency. Transceivers are ideal for this, in the kit field, and any amateur able to signal, that signal must be well within the
since once the receiver is properly set the handle a soldering iron and follow instruc- linear dynamic range of the analyzer. For
transmitter is also. Transceivers are by tions can save himself considerable money a thorough explanation of the function
nature more compact than separate trans- by assembling an ssb transceiver kit. and application of this instrument see
mitter and receiver setups and thus lend Some transceivers include a feature that Rusgrove, "Spectrum Analysis One —
themselves well to mobile and portable permits the receiver to be tuned a few kHz Picture's Worth a .," August 1979
. .

use. either side of the transmitter frequency. QST.

Although the many designs available on This consists of a voltage-sensitive
the market differ in detail, there are of capacitor, which is tuned by varying the Two-Tone Tests and Scope Patterns
necessity many points of similarity. All of applied dc voltage. This can be a, useful A very practical method for amateur
them use the filter type of sideband device when one or more of the stations in applications is to use a two-tone test signal
generation, and the filter unit furnishes a net drift slightly. The control for this (usually audio) and sample the transmitter
the receiver i-f selectivity as well. The car- function is usually labeled RIT for output. The waveform of the latter is then
rier oscillator doubles as the receiver receiver incremental tuning. Other applied directly to the vertical-deflection
(fixed) BFO. One or more mixer or i-f transceivers include provision a
for plates in an oscilloscope. An alternative
stage or stages will be used for both crystal-controlled transmitter frequency method to use an rf probe and detector
transmitting and receiving. The receiver S plus full use of the receiver tuning. This is to sample the waveform and apply the
meter may become the transmitter plate- useful for "DXpeditions" where net resulting audio signal to the vertical-
current or output voltage indicator. The operation (on the same frequency) may deflection amplifier input.
VFO that sets the receiver frequency also not be desirable. If there are no appreciable nonlin-
determines the transmitter frequency. The
earities in the amplifier, the resulting
same signal-frequency tuned circuits may Testing a Sideband Transmitter
envelope *
will approach a perfect sine-
be used for both transmission and recep-
There are three commonly used wave pattern (see Fig. 31 A). As a com-
tion, including the transmitter pi-network
methods for testing an ssb transmitter. parison, a spectrum-analyzer display for
output circuit.
These include the wattmeter, oscilloscope, the same transmitter and under the same
Usually the circuits are switched by a
and spectrum-analyzer techniques. In conditions is shown in Fig. 31B. In this
multiple-contact relay, which transfers the
each case, a two-tone test signal is fed into case, spurious products can be seen which
antenna if necessary and also shifts the
the mic input to simulate a speech signal. are approximately 30 dB below the
biases on several stages. Most commercial From the measurements, information amplitude of each of the tones.
designs offer VOX (voice-controlled
concerning such quantities as PEP and As the distortion increases, so does the
operation) and MOX (manual operation). intermodulation-distortion-product (IMD) level of the spurious products and the
Which is preferable is a controversial sub- can be obtained. Depending upon
levels resulting waveform departs from a true
ject; some operators like VOX and others
the technique used, other aspects of sine-wave function. This can be seen in
prefer MOX. transmitter operation (such as hum prob- Fig. 31C. One of the disadvantages of the
lems and carrier balance) can also be scope and two-tone test method is that a
checked. relatively high level of IMD-product
The use of a filter-amplifier combina- As might be expected, each technique voltage is required before the waveform
tion common to both the transmitter and has both advantages and disadvantages seems distorted to the eye. For instance,
receiver is shown in Fig. 30A. This circuit and the suitability of a particular method the waveform in Fig. 31C doesn't seem
is used by the Heath Company in several willdepend upon the desired application. too much different from the one in Fig.
of their transceiver kits. When receiving, The wattmeter method is perhaps the 31 A but the IMD level is only 17 dB below
the output of the hf mixer is coupled to simplest one but it also provides the least the level of the desired signal (see analyzer
the crystal filter, which, in turn, feeds the amount of information. Rf wattmeters display an Fig. 31D). A 17- to 20-dB level
first i-f amplifier. The output of this stage suitable for single-tone or cw operation corresponds to approximately 10-percent
is transformer-coupled to the second i-f may not be accurate with a two-tone test distortion in the voltage waveform. Con-
amplifier. During transmit, Kl is closed, signal. A suitable wattmeter, for the latter sequently, a "good" waveform means the
turning on the isolation amplifier that case must have a reading that is propor- IMD products are at least 30 db below the
links the balanced modulator to the band- tional to the actual power consumed by desired tones. Any noticeable departure
pass filter. The single-sideband output the load. The reading must be indepen- from the waveform in Fig. 31 A should be

12-18 Chapter 12
Fig. 32 —Waveform of an amplifier with a
single-tone input showing flattopping and
crossover distortion.

tube life or transistor heat-dissipation
The two primary causes of distortion .

can be seen in Fig. 32. While the wave-

form is for a single-tone input signal,
similar effects occur for the two-tone
case. As the drive signal is increased, a
point reached where the output current

(or voltage) cannot follow the input and

the amplifier saturates. This condition is
often referred to as flattopping (as men-
tioned previously). It can be prevented by
ensuring that excessive drive doesn't occur
(E) (F)
and the usual means of accomplishing this
is by ale action. The ale provides a signal
Fig. 31 —
Scope patterns for a two-tone test signal and corresponding spectrum-analyzer
that is used to lower the gain of earlier
displays. The pattern in A is for a properly adjusted transmitter and consequently the IMD pro-
ducts are relatively low as can be seen on the analyzer display. At C, the PA bias was set to zero stages in the transmitter.
idling current and considerable distortion can be observed. Note how the pattern has changed on The second type of distortion is called
the scope and the increase in IMD level. At E, the drive level was increased until the flattopping "crossover" distortion and occurs at low
region was approached, this is the most serious distortion of all since the width of the IMD spec-
signal levels. (See Fig. 32.) Increasing the
trum increases considerably causing splatter (F).
idling plate or collector current is one way
of reducing the effect of crossover distor-
tion in regards to producing undesirable
suspect and the transmitter operation has grown concerning the interpretation components near the operating frequency.
should be checked. and importance of distortion in ssb gear. Instead, the components occur at frequen-
The relation between the level at which Distortion is a very serious problem when cies considerably removed from the oper-

distortion begins for the two-tone test high spurious^produot levels exist at fre- ating frequency and can be eliminated by
signal and an actual voice signal is a rather quencies removed from the passband of filtering.

simple one. The maximum deflection on the desired channel but is less serious if As implied in the foregoing, the effect

the scope is noted (for an acceptable two- such products fall within the bandwidth of frequencywise,
distortion, is to
tone test waveform) and the transmitter is of operation. In this former case, such generate components which add or sub-
then operated such that voice peaks are distortion may cause needless interference tract in order to make up the complex

kept below this level. If the voice peaks go to other channels ("splatter") and should waveform. A more familiar example
above this level, a type of distortion called be avoided. This can be seen quite drama- would be the harmonic generation caused
"flattopping" will occur and results are tically in Fig. 3 IF when the flattopping by the nonlinearities often encountered in
shown for a two-tone test signal in Fig. region is approached and the fifth and amplifiers. However, a common miscon-
3 IE. IMD-product levels raise very rapid- higher order terms increase drastically. ception which should be avoided is that
ly when flattopping occurs. For instance, On the other hand, attempting to sup- IMD is caused by fundamental-signal
third-order product levels will increase 30 press in-band products more than neces- components beating with harmonics.
db for every 10-dB increase in desired out- sary isnot only difficult to achieve but Generally speaking, no such simple rela-
put as the flattopping region is approach- may not result in any noticeable increase tion exists. For instance, single-ended
ed, and fifth-order terms will increase by in signal quality. In addition, measures re- stages have relatively poor second-har-
50 dB (per 10 dB). quired to suppress in-band IMD often monic suppression but with proper bias-
cause problems at the expense of other ing to increase the idling current, such
Interpreting Distortion Measurements qualities such as efficiency. This can lead stages can have very good IMD-suppres-
Unfortunately, considerable confusion to serious difficulties such as shortened sion qualities.

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-19

Fig. 34 — Severe clipping (same transmitter
Fig. 33 — Speech pattern of the word "X" in a
as Fig. 33 but with high drive and ale
Fig. 35 — Exterior view of the audio speech
properly adjusted ssb transmitter. disabled). processor.

Fig. 36 — A voice signal can be represented as an a-m waveform, which results from multiplication of a relatively slowly varying envelope (B) wit+i a
carrier (C). Note the carrier peak amplitude is constant. The speech processor separates components B and C, and filters out B, leaving the carrier
portion only.

+ 15V

12-20 Chapter 12
U6.U7 U9.UIO
U1 U4.U5 LOGAR- U8

U3 INPUT U12 U13

U11 ,U14


Fig. 37 — Block diagram for the processor.

However, a definite mathematical rela- intermodulation-distortion products. The quency and can't be eliminated by filter-

tion does exist between the desired com- "order" of such products is equal to the ing. As pointed out previously, such terms
ponents in an ssb signal and the "distor- sum of the multipliers in front of each fre- do not normally result from fundamental
tion signals."" Whenever nonlinearities quency component. For instance, a term components beating with harmonics. An
exist, products between the individual such as (3fl - 2f2) would be called a exception would be when the fundamental
components which make up the desired fifth-order term since 3 + 2 is equal to 5. signal along with its harmonics is applied
signal will occur The" mathematical result
. In general, the third, fifth, seventh, arid to another nonlinear stage such as a mix-
of such multiplication is to generate other similar"odd-order" terms are the most er. Components at identical frequencies as
signals of the form (2fl - f2), (3fl), important ones since some of these fall the IMDproducts will result.
(5f2 - fl) and so on. Hence the term near the desired transmitter output fre- When two equal tones are applied to an
amplifier and the result is displayed on a
spectrum analyzer, the IMD products ap-
pear as "pips" off to the side of the main
signal components (Fig. 31). The
amplitudes associated with each tone and
the IMD products are merely the dB dif-
ference between the particular product
and one tone. However, each desired tone
is 3 dB down from the average power out-

put and 6 dB down from the PEP output.

Since the PEP represents the most im-
EXCEPT AS INDICATED, DECIMAL portant quantity as far as IMD is concern-
VALUES OF CAPACITANCE ARE ed, relating IMD-product levels to PEP is

ARE IN PICOFARADS (pF OR jijiF); one logical way of specifying the

RESISTANCES *ARE IN OHMS', "quality" of a transmitter or amplifier in
k -1000. MM 000 000
regard to low distortion. For instance,
IMD levels are referenced to PEP in
"Product Review" specifications of com-
mercially made gear in QST. PEP output
can be found by multiplying the PEP in-
put by the efficiency of the amplifier. The
J 3 input PEP for a two-tone test signal is

PEP = Epl p 1.57 - 0.57

Ep = the plate voltage
= the average plate current
I = the idling current
+15V IN Fig. — Circuit diagram fOF the speech processor.
38 Generally speaking, most actual voice
D1, D2 — Pair of matched silicon diodes (see
patterns will look alike (in the presence of
XT (text)..
D3, D4 — Same as D1 D2. ,

R1, R4, R7 — Use panel-mount type pots.

- distortion) except in the case
is not
flattopping occurs. This condition
where severe

RFC3 R5, R6 — Circuit-board type pots. too common since most rigs have an ale
POWER -I5V IN S1 — Dpdt toggle switch.
system which prevents overdriving the
T1 — 1000-ohm to 8-ohm audio transformer,


250 milliwatts. amplifiers. However, the voice pattern in

U5, U6, U8, U9, U11, U12, U13 — Type 741 a properly adjusted transmitter usually
op amp, 8-pin DIP package. has a "Christmas tree" shape when
U1, U2, U3, U4, U7, U10 — National Semicon-
observed on a scope; an example is shown
ductor LM301 op amp, 8-pin DIP package.
U14 — National Semiconductor LM1595 (or
AND — 15V TO PIN 4 OF EACH. Motorola MC1595). 14-pin DIP package.
An Audio Speech Processor
Over the years, different speech pro-

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-21

cessing schemes have been employed, with These will be considered now in a stage- further amplified by U2 and then limited
varying degrees of success, to raise the by-stage operational description of the by a diode clipper, D5 and D6. Because of
average-to-peak power ratio of a voice sig- processor. The reader is referred to the the very high gain of the U1-U2 cascade,
nal and improve communications effec- block diagram in Fig. 37 and the circuit in the clipper produces almost pure square-
tiveness. The various methods generally diagram Fig. 38. Speech amplifier Ul first wave output. Thus, any positive input to
fall into one of two categories —
compres- boosts the incoming audio signal to a con- Ul produces a level of about - 1 volt.
sion or clipping. Described here a pro- is venient and usable level. Before taking The square-wave output is multiplied with
cessor which represents a departure from logarithms, however,' output from Ul the signal from the exponential amplifier
these standard approaches, Processing is must be full-wave rectified to be all by an analog multiplier, U14. The
done at audio frequencies, but in a unique positive since the logarithmic amplifier LM1595 used at U14 produces an output
fashion. The unit is used between the works only for positive signal input. The voltage equal to the mathematical product
microphone and the transmitter so logarithm of a number
defined only for
is of its two input signals, which in this case
modification to the transmitter is re- positive numbers. U4 and U5 serve as a are the signals from U2 and U10. The
quired. full-wave rectifier and precede the result, then, is to multiply the rectified
logarithmic amplifier, U6 and U7. signal from the exponential amplifier by
Technical Description
Matched silicon diodes are recommended plus or minus one produce the
volt to
Operation is a consequence of the fact for Dl and D2. If none are available, in- desired bipolar signal. Output is taken
that speech energy resembles an ampli- dividual 1N914 diodes may be substituted. from buffer amplifier Ull. The processed
tude-modulated signal. The speech The logarithmic stage separates the voice- signal is passed through a low-pass filter
waveform represents multiplication of a frequency and envelope components of with sharp cutoff above 3 kHz to
slowly varying envelope containing energy the speech waveform, as described above, eliminate unwanted high-frequency
below 100 Hz with a voice-frequency and the envelope is filtered by an active energy.
signal contained mostly between 300 and RC high-pass filter, U8. A
two-pole But- Because the processor is inherently sen-
3000 Hz. In an analogous fashion, a con- terworth configuration is used with the sitive toeven the smallest input signals,
ventional a-m modulator multiplies an lower half-power frequency set at undesired background noise or induced ac
amplitudeTvarying low-frequency signal approximately 50 Hz. Those who are ex- hum will be processed along with the
(the applied modulation) with a constant- perimentally inclined may wish to try sp'eech and will appear as a loud distur-
amplitude higher-frequency carrier. Thus lower or higher cutoff frequencies. The bance at the output. To help eliminate this
the speech, waveform envelope corres- expression for cutoff frequency, f c in , problem, noise blanker U3 is included in
ponds to the carrier. Note that the voice terms of the filter components is the design. It consists of a free-running
carrier actually varies continuously in fre- multivibrator with square-wave output at
quency, unlike the conventional fixed- about 20 kHz, which is beyond audibility.
frequency a-m case, but is constant in When this signal is added to the output of
amplitude. The object of this speech pro- 2nV R3R2C1C2 the speech amplifier, the effect is to mask,
cessor is to reproduce only the carrier por- before processing, any noise which is
tion of speech. The voice envelope is lower in amplitude than the 20-kHz
separated from the voice carrier, and where it is required that CI = C2 and R3 signal.
because their respective frequency spec- = 2 X R2 for proper filter response. U
An audio amplifier, 13, at the output,
trums are nonoverlapping, the envelope Varying the cutoff frequency corresponds provides a convenient means of monitor-
can be filtered leaving only the carrier. to changing the compression level setting ing the processed audio output with low-
(See Fig. 36). on a conventional speech compressor. impedance (eight-ohm) headphones. If
To separate the envelope and carrier, Lower cutoff frequencies result in reduced high-impedance headphones are to be
the speech signal is passed through a "compression." In the original model of used, Tl may be omitted and output can
logarithmic amplifier which performs the this processor, it was found that a filter be taken directly from pin 6 of U13
mathematical operation of taking loga- cutoff frequency of about 400 Hz or through a 5-yF coupling capacitor.
rithms. By analogy to the a-m model, this higher produced essentially constant-
signal can be represented as the amplitude output from the processor. Construction Information
mathematical product EV, where E repre- Harmonic distortion was quite noticeable, Anetched circuit board template pat-
sents the envelope and V, the voice car- however. Thus, 50 Hz was chosen as a tern available from ARRL, 225 Main

rier, both of which are functions of time. compromise between maximum "com- Street, Newington, CT 06111. Please in-
Taking the logarithm produces log EV, pression" and minimum distortion. The clude 50 cents and a self-addressed,
but log EV = Log E + log V (a well- distortion that is inherent in this unit oc- stamped envelope. Builders who use this
known property of the logarithm). The curs for signals that have considerable layout should experience no problems.
envelope and carrier components are then energy in the neighborhood of the high- Those attempting their own layout,
separated in terms of their logarithms and pass filter cutoff frequency. With a setting however, should be cautioned that be-
it is now a relatively simple matter to pro- of 50 Hz, the distortion is quite low. The cause of the relatively large number of ac-
cess the two components independently. filtered signal proceeds to an exponential tive devices, some operating with high
This is something which could not be done amplifier, U9 and U10. As with the -gain, the potential for instability (oscilla-
up to this point. A high-pass filter with an logarithmic amplifier, matched diodes for tion) exists in a haphazard layout. Ar-
appropriately chosen cutoff frequency at- D3 and D4 produce the best results,
will rangement of circuit components should
tenuates the envelope waveform but but individual lN914s will serve satisfac- be generally in a straight line from input
passes the higher-frequency voice carrier. torily. The signal at the output of U10 is to output. The shortest possible leads
The remaining signal is log V. It goes still in rectified form (all positive). To be should be used in all cases. Particular at-
through an inverse-logarithm amplifier converted back to its bipolar form, the tention should be paid to the positions of
which produces at its output the signal V. signal is multiplied by the correct sign in- Ul and U2 with respect to each other. Be-
The result is the desired constant- formation (either positive or negative) cause of the very high gain the input of Ul
amplitude voice carrier. portions of the signal which should be should be kept physically as far apart as
negative, leaving the remaining parts possible from the output of U2. Mounting
Circuit Description positive. The correct sign information is the circuit board inside a metal chassis,
Some additional issues arise when one obtained by hard-limiting the voice signal such as a suitable Minibox, is recom-
tries to implement the preceding scheme. at the processor input. Output from Ul is mended for rf shielding.

12-22 Chapter 12



I ;


k" 1000, M'lOOO 000.

-1-C1 ' '

' I



Fig.39 —
Schematic diagram of the VOX unit. Unless otherwise specified, resistors are 1/4-watt composition. Capacitors with polarity marked are
plastic-encapsulated tantalum; others are disc ceramic.
C1 — For text reference. similar. R4, R5, R8 —
Miniature control (see text).
D1-D4, ingl. —
Germanium diode, 1N34A, 1N67 K1 —
Miniature type, 12-volt coil (see text). RFC1-RFC3, incl —
Ferrite bead.

or equivalent. Q1 —
2N5139 silicon pnp. U1 —
National Semiconductor LM3900.
D5 — Silicon diode, 50 PRV or more, 1N4001 or R1-R3, incl., R6, R7 —
For text reference. U2 —
Type 555 timer.

Procurement of parts should present no wave. Disconnect the generator, recon- readings maybe used. With the processor
particular problems. As of the time of this nect the. microphone, and plug head- switched "out" speak into the micro-
writing, the 741 and LM301 operational phones into J3. Advancing volume con- phone and increase the transmitter's
amplifiers used in the circuit can be pur- trol R8, one should now be able to hear microphone gain control until the ale
chased from mail order houses for about himself talking, although background meter starts to deflect. Note the peak
30 cents apiece. The LM1595 integrated noise and ac hum will probably be very readings. Switch the processor "in" and
circuit, probably the single most expensive high. Adjust noise blanking control R4 adjust R7 to obtain the same peak
item in the processor, was bought for for {he desired degree of background reading.
under $2. Matched diodes for Dl, D2, D3 noise suppression.
and D4 should cost less than a dollar. Those who do not have access to test
A Modern Solid-State VOX
The circuit is powered by a dual dc equipment may do the following: Set R4 Voice-operated T-R control is a great
power supply that provides plus and to the center of its range. Connect a convenience in ssb operation. The unit
minus 15 volts, as is typically used with microphone to Jl and headphones to J3. described here is compact and uses inex-
most operational amplifiers. Current con- Speaking into the microphone, advance pensive components. It is ideal for inclu-
sumption is approximately 50 mA from input gain control Rl and monitor volume sion ip a home-built transceiver or exciter,
each side of the supply. control R8 to the point where the speech or retrofitting to commercial gear that
becomes audible in the headphones. Ad- does not have VOX. The performance of
Initial Adjustments just offset controls R5 and R6 for mini- this unit is improved over previously

If an oscilloscope and audio sine wave mum distortion as monitored in the head- published versions because of a modifica-
generator are the following
available, phones. The final setting of Rl is not tion suggested by W7KGZ.
alignment procedure should be followed: critical. It should be high enough so that
too Circuit Description
Set R4 to minimum resistance. Connect a the circuit functions properly (is set

microphone to Jl and the oscilloscope low, the audio output will sound broken The schematic diagram of the VOX
up and "grainy") but not so high that the device is shown in Fig. 39. Three of the
probe to pin 6 of Ul. Adjust Rl, the input
gain control, while speaking into the speech amplifier itself distorts the signal LM3900 sections have been configured as
microphone so that the- voice peaks view- by clipping. Adjust R4 to suppress back- high-gain audio amplifiers. UlAand U1B
ed on the oscilloscope are slightly below ground noise as desired. amplify the signal from the microphone.
the output clipping level of Ul (approxi- Finally, connect the processor output at U1C functions as an amplifier for audio
mately 14 volts peak). Remove the micro- J2 to the transmitter's microphone jack. sampled at the station speaker. Coupling
phone and connect the signal generator to Switch the processor out of the line by capacitors in the audio stages have been
Jl. Set the generator frequency to about means of SI. If a Monitorscope is avail- chosen to reduce response below 300 Hz.
1000 Hz and adjust its output level to pro- able to view rf output, speak into the This will minimize hum problems.
duce about 10 volts peak at pin 6 of Ul. microphone and note the level of the voice .Outputs from the microphone and
Place the oscilloscope probe on pin 6 of peaks. Switch the unit "in" and adjust speaker amplifiers are capacitively cou-
U12. Adjust offset controls R5 and R6 for output level control R7 for the same peak pled to rectifier stages which convert the
the best-looking sine wave. It should be voice output level. If a monitorscope is audio signals to varying dc voltages. Ger-
possible to produce a nearly perfect sine not available, the transmitter's ale meter manium diodes, because of their lower

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-23

Voltage comparator, U ID. The output of
U1D remains high (approximately 0.5 volt
less than the supply voltage) so long as the
voltage at the noninverting input is less T

than the 0.2-volt reference applied to the HELAY

inverting input. Whenever the input ex- TOO VOX OUTPUT
ceeds the reference, the output of the
comparator goes low — to near the
ground or common potential. Voltage
output from the microphone-signal recti-
fier is positive and, thus, will cause the

comparator to switch as soon as the refer-
ence is exceeded. Because the speaker-
Fig.40 —The VOX unit shown here was signal rectifier produces negative voltage,
Fig. 41 — Typical connections to the VOX unit.
designed and built by N1RM. It originally
it will not trigger the comparator. If the
appeared in March 1976 QST.
outputs of the two rectifiers are equal, as
will happen when the microphone is pick- /

ing up audio from the speaker, the result-

threshold voltage, have been used as ing voltage from the summing network the comparator output starts the timing
audio rectifiers instead of silicon units. will be zero arid the comparator will not cycle of the 555. The length of the time cy-
The outputs of the two rectifier stages are trigger. The ability to reject speaker audio cle is determined by the values used for R9
summed by means of R6 and
resistively is usually called the antivox function. and CI. The time delay produced is iden-
R7, and applied to the inverting input of a The positive-to-ground transistion of tical each time the microphone signal


Fig.42 — Schematic diagram for the transverter. Resistors are 1/2-watt composition and capacitors are disc ceramic, unless otherwise noted.
C1 — Dual-section air variable, 140-pF per D2 — Zener diode, 6.8-volt, 1-watt (1N4736). L2, L4 — 19.5 to 24.3-yH variable, inductor
section, or two 150 pF air variable units. J1 — Phono type, chassis mount. (Miller 46A225CPC).
C2 — Air variable, Milton 19280. J2 — Coaxial receptacle, chassis mount. L3 — 22 turns of no. 28 enam. wire wound on
C3 — Dual-section broadcast variable, 365 pF K1, K2 — 12-V dc, 2-A contacts, dpdt relay L4 coil form.
per section, both sections connected in (Radio Shack 275-206). L5 — 18.8 to 41.0-f<H variable inductor, Miller
parallel. L1 — 11 turns of no. 28 enam. wire wound 42A335CPC.
D1 — Silicon, 50 PRV, 100 mA. over L2.

12-24 Chapter 12
stops. Ql
allows the 555 to be retriggered quirements. This writer's unit uses pc- . type of relay will depend on how the VOX
continuously. One of the major difficul- mount controls which are aligned on the device will be used. Any 12-volt relay
ties of earlier VOX
circuits was that the 'board so that they may be accessed which requires less than 200 of cur- mA
capacitor discharge circuits were used through small holes in the rear panel of rent can be employed. When the re- VOX
where the capacitor would not always be the transceiver. If panel-mount controls lay must drive a second relay, such as the
fully charged, so the time delay produced are desired, Mallory MLC units may be antenna relay in a transceiver, the fast
would vary. •
used for R4, R5 and R8. operating time of a reed relay is needed to
The 555 has a current-switching capa- The VOX device is smallenough so it prevent clipping of the first syllable
bility of 200 mA, sufficient to directly can be mounted inside most rigs. If a spoken. The total close time of all relays
drive either a relay or a solid-state switch- separate VOX unit is needed, a small util- connected in tandem should be 10 milli-
ing arrangement. D5 is included to protect ity box or Minibox will make an appro- seconds or less. If the VOX relay will per-
the IC from transients generated when priate housing. Rf interference can cause form switching functions directly, a

switching an inductive load such as a relay trouble, so the unit should be shielded in. miniature control relay such as the Potter
coil. any application where rf fields may be & Brumfield R10 series is appropriate.
present. The bypass capacitors for the These relays are available in 2-, 4- and
Components and Construction audio inputs are located on the circuit 6-pole versions, part numbers R10-E1-Y2-
The VOX unit is constructed on a 2-3/8 board. If the leads from the audio connec- 185, R10-E1-Y4-V185 and R10-E1-Y6-

X 2-3/4-inch (60 X 70-mm) etched cir- tors are more than a few inches long, the V90, respectively.
cuit board. The photo indicates that one- bypass capacitors and their associated The circuit board is designed for
third of theboard real estate is unused, so ferrite-bead chokes should be mounted at 1/4-watt resistors which are mounted flat.
a smaller Version is possible. The type of the connectors. If 1/2-watt units are used, they must be

controls and relay ernployed will be deter- No provision has been made for mount- positioned* vertically. Care must be
mined by the builder's individual re- ing the relay on the circuit board, as the employed when mounting and soldering

K1C ,

' ' ' I—o K)JA NT-


k •IOOO, M' OOO 000 I

+12 +300 -100 +900

i i i i

i i i i

L6, L8 — 35 to 43.0-mH variable Inductor, Miller L10 —

42 turns, no. 16 enam. wire equally 102-572.
46A395CPC. spaced on a T-200 Amidon core. RFC2 — 56-mH choke, Millen J-302-56.

L7 — 13.2 to 16.5-jiH variable inductor. Miller M1 —

500 mA, panel mount, Simpson 17443 or Y1 — 19.3-MHz crystal used for a 21-MHz is

46A155CPC. - similar. 26.5-MHz crystal used for a 28 MHz

i-f, i-f.

L9 — 10.8 to 18.0-mH adjustable Miller coil, Q5, Q6 — RCA40673 MOSFET. Z1, Z2 — 2 turns, no. 18 enam. wound over
21A155RBI. RFC1 — 1-mH, 500-mA rf choke, Johnson 47-ohm, 2-watt composition resistor.

Single-Sideband Transmission 12*25

the germanium diodes. If the leads are get the urge to try "top band." Convert- mA meter connected in the plate voltage
bent too close to the body of the diode, ing a transceiver to cover a frequency line: Other meters may be employed by
breakage can result. If excessive heat is range for which the rig was not designed is -
using the proper shunts, as described in
applied to the diode, it can be damaged, difficult indeed." A far better approach is the Measurements chapter.
so use a heat sink (such as a small alligator to build an outboard transverter, such as
clip) when soldering. Assure that proper the one described here. This particular Construction
polarity is observed when installing the system requires one watt of drive power at An aluminum chassis that measures 7
diodes and tantalum capacitors. either 21 or 28 MHz. Many transceivers X 11 X 2 inches (178 X 279 X 51 mm) is
Installation and Operation
can provide this low-level output along used as the base for the transverter. A
with the power supply voltages through an homemade panel and cabinet enclose the
Typical connections for the VOX
unit accessory socket. unit. The front panel is 8 X 7-1/4 inches
are shown in Fig. 41. Shielded cable (203 X 184 mm). The layout employed
should be used for all audio connections, The Circuit
should be apparent from the photo-
Audio for the antivox function can be A schematic diagram of the transverter graphs. All long runs of rf wiring should
sampled at the station speaker or at the is given in Fig. 42.Ql operates as a crystal be made with subminiature coaxial cable
phone-patch output (which is a feature of oscillator, to produce the local-oscillator (RG-174/U or similar).
many commercial transceivers). If VOX energy for the receive (Q5) and transmit The receiver section, driver stages and
operation of a cw connect
rig is desired, (Q2) mixing stages, which runs con- local oscillator are constructed on a
the output of a sidetone monitor to the tinuously. During transmit 21.1 MHz ssb double-sided printed-circuit board mea-
microphone input of the VOX unit. The or cw energy is supplied to the emitter of suring 3 X 3-1/2 inches (76 X 89 mm).
mic gain control should be set so that the Q2 through a power divider network. This Inductors LI and L2 are mounted on the
VOX relay closes each time a word is signal is mixed with the 19.3-MHz output chassis close to CI. Short leads are used
spoken. The delay control should be ad- from the LO producing 1.8 MHz power, from the board to the "pre-
justed to fit individual speech patterns which is amplified by Q3, followed by a selector" capacitor and L1-L2 which are
and operating habits. The delay time must filter network. Q4 provides adequate located on the underside of the chassis.
be long enough that the VOX relay will drive to the pair of 6146Bs. The PA stage The final tank inductor is wound on an
drop out only during a pause in speech. operates Class AB1, and will deliver in ex- Amidon T-200 toroid core. It is supported
There are two methods of setting the an- cess of 100 watts PEP output. above the chassis by a ceramic standoff in-
tivox gain control. The first way is simply During receive, an incoming signal is sulator and two pieces of Plexiglas.
to advance the control until audio from amplified by Q6, a dual-gate, diode-
the speaker does not trip the VOX unit. A protected MOSFET. The output from the Tune Up
more scientific approach is to connect a rf amplifier is mixed with local-oscillator Provision must be made to reduce the
voltmeter to TP1. With no audio input, energy at Q5 to produce a receiving i-f of power output of most transceivers used
the meter should read only the com- 21 MHz. The crystal frequency is the only with the transverter since only about one
parator reference-voltage, approximately change required to make this system watt of drive power is required. Too much
0.1 volt. Tune the receiver to provide a usable at 28 MHz. Changeover from rf voltage can damage the transmit mixer
steady tone signal, such as the heterodyne transmit to receive is accomplished by Kl and will "smoke" the input resistors.
note from a crystal calibrator. Advance and K2 which are controlled by the Some transceivers are capable of deliver-
the antivox control until the voltmeter associated transceiver. If the LO fre- ing sufficient drive by removing the screen
registers only the reference voltage. The quency is 19.3 MHz, the 1.8 to 2.0 MHz voltage from the PA
stage. Or, it may be
antivox gain should be set with the audio band will correspond with 21.1 to 21.3 practical to disable thePA and obtain a
from the speaker slightly louder than is MHz on the transceiver dial. Likewise, sample of driver output by a link-coupling
necessary during normal operation. with a 26.5 MHz crystal in the LO circuit, circuit.
the 160-meter band will appear between Before testing the transverter, ensure
A Transverter for 1.8 MHz 28.3 and 28.5 MHz. that the changeover relays,
Kl and K2, are
Owners of five-band transceivers often The metering circuit consists of a 500 connected to the remote-keying terminals

Fig. 43 — Top view of transverter with cover removed. Final amplifier Fig. 44 — The bottom view of the chassis. The sockets for the 6146B
The rear apron has an accessory socket for an
circuit is at the left. tubes are at the lower center. The etched-circuit boar* is above the
external power supply (transceiver), rf and remote-keying connectors. final amplifier tube sockets and the T-R relays at the upper right. The
The plate meter is at the lower left. different supply voltages are obtained from the associated transceiver.

12-26 Chapter 12


500 n





-V—W^ 1 I 1 CW S2


4 3 2 1

GV XG2 nnnn

03, 04, 06 01, 02 5 6 7 8

| [


+12 V O-

Fig. 45 —
Schematic diagram of a practical 9-MHz ssb generator. Fixed-value capacitors are disc ceramic unless otherwise noted. Polarized
capacitors are aluminum or tantalum. Fixed value resistors are 1/2-watt composition.
C1, C2 —
Miniature 30-pF trimmer. NPO R2 — 1000-0 pc-board-mount control. wire on a T50-2 iron core. = 10, dia = 0.5 ^
ceramic preferred. R3 — 25-kS! linear-taper control, panel

inch. Link has 10 turns of no. 30 insulated

C3, C4 -r Miniature 60-pF trimmer. Mica mounted. wire over D1 end of primary.
compression type suitable. S1, S2 —
Single-pole, double-throw miniature T3 —
10-jjH. 44 turns of no. 26 enam. wire on
D1 — 9.1-V, 400-mA zener diode. switch, panel mounted. a T50-2 iron core. Link has 22 turns of no.
FL1 — Spectrum International 9-MHz T1 — 15 trifilar turns of no. 26 enam. wire 30 insulated wire over cold end of primary.
crystal-lattice filter. Type XF-9A. (twist 10 times per inch) on an FT-50-61 Y1, Y2 —
Crystals to match FL1. Obtain from
(see QST ads). toroid core (He = 125, dia = 0.5 Inch/13 mm). filter manufacturer or International Crystal
R1 — 10-kO audio-taper control, panel T2 — 10-jiH primary. 44 turns no. 26 enam. Mfg. Co.

of the transceiver. Then connect an an- 2 1.1 -MHz cw drive power at Jl. Tune L6, amplifier in Fig. 45. Output from Ul is
tenna to J2 and listen for signals. Peak the L7, L8 and L9 for maximum meter supplied to the gates of Ql . Ql and Q2 are
incoming signals with the preselector con- reading. While monitoring the plate cur- used as a balanced modulator. MOSFETs
trol. The slugs of L2 and L4 should be ad- rent, tune C2 for a dip. C3 is the PA are used to prevent changes in gate-source
justed for the highest S-meter reading on loading control. When the PA capacitors capacitance when the audio level is in-
the transceiver. L5 should be set for maxi- are properly adjusted, the plate current creased by means of Rl. JFETs will not
mum output at 21 or 28 MHz. If the re- will be about 220 mA. work properly at Ql and Q2 because the
ceiving converter is functioning properly, junction capacitance changes with in-

it be possible to copy a 0. 1 fiV signal

A Sideband-Generator Module creased audio drive, thereby unbalancing
without difficulty in areas where at- A practical circuit a simple ssb
for the modulator.
mospheric and man-made noise are at a generator is given in Fig. 45. Output
is at 9 Tl is a broadband trifilar-wound
minimum. If no signals can be heard, MHz. This circuit can be followed by ap- toroidal transformer. It provides the
check Ql to make certain that it is work- propriate stages of the designer's choice, necessary 180" phase difference for the
ing properly. A wavemeter or general- thereby making it possible to heterodyne drains of Ql and Q2 while coupling the
coverage receiver can be employed to see the 9-MHz energy to a desired amateur balanced modulator output to the i-f
if the crystal oscillator is operating. band. Ablock diagram for a typical cir- preamplifier, Q3.
Attach a 50-ohm load to J2 before test- cuit lineup is provided in Fig. 46. Circuit- R2 compensates for differences in

ing the transmitter section. Set Rl for an design information for the additional operating level between Ql and Q2. This
indicated resting plate current of 50 mA stages is found elsewhere in this book and balancing control makes it unnecessary 'to
on Ml. This adjustment should be made in Solid State Design for the Radio use matched transistors in the balanced
without drive applied but with Kl and K2 Amateur. modulator. R2 is adjusted for maximum
energized. Next, apply about one watt of A 741 op amp functions as the audio carrier suppression, which will be on the

Single-Sideband Transmission 12-27

order of 45 to 50 dB, according to lab tests
with a spectrum analyzer. The S meter of
a general-coverage receiver will suffice for
adjustment of the carrier null.
•Q4 is a variable dc attenuator. For cw
operation, S2 is placed in the cw position
and R3 is advanced until the desired car-
rier level is obtainedTAs the collector cur-
rent of Q4 increases with elevated forward
bias, the source voltage of Q2 is shifted to
permit carrier insertion during cw use.
Q3 functions as an i-f preamplifier and
helps compensate for the 5-dB insertion
loss of FL1. It operates in Class A. The
filter must be terminated in a load
resistance of ,500 ohms for proper pass-
band response.
The carrier generator consists of Q5
and Q6. Two crystals are used at Q5 to
permit operation on upper or lower side-
band. CI and C2 are adjusted so that the
carrier is placed at the correct point on the
filter (FL1) curve. This is approximately

20 dB down from the peak response. The

trimmers can be set while listening to the
ssb signal on a communications receiver.

Fig. 46 —
Full-scale etching pattern for the ssb generator pc board, shown from the
They are adjusted for best "naturalness"
foil side.
Black represents unetched copper. of the operator's voice, consistent with
adequate rejection of the unwanted side-
+ 12V
Q6 amplifies the 9-MHz output of Q5
to provide 4 volts pk-pk (1 .4 volts rms) of
injection on the sources of Ql and Q2.
Circuit boards and negatives for this
circuit can be obtained from Circuit
Board Specialists, Box 969, Pueblo, CO

SSB Selected Bibliography

Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur, American

Radio Relay League, Fifth Edition, 1970.
Hennebury, Single Sideband Handbook, Technical
Material Corporation, 1964.
Pappenfus, Bruene and Schoenike, Single Sideband
Principles and Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 1964.
Amateur Single Sideband, by Collins Radio
Company, 1962.
Newland, "A Safe Method for Etching Crystals"
QST, January 1958.
Kosowsky, "High Frequency Crystal Filter Design
Techniques and Applications," Proceedings of the
IRE, February 1958.
Weaver and Brown, "Crystal Lattice Filters," QST,
June 1951.
Good, "A Crystal Filter for Phone Reception,"
QST, October 1951.
Burns, "Sideband Filters Using Crystals," QST,
November 1954.
Morrison, "Cascaded Half-Lattice Crystal Filters
for Phone and CW. Reception," QST, May 1954.
Vester, "Surplus-Crystal High Frequency Filters,"
QST, January 1959.
Fig. 47 — Parts-placement guide for the ssb generator, shown from the component side with an
Vester, "Mobile S.S.B. Transceiver," QST, June
x-ray view of the foil.

12-28 Chapter 12
3 ,

Chapter 1

Frequency Modulation
and Repeaters

M, lethods of radiotelephone communi- cannot be varied' without also varying the

phase, and vice versa.
cation by frequency modulation were
developed in the 1930s by Major Edwin The effectiveness of fm and pm for
Armstrong in an attempt to reduce the communication purposes depends almost
problems of static and noise associated entirely on the receiving methods. If the
with receiving a-m broadcast transmis- receiver will respond to frequency and
sions. The primary advantage of fm, the phase changes but is insensitive to
ability to produce a high signal-to-noise amplitude changes, it will discriminate
ratio when receiving a signal of only against most forms of noise, particularly
moderate strength, has made fm the mode impulse noise such as that set up by
chosen for mobile communications ser- ignition systems and other sparking
vices and quality broadcasting. The devices. Special methods of detection are
disadvantages, the wide bandwidth requir- required to accomplish this result.
ed and the poor results obtained when Modulation methods for fm and pm are
an fm signal is propagated via the simple and require practically no audio
ionosphere (because of phase distortion), power. Also, since there is no amplitude
has limited the use of frequency modu- variation in the signal, interference to
lation to the 10-meter band and the broadcast reception resulting from rec-
vhf/uhf section of the spectrum. tification of the transmitted signal in the

Fm has some impressive advantages for audio circuits of the be receiver is Fig. 1— The most effective repeaters are
vhf operation, especially when compared substantially eliminated. situated well above average terrain and
to a-m. With fm the modulation process obstacles which could be in the signal path.
Frequency Modulation
takes place in a low-level stage and
remains the same, regardless of transmit- Fig. 2 is a representation of frequency
ter power. The signal may be frequency modulation. When a modulating signal is

multiplied after modulation, and the PA applied, the carrier frequency is increased
stage can be operated Class C for best during one half cycle of the modulating
efficiency, as the "final" need not be signal and decreased during the half cycle
linear. of opposite polarity. This is indicated in
In recent years there has been in- the .drawing by the fact that the rf cycles
creasing use of fm by amateurs operating occupy less time (higher frequency) when
around 29.6 MHz
in the 10-m'eter band. the modulating signal is positive, and
The vhf spectrum now in popular use more time (lower frequency) when the
includes 52 to 54 MHz, 146 to 148 MHz, modulating signal is negative. The change
222 to 225 MHz, and 440 to 450 MHz. in the carrier frequency (frequency devi-
The subject of fm and repeaters is covered ation) is proportional to the instantaneous
in great depth in the ARRL publication, amplitude of the modulating signal. Thus,
FM and Repeaters for the Radio Amateur. the deviation is small when the instan-
taneous amplitude of the modulating
Frequency and Phase Modulation signal is small, and is greatest when
It is possible to convey intelligence by the modulating signal reaches its peak,
modulating any property of a carrier, either positive or negative. .

including its frequency and phase. When As shown drawing, the amplitude
in the

the frequency of the carrier is varied in of the signal does not change during
accordance with the variations in a modulation.
modulating, signal, the result is frequency Fig. 2— Graphical representation of frequency
Phase Modulation modulation. In the unmodulated carrier at A,
modulation (fm). Similarly, varying the
If the phase of the current in a circuit is each rf cycle occupies the same amourft of
phase of the carrier current is called phase time. When the modulating signal, B, is ap-
modulation (pm). changed there is an instantaneous fre- plied, the radio frequency is increased and
Frequency and phase modulation are quency change during the time the phase is decreased according to the amplitude and
not independent, since the frequency being shifted. The amount of frequency polarity of the modulating signal.

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-1

change, or deviation, depends on how frequency is 29,500 kHz, the
first sideband

rapidly the phase shift is accomplished. It pair is at 29,498 kHz and

29,502 kHz, the
is also dependent upon the total amount second pair is at 29,496 kHz and 29,504 f -_^ARRIER SECOND
of the phase shift. In a properly operating kHz, 4he third at 29,494 kHz and 29,506 TUDE

pm system the amount of phase shift is kHz, and so on. The amplitudes of these 0.4

•proportional to the instantaneous ampli- sidebands depend on the modulation 0.2

tude of the modulating signal. The rapidity index, not on the frequency deviation. O
of the phase shift is directly proportional Note that as shown in Fig. 3, the carrier , , , 1 , , , 1 , , ,

to the frequency of the modulating signal. strength varies with the modulation index. 1.0 2.0 3.0-

Consequently, the frequency deviation in (In amplitude modulation the carrier
pm is proportional to both the amplitude strength is constant; only the sideband
and frequency of the modulating signal. amplitude varies.) At a modulation index
The latter represents the outstanding of approximately 2.4, the carrier disappears
Fig. 3 —
How the amplitude of the pair of
sidebands varies with the modulation index in
difference between fm and pm, since in fm entirely. It then becomes "negative" at a an fm or pm signal. If the curves were ex-
the frequency deviation is proportional higher index, meaning that its phase tended for greater values of modulation index
only to the amplitude of the modulating is reversed compared to the phase the carrier amplitude would go through zero at
several points. The same statement also ap-
signal. without modulation. In fm and pm the
plies to the sidebands.
energy that goes into the sidebands is
FM and PM Sidebands taken from the carrier, the total power
The sidebands set up by fm and pm remaining the same regardless of the frequencies below 30 MHz is that it
differ from those resulting from a-m in modulation index. eliminates or reduces certain types of
that they occur at integral multiples of the Since there is no change in amplitude interference to broadcast reception. Also,
modulating frequency on either side of the with modulation, an fm or pm signal can the modulating equipment is relatively
carrier rather than, as in a-m, consisting be amplified without distortion by an simple and inexpensive. However, as-
of a single set of side frequencies for each ordinary Class C amplifier. The modu- suming the same unmodulated carrier
modulating frequency. An fm or pm lation can take place in a very low-level power in all cases, narrow-band fm or pm
signal therefore inherently occupies a stage and the signal can then be amplified is riot as effective as a-m with the methods

wider channel than a-m. by either frequency multipliers or straight- of reception used by many amateurs. To
The number of "extra" sidebands through amplifiers. obtain the benefits of the fm mode, a good
which occur in fm and pm depends on the If the modulated signal is passed fm receiver is required. As shown in Fig.
relationship between the modulating fre- through one or more frequency multi- 3, atan index of 0.6 the amplitude of the
quency and the frequency deviation. The pliers, the modulation index is multiplied firstsideband is about 25 percent of the
ratio between the frequency deviation, in by the same factor that the carrier unmodulated-carrier amplitude; this com-
hertz, and the modulating frequency,also frequency is multiplied. For example, if pares with a sideband amplitude of 50
in hertz, is called the modulating index. modulation is applied on 3.5 MHz and the percent in the case of a 100 percent
That is final output is on 28 MHz, the total modulated a-m transmitter. When copied
frequency multiplication is eight times, so on an a-m receiver, a narrow-band fm or
modulation index = carrier frequency deviation if the frequency deviation is 500 Hz at 3.5 pm transmitter is about equivalent to a
modulating frequency MHz it will be 4000 Hz at 28 MHz. 100-percent modulated a-m transmitter
Frequency multiplication offers a means operating at one-fourth the carrier power.
Example: The maximum
frequency de- for obtaining practically any desired On a suitable (fm) receiver, fm is as good
viation in an is 3000 Hz
fm transmitter amount of frequency deviation, whether or better than a-m, watt for watt.
either side of the carrier frequency. The or not the modulator itself is capable of The deviation standard now is ±5 kHz,
modulation index when the modulation giving that much deviation without popularly known as narrow band. For a
frequency is 1000 Hz is distortion. while after II, WW
2.5- to 3-kHz
deviation ("sliver band") was used on 10
Modulation index = rrxx =3 Bandwidth meters and the vhf bands. During the '60s
FCC amateur regulations (97.61) limit and early '70s 15 kHz was extensively used
the bandwidth ofF3 (frequency and phase since many amateur rigs were commercial
At the same deviation with 3000 Hz modulation) to that of an a-m transmis- surplus.Narrow-band deviation develop-
modulation the index would be 1; at sion having the same audio characteristics ed as a middle ground between audio
100 Hz it would be 30, and so on. quality and spectrum conservation. The
below 29.0 MHz and in the 50.1- to
In pm
the modulation index is constant 52.5-MHz frequency segment. Greater rule-of-thumb for determination of band-
regardless of the modulating frequency; in bandwidths are allowed from 29.0 to 29.7 width requirements for an fm system is
fm it varies with the modulating frequen- MHz and above 52.5 MHz. 2(AF),+F Amax
cy, as shown in the above example. In If the modulation" index (with single- where
an fm system the ratio of the maximum tone modulation) does not exceed 0.6 or AF =1/2 total frequency deviation
carrier-frequency deviation to the highest 0.7, the most important extra sideband,
the second, will be at least 20 dB below the
F A max = maximum audio frequency
modulating frequency used is called the
(3 kHz for communication purposes)
deviation ratio. unmodulated carrier level. This should
shows how the amplitudes of the
Fig. 3 represent an effective channel width about Thus, for narrow-band fm, the bandwidth
carrierand the various sidebands vary equivalent to that of an a-m signal. In the equals (2)5 + 3 or 13 kHz. Wide-band
with the modulation index. This is for case of speech, a somewhat higher systems need a 33-kHz receiver band-
single-tone modulation; the first sideband modulation index can be used. This is width.
(actually a pair,one above and one below because the energy distribution in a
the carrier) is displaced from the carrier complex wave is such that the modulation Comparison of FM and PM
by an amount equal to the modulating index for any one frequency component is Frequency modulation cannot be ap-
frequency, the second is twice the modu- reduced as compared to the index with a plied to an amplifier stage, but phase
lating frequency away from, the carrier, sine wave having the same peak amplitude modulation can; pm is therefore readily
and so on. For example, if the modulating as the voice wave. adaptable to transmitters employing oscil-
frequency is 2000 Hz and the carrier The chief advantage of fm or pm for lators of high stability such as the

13-2 Chapter 13


LI 7^. C1


Fig.4 —
Output frequency spectrum of a
— 25<iF

narrow-band fm transmitter modulated by a rH

1-kHz tone.

crystal-controlled type. The amount of

phase can be obtained with good
shift that
linearity is such that the maximum
practicable modulation index is about 0.5.
Because the phase shift is proportional to 15
the modulating frequency, this index can -|(—O0UTPUT
be used only at the highest frequency
present in the modulating signal, as-
suming that all frequencies will at one

50*iH [
time or another have equal amplitudes.
Taking 3000 Hz as a suitable upper limit
for voice work, and setting the modu-
lation index at 0.5 for 3000 Hz, the
frequency response of the speech-amp-
lifier system above 3000 Hz must be
1 /~7~7 >390

sharply attenuated, to prevent excess

splatter. (See Fig. 4.) Also, if the "tinny" .120

of pm as on an fm
received +12VO V\Ar-
receiver is to be avoided, the pm must be 91
1 k
changed to fm, in which the modulation
index decreases in inverse proportion to
the modulating frequency. This requires VARACT0R REACTANCE MODULATOR
shaping the speech-amplifier frequency- (B)
response curve in such a way that the
output voltage is inversely proportional to a high-transconductance MOSFET and (B) a varactor
Fig. 5 Reactance modulators using (A)
frequency over most of the voice range. diode.
When this is done the maximum modu-
lation index can only be used to some the reactance modulator. This is a vacuum radio-frequency choke, varies the trans-
relativelylow audio frequency, perhaps tube or transistor connected to the rf tank conductance of the transistor and thereby
300 to 400 Hz in voice transmission, and circuit of an oscillator in such a way as to varies the rf drain current.
act as a variable inductance or capacitance. The modulated oscillator usually is
must decrease in proportion to the
increase in frequency. The result is that Fig. 5A is a representative circuit. Gate operated on a relatively low frequency, so
the maximum linear frequency deviation 1 of the modulator MOSFET
is connected that a high order of carrier stability can be

is only one or two hundred Hz, when pm across the oscillator tank circuit, Cl/Ll, secured. Frequency multipliers are used to

is changed to fm. To increase the through resistor Rl and blocking capacitor raise the frequency to the final frequency

deviation for narrow band requires a C2. C3 represents the input capacitance desired.

frequency multiplication of eight or more. of the modulator transistor. The resis- A reactance modulator can be con-
It is relatively easy to secure a fairly tance of Rl is made large compared nected to a crystal oscillator as well as to
large frequency deviation when a self- to the reactance of C3, so the rf current the self-controlled type as shown in Fig.
controlled oscillator is frequency-modu- through R1/C3 will be practically in 5B. However, the resulting signal can be
lated directly. (True frequency modu- phase with the rf voltage appearing at more phase-modulated than it is frequen-
lation of a crystal-controlled oscillator the terminals of the tank circuit. However, cy-modulated, for the reason that the
results in only very small deviations and the voltage across C3 will lag the current frequency deviation that can be secured
so requires a great deal of frequency by 90 degrees. The rf current in the drain by varying the frequency of a crystal
multiplication.) The chief problem is to circuit of the modulator will be in phase oscillator is quite small.

maintain a satisfactory degree of carrier with the grid voltage, and consequently is The modulator (fre-
sensitivity of the

stability, since the greater the inherent 90 degrees behind the current through C3, quency change per unit change in grid
stability of the oscillator the more difficult or 90 degrees behind the rf tank voltage. voltage) depends on the transconductance
it is to secure a wide frequency swing with This lagging current is drawn through the of the modulator transistor. It increases
linearity. oscillator tank, giving the same effect as when Rl is rhade smaller in comparison
though an inductance were connected with C3. It also increases with an increase
Frequency Modulation Methods: across the tank. The frequency increases in L/C ratio in the oscillator tank circuit.
Direct FM in proportion to the amplitude of the However, for highest carrier stability it is

A simple, satisfactory device for pro- lagging plate current of the modulator. desirable to use the largest tank capaci-
ducing fm in the amateur transmitter is The audio voltage, introduced through a tance that will permit the desired devia-

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-3

6A can be used for pm if the reactance pointed out earlier, the fact that the actual
PHASE MODULATOR transistor or tube works on an amplifier frequency deviation increases with the
7= .

