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To Do

Create additional wireless bonuses where appropriate

Look at stocks and conceal modifiers
Adjust Bulk based on pics, also, find pics for all 300+ weapons
Assign carbine CQ status to bullpup/compact assault rifles and shotguns – consult pics
Re-examine recoil for non-projectile weapons
Alphabetize the standard upgrades for each weapon (or arrange by slot?)
Should Assault Cannons have a critical/special property?
Refigure AP -10 weapons as lower level AoE weapons? – would drop the level 20+ weapons down
Double-check barrel mods costs/applicability vs number of barrels or revolvers (Barrel modifications cost double for this
weapon.) Could assume all revolvers are gas sealed…
Decide whether rockets are unguided missiles or rocket-propelled grenades— Customizing grenades for use as RPGs
uses parts equal to 10% of the grenade’s cost and requires an Engineering check (as if repairing the grenade). Grenades
can be purchased pre-customized for a 10% markup over the grenade’s normal cost.

Accessory, modification, and upgrade are used interchangeably here.
Bolt, lever- and pump-action SA weapons have been changed to SS unless they had other firing modes.
Sniper weapons were given a critical effect – just my own capricious decision
New Rules
Accessory Slots: If a weapon has any accessory slots open or able to be modified, they will be listed after the weapon
description. If a weapon has standard upgrades, they may be already slotted, but unless they are noted as integral or
internal, they can be removed or replaced. An entry of “none” only prohibits the use of slotted-accessories; slot-less
accessories can be used unless otherwise noted in the weapon’s description.

Burst Fire: Weapons with BF or FA firing modes have the option of using burst fire as an Attack Action (SA weapons can
use burst fire as a Full Action unless they are unwieldy). The effects of a burst fire attack depend on the burst fire stat
(see Firing Modes, below). When a weapon uses burst fire its usage is equal to its burst fire stat, and half the burst fire
stat is added as a circumstance bonus on the attack roll (one-third in FA mode). For the rest of the round, subsequent
attacks suffer the full burst fire stat as a penalty to attack rolls. Multiple burst fire penalties stack. Using burst fire with
less ammunition than the burst fire stat simply uses the remaining ammo as the burst fire stat for that attack. If a critical
hit is rolled, add the burst fire stat as a bonus to the damage roll.
Note: The total burst fire attack penalty for projectile weapons (after stacking for multiple bursts) is reduced by recoil
compensation (below). Any remaining burst fire penalties are doubled for weapons wielded with only one hand and all
Heavy Weapons.
Multiple Explosions: If a target is affected by multiple explosions simultaneously (usually by overlapping areas of effect of
grenades, missiles, or other weapons with the explode property), it takes damage from the effect with the highest
potential base damage plus one additional dice of damage for each other damaging effect. It also suffers the other
effects of the highest level effect, with a +2 DC or damage bonus for each other source with the same effect also
affecting the target (i.e. entangled, deafened, burn, etc.). In the case of equal potential base damages or multiple effects
of the same level, the attacker chooses which one applies.
For example, if a target would be affected by a shock grenade I, a flash grenade III, and an incendiary grenade I, it would
suffer 1d8 electricity damage from the shock grenade (the highest potential base damage), +1d8 damage (due to the
presence of one additional damaging grenade—the damage type and dice size are set by the shock grenade). The flash
grenade deals no damage, and so does not contribute that way. It is, however, the highest level effect (item level 12),
and so the target may be blinded for 1d6 rounds. If a second flash grenade of the same or lower level were also
included, the DC to resist the blinding effect would increase by 2. The target does not have to worry about the
incendiary's burn condition.

Caseless Ammunition: Bullets are available in either caseless or traditional cased varieties. The prices for both types are
the same. Most weapons fire cased ammunition by default, while a few (usually those with electronic firing
modifications) fire caseless ammunition. A very few can fire both. Caseless ammunition uses a small amount of plastic
explosive in place of gunpowder, and, except for the lack of bullet casings being tossed around, performs the same as
cased ammunition.

Close-Quarters: When fighting in tight confines with the enemy potentially popping up right next to you, some weapons
are better suited than others. By taking the listed penalty on attack rolls, a character with Advanced Melee Weapon
Proficiency may choose one enemy to not provoke attacks of opportunity from for firing a ranged weapon while
Weapon Subtype CQ Penalty*
Holdout/Taser [bulk]
Light Pistol [bulk]+1
Heavy Pistol/Machine Pistol [bulk]+2
Submachine Gun/Carbine [bulk]+3
*Bulk L is considered 0

Firing Modes: Some firearms are capable of (or restricted to) firing more than a single shot with every pull of the trigger.
Manually changing a weapon’s firing mode is a Swift Action unless otherwise noted. Weapons with smartgun systems
can change firing modes as a free action. For each firing mode, a single press of a trigger (actuator, solenoid, button,
etc.) is an Attack Action, and can be used as part of a Full Attack Action. Some SS weapons may not be capable of Full
Attack Actions due to additional required actions, and FA mode Attack Actions are limited to the long burst (since fully
automatic mode is itself a Full Attack Action).
 SS—Single shot weapons fire once with each pull of the trigger, but require an intermediate step before another
shot can be fired; such as bolt action rifles, single action revolvers, and weapons that hold a single round. If a
special action is required to ready a new shot, it is specified in the weapon’s Special Rules. SS weapons are not
usually capable of burst fire (above), but they reduce the chance of jamming by 30%. Starfinder weapons with a
capacity of 1 or the unwieldy property are usually single shot weapons.
 SA—Semiautomatic is the most common firing mode in modern firearms. Each pull of the trigger fires a single
shot as long as there is ammo (or charges) left. SA mode weapons that do not have the unwieldy property can
use a burst fire attack (above) as a Full Attack Action. The burst fire stat can be any number up to the lower of
the user’s base attack bonus or the weapon’s capacity. Starfinder weapons with a capacity greater than 1 and a
usage of 1 are almost all semiautomatic, though some (usually those with the unwieldy property) are single shot.
 BF—Burst fire weapons fire a specific number of shots with each pull of the trigger; this is the burst fire stat and
is noted in brackets after BF in the weapon’s modes. Starfinder weapons with capacity (in rounds) and usage
greater than 1 may be burst fire weapons with a burst fire stat equal to their usage.
 FA—Full-auto weapons are capable of firing repeatedly until their ammo runs out with a single pull of the
trigger. These weapons also have the option of using burst fire (called a long burst): the burst fire stat for a long
burst is noted in brackets after FA in the weapon’s modes. Starfinder weapons with the automatic property are
FA weapons. Their burst fire stat is usually equal to half their level.
Jamming: Projectile weapons have a nasty habit of malfunctioning at the worst possible time. When firing multiple times
in a row (i.e. burst fire, fully automatic, or Full Attack actions), if an attack roll is a natural 1, the weapon has a 50%
chance of jamming and ruining the attack (with no ammo spent). A Standard Action is required to clear the jam before
the weapon can be fired again. Some effects increase the chance of jamming (such as desert, jungle, or polar
environments; +15%), and a number of effects reduce the chance of jamming. These effects stack to a minimum
jamming chance of 5%. Having Weapon Focus with a weapon reduces the jamming chance by 10%, while a weapon with
the broken condition increases the jamming chance by 40%

Recoil Compensation (RC): Recoil compensation is important to anyone who likes to fill the air with lead. For projectile
weapons, every point of RC increases the range when using a Full Attack Action (including automatic mode) by 5 ft. to a
maximum of the weapon’s normal range increment. The penalty to subsequent attacks after making a burst fire (or long
burst) attack are reduced by the total RC on a projectile weapon. Longarms, Sniper, and Heavy weapons with fixed
stocks as part of the standard weapon kit do not gain RC from them—they are designed to be fired with the stock
braced. [insert link to SR-SF Conversions here]

Skill Check, Extended: Some skill checks are noted as an extended check. The format is similar to a normal skill check but
also includes a time interval after the DC. For instance: “Engineering (15, 1 hour)” calls for a series of Engineering skill
checks at DC 15 with each check taking 1 hour to complete. The number of checks depends on how skilled (or lucky) you
are. Each check that exceeds the DC contributes to your success; every point over the DC counts as one point of
progress. Every point under the DC subtracts from your total. Fail a check by 10 or more points (a glitch) and you’ll wipe
out your progress entirely. Fail a check by 10 or more with a natural 1 (a critical glitch) and your Game Master should
come up with something spectacular (and hopefully violent). The total points you need is equal to the DC unless
otherwise noted.
Normally, you can walk away from an extended skill check and come back later to finish it. If this isn’t the case, the check
will note it.

Standard Upgrades: Some weapons come with upgrades, modification, or accessories, unless otherwise noted, the
effects of these items are not included in the weapon’s stats. An upgrade noted as integral or internal cannot be easily
removed from a weapon normally (your GM may allow you to use the Engineering skill to craft replacement parts). A
listed upgrade with no slot noted in parenthesis does not take up a slot. On rare occasions, standard upgrades break the
one-upgrade-per-slot rule. Removing any upgrade removes all the upgrades using the same slot. If a standard upgrade
would have an item level higher than the level of the weapon it comes with, its item level is reduced to that of the
weapon. For upgrade and accessory effects, see [insert link to SR-SF Conversions here].
Unarmed (Damage Type): Weapons with ‘unarmed’ listed as their damage alter the properties and possibly the damage
type (but not the amount of damage) of the wearer’s unarmed attacks with the appropriate body part (gloves affect
punches, boots affect kicks, etc.). These weapons may be normally enhanced with fusions which may modify the amount
of damage from an attack.

Weapon (Sub)Type: Each of the weapons presented here have a subtype listed in parenthesis. For many games this will
have no effect. However, you may find some benefit from these subtypes if your game uses skill specializations (such as
those presented in the alternate infosphere rules) or third party feats that need to be restricted to weapon groups
smaller than the six basic Starfinder groups. Regardless of a weapon’s subtype, if it is thrown as an attack, it is treated as
having the (Thrown) subtype.
Wireless: Some items presented here have a wireless ability listed in their descriptions. This is the reward you gain for
opening your gear up to the risk of being hacked. The wireless functionality can be activated or deactivated as a
Standard Action. Wireless functionality can be turned off, but not on, wirelessly by the owner.

Hacking Wireless Items: If you have a means of hacking from a distance (such as the Remote Hacking and Wireless
Hacking abilities), items with wireless functionality turned on can be hacked with the computers skill check (DC of
13+twice its Item Level).

 Hacking the system allows the hacker to see basic information about the item such as its firing mode, ammo
count, and installed mods.
 Succeeding on a Disable or Manipulate Module check allows the hacker to switch the firing mode, change the
active barrel/weapon, or control wireless abilities or accessories (such as using a smartgun system to eject the
clip, turning off a laser sight, or changing the imaging scope’s vision setting).
 If a hacker Gains Root Access, they can attack the weapon’s systems directly by sending harmful instructions to
the device. With a Standard Action, a hacker can inflict 1d6 damage + 1d6 for every five points they exceeds the
DC. This damage ignores the weapon’s hardness.

New Weapon Properties

Airburst: Usually found on dedicated launchers (grenade, missile, or otherwise), this integrated software and electronics
package is designed to detonate payloads at the most opportune time. This may be directly overhead to spread shrapnel
over the greatest area, at a set distance to maximize armor penetration, or somewhere else for some other reason.
When rolling a critical hit, the airburst effect increases any effect DC from the ammunition by one-quarter of the
launcher’s item level. This bonus does not stack with the airburst link weapon modification.

Belt-fed: A rapid-fire weapon capable of high cyclic rates can chew through ammo at an alarming rate. To satisfy their
hunger for lead, rather than their normal box or drum magazines, these weapon have the option to be loaded with
articulated ammunition belts. Belts are available in increments of 100 bullets and can be joined or broken apart as a
Standard Action. The total rounds in a belt becomes the weapon’s capacity, and the weapon gains 1 bulk for each belt
beyond the first. Loading an ammunition belt is a Full Action. Firing in fully automatic mode (not to be confused with the
FA Long Burst option, above) uses 100 rounds, unless otherwise noted in the weapon’s description.

Choke: By narrowing or widening the bore of a shell-firing weapon it is possible to somewhat control the rate of spread.
Weapons with the choke property can be set to a specific range increment (from second through fifth). At the chosen
increment and beyond, the weapon only does half damage and the DC of weapon effects suffers a -2 penalty, but each
attack can hit two adjacent targets (the same attack roll is used against both targets).

Collapsible: Similar to breakdown weapons, collapsible weapons are able to fold up, roll up, or otherwise shrink to a
smaller size. Unless otherwise stated, readying or collapsing a weapon with this property is a Move Action, and while in
its collapsed state, the weapon has half the bulk (bulk 1 items become bulk L and gain the conceal property). Individual
weapons may have other restrictions or effects listed in their special rules.

Cylinder: Some weapons, classically revolvers, store their ammunition in a cylinder that usually revolves within the gun
to ready the next shot. A character can manually reload a number of rounds per Move Action equal to their Dexterity
modifier (minimum 1). A speed loader (50¥, specific to a given weapon model) can reload the entire capacity of a
weapon in a single Move Action. Weapons with the cylinder property do not require a Move Action to clear a jam. When
a jam is rolled, simply treat the ammunition for that attack as expended with no effect. Modern cylinders are
manufactured with extremely close tolerances and are gas-sealed; there is no proscription against using a silencer or
suppressor with them.

Disorienting: The targets of weapons with this property are subjected to a combination of force, strobing lights, bone-
shaking harmonics, or other effects such that they become sickened. A successful save reduces the effect to dazzled.

Fragile: If an attack with this weapon misses by 10 or more, it suffers the damage that would have been dealt. On a
natural 1 or a critical hit, it suffers double the damage.

MAD Invisible: Weapons with this property are made of composite, non-metallic materials or have their metal
components shielded in some special way. In either case, they are undetectable by Magnetic Anomaly Detectors
(MADs)/metal detectors such as those installed at most security checkpoints. Firearms do not confer this property to
their ammunition.

Silent: Whether it’s the discharge of gunpowder, the clang of blades hitting armor, the burning of fuel, or the buzz of
energy fields, most modern weapons make some of noise. Some few weapons, however, are whisper quiet. Bows and
other mechanically powered ranged weapons usually fall into this category. The DC to notice their use starts at 20.

Spread: Due to the payload (scattergun shells, flechettes, soundwaves, or otherwise) expanding outward once fired,
weapons with this property convert attack rolls penalties due to range into damage roll penalties. Effect DCs that would
be affected by attack roll penalties are still modified by the converted penalty.

Basic Melee Weapons, One-Handed

Aztechnology Blood Drinker Combat Axe Level 6 Price 4,400¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d8 S & P Critical Wound Special analog, thrown (10 ft.)
Rumored to have been used by Aztlan and Aztechnology Special Forces as far back as 2061, the Blood Drinker was only
recently revealed to the public following the Az-Am War. Slightly larger than a standard tomahawk, the Blood Drinker
looks like a cross between a hand axe and an ancient macuahuitl. While the style and shape of the blade varies by
owner, each blade head is made from molecularly hardened and sharpened obsidian with a titanium-tungsten shaft.
These blades can be simple or ornately crafted, depending on the owner’s preferences. But no matter the look, Blood
Drinkers are meant for combat and are a status symbol among the Aztlan/Aztechnology security and soldiery.

Bates-Brown Tactical Combat Boots Level 6 Price 4,150¥

Type Basic Melee (Unarmed) Category — Bulk 1
Damage Unarmed Critical — Special polymorphic
Also known as “drek-kicker” boots, these specially designed combat boots not only protect one’s feet and look stylish
with tactical gear, but with their reinforced soles and metal toes they also act as knucks for kicking. That’s right, with
these boots, kick attacks are more damaging than ever. Perfect for kicking in doors or a perp’s guts!"
Special Rules: Unarmed kick attacks with this weapon lose the archaic property and may deal the user’s choice of
bludgeoning, piercing, and/or slashing. Changing damage types is a Swift Action. Additionally, these boots grant a +1
circumstance bonus on ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, and effect DCs that are affected by the user’s traction
(such as climbing with footholds, resisting being pushed back, or competing in a tug-of-war), but attempts to move
silently suffer a -2 penalty. With advanced melee proficiency, a wielder threatens squares with their unarmed kick
attacks. Boots are worn on the feet and do not need to be held in the hand to attack with.
Wireless Bonus: Changing damage types is a free action.

Ceramic/Plasteel Knife Level 2 Price 475¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 S & P Critical — Special analog, operative, thrown (20 ft.), MAD Invisible
Ceramic knives are lightweight and nonmetallic that are primarily sold as specialty tools. Divers use them because they
are resistant to salt water corrosion, and explosive defusing experts use them because they will not trigger bombs with
magnetic anomaly detectors. Plasteel knives share most characteristics with ceramic knives, including being
undetectable to MAD scanners. They are most commonly handmade from scraps taken from machinery or vehicles. A
few designs are mass manufactured, but generally ceramic is the preferred medium due to superior edge retention
under heavy use. Both are equally useful to a shadowrunner who wants to sneak a blade into a secure area.

Chakram Level 9 Price 12,250¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 2d8 S Critical — Special analog, thrown (10 ft.)
The chakram, a circular weapon with a sharpened outside edge has been used in Indian martial arts since at least the 8th
century. Since then it has been copied in Mongolia, Tibet, Malaysia, and Indonesia with variations in the design of
chakram. The chakram can be worn on the head, arm, or wrist to be used in melee combat or damage an opponent
while clinching or subduing them. The chakram can also be thrown at ranged targets. The tanjani technique is where the
chakram is spun around a finger, adding range and power before it is hurled at a target. In 2061 chakram bracelets
became a fad for a while as both a weapon and fashion statement.
Special Rules: Users with advanced melee proficiency increase the thrown range increment to 30 feet.

Club, Truncheon Level 3 Price 1,080¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d8 B Critical — Special analog, thrown (10 ft.)
This is not your axe handle, baseball bat, wrench, crowbar, tire iron, or two-by-four with a rusty nail in it. Instead, this is
a bludgeoning instrument purpose-made to crack skulls. Most have an inner core or iron or other dense, heavy material
covered by an outer sheathe designed to cushion the shock to the wielder’s hand while retaining a solid grip—a carbon-
fiber infused rubber is popular both for its effectiveness and dark color scheme. The striking end is capped with a shatter
resistant, dense, non-porous ceramic composite to transfer the maximum amount of force while still being easy to clean
when the riot is over.

Combat knife Level 5 Price 2,900¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 P or S Critical Bleed 1d4 Special analog, operative, thrown (15 ft.)
A long, KA-BAR-style fighting knife with a blacked-out blade and a chisel point for punching through armor.

Cougar Collapsible Spear Level 5 Price 3,850¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d6 P Critical — Special collapsible, reach, thrown (30 ft.)
The main drawback of any polearm is concealability. With this product from Cougar, that is no longer a problem. In
collapsed form, it appears to be a standard fixed-blade knife and functions identically to one.
Special Rules: In its collapsed state, this weapon has the damage and non-analog weapon properties of a survival knife
(1d4 S, operative, thrown (20 ft.)).
Wireless Bonus: Extending or retracting the spear is a Free Action.

Cougar Fineblades, Long Level 4 Price 2,425¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 S Critical Bleed 1d4 Special analog, operative

Cougar Fineblades, Short Level 3 Price 1,400¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 S Critical Bleed 1d4 Special analog, operative

Finely crafted but also expensive, the Fineblade line of Cougar products are usually only found in the hands of
professionals where they belong. They come in two designs, a long blade, currently crafted in the fashion of a gladius;
and a short blade, currently fashioned after the Bowie knife. Previous years’ designs have run the gamut since the
introduction of the original Fineblade back in the ‘50s.
Special Rules: When determining this item’s hardness and hit points, treat it as 2 levels higher, as if it was crafted with
the engineering skill.

Extendable Baton Level 2 Price 500¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 B Critical — Special collapsible, operative
This telescoping club can be collapsed, and it can be extended with a sharp flick of the wrist or a wireless signal. When
retracted, it’s more easily concealed
Special Rules: Extending the baton is a Swift Action, though retracting it is still a Move Action. While collapsed, attempts
to conceal this weapon gain an additional +2 (or inflict a -2 penalty on attempts to detect it if no check is made to
conceal it).
Wireless Bonus: Extending or retracting the baton is a Free Action.

Gunstock War Club Level 4 Price 2,025¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d8 B Critical — Special analog
A valuable tool for Native Americans, this weapon has become an important part of the Okichitaw martial combat style.
Its name is a clear descriptor—it’s a war club that is shaped like a gunstock, though there’s plenty of debate about which
design came first. With a sharp point often set at the crook, this club delivers a lot of impact at the point of contact, and
in the right hands it can puncture through a fair amount of protection.
Special Rules: With advanced melee proficiency, this weapon gains the thrown (10 ft.) weapon property and the
staggered critical effect.
Harpoon/Javelin Level 4 Price 1,975¥
Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d10 P Critical — Special analog, thrown (10 ft.)
There’s a reason why the javelin was part of the original Olympics, which was a militaristic sporting competition.
Metahumans have been using sharpened sticks to kill prey, and each other, for millennia. Improvements to materials
technology have just allowed them to throw further, faster, and more accurately.
Special Rules: With advanced melee proficiency, this weapon gains the thrown (30 ft.) weapon property and the embed
(1d6) critical effect when thrown.

Horizon-Flynn Defense-Com, Knife Level 2 Price 650¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 P Critical — Special analog, conceal, operative
Sometimes the best weapon one has is the one no one knows they have. Once again partnering with renowned blade
smith Dante Flynn, Horizon has recently released their Defense-Com line of concealed weapons. Designed to look like
standard (but non-functional) commlinks, Defense-Com weapons come in three varieties: the Def-Com hold-out pistol,
taser, and defensive knife. Each one is perfect for the person who requires protection but doesn’t want to draw
Special Rules: You may attempt a bluff check to feint as a Swift Action in the same round and immediately prior to the
first time this weapon is used to attack an opponent unaware of its nature.

Horizon-Flynn Rapier Level 5 Price 3,100¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 P Critical bleed 1d6 Special analog, disarm, operative
Not every street samurai studies the art of kenjutsu. Some prefer the more elegant Fiore dei Liberi and thus choose the
rapier over the common katana. Horizon and world-renowned blade smith Dante Flynn have joined forces to create the
ultimate tool for slipping past a flawed defense and finding a home in the heart of an enemy. The Horizon-Flynn blade is
a slender composite designed for strength, flexibility, and stability for maximum armor penetration.

Improvised, Bottle Level 1 Price 1¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 B Critical — Special analog, archaic, fragile, thrown (10 ft.)
Whether its cola, wine, synthahol, or even something less potable, this solid chunk of glass is one of the easiest to find
backup weapons in most urban settings.
Special Rules: On a critical hit, the bottle takes damage equal to what it deals. A bottle that takes damage but still has at
least 1 hit point left functions as a broken bottle (below)

Improvised, Bottle (broken) Level 1 Price 1¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 P or S Critical bleed 1d4 Special analog, archaic, fragile, thrown (5 ft.)
Usually, but not always, the jagged remnants of a recently used bottle (above).
Improvised, Chain Level 1 Price 10¥
Type Basic Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d6 B Critical bind Special analog, archaic, reach, thrown (5 ft.)
Chains come in a variety of materials and lengths. The stats presented here are for a 10 ft.-long metal chain (iron, steel,
titanium, etc.).
Special Rules: If wielded without advanced melee proficiency, on a natural 1, the user suffers 1d6 damage and the bind
critical effect.

Improvised - Chair Level 2 Price 50¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 1d6 B Critical bind Special analog, archaic, block, fragile, free hands (1), unwieldy
Your basic four-legged wooden chair of the sort found in chain restaurants and middle-class townhomes. Cheaper plastic
molded sorts at too soft to deal lethal damage while sturdier metal framed chairs are too heavy to wield in one hand.
Special Rules: A destroyed wooden chair yields 1d4 clubs. Plastic chairs have the nonlethal property, and metal chairs
require two hands to wield and lose the fragile property.

Improvised, Fork Level 1 Price 1¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d3 P Critical — Special analog, archaic
I’d rather not have to explain what this is, but for the savages out there: this is a tiny multi-tined weapon, similar to a
trident, fish spear, or pitchfork used to shovel food into your face hole. It also happens to be very handy when starting
fights during (or adjacent to) a meal.
Special Rules: These stats can also be used for a particularly sharp spoon.

Improvised - Frying Pan Level 1 Price 20¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d6 B Critical — Special analog, archaic, block, thrown (10 ft.)
Ideally, you want an aluminum or steel pan, pot, skillet, or wok 10 to 18 inches wide and with a handle. Smaller pots are
ineffective at blocking attacks while heavy pots, like cast iron, require two hands wield effectively. Bonus points if you
can grab one right off the stove.
Special Rules: The first attack made with a pan with hot, caustic, or otherwise dangerous contents enables the wielder
to make a dirty trick combat maneuver as a free action in conjunction with the attack and with the same target.
Additionally, successful attacks deal 1 additional point of fire damage for 1 minute after being removed from its heat
source. Small pans lose the block quality while heavier pots gain the free hands (1) and unwieldy properties.

