Analysis of Prevention of Induction Motors Stalling by Capacitor Switching

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Analysis of Prevention of Induction Motors Stalling

by Capacitor Switching
S.Mahesh and P.S Nagendra rao
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India 560012,

Abstract—Switching capacitors is one of the ways by which any slip to prevent the voltage collapse of the system following
voltage instability due to large increment in induction motor a very large disturbance that can potentially result in stalling.
loads can be prevented. A new analysis technique is proposed Several aspects of this way of preventing induction motor
that helps to relate the capacitance and the slip at the instant
of switching with the rotor dynamics following the switching stalling have been studied in detail.
and consequently voltage stability. This approach can be used to
choose appropriate capacitances to be switched at the induction II. C ALCULATION OF C APACITANCE
motor terminals to prevent its stalling following a sudden load
increment. This approach has been extended to a general power The criterion proposed here that facilitates the design of the
system where the induction motor is connected at one of the load switching capacitances is the following. When the mechanical
buses of the system. power output, Pm of an induction motor is suddenly increased
I. I NTRODUCTION to Pmf inal , its slip starts increasing monotonically. If Pmf inal
is of such a value that could make the motor stall, then to pre-
In this paper, we investigate the issues in the context
vent the stalling, the voltage immediately after the switching of
of voltage stability improvement in systems having large
the capacitor should ensure that the electromechanical power
induction machines. The stalling of induction motors could
output of the motor is greater than Pmf inal . In the limiting
lead to voltage collapse. This is a fast voltage instability
case, it will be equal.
problem and the conventional methods of voltage stabilization
cannot be applied [3]. The 1987 Tokyo blackout has been For the ease of discussing the critical issues, consider the
attributed partly to the characteristics of the new electronically system in Fig 1 as in [1] that shows an induction motor
controlled air conditioners (load commutated inverter) [5]. The supplied from a constant voltage source through a line. The
prevention of voltage instability due to induction motors is an system equations are given by (1) to (6).
important concern.
The prevention of induction motor stalling by switching a
capacitor at the induction motor bus is studied in [1], [2], [4], V ∠θ
[6] and [7]. It has been mentioned in [2] that if a capacitance
of a particular value has to be switched, it has to be done jXe
before the machine slip crosses the slip at the intersection E∠0 Rr
point of the load characteristics and the compensated network − jX c
characteristics in the unstable region of the compensated
network characteristics. Based on the simulation results, [2]
also restates what is referred to as the minimum voltage jXr
criterion which was originally mentioned in [7]. According
to this criterion after the insertion of a reactive support, the
immediate operating voltage must be higher than a minimum
voltage determined by the intersection of the steady state
motor(load) characteristic and the modified network curve.
However, how to use this criterion to design the capacitance
value to be switched is not obvious from [2] or [7] as no such Fig. 1. An induction machine system
procedure is given. The capacitor used for the simulation study
in [2] has been chosen arbitrarily and is not determined based
Line flow equations
on this criterion.
A scheme is proposed in this paper to determine the capac- EV sin(−θ)
itance value to be inserted at the induction motor terminals at F1 : Pk = (1)

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.