47 0.001
tank instead of directly on a self- modulating audio frequency in pm makes
RF Hf- controlled oscillator. If audio shaping is it necessary" to cut off the frequencies
INPUT used in the speech amplifier, as described above about 3000 Hz before modulation
above, fm instead of pm will be generated takes place. If this is not done, un-
by the phase modulator. necessary sidebands will be generated at
The phase shift that occurs when a frequencies considerably away from the
circuit is detuned from resonance depends carrier.

10V on the amount of detuning and the Q of

the circuit. The higher the Q, the smaller

X 10.001^

the amount of detuning needed to secure a
given number of degrees of phase shift. If
Speech Processing for
The speech amplifier
preceding the
the Q is at least 10, the relationship modulator follows ordinary design, except
between phase shift and detuning (in kHz that no power is taken from it and the af
PRE-EMPHASIS either side of the resonant frequency) will voltage required by the modulatQr grid
be substantially linear over a phase-shift usually is small — not more than 10 or 15
range of about 25 degrees. From the volts, even with large modulator tubes,
standpoint of modulator sensitivity, the and only a volt or two for transistors.
tuned circuit Q on which the modulator Because of these modest requirements,
operates should be as high as possible. On only a few speech stages are needed; a
the other hand, the effective Q of the two-stage amplifier consisting of two
circuit will not be very high if the bipolar transistors, both resistance-coup-
1/uF amplifier is delivering power to a load led, will more than suffice for crystal
-^|( Oaf out since the load resistance reduces the Q. ceramic or Hi-Z dynamic microphones.
There must therefore be a compromise Several forms of speech prbcessing
af in O-
between modulator sensitivity and rf produce worthwhile improvements in fm
power output from the modulated amplifi- system performance. It is desirable to
er. An optimum Q figure appears to be limit the peak amplitude of the audio
about 20; this allows reasonable loading signal applied to an fm or pm modulator,
of the modulated amplifier and the so that the deviation of the fm transmitter
Fig.6 —
(A) The phase-shifter type of phase necessary tuning variation can be secured will not exceed a preset value. This peak
modulator. (B) preemphasis and (C) deem<
from a reactance modulator without limiting is usually accomplished with a
phasis circuits.
difficulty. It is advisable to modulate at a simple audio clipper placed between the
low power level. speech amplifier and modulator. The
tion to be secured while keeping within Reactance modulation of an amplifier clipping process produces high-order
the limits of linear operation. stage usually results in simultaneous harmonics which, if allowed to pas£
A change in any of the voltages on the amplitude modulation because the modu- through to the mddulator stage, would
modulator transistor will cause a change lated stage is detuned from resonance as create unwanted sidebands. Therefore, an
in rf drain current, and consequently a the phase is shifted. This must be audio low-pass filter with a cut-off
frequency change. Therefore it is ad- eliminated by feeding the modulated frequency between 2.5 and 3 kHz is
visable to use a regulated power supply signal through an amplitude limiter or one needed at the output of the clipper. Excess
for both modulator and oscillator. or more "saturating" stages that is, — clipping can cause severe distortion of the
amplifiers that are operated Class C and voice signal. An audio processor con-
Indirect FM driven hard enough so that variations in sisting of a compressor and a clipper, such
The same type of reactance-tube circuit the amplitude of the input excitation
. as described in chapter 12, has been found
that used to vary the tuning of the
is produce no appreciable variations in the to produce audio with a better sound (i.e.,
oscillator tank in fm can be used to vary output amplitude. less distortion) than a clipper alone.
the tuning of an amplifier tank and thus For the same type of reactance modu- To reduce the amount of noise in some
vary the phase of the tank current for pm. lator, the speech-amplifier gain required fm communications systems, an audio
Hence the modulator circuit of Fig. 5A or is the same for pm as for fm. However, as shaping network called preemphasis is







Fig. 7 - Block diagrams of typical fm exciters.

13-4 Chapter 13
TS-175, will provide sufficient accuracy.
Frequency counters that will work di-
rectly up to 500 MHz and higher are
available, but their cost is high. The less

Of SJ,,
expensive low-frequency counters can be
-W-cr > employed using a prescaler, a device
which divides an input frequency by a
preset ratio, usually 10 or 100. Many
prescalers may be used at 148 or MHz
higher, using a counter with a 2-MHz (or
more) upper frequency limit. If the
counting system does not have a sufficient
15V Ml +
upper frequency limit to measure the
output of an fm transmitter directly, one
VD3 50-mF of the frequency-multiplier stages can be
sampled to provide a signal in the range of
the measurement device. Alternatively, a
PEAK DEVIATION METER crystal-controlled converter feeding an hf
receiver which has accurate frequency
Deviation Produced readout can be employed, if a secondary
1st Null 2nd Null 3rd Null -standard is available to calibrate the
receiving system.
905.8 Hz ±2.18 kHz ± kHz
5.00 ± kHz

1000.0 Hz ±2.40 kHz ± kHz

5.52 ± kHz

1500.0 Hz ±3.61 kHz ± 8.28 kHz ±12.98 kHz Deviation and Deviation Linearity
±4.35 kHz ±10.00 kHz ±15.67 kHz
1811.0 Hz
2000.0 Hz ±4.81 kHz ±11.04 kHz ±17.31 kHz A simple deviation meter can be
2079.2 Hz ±5.00 kHz ±11.48 kHz ±17.99 kHz assembled following the diagram of Fig.
2805.0 Hz ±6.75 kHz ±15.48 kHz ±24.27 kHz 8A. This circuit was designed by K6VKZ.
The output of a wide-band receiver
Fig 8 — (A) Schematic diagram of the deviation meter. Resistors are 1/2-watt
composition and discriminator (before any deemphasis) is
D1-D3, incl., are
capacitors are ceramic, except those with polarity marked, which are electrolytic. fed to two amplifier transistors. The
high-speed silicon switching diodes. R1 is a linear-taper composition control, and S1,
S2 are spst
20-kQ center-tapped
output of the amplifier section is trans-
toggle switches. T1 is a miniature audio transformer with 10-kO primary and
null when the former coupled to a pair of rectifier diodes
secondary (Triad A31X). (B) Chart of audio frequencies which wilt produce a carrier
deviation of an fm transmitter is set for the values given. to develop a dc voltage for the meter, Ml.
There will be an indication on the meter
with no signal input because of detected
indirect method (B) often produces su- noise, so the accuracy of the instrument
added at the transmitter to proportionally
perior results. will be poor on weak signals.
attenuate the lower audio frequencies,
To calibrate the unit, signals of known
giving an even spread to the energy in the
Testing an FM Transmitter deviation will be required. If the meter is
audio band. This results in an fm signal of
Accurate checking of the operation of to be set to read 0-15 kHz, then a 7.5-kHz
nearly constant energy distribution. The
an fm or pm transmitter requires different deviation test signal should be employed.
reverse process, called deemphasis, is
accomplished at the receiver to restore the methods than the corresponding checks Rl is then adjusted until Ml reads half
on an a-m or ssb set. This is because the scale, 50^A. To check the peak deviation
audio to its original relative proportions.
shown in Fig. 6. common forms of measuring devices of an incoming signal, close both SI and
Sample circuits are
either indicate amplitude variations only S2. Then, read the meter. Opening first
FM Exciters (a milliammeter, for example), or because one switch and then the other will indicate
the amount of positive and negative
FM exciters and transmitters take two their indications are most easily inter-
check of
shown at Fig. 7A, preted in terms of amplitude. deviation of the signal, a
general forms. One,
The quantities to be checked in an fm deviation linearity.
consists of a reactance modulator which
shifts the frequency of an oscillator to transmitter are the linearity and frequency
Measurement of Deviation Using Bessel
generate an fm signal directly. Successive deviation and the output frequency, if the
multiplier stages provide output on the unit uses crystal control. The methods of
checking differ Using a mathematical relationship known
desired frequency, which is amplified by a in detail.
as the Bessel Function it is possible
PA stage. This system has a disadvantage Frequency Checking to predict the points at which, with certain
in that, if the oscillator is free running, it is
Crystal-controlled, channelized fm oper- audio-input frequencies and predeter-
difficult to achieve sufficient stability for
ation requires that a transmitter be held mined deviation settings, the carrier
vhf use. If a crystal-controlled oscillator is
within a few hundred hertz of the desired output of an fm transmitter will disappear
employed, because the amount that the
channel even in a wide-band system. completely. Thus, by monitoring the
crystal frequency is changed is kept small,
Having the transmitter on the proper carrier frequency with a receiver, it will be
it is difficult to achieve equal amounts of
frequency is particularly important when possible to identify by ear the deviation at
frequency swing.
method of generating fm operating through a repeater. The rigors which the carrier is nulled. A heterodyne
The indirect
of mobile and portable operation make a signal at either the input or receiver i-f is
shown in Fig. 7B is currently popular.
frequency check of a channelized trans- required so that the carrier will produce a
Shaped audioapplied to a phase
ceiver a good idea, at three-month beat note which can easily be identified. _
modulator to generate fm. Since the
intervals. Other tones will be produced in the
amount of deviation produced is very
Frequency, meters generally fall into modulation process, so some concen-
small, a large number of multiplier stages
two categories, the heterodyne type and the tration isrequired by the operator when
is needed to achieve wide-band deviation
digital counter. For amateur use, the making the test. With an audio tone
at the operating frequency. In general, the
vhf/uhf counterparts of the popular selectedfrom the chart (Fig. 8B), advance
system shown at A will require a less
BG-221 frequency meter, the TS-174 and the deviation control slowly until the first
complex circuit than that at B, but the

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-5






Fig. 9 —
Fm detector characteristics. Slope
detection, using the sloping side of the
receivers selectivity curve to convert fm to a-m Fig. 10 —
Block diagrams of (A) an a-m, (B)"an fm receiver. Dark borders outline the sections that
for subsequent detection. are different in the fm set.

FM Filters
Center Nonimal Ultimate Impedance (r) Insertion Crystal
Manufacturer Model Frequency Bandwidth Rejection In Out loss Discriminator
KVG (1) XF-9E 9.0 MHz 12 kHz 90 dB 1200 1200 3dB XD9-02
KVG (1) XF-107A 10.7 MHz 12 kHz 90 dB - 820 820 3.5 dB XD1 07-01
KVG (1) XF-107B 10.7 MHz 15 kHz 90 dB 910 910 3.5 dB XD1 07-01
KVG (1) XF-107C 10.7 MHz 30 kHz 90 dB 2000 2000 4.5 dB XD107-0*
Heath Dynamics {2, 21.5 MHz •
15 kHz 90 dB 550 550 • 3dB
Heath Dynamics (2 21.5 MHz 30 kHz 90 dB 1100 1100 2dB
Clevite (3) TCF4-12D3CA 445 kHz 12 kHz 60 dB . 40k 2200 6dB
Clevite(3) TCF4-18G45A 455 kHz 18 kHz dB
50 40k 2200 6dB
Clevite (3) TCF6-30D55A 455 kHz 30 kHz 60 dB 20k 1000 5dB

Fig. 11 —
A list of fm-bandwidth filters that are available to amateurs. Manufacturer's addresses are as follows': (1) Spectrum International, P. O. Box
1084, Concord, MA
01742; (2) Heath Dynamics, Inc., 6050 N. 52nd Ave., Glendale, AZ 85301, tel. 602-934-5234; (3) Semiconductor Specialists, Inc

P. O. Box 66125, O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, IL 60666.

null is heafd. If a higher-order null is side of the selectivity curve. When the Otherwise the functions, and often the
desired, continue advancing the control frequency of the signal varies with circuits, of the rf, oscillator, mixer and
further until the second, and then the modulation it swings as indicated in Fig. audio stages will be the same in either
third, null heard. Using a carrier null
is 9, resulting in an a-m output varying receiver.
beyond the third is generally not practical. between X and Y. This is then rectified as In operation, the noticeable difference
For example, if a 905.8-Hz tone is used, an a-m signal. between the two receivers is the effect of
the transmitter be set for 5-kHz
will With receivers having steep-sided se- ' noise and interference on an incoming
deviation when the second null is reached. lectivity curves, the method is not very
The second null achieved with a 2805-Hz satisfactory because the distortion is quite
audio input will set the transmitter severe unless the frequency deviation is
deviation at 15.48 kHz. The Bessel- small, since the frequency deviation and CURRENT
function approach can be used to calibrate output amplitude is linear over only a LIMITER OUTPUT
a deviation meter, such as the unit shown small part of the selectivity curve.
in Fig. 8A.
The FM Receiver
Reception of FM Signals
Block diagrams of an a-m/ssb and an
Receivers for fm signals differ from fm receiver are shown in Fig. 10.
others principally in two features there — Fundamentally, to achieve a sensitivity of
is no need for linearity preceding de- less than 1 /iV, an fm receiver requires a
tection (it is, in fact, advantageous if gain of several million —
too much total
amplitude variations in signal and back- gain to be accomplished with stability on
ground noise can be "washed Out") and a single frequency. Thus, the use of the
the detector must be capable of converting superheterodyne circuit has become stari-
frequency variations of the incoming dard practice. Three major differences will INPUT SIGNAL
signal into amplitude variations. be apparent from a comparison of the two
Frequency-modulated signals can be block diagrams. The fm receiver employs
received after a fashion on any ordinary a wider-bandwidth filter, a different Fig. 12 —
Representation of limiter action.
Amplitude variations on the signal are removed
receiver. The receiver is tuned to put the detector,and has a limiter stage added by the diode action of the grid- and plate-
y carrier frequency partway down on one between the i-f amplifier and the detector. current saturation.

13-6 Chapter 13
signal. From the time of the first spark
transmitters, "rotten QRN"
has been a
major problem for amateurs. The limiter
in an fm set can
and discriminator stages
eliminate a good deal of impulse noise,
except noise which manages to acquire a
frequency-modulation characteristic. Ac-
curate alignment of the receiver i-f system
and phase tuning of the detector are
required to achieve good noise sup-
(A) <B> pression. Fm receivers perform in an
Fig. 13 — (A) Input wave form to a limiter stage shows a-m and noise. (B) The same signal, after unusual manner when QR.M is present,
passing through two limiter stages, is devoid of a-m components.

+ 250V




6BH6 (2)

6.3V AC ^0 4

+ 250V



O 7




F o-K




Fig. 14 — Typical limiter circuits using (A) tubes, (B) transistors, (C) a differential IC, (D) a high-gain linear IC.

Frequency Modulation and Repeater* 13-7

exhibiting a characteristic known as the variations of the signal. Thus, the limiter the second is designed to limit the range of
capture effect. The loudest signal received, stages preceding the detector are included signals passed on by the first. At
even if it is only two or three times to "cleanse" the signal so that only the frequencies below 1 MHz
it is useful to
stronger than other stations on the same desired frequency modulation will be employ untuned RC-coupled limiters
frequency, will be the only transmission demodulated., This action can be seen in which provide sufficient gain without a
demondulated. By comparison, an S9 a-m Fig. 13. tendency toward oscillation.
or cw signal can suffer noticeable inter- Limiter stages can be designed using Fig. 14A shows a two-stage limiter ,

ference from an S2 carrier. For a tube to act

tubes, transistors, or ICs. using sharp-cutoff tubes, while 14B has
as a limiter, the applied B voltages are transistors in two stages biased for limiter
Bandwidth chosen so that the stage will overload service. The base bias on either transistor
Most fm sets that use tubes achieve i-f easily, even with a small amount of signal may be varied to provide limiting at a
by using a number of over-
selectivity input. A
sharp-cutoff pentode such as the desired level.The input-signal voltage
coupled transformers. The wide band- 6BH6 is usually employed with little or no required to start limiting action is called
width and phase-response characteristic bias applied. As shown in Fig. 12, the the limiting knee, referring to the point at
needed in the i-f system dictate careful input signal limits when it is of sufficient which collector (or plate) current ceases to
design and alignment of all interstage amplitude so that diode action of the grid rise with increased input signal. Modern
.transformers. and plate-current saturation clip both ICs have limiting knees of 100 mV for the
For the average ham, the use of a sides of the input signal, producing a circuit shown in Fig. 14C, using the RCA
high-selectivity filter in a homemade constant-amplitude output voltage. CA3028A or Motorola MC1550G, or
receiver offers some simplification of the Obviously, a signal of considerable 200 mV for the MC1590G of Fig. 14D.
alignment task. Following the techniques strength is required at the input of the Because the high-gain ICs such as the
used in ssb receiver, a crystal or ceramic limiter to assure full clipping, typically CA3076 and MC1590G contain as many
filter should be placed in the circuit as several volts for tubes, 1 volt for as six or eight active stages which will
close as possible to the antenna connector transistors, and several hundred micro- saturate with sufficient input, one of these
— at the output of the first mixer, in most volts for ICs. Limiting action should devices provides superior limiter per-
cases. Fig. 11 lists a number of suitable start with an rf input of 0.2 nV or less, so a formance compared to a pair of tubes or
filters that are available to amateurs. large amount of gain is required between transistors.
Prices for these filters are in the $50 range. the antenna terminal and the limiter
Experimenters who
wish to "roll their stages. For example, the Motorola 80D Detectors
own" can use hf crystals, as
surplus has eight tubes before the limiter, and the The first type of fm detector to gain
outlined in ARRL's Single Sideband for solid-state receivers use nine- transistor popularity was the frequency discriminat-
the Radio Amateur, or ceramic resonators. stages to get sufficient gain before the first or. The characteristic of such a detector
One item of concern to every amateur limiter. The new ICs offer some sim- is shown in Fig. 15. When the fm sig-
fm user is the choice of i-f bandwidth for plification of the i-f system, as they pack a nal has no modulation, and the carrier
his receiver. Deviation of 5 kHz is now lot of gain into a single package. is at point 0, the detector has no output.
standard on the amateur bands. A When sufficient signal arrives at the When audio input to the fm transmitter
wide-band receiver can receive narrow- receiver to start limiting action, the set swings the signal higher in frequency, the
band signals, suffering only some loss of quiets — that is, the background noise rectified output increases in the positive
audio in the detection process. Naturally, disappears. The sensitivity of an fm direction. When the frequency swings
it also will be subject to adjacent-channel receiver is rated in terms of the amount of lower the output amplitude increases in
interference, especially in congested areas. input signal required to produce a given the negative direction. Over a range where
amount of quieting, usually 20 dB. Use of the discriminator is linear (shown as the
solid-state devices allow receivers to straight portion of the line), the con-
When fm was introduced, the main
first achieve 20 dB quieting with 0.15 to 0.5 wV version of fm to arm that is taking place
selling point used for the new mode was

of input signal. will be linear.

the noise-free reception possibilities. The A single tube or transistor stage will not —A practical discriminator circuit is
circuit in the fm receiver that has the task provide good limiting over a wide range of shown in Fig. 1757 Thr fm
signal _is_
of chopping off noise and amplitude input signals. Two stages, with different converted to a-m by transformer T2, Tl.
modulation from an incoming signal is the input time constants, are a minimum The voltage induced in the Tl secondary
limiter. Most types of fm detectors requirement. The first stage is set to is 90 degrees out of phase with the current
respond to both frequency and amplitude handle impulse noise satisfactorily while in the primary. The primary signal is

AMP. 68k


i X i


Fig. 15 — The characteristic of an fm

discriminator. Fig. 16 — Typical frequency-discriminator circuit used for fm detection. T1 is a Miller 12-C45.

13-8 Chapter 13
1 | o


AAAr (A) .


-WV— 1

-0 + 5V


entertainment radio and TV sets. T1 is a ratio-

Fig. 17 -
A ratio detector of the type often used in

detector transformer such as the Miller 1606.

Fig. 19 —
(A) Block diagram of a PLL
demodulator. (B) Complete PLL circuit.
10k TO
-O AUDIO significant. Either circuit can provide
01--p 0.001^-p. |
excellent results. In operation, the ratio
FROM r4~7 A-7 detector will not provide sufficient limit-

ing for communications service, so this

TP! detector also is usually preceded by at

least a single limiting stage.

Other Detector Designs

J The difficulties often encountered in
building and aligning LC discriminators

have inspired research that has resulted in

intermediate frequency. C2 is a number of adjustment-free fm detector
Fig 18 -
Crystal discriminator, C1 and L1 are resonant at the
The crystal discriminator utilizes
that equal amounts of signal are fed to designs.
equal in value to C3. C4 corrects any circuit imbalance so
the detector diodes. a quartz resonator, shunted by a,n

inductor, place of the tuned-circuit

secondary used in a discriminator trans-

introduced through a center tap on the criminator-transformer secondary. With a former. A

typical circuit is shown in Fig.

detector that responds only to ratios, the 18. Some commercially made crystal dis-
secondary, coupled through a capacitor.
input signal may vary in strength over a criminators have the input-circuit in-
The secondary voltages combine on each
wide range without causing a change in ductor, LI, built in (CI must be added)
side of the center tap so that the voltage
on one side leads the primary signal while the level of output voltage fm can be — while in other types both LI and C2 must
detected, but not a-m. In an actual ratio be supplied by the builder. Fig. 18 shows
the other side lags by the same amount.
detector, Fig. 17, the dc voltage required typical component values; unmarked
When rectified, these two voltages are

give the desired

developed across two load resistors, parts are chosen to
equal and of opposite polarity, resulting is

shunted by an electrolytic capacitor. bandwidth. Sources for crystal discrimina-

in zero-voltage output. A shift in input
Other differences include the two diodes, tors are listed in Fig. 11.
frequency causes ashift in the phase of the
voltage components that results in an which are wired in series aiding rather
increase of output amplitude on one side than series opposing, as in the standard
discriminator circuit. The recovered audio Since the phase-locked loop (PLL) was
of the secondary, and a corresponding
is taken from a tertiary winding which is
reduced to a single IC package, this circuit
decrease on the other side. The differences
tightly coupled to the primary of the is revolutionizing some facets of receiver
in the two changing voltages, after
transformer. Diode-load resistor values design. Introduction by Signetics of a PLL
rectification, constitute the audio output.
are selected to be lower (5000 ohms or in a single flat-pack IC, followed by
In search for a simplified fm
Motorola and Fairchild (who are making
detector, RCA
developed a circuit that less)than for the discriminator.
The sensitivity of the ratio detector is the PLL in seperate building-block ICs),
has now become standard in enter-
one-half that of the discriminator. In allows a builder to get to work with a
tainment radios which eliminated the need
Known as general, however, the transformer design minimum of bother,
for a preceding limiter stage.
the ratio detector, this circuit is based on values for Q, primary-secondary coupling, Abasic phase-locked loop consists

and load will vary greatly, so the actual of a phase detector, a filter, a dc am-
the idea of dividing a dc voltage into a
plifier, and a voltage-controlled oscil-
ratio which is equal to the ratio of the performance differences between these
amplitudes from either side of a dis- two types of fm detectors are usually not lator (VCO). The runs at a VCO

Frequency Modulation and Repeater* 13-9

. —

frequency close to that of an incoming

signal. The phase detector produces an
,44-148 MHz
error voltage if any frequency difference
exists between the VCO and the i-f signal. I 144-148 MHz
This error voltage is applied to the VCO. 25 C3
Any changes in the frequency of the 1 1t>
01 I I

incoming signal are sensed at the detector

and the error voltage readjusts the VCO INPUT (OH ^ft- 100
frequency so that it remains locked to the (50A) V' 6o
intermediate frequency. The bandwidth of 1( fojoUTPUT
the system is determined by a filter on the
'470 T <50fl)

error-voltage line. 1„.

Because the error voltage is a copy of SHIELD /-)-?
01 -I <>
"the audio variations originally used to G(CASE)

shift the' frequency of the transmitter, the |

PLL functions directly as an fm detector. _ '

The sensitivity achieved with the Signetics BOTTOM
NE565 PLL is good — about 1 mV for
a typical circuit. No transformers or
tuned circuits are required. The PLL Fig. 20 —
Schematic diagram of the low-noise 2-meter preamp. Fixed-value capacitors are disc
ceramic. Resistors are 1/4- or 1/2-watt composition. See text for data on the trimmers. L1 has 5
bandwidth is usually two to ten per- turns of no. 20 wire, 3/4-inch (19-mm) long with an ID of 1/4 inch (6.3 mm). C1 tap approx. 1/2 turn
cent of the i-f for fm detection. Com- from ground. Q1 tap approx. 1 turn from ground. L2 has same dimensions except for Q1 tap,
ponents Rl/Cl set the VCO to near which is approx. 1 turn from C3 end. See text for Q1 data.
the desired frequency. C2 is the loop-filter
capacitor which determines the capture
range —
that range of frequencies over PREAMPLIFIER
which the loop will acquire lock with an
440 MHz 440 MHz 440 MHz
input signal, initially starting out of lock.
The NE565 has an upper frequency limit
of 500 kHz; for higher frequencies, the
NE561, which is usable up to 30 MHz,
can be employed.

Preamplifiers for Increased Sensitivity

Some surplus, homemade and commer-
cial new equipment
for the vhf and uhf fm
bands need additional receiver gain and
noise-figure improvement for weak-signal
work. Too much gain can seriously de-
grade the receiver dynamic range, so care
must be exercised when adding a pre-
amplifier ahead of an existing receiver
front end. The temptation of some inex-
perienced amateurs is to use a preamp Fig. 21 —
Schematic diagram of the 440-MHz preamp. The 10-pF capacitors are silver mica.
FT indicates feedthrough capacitor.
which has a gain of 25 dB or greater. As a
C1-C3, incl. — 1.4 to 9.2-pF miniature air vari- approx. 1/4 inch (6.3mm) below C2 and C3
result, strong local signals can overload Johnson 189-0563-001 or equiv.
able', ends of line.'QI, Q2 source taps on L1 and
the receiver and cause severe mixer IMD. J1, J2 — BNC-type connector soldered to case L2 are approx. 3/4 inch (19 mm) up from
The two preamplifiers described here are outer wall. ground.
tailored for useful but not excessive gain
L1-L3, incl. — 2-5/8 x x 6.3-mm)
1/4-inch (67 Q1, Q2 —
Siliconix JFET.
brass strip. Input and output taps on L1 and RFC1, RFC2 —
420-MHz choke J. W. Miller
amounts. They should enhance the per- L3 are approx. 1/2 inch (13 mm) up from 4584 or equiv. Ferrite beads assoc. with
formance of receivers or converters that ground (see text). Attach Q1/Q2 drain taps these chokes are Amidon miniature, type.
are marginal in terms of overall gain and
i noise figure. They should not have a
serious effect on the receiver dynamic
The 2-meter version shown in Fig. 20 CI of Fig'. 20 is adjusted for lowest A strip-line preamplifier for use at 440
a single Siliconix U310 JFET in a
utilizes noise figure. The CI coil tap can be ad- MHz is shown in Figs. 21 and 22. The
common-gate circuit. This helps to ensure justed also if further improvement is maximum attainable gain is roughly 20 dB
stability and provide a gain of over 10 dB. needed. C2 and C3
should be high-Q trim- with the circuit shown. Noise figure
The U310 is well known for its low noise mers for best performance. Miniature should be better than 5 dB when the taps
up to 450 MHz
(about 3 dB at 450 MHz ceramic trimmers should be suitable for onto LI are optimized. Some experiment-
and 1.5 dB at 144 MHz). This transistor use at CI, C2 and C3. Jdeally, Teflon ing will be necessary. The loaded Q of the
also has excellent dynamic-range charac- trimmers or small air variables would be -three resonators can be increased by
teristics (in excess of 100 dB). A less costly used at those circuit points. moving the Q1/Q2 taps closer to the
substitute is the Siliconix E300, which If LI and L2 are at right angles to one ground ends of each line. The tradeoff is
comes in a plastic case. The performance another and spaced well apart, it may not, in preamplifier gain. The increased Q may
traits are approximately the same, but be necessary to use a shield divider across be important when gain requirements
stability may be harder to realize because Ql as shown in Fig. 20. However, a small aren't too great (as in a repeater installa-
the E300 has no metal case which can be piece of copper, brass or double-sided pc. tion), butwhen rejection of out-of-band
grounded automatically when the gate is board should be easy to add to the circuit commercial signals are vital to good per-
grounded. board formance. LI, L2 and L3 are silver plated

13-10 Chapter 13
provided by the decoupling solid-state preamplifier can hold its own
instability is
of Ql and Q2. A when competing against a vacuum-tube
circuits in the drain leads
press-fit aluminum or brass cover (U-
equivalent. .The unit treated here (de-

shaped) is used to enclose the open side of signed by W1FB)

meets the design
the preamplifier case. Craftsmen may
most amateur repeaters.
specifications of

elect to make the housing arid divider Precautions have been taken to prevent
the usual problems,inherent in homemade
walls from sections of 1/16-inch (1.6-mm)
brass, using silver solder to join the preamps.
mating surfaces. This unit is suitable for -

450-MHz Design
use anywhere in the 420- to
band. JFETs were chosen for use in the
preamp over gate-protected MOSFETs
A Selective 2-Meter Preamplifier because the former can sustain up to 80
Apreamplifier used ahead of a sur- volts pk-pk, gate to source, before being

plus receiver as part of a repeater must damaged. Protected MOSFETs are rated
be based on something more than casual at 20 volts maximum. Furthermore, the

design if good performance is to be employment of JFETs eliminated four

Fig. 22 — Interior view of the 440-MHz realized. Special attention must be paid to resistors and two capacitors, all of which
preamplifier. The center strip line is reversed should be would have been required in the gate-2
selectivity, and the noise figure
from the end ones to prevent excessive lead
low enough to assure the kind of biasing circuits of the MOSFETs.
lengths from Q1 and Q2. The box dimensions
sensitivity desired by most repeater opera- In the interest of eliminating the need
are 3x3-1/2x1 inch (76 x 89 x 25 mm).
The internal shields are 3 x 15/16 inches (76 tors —0.2 V or less for 20 dB of for those sometimes-tricky neutralization
x 24 mm). All mating surfaces of the box quieting. Transient and rf-burnout pro- circuits, the common-gate configuration
walls are soldered inside and outside. Both was chosen. Common-gate amplifiers pro-
tection are the other criteria for successful
sides of the dividers are soldered to the inner
use at the repeater site. vide somewhat less gain than do the


surface of the box. approximately

While some groups have had success common-source types
with solid-state preamplifiers, others have 10 dB less gain per stage, but by using two
model. The doubte-sided pc-board
in this
decried the reliability of transistorized stages in common-gate the, gain of the
housing for the amplifier is also silver more than adequate for
preamps, mainly because of overloading, preamplifier is
plated, as are the two internal divider
most applications. The of Fig. 23
walls which isolate the tuned circuits from IMD, and susceptibility to device damage
from static discharges and line transients. should exhibit a gain of between 15 and 20
one another.
tube-type equipment is less dB, depending upon the transconduc-
Amplifier stability is excellent when the Certainly
subject to catastrophic failure from the tances of the two FETs picked from the
gate leads of Ql and Q2 are made as short
foregoing causes, but a properly designed supplier's shelf.
as possible. Additional insurance against

AMP ...
AMR 146 MHz
146 MHz 146 MH

s Qjo




k -1 000. M -1,000, 000.

box and dividers. The outer shield box is shown in dashed

9 23
Flo - Circuit diagram of the preamplifier. Heavy lines indicate the pc-board shieldsilver mica. Resistors are 1/2 wa.t^n.
otherwise noted. S.M. indicates
Mn es Fixe^alue capTc^ are d'isc ce'ramic unless
Q1, Q2 — Vhf or uhf JFET (see text). Keep
C1-C4, incl. — 11-pF subminiature air variable
gate lead as short as possible, 1/8 inch
E. F. Johnson 189-564. Piston trimmers or
L1, L3 — 3-1/2 turns no. 14 tinned bus wire, (3 mm) or less.
Johnson 160-0104-001 suitable also.
x 19 mm) long. RFC1 — 144-MHz choke, approximately 2.7 rf
C5-C7, incl. — Feedthrough capacitor.
1/2-inch ID x 3/4-inch (13
34300-2.7 or equivalent.
Tap source at 1-3/4 turns from trimmer end. M H. James Millen
D1, D2 — High-speed silicon switching diode, Alternatively, wind 20 inch (508 mm) of no.
Tap L1 also at 1/2 turn from ground.
1N914 or equivalent. 30 enam. wire on the body of a 2700-ohm
L2, L4 — 3-1/3 turns no. 14 tinned bus
03 — 15-volt, 1-watt Zener diode. mm) 1-watt carbon resistor. Use pigtails as
J1, J2 — Coaxial connector of builder's choice /2-inch ID ix 3/4-inch (13 19 long.
Tap L4 1/2 turn above C6. anchor points for ends of winding.
(Type BMC used in this model.)

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-11

Motorola 2N5484s (MPF106) are used
at Ql and Q2. Alternatively, U310, E300,
2N4416 or 2N4417 devices can be used 5.3 TO 6.5MHz
one is pay a bit more money.
MPF102s would probably do a good job 4
in the circuit of Fig. 23. Since the 2N5484s PHASE DC
are designed for use into the 400-MHz DETECTOR —>— AMPLIFIER > vco DIVIDE BY
region, they seemed likewise choices for
low-noise operation. To assure good J"RANSM IT/
selectivity and thereby offer reasonable 625 IV OUTPUT ""RECEIVE
immunity to nearby out-of-band commer-
cial signals, high>Q tuned circuits were -625 rv REFERENCE
employed. The section between Ql and PROGRAMMING
Q2 is a bandpass type, lightly coupled by SWITCHES
BY 5 MHz
means of a 2-pF silver-mica capacitor. OSCILLATOR XTAL
Lighter coupling^ will provide greater
selectivity,' but with an attendant loss in
gain. Aperture coupling can be used in
place of the method shown. If so, the Fig. 24 — Block diagram of the synthesizer described in the text.
aperture size must be adjusted to establish
the gain and selectivity desired by the
Source bias is used in each stage to and the partitions are soldered
in place by showing the builder's unique approach to
prevent the amplifiers from saturating in using a 100-watt soldering iron with a the aforementioned problems, One prac-
the presence of strong signals. The sources small-diameter tip. The metal surfaces of tical synthesizer, contributed by K2CBA,
are tapped down on tuned
their respective the pc-board sections are silver plated, represents a basic PLL
with a circuit
circuits to provide impedance matching. though the plating is not necessary as far minimum of frills. The compromise
In the. prototype unit the drains were as circuit performance is concerned. The between lockup time and spectral purity is
tapped down on the tuned circuits a — plating does, however, retard tarnishing a good one. It takes less than 0.5 second to
method used to achieve stability. As an and make soldering somewhat easier. lock to a new channel or to switch from
aid to stability each stage has a 10-ohm The input and output rf connections, transmit to receive. Spurious responses on
resistor between its drain and the re- and those between the compartments, are the carrier are better than 35 dB down as
lated tuned circuit. However, (he gain of the made by means of small Teflon push-in seen on a spectrum analyzer. By using
preamplifier was somewhat less when feedthrough terminals which were ob- programming switches that do not read
using the 10-ohm resistors and connecting tained as surplus. The source-bias re- directly in frequency, considerable circuit
them to the stators of C2 and C4. sistors and bypass capacitors are attached complexity and expense is avoided. The
Decoupling networks are used between to Teflon standoff posts. Satisfactory output provides 15-kHz steps at 146
the stages (220-ohm resistors and 0.001- substitutes for the feedthrough bushings MHz, which allows working through a
*tF bypass capacitors) to prevent inter- can be fashioned from short lengths of. repeater input or "splitting the channel"
stage coupling along the 12-volt supply RG-59/U coax with the vinyl jacket and to find a spot for simplex. Receiving and
line. Filtering at rf
is provided by using shield braid removed. Epoxy cement can transmitting frequencies are selected in-
RFC1 and another 0.00 1-nF feedthrough be used to hold the homemade bushings in dependently by the use of separate
capacitor, thus helping to prevent un- place. thumbwheel switches.
wanted rf from entering the preamplifier Once the circuit is assembled in its The output frequency for transmitting
on the dc supply line. pc-board enclosure the subassembly can is in 6-MHz range, which is com-
Rf burnout protection js offered by two be installed in a Minibox which measures patible with many of the surplus transmit-
1N914 diodes connected from the source 5-1/4 X 3 X 2-1/8 inches (133 X 76 X 54 ters available. For receiving, the output is
tap on LI to ground. The diodes are mm). near 5.5 MHz as required for the RCA
located at an impedance point which is
Carfone equipment for which the syn-
higher than that of the 50-ohm antenna Adjustment and Use
thesizer was designed. Other makes of
tap. This means the diodes will conduct Connect the preamplifier ahead of the receivers might require modification of
sooner at the source tap because the fm receiver with which it is to be used. their local oscillator and frequency multi-
rf-voltage level from static discharge or Apply 12 volts dc to the preamp, then plication circuitry to work with this
abnormally strong signals will always be supply a low-level signal to Ql via Jl. synthesizer.
greater at the tap point than at the 50-ohm Peak each tuned circuit for maximum
terminal. No change in amplifier per- response by observing the lst-limiter Circuit Features
formance could be noted after adding the current reading of the fm receiver. The A block diagram of the PLL synthesizer
diodes. unit should then be ready to use. is shown in Fig. 24. It consists of a crystal-
Protection from any abrupt increase in This preamplifier was used ahead of a controlled and frequency-
supply voltage brought about by ac-line Motorola five-pipe Sensicon receiver divider chain from which a reference fre-
transients afforded by the use of a
is during all tests. The "barefoot" fm quency is derived, a voltage-controlled
15-volt, 1-watt Zener diode (D3) which is receiver provided 20 dB of quieting with a oscillator whose output frequency is
connected between the 12-volt supply line 0.4-nV input signal. With the preamp divided by programmable circuits, and a
and chassis ground. installedit was possible to obtain 20 dB of
phase detector that compares the resultant
quieting with somewhat less than 0. 1 mV signals from the divider chains and
Construction Information of input signal. develops a correction voltage for the
To provide for adequate shielding
against RFI two boxes are used in the Practical Synthesizer
The crystal oscillator generates a 5-
construction of the preamp. The inner box With so many amateurs working to- MHz which is divided by 8000 to
is made from double-sided copper-clad pc
ward developing a synthesizer for use on produce a 625-Hz reference signal. A total
board. It measures 4-1/2 X 1-7/8 X 1-1/4 146-MHz fm, inevitable that
it is the of six ICs perform the oscillator and
inches <1 14 X 48 X 32 mm). The box walls results are beginning to appear, each division functions. The VCO operates in
13-12 Chapter 13


»"« ™»£$0-

161M41M211W 9
kH0oo . M ., OO OOOO

5M 1 1 m 1
Ul, i 2345 678 PIN 4 OF U1 ,2,3 VCO



Fig. 25 — Schematic of the divide-by-N portion of the synthesizer. decade counter IC, Motorola MC4016P or
S1, S2 —
Printed-circuit thumb-wheel switch, 1776orequiv
10-position, BCD, single-pole, EECo type U1-U4, - TTL programmable modulo-N

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-13

6.5-MHz range and the output
the 5.5- to
frequency of the VCO is divided down to
625 Hz to be compared with the output
from the^ crystal-controlled source. Four
programmable (divide-by-N) ICs are used
following the output of the VCO. Thumb-
wheel switches are used to program the
frequency-dividing circuit.
A single IC is used to compare the
phase of the two 625-Hz signals, and, with
the help of an external transistor, develops
a voltage that is proportional to the phase
difference between these signals. This
voltage is applied to the VCO in such a
manner as to cause a frequency change in
the direction that will reduce the phase

VCO Circuit .

The circuit for the VCO is shown in Fig.

27. It simply a series-tuned Colpitts

VFO with Dl providing the variable

capacitance to adjust the frequency. The
capacitance of this diode varies with a
change in voltage applied to it, causing a
Fig. 26 —
The two boards are shown removed from the Minibox, although still attached by the corresponding change in the frequency of
leads to the 9-pin plug and the voltage regulator. On the VCO board, left, can be seen the phase-
oscillation. Two small chokes, L2 and L3,
detector IC. The transistor with the heat sink is Q6, a 2N3866. L1 is wound on a 2-watt resistor
which appears just below Q6. C1 is immediately to the right of L1. The right-hand board contains along with C2 and C3, filter the correction
the reference oscillator and its divider chain (bottom row of ICs). The top row of ICs is the divide- voltage from the phase detector circuit.
by-W circuit. Q1 and Q2 can be seen just between the thumb-wheel switches.
The value of this LC filter network

6251V FROM -

500/ F.FT. (FIS. 4-38)

S\ 500/ F. MC4044P
(FIG. 4-41)
14 |10










k-tOOO, M = 1000 000.


Fig. 27 —
Circuit of the VCO and PLL portion of the synthesizer. Resistors can be either 1/4 or 1/2 watt composition.
C1 — 9- to 60-pF compression trimmer, Arco enam. closewound on high-value 2-watt re- P1 —
9-pin chassis-mount connector, male.
404 or equiv. sistor. Miller 4506 slug tuned inductor also U5 —
Phase-frequency detector IC, Motorola
D1 — 15- to 60-pF voltage-variable capacitance suitable. MC4044P or equiv.
diode. Motorola MV2205 or MV2209 suitable. L2, L3 —
8.9 H miniature audio choke. Aladdin U6 —
5-volt regulator IC. 1A, National Semi-
L1 — 15 iiH nominal. Approx. 40 turns no. 28 86-101 or equiv. conductor LM309K or equiv.

13-14 Chapter 13
6.5-MHz output from for extremely rigid mechanical as-
influences the lockup time of the VCO, in The 5,5- to the call

VCO divided by four pro-

buffer, vQ7, sembly, and very good filtering and
addition to reducing the amplitude of any is

grammable stages, called divide-by-N shielding techniques.* With a VFO that

625-Hz energy present. Values for LI and
are selected so as to cause Q4 to (Fig. 25). The divisor, N,. is selected by will be used with several stages of
oscillate -on the frequency needed for setting the thumbwheel switches to the frequency multiplication for an output on
144 MHz, the importance of'the afore-
transmitting, in this case 6 MHz. proper positions. These switches have the
mentioned practices cannot be over-
Atrimmer capacitor, CI, is added to necessary binary-coded output connec-
program the divided circuits. Two stressed. The coil.voltage-variable capacitor,
the circuit to adjust the oscillator to the tions to
separate sets of thumbwheel switches are
and the trimmer capacitors associated
frequency nee'ded for receiving. In the
with the frequenty-determining parts of
receive mode, a positive voltage is applied connected to the divider chain through
to conduct and A the circuit should be mounted securely to
to D2, causing it isolating diodes. positive voltage, ap-
CI in parallel with Dl. eliminate microphonic effects. The leads
effectively place plied to Q2, causes the diodes to conduct,
carrying dc supply voltages should be well
This lowers the frequency of oscillation to thereby connecting the receive thumb-
filtered and shielded. Since it takes onlj>
5.5 MHz, which multiplied by external
is wheel to the chain. When there is no
millivolts of change to cause a wide
circuits the
to frequency needed for voltage applied to Q2 and the transmit-
excursion of frequency, the leads carrying
receiver mixing. At the same time that a receive bus is grounded, Ql will conduct,
voltage is applied to D2, the divide-by-N
the correction voltage to the should VCO
causing the transmit channel selector
be well shielded against hum and noise.
counter is reprogrammed to provide a switches to be connected to the divider
625-Hz signal for comparison with the In the model described here, the VCO
chain. The 625-Hz output from the
keeping the VCO sta- coil, LI, is wound on a 2-watt resistor of
reference, thus divide-by-N circuit is connected to the re-
high ohmic value, thus obtaining a
bilized.Q5, Q6, and Q7 are buffers to maining input of the phase detector.
from any load and to mechanically rigid mount. Dipped silver-
isolate the oscillator
provide two output connections. Output Phase Detector mica capacitors are used in the oscillator
circuits for temperature stability. All dc
from Q7 is connected to the divider chain. A circuit to compare the phase of the
and correction voltages are connected to
Q6 provides output to the frequency two 625-Hz signals is provided in a single
multipliers in the transmitter or receiver.
the pc boards via feedthrough capacitors
1C, in this case a Motorola MC4044P, is
of the solder-in variety. A
blank copper-
shown in Fig. 27, the signals are applied to
Frequency Dividers clad board, to provide shielding, is
the inputs of the phase detector, U5. Any
mounted between the frequency divider
A stable 625-Hz reference signal is derived
phase difference is detected and a dc
board and the one containing the VCO
from the 5-MHz oscillator and a fre- voltage that is proportional to this dif-
quency divider chaip, as shown in Fig. 28.
and phase detector. The boards are
ference ft developed. dc amplifier is A fastened securely to each other and to the
A hex inverter, SN74H04, used as a is
built into the IC to bring the voltage up to
chassis by threaded metal posts at the
crystal controlled oscillator. C5 is a trim- a useful level. Q3, with R3, R4, R5 and C4
mer capacitor to provide a means of ad- forms an active filter that helps to
justing the frequency to zero beat with eliminate any tendency to lock up on har- Adjustment and Operation
WWV. The oscillator is followed by three monics of the input frequencies. The cor-
stages, then a divide-by-4 As complex as the circuitry for the
divide-by- 10 rection voltage is filtered additionally by
synthesizer is, it requires few adjustments
and a divide-by-2 stage for a total division L2 and L3 in the VCO circuit.
of 8000. The 625-Hz output from this cir- during operation. The 5-MHz oscillator
cuit is applied to one input of the phase
Construction can be set to zero beat with by WWV
Construction practices with any VFO adjusting C5. If the reference-oscillator

+ 5V

~r^~7 625 Hz
10 11
r^~> |

T-ts> TO
C3 SMHz' U6 U7 '
U8 U9 U10 U11B
4-10 12 -HO -HO

S.M. SILVER MICA 41312111098


12 34567

Fig.28 — The reference oscillator and divider chain.

Texas Instr. SN7473 or equiv.
C5 — 9- to 60-pF compression trimmer, Arco —
U7, U8, U9 — TTL decade-counter, IC, Texas
,„ -r
Same as U10 but one section not used.
404 or equiv /

5-MHz crystal, calibrated for 32-pF load
U6 — TTL high /speed hex-inverter, IC, Texas Instr. SN7490 or equiv. Y1

Instrument SN74H04N or equiv. U10 - TTL dual J-K master-slave flip-flop, capacitance. (International Crystal Co. part).