Improvised - Hammer Level 2 Price 10¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 B Critical staggered Special analog, archaic, thrown (15 ft.)
Framing, ball-peen, claw, dead blow, gavel, and a hundred other variations of one-handed hammers can all be used in a
pinch. Many (such as the geologist’s, or lathe hammers) have a blade or spike on the reverse side (called the peen) of
the head that can provide some damage variation or utility.
Special Rules: Different types of hammers may also have the option to deal 1d4 slashing or piercing damage
Improvised, Pistol Whip Level 1 Price By Weapon
Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk By Weapon
Damage 1d4 B Critical — Special analog, archaic, thrown (5 ft.)
Even without special training, hitting someone with a chunk of metal or composite can help get your point across, and if
you run out of ammunition, you can always try to hurl said chunk in a last ditch effort or expression of desperation.

Improvised - Pool Cue Level 1 Price 45¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d4 B Critical — Special analog, archaic, fragile, reach
Every trid with a bar fight shows some drunken schmuck breaking a pool stick over a trog’s shoulders only for the would-
be victim to turn around slowly and un-phased. This is usually followed with a shot of the schmuck flying through the air
into another group of drunks or out a window. But, if you’ve ever been in the trog’s place, you know that cue is gonna
leave a mark, so try not to let anyone use you to snap sticks.
Special Rules: When destroyed, a pool cue yields 1d2 clubs.

Improvised - Rifle Butt Level 1 Price By Weapon

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk By Weapon
Damage 1d6 B Critical — Special analog, archaic, free hands (1), unwieldy
Just as you can smack someone with your pistol, you can club them with your rifle. Try not to use the delicate parts like
the receiver or barrel. The center of gravity for most long arms is back towards the stock for a variety of reasons, and
that’s what you should be striking with.
Special Rules: With advanced melee proficiency, the rifle butt gains the staggered critical effect.

Improvised - Sledge Hammer Level 4 Price 50¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 1d12 B Critical knockdown Special analog, archaic, breach, free hands (1), unwieldy
Sometimes you need to go big or go home. A sledge, maul, rail hammer, or other such weighty bludgeoning device has
utility beyond just knocking heads; it can also knock down doors or even walls!

Injector Pen Level 11 Price 22,870¥

Type Basic Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk L
Damage — Critical Injection DC +2 Special conceal, injection, integrated (1), operative,
silent, subtle
This pen or stylus conceals a hypodermic needle that can inject one dose of a drug or toxin.
Special Rules: Loading an injector pen takes 1 minute.

Knife [SF Survival Knife] Level 1 Price 95¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 S Critical — Special analog, operative, thrown (20 ft.)
Your basic, all-purpose street cutter. It comes in a bewildering array of styles, colors, and flavors, but the statistics don’t
vary from one to the next. Ordinary knives are used by the poor, the desperate, or the cautious as backup weapons.

Knucks Level 1 Price 100¥

Type Basic Melee (Unarmed) Category — Bulk L
Damage Unarmed Critical — Special analog, operative
These may be traditional fist-load weapons like brass knuckles, or modern “Hardliner gloves” with a thin layer of
densiplast located along the knuckles and the edge of the hand. Either way they substantially boost the impact of a
punch, making it potentially deadly.
Special Rules: Unarmed punch attacks lose the archaic property, and, with advanced melee proficiency, a wielder
threatens squares with their unarmed punch attacks.

Krime Gloves Level 8 Price 9,700¥

Type Basic Melee (Unarmed) Category Shock Bulk L
Damage 1d12 E Critical stunned Special nonlethal, operative, powered (capacity 20,
usage 4), unbalancing
The only thing harder than finding a set of knuckleduster or stun gloves in a decent size is figuring out which would be
better to wear that day. Krime’s designers were looking at exactly that problem and thought, “Bah! We’ll make gloves
that have both!” And so they did. Incorporating recycled densiplast along with their “skullwhomper” stunpalm pad and
some serious street style, these are gloves to be worn with pride! When the punks step up acting like hardhoops, you
can knock them down even harder. They also come with a Stormcuff tm battery system, allowing a user to swap out the
battery like a magazine in a gun, for those extra-long riots.
Special Rules: Krime Gloves function as knucks when unpowered and when the wearer chooses not to use the stunpad.

Krime Reaver, Axe Level 5 Price 2,900¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 1d6 S Critical wound Special analog
Krime Reaver, Knob
Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 1d8 S Critical staggered Special analog
Krime Reaver, Pick
Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 2d4 S Critical bleed 1d4 Special analog, penetrating
After much research and development with some of the finest mercenaries in the world, Krime has finally revolutionized
the classic entrenching tool. It’s larger, heavier, more effective than a shovel, as well as working as a prybar, pick,
hatchet, hammer, and saw. In addition, it can be used in three different combat roles: axe, armor-piercing pick, or club
thanks to Krime’s patented Krime Knob. Note: The Reaver is only available in troll sizes
Special Rules: Reavers can only be wielded by Large creatures or creatures with Strength modifiers of at least +4.

Krime Shiv Multi-Tool Machete Level 4 Price 2,375¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d8 S Critical — Special analog
A while back, some crazy old trog walked into the offices of Krime and started ranting and raving on just about
everything, especially about how useless the sizes of most multitools are, with their fiddly little blades and all that. It
took a while for Old Man Krime to empty his bottle of synthscotch so that he could shatter it and scare the guy off, but it
did get Krime engineers thinking. Maybe captain crazypants had a point. So they worked on that very problem, and this
is their response—the Shiv Multitool Machete. Holding a variety of useful tools in the handle, especially a steel
toothpick, the blade of the machete is also made from some of the finest Krupp steel. Krime hosts monthly contests for
users to post the most imaginative uses of the tool, and those videos are not safe for family viewing.
Special Rules: The multi-tool is the equivalent of a poorly supplied, ill-labeled Engineering tool kit. Any checks using this
weapon for their tool kit suffer from a -2 penalty.

Krime Stun Lance Level 10 Price 17,000¥

Type Basic Melee (Melee Exotic) Category Shock Bulk 2
Damage 2d12 E Critical stunned Special nonlethal, powered (capacity 20, usage 1), reach,
unbalancing, unwieldy
When Krime was approached by the newly reformed Winged Hussars, asking that they provide proper lances to ride into
battle with, their crew of negotiators, after many rounds of vodka and a very long history lesson on who the Hussars are,
finally asked, “For what, on horseback?” “No,” the response came. “Combat motorcycles.” Well, the agreement was
signed right fragging then and there because that kind of stuff is right up Krime’s alley. After many hours of research,
development, and working with a variety of Polish and Serbian experts in the combat biker and urban brawl fields, the
Krime Lance is the result. This three-meter-long stun baton allows a charge that will leave any rioter jerking in the
streets. Available in a variety of colors and with heraldic additions. Ballistic streamers extra. Note: The Krime Stun Lance
comes in troll sizes only.
Special Rules: Krime Lances can only be wielded by Large creatures or creatures with Strength modifiers of at least +4.

Lapel Dagger Level 2 Price 500¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 S Critical — Special analog, conceal, operative, MAD invisible,
thrown (10 ft.)
Small, flat, synthetic composite, non-metallic dagger made to slip underneath the lapel of a jacket or along the seam of
an outfit. Low damage but highly concealable and undetectable by MAD scanners.

Macuahuitl, Modern Level 3 Price 1,250¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 2d4 P & S Critical bleed 1d4 Special analog

Macuahuitl, Traditional Level 5 Price 3,000¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d8 S Critical severe wound Special analog, archaic, fragile
A traditional Aztec weapon, the macuahuitl is a meter-long wooden sword embedded with razor-sharp obsidian blades.
Occasionally used by ceremonial guard, authentic macuahuitls are most often carried by the wealthy and status-
conscious in Aztlan. While it looks odd to the modern eye, causing many opponents to underestimate it, a macuahuitl is
capable of decapitating a horse with a single blow. Cheaper densiplast knock-offs have begun to appear on the streets as
well, replacing obsidian blades with low-quality steel.
Special Rules: The fragile property cannot reduce a macuahuitl below 1 hit point. A broken Macuahuitl functions as a
club (1d6 B, analog, archaic)

Osmium Mace Level 5 Price 5,500¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 4
Damage 3d6 B Critical knockdown Special analog, archaic, free hands (1), unwieldy
There are all sorts of ways to make weapons more effective, but in the end, if you have a strong arm delivering the blow,
all you really need in order to be effective is something with lots of mass and inertia that will pound a huge amount of
force into the chest of whoever you’re hitting. The club does this job pretty well, but if you have the arm strength for it,
having extra weight at the end of the shaft can really get momentum swinging, delivering a huge payload of kinetic
energy to the target. Enter the osmium mace, which some say is over the top in terms of its pain-delivering mass, while
others say that’s just the way they like it. Osmium is the densest metal on earth, but its brittle nature makes it
unsuitable for the construction of a weapon. It’s just fine, though, for a ball on the interior of a mace head, especially
when it is alloyed to make it more durable and then surrounded by a titanium shell to help diffuse some of the shock of
impact away from the core. The result is a weapon that is difficult for the average person to lift up, let alone swing.
When you get up to ork or troll levels of strength, you can deliver devastating blows that make you look like a character
straight out of mythology.
Special Rules: Osmium maces can only be wielded by Large creatures or creatures with Strength modifiers of at least +4.

Plasteel-Toed Boots Level 1 Price 200¥

Type Basic Melee (Unarmed) Category — Bulk L
Damage Unarmed Critical — Special analog, conceal, operative
Common safety wear for most dangerous jobs, these also do for your feet what knucks do for your hands. These boots
are used by corp security and gangers alike. While highly protective, they are too big and clunky to be helpful while
being stealthy.
Special Rules: Unarmed kick attacks lose the archaic property, but attempts to move silently suffer a -1 penalty. With
advanced melee proficiency, a wielder threatens squares with their unarmed kick attacks. Boots are worn on the feet
and do not need to be held in the hand to attack with.

Saeder-Krupp/Onotari Arms Silent Claw Stiletto Level 5 Price 3,000¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 P Critical bleed 1d6 Special analog, conceal, MAD invisible, operative
Not well-known to the public but well-known in the shadows is Onotari Arm’s Silent Claw stiletto. A favorite among
assassins who can get their hands on one, the weapon is preferred by Saeder-Krupp’s covert operatives. Made of a
lightweight but durable ceramic alloy, the Silent Claw is immune to all MAD scanners, and, with a nano-forged diamond
tip, it can, in the right hands, bypass all but the most hardened of armors.
Special Rules: Against a flat-footed opponent, this weapon targets the lower of EAC or KAC.

Sap Cap Level 2 Price 520¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 B Critical — Special analog, conceal, nonlethal, operative, silent
This appears to be a standard baseball cap, but it has a pouch of lead powder sewn into the back. By gripping the brim,
the wearer can make it function as a sap. It can be extremely difficult for an observer to determine this is a weapon.
Special Rules: Attempts to discern the true nature of this weapon suffer a -4 penalty.

Sap, Light Level 2 Price 430¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 B Critical — Special analog, nonlethal, operative, silent
Also called a blackjack, this is a small, springy club or a flat piece of iron in a flexible leather covering.
Special Rules: Attempts to conceal this weapon gain a +2 bonus.

Sapphire Knife Level 5 Price 3,500¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 P or S Critical bleed 1d4 Special analog, MAD invisible, operative, thrown (15 ft.)
This knife is made from a single large synthetic sapphire. While it is nearly as hard as diamond and sharper than a razor,
on a particularly bad strike the blade can shatter. Due to the material, it is undetectable by MAD scanners. Available in a
variety of colors determined by the trace elements included in the crystal matrix including blue, yellow, purple, orange
or red. (Did you know rubies are actually just red sapphires? Nothing says style like killing someone with a ruby.)
Special Rules: On a natural 1, there is a 50% chance the sapphire knife is destroyed.

Shock gloves Level 8 Price 9,650¥

Type Basic Melee (Unarmed) Category Shock Bulk L
Damage 2d6 E Critical staggered Special nonlethal, operative, powered (capacity 10,
usage 1), unbalancing
These electrically insulated gloves have a wire mesh that discharges electric current with a punch or a simple touch. The
gloves deal electricity damage and are good for ten charges before they need to be plugged in and recharged.
Special Rules: When attacking with shock gloves, a user may target EAC and deal the shock gloves’ electricity damage
normally, or target KAC and add their base unarmed damage as a bonus to the damage roll. The integral power cell
recharges at a rate of one charge per two rounds when hooked up to a power source.
Wireless Bonus: The shock gloves recharge by induction, regaining one charge per full hour of wireless-enabled time.

Stun Baton Level 9 Price 12,750¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category Shock Bulk L
Damage 2d8 E Critical staggered Special nonlethal, operative, powered (capacity 10,
usage 1), unbalancing
A standard riot-control weapon, viewed as a tool and symbol of corporate-government oppressors but pragmatically
useful to runners. It has ten charges and regains one charge per two rounds when plugged in.
Wireless Bonus: The stun baton recharges by induction, regaining one charge per full hour of wireless-enabled time.

Survival Knife, Aide-de-Camp Edition Level 3 Price 1,150¥

Type Basic Melee (knife) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 S Critical — Special operative, penetrating
A fine quality blade—smooth on one edge, serrated on the other—with several accessories, including a GPS monitor,
mini-multi-tool, micro-lighter, and a hidden compartment in the handle. The sides of the steel are coated with a non-
toxic chemical that blacks out the blade when inert to prevent unwanted reflection, but can be activated to provide two
hours of phosphorescent light. All knives can cut flesh, but a survival knife is better at cutting rope and wood, or
otherwise being used as a tool. The survival knife is the kind of gadget that no professional should be without.
Special Rules: The mini-multi-tool acts as an incomplete Engineering tool kit (-2 on checks). The micro-lighter has 10
uses before it must be refilled (1¥). The hidden compartment can fit 1 dose of a chemical, toxin, or serum.
Wireless Bonus: The knife displays an ARO of local maps, your GPS position, and can be used to make commcalls (with
no video).

Sword Cane, Mortimer of London’s “Belgrave" Level 5 Price 3,050¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 P Critical bleed 1d6 Special analog, operative
The Belgrave is part of the same product line as the “Trafalgar” Gun Cane. A hidden release on the cane allows you to
draw out a short, rapier-style blade.
Special Rules: Attempts to conceal this weapon gain a +2 bonus.

Throwing Knife, Smart Level 2 Price 485¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 P Critical bleed 1d4 Special conceal, operative, quick reload, thrown (15 ft.)
A wide variety of shapes and sizes of aerodynamically balanced, specially weighted, muscle-powered throwing weapons
are available, from throwing spikes to darts to kunai and shuriken. Micro-sensors in these smart blades can relay wind
and other atmospheric conditions to the user to improve their aim.
Wireless Bonus: If all the throwing knives you throw in a single round are wireless enabled, and you have a smartlink
system, each knife you throw receives a +1 circumstance bonus for each previous knife thrown that round at the same
target. So you’d get no bonus on the first throw, a +1 bonus on the second throw, a +2 bonus on the third throw, etc.
(assuming you aimed all three knives at the same target).

Throwing Syringe Level 1 Price 125¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 P Critical injection DC +2 Special conceal, injection, nonlethal, quick reload,
thrown (10 ft.)
Originally developed by a street doc who was also a throwing adept, this weapon quickly found fans with assassins due
to its ability to deal deadly attacks in an easily concealable package. These aerodynamic throwing needles have an
internal compressed reservoir with an inertial trigger. When the darts strike a target, they inject any liquid they contain
into the target.
Special Rules: T
Wireless Bonus: If all the throwing syringes you throw in a single round are wireless enabled, and you have a smartlink
system, each syringe you throw receives a +1 circumstance bonus for each previous syringe thrown that round at the
same target. So you’d get no bonus on the first throw, a +1 bonus on the second throw, a +2 bonus on the third throw,
etc. (assuming you aimed all three syringes at the same target).

Tonfa Level 3 Price 1,125¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 B Critical — Special analog, archaic, block, operative
Now popular with security forces throughout the world, the tonfa’s roots go back to traditional Okinawan martial arts. A
fifty-centimeter shaft with a perpendicular handle that allows it to be held parallel to the forearm, the tonfa is an
excellent defensive weapon. Often used in pairs, tonfa can strike from a variety of angles and distances, making them
exceptionally versatile.
Special Rules: With advanced melee proficiency, wielding two or more tonfa grants a +1 enhancement bonus to your AC
against all melee attacks so long as you are not flat-footed.

Torch Level 1 Price 5¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category Flame Bulk L
Damage 1d4 F Critical burn 1d4 Special analog, fueled (capacity 60; usage 1)
One of man’s first weapons, a torch is simply a piece of wood set on fire. A well-made one will be wrapped in an oil-
soaked cloth to ensure a good burn, but in a pinch, a chair leg’ll do just fine. Not the fanciest of weapons, but it keeps
most critters at bay. Outside of special areas or events, most modern societies frown (to put it gently) on openly carrying
flaming clubs around, so expect some push back from local law enforcement. The traditional fatwood torch is its own
fuel source, and cannot be refilled. Modern torches are constructed of metal and ceramic with refillable fuel tanks, but
cost considerably more.
Special Rules: Each use of fuel lasts 1 minute. A modern torch costs 50¥, and fuel refills are 5¥ per 60 uses.

Urban Tribe Tomahawk Level 3 Price 1,250¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 S Critical — Special analog, operative, thrown (15 ft.)
This is not your grandfather’s tomahawk. Made from modern composites and balanced for throwing, this modern take
on the classic Native American weapon gives as much respect to its predecessors as it can while moving into the 21st
century. Popular among the urban tribal street gangs, especially the First Nations in Seattle, these finely crafted killing
tools can also be found on the belts of Salish Rangers and Sioux Wildcats.

Victorinox Collapsible Hatchet Level 3 Price 1,300¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 S Critical — Special collapsible, operative, thrown (10 ft.)
This offering is an attempt by Victorinox to capitalize on the success of the Urban Tribe Tomahawk. This hatchet has a
more traditionally European influence in style. It is designed more for survival and melee combat as opposed to its
competitor, which is designed for throwing. The hatchet can fold down to a small enough size to fit in a pocket.
Wireless Bonus: Readying or collapsing the hatchet is a Free Action.

Basic Melee Weapons, Two-handed

Ares "Queen of Hearts" Monofilament Garrote Level 14 Price 64,400¥

Type Basic Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk L
Damage 3d6 S Critical bleed 3d6 Special analog, conceal, grapple, operative, silent,
Leave it to Ares to make something deadly even deadlier. The Queen of Hearts is the nickname for Ares’ monofilament
garrote that will often take a head right off well before the target suffocates, though I’m certain that was part of the
intended design. Other megacorps have copied the design, but Ares is by far the biggest name out there.
Special Rules: Rather than pinning a target with a sufficiently high grapple attack (normally KAC+13), you can inflict this
weapon’s critical effect (though not double damage) as if a critical hit was rolled. Failed attempts to escape a grapple
inflict 3d6 S damage to the grappled target. Using this monofilament weapon risks a 50% chance of suffering the
weapons base damage on an attack roll of a natural 1. Non-proficient users double this chance. Rappelling gloves (50¥)
reduce the total chance by 40%.

Collapsible Scythe Level 4 Price 2,350¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 1d8 S Critical wound Special Collapsible, trip
Nothing brings the terror of your imminent demise to a peak quite the same way as a shadowy figure wielding a scythe
closing in on you. The progenitor of this weapon was a female assassin who goes by the name Keres. There have been a
few copycats since, but none as skilled or successful. This weapon is custom made and is essentially a telescoping staff
with a Smartsteel blade fused to one end. When collapsed, the staff part compresses together with a telescopic design,
and the blade coils inside the end of the shaft.
Special Rules: Collapsing or extending the scythe is a Standard Action.
Wireless Bonus: Collapsing or extending the scythe is a Move Action.

Combat Axe Level 9 Price 16,000¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 3d6 S Critical wound Special analog
A two-handed tungsten alloy monster, available single or double bladed.

Garrote Level 10 Price 16,150¥

Type Basic Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk L
Damage 3d4 S Critical bleed 1d4 Special analog, conceal, grapple, operative, silent,
The garrote is a handheld weapon designed to quietly kill via strangulation. While a garrote can be as simple as a string
attached to a pair of pencils, this is a far more professional tool able to be used against modern, armored foes. The
weapon consists of a central string, usually either a high-tensile wire saw or arachnofiber composite, attached to a pair
of handles used to pull the weapon tight once it is wrapped around a targets neck. Death is slow and unpleasant as the
target usually struggles intensely, so a strong stomach and skill are both required.
Special Rules: Rather than pinning a target with a sufficiently high grapple attack (normally KAC+13), you can inflict this
weapon’s critical effect (though not double damage) as if a critical hit was rolled.

Nemesis Arms Maul Stun Staff Level 9 Price 13,000¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category Shock Bulk 2
Damage 2d8 E Critical staggered Special double, nonlethal, powered (capacity 20, usage
2), unbalancing
Double-sided zapping power! The stun staff is basically a staff with stun batons on each end. They’re rather large and a
bit ugly but they look quite intimidating in the hands of the guards at Shiawase HQ.
Pitchfork Level 1 Price 25¥
Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d6 P Critical — Special analog, archaic
Where you have torches, you gotta have pitchforks. The items are easy to find out on the farm, but sprawl-dwellers have
to build their own out of meter sticks, cast-off fence parts, and so on. But it’s worth it—nothing gets the blood pumping
like a good ol’ mob!

Rolling Blades, Bladed Board Level 3 Price 1,650¥

Type Basic Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d8 S Critical — Special analog, conceal

Rolling Blades, Hardened Board Level 2 Price 600¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d8 B Critical — Special analog, conceal
Skateboards have been connected to shadowrunners ever since the dawn of the Sixth World. Making combat-worthy
boards came about a day later. Skateboards can be found in both hardened and bladed versions and are usually swung
like a baseball bat when used in combat. As with other items adapted for combat, the hidden weapons degrade the
performance somewhat, while the awkward design makes the weapon somewhat inferior but the hidden feature allows
them to be snuck past security.
Special Rules: A character may attempt to use a skateboard as part of a run action to increase their movement multiplier
by 1. This requires a DC 13 Dexterity check (modified for terrain and conditions). Failing by 5 or more results in the
character falling prone at a random point along their route.

Staff Level 1 Price 100¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d6 B Critical — Special analog, archaic, block, double
This large, heavy stick is popular with magicians going for that traditional look. Available in composite, hardwood, high-
carbon steel, and other materials.

Telescoping Staff Level 2 Price 750¥

Type Basic Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d6 B Critical — Special block, collapsible, double
This is a metal and composite staff that can telescope down to a reasonable size, one that can be concealed about as
easily as a stun baton or a sword. It can be extended and locked in place by whirling it at the correct speed and angle
and twisting the grip, or via a wireless signal.
Wireless Bonus: Readying or collapsing the telescoping staff is a Free Action instead of a Move Action.

Advanced Melee Weapons, One-handed

Ares "One" Monosword Level 6 Price 4,800¥
Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d8 S Critical wound Special analog
There can be only “One” is Ares latest slogan for this classic. This tool of the modernized street samurai features a
monofilament line along the edge that provides unmatched penetration potential.

Ash Arms Combat Chainsaw Level 12 Price 33,300¥

Type Advanced Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 3d12 S Critical wound Special analog, free hands (1), fueled (capacity 20; usage
1), integrated 1, unwieldy

Ash Arms Monofilament Chainsaw Level 20 Price 732,500¥

Type Advanced Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 10d12 S Critical severe wound Special analog, free hands (1), fueled (capacity 20; usage
1), integrated 1, unwieldy
Monofilament makes everything better or so Ash Arms would like us to believe. While the civilian model is actually used
for cutting things like concrete and sculpting stone, that is just never enough. Ash has retooled the monofilament cousin
of the standard chainsaw as well and made it into a unique weapon that has probably cut off more limbs from brain-
dead wielders than their intended victims. But boy is a successful hit awesome.

Bullwhip Level 1 Price 100¥

Type Advanced Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d3 S Critical bind Special analog, archaic, disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip
Whether it’s redirecting bulls, snagging wrists, or lashing infidels, the whip has seen an interesting history as a tool, a
showpiece, a torture device, and a weapon. This versatility is both its greatest asset and its biggest detriment. The
training that is needed to use this weapon is very specific, but a truly skilled individual can perform feats with this item
unmatched by any other weapon.
Special Rules: A bullwhip grants 15 feet of reach rather than the normal 10 feet.

Fluid-Motion Mace Level 4 Price 3,380¥

Type Advanced Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 1d12 B Critical staggered Special analog, free hands (0), unwieldy
A large, somewhat unwieldy weapon, the fluid-motion mace contains a hollow reservoir filled with a liquid (commonly
mercury), creating additional momentum upon impact. Originally conceived as a weapon for a Neil the Ork Barbarian
spinoff show, the spectacular potential of the mace made it a popular pick for various underground combat leagues.
Special Rules: After each attack, increase the free hand property number by one. This resets to zero when no attack is
made with the mace for one round.

Forearm Snap-Blades Level 4 Price 2,080¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 P or S Critical bleed 1d4 Special conceal, disarm, integrated (1), operative
These are essentially like spurs, only they’re external—painless to install or remove. A forearm sheath conceals up to
three blades that can be extended or retracted via wireless link or muscle movement commands.
Wireless Bonus: Readying the forearm snap blades is a Free Action instead of a Move Action.