E2 EV cos θ such sswitch using (9). In Fig 2 ωC1 and ωC2 are plotted
F2 : Qk = − (2)
Xe Xe with respect to sswitch . For a particular disturbance Pmf inal
where Pk and Qk are the real and the reactive powers that can make the motor stall, when the slip at which the
injected by the source at the bus where the induction motor is capacitance is switched, sswitch is increased from sinitial , ωC1
connected. decreases till a slip of smin (corresponding to point D) and
Induction machine equations then starts increasing. Similarly, ωC2 increases till a slip of
smax (corresponding to point B) and then starts decreasing as
sRr V 2
F3 : Pe = (3) can be seen in the Fig 2. At a slip scritical , ωC1 = ωC2 .
Rr2 + s2 Xr2 This, we refer to as critical slip. For a given post disturbance
s2 Xr V 2 Pmf inal which can make the motor stall, it is not possible to
F4 : Qe = (4) prevent stalling by switching any value of capacitor beyond
Rr2 + s2 Xr2
s = scritical . The scritical is independent of the initial load
F5 : Pe (1 − s) − Pm = 0 (5) on the motor. The scritical will be lower for greater values
Rotor dynamics of the post disturbance Pmf inal than for the smaller values
  of the post disturbance Pmf inal as can be seen in the Fig 4,
ds 1 Pm wherein the ωC1 , ωC2 contours are drawn for different values
F6 : = − Pe (6)
dt Iωθ2 1 − s of Pmf inal .
where Considering the region beyond sinitial , in the ωC-s plane
Xe -: line reactance shown in Fig 3, we see that this contour(variation of ωC1
Rr -: rotor resistance of the motor and ωC2 ) forms a closed contour. This divides the plane
Xr -: rotor reactance of the motor into two distinct regions. Note that every point in this plane
s -: slip of the motor corresponds to switching a particular value of capacitance at a
Pm -: mechanical power output of the motor particular value of slip. If the switching choice corresponds to
Pe -: electrical power input to the motor/torque in p.u any point within the region formed by the contour ABCDE,
Qe -: reactive power input to the motor the electrical power output of the motor(Peout ) immediately
I -: moment of inertia of the motor after switching would be greater than Pmf inal . At all the
ωθ -: nominal frequency of the motor. points on the contour, Peout of the motor would be exactly
equal to Pmf inal and outside the contour, it will be always
The principle used for determining the capacitance to be
less than Pmf inal . In order to understand the implication of
inserted at the induction motor terminals is that the post
various switching choices, we draw two lines, HD and BI
switching terminal voltage must ensure the development of a
parallel to the s axis as shown in the Fig 3. These lines will be
motor output power(at that slip) greater than the Pmf inal (load)
tangential to the contour at points B(ωC2max ) and D(ωC1min )
being driven by the induction motor. Considering the slip at the
respectively. In addition, we also include two lines, DF and
instant of the capacitor switching to be given, it is required to
GB that satisfy the following. If we designate any point on
ensure that after capacitor switching the electrical torque must
these lines as P , corresponding to a slip sp and a capacitance
be greater than mechanical torque. In the limit
Cp the lines DF and BG are such that sp represents the slip
sRr V 2 Pmf inal at which Cp must be switched so as to get the maximum
= (7)
Rr2 + s2 Xr2 1−s power output(due to the switching of Cp ). The response of a
induction motor which has experienced a load change from
The voltage at the instant of capacitor switching V can be
Pinitial to Pmf inal at sinitial for all possible choices of the
calculated based on the circuit in the Fig 1. Let Rr1 = Rr /s
switching instants and the switching capacitor values can be
and Xr1 = Xr . It is easy to see that
understood from this augmented diagram shown in Fig 3.
EXr1 Xc − jERr1 Xc If the switching choice is such that the corresponding point
V = (8)
Xc (Xr1 + Xe ) − Xe Xr1 + j(Xe Rr1 − Xc Rr1 ) lies outside the region HDCBIAEH, it is impossible to
Rewriting the above as a quadratic equation in Xc restore the stability of the machine. If we switch corresponding
 2 2 2 to any point within the region BCDF G, at the instant of
Xc (Xr1 V + Xe2 V 2 + 2Xe Xr1 V 2 + Rr12
V 2

  switching the motor output will be greater than the load and the
 −E 2 X 2 − E 2 R2 ) + X (−2X X 2 V 2
 
 slip will be in the unstable region of the motor characteristics.
r1 r1 c e r1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(9) (We refer to the region with slip from 0 to smaxpm of the

 −2Xe Xr1 V − 2Rr1 Xe V ) + Xe Rr1 V 

 2 2 2

 post switching characteristics as the stable region and the
+Xe Xr1 V = 0
slips greater than smaxpm as the unstable region). The rotor
Solving (9), we get two values for Xc (say ωC1 and ωC2 ) will accelerate and ultimately settle in the stable region as
when the roots are real. dictated by the Pmf inal . If we choose any point on the segment
For a particular post disturbance Pmf inal , if the switching BCD of the contour, then theoretically the rotor could settle
instant sswitch is varied(starting from the initial operating at the slip at the instant of switching without any additional
slip sinitial ) ωC1 and ωC2 can be calculated for each of dynamics. Since this is an unstable equilibrium point, if the

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.