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-15

adjust the VCO output frequency and watts dc input). The amplifier can be
change the programming of the divide- driven power-output levels con-
by-N counters to obtain the correct siderably higher than 40 watts, but it is
combination. Additional information con- recommended that it be kept below 50
cerning the counters is available in the watts output. If the transmitter or tran-
data sheets for the Motorola MC4016P sceiver has more than 10 watts of output,
Programmable Modulo-N decade count- an attenuator should be used at the
er. Motorola application notes AN438 amplifier input to keep the power output
and AN532A are suggested reading for below 50 watts.
those who would like to learn more about
active filters and frequency synthesizers Construction Details
using the MC4044P phase detector. The usual precautions for building a
To keep the problem to a
noise solid-state amplifier are followed. These
minimum, it is recommended that modu- include proper mechanical mounting of
lation not be applied directly to the the transistor, emitter grounding, heat
Fig. 29 — An end view of the breadboard ver- synthesizer. A
phase modulator stage sinking, and decoupling of the supply
sion of the 50-watt 2-meter amplifier. The input following the output buffer will provide
circuit is at the lower right,
voltage leads. The fixed-value mica capa-
and the output net- good results. Many of the commercially
work is at the upper left. citors, Underwood' type J-101, are special
manufactured units with which the syn- mica units designed for high-frequency
thesizer can be used will have such a phase applications. The core- for RFC1 and the
divider chain is working properly, a check modulator as part of their original rf bead used for RFC3 are Ferroxcube
with an oscilloscope or audio oscillator circuitry. products. 2
should show that a 625-Hz signal is The amplifier is constructed on a pc
present on pin 1 of the phase detector. The 2-Meter Solid-State RF Power Amplifiers board that is bolted to a heat sink. A few
VCO should be oscillating at approxi- The majority of the commercially made islands can be etched on the board for tie
mately 6 MHz with the correction voltage 2-meter fm transceivers available today points. A complex foil pattern' is not re-
removed from L3. If it is not, turns may have rf pgwer-output levels of 1 to 15 quired. In the amplifier shown in the
be added or removed from LI to correct watts. There are many occasions when an photograph and pictorial layout (Figs. 29
the frequency. A small trimmer could be fm operator would like to have a little and 31) islands were etched only for input
installed between the bottom of LI and more power to be able to work over great- and output tie points. Circuit-board
ground for exact frequency correction, er distances. Described here is a 50-watt islands may also be etched for the tran-
but it will limit the effectiveness of Dl in output amplifier for the 2-meter band. sistor base and collector
leads. However,
maintaining lockup. CI is adjusted to set This amplifier makes use of a single tran- an interesting alternative method was used
the oscillator to the correct frequency for sistor and operates directly from a in the author's breadboard amplifier. The
receiving. 13.6-volt vehicular electrical system. base and collector islands were formed by
The thumbwheel switches set the pro- attaching small pieces of pc board to the
Circuit Description
gramming for the divide-by-N counters. top of the main board. This procedure
SI sets the division necessary for re- The amplifier shown in Fig. 30
circuit added a few tenths of a pF of capacitance
ceiving, and S2 sets that needed for utilizes a single 2N6084 transistor oper- at the connection points, so if you choose
transmitting. With the particular switches ated in a Class C, zero-bias configuration. to etch islands directly on the main board
used in this unit, the numbers are not This mode of operation has the advan- you may want to increase the value of C6
channel numbers or the output frequency, tages of high collector efficiency at full -slightly. (The values of C4 and C5 are not
but are Xh§ divisor numbers applied to the output and zero dc current drain when no critical.)
frequency out of the VCO. Direct- rf driving signal is applied. The reader A word about the care of a stud-mount
frequency readout would require a much should note that zero-bias
operation rf power transistor: Two of the most im-
more complex circuit. In either case, yields an amplifier that is not "linear." It portant mounting precautions are (1) to
transmitting or receiving, the first digit of operates Class C and is designed for frrkor assure that there is no upward pressure (in
the four-number divisor is preprogram- cw operation only; it would produce ob- the direction of the ceramic cap) applied
med into the counter, with the last three jectional distortionand splatter if used to to the leads, and (2) that the nut on the
numbers being selected by the thumb- amplify a-m or ssb signals. mounting stud is not overtightened. The
wheels. As an example, the VCO frequency The amplifier operates directly from an way to accomplish item 1 is to install the
required for transmitting on 146.34 MHz automobile electrical system, so no addi- nuts first and solder the leads to the circuit
is 6097.5 kHz. To obtain 625 Hz for com- tional power supply is required for mobile later. For item 1, the recommended stud
parison with the reference, it is necessary operation. The input and output tuned torque is 6 inch-pounds. For those who
to divide 6097.5 kHz by 9756. The 756 part circuits are designed to match the im- don't have a torque wrench in the shack,
of the divisor is set by the switches with pedances of the transistor to a 50-ohm remember that it is better to undertighten
the 9 part being preset in the wiring of the driving source and to a 50-ohm antenna than to overtighten the mounting nut.
divide-by-N circuit. system, respectively. Since both the input The transistor stud is mounted through
For use in receiving, the output of the and output impedances of the transistor
VCO is near 5.5 MHz. The equipment this
a hole drilled in the heat sink. thermal A
are extremely low (in the 1- to 5-ohm compound, such as Dow Corning 340
synthesizer was designed to work with region), the matching networks employed heat-sink grease, should be used to
requires a local-oscillator injection fre- are somewhat different than those used decrease the thermal resistance from tran-
quency in the 130-MHz range for the first with tubes. The networks chosen for the sistor case to heat sink. See the excellent
mixer. To receive 146.97 MHz, the output amplifier are optimized
from the VCO must be 5561.875 kHz.
for low- article by White in April 1971 QST for
Re- impedance matching. detailsof heat-sink design.
ducing this to 625 Hz requires a division The elaborate decoupling network used Series impedance in the emitter circuit
of 8899. The 8 part of the divisor is preset iri the collector dc feed is for the purpose can drastically reduce the gain of the
in the wiring and the 899 part is set by the of assuring amplifier stability with a wide amplifier. Both transistor emitter leads
thumbwheel switches. variety of loads and tuning conditions. should be grounded as close to the tran-
. For receivers that require a different The 2N6084 transistor is conservatively body as is practical.
injection frequency, it will be necessary to rated at 40 watts output (approximately 60 The wiring for the dc voltage feeder to

13-16 Chapter 13
the collector should have extremely low dc
15 resistance. Even a drop of 1 volt can signi-
1W ficantly reduce the power output of the
amplifier. A good goal is less than 0.5-volt
VALUES OF CAPACITANCE ARE drop from the car battery to the transistor
) ;
-0+13.6V collector. With operating currents of
ARE-' IN PICOFARADS I pF OR >JiF); several amperes, the total dc resistance
should be only a fraction of an ohm. A
k "1000. M'1 000 OOO
standard commercially made heat sink is
used for the 50-watt amplifier, and it is
adequate for amateur communications.
Forced-air cooling across the heat sink
146 MHz
INPUT should be used for any application requir-
ing longterm key-down operation at 40
12nH watts or more of output.
"0.15juH Tune- Up Procedure
-2 Z.^ CZ -C4 .

-"30 7^*80 '125'

Generally, the best way to tune a tran-
sistor power amplifier is for maximum rf
power output. approach results in
If this
exceeding the power ratings of the tran-
sistor, then the power output should be
reduced by reducing the drive level, not be
detuning the final. In the case of an out-
board PA stage, such as decribed here,
both the input and output networks can
be tuned for maximum rf output, ifthe
driving source has an output impedance
of approximately 50 ohms. However, a
better procedure consists of tuning the

o —'wv

° 001
output tank circuit for maximum rf out-
put and tuning the input circuit for
minimum SWR as measured between the
exciter and the final amplifier. This tune-
up procedure has the added advantage of
assuring that the amplifier presents a

RELAY TOP VIEW RELAY SIDE VIEW 50-ohm load to the exciter. A dc ammeter
to check collector current is a useful tune-
(o o) o _°) up aid. Since tuning is for peak output, a
T" Gv Monimatch-type SWR
bridge is adequate
o "o)
REMOVE for the job. The best tuning procedure is
°) o_o) WIRES to monitor simultaneously both output
1 IK power (absolute or relative) and the SWR
(» » o'o)
between the exciter and amplifier.
First, apply dc voltage with no rf drive.
No collector current should flow. Then
FILTER apply a low level of rf drive perhaps 25—
rrrr\ percent or less of the rated 10 watts maxi-

mum drive and tune the input network
X. for maximum indicated collector current.
X' The networks may not tune to resonance
at this low drive level, but you should a't
an indication of proper operation
least get
by smooth tuning and lack of any erratic
Fig. 30 — (A) Diagram of the amplifier which provides 40 to 50 watts output. Capacitors
are mica
unless otherwise noted. The heat sink is a Thermalloy 6169B, Allied Electronics no. 957-2890. (B) behavior in the collector-current reading.
circuit. Capacitors are disc ceramic. (C) The COR relay is modified by
COR removing the connect- Gradually increase the drive until full
ing wires from all four wiper arms and adding two shorting bars, as shown. Only the
rated output is reached.
contact connections are used. (D) Pi-section output filter, C1 and C2 are 39-pF mica capacitors,
Elemenco 6ED3900J03 or equiv. and L1 consists of 2 turns of no. 18 tinned wire, 1/4 inch ID, 0.2 A Solid-State PA for 440 MHz
inch (61 x 5 mm) long (approximately 44 nH). K1 —
4pdt open-frame relay, 12-V contacts
C1, C7 —5- to 80-pF compression trimmer, (Comar CRD-1603-4S35 or equiv., Sigma Whether the application is by a person
Arco 462 or equiv. 67R4-12D also suitable), modified as de-
using a hand-held transceiver as a mobile
C2, C4, C5, C6, C8 —
Mica button, Underwood scribed above.
rig or by an experimenter building a
J-101. L1 —
12 nH, no. 10 tinned wire, 1-1/4-inch

C3, C9 9- to 180-pF compression trimmer, (32-mm) long straight conductor. repeater, medium-power
a amplifier
Arco 463 or equiv. L2 —
30 nH, 1-3/4 turns, no. 10 tinned wire, would come in quite handy for increasing
C10 — Feedthrough type. 3/8-inch ID, 3/4 inch (10 x 19 mm) long.
the effective range of his station. This arti-
C11 — Tantalum. L3 —
15 nH, no. 14 tunned wire, 3/4-inch (19-
cle describes a compact, inexpensive,
C12 — Ceramic disc. mm) long straight conductor. .

D1 — 100-PRV or more, 500-mA or more silicon L4 —

2 turns of no. 18 tinned wire 1/4-inch 10-dB gain power amplifier which is sim-
diode (Motorola 1N4001 or equiv.). ID, 0.2-inch (6x5 mm) long (approximately ple enough for nearly any experimenter to
D2, D3 — High-speed, low-capacitance 100- 44 nH).
build. This circuit originally appeared in
PRV silicon diode (Motorola MSD7000 dual Q1 —
Motorola silicon power transistor.
Q2 —
Npn silicon Darlington transistor, Hp E February 1977 QST 'm an article by Olsen,
package used here).
J1, J2 — Coaxial connector, panel mount. of 5000 or more, Motorola MPS-A13 or equiv. WA7CNP.
( .

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-17

laying out the hole. When the hole has
been formed, the next thing is to ensure
that a good rf path is continuous from the
JACKSI2) ground plane on one side to that on the
other. Connections can be made with cop-
OUTPUT per or brass eyelets crimped and soldered
MOUNTED to both sides of the board. If no eyelets
BULKHEAD are available, these connections may be
made by drilling a no. 50 hole through the
board, inserting a piece of no. 18 wire
through the hole, and soldering and trim-
ming both sides flush with the board. Be
CONNECTOR sure that there is one such connection
INVERTICAL made under each Unelco capacitor and
alongside the microstrip line and dc feed
Next, the Unelco capacitors are
mounted as closely to the transistor
package as possible, and at the same time
THESE FOUR AREAS, REQUIRE AN ISOLATED CONNECTION' POINT. they double as mounting surfaces for the
THIS CAN BE FORMED BY ETCHING A MOAT IN PC BOARD OR BY transistor emitter leads. Connections to
ATTACHING A SMALL SQUARE OF PC BOARD ON TOP OF MAIN PC BOARD. the input and output lines may be made
with 1- to 5-mil copper strap or foil.
Fig. 31 —
Parts-layout diagram for the 50-watt amplifier (not to scale). A4 x 6-inch (102 x The transistor can be mounted at this
152-mm) pc board is used as the base. time. The holes in the transistor flange are

Circuit Analysis
The employed is essentially a
circuit 680
basic narrow-band amplifier capable of
being tuned over a broad range of fre-
quencies —
430 to 450 MHz. Input-match
and collector-load transformations are ac-
RFC3 £ r-h

420-450 MHz

420-450 MHz W2
complished by using multiple L sections
comprised of 50-ohm microstrip-line and
mica-compression variable capacitors.
The active device is theMotorola MRF618 .C4 .C5 _£ 50-OHM
50-OHM -25
— an C3 ^-35 y~ 7
internally matched, 12.5-voIt, INPUT '
controlled-Q transistor designed for ap-
plication fro^n 420 to 512 MHz.

The amplifier is built on double-sided
Fig. 33 — Schematic diagram of the 15-watt amplifier.
C1, C7 — 0.9- to 7-pF mica compression C10 — 680-pF feedthrough capacitor.
G10 glass-cpoxy board. Fig. 34 is a 1:1 trimmer, Arco 400. —
C11 1-^F, 15-V tantalum.
drawing of the board layout. Care should C2, C5 — Unelco 15-pF mica. L1, L4 — 50-ohm microstrip line, 2.3, inches
be taken in etching to maintain the line C3, C4 — Unelco 25-pF mica. long, 0.110-inch wide.
width of the microstrip at 0. 1 10 inch for a C6 — 3- to 35-pF mica compression trimmer, RFC1 — Ferrite bead on cold lead of L2.
Z of 50 ohms.
Arco 403. RFC2 — 8 turns no. 22 enam., 1/8-inch ID,
C8 — 0.018 chip capacitor. ATC or equiv.
(*F close wound.
After the board has been etched, the (a250-pF Unelco mica or a 0.001-jiF Erie RFC3 — 4 turns no. 22 enam., 1/4-inch ID,
first step is to cut the hole in the board for Redcap may work as a substitute). close wound.
the transistor heat sink (flange). The tran- C9 —
0.1-/iF disc ceramic.

sistor flange can be used as a stencil for

13-18 Chapter 13
and output, and tune until the desired
operating conditions are achieved. Fig. 35
shows examples of typical data taken in :

Vcc e 13.5V the lab. You will find that operating fre-
ll.i 'Pout 15W quencies greater than 1 MHz away from
the tune-up frequency can be used with-
\ 10.
out the necessity of further adjustment.
I *
A repeater is a device which retransmits
received signals in order to provide im-
f (MHz) proved communications range and cover-
(A) age. This communications enhancement is

possible because the repeater can be

located at an elevated site which has
PSAT coverage that is superior to that obtained
by most stations, A major improvement is
usually found when a repeater is used be-
— tween vhf mobile stations, which normally
Fig. 36 This typical 144-MHz amateur
repeater uses GE Progress-Line transmitter are severely limited by their low antenna
K 10
Vcc- 13.5V
fo«4 50 Mt12
— and receiver decks. Power supplies and meter-
have been added. The receiver
heights and resulting short communica-
* ing circuits tions range. This is especially true where
located on the middle deck is a 440-MHz con-
rough terrain exists.
trol receiver, also a surplus GE unit. A
preamplifier, similar to that shown in Fig. 30, The simplest repeater consists of a re-
2 3 4 5 6 1 has been added to the 2-meter receiver to im- ceiver with its audio output directly con-
DRIVE POWER (WATTS) prove the sensitivity so that a 0.2-nV input nected to the audio input of an associated
signal will produce 20 dB of quieting.
(B) transmitter tuned to a second frequency.
But, certain additional features are re-
Fig. 35 — These gain and output-power graphs quired to produce a workable repeater.
show what performance can be expected from These are shown in Fig. 37 A. The "COR"
an amplifier utilizing the MRF618. or carrier-operated relay is a device con-
/ nected to the receiver squelch circuit

AUDIO which provides a relay contact closure to

key the transmitter when an .input signal
o =»- of adequate strength is present. As all
made to clear no. 4-40 screws. Drill and CONTROL KEYING amateur transmissions require a licensed
tap two no. 42 holes in the heat sink, using (A) operator to control the emissions, a "con-
the flange as a drill guide. Next, clean the trol" switch is provided in the keying path
heat sink and bottom of the transistor so that the operator can exercise his
flange so that foreign matter will not pre- RECEIVER > XMTR shown, is suitable
duties. This repeater, as
vent the transistor from seating properly for installation where an operator is pre-
on the heat sink. Apply a very small |cor| o — . . 1 sent, such as the home of a local amateur
1 1
^j 3 MIN. _|
amount of thermal compound to the TIMER KEYING with a superior location, and would re-
flange and bolt it firmly to the heat sink. quire no special licensing under existing
The transistor leads may then be soldered rules.

to the circuit. In the case of a repeater located where

The base-return choke and dc
feed circuit may now
be put into place.
collector- V no licensed operator is available, provi-
sions^ust be made to control the equip-
CIO may be installed by drilling a
easily RECEIVER DECODER ment over a telephone line or a radio cir-
0.192-inch hole in a small copper strap OR / cuit on 220 MHz or higher. Fig. 37B
(0.02-inch thick) and then putting a Tight- shows the simplest system of this type.
angle bend in the strap so that the capaci- TELEPHONE LINE
The control decoder may be variously
tor can be mounted upright above the designed to respond to simple audio
board. Be sure to make the base return tones, dial pulsed tones, or even "Touch-
and dc-feed connections as close to the — Simple repeaters. The system at A Tone" signals. If a leased telephone line
Fig. 37 is
transistor package as possible. remote control shown at B. with dc continuity is used, control
for local control; is

Now comes the remaining turning ele- voltages sent directly, requiring no
ments and output dc-isolation capacitor. decoder. A three-minute timer to disable
Fig. 34 shows the mounting position. Care the repeater transmitter is provided for
should be taken to solder the ground taps fail-safe operation. This timer resets dur-

of the trimmer to the ground plane to ing pauses between transmissions and
reduce the amount of lead inductance in- may be used, ranging from a piece of coax does not interfere with normal communi-
herent in these capacitors, at uhf. C8 to RCA phono plugs. cations. The system just outlined is

should be mounted after cutting a small suitable where all operation is to be

Tune- Up through the repeater and where the fre-
break in the output line near the end. This
capacitor need not be a 0.01 8-^F chip, but Tuning isApply low power
simple: quencies to be used have no other activity.
care should be taken in choosing a substi- (about 3/4 watt) to the input and tune the
input capacitor until a small amount of
Remote Base Stations
tute that will not grossly affect the output
load characteristic of the circuit (see parts collector current begins to flow. Then The remote base, like the repeater,

list). Depending upon your application, tune the output capacitors for peak out- utilizes a superior location for transmis-
any 50-ohm outside-world connection put. Switch back and forth between input sion and reception, but is basically a

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-19


Table 1
EIA Standard Subaudible Ton* Frequencies


Freq. (Hz) Reed Freq. (Hz)
114 8
118 8
1tzo. n
STATION WA 74.4 3B 131 8
UP L3 77.0 4 136 5
CHANNEL WB 79. 7 4A 141 3
RECEIVER L4 82.5 4B 146.2
YA 85.4 5 151.4
(A) L4A 88.5 5A 156.
ZZ 91.5 56 162.2
L5 94.8 6 167.9
1 100.0 6A 173.8

F2 V 1A
RECEIVER across the U.S. and Canada. Some
V 10-meter repeaters are operational, and
most use 100-kHz separation. A popular
arrangement on 6 meters uses 52.525
XMTR RECEIVER MHz as either the input or output, with
several choices for the other half. Many
(B) stations, however, are moving toward
either a 600-kHz or 1-MHz offset. On 2
meters the standard is 600 kHz. The
Fig. 38 — A remote base is shown at A. A repeater with remote-base
operating capability is 220-MHz band uses 1.6-MHz separation.
shown at B. Control and keying circuits are not shown. Telephone-line control may be substituted
for the radio-control
~ On the 450-MHz band it is 5 MHz. The
channels shown.
choice and usage is a matter for local
In some cases where there is overlap-
simplex device. That is, it transmits and The audio interface between the re- ping geographical coverage of repeaters
receives on a single frequency in order to peater receivers and transmitters can, with using the same frequencies, special meth-
communicate with other stations also some equipment, consist of a direct ods for selecting the desired repeater have
operating on that frequency. The operator connection bridging the transmitter mic- been employed. One technique requires
of the remote base listens to his hilltop rophone inputs across the receiver speaker the user to transmit automatically a
receiver and keys his hilltop transmitter outputs. This is not recommended, how- 0.5-second burst of a specific audio tone
over his 220-MHz or higher control chan- ever, because of the degradation of the at the start of each transmission. Different
nels (or telephone line). Fig. 38A shows audio quality in the receiver-output tones are used to select different repeaters.
such a system. Control and keying fea- stages. A cathode follower connected to Standard tone frequencies are 1800, 1950,
tures have^been omitted for clarity. In each receiver's first squelch-controlled 2100, 2250 and 2400 Hz.
some areas of high activity, repeaters have audio amplifier stage provides the best Because of growing congestion among
all but disappeared in favor of remote results. A repeater should maintain a flat same- and adjacent-channel repeaters, an
bases because of the interference to response across its audio passband to increasingly popular access method is a
simplex activity caused by repeaters maintain the repeater intelligibility at the continuous subaudible tone. Popularly
unable to monitor their output frequency same level as direct transmissions. There known as PL (Motorola trademark for
from the transmitter location. should be no noticeable difference be- Private Line), it must be applied to a
tween repeated and direct transmissions. transmitter after the clipper/filter stage
A Complete System The intelligibility of some repeaters has shaped the voice audio. Table 1 lists
Fig. 38B shows a repeater that com- suffers because of improper level settings the EIA-standard frequencies.
bines the best of the simple
features which cause excessive clipping distortion.
repeater and the remote base. Again, The clipper in the repeater transmitter Practical Repeater Circuits
necessary control and keying features should be set for the maximum system Because of their proven reliability,
have not been shown in order to simplify deviation, 5 kHz, usually. Then the commercially made transmitter and re-
the drawing, and make it easier to follow. receiver level driving the transmitter ceiver decks are generally used in repeater
This repeater is compatible with simplex should be set by applying an input signal installations. Units designed for repeater
operation on the output frequency be- of known deviation below the maximum, 1

or duplex service are preferred because

cause the operator in control monitors the and adjusting the receiver audio gain to they have the extra shielding and filtering
output frequency from a receiver at the produce the same deviation at the repeater necessary to hold mutual interference to a
repeater site between transmissions. The output. Signals will then be repeated minimum when both flie receiver and
control operator mayoperate the
also linearly up to the maximum desired transmitter are operated simultaneously.
system as a remote base. This type of deviation. The only incoming signal that Wide-band noise produced by the
system is almost mahdatbry for operation should be clipped in a properly adjusted transmitter is a major factor in the design
on one of the national calling frequencies, repeater is an overdeviated signal. of any repeater. The use of high-Q tuned
such as 146.52 MHz, because it minimizes The choice of repeater input and output circuits between each stage Qf the trans-
interference to simplex operation'and per- frequencies must be carefully made. In mitter, plus shielding and filtering through-
mits simplex communications through the general, check with the appropriate out the repeater installation, will hold the
system with passing mobiles who may not volunteer frequency coordinator, who is wideband noise to approximately 80 dB
have facilities for the repeater-input fre- listed in the ARRL Repeater Directory, below the output carrier. However, this is
quency. since about 4000 repeaters are operating not sufficient to prevent desensitization —
13-20 Chapter 13
1 .


/220 MHz
60 / L--^^ fir)0 kHz. -0-12V

-~r /">»6 MHz

z 40 52 M Hz

TIMER I. _1§2 LJ
20 40 60 80 IE555V F-O O—
T '


Fig. 40 — (A) COR circuit for repeater use. of time that K1 will stay closed
R2 sets the length
after the input voltage disappears. K1 may be any
relay with a 12-volt coil, although the long-life
reed type is preferred. D1 is a silicon diode. (B) Timer circuit using a Signetics NE555. R1, C1 set
the timer range. C1 should be a low-leakage type capacitor. S1, S2 could have their contacts
paralleled by the receiver COR for automatic START and RESET controlled by an incoming signal.

100 200 300 400

structirig a unit requires extensive metal- tions. A simple timer circuit is shown in

working equipment and test facilities. Fig. 40B.

Fig. 39 — Charts to calculate the amount of If two antennas are used at a single site,
isolation achieved by (A) vertical and (B) Touch-Tone Control
horizontal spacing of repeater antennas. If
there will be a minimum spacing of the
600-kHz separation between the transmitted two antennas required to prevent de- From the inception of automatic dial-
and received frequencies is used, approximate- sensing. 39 indicates the spacing
Fig. from telephone instruments
ing, signaling
ly 58-dB attenuation (indicated by the dotted
necessary for repeaters operating in the was accomplished using dc pulses. This
line) will be needed. (Feet x 0.3048 = meters.)
50-, 144-, 220- and 420-MHz bands. An signaling method required direct wired
examination of Fig. 39 will show that ver- connections, as a dc path was needed. For
tical spacing is far more effective than is transmission via a radio circuit, the dc
horizontal separation for vertically pulses had to be converted to a keyed
the reduction in sensitivity of the receiver polarized antennas. The chart assumes audio tone. In the early 1960s the Bell
caused by noise or rf overload from the unity-gain antennas will be used. If some Telephone Companies introduced a new,
nearby transmitter —
if the antennas for type of gain antenna is employed the pat- faster tone-coded dialing system which
the two units are placed physically close tern of the antennas will be a modifying was given the registered trade name
together. factor. A rugged repeater antenna was Touch-Tone. Because the tone signals of
Desensitization can easily be checked described in January 1970 QST. the Touch-Tone system could be transmit-
by monitoring the limiter current of the ted over any audio carrier or radio circuit,
receiver with the transmitter switched off,
Control many amateurs have adopted the tele-
then on. If the limiter current increases Two connections are needed between phone-company system for control of fm
when, the transmitter is turned on, then the repeater receiver and transmitter, remote-base stations and repeaters.
the problem is present. Only physical audio and transmitter control. The audio Because two tones are used for each
isolation of the antennas or the use of should be fed through an impedance- function in the Touch-Tone system,
high-Q tuned cavities in the transmitter matching network to ensure that the reliability is excellent even when used on
and receiver antenna feedline will improve receiver output circuit has a constant load radio circuits that are noisy or fading.
the situation. while the transmitter receives the proper Another factor that has made Touch-
input impedance. Filters limiting the Tone popular with repeater groups is that
Antenna Considerations audio response to the 300- to 3000-Hz many use autopatch connections to the

The ultimate answer to the problem of band are desirable, and with some gear an public telephone network. By ordering a
receiver desensing is to locate the repeater audio-compensation network may be re- Touch-Tone line for the repeater auto-
transmitter a mile or more away from the quired. A typical COR (carrier-operated patch, the same encoders and decoders

receiver. The two can be interconnected relay) circuit is shown in Fig. 40A. This can be used for the phone patch and
by telephone line or uhf link. Another unit may be operated by the grid current repeater control.

effective approach is to use a single of a tube limiter or the dc output of the

noise detector in a solid-state receiver.
antenna with a duplexer, a device that
provides up to 120 dB of isolation Normally, a repeater is given a "tail"; a Touch-Tone information is coded in
between the transmitter and receiver. timer holds the repeater transmitter on for tone pairs, using two of eight possible
High-Q cavities in the duplexer prevent a few seconds after the input signal disap- tones for digits zero through nine and six
transmitted signal energy and wideband pears. This delay prevents- the repeater special functions. The audio frequencies

noise from degrading the sensitivity of the from being keyed on and off by a rapidly used are given in*Table 2. The tones are
receiver, even though the transmitter and fading signal. Other timers keep each divided into the low group, 697, 770, 852
receiver are operating on a single antenna transmission to lessthan three minutes and 941 Hz; and the high group, 1209,
simultaneously. A commercially made duration (an FCC requirement), turn on 1336, 1477 and 1633 Hz. One tone from
duplexer is very expensive, and con- identification, and control logging func- each group is used for each function. For

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-21

Tabia 2
Touch Tone Audio Frequencies
Low High-fone '

Tone (Hz) 1209 Hz 1336 Hz 1477Hz 1633 Hz
852 7 8 9 I

+9 TO 15V "(B)

'560 R1 If OTOHIGH
TO 50k> a47r-o IMPEDANCE
5juF _^ MIKE OUTPUT/-^

(C) (D)

Fig. 42 — Typical connections for the encoders manufactured by Western- Electric (A) and
Automatic Electric (B). If low-impedartce output is needed to drive a carbon-microphone input; the
circuit at C can be employed for either encoder. Likewise, the circuit at D will provide a high-
impedance output. R1 can be any miniature composition control; the types made for mounting on
circuit boards are ideal.

Fig. 41 — This Western

Electric Touch-Tone
encoder has been mounted in a 4 x 4 x
2-inch (102 x 102 x 51-mm) utility box (Bud
AU-1083). Encoders are sold by most telephone
supply houses, including Telephone Equipment
Co., P. O. Box 596, Leesburg, FL 32748. Tel.
904-728-2730. BLUE
3% '

residential and business telephones, a

12-button encoder pad consisting of digits
zero through nine and symbols
pound #
employed. A typical en-
star * are
coder is shown in Fig. 41, and the connec-
[j] —— [] -[•].

! ! !

tions for pads manufactured by Western

Electric and Automatic Electric are shown
[»l [0] — ^i] ==
in Fig. 42. The telephone pads will work
with as little as nine volts or as much as 24
voltsdc applied. Either high- or low-
o /

1209 Hz
1336 Hz

14 77 Hz

(633 Hz

00 43
I ^


o RED o

impedance output may be employed, as

in Figs.
42C and D.
diagram of a typical tele-

phone-company pad is given in Fig. 43. UUUL/^JUUL/^jUULTnjUuJ
Individual models will vary slightly, but
the basic circuit used in all models is the 01
same. A single transistor produces two
tones. Two LC circuits are used, one for
the high tone group and one for the low
tones. Some people are bothered by the ORANGE /BLACK
use of a single transistor to generate two
audio frequencies, so the lower tone can
be considered the frequency of oscillation
while the high tone is called a parasitic Fig. 43 —Diagram of a typical Western Electric Touch-Tone generator. T1 and T2 are special
multi-winding transformers manufactured by Sangamo Electric and others. D1-D4, incl. are silicon
oscillation, for purposes of explanation.

A Homemade Touch-Tone Encoder

To be compatible with all repeaters and
telephone systems, a Touch-Tone signal from the rig it is used with; there is no necessary to hang onto the push-to-talk
must be accurate and stable in frequency, need to depend on separate batteries for switch while fumbling with the Touch-
and have a nearly sinusoidal waveform. power. When a tone pair is selected by Tone pad, and there are no squelch tails

Simpler encoders than "the one described pressing the keyboard switch, the trans- between digits. It has a low-impedance
here can be built, but they will not provide mitter is automatically keyed. When the audio output which is electronically
its high performance. key switch is released, a delay timer keeps disconnected from the transmitter audio
This encoder features internal voltage the transmitter on long enough for the system when no keyboard switches are
regulation, allowing power to be taken next tone pair to be selected. It's no longer pressed. The encoder may be connected to

13-22 Chapter 13
the mic input of transceivers having either
high- or low-impedance mic inputs —
with negligible loading of the transmitter
audio circuitry. The audio frequencies are
crystal-controlled, meaning there is no
drift.This circuit was originally described Rl 3

by Hejhall, K7QWR, in the February 1979 R2 4

issue of QST. R3 3
R4 6
Theory of Operation ENCODED 14
C1 .

Fig. a schematic diagram of the en-
44 is C2 13

coder. Tone generation is performed by C3 12

Ul, a CMOS
IC. High-frequency tones 11

from pin 15 are mixed with their low- X

frequency counterparts from pin 2, and
passed through the level control, Rl, U1 PINS
before reaching emitter follower Ql. Ql T OP VIE W
1 -|.<J M*
performs an impedance transformation,
providing the low-impedance output men-
tioned previously. Q2, Q4 and Q5 are * CONNECTED ONLY 18k \/^A '

used as switches. Q2 forces the audio- 9 IS USED
output impedance high when no keyboard
switches are depressed, preventing the en- WITH RESPECT TO
coder from loading the transmitter mic in- IMPEDANCE METER.
put. Q4 and Q5 are operated as a Dar-

lington pair, keying the transmitter push- KEYS PRESSED. OTHERS ARE IN PICOFARADS pF OR JiJlF);


to-talk (PTT) line when a keyboard switch ;

k.1000. M-1000 000.

is pressed. A single-package Darlington
pair was originally used in this applica-
tion, but its saturated collector voltage Fig. 44 — Schematic diagram of the K7QWR Touch-Tone encoder. Any properly encoded keyboard
was high enough to prevent transmitter may be used with this circuit, but the units specified will plug directly into a row of Molex pins
soldered to the circuit board. If the encoder is constructed on a printed-circuit board there should
keying in some transceivers. Substituting
be no difficulties. Should you experience problems, voltage levels at various points in the circuit
discrete transistors solved the problem. are included on the schematic diagram.
Q2 and Q4 are driven by Q3, which is D1 — 5.1-volt, 400-mW Zener diode, 1N4733

turned on by pulses from pin 7 of Ul or equivalent. sistance and load capacitance are typically

when a keyboard switch is depressed. D2 — 20-volt, 1-watt Zener diode, 1N4747, 540 and 7 pF, respectively. Available from
or equivalent. Data Signal, Inc., 2403 Commerce Ln.,
Ul requires a 5-volt supply for proper Q1, Q2, Q4 —
Silicon hpn transistor, 2N4123 Albany, GA 31707. Price is approximately
operation. This is provided by the or equivalent. $6, plus postage.

470-ohm resistor and 1N4733 Zener Q3 — Silicon pnp transistor, 2N4125, HEP Z1 —
Touch-Tone encoding keyboard. The cir-
S0037 or equivalent. cuit-board layout will accommodate Digitran
diode, Di With the exception of Q4, the
Q5 — Silicon npn transistor, 2N4401, HEP keyboards KL0054 (12-key) or KL0049 (16-

remainder of the encoder circuit was also S0015 or equivalent. key). They are available from distributors in

designed to operate from a 5-volt supply. R1 — Circuit-board-mounted trimmer potenti- single lot quantities. For the name of the

The length of time the transmitter re- ometer, 10 kO, linear taper. nearest distributor, contact Bob Privell at
U1 — Integrated-circuit Touch-Tone encoder, Digitran, 855 South Arroyo Pkwy., Pasadena,
mains keyed after a keyboard switch is CA 91105, or call him at 213-449-3110. At the
Motorola MC14410 or equivalent.
released is determined by the value of CI, Y1 — 1-MHz crystal HC-18/U holder. Fre-
in time of this writing, the keyboards cost ap-
connected to the collector of Q3. On the quency tolerance is 0.1 percent; series re- proximately $6 arid $7.50, respectively.
prototype unit, a value of 25 (iF provided
a delay of just under one second. If you
prefer a longer drop-out time, increase the
value of this capacitor. Lowering its value
will decrease drop-out time.

Construction and Testing

The prototype was built on a piece of
perforated board, but a pc board is pre-
ferable. A board has been designed and is
now available. Fig. 45 shows the parts
placement for board; a template ap-
Ul should be
pears elsewhere in this issue.
installed in a socket. The O.OOl-yF disc
capacitors connected to the base of Q4
and collector of Q5 should be installed as
near the transistor's as possible. Their
function is to bypass rf from the transmit-
ter, which can cause Q4 and Q5 to latch
up keyed position.
A few simple checks will tell whether * * "0.001

the circuit is functioning properly. The

following tests may be performed before Fig. 45 —
If the circuit board is used, this parts overlay will guide you when installing com-
connecting the encoder to the radio, using ponents. Circuit boards are available from Lea Engineering, 1230 E. Layola Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282,
only a 12-volt power supply, a high- for $5.50 each.

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-23

Fig. 47 — Shown here is the decoder built by
W1GNP as described in January 1976 QST.

disadvantage of the scanning decoder is

Fig, 46 — Circuit board etching pattern tor the Touch-Tone encoder. The board is single sided, the slow response time resulting from the
shown at actual size from the foil size, with black representing copper. need to wait for each decoder to find the
received tone. Also, a delay is built in
which requires both decoders to halt for at
least one full clock period before a digit is
registered. The operation is thus relatively
impedance dc voltmeter, and a scope if The mechanical details of the installation immune to spurious responses from voice
one is available. are left to the discretion of the reader. signals, yet takes one-half second or less
First ensure that Dl is regulating the en- Since the encoder will not load the to respond properly to any digit.
coder supply voltage at +5.1 V dc ±10 audio system, it should not be necessary The type 567 tone decoder is not
percent. Ul may be damaged if more than to change the setting of any transmitter satisfactory for use in this, circuit because
6 volts is applied to pin 16. mic-level controls. Adjust only Rl in the neither side of the frequency determining
The two operating states for the en^ encoder for proper tone deviation. The RC network is grounded. Motorola A
coder are (1) no keyboard buttons prototype unit has provided excellent per- MC1310P was tried because one had been (

depressed and (2) one or more buttons formance on both a Tempo VHF/One used previously for tone decoding and was
depressed. Connect the 12-V dc supply 2-meter rig and a Kenwood TR-8300 uhf found to work well in this frequency
and measure the voltage at the test points rig- range. Its intended use is as a phase-
shown on the schematic diagram. locked-loop fm stereo decoder. In this
Voltages measured should be in accord- A Scanning Touch-Tone Digit and Word application it locks onto the 19-kHz pilot
ance with those shown. Decoder tone which is present, along with the
If any voltages are incorrect, look for The Touch-Tone encoding system, used audio signal, and turns on an open-
wiring errors. If the collector voltage of extensively in autopatch operations on fm collector output to light a stereo indicator
Q2 is not at least 4 volts with no buttons repeaters across the country, offers a lamp. Its internal oscillator runs at 76

pressed, the problem may be a leaky tran- ready-made source for dual-tone codes, kHz, and an internal frequency divider
sistor at Ql
or Q2. If a scope is available it and advances in microcircuitry design gives the 19 kHz for the pilot tone
may be used to inspect the audio output. have produced a single device that can be detection. A 19-kHz monitor output is

Pressing any one button should produce a used to decode these dual-tone codes for a provided. In the present circuit the
any two buttons
signal, while depressing variety of remotely controlled functions.
oscillator is run at four times the
simultaneously should produce a single However, one device is required to decode Touch-Tone and the stereo
tone. each tone. This section describes how a decoder function (except for the indicator
scanning decoder evolved as an attempt to lamp output) is ignored.. Since the
Installation frequency determining resistor runs to
avoid using seven of these decoder ICs,
The of the installation
electrical portion and how a simple counter circuit can
ground, it is programmed easily for
simply involves running four wires from recognize specific four-digit word se- scanning operation by using four re-
the encoder to the transceiver: +12 V, quences to provide a unique approach to a sistance values and four, open-collector,

ground* push-to-talk (PTT) and audio remote-control decoder. 15-volt NAND 1 gates (7426).
output. Shielded audio cable is recom- There are 16 tone pairs possible —
mended for the audio output; which is Digit Decoding
selecting one from the low group, 697,
connected to the transceiver mic input. 770, 852 and 941 Hz, and one from the The digit decoder is shown in Fig. 47. A
The PTT lead is connected to the hot side high group, 1209, 1336, 1477 and 1633 Hz. 12- volt power supply is required for the
of the mic PTT switch. The + 12-V and Two phase-locked-loop types of tone ^CniOP circuits. The voltage on the
ground leads are self-explanatory. The en- decoders should therefore be sufficient if programming resistance network is some-
coder PTT circuit is designed for rigs with each one sequentially scans the four tones what high for the usual open-collector
an antenna relay coil which is connected of one group. In this way two decoders nand gates, so a 7426 is used. The
to the + 12-V>bus and the PTT switch. with some added scanning circuits take 0.01-and 0.015-fiF capacitors should be
The latter grounds the cold side of the the place of eight. Parts of the scanning mylar or silver mica for temperature
relay coil during transmit. Assure that circuit such as the clock oscillator and stability, and some experimentation with
your rig has this type of PTT circuit and digit decoder would be required in any the resistance values to achieve the correct
that the relay coil draws less than 300 mA. case for word decoding, and the parts' frequencies may be necessary. A fixed
I believe all the popular vhf and uhf fm cost of the present system using primarily resistance of 10 kQ or 12 kfi was used and
ham rigs have this type of PTT circuit. low cost TTL logic is reasonable. One a jumper-wire or selected value of fixed

13-24 Chapter 13
resistance was inserted between all of the Each prefix decoder consists of a dual J-K and ease of use becomes an important
lQOO-phm potentiometers. The circuit flip-flop (U18) two and gates (U20A and factor in choosing codes. Often a single
time constants resulting from the use of B) and two nand gates (U21A and B). digit is better to turn something off
1-fiF ceramic capacitors appear to be the The prefix of first three degits of the four- because quicker and less likely to be

correct value for the present system. The letter word being decoded are selected by forgotten. In any case,all system codes

820-ohm pull-up resistor from the + 5- connecting inputs digit 1 (DG1>, digit 2 must be mutually compatible.
makes the output TTL com-
volt supply (DG2), digit 3 (DG3) and digit 4 (DG4) to
patible; the monitor output is correct for the desired outputs from U12 and U13. Construction
driving TTL devices. Likewise, the other word-decoder inputs The was constructed on double-
The 555 timer U9 and inverting gate DH1, DH2, DH3 and DH4 are connected sided, copper-clad pc board. The tone and
U7D provide a positive clock pulse for all to four outputs from U12 and U13. The digit decoder circuit of Fig. 48 was con-
the 7473 flip-flops which toggle on the first four-letter word such
as the sequence structed on a 6 X 6-inch (152 X 152-mm)
trailing edge of the pulse. When no tone 4639 would turn U22 on, and the second pc board. All of the components are
inputs are received, U3 and U4 count such as 1 * 8 # would turn it off. mounted on the top side of the board and
through four states each and cause the This sequence detection is achieved by are soldered on both sides of the pc board.
open collector gates U5 and U6 to the gating used on the J-K inputs of U18 The value of Rl through R6 in each tone-
conduct in sequence A through D, thereby and U19. Each is a two-stage counter selection line should be selected so that the
sweeping the frequencies of Ul and U2 which will advance in the state sequence potentiometer will tune the circuit to the
upward through the low and high tone — —3—2—
1 only if the correct digit proper tone in the middle of its resistance
groups respectively. When either tunes to input is on in proper sequence. That is, in range. The values shown in the circuit
an incoming tone, it becomes phase order to advance from — DG1 must be 1 diagram of Fig. 48 are typical and can be
locked to it, its output at the test point on, to advance from — 3 DG2 must be 1 used as a starting point for selecting the
goes low, the counter is stopped because on, and to advance from — 2 DG3 must 3 final value. The word decoders are also
its J and K inputs are low and the detector be on. If any are off when they should be constructed on pc board with a double-
remains locked on the incoming fre- on, the state goes directly to zero. When sided layout.' The decoder board is 4 X 4
quency. Also, the monitor output can pass state 2 is reached, U18A is off and U18B inches (102 X 102 mm) with all of the
through gate U7B or U7C and can be is on, and two of the three and J inputs components installed on the top side.
used for exact measurement of incoming of U22 are on. At this point the three-digit Several of these decoder boards can be
tone frequencies. When both tones are so prefix has been received successfully. If stacked and will make the addition of con-
detected, a logic-one condition appears at the fourth digit received corresponds to trol functions a simple task.
the output of NOR
gate U7A and counter DG4, the clock pulse (CLK) will also turn
U8 is permitted -to advance from its on U22 since all its J inputs will then be Alignment
cleared condition. 6n. Similarly, the second four-digit-word Alignment is a matter of setting the
The J-K flip-flops in U8 are wired to sequence will U22. Further
turn off scanned frequencies to the correct values
advance in count through states 0, 1, 3, 2, 2 interfacing between the TTL output of using a frequency counter connected to a
and become stopped in state 2 (U8A off, U22 and a controlled system will depend monitor point. The associated test point is
U8B on) until reset when one or the other upon its nature. A simple relay driver grounded, and with no input to the
tone detector drops out. Its purpose is to using two parallel-connected 15-volt decoder one of the frequencies can be
provide a two-clock-period double check open-collector buffer' inverters (1/3 of a adjusted, depending on which of the four
on the decoder operation and yield a 7416) and a 12-volt, 150-ohm relay is tones in any group happened to be on
single clock pulse (CLK) just before the shown. A small silicon diode connected as when it was stopped manually. It is best to
end of state 3 if the tone signal is so shown helps to avoid transient problems, stop the highest tone first and adjust the
validated. Also, during state 3 (U8A and simplified by using the same prefix de- first potentiometer, along with R9 if

U8B on) the decoder Ul 1 is enabled, and coder for both turn on and turn off; only necessary, to get 941 Hz. Then select the
one of the digit outputs from 12 or U 13 U the fourth digit need be different. One second potentiometer and value of Rl
comes on. must be sure the word decoder is reset until 852 Hz can be tuned. In a like
The decoder makes use of the counter before it will respond properly to a four- manner, adjust all eight frequencies to the
states of U3 and U4 when they are digit word. This is just a matter of being correct values. After several months of
stopped by an incoming two-tone signal. sure that any code such as 4639 is not operation the response became sluggish
Since the tones are scanned from low to preceded by a 4, a 46, or a 463. If in doubt and finally the unit stopped working, but
high and the low group (top to bottom about what the last digit may have been in original performance was restored by
rows on a standard pad) is wired to the the system, an extra random digit other retuning Rl through R6. Satisfactory
two least-significant-digit inputs on Ull, than 4 is generally sufficient. Alternative- operation is obtained with input levels
the output states of Ull would cor- ly, the reset inputs of U18 and U19 can be between 0.1 and 1 volt ac.
respond to the tone button assignments of wired to some completely independent
a standard Touch-Tone pad. In order that source of a reset such as the carrier-input
A Universal Touch-Tone Decoder

the digit outputs are correct for the actual detector. The control unit described here is ex-
assignment on the tone pad, the Ull A few words about the choice of codes. tremely reliable, flexible and immune to
outputs are reordered and the 12 cor- For most Amateur Radio applications, the false signals. Any number of control func-
responding to the commonly used 12- four-digit word provides adequate se- tions can be built into this modular unit.
button pad are inverted to the positive curity. If a great deal of phone patch Starting with a simple,, single-digit, on/off
logic form by U12 and U13. The acticity is present on the channel, the control, it- may be expanded to provide up
four gates U14, U15, U16 and U17 are characters * or § should be used in the to 45 different control functions, in-
optional and are used to obtain the binary code, as these do not appear in phone cluding a three-digit on/off command.
equivalent of the standard digit as- numbers. The four additional characters The application of the decoder system
signment of the Touch-Tone pad. generated only by a 16 button pad can be described here is not limited to repeater
used if four additional inverters are added use. With a little ingenuity one might
Word Decoding to the group in U12 and U13. When a adapt the simpler systems to turn on
The word-decoding circuitry shown in number of four-digit codes are used to house lights or open garage doors. 3 And
Fig.49 consists of two', three-digit prefix operate a remote system of some sort, it there is also a voltage-to-frequency con*
decoders and an output flip-flop U22. becomes difficult to remember them all, verter. More about that later.

Frequency Modulation and Ropeatara 13-25

The heart of the system is the NE567. counter at TP3, adjust R3 for f2 with fl Install the components associated with
tone decoder. Note the unique method of still applied. Now, when the digit cor- the latch function. Now, when the fre-
interconnection as shown in Fig. 50. In responding to the frequency pair (f l/f2) is quency pair is recognized by the decoder,
other systems, seven ICs are used to pro- pressed with the output of the pad applied the output of U2 will go low and remain
vide all the decoding functions. These to the decoder, the output of U2 (pin 8) low after the tones are removed. Mount
decoders may respond to false signals and will go low. When the tones are removed, the unlatch function components and
are critical of input tone levels, however. pin 8 will return to a high. ground the base of Ql. You should note
In this unit 24 ICs are used, two for each
digit (0 to 9) and two each for the asterisk
(*) and pound (#) signs. This may at first
seem to be a waste of ICs, but the selec-
tivity of the decoders is greatly enhanced
and this arrangement allows the use of
other capabilities of the IC. This circuit
was originally described in March 1980 HIGH
Circuit Description

Refer to Fig. 50. Ul is used to decode

the higher frequency (fl) of the Touch-
Tone pair (see Fig. 51 A). When Ul re-
ceives the correct tone, the output (pin 8)
will supply a low to U2, pin 7, enabling it

to decode the lower frequency of the pair

(f2). Upon reception of the frequency
pair, the output of U2 will go low. This
low will be used in several different ways
in this system.
The first way this low is used is to
"latch" the digit into the system. Dl, D2,
R4 and R5 are used for this purpose. If
is not desired, omit these
the latch feature
components. To "unlatch" the unit, Ql
will be used. When the base of Ql is low
(grounded), the latch is enabled. If the
base is high (ungrounded) the system will
Note that the decoders may be built one
ata time on a small board or in groups of
four on a larger board. Both boards can
be plugged into a standard 0.156-in.
(4.0-mm) card socket. A 6-pin socket is
used for the single-digit model and a
28-pin socket for the four digit board.'

As a start, a single-tone decoder will be
constructed and its operation examined.
Select a frequency pair from Fig. 51 A.
Choose the appropriate resistor value fof
RX from Fig. 5 IB. Mount the compo-
nents on the board with the exception of,
those required for the latch/unlatch cir-
cuitry. Install short wires at TP1, TP2 and
TP3 for attaching test leads. Apply power
to the circuit and connect a frequency
counter to TP1 Use a low-value capacitor

(approximately 300 pF) between the

counter and TP1 to prevent the counter
from loading the IC. Adjust Rl to provide
the correct chosen frequency.
To adjust U2, a signal source at f 1 is re-
quired. A Touch-Tone pad may be con-
nected to the audio-input point of Fig. 50.
The pad will generate a single-frequency
tone (fl) when two buttons in a vertical
row are pressed simultaneously. Any two
coincidentally pressed buttons in a hori-
zontal line will generate f2. Feed fl into
the decoder and adjust the amplitude of Fig. 48 —Schematic diagram of the tone and digit decoder. Parts placement is not critical, but
the tone so that TP2 goes low. With the standard construction practice should'be followed when fabricating these circuits.

13-26 Chapter 13
that pin 8 will go low when the tones are decoder without the latch. Connect the An Expanded System
received and remain low until the base of transistors (Ql, Q2) as shown in Fig. 52.
Ql is ungrounded of taken high. A relay is shown at the output although Next, proceed to construct a complete
To become even more familiar with the either a relay or transistor may be em- system offering up to 45 different control
circuitry, a simple * (on) and # (off) ployed. When the * is received, the relay functions and using a three-digit entry.
decoder will be constructed. Build the * will close and remain closed (latched) until Use of either the * or # sign as the first en-
decoder with the latch function and the # a # signal is received. try for, a control function is recommend-

Frequency Modulation and Repeater* 13-27

clkO- Q +12V

+5V 1±.

DG1 O-

U18A U18B

+ 5V
U28A 9 7413
DG2 O- DG4
3. V

D63 O- 820 CLK


DH1 O-
U19A U19B


+ 5V
DH2 0- ?6

DH3 0- + 5VO VW- J


Fig. 49 — Schematic diagram of the, relay-control pc board. Be sure to select relays that have contact-current capability for use in the desired ap-

ed, especially if the repeater is equipped "window" will remain open for only two To combine the three digits and
with autopatch. In this manner,
an The * is also used to reset all
seconds. generate one output, a COMBINER
numbers alone cannot initiate a control other decoders. This was done so that if board is used. Each board contains three
function. Personal preference is to use the any of the decoders have been accidently SN74LS10 ICs. Fig. 55 shows the make-
* symbol to initiate the command and the activated, no command function will be up of a single 74LS10 which incorporates
# sign as an "all clear"; this also permits carried out. three triple-input nand gates. Each board
system reset. It will also be necessary to invert all the furnishes nine functions; five boards are
To carry the logic 'required for the lows supplied by the decoders. This opera- used in a 45-function decoding system.
larger system, other circuit boards will be tion is performed by SN74LS00 quad, The last board required is (ap-

needed. All are of the 28-pin plug-in vari- two-input nand gates. The input pins of propriately) the FINAL board, which
ety. A timer is also needed; an NE555 the gates are tied together, thereby contains the latches for the desired func-
serves nicely. The timer, activated by the * creating inverters. The timer and inverter tions and the transistor drivers. Four
decoder, (constructed without a latch) will diagram is shown in Fig. 54. Only one SN74L73 dual J-K nip-flops and either

open a "window" through which the TIMER-INVERTER board is required 2N1711 transistors are mounted on each
other two digits must be passed. This for any system of up to 45 functions. board. Five boards are used in the

13-28 Chapter 13


) ;
+5V F1 1209 1336 1477 F2 FREO. VALUE
a e~
<? (

R,C| U!


000 770


input NE567 out
low PASS
H m '


Fig. 51 — The layout of the 12-key pad and the

frequencies associated with each line and row
are shown at A. Fig. 51 B gives the values re-
quired for RX for the various frequencies to
which the decoders of Fig. 50 are tuned.

AAA/ —^A/V-l
: see TP3

f C4
1N914 *
> 2.7k

"PUT NE567 »»

IE C6 ^
i i 02
1N9I4 *

X 2.2^iF/50V


Fig. 50 —
The circuit diagram of the Universal Touch-Tone Decoder. A pair of ICs is used to pro-
vide better reliability and immunity to "falsing." If desired, the capacitor at pin 1 of each IC may
be increased to 100 ylr to provide a two-second decoding delay/
Fig. 53 — With a little ingenuity, this simple
version of the decoder can find many uses.