Monofilament Whip Level 20 Price 735,000¥

Type Advanced Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk L
Damage 6d20 S Critical severe wound Special collapsible, operative, penetrating, reach,
sunder, trip
Iconic. Terrifying. Deadly. Few weapons on the street are more feared. This monofilament line can cut through bone and
armor like hot butter. The line extends out to two meters, and retracts into the weapon’s handle when not in use. The
whip action, the weighted tip, and the deadly thread of the monofilament line itself make this weapon a potential
danger to its wielder.
Special Rules: If an attack with this weapon misses by 10 or more, the weighted tip catches on something nearby and
needs to be disentangled (a full-round action) before another attack can be made with it. Using this monofilament
weapon risks a 20% chance of suffering the weapons base damage on an attack roll of a natural 1. Non-proficient users
double this chance. Rappelling gloves (50¥) reduce the total chance by 10%.
Wireless Bonus: The whip can be readied or collapsed with a Free Action, rather than a Move Action, and the whip’s
built-in safety system retracts automatically instead whenever it would damage the wielder.

Nunchaku Level 2 Price 475¥

Type Advanced Melee (Club) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d6 B Critical — Special analog, archaic, grapple, operative, throttle
Thought to have its origin as an Okinawan farming tool, the nunchaku (a.k.a. nunchuks, chain sticks, or chukka sticks) is
comprised of two short sticks made of wood, metal, or plastic, fastened together by a short length of chain or rope.
When properly used, nunchaku can deliver a flurry of blows from a variety of angles. Nunchaku can also be used in a
variety of holds or to choke opponents.

Rolling Blades, Hardened Skates Level 2 Price 600¥

Type Advanced Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk 1
Damage Unarmed Critical — Special analog, conceal, operative
Skates, unlike skateboards, can be found only in hardened versions. Also unlike skateboards, you can’t just step off when
you need traction—having wheels strapped to your feet can play havoc with your balance.
Special Rules: A character may attempt to use a skates as part of a run action to increase their movement multiplier by
1. This requires a DC 11 Dexterity check (modified for terrain and conditions). Failing by 5 or more results in the
character falling prone at a random point along their route. Effects that move a character wearing skates (such as trip,
bulrush, etc.) gain a +2 bonus. A proficient wielder threatens squares with their unarmed kick attacks. Skates are worn
on the feet and do not need to be held in the hand to attack with.
Wireless Bonus: Electronic wheel locks can be engaged or disengaged as a free action, negating the bonus to move

Sword [SF Converted Corpse Fleet Dueling Sword] Level 4 Price 2,380¥
Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d8 S Critical — Special analog
It’s sharp, it’s heavy, and it will fragging cut you wide open. Available in a wide variety of styles (wakizashi, seax, scimitar,
jian, machete, and so on and so forth), this one-handed blade is not as formidable as a katana but is substantially easier
to hide.

Vibro Knife Level 4 Price 2,880¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 2d4 S Critical — Special operative, penetrating, powered (capacity 20,
usage 1), thrown (20 ft.)

Vibro Sword Level 6 Price 5,900¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 2d6 S Critical — Special penetrating, powered (capacity 20, usage 1)
The blades of these weapons are serrated, and they vibrate at more than twenty times per second; they saw their way
through their target, as well as slicing. This feature causes the weapon to hum audibly, making the weapon useless in
situations requiring stealth.
Special Rules: Each use lasts 5 minutes instead of 1 minute. Without power, damage is reduced to 1 die and it loses the
penetrating property

Victorinox Memory Blade, Dagger Level 3 Price 1,250¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 S Critical — Special analog, collapsible, operative

Victorinox Memory Blade, Sword Level 4 Price 3,380¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d8 S Critical — Special analog, collapsible
Is it a belt, or is it a deadly weapon? A strange question, but one you must ask yourself when it comes to the Memory
Blade. Victorinox uses their SmartSteel technology to provide a flexible material that can be commanded to stiffen and
form a blade. They currently have two “self-defense” designs available for special order. The Belt, a sword length design
worn around the waist, and the Bracelet, a design aimed at lady execs who want a little extra protection. Mostly found
on executives with too much money, they often find their way into the shadow market after extraction ops. The
weapon’s sheath can be formed into a piece of clothing or put in some other appropriate place to hide the weapon.
Special Rules: Attempts to conceal a collapsed memory blade gain an additional +2 bonus beyond that granted by the
conceal property. The memory blade requires a Standard Action to ready or collapse in addition to the Move Action for
readying or drawing the weapon.

Yo-yo, Bladed Level 2 Price 600¥

Type Advanced Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 S Critical — Special conceal, operative, thrown (20 ft.)

Yo-yo, Hardened Level 1 Price 600¥

Type Advanced Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk L
Damage 1d4 B Critical — Special analog, conceal, operative, thrown (10 ft.)
Yo-yo, Monofilament Level 16 Price 92,200¥
Type Advanced Melee (Melee Exotic) Category — Bulk L
Damage 5d8 S Critical wound Special conceal, operative
Laugh all you want, but the yo-yo was originally designed as a weapon for hunting, and while we think of them as toys
for children, they can still be used for their original purpose as well as performing. A hardened yo-yo is simply
constructed out of a tougher material, such as hardwood or metal. A bladed yo-yo is exactly what you think, and the
retractable sharpened blades even improve the weapon’s aerodynamics. A monofilament yo-yo is safer to use than a
monofilament whip but not by much.
Special Rules (monofilament yo-yo): Using this monofilament weapon risks a 10% chance of suffering the weapons base
damage on an attack roll of a natural 1. Non-proficient users double this chance. Rappelling gloves (50¥) reduce the total
chance by 5%.

Advanced Melee Weapons, Two-handed

Krime Trollbow, Blades Level 5 Price +1,000¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk +1
Damage Varies Critical — Special analog, double, operative, trip
On a trip to England to try to set up a trade deal, a Krime sales team got to watch an archery competition, largely
because the beer was on special. They came back with lots of notes and one of the archers, who was enticed with the
promise of even more beer and bows. They promptly insisted that the company start making composite bows. There
were questions about the company making such an “elfy” weapon, but after watching an arrow go through a radiator,
the doubters immediately changed their tune, only demanding that engineers add blades onto the form so that it could
have some proper “troll horns.” Krime believes they have perfected the modern archery weapon for the Sixth World:
the Trollbow! Accept no substitutes, troll not included!
Accessory Slots: top- and under-mounted
Special Rules: Trollbows are melee weapons added to any bow-like ranged weapon, and they deal an amount of slashing
damage equal to the bow’s base damage.

Highland Forge Claymore Level 10 Price 18,000¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 5d6 S Critical wound Special analog
Quality killing in the classic Scottish fashion. An ideal accessory for your Heritage Line clothing or for the troll who thinks
a regular sword makes a better toothpick. The Highland Forge Claymore comes with a classic leather scabbard to add
that authentic look. The blade is custom-forged with a proprietary technique even the masters of Damascus would be
unable to match.

Katana Level 6 Price 4,900¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 2d8 S Critical — Special analog
The legendary two-handed sword of the samurai. The katana has become synonymous not just with street samurai, but
with shadowrunners in general, at least in the trids; they’ve got everyone packing a katana, from the decker to the
mage. But being a silly cliché doesn’t make this blade any less dangerous, or less helpful in a fight.
Special Rules: A wielder with Weapon Focus (Advanced Melee Weapons) may treat a katana as a one-handed weapon

Katana, Renraku Red Samurai Level 7 Price 13,000¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 1
Damage 2d8 S Critical wound Special analog
The ultimate badge of honor and service among Renraku’s elite Red Samurai, these blades works of art as much as
functional weapons, forged with a blend of modern and ancient techniques. Legend says that if a Red Samurai draws
their blade, it must taste blood or it will turn on its owner. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but when a
Red Samurai draws their blade, someone usually dies. A Red Samurai would rather die than give up their blade willingly.
Blades of honorably fallen or passed Samurai are considered sacred items.

Krime Bill Level 5 Price 4,150¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 1d8 S Critical wound Special collapsible, reach
With the Stun Lance paving the way, Old Man Krime decided to look into other ancient weapons and hokey military
concepts, and he found out about pike men. After a trip to the hardware store for more ideas, he presented a design
that he drew up at the bar on a cocktail napkin. This may seem rather haphazard, but that’s how the Krime Cannon
came to be, and look at how well that sells! This collapsible-bill polearm combines a telescoping staff with a brush-axe
that has been all-around sharpened, allowing it to be used as a limb-clearing axe while in its short form, and a limb-
removing polearm in its extended form. Krime only encourages the removal of tree limbs with this tool; all combat uses
of this tool are done only by expressly ignoring the instruction manual and safety manual, which are currently out-of-
print, but I’m sure will be available again soon. Usage of this tool to arm an army and lay waste to your enemies is
Special Rules: While collapsed, this weapon loses the reach property.

Krime Whammy Level 13 Price 45,900¥

Type Advanced Melee (Club) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 4d12 S Critical knockdown Special analog, breach, shells (4, usage 1)
With the Krime Chatter under his belt and some credit built up with Old Man Krime, Nathan Thiessen started
development on his dream invention, in this case specifically referring to something that came to him in a dream. The
Krime Whammy is a combination of warhammer and shotgun, with a blast specifically designed to breach nearly any
non-armored door on the market. This sports Krime’s typical styling and ability to make tools a proper size for their
functions, running the finest recycled titanium alloys for the head to a flexbond composite for the shaft to minimize
kinetic transfer to the hands from the point of impact. Available in chrome finish or Super-Street-Chrome. Note: The
Whammy is only available in troll sizes.
Special Rules: Whammies can only be wielded by Large creatures or creatures with Strength modifiers of at least +4.
Without shells, damage is reduced to one die, and the weapon loses the breach property.

Nodachi Level 10 Price 16,000¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 4d8 S Critical bleed 1d8 Special analog
Nodachi are massive, two-handed swords, often reaching lengths of nearly two meters. Originally designed as an anti-
cavalry weapon, nodachi are popular weapons in the shadows among both the highly trained and the overly

Polearm Level 5 Price 3,650¥

Type Advanced Melee (Blade) Category — Bulk 2
Damage 1d10 P or S Critical — Special analog, reach
This is, at its very essence, a blade on the end of a very long stick. It usually features an axe-head, glaive, spear point, or
similar maiming implement. It’s not easy to handle and it’s just about impossible to conceal, but it’s popular both with
trolls and with melee combatants looking to safely keep said large trolls at more than arm’s length.

Small Arms

Ares Crusader II Level 7 Price 5,100¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 45 ft. Capacity 40 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special —
A large magazine and easy handling make the Ares Crusader II one of the most popular weapons of its class.
Accessory Slots: stock- and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: gas-vent (rating 2, integral, barrel), smartgun system (internal), extended magazine (rating 1)

Ares Executioner Level 7 Price 5,270¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
The Executioner is still the ultimate in concealable firepower for the executive protection professional. The weapon
neatly fits down into a specially designed small briefcase, available in a number of different styles and colors (first
included with weapon purchase, +400¥ per extra case). The weapon can be fired from the briefcase by pushing a
concealed stud, or through the user’s PAN with a smartgun system (not included). Recoil is an issue when fired from the
briefcase, but the surprise the Executioner provides may be enough to ensure survival. The Executioner also features an
integral sound suppressor and an extendable stock for occasions when it is removed from its case.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Executioner takes a Move Action to remove from the case for conventional usage and removal is
required to reload its caseless ammunition. Using automatic or burst fire while holding the briefcase imposes a -1
penalty on attack rolls. Firing an unattended Executioner is resolved as an attack with a total bonus equal to your PAN’s
Dataprocessing stat (or a tier 1 computer if not using the alternate infosphere rules).
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (stock), sound suppressor (integral, barrel)

Ares Light Fire 70 Level 6 Price 3,800¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 55 ft. Capacity 16 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special —
The Ares Light Fire 70 is one of the most common pistols on the market. A special barrel-mounted silencer developed
exclusively for the Light Fire 70 is available.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Light Fire 70’s custom silencer (750¥) increases the effects of normal silencer by 2 points (and extends
the benefits by 1 range increment if using the silencer in the Starfinder Armory)

Ares Light Fire 75 Level 6 Price 4,850¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 50 ft. Capacity 16 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special —
Designed based on one of the most common pistols on the market, the Light Fire 75 is a weapon for special operators,
not commonly available through legal channels. A special barrel-mounted silencer developed exclusively for the Light
Fire 75 comes attached. In addition to its silencer, the Ares Light Fire 75 includes a smartgun system.
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: The Light Fire 75’s custom silencer increases the effects of normal silencer by 2 points (and extends the
benefits by 1 range increment if using the silencer in the Starfinder Armory)
Standard Upgrades: silencer (integral, barrel), smartgun system (internal)

Ares Predator III Level 8 Price 6,870¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 15 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special —
A favorite of law enforcement in the 2060s, the Predator III combines a rugged frame with a menacing appearance.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, stock-, top-mounted
Special Rules: Its integrated smartgun system is incompatible with modern wireless protocols and requires a translator
program (50¥) and a fiber optic cable (or the skinlink Resonator class ability) to interact with modern PANs.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)

Ares Predator V Level 9 Price 12,225¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 15 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special —
The newest iteration of the most popular handgun in the world, especially with mercenaries and shadowrunners.
Upgraded with improved ergonomics and handling features, the Ares Predator V includes a smartgun system. Some say
that the Ares Predator V isn’t better than other guns in its class, but no one can argue that it has better brand
Accessory Slots: barrel-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)
Ares Redline Level 15 Price 99,000¥
Type Small Arms (Laser) Category Laser Bulk 1
Range 160 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 2 Modes SA
Damage 4d8 F Critical burn 2d8 Special —
Featured as the weapon of Ace Holt in the Cross Point: Daedalus trideo trilogy, the Ares Redline laser pistol has been the
poster child for Ares’ laser weapons program. Even though it has been on the market for a number of years the Redline
has not seen many improvements or, as most folks were hoping, an increase in production volume.
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: Uncompensated burst fire penalties are ignored for this weapon. Attack roll penalties due to range also
apply as damage penalties.

Ares Sigma-3 Level 8 Price 7,270¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
Ares has released their latest submachine gun design for law enforcement personnel worldwide. The Sigma-3’s unique
drum magazine ensures operators have the ability to conduct a forced entry without having to worry about their
ammunition supply at critical moments. The integral carrying handle/powered slide mount allows operators options
beyond the internal smartgun, allowing optimization to meet tactical necessities. When using the collapsible stock,
shooters have consistently exceeded organizational marksmanship standards, proving the quality design and
manufacturing techniques.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (stock), foregrip (barrel), powered slide mount (Rating 2, integral, top), smartgun
system (internal)

Ares S-III Super Squirt Level 3 Price 950¥

Type Small Arms (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 20 ft. Capacity 20 gel rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical Injection DC +2 Special antibiological, injection
This popular non-lethal weapon fires DMSO gel rounds. The dimethyl sulfoxide forces the skin to absorb the chemicals
the operator wishes to deliver. The attack itself causes no damage, but when the target is hit successfully, the DMSO
delivers the substance directly into the target’s bloodstream.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, top-, and under-mounted

Ares Striker Level 9 Price 11,900¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 12 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special analog
One of the most rugged and certainly the heaviest (in terms of weight) pistols on the market, the Striker is simplicity
personified. Designed for ease of use, the Striker lacks any of the electronics that modern pistols employ, making it
immune to hacking and malware. With its striker fire design and backstrap safety, there are no external hammers or
levers, making for a sleek design that won’t snag on your clothes when it’s needed. The comparatively low cost of the
Striker makes it an ideal choice for people who aren’t yet ready to make the financial commitment that higher-end
models require—it was this year’s most popular quinceañera gift in its category.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: red dot sight (top)

Ares Viper Slivergun Level 9 Price 11,880¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 30 flechettes Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 4d4 P Critical bleed 1d6 Special choke, spread
The sleek Slivergun pairs the undeniably winning combo of burst-fire capability and built-in sound suppression with its
large magazine capacity.
Accessory Slots: internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The slivergun is only capable of firing flechette rounds, which are already factored into the weapon’s
stats. Attacks against targets with an armor and/or natural armor bonus treat the target KAC as 4 points higher.
Standard Upgrades: silencer (integral, barrel)

Barrens Special Level 9 Price 11,650¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 5 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special Cylinder
Not a specific gun, the term “barrens special” simply refers to some sort of heavy pistol that’s been cobbled together by
someone equal parts resourceful and desperate. Commonly made with a knife welded onto the barrel as a jury-rigged
bayonet, a barrens special can look intimidating, especially to someone unaccustomed with firearms. Barrens specials
commonly serve as a form of barter currency— a gun valuable enough that there’s demand but not so valuable that it
can’t be parted with.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: On a natural 1, this weapon takes damage equal to its base damage dice. This damage ignores hardness.
Standard Upgrades: bayonet clamp (barrel) with survival knife

Beretta 201T Level 6 Price 3,810¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 50 ft. Capacity 21 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special —
This light sidearm is used by many security professionals. It is capable of burst fire. Since the 201T is classified as a light
pistol without further limitations, it is quite popular with security agencies in countries where heavy pistols and machine
pistols are hard to come by legally.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: attaching or removing the included shoulder stock is a Standard Action
Standard Upgrades: detachable shoulder stock (stock)
Browning Ghost Level 6 Price 4,850¥
Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 40 ft. Capacity 10 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special collapsible
Like it’s not even there! The Ghost is a joint venture between Browning and Victorinox, resulting in one of the fastest-
selling and most comfortable concealed-carry pistols on the market today. Constructed using a polymer based on
Victorinox’s SmartSteel, the Ghost can be placed in a flexible state when not in use, allowing it to mold its shape to
unobtrusively conform to the body of its owner. Just under two centimeters wide, the Ghost’s profile isn’t just the most
flexible on the market, it’s also one of the thinnest. The Ghost cannot fire in its flexible state.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Readying or collapsing requires a Standard Action
Standard Upgrades: electronic firing (integral, barrel), personalized grip, smartgun system (integral, internal).
Wireless Bonus: Changing states is a Move Action.

Browning Phantom Level 9 Price 13,000¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 12 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special collapsible
Made from the same proprietary polymer as the Ghost, the Phantom is the perfect sidearm for security personnel who
need to maintain a low profile but don’t want a Predator digging into their hips all day. The electronic firing and
smartgun-enabled systems reduce the number of moving parts down to practically zero, reducing recoil and sound
signature, and making the smart materials more effective than they would be in a traditionally manufactured sidearm.
The Phantom cannot fire in its flexible state.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Readying or collapsing requires a Standard Action
Standard Upgrades: electronic firing (integral, barrel), personalized grip, smartgun system (integral, internal).
Wireless Bonus: Changing states is a Move Action.

Browning Ultra Power Level 9 Price 12,140¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 10 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d10 P Critical — Special —
This venerable sidearm is the Ares Predator’s primary competition as the world’s toughest heavy pistol. It offers a built-
in top-mounted laser sight and is slightly cheaper.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, and stock-mounted
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (integral, top)

Cavalier Arms Adder Slivergun Level 8 Price 6,590¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 45 ft. Capacity 20 flechette Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 4d4 P Critical bleed 1d6 Special choke, spread
Oddly enough, this gun was developed as a lightweight personal protection weapon for a mail-delivery corp.
Management’s logic was that flechette ammo would be more effective against aggressive dogs and similar paracritters
while being less intimidating to customers. It is reminiscent of a pared-down Ares Viper Slivergun. With the modification
of an aftermarket silencer, this gun is exceptionally handy for sneaking into a location and striking while the target’s
guard is down.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The slivergun is only capable of firing flechette rounds, which are already factored into the weapon’s
stats. Attacks against targets with an armor and/or natural armor bonus treat the target KAC as 4 points higher.

Cavalier Arms Gladius Level 7 Price 4,670¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 32 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5] /FA [10]
Damage 1d10 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
A simple design intended for street officers requiring temporary increases in firepower, the Gladius combines modern
electronics with an easy-to-maintain design. The weapon can also be used to equip a hastily raised militia; its simple
operation and maintenance requirements make it ideal for citizen-soldiers. The stamped metal receiver is key to the
weapon’s strength, while proprietary recoil absorbers ensure accuracy and the electronics package retains calibration.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal, side-, stock, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Gladius has one point of intrinsic recoil compensation. Engineering checks to repair or modify this
weapon gain a +4 circumstance bonus.
Standard Upgrades: collapsible stock (stock), passive laser sight (top)

Cavalier Champion Level 12 Price 30,150¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 80 ft. Capacity 1 round Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 5d6 P Critical knockdown Special analog, free hands (1), unwieldy
Cavalier Champion is not designed or marketed as a self-defense weapon but rather as a hunting pistol. A large, single-
shot, break-action pistol designed to shoot rifle rounds, the Champion has attracted a following both with those who can
live the one shot/one kill mantra and those who think they can. Capable of taking down an elk at one hundred meters,
the Champion delivers one of the most devastating payloads in its class. With its unmistakable blued receiver, the
Champion is guaranteed to get you attention at the range.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Champion uses longarm ammunition
Standard Upgrades: longbarrel (barrel)

Cavalier Deputy Level 8 Price 6,495¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 60 ft. Capacity 7 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special analog, cylinder
With the return of Western aesthetics in fashion, the Deputy has become a choice for modern-day urban cowboys and
gunslingers. Less punishing to the wrist and carrying a seven-chamber cylinder, this pistol is a choice competitor to the
Ruger Super Warhawk.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted

Cavalier Evanator Level 6 Price 4,375¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 20 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [3]/FA [10]
Damage 2d4 P Critical — Special automatic
Utilizing the latest in projectile development, this surprisingly controllable lightweight automatic is capable of providing
suppressive fire under nearly any circumstances. The slanted magazine reduces the number of jams due to magazine
spring malfunction, while the integrated laser sight ensures the user sees exactly where they are aiming. The electronic
firing mechanism ensures the complete combustion of the caseless propellant while reducing the perceived recoil to the
firer. When fitted with its standard folding stock, the Evanator can serve as the primary weapon in a close-quarter
Accessory Slots: internal-, and stock-mounted
Special Rules: The Evanator’s design reduces the jamming chance by 10%.
Standard Upgrades: electronic firing (integral, barrel), passive laser sight (integral, top), folding stock (stock)

Cavalier Flash Level 7 Price 6,120¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 35 ft. Capacity 24 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special collapsible
The Flash uses a design similar to the PPSK-4 Collapsible Machine Pistol, with the ability to fold down so as to fit in a
standard hidden arm slide. Unlike the PPSK-4, the Flash is obviously a weapon even in its collapsed state and does not
require its magazine to be removed.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Collapsing the Flash requires a full-round action. Unfolding the Flash without the use of a hidden arm slide
is a Standard Action. A Flash with a nonstandard magazine losses the collapsible property.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)
Wireless Bonus: This weapon unfolds as part of the action used to draw it from the hidden arm slide.

Cavalier Safeguard Level 6 Price 3,875¥

Type Small Arms (Taser) Category Shock Bulk 1
Range 20 ft. Capacity 6 taser darts Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d10 E Critical staggered Special nonlethal, unbalancing
A reliable self-defense weapon, this taser forgoes some wattage in each dart for a larger ammunition capacity, and backs
that up with a top-mounted laser for increased accuracy for a less skilled shooter. It still looks sufficiently enough like a
pistol to intimidate targets who might scoff at a mere taser.
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: Tasers target KAC. The Safeguard stores its darts in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of
taser darts per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). Uncompensated burst fire penalties are
halved for this weapon.
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top)
Wireless Bonus: A successful hit informs you of the status of the target’s basic health (hit/stamina points, presence of
disease or toxins).

Cavalier Thunderstruck Level 9 Price 12,650¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 12 rounds Usage 3 Modes BF [3]
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special —
A worthy successor to the venerable Ruger Thunderbolt, the Thunderstruck is the latest product to come out of Lone
Star’s Technical Research Department. The result of countless hours of data collection from Lone Star officers and
equipment, the Thunderstruck is designed to handle the very worst of what the streets can throw against the Star.
Production of the Thunderstruck is licensed to Cavalier, who can only sell a fraction of their production to non-Lone Star
security forces. Possession of a Cavalier Thunderstruck while not a legitimate member of an authorized security force is
a crime in most jurisdictions.
Accessory Slots: 2x side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Thunderstruck’s design provides one point of recoil compensation, but this weapon suffers double
the burst fire penalty (after RC) on subsequent attacks.
Standard Upgrades: gas-vent (rating 2, integral, barrel), smartgun system (internal)

Ceska Black Scorpion Level 6 Price 3,870¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 35 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special analog, conceal
This classic machine pistol provides concealable burst-fire capability.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (stock), extended magazine (rating 1)

Colt Agent Special Level 8 Price 6,520¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 45 ft. Capacity 8 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special —
The Agent Special has been one of Colt’s bestsellers since its introduction over a century ago, and continuing updates
and upgrades keep it more than relevant. The weapon’s large caliber makes it popular with shooters who prefer hitting
power over range. The short barrel also reduces the round’s penetrative power, but the ability to use the same
ammunition as a longarm means that some organizations are turning to this steady performer to simplify their logistics.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: This weapon uses longarm rounds.