capacitor is chosen so that the switching point comes inside

the region, it will ultimately accelerate and settle at its stable
equilibrium point. If the switching choice is such that it falls B
either in the region DEF or BAG at the instant of switching, ω C2
(smax,ω C2max )
the machine will be in the stable region with Peout > Pm .
Hence, it will accelerate for a short time and settle at the (scritical,ω Ccritical )
stable equilibrium point. If the switching choice is such that A
it falls within the regions DEH or BAI, then at the instant ωC
of switching, the motor torque output will be less than the sinitial
load and the machine being in the stable region continues to
decelerate and ultimately settle at the stable operating point(at
a higher slip). Note that these two regions are outside the E
(smin,ω C1min ) ω C1
region determined by the relation (7). Hence the condition D
given by (7)(motor power ≥ load power at the instant of 0 1
switching) is only a sufficient condition and not a necessary
condition. This condition becomes a necessary condition if
the slip at the instant of switching is greater than smaxpm Fig. 2. Variation of ωC1 and ωC2 with sswitch for a particular post
corresponding to the post switched condition. Hence, we disturbance Pm
see that the condition for determining the magnitude of the
capacitance turns out to be different depending on whether
the slip at the instant of capacitor switching is lesser than
smaxpm or otherwise. If the switching choice is such that the
corresponding point lies either on segment DE or AB, then
the switching slip will be the final slip at which the rotor will
settle and therefore there will be no additional dynamics due C
to the capacitor switching.
ωC A
For a particular post disturbance Pmf inal the following can
be noted. G

1) If sinitial < sswitch < smin , the value of ωCswitch E

has to be within the boundary ωC1min ≤ ωCswitch ≤
ωC2max . Note that this value is different from that H D

obtained from (9). slip

2) If smin < sswitch < smax , then ωCswitch should be
strictly greater than ωC1 at sswitch and lesser than or
equal to ωC2max (not the ωC2 computed from (9)). Fig. 3. ωC Vs s contour divided into different switching regions
3) If smax < sswitch < scritical , then ωCswitch should be
strictly greater than ωC1 and strictly lesser than ωC2 at
sswitch .
4) For sswitch > scritical the stalling of induction motor
cannot be prevented by insertion of any value of capac-

For different values of Pmf inal , contours similar to that

shown in the Fig 2/Fig 3 can be obtained. A family of ωC Vs
s characteristics has been obtained and shown in Fig 4. It can
be observed from the Fig 4 that for higher values of Pmf inal ,
the region within the contour shrinks. The slip scritical occurs
at a lower value for higher values of Pmf inal . This study of
switching capacitances at various slips, based on the results in
Figs 2, 3 and 4 is extremely useful in getting an insight into the
process of stabilization. This also provides us the theoretical
limits for the possible switching options, the basis for such
limits, as well as the nature of the post switching stabilization Fig. 4. ωCswitch Vs sswitch contour for various values of Pmf inal

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.

III. N UMERICAL R ESULTS Fig 7. It can be observed from the Fig 7 that as soon as
the initial load Pm is increased, the slip starts increasing.
The actual choice of the switching strategy in a particular When the capacitor is switched, at t = 0.3228s, the slip starts
situation has to be made based on the theoretical consideration decreasing at a slower rate. However, after t = 0.45s , the slip
discussed earlier; in addition, issues such as the practical starts decreasing at a faster rate, crosses s = 0.0457, which
availability of the designed capacitor sizes, acceptable over is the slip at the maximum Pm for this value of switched
voltages, limits on rates of acceleration/deceleration must also capacitance and settles down at a slip of 0.0266 at t = 0.82s.
be taken into account. In this section, we illustrate the concepts We have studied the impact of switching the capacitances for
presented above considering the system shown in the Fig 1. each of the 25 points marked in the C −s plane in Fig 5 in the
We choose a particular value of Pmf inal and obtain the ωC similar manner. The summary of the impact of switching each
Vs s contour similar to that given in the Fig 3. Then we of the capacitance values at their respective switching slips is
choose various switching options so as to have points from given in the Table I. For each case, most of the qualitative
all the regions of the C − s plane and obtain the dynamic and quantitative aspects of the post switching behavior are
behavior of the system and show how the general nature of tabulated in Table I. From the results in Table I, it is easy to
this dynamic behavior can be predicted based on the location see that the predicted post switching behavior based on Fig 3
of the switching point in Fig 3. in the section II is actually realized.
The initial operating conditions of the system in the Fig 1
are given as follows. Pe = 0.2967, Qe = 0.0045, V = 0.9946,
θ = −0.0896, s = 0.003. The system parameters are given 9
22 28
as follows [1]. E = 1.0, Xe = 0.3, Rr = 0.01 and Xr = 8 I 21
B 32