L-n 45-function system with 5 furtctions left
* DECODER open for possible use later. A single
SN74L73 is shown in Fig. 56.
D3 R6
To power the described circuits, a sup-
shown in Fig. 57 will
+5V ply similar to the one
OUTPUT WILL be needed. The supply chosen should be
04 GO HI6H capable of delivering approximately 750
PI mA to the decoder system and sufficient

O >AAA— current for the operation of any relays

that will be used.
PNP Construction of a *,1,2 ON function
TRANSISTOR OUTPUT will be described next. Then, several op-
(B) tions will be discussed to reverse the state
ending with the use of a *,1,3 OFF com-
mand. The diagrams shown in Fig. 58 il-
OUTPUT WILL lustrate the various options available. The
* and # decoders should be built without
the latching feature; all the other decoders
will use the latch function. An
INVERTER-TIMER board, at least one
COMBINER board and one FINAL
(A) board be needed as well.
NPN TRANSISTOR OUTPUT To contain the system, a card cage or
(C) "shoe box" was made out of double-
sided, printed-circuit-board material. The
function-control outputs are brought out
Fig. 52 — A simple two-button, on/off decoder. A relay is shown at A, but transistor switches may
be substituted as at B and C. to card sockets mounted on the rear of the

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-29

+ 12 TO +15V

+ 5V


-T VW-
Ul FF1
7^ 2-2^ 555
+ 12 TO +I5V



PIN 8 (A)

O + 5V
330 TL
O ,

I 2
JO —O «FF2



o —wv- 330 A.

O— 74L73 *



X' Fig. 56 —
A diagram of one section of the FINAL board. FF1 and FF2 are both part of the same
IC, a dual J-K flip-flop. Four of these dual flip-flops and.eight of their accompanying output tran-
sistors are mounted on each board. See Fig. 58D and the text concerning the installation of the
optional diode shown in dotted lines.

4, 1N4003 -0+ 19V TO RELAYS


C2 —^ 0.2 ,uF

Fig. 54 — The diagram of the TIMER-

INVERTER board. The timer is used to provide
a "window" through which the control data
must be passed. Only one" inverter IC is shown,

but there are actually three on the board. The

47-^F capacitors at the input to the gates slow
down the action of the inverters and prevent Fig. 57 —
A diagram of a representative power supply which may be used to power the Universal
system "falsing" due to voltage "spikes." Touch-Tone Decoder.
C1 — 1000-mF, 25-V electrolytic. P1 3-circuit ac plug. —
+ 5V
C2 — 0.2-M F, 35-V Mylar. T1 — 12.6-V, 2-A transformer.
D1-D4, incl. — 1N4003 or equivalent. U1 — LM309K voltage regulator.
F1 - 1-A, 125-V fuse.

case. This allows everything to be discon- decoder and the third input by the "2"
nected easily for servicing. LEDs are" decoder. This forces the output of U3A
mounted on the front panel of the low. This low toggles the J-K flip-flop
enclosure to provide an indication of the U4A (note that the clear or C input of
status of all of the functions. A Touch- U4A is held high through Rl). The Q out-
Tone pad was also installed on the front put of U4A will go high and remain high.
panel. This pad may be switched into the This causes transistor Ql (the output tran-
system for local checks of the unit. sistor) to conduct. The corresponding
Refer to Fig. 50A. Note that the output LED will glow, indicating that the func-
of the * decoder is used to start the timer tion has been carried out. If desired, a
and reset all the decoders. The output of relay could be used at the output of Ql.
U2 is applied to one input of the three- With this simple system, one must use the
Fig. 55 — There are three 74LS10 ICs on each input gate, U3A. The second input of the same codes (*,1,2) to turn off the func-
COMBINER board although only one is shown. gate is satisfied by the output of the "1" tion. This is not a sound idea since one

13-30 Chapter 13
+ 12 V

+ I2V

*.1.2 ON *.l.2 OFF


Fig. 58— The four circuits diagrammed here

are discussed in the text. The most simple cir-
cuit (A) does have a weak point, while that at D
is the most reliable.

cannot tell(from a remote point) whether

the function was being keyed on or off. A
better method is shown in Fig. 58B. The
clear (C) input of U4 is connected to the # K.I. 2 ON *.1.3 OFF
decoder. The basic action of the decoder
will be the same as before, but now, use of
the # key will ensure the function is in its
off state. An extra bit of insurance may be
obtained through the addition of D2 as
shown in Fig. 58C- This will prevent the
same code (*,1,2) from turning the func-
tion off; now the only way this may- be
(C) <D)
done is with the # key.
In Fig. 58D, a system is shown which
uses an ON code of *, 1 ,2 and OFF code of
*,1,3. Remove the # decoder output from
the clear input of»U4 and connect that in-
put to the collector of Q2, the output
transistor of the *,1,3 decoder. Add the chips and separate inputsto each chip for number of users
repeater receiver so that a
LED, D3, as shown. a couple of reasons. Some of the decoder can key them up, as in autopatch use.
It is best to use a number of decoder audio inputs can be connected to the Other decoders can be used with a

Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-31

450-MHz control receiver and still others
properly coupled to the telephone line for
other uses.
A highly accurate voltage-to-frequency
converter circuit is presented in Fig. 59A.
Calibration is straightforward. Couple a

frequency counter to the output of the*

O OUTPUT TO converter and connect a + 12V source to
the input. Adjust the calibrate potenti-
ometer for a reading of 12 kHz, as read on
the frequency counter. A + 1.5-V source
should provide a reading of 1.5 kHz, and
1/4W 5%. ALL so on. Provisions have been made on the
VARIABLE RESISTORS printed circuit board for inclusion of a X
15-TURN TYPE 10 and X 100 multiplier circuit. These ad-
ditions are shown in Fig. 59B and C,
respectively. The ac-to-dc converter per-
mits measurement of ac voltage and will
be read as an RMS voltage on the frequen-
cy counter. This novel voltage-to-
frequency converter circuit can be utilized
EXCEPT AS INDICATED, DECIMAL in many ways such as providing a digital
readout of signal levels. Or, if your
Rg ;


( repeater is equipped for telemetry, you
could use this circuit to provide signal
level readouts.

'Ferroxcube components can be purchased from Elna
Ferrite Laboratories, Inc., 9 Pine Grove St., Wood-
stock, NY12498.
'Underwood mica capacitors are available from Alpha
Electronic Laboratories, 2302 Oakland Gravel Rd.,
X100 Columbia, MO
CIRCUIT 'If such operation is intended, one should pay par-
ticular attention to sections 19.34(b), 19.35(c),
97.61, 97.89 and 97.99 of the Communications Act
of 1934. See The Radio Amateur's License Manual
Fig. 59 — The voltage-to-frequency converter
is shown at A. Both dc and ac voltage amplitudes
'FM and
Repeaters for the Radio Amateur, first
may be read out on a frequency counter at the output of the IC. The circuits at B and C may be edition, p. 1 19.
used as x 10 and x 100 multipliers at the input to the converter. 'Circuit boards and parts kits are available from
Circuit Board Specialists, P. O. Box 969, Pueblo,
CO 81002. Printed circuit board etching patterns
are available from the ARRL for 50 cents and
an s.a.s.e.

.s* — ta
T C * 1

6 -
£ - I 1 * t
} • •

g ,<
i ,

CLrvJ» i

Fig. 60 — Half-size component placement guides for the pc boards. Clockwise from upper left: INVERTER-TIMER, DECODER, V/F CONVERTER, FINAL,
COMBINER. See note 5 of the appendix.

13-32 Chapter 13
Frequency Modulation and Repeaters 13-33
13-34 Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Specialized Communications

A. imong
Amateur Radio
diversity. Virtually

allhams start with either cw, ssb or fm.

Beyond these modes, however, the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum provides a medium
for communication methods which are
limited only by one's imagination. Deeply
ingrained in the basis and purpose of this
hobby is the amateur concept a person —
who pursues experimentation solely for
the advancement of the art. His tools are
intuition, trial and error, and the ex-
perience of others.
As radio began, the specialized tech-
nique of the day was simply hearing a
spark transmission. Then came cw,
followed by a-m, fm and ssb. The
specialized techniques of today include
space communications via OSCAR
(Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur
Radio) and EME (earth-moon-earth);
visual transmission by SSTV (slow-scan
television), ATV TV), RTTY
(radioteletype) and FAX (facsimile); voice
techniques of NBVM (narrow-band voice
modulation) and pulse; and interface to
nonradio devices such as microcomputers
and telephone lines.
Use your imagination; see what you can
do. In addition to the surveys presented
here, some good resources are the ARRL
Operating Manual, QST and AMSAT's
Orbit Magazine.

Large antenna arrays and comparative-
ly sophisticatedequipment may rule out
some forms of space communications for
many amateurs, but the amateur satellite
program puts the excitement of vhf DX
within the reach of every amateur: The
possibilities grow with every new launch!
began in 1961 with the successful

launch of OSCAR 1, the world's first

nongovernmental satellite. OSCAR rode
"piggyback" on a regular launch, with
the tiny ham satellite serving as ballast.
— After several years of work, the
Fig. 1 high-altitude Phase III spacecraft was prepared for
The small breadbox-size satellite, built
launch on May As thousands
23, 1980. of amateurs listened to the launch net, the Ariane launch
from out-of-pocket expenses, of $64, vehicle fell into the Atlantic soon after liftoff. Work began almost immediately on a Phase III B

transmitted the Morse code letters "HI" satellite, (photo courtesy W4PUJ)

Specialized Communications Systems 14-1

on 2 meters at speeds corresponding to the have been involved in a host of unique ex-
internal spacecraft temperature. This con- periments. Using the Phase II AMSAT-
tinued for three weeks before its on-board OSCAR series, amateurs have demonstrated
batteries were finally exhausted. The near- the effectiveness of satellites in pinpointing
ly identical OSCAR 2 transmitted signals emergency locator transmitters similar to
for 18 days after its launch in 1962. those that are carried aboard downed air-
The first active communications craft, and complex medical data
in relaying
satellite in the OSCAR series was OSCAR such as electrocardiograms from coast to
3, launched in March, 1965. More than coast, simulating in-transit work from a
100 stations in 16 countries helped make disaster site. Finally, when OSCARs 6 and
satellite history with OSCAR 3, the first 7 and 8 have been in close proximity,
free-access satellite. OSCAR 4 followed satellite to satellite linkups have been
later that year and achieved another com- achieved: another milestone for free ac- . 2TTR R
munications first despite a bad orbit — cess satellites. In the future, with the
the first U.S.-to-U.S.S.R. satellite con- greatly extended access time and insignifi- SATELLITE ALT.(STAT. Ml.)

tact. OSCAR 5, constructed by a team at cant Doppler shift near AMSAT Phase 1

Melbourne University, was launched in Ill's apogee, and with the flixibility that
1000 2000
3000 I

500 1500 2500

1970, the first launch coordinated by a results from its sophisticated on-board MAP RANGE IN STATUTE MILES
newly formed group of amateurs in the computer, many more experiments are
Washington, DC area: AMSAT. The planned in areas of remote-store-and- Fig. 2 — Satellite altitude above earth versus
spacecraft internal batteries powered its forward data transmission, computer ground station map range (statute miles).
2-meter and 10-meter beacons for more software exchange and emergency com-
than six weeks. munication.
AMSAT-OSCAR 7 joined the series late In recognition of the experimental and
in 1974, providing another major step for- educational potential of these free-access STATiONi 1 READY OR NOT!

ward for the amateur satellite program: it is NASA has been most generous
scheduled to remain on continuously, alter- in providing "secondary payload" launch
nating between two different modes of opportunities to AMSAT
to get its
operation. Though it has recently suffered OSCARs in orbit. NASA has a particular-
from periods of "falsing," occasional, un- ly strong interest in the OSCAR Educa- YOUR MAP/\
predictable mode switching, OSCAR 7 is tion Program, designed to bring satellite ANOTHER^ STATION'S
stillproviding long range vhf communica- and space technology into classrooms / RANGE CIRCLE
tions in its sixth year of service. A throughout the world. Using readily START HERE
cooperative international effort, OSCAR available commercial equipment, students
7 was constructed module form by
in are experiencing firsthand the unique
amateurs in West Germany, Canada and aspects of space communications: Dop- Fig. 3 —
Satellite passes through the range of
Australia as well as in the U.S. pler shift, orbital mechanics, Faraday two stations, enabling contact.
The latest in the Phase II (low orbit, rotation, telemetry decoding and much
long life) OSCAR
series of amateur more. (If you are interested in par-
satellites, AMSAT-OSCAR 8, was ticipating in this program locally, contact
launched in March of 1978, joining its OSCAR Education at ARRL head-
predecessors, though at a slightly lower quarters.)
altitude.A joint effort by radio amateurs distance vhf communication for long
in Canada, Japan, the United States and Altitude, Time and Range periods of time.
West Germany, this satellite is intended to The determining factor in the maximum The maximum range of two-way com-
continue support for the OSCAR Educa- theoretical range of satellite communica- munication through the satellite is il-
tion Program 'while providing
another tions the height of the satellite. Fig. 2
is lustrated in Fig. 3. The greater the range
spacecraft for experimentation and can be used to determine the range for the circle overlap for the two stations, the
routine communication. Several weeks' low orbital characteristics of early longer the time that these stations can re-
after launch, the ARRL assumed opera- satellites in which the altitude is assumed main in contact. With low-orbit satellites,
tions responsibility to free AMSAT per- to be constant throughout each orbit. To communication at maximum range may
sonnel for intensive work on the AMSAT determine when you can hear the satellite, last less than one minute between stations
Phase III-A project. The OSCAR 8 draw a circle with a radius equal to the whose range circles overlap only a small
transponders and other on-board systems map range from Fig. 2. For OSCAR 7 this amount; the effective range, therefore, is
appear to be functioning flawlessly; con- is about 2450 miles (4000 km) for its slightly less than twice the radius of your
tinued good health and useful operation is 910-mile (1490-km) high orbit and for range circle. The key here is in mutual ac-
anticipated for years to come. OSCAR 8, orbiting at an altitude of 560 cess of the satellite with the other stations.
Late in 1978 satellite users throughout the miles (910 km), the map range is about As you can see, at times with Phase III
world were pleased to welcome two addi- 2000 miles (3265 km). When a given satellites, you'll be able to communicate
tional low circular orbit satellite entries by satellite passes through your range circle, with stations halfway around the world.
the Soviet Union: Radio 1 and Radio 2. In- it is within range of your location and you The length of time thesatellite is within
tended for educational and communication should be able to hear it. range of your statiqn is determined, as is
use with very low power ground stations, RS With Phase III elliptical-orbit
the the range, by the height of the orbit. As
I and RS 2 are no longer routinely available. satellites, communication range is, of many satellite users can tell you, the
Those who have communicated through course, still determined by altitude, but higher the orbit, the slower the satellite
them are grateful for the work of our fellow the altitude continuously varies between a moves, and the longer the satellite will be
radio amateurs in the Soviet Union and perigee of 915 miles (1500 km) and apogee in range. With the Phase II low, nearly
hope these satellites mark the beginning of of about 22,300 miles (35,900 km). Near circular orbit satellites, the altitude is

continued active involvement. apogee, the satellite illuminates, fully, assumed to be constant. With the Phase
More than a challenging means of com- that half of the earth's surface directly III high elliptical orbit, however, as the
munication for hams, the amateur satellites below. This enables reliable, very long altitude varies, so does the speed of the

14-2 Chapter 14

Table 1

Amateur Radio Spacecraft Orbital Parameters

Satellite Inclination (Deg.) Apogee (km) Perigee (km) Period (mln) Increment (Deg. W)
OSCAR 7 101.4467 1471.11 1448.11 114.9422 28.7374
OSCAR 8 98.8668 940.30 905.91 103.2026 25.8023

These parameters are based on Project OSCAR predictions dated August 1980.

Satellite Orbit Equator Crossing Long W. (Deg.)

OSCAR 26,125 0107:35 89.0
8 12,267 0047:08 65.0 Fig. 4 — The OSCAR 8 QSL card you'll receive
for submitting OSCAR 8 telemetry reports to
ARRL headquarters.
Equator-crossing times are ascending (south to north) and in UTC.

makes copying the code easy for even the

beginner, many of whpm tape record the
Table 2 code at 7-1/2 ips and play it back at half
speed (3-3/4 ips). With the use of de-
Spacecraft Frequencies
coding charts, one can compute any of the
OSCAR 7 Uplink Downlink Beacon
parameters being monitored and get a feel
Mode A 145.850 • 145.950 MHz 29.400 - 29.500 MHz 29.502 MHz
MHz 145.975 - 145.925 MHz 145.972 MHz for the condition of the satellite at that
Mode B 432.125 - 432.175
time. Keeping track of the telemetry over
time, you'll be able to discern patterns as
145.950 MHz 29.400 - 29.500 MHz 29.402 MHz
Mode A 145.850
the satellite, goes from darkness to sunlight
146.000 MHz 435.100 - 435.200 MHz 435.095 MHz
Mode J 145.900
or spends a different percentage of time in
Formulas for calculating downlink frequencies, x = downlink frequency. sunlight as the seasons change. The Radio
OSCAR 7 Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT),
Mode A x = uplink frequency - 116.450 MHz ± Doppler shift which oversees the construction of present
Mode B x = uplink frequency - 578.100 MHz ± Doppler shift amateur satellites, is always looking for
OSCAR 8 telemetry reports from OSCAR 7 as is the
Mode A x = uplink frequency - 116.458 MHz ± Doppler shift ARRL for reports from 8. The OSCAR
Mode J x = uplink frequency - 581.106 MHz ± Doppler shift first such report received from each sta-

tion is rewarded with a handsome QSL as

Note: A minus sign in front of the downlink frequency indicates that the passband of the satellite shown in Fig. 4. One final note: AMSAT
is inverted in that mode. This means that signals transmitted up to the
satellite at the low end of
Phase III, thanks to its on-board com-
the uplink passband will appear at the high end of the downlink passband.
puter, will be able to transmit any of over
Additionally, upper-sideband signals transmitted on the uplink will appear as lower-sideband
60 possible parameters in many
signals on the downlink.
different transmission modes. Thus, the
format on the general beacon will not be
quite so obvious. We can expect,
however, that telemetry will frequently be
in Morse code, and with the proper
decoding charts, a great deal of pertinent
satellite. AMSAT Phase III will travel Mode A transponder and retransmits the information will be readily accessible.
slowest at apogee where its coverage is signals between 29.4 and 29.5 MHz. Other
Using the Satellites
greatest, meaning that
spends a greaterit modes and other transponders may have
amount of time in those portions of its or- different passbands, though their opera- The first step in using a satellite is, of
course, knowing where it is. The simplest
bit where communications range is tion is the same. The use of a transponder
greatest! The timetakes the satellite to
it rather than a channelized repeater allows way to determine this is with an ARRL
make a complete revolution around the more stations to use the satellite at one OSCARLOCATOR. you need

earth is called its period. time. In fact, the number of different sta- one reference point each day, which is
tions using OSCARany one time is
at usually the first time in a given UTC day
The Spacecraft limited only by mutual interference, and that the' satellite passes over the equator in
Present communications satellites are the fact that the output power of the a northerly direction. These data are
functionally integrated systems. Re- satellite (a couple of watts on the low orbit reference orbit EQX (equator crossing)
chargeable batteries, solar cell arrays, satellites and about 50 watts on Phase III) time and longitude. They can be found in

voltage regulators, command decoders, is divided among the users. a variety of places: W1AW bulletins,

antenna-deployment mechanisms, stabili- Each transponder is equipped

satellite AMSAT's Orbit magazine and QST.
zation systems, sensors, telemetry en- with a beacon, which con-
telemetry Armed with one reference point and the
coders and even on-board computers and tinuously transmits status reports on a locator, you can determine the approxi-
kick motors each serve a unique and in- variety of satellite parameters, such as in- mate location of and bearing to the
dispensable purpose. But to thV radio ternal temperature, current drain, power satellite anywhere in the Northern
amateur interested in communication generation from the solar cells, and more. Hemisphere.
through OSCAR,
of primary importance (See Table 2 for beacon frequencies.) The A similar way to get a rough estimate of
is the transponder. These transponders telemetry information is used to monitor when to listen if you haven't access to an
receive signals over' a given segment of one the "health" of the satellite and diagnose OSCARLOCATOR, is to find your
amateur band and retransmit each signal any operating difficulty. "EQX window." Given your station
over another segment in another band. The telemetry from OSCARs 7 and 8 is latitude and longitude and the previously

For example, OSCAR 8 receives signals sent in Morse encoded numbers at ap- described range circle, you can estimate
between 145.850 and 145.950 MHz on its proximately 20 wpm. Its repetitive format the range of EQX longitudes that will

Specialized Communications Systems 14-3

bring the satellite in range of your loca-
tion. In general, for amateurs in the Table 3
United States and the lower latitudes of AMSAT Nets and Bulletins Schedule
Canada, those orbits crossing the equator
The following AMSAT Nets meet regularly to disseminate information to newcomers and to
between your longitude and 15 degrees or
keep regular satellite users in communication with one another.
so east, will pass close to your QTH.
USA-East Coast Net Wednesdays 0100Z 3850 kHz LSB Net Control
Now, using the reference orbit data,
knowing that the satellite is travelling USA-Mid States Net Wednesdays 0200Z 3850 kHz LSB Net Control
from south to north on its reference orbit, W0CY
and knowing that each successive orbit USA-West Coast Net Wednesdays 0300Z 3850 kHz LSB Net Control
will cross theequator at a point x degrees W6CG/W6DOW
International Net Sundays 1800Z 14,280 kHz USB Net Control
(the increment, also published in QST)
further west and y minutes (the period) International Net Sundays 1900Z 21,280 kHz USB Net Control
later than the previous orbit, you can ap- WA3NAN
proximate when to begin listening. With Bulletins of general interest to those interested in amateur satellites are transmitted regularly
this method, allow 10 to 15 minutes for er- on OSCAR-7 and OSCAR-8 reference orbits, at approximately 10 minutes after ascending node.
These bulletins are transmitted on a downlink frequency of approximately 29,490 kHz, 145.960
MHz and 935.160 MHz can be received over most of eastern North America.
Tracking high elliptical orbit satellites is
another matter entirely —
much more
complex or simpler depending on your ap-
proach. Tracking information and an-
nouncements of the availability of Phase- alternatives. The key points toward suc- days) and approximately 1000 watts erp
Ill type tracking devices will appear in cessful reception at vhf and uhf are for the upcoming Phase III at apogee.
QSJ and Orbit. Keep in mind that Phase- minimizing the losses between your anten- Mode A and J up-link frequencies are in
Ill satellites will be in range for very long na and receiver, getting the antennas out the 2-meter band, and Mode B is in the
periods. Once you hear the 2-meter down- in the open, and having adequate sen- 70-cm band.
link, periodically peaking the signal with sitivity. There are many 2-meter receivers Effective power can be
steerable antennas as the satellite moves and several 2-meter and 70-cm receive calculated as power leaving your
slowly across the Northern Hemisphere converters on the market to choose from. antenna and is equivalent to the power
should be a simple task. Keeping in mind that OSCAR operation is output of your transmitter minus losses in
predominantly cw and ssb, and given your, your feed line, all times the gain of your
Receiving present station and plans for the future, antenna. For example, 10 watts of output
"Receiving an excellent way to get
is the choice is yours. Many of the commer- from your transmitter at 145.950 MHz,
started in work. As in any
satellite cially available receivers in the vhf/uhf through 100 feet of RG-8/U (approx-
endeavor, you have several alternatives range have relatively poor noise figures, in imately 3 dB loss results in 5 watts
based on your present station, your QTH the range of 6 dB or more. With today's reaching the antenna) into a 13-dB gain
restrictions and your budget. To receive modern devices, however, it is- not beam would yield 100 watts erp. The same
the Mode A down-link, for example, unreasonable to shoot for a noise figure erp would result from an arrangement
you'll need an antenna (10 meter) and an of 2 dB or so. If your receiver performs with 10 watts output into a 10-dB gain
hf receiver with adequate sensitivity on 10 less than adequately and you've done amplifier (100 watts), 100 feet of RG- 8/U
meters. Most hams already have the need- everything to minimize losses (short runs and a 3-dB gain antenna. Alternatively, a
ed equipment and can listen to OSCAR of high quality coaxial cable, properly 10-watt transmitter fed into a 13-dB gain
with very little effort. What is adequate soldered coaxial connectors —
preferably amplifier, 100 feet of RG-8/U, and a
sensitivity?- Compare the noise level pro- N-type at 435 MHz, and proper sealing ground plane, dipole or turnstile antenna
duced in your receiver with the antenna against corrosion), consider building or will also produce the same erp. Where is
connected, and then with a dummy load buying a low-noise preamplifier. Alter- the difference? Given your present station
or other 50-ohm nonreactive load. If the natively, you could borrow one from a and future budget, one of the alternatives
noise level is higher on the antenna, you friend to ensure that the improvement in will probably be best. Vhf/uhf amplifiers
have the needed sensitivity. If not, a low- performance warrants the expense. and their associated power supplies are a
noise preamplifier for 10 meters should The shorter wavelength at vhf and uhf good deal more expensive than gain
make a world of difference. means that multi-element gain antennas antennas which you can easily build
What is the ideal antenna for 10-meter are more compact, easier to build and yourself. The trade off lies in the fact that
satellite reception? If you already have a more easily aimed than hf arrays. The ex- the higher the gain of an antenna, the nar-
beam, a quarter-wavelength vertical or cellent performance of the OSCAR 7 rower its beam width, and the more ac-
dipole, try them. You may find that the Mode B transponder showed, however, curacy you'll need in tracking. A typical
beam works when the satellite is low
best that in some instances little more than a 10-dB gain, 2-meter antenna has a beam-
on the horizon, and performs adequately quarter wavelength ground-plane antenna width of roughly 26°: an arc through
when it's overhead; you will have to aim may be necessary. Generally, a beam with which OSCARs 7 and 8 will pass quickly.
the beam, however. A vertical antenna modest gain will pay large dividends when At the very have to track the
least you'll
may be adequate for low satellite eleva- the going gets rough. satellite in azimuth (keeping the antenna
tions, but may exhibit a null when at a fixed 30-degree elevation above the
OSCAR is overhead. A dipole may per- Transmitting
horizon) or more likely resort to tracking
form just the opposite. Two antennas that After listening to the OSCARs for a in both azimuth and elevation.
are especially well suited to OSCAR
work short period of time you'll probably want For the AMSAT Phase III satellite
are the turnstile and the* full-wave loop. to try making contacts through the you'll need close to a kilowatt erp at 435
Both exhibit broad patterns and work well satellite. Once you know what the satellite MHz to span the 35,900-km distance at
from horizon to horizon. Examples of "wants to see," you're faced with several apogee. Practicality limits the choice here,
both these antennas appear later in this choices. Currently, AMSAT requests that however, and a reasonable approach
chapter. you use a maximum of 100 watts erp (ef- would suggest a 100- watt signal through
Mode B and Mode J reception (2 meters' fective radiated power) on OSCARs 7 and as short a feed line as possible into a 13-dB
and 70 cm respectively) present even more 8 (10 watts erp on Monday UTC QRP gain antenna. Several 70-cm solid-state

14-4 Chapter 14
Glossary of Satellite Terminology storage by ground stations for later retrans- longitude (0-360°).
AMSAT — The Radio Amateur Satellite Cor- mission. erp —Effective radiated power system—
poration, a nonprofit organization located in

COSMAC 1802 A CMOS, 8 bit micro- power output after transmission-line
Washington, DC; has overseen the OSCAR processor made by RCA. Its low power losses and antenna gain are considered.
program since the launch of OSCAR 5. consumption, high noise immunity, wide ESA — European Space Agency — Agency
temperature tolerance and flexible (to the responsible for the AMSAT Phase lll-A launch.
(AMSAT, P. O. Box 27, Washington, DC
programmer) architecture, make it well Experiment Day —
Routinely scheduled days

AOS — Acquisition of signal — The time you suited to use in orbital hardware. The 1802 during which the satellite is closed to
can first hear satellites, usually just after it
was the heart of the on-board Phase lll-A < casual use and reserved for scientific and
rises above the horizon. computer. educational experimentation; a secondary
Apogee — That point in a satellite orbit where Descending Node —
The pBint where the purpose is to allow for battery recharge.
it is above the earth.
farthest satellite crosses the equator traveling Falsing —
Unscheduled, unintentional and
Area Coordinators — Volunteers in the AMSAT from north to the south. undesirable mode switching initiated by
organization who coordinate satellite activity Desense — A problem characteristic of Mode conditions in the spacecraft.
in their regions. Most states have at least J operation in which the strong 2-m uplink Geostationary orbit —An orbit at such an alti-
one; many
countries are also represented. signal overloads a low-noise 70-cm tude (22,300 miles) and in such a direction
Ascending Node —
The point where the preamplifier or converter. (W to E) over the equator that the satellite
satellite crosses the equator travelling Doppler Effect —
An apparent shift in frequen- appears to be fixed above a given point.
from the south to the north. cy caused by satellite movement toward or Groundtraek —
The imaginary line traced on
Amateur Satellite Service Council — away from your location. the surface of the earth by a satellite
A coordinating body comprising equal Down-link — The frequency of signals subsatellite point.

representation from Project OSCAR, AMSAT transmitted from the satellite to earth. IHU — Integrated housekeeping unit
and ARRL Earth sensor —A device to be used on the Phase Ill's on-board computer that will
Az-elmount —
Antenna mount that allows AMSAT Phase III satellite that will manage many of the routine in-flight
antenna positioning in both the azimuth enable the computer to determine the tasks automatically.
and elevation planes. spacecraft orientation to the earth. Inclination —
The angle at which the satellite
Azimuth —
Direction (side-to-side in the Eccentricity —
That orbital parameter used to crosses the equator at its ascending node;
horizontal plane) from a given point on describe how much an elliptical orbit also the highest latitude reached in an orbit.
earth; usually specified in degrees (N =0°, deviates from a circle; eccentricity values An orbit crossing directly over the North
E = 90°, S = 180°, = 270°). W vary between and 1: e = for a circle. Pole would have an Inclination of 90°, east
Circular Polarization —
A special case in Elliptical Orbit — Those orbits in which the of the pole less than 90° and west of the

which the electric field component of a satellite path traces an ellipse with the pole greater than 90°.
transmitted radio wave is equal in both the earth at one focus. Increment — The number of degrees longitude
vertical and horizontal planes and effectively Elevation — Direction (up-and-down in the ver- that the satellite appears to move westward
rotates. The sense of polarization, whether tical plane) from a given point on e,arth at the equator with each orbit, caused by the
right-hand circular or left-hand circular, is usually specified in degrees (0° = plane of earth's rotation under the satellite during

determined from behind the antenna, the earth's surface at your location; each orbit. (The earth rotates 360° in a
looking out alond its axis of propagation. and 90° = straight up, perpendicular to 24-hour period.)
Codestore —
A special system that allows the plane of the earth, overhead). Kick Motor —
A one-shot motor on-board the
digital information (Morse Code, e.g.) to EQX — Equator crossing, usually specified in Phase III satellite that will be fired at
time (UTC) of crossing, and degrees west perigee a few weeks after launch to adjust
be placed in on-board electronic memory in

amplifiers in the 100-watt class are now on polarization is the special case where the cularly polarized antennas are a require-

the market or you can build a suitable vertical and horizontal components are ment —
in fact it would be a better idea to

amplifier yourself. The narrow beam- equal; the field effectively rotates. begin with simple antennas and modify
width of high-gain antennas will be much The sense of polarization, whether them to suit your needs after you've had a
less a problem with the Phase III satellite right-hand circularly polarized (clockwise) little experience.

elliptical orbit as the spacecraft moves or left-hand circularly polarized (counter- The 10-meter antennas on OSCARs 7
across the sky at a comparatively slow clockwise), is determined, by convention, and 8 are dipoles that were deployed after
speed ( ± 3 hours at apogee). as though viewed from behind the anten- orbital insertion. With a linearly polarized
na, looking out along the axis of propaga- 10-meter, ground-station antenna, you'll
Satellite Hints and Kinks tion. The important factor for our pur- notice periodic fading as the satellite spins

Satellite communications confronts the poses, however, is that one achieves max- on its axis: maximum signal strength oc-
newcomer with many unfamiliar imum down-link signal strength when the curswhen the antennas are parallel,
phenomena that will challenge his or her circularly polarized antenna has the same minimum when perpendicular. With a
operating techniques. Here are a few ex- sense as the incoming wave. Cross full-wave horizontal loop or a circularly-
planations and "tricks of the trade" to polarization, on the other hand, can result polarized turnstile the effect of this fading
helpmake your satellite work as effective in 30 dB or more attenuation of the signal. will be minimized.
and enjoyable as possible. How does this affect OSCAR opera-
Full Duplex
tion? The 2-meter antennas on OSCARs
Circular Polarization 7, 8 and Phase III satellites are circularly In satellite communications you can
When a travelling
considering polarized. Theoretically, to maximize sta- continuously monitor your transmitted
wavefront of rf energy, we can describe it tion performance, you'll want antennas signal through the satellite, as the down-

in terms of polarization. Radio waves are that are circularly polarized in the same link signal from the satellite is on a dif-

made up of both electric and magnetic sense as those on the spacecraft. A better ferent band from the up-link. You can

fields which are perpendicular to each choice would be an antenna that is switch- thus evaluate both the strength and quali-
other and to the direction of propagation. able between right-hand and left-hand cir- ty of your own signal throughout con-

The classification of polarization is deter- cular polarization. This is because as the tacts. It is through this full-duplex

mined by the plane in which the electric downlink signal from the satellite passes capability that one is able to adjust for
component lies: If the plane of the electric through the ionosphere the polarization Doppler shift (see Doppler Shift below).

component is vertical, the polarization is sense may switch. This effect is commonly To locate yourself in the satellite pass-

vertical; if horizontal, the polarization is An exam-

referred to as Faraday rotation. band, select an appropriate up-link fre-
horizontal. In the case where components ple of a switchable right-hand and left- quency, calculate the approximate down-
exist in both the vertical and horizontal hand polarized antenna is given later in link frequency, transmit a string of dits

planes, polarization elliptical, and circular this chapter. This does not mean that cir- and tune a few kHz either side of the

lized Communications Systems 14-5

the orbit to the desired final perigee and Pass —
An orbit of the satellite. so, the apogee will occur near the equator .

LHCP — Left-hand circular polarization —
Passband The range of frequencies handled Project OSCAR —
California-based group,

by a satellite transponder. among the first to recognize the potential

counterclockwise. Perigee —
That point in a satellite orbit where of space for Amateur Radio; responsible
LOS — Loss of signal — The time when the it passes closest to earth.
for OSCARs 1 through 4.
satellite passes out of range. Period —
The time it takes for a complete QRP test — Special orbits set aside for

Mode A — Transponders with 2-meter uplink orbit, usually measured from one EQX to the operating through the satellites while
and 10-meter downlink. next. The higher the altitude, the longer using a maximum of 10 watts erp; output
Mode A/J — Simultaneous operation of the the period. powers of less than 1 watt have proven
Mode A and Mode J transponders on Phase I — The term given to the earliest, short- effective in some cases.
satellites that were not equipp- Reference orbit —
The orbit beginning with the
Mode B — Transponders with 70-cm uplink and ed with solar cells. When their batteries first ascending node during a given day UTC.
2-meter downlink.

were depleted, they ceased operating. RHCP —
Right hand circular polarization —
Mode C Equivalent to Mode B with less Phase II — The term given to low altitude, clockwise.
power output; of no discernable difference long-lived satellites. Equipped With solar RS1 and RS2 —
The first two Soviet Amateur
than Mode B to the user. panels that powered the spacecraft systems Radio satellites.
Mode D —
Battery-recharge mode; and recharged its batteries, these satellites Secondary payload — Usually smaller
transponders off. have been shown to be capable of lasting up packages that essence share the launch
Mode J —Transponders with 2-meter uplink to five years. (OSCARs 6, 7 and 8). with the primary payload which is the main
and 70-cm downlink. Phase /// — Extended-range, high-orbit purpose for the launch. OSCAR 8, for exam-
NASA —National Aeronautics and Space satellites, typically in either elliptical orbit, ple, was a secondary payload "hitchhiker" to
Administration —
U.S. Government agency as AMSAT Phase lll-A, or in geostationary the LANDSAT C Earth Resources
that has provided "piggyback" launch oppor- orbit. Technology Satellite primary payload;
tunities for AMSAT OSCARs 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Power budget — A determination of how much secondary payloads, in effect, substitute
recognition of the OSCAR program's power is actually available to operate the for ballast weight.

— Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur
on-board satellite systems, taking into Spin modulation —
Periodic amplitude-fade
account such things as solar cell surface and-peak resulting from Phase III 60-rpm
Radio; there have been eight Amateur area, solar cell efficiency and angle toward spin; the effect is a 3-Hz "modulation" of the
Radio satellites named OSCAR at the the sun. A positive power budget means passband.
end of 1980 and two Soviet Amateur Radio
satellites designated RS1 and RS2.
that ample power will be available to power SSC —
Special service channels Frequen- —
the desired systems; a negative power cies in the downlink passband of AMSAT
OSCAR Education Program —
A special pro- budget means that periods of shutdown and Phase III that are designated for
gram that brings live demonstrations of recharge must be periodically scheduled. authorized, scheduled use in such areas as
the OSCAR satellites to classrooms, helping Precession —
An effect that will be education, data exchange, scientific experi-
teach students physics, space science, characteristic of the AMSAT Phase III mentation, bulletins and official traffic.
astronomy and related subjects. Teachers
use ARRL curriculum materials to structure
orbit; the satellite apogee after the SSB —
Subsatellite point That point directly —
firing of the perigee kick motor will occur beneath a satellite on the surface Of the
their courses around the OSCAR satellites. at about 37° N latitude, but will gradually earth at a given instant; usually defined in
A satellite tracking device rise higher to 57° N latitude within a few terms of latitude and longitude.
consisting of a ranging oval and ground-
tracks superimposed on a polar projection
years. Then, gradually, it will move lower Sun sensor —
A device to be used on AMSAT
in latitude until after five years or
Phase III to determine the spacecraft
orientation to the sun.

calculated down-link frequency. Once Mode-A Down Link will overload or "desense" most 435-MHz
you've located your signal in the pass-
low-noise preamplifiers and converters. If
band, you'll know approximately how When first listening to tile OSCAR your transmit and receive antennas are
much to change the transmit frequency to satellites, one istune to the
likely to located close to each other your 2-meter
"hit" a given receive frequency. Simply Mode-A transponder down-link between up-link signal may obliterate the 435-MHz
change your transmit frequency by the 29.4 and 29.5 MHz. This may prove down-link while you are transmitting!
proper amount —
with the transmitter disappointing in that the signal may have The problem is common and the solu-
off! Swishing the passband with the key a warbling quality, reminiscent of weak hf tion fortunately, simple. For about $5
down is inconsiderate of the other DX. If this is the case, check the re- you can build an effective 70-cm. cavity
users. mainder of the 10-meter band. At this filter from materials readily available at
point in the sunspot cycle with high solar your neighborhood hardware or plumbing
Doppler Shi}t
activity, you may find the band "wide
Doppler shift is caused by the relative open." This means that the ionosphere is
motion between you and the satellite. As bending terrestrially originated 10-meter
the satellite is moving toward you, the fre- signals back down to earth and long 1

quency of down-link signals will increase distance communication at 28 MHz is suc- IOC Ml.
by a small amount. As the satellite passes cessful. The OSCAR satellites orbit hun-
overhead and begins to move away from dreds of miles above the ionosphere and X
you, there will be a sudden drop in fre- s
so 29-MHz down-link signals are also bent
quency of a few kilohertz, much the same by the ionosphere —
but away from the N
\ //
20(3 Ml.
way as the tone of a car horn or train earth! You'll usually find that the down-
whistle drops as the vehicle moves past link signal degradation is worse at low
you. This Doppler effect will be different elevations where the angle of incidence
for stations located at different distances 100
with the ionosphere is shallow; with the
from the satellite. The result is that signals satellites at high elevations, the angles are
passing through the satellite move slowly much steeper and the probability of a [Ml Mil I I I I 1 1 II 1 1 M
around the calculated down-link frequen- signal penetrating the ionosphere is much 5 10 15 20 25

cy. Locating ,your own signal is a little MAXIMUM DOPPLER SHIFT (kHz)
more difficult than simply computing the
relation between input and output fre- Mode-J Desensing Fig. 5 —
Satellite transmitter frequency versus
quency> as the rather hard-to-predict ef- As most members of Doppler shift for satellite in 200- or
the Mode J Club
1000-statute-mile orbits. For a translator, use
fects of Doppler must be taken into ac- (details in Fig. 6) will tell you, the strong
the difference between uplink and downlink
count. 2-meter up-link signal from your station frequencies as the "frequency."

14-6 Chapter 14
codestore, synthesized-speech telemetry, 1-XHORIZONAL LOOP
magnetometer, particle/radiation detec-
tors, and two experimental beacons on 1.3
and 10.4 GHz. This launch is scheduled
for September 1981. Amateurs of the
Soviet Union are also planning the launch
of their RS 3 and RS 4 satellites. Several
groups in Japan, Canada and the United
States are also experimenting with ter-
restrial transponders, some of which may
someday achieve geostationary orbit.

A Full-Wave Horizontal Loop

^50-.n COAXIAL
Fig. 6 — To become a member of the Mode J Described here is an antenna that is
club, first complete eight Mode J contacts. ideally suited for the reception of RECEIVER
QSL cards are not required. Just list the call
10-meter downlink signals from OSCAR 7
sign of each station worked, date, orbit number
and station equipment used for the contacts. and 8. It consists of a horizontal loop of
Send this information along with $3 in U.S. wire, one wavelength in circumference, Fig. 7 —This is a drawing of a horizontal loop
funds, a one-time charge to cover certificate that is mounted one-eighth wavelength or antenna that is ideally suited for the reception
and newsletter costs, to: Mode J Club, c/o of Mode A downlink signals.
higher above ground. This arrangement
Larry Roberts, W9MXC, AMSAT Area Coor-
dinator, 3300 Fernwood, Alton, IL 62002. To provides for excellent reception of signals
receive the Mode J Club Newsletter, send an when the satellite is roughly 30 degrees
s.a.s.e. to W9MXC for each issue. Details on above the horizon. Maximum response Construction
the Mode J Club were outlined in the January
favors the satellite when it is nearly or
1979 issue of QST.
directly overhead. The mast used to support the two
The impedance of the loop is in the dipoles was constructed from wood and is
vicinity of 100 ohms and a quarter-wave 2 inches (50 mm) square and 8 feet (2.4 m)
matching section of RG-59/U or RG- long. Dipoles are formed from no. 12 cop-

This filter, placed in the receive 11/U is used to lower the impedance to per wire, aluminum rod, or tubing. The
somewhere near 50 ohms. Make sure to reflecting screen is 20-gauge hexagonal
line, has a very-narrow passband and only
0.4 to 0.5 dB of insertion loss. An exam- include the velocity factor for the coaxial chicken wire, 1-inch (25-mm) mesh, sta-
ple of such a filter is shown later in this cable when calculating the length of this pled to a four-foot-square frame made
chapter. transformer. from furring strips. Hardware cloth can
The loop can also be arranged in a be used in place of the chicken wire. Cor-
Spin Modulation triangle or some other polygonal con- ner bracing of the reflector screen will
figuration with deterioration in the help provide mechanical stability. Spar
Spin modulation is a phenomenon that little ^

performance. Use whatever supports are varnish applied to the wooden members
has emerged with the planning of the
available and try to open the loop up as will help extend the life expectancy.
AMSAT Phase III type of satellite. As the
much as possible. Details of this antenna Dimensions for the two dipole antennas
satellite orbits overhead, the on-board
computer pulses an electromagnet which are shown in Fig. 7. and the phasing network are shown in Fig.
10. Spacing between the dipole antennas
works against the earth's magnetic field.
This spins the spacecraft at approximately
A 146-MHz Turnstile Antenna and the reflecting screen affect the anten-
revolution per second, thereby stabiliz- Here is a simple and effective 146-MHz na pattern. This is illustrated in Fig. 9,

Aside effect, however, is the antenna suitable for use with Modes A, B choose the pattern that best suits your
ing it.

rapid Hz) periodic fade- and J. The antenna, called a turnstile- needs and construct the antenna accor-
relatively (3
signal reflector array, can be built very inexpen- dingly. Alternative methods of construct-
enhancement of the transmitted
amplitude —
called spin modulation. It is sively and put into operation without the ing turnstile arrays can be found in cur-

important to note that the passband is not need for test equipment. The information rent editions of the ARRL Antenna Book.
electronically modulated in the sense to contained here was extracted from a QST
Circularly Polarized Antennas
which amateurs are accustomed; rather, article by Davidoff which appeared in the

for 2-Meter and 70-Cm Satellite Work

the apparent modulation is a residual ef- September 1974 issue.
fect of physical rotation. Experience with several OSCAR The antenna described here provides
satellites has shown that rapid fading can switchable right-hand or left-hand circular
Operationally, using linear antennas
be a severe problem for satellite com- polarization and positioning for both
will deepen the fades to a point where it
municators. Fortunately, the ground sta- azimuth and elevation. This system makes
may become annoying. Circularly polar-
tion has control over two important use of commercially available antennas
ized antennas of the proper sense will
minimize the effect and allow normal parameters affecting fading — cross (KLM 144-148-9 and KLM

communications to continue with little polarization between the ground-station rotators (Alliance U-100 and CDE TR-44)

antenna and OSCAR antenna, and nulls and relays (Inline Instruments type 101)
in the ground-station antenna pattern. which are combined in a system that of-
On the Horizon This setup is suited
Fading because of cross polarization can fers total flexibility.

The future holds much promise for be reduced by using a circularly polarized for operation through OSCAR 7 and 8

Amateur Radio ground station antenna. Fading because and also Phase III satellite. As
those interested in
A second Phase of radiation pattern nulls can be overcome shown accompanying photographs,
in the
satellite communication.
by (1) using a rotatable, tiltable array, and the whole assembly is built on a heavy-
already being prepared to replace the
III is
ope lost because of launch failure of the continuously tracking the satellite or (2) duty,TV type of tripod so that is may be
using an antenna with a broad null-free roof-mounted. The idea for this system
Ariane L02 mission on May 23, 1980. The
University of Surrey in the U.K. is now pattern. The turnstile reflector array came from Clarke Greene, K1JX.
building an experimental satellite that will solves this problem since it is circularly
System Outline ,
have beacons on 7, 14, 21, 28, 145 and 435 polarized and produces a balloon-like pat-
The antennas displayed in Fig. 11 are
MHz, SSTV cloud-cover camera, tern.

Specialized Communications Systems 14-7

A<l$ Of ARR*AY uplink and downlink. Also, througout
any given "pass" of the satellite the sense
is apt to switch at least several times.

Mechanical Details
The TR-44 rotator is mounted inside
the tripod by means of a rotator plate of
the type commonly used with a top section
of Rohn 25 tower. U-bolts around the
tripod legs secure the plate to the tripod.
PLANE REFLECTOR A length of 1-inch (25-mm) galvanized PHASING LINE
water pipe (used as the mast) extends from
the top of the rotator out through a home-
made aluminum bearing at the peak of the
tripod. Since a relatively small diameter

Fig. 8 —
The turnstile-reflector (TR) array con-
mast is used, several pieces of shim RG-59/U FEED LINE
sists of crossed dipoles above a screen reflec- material are required between it and the
tor. body of the rotator to assure that it will be
aligned in the bearing through 360 degrees
of rotation. This is covered in detail in any Fig. 10 — Dimensions and connections for the
turnstile antenna. The phasing line is 13.3
50' 60' 70'
TR-44, CD-45, Ham-M or Ham-IV inches (338 mm) of RG-59/U coax. A similar
rotator instruction sheet. length of RG-58/U cable is used as a matching
The Alliance U-100 elevation rotator is section between the turnstile and the feed line.
mounted to the 1-inch (25-mm) water-pipe
mast byjneans of an 1/8-inch (3.2-mm)
aluminum plate. TV U-bolt hardware pro-
vides a perfect fit for this mast material.
The cross-arm supports the two
2-meter and 70-cm antennas is a piece of
1-1/4-inch (31.8-mm) thick fiberglass rod,
6 feet (1.82 m) in length. Other materials
can be used. However, most cannot match
the strength of fiberglass. This should be a
consideration if you live in an area that is
frequented by ice storms. Although it is
relatively expensive (about $3 per foot),
one piece should last a lifetime.

Electrical Details
Since the antenna systems are identical, Fig. 11 —
A circularly-polarized antenna
system for satellite communications on 144
this description will apply to either.
and 432-MHz. The array is assembled from
A simple way of obtaining a circularly KLM log-periodic yagis.
polarized pattern is to use two Yagi anten-
nas with the elements mounted at right
angles to each other and feed the antennas
90 degrees out of phase. In many cases
this is accomplished by mounting the
horizontal and vertical elementson the
same boom. It is two
also possible to use
separate antennas mounted apart from
10 IS 20
each other as shown in the photograph.
One advantage of this system is that the
weight distribution on each side of the
elevation rotator is equal. As long as the
Fig. 9 —
Elevation patterns for dipoles
mounted over a ground plane. Pattern A is for separation between antennas is small, per-
spacing of 0.25 wavelength, B is for 0.37, and C formance should be as good as when hav-
is for 1.5-wavelength spacing. ing both sets of elements on a single
In order to obtain circular polariza-
actually two totally separate systems shar- tionone antenna must be fed 90 degrees
ing the same azimuth and elevation posi- out of phase with respect to the other. For
tioning systems. Each system is identical switchable right-hand and left-hand
in the way it performs —
one system for 2 polarization some means must be included
meters and one for 70 cm. This arrange- to shift a 90-degree phasing line in series '

ment is quite handy for Mode B and J with either antenna. Such a scheme is
work since both antenna systems are shown two antennas are
in Fig. 13. Since
tracked together automatically. Individual essentially connected in parallel, the feed
control lines allow independent control of impedance will be half that of either
the polarization sense for each system. antenna alone. The antennas used in this Fig. 12 — The polarization sense of the anten-
This is mandatory, as often a different na is controlled by the coaxial relays and phas-
system have a 50-ohm feed impedance.
ing lines. The 144 and 432-MHz systems are
polarization sense is required for the For this reason both antennas make use of controlled independently.

14-8 Chapter 14
when the velocity factor is taken into con-
sideration, will be extremely short. The
lengths used in this particular system are
shown in Fig. 14. The builder should try
to use the shortest lengths practical, since
the higher the multiple of quarter
wavelengths of line the narrower the SWR
bandwidth will become. The system
described here will cover the entire
2-meter and 70-cm bands. Each phasing
and transformer line was cut for the
center of the satellite band.