Colt America L36 Level 7 Price 4,590¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 65 ft. Capacity 11 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special analog, conceal
A venerable pistol with a great reputation. This basic starter firearm is cheap, easily concealed and nearly ubiquitous. A
perfect throwaway weapon.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, and top-mounted

Colt Cobra TZ—120 Level 7 Price 4,930¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 32 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 2d4 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
With its unique design and wide range of accessories, the Colt Cobra series is quite popular both among security forces
the world over and on the trids.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (stock), passive laser sight (top), gas-vent (rating 2, integral, barrel)

Colt Coral Snake Level 8 Price 6,590¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 50 ft. Capacity 5 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special cylinder
One of the best-selling home defense weapons over the last few years, the Coral Snake offers exceptional range when
compared to other side arms in its class. Designed with point shooting in mind, the Coral Snake has been licensed to be
the gun of choice for self-defense courses run under the Lone Star brand. Participants are eligible for a discount upon
completion of the course.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Coral Snake requires a Swift Action to cock the hammer to ready the next shot. If the user has a free
hand, this is a free action.
Standard Upgrades: Passive laser sight (top)

Colt Future Frontier Level 9 Price 12,000¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 7 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d10 P Critical — Special analog, cylinder
This large-frame pistol harkens back to the days of the Wild West with its classic grip and stylistic elements. Combined
with modern manufacturing techniques and metallurgy, the Future Frontier provides the discriminating shooter with the
best of both worlds. A redesign of the spring mechanism allows for ease of maintenance and replacement by certified
personnel, while the enlarged cylinder handles a number of nostalgic calibers and propellant loads. This is a thorough
redesign of a pistol that helped expand a nation, providing yet another reason to Trust the Legend™.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Frontier requires a Swift Action to cock the hammer to ready the next shot. If the user has a free
hand, this is a free action.
Standard Upgrades: Melee Hardening
Colt Government 2066 Level 8 Price 6,695¥
Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 60 ft. Capacity 14 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d4 P Critical — Special —
This government-issue weapon, styled after the legendary Colt M1911A1, uses an electrically induced spark to detonate
the bullet’s propellants. The removal of most moving parts from the firing mechanism gives this weapon a reputation for
being exceptionally reliable.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Government 2066’s design reduces the chance of jamming by 15%.

Colt Manhunter Level 9 Price 12,200¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 16 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special analog
The Colt Manhunter is a popular sidearm with law enforcement agencies due to its reputation as a solid performer
without causing undue stress on corporate budgets. Also, the Colt name helps mitigate charges of favoritism in purchase
contracts as it is a long-time independent manufacturer. Falling a distant third place in the constant advertising battle
between the Savalette Guardian and the Ares Predator V, Colt has taken a different track with the latest iteration of the
Manhunter. Removing the smartgun and the associated features like electronic safety and magazine ejection, and
shifting everything back to traditional mechanical mechanisms with the exception of a holographic sight. The worst a
hacker can do is make you slightly less accurate with this gun and that appeals to a lot of the less technologically minded
consumers. While production numbers are currently significantly smaller than its competitors, it is still readily available
and a common sight on the streets.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Manhunter’s design reduces the chance of jamming by 10%
Standard Upgrades: holographic sight (top)

Colt New Model Revolver Level 5 Price 2,830¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 50 ft. Capacity 5 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special analog, conceal, cylinder
The New Model Revolver is Colt’s return to the small-revolver market, launched with a marketing campaign aimed at
young homeowners and small security firms. The New Model is manufactured in a variety of small caliber and is largely
of conventional design. The cylinder uses a simple left-side drop to allow rapid reloading with the appropriate
manufacturer-approved speed loader. This model is only produced at Colt’s Connecticut facility and has largely
remained rare outside of northeastern UCAS. Inside the UCAS, citizens can be proud to purchase from one of their
homegrown success stories. Trust the quality of a proven manufacturer. Trust the Legend™.
Accessory Slots: none

Defiance EX Shocker Level 9 Price 11,750¥

Type Small Arms (Taser) Category Shock Bulk 1
Range 15 ft. Capacity 4 taser darts Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d8 E Critical stunned Special nonlethal, unbalancing
This heavy-duty taser fires up to 4 darts that trail wires up to 20 meters long. The wired connection to the battery allows
for a more powerful shock. Most modern tasers use wireless darts, so the Defiance EX Shocker is an exception. It also
features contacts that allow it to be used as a stun weapon in melee.
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: Tasers target KAC. The EX Shocker’s maximum range is 75 feet. It fires wired taser darts from an internal
magazine of four and also requires a 20 charge battery. As a Move Action, the user can swap out the battery or reload a
number of taser darts equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).
Each shot fired uses two charges from the battery. After a successful attack, darts remain attached to their target until it
moves beyond the EX Shocker’s maximum range or uses a Move Action to dislodge them. Wires extend from the taser to
the target and, while they are fragile (1 hardness, 1 hit point, break DC 8), they may become tripping or entangling
As a Standard Action using up two charges per attached dart, the taser can send a pulse of electricity into all attached
targets. Each target is automatically hit (the wielder still rolls for the possibility of a critical hit) and suffers damage
normally. A target with more than one dart attached only suffers damage from the highest damage roll. If more than one
critical hit is rolled on a single target, increase the stunned critical effect DC by 2 per critical hit beyond the first.
In melee, the EX Shocker is considered a basic melee weapon and also has the powered (capacity 20, usage 2) property.
Wireless Bonus: A successful hit informs you of the status of the target’s basic health (hit/stamina points, presence of
disease or toxins).

Esprit Tsunami Level 7 Price 5,020¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 40 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 2d4 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
After a number of botched hostage rescue attempts, Wolverine Security teamed with Esprit to develop the Tsunami to
reduce friendly-fire casualties. Using a cutting-edge friend-or-foe identification system, the Tsunami promises ninety-
seven percent target acquisition accuracy (restrictions apply). While it’s still early, Esprit has hopes that the Tsunami will
become for non-Japanacorps what the SCK Model 100 is for Renraku.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: Safe target system (top), smartgun system (internal)
Wireless Bonus: Tsunamis slaved to the same PAN share safe-target-system profiles amongst them. This weapon’s safe
target system can also be inverted, so it will authorize firing only at shared profiles.

Fichetti Executive Action Level 7 Price 4,570¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 55 ft. Capacity 18 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special conceal
“Manage your danger with Executive Action!” is the latest in a long series of taglines for this pistol which incorporates a
burst-fire option as standard. With no other truly compelling features, marketing is what this firearm mostly has going
for it, but that appears to be all it needs to keep selling well.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Firing this weapon in Burst Fire mode is a Standard Action rather than an Attack Action.
Fichetti Military 100 Level 6 Price 4,450¥
Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 20 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]/FA [10]
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special automatic
The Military 100 offers accurate automatic fire on a large pistol frame. Fichetti’s engineers have integrated a full
spectrum smartgun sensor into the weapon’s frame, increasing accuracy in semi-automatic and fully automatic
operation. The model features a rigid, reinforced polymer frame with fully integrated diagnostic sensors linked to the
smartgun’s data transfer protocols, ensuring the operator full access to their weapon’s status at all times.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)

Fichetti Security 600 Level 7 Price 4,620¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 55 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d10 P Critical — Special —
A light sidearm for security forces, this weapon’s highly efficient feeding mechanism allows it a thirty-round magazine.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: detachable folding stock (stock) and passive laser sight (top)

Fichetti Tiffani Needler Level 8 Price 7,270¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 45 ft. Capacity 4 flechettes Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 4d4 P Critical bleed 1d6 Special choke, conceal, spread
Designed to appeal to social climbers and debutantes, the Tiffani Needler is available in a wide variety of colors and
styles. It also has a special color-changing coating that can be manipulated via wireless signal. This is useful to make sure
your gun matches with your shoes or your handbag.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The Needler is only capable of firing flechette rounds, which are already factored into the weapon’s stats.
Attacks against targets with an armor and/or natural armor bonus treat the target KAC as 4 points higher.
Wireless Bonus: You can change the color of the Tiffani Needler with a Move Action.

Fichetti Tiffani Self-Defender 2075 Level 6 Price 3,950¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 30 ft. Capacity 4 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d4 P Critical — Special conceal
A purse pistol that has been updated to include the latest in fashion programming for its color-change coating, allowing
it to be an excellent accessory for any outfit. Updates are available for a modest annual fee.
Accessory Slots: none
Wireless Bonus: You can change the color of the Tiffani Self-Defender with a Move Action.
FN P93 Praetor Level 8 Price 7,170¥
Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 70 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
This bullpup submachine gun was purpose-built for Corporate Court-controlled Interpol fast-response teams. Possession
of the FN P93 while not a legitimate member of a Corporate Court force is a crime in most jurisdictions.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Praetor’s special chamber system and rigid stock together provide one point of recoil compensation.
Standard Upgrades: rigid stock (stock) and flashlight (side)

FN-AAL Gyrojet Pistol Level 12 Price 31,500¥

Type Small Arms (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 60 ft. Capacity 10 mini-rockets Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d10 P Critical knockdown Special underwater
Once advertised as a favorite of the British Special Boat Squadron, FN has increased their market audience to most of
the marine-based special operations forces around the world. The gun fires miniature 6mm rockets that explode on
impact—an effect that, underwater, is even worse than in the air.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: When the target is underwater (or in a similar liquid), increase the damage by one die and change the
critical effect to off-kilter.

Hammerli 620S Level 6 Price 3,925¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 45 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d4 P Critical — Special —
This sleek and stylish light pistol has a lot of power for its size, but its modest profile won’t overly alarm security
personnel. It also matches an Armanté Suit perfectly.
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: gas-vent (rating 1, integral, barrel), smartgun system (internal)

Hammerli Gemini Level 10 Price 16,400¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 55 ft. Capacity 2x8 rounds Usage 2 Modes SA
Damage 2d10 P Critical — Special —
A longtime passion project of Wilson Gunsmithing, LLC, a boutique gunsmith familiar to aficionados and runners in the
Pennsylvania area, the Gemini was recently licensed to Hammerli for production and distribution. With its unique
parallel barrel and double magazine design, the Gemini looks, feels, and fires like no other gun on the market today.
After generating considerable buzz at gun shows and through an aggressive marketing campaign, the Gemini has quickly
become one of the most well-known and easily recognized guns out there.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: On a critical hit, increase the Gemini’s base damage by 2 dice. If used for a burst fire attack (see weapon
modes, pg. 1), the Burst Fire Stat must be an even number, and the Gemini only gains and suffers half the normal
New magazines and barrel modifications cost double for a Gemini, and the weapon will not fire if either magazine is
empty. Non-standard ammo only confers half its effect unless both magazines are loaded with the same ammunition.
Due to its bulk, this weapon suffers a -2 penalty on attempts to conceal it.
Standard Upgrades: custom look

HK Urban Combat Level 8 Price 8,570¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 80 ft. Capacity 36 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), MAD invisible,
HK continues to offer the Urban Combat as its high-end entry into the submachine gun market. The weapon is entirely
constructed with non-metallic components and is not detectable with traditional MAD sensors. H&K has spared no
expense in the weapon’s construction with an internal smartgun, a fixed sound suppressor, and a customized hydraulic
recoil compensation system. The price of these bonuses is that the weapon is unable to accept most other
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The Urban Combat’s design provides two points of recoil compensation.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal), sound suppressor (integral, barrel)

HK Urban Fighter Level 9 Price 13,450¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 50 ft. Capacity 10 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special MAD invisible
The companion sidearm to the Urban Combat, the HK Urban Fighter lives up to its nickname of “The Invisible Gun.”
Constructed entirely from ceramic and plastic components, the Urban Fighter is impossible to detect with conventional
MAD scanners. Its specially designed magazines form a hermetic seal when inserted, masking the ammunition from
chemsniffers. Additionally, the Urban Fighter boasts a specially designed silencer, making sure that not only won’t they
see it coming, they also won’t hear it being used. Finally, the Urban Fighter uses a smaller version of the same hydraulic
recoil compensation found in the Urban Combat.
Accessory Slots: *See Special Rules
Special Rules: The Urban Fighter’s design provides one point of recoil compensation. The only additional slotted
modification this weapon can accept is a Personalized Grip. Spare magazines for this weapon cost 100¥, have an Item
Level of 12, and are only available in the standard size. Attempts to detect magazines by scent or with chemsniffers
suffer a -10 penalty.
Standard Upgrades: silencer (integral, barrel)

HK-227 Level 7 Price 5,000¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 60 ft. Capacity 28 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
The SMG of choice for many corporate and military security forces, the HK-227 boasts a retractable stock, smartgun
system, and integral sound suppressor.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: folding stack (stock), smartgun system (internal), sound suppressor (integral, barrel)

Horizon-Flynn Defense-Com, Holdout Pistol Level 5 Price 3,050¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 40 ft. Capacity 2 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special conceal

Horizon-Flynn Defense-Com, Taser Level 6 Price 3,900¥

Type Small Arms (Taser) Category Shock Bulk L
Range 20 ft. Capacity 4 taser darts Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d6 E Critical staggered Special conceal, nonlethal, unbalancing
The Def-Com ranged options are exactly what consumers expect from Horizon’s collaboration with Dante Flynn; namely
superior design in an artfully inconspicuous package. While the commlink camouflage may be inoperable, the concealed
holdout pistol or taser inside are anything but.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: You may attempt a bluff check to feint as a Swift Action in the same round and immediately prior to the
first time this weapon is used to attack an opponent unaware of its nature. Reloading any number of rounds in the
break-action Def-Com line is a Full Action.
Special Rules (Taser): Tasers target KAC.
Wireless Bonus (Taser): A successful hit informs you of the status of the target’s basic health (hit/stamina points,
presence of disease or toxins).

Ingram Smartgun X Level 8 Price 7,070¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 32 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
Grade-A bang bang. Famous as the weapon of choice for many legendary street samurai since the 2050s, the Ingram
Smartgun comes tricked out with a gas-vent system, a smartgun system, and an integral sound suppressor.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: gas-vent system (rating 2, integral, barrel), smartgun system (internal), and sound suppressor
(integral, barrel)

Krime Chatter Level 6 Price 3,780¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 30 ft. Capacity 20 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 1d12 P Critical — Special automatic
At Krime, when things fall into place, we grab them hard and never let them go! Which is exactly what we did when
Nathan Thiessen came to us with his expert double-stroke gas piston operation system! Reliable work, minimum recoil,
and in a compact platform. Combine that with the Latvian army revamping their requirements for secondary (logistical)
soldiers, with a preference to a weapon system that actually takes metahumans into consideration, and Krime was the
only company that fulfilled all the requirements, along with extensive environment testing at our new Winnipeg, UCAS
facility! With an initial carried magazine of twenty rounds and supplemental sixty- round drums for further firepower,
the Chatter can silence even the most intense opposition!

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted

Special Rules: The chatter can accept 60 round drums in place of its 20 round magazine. Attempts to conceal the
weapon with an attached drum magazine suffer a -4 penalty, as if it were a bulk 2 weapon.

Krime Heater Level 9 Price 11,675¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 30 ft. Capacity 8 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d12 P Critical — Special —
Fancy guns work, yeah, but are complex, have tiny little parts, and aren’t really that effective for what they consider
“oversized” hands, especially designs with grip safeties. HA! Oversized my left hoop cheek! The Krime Heater is our way
of making it clear that we don’t have conventional-sized mitts! Beefy and big, and able to put rounds downrange reliably
while keeping parts sizable enough for easy stripping and cleaning! Why use the best-selling when you can use
something that was actually designed for a proper size!

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted

Krime Spree Level 7 Price 4,695¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 1d12 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
With a new telescoping bolt design intended for those needing alternative ergonomics, the Spree is an economic choice
for the discriminating shooter. The design is intended to allow for the easy mounting of a wide array of external aiming
and tactical aids. While Krime does not currently manufacture such devices, a call to their friendly Customer Service
department will provide a number of helpful suggestions based on the caller’s location. Note: The Spree is only available
in troll sizes
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Spree is designed for Large creatures, and this design grants one point of recoil compensation.
Customizing the weapon for smaller creatures increases the cost by 600¥ and loses the inherent RC.

Krime Stopper-II
Type Small Arms (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 35 ft. Capacity 2 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d12 P Critical — Special choke, spread
Redesigned after extensive customer reviews and suggestions, the Stopper-II still provides larger metahumans a valid
defensive option for the street and home. Now developed as an over-under pistol-sized shotgun which still has a five-
round ammo holder built into the bottom barrel for ease of reloading in tense situations. The Krime Stopper-II is now
easier and faster to bring back on target for that second round to go downrange. A variety of different pistol grips are
available as factory orders or aftermarket modifications, making this wonderful weapon available to the smaller
audience for the first time ever! Check out our Shopkeeper model with a folding shoulder brace and the Homeguard
model with a thumbhole stock that includes five more rounds carried on it!

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted

Special Rules: Reloading any number of rounds in the break-action Stopper-II is a Full Action. When shooting longarm
rounds (slugs) rather than shells, the Stopper loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical
effect and +50% range. Barrel modification cost double for the Stopper-II.

Krime Tingler Level 10 Price 15,940¥

Type Small Arms (Taser) Category Shock Bulk 1
Range 10 ft. Capacity 2 taser shells Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d12 E Critical stunned Special nonlethal, unbalancing
The story they tell about this one at Krime HQ goes like this: The head of HR was shot with a taser by a blue crew the
other day for driving her new BMW (“Is this your car, ma’am?” *ZAP*), and it barely fazed her. The taser, that is—she
was raging mad about being pulled over for driving while tusked. When her coworkers learned about what happened,
they pondered how the HR chief is small for a troll, and they decided to up their taser game a bit. They took their
shotgun-shell stun dart, which was in full production, and they figured it could shoot out of a taser just as easily. A bit
more development, and the Krime Tingler was introduced—and the HR exec is hoping to never be on the wrong end of
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: Tasers target KAC. The taser shells are muzzle-loaded, and each requires a Move Action to reload.
Wireless Bonus: A successful hit informs you of the status of the target’s basic health (hit/stamina points, presence of
disease or toxins).

Krime Tradition Level 7 Price 4,770¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 45 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/FA [10]
Damage 1d12 P Critical — Special automatic
Old Man Krime (he does exist, damnit!) always told us that we have to know where we come from, in order to know
where we are going. So we looked deep into the traditional firearms that are wanted by a mass audience, and the old
classic Tommy gun came to our attention! With a thirty-round stick magazine or a seventy-five-round drum for those
“long discussions” and the options of our budget model with wireframe skeleton furniture, modern chrome street
styling, or a nice traditional look in blued steel and wood, we have also included: updates to the mechanism to make it
more reliable, a slot in the stock to hold many different types of commlinks for logistics, a classic Cutz compensator, and
pre-drilled holes for mounting a top-mounted Radio Shack S4.2 Smartgun System! Now the official weapon of Lone Star
Correctional prison guards! Available as a budget model, in modern street stylings, or with that classic mobster look!

Accessory Slots: internal-, stock-, and top-mounted

Special Rules: The Tradition can accept 75 round drums in place of its 30 round stick magazine. Attempts to conceal the
weapon with an attached drum magazine suffer a -4 penalty, as if it were a bulk 2 weapon.
Standard Upgrades: foregrip (barrel), gas-vent system (rating 2, integral, barrel)

Krime Varmint Level 9 Price 11,800¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 8 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d12 P Critical — Special —
Here is a fact: varmint guns suck. (Fact brought to you by Krime’s Department of Pulling Things out of Our Own Hoops!
Come visit, say hello to Norman! He gets lonely.) They were all designed for the Fifth World, when proper varmints were
easy to take out. Have you seen a demon rat? Ever tried to cook one that had been shot a half-dozen times because it
was taken with a “varmint gun?” For those of you who have, Krime has a better option! A long-barreled heavy pistol of
the most reliable design combined with a detachable shoulder brace that doubles as a holster, combined with a pair of
pouches on that stock/holster for the other two magazines that come with the weapon! As well as thirty-meter set
Partridge combat sights and a 100-meter flip-up peep sight! Combine that with a cleaning kit inside the same holster,
the clip-on belt attachment, and you have a self-contained survival weapon just slightly larger than an everyday carry for
self-defense! For personal defense, for hunting for the stewpot, or just for plain old fun, the Krime Varmint does not

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted

Special Rules: The Krime Varmint comes with two extra magazines.
Standard Upgrades: detachable stock (stock)

Krime Vester Level 8 Price 6,440¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 40 ft. Capacity 2 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 1d12 P Critical — Special —
Old Man Krime (yes, he fragging well exists!) has always wanted to be a riverboat gambler right out of the old Wild
West! But every time he went to get dressed up, the derringer gave him issues. Mainly, too fragging small! A hold-out
for a Real-Sized Soldier™ requires special modifications, and that’s what he did one day. Each Vester is built to his
original designs and demands, allowing for a proper grip and heavy-caliber punch when you find that dirty slitch dealing
from the bottom of the deck!
Accessory Slots: stock-mounted
Special Rules: While it lacks the conceal ability of other holdouts, the Vester grants a +2 circumstance bonus to skill
checks to hide it.

Lemat 2072, Revolver Level 10 Price 16,780¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 55 ft. Capacity 9 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special cylinder
Lemat 2072, Shotgun
Type Small Arms (shotgun) Category Projectile
Range 40 ft. Capacity 1 round/shell Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d10 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
This surprising offering from Krupp Arms is a throwback to the rare pistol used in the Confederacy during the Civil War.
This pistol uses a double-barrel design with the cylinder rotating around a large central chamber that holds a single 20-
gauge shell (most commonly loaded with flechettes). A bit large for human hands with its strong kick and heavy trigger
pull, it fits well in larger metahuman hands. This design combined with the Kriegfaust has some speculating that Krupp
may be trying to compete with Krime for the larger metahuman weapons market.
Accessory Slots: internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: Manually switching to fire the shotgun chamber requires a Swift Action. If the shotgun barrel is loaded
with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than shells, it loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical
effect and +50% range.
Wireless Bonus: Switching the active barrel becomes a Free Action.
Morrissey Alta Level 9 Price 12,300¥
Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 12 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 4d4 P Critical — Special —
Seamlessly integrating form and function, the Alta remains Morrissey’s standard-bearer in the pistol marketplace. The
Alta’s fame largely stems from Morrissey’s endless pursuit of up-and-coming celebrities for endorsement deals and its
prominence in the limited-run trade calendar Morrissey produces. Despite all the buzz, the Alta consistently produces
results at the range and in the field. Nearly twenty years of production stands as testament to Morrissey’s devotion to
quality and consistency. As a bonus, the Alta is one of the only guns widely considered a fashion accessory in high-
society. A ban on weapons is still a ban, so don’t push your luck, chummer.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: Carrying this weapon is not considered “wrong attire” in privileged settings and should not incur penalties
to Charisma-based ability and skill checks.
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top)

Morrissey Elite Level 9 Price 12,000¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 35 ft. Capacity 5 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special —
A smaller, more niche pistol than the Alta, the Morrissey Elite is designed for the professional who is equally worried
about stopping power and maintaining the lines on his suit. While its compact design sacrifices ammunition capacity and
barrel length, the Elite remains popular amongst those who don’t require dozens of bullets to make their point and
those who simply cannot bring themselves to carry lighter pistols.
Accessory Slots: barrel- and top-mounted
Special Rules: Attempts to conceal this weapon gain a +2 bonus.
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top)

Narcoject One Level 5 Price 3,850¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 40 ft. Capacity 6 Narco-darts Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical Injection DC +2 Special Injection
The Narcoject-brand dart pistol has gone through a thorough redesign since its heyday in the 2050s. Its smaller, sleeker
features belie the research and craftsmanship that make this newer model so special. The main difference between
Narcoject’s pistol and that of their competitor, Parashield, is that Narcoject has purposely designed their gun to have the
look and feel of a light pistol rather than the clunky dart guns of the past, which required special training to use. Most
dart weapons can use other toxins, but the Narcoject One only uses Narcoject’s patented darts, Narco-darts, and
therefore cannot employ any other toxins.
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: Narco-darts are preloaded with the anesthetic Narcoject. A pack of 6 costs 300¥.

Level 3; Price 50¥ per dose

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 12

Track Constitution (special); Frequency 1/round for 1 minute

Effect progression track is Healthy—Weakened; no end state. The initial hit point damage from this poison is
nonlethal. Additionally, each failed save inflicts 1d4 nonlethal damage.

Cure 2 saves

Narcoject is a common tranquilizer many runners rely on for extractions. It is generally safe for the target, though a
tiny percentage of people express an allergic reaction to the tranquilizer. Some of those allergic reactions can be life
threatening. Narcoject is believed not to cause any significant side effects in a subject who is not allergic to it.

Narcoject Pep Level 10 Price 23,200¥

Type Small Arms (Ranged Exotic) Category Laser Bulk 1
Range 95 ft. Capacity 2x20 charges Usage 4 Modes SS
Damage 2d8 P Critical stunned Special nonlethal, disorienting, unwieldy
The Narcoject PEP is an interesting device. The PEP, or Pulsed Energy Projectile, could easily have been turned into a
killing machine, and a rather brutal one at that. Instead, the PEP fires short, intense laser pulses. These pulses vaporize
the surface of whatever they hit, creating plasma. This plasma cloud then absorbs all the other energy the PEP sends to
it, detonating with a flash, bang, and pulse. The PEP is designed to prevent outright killing of targets, as the stun effects
caused by the pulse are quite effective.
Accessory Slots: top- and under-mounted
Special Rules: Reducing the disorienting effect of the PEP requires a successful Reflex save. Targets with environmental
protections or flare compensation gain a +2 circumstance bonus on their Reflex save; these bonuses stack.