12 36
0.05. Pm is suddenly increased to 1.47 p.u. The ωC Vs s 7 26
ω C2max=7.9638

contour ABCDE for Pmf inal = 1.47 is obtained solving (9) 11

scritical=0.0808 C
for various values of s and is shown in the Fig 5. The values of 17 ω C1=ω C2=6.1396
scritical , smin , smax , ωC1min and ωC2max are identified for ωC 5
A 33
this Pmf inal and marked in the diagram. The lines DH and 4
15 25

IB are drawn parallel to the s axis. The lines BG and F D are 34

determined by finding the slip at which the maximum power
2E smin=0.0266
occurs considering various values of the switching capacitance 41
ω C1min=0.1597

between ωC1min and ωC2max . These lines/contours divide the 1 13


D 23
s − C plane to a number of regions. One value of capacitance 0
H 24 27 37

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09

and slip from each of these regions is chosen to understand slip
the dynamics due to these capacitance-slip switching options.
The capacitance values and the slips at which the capaci-
Fig. 5. ωC Vs s characteristics for Pmf inal = 1.47p.u at t = 0.001s
tances are switched(sswitch ) are given in the Table I. Consider
the switching capacitance and the switching slip corresponding
to the point 38 given in the Table I. The induction motor
Pm is increased to 1.47 p.u at t = 0.001s. The switching 1.8
capacitance corresponding to the point 38 is 7.2 and the slip 1.6 (0.075,1.4952)
Pm= 1.47
is 0.075. The capacitor is inserted when the slip of the motor
1.4 (0.0278,1.3883)
reaches 0.075 at t = 0.3228s. The pre switching and post
switching Pm Vs s characteristics are given in the Fig 6. It 1.2 (0.0266,1.47)

can be seen from the Fig 5 that the point 38 lies in the region Pm 1
BCDF G of the contour. It can be seen from the Fig 6 that at 0.8
the instant of switching, Pm = 1.4952 which is greater than
1.47 at sswitch = 0.075, and it lies in the unstable region of
pre switching characteristics
the motor Pm Vs s characteristics. Since the Pm at sswitch is 0.4

greater than 1.47, the motor will accelerate. The final settling 0.2

point is at a slip of 0.0266 which is the intersecting point 0

0 0.05 0.1 0.15
of the motor Pm Vs s characteristics and the load Pm Vs slip
s characteristics corresponding to Pm = 1.47 in the stable
region of the motor characteristics as evident from the Fig 6.
All these features can be qualitatively predicted by observing Fig. 6. Induction motor Pm Vs s characteristics for ωC = 7.2
that the point 38 lies inside the contour.
To study the dynamics of the rotor due to capacitor switch- IV. E XTENSION TO P RACTICAL S ITUATIONS
ing, the variation of the slip of the induction motor with time The procedure presented in the last section to determine the
for this switching option has been obtained and is given in capacitances to be inserted considering a simple equivalent

Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.