A Cavity for 435 MHz

If your 435-MHz receiving system is

quite sensitive, chances are that you might

suffer desensing problems related to the
145-MHz uplink signal. This "Mode J
filter" should eliminate the problem. The
filter is inserted between the 435-MHz

antenna and the 435-MHz preamplifier or

1/4- X, 95-OHM 50-OHM LINE converter. The insertion loss is roughly 0.4
to 0.5 dB and the "nose" of the filter is
approximately 7 MHz wide. One impor-
tant feature of this filter is the excellent
Fig. 13 — A drawing of the switchable
polarization antenna system complete with roll-off characteristic lower in frequency
cable specifications. When calculating the than the passband. This allows a 50-dB at-
length of individual cable be sure to include tenuation (or more) of the 145-MHz
the velocity factor of the cables. " Fig. 14 — This is a drawing of the basic anten-
uplink signal frequency.
na System switchable right- or left-hand cir-
Most small plumbing businesses can cular polarization. The quarter-wavelength lines
supply you with the materials needed for between the antennas and the relay step up
construction. A local plumber cut several the antenna 50-ohm impedance to 100 ohms.
and 3-inch copper pipe The phasing line is made from 95-ohm coaxial
pieces of the 3/4-
a quarter-wavelength transformer bet- cable so as to provide a good match to the
and charged the writer only a few dollars.
100-ohm system. See text for a detailed
ween the antenna and the relay. This
Circuit-board material can be used for the description of the system.
quarter wavelength of 75-ohm line steps
top and bottom plates. Silver plating all of
up the 50-ohm impedance of each antenna
the parts is a good idea to protect against
to roughly 100 ohms. As shown in the
poor contacts. However, this is not man-
drawing, each fixed contact of the relay is
datory. The dimensions for the filter are
also connected to the quarter-wavelength
given in Fig. 15.
(90-degree) section of cable that acts as
the phasing line. The phasing line was
EME thus presents amateurs with the

constructed from RG-133/Uwhichcable, EARTH-MOON-EARTH ultimate challenge in strengthening radio

has a characteristic impedance of 95 Popularly known as moonbounce, systems. Before amateur involvement the
only other known moon relay circuit was
ohms. This provides a very close match to EME is the second-most popular method
OSCAR. operated by the U.S. Navy between
the 100-ohm impedance of the system. If of space communication after
RG-133/U proves difficult to locate, RG- The concept is straightforward: Stations Washington, DC and Hawaii. Their 400
63/U (125-ohm impedance) may be used which can simultaneously see the moon megawatts of effective radiated power
with a slightly higher mismatch. As can be communicate by reflecting vhf and uhf carried four multiplexed RTTY channels.

seen in the drawing the phasing line is signals off the lunar surface. Unlike The two-way amateur link took place
first .

always in series with the system feed point OSCAR, though, the two stations have a between the Eimac Radio Club, W6HB,
and one of the antennas. As shown, the relatively stable target and maybe and the Rhodendron Swamp VHF
Society, W1BU, on 1296 MHz in July
antenna on the left receives energy 90 separated by virtually 180 degrees of arc
degrees ahead of the one on the right. If on the earth's surface, which translates to 1960. Only a few amateurs heard anything

the relay were switched, just the opposite more than A 1,000 miles (17,600 km). more than their own echoes during the
would be true. There is a trade off, though; Since the next few years. Hams at government and
not necessary to use single moon's mean distance from earth is private institutions began conducting tests
In reality it is

quarter wavelengths of line. For example, 239,000 miles (385,000 km), path losses with other hams by using very large arrays
the 75-6hm impedance transforming lines are huge when compared to "local" vhf such as the 150-foot (45.7-m) steerable
between each antenna and the relay could work. Thus, each station on an EME cir- dish at WA6LET (Stanford University) or
be any odd multiple of one quarter cuit demands the most out of the the 1000-foot (305-m) parabolic surface at

wavelength, such as 3/4, 5/4, 7/4 transmitter, antenna, receiver and KP4BPZ (Arecibo). Amateur-to-amateur

wavelength, etc. The same is true for the operator skills. Even with all those factors contacts did not become established until
95- or 125-ohm phasing line. One must in an optimum state, the signal in the the early 70s, a notable effort being be-

keep track while using different lengths headphones may be barely perceptible tween VE7BBG and WA6HXW.

for the phasing line. This is especially true above the noise. Nevertheless, for any spread to all —
except South

when figuring out which position of the type of amateur communication over a America. In July 1976, the Mt. Airy VHF
relay will yield left-hand
right- or distance of 500 miles or more at 432 MHz, Club of Philadelphia (Packrats) staged an
polarization. The apt to find
builder is for example, moonbounce comes out the expedition to Barraquilla, Colombia,
that it will be necessary to use one of the winner over terrestrial methods when which allowed K2UYH to become the first
odd multiples of a quarter wavelength various factors are figured on a balance amateur to work all continents on 432
since a single quarter wavelength of line, sheet. MHz.
Specialized Communications Systems 14-9

universal operating procedure will evolve.

Parts List

Piece No.
© EME Scheduling
1 Pipe, Copper Cut ends square. The best days to schedule are usually
3" dia. 5" long Drill or punch for
when the moon is at perigee (closest to the
connectors 3-3/4"
from bottom. earth) since the path loss is typically 2 dB
Pipe, Copper less than when the moon is at apogee (far-
Solder to center
3/4" dia. 4" long of 10 thest from the earth). The moon's perigee
Disc, Copper Drill thru center. and apogee dates are listed monthly in Sky
3/4" dia. Solder solid hook and Telescope. If the distances are located
1/16" -
1/8" thick up wire between
on the EME Path Loss Nomograph, Fig.
disc and connector
to space disc
16, the nominal EME path loss can be
3/16" Jrom pc 2. determined readily for the most popular
Disc, Copper Drill thru center.
frequencies. The moon follows a sine-
3/4" dia. Solder solid hook FROM BOTTOM wave orbit pattern. Hence, the day-to-day
1/16" - 1/8" thick up wire between
path changes at apogee and perigee are
disc and connector
to space-disc minor. The greatest changes take place at
3/16" from pc 2. the time when the moon is traversing be-
Connector, Coax BNC, SMA or N tween apogee and perigee.
type. Solder to
Also the SD (semi-diameter in minutes
prevent turning.
For large
of arc), listed in Tables 4 through 7, can
connector use be translated into apogee and perigee by
chassis punch use of the EME Path Loss Nomograph.
Connector, Coax BNC, SMA or N An SD of 16.53 is an approximate earth-
type. Solder to
to-moon distance of 225,000 miles (typical
prevent turning.
For large perigee), and an SD of 14.7 is an approxi-
connector use 5) The receiving system should have a mate distance of 252,500 miles (typical
chassis punch. very low noise figure and sharp filters. apogee). However, there are several other
Nut, Brass Don't let these requirements scare you! factors that must be considered for op-
1/4"— 20 hex
Most EME-ers started out as listeners, timum scheduling besides the path loss.
Nut, Brass
1/4"-20 hex
and in the' first, second and third ARRL If perigeeoccurs near the time of a new
P/C Board, Drill hole in center
International EME Competition opera- moon, one to two days will be unusable
double sided. to clear 1/4-20 bolt
more than a
tors with nothing single Yagi, since proximity of the moon to the sun's
Top 4" x 4". Solder 7 and 8 preamplifier and multimode transceiver orbit will cause increased sun-noise •
each side of hole. were hearing the stronger stations. For pickup. Therefore, schedules should be
(Use bolt 11 to
those who are seriously interested in avoided when the moon is within 10° of
hold nuts in place
when soldering.)
assembling a complete station, the Eimac the sun (and farther
if your antenna has a
10 P/C Board, Solder 2 Division of Varian has assembled a com- wide beam or strong side lobes). Lately,
in center.
double sided. prehensive package, on the technical perigee usually occurs near new moon in
Bottom 4" x details. Write to Eimac, 301 Industrial the summer and near full moon in the
Bolt, Brass Insert thru 12 Way, San Carlos, CA
94070. winter. These references to seasons apply
1/4-20 x 3" then thru 7 and
A short section about operating tech- only to the northern hemisphere. Hence,
Locking Nut, To hold piece 1
niques is offered as a guide to the begin- it is usually easier to schedule in the
Brass after resonance
1/4-20 Hex adjustment. ner. It should be noted, however, that the daytime in the summer and during the
J from one band to another to
details differ nighttime in the winter. The fall and
some degree. Such differences are slight, spring seasons are a toss-up. The moon's
Fig. 15 — Details of the "Mode J desense filter.'
and should cause no great concern. perigee does shift during its 18- to 19-year
Perhaps as the ranks grow an accepted cycle so this rule will not always apply and

Through the efforts of these early

pioneers and others, the state of the art
has progressed such that most of the com-
ponentsfor an EME station on
144 or 432
MHz are now
commercially available.
Whether a prospective EME-er chooses
that route or builds all the gear, some
design considerations must be taken
because it is weak-signal work.
1) Transmissions must be made on cw
or ssb with as close to the maximum legal
input as possible.
2) The antenna should have at least 20
dB of gain over a dipole.
3) As with an OSCAR
antenna system,
rotators are needed for both azimuth and
elevation. Since the half-power beam-
width of a high-gain antenna is quite
O +0.4 +0.8 +1.2 +1.6 +2.0
sharp, the rotators must have an ap- ADDITIONAL PATH LOSS IN DECIBELS
propriate accuracy.
4) Transmission-line losses should be Fig. 16 —Variations in EME path loss can be determined from this graph. SD refers to the semi-
held to a minimum. diameter of the moon, which is indicated at the bottom of each page in the Nautical Almanac.

14-10 Chapter 14
. :

of the month for January through June 1981 The 2nd and 4th
Rmt'n wtch hour anale fGHA) and declination (decl.) of the'moon at 0000 UTC for each day
indicates the semi-diameter <SD*f the moon ,n minutes of arc. See
Snl indicat^'hour,? increments
for GHA and did., respectively. The 5th column
text for full


227. 80 14 488 —0 034 15 3 1 246. 38 14. 4*78 -20. 17 -8. 887 15. 3
1 241 28 14. 555 -9 90 -0 143 14. 8 1
214, 53 463 -20
233 85 14 463 -20. 35 8. 837 15. 5
230 52 14. 535 -13 34 -8 122 14 9 2 14. j-1

-20. 07 056 c %
15. 6 220 96 14 455 -19. 46 8. 084 15. 7
219 37 14 513 -16 28 -8 094 15. 8 3 201. 65 14. 453
452 -18 72 102 A 207 88 14. 453 -17. 45 8. 128 16
4 207 67 14. 490 -18 53 -8. 859 15. 1 4 188, 53 14. 0.
-16. 27 143 16 194 75 14, 456 -14. 37 0. 167 16. 2
5 195. 45 14. 473 -19. 95 -8. 818 15. 3 5 175. 38 14. 458 0.

467 -12. 83 16 1 181 69 14 46@ -18. 36 8. 196 16. 3

182 79 14 462 -28. 37 8. 827 15. 4 6 162. 38 14.
6 -5 67 0. 212 16. 4
7 149 58 14. 4^5 —8. 61 16 2 168, 73 14. 463
7 169. 87 14 460 -19 72 8 073 15. 6
137 88 A
A A Of*
4eW -3. 87 0. 20 ( 8 155 ^% 14 462 -0. 58 0. 214 16. 5
156. 91 14 465 -17 98 115 15 7 8
8 4
A ACtCi 14. 457 56 0. 202 16.
9 144 m 14. 475 -15 21 151 15. 8 9
14. 4ot3
14 473 j. 99
0. 189
16 2
16. 2 10
<j 142 92
123 90 14 449
9. 40 0. 176 ie:4
18 131 49 14 485 -11. 59 8 179 15. 9
39 462 53 0. 163 16. 1 11 116 68 14 441 13. 64 8. 140 16. 2
119. 13 14. 491 -7. 38 8. 196 16 8 11 99. 14. 10.
11 0.095 16. 1
12 86 48 14 449 127 \f' 12 183 26 14. 435 16. 99
12 106 92 14. 492 -2. 59 8 283
16. 1
13 17 50 083 16. 13 89. 70 14. 435 19. 27 8. 846 15. 9
13 94 73 14, 485 2 29 8. 199 IS. 1
14 =Q
j., 81 14 4"^6 19 50 015 15. 9 14 76. 14 14. 444 20. 37 78. 004 15. 7
14 82 37 14. 472 7 07 8. 184 16. 2
441 —0, 015 15 62. 79 14. 460 20. 28 -8. 051 15. 6
15 69 70 14, 454 11.48 157 16. 2 15 46 26 14. 20 34
16 49 83 14. 482 19. 06 -0. 892 15. 4
8. 119 16 1 16 32. 86 14 457 19. 98 —0. 061 15. 6
16 56. 60 14, 437 15 25 -8. 125 15. 3
18 51 -0 102 15 5 17 37 39 14. 506 16. 86
18. 11 6, 073
17 '43. 88 14. 424 -8, 149 15. 2
-0 133 18 25. 52 14. 528 13. 86
14. 421 19. 85 0. 821 16. 8 ,18 7. 30 14. 564 16. 07 15 3
18 29 25 14. 28 14. 548 10 28 -0, 166 15.
19 355 39 14. 528 12 88 -0. 156 15. 2 19
19 15. 37 14. 431 28. 36 -0. 838 15. 9
20 3. 34 14. 562 6. 29 -8. 175 14. 9
14. 452 19. 63 -8. 877 15 7 28 344. 85 14. 548 9. 14 -0. 169 15. 1
26 1. 72 21 352 82 14. 570 2. 10 -8. 176 14. 8
21 333 28 14. 563 5. 07 -0. 175 15.
21 348. 57 14. 480 17. 79 -8. 115 15. 5 -8. 171 14. 8
22 342. 50 14. 572 -2. 13
22 322. 78 14, 571 0. 87 -0. 174 14. 9
22 336. 09 14. 589 15. 04 -8 143 15 4 -8. 168 14, 7
-6. 23

-0. 167 8 23 332. 23 14. 568

11 61 -8. 161 15. 2 23 312. 48 14. 572 -3. 31 14.
23 324. 31 14. 535 -10. 08 -8. 143 14. 7
567 -0„ 154 14. 8 24 321. 87 14. 560
7 74 -8. 171 15. 8 24 302. 13 14. T 7 32
24 313. 16 14. 556 -13 52 -8 121 14. 7
25 291. 73 14. 555 -11. 03 -0. 136 14. 8 25 311. 30 14. 546
25 302 50 14 569 .3. 63 -8. 174 14. 9
8 26 300. 41 14. 530, -16. 42 -8. 893 14. 8
26 281. 86 14. 539 -14. 30 -0. 113 14, '

26 292. 16 14. 575 -8. 55 -0. 171 14. 8 -8. 868 9

519 -17 01 -0. 084 14. 9 27 289, 12 14. 512 -18. 65 14.
14. 572 -4 66 -0. 163 14. 8 27 269. 99 14.
27 281 95 495 -20. 08 -8. 822 15. 1
28 258. 44 14. 497 -19. 01 -0. 048 15. 1 28 277. 41 14.
28 271 69 14 563 -8. 56 -8. 149 14. 8
15. 3
29 265. 29 14. 481 -20. 60 0. 821
29 261 20 14 547 -12. 13 -8. 138 14. 8
30 252. 83 14. 471 -29 11 8. 865 15. 5
30 250 32 14. 526 -15 24 -8. 104 14. 9

31 240. 13 14. 466 -18. 54' 8. 109 15. 7

31 238 94 14. 503 -17 75 -8. 073 15. 1


4 1 201. 12 14. 418 12 86 163 16 7

1 227 30 14. 463 -15. 92 8. 150 16 8 1 221. 18 14. 468 -5. 20 216
8. 16.
-0 02 2 186. 96 14. 398 16. 78 116 16 6
214: 43 462 -12. 31 8. 185 16. 2 2 208. 48 14 454 221
8. 16. 6
2 14.
858 16. 5
195. 31 436 5. 29 0. 211 16. 7 3 172. 32 14, 383 19 55 0.
14. 468 87 8. 289 16. 4 3 14.
3 201. 52 -7,
16 7 4 157. 51 14. 393 28. 94 -0 802 16 3
4 181. 78 14. 417 10 34 0. 183
4 188, 56 14, 455 -2, 85 0. 220 16 6 -0 857 16
488 0. 141 16. 7 5 14Z 93 14, 418 20. 89 1.

0. 216 16. 7 5 167. 78 14. 14. 74^

5 175. 47 14. 445 2. 44 -0. 103 15. 8
14. 393 12 0. 088 16. 5 6 128 96 14. 453 13. 51
162. 16 14. 433 63 8. 196 16. 6 6 153 39 18.
6 7.
14 489 17 84 -0. 137 15. 6
7 138. 82 14. 399 20. 23 030 16. 3 7 115. 82
7 148. 56 14 422 12. 32 0. 161 16. 5
-0. 026 183. 57 14. 523 13 76 -0. 160 15. 3
S 124. 48 14. 419 20. 94 16. 8
8 134. 69 14. 415 16. 18 8. 115 16. 4
-8. 874 8 9 92. 11 14. 549 9. 92 -8. 173 15 1
9 118. 46 14. 449 28. 32 15.
9 128. 64 14. 416 18. 93 0. 062 16. 2 -8. 179
-8. 113 IS!5 18 81. 28 14. 566 5. 76 15.
009 10 97. 23 14. 483 18. 53
10 186. 62 14. 427 28. 42 16.
-0. 179 14. 9
82 -8. 142 is. 3 11 78. 87 14. 575 1. 45
-8 041 15. 7 11 84. 81 14. 514 15.
11 92. 86 14. 447 28. 63 -2. 85 -8 173 14. 8
73. 16 14. 541 42 -8, 161 15. 1 12 60. 68 14. 576
12 79. 59 14. 474 19. 64 -0 084 15. 5 12 12.
-8, 173 13 50 51 14. 570 -7. 80 -8 161 14. 7
-0. 119 13 62. 14 14. 561 8. 55 15,
13 66. 96 14 501 17 62 15. 3
-10. 88 -8. 144 14. 7
14. 573 4 48 -8. 178 14, 9 14 40. 13 14. 558
14. 77 -0. 145 15. 2 14 51. 68
14 54. 99 14. 527 -0. 121 14. 8
14 -8. 177 14 8 15 29. 57 14. 541 -14. 34
-0. 163 15 15 41. 35 14. 577 0.
15 43. 65 14. 548 11. 38 -17. 23 -0. 031 14 8
31. 21 14, 575 -4. 10 -8. 169 14. 7 -16 18. 56 14. 523
16 32. 81 14. 564 7. 39 -0. 173 14. 9 16
17 -0. 156 14. 7 17 7. 11 14. 506 -19 42 -8 056 14, 9
23 -0. 177 8 17 21. 88 14 566 -8.
17 22. 33 14. 572 3. 14.
-8. 137 14. 7 18 355. 25 14. 493 -20. 75 -0. 015 15, 8
-0. 174
18 10. 59 14. 553 -11. 92
18 12. 87 14. 575 -1. 02 14. 8
-21. 12 0. 827 15. 1
19 359. 87 14. 537 -15. 21 -0. 112 14 7 19 343. 88 14. 486
19 i 86 14. 571 -5 28 -0 165 14. 7
14. 521 -17, 89 -8, 088 14. 8 20 338. 75 14. 486 -20. 47 8. 870 15. 2
351. 57 14. 563 -9. 17 -0 158 14. 7 20 348 76
20 -18. 79 0. 110 15. 4
21 337. 25 14. 506 -19. 82 -0. 844 14. 9 21 318. 42 14. 431
21 341. 07 14. 558 -12. 77 -8 129 14 7
325 40 14. 495 -20. 88 -8. 884 15. 8 22 306. 21 14. 498 -16. 14. 146 15. 5
22 338. 26 14. 535 -15. 87 -8. 182 14. 7 22
97 838 15. 1 23 294. 17 14. 504 -12. 63 175 15. 7
-0. 078 14. 8 23 313. 29 14. 490 -20.
23 319. 09 14. 519 -18. 33
-28 01 -0. 033 14. 9 24 301. 05 14. 498 -20. 05 8. 080 15. 3 24 282. 25 14. 505 -8. 43 8 196 15. 9
24 307. 54 14 584
14. 492 -18. 12 8, 128 15. 4 25 270. 36 14. 499 -3. 72 8. 288 16. 8
14. 493 -20 80 0. 067 15. 1 25 288. 80
25 295 64 16. 2
24 0. 155 6 26 258. 34 14. 485 1 28 0. 210
-20 62 050 15. 2 26 276. 62 14. 495 -15. 15.
26 283. 47 14. 486
184 15. 9 27 245. 98 14 464 6. 32 0. 199 16 3
27 271. 13 14. 482 -19 42 0. 093 15. 4 27 264. 58 14. 495 -11. 52
28 233. 11 14. 438 11. 09 0. 174 16. 4
133 15. 7 28 252 39 14. 490 -7. 10 8. 205 16. 1
28 258. 70 14. 481 -17. 19
216 16. 3 29 219. 61 14. 411 15. 28 0. 135 16.5
246. 24 14 488 -14 00 169 15. 9 29 240. 15 14. 478 -2. 17
29 18. 52 0. 084 16. 5
227 64 14. 460 81 8. 214 16. 5 38 285. 48 14. 392
38 233. 75 14. 476 -9. 94 0. 198 16. 2 38 3.

31 214. 67 14. 435 8. 14 0. 197 16. 6

sities.Generally, low elevation angles in- been used very effectively at 144 MHz,
must be modified accordingly.
crease antenna-noise pickup and increase but has been more elusive above 420
Low moon declinations and low aiming
tropospheric absorption, especially above MHz. It is hoped that current tests on 144
elevation generally produce poor results
420 MHz, where the galactic noise is very and 432 MHz, using this mode of propa-
and should be avoided if possible. Con-
low. This situation cannot be avoided gation, will yield more predictable results.
versely, high moon declinations and high
when one station is unable to elevate the Usually, signals are stronger in the fall
elevation angles should yield best results.
antenna above the horizon or when there and winter months and weaker in the sum-
Good results are usually obtained when
a great terrestrial distance between sta- mer. Also, signals are generally better at
both stations are using similar elevation is

tions. Ground gain (gain obtained when night than during the day. This may be at-
angles, since then both stations are look-
the antenna is aimed at the horizon) has tributable to decreased ionization or less
ing through comparable electron den-
Specialized Communications Systems
Table 5
GHA and decl. of the moon at 0000 UTC for each day of the month for July through December 1981. Hourly increments for-GHA and decl. and the moon's
SD are also indicated.



1 190 89 14 387 -0 025 16 4 167 19 14 488 -0

r:0 ..<< J 16.54 147 35 7 3 151 96 14 560 1 62-8 186 15 1
2 176 18 14 4W 21 13 t" 834 16 2 2 154 71 14 513 13. 02 -0 170 15 5 2 141 33 14 565 -2 85 -0. 178 14 9
3 161. 78 14 427 3? -0 086 16 3 142 97 14 537 S 94 -0 182 15 -7 -0 164
3 130 96 14 564 13 14 8
4 . 148 03 14 462 t~ -0 127 15 8 4 131 86 14 556 4 56 -8 186 15 -11 -8 145
1 4 120 49 14 556 87 14 8
5 135 13 14 498 15 ''l' -B 156 15 6 5 121 20 14 566 0. 11 -0. 182 15 8 109 83 14 543 -14 -0 120
5 54 14 8
e 123 08 14 529 13 47 -0 173 15 4 6 110 73 14 569 -4 26 -8 172 1.4 9 6 98 88 14 521 -17 41 -0 890 14 8
111 78 14 552 31 -0 182 15 ^ 7 100 44 14 564 -8. 40 -0 157 14 8 7 87 39 1.4 517 -19 56 -0. 055 14 9

181 04 14 567 36 182 15 8 89 98 14 553 -12, 17 -0 137 14 8 8 75 79 14 495 -20 87-0. 015 15
9 90 65 14 573 -\ 42 -0 177 14 9 9 79 24 34 537 -15 45 -0 111 14 -21
8 9 63 67 14 483 23. 8. 029 15 2
10 80 41 14 571 68 -0 167 14 8 10 63 12 14 5:18 -IS. 10 -0 079 14 -20
9 10 51. 27 14. 477 54 073 15. 4
11 70 12 14 562 -9 68 -0 158 14 8 11 56 54 14 499 -20. 00 -0 042 15 11 38 71 14 476 -18 79 0. 117 15 6
12 59 61 14 547 -13 29 -0 129 14 8 12 44 53 14 485 -21. 00 000 15 1 -15
12 26 3.3 14 478 98 0. 156 15 8
13 48 74 14 529 -16 38 -0 101 14 "8
13 32 IS 14 476 -21 00 045 15 -12
13 13 68 14 481 25 0. 188 16.
14 42 14 509 -18 81 -0 068 14 9 14 19 58 14 474 -1.9 93 083 15 4 -7
14 1 14 14, 482 75 0. 209 16. 2
15 64 14 493 -20 43 -0 828 15 15 6 95 14 478 -17 79 8 130 15 6 1.5 348 72 14. 488 —2. 218 16. ^
16 13 47 14 482 -21 11 015 15 1 16 354 42 14 485 -14 66 165 15 8 IS 336 23 14. 472 2 51 0, 214 16. 3
17 '
3 04 14 478 -20 76 8 059 13 \ 17 342. 06 14 432 -10 63 0. 191 15 3 17 323. 55 14 459 7 S4 0. 196 16. 3
18 34S 52 14 482 -19 101 15 4 18 329 86 14 495 207 16. 18 318. 56 14 443 12. 33 164 16 3
19 336 08 14 489 -16 92 139 15 19 317 73 34. 432 '-111 8 213 16 19 297. 19 14 429 16. 27
1 0. 122 2
28 323 14 498 -13 58 170 .15 20 305 14 483 3 95 203 1 20 283 49 428 19 19
1.6 14. 071 16. 1
21 311 78 1.4 504 -9 50 192 15 8 21 293 14 14 468 8 83 183 16 2
21 269 57^ 14. 42:1 28. 98 8. 017 16.
299 86 14 504 -4. 88 205 15 9 22 288 38 14 450 1.3 23 152 IS 2 22 255 67 14. 432 21. 38 -0. 837 15. 9
23 287 96 14 497 0. 05 288 16 23 267. 17 14 432 16 88 1.10 16. 1 23 242. 85 14 453 20. 42 -0. 085 15. 7
24 89 14 483 5 04 0. 199 16. 1 24 253 53 14 419 19 51 059 16 1 24 228 32 14 479 18. 39 -0. 125 15 6
263 47 14 461 9 31 :17S 16 2 25 239 60 14. 417 20. 94 8 005 IS. 25 216. 41 14 505 15 40 -8 155 15. 5
26 250 54 14 437 14 08 8 145 16 26 225 61 14 428 21. 05 -0.049 15 9 26 284 53 14 528 11. 69 -0. 175 15 3
27 237 04 14 415 17 56 100 16 27 211. 88 14 443 13 89 -0 896 15 8 27 393 21 14 547 7. 48 -8. 186 15. 2
28 223 01 14. 483 19 95 046 16 28 198. 65 14.475 17 58 -8 135 15 28 182 33 14. 559 3. 02 -0. 188 15. 1
29 208 67 14 404 21 06 -8 011. 16 29 186 06 14 503 14 34 -0 163' 15. 5 29 171. 74 14. 564 -1 50 -0. 183 14 9
30 194 1.4 420 20. 79 -0. S66 16. 1 30 174. 14 14 528 10. 43 -0 180 15. 4 30 163 29 14 564 90 -0 171 14 9
31 188 45 14 448 19. 22 -0. 112 15 9 31 162 82 14 547 6. 12 -0 187 15. 2



1 130 82 14 558 -18 00 -0, 153 14 8 1 136 90 14 51.3 -28 64 -0 040 14. 8 1 131 29 14 585 -21 16 871 15
2 140 21 1.4 548 -13. 67 -8 129 14 125 14 505 -21 60 -0 008 14 8 2 119 40 3 4 589 -19 46 118 15 1
129 35 14 534 -16. 78 -8, 100 14 7 113 14 500 -21. 68 042 15 107 62 1.4 514 -3.6 82 8 145 15
4 118 18 14 520 -19. 18 -0. 066 14 8 4 101 34 14 499 -20 60 8 083 15. 1 95 96 14 517 -13 175
4 15 5
106 66 14 507 -28. 77 -0, 028 14 9 5 89 32 14 588 -18 68 8 123 15. 3 84 36 14 53 4 -9 1.2 8 133 15 8
6 94 82 14 496 -21. 45 8. 013 15 8 6 77 32 14 503. -15 64 159 15 6 6 72 69 14 503 -4 34 215 16
7 82 72 14 489 -21. 13 056 15. 2 7 65 34 14 498 -11 82 190 15. 8 7 60 76 14 484 8 82 220 16
8 70 46 14 486 -19. 78 0. 099 15 4 8 53 30 14 493 -7 26 8 213 16. 1 a 48 37 14 456 6 10 212 16
9 58 1.2 14 485 -17 39 0. 140 15 6 9 41 88 14 477 -2 16 0. 224 16. 4 35 3.4 424 .11 18 187 16 6
18 45 76 14 485 -14. 03 8. 176 15 9 10 28 52 14 456 3 23 8 222 16. 6 10 21 49 14 391 15 68 146 16
11 33 40 14 482 -9 81 0. 204 16. 1 11 15 46 14 430 8 57 0. 284 16. 7 ii S 89 14 369 19 18 8 089 16
12 20 97 14 476 -4 92 0. 221 16 3 12 1 79 14 404 13 47 0. 168 16. 7 12 74 14 364 21. 8 824 16 6
13 8 39 14. 464 0. 37 224 16 13 347. 48 14 384 17 51 0. 117 16. 7 13 48 14 381 21. 92 -8 040 16 5
14 355 54 14 448 5 75 0. 212 16. 6 14 332 70 14 378 20 33 057 16. 6 14 321 62 14 43 4 20 96 -8 896 16 2
15 342 29 14 429 18. 84 184 IS. 6 15 317 77 14 389 21. 69 -8. 806 16. 4 15 307 56 14 455 18. 66 -0. 138 16 8
16 328. 59 14 412 1.5. 26 8. 142 16. 16 303. 3.1 14. 416 21 55 -0. 863 16. 1 IS 294 47 14 494 15 33 -0 167 3 5
17 114 48 14. 403 18. 67 0. 889 4 17 289. 09 14. 451 20. 04 -0 110 15. 9 17 33 -0 184
16. 282 14 523 11 32 15
18 300. 15 14. 405 20 82 0. 032 16 2 18 275 92 14 488 17. 48 -8. 145 15. 6
18 270 99 14. 552 6 98 -0 191 15 2
19 285. 86 14 419 21. 58 -0. 025 19 263 63 14. 520 13. 93 -0 169 15. 4 -0 191
16. 13 260 24 14. 5S6 32 35
28 271 92 14. 444 20. 98 -8. 876 15. 8 20 252. 12 14 546 9 88 -0. 183 15. 2 20 249 S3 14. 572 -2 26 -8 134 14 9
21 258. 58 14 474 19. 16 -8. 117 15. 6 21 241 22 14. 563 5. 49 -0. 189 15. 1 21 239 56 14 570 -6. 67 -0 371 14. 8
22 245. 97 14. 504 16. 35 -0. 149 15 4 22 238. 72 14 571 0. 97 -0, 187 14. 9 22 229 23 14 5S1 -10. 77 -0 153 14
23 234. 07 14. 538 12. 78 -0. 171 15. 3 23 228. 43 14. 572 53 -0. 180 14. 8 23 218. 69 14 547 -14 43 -0 128 14 7
24 222. 78 14. 550 8. 68 -0. 184 15. 1 24 218 16 14. 5SS -7. 85 -0 166 14. 8, 24 207, 81 14 531 -17. 51 -0 098 14 7
25 211. 97 14 5S2 4. 27 -0. 188 15. 8 25 199. 75 14 555 -11. 84' -0. 146 14. 7 25 196. 55 14. 516 -19. 87 -0 863 14 7
26 281. 46 14. 568 -8. 25 -0. 186 14 9 26 189. 08 14 542 -15 35 -0. 120 14. 7 26 184. 93 14 505 -21 33 -8. 023 14. 8
27 191. 09 14 567 -4. 71 -8. 176. 14 8 27 178. 08 14. 527 -18. 23 -8. 888 14. 7 27 173 04 14 499 -21 35 0. 019 14 9
28 188. 71 14 561 -8. 95 -8. 168 14. 8 28 166. 73 14. 514 -28. 35 -8. 052 14. 7 28 1S1. 02 14. 580 -21 58 061 14 9
29 170 17 14 551 -12. 80 -0. 3 38 14. 7 29 155. 07 14 586 -21. 68 -0 812 14. 8 23 149. 83 14. 507 -20. 84 8. 181 15. 1
38 159, 39 14. 538 -16, 12 -0 111 14. 30 143. 22 14 503 -21. 88 0. 838 14. 3 38 137 19 14 515 -17 62 6. 136 15. 2
31 148. 31 14. 525 -18. 77 -0. 878 14 7 31 125. 56 14. 523 -14. 34 0. 166 15 3

Faraday rotation. Scorpius and southern

Sagittarius at of the week must be considered since most
Whenever the moon crosses the galactic declinations. Positions of the with moon of us have to work for a living and cannot
plane (twice a month for three to five days respect to these constellations can be always be available for schedules.
each occurrence), the sky temperature will checked with Sky and Telescope magazine Naturally, weekends and evenings are
be higher. Hence, some degradation (1 to or the Nautical Almanac. The galactic preferred, especially when perigee occurs
2 dB) may be observed, especially above plane is biased toward southern declina- on a weekend.
420 MHz where the normal background tions, which will cause southerly declina-
sky temperature is lower. Areas of the sky tions to be less desirable (with respect to General Considerations
to avoid are the constellations Orion and noise) than are northern declinations. It helps to know your own EME win-
Gemini at northern declinations and Finally, the time of the day and the day dow as accurately as possible. This can be

14-12 Chapter 14
Table 6 '

GHA and decl. of the sun 0000 UTC for each day of the month
at for January through June 1981. Hourly increments for GHA and decl. are also indicated.
An eclipse of the sun occurs on February 4 and 5.



999 -17 18 812 1 176. 88 15. 002 -7 70. 8 016

1 179 15 1.4.995 -23 03 003 1 176 61 14.
-16 90 012 2 176 93 15, 002 -7 32 8. 016
2 179 03 14 995 -22 94 8 084 2 176 14. 999
999 -16 61 0. 012 3 176 98 IS, 002 -6. 94 016-
178 91 14. 995 -22 85 084 176 54 14.
176, 52 14 999 -16 31 a. 012 4 177. 83 15. 002 -6. 55 8 016
4 178 80 14, 995 -22 75 0. 804 4
-22 64 005 5 176 50 14. 999 -16. 01 a. 013 5 177 09 15. 002 -6. 17 0. 016
178 69 14 995
005 176, 48 14 999 -15 71 013 6 177 15 15. 002 -5. 78 8. 816
6 178. 57 14 995 -22, 53 6
-22. 41 _ 8 005 176, 46 14 999 -15 40 013 7 177. 20 15 003 -5. 39 816
7 178, 46 14 995 7
-22 28 006 176, 45 15 000 -15 08 0. 013 8 177. 26 15. 003 -5, 01 8. 816
8 178 36 14 996 8
9 177 15. 003 -4. 62 8 01.6
9 178. 25 14 996 -22. 14 006 9 176, 44 15 008 -14. 77 013
00 8. 006 15 800 -14. 45 014 10 177 39 15. 003 -4. 22 816
18 178. 15 14 996 -22. 10 176. 43
14 996 -21 85 0. 007 176 43 15. 000 -14 12 014 11 177. 45 15 003 -3. 83 0. 016
11 178. 85 11.

95 14 996 -21 69 007 12 176. 43 15. 000 -13 79 0. 014 12 177 52 15. 003 -3. 44 0. 016
12 177
000 -13 46 a 014 13 177. 53 15. 083 _3 05 0. 01.6
13 177 85 14, 996 -21. 53 007 13 176 43 15.
14 996 -21 36 088 14 176. 44 15. 000 -13 12 014 14 177 65 15. 003 -2. 65 016
14 177 76
-21 18 80S 15 176. 45 15 001 -12 78 014 IS 177. 72 15. 003 -2. 26 8. 016
\ ^ 177 67 14 996
176. 46 001 -12 43 014 16 177. 80 15. 803 -1. 86 0. 016
16 177 !» 14 997 -20. 99 008 16 15.

80 008 17 176 48 15 001 -12 89 015 1.7 177 87 15. 003 -1. 47 017
17 177 50 14 397 -20.
18 176 50 15 001 -11 74 8 015 18 177 94 15. 003 -1. 07 0. 016
1.8 177 42 14 997 -20 60 009
19 176 52 15 001 -11 38 8 015 19 178 01 15 003 -0 68 0. 816
19 177 .34 14 997 -20 40 009
20 176 54 15. 001 -11 03 015 20 178. 09 IS 003 -0 28 0. 016
20 177 26 14 997 -20 18 009
-10 67 015 21 178 16 15 003 0. 12 0. 016
21 177 19 14 997 -19 97 8 009 21 176 57 15 801
176 60 15 001 -10 30 015 22 178 24 15 883 51 0. 016
22 177 12 14 997 -19 74 010 22
-19 23 176 64 15 001 -9 94 015 23 178 31 15 083 90 016
21 177 85 14 997 51 0. 010
15 002 -9 015 24 178 39 15 003 1 30 0. 016
24 176 99 14 998 -19 28 a 010 24 176 67
002 -9 20 016 25 1.78 46 15 003 1 69 0. 016
25 176 93 14 998 -19 03 010 176 71 15
002 -8 83 016 26 178 54 15 003 2 08 0. 016
26 176 88 14 398 -18 79 011 26 176 75 15
-8 816 27 178 62 15 003 2 48 0. 016
27 176. 82 14 998 -:18 8 an 176 79 15 802 46
-8 08 016 28 178 69 15 003 2 87 0. 016
28 176 77 14. 998 -18.27 0, an 28 176 84 15 002
-18 01 an 23 178. 77 15 003 3 26 016
29 176 73 14 998
30 178 84 15 083 3 65 0. 016
38 176 68 14. 998 -17 74 812
31 178 92 15 883 4 04 0. 016
31 176 64 14. 998 -17 46 8 012



180. 72 15. 081 14. 98 0. 013 1 180 59 14 998 22 01 8 006'

1 178. 99 15 003 4 42 016 1
2 180. 75 15 081 15 28 012 186. 55 14. 998 22 15 8. 005
2 179. 07 15 003 4 81 816
180. 78 15 001 15. 58 012 180. 51 14 998 22. 005
3 179 14 15. 003 5 19 016 3

4 188. 81 15 001 15. 88 a 012 4 188. 47 14. 998 40

4 179. 22 15. 003 5 58 016
012 5 180. 42 14 998 22 51 0. 005
179 29 003 5 96 016 5 180 S3 15. 001 16 16 0.
5 15.
6 180 85 15 001 16 45 012 6 188. 38 14 998 22 62
6 179 36 15. 003 6 34 016
012 180. 14 998 22. 72 0: 004
6 71 016 7 180. 87 15. 001 16 73
7 179. 43 15 003 0. 084
8 180 88 15. 001 17 00 011 8 180 29 1.4. 998 22. 82
8 179. 50 15. 003 7 89 016
180. 90 15 000 17 27 ' 011 9 180 24 14, 998 22: 31 a 003
179 57 15 003 7 46 0. 015 9
9 33 0. 083
180. 91 008 17 54 011 18 180 19 14, 998 22.
15. 003 7 83 015 10 15.
10 179 64 -
180 14 14 998 23 06 a 883
11 180 92 15. 800 17 30 0. 011 11
11 179. 71 15. 003 8 20 015 803
12 180 92 15. 000 18 06 010 12 180 09 14. 998 23 13
12 179, 77 15. 003 8 57 015
010 13 180 04 14 338 IS 0. 002
8 93 015 13 180 93 15 000 18 31.
13 179. 84 15. 003
14 180. 93 15 000 18 010 14 179 99 14 998 23 25 082
14 179 90 15. 003 9 .30 015 082
15 180 93 15 008 IS 79 010 1.5 173 93 14 998 23 38
15 179 96 15 003 9 65 015
15 000 1.9 03 010 16 179 83 14 998 34 a 001
16 180. 02 15. 083 10 01 015 16 180 93 0.
23 '0 aei
17 180. 92 15 000 19. 26 009 17 179. 83 14 998
17 180. 08 15. 802 10 37 015
18 180 92 15 800 19 48 a 009 18 173 77 14 998 23 40 a 001
18 180. 14 15 002 10. 72 014
19 70 009 19 179 72 14 938 23 42 001
19 180 20 15. 002 11 07 014 13 180 91 15 000
19 91 009 20 179 67 14 393 23 43 008
20 180. 25 15. 082 11 41 014 20 180 90 14 999
21 179 61 14 998 23 44 -0 000
15. 002 11 75 014 21 180 88 14 999 20 12 8 008
21 180. 30 14 998 23 44 -0 000
22 180 87 14 999 20 a 008 22 179 56
22 180. 36 15 002 12. 09 014 -8 001
808 23 179 50 14 998 23 43
12 43 014- 23 180 85 14 999 .20 52
23 180. 40 15. 002 -8
180 83 14 999 20 71 008 24 179 45 14 938 23 42 001
24 180 45 15. 002 12. 76 8. 014 24
007 25 179 40 14 998 23 40 -8 881
25 180. 50 15. 002 13 09 014 25 180 80 14 999 20 39
26 173 34 14 998 -8 881
15. 002 13 41 013 26 180 78 14 999 21 07 ea?
26 180 54 34 -0 882
27 180 75 14 999 21 24 087 27 173 29 14 998
27 180. 58 15. 002 13 73 013 -0
14 999 21, 41 007 28 179 24 14 398 30 882
28 180. 62 15. 002 14 05 013 28 130 72
29 179 19 14 998 23 25 -0 802
180. 66 001 14 37 013 29 180 69 14 399 21 57 086
29 15. .

23 13 -a 883
14 999 21 72 006 30 173 14 14 938
30 180 69 15. 001 14 68 013 30 180 66
31 188 62 14 998 21 87 886

EME stations are limited in some way by systems exhibit some pattern skewing
determined best with the help of the charts
and tables discussed in a later section of local obstructions, antenna-mounting which must be accounted for: A simple
calibration method is to peak your anten-
this chapter. Most EME operators deter- constraints, geographical considerations,
mine their local window and translate it and the like. Therefore, the accuracy of na on received sun noise and then align
EME window is very impor- the boresight tube on the sun. The
into GHA (Greenwich hour angle) and each station's
tant for locating common windows and boresight of the antenna is now calibrated
declination. This information is a con-
stant, so once it is determined it is usable setting schedule times. and can be used to aim the antenna at the
by other stations just as one would use A some type is practically
boresight of moon. Readers are cautioned against us-
UTC. Likewise, it helps to know the win- mandatory order to align your antenna
in ing a telescope or other device employing
accurately with the moon. Most antenna lenses as a boresight device! Even the best
dow of the station to be scheduled. Most
Specialized Communications Systems 14-13
Table 7 ,
GHA and decl. of the sun 0000 UTC at for each day of the month for July through December 1981 Hourly increments . for GHA and decl. are also indicated
An eclipse of the sun occurs on July 31.



1 179 09 14. 998 23. 13 -8 083 1 178 43 15. 881 10 -0. 011
18. 1 179. 97 15 003 3. 40 —0 015
2 179 04 14. 998 23 86 -0. 003 2 178 45 15. 001 17. 85 -0 011 2 188 05 —0
15 003 8. 03 815
? 178 99 14. 998 22. 99 -0 003 178. 46 001 17 59 -0. 011
15. 3 180. 13 15. 003 7. 67 —0 015
4 173 94 14. 998 22. 91 -0 084 4 178. 48 001 17. 33 -8 011
15. 4 188. 21 15. 883 30 -0 015
5 178 90 14 998 22 82 -0. 004 5 178 51 15. 881 17. 06 -0. 011 5 180. 29 003 -0
15. 6. 93 015
6 173 86 14. 998 22. 72 -0. 884 6 178. 53 15. 881 16. 79 -0. 011 180. 38 —0
15. 804 6. 56 016
7 178. 81 14. 998 22. 62 -8. 005 178. 56 15. 001 16. 51 -0. 012 7 180. 46 15. 004 6. 19 -0 816
8 178. 77 14. 998 22. 51 -0. 005 8 173. 59 15. 001 16. 23 -0. 012 s 180. 55 15. 904 g 81 -8 016
9 173. 74 14. 998 22. 40 -0. 885
9 178. 62 15. 001 15. 95 -0 012 188. 63 15 004 5. 44 -0 016
ia 178. 70 14. 999 22. 28 -0. 885 10 178. 66 15. 002 15. 66 -0 812 18 180 72 15 004 06 -0 016
n 178. 66 14. 999 22. 15 -0. 886 11 178 70 15. 002 15. 36 -0. 012 11 188. 81 15. 004
4. 68 -0. 016
12 173. 63 14. 999 22. 82 -0. 886 -0
12 178. 74 15. 002 15. 07 813 12 180 90 15. 004 4. 30 -0. 016
13 178. 60 14- 999 21. 88 -8. 006
13 178 78 15. 002 14. 77 -8 813 13 180. 98 15. 804 3. 92 -0. 016
14 178. 57 14. 999 21. 73 -0 006 14 178 33 082 46 -0
15. 14. 013 14 181. 07 15. 804 3. 53 -8. 016
15 178. 54 14. 999 21. 58 -0 007 15 178 87 15. 002 14. 15 -8. 013 15 181. 16 15. 004 3 15 -0. 016
16 178. 52 14. 999 21. 42 -0. 887 -8
16 178. 92 15 002 13. 34 013 16 181. 25 15. 004 2. 77 -0. 016
17 178. 50 14. 999 21. 25 -8. 007 17 178 97 15 082 52 -0. 813
13. 17 181. 34 15. 084 2. 38 -0 016
1.3 178. 48 14. 999 21. 88 -8. 087 18 179 03 15 802 13. 20 -0. 813 18 181. 42 15 004 1. 99 -0. 016
19 178. 46 14. 999 28. 91 -0 888 19 179 88 15 802 12. 88 -8. 814 19 181. 52 15 004 1. 61 -0. 016
28 178 44 14. 999 20 72 -8. 888 20 179 14 15 883 12. 55 -0 814 28 181 61 004 -0. 016
15. 1. 22
21 178 43 15. 000 20. 53 -0. 808 21 179 20 15. 883 12. 22 -0. 014 21. 181. 70 15. 004 0. 83 -0. 016
22 173. 42 15. 000 28. 34 -8. 008 22 179 26 15 883 11. 89 -0 014 22 181. 78 15. 004 0. 44 -0 016
23 178. 41 15. 000 20. 14 -0. 009 23 179 33 15 883 11. 55 -8 814 23 181. 87 15. 004 0. 05 -0. 016
24 178. 40 15. 000 19. 93. -0 889 24 179 39 15 003 '

11. 21 -0 014 24 181. 96 15 004 -8. 34 -0. 016

25 178. 40 15 000 19 72 -0 889 25 179 46 15 083 10 87 -0. 014 25 182. 04 15. 004 -0 73 -0. 016
26 178. 39 15. 000 19 51 -0. 809 26 173 53 1.5 803 10 52 -0 815 26 182. 13 15 004 -1. 12 -0. 016
27 178.' 39 15. 000 19 29 -0. 889 27 179 60 15 803 18. 13 -0 815 27 182. 22 15. 803 -1. 51 -0. 016
28 178 40 15. 000 19 86 -8 818 28 173 67 15 883 9. 83 -0. 815 -1
28 182. 38 15. 003 90 -0. 016
29 178 40 15 000 18 83 -8. 818 29 173 74 15 883 9 47 -0 815 29 182 33 15. 003 -2. 29 -0. 016
30 178 41 15. 080 18 59 -8. 818 30 173 S2 15 083 3. 12 -8. 815 38 182. 47 15. 003 -2. 68 -0. 016
31 178. 42 15 888 18 35 -0 810 31 179 83 15 803 8 76 -8 815



1 182 55 15. 003 -3. 07 -0 016 1 184. 09 15. 000 -14. 33 -0. 013 1 182. 78 14 996 -21. 76 -8. 806
2 182, 63 15. 003 -3. 45 -0. 016 2 184. 10 15. 000 -14. 65 -0. 0i3 182. 68
2 14 996 -21. 91 -8. 006
3 182. 78 15. 003 -3. 84 -0 016 3 184. 18 15. 000 -14. 97 -0. 013 3 182. 59 14 996 -22. 86 -0. 006
4 182. 78 15. 003 -4. 23 -0 016 4 184. 10 15. 000 -15. 28 -0 013 4 182. 49 14. 996 -22. 28 -0. 006
5 182. 36 15. 003 -4. 61 -0. 016 5 184. 10 15. 000 -15. 59 -0. 013 .5 182. 39 14. 996 -22. 33 -0. 005
6 182. 93 15. 003 -5. 88 -0. 016 6 184. 09 15. 888 -15. 89 -0. 012 6 182. 28 14. 996 -22. 46 -0 005
7 183. 01 15. 003 -5. 38 -0. 016 7 184. 08 14. 999 -16. 19 -0. 012 7 182. 18 14 995 -22. 57 -8. 005
8 183. 08 15. 003 -5 76 -0 816 8 184. 06 14. 999 -16. 48 -0. 012 '
8 182. 07 14, 995 -22. 69 -0 004
9 183. 15 15. 003 -6. 15 -0 016 9 184. 85 14. 999. -16 77 -0 012 9 181. 96 14. 995 -22. 79 -8. 004
18 183 22 15. 083 -6. 53 -0. 016 10 184. 02 14. 999 -17. 86 -0. 012 18 181 85 14. 995 -22. 39 -0 884
11 183. 28 15. 003 -6. 98 -0. 016 11 184. 00 14. 999 -17. 34 -0. 011 11 181. 73 14. 995 -22. 97 -8. 003
12 183. 35 15. 083 -7 28 -0 016 12 183 97 14. 999 -17 61 -0 011 12 131. 62 14. 995 -23. 06 -0. 803
13 183. 41 15. 083 -7 66 -0 016 13 183. 94 14. 999 -17. 88 -0 011 13 181. 50 -23 13
14. 995 -0 003
14 183. 47 15. 002 -8. 03 -0 015 14 183 90 14 998 -18. 15 -8. 011 14 181. 38 14. 995 -23. 19 -0. 002
15 183. 53 15 002 -8. 40 -0 015 15 183. 87 14. 998' -13. 41 -8. 811 15 181. 27 14. 995 -23. 25 -0. 002
16 183. 58 15. 002 -8. 77 • -0. 015 16 183 82 14. 998 -18. 66 -0. 010 16 181. 15 14 995 -23. 38 -0. 002
17 183 64 15. 882 -9. 14 -0. 815 17 133 78 14. 998 -18. 91 -0. 010 17 181. 02 14 935 -22 35 -0 001
18 183. 69 15. 802 -9 50 -0. 015 13 183. 73 14. 998 -19. 15 -0 010 18 188. 90 14. 995 -23. 38 -0. 001
19 183. 73 15. 002 -9 87 -0. 015 19 183 67 14 998 -19. 39 -0. 018 19 -23 41
188 78 14 995 -0 881
28 183. 78 15. 002 -10 23 -0. 015 20 183 62 14. 998 -19. 62 -0 889 28 188 65 14 995 -23 43
-8. 800
21 182. 82 15. 802 -10. 59 -0. 015 21 183. 56 14. 997 -19. 85 -0. 809 180 53 14. 995
21 -23. 44 -0. 888
22 •183. 86 15. 002 -18. 94 -0. 015 22 183 49 14. 997 -28. 07 -0. 089 22 180. 41 14. 995 -23. 44 0. 880
23 183. 90 15. 881 -11. 30 -0. 015 23 183 43 14. 997 -20. 28 -8. 009 23 188 28 14. 995 -23. 44 001
24 183. 93 15. 881 -11. 65 -0 014 24 183 36 14 997 -20 49 -0. 808 24 188 16 14. 995 -23. 42 881
25 183. 96 15. 001 -11. 99 -0. 014 25 183. 28 14. 997 -20. 69 -0 008 25 138 03 14 395 -23. 48 881
26 183. 99 15. 001 -12. 34 -0 014 26 183. 21 14. 937 -0
-l20. 88 008 26 179 91 14 995 -23. 38 002
27 184 02 15. 881 -12. 68 -0. 814 27 183. 13 14. 997 -21. 07 -0 008 27 179 78 14 995 -23. 34 0. 802
28 184. 04 IS. 001 -13. 02 -0. 814 28 183. 04 14. 996 -21. 25 -0. 007 28 179 66 14 935 -23 38 0. 002
29 184. 06 15. 001 -13. 35 -0. 014 29 182. 96 14. 996 -21. 43 -0. 007 29 179 54 14. 995 -23. 25 8. 002
?0 134. 07 15. 001 -13. 68 -8. 814 38 182. 87 14. 936 -21. 59 -0. 007 30 179, 42 14 935 -23. 19 0. 883
31 184 08 15. 000 -14. 01 -0. 013
-23 12
31 179 29 14. 995 0. 883

of optical filters will not eliminate the ience. Accuracies of ±2° are usually Locating the Moon
hazard from solar radiation when viewed necessary and can be attained with syn-
directly. A simple piece of tubing of small cros. A
remote readout is particularly im- The moon orbits the earth once in ap-
diameter and two or three feet long can portant for scheduling when the moon is proximately 28 days, a lunar month.
serve the purpose in this instance. A sym- within 45 ° of the sun or when the sky is Because the plane of the moon's orbit is
metrical spot of light cast upon a piece of overcast. Very few of us are not bothered tilted from the earth's equatorial plane,
paper near the back end of the tube will by occasional fog, rain, snow or overcast. the moon swings in a sine-wave pattern
indicate alignment. Aiming the antenna blindly seldom pays both north and south of the equator. The
A remote readout (such as a syncro or off. angle of departure of the moon's position
selsyn) is a highly recommended conven- at a given time from the equatorial plane