Nemesis Arms Praetorian—Pistol Level 9 Price 12,250¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 12 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special —
Nemesis Arms Praetorian—Bayonet
Type Advanced Melee (Blade)
Damage 1d6 S Critical — Special analog, operative
This heavy pistol is not for those who prefer the subtle approach. Originally used as a ceremonial showpiece, the
Praetorian has gone from oddity to workhorse. Its reinforced frame and integral bayonet not only makes it an excellent
choice for close-quarters combat, it also helps reduce barrel rise, making it easier to empty the magazine in an orderly
fashion. The manufacturer offers a wide array of customization options from chrome to gold filigree to
electroluminescent accents, as well as seventeen different blade styles for the bayonet. Customers can submit their own
artwork to be used as custom etchings upon order or pick from a library of stock designs.
Accessory Slots: stock- and top-mounted
Special Rules: The design of the praetorian grants one point of recoil compensation. If the bayonet is somehow
removed, this RC is lost.
Standard Upgrades: bayonet (integral, barrel), custom look, melee hardening, smartgun system (internal)
Nerve Pistol Level 10 Price 20,500¥
Type Small Arms (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 1
Range 15 ft. Capacity 5 disruptors Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical — Special antibiological, mind-affecting

Nerve Rifle Level 12 Price 42,000¥

Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 2
Range 50 ft. Capacity 10 disruptors Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical — Special antibiological, mind-affecting

Nerve Long Rifle Level 14 Price 76,700¥

Type Sniper Rifle (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 3
Range 50 ft. Capacity 5 disruptors Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical — Special antibiological, mind-affecting, sniper (100 ft.),
These puppies are like a question hidden in a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, and covered in delicious deviousness. I
couldn’t make heads or tails of the tech they’re using to make these work. Seems someone with an understanding of
both advanced engineering and biology will have to come forward and explain what causes the “disruption of bio
resonant connectivity resulting in localized nerve signal degradation or cessation” from the reports. I get that it limits
nerve signals, but how, I got no clue. The weapon is designed to induce localized paralysis in a target. Despite what most
people would think, localized paralysis isn’t exactly a death sentence, and in a lot of cases it’s not even going to slow
someone down. The reports that came with this file indicated virtually zero effect when these weapons were used with
basic shooting principles. Hits on center mass cause some minor muscle failure, and grazing hits to every other
appendage showed much the same. Where these weapons are best utilized is the hands of a precision shooter, targeting
specific locations. Opponents are rendered unable to handle their firearms or weapons properly when hit in the hand. A
precise shot at two different areas of the spine result in lower-extremity paralysis and full-body paralysis, respectively. A
targeted heart shot can cause the target’s heart to temporarily stop beating, but the depth of the target makes the shot
exceptionally difficult. Hits to the eyes and ears cause blindness and deafness. Targeted areas of the brain can interrupt
motor function, speech, rational thought, self-control, and a myriad of other conditions, most non-lethal. These
weapons have a remarkable level of non-lethal effectiveness but require advanced training to utilize.
Accessory Slots (Pistol): top-mounted
Accessory Slots (Long Rifle and Rifle): internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Effectively using a nerve weapon requires targeting specific areas with intimate knowledge of the target’s
anatomy (exceed the DC to identify the target species by 10 or more). After selecting a target part, the attacker must
beat an increased KAC—similar to executing a combat maneuver. On a successful hit, the target suffers the listed effect
for 5 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces the duration to 1 round. Additional hits on the same target part while
still suffering the effects from a previous hit increase the effect and add to the remaining duration (either 1 or 5 rounds
based on the new Fortitude save), to a maximum of 10 rounds. The hit locations for a typical humanoid target are shown
on the table below. Non-humanoid targets may have fewer or more hit locations with different effects.
Target Part KAC DC Effect (First/Additional Hits)
Lower Leg & Foot +8 — Entangled / Overburdened
Ear +10 -2 Off-Target / Deafened
Eye +10 -2 Off-Target / Blinded
Forearm & Hand +6 +2 Fumbling / Unhanded
Gut +6 +2 Sickened / Nauseated
Jaw & Throat +8 — Unintelligible / Silenced
Shoulder & Upper Arm +6 +2 Off-Target / Aimless
Spine +10 -2 Prone / Paralyzed
Heart +12 -4 Staggered / Stunned
Brain +8 — Off-target / Confused

A fumbling target has a chance of dropping a held item—50% if held in one hand and a 25% if held in two hands.
An unhanded target cannot use their hand to grasp; either to hold an item, to grapple, or to climb.
An unintelligible target cannot speak aloud clearly, but this does not affect other methods of communication.
An aimless target cannot raise their arm, suffers a -4 penalty on all attack rolls using that arm, cannot take aim
actions, and is unable to use shields with the affected arm.

Nitama Sporter Level 6 Price 3,900¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 55 ft. Capacity 18 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special —
“A perfect pistol for the inexperienced, small-framed metahuman” is often how gun shop clerks describe this
lightweight, sleek, and long-barreled pistol. With a built-in laser sight, low felt-recoil, and a small internal magazine, it is
a popular home-defense weapon.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top)

Onotari Arms Equalizer Level 7 Price 5,020¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 35 ft. Capacity 12 rounds Usage 3 Modes BF [3]/FA [6]
Damage 3d4 P Critical — Special automatic
A boxy machine pistol that comes from the factory with a laser sight, collapsible stock, and no iron sights for a snag-free
draw. It uses cased ammunition only. This Saeder-Krupp weapon is popular with bodyguards and smaller security
companies due to the ease of legally acquiring it. The strong bullpup mechanism ejects the spent brass up and to the
right, making it slightly less popular with left-handed users.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (stock) and passive laser sight (top)

Onotari Arms S-3K Level 7 Price 4,995¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 1d10 P Critical — Special automatic, collapsible, free hands (1), unwieldy
The S-3K is a submachine gun that can fold in half, greatly reducing its profile. Ideal for situations where space is at a
premium, the S-3K is a popular choice for everyone from backpackers to bodyguards. Far faster to go from the bag to
firing than a traditional takedown rifle, the S-3K occupies an important niche, offering both discretion and functionality
to the discerning buyer.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: Folding or unfolding the S-3K is a Standard Action
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (stock), smartgun system (internal)

Onotari Arms Vagabond Level 10 Price 16,075¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 55 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special analog, cylinder
The Vagabond’s distinctive brushed stainless-steel frame offers a more modern take on the revolver than some of the
other models on the market today. Its smooth double action makes getting off accurate shots in rapid succession a snap.
Firing from the bottom of the cylinder instead of the top, the Vagabond has a more stable platform with less recoil than
the competition.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: the Vagabond’s chamber design offers one point of recoil compensation.

Onotari Arms Violator Level 8 Price 6,820¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 10 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special —
Constantly updated to take advantage of its reputation for using the latest integrated electronics and modern materials,
this pistol has become the poster child on gun ranges everywhere as the latest for cutting-edge shootists. It comes with
a smartgun, basic safe target system, and an advanced safety system (also basic), all updated constantly for a modest
annual fee to Onotari Arms. A patented delayed-recoil operation, along with caseless ammunition to cut down on
moving parts, help with making tight, double-tapped groups in targets.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Violator’s design grants one point of recoil compensation
Standard Upgrades: advanced safety system (base, internal), smartgun (internal), safe target system (base, top)

Onotari HL-13, SMG Configuration Level 12 Price 33,000¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 60 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d6 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
Onotari HL-13, Carbine
Type Longarms (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 55 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 4d6 P Critical — Special automatic
Onotari HL-13, Assault Rifle
Type Longarms (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 140 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 4d6 P Critical — Special automatic
The Onotari “Heavy/Light-13” is Saeder-Krupp’s entry into the modular weapon market, capable of a variety of
configurations designed for encounters at different ranges. Largely made from lightweight composites, the HL-13 is
designed to be a portable, adaptable weapon system that requires less training time to master than its competitors. The
HL-13 has proven itself to be a popular choice among military units on long deployments in regions with a variety of
Accessory Slots (Carbine and SMG): barrel-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Accessory Slots (Assault Rifle): barrel-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The HL-13 weapon system includes modular parts that allow it to be configured as an assault rifle, a
carbine, or a submachine gun. Barrel modifications must be purchased separately for each configuration. Changing
configurations requires an Engineering (15, 1 minute) Extended check. The assault rifle and carbine configurations use
longarm rounds while the submachinegun uses small arms rounds.
Standard Upgrades (SMG, Carbine): smartgun system (internal)
Standard Upgrades (Assault Rifle): smartgun system (internal), slide rail (under)

Parashield Dart Pistol Level 3 Price 600¥

Type Small Arms (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 5 darts Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical Injection DC +2 Special Injection
The industry standard dart pistol, this fires injection darts with narcoject or another payload.
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: Refilling the compressed air tank (which holds 10 charges) using the integral electric pump requires three
minutes and a power source.
Wireless Bonus: The dart reports whether or not it has struck home and successfully injected. It may also report the
basic creature type (humanoid, construct, etc.) and any gross physical anomalies in the target’s tissue, although its
medical sensors are not very sophisticated (identify creature with a total skill bonus of +1 for the dart).

Plasma Pistol Level 10 Price 20,500¥

Type Small Arms (Ranged Exotic) Category Plasma Bulk 1
Range 15 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 2 Modes SS
Damage 2d6 E & F Critical blind Special bright, explode (5 ft.), unwieldy

Plasma Rifle Level 14 Price 86,940¥

Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category Plasma Bulk 2
Range 165 ft. Capacity 20x3 charges Usage 10 Modes SS
Damage 4d10 E & F Critical blind Special bright, explode (5 ft.), unwieldy
This is some truly science-fiction, wave-of-the-future type stuff. The concept of plasma weapons has been part of space
stories for generations, and while I found abundant technical data, I didn’t manage to see any signs that this tech is
currently being tested here. From reports and the basic data, it looks like work is mainly occurring on Mars and in space.
Seems plasma is easier to achieve in a vacuum, and Mars has a lot less risk of corporate espionage right now. I’m not
going to bother diving into the science—plenty of Matrix sites can explain that to you. I’m better off pointing out that
the specs file is partially corrupted, and thus I can’t be sure this project is real. I know there are tons of reports on
testing, but all that could easily be faked in order to throw off spies. Evo has a significant advantage that they’ve been
using extensively, but it doesn’t really seem possible that the Monads could have jumped them this far ahead in this
short of a timespan. It’s definitely an area with major potential for several other megas, with Ares at the top of the list.
Every one of them could benefit if they’re the first to offer this next-generation weaponry.
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: Firing a plasma weapon creates a line of charged gas between the closest corners of the user’s and
target’s spaces (on a miss, determine the point of impact as if missing with a thrown weapon (SFCRB, pg. 245)). Any
creature in a square the line touches (including the target) must succeed on a Reflex saving throw or suffer the weapon’s
base damage. All damaged creatures are affected by the bright property of the weapon.

PPSK-4 Collapsible Machine Pistol Level 6 Price 6,400¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special collapsible
Originally designed for the Russian UGB secret police, this firearm comes from the factory with a laser sight and a folding
stock. It also can fold up into an innocuous-looking box when the magazine is removed and the stock collapsed. No other
accessories can be added to it, due to its folding design. Its “top secret” nature was compromised quickly in the early
‘60s, and it has since become a popular choice for armored vehicle crews who need a compact weapon to handle the
tight confines they typically have to deal with."
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Folding or unfolding the PPSK-4 is a Move Action by itself. A user with Weapon Focus (or a similar feat or
effect at the GM’s discretion) applicable to the weapon can unfold it, extend the stock, and insert a magazine as a Full
Attack Action.
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (integral, stock), passive laser sight (integral, top), extended magazine (rating 1)

PSK-3 Collapsible Heavy Pistol Level 9 Price 12,550¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 10 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d4 P Critical — Special collapsible
Designed for the Russian UGB secret police in 2061, this pistol is able to fold up into a box barely larger than an old-style
wallet when the magazine is removed. Formerly a clandestine weapon made only for the UGB, information about it
leaked to the public rather quickly and it became a popular choice for protection details and spy agencies around the
world. The press of a single button flips the PSK-3 into combat mode, but the only accessory it can accept is a custom
silencer that must be bought separately.
Accessory Slots: See Special Rules
Special Rules: The only slotted accessory a PSK-3 can accept a custom silencer (700¥ with the same effects as a standard
silencer). If another accessory is somehow added, the weapon losses the collapsible property. Unfolding the PSK-3 is a
Swift Action while folding it back up requires a Move Action.

Raecor Sting Level 8 Price 6,620¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 35 ft. Capacity 4 flechettes Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 4d4 P Critical bleed 1d6 Special choke, conceal, MAD Invisible, spread
With its now-classic “lemon-squeezer” design, the Sting is a sleek, unobtrusive hold-out pistol that’s surprisingly
effective against lightly armored targets. Designed so the barrel protrudes between the user’s middle and index fingers,
the Sting is fired by simply tightening one’s grip. Constructed entirely with non-metallic materials, the Sting is completely
invisible to MAD scanners.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The Sting is only capable of firing flechette shells, which are already factored into the weapon’s stats.
Attacks against targets with an armor and/or natural armor bonus treat the target KAC as 4 points higher. A user can
reload a number of flechette shells per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).

Remington Roomsweeper Level 8 Price 6,520¥

Type Small Arms (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 8 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d6 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
This is really more of a short-barreled shotgun than a pistol.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: A Roomsweeper’s internal magazine may be loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) or shells. A user can
reload a number of rounds or shells per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). When shooting
longarm rounds (slugs) rather than shells, the Roomsweeper loses the choke and spread properties but gains the
knockdown critical effect and +50% range.

Remington Suppressor Level 8 Price 6,970¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 55 ft. Capacity 15 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 2d4 P Critical — Special —
The first modern automatic pistol design offered by Remington, the Suppressor is intended for paramilitary
organizations and government agencies requiring compact automatic weapons. The design integrates a number of
European stylistic elements with modern automated manufacturing quality control methods, resulting in finely tuned
tolerances intended to allow the user to accurately engage any target. The weapon is shipped with a detachable sound
suppressor, allowing the user to reduce their audio signature at the expense of concealment. Standard
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: With the sound suppressor attached, increase the weapon’s bulk to 1.
Standard Upgrades: sound suppressor (barrel)

Renraku-Ingram Supermach 200 SMG Level 11 Price 26,900¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 75 ft. Capacity 40 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special automatic, free hands (1), unwieldy
A weapon design subcontracted through the Ingram Weapons Corporation, the Supermach 200 is a favorite among
Najima (Renraku’s security subsidiary) and the Blue Samurai. An update of the popular Supermach 100, the 200 is
designed to be light, compact, and hold a substantial ammo capacity. But in order to accomplish all this, Ingram was
forced to create a special proprietary ammo type that can only be used in this weapon. The result was a round that
lacked the raw damage profile of most weapons of similar caliber, but to compensate it had one of the best armor-
penetration profiles without having to use APDS ammo. Despite the 200’s supposed flaws, Renraku is more than
satisfied with the weapon and has contracted for several thousand over the next few years.
Accessory Slots: barrel- and top-mounted
Special Rules: Because of its specialized design, this weapon grants 2 points of recoil compensation, but can only take
custom ammo; treat this as the same price as standard ammo but with Item Level 11.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal), shock pad (stock)

Ruger Super Warhawk Level 11 Price 22,300¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 55 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 6d4 P Critical knockdown Special analog, cylinder
This revolver is as loud as a jet liner and twice as shiny. It’s also one of the scariest handguns in the world. The cased
ammo variant is popular for the sheer thrill of swinging open the cylinder gate one handed and dumping spent brass.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted

Savalette Guardian Level 9 Price 12,370¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 12 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special —
This heavily chromed street monster of a pistol has been popular in the shadows for over two decades. A heavy pistol
with an integrated smartgun link, an internal micro-gyro recoil absorption system, and the option for burst firing. It’s a
very reasonable weapon for an experienced owner who expects to be in heavy combat.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The internal systems of the Guardian provide one point of recoil compensation.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)

SCK Model 100 Level 8 Price 7,145¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 60 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special free hands (1), unwieldy
Shin Chou Kyogo is synonymous with Japanese corporate security. Nearly every Japanacorp’s security forces are issued
the SCK 100, including Renraku’s infamous Red Samurai.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Model 100’s design grants one point of recoil compensation.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal), folding stock (stock)

Shiawase Arms Puzzler Level 6 Price 4,500¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 30 ft. Capacity 12 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d6 P Critical — Special breakdown, MAD invisible
Made from twenty different MAD-defeating components that appear to be everyday items (such as jewelry and
commlink add-ons), this pistol is a choice weapon to sneak into areas illegally. It is difficult but not impossible to figure
out that the disparate items are actually part of a firearm. It helps, of course, if you’ve seen one before.
Accessory Slots: barrel- and top-mounted
Special Rules: Recognizing the components of a Puzzler as belonging to a firearm when it is disassembled requires an
Engineering or Perception check (DC 35, each visible component grants a +1 on this check). Assembling or disassembling
the Puzzler requires an Engineering (16, 1 minute) Extended Test. A glitch on the test means you have to start over; a
critical glitch breaks one of the pieces, which will need to be repaired before the weapon can be used.

Steyr TMP Level 7 Price 4,620¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 35 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]/FA [10]
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special automatic
This lightweight, polymer-frame pistol is capable of full auto fire, but its light weight makes it hard to control when firing
on that way. It comes equipped with a built-in laser sight.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: Increase the burst fire penalty by 1 for this weapon, before recoil compensation.
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top), extended magazine (rating 1)

Stinger Pen Level 6 Price 3,925¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 30 ft. Capacity 1 round Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special conceal
This gun is a simple one-shot holdout inside a pen or digital stylus.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The Stinger is especially easy to hide and gains an additional +4 bonus on attempts to conceal it. After
being fired, the pen is destroyed.

Streetline Special Level 6 Price 3,720¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 30 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special conceal
Popular among society’s dregs, the Streetline Special is a small, lightweight weapon made of composite materials.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Attempts to detect this weapon with a Magnetic Anomaly Detector suffer a -2 penalty.

Taurus Omni-6, Longarm Rounds Level 8 Price 6,570¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 45 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 1d12 P Critical — Special cylinder
Taurus Omni-6, Small Arms Rounds
Range 45 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special cylinder
This reliable, rugged revolver is specially designed to handle a wide variety of ammunition. Popular with hobbyists and
hand-loaders, the Omni-6 comes with some interchangeable cylinders so it can take either cased or caseless, small arms
or longarm ammo.
Accessory Slots: barrel- and internal-mounted
Special Rules: When loaded with longarm rounds, the Omni-6 requires a Swift Action to cock the hammer to ready the
next shot. If the user has a free hand, this is a free action.
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (integral, top)

Terracotta Arms Pup Level 6 Price 4,100¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 30 ft. Capacity 5 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d6 P Critical — Special conceal
With different models marketed to both the civilian and government sectors, the Pup offers options that other holdouts
simply cannot, with an integrated smartgun system and the ability to use a custom-designed silencer.
Accessory Slots: see Special Rules
Special Rules: The custom designed silencer (400¥) is incompatible with any other weapon and fits the Pup despite the
lack of a barrel accessory slot.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)

Tiffani-Defiance Protector Level 7 Price 4,570¥

Type Small Arms (Taser) Category Shock Bulk L
Range 20 ft. Capacity 3 taser darts Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d10 E Critical staggered Special nonlethal, unbalancing
A sleek taser designed to accessorize well with women’s fashions, with the added benefits of gecko grip to allow it to be
set anywhere that is comfortable on the body and a sleek top-mounted laser sight for quick targeting. This is a perfect
choice to go with the immortal little black dress, store under the dashboard of a car, or put next to the bed for a good
night’s sleep.
Accessory Slots: barrel- and top-mounted
Special Rules: Tasers target KAC. The Protector’s ammunition is stored in an internal magazine. A user can reload a
number of taser darts per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). Uncompensated burst fire
penalties are halved for this weapon.
Standard Upgrades: gecko grip (integral, stock), passive laser sight (top)
Wireless Bonus: A successful hit informs you of the status of the target’s basic health (hit/stamina points, presence of
disease or toxins).

Ultimax 70 Level 6 Price 4,400¥

Type Small Arms (Machine Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 15 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special automatic
Originally designed for clandestine operation, the lack of wireless systems from the firearm makes it popular for
concealed carry. With an integrated laser sight and gas-vent system, it is accurate and easy to control in burst fire, but it
also has the capacity to suppress opponents for a short time with full-auto fire. Ultimax continues to have a lack of
modern (read: wireless) accessories factory installed, but it offers a host of after-market modifications.
Accessory Slots: internal-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: gas-vent 2 (integral, barrel), passive laser sight (top)

Uzi IV Level 7 Price 4,720¥

Type Small Arms (SMG) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 24 rounds Usage 4 Modes BF [4]
Damage 1d10 P Critical — Special free hands (1), unwieldy
This aging submachine gun is a worthy descendant of the famous Israeli weapon.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, and side-mounted
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (integral, stock) and passive laser sight (integral, top).

Walther Palm Pistol Level 7 Price 4,450¥

Type Small Arms (Holdout) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 35 ft. Capacity 2 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS/BF [2]
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special analog, conceal
This is a classic double-barreled derringer in an over-under barrel combination. It packs a punch for its size, but on the
downside it has one of the most diminutive “magazine” capacities on the market— just one bullet per barrel. Both
barrels can be fired at once as a short burst.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Reloading any number of rounds in the break-action Palm Pistol is a Full Action.

Weapons World Infiltrator Level 8 Price 7,470¥

Type Small Arms (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 15 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special breakdown
The Weapons World Infiltrator is a heavy pistol that can be broken down into several pieces that resemble various
common toiletry and luggage items, including a hermetically sealed shaving foam canister with a false bottom that can
hold fifteen rounds of ammunition.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Recognizing the true purpose of the components of an Infiltrator requires either an Engineering or
Perception check (DC 20). Assembling or disassembling the Infiltrator requires an Engineering (16, 1 minute) Extended
check. A glitch requires the user to start the entire process over, while a critical glitch indicates that a piece has been
broken, and the weapon cannot be used until it’s repaired.

Yamaha Pulsar Level 7 Price 4,450¥

Type Small Arms (Taser) Category Shock Bulk 1
Range 20 ft. Capacity 4 taser darts Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d8 E Critical staggered Special nonlethal, unbalancing
The darts of this taser contain wireless capacitors, meaning that the Pulsar eliminates the need for cumbersome wires.
As a trade-off, it is slightly less powerful than the EX Shocker. Although it can fire faster, it lacks the EX Shocker’s melee
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: Tasers target KAC. The Pulsar’s ammunition is stored in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number
of taser darts per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). Uncompensated burst fire penalties are
halved for this weapon.
Wireless Bonus: A successful hit informs you of the status of the target’s basic health (hit/stamina points, presence of
disease or toxins).

Yamaha Sakura Fubuki SX Level 6 Price 4,350¥

Type Small Arms (Light Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 50 ft. Capacity 4x8 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [4]
Damage 1d6 P Critical — Special —
This is the updated version of the classic “Cherry Blossom Storm.” The newest version has slightly lower ammo capacity
but is more reliable, compact, and features better handling. It retains the “magazine barrel” design with the two-by-two
barrel configuration of the original, allowing it to fire semi-automatic bursts as well as single regular semi-automatic use.
Accessory Slots: internal- and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Sakura’s ammunition is stored in its four barrels. With each bullet fired, the active barrel changes in
sequence. The electronics within the Sakura automatically skip empty barrels when firing in SA mode. Each empty barrel
reduces the burst fire stat by 1 in BF mode. Reloading the Sakura requires replacing the barrels. A character can swap a
number of barrels per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).
Standard Upgrades: electronic firing (integral, barrel)

AK-97 Level 12 Price 30,450¥
Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 140 ft. Capacity 38 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special automatic
The AK-97 is a legendary weapon with storied reliability—you can bury it for ten years, dig it up, and fire it immediately
without a single problem. When all of the nano-fabricated AK—174s melted to slag, the AK-97s kept functioning just
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The design of the AK-97 reduces jamming chance by 15%.

AK-98, Rifle Level 12 Price 30,750¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 140 ft. Capacity 38 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special automatic
AK-98, Grenade Launcher
Type Heavy (Launcher) Category —
Range 55 ft. Capacity 6 grenades Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical — Special cylinder
This rifle is an AK-97 with an integral under-barrel grenade launcher. Recently removed from the Russian inventory as it
has largely been replaced by the AN-39, it is still being manufactured for export customers.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The design of the AK-98 reduces jamming chance by 15%. Manually switching to fire the underbarrel
grenade launcher is a Swift Action. After firing, the grenade launcher requires a Swift Action to ready the next shot.
Standard Upgrades: grenade launcher (integral, under)

AKMSU-97 Level 11 Price 22,400¥

Type Longarm (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 70 ft. Capacity 38 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special automatic

AKM-97 Level 12 Price 30,500¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 140 ft. Capacity 38 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special automatic
With the dissolving issues of the AK-147, the Russian military worked close in hand with Evo in redesigning the AK-97
using the advances in conventional manufacturing methods and materials since the classic rifle’s release in 1997. The
weapon uses new materials for portions of the design, such as Firmlite-7 alloy for the magazines and various parts within
the rifle and Phirrine-reinforced fiberglass furniture, but it keeps traditional concepts such as a chromium-lined barrel.
And it’s made by metahumans rather than drones! The modernized AKM-97 also includes improved ergonomics such as
ambidextrous safety/selector switches and charging handles, along with sights that can be more easily used by left-
handed users. This design has been sent out to various manufacturing groups around the world but will still built to the
exacting specifications of the Russian military, allowing the rifles to be available to governments the world over.