Point ωCswitch Contour region sswitch Pm at sswitch Pmmax smaxpm sswitch pos sf inal Rotor dyn
11 6.8096 On the segment AB 0.02 1.47 1.8547 0.0403 Lesser 0.02 NC
12 7.1 BAI 0.02 1.2945 1.7348 0.0443 Lesser 0.0247 Dec
13 0.2531 On the segment DE 0.02 1.47 1.5217 0.026 Lesser 0.02 NC
14 0.125 outside the contour 0.02 1.3889 1.4515 0.0269 Lesser unstable
15 4 BCDF G 0.02 5.2072 8.5612 0.0068 Greater 0.0006 Acc
16 0.7 DEF 0.02 1.8062 1.8214 0.0227 Lesser 0.0116 Acc
17 6 BAG 0.02 2.1529 2.331 0.0298 Lesser 0.0106 Acc
18 8.2 outside the contour 0.02 0.8384 1.4147 0.0603 Lesser unstable
21 7.7241 On the segment AB 0.04 1.47 1.5326 0.0532 Lesser 0.04 NC
22 8.1 outside the contour 0.04 1.3332 1.4374 0.0588 Lesser unstable
23∗ 0.481 On the segment BCD 0.04 1.47 1.6626 0.0243 Greater 0.04/0.0147 Acc
24 0.24 outside the contour 0.04 1.3808 1.5143 0.0261 Greater unstable
25 4 BCDF G 0.04 2.7714 8.5612 0.0068 Greater 0.0006 Acc
26 7.2 BAG 0.04 1.6823 1.6978 0.0457 Lesser 0.0266 Acc
27 0.075 outside the contour 0.04 1.3228 1.4257 0.0272 Greater unstable
28 7.9 BAI 0.04 1.4043 1.486 0.0558 Lesser 0.0483 Dec
31∗ 7.4537 On the segment BCD 0.075 1.47 1.6123 0.0493 Greater 0.075/0.0321 Acc
32 8 outside the contour 0.075 1.4056 1.4612 0.0573 Greater unstable
33∗ 4.1445 On the segment BCD 0.075 1.47 7.0783 0.0084 Greater 0.075/0.0009 Acc
34 3.8 outside the contour 0.075 1.4308 12.1305 0.0048 Greater unstable
35 5 BCDF G 0.075 1.5403 3.5708 0.0179 Greater 0.0039 Acc
36 7.8 outside the contour 0.075 1.4306 1.512 0.0543 Greater unstable
37 0.075 outside the contour 0.075 0.8892 1.4257 0.0272 Greater unstable
38 7.2 BCDF G 0.075 1.4952 1.6978 0.0457 Greater 0.0266 Acc
41 0.5 DEH 0.01 1.1788 1.6754 0.0242 Lesser 0.0144 Dec
∗-:For 23, 31 and 33 ideally sf inal =sswitch . But the motor will accelerate and settle in the stable region due to small disturbance
sswitch pos-: sswitch position, whether sswitch is greater than or equal to or lesser than smaxpm
sf inal -: final settling slip(if it exists)
Rotor dyn-: rotor dynamics, Acc-:Accelerate, Dec-:Decelerate, NC-:No change

• Zth -:equivalent impedance of the system seen from the

induction motor bus including all the loads(treated as
0.07 impedances)
• ZIM -:induction motor equivalent impedance. ZIM =
Rs + Re (s) + j(Xs + Xe (s)).
0.05 It is easy to see that at any slip s1

0.04 Pm (Re ) |V |2
= 2 2 (11)
0.03 1 − s1 (Rs + Re ) + (Xs + Xe )
The slip at the instant of capacitor switching is assumed
to be known and hence |V | can be calculated from (11).
The circuit in the Fig 8(B) is similar to that in the Fig 1.
0 So an equation similar to (9) can be used to determine the
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
time(s) range of capacitances by making the appropriate changes. This
approach has an implicit assumption that the power system
loads are linear. The accuracy of the computed range of
Fig. 7. Variation of slip with time for switching ωC = 7.2 at t = 0.3228s
capacitances depends on the validity of this assumption. If the
system loads are highly nonlinear, the computed range could
circuit of the induction motor can be extended to a more be considered as only a reasonable approximation.
general setting. Consider the Fig 8(A), which is a schematic V. C ONCLUSIONS
of a large system. An induction motor connected to one of Switching the capacitors at the induction motor terminals is
the buses as shown in the Fig 8(A) is considered here. The a known method of preventing the stalling of induction motors
induction motor in the Fig 8(A) is represented by its complete following a sudden load increase. Results in this paper help
equivalent circuit shown in Fig 8(C) which can be replaced us to understand all aspects of this phenomenon. In addition
by an exact equivalent as shown in the Fig 8(D) which is to providing insight into the basis of capacitor selection, it
determined as the impedance of the motor seen from AA . also can be used as a practical method to choose the value of
In Fig 8(D), the capacitor as well as its instant of switching. Even though
Rr jRr Xm − sXm Xr most of the concepts are developed considering a small sample
Re + jXe = jXm ||lel( + jXr ) = system, it is demonstrated in this paper that these can be
s Rr + jsXm + jsXr
(10) extended to induction motors working as a part of a large
The rest of the system in Fig 8(A) is replaced by its Thevenin system.
equivalent circuit as shown in the Fig 8(B) where R EFERENCES
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Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.

Rs I jXs jXr X th

V jXm
Rr Zim
s Eth

A' (C) B'

(B) A'
Rs + Re (s) j ( X s + X e ( s ) )
(A) A'

Fig. 8. (A)A general power system containing an induction motor load

(B)Thevenin equivalent of the circuit in the Fig (A) seen from A into
the system (C)The actual equivalent circuit of the induction motor(D)The
equivalent circuit of the induction motor seen from AA .

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Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA.

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