14-14 Chapter 14
error, but such error will likely be negligi- the data from Tables 4 through 7 into
is termed declination. Declination angles
of the moon, which are continually chang-
ble for Amateur Radio purposes. Worst- useful information. The and decl. GHA
case conditions exist when apogee or information may be converted into
ing (a few degrees a day), indicate the
perigee occurs near mid-day on the date in azimuth and elevation angles with the
latitude on the earth's surface where the
question. Under such conditions the total mathematical equations and procedure
moon' will be at zenith. 'For this presenta-
angular error in the position of the moon given later in this section. A less tedious
tion, positive declination angles are used
as determined by this procedure may be as (but also perhaps less accurate) method is
when the moon is north of the equator,
much as a sixth of a degree. Because it to use the appropriate chart (or charts)
and negative angles when south.
takes a full year for the earth to orbit the from Figs. 17 through 24.
The longitude on the earth's surface
sun, the similar error for determining the Each chart of Figs. 17 through 24 is
where the moon will be at zenith is related
position of the sun will be no more than a prepared for a fixed-observer latitude on
to the moon's Greenwich Hour Angle, ab-
few hundredths of a degree. the earth's surface. Use Fig. 17 if your
breviated or GHA.
G.H .A. "Hour
Assume that we wish to know the GHA position is on the equator, degrees
angle" is defined as the angle in degrees to
of GHA and decl. of the moon at 1115 UTC on latitude. Use Fig. 18 if your latitude is 10
the west of the meridian. If the
would be June 7, 1981 From Table 4 we see that the
degrees, either north or south of the
the moon were zero degrees, it

over the Greenwich meridian. If

GHA on that date is 115.82. In the col- equator. Use Fig. 19 if your latitude is 20°
umn to the right we see that the moon's The charts progress in this man-
the moon's GHA
were 15 degrees, the
GHA an average rate of
N. or S.

moon would be directly over the meri-

is at ner so that you should use Fig. 24 if your
15° W. 14.489 degrees per hour on that date. At is 70° N. or S. If your latitude is
dian, which is designated as
1115 UTC on June 7, 11.25 hours will between those for which the charts are
longitude on a globe. As one can readily
have elapsed since the clock time was 0000 prepared, you will obtain more accurate
understand, the GHA
of the moon is con-
UTC. Multiplying the hourly increment, aiming data by interpolating between,
tinually changing, too, because of the or-
bital velocity of the moon and because of
14.489, times 11.25 tells us that the GHA values obtained from two charts, as ex-
of the moon will have increased 163.00 plained later.
the earth's rotation inside the moon's or-
degrees in that time. Adding this 163.00 to To necessary to
bit. The moon's GHA
changes at the rate use the charts, it is first

of approximately 347° per day.

the GHA at 0000 UTC, 115.82, yields determine the local hour angle (LHA) and
GHA and declination are terms that 278.82 degrees as the GHA
of the moon at decl. of the celestial body, using data
1115 UTC on June 7. From the same line from Tables 4 through 7. LHA equals
may be applied to any celestial body. The
Nautical Almanac lists the GHA
and decl. in the table we see that the decl. of the GHA plus or minus your longitude (plus
of the sun and moon (as well as for other moon at 0000 UTC is 17.04 degrees, and if east long., minus if west). Let's assume
the hourly increment is - 0. 137. Using the that your latitude 40° N., and you wish
celestial bodies that may be used for is

same procedure, we multiply — 0.137 to position your antenna system in

navigation) for every hour of the year.
times 11.25, yielding - 1.54. This tells us azimuth and elevation for EME contacts.
Tables 4 through 7 are based on informa-
that the declination at 1115 UTC is 1.54 Let's further assume that we've deter-
tion contained in The Nautical Almanac
degrees less than it was at 0000 UTC; mined the moon's LHA to be 320°, and
for the same year as this edition of the
17.04 - 1.54 = 15.50 degrees declination its declination to be 10°. From Fig. 21,
Handbook. This information may be used
at 1 1 15 UTC on June 7. The moon's semi- which is prepared for 40° latitude, we may
to point an antenna with precision, rather x
diameter on June 7 is 15.6 minutes of arc. read azimuth and elevation information
than merely looking up in the sky and
pointing one's antenna by eye. Tables 6
The procedure for using Tables 6 and 7 directly from the polar scale. The infor-
for determining the sun's position is iden- mation is read at the intersection of the
and 7 are for the sun. That information
be useful for boresighting an antenna
tical. 320° LHA line and the 10° decl. line. The
2 In using the tables, remember that azimuth, indicated by the radial coor-
array, as explained earlier in this chapter.
negative declination angles denote that the dinates, is seen to be 119.1°. The eleva-
These tables indicate the position of the
sun or moon is south of the equator. As a by the concentric circles, is
sun and moon at 0000 UTC for each day tion, indicated
matter of information, negative hourly in- seen to be 42.9° degrees. (The outer edge
of the year (GHA and DECL). Also
crement figures indicate the sun or moon of the charts corresponds to 0° elevation,
shown are hourly increments (HR.
is moving south, while positive figures in-
INCR.) for both GHA which
and decl.,
dicate northward movement. In inter-
or the horizon, while the center cor-

may be used to interpolate the position of responds to 90° elevation, at zenith.) In-
polating for positions at times other than termediate angles of LHA and decl. may
the sun or moon for any time on a given
0000 UTC, however, it is necessary only to be interpolated on the chart to obtain the
date. Tables 4 and 5 further indicate the
observe algebraic signs listed in the tables
az-el information.
semi-diameter (SD) of the moon in
and to add the values algebraically.
If your latitude is 40 degrees south of
minutes of arc for each day of the year.
If a polar mount 3
is used, information
the equator, Fig. 21 still applies, but all
This data may be used as an aid in deter-
from Tables 4 through 7 may be used the data is "inverted." To enter the chart,
mining path losses, as previously dis-
directly to point the antenna array. The
cussed. firstmultiply the decl. angle by - 1, and
local hour angle (LHA) is simply the LHA
from 360. If the LHA is
subtract the
Using the Tables GHA plus or minus the observer's 320° and the decl. is 10°, we would find
longitude (plus if east long., minus if
The hourly increment (HR. INCR.) in- the az-el information at the intersection of
west). The> LHA
is the angle west of the
the 10 X (-l)or - 10° declination line
formation from Tables 4 through 7 may
observer's meridian at which the celestial - 320 or 40° LHA line. The
be used to make linear interpolations for and the 360
body is located.
elevation angle may be read directly,
the positions of the sun or moon for any
Azimuth and Elevation for the Moon 26.9° in this case. The azimuth angle is
time on a given date. Because the orbital
180° from that indicated in Fig. 21. From
velocity of the moon is not constant, Anantenna system which is positioned
linear interpolations will yield some small the chart we read 225.7°; the actual
in azimuth (compass direction) and eleva-
azimuth is 225.7 ,- 180 = 45.7°.
tion (angle above the horizon) is called an
'The Nautical Almanac for the Year*"', where
az-el system. For such a system, some ad-
An observer in the southern latitudes
indicates the calendar year for the data. This annual
ditional work will be necessary to convert
may find it more convenient to turn the

publication is printed by the U.S. Government appropriate chart upside, down and relabel
Printing Office, Washington, DC. It is available
from the Superintendent of Documents and from the LHA
and the decl". lines in reverse
many dealers of marine products. order from the way they are printed. The
'Also see Bray and Kerchner, "Antenna Patterns from 'See Michael, "Tracking the Moon — In Simple

the Sun," QST, July 1960. English," QST, July 1960. azimuth scale should also be relabeled so

Ized Communications Sgfctems 14-15

Fig. 17 —
Chart for determining moon az-el information for an observer Fig. 18 — Moon az-el chart for an observer at 10° latitude.
at 0° latitude. See text.

Fig. 19 — Moon az-el chart for an observer at 20° latitude. Fig. 20 — Moon az-el chart for an observer at 30° latitude.

0° is now at the "top," where 180° is Fig. 21 nor Fig. 22 will provide accurate 40.3° elevation). At any latitude in the
printed. az-el information for your location, but range of these charts, when the celestial
An observer at any latitude may find it data from the two may be interpolated. In body is well above the horizon, linear in-
more convenient to relabel the LHA lines the previous example, where the moon's terpolation should yield az-el information
with actual GHA values. For example, if GHA was 320° and the decl. 10°, we with a total angular error of no more than
your longitude is 100° W., the printed 0° learned that an observer at 40° N. lat. 0.6 degree, assuming the charts are read
LHA line for your location corresponds would aim his antenna at 1 19. 1° azimuth, with 0.2-degree accuracy.
to a GHA of 100°. Values for lines to the 42.9° elevation. From Fig. 22 we see that
right will correspond to Greenwich Hour an observer af 50° N. lat., for the same Azimuth and Elevation for the Sun
Angles of 90°, 80°, 70°, and so on, while position of the moon, would position his Visualize two observers on opposite
those to the left will correspond to 110°, antenna at 126.4° azimuth, 37.4° eleva- sides of the earth who are pointing their
120°, Relabeling the chart in this
etc. tion. A linear interpolation of these values antennas at the moon. Imaginary lines
manner will eliminate the need to convert for 45° N. lat. yields 122.8° azimuth and representing the boresights of the two
information for each az-el 40.2° elevation. This result is reasonably antennas will converge at the moon at an
determination. close to the values obtained by angle of approximately 2°. Now assume
Suppose your latitude is 45° N. Neither mathematical means (123.0° azimuth and these observers aim their antennas at some

14-16 Chapter 14
Fig. 23 — Moon az-el chart for an observer at 60° latitude. Fig. 24 — Moon az-el chart for an observer at 70" latitude.

distant star. The boresight lines now may Suppose our latitude is 40°, the LHA of mathematical means follows a procedure
be considered to be parallel, each observer the sun is 320°, and the sun's declination similar to calculating great-circle bearing
having raised his antenna in elevation by is 10°. Fig 21 indicates an antenna and distance for two points on the earth's
approximately 1°. The reason for the azimuth of 119.1° and an elevation of surface. Equations for az-el calculations
necessary change in elevation is that the 42.9", if the moon were at this LHA and are:
earth's diameter in comparison to its decl. The azimuth angle, 119.1°, is also
sin E = (sin lat.) (sin decl.)
distance from the moon is significant. The correct for the sun. To
obtain the cor-
+ (cos lat) (cos decl.)
same not true for distant stars, or for rected elevation angle for the sun we enter
(cos [long. -
the sun. Table 8 with the indicated elevation,
(Eq. 1)
Figs. 17through 24, although prepared 42.9°, and determine the corrected eleva-
for the moon, may be used for the sun if a tion angle, 43.6°. Some interpolation may „ (sin E)'—- K
tan F = - (Eq. 2)
small correction in elevation angle is be necessary when using Table 8. cos E
made. Table 8 lists corrected elevation
angles for positioning an antenna system
Az-El Data by Mathematical Means sin decl. - sin lat. sin E
cos C =
on the sun. Determining az-el information by cos lat. cos E (Eq. 3)

Specialized Communications Systems 14-17


0.1736 - 0.7660 X 0.6179 receiving a moonbounce signal besides the

Table 8
0.6428 X 0.7862 enormous path loss and Faraday rotation
Corrected Solar Elevation Angles
fading, libration fading. This section
ElAngle Corrected 0.1736 - 0.4734 -

will dealwith libration (pronounced lie-

from Chart El. Angle 0.5054 bray-shun) fading, its cause and effects,
(see text) for Sun
0.95 -0.2997 and possible measures to minimize it.
= -0.5931 Libration fading of an EME signal is
5 5.95 0.5054
10 10.94 characterized in general
a fluttery, as
15 15.92
C, therefore, equals 126.4°. To determine rapid, irregular fading not unlike that
20 20.89
25 25.86
if C is the actual azimuth, we find the observed in tropospheric scatter propaga-
30 30.82 polarity for sin (long. - GHA), which is tion. Fading can be very deep, 20 dB or
35 35.78 sin (100° - 60°) = sin 40°, which is a more, and the maximum fading rate will
40 40.73 positive value. C therefore is equal to the depend on the operating frequency. At
45 45.67
azimuth, 126.4°. 1296 MHz the maximum fading rate is

55 55.54 data is being determined for the

If az-el about 10 Hz, and scales directly with fre-
60 60.47 sun, use of Eq. 2 may be omitted. The quency.
65 65.40

elevation angle may be determined from Oh a weak cw EME signal, libration

s75 75.25 Eq. 1 alone. In the above example, this fading gives the impression of a randomly
80 80.16 angle is 38.2°. keyed signal. In fact on very slow cw
85 85.08 The mathematical procedure is the telegraphy the effect is as though the key-
90 90.00
same for any location on the earth's sur- ing is being done at a much faster speed.
face. Rememberto use negative values for On very weak signals only the peaks of
southerly latitudes and negative values for libration fading are heard in the form of
easterly longitudes. If solving Eq. 1 or 2 occasional short bursts or "pings."
yields a negative value for E or F, this in- Fig. 25 shows samples of a typical EME
dicates the celestial below the body is echo signal at 1296 MHz. These record-
horizon. EME contacts and antenna ings, made at W2NFA, show the wild
E = elevation angle for the sun
boresighting work are difficult under such fading characteristics with sufficient S/N
lat. = your latitude (negative if south)
conditions. ratio to record the deep fades. Circular
long. = your longitude (negative if
The valuefor K as given above, ,
polarization was used to eliminate Fara-
0.01657, based on an average earth-
is day fading; thus these recordings are of
GHA = Greenwich Hour Angle of the
moon distance of 239,000 miles (384,630 libration fading only. The recording
celestial body
km). The actual earth-moon distance bandwidth was limited to about 40 Hz to

decl. declination of the celestial

varies from approximately 225,000 mi minimize the higher sideband-frequency
(362,100 km) to 253,000 mi (407,200 km). components of libration fading which per-
F = elevation angle for the moon This change in distance, if, taken into ac- sist but are much smaller in amplitude.
earth radius 3960 mi. count, yields a change in elevation angle For those who would like a, better
K = of approximately 0. 1 ° when the moon is
distance to moon 239,000 mi. . statistical description, libration fading is
near the horizon. For greater precision in Raleigh distributed. In recordings
= 0.01657
determining the correct elevation angle shown by Fig. 25, the average signal-
If sin (long. — GHA) is positive, then C
for the moon, the moon's distance from return level computed from path loss and
= azimuth. If sin (long. - GHA) is
the earth may be taken as: mean reflection coefficient of the moon
negative, then the azimuth = 360 - C.

D = - X SD + at about the +15 dB S/N level.

Assume our location is 50° N. lat., 15074.5 474,332 ,

It is clear that enhancement of echoes

100° W. long.. Further assume that the
where far in excess of this average level are
GHA of the moon is 60*', and its declina-
D = moon's distance in miles observed. This point should be kept clear-
tion is 10°. To determine the az-el infor-
mation we first solve Eq. 1
SD = moon's semi-diameter, from ly in mind when attempting to obtain
Table 4 or 5 echoes or receive EME
signals with
sin E = X sin (10°) + cos
sin (50°) Eqs. and 3 are readily adaptable for
1 , 2 marginal equipment. The probability of
(50°) X cos (10°) X cos (100° -60°) use with programmable calculators or hearing an occasional peak is quite good
= 0.7660 X 0.1736 + 0.6428 X 0.9848 with computers. Listings of, such pro- sincerandom enhancement as much as 10
X0.7660 = 0.1330 + 0.4849 = 0.6179 grams are available from ARRL hq. for dB possible. Under these conditions

From this, E is 38.2 degrees. the Hewlett-Packard 25 and similar however, the amount of useful informa-
calculators, and in BASIC language for
Solving Eq. 2 for F, we proceed. (The tion which can be copied will be near zero.
value for sin E has already been deter- the Radio Shack TRS-80 Level II com- The enthusiastic newcomer to EME com-
mined in Eq. 1.)
puter. Be sure to include a stamped
munications will be stymied by this effect
envelope with your request (or an IRC for since he knows that he can hear the signal
0.6179 - 0.01657 strong enough on peaks to copy but can't
tan F = addresses outside the U.S.), and don't
cos (38.2°) forget to mention which program listing make any sense out of what he tries to
you desire. copy.
= 0.7649 What causes libratios fading? Very
0.7862 Libration Fading of EME Signals simply, multipath scattering of the radio
One of the most troublesome aspects of waves from the very large (2000-mile
From this, F, the moon's elevation angle,
diameter) and rough moon surface com-
is 37.4°.
'For the HP-25 program, send a return business- bined with the relative motion between
.We continue by solving Eq. 3 for C. size envelope with postage and 50 cents for handling
earth and moon called Iterations.
(The values for sin E and cos E have (or IRCs for foreign addresses) to ARRL Hq.,
Dept. TD-EME, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 To understand assume
these effects,
previously been determined.)
'For the TRS-80 program send a return business-size first and moon are sta-
that the earth
cos C = envelope with postage and 50 cents for handling tionary (no libration) and that a plane
sin (10°) - [sin (50°) X (or IRCs for foreign addresses) to ARRL Hq.,
0.6179] wave front arrives at the moon from your
Dept. TD-MOONTRAK, 225 Main St., Newington,
cos (50°) X 0.7862 CT06111. earth-bound station as shown in Fig. 26A.

14-18 Chapter 14
Fig. 25 — Chart recording of moon echoes received at W2NFA on July 26, 1973, at 1630 UTC. Antenna gain 44 dB; transmitting power 400 watts and
system temperature 400 K.

The reflected wave shown in Fig. 26B the moon from moment to moment. Since (not depth of fade) is coincident with
consists of many scattered contributions the lunar surface is very irregular, the minimum total libration. Calculation of
from the rough moon surface. It is reflected wave be equally irregular,
will minimum total libration is at best tedious
perhaps easier to visualize the process as if changing in amplitude and phase from and can only be done successfully by
the scatttering were from many small in- moment to moment. The resultant con- means of a digital computer. It is a prob-
dividual flat mirrors on the moon which tinuous summation of the varying lem in extrapolation of rates of change in
reflect small portions (amplitudes) of the multipath signals at your antenna feed coordinate motion and in small dif-
incident wave energy in different direc- point produces the effect called libration ferences of large numbers.
tions (paths) and with different path fading of the moon-reflected signal.
lengths (phase). Those paths directed The term libration is used to describe EME Operating Techniques
toward the moon arrive at your antenna small perturbations in the movement of Most EME signals tend to be near the
and appear as a collection of small wave celestial bodies. Earth libration consists threshold of a condition
fronts (field vectors) of various mainly of its diurnal rotation; moon libra- caused by a combination of path loss,
amplitudes and phases. The vector sum- tion consists mainly of its 28-day rotation Faraday rotation and libration fading.
mation of all these coherent (same fre- which appears as a very slight rocking mo- This weakness and unpredictability of the
quency) returned waves (and there is a tion with respect to an observer on earth. signal has led to the development of
near-infinite array of them) takes place at This rocking motion can be visualized as techniques for exchange of EME informa-
the feed point of your antenna (the col- follows: Place a marker on the surface of tion that differs from those used for nor-
lecting point in the antenna system). The the moon at the center of the moon disc, mal vhf work —
the usual RST reporting
level of the final summation as measured which is the point closest to the observer, would be jumbled and meaningless for
by a receiver can, of course, have any as shown in Fig. 27. Then over a period of many EME contacts. Dahs are often
value from zero to some maximum. time we will observe that this marker chopped into of dits would
pieces, a string
Remember now that we assumed the earth wanders around within a small area. All be incomplete, and complicated words
and moon were stationary, which means this means is that the surface of the moon would make no sense at all.

that the final summation of these as seen from the earth is not quite fixed Unfortunately, there is no universal
multipath signal returns from the moon but changes slightly as different areas of agreement as to procedures for all the
will be one fixed value. The condition Of the periphery are exposed because of this bands, although there is similarity. Two-
relative motion between earth and moon rocking motion. Moon libration is very meter operators generally use the
being zero is a rare event which will be slow (on the order of 10 7 radians per "T M
O R" system, while those on 432
discussed later in this section. second) and can be determined with some MHz use a similar system but applied at
Consider now that the earth and moon difficulty from published moon ephemeris somewhat different levels of readability.
are moving relative to each other (as they tables. The meanings, and typical use, of each
are in nature), so that the incident radio Although the libration motions are very part of the. sequence are given in Tables 9
wave "sees" a slightly different surface of small and slow, the large surface area of through 12.
the moon, having nearly an infinite
number of scattering points (small area),
means that even these slight geometric / MOON \
movements can alter the total summation EARTHEN MARKER-^/ „ \
INCOMING! SMOON i Smoon of the returned multipath echo by a
significant amount. Since the librations of OBSERVER
the earth and moon are calculable, it is AREA OF WANDERING
S only logical to ask if there ever occurs a
(B )
time when the total libration is zero or
near zero? The answer is yes, and it has
Fig. 27 — The moon apppears to "wander" in
Fig. 26 — How the rough surface of the moon its about the earth. Thus, a fixed marker
reflects a plane wave as one having many field been observed and experimentally verified on the moon's surface will appear to move
vectors. on radar echoes that minimum fading rate about in a circular area. «

Specialized Communications Systems 14-19

Table 9
"even" sequence. Note that odd or even ing. High-speed cw is hard to copy at
Signal Reports Used on 144-MHz EME refers to thesequence number, not the marginal signal levels for most amateurs,
T — Signal just detectable minutes designated within that sequence. and the fading that is typical of an EME
M — Portions of calls copied On 432 MHz, there are 12 sequence path can make it well nigh impossible to
O — Complete call set has been received periods to the half hour. The eastern-most decipher the content.
R — Both "O" report and call sets have been station calls first, and since two
periods fill a 5-minute
Other Modes
SK — End of contact 2-1/2-minute
space, it works out conveniently that the Only a few stations have the capability
eastern (or first) station will call starting of sending (and receiving) signals of a
with every five minute mark, and start strength sufficient to allow experimenta-

Table 10 listening 2-1/2 minutes later. Thus a tion with other than cw. There have been

Signal Reports Used on 432-MHz EME schedule starting at 0030 would be an some ssb contacts and echoes of RTTY
"odd" period, although operators on 432 and fm signals have been heard, but no
T — Portions of calls copied
M — Complete calls copied MHz seldom label them as such. It is con- two-way communication by these latter
— Good signal — solid copy (possibly venient for the operators to simply start modes has been accomplished to date. In
enough for ssb work) with the eastern-most station calling on general, only the stations with large
R — Calls and reports copied the hour or half hour, unless arranged more dif-
parabolic reflectors try these
SK — End of contact
otherwise. ficult means of EME work. Such installa-
Of course there is much room for tions are often "borrowed" from some
change in these arrangements, but they do research program for the amateur
Table 11 serve as vital guidelines for schedules. As endeavors. »

144-MHz Procedure — 2-Minute Sequence signals become stronger, the rules can be
relaxed to a degree, and after many con- Frequencies
Period 1-1/2 minutes 30 seconds
1 Calls(W6XXX de tacts, stations can often ignore them com- Most amateur EME work is conducted
W1XXX) pletely, if the signals are strong enough. within a few kHz of some convenient spot
2 W1XXX de W6XXX TTTT Calls are often extremely difficult to frequency. 144 MHz there is some
3 W6XXX de W1XXX \ OOOO hear in their entirety. A vital dit or dah room to move
about, but most operation
4 RO RO RO RO de W1XXX k
can be missing, which can render a com- is very near the low edge, consistent with
5 R R R R R de W6XXX k
6 QRZ? EME de W1XXX k plex call unreadable. To copy both calls the ability of the station to stay within the
completely requires much patience and a band. The situation is further confused by
good ear. Both calls must be copied, the requirement that Technician licensees
because even though most work is by must stay above 145 MHz. There are some
Table 12 timed schedules, there can be last-minute EME enthusiasts among the Technician
432-MHz Procedure — 2-1/2-Mlnute Sequence substitutions because of equipment trou- class licensees, and those amateurs with
ble at one station, unexpected travel, plan large enough antennas can work both por-
Period 2 minutes 30 seconds
changes or the like, which make it im- tions of the band. The antenna problem is
2 K2UYH de VE7BBG possible for the scheduled station to ap- mentioned because most high-gain anten-
3 VE7BBG de K2UYH TTT pear. Thus, rather than have one station nas will not maintain their performance
4 K2UYH de VE7BBG M M M spend the entire period listening, only to over such a wide portion of the band.
5 RM RM RM RM de K2UYH k
find that no one was there, a system of Operation on 432 -MHz is generally
standby stations is becoming more within 1 or 2 kilohertz of that frequency,
popular. This is good, because nothing with a few stations going as far afield as
will demoralize a newcomer faster than 431.997 or 432.003 for general schedules.
At the moment, there is no widespread several one-sided schedules. It is not unknown for a pair of stations to
system in use for bands other than 144 An exchange of signal a useful
reports is move up 10 or 15 kHz for a contact, while
and 432 MHz. There are so few par- and required bit of information: useful others are on the nominal ".000" spot.
ticipants on 50 and 220 MHz that because it helps in evaluating your station There has been a movement afoot recently >

presumably they will have no difficulty in performance and the prevailing condi^ to reach a gentleman's agreement to avoid
arranging techniques by correspondence tions at the time, required because it is a any short-range, local, or non-DX opera-
prior to scheduies for EME tests. The "non-prearranged" exchange, thereby re- tion between 432.0 and 432.025 MHz a —
amount of operation on 1296 MHz is low, quiring that you copy what was sent as concept that most EME enthusiasts
but on the increase. Perhaps an operating part of the contact. Obviously there are heartily approve of.
technique can evolve that will be accept- other things that could be included in an For operation on 1296 MHz, most sta-
able to those on any band. The important "exchange of unknown information," tions are within a very few kilohertz of
consideration is that an, exchange of infor- and when conditions permit stronger that spot frequency. Many devices, tubes
mation takes place. This information signals, many operators do include names, and transistors, would work much better
should include three basic parts: calls of elaborate on the signal reports, arrange at thelow end of the 1215-MHz band, but
both stations, signal reports, and confir- next schedule times, and so on. Unfor- the 1296.0 spot became popular because it
mation that previous information was tunately, such exchanges are rare. was convenient to triple from an existing
received. Confirmation is essential for comple- 432-MHz exciter.
In the schedule sequence for both 144 tion of the exchange. There is no way that Of course, it is obvious that as the
and 432 MHz, the period starts, on
initial you can be sure that the other operator number of stations on EME increases, the
the hour, but because of the difference in copied what you sent until you hear him frequency spread must become greater.
sequence lengths for "the two bands, say so. That final R or "roger" means that Since the moon is in convenient locations
schedules starting on the half hour will he has copied your information, and your only a few days out of the month, and
_ not be the same. On two meters, there are two-way contact is complete. only a certain number of stations can be
15 sequence periods to the half hour, Sending speed is usually in the 5- to scheduled for EME during a given even-
which would make the period 0030 to 10-wpm although it can be ad-
range, ing, the answer will be in the use of
0032 an "even" sequence. This could justed according to conditions and simultaneous schedules, spaced a few
make a difference, depending on which operator skill. Characters sent too slowly kilohertz apart^The time may not be too
operator was assigned an "odd" or tend to become chopped up and confus- far away — QRMhas already been

14-20 Chapter 14
experienced on each of our three most A moderately sized Yagi array has the use 160-element or larger systems. As with
active EME frequencies. advantage that it is relatively easy to con- Yagi and quagi antennas, the collinear
struct and can be positioned in azimuth cannot be easily adjusted for polarity
EME Net Information and elevation with commercially available cljanges. From a constructional stand-
An EME net meets on weekends at 1600 equipment. Matching and phasing lines point there may be little difference in
and 1700 UTC for the purpose of arrang- present no particular problems. The main complexity and material costs between the
ing schedules and exchanging pertinent in- disadvantage of a Yagi array is that the collinear and Yagi arrays.
formation. The frequency of operation is polarization plane of the antenna cannot The parabolic dish is another antenna
14.345 MHz. be conveniently changed. One way around that is used extensively for EME work.
this would be to use cross-polarized, Yagis Unlike the other antennas described, the
Antenna Requirements and a relay switching system to select the major problems associated with dish
The tremendous path loss incurred over desired polarization. This represents a antennas are mechanical ones. Dishes 20
an EME circuit places stringent re- considerable increase in system cost and feet in diameter are required for successful

quirements on the station performance. complexity. Polarization shift at 144 MHz EME operation on 432 MHz. Structures
Low-noise receiving equipment, maxi- is slow and the added complexity of
fairly of and wind/ice loading place a
this size

mum legal power and large antenna arrays the cross-polarized antenna system may severe strain on the mounting/positioning
are required for successful EME opera- not be worth the effort. At 432 MHz, systems. Extremely rugged mounts are re-
tion. Although it may
be possible to copy where the shift is at a somewhat faster quired for large dish antennas, especially
some of the better-equipped stations while rate, an adjustable polarization system of- when used in windy locations. Several
using a single high-gain Yagi antenna, it is fers a definite advantage over a fixed one. aspects of the parabolic dish antennas
doubtful whether such an antenna could A photograph of the Yagi antenna make the extra mechanical problems
provide reliable two-way communication. system used at K1ZZ is shown in Fig. 28. worth the effort. For example, the dish
Antenna gain of at least 20 dB is required The system consists of four, 2-meter antenna is inherently broadband and may
for reasonable success. Generally speak- Cushcraft Boomer antennas mounted on be used on several different bands by
ing, more antenna gain will yield the most a 70-foot, Rohn 25 tower. A CDE Ham- simply changing the feed. The graph at
noticeable improvement in station perfor- III rotator is used for positioning the Fig. 29 relates antenna gain, frequency
mance, as the increased gain will aid both antenna in azimuth and a TET KR-500 and size. As can be seen, an antenna that
the received and transmitted signals. rotator is used for elevation control. The is suitable for 432 MHz work is also
Several types of antennas have become gain of this array is approximately 20 dB, usable for each of the higher amateur
popular among EME enthusiasts. Perhaps taking into account phasing line losses. bands. Additional gain is available as the
the most popular antenna for 144-MHz Quagi antennas (made from both quad frequency of operation is increased.
work is an array of either four or eight and Yagi elements) are also popular for Another advantage of this antenna is in
long-boom (14- to 15-dB gain) Yagis. The EME work. Slightly more gain per unit the feed system. The polarization of the
four- Yagi array would provide approxi- boom length is possible as compared to feed, and therefore the polarization of the
mately 20-dB gain, and the eight-antenna the conventional Yagi. Additional infor- antenna, can be adjusted with little dif-
system would show an approximate 3 dB mation on the quagi is presented in the should be a relatively easy mat-
ficulty. It

increase over the four-antenna array. At VHF and UHF Antennas chapter of this ter to devise a system whereby the feed
432 MHz, eight or 16 long-boom Yagis are book. could be rotated remotely from the shack.
used. Yagi antennas are available com- The collinear is another popular type of Changes in polarization of the signal
mercially or can be constructed from antenna for EME work. A 40-eiement col- could be compensated for at the operating
readily available materials. Information linear array has approximately the same position! As polarization changes can ac-
on maximum-gain Yagi antennas is frontal area as an array of four Yagis. The count for as much as 30 dB of signal at-
presented in the VHF and UHF Antennas collinear array would produce approxi- tenuation, the rotatable feed could make
chapter of this volume. The dimensions mately 1 to 2 dB less gain. Of course the the difference between working a station
presented are based on figures developed depth dimension of the collinear array is and not. A photograph of the parabolic
by the National Bureau of Standards for considerably less than for the long-boom dish antenna used at K2UYH is shown in
Yagi design. At least one manufacturer Yagis. An •80-element collinear would be Fig. 30. More information on parabolic
has used the NBS design information for marginal for EME communications, pro- dish antennas is available in the ARRL
their latest series of high-performance viding approximately 19-dB gain. Many Antenna Book.
antennas. operators choosing this type of antenna Antennas suitable for EME work are by

Fig. 28 — The' EME antenna system used at

K1ZZ — four Cushcraft 2-meter Boomers with
associated stacking and wiring harness. This
system is mounted atop a 70-foot Rohn 25

Specialized Communications Systems 14-21

no means limited to the types described The system outlined at Fig. 3 1 B also uses ANT
thusfar. Rhombics, quad arrays, helixes
and others have been used. These types
two relays,
but the circuit
is somewhat more
transmission lines are
have not gained the popularity of the used, one for the receive line and one for the PRE
— 1 RX
Yagi, quagi, collinear and parabolic dish, transmit line. Also, a~50-ohm termination is
however. provided. Since relays with high isolation in
the vhf/uhf frequency range are difficult
Receiver Requirements and expensive to obtain, two relays with a
A low-noise receiving setup is essential lower-isolatiort factor may be used. When HARDLINE
for successful EME work. Since many of the relays are switched for the transmit (A)

the signals to be copied on EME are bare- mode, Kl connects the antenna to the ANT

ly, and not always, out of the

noise-figure receiver a must. The mark
noise, a low- transmit
into the
line. K2 switches the preamplifier
50-ohm termination. Hence, two
V K1 K2

to shoot for at 144 MHz

is something relays provide the isolation between the RX RX

under 2 dB, as the cosmic noise will then transmitter connection and the preamplifier.
be the limiting factor in the system. Noise If independent control of K2
is provided

figures of this level are relatively easy to for, the preamplifier can be switched be-
achieve, even with inexpensive devices tween the 50-ohm termination* and the
that are available. antenna during receive. This feature is
As low a
noise figure as can be attained especially useful when making sun-noise
willbe usable at 432 MHz. Noise figures measurements to check system perfor-
on the order of 0.5 dB are possible with mance. For this measurement the antenna is
GaAS FETs. As most GaAS FETs are directed toward the sun and the preamplifier
.currently still quite expensive and is alternately switched between the 50-ohm
somewhat fragile, many builders choose load and the antenna. The dB difference can
the more rugged bipolar, which offers a be recorded and used as a reference when
noise figure just under 1 dB. checking system improvements. The com- Fig. 31 — Two systems for switching a
Since the loss in the transmission line plete circuit for this relay' system is preamplifier in and out of the receive line. At
presented later in this chapter. A, a single length of cable is used for both the
that connects the antenna to the
transmit and receive line. At B is a slightly
preamplifier adds directly to the system As the preamplifier is mounted ahead more sophisticated system that uses two
noise figure, most serious EME operators of the transmission line to the receiver, a separated transmission lines. See text for
mount a preamplifier at the top of the cable of mediocre performance can be details.

tower or directly at the antenna. If an ex- used. The loss of the cable, as long as it is
ceptionally good grade of transmission within reason, will npt add appreciably to
line is available, it is possible to obtain the system noise figure. Information con- operators may wish to consider similar
almost as good results with the tained in the VHF/UHF Receiving systems for terrestrial work, as a tower-
preamplifier located in the shack. Two chapter of this book explains how to mounted preamplifier usually means a
relay/preamplifier systems
switching calculate system noise figures. Foam-type noticeable reduction in system noise
suitable for remote mounting are outlined RG-8 cable is acceptable for runs up to figure. The thoughts behind this system
in Fig. 31. The system at makes use of A 100 feet at 144 MHz. are outlined in the previous section, en-
two relays and a single transmission line It is important to get as much transmit- titled Receiver Requirements.
for both transmit and receive. The ter power as possible to the antenna. For
preamplifier is simply switched "in" for this reason Hardline, Heliax or similar The Circuit
receive and "out" for transmit. low-loss cable is specified for the transmit The relay switching system is separated
line. into two parts. One section is mounted at
the tower, and the other, the control cir-
Transmitter Requirements cuitry and power supply, is mounted at
In many EME installations the antenna the station.A length of four-conductor,
gain is not much above the minimum re- TV-rotator cable can be used to connect
quired for communications. It is highly the two units. The package that is
likely that the maximum legal limit of mounted at the tower consists of two rf
power will be required for successful EME coaxial relays and a preamplifier. The
work on up through 432 MHz. Since schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 33. As
many contacts may require long, slow can be seen, Kl is used to switch the
sending, the transmitter/amplifier should
have adequate cooling. Also, an amplifier
with some power to spare rather than an
amplifier running "flat out" is desirable.
This is especially important should ssb
communication be attempted. An
amplifier run all out on ssb will likely pro-
duce large amounts of odd-order IMD
products that fall within the band. While
the splatter produced will not affect your
communications, it will certainly affect
that of others close in frequency!

Remote Preamplifier Switching System Fig. 32 —

The preamplifier relay switching
system suitable for EME work. The control box
The preamplifier-switching system
is mounted at the antenna and the control box

Fig. 30 — A newcomer to EME stands in awe described here is intended primarily for is located in the statipn. A length of four-
of the K2UYH 28-foot dish. EME applications. Serious vhf and uhf conductor wire connects the two units.

14-22 Chapter 14








Fig. 33 — Schematic diagram of the preamplifier switching system. The diagram is divided into two parts; the top portion is for the circuitry at the
antenna and the bottom is that for use in the station.
DS1 7— Neon indicator light with built-in
dropping resistor. Resistor built'into a PL-259 connector. 115-Vac secondary, 15 VA. Stancor P-6411
K1, K2 — Rf-coaxial relays suitable for the fre- 51 — Toggle, spst. or equiv.
quency range to be used. 52 — Toggle, spdt. TB1-TB3, incl. —
Terminal block, screw
R1 — Termination, 50-ohms, noninductive. T1 — Isolation transformer, 115-Vac primary, connection, four terminals.

antenna between the transmit line and a relay coils. S2 controls the action of K2, watertight enclosure. The item shown at
line which connects with K2. K2 switches which is either connected in parallel with the bottom center of the enclosure is a
the preamplifier to either the antenna or Kl in the antenna position, or activated commercial preamplifier. Power for the
to a50-ohm termination. Two relays pro- separately for the termination position. preamplifier (12 V dc) is fed through the
vide more than adequate isolation be- A pilot light, fuse and on/off switch are fourth wire of the four-wire cable that
tween the preamplifier and the transmit provided in this design. connects the two modules (tower and sta-
line. Additionally, K2 can be
switched tion) together. When all components are
between the antenna and the termination Construction properly mounted, the chassis is sealed
independently of Kl. This allows for sun- The items to be mounted at the tower with silicone rubber (RTV). A terminal
noise measurements when the system is in are enclosed in an ordinary chassisand block provides for connection to the four-
the receive mode. bottom plate assembly. A photograph, conductor cable. Two O.Ol-^F capacitors
The portion of the system mounted at shown in Fig. 34, indicates the general are mounted across the relay coils at ter-
the stationis essentially a power supply layout. Short lead lengths are used minal block TB3.
and control circuitry. A line isolation throughout. Bulkhead uhf feedthrough The station circuitry is mounted in a
transformer is used to power the 11 7- volt connectors are used to ensure an rf- and small aluminum cabinet. A neon in-
Speciallzed Communications Systems 14-23
sources on condition that they will be used and tape perforator are required for this
purely for amateur purposes and will not process. A a device that
reperforator is

be resold for commercial use. may be connected to the conventional

Some dealers and amateurs around the teletypewriter for punching tape when the
country make it known by advertising that machine is operated in the regular way. It
they handle parts or may be a source for may thus be used either for an original
machines and accessory equipment. message or for "taping" an incoming
QST's Ham Ads and other publications message for later retransmission.
often show good buys in equipment as
amateurs move about, obtain newer Start, Data, Stop Pulses
equipment, or change interests. In a teleprinter machine, the normal
Periodic publications are available "rest" condition of the selector-magnet
which are devoted exclusively to amateur solenoids is with loop current on. Inter-
RTTY. They carry timely technical ar- ruption of the loop current releases the
Fig. 34 — view of the package that is
Interior ticles and operating information, as well selector magnet, allowing rotation of a
mounted at the antenna. The object at the bot-
as classified ads. Over the years QSThas cam in the machine. Transmission of a
tom center of the chassis is a commercial
preamplifier. carried a number of articles on all aspects TTY character begins with a space pulse
of RTTY. For a list of surplus equipment (current off), called the start pulse. The
dealers, information on publishers of start pulse signals to the machine that
RTTY periodicals, and a bibliography of reception of a character has begun. Im-
dicator, on/off power and termination all articles on RTTY which have appeared mediately after the start pulse, a series of
switch are mounted to the front panel. in QST, write to ARRL, 225 Main Street, data pulses is transmitted with mark or
The and interconnection terminal
fuse Newington, CT 06111. U.S. residents space condition as indicated by the en-
blocks TBI and TB2 are mounted on the should enclose a stamped business-size coding for the desired character. The
rear apron. Component layout is not at all-
envelope bearing a return address with number of data pulses used to represent
critical. their request. the letters, numbers and symbols varies
with the TTY code being used; Baudot
Additional Thoughts Types of Machines code uses five data pulses, ASCII uses
Although the circuit described here per- There are two general types of eight. Immediately after the last data
formed flawlessly for many months, one machines, the page printer and the tape pulse, a stop pulse is included which is
change might be considered by the pro- printer. The former prints on a paper roll always a mark pulse. The stop pulse,
spective builder. The change would in- about the same width as a business let- therefore, always occurs in a fixed time
volve rewiring the relays so that the terhead. The latter prints on paper tape, after the start pulse (after five data pulses
preamplifier would
be automatically usually gummed on the reverse side so it in Baudot and eight in ASCII). The stop
switched into the termination when the may be cut to letter-size width and pasted pulse gives the machine a "rest time" to
system is de-energized. This would' protect on a sheet of paper in a series of lines. The prepare for the beginning of the next
the preamplifier from static or nearby page printer is the more common type in character, maintaining receive machine
lightning strikes. As the circuit is presently the equipment available to amateurs. synchronization with the transmitted
shown, the preamplifier will remain con- The operating speed of most machines signal. The time length of the start and
nected to the antenna when the power is is such that characters are sent at 4he rate each data pulse are the same and are often
switched off. Although no damage has oc- of either 60, 67, 75 or 100 wpm depending called the unit-pulse or select-pulse time.
curred to the preamplifier used by the on the gearing ratio of a particular The stop-pulse length varies from code to
author, some GaAS FET amplifiers may machine. Current FCC regulations allow code and even with speeds within a code,
not be able to tolerate the voltage levels amateurs the use of any of these four as will be explained later. In general, the
produced by nearby lightning storms. speeds. Interchangeable gears permit most minimum stop-pulse length can be one or
machines to operate at. these speeds. Or- two times as long as the unit-pulse time;
RADIOTELETYPE dinary teletypewriters are of the start-stop stop pulses may be as long as desired since
Radioteletype (abbreviated RTTY) is a variety, in which the pulse-forming the machine is "at rest" until the next
form of telegraphic communication mechanism (motor driven) is at rest until a start pulse is received. This type of TTY
employing typewriterlike machines for (1) typewriter key is depressed. At this time it code that uses data and stop pulses

generating a coded set of electrical im- begins operating, forms the proper pulse in the construction of each character is
pulses when a typewriter key correspond- sequence, and then comes to rest again called an asynchronous or start-stop serial
ing to the desired letter or symbol is before the next key is depressed to form code. Other codes also in commercial use
pressed, and (2) converting a received set of the succeeding character. The receiving include synchronous serial codes, in which
such impulses into the corresponding mechanism operates in similar fashion, start and stop pulses are not attached to
printed character. The message to be sent being set into operation by the first pulse the data pulses for each character, and
istyped out in much the same way that it of the sequence from the transmitter. parallel data codes, in which each data
would be written on a typewriter, but the Thus, although the actual transmission pulse is assigned a separate wire to and
printing is done at the distant receiving speed cannot exceed about 60 wpm (or from the terminal device. Such codes are
point. The teletypewriter at the sending whatever maximum speed the machine is found in common use with computer and
point may also print the same material. geared for), it can be considerably slower, line-printer devices. FCC regulations cur-

The machines used for
teleprinter depending on the typing speed of the amateurs to use either the
rently authorize
RTTY are far too complex mechanically operator. Baudot or the ASCII serial asynchronous
for home construction," and if purchased It is also possible to transmit by using TTY codes.
new would be highly expensive. However, perforated tape. This has the advantage
used teletypewriters in good mechanical that the complete message may be typed
The Baudot TTY Code
condition are available at quite reasonable out in advance of actual transmission, at One of the first data codes used with
prices. These are machines retired from any convenient speed; when transmitted, mechanical printing machines uses a total
commercial service but capable of entirely however, it is sent at the machine's nor- of five data pulses to represent the
satisfactory operation in amateur work. mal maximum speed. A special tape alphabet, numerals and symbols. This
They may be obtained from several reader, called a transmitter-distributor, code is commonly called the Baudot or

14-24 Chapter 14

Table 13
CONDITION The Baudot Data Code
oil NtimhGr
Bit lyuiiiutii U.S. CCITT l\

54321 LCI 161 O Fini

lyut co Figures


00001 E 3 3
00010 LF LF LF
SPACE 00011 A —
( CURRENT OFF)" 12 3 4 5 1 2 00100 SPACE SPACE SPACE
(m) (s) (s) (m) (s) (m) (s) 00101 S BELL
00110 1 8 8
00111 u 7 7
01011 J BELL
01100 N >

Fig. 35 — Time sequence of typical Baudot character, the letter D. 01101 F 1


01110 C
01111 K ( (

Murray telegraph code, after the work Keyboards on Baudot machines such as 10000 T 5 5
done by these two pioneers. Although the Teletype Corp. models 15 and 28 dif- 10001 Z
10010 L )
commonly called the Baudot code in the fer from standard typewriter keyboards,
10011 W 2 2
United States, a similar code is usually having only three rows of keys with the 10100 H #
called the Murray code in other parts of related letter and number/symbol on each 10101 Y 6 g
the world and is formally defined as the keytop —
Q and 1, K and (, and so on). 10110
Q 1
International Telegraphic Alphabet No. 2 The typist soon discovers this difference! 11000 O 9 9
Baudot Code in part 97.69 of the FCC Newer electronic terminals such as the 11001 B ? ?
Rules and Regulations. This standard HAL DS2000 and D§3100 have standard 11010 G & &
defines the codes for letters, numerals and keyboard arrangements and automatically
11100 M
the slant or fraction bar but allows varia- insert ltrs or figs characters as they are
11101 X / /

tions in the choice of code combinations needed. The Baudot code itself is 11110 V
for punctuation. U.S. amateurs have restricted to upper-case letters only since 11111 LTRS Ltrs LTRS
generally adopted a version of the so- insufficient codes are available to repre- Note: FIGS-H (101*0) may also be used for
called "Military Standard" code arrange- sent lower-case letters.
MOTOR STOP function. "1" = mark = hole in
punched tape
ment for punctuation, largely because of The Baudot code has seen extensive
the ready availability of military surplus commercial use throughout the world and
machines in the post- 1945 years. is still actively utilized for international
Amateurs in other countries (particularly wire, press and weather communications. U.S. and CCITT No. 2 alphabet. Notice
in Europe) have standardized on the Inter- Because of the ready availability of that the waveform drawing of Fig. 35
national Consultive Committee for Baudot mechanical equipment, this code shows the current waveform, with mark
Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT) No. 2 will continue to be quite popular among represented by the upper deflection. Also,
code arrangement, which is similar to the radio amateurs. Nevertheless, the lack of the bits in Fig. 35 are arranged in a left-to-
U.S. standard but has minor symbol and code space for control, extended punctua- right order, as would be observed on an
code-arrangement differences. tion or lower-case letters is a severe limita- oscilloscope. The bits in Table 13,
Since each of the five data pulses can be tion of the five-unit Baudot code. These however, are arranged in descending
in either a mark or space condition (two limitations are particularly inconvenient order (b5 to bl), conforming to the stan-
possible states per pulse), a total of in computer-terminal applications, even dard binary representation. Thus the let-
2x2x2x2x2 = 25 = 32 different though various serial and parallel data- ter D shown in Fig. 35 would be written as
code combinations are possible. Since it is coding schemes have been used with com- the binary character 01001.
necessary to provide transmission of all 26 puters. Fig. 35 shows a time diagram of
letters, 10 numerals and punctuation, the typical Baudot characters, and Table 13
32 code combinations are not sufficient. shows the Baudot data code for both the In 1968, the American National Stan-
This problem is solved by using the codes
twice; once in the letters (LTRS) case and
again in the figures (FIGS) case. Two i
NO. 2
special characters, ltrs and figs, are CHARACTER NO. 1

used to indicate to the printer whether the

following characters will be of the letters
or figures case. The printer has a latching
mechanism that "remembers" or stores
the last received ltrs or figs character so
that it remains in the last received case un-
til changed. Control operations such as SPACE
ltrs, figs, carriage return (CR), line feed (CURRENT OFF ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(m) (m) (s) (s) (m) (s) (m) (s)
(LF),space bar (SP) and blank (BLNK = no
print or carriage movement) are assigned
to both the ltrs and figs case so that they DATA PULSES FOR "s"
can be sent in either case. The remaining PULSE PULSE PULSE
26 code combinations have different letter
or numeral/symbol meanings, depending
Fig. 36 —
Time sequence of typical ASCII character; the letter s. The eighth or parity bit may be
upon whether preceded by a ltrs or figs set for any of four conditions: (1) always mark, (2) always space, (3) odd parity or (4) even parity.
character. All four choices are in common usage.