Accessory Slots (AKMSU-97): barrel-, internal, side-, stock-, and top-mounted

Accessory Slots (AKM-97): barrel-, internal, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The AKM-97 and the AKMSU-97 treat their level as 2 higher to determine their hardness and hit points.
Standard Upgrades (AKMSU-97): folding stock (stock)
Standard Upgrades (AKM-97): shock pad (stock)

Ares Alpha, Rifle Level 13 Price 46,450¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 140 ft. Capacity 42 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 4d8 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
Ares Alpha, Grenade Launcher
Type Heavy (Launcher) Category —
Range 75 ft. Capacity 6 grenades Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical — Special —
Specially designed for Ares Firewatch Special Forces, the Alpha has since become a multi-platinum best-selling success
the world over, seeing use with UCAS Special Forces. In part, this is due to its exceptional brand awareness, and also
because of its under-barrel grenade launcher, smartgun system, and an expensive recoil dampening chamber design.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Alpha’s chamber design provides 2 points of recoil compensation. Manually switching to fire the
active barrel is a Swift Action. After firing, the grenade launcher requires a Swift Action to ready the next shot.
Standard Upgrades: grenade launcher (integral, under), smartgun system (internal)

Ares Armatus, Narrow Spread Level 11 Price 40,900¥

Type Longarm (Laser) Category Laser Bulk 1
Range 100 ft. Capacity 10 Charges Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d8 F Critical burn 1d8 Special line
Ares Armatus, Medium Spread
Damage 3d6 F Critical burn 1d6 Special wide line
Ares Armatus, Wide Spread
Damage 3d4 F Critical burn 1d4 Special blast
A recent experimental prototype “laser shotgun” produced by Ares, this laser weapon uses a beam splitter to fire an
array of smaller lasers rather than a single cohesive beam. This weapon has been seen in limited use with Firewatch
teams but has not been released for sale on the military arms market. If you are lucky enough to happen across one for
sale, consider its condition to be dropped once, never fired. The Armatus can fire narrow, medium, or wide spreads.
Accessory Slots: top- and under-mounted
Special Rules: Changing spread settings requires a Move Action. Uncompensated burst fire penalties are ignored for this
weapon. Attack roll penalties due to range also apply as damage penalties.

Ares HVAR Level 8 Price 8,670¥

Type Longarm (Gatling, Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 130 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [20]
Damage 5d4 P Critical — Special automatic, harrying
The longest continually produced member of Ares’ hyper velocity line, the HVAR is a complete small arms solution. It
features an integral smartgun, a rigid stock with shock pad and a custom recoil reduction system, which is optimized for
the weapon’s high rate of fire. The HVAR’s barrels are unable to support further additions.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The HVAR’s design grants two points of recoil compensation.
Standard Upgrades: shock pad (stock), smartgun (internal)

Ares Lancer MP Laser Level 17 Price 217,000¥

Type Longarm (Laser) Category Laser Bulk 2
Range 280 ft. Capacity 2x20 charges Usage 2x2 Modes SA
Damage 10d6 F Critical burn 5d6 Special penetrating
It was inevitable with the popularity of the Redline that the MP-Laser line would get an upgrade and facelift to fit the
image of a sci-fi laser rifle, ready for an alien invasion. Though unless the aliens are attacking a high-profile Ares facility
or Firewatch training facility, we likely won’t see many Lancers on the front line.
Accessory Slots: top- and under-mounted
Special Rules: Uncompensated burst fire penalties are ignored for this weapon. Attack roll penalties due to range also
apply as damage penalties.
Ares Screech, Narrow Spread Level 17 Price 209,000¥
Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category Sonic Bulk 2
Range 95 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 2 Modes SS
Damage 3d4 So Critical Nauseated Special Antibiological, Disorienting, Line, Nonlethal, Unwieldy
Ares Screech, Medium Spread
Range 75 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 2 Modes SS
Damage 2d4 So Critical Nauseated Special Antibiological, Disorienting, Nonlethal, Unwieldy, Wide Line
Ares Screech, Wide Spread
Range 50 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 2 Modes SS
Damage 1d4 So Critical Nauseated Special Antibiological, Blast, Disorienting, Nonlethal, Unwieldy
This is a nasty little oddball of a weapon. Though it’s called the Screech and it’s classified as a sonic rifle, anyone with this
thing pointed at them will rarely hear a thing other than their own retching as they puke up their latest meal. This
devious invention uses focused sound waves to disorient the target while not causing any real damage. Perfect for
crowd control as long as the users are prepped with gas masks, since the reek of soybase vomit will fill the air when this
sucker is fired.
Accessory Slots: top- and under-mounted
Special Rules: Reducing the disorienting effect of the Screech requires a successful Will save with the weapon’s base
damage (before specialization or other effects) as a penalty on the roll. A target failing the Will save by 10 or more is also
Nauseated for one round. Targets with damper earware gain their normal bonus on the Will save; other forms of ear
protection may grant a bonus at the GM’s discretion. The Screech’s area of effect ignores barriers, but cover and effects
that limit sound transmission grant half their hardness or half their level (item or caster) as a circumstance bonus on the
save. Deaf characters gain a +10 bonus on their save.

Ares Stalwart Level 11 Price 22,650¥

Type Longarm (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 85 ft. Capacity 36 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d8 P Critical — Special analog, automatic
In the wake of its recent troubles, Ares has quietly been introducing some back-to-basics models at very competitive
prices. The Stalwart is as basic as it gets for a carbine, which makes it a popular choice for both people of limited means
and folks who can’t get enough of after-market modifications. Even without any modifications, the Stalwart is capable of
grouping shots at distance using just the fixed front sights.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (stock)

Auto-Assault 16 Level 14 Price 64,600¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 70 ft. Capacity 32 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]/FA [5]
Damage 5d10 P Critical see Special Rules Special automatic, choke, spread
A favorite among military and mercenary units, the rugged and deadly AA-16 is the latest in the “AA” line of assault
shotguns. Unofficially nicknamed “The Warhammer” by its users, the fully-auto capable AA- 16 provides superior
firepower and ammo capacity in short to medium ranged engagements while completely dominating in a close-quarters
battle. Specially designed internal mechanisms also absorb most of the weapon’s recoil, making the AA-16 extremely
easy to handle in combat.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, top- and under-mounted
Special Rules: The AA-16’s design grants two points of recoil compensation. The AA-16 can accept a 10 round magazine
in place of its 32 round drum, granting it a +2 circumstance bonus on attempts to conceal it. If it is loaded with longarm
rounds (slugs) rather than shells, it loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and
+50% range. This weapon counts as a carbine for Close-Quarters (see New Rules).

Beretta Northstar Level 12 Price 31,500¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 65 ft. Capacity 2x6 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d8 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
With its innovative dual-magazine design, the Northstar is quickly becoming the bullpup shotgun of choice for urban
scenarios. Able to toggle between two different types of ammunition, the Northstar doubles the user’s tactical choices
as well as his ammunition capacity. Just sixty-six centimeters long, the Northstar is ideally suited to navigate the type of
restricted terrain today’s professional finds in the modern sprawl.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Northstar stores its ammunition in two internal magazines. A user can reload a number of rounds or
shells per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). If loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than
shells, the Northstar loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range. This
weapon counts as a carbine for Close-Quarters (see New Rules). Barrel modifications cost twice as much for this
Standard Upgrades: additional clip (included in stats, integral, side), smartgun system (internal)

Cavalier Falchion Level 13 Price 45,000¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 80 ft. Capacity 8 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 4d6 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
Cavalier’s companion to the Sheriff, the Falchion is designed to be part of a shooter’s integrated Personal Area Network.
The Falchion’s smartgun system painlessly synchronizes with the user’s commlink, providing visual cues when
performing a weapon switch in a tactical situation. The advanced safety system and lack of manual controls ensures the
weapon cannot be turned against its user. Also, in keeping with the Sheriff’s popular visual customization options, the
Falchion is available in a number of different colors and decorative patterns.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Falchion stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds or
shells per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). If loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than
shells, the Falchion loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range. The
Falchion requires a Swift Action to pump to ready the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate
Weapon Focus feat.
Standard Upgrades: advanced safety (internal), melee hardening, smartgun (internal), trigger removal

Cavalier Frontier Level 12 Price 32,250¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 140 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 4d8 P Critical — Special automatic
Another example of Cavalier putting function over form, the Frontier is a response to the collapse of nanofabricated
firearms. Rugged, dependable, and without frills, the Frontier is becoming increasingly popular with various mercenary
and militia groups for its go anywhere, do anything capabilities. Made from corrosion-resistant materials and designed
to take (and inflict) a beating, Cavalier is aggressively pursuing Desert War endorsements to showcase their latest
workhorse. The popularity of the Frontier marks Cavalier’s best effort at expanding outside the North American market
in recent memory.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: extreme environment adaptation (level 1, desert), melee hardening

Colt Inception Level 11 Price 24,150¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 195 ft. Capacity 35 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special —
Colt’s latest entry into the paramilitary market, the Inception replaces the venerable M23 and asserts Colt’s continued
dominance in this lucrative market segment. The Inception comes with an integral bipod for long-range engagements,
which only serves to further amplify its exceptional accuracy. The titanium alloy reinforced polymer frame can withstand
impacts beyond those typical of a service weapon and remain functional. The Inception is a new way forward for Colt,
another reason to Trust the Legend™.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Standard Upgrades: heavy bipod (integral, under), electronic firing (integral, barrel), passive laser sight (top), melee

Colt M23 Level 11 Price 22,450¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 110 ft. Capacity 40 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d8 P Critical — Special automatic
This cheap, mass-produced, no-frills assault rifle is loved both by the gangbangers and pirates who can manage to get
their hands on one and by the pros who are looking for something to modify from the ground up.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

Colt M23A2 Level 11 Price 25,050¥

Type Longarm (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 85 ft. Capacity 40 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d8 P Critical — Special automatic
An outgrowth of the M23, the M23A2 has its roots in the unconventional warfare community. Colt quickly realized it
was more profitable to sell to people who fantasized about being in that community than it was to sell to that
community alone, and they standardized a package “with our most popular options, selected by operators who know”
to sell to the general public. Its distinctive profile has been used in countless advertisements and trideo games, making it
one of the most recognizable guns in the world.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The M23A2’s chamber design provides one point of recoil compensation.
Standard Upgrades: improved rangefinder (top), low-light flashlight (side), slide mount (under), smartgun system

Defiance T-250, Standard Level 11 Price 22,350¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 65 ft. Capacity 5 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SS/SA
Damage 3d8 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread

Defiance T-250, Short-barreled Level 10 Price 16,150¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 30 ft. Capacity 5 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SS/SA
Damage 3d8 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
A common sight on the mean streets when things escalate beyond pistols and knives, this semi-automatic shotgun is
available in either its standard length or a short-barreled version. It is gas operated, but also features a secondary pump
action for situations where preventing jams is more important than quickly firing a second shot.
Accessory Slots (Standard): barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Accessory Slots (Short-barreled): internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The T-250 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds or shells
per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). If the T-250 is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather
than shells, it loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range. In SS firing
mode, the T-250 requires a Swift Action to pump to ready the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the
appropriate Weapon Focus feat.
Standard Upgrades (Short-barreled): short-barrel (integral, barrel, factored into Range)

Enfield AS-7 Level 14 Price 63,900¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 70 ft. Capacity 10 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 6d8 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
This military assault shotgun provides its user with massive firepower. As a close-quarters weapon and general combat
gun, it is universally feared.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Enfield AS-7 can accept a 24 round drum magazine in place of its 10 round magazine, but attempts to
conceal it suffer a -2 penalty. If the AS-7 is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than shells, it loses the choke and
spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range. This weapon counts as a carbine for Close-
Quarters (see New Rules).
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (integral, top).

Fichetti Pain Inducer Level 12 Price 34,500¥

Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 2
Range 40 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 2 Modes SS
Damage — Critical knockdown Special antibiological, unwieldy
For a non-lethal weapon, the Fichetti Pain Inducer is not very humane. It makes someone feel like they are in a
microwave, roasting from the inside out.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: On a successful hit, the target is nauseated, must use its actions to seek full cover or flee from the Pain
Inducer, and suffers a -6 penalty on all d20 rolls. The target may attempt both a Fortitude and Will save. A successful
Fortitude save negates the nauseated condition and reduces the penalty by 2. A successful Will save negates the
necessity to seek full cover or flee and reduces the penalty by 2. The penalty reductions stack.
Wireless Bonus: The Pain Inducer recharges by induction at a rate of 1 charge per hour.

FN HAR Level 12 Price 31,000¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 140 ft. Capacity 35 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special automatic
This assault rifle is supremely popular with private security forces and corporate threat-response teams.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top), gas-vent (rating 2, integral, barrel)

Franchi SPAS-24 Level 13 Price 44,850¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 65 ft. Capacity 10 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SS/SA/BF [3]
Damage 3d10 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
An upgraded version of the classic SPAS-22, the -24 is a rugged, combat gun that comes standard with a smartgun
system and integrated weapon light mounted in the fore-stock. But instead of the traditional folding stock, the -24
comes with a rigid stock and shock pad.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: In SS firing mode, the SPAS-24 requires a Swift Action to pump to ready the next shot; this is a Free Action
for users with the appropriate Weapon Focus feat. If the SPAS-24 is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than
shells, it loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range.
Standard Upgrades: shock pad (stock), smartgun system (internal), flashlight (under)

Gun Cane, Knockoff Level 9 Price 11,650¥

Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 35 ft. Capacity 1 round Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special conceal

Gun Cane, Mortimer of London’s "Trafalgar" Level 7 Price 5,020¥

Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 35 ft. Capacity 1 round Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d8 P Critical — Special conceal
Where fashion meets defense, this single-shot weapon is a fashion accessory with both form and function. Designed to
look just like Mortimer’s regular line of dress canes, the Trafalgar tag goes on any of the gun canes no matter what they
look like. Cheaper knockoffs are available, but they are destroyed after firing once.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules (Knockoff): Attempts to discern a knockoff gun cane’s true nature suffer a -4 penalty. After firing once, the
knockoff gains the broken condition.
Special Rules (Trafalgar): The Trafalgar can only use caseless ammo. Reloading its internal magazine is a Full Action.
Attempts to discern its true nature suffer a -6.

HK XM30, Assault Rifle Level 11 Price 26,400¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 170 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d6 P Critical — Special automatic

HK XM30, Carbine
Type Longarm (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 100 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d6 P Critical — Special automatic

HK XM30, Light Machinegun

Type Longarm (LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 250 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d8 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed

HK XM30, Sniper Rifle

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 315 ft. Capacity 10 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d8 P Critical — Special sniper (750 ft.)

HK XM30, Underbarrel Shotgun

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk +1
Range 30 ft. Capacity 10 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d12 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread

HK XM30, Underbarrel Grenade Launcher

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk +1
Range 75 ft. Capacity 6 grenades Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical — Special —
The XM30 is H&K’s modular weapon system. Each kit comes with a shock-pad-equipped stock, smartgun system,
imaging scope, two under-barrel secondary weapons (a shotgun and a grenade launcher), a secondary feed mechanism,
four different barrels, and a bipod for the heavy options. The XM30 is intended to equip entire military or police units
with the ability to change roles based on the operational situation.
Accessory Slots (Assault Rifle, LMG, Sniper): barrel-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Accessory Slots (Carbine): barrel-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The XM30 requires an Engineering (15, 1 minute) Extended check to refit to a new configuration.
Both the LMG and Sniper configurations grant one point of recoil compensation.
The carbine configuration does not have an underbarrel mount, and other configurations can only mount one of the
underbarrel options (heavy bipod, grenade launcher, or shotgun) at a time. In any configuration, manually switching to
fire the underbarrel weapon requires a Swift Action.
If the underbarrel shotgun is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than shells, it loses the choke and spread
properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range.
After firing, the underbarrel grenade launcher requires a Swift Action to ready the next shot.
Standard Upgrades (Assault Rifle, Carbine): imaging scope (top), shock pad (stock), smartgun system (internal)
Standard Upgrades (LMG, Sniper): imaging scope (top), shock pad (stock), smartgun system (internal), heavy bipod

Izom Artemis, Carbine Level 11 Price 23,700¥

Type Longarm (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 85 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d6 P Critical — Special automatic
Izom Artemis, Grenade Launcher
Type Heavy (Launcher) Category —
Range 55 ft. Capacity 1 grenade Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical — Special —
After receiving feedback on their Aphrodite model, Renraku released a carbine version, designed to overcome the
prevalence of body armor in today’s urban environments. The Artemis’ smaller frame and shorter barrel make it easier
to maneuver in tight quarters than an assault rifle while only sacrificing a small portion of its stopping power. The
custom under-barrel grenade launcher has proven to be extremely popular with customers, opening up a variety of
tactical and strategic solutions that would otherwise be unavailable to them. The grenade launcher also uses a shorter
barrel, making it slightly less accurate than its full-sized counterparts. In a shift from the Aphrodite’s modular approach,
the Artemis is designed to be used out of the box with a minimum of training.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: Manually switching to fire the underbarrel grenade launcher requires a Swift Action.
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top), under-barrel grenade launcher (integral, under)

KAR-97-H Level 12 Price 32,500¥

Type Longarm (LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 340 ft. Capacity 38 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special automatic
Designed from the AKM-97 with a longer and heavier barrel, integral bipod, and the ability to accept a custom 114-
round drum as well as standard AK-97 and AKM-97 magazines, this light machine gun is marketed toward militias and
National Guard units that normally use the AK design. Pre-drilled for Russian-style external smartgun systems, only the
manufacturer’s logo and lack of a proper finish denotes this as a Krime weapon.

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

Special Rules: KAR-97-H’s can accept 114 round drum magazines, but suffer an additional -2 penalty on attempts to
conceal the weapon.
Standard Upgrades: heavy bipod (under)

Krime Boom Level 11 Price 22,650¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 65 ft. Capacity 20 rounds/shells Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 3d12 P Critical see Special Rules Special automatic, choke, spread
So, Old Man Krime was playing around in his workshop one day when he figured out how to make a Remington
Roomsweeper fire on full-auto, and thought, “Damn nice, but it needs more rounds!” Actually, his first thought was to
make sure Claire, who worked on the other side of the wall, was okay; her troll-tough hide had indeed stopped the
buckshot. Then he figured that it needed more rounds. After obtaining a license from Remington, Krime introduced the
Krime Boom, a troll-sized longarm that holds an amazing twenty shotgun shells in its internal magazine and fires with
full-auto fury. Most other automatics will suppress a room—the Krime Boom suppresses the whole fragging house.
Note: The Boom is only available in troll sizes.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Boom stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds or shells
per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). If the Boom is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather
than shells, it loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range.

Krime Boss Level 14 Price 63,400¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 55 ft. Capacity 15 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 5d12 P Critical — Special choke, spread
This drum-fed instrument of death is the latest manufacturing marvel released by Krime for the civilian arms enthusiast.
The large frame design absorbs the recoil produced by the shotgun’s rapid-fire capability, allowing the shooter to keep
the barrel aimed at their target, whether it’s a paper silhouette, clay pigeon, or an Awakened critter. The Krime Boss
makes sure you come out on top of the heap. Note: The Boss is only available in troll sizes.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Boss’s design grants one point of recoil compensation. If it is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs)
rather than shells, it loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range.

Krime Ditch Combination Gun, Rifle Level 12 Price 30,200¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 180 ft. Capacity 1 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d12 P Critical — Special collapsible
Krime Ditch Combination Gun, Shotgun
Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 65 ft. Capacity 1 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d12 P Critical — Special collapsible, choke, spread
Sometimes it is better to ditch and live to run another day, and sometimes you need something to help you live through
those rough times while you’re waiting for the heat to die down. Krime knows those pains and has worked to build a
compact survival rifle/shotgun combination that takes advantage of your efforts to scrounge for whatever ammo you
can get. The Krime Ditch is an over-under break-open design that has an assault rifle upper and a smoothbore shotgun
lower barrel, which, thanks to an innovation in gunsmithing techniques, can use both caseless and cased rounds! While
combat use is dubious, the weapon will protect against a small number of opponents, as well as ensure that meat for
the improvised stew pot can be had! Have a Ditch, don’t die in one! Now available with a folding shoulder brace that
holds a built-in ammo pouch! Finishes include stock chrome and blued steel.

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

Special Rules: Barrel modifications must be bought separately for each of the Ditch’s barrels.
Special Rules (Rifle): The Ditch’s rifle barrel can fire both cased and caseless ammunition.
Special Rules (Shotgun): If it is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than shells, it loses the choke and spread
properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range.

Krime Happiness Level 11 Price 22,400¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 85 ft. Capacity 100 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 2d12 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
The dreaded click of the firing pin on an empty chamber—everyone knows how that feels. Hopefully, you only
experience it at the range when you have to stop to reload, but it is a horrific thing to hear in our dangerous world when
you’re trying to keep the opposition from doing you in. That miserable circumstance happens far, far less frequently
with the Happiness, a belt-fed weapon in whatever target-rich environment you find yourself in. Packed into an assault-
rifle size and weight, the sound of the click will happen far, far less to you than your enemies.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Happiness only uses belted ammunition. When it would jam, this weapon instead has a runaway
firing situation occur. When this happens, the user must use the automatic mode Full Action attack or drop the weapon.
If they do not have a Full Action to take, they still execute the automatic attack, but they lose their swift and move action
next turn. If they decide to drop the weapon, the character dropping the weapon chooses a corner of their space; all
possible targets within 40 feet of that position must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 15) or take 2d12 damage. For every
100 rounds left in its capacity, this runaway firing continues for an additional round.

Krime Junior Carbine Level 6 Price 4,600¥

Type Longarm (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 75 ft. Capacity 10 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special —
“Someone, please think of the children!” someone screamed at us as we had to defend our manufacturing and sales
practices in court, again. Honestly, our lawyers are bleeding us dry. So, in the interests of not bouncing a check to them,
we here at Krime decided that, yes, we will think of the children! They are our future customers, after all—and with the
Krime Junior, our current customers as well! The weapon is a light-caliber rifle made from weight-saving materials
combined with a robust mechanism to soak up recoil to a very comfortable level, and it includes a customized Meta Link
commlink in the stock. The ’link is preloaded with an extensive amount of tutorsofts to teach the child about gun safety,
handling, and maintenance, while also keeping track of their shooting scores, all under the tutorage of Unca Krime!
Available in a wide variety of colors direct from the factory, or as aftermarket options when the rifle is handed down to a
younger sibling who wants to change the paint on Unca Krime’s House. Currently the number-one choice of Youth Scout
units the world over!

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal, side-, stock-, and top-mounted

Special Rules: The Junior uses small arms rounds.
Standard Upgrades: weapon comm unit (stock)
Krime Saint Nicholas Carbine Level 10 Price 16,200¥
Type Longarm (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 55 ft. Capacity 21 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d12 P Critical — Special —
When it comes down to it, all too often, hitting power is what you need. The one-shot drop to make sure you go home
while the other motherfragger goes into a box! That quickly aimed shot that downs the carnivore critter coming to eat
your face! The round downrange that makes the paper target stop laughing at you! Designed with input from a variety
of non-traditional sources, built for easy carrying, and able to slam hard-hitting rounds into whatever has slotted you off!
A slim-line weapon firing a powerful cartridge from the smallest platform on the market! Add in our patented “Lucky-7”
and “Blackjack-21” magazines, the most modern flare suppressor Krime has ever built, and the blessing of a Saint, and
this carbine gives you the capability to walk home in peace. Or war!

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal, side-, stock-, and top-mounted

Special Rules: The St. Nick can accept 7 round magazines. Attempts to conceal the weapon with a 7 round magazine
receive a +1 circumstance bonus.
Standard Upgrades: silencer (barrel)

Krime Soldier, Rifle Level 16 Price 180,700¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 90 ft. Capacity 21 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 4d12 P Critical — Special —
Krime Soldier, Grenade Launcher
Type Heavy (Launcher) Category —
Range 65 ft. Capacity 4 grenades Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical — Special —
The rifle that started our Real Sized Soldier™ concept! With two years of research and development involved in bringing
it to market, and with interest in over a dozen militaries, the Krime Soldier combines a proper-sized rifle round with a
reliable-as-anything mechanism and a standard grenade launcher secondary weapon! The Krime Soldier is a proper-
sized assault rifle for a proper-sized soldier! Order now to get ahead of the rush, and get a free Krime smiley button!

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal, side-, stock-, and top-mounted

Special Rules (Grenade Launcher): The Soldier’s underbarrel grenade launcher stores its ammunition in an internal
magazine. A user can reload a number of grenades per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The
grenade launcher requires a Swift Action to ready the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate
Weapon Focus feat.

Krupp Arms Kriegfaust Level 10 Price 17,000¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 210 ft. Capacity 25 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]
Damage 5d6 P Critical — Special —
A veteran of the Kilimanjaro cleansing, the Kriegfaust was designed to equip the larger members of a military command
with a robust weapon suited to their needs. The drum magazine is better suited to larger hands and less likely to be
dropped in high-adrenaline situations. The Kriegfaust also has a frame-mounted imaging scope, to ensure the shooter is
able to get the maximum ballistic performance from the weapon’s large-caliber rounds. Note: the Kriegfaust is only
available in troll sizes.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Kriegfaust’s design grants one point of recoil compensation
Standard Upgrades: melee hardening, imaging scope [vision enhancement 1, vision magnification] (integral, top)

M1 Garand Level 13 Price 44,900¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 240 ft. Capacity 8 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d12 P Critical — Special analog
The Garand has been a hallmark of quality since its introduction over a century ago. Newly manufactured, the current
rifle is a fine successor to the original, with the original manufacturing tools used whenever possible to ensure it is as
accurate and dependable as the originals were when manufactured.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

Marlin 3041 BL Level 13 Price 44,900¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 240 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d12 P Critical — Special —
A classic rifle for traditional shooters, the 3041’s lever action has been extensively reengineered to meet the toughest
reliability standards, as shown by its selection by Illinois’ Department of Revenue as its issue long arm. The rifle’s barrel
and action have been protected by Marlin’s proprietary anti-corrosion treatment to create an heirloom sure to last
through generations of use.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The 3041 BL stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per
Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The 3041 BL requires a Swift Action to work the lever to
ready the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate Weapon Focus feat.
Standard Upgrades: imaging Sight [vision magnification] (top)

Marlin 3468SS Level 14 Price 63,800¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 190 ft. Capacity 4 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 5d10 P Critical knockdown Special —
This large-caliber rifle utilizes the classic .45-70 Government cartridge, making it ideal for hunting larger North American
game, and is powerful enough to handle most Awakening-related problems an outdoorsman is likely to encounter. The
reinforced polymer frame is designed to endure years of rough handling in the woods, while the improved double-link
system ensures a smooth cycling action.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The design of this weapon reduces the chance of jamming by 30%. The 3468SS stores its ammunition in an
internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum

Marlin 79S Level 6 Price 3,900¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 170 ft. Capacity 10 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special —
The first rifle everyone should use to learn to shoot, the 79S is a plinker’s dream. The small-bore rifle is accurate, easy to
maintain, and just plain fun to shoot. An additional benefit is that the ammunition is widely available and less expensive
when you arrange a bulk purchase. The 79S has minimal recoil, and with its limited power cartridge, down-range
incidents are less likely to happen. Marlin supports youth marksmanship programs by providing this rifle to qualified
organizations, teaching the next generation how to defend themselves.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

Marlin X71 Level 16 Price 147,200¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 240 ft. Capacity 5 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 8d8 P Critical knockdown Special —
A modern bolt-action rifle intended for the big-game hunter, the X71 has been thoroughly redesigned to meet the
grueling requirements of arctic environments. The rifle’s self-diagnostic program is not as versatile as those offered
through smartgun technology, but the simplicity lessens the chance of a malfunction. Its simple-to-read ammunition
counter allows the shooter to quickly determine their status when hunting dangerous prey, ensuring the hunter will not
become the hunted.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The X71 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per Move
Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The X71 requires a Swift Action to work the bolt action to ready
the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate Weapon Focus feat.
Standard Upgrades: extreme environment modification (level 1, arctic), imaging sight [low-light vision, vision
enhancement 2, vision magnification] (top)

Microwave Gun, High Frequency Level 13 Price 53,370¥

Type Longarm (Laser) Category Laser Bulk 1
Range 80 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 4 Modes SS
Damage 3d10 F Critical degeneration 1d10 Special unwieldy
Microwave Gun, Low Frequency
Range 50 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 2 Modes SS
Damage 3d6 E* Critical Arc 1d6 Special spread, unwieldy
Microwave weapons aren’t new but most models suffer from slow buildup, excessive power usage, and they sometimes
don’t really damage the target, which is kind of a big problem. This model, though, does it all. It is capable of firing a
short high-intensity burst of microwave radiation that excites molecules to the point of cooking them. It also has a
secondary setting that fires slightly larger but lower frequency bursts designed to damage electronics. When using this
setting, damaged devices begins to spark and fizzle.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Attack roll penalties due to range also apply as damage penalties.
Special Rules (Low Frequency): The Microwave Gun can be used to break an object or sunder an item as a ranged
attack. This attack is only effective against technological items, and its damage ignores half the object’s hardness.

Mossberg AM-CMDT Level 13 Price 45,200¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 80 ft. Capacity 10 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]/FA [10]
Damage 3d8 P Critical see Special Rules Special automatic, choke, spread
Shotguns aren’t known for their accuracy, but Mossberg hopes the latest version of their venerable AM-CMDT will
change that. After merging their classic combat shotgun design with the latest in smartgun technology, Mossberg
recently began a marketing campaign aimed at law enforcement and security agencies that declared the AM-CMDT a
“perfect balance between accuracy and firepower.” While previous versions of the CMDT only used flechette
ammunition, the current one is capable of accepting all standard shotgun rounds.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: If the AM-CMDT is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than shells, it loses the choke and spread
properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)

Narcoject Gas Gun Level 9 Price 13,000¥

Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 1
Range 20 ft. Capacity 5 doses Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical inhalation DC +2 Special flexible line*, unwieldy
The Narcoject Gas Gun is a shotgun-sized weapon designed to allow for easier distribution of inhalation-vector toxins.
Provided the user has adequate protection, the Gas Gun is much more accurate than mines or thrown grenades. The Gas
Gun doesn’t shoot bullets or lob explosive devices, but rather it creates a shaped cloud of toxic gas using a tank of
compressed air and computer-aided, vectoring swivel nozzles. Armor is useless against this attack, but respiratory
protection will help guard the target. Using the Gas Gun in an enclosed space is likely a bad idea for everyone involved.
Accessory Slots: stock- and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Gas Gun can hold up to 5 doses of inhalation toxins or smoke (stored in a re-usable canister) and 5
charges of compressed air. With an Attack Action, it can create a 10-foot diameter cloud or, with a Full Action, a flexible
line. The flexible line attack uses one charge of compressed air and one dose of toxin for every four squares it covers. In
either form, the resulting cloud generally lasts two rounds (less in a windy area, longer in an area that is confined or with
poor ventilation, per Game Master discretion). Refilling the compressed air tank using the integral electric pump
requires three minutes and a power source. Loading a new gas canister requires a Full Action.

Nausea Gun Level 10 Price 21,000¥

Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 15 ft. Capacity 10 grav rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical effect DC +2 Special antibiological
While the Monads have little issue with stealing a person’s body, and thus their life, they seem to be developing a lot of
non-lethal tech within Evo. This weapon’s primary function is to induce vomiting and disorientation in its target. Similar
to the nerve guns, it has limited use in the hands of an unskilled shooter. The rounds only have an effect when they
impact the abdomen or the head, though they can hit anywhere in the region and are not impeded by most armors. The
nausea weapons utilize some of the grav technology to create a basketball-sized field of gravity cancellation around the
round after impact. When it hits the head, the round causes the balance centers of the ear to fail, causing disorientation
and dizziness, with the potential for nausea if the target is prone to motion-induced regurgitation. When a round hits
the abdomen, the field affects the contents of the stomach. The false sensory input gathered by the stomach usually
induces vomiting, but other effects such as stomach cramping and bowel ruptures have occurred in rare cases. As you
can see from the initial specs, the design for this was a single weapon about the size of a shotgun, but later reports
indicate the rounds are being modified for use in every category of firearms, as well as some design suggestions by one
of their more anachronistic researchers for an arrowhead. Differing rounds seem to allow for differing strengths to the
field, though the field size listed only varies within normal standard radius ranges of 12.0 to 13.2 centimeters. The initial
weapon design has the advantage of the strongest field strength, but it lacks the versatility and potential range of some
of the other rounds.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: This weapon stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per
Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).
The Nausea Gun must target the head (EAC+8) or the abdomen (EAC +4) to inflict a condition for 1d4 rounds. Against
most creatures, a hit scored on the head inflicts the confused condition, and a hit scored on the abdomen inflicts the
nauseated condition. A successful Fortitude save reduces the conditions for the remaining duration to off-balance and
sickened, respectively. The Fortitude save can be attempted each round.

Nissan Optimum II, Assault Rifle Level 11 Price 24,200¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 140 ft. Capacity 30 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 4d6 P Critical — Special automatic
Nissan Optimum II, Underbarrel Shotgun
Type Longarm (Shotgun)
Range 70 ft. Capacity 5 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d8 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
The standard weapon of the Imperial Japanese military, the Optimum II is getting long in the tooth. The weapon gained
mass-media fame with General Saito’s troops’ performance in San Francisco.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: Manually switching to fire the underbarrel shotgun is a Swift Action. The underbarrel shotgun stores its
ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds or shells per Move Action equal to their
Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). If the shotgun is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than shells, it loses the
choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range.
Standard Upgrades: shock pad (stock), smartgun system (internal)

Parashield Dart Rifle Level 7 Price 5,470¥

Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 215 ft. Capacity 6 darts Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical injection DC +2 Special injection
Originally designed to non-lethally take down large game animals at long ranges, the Parashield dart rifle uses
compressed air cartridges to fire injection darts.
Accessory Slots: top- and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Dart Rifle stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of darts per
Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). Refilling the compressed air tank (which holds 10 charges)
using the integral electric pump requires three minutes and a power source.
Standard Upgrades: imaging scope (top)
Wireless Bonus: The dart reports whether or not it has struck home and successfully injected. It may also report the
basic creature type (humanoid, construct, etc.) and any gross physical anomalies in the target’s tissue, although its
medical sensors are not very sophisticated (identify creature with a total skill bonus of +1 for the dart).
PJSS Model 55 Level 12 Price 30,500¥
Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 95 ft. Capacity 2 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SS/BF [2]
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special choke, spread
This is a weapon of classic style for a classic sport. Produced only in small numbers, it’s renowned among European
hunters and trap shooters as a precise and prestigious weapon.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Reloading any number of rounds in the break-action Model 55 is a Full Action. If loaded with longarm
rounds (slugs) rather than shells, the Model 55 loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical
effect and +50% range. Barrel modifications cost double for this weapon.
Standard Upgrades: shock pad (stock)

Remington 950 Level 16 Price 147,800¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 335 ft. Capacity 5 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 6d10 P Critical — Special —
This high-powered bolt-action hunting rifle features classic wooden furniture and a top-mounted imaging scope that
have kept it popular with hunters for several decades. It cannot mount under-barrel accessories.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The 950 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A character can manually reload a number of
rounds per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The 950 requires a Swift Action to work the bolt
to ready the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate Weapon Focus feat.
Standard Upgrades: imaging scope (top)

Remington 990 Level 12 Price 30,450¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 65 ft. Capacity 8 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d10 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
Whether you’re on a budget and need a good solid boom-stick, or looking for a nice base weapon to modify the drek out
of, you can’t go wrong with the Remington 990. A solid, no-frills design, the 990 has been in steady production for
almost seventy years and is widely available in almost every part of the world. Professionals appreciate the weapon’s
ruggedness and reliability right out of the box while novices appreciate its ease of use and low cost. The 990 comes
standard with a top rail mount and a smaller mount under the fore-stock for accessories.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The 990 requires a Swift Action to pump to ready the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the
appropriate Weapon Focus feat. If loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than shells, the 990 loses the choke and
spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range. This weapon counts as a carbine for Close-
Quarters (see New Rules).

Standard Upgrades: slide mount (top), slide mount (under)

Remington 995 "Buzzsaw" Shotgun Level 12 Price 30,500¥
Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 65 ft. Capacity 8 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special breach, choke, spread
A variant of their classic 990 shotgun, the 995 “Buzzsaw” has gained a reputation as being a simple yet reliable and
rugged entry gun. Currently a favorite among Lone Star’s Shadowriders, the 995 has a pistol grip in place of the standard
stock, and it also features a grip handle that attaches to the pump-action but goes over the weapon, allowing for rapid
chambering and maneuvering in close quarters. But what makes the 995 an effective door breacher is the barrel-
mounted titanium “teeth” that are jammed into a lock or door hinge and prevent the weapon from skipping off when
Accessory Slots: internal-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The 995 requires a Swift Action to pump to ready the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the
appropriate Weapon Focus feat. If the 995 is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather than shells, it loses the choke
and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range. This weapon counts as a carbine for
Close-Quarters (see New Rules).
Standard Upgrades: breaching teeth (included in stats, integral, barrel), foregrip (barrel), slide mount (top), slide mount

Repeating Laser Level 15 Price 114,650¥

Type Longarm (Laser) Category Laser Bulk 2
Range 150 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 2 Modes SA/BF [4]/FA [10]
Damage 3d10 P Critical burn 1d10 Special automatic, see Special Rules
Welcome to the future. Ares may have blown it big time with the Excalibur, but their laser weapons are searing a path
straight into the realms of science fiction. The current models they are developing do not have cool casings or names
yet, but they are fully functional and ready to take on the streets, though so far they have only done so in the hands of
specially trained Ares Firewatch officers. The weapons are expected to soon make it into the hands of specialized forces
such as Knight Errant SWAT.
Accessory Slots: top- and under-mounted
Special Rules: Uncompensated burst fire penalties are ignored for this weapon. Attack roll penalties due to range also
apply as damage penalties.

SBD-44 Level 11 Price 22,400¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 85 ft. Capacity 32 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d8 P Critical — Special analog, automatic
A footnote of Euro War history, the SBd-44 was a hastily constructed weapon developed to equip Germany’s equally
hastily raised panzer grenadier units. Inspired by a weapon developed for equally desperate times and updated to fire
modern ammunition, the SBd-44 was primarily constructed with a focus on quantity rather than the accuracy or quality
typically associated with German manufactured items. The weapon was also rapidly phased out of production following
the Alliance’s disintegration, making original production run versions rare today. Krupp still offers the weapon in their
corporate security catalog, but no known orders have been processed in nearly twenty years.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Shiawase Arms Incinerator Level 18 Price 252,300¥
Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category Flame Bulk 1
Range 45 ft. Capacity 20 petrol Usage 3 Modes SS
Damage 5d12 F Critical burn 2d12 Special flexible line, unwieldy
A recent release from Shiawase, the Incinerator is the first personal incendiary device to utilize advanced polymers in
nearly every aspect of its construction. The advanced materials limited the thermal stress placed on the ignition
chamber as well as ensuring the operator suffers limited discomfort from the intense heat. The recommended fuel
mixture ensures complete combustion; field-expedience mixtures are still possible, but less efficient.
Accessory Slots: The only accessory the Incinerator can take is the advanced safety system.
Special Rules: The Incinerator requires a small pilot flame to ignite its fuel mixture; a Standard Action to ready. If
connected via wireless to the users PAN, this is only a Move Action. A wireless DNI connection makes it a Free Action.
The pilot flame consumes 1 unit of petrol every hour.
The line created by the Incinerator continues to burn for 6 rounds. Creatures passing through or ending their turns in
squares touching the line take 2d12 fire damage and must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 15) or gain the burning
condition (1d6)
The incinerator can utilize almost any flammable liquid as a fuel source. When using a fuel besides petrol, reduce the
damage dice to d8’s, the range increment to 50 ft., and the duration squares remain burning to 3 rounds.
Standard Upgrades: powered slide mount (rating 1), reduced weight

Shiawase Arms Monsoon Level 11 Price 23,800¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 140 ft. Capacity 6x20 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/FA [12]
Damage 6d4 P Critical — Special automatic
The latest addition to Shiawase’s “Magazine Barrel” line, the Monsoon is a soldier’s dream. With the ammunition
contained within the barrels, the Monsoon resists the environment’s harshest conditions and remains nearly
maintenance free. The user simply needs to ensure the barrels are not heavily plugged up and the bullets will fly toward
their intended target, aided by the integral smartgun system, which is protected in its own shock-proof housing.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Monsoon’s ammunition is stored in its six barrels. With each bullet fired, the active barrel changes in
sequence. The electronics within the Monsoon automatically skip empty barrels when firing in SA mode. Each empty
barrel reduces the burst fire stat by 2 in FA mode. Reloading the Monsoon requires replacing the barrels. A character can
swap a number of barrels per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal), electronic firing (integral, barrel), melee hardening

Shiawase Arms Rain Level 11 Price 22,350¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 65 ft. Capacity 5 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 4d6 P Critical — Special choke, spread
Shiawase’s latest entry into the civilian arms market, the Rain features the “Magazine Barrel” popular with many
organizations, as it simplifies record keeping and maintenance since the barrel is replaced at the same time as the
ammunition. The Rain currently has a number of different shot types available, with Matrix support recommendations
based on the laws of your particular locale.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Rain’s ammunition is stored in its barrel. Reloading the Rain requires replacing the barrel (a Move
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (stock)

Shiawase Blazer Level 16 Price 147,900¥

Type Longarm (Ranged Exotic) Category Flame Bulk 1
Range 55 ft. Capacity 20 petrol Usage 5 Modes SA/BF [10]/FA [20]
Damage 8d6 F Critical burn 4d6 Special automatic
Handheld flaming death! The Blazer is small and easily portable. Used heavily during the Az-Am War to root out
Amazonian guerillas, the Blazer has found its way into the standard arsenal of many mercenary and special operations
units around the world.
Accessory Slots: The only accessory the Blazer can take is the advanced safety system.
Special Rules: The Blazer requires a small pilot flame to ignite its fuel mixture; a Standard Action to ready. If connected
via wireless to the users PAN, this is only a Move Action. A wireless DNI connection makes it a Free Action. Replacing the
fuel tank is a Full Action. The pilot flame uses a separate reservoir and can burn for two hours.
The Blazer can target a square or a creature with each attack. A targeted square (or the closest square of a targeted
creature’s space) continues to burn for 5 rounds. Creatures passing through or ending their turns in burning squares
take 4d6 fire damage and must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 15) or gain the burning condition (1d6). Uncompensated
burst fire penalties are halved for this weapon.

Springfield 2003 Level 14 Price 66,400¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 430 ft. Capacity 5 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 8d6 P Critical — Special analog
A modern remake of a classic rifle, the Springfield 2003 is a hunter’s dream come true. The bolt action is now computer
verified to be within tolerance, and it utilizes the latest in laser-measuring tools. Sporting a chrome-plated bore and
barrel, this weapon’s careful craftsmanship maintains a level of precision in manufacturing normally reserved for sniper
weapons developed for elite Special Forces teams. The modern, composite furniture eliminates the one major problem
with such heirloom firearms, which is that the wood used on the originals often ages poorly with use. The latest version
is meant to last multiple lifetimes, as the composite has been fully tested for dependability and resiliency.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The 2003 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A character can manually reload a number of
rounds per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The 2003 requires a Swift Action to work the
bolt to ready the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate Weapon Focus feat.

Springfield M1A Level 13 Price 45,500¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 290 ft. Capacity 20 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 3d10 P Critical — Special —
A classic North American hunting rifle evolved from a century-old military design, Springfield is happy to announce a
new manufacturing partner for this historically significant rifle. Our current partner has updated the rifle to accept
modern attachments to meet the needs of today’s shooters, including an advanced imaging sight designed to link with
the shooter’s PAN, helping with accuracy and eliminating missed opportunities on hunting trips. Interested customers
should contact their local dealer for availability or purchase direct from our Matrix store. Please be advised, due to
strong demand, Matrix orders will require three weeks for delivery.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: imaging sight [image link, vision magnification, vision enhancement 1] (top)

Springfield Model 1855 Level 10 Price 16,550¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 90 ft. Capacity 1 round Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 8d4 P Critical wound Special analog
A reproduction of a two century old weapon, the 1855 has remained popular with the re-enactors of North America.
While the hobby is not as popular as it was at the turn of the century, Springfield has licensed production to a number of
smaller firms across the continent. The quality of the rifle-muskets sold through Springfield’s Matrix storefront has been
guaranteed by our gunsmiths for reliability and accuracy.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The Model 1855 rifled musket fires a muzzle loaded .58 caliber Minié ball using a powder charge ignited
by a percussion cap (priced the same as longarm rounds). Loading takes two Full Actions, though a user with the
appropriate Weapon Focus can load the Model 1855 in a single Full Action.

Ultimax Rain Forest Carbine Mk. 0 Level 18 Price 245,100¥

Type Longarm (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 225 ft. Capacity 18 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 8d10 P Critical — Special —

Ultimax Rain Forest Carbine Mk. 1 Level 13 Price 46,600¥

Type Longarm (Carbine) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 140 ft. Capacity 18 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [3]
Damage 5d6 P Critical — Special —
The Ultimax Rain Forest is a short-barreled rifle intended to meet a design requirement for the Sumatran Alliance. The
original weapon design met all of the government’s criteria, but was too expensive. A redesign and paring down was
completed recently and has been purchased to equip the constabulary. The Rain Forest features a deep magazine well
to protect the magazine from the moisture and dirt common in jungle climates. Integrating night-vision technology, the
carbine is well adapted to operations under the double and triple canopies frequently encountered by users. The carbine
is available through Matrix purchases as well as local retailers.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: The Rain Forest does not suffer an increased chance of jamming due to jungle environments.
Standard Upgrades: imaging scope [flare compensation, image link, low-light vision] (top), collapsible stock (stock)

Winchester 2024 Level 12 Price 31,300¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 270 ft. Capacity 7 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d8 P Critical — Special —
This classic intermediate-caliber rifle has been updated to reflect the needs of today’s hunter. The lever-action has been
updated by utilizing modern materials, including titanium alloy in those areas requiring the greatest torsion strength.
The chamber has been coated with easy-to-clean polymers without reducing its ability to withstand the pressures
created by ATF-approved propellants.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The 2024 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per Move
Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The 2024 requires a Swift Action to work the lever to ready the
next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate Weapon Focus feat.
Standard Upgrades: imaging scope [vision magnification] (top)

Winchester Model 201 Level 12 Price 30,800¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 120 ft. Capacity 2 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d12 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
A hand-finished over-under double-barrel shotgun, the Model 201 is a fine continuation of the line. Commonly sold to
sportsmen around the world, this shotgun is manufactured with a number of different iron sights for traditional
competition and hunting. The foregrip’s checker pattern has nine variations available, along with custom carving for
those customers who desire a unique look for an heirloom-quality firearm.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Reloading any number of rounds in the break-action Model 201 is a Full Action. If loaded with longarm
rounds (slugs) rather than shells, the Model 201 loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical
effect and +50% range

Winchester Model 2054 Level 12 Price 30,400¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 65 ft. Capacity 7 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 2d12 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
The Model 2054 is a semi-automatic design, originally submitted to the Ute Nation for possible use by their military
police. The shotgun features an integral laser sight and retractable stock, and it can easily be upgraded with a smartgun
system. While the Ute Nation ordered the first production runs, the shotgun was made available to civilian purchasers in
2056 after the initial military contract was completed.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The 2054 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds or shells
per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). If the shotgun is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs)
rather than shells, it loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range.
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top), folding stock (stock)

Winchester Model 2066 Level 12 Price 30,500¥

Type Longarm (Shotgun) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 65 ft. Capacity 5 rounds/shells Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 5d6 P Critical see Special Rules Special choke, spread
Featured in the recent trid hit “Mad AIs at Dawn,” the Model 2066 is the development of a classic Winchester shotgun
design; modernized for today’s sportsman or robot slayer. The receiver is constructed with high-tensile steel, improving
the weapon’s ability to handle custom hunting loads, while the case-ejection system has been strengthened for shooters
who prefer the modern, longer cartridges. The level-action has been designed with self-lubricating parts to ensure
smooth operation and loading, which is a critical factor for those caught by surprise in wild country.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The 2066 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds or shells
per Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). If the 2066 is loaded with longarm rounds (slugs) rather
than shells, it loses the choke and spread properties but gains the knockdown critical effect and +50% range. The 2066
requires a Swift Action to work the lever to ready the next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate
Weapon Focus feat.

Winchester Model 2067 Level 9 Price 12,150¥

Type Longarm (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 225 ft. Capacity 15 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d12 P Critical — Special analog
This is the latest update to “The Gun that Won the West.” It has been re-engineered to handle the chamber pressures of
modern propellants and to meet current safety codes. The rifle still uses classic calibers for traditional shootists and
competitions, but has also been improved to utilize a number of modern cartridges for those who desire standardization
in their collections. Available in a number of different sub-models; please refer to our Matrix catalog prior to purchase.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The 2067 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per Move
Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The 2067 requires a Swift Action to work the lever to ready the
next shot; this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate Weapon Focus feat.