Specialized Communications Systems 14-25

letter ASCII code is received. The
Table 14
Teletype model 33 is an example of a
The ASCII Data Code popular upper-case-only ASCII terminal.
7 1 1
Other terminals, such as the Teletype
1 1

6 1 1 '
1 1
model 43 or the HAL DS3100 ASR, have
5 1 1 1 1 user-selectable upper/lower case or upper-

case-only (CAPSLK) transmit/receive
NUL features.
0000 DLE SPC @ P \ P
0001 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q The optional eighth data bit may be set
0010 STX DC2 2 B R b r
to four conditions: (1) always mark, (2)
00011 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s
0100 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T
always space, (3) odd parity, or (4) even
d t
0101 'ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u parity. All four choices are in common
0110 ACK SYN & 6 F V f

V usage. Simple non error-detecting ter-
0111 BEL ETB '
7 G w g w minals usually set the eighth bit to be
1000 BS CAN ( 8 H X h X
1001 HT EM \
g Y always a mark or space (usually space).
) I
1010 LF SUB *
J z j z Parity is sometimes used with computer
1011 VT ESC + j K [ k {
and data interconnections where error-
1100 FF FS < L
CR -
/ detection is desired. When used, the parity
1101 GS = M ] m }
bit is controlled so as to set the total
1110 SO RS > N n
1111 SI US / ? O DEL number of mark data ASCIIbits in the
character to be always even or odd (even
ACK = acknowledge FF = form feed (home)
or odd parity). For example, if odd parity
BEL = signal bell FS = file separator
BS = backspace GS = group separator is used with the ASCII character c (first
CAN = cancel HT = horizontal tab <-) seven bits =
1Q0 0011), the eighth parity
CR = carriage return LF = line feed (i ) bit will bespace to give an odd
set to
DC1 = device control 1 NAK = not acknowledge
number (3) of data bits (0100 0011). Con-
DC2 = device control 2 NUL = null
DC3 = device control 3 RS = record separator versely, the odd-parity eight-bit code for
DC4 = device control 4 SI = shift in the letter B would be 1100 0010. (Logic
DEL = (delete) so -
= shift out convention has it that lowest order bits are
DLE = data link escape SOH = start of heading placed to the right; thus the bit order in
ENQ = enquiry (WRU) SPC = space
EM = end of medium STX = start of text the binary representation is 8765 4321.)
EOT = end of trans. SUB = substitute Upon reception, the receiving terminal
ESC = escape SYN = synchronous idle simply counts the number of mark pulses
ETB = end of block US = unit separator in each ASCII 8-bit character. If an odd
ETX = end of text VT = vertical tab ( )
number is counted, it is assumed that no
Note: "1" = mark = hole in punched tape
errors occurred. Notice, however, that
even if a bit error is detected, there is in-
sufficient data to determine which bit was
dards Institute (ANSI) adopted the to space (0), as indicated. wrong, and therefore no error correction
American National Standard Code for In- As can be seen from the code table, is provided by the parity check itself.

formation Interchange (ASCII), ANSI many more punctuation symbols are in- Also, if there are two bit errors in the
Standard X3. 4-1968. This code uses seven cluded in ASCII than in Baudot. ASCII same ASCII character, the parity count
data pulses to specify the letter, number, also includes a large number of control will still be odd, and no error indication is
symbol or control operation desired. An characters designed for print control of given even though two errors occurred.
eighth data pulse, called the parity bit, is the terminal itself, formatting of data to Thus, parity checking will not give com-
provided for optional error checking. As the computer, and control of other hard- plete error detection and does not provide
with the Baudot code, the ASCII standard ware devices by the terminal. Although for error correction. Some applications
as approved for U.S. amateur use is asyn- these control functions are defined by the require more sophisticated error detection
chronous and serial with both start and ANSI definition, variations in the use of and correction schemes. Even parity
stop pulses. the control characters abound in the dif- works in a similar manner, except that the
Whereas the five-unit Baudot code was fering commercial applications. eighth bit is chosen to make the total
arranged by Murray so that the most fre- The keyboards of both mechanical and number of mark pulses even rather than
quently used letters are represented by the electronic ASCII -terminals are arranged odd. The U.S. amateur regulations do not
least number of mark holes punched in similar to the "standard" typewriter specify a requirement for use of the eighth
paper tape, ASCII has been arranged to keyboard, thus minimizing any retraining data bit; it may be set to mark, space, odd
optimize computer applications. The code required when an operator moves from a or even parity, depending upon the
has been particularly designed for rapid typewriter to a terminal. The "extra" preference of the operator and the
collation of alphanumeric lists, one data ASCII keys are arranged around the capability of his equipment. Relatively
bit, difference between upper- and lower- periphery of the standard keyset if they simple terminals do not provide parity op-
case letters, and isolation of all control are provided at the terminal keyboard. tions; more sophisticated equipment such
operations from printing operations. A A common abbreviation of the full as the DS3100 ASR do.
time diagram of a typical ASCII character 128-character ASCII code restricts the
is shown in Fig. 36. Table 14 shows the alphabetic letters to upper-case only, Speeds and Baud Rates
ASCII data code. As noted for the often called caps-lock or caplk. In The transmission rate of Baudot TTY
Baudot-waveform drawing, Fig. 36 shows general, these terminals transmit the signals is usually specified in words per
the loop current with mark represented by upper-case ASCII code for a letter minute, much like that used for telegraph
the upward deflection. Also the bits in whether the shift key is used or not; they codes. Actually, the speed is given in the
Table 14 are arranged in binary number may or may not be capable of transmitting approximate number of five-letter-plus-
order (b7 to bl). Thus, the letter s in Fig. all of the control codes. These terminals space combinations transmitted in a con-
36 would be written as the binary number usually print (or display) the upper-case tinuous sequence of start-stop characters
0101 0011, with the eighth (parity) bit set letter when either the upper- or lower-case in a one-minute interval. Convenient

14-26 Chapter 14

Table 16
Table 15
ASCII Data Rates
Baudot Data Rates and Speeds
Bdud Data Pulse Stop PulSG
RstG //nc]
Baud Qata Pulse Olvp rt/JaS Onm mnn 110 9,091 9.091 11.0 110
(ms) WPM Name 9.091 18.182 10.0 100
Rate fms)
150 6:667 6.667 15.0 150
45.45 22.0 22.0 65.00 Western 30.0 300
300 3.333 '
3.333 .

Union 1.667 60.0 600

600 1.667
22.0 31.0 61.33 "60 speed" 120 1200
1200 0.8333 0.8333
22.0 33.0 60.61 45 baud 1800 0.5556 0.5556 180 1800

50.00 20.0 30.0 66.67 European; 2400 0.4167 0.4167 240 2400
50 baud 4800 0.2083 0.2083 480 4800
56.92 17.57 25.00 76.68 "75 speed" 9600 0.1041 0.1041 960 9600
26.36 75.89 57 baud 19200 0.0520 0.0520 1920 19200
74.20 13.47 19.18 100.00 "100 speed" CPS = characters per second
13.47 20.21 98.98 74 baud START + 8 (DATA) + STOP
100.0 10.00 15.00 133.33 100 baud
WPM = words per minute
CPS x 60

number of 5-letter-plus-space groups per minute.

choices of gear ratios and motor-shaft rate. A limited amount of amateur use of nected, text typed on one keyboard is
speeds have resulted in the use of 74 baud ("100 speed") has been noted on reproduced on both printers. Connection
noninteger wpm rates. Common usage, the high-frequency bands'. Most commer- of the keyboard directly to its associated
however, has rounded the exact speeds to cial RTTY transmissions on high frequen- printer is called a local loop and results in
easily remembered numbers. Thus, "60 cies use 50, 57 and 74 baud, with little what is called half duplex (HDX), giving
speed" Baudot is actually sent at 61.33 45-baud activity. local copy of transmitted text, termed
wpm and "75 speed" is really 76.67 wpm. ASCII data rates are commonly local echo.
A major problem occurs with the use of specified as a baud rate, although a Selector magnets have been designed
words per minute as a TTY speed character-per-second (cps) or words-per- for mark loop currents of 60 or 20 mA dc,
specification because of the varying length minute (wpm) rate may also be given. The with 60 mA
being by far the most com-
of stop pulses in use. For example, "60 lowest standard ASCII data rate in com- mon for older machines such as the
speed" Baudot TTY has 22-ms-long start mon usage is 110 baud. ASCII characters Teletype Corp. model 15 or 28. Newer
and data pulses and a 31-ms stop pulse; sent at 110 baud are usually sent with a Baudot machines and most ASCII
the Western Union "65 speed" also has 2-unit-wide stop pulse, although the machines and terminals use electronic in-
22-ms start and data pulses, but the stop 1-unit stop pulse may also be found in terface circuits that accept a wide range of
pulse is also 22-ms long; electronic ter- some applications. Above 110 baud, it is loop currents (10 to 120 mA for the HAL
minals commonly use 22-ms start and data common make the stop pulse one unit
to DS3100, for example); a 20-mA loop cur-
pulses and 33-ms stop pulses (1.5 times the pulse in length. The standard ASCII data rent is quite commonly used with ASCII
data-pulse width). All of these three codes rates commonly used with asynchronous terminals.
are compatible and may be received on the serial transmission are shown in Table 13. Since the dc resistance of the machine
same printer or terminal since the stop- The ASCII data rates up to 300 baud selector magnets is rather low (100 to 300
pulse length is a minimum time. The com- are authorized for U.S. amateur use on ohms, typically), it would at first seem
mon factor between these codes is the frequencies between 3.500 and 21.250 that a low-voltage loop supply could be
22-ms length of the data, or unit pulse. MHz. Data rates up baud are per-
to 1200 Used. However, the inductance of the
Therefore, a new data-rate specification mitted between 28 and 225 MHz; up to magnet is usually quite high (on the order
has been adopted, the baud rate, which is 19,600 baud may be used above 420 MHz. of 4 henrys for a model 15), causing a
the reciprocal of the data- or unit- or The 1 10-baud rate is by far the most prac- delay in the current rise time. This, in
select-pulse width: tical for 3.5 to 21.5 MHz
again use, magnet response
turn, delays the selector
because of the ready availability of equip- to a mark pulse, distorting the signal. This
Baud rate = 1/t, where t = length of
ment as well as the increased susceptibility distortion can be severe enough to cause
unit pulse.
of the higher data rates to noise, static, in- misprinting of received text, particularly if

Using this definition, all three of the terference and so Vhf fm amateur
forth. other forms of distortion are present (such
above codes have a data rate of 45.45 activity finds 110 and 300 baud useful for as caused by variations in the radio
baud, commonly abbreviated to "45 terminal-to-terminalcommunications, signal). The
effect of this inductive distor-

baud." and 300 and 1200 baud for computer- tion reduced considerably if the L/R

As noted above, the length of the stop related activities such as exchanging pro- ratio (L is solenoid inductance and R is
pulse varies between codes, being from grams and the like. total loop resistance) is reduced by in-
1.0 to 2.0 times as long as the unit (or creasing R. Increasing R requires that the
data) pulse; multipliers of 1.0, 1.42,
Loop Circuits dc voltage be increased to maintain the re-
1.5 are commonly used with the Baudot As discussed earlier, the printing quired 60-mA loop current. In general,
codes. Standard Baudot data rates and mechanisms use solenoids or selector the higher the loop voltage and loop
speeds are shown in Table 12. magnets to sense the presence (mark) or resistance used, the lower the distortion.
U.S. amateurs are authorized to use all absence (space) of the loop current. The In practice, loop power-supply voltages
of the Baudot data rates shown in Table letters typed on the sending keyboard are between 100 and 300 Vdc are common;
12, with the exception of 100 baud. This encoded with proper mark and space 130- and 260-volt supplies were often used
rate has seen limited commercial use in pulses by mechanically driven keyboard with model 15, 19 and 28 Teletype
Europe. The 45-baud data rate is by far contacts. Since the keyboards and selector machines. Modern TTY systems use a
the most popular worldwide amateur data magnets of both machines are series con- 150- to 200- volt loop power supply and a

Specialized Communications Systems 14-27

2000- to 3000-ohm loop resistance to set
the 60-mA loop current. Because of the
related keying circuitry, the demodulator
unit of a good RTTY system usually in-
cludes the loop power supply and current-
limiting resistor.
On the other hand, the newer ASCII
machines (such as the Teletype Corp.
models 33, 35 and 43) are available with a
wide variety of input/output (I/O) inter-
faces. These devices usually include a
high-current, low-voltage selector-magnet RTTY RTTY
assembly (500 mA, 10 to 30 volts is MODULATOR

typical), an internal magnet-driver tran-

sistor and power supply, and an electronic
interface to the data connections. These
machines may be supplied with a 20-mA TELERINTER VIDEO
loop-interface circuit or other interface

Additional System Requirements Fig. 37 —

At left is a block diagram of an RTTY system using surplus teleprinter equipment. At
right, a modern all-electronic RTTY station setup.
To be used in radio communication, the
pulses (dc) generated by the teletypewriter
must be utilized in some way
to key a
radio transmitter so they may
be sent in mark and the higher for space. dissipation rating of the PA tube or tubes.
proper sequence and usable form to a dis- Below 50 MHz, Fl or fsk emission must
tant point. At the receiving end the incom- be used. The carrier is on continuously, AMATEUR TELEVISION
ing signal must be converted into dc pulses but its frequency is shifted to represent Many amateurs rationalize their failure
suitable for operating the printer. These marks and spaces. General practice with to participate in television by in-
functions, shown in block form in Fig. 37, fsk is to use a frequency shift of 170 Hz, dicating a lack of equipment. In prior
are performed by electronic units known although FCC regulations permit the use years such reasoning could be considered
respectively as the frequency-shift keyer of any value of frequency shift up to 900 acceptable. Recent development in solid-
or RTTY modulator and receiving con- Hz. The smaller values of shift have been state products, however, make such ra-
verter or RTTY demodulator. shown to have a signal-to-noise-ratio ad- tionalization today as weak as jail-house
The radio transmitter and receiver are vantage. The nominal transmitter fre- coffee. Now, in this semiconductor age,
quite conventional in design. Practically quency is the mark condition and the fre- there is little difficulty in obtaining essen-
all the special features needed can be in- quency is shifted 170 Hz (or whatever shift tial components, nor does one have to
corporated in the keyer and converter, so may have been chosen) lower for the space worry about putting the arm on a rich un-
that most ordinary amateur equipment is signal. cle to pick up the tab. An amateur televi-
suitable for RTTY with little or no sion station can even be assembled in an
modification. RTTY with SSB Transmitters
evening! The material presented here is

A number of amateurs operating RTTY from an article by Ruh, which appeared in

Transmission Methods
in the hf bands, below 30 MHz, are using April 1978 QST.
It is quite possible to transmit audio tones fed into the microphone input When widespread interest in television
by ordinary "on-off"
teleprinter signals of an ssb transmitter. With properly sprouted after World War II, bandwidth
or "make-break" keying such as is used in designed and constructed equipment of TV opera-
technicalities required a split
regular hand-keyed cw transmissions. In which is correctly adjusted, this provides a tions in the amateur bands. Slow-scan
practice, however, frequency-shift keying satisfactory method of obtaining Fl emis- television (SSTV) is used in the hf bands
is preferred because it gives definite pulses sion. The user should make certain, where interference must be minimized.
on both mark and space, which is an ad- however, that audio distortion, carrier, Experiments are currently being made
vantage in printer operation. Also, since and unwanted sidebands are not present with the transmission of color pictures by
fsk can be received by methods similar to to the degree of causing interference in SSTV. Various techniques are being used,
those used for fm reception, there is con- receiving equipment of good engineering but in essence the process involves the
siderable discrimination against noise, design. The user should also make certain
both natural and manmade; distributed that the equipment is capable of
uniformly across the receiver's passband, withstanding the higher-than-normal
when the received signal is not too weak. average power involved. The RTTY signal
Both factors make for increased reliability is transmitted with a 100-percent duty cy-

in printer operation. the average-to-peak power ratio

cle, i.e.,
is while ordinary speech waveforms
Frequency-Shift Keying generally have duty cycles in the order of
On the vhf bands where A2 and F2 trans- 25 percent or less. Many ssb transmitters
mission is permitted, audio frequency-shift such as those using sweep-tube final
keying (afsk) is generally used. In this case amplifiers, are designed only for low-
the rf carrier is transmitted continuously, duty-cycle use. Power-supply com-
the pulses being transmitted by frequency- ponents, such as the plate-voltage
shifted tone modulation. The audio fre- transformer, may also be rated for light-
quencies used have been more-or-less duty use only. As a general rule when us-
standardized at 2125 and 2295 Hz, the ing ssb equipment for RTTY operation,
shift being 170 Hz. With afsk, the lower the dc inputpower to the final PA stage Fig. 38 — Many RTTY operators now use all-
audio frequency is customarily used for should be no more than twice the plate electronic systems.

14-28 Chapter 14
camera equipment with color film is a TV set and
thusiast. It fits nicely inside
popular in this work because it affords presents no problem if one wishes to
on-the-spot processing. Color reproduc- mount it on the antenna.
tion by this technique can be quite good. The TVC-1, sensitive and selective, per-
More advanced experiments in color forms exceptionally well, yet it is an exam-
SSTVreception are being contemplated ple of simplicity. Performance is en-
by storing frame data in digital memory hanced by a commercially manufactured,
and by applying picture information to a double-balanced mixer and a voltage-
standard color TV set, along with encoded controlled oscillator that is tuned by a
red-green-blue data, via an rf modulator. 10-kfl potentiorrieter. The latter feature

Fast-scan TV (ATV) is permitted on the enables the converter to be tuned remotely

bands above 420 MHz where wider band- by a similar potentiometer. Such remote-
— Top view of the ATV transceiver. The widths needed for this mode can be ac- control operation would be useful if the
Fig. 39
power supply is at the left. A coaxial relay and commodated. This article is concerned converter is to be mounted on the antenna
Bird power sensor are near the center of the with the latter method. or some location apart from the operating
back apron. The TVC-1 tunable converter has position.
been placed atop a Janel converter box for size A Converter for Reception Physically, the TVC-1 components are
comparison. A 12-V regulator chip has been
provided for the converter because the main Understandably a station that transmits mounted on a very small pc board. There
supply furnishes 15 volts to enable the power ,
well but is deficient in receiving for want is a choice of a 50- or 75-ohrri input. A
amplifier to reach full output.
is provided for
of a good receiver leaves much to be coaxial-cable connector
desired. Efforts by some amateurs to the output on channel 3. The output
modify the home-TV uhf tuner have signal may be fed to an ordinary television

sending of three separate frames of the proved rather disappointing. Others have set for viewing the picture and hearing the

same picture with a red, a green, and a geared up homemade devices that failed sound. No modification of the TV set is

blue filter successively placed in front of to live up to expectations. What is the required. Therefore the TV receiver may
the camera lens for each of the three alternative? be used in the normal manner for home
frames. At the receiving end of the circuit, P. C. Electronics, which produces the entertainment without any incon-
corresponding filters are used and each units one needs for an ATV station, has veniences.
frame is photographed on color film. resolved the matter of providing a means As manufactured, the converter module,
After a tricolor exposure is made, the for obtaining excellent reception. The is supplied pretuned and ready to connect
photograph is developed and printed in TVC-1 converter, available in ready-made to the ATV system. The TVC-1 should be
the normal manner. The use of "instant" form, is tailor-made for the 439-MHz en- installed in a shielded chassis or enclosure.




00 NOT EXCEED 1 r£T\

+15VDC \ 1 2.4.




45 MHz

Fig. 40 —
Block diagram of the ATV transceiver. Principal units of the circuit are the VHF Engineering TX-432 transmitter. Motorola MHW-710
amplifier, P. C. Electronics TVC-1 converter, VM-3 video modulator, FM-A5 audio subcarrier unit and video i-d generator. Output of the
converter is
connected to a standard TV set. The IC is a type 7812 12-V dc regulator.

Specialized Communications Systems 14-29

Power for the module is to be supplied by
a regulated 12-V source. The power sup-
ply must be turned off when transmitting.
A length of 50- or 75-ohm cable should
be used for connecting the converter to C24
the TV tuner. Remove or unclip the twin-
lead at the tuner. The coaxial-cable shield
is then connected to one of the antenna
terminals. The other terminal is left open. |

adjust the converter, tune the televi-
sion set to either channel 2 or 3 (whichever REMOVE JUMPER
isnot used locally). Fine-tune the selected _mnn_
channel to minimize any signals from a
commercial TV station. Then connect the 1"' Ji-
ATV antenna and swing the converter r-hr
across the band to locate a nearby ATV
station. After the station has been found
by tuning with the 10-kfl potentiometer,
fine adjustments are made with CI. When
the latter is properly set, tuning will be INPUT
good for10 MHz. For installations
where the converter is mounted on the AT LINE
antenna, the 10-kfi frequency control on
the VCO may be replaced by the remote
Fig. 41 — Two minor changes are all that need be made to modify the TX-432
tuning circuit shown in Fig. 43. Use of this transmitter for ATV.
C28 and the jumper connecting it with RFC3 are removed. The line input at the lower right of the
arrangement allows the tuning ad- diagram is not used.

-0-H2 TO 14V DC
t . IQCyuF T
I5V -p -OTO L7


INZZia 1 Lji 2N22< 9





El B
1*i F 25V


-1 1/2W

MHW 710-1 * • RG58
TO VM«-30 1
-± 2.2<jF

Fig. 42 -
The VM-3 solid-state video modulator. The wide-bandwidth capability of the modulator enables it
to resolve 64 character-per-line signals
from TV typewriters and microcomputers. The 3-dB-down point is typically 8 MHz, more
than enough for color and sound plus greater resolution
than broadcast. The upper portion of the drawing illustrates the modulator circuit. The lower
portion covers the power source and the mHW-7-10-1
P consists of ,w0 25 v ct 'ilament transformers with primaries in series and secondaries paralleled.

?Sl : Triad no. F-41X or Radio Shack no

273-1512 may be used. ,

14-30 Chapter 14
justments to be made from the operating the Motorola HEP line are better suited broadcast-quality sound to accompany
position. Shielded cable is recommended for the purpose. video pictures.
for the connection between the VCO and This subcarrier module is designed for
Fast-Scan Modulator feeding the VM-3 video modulator direct-
the remote 10-kQ potentiometer.
The VM-3 fast-scan modulator, ly or it may be connected to any 75-ohm
Transmitting Equipment another P.C. Electronics unit, was video coax line with the addition of a
Basic units for transmission of ATV in- developed to be used mainly for supplying 4.5-MHz trap. The trap, as shown in Fig.

clude a video modulator, a sound-subcar- video to the TX-432B exciter. Because of 5, isnecessary for isolating the capacity of
rier device, a transmitter and a power the wide bandwidth of the VM-3, it has the long coaxial line from the FM-A5 out-
amplifier. The VHF Engineering TX-432 the capability of resolving 64-character put. That capacity would act as a bypass

and Motorola MHW-710 rf-module TV typewriterand microcomputer to the 4.5-MHz signal without the trap.

power amplifier serve as the rf strip. Both graphics. The 3-dB point is typically 8 Output from the FM-A5 is adjustable
have been adequately described in other MHz which is more than enough for color to match the camera video level. Nominal
articles which appeared in 73 for August, and sound plus greater resolution than subcarrier level is 0.5 to 1.0 V peak-to-
1976 and in AS Magazine for March found in broadcast TV. Another feature is peak. In some cases there may be other
1977. The circuits, in articles by Bruce a separate input for 4.5-MHz subcarrier band-pass attenuation in the transmitter
Brown, WB4YTU, are presented here for for sound transmission. An ATV operator and modulator that could require more
convenience of the readers. will appreciate this advantage. Fig. 44 il- adjustment.
Video modification of the VHF lustrates the connections to be made for Under operating conditions, the
Engineering TX-432 strip is simple. One adding the modulator to the installation. oscillator should be adjusted to within 10

capacitor, C28, and the 12-V 'dc bus The VM-3 is sold for about $20. kHz. The receiving station should be
jumper to the pad connecting C28, C29 tuned to the high-frequency side of a
Subcarrier System for Sound signal for best sound with picture. The
and LI 1 , are disconnected. strip is

supplied with + 12 V for all stages except One of the better subcarrier systems transmitter should also be peaked to the
the Lll is the final-stage rf choke
final. available is also produced by P. C. Elec- high side.
which is connected to the B + line and is tronics. The FM-A5 utilizes a stable' Frequency response of the FM-A5 is
the feed point for the video/audio signals. 4.5-MHz oscillator that is fm modulated rolled off just short of 300 Hz and just
C28, an electrolytic capacitor oh the by a Varicap diode driven from an IC above 3000 Hz for best voice communica-
TX-432 pc board, is not used. C29 is a audio amplifier. The unit has sufficient tion. Deviation is fixed at the 25-kHz
small disc capacitor that is retained for rf gain to fully modulate the transmitter to broadcast standard. P. C. Electronics has
decoupling. 25-kHz deviation even with an inexpen- priced this subcarrier generator in the $25
When tuning the TX-432 for operation sive microphone placed at a distance of 25 class.

below 444 MHz, one may find substitu- feet or more. Provision is made for
tion of Arco no. 402 compression microphone sensitivity and subcarrier rf
The MHW-710 Module
capacitors for the no. 400s desirable. level control to customize the operation To an energy boost,
give the transceiver

Improved heat dissipation may be according to the operator's liking. the rf amplifier a Motorola
achieved by replacing the thin metal heat Moreover, the FM-A5 incorporates a soft MHW-710 rf module. As mentioned
sinks furnished with the TX-432. The limiter to prevent overdeviation. Distor- earlier, only a few parts (as indicated in

solid-aluminum TO-5 heat sinks sold in tion is extremely low, providing the drawing) are needed to complete the

Lt 7-*

WV O+12V -0+12V

TV CH. 2 OR 3


Fig.43 —
The circuit of the TVC-1 converter consists of a low-noise, high-gain, rf amplifier, a doubly balanced mixer and a Varicap-tuned VCO.
Remote tuning of the converter permits it to be mounted on the antenna if desired. For remote operation, the remote tuning circuit replaces the
10-kO potentiometer shown below the oscillator transistor, Q2. C2 and C3 are Arco 400, 1-10 pF, capacitors. L2 consists of 1 1/2 turns no. 22 wire, :

1/4-inch diameter, tapped 3/8 inch from the lower end. L3 is a hairpin loop, 1/2 inch across the bottom and 5/8 inch high. It is made with no. 22 bus

Specialized Communications Systems 14-31

scan rate. While a regular fast-scan TV SSTV is legal anywhere in the Ad-
Table 18 signal produces 30 frames per second, it vanced and Extra Class voice segments of
Where to Buy Components
takes eight seconds to send one SSTV the 75, 40, 20 and 15 meter bands and all
Component Source frame. Thus, motion pictures are impossi- voice bands above 28 MHz. The standard
Audio subcarrler unit FM ATV is analogous to watching home
ble. If calling frequencies are 3845, 7171, 14,230,
A5 P.C. Electronics, movies by radio, then SSTV resembles a 21,340 and 28,680 kHz with 75 and 20
Tuneable converter TVC-1 2522 S. Paxson, photographic slide show on the air. In ad- meters being the most popular bands.
Video l-D generator TVID-1 Arcadia, CA
Video Modulator VM-3
dition, SSTV picture definition is four SSTV signals must be tuned in properly
times coarser than fast-scan TV. so the picture will come out with the pro-
MHW-710 power amplifier Motorola parts
But these disadvantages are more than per brightness and the 1200-Hz syn-
dealers or Re-
gency Electronics, balanced by the fact that SSTV can be chronization pulses will be detected. If the
7701 Records, Indi- used in any amateur phone band above signal is not "in sync," the picture will ap-
anapolis, IN 46226 3.5 MHz. Anyone you can work with a pear wildly skewed. The easiest way to
Power supply Godbout Elec- good signal on ssb can be worked via slow tune SSTV is to wait for the transmitting
tronics, P. 0. scan. Many DX stations are now equipped operator to say something on voice and
2355, Oakland Air- for picture transmission, and more than then tune him in while he is talking. With
port, CA 94614
one amateur has worked over 100 coun- experience you may find you are able to
Regulators Poly Paks, Box over SSTV!
tries zero in on an SSTV signal by listening to
942R, Lynnfield,
The signal that comes out of a SSTV the sync pulses and by watching for pro-
MA 01940
camera is' a variable frequency audio tone per synchronization on the screen. Many
TX-432 transmitter VHF Engineering
320 Water St.,
— high tones for bright areas and low SSTV monitors are equipped with tuning
Binghamton, NY tones for dark. To send SSTV over the aids of various kinds.
13902 air, you just feed this tone into the If you want to record slow-scan pictures
microphone jack of any ssb transmitter. off the air, there are two ways of doing it.
(SSTV on double sideband a-m or fm is il- One is to tape record the audio signal for
legal on the hf bands.) To receive, you playback later. The other is to take a pic-
amplifier stage. The module may not be a tune in the signal on an ssb receiver and ture of the image right from the SSTV
stock item at some Motorola parts feed the audio into the SSTV monitor. screen. Polaroid cameras equipped with a
dealers, but can be ordered from the
it All you need to get started is an ssb sta- closeup lens enable you to see the results
source indicated in Table 18. It is sold for tion, amonitor (the slow-scan "TV set") shortly after the picture is taken. If you
about $54. and a camera. You don't even need the want to do without darkening the
camera if you already have a tape room lights, you'll have to. fabricate a
SLOW-SCAN TELEVISION recorder. light-tight hood to fit between the camera
Fast-scan TV signals take up more than 5 Recent advances have led to the and the monitor screen.
MHz of bandwidth. Since this is more development of fast-scan converters. On On any amateur transmission, the legal
kHz than in all the amateur bands below 6 receive, such a device converts the'incom- identification must be made by voice or
meters, it is obvious that if we want to ing audio to a signal that is usable by a cw. Sending "This is WA0XYZ" on the
work TV-DX on the hf bands we will have conventional' fast-scan video monitor. screen is not sufficient. Most stations in-
to modify the TV signal a bit. Similarly, on transmit the converter tersperse the pictures with comments
Slow-scan TV (SSTV) is, just as its changes the output of a fast-scan camera anyway, so voice i-d is not much of a pro-
name implies, a TV signal with a very slow to a standard slow-scan signal. blem. Otherwise SSTV operating pro-


^200 OHMS

*J? 2500 VM-3 OR FM-A3

t ±25kHi DEV

i I—)H '

Fig. 44 — This ATV sound-subcarrier generator module. permits both voice and video to be transmitted. The trap shown in the diagram is necessary
to isolate the capacitance of the long coaxial cable from the FM-A5 output. The capacitance would act as a bypass to the 4.5-MHz signals without
the trap. U1 is either a Motorola MC1458CP1 or Raytheon RC4558DN operational amplifier.

14-32 Chapter 14
cedures are quite similar to those used on
As with RTTY, the station transmitter
must be tuned for 100-percent duty cycle,
since the SSTV emission isa constant
tone.Only the frequency is changing.
For more information about amateur
TV, see Amateur Television Magazine
(Box 1347, Bloomington, IN 47401). - ENERGY

The December 1977 issue of QSP
heralded anew and unique system for
conserving communications bandwidth.
This technique, now implemented and in
the production stage, works at baseband
(audio) rather than at intermediate or
radio frequencies (i-f or rf). Thus it is ap-
plicable to virtually all types of analog and Fig.45 —A spectrogram or voice print of the utterance "digital communication." The vertical axis
digital transmission systems. The system represents frequency (80-8000 Hz), and the horizontal axis "represents time 0-1.5 s).
includes the newly developed frequency
compandor' and the well-known, but not
extensively used, amplitude compandor.' show peaks at distinct points. As speech is sound, the frequency range must extend
Use of both devices within the same base- produced, changes occur in the aural cavi- to approximately 4000 Hz, but this is not
band system offers significant im- ty shape, thus changing the spectral loca- usually required for intelligibility since
provements in adjacent-channel rejection tion of these peaks. contextural clues provide sufficient

and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Fig. 45 shows a spectrogram, or voice evidence for the listener to "hear" an
The transceive baseband system print, of the utterance "digital com- "s."
munication." The vertical axis represents Evidence from theory and that gained
operates on the audio waveform just after
the microphone but before the speaker. frequency (80-8000 Hz), and the horizon- through practice (amateur communica-
tal axis represents time (0-1.5 s). Darkness
tions) indicate a bandwidth of 300 to 2500
The frequency compandor filters the
essential partsof speech and down con- of the bands indicates amplitude or voice Hz is adequate for good quality speech.
verts this information electronically on strength. The fine structure of amplitude
Audio Bandwidth Reduction
transmission, thus providing a significant peaks that are very close together in the
and the Frequency Compandor
reduction in transmitted bandwidth. A horizontal dimension is a measurement of
narrower bandwidth signal causes less in- vocal-cord vibration (fundamental fre- Xo explain the approach taken consider
terference to others operating in the same quency). the spectrogram in Fig. 45. Notice that
band. It also allows the use of a sharper Notice the rather strong amplitude con- there are natural gaps between the first

and narrower receive filter, which greatly centrations below 4000 Hz. These are the and second, and second and third for-
reduces adjacent-channel interference. spectral peaks referred to above and are mants. There is little energy present in
called formants. The first three formants these gaps.
What Is Speech? are shown in Fig. 45 at the beginning of After extensive listening tests and con-
One can better understand how the fre- the utterance. Proper processing of these sideration of various filtering and mixing
quency compandor works by considering three formants is a major concern of combinations it was found that the first
the composition of speech. Acoustically, bandwidth conservation in speech. formant is not as essential to intelligibility
human speech consists predominantly of Unvoiced sounds occur when there is no as the second and third. Furthemore, the
two types of sounds —
voiced and unvoic- vocal -track excitation. Sounds such as gap between the first and second formants
ed. clicks, hisses and popping are caused by is wider then between the second and third

Voiced sounds originate by passing air the speaker using his tongue, lips and and it is more constant with time, As a
from the speaker's lungs through the teeth. These sounds, or evidence of their result the system shown in Fig. 46 was

larynx (voice box), a passage in the human occurrence by formant extensions into or developed.
throat with the opening obstructed by from a voiced sound, are very important To understand how the system works
vocal cords." As air is passed by these to the intelligibility of speech. Spectral- note that two bands of speech are preserv-
cords, they vibrate, causing puffs of air to amplitude distributions of unvoiced ed, the first from dc to 600 Hz (most com-
escape into the aural cavity, which con- sounds are generally above 1500 Hz and munications transceivers limit the low end
sists of the throat, nasal cavity and ,
are "noise-like," in that very little to 350 Hz) and second from f to 2500 Hz;

mouth. Studies indicate that the acoustic periodic structure is present (see Fig. 45). f[ corresponds to the low end of the se-
waveform produced by the vocal cords Briefly, speech is the continuous pro- cond formant and is variable depending
has many harmonics of the fundamental duction of voiced and unvoiced sounds, on the transmission and reception low-
vibration. Because of the irregular shape with appropriate pauses to add clarity and pass filter (LPF) cutoff frequency fT In .

of the aural cavity, the spectral-amplitude distinctness. Measurements performed on equation form
distribution of the harmonics tends to voices from different speakers indicate
ft = 3100 - fT
that the first formants
three lie

Harris, R. W. and Gorski, J. C, "A New Era predominantly below 1500 Hz. Speech For example, the two filter options pro-
in Voice Communications," QST, December 1977.
consisting of these three formants is' of vided by the first commercial system will
'A frequency compandor compresses signal band-
width on transmission and expands signal band- good quality, both from an intelligibility be fT = 1600 Hz and fT = 2100 Hz. Both
width on reception. the transmission and reception filters have
An amplitude compandor compresses signal am- and "listenability" standpoint. Sufficient
plitude on transmission and expands signal am- information as to the existence of some a 1.3 shape factor. Thus the narrow
plitude on reception. unvoiced sounds appears to lie in this system with a transmission bandwidth of
"Flanagan, L., Speech Analysis Synthesis
J. and
Perception, 2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag, 1972. range. For example, to produce an "s" 1600 Hz is designed to preserve speech

Specialized Communications Systems 14-33


from 350-600 Hz, which is the first for-

mant approximation, and from 1500-2500 600-Hz
Hz, which is the band of contiguous se- L.PF.

cond and third formants. The wider

system with a 2100-,Hz transmission band- TRANSMITTER
width preserves speech from 350-600 Hz SPEECH 2500-Hz SUMMING TX L.PF.
3» o
system, but also preserves the region from
P. F.

1000-2500 Hz which includes more of the

lower end of the second formant.
BAL. 700-Hz
Operationally, the first formant, MOD.
> H.P.F.
350-600 Hz, passes essentially straight
through the system, the second and third
formants are inverted and down con-
verted for transmission, then reinverted 3100 Hz
and up converted on reception. Use of the
700-Hz high-pass filter. (HPF) aids in
eliminating potential distortion products (A)

caused by high frequencies mixed low on

transmit and low frequencies mixed high on
receive. L.PF.

— 2500-Hz
While spectrum management has
P. F.

received much attention in the recent

Amateur Radio literature, the problems
700-Hz B *L.
and possibilities of "more QSOs per H.P.F M 30.
kilohertz" were first recognized more
than half a century ago. Frederick
Emmons Terman, 6FT, presented his vi- LO
sion of narrow-band communications in 3100 Hz
"Some Possibilities of Intelligence
Transmission When Using a Limited
Band of Frequencies," published in Pro-
ceedings of the Institute of Radio
Engineers, January 1930.
Fig. 46 — Block diagram of the basic frequency compandor scheme. The circuit at A is used to
compress the audio bandwidth on transmit. The circuit at B expands this signal for receive.
An important part of Terman's paper
deals with the theoretical bandwidth re-
quired for radiotelegraphy. As early as As discussed in Chapter 11 of this The receiver output is sampled at twice the
1927, the Bell Telephone Company had Handbook, the bandwidth required for keying frequency. A block diagram of a
reported successful experiments with transmitting a radiotelegraph signal is ccw communications link is given in Fig.
200-wpm Baudot TTY communication in directly proportional to the keying rate. 47. Increased frequency stability and ac-
a 50-Hz bandwidth over undersea cables. For a speed of 12 wpm
the unit pulse curacy can be achieved through phase-
The bandwidth reduction resulted from length is 0.1 second. Since a dot and a locking both reference generators to a
synchronization of the transmitter and space each require 0.1 second, a string of standard frequency broadcast station. A
receiver. In proposing the application of dots at 12 wpm is a square wave having a good signal for this purpose is broadcast
synchronized telegraphy to radio, Terman fundamental frequency of 5 Hz. To on 60 kHz from WWVB. The 3.58-MHz
addressed the frequency stability problem preserve the square-wave characteristic of color burst signal generated by the televi-
attendant to any reduced-bandwidth the emission, an ssb transmission band- sion networks is another excellent
system by suggesting that transmitter and width of at least 15 Hz is required. A base- reference source.
receiver oscillators be locked to one of the band (or dc wire telegraph) receiver needs Fig. 48 shows the elements of the audio
standard frequencies broadcast by NBS. a similar bandwidth for conventional in-
He noted that given a reference frequen-
output filter in more detail. combina- A
formation recovery. Terman reported that tion of digital and analog techniques pro-
cy, any other frequency can be derived by with synchronization techniques, the duces' a 3-dB bandwidth of 9 Hz, which is
means of multiplication, division or receiver bandwidth could be reduced to within the range predicted by Terman.
heterodyning. Only the '

word "syn- 1.5 to Z:0 times the keying rate. In con- When the receiver is properly tuned, the
thesizer" was missing! ventional (Morse) radiotelegraphy, the in- filter input signal frequency is 1 kHz.
Technology made giant leaps in the next telligence is ultimately received as an Since this frequency is "zero beat" with
45 years. In September 1975 QST, Ray- audio tone. Even a 15-Hz bandwidth filter the reference (LO) signal, the mixer out-
mond Petit, W7GHM, described the ex- centered on, say, 500 Hz, would require a put is a dc voltage proportional to the
periments of some radio amateurs with a Q of 33, causing intolerable ringing. cosine of the phase angle between the in-
mode he called "coherent cw." Petit did The ringing problem can be overcome put and reference signals. When the
not acknowledge Terman's paper, so we with time-domain processing at both ends signals are phase-cointident the mixer
must conclude that he rediscovered the of the communications path. The produces a maximum positive voltage.
wheel. In any case, ccw is an idea whose transmitter is stabilized to within 1 Hz of The mixer output voltage swings negative
time has come. Adrian Weiss, W0RSP, the proper frequency by phase-locking to when the input and reference signals are
disclosed some of the technical details of a reference standard. Precisely timed key- 180° out of phase. A 90° relationship
the ccw system in June and July 1977 CQ. ing pulses are derived from the same results in zero output voltage. The actual
The presentation contains some errors, reference standard. A similar reference hardware uses square waves for mixer LO
but the astute reader will be able to standard stabilizes the receiver frequency injection, so the phase detection transfer
recognize the significant principles. and synchronizes the audio output filter. characteristic is linear rather than
14-34 Chapter 14

— — WWVB 60KHZ





Fig. 47 — A ccw communications link.

-o^o- sr


> *
U 100 MS

-•j |«-1MS


j j


(kHz |*"IMS
— |^ J~L
-100 MS »|

A3 O-i


DECAQE ©@®© ©©©©(DO


Fig. 48 — Block diagram of a ccw receiving filter. The operation is outlined in the text.

sinusoidal, but the minimum and maxi- domly with respect to the reference, even locked to the same standard frequency
This from
variation results
mum voltages occur at the same points, though the reference generators at each transmission.

The phase of the input signal varies ran- end of the communications link may be changing propagation conditions. Phase

Specialized Communications Systems 14-35

variations of the input signal have little ef-
fect on the timing of the sampling window j

because the sampling rate is only one one-

hundredth of the signal frequency. The
sampling window position is adjustable,
in any case. To prevent loss of output
voltage when the input/reference phase
relationship swings through 90°, two
signal channels are driven in phase
quadrature by the reference generator.
Thus, if the input signal is shifted 90°
from the reference signal applied to one
mixer, that mixer output will be zero, but
the other mixer will see a 0° or 180° rela-
tionship. The two channels are summed at
the filter output, so the output amplitude Fig. 49 — Amplitude vs. frequency response of the receiving filter.

is independent of the input phase, pro-

vided the frequency is zero-beat.
The voltage from the mixer is integrated
over a 0.1-second period. Near the end of signal from the input mixer. If the input sized tranceivers can be outfitted for ccw
this interval, the timing logic causes the signal 10 Hz away from the reference,
is more easily — replacing the internal
sample-and hold circuit to acquire the in- the mixer output will be a 10-Hz ac signal. reference oscillator with an external stan-
tegrated output voltage. One millisecond At the end of the 0.1-second integrating dard is all that's required. To send ccw,
later, the logic resets the integrator and period, the mixer output waveform will the paddle-actuated clock in the keyer
the cycle repeats. The sample-and-hold have completed one cycle. Assuming the must be replaced by a continuous pulse
voltage amplitude of the
controls the cycle started at zero volts, the sample-and- trainfrom the frequency standard. Coor-
reference signal passed by the output hold will acquire the integrated mixer dinating one's paddle movements with the
modulator. Fig. 48 shows a separate voltage at the zero crossing and instruct "metronome" requires a different keying
phase-shift network at the output the output modulator to pass zero technique. A 'buffered keyboard (con-
modulator for clarity, but the input net- reference signal. (The above assumption trolled by the standard) is the ideal ccw
work can serve both circuits. The square- isn't necessarily valid for a single channel, sending instrument.
wave outputs are in phase quadrature. but it holds for the resultant of the When more stations have ccw capabili-
The combined output waveform is a stair- quadrature channels.) Any whole number ty, the mode may prove highly useful for
case that can be filte"red into a sine wave of beat-frequency cycles will cause the emergency communications. Another
with relative ease. sampled voltage to be zero. Since the possibility for ccw is in EMEwork. The
The timing signals are derived from the sampling interval is 0.1 second, the signal-to-noise ratio advantage should
1-kHz reference, which is synthesized response nulls occur every 10 Hz away reduce the station gain requirements.
from the master frequency standard used from the peak. If the input and reference Charles Woodson, W6NEY, played a
to stabilize the receiver LO. A decade signals differ by a multiple of 5 Hz, the stereophonic demonstration tape at
counter with a decimal decoder produces mixer voltage is sampled at the peak of a ARRL headquarters of a 20-meter ccw
10 outputs, each having the duration of half cycle, causing an alias. The aliases sontact with JR1ZZR using a power of
one input pulse and a frequency of one- diminish 6 dB every time the beat frequen- 100 mW. While this type of contact isn't
tenth of the input clock. Output one goes cy doubles because the integrator is a first- too unusual in itself when conditions are
high during the first clock pulse, output order low-pass filter having a 6-dB-per- good and interference is absent, the chan-
two goes high during the second clock octave roll off. nel recorded without the ccw filter was
pulse, and so on. Every second pulse of a Noise bursts and strong adjacent- unreadable, while the ccw channel was
sequence of 10 commands the sample- channel signals result in an occasional ex- perfect copy. Woodson publishes a ccw
and-hold circuit to sample, and every tra dit or an elongated dah, but are other- newsletter whenever there is new informa-
fourth pulse resets the integrator. A sec- wise unnoticed. At the 12-wpm keying tion to report. In addition, Petit Logic
ond decade counter/decoder is cascaded speed used by ccw experimenters, a signal- Systems, P.O. Box 51, Oak Harbor, WA
with the timing control, and its phase- improvement of about 20
to-noise ratio 98277 markets kits and accessories for ccw
adjustable output gates the timing signals dB can be realized over the bandwidths operation.
to select a 0.1-second integrating window typically used for cw. Faster speeds are
that synchronized with the incoming
is possible, but the bandwidth must be in-
keying pulses. Because the signal is creased at the expense of signal-to-noise
sampled at the end of the integration in- ratio.
terval, the filter output is delayed 0.1 sec- To establish ccw contact, one station
ond with respect to the input. sends a preamble of dits to allow the
Fig. 49 shows the approximate receiving operator to synchronize his
amplitude-versus-frequency response of filter. Experience thus far indicates that

the filter. Note the symmetry of the skirts. once the filter has been synchronized, it
Unlike analog filters composed of linear usually won't need adjustment for several
circuit elements, the sampling filter does hours. Fig. 50 depicts a typical ccw sta-
not exhibit arithmetic -selectivity. The tion. The early experimenters built their
spurious responses on either side of the stationsaround simple QRP equipment to
main passband resemble the infinite rejec- dramatize the communications advan- Fig. 50 — This
is the first complete amateur
tion notches characteristic of an elliptic tages offered by the mode and to em- station to be built for coherent cw operation.
filter and are called aliases. The frequency phasize the accessibility of the necessary Assembled by Andy McCaskey, WA7ZVC, it
consists of a modified Ten-Tec PM-2
response is quasi-periodic because signals technology. The simple gear requires
transceiver and homemade modules which pro-
that are not zero-beat with the reference some add-on circuitry to allow oscillator vide for the control and processing of signals
frequency produce a difference frequency stabilization. The more modern synthe- as required for coherent-cw operation.

14-36 Chapter 14
Chapter 15

with Other Services

Frequency Interference (RFI) It is clear, therefore, that almost all RFI matic diagrams showing the recommended
problems experienced with home-enter- placement of bypass capacitors and other
has probably been with us since the first
tainment devices result from basic design components to reduce rf susceptibility.
amateur stations came on the air some 70
deficiencies in this equipment. The few One large American manufacturer of hi-fi
years ago. Fed by the technology that
developed during and following II, WW small components or filters which would equipment has in some cases supplied the
prevent RFI are often left out of otherwise necessary components free of charge,
the problem has become an increasing
well-designed products as manufacturers although no consistent policy has been
source of irritation between radio opera-
attempt to reduce costs, and hence, to evident and the consumer must still pay to
tors and their neighbors. Home-entertain-
reduce the prices of their products. have a serviceman install the components.
ment electronics devices now abound,
While these are encouraging develop-
with most families owning at least one — Consumer Protection
The Solution ments, it appears likely that meaningful
television receiver, an a-m or fm radio,
Given the present unacceptable situa- and widespread corrective action by
and any one of several audio devices (such
an intercom, an tion, what can we as amateurs do to help equipment designers will require both
as a phonograph,
electronic organ). the consumer resolve the RFI problem? pressure from consumers and establish-
electronic guitar, or an
innate perversity of these One step which should certainly be taken ment of suitable government standards.
Given the
is to advise our friends and neighbors to Voluntary after-the-fact measures on
objects to intercept radio signals, it should
inquire, before they make a purchase of the part of manufacturers simply are not
surprise no one to learn that RFI is one of
an electronic device, whether the product enough. It is a foregone conclusion that as
the most difficult problems amateurs face
has been certified for operation in the pre- long as the inclusion of additional
in their day-to-day operations.
sence of a radio transmitter. Manufac- components for susceptibility reduction

How Serious is the RFI Problem? turers must be made to recognize that RFI increases a manufacturer's cost, however
FCC received protection of their home-entertainment slightly, there will be reluctance to take
In one year alone, the
equipment has become essential. Further, steps to improve equipment designs by the
150,000 RFI complaints, up more than 200
where interference is being experienced, manufacturers themselves. What appears
percent from the number of complaints
the consumer should be encouraged to to be necessary, therefore, is federal
received in 1970. Of these, the great
majority involved interference to home- contact the manufacturer of his equipment legislation giving the FCC the authority to
and to request that the manufacturer fur- regulate the manufacture of home-enter-
entertainment equipment. Most important,
nish the components or services necessary tainment devices and thus protect the con-
nearly all of these would never have come
to eliminate RFI. sumer.
to the Commission's attention if the manu-
facturers had corrected design deficiencies Up Us
What Are Manufacturers Doing Today? It's to
in their home-entertainment products at
Many responsible manufacturers have a If requests to manufacturers of home-
the time of manufacture. It is of interest to
policy of supplying filters for eliminating entertainment equipment for those com-
note that more than 60 percent of the
television interference when such cases are ponents and installation services neces-
interference cases reported were related to
brought to their attention. A list of those sary to relieve RFI problems are to be suc-
television interference (TVI).
manufacturers, and a more thorough cessful, each of us, when faced with an
In the case of television interference,
experience shows that 90 percent of treatment of the RFI problem, can be RFI problem, must make known our
obtained by writing the ARRL. If a given position to the manufacturers involved.
the problems experienced can only be
manufacturer is not listed, it is still While a respectful request for assistance
cured at the television receiver/Further,
possible that he can be persuaded to will bring more cooperation than a blunt
when it comes to audio equipment, the the
supply a this can be determined by demand, do not hesitate to let,
only cure for RFI is to treat the audio

writing either directly to him or to the manufacturers know that they have a
device experiencing the interference. There
Electronic Industries Association (EI A).
responsibility to the consumer for cor-
is nothing an amateur can do to his
With respect to audio devices, some recting the. design deficiencies that are
mitter which will stop a neighbor's phono-
manufacturers will supply modified sche- causing the problem. Before casting the
graph from acting as a short-wave re-
first stone, however, make sure you're not
ceiver. It should be emphasized that
sitting in a glass house. Certainly, if your
phonographs and hi-fi units are not
'Electronic Industries Association, 2001 Eye Street, own television receiver experiences no
designed to be receivers, but simply audio
N.W., Washington, DC 20006. Attention: Director
interference while you are on the air, it is
devices. of Consumer Affairs.

Interference with other Services 15-1

most likely that interference to a more yourself what happens at the affected
distant television, receiver is not the fault receiver. AMATEUR HARMONICS
of your transmitter.
In General SERVICE 28MHi 94UH, 14MHz
All of the above is not to say, however, 54
that we should not continue to assist in
_ TV
In this "public relations" phase of the
2 2
resolving RFI problems. Radio amateurs problem a great deal depends on your
have typically sought to * assist their own attitude. Most people will be willing - TV
neighbors in correcting RFI problems, to meet you half way, particularly when 3
even where those problems were in no way the interference is not of long standing, if -
attributable to the performance of the you as a person make a good impression. TV
transmitter. Ultimately, of course, it is the Your personal appearance is important. - 4 mm 5
manufacturers' responsibility to Correct So what you say about the receiver
is — -

those deficiencies which lead to the no one takes kindly to hearing his
interception of radio signals. But in the possessions derided. If you discuss your
interest of good neighborhood relations, interference problems on the air, do it in a 5

we must continue to provide this as- constructive way —

one calculated to
sistance wherever older equipment designs increase listener cooperation, not destroy TV
6 i
are in use. it.

Clean House First VHF Television

In approaching an RFI problem, the For the amateur who does most of his SERVICE 28 MHz 21 MHz
first step obviously is to make sure that transmitting on frequencies below 30
TV e
the transmitter has no radiations outside MHz, the TV band of principal interest is 7
the bands assigned for amateur use. The the low vhf band between 54 and 88 MHz. -
best check on this is your own a-m or TV If harmonic radiation can be reduced to TV
receiver. It always convincing if you can
is the point where no interference is caused 8

demonstrate that you do not interfere to channels 2 to 6, inclusive, it is almost

with reception in your own home. TV
certain that any harmonic troubles with
channels above 174 MHz will disappear 9
Dofi 't Hide Your Identity also. TV
Whenever you make equipment changes The relationship between the vhf tele- 10

— or shift to a hitherto unused band or vision channels and harmonics of amateur

type of emission —
that might be expected bands from 14 through 28 MHz is shown
1 1 7
to change the interference situation, check in Fig. 1. Harmonics of the 7- and 3.5-MHz
with your neighbors. If no one is bands are not shown because they fall in TV
experiencing interference, so much the every television channel. However, the 12

better; does no harm to keep the

it harmonics above 54 MHz from these 210
TV 10
neighborhood aware of the fact that you bands are of such high order that they are 13
are operating without bothering anyone. usually rather low in amplitude, although
Should you change location, make your they may be strong enough to interfere if
presence known and conduct occasional the television receiver quite close to the
tests on the requesting anyone whose

amateur transmitter. Low-order harmonics

Fig. 1 — Relationship of amateur-band harmonics to
vhf TV channels. Harmonic interference from
reception is being spoiled to let you know — up to about the sixth are usually the — transmitters operating below 30 MHz is likely to be
about it so steps may be taken to eliminate most difficult to eliminate. serious in the low-channel group (54 to 88 MHz).
the trouble. Of the amateur vhf bands, only 50 MHz
will have harmonics falling in a vhf
Act Promptly television channel (channels 11, 12 and "fringe" areas where the received picture
The average person will tolerate a 13). However, a transmitter for any is visibly degraded by the appearance of
limited amount of interference, but the .amateur vhf band may cause interference set noise or "snow" on the screen, it may
sooner you take steps to eliminate it, the has multiplier stages either operating
if it be necessary to go to extreme measures.
more agreeable the listener will be; the in orhaving harmonics in one or more of In either case the intensity of" the
longer he has to wait for you, the less the vhf TV channels. The rf energy on interference depends very greatly on the
willing he will be to cooperate. such frequencies can be radiated directly exact frequency of the interfering signal.
from the transmitting circuits or coupled Fig. 2 shows the placement of the picture
Present Your Story Tactfully by stray means to the transmitting and sound carriers in the standard TV
Whenever a device your intercepts antenna. channel. In channel 2, for example, the
signals, it is natural for the complainant to picture carrier frequency is 54 + 1.25 =
assume that your transmitter is at fault. If Frequency Effects 55.25 MHz and the sound carrier fre-
you are certain that the trouble is not in The degree to which transmitter har- quency is 60 - 0.25 = 59.75 MHz. The
your transmitter, explain to the listener monics or other undesired radiation second harmonic of 28,010 kHz (56,020
that the reason lies in the receiver design, actually in the TV channel must be kHz or 56.02 MHz) falls 56.02 - 54 = 2.02
and that some modifications may have to suppressed depends principally on two MHz above the low edge of the channel
be made in the receiver if he is to expect factors: The strength of the TV signal on and is in the region marked "severe" in
interference-free reception. the channel or channels affected, and the Fig. 2. On the other hand, the second
relationship between the frequency of the harmonic of 29,500 kHz (59,000 kHz or
Arrange for Tests spurious radiation and the frequencies of 59 MHz) is 59 - 54 = 5 MHz from the low
Most listeners are not very competent the TV picture and sound carriers within edge of the channel and falls in.the region
observers of the various aspects of the channel. If the TV signal is very marked "mild." Interference at this
interference. If at all possible, enlist the strong, interference can be eliminated by frequency has to be about 100 times as
help of another amateur and have him comparatively simple methods. However, strong as the 56,020 kHz to cause effects
operate your transmitter while you see for if the TV signal is very weak, as in of equal intensity. Thus an operating

15-2 Chapter 15

a 1

2 3


4 5

Fig. 2 — Location of picture and sound carriers in a monochrome television channel, showing
within the channel is varied
relative intensity of interference as the location of the interfering signal
without changing its strength. The three regions are not actually sharply defined as shown in this
drawing, but merge into one another gradually. Fig. 3 — "Cross-hatching," caused by the beat
between the picture carrier and an interfering
signal inside the TV channel.
look about as shown in Fig. 4. They result
frequency that puts a harmonic near the
in the intensity of the
picture carrier requires about 40 dB more from the variations
harmonic suppression in order to avoid interfering signal when modulated. Under
interference, as compared with an opera- most circumstances modulation bars will
ting frequency that puts the harmonic not occur if the amateur transmitter is fre-
near the upper edge of the channel. quency- or phase-modulated. With these
For a region of 100 kHz or so either types of modulation the cross-hatching
will "wiggle" from side to side with the
side of the sound carrier there is another
"severe" region where a spurious radia- modulation.
tion will interfere with reception of the Except in the more severe cases, there is
sound program and this region also seldom any effect on the sound reception
when interference shows in the picture,
should be avoided. In general, a signal of
intensity equal to that of the picture unless the frequency is quite close to the
carrier will not cause noticeable inter- sound carrier. In the\ latter event the
sound may be interfered with even though
ference if its frequency is in the "mild"
region shown in Fig. 2, but the same the picture is clean.

intensity in the "severe" region will utterly Reference to Fig. 1 will show whether Rg. 4 —
"Sound bars" or "modulation bars"
destroy the picture. or not harmonics of the frequency in use accompanying amplitude modulation of an
will fall in any television channels that can interfering signal. In this case the interfering carrier
is strong enough to destroy the picture, but in
Interference Patterns be received in the locality. It should be visible through the horizontal
cases the picture is

The visible effects of interference vary kept in mind that not only harmonics of bars.Sound bars may accompany modulation even
with the type and intensity of the the final frequency may interfere, but also though the unmodulated carrier gives, no visible
interference. Complete "blackout," where harmonics of any frequencies that may be cross-hatching.

the picture and sound disappear com- present in buffer or frequency-multiplier

pletely, leaving the screen dark, occurs stages. In the case of 144-MHz transmit-
frequency-multiplying combinations radiation from the antenna, so measures
only when the transmitter and receiver are ters,
that require a doubler or tripler stage to taken to prevent harmonics from reaching
quite close together. Strong interference
operate on a frequency actually in a the antenna will not reduce TVI if the
ordinarily causes the picture to be broken
low-band vhf channel in use in the locality transmitter itself is radiating harmonics.
up, leaving a jumble of light and dark
lines, or turns the picture "negative"
— should be avoided. But once it has been found that the •

transmitter itself is free from harmonic

the normally white parts of the picture
Harmonic Suppression radiation, devices for preventing har-
turn black and the normally black parts
turn white. "Cross-hatching" — diagonal Effective harmonic suppression has monics from reaching the antenna can be
the picture — accompanies three separate phases: expected to produce results.
bars or lines in
and also represents the
the latter, usually, 1) Reducing the amplitude of har-
Reducing Harmonic Generation
most common type -of less severe inter- monics generated in the transmitter. This
a matter of circuit design and operating Since reasonably efficient operation of
ference. are the result of the beat
The bars is
rfpower amplifiers always is accompanied
between the harmonic frequency and the conditions.
2) Preventing stray radiation from the by harmonic generation, good judgment
picture carrier frequency. They are broad
operating frequency-multiplier
and relatively few in number if the beat transmitter and associated wiring. This calls for all
level. When the
frequency is comparatively low near — requires adequate shielding and filtering stages at a very low power

the picture carrier —

and are numerous of all circuits and leads from which final output frequency is reached, it is

very radiation can take place. desirable to use as few stages as possible in
and very fine if the beat frequency is
— Preventing harmonics from being fed building up to the final output power level
high toward the upper end of the 3)
and to use tubes that require a minimum
channel. Typical cross-hatching is shown into the antenna.
impossible to build a transmitter of driving power.
in Fig. 3. If the frequency falls in the mild It is

region in Fig. 2, the cross-hatching may be that will not generate some harmonics, but
Circuit Design and Layout
so fine as to be visible only on close it is obviously advantageous to reduce
their strength, through circuit design and Harmonic of considerable
inspection of the picture, in which case it
choice of operating conditions, by as large amplitude flow in both the grid and plate
may simply cause the apparent brightness
a factor as possible before attempting to circuits of rf power amplifiers, but they
of the screen to change when the
prevent them from being radiated. Har- will do relatively little harm if they can be
transmitter carrier is thrown on and off.
monic radiation from the transmitter itself effectively bypassed to the tube cathode.
Whether or not cross-hatching is visible,
or from its associated wiring obviously Fig. 5 shows the paths followed by
an amplitude-modulated transmitter may
cause interference just as readily as harmonic currents in an amplifier circuit;
cause "sound bars" in the picture. These will

Interference with other Service* 15-3

because of the high reactance of the tank erately introduced; the harmonic at that conditions, there is little or no difference
coil there is little harmonic current
so in it, frequency will be tremendously increased between single-ended and push-pull am-
the harmonic currents simply flow through in amplitude. / plifiers in respect to harmonic generation.
the tank capacitorl the plate (or grid) Such resonances are unavoidable, but Push-pull amplifiers are frequently trouble-
blocking capacitor, and the tube capaci- by keeping the path from plate to cathode makers on even-order harmonics because
tances. The lengths of the leads forming and from grid to cathode as short as is with such amplifiers the even-harmonic
these paths of great importance, since
is physically possible, the resonant fre- voltages are in phase at the ends of the
the inductance in this circuit will resonate quency Usually can be raised above 100 tank circuit and hence appear with equal
with the tube capacitance at some MHz in amplifiers of medium power. This amplitude across the whole tank coil if the
frequency in the vhf range (the tank ajid puts it between the two groups of center of the Coil is not grounded. Under
blocking capacitances usually are so large television channels. such circumstances the even harmonics
compared with the tube capacitance that It is easier to place grid-circuit vhf can be coupled to the output circuit
they have little effect on the resonant resonances where they will do no harm through stray capacitance between the
frequency). If such a resonance happens when the amplifier is link-coupled to the tank and coupling coils. This does not
to occur at or near the same frequency as driver stage, since this generally permits occur in a single-ended amplifier having
one of the transmitter harmonics, the shorter leads and more favorable con- an inductively coupled tank if the
effect is just the same as though a ditions for bypassing the harmonics than coupling coil is placed at the cold end or
harmonic tank circuithad been delib- isthe case with capacitive coupling. Link with a pi-network tank.
coupling also reduces the coupling be-
tween the driver and amplifier at har- Some TVI Tests
monic frequencies, thus preventing driver One of the difficulties in solving TVI
harmonics from being amplified. problems, particularly in fringe areas, is
The inductance of leads from the tube the number of possible causes and their
to the tank capacitor can be reduced not elusive nature. A "cure" seems to be
only by shortening but by using flat strip found only to have the problem return
instead of wire conductors. It is also better with renewed severity the next day.
to use the chassis as the return from the Consequently, some tests were performed
blocking capacitor or tuned circuit to by the ARRL in order to isolate the*
cathode, since a chassis path will have less causes, if possible. Although the results
inductance than almost any other form of weren't encouraging in regard to certain
connection. aspects, one bright spot was some "fall-
The vhf resonance points in amplifier out" in the way of additional suppression
tank circuits can be found by coupling a
Fig. 5 —
A vhf resonant circuit is formed by the tube measures previously neglected.
capacitance and the lead inductances through the grid-dip meter covering the 50-250 MHz
tank and blocking capacitors. Regular tank coils are range to the grid and plate leads. If a Test Procedures
not shown, since they have little effect on such resonance is found in or near a TV
resonances. C1 is the grid tuning capacitor and C2 is
A ham experiencing some TVI in a
channel, methods such as those described

the plate tuning capacitor. C3 and C4 are the grid fringe area (on his own set) generously
and plate blocking or bypass capacitors, above should be used to move it well out agreed to be the "patient" in the tests. A
respectively. of the TV range. The grid-dip meter also large screened enclosure was transported
should be used to check for vhf reso- to his location. It could contain the TV set
nances in the tank coils, because coils along with a smaller version of the screen
made for 14 MHz and below usually will enclosure (Fig. 6) for the transmitter.
show such resonances. In making the Other equipment included a gasolirte-
check, disconnect the coil entirely from powered generator that could power
the transmitter and move the grid-dip either the TV set or transmitter. There is
meter coil alongwhile exploring for a
it always the possibility that feedback of rf
dip in the 54- 88-MHz band. If a
to energy through the power line (or
resonance falls in a TV channel that is in "conducted interference") is a factor in a
FILTER BULKHEAD use in the locality, changing the number of TVI problem. By running the equipment
U K © O
turns will move it to a less-troublesome on separate power systems, some idea of
frequency. the importance of this type of coupling
would be ascertained.
Operating Conditions Various low-pass filters, high-pass fil-

Grid bias and grid current have an ters, and power harnesses made up the
rest of the equipment list. Checks on
important effect on the harmonic content
Fig. 6 —Construction details of the rf enclosure.
of the rf currents in both the grid and various TV channels indicated the most
Forthe model shown, thin aluminum sheet metal
serious problem resulted from third-
was used to form a box 1 2 X 28 x 20 inches plate circuits. In general, harmonic output
(HWD)(304 X711 x 508 mm). Small holes were increases as the grid bias and grid current
harmonic energy on channel 3 during
drilled for ventilation and a fan m ight be 15-meter operation. Tests were performed
are increased, but this is not necessarily
advisable if temperature rise is considered a with the rig inside and out of its shielded
problem. Fe,ed-through connectors can be of the
true of a particular harmonic. The third
and higher harmonics, especially, will go enclosure, the TV set inside and out of the
builder's choice but ac conduits and control
larger enclosure, and with either the TV
leads should be filtered. For key and mic leads, through fluctuations in amplitude as the
bypass with 0.001 -»F disk-ceramic capacitors set or transmitter on independent power.
grid currentis increased, and sometimes a
and install a small ferrite bead (if available). A rather high value of grid current will
commercially manufactured Ikie filter was used,
although a homemade one of the "brute force" minimize one harmonic as compared with Test Results
type would also be suitable. a low value. This characteristic can be Previous checks in the lab revealed that
Although dimensions and material are not used to advantage where a particular almost all currently manufactured ama-
critical, the cabinet should be deep enough io
harmonic is causing interference, remem- teur transmitters and transceivers emit
form as much of an overlap as possible between
the front of the equipment panel and the front of bering that the operating conditions that harmonics in the. form of "chassis
the cabinet. It is important that all leads be run minimize one harmonic may greatly radiation" to varying degrees. It should be
through the rear of the cabinet. increase another. For equal operating pointed out that no outstanding "saints"

15-4 Chapter 15
measures will be equally ineffective under
were found in this area but mostly only test that indicated appreciable reduc-
tion of TVI was the one with the transmit ter allcircumstances. However, the claims of
"sinners." Once this energy escapes from the
can be conducted to placed inside of its shielded enclosure. In all some manufacturers are open to question.
transmitter cabinet, it
there was no improvement or Items such as power supplies that
the antenna or back through the power other tests,

the change was so slight as to be inconclu- eliminate TVI, and similar nostrums have
line via a single-conductor waveguide type
Some residual interference still re- come to our Consequently,
of mode. This mode is very similar to the sive.
mained with the rig enclosed in the shield. common sense order in judging
is in
propagation of rf energy over a two-
This was likely caused by rectification in whether or not a particular device will
dimensional conducting surface in the.
the external environment. One unexpected prove effective in eliminating interference
form of a ground wave. But the important
was that no noticeable difference or how it should be employed.
thing to keep in mind is that devices such result

as filters, traps and grounds are ineffective was observed with the door of the enclo-
Suppression Practices
since the energy flows around the
rf sure opened or closed. In fact, with the
As the test results reported in the
suppression network. The only effective door partially closed and touching the
shield at only a few points the TVI became previous section reveal, complete elimi-
measure is adequate shielding.
worse! nation of TVI is often not a simple pro-
As might be expected, the field tests
cess. It seldom happens that a single mea-
verified the importance of this aspect. The
Conclusions sure such as installing a high-pass filter at
The transmitter power for these tests the TV set will cure the problem. Rather,
was approximately 180 watts. Consider- a number of methods must be applied
able work has yet to be performed to simultaneously. The principal factor in

determine the important factors at higher any TVI situation is the ratio of TV signal

levels. However, there is hope for the ham strength to interference level. This in-
experiencing TVI because of chassis cludes interference of all types such as
radiation. With the door open, it is ignition noise, random or thermal noise ,

believed that the enclosure acts as a (which isn't really interference but sets the
waveguide below cutoff and still offers minimum signal that permits "snow-free"

some measure of suppression while per- reception), and unwanted signals that fall
mitting access to the controls. In discuss- within the TV
channel. signal-to- A
ing the tests with other amateurs experi- interference ratio greater than approxi-
encing TVI, reports from the field were mately 35 to 40 dB is required for good
Fig. 7— Lab simulation of TVI tests discussed in
favorable when similar measures were picture quality.
the text. A dummy load placed next to the "rabbit In this regard, an area frequently
ears" served as the transmitting antenna. overlooked in TVI difficulties is the
Some further experimentation along
these lines is in order. For instance, TV-set antenna. A poor antenna with
former shielding theory advocated the use little gain in the direction of the TV

of high-conductivity materials. Newer station, old and corroded wire and

methods often rely on the dissipation of connections (which can cause the har-

unwanted energy in lower conductivity

rf monic generation by rectification of a
materials such as steel. Although rf energy "clean" signal generated in a nearby
amateur transmitter), may result in a TVI
can penetrate deeper into low-conductivity
metals, and greater thicknesses are re- situation that is impossible to solve. For
quired to provide the same isolation (as instance, the "simulated" lab tests il-
that of copper, for example), other prob- lustrated in the photographs were per-
lems are simplified. Unwanted rf energy formed with a dummy load next to a set of
must be dissipated somewhere and when a "rabbit ears," which comprised the
good conductor is used for a shielding TV-set antenna. With a good outdoor
enclosure there is a greater tendency for system, the TVI would not have been
this energy to leak out through doors, present even though there was a leakage
Fig. 8 —Severe interference occurred with the conduits and other points of entry. By from the transmitter cabinet. Generally
setup shown above with the transmitter out of the
dissipating energy internally on the shield speaking, if the picture quality on the TV
enclosure. Interference was about the same with
walls, there is less chance for it to leak out. setexperiencing the interference is poor to
the leads running from the front of the cabinet
instead of through the rear connectors. (However, if, the unexpected attenuation begin with, even sophisticated suppression
with the door open was actually caused by measures are likely to prove futile.

a waveguide-below-cutoff effect as specu-

lated, high-conductivity material near the Grounds
door opening would be advisable.)
Grounding of equipment has long been
considered to be a first step in eliminating
Other Results interference. While the method is very
With the TV set in its shielded enclosure mf range and below, for all
effective in the

and with power fed through a commercially practical purposes it is useless in sup-
manufactured line filter, there was no differ- pressing vhf energy. This is because even
ence in TVI with the rig or TV set on inde- short lengths of wire have considerable
pendent power. Rf signal energy from the reactance at vhf. For instance, suppose a
TV antenna was fed into the shield enclo- length of wire by itself has an inductance
sure through a commercially manufactured of l wH. At 550 kHz, the reactance
high-pass filter. Little change was noted be about 3.46 ohms. On the other hand,
when these measures were eliminated and the same wire would have a reactance of
Fig. 9 —The interference was either reduced the set operated on the same power service over 300 ohms at 56 MHz, which is the
considerably (as shown in this photo) or as the transmitter, without a high-pass fil- frequency range of TV channel 2. (Ac-
eliminated completely, depending upon TV impedance of a wire becomes a
ter and outside of the shield. tually, the
signal strength, with all the leads exiting from the
It should not be concluded that such more complicated entity to define at vhf.
rear of the cabinet.

Interference with other Services 15-5

The delay
effects along the wire are impedance at 60 Hz. Consequently,
similar to those on the surface of an because of the cable break, high-pass
antenna. Consequently, the wire might filters at the antenna input terminals are
even appear as an open circuit rather than not as effective as those built into the
as a ground as the electrical length tuner itself.
approaches a quarter wavelength.)
From a shock-hazard point of view, Coax Shield Chokes Fig. 10 —
This coax shield decoupler is made
grounding is important. However, never
As mentioned previously, vhf currents with steel wool stuffed info an IBM copier
connect a ground for any reason to the tube. This size was selected for photographic
flowing on the outside of coaxial cables
chassis of a TV set. This is because many purposes, but to be truly effective, the device
are frequently the cause of RFI. Figs. 10, should be about twice as long.
TV sets derive their operating voltages 1 1 and 12 show techniques for reducing
directly from the ac-service line. Although
eliminating conducted chassis radiation
a schematic diagram of a TV set may
from coaxial The cardboard tube
indicate a "power transformer" is being
stuffed with steel wool in Fig. 10 works on
used, caution should be exercised to be
the absorption principle. The steel wool is
sure it is actually being employed for this
very lossy and dissipates the rf energy on
purpose. Quite often, the only voltage the
the shield. The tube pictured is 18 inches
transformer is supplying is for the TV
(0.45 m) long. A longer tube would be
picture tube filament.
more effective. Fig. 11 shows a choke
wound on a ferrite toroidal core; RG-8X
Shielding cable isideal for hf transmitters because
of its high flexibility and power-handling
Effective shielding is perhaps the single
most important measure in preventing or capability. It can be spliced into an RG-8
transmission line with connectors and
curing any RFI problem. However, as
pointed out in previous sections, un-
adapters. Another coax radiation-
suppression device is illustrated in Fig. 12.
wanted rf energy must be dissipated. The
If the plate is at least a half wavelength (at
task becomes harder to perform when the
spacing between the source of energy and the harmonic frequency fo be suppressed)

the boundaries of the shield diminish. on its smallest dimension, it will provide a Fig. 11 —Winding the cable on a ferrite toroid
Consequently, the use of a double shield very effective barrier. Large pieces of is a highly effective shield current suppressor
sheet metal are expensive, so the baffle in some cases. Reversing the winding as pic-
(as used in the tests) is one way of tured allows more turns with less shunt
reducing can be made from a sheet of cardboard or
residual radiation from the capacitance. RG-8X is used in this model, but
primary shielding surface. Masonite covered with aluminum foil. RG-58 will suffice for moderate power applica-

In order to obtain maximum ef- The ideal placement of any of these tions. The most important property of the cable
fectiveness of a particular shielding mea- chokes will vary with the standing wave is complete shielding — avoid "bargain" cable
having less than 95-percent braid coverage.
sure, no breaks or points of entry should pattern on the coax shield, but in general
be permitted. Small holes for ventilation they should be close to the transmitter.
purposes usually do not degrade shielding Like all RFI remedies, the effectiveness of
effectiveness.But even here, a honeycomb these devices varies widely with each in-
type of ductis often employed when
terference situation. Therefore, one
maximum isolation is required. (A par- should not expect miracles.
allel bundle of small tubing has very high

attenuation since each tube by itself acts Capacitors at RF

as a waveguide below cutoff.) Capacitors are common elements found
The isolation of a coaxial cable can be -
in almost any piece of electronics gear.
degraded considerably unless the ends of However, some precautions are necessary
the shield are terminated properly. A when they are employed in RFI-preventive
braid should be soldered so that it purposes such as in filters and bypassing
completely encloses the inner conduc- applications. In particular, lead inductance
tors) at the connector junction. For may be sufficient to resonate with the
instance, the practice of twisting the braid capacitor proper and cause the entire
and point soldering it to the base of a combination to have a high inductive
connector may result in a 20-dB degra- reactance rather than the desired capaci-
dation in isolation. Normally, this effect tive reactance.
is not serious if the cable is run through an This effect is illustrated in the accom-
area where sensitive circuits don't exist. panying photographs. The response curve
However, the isolation afforded by a filter Fig. 12 — A large metallic baffle effectively in-
shown in Fig. 13A is for a 10-MHz low- hibits waves propagating on the outside of a
can be reduced considerably in circuits pass arranged coaxial cable. For vhf TV channel 2, the
filter in a "pi" configura-
where such cable breaks occur. tion. However, this particular circuit reali- smallest effective baffle is a 9-foot-diameter
One where a shield break
instance zation required some large-valued capaci-
circle, but the required size decreases linearly
with frequency.
causes a serious problem is in the tors.Using ordinary capacitor types result-
connection between the antenna terminals ed in an unwanted resonance as evi-
on a TV set and the tuner. Newer sets denced by the sharp dip in the response of parasitic inductance were noticeable.
have a 75-ohm coaxial input along with a curve at approximately 15 MHz. However, When designing filters, it is advisable to
balun for 300-ohm line. However, because by going to the equivalent "T" configura- compute the component values for as many
many TV sets* have direct connections to tion (see the section on filters in the chap- configurations as possible in order to
the ac line, a decoupling network is used. ter on electrical laws and circuits), a circuit determine which one results in the most
The shielded lead to the tuner is broken realization for the desired response re- practical elements. If large capacitance
and a capacitor is connected in series with quired much smaller capacitance values. values are unavoidable, either special
the braid. This provides a low-impedance The curve shown in Fig. 13B approximated low-inductance types should be used or a
path for rf energy while presenting a high this response quite closely and no effects number of ordinary smaller-valued

15-6 Chapter 15
citors arc highly recommended for con- practical will generally be better from an
ducting leads in and out of circuits where RFI and TVI standpoint than antennas
the radiation of harmonic energy is pos- closer to the ground.
sible. In addition, the rfc illustrated in Fig.
14 could either consist of a small coil FCC Rules Concerning RFI
wound over a composition resistor as Part 97.73 of the U.S. amateur regula-
shown or could be a
it ferrite bead on a tions specifies the amateur's responsibility
straight piece of wire. for signal purity:
(a)Except for a transmitter or transceiver
Decoupling from the AC Line built before April 15, 1977 or first marketed
Direct feedback of rf energy into the ac before January 1, 1978, the mean power of any
power service is usually not a problem spurious emission or radiation from an
with modern transmitting equipment. amateur transmitter, transceiver, or external
However, currents induced on the anten- radio frequency power amplifier being
operated with a carrier frequency below 30
na feed line may flow on the transmitter
chassis and back into the ac line. A rig
MHz shall be at least 40 decibels below the
mean power of the fundamental without ex-
"hot" with rf or even the presence of
ceeding the power of 50 milliwatts. For equip-
"broadcast harmonics" while receiving ment of mean power less than five watts, the
may mean a problem of this sort. In the attenuation shall be at least 30 decibels.
case where an antenna is being used that (b) Except for a transmitter or transceiver
requires a ground (such as an end-fed built before April 15, 1977 or first marketed
wire), never use any part of the ac before January 1, 1978, the mean power of any
conduits, water systems, or other con- spurious emission or radiation from an
ductors in a building. It is always amateur transmitter, transceiver, or external
radio frequency power amplifier being
advisable to have a separate ground
operated with a carrier frequency above 30
system for the antenna itself.
MHz but below the mean power of the fun-
It is also good practice to use an
damental. For a transmitter having a mean
antenna-matching network with no direct power of 25 watts or less, the mean power of
connection between the transmitter and any spurious radiation supplied to the antenna
Fig. 13 — Stray lead inductance of a capacitor
antenna feed line. Any matching network transmission line shall be at least 40 decibels
can degrade filter performance.
that uses mutual-magnetic coupling ex- below the mean power of the fundamental
clusively will fulfill this requirement. without exceeding the power of 25 microwatts,
Antenna pattern is another factor to but need not be reduced below the power of 10
consider and if possible, a type should be
(c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section
used that directs the minimum possible
notwithstanding, all spurious emissions or
signal into other dwellings. For instance,
radiation from an amateur transmitter,
ground-mounted antennas have
vertical power
transceiver, or external radio frequency
considerable low-angle radiation while a amplifier shall be reduced or eliminated in ac-
dipole directs energy at angles below the cordance with good engineering practice.
horizontal plane. A vertical ground plane (d) If any spurious radiation, including
or beam mounted on as high a tower as chassis or power line radiation, causes harmful

Fig. 14 — Additional lead filtering for har-
monics or other spurious frequencies in the
high vhf TV band (174-216 MHz).
C1 — 0.001-/jF disc ceramic X = POWER WATTS)

C2 — 500- or 1000-pF feed-through bypass

(Centralab FT-1000. Above 500 volts,
substitute Centralab 858S-500.) 20 X<5WATTS 30dB
RFC — 14 inches(35.6-mm) no. 26 enamel 5 WATTS <X< 500 WATTS 40 dB
close-wound on 3/16-inch (4.76-mm) dia. form X > 500 WATTS 13+10 L0G, (X)dS
or composition resistor body.

3 4 3 6 789 3 4 5 6 7 89

capacitors can be paralleled to reduce the 20 50 100 10,000

effect of lead inductance. OUTPUT POWER (WATTS)

A very desirable capacitor (C2) from an
RFI point of view is shown in Fig. 14.
Instead of having two or more plates
Fig. 15 — The FCC
specifies that spurious signals generated by transmitting equipment must be
arranged in a parallel fashion, the reduced well below thelevel of the fundamental. This graph illustrates exactly how far the
conductors are coaxial and are separated spurious components must be reduced. This applies to amateur transmitters operating below 30
by the dielectric. Such feedthrough capa- MHz.

Interference with other Services 15-7




X < 0.1 WATT 50 + 10 LOGio (X)dB
/ O.I WATT < X S 0.25 WATT 40 OB
0.25 WATT* X £ 25 WATTS' 46 + 10 LOGio X)dB<


X >25 WATTS 60dB

— i



fig. 16 — This graph illustrates to what level spurious-output energy must be reduced for equipment designed to operate in the 30- to 235-MHz range.

interference to the reception of another radio model was built and the response is shown
station, the licensee may be required to take in- Fig. 13. As can be seen, the filter came 0.2646.UH 0.402996jiH 0.189S6||H
steps to eliminate •
the interference in ac-
quite close to the design goals. Unfortu-
cordance with good engineering practice.
nately, as with most of the designs in this
NOTE: For the purposes of this section, a
spurious emission or radiation means any emis-
section, alignment of the more compli-
radiation from a transmitter,
cated filters requires some sort of sweep- 0.20096jiH
sion or
transceiver, or external radio frequency power generator setup. This is the only practical
amplifier which is outside of the authorized way of "tweaking" a filter to the desired f2-59 .7 MHz f<> 41 2 MHz
Amateur Radio Service frequency band being response. While building a sweep setup is
not beyond the talents of an advanced ex-

The numerical limits cited in 97.73 are perimenter, the lack of one is an obstacle 1"""X
interpreted graphically in Figs. 15 and 16.
in the home construction of filters.

Note, however, that paragraphs (c) and — Schematic diagram showing

An Absorptive Filter Fig. 17
(d) go beyond absolute limits in defining component values of an experimental elliptic
the amateur's obligation. The filter shown
not only pro-
in Fig. 19 function filter.

vides rejection by means of a low-pass

Filters and Interference section, it also includes circuitry that

The judicious use of filters, along with absorbs harmonic energy. A high-pass
suppression measures such as section consisting of LI, L2, CI and C2 is
shielding, has provided solutions to terminated in a 50-ohm "idler load" and
this combination performs the latter
interference problems in widely varying
function. The advantages of this tech-
applications. As a consequence, con-
siderable attention has been given to the nique are that degradation of filter
rejection caused by antenna mismatch at
subject over the years that has resulted in
some very esoteric designs. Perhaps the the harmonic frequency are not as severe

most modern approach is the optimiza- (with a filter of this type) and the

tion and/or realization for a particular

transmitter is terminated in a resistive

application of a filter by means of a digital load at the harmonic.

computer. However, there are a number
Construction and Test Techniques
of other types with component values Fig. 18 — of the filter shown
Response curve
cataloged in tabular form. Of these, the If good performance above 100 MHz is scale represents 10 dB/div.
in Fig. 17. Vertical

most important ones are the so-called not a necessity, this filter can be built and horizontal scale is 10 MHz/div.
Chebyshev and elliptic-function filters. using conventional fixed capacitors. Cop-
(Butterworth filters are often considered per-clad Teflon board may not be readily
a special case of Chebyshev types with a available in small quantities from many accurate grid-dip oscillator, an SWR
ripple factor of zero.) supply houses. Regular fiberglass-insulated bridge, a reactance chart or the ARRL
Elliptic-function filters might be con- board is low power. One
satisfactory for Lightning Calculator (for L, C and f). a
sidered optimum in the" sense that they such has been used with an SB- 100
filter 50-ohm dummy load, and a transmitter.
provide the sharpest rolloff between the transceiver running 100 watts. Although Once the value of a given capacitor has
passband and stopband. Computed values the Q of the fiberglass capacitors will be been calculated, the next step is to ,

for a low-pass filter with a 0. 1-dB ripple in lower than -that of Teflon-dielectric capa- determine the capacitance per square inch
the passband and a cutoff frequency of citors, this should not greatly affect the of the double-clad circuit board you have.
30.6 MHz are shown in Fig. 12. The filter type of filter described here. This is done by connecting one end of a
issupposed to provide an attenuation of Test equipment needed to build this coil of known inductance to one side of
35 dB above 40 MHz. An experimental filter at home includes a reasonably the circuit board, and the other coil lead

15-8 Chapter 15

be maintained for arc-over protection.

CI C2 Capacitors with Teflon dielectric have Table 1

been used in filters passing up to 2 kW TV Receiving Antenna Gain, dB, vs Angle

PEP. One further word of caution: No to Transmitter
low-pass filter will be fully effective until
375-45 °45-T35° 135-225 ' 225-315°
the transmitter with which it is used is
properly shielded and all leads filtered. Fringe-Area +10 <-10 <0 <-10
The terminating loads for the high-pass Antenna
Lower-Grade +3 <0 <0 <0
section of the filter can be made from
2-watt, 10-percent tolerance composition
resistors. Almost any dissipation rating
can be obtained by suitable series-parallel
combinations. For example, a 16-watt,
Table 2
50-ohm load could be built as shown in
Fig. 19. This load should handle the
Path Loss, dB, Transmitting Antenna
to Receiving Antenna
harmonic energy of a signal with peak
Fig. 19 —
Schematic diagram of the absorptive fundamental power of 2 kilowatts. With Distance in Meters 10 20 30 40 50 100
The pc-board used is MIL-P-13949D,
this load, the harmonic energy will see an 44-MHz l-F 25 31 34 37 39 45
FL-GT-.062 in, C-2/2-11017, Class 1, Grade A.
Polychem Bud Division. Capacitance between
SWR under 2: 1 up to 400 MHz. For low TV 2 27 33 37 39 41 47
TV 3 28 34 38 40 42 48
copper surfaces is 10-pF per square inch. power (under 300 watts PEP), a pair of
TV 4 29 35 39 41 43 49
Values are as follows for a design cutoff fre- 2-watt, 100-ohm resistors is adequate. TV 5 30 36 40 42 44 50
quency of 40 MHz and rejection peak in chan- In the model shown the high-pass filter TV 6 31 37 41 43 45 51
nel 2:
series capacitors are bonded and mounted
C1 — 52 pF C4 — 21.6 pF L3 — 0.3 >iH
C2-73pF L1— 0.125 M H L4 - 0.212 h H on Teflon standoff insulators.
C3 — 126 pF L2 — 0.52 M H L5 — 0.24 /iH
Table 3
How Much Harmonic Suppression
is Needed? TV Received-Signal Power
to the other side of the circuit board. Use TV Channel Class B Class A
While it's a fairly simple matter to in-
the grid-dip oscillator, coupled lightly to —34 dBm
stall a low-pass filter and hope for good 2 -55 dBm
the coil, to determine the resonant 3 - 56 dBm —35 dBm
results, approaching the problem scien- -57 dBm -35 dBm
frequency of the coil and the circuit-board 4
capacitor. When the frequency is known, tifically can reduce unnecessary expense 5 -58 dBm -37 dBm
and aggravation. Rasmussen and Gerue 6 - 59 dBm - 38 dBm
the total capacitance can be determined
presented an orderly method for deter-
by working the Lightning Calculator or
by looking the capacitance up on a mining the required harmonic attenuation
reactance chart. The total capacitance in "Harmonic TVI —
A New Look at an
divided by the number of square inches on Old Problem," QST, September 1975. Add 3 dB for each doubling of the

one side of the circuit board gives the The following factors affect the power (1000 watts is 60 dBm).
capacitance per square inch. Once this tolerable harmonic levels: TA —
Transmitter harmonic attenuation,
figure is determined, capacitors of almost TP — Transmitter power output dBm. in can be estimated from specifications
any value can be laid out with a ruler! TA — Transmitter harmonic attenuation. given for commercial transmitters.

High voltages can be developed across GT — Gain of the transmitting antenna Gx — Conservative estimate dB.
capacitors in a series-tuned circuit, so the at the harmonic frequency, G R — Estimate relative bearing from the
copper material should be trimmed back Gr — Gain of the TV receiving antenna at TV antenna to the amateur antenna,

at least 1/8 inch (3-mm) from all edges of the interfering frequency, and use Table 1

a board, except those that will be soldered S A — Attenuation (path loss) from the SA — Estimate distance between the an-
to ground, to prevent arcing. This should transmitting antenna to the receiving tennas, and use Table 2 for path loss

not be accomplished by filing, since the antenna, TV channel concerned.

for the
copper filings would become imbedded in Ss — TV signal strength at the TV re- Ss — TV signal level from Table 3 for
the board material and just compound the ceiver input, TV channel and distance to TV station.
problem. The capacitor surfaces should be S R — Signal-to-interference ratio at the For under 50miles, use Class A; for

kept smooth and sharp corners should be TV receiver needed to preclude visual or over 50 miles, use Class B.
avoided. audio interference. SR —
Signal/interference ratio required
If the filter box is made
of double-clad The relationship between these factors, can be as high as 40 dB, with an
fiberglass board, both sides should be when expressed in dB, is operating frequency whose harmonic is
bonded together with copper stripped HR = (T P + T A + GT + G R + S A )
within 1 MHz
of the picture carrier
from another piece of board. Stripped frequency, or as low as 20 dB, if the
- Ss + SR
copper foil may be cleaned with a razor harmonic is more than 2 MHz from
blade before soldering. To remove copper where H R is the further transmitter har- both picture and sound carriers. 35
foil from a board, use a straight edge and monic reduction required (in dB). dB is a suggested reasonable value.
a sharp scribe to score the thin copper foil. The first step in determining H R is to Let us assume a station operating on 15
When the copper foil has been cut, use a find the harmonic relationship between meters with 1-kW PEP output. The third
razor blade to lift a corner. Careful the bands you use and the frequencies of harmonic (in channel 3) is down 40 dB.
heating with a soldering iron will reduce the weaker TV signals in your area. The The antenna is a triband beam pointed at
the effort required to separate the copper harmonics of the hf amateur bands that the TV antenna, with a separation of 40
from the board. This technique of fall in the lower vhf TV channels are given Fringe-area reception
meters (130 feet).
bonding two pieces of board or two sides in Fig. 1. Then, for each combination of applies. The numbers are:
of a piece of board can also be used to amateur band and TV channel concerned,
interconnect two capacitors when con- determine HR ,
Using the following infor- T P = +60
struction in one plane would require too mation: T A = -50
much area. Stray inductance must be TP — Peak transmitter power output in GT =
minimized and sufficient clearance must dB above 1 mW. 25 watts is 44 dBm. G R = -10
Interference with other Services 15-9
SA = -40 The tuning capacitor is a double-spaced
Ss = -56 variable (Hammarlund HF-30-X) mount-
SR = +35 ed 1-1/2 inches (38-mm) from the right
end of the chassis. Input and output
H R = + 60) +( (-50) + (0) + ( + 10) coupling loops are of no. 10 or 12 wire, 10
+ (-40) + (-56) + ( + 35) = +71 inches (254-mm) long. Spacing away from
the line is adjusted to about 1 /4 inch (6-
The dB of addi-
indicated need for 71
tional attenuation
confirms our
The 144-MHz model is housed in a
hypothetical situation as a particularly
bad one: fringe-area reception with a
2-1/4 X 2-1/2 X 12-inch (57 X 64 X 305-
mm) Minibox (Bud CU-2114-A).
signal very close to the TV receiver noise
One end of the tubing is slotted
Assuming good engineering design for 1/4-inch (6-mm) deep with a hacksaw.
minimum harmonic generation and ade- This slot takes a brass angle bracket
quate shielding to prevent radiation of 1-1/2-inches (38-mm) wide, 1/4-inch (6-

harmonic power that is always present in mm) high, with a 1/2-inch (13-mm)
any transmitter, the way to reduce har- mounting lip. This 1 /4-inch (6-mm) lip is
soldered into the tubing slot, and the
monic radiation further is to use a low-
bracket is then bolted to the end of the
pass filter. A good filter will offer at least
box, so as to be centered on the end plate.
50 dB of additional attenuation, when
used with a well-designed transmitter The tuning capacitor (Hammarlund
working into a proper load. This should HF-15-X) is mounted 1-1/4 inches (32-
Fig. 20 — Equivalent circuits for the strip-line
be enough to solve most harmonic-TVI filters. At A, the circuit for the 6- and 2-meter mm) from the other end of the box, in
problems. With a situation like the above filters are shown. L2 and L3 are the input and such a position that the inner conductor
output links. Theseare bilateral, per-
filters can be soldered to the two stator bars.
worst-case conditions, relocation of the
mitting interchanging of the input and output
amateur antenna or, in some instances, The two coaxial fittings (SO-239) are
terminals. At B, the representative circuit for
raising it well above the plane of residen- the 220- and 432-MHz filters. These filters are 11/16 inch (17-mm) in from each side of
tial TV antennas, may help. Operation at also bilateral. the box, 3-1/2 inches (89-mm) from the
left end. The coupling loops are no. 12.
reduced transmitter power levels should
wire, bent so that each is parallel to the
be tried, though this does not always
result in lowered harmonic-power radia-
center line of the inner conductor, and

tion.The reverse may be true, depending about 1/8 inch (3-mm) from its surface.
on transmitter operating conditions. Their cold ends are soldered to the brass
mounting bracket.
Filters For VHF Transmitters
The 220-MHz filter uses the same size
box as the 144-MHz model. The inner
High rejection of unwanted frequencies conductor is 1/16-inch (2-mm) brass or
is possible with the tuned-line filters of copper, 5/8-inch (16-mm) wide, just long
Fig. Examples are shown for each
20. Fig. 21 — Interior of the 50-MHz strip-line filter. enough to fold over at each end for
band from 50 through 450 MHz. Con- Inner conductor of aluminum strip is bent into bolting to the box. It is positioned so that
struction is relatively simple, and the cost U shape, inside a standard 17-inCh
to fit
there will be 1/8 inch (3-mm) clearance
(432-mm) chassis.
is low. Standard boxes are used for ease of
between it and the rotor plates of the
tuning capacitor. The latter is a Ham-
The of Fig. 21 is selective enough
marlund HF-15-X, mounted slightly off-
to pass 50-MHz
energy and attenuate the center in the box, so that its stator plates
seventh harmonic of an 8-MHz oscillator
connect to the exact mid-point of the line.
that falls in TV channel 2. With an
The 5/16-inch (8-mm) mounting hole in
insertion loss at 50 MHz of about 1 dB, it
the case 5-1/2 inches (140-mm) from
can provide up to 40 dB of attenuation to one end. The SO-239 coaxial fittings are 1
energy at 57 MHz in the same line.
inch (25-mm) in from opposite sides of the
The uses a folded line in order to
filter box, 2 inches (51-mm) from the ends.
Fig. 22— The 1 44-MHz filter has an inner
keep it within the confines of a standard conductorof 1/2-ihch (13-mm) coppertubing 10 Their coupling links are no. 14 wire, 1/8
chassis. The case is a 6 X 17 X inches (254-mm) long, grounded to the left end inch (3-mm) from the inner conductor of
of the case and supported at the right end by the
3-inch (152 X 432 X 76-mm) chassis (Bud the line.
tuning capacitor.
AC-433) with a cover plate that fastens in The 420-MHz filter is similar in design,
place with self-tapping screws. An alu- using a 1-5/8 X 2 X 10-inch (41 X 51 X
minum partition down the middle of the 254-mm) Minibox (Bud CU-2113-A). A
assembly is 14 inches (356-mm) long, and half-wave line is used, with disc tuning at
the full height of the chassis, 3 inches (76- the center. The discs are 1/16-inch
mm). (2-mm) brass, 1-1/4-inch (32-mm) dia-
The inner conductor of the line is 32 meter. The fixed one is centered on the
inches (813-mm) long arid 13/16-inch inner conductor, the other mounted on a
(21 -mm) wide, of 1/16-inch (2-mm) brass, no. 6 brass lead-screw. This passes
copper or aluminum. This was made from through a threaded bushing, which can be
two pieces of aluminum spliced together' Fig. 23 — A half -wave strip line is used in the taken from the end of a discarded
to provide the 32-inch (813-mm) length. 220-M Hz filter. It is grounded at both ends and slug-tuned form. An advantage of these is
Splicing seemed to have no ill effect on the tuned at the center. that usually a tension device is included. If
circuit Q. The sides of the "U" are 2-7/8 there none, use a lock nut.
inches (73-mm) apart, with the partition up with sections of hard wood or bakelite Type N
coaxial connectors were used
at the center. The
supported on
line is rod, to give the required 1-1/2-inch (38- on the 420-MHz model. They are 5/8 inch
ceramic standoffs. These were shimmed mm) height. (16-mm) in from each side of the box, and

15-10 Chapter 15
i-3/8 inches (35-mra) in from the ends. described previously and apply the recom- be enclosed in the shielding about the rf

Their coupling links of no. 14 wire are mended remedies until the interference circuits. Poor joints anywhere in .the

1/16 inch (2-mm) from the inner conduc- disappears. antenna system are especially bad, and
tor. 5) When
the transmitter is completely rectification also may take place in the
clean on the dummy antenna, connect it contacts of antenna changeover relays.
to the regular antenna and check for Another common cause is overloading the
Adjustment and Use
interference on the TV receiver. If the front end of the communications receiver
you want the filter to work on both
interference is not bad, a Transmatch or when used with a separate antenna
it is
transmitting and receiving, connect the (which will radiate the harmonics genera-
matching circuit installed as previously
filter between antenna line and SWR tube) for break-in.
described should clear it up. Alternatively, ted in the first
indicator. With this arrangement you Rectification of this sort will not only
a low-pass filter may be used. If neither
need merely adjust the filter for minimum Transmatch nor makes any cause harmonic interference but also is
the filter
reflected power reading on the
- SWR difference in the interference, the evidence frequently responsible for cross-modulation
bridge. This should be zero, or close to it,
can be detected in greater or less
is strong that the interference, at least in effects. It
ifthe antenna is well-matched. The bridge part, is being caused by receiver over- degree in most locations, but fortunately
should be used, as there is no way to loading because of the strong fundamen- the harmonics thus generated are not
adjust the filter properly without it. If you TV antenna usually of high amplitude. However, they
tal-frequency field about the
insist on trying, adjust for best reception
and receiver. A Transmatch and/or filter, can cause considerable interference in the
of signals on frequencies close to the ones installed as described above, will in- immediate vicinity in fringe areas, es-
you expect to transmit on. This works variably make a difference in the intensity when operation is in the 28-MHz
only if the antenna is well matched.
of the interference if the interference is band. The amplitude decreases rapidly
When the filter is properly adjusted
caused by transmitter harmonics alone. with the order of the harmonic, the second
(with the SWR bridge) you may find that 6) If there is still interference after and third being the worst. It is ordinarily
reception can be improved by retuning the Transmatch and/or filter, found that even in cases where destructive
installing the
filter. Don't do it if you want the filter to
and the evidence shows that it is probably interference results from 28-MHz opera-
work best on the job it was intended to do: caused by a harmonic, more attenuation is tion the interference is comparatively mild
The rejection of unwanted energy, trans-
needed. A more elaborate filter may be from 14 MHz,- and is negligible at still
mitting or receiving. If you want to im- However, well at this stage lower frequencies.
necessary. it is
prove reception with the filter in the cir- to assume that part of the interference Nothing can be done at either the
cuit,work on the receiver input circuit. To may be caused by receiver overloading. transmitter or receiver when rectification
get maximum power out of the transmit- Take steps to alleviate such a condition occurs. The remedy is to find the source
ter and into the line, adjust the transmitter
before trying highly elaborate filters and and eliminate the poor contact either by
output coupling, not the filter. If the effect traps on the transmitter. separating the conductors or bonding
of the filter on reception bothers you, them together. A crystal wavemeter
connect it in the line from the antenna (tuned to the fundamental frequency) is
Harmonics by Rectification
relay to the transmitter only.
useful for hunting the source by showing
Even though the, transmitter is com-
from harmonic output it is still which conductors are carrying rf and,
Summary pletely free
comparatively, how much.
possible for interference to occur because
The methods of harmonic elimination Interference of this kind is frequently
of harmonics generated outside the trans-
outlined here have been proved beyond intermittent the rectification ef-
mitter. These result from rectification of
doubt to be effective even under highly ficiency will vary with vibration, weather
fundamental-frequency currents induced
unfavorable conditions. It must be em- and so on. The possibility of corroded
in conductors in the vicinity of the
phasized once more, however, that the
transmitting antenna. Rectification can
contacts in the TV receiving antenna
problem must be solved one step at a time, should not be overlooked, especially if it
take place at any point where two
and the procedure must be in logical has been up a year or more.
conductors are in poor electrical contact,
order. It cannot be done properly without
a condition that frequently exists in
two items of simple equipment: A grid-dip TV Receiver Deficiencies
plumbing, downspouting, BX cables cross-
meter and wavemeter covering the TV
ing each other, and numerous other When a television receiver is quite close
bands, and a dummy antenna.
places in the ordinary residence. It also to the transmitter, the intense rf signal
To summarize: from the transmitter's fundamental may
can occur at any exposed vacuum tubes in
1) Take a critical look at the transmitter
the station, in power supplies, speech overload one or more of the receiver
on the basis of the design considerations circuits to produce spurious responses
equipment, or other items which may not
outlined under "Reducing Harmonic
2) Check all circuits, particularly those
connected with the final amplifier, with
the grid-dip meter to determine whether
there are any resonances in the TV bands.
If so, rearrange the circuits so the
resonances are moved out of the critical
frequency region. /OR RELAY
3) Connect the transmitter to the TRANSMITTER
dummy antenna and check with the TRANSMATCH
wavemeter for the presence of harmonics t=CC FILTER
on leads and around the transmitter
enclosure. Seal off theweak spots in the
shielding and filter the leads until the
wavemeter shows no indication at any
harmonic frequency. Fig. 24 — The proper method of installing a low-pass
filter between the transm itter and a Transmatch.

If the antenna fed through coax, the Transmatch can be eliminated, but the transmitter and filter
4) At this stage, check for interference
must be completely shielded. If a TR switch is used, it should be installed between the transmitter and
with a TV receiver. If there is interference, low-pass filter. TR switches can generate harmonics themselves, so the low-pass filter should follow
determine the cause by the methods the TR switch.

Interference with other Services 15-11

which cause interference. on or near the i-f sound carrier, even I-f interference is easily identified since
If overload is moderate, the
the though the interfering signal is not it occurs on all channels although —
interference is of the same nature as actually in the nominal passband of the i-f sometimes the intensity varies from
harmonic interference; it is caused by amplifier. channel to channel —
and the cross-hatch
harmonics generated in the early stages of There is a type of i-f interference un

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