Yamaha Raiden Level 13 Price 46,400¥

Type Longarm (Assault Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 170 ft. Capacity 60 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 3d8 P Critical — Special automatic
This electronic-firing assault rifle is state-of-the-art. The Raiden is very accurate and is quickly being adopted by
Japanacorp security forces and the Japanese Imperial Marines. It features an integral sound suppressor and smartgun
system as well.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: electronic firing (integral, barrel), sound suppressor (integral, barrel), smartgun system (internal)

Ares Desert Strike Level 17 Price 218,500¥
Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 355 ft. Capacity 14 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 8d8 P Critical wound Special sniper (1,250 ft.), unwieldy
This combat-hardened sniper rifle is intended for long-range shooting in harsh environments. That means it was built
without materials or technologies prone to failure.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Reduce environmental effects that increase the chance of jamming by 10%.
Standard Upgrades: shock pad (stock), imaging scope (top)

Barret Model 122 Level 20 Price 754,300¥

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 355 ft. Capacity 14 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 10d12 P Critical severe wound Special penetrating, sniper (1,750 ft.), unwieldy
The definitive anti-material rifle, Barret has been producing world-class firearms for decades, the Model 122 replaces
the Model 121 as the company’s top-line offering. The rifle continues to be fitted with a sound suppressor, smartgun
system and a folding bipod to help enhance long-range accuracy.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: sound suppressor (integral, barrel), smartgun system (internal), heavy bipod (under)

Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR Level 15 Price 101,800¥

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 290 ft. Capacity 20 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]
Damage 6d8 P Critical wound Special sniper (500 ft.)
Straddling the line between assault rifle and sniper rifle, the Crockett EBR features a burst fire mode. While it lacks the
magazine capacity of a true assault rifle, and lacks the precision of a true marksman’s weapon, it makes up for this in
versatility, being able to switch fluidly between a sniping role and a combat role as easy as flipping a switch.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: shock pad (stock), imaging scope (top)

Onotari Arms JP-K50 Level 15 Price 104,000¥

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 335 ft. Capacity 25 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]
Damage 4d12 P Critical wound Special sniper (500 ft.)
The Onotari JP-K50 has an unusual past, being originally conceived for the next round of the Euro Wars, which never
came about. Or at least, haven’t yet. It was shelved for decades, and only recently came back into the production queue
during the so-called Dragon Civil War. Able to switch between long-range fire against a single hard armored target (such
as a dragon) or firing bursts against clusters (such as drakes), it was seen as a weapon that could be issued to entire
squads. Not mass produced, but produced enough that cost trumped quality in many ways, the final result is a sort of
super-sized assault rifle rather than the kind of high-quality precision design that Saeder-Krupp is world famous for.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: shock pad (stock)

Pioneer 60 Level 11 Price 22,400¥

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 225 ft. Capacity 5 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d8 P Critical bleed 1d8 Special sniper (500 ft.), unwieldy
Morgan Boone’s been the face of the Kentucky Long Rifle Company for decades, and his Pioneer 60 is a household staple
in rural areas across the CAS and UCAS even if his company refuses to sell it to anyone in the NAN. Simple but effective,
it’s a rugged design that’s perfect for someone that just wants to get out of the house for a weekend of drinking beer
and popping off a few rounds into the local fauna.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Pioneer stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per
Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The Pioneer 60 requires a Swift Action to cock the hammer
to ready the next shot

PSG Enforcer Level 16 Price 156,700¥

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 290 ft. Capacity 2x12 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 5d10 P Critical wound Special sniper (1,000 ft.), unwieldy
Heckler & Koch’s premiere sniper rifle, the Enforcer remains the most widely used weapon of its class among law-
enforcement agencies worldwide. With its semi-automatic action and dual magazine, the Enforcer can quickly answer
multiple threats with varying levels of force. The Enforcer also comes with a detachable imaging scope for long-range
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Switching between magazines manually requires a Swift Action but is done automatically when one
magazine empties.
Standard Upgrades: additional magazine (integral, side), imaging scope (top)

Ranger Arms SM-5 Level 19 Price 517,000¥

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 410 ft. Capacity 15 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 7d10 P Critical severe wound Special breakdown, sniper (2,000 ft.), unwieldy
A legendary assassin’s weapon, its accuracy is matched only by its fragility. The SM-5 disassembles completely in order
to fit into a standard briefcase.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Setting the SM-5 up or breaking it down takes an Extended Engineering (16, Full Action) Skill check. At the
end of every round in which the weapon is fired, reduce its sniper property range by 100 feet. If the weapon is used in
combat as a melee weapon or is struck, any shots suffer a cumulative -1 penalty. Recalibrating the weapon (an
Engineering check as if repairing the item) returns its statistics to normal.
Standard Upgrades: silencer (integral, barrel), imaging scope (top), shock pad (stock)

Ruger 100 Level 14 Price 64,100¥

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 290 ft. Capacity 8 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 4d8 P Critical wound Special sniper (600 ft.), unwieldy
This futuristic-looking gas-operated sporting rifle is the favorite weapon for many professional hunters and hobbyists.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Ruger 100 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per
Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).
Standard Upgrades: imaging scope (top), shock pad (stock)

SVD Level 12 Price 30,300¥

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 225 ft. Capacity 10 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 4d6 P Critical — Special sniper (500 ft.)
The SVD is an old design originally manufactured by the Soviets. Chambered for an even older round, the rifle is still
capable of limited service in the current era. The SVD was used as the squad marksman’s weapon more than as a
dedicated specialist’s tool, although the release of a nanoforge blueprint has led to its resurgence with those who need
a reasonably accurate weapon on short notice. It has a standard laser sight, though most models come with a sight
manufactured outside Soviet territory.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top)

Terracotta Arms AM-47 Level 19 Price 524,000¥

Type Sniper (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 355 ft. Capacity 18 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 10d8 P Critical severe wound Special sniper (1,500 ft.), unwieldy
The AM-47 is a large sniper rifle, primarily intended for the larger metahuman species. The rifle features a number of
advanced electronics to assist the shooter in destroying their target. The AM-47 is provided with an imaging scope,
smartgun system, bipod, and a safe target system with an extended barrel for increased range over the competition.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The design of the AM-47 grants one point of recoil compensation.
Standard Upgrades: heavy bipod (under), weapon comm unit [Device Rating 5] (integral, stock), imaging scope [low-light
vision, image link, vision magnification] (top), smartgun system (internal), safe target system (side)

Heavy Weapons
Ares Antioch-2 Level 8 Price 9,470¥
Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 1
Range 130 ft. Capacity 8 grenades Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical airburst Special —
The Antioch-2 features a classic grenade launcher design combined with an integral smartgun system. It is one of the
more affordable grenade launchers on the market.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Antioch-2 stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of grenades per
Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)
Wireless Bonus: You can use the wireless link to detonate your grenades as a Free Action, even if you don’t have DNI.
Ares Archon Heavy MP Laser Level 20 Price 750,800¥
Type Heavy (Laser) Category Laser Bulk 4
Range 545 ft. Capacity 100 charges Usage 4 Modes SA
Damage 10d12 F Critical burn 5d12 Special penetrating
Pushing the limits of the MP denotation, the Archon is Ares’ biggest personal laser system. Too heavy and awkward for
most users the Archon comes standard with a bipod and a mount for either a tripod or gyro- mount. This bad boy will
make anyone stand up and take notice.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Uncompensated burst fire penalties are ignored for this weapon. Attack roll penalties due to range also
apply as damage penalties.
Standard Upgrades: heavy bipod (under)

Ares Arms DPC-002A "Slam Dancer", Pinpoint Level 20 Price 1,000,000¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 3
Range 150 ft. Capacity 10 charges Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 20d8 P Critical severe wound Special unwieldy
Ares Arms DPC-002A "Slam Dancer", Narrow
Range 150 ft. Capacity 10 charges Usage 2 Modes SS
Damage 15d8 P Critical wound Special line, unwieldy
Ares Arms DPC-002A "Slam Dancer", Wide Beam
Range 150 ft. Capacity 10 charges Usage 3 Modes SS
Damage 10d8 P Critical bleed 5d8 Special wide line, unwieldy
Always on the lookout for a new gun to sell, Ares Arms has been experimenting with a concept they call a “directional
particle cannon” on behalf of Ares Space. The 002A operate on the principle of supercharging ambient particles in a
particular area and then projecting or focusing said particles in the desired direction. The first part of this process
involves activating a quantum-magnetic confinement beam. This beam is specifically designed to contain, focus, and aim
the charged particles into the desired direction. The second part of this process is achieved by a Zero-Point Energy
Emitter that excites and supercharges the targeted particles, sending them into a high kinetic energy state. This creates
what engineers have dubbed “kinetic lighting.” Once the particles are charged, they travel away from the emitter and
along the confinement beam toward the target. After the particles have impacted with the target, the confinement
beam is disengaged, which is usually accompanied by a loud and distinctive auditory “crack-boom.” The time from
weapon activation to impact on target is usually 1.3 seconds. To increase the unit’s versatility in the field, the
containment beam can be set to narrow dispersion for a concentrated attack against a single target, or wide dispersion
to engage multiple targets. However, the wider the dispersion, the weaker the attack. With current ammunition
capacitors, the Slam Dancer can fire up to ten times before recharging, depending on the weapon’s focus settings. If
current field testing proves to be successful, Ares Arms hopes to begin wide-scale deployment to their military and para-
military forces by 2088, with sales to preferred customers in 2089.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Slam Dancer uses a proprietary integral power cell that takes 6 hours to fully recharge, though it can
also be connected to, and run off of, standard power points.

Ares Thunderstruck Gauss Rifle Level 23 Price 2,625,035¥

Type Heavy (Cannon) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 665 ft. Capacity 10 gauss rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 15d12 P Critical bleed 7d12 Special penetration, unwieldy
Ares has had their fair share of arms troubles over the past few years but this was not one of them. The Thunderstruck
has been a massive market success, gaining even more brand recognition than the Panther XXL in the assault cannon
category. It doesn’t pack quite the punch of a standard AC, but its lighter recoil load, quicker cycle time, and unmatched
armor penetration have gone a long way to sway those consumers concerned about the heavier price tag.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Thunderstruck uses both ammunition and energy for each round fired. Power is supplied by a
standard 20 charge battery, and the weapon uses 2 charges per shot. Uncompensated burst fire penalties are halved
(rather than doubled) for this weapon.
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top), shock pad (stock)

Ares Vigorous Assault Cannon Level 22 Price 1,787,890¥

Type Heavy (Cannon) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 380 ft. Capacity 12 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 9d20 P Critical knockdown Special unwieldy
The Ares Vigorous was billed as an early competitor for the Panther XXL. Word of mouth on the early, bare-bones base
model was poisonous, and that carried over to the models with all the bells and whistles. The nice part about that is, if
you don’t care about a smartgun system and realize firing twice with an assault cannon means you’ve done something
wrong, then the Vigorous is your cannon of choice.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

ArmTech MGL-12 Level 10 Price 20,700¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 2
Range 145 ft. Capacity 12 grenades Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical airburst Special —
This bullpup-configuration grenade launcher is popular, since it can fire in semi-auto mode and carries substantially
more grenades than its competitors.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: This weapon counts as a carbine for Close-Quarters (see New Rules).
Wireless Bonus: You can use the wireless link to detonate your grenades as a Free Action, even if you don’t have DNI.

Aztechnology Striker Level 4 Price 3,050¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk L
Range 570 ft. Capacity 1 missile Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical airburst Special —
The Striker is an extremely light disposable launcher—perfect when you want to deliver a punch and make a quick,
unencumbered getaway.
Accessory Slots: None
Special Rules: The Striker is a single-use launcher that must be bought with an attached missile (price not included).
Wireless Bonus: You can use the wireless link to detonate your missiles as a Free Action, even if you don’t have DNI.
FN MAG-5 Level 14 Price 71,300¥
Type Heavy (MMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 305 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 6d8 P Critical — Special automatic, harrying, belt-fed
A common sight on the modern battlefield of the Sixth World, the MAG-5 is often seen vehicle-mounted or defending a
fixed position. While its overall accuracy is considered slightly sub-par by some, few can deny the raw power of this
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top), gas-vent (rating 2, integral, barrel), tripod (under)

GE Vindicator Mini-gun Level 13 Price 49,800¥

Type Heavy (Gatling, LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 230 ft. Capacity 100 rounds Usage 20 Modes FA [20]
Damage 4d8 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed, harrying
While technically classified as a light machine gun, this six-barreled, belt-fed, rotary lead-spitter is usually mounted on
vehicles, drones, or light aircraft. The “Vindi” is also popular with metatypes of a larger stature. Despite the relatively
light ammo it uses, the Vindicator has exceptional armor-piercing capabilities and decent recoil management. However,
the weapon is also large and cumbersome. Operating the Vindicator requires a few seconds for the barrels to spin up
before it can fire
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Spinning up the barrels requires a Move Action and is powered by an integral 10 charge power cell. Each
charge can power the barrel spin for 10 minutes. Fully recharging the battery takes 10 minutes. The Vindicator’s design
grants two points of recoil compensation. As a Full Action, a user can provide covering fire for, or harrying fire against,
any number of targets in a cone out to the weapon’s first range increment with a -4 penalty on the attack roll. For each
target, the weapon expends 50 rounds.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal), slide mount (top), slide mount (bottom)

Ingram Valiant Level 11 Price 27,700¥

Type Heavy (LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 285 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 4d8 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
This legendary light machinegun is popular with mercenary units the world over.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Unlike other heavy weapons, the Valiant does not double uncompensated burst fire penalties.
Standard Upgrades: shock pad (stock), passive laser sight (top), gas-vent (rating 2, integral, barrel)

KH 82A1 Level 4 Price 3,350¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk L
Range 70 ft. Capacity 1 grenade Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical airburst Special —
One of the smallest available grenade launchers, the 82A1 is primarily used by security forces to dispense gas grenades
to quell riots, but it also finds use as a support weapon with light infantry units. Tipping the scales at 2.5 kilos, the 82A1
weighs less than half as much as a standard grenade launcher and has considerably less bulk. Its compact design makes
it less well-suited for longer-range engagements.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, and top-mounted
Special Rules: Due to the compact design of the 82A1, increase the scatter distance on a miss by 1 square per range
increment past the first.
Standard Upgrades: folding stock (stock)

Krime Bomb Level 22 Price 1,786,390¥

Type Heavy (Cannon) Category Projectile Bulk 4
Range 570 ft. Capacity 4 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 15d12 P Critical knockdown Special —
Krime is pleased to announce its first pump-action assault cannon intended for the weaker meta-types to use. The
revolutionary recoil suppression system allows lighter body mass personnel to carry the heaviest firepower available.
The Bomb also incorporates a powered slide mount and laser sight, allowing the user a multitude of tactical accessories.
Carry the Bomb, and be the bomb.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Bomb stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per Move
Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The Bomb requires a Swift Action to pump to ready the next shot;
this is a Free Action for users with the appropriate Weapon Focus feat.
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top), powered slide mount (Rating 2, under)

Krime Cannon Level 22 Price 1,784,390¥

Type Heavy (Cannon) Category Projectile Bulk 4
Range 380 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 15d12 P Critical knockdown Special unwieldy
Krime may be a small-time manufacturer, but their assault cannon, simply called the Cannon, is a cheap heavy weapon
big on attitude and firepower. It comes standard with modification for trolls, and so is the first weapon in the Sixth
World to be intended for larger customers.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Cannon stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per
Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). The Cannon can only be wielded by Large creatures or
creatures with Strength modifiers of at least +4.

Krime Calliope Level 11 Price 34,400¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 5
Range 150 ft. Capacity 10 grenades Usage 1 Modes SS/FA [10]
Damage — Critical airburst Special automatic, unwieldy
With the Krime Escalation perfected, Krime took the production line for their rockets into consideration when we
started work on a vehicle-mounted version, which had gotten quite a bit of interest from a variety of sources. Our design
team tried a variety of concepts before just throwing everything into the air and using the most basic design, a ten-shot
box frame that can be mounted on any half-ton or larger pick-up truck or onto the roof of any MPUV on the market!
Capable of being fired in single aimed shots with terrifying accuracy or in a carpeting area effect that our instruction
manuals call “The Twin Fists Of Pain!” Don’t let the opponents get the upper hand; give them both fists with the

Accessory Slots: none

Special Rules: When firing in FA mode, rather than the normal rules for long bursts or fully automatic mode, choose a
single target. Each grenade scatters in a random direction 1d10-1 squares away. If a target is affected by multiple
grenades, consult the Multiple Explosions rule (New Rules, Burst Fire, above). Each grenade requires a Move Action to

Krime Carpet Level 13 Price 45,800¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 5
Range 190 ft. Capacity 6 grenades Usage 6 Modes FA [6]
Damage — Critical airburst Special automatic
When the going gets tough, the tough call in the air drones. When the air drones get it rough, they carpet bomb the
area! The Krime Carpet is designed to be incorporated into a standard weapon mount, with a classic and reliable Radio
Shack K-221 sensor package and a SX4.2 Smartdrop System, using the single, center-mounted grenade for targeting
while the five surrounding grenades spread out to blanket the area, ensuring that the base target will be hit, completely
ruining the day for anyone nearby! Uses conventional hand grenades of all varieties, with our own Lucky-7 grenade
packages available for rapidly reloading!

Accessory Slots: none

Special Rules: The Carpet’s Smartdrop System accurately spaces up to five grenades around the manually fired grenade.
The user is able to set the scatter distance (minimum 1 square) and direction (different for each grenade) before firing.
The maximum scatter distance is equal to the distance to the target. The Smartdrop System was originally designed for
aerial bombardment. For ground-level use, shots must be fired arced to a height equal to the distance to the target.
Shots (other than the first) fired at a shallower angle scatter an extra 1d4 squares per range increment and in random

Krime Confederate Level 23 Price 2,602,535¥

Type Heavy (Cannon) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 475 ft. Capacity 2 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 20d12 P Critical — Special unwieldy
[Load Krime_Confederate_Commercial_2.trideo][Set Language=English][English not found, setting to default=

American][Set DescriptiveText=Yes]

Bubba: “Hey, Cletus, what we huntin’ today?”

Cletus: [Pulls Krime Confederate cannon out of its box] “TRUCKS!”

([Bubba dances like a damn fool while shooting off various Krime guns to the tune of “Dueling Banjos,” while Cletus
breaks open the double-barrel Krime Confederate cannon to reload it, and unloads it into a wrecked and unbranded
Ares Roadmaster.]

Cletus: “The Krime Confederate!”

Bubba: [Tries to take the Krime Confederate cannon from Cletus] “My turn!”

Cletus: [Pulling the Krime Confederate cannon away from Bubba] “Gitcherown!”
The Duke (off-camera): “The Krime Confederate. No game too big, most game too small.” [End Trideo Playback]

Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

Special Rules: Reloading any number of rounds in the break-action Confederate is a Full Action.

Krime Escalation Level 11 Price 24,400¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 2
Range 150 ft. Capacity 1 grenade Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical airburst Special —
Old Man Krime (and yes, he fragging well exists!) was driving to work one day when he hit a spam zone that
overwhelmed his truck’s firewall. He was still swearing as he came into work and demanded we figure out a way to stop
it, then he calmed down with a dozen neat whiskeys. But our design team didn’t forget the impromptu meeting, and
they plumbed the deepest parts of history to figure out how to solve the problem. They were never able to get the
targeting system sorted out to specifically find the spam emitters, but they managed to whip up one hell of a good
rocket launcher design to placate Old Man Krime’s desire to blow drek up. A very intuitive design able to be learned in a
few afternoons of training, while also being light weight enough to allow a Real Sized Soldier™ to carry enough spare
rockets to be useful! Order now straight from the factory and get the Signal Detector upgrade for free!

Accessory Slots: internal-, stock-, and under-mounted

Special Rules: The Escalation’s signal detector functions as a bug scanner, but, rather than detecting in a 60-foot cone, it
detects signals at a target within the weapon’s maximum range. Range penalties apply to skill checks to detect signals
with this equipment.
Standard Upgrades: imaging scope (integral, top), matrix signal scanner (see Special Rules, integral, side)

Krime Monster Level 17 Price 202,500¥

Type Heavy (HMG) Category Projectile Bulk 4
Range 150 ft. Capacity 100 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]
Damage 8d12 P Critical — Special belt-fed
Fifteen millimeters of pain! That’s what The Monster offers, and what it delivers to your targets! Developed as an anti-
materiel and soft-shell destructive device that has to be seen to be believed, The Monster chews up the competition in
massive ways that only a Real-Sized Soldier™ can handle, even from a tripod or a vehicle mount! When you need more
rate of fire than an assault cannon without compromising the hurt, the Krime Monster delivers over and over and over
and over and over.

Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

Krime Triple-Dwarf Nanogun Level 7 Price 5,270¥

Type Heavy (Gatling, LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 170 ft. Capacity 100 rounds Usage 20 Modes FA [20]
Damage 1d12 P Critical bleed 1d6 Special automatic, belt-fed, harrying

Krime Triple-Ork Microgun Level 10 Price 17,100¥

Type Heavy (Gatling, LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 170 ft. Capacity 100 rounds Usage 20 Modes FA [20]
Damage 2d12 P Critical wound Special automatic, belt-fed, harrying
Krime Triple-Troll Minigun Level 14 Price 64,800¥
Type Heavy (Gatling, LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 4
Range 170 ft. Capacity 100 rounds Usage 20 Modes FA [20]
Damage 4d12 P Critical severe wound Special automatic, belt-fed, harrying
Third time’s the charm, they say. Krime brought out three barrels of pain to all comers who face their wondrous Triple
Series of Gatling guns. Each Triple, from Dwarf to Troll, fires progressively larger rounds. That gets combined with the
latest in chainsaw grip technology and incorporates both a Radio Shack S4.2 smartgun link and a licensed Smyth divided
spin/feed system that is the market standard for Gatling guns the world over. With the Krime Triple, the only thing not
included is a target-rich environment.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Each Triple only uses belt-fed ammunition, and each is manufactured in a standard size: the Dwarf
Nanogun is small-sized and uses small arms rounds, the Ork Mircogun is medium-sized and uses longarm rounds, and
the Troll Minigun is large-sized and uses heavy rounds. Unlike other heavy weapons, the Triple does not double
uncompensated burst fire penalties. As a Full Action, a user can provide covering fire for, or harrying fire against, any
number of targets in a cone out to the weapon’s first range increment with a -4 penalty on the attack roll. For each
target, the weapon expends 50 rounds.
Standard Upgrades: personalized grip, smartgun system (internal)

Krime Wave Level 12 Price 31,200¥

Type Heavy (LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 285 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 3d12 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
The first squad automatic weapon offered by Krime, the Wave is the result of several years of development—not only in
the fields of ballistics and ergonomics, but also in material technology as Krime updated their manufacturing processes
to incorporate the right level of thermodynamic dissipation. The Wave features a dual-feed system, allowing the user to
switch between a pre-loaded magazine and belt feed as needed. Let the Krime Wave surf you to the places you need to
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Wave can be simultaneously loaded with both belt-fed ammunition and a 50 round magazine.
Manually switching ammunition source is a swift action. Unlike other heavy weapons, the Wave does not double
uncompensated burst fire penalties.
Standard Upgrades: heavy bipod (under)

M79B1 LAW Rocket Level 2 Price 750¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 2
Range 455 ft. Capacity 1 missile Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical airburst Special collapsible
A single-shot, disposable rocket launcher, the M79B1 remains the most common light anti-tank weapon in use
worldwide. When collapsed, the M79B1’s tube forms a watertight seal, protecting the rocket from the elements. Once
opened, the housing cannot be resealed.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The M79B1 is a single-use launcher that must be bought with an attached missile (price not included).
Wireless Bonus: You can use the wireless link to detonate your missiles as a Free Action, even if you don’t have DNI.
Should be limited to anti-vehicle missiles

MCT DSP (Digital Signal Pulse) "Static Gun" Level 20 Price 1,000,000¥
Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 3
Range 70 ft. Capacity 10 pulse rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage Special Critical special Special explode (special)
Two months ago at the International Arms Expo, MCT stunned the world when they announced they had found the key
to the “new generation of direct electronic and digital warfare to replace and emulate the EMPs of old in a modern
setting.” Since the advent of modern electronics, the threat of EMPs had become a thing of the past. But with MCT’s
new “Digital Signal Pulse” or DSP line of weaponry, the ability to disrupt or eliminate the electronic systems of an enemy
is closer to becoming a reality again. This announcement sent a shockwave through the arms industry. The idea of a
modern EMP-type weapon or device had long been considered a holy grail of modern weaponry. Claiming that the
system was in its final phases of testing, MCT showcased a wide variety of delivery systems ranging from high-powered,
vehicle-mounted emitters to small, grenade-sized “quick burst” weaponry. MCT was short on details, specifically how
the system worked, claiming it was proprietary information. They said, though, that the DSP system is a combination
static-blast that weakens the target and a subsequent data-spike that specifically targets a device or system through its
wireless connection.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: When you attack with the Static Gun, aim at a grid intersection and roll 5d20 to determine the pulse
strength. The pulse travels outward in all directions (ignoring normal, but not magical or magnetic barriers), and its
strength weakens by one with every five additional feet it travels. The pulse only affects technological items. Unattended
items in the area with an item level equal to or less than the pulse strength cease functioning and are destroyed, though
they are left physically intact. Unattended items with a level higher than the pulse strength—and all attended items—
instead take electricity damage equal to the pulse strength (ignoring hardness, Reflex save for half if attended). Items
with electricity resistance add that value to their level to determine how they are effected. Items immune to electricity
damage are immune to these effects.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)

MPG (Microwave Pain Gun) Level 20 Price 1,000,000¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 3
Range 115 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 5 Modes SS
Damage 6d20 F Critical Degeneration 4d8 Special blast, nonlethal, unwieldy

MDG (Microwave Docility Generator) Level 20 Price 1,000,000¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 4
Range 1,150 ft. Capacity 100 charges Usage Special Modes SS
Damage Special Critical immobilize Special antibiological, blast, mind-affecting, subtle
Somewhere out there—okay, probably many somewheres—there are corps working with microwave technology to try
to create a non-lethal solution for induced subject compliance. Fancy way of saying taking the fight out of the fighter.
Judging by the materials I’ve gained access to—and there are lots of them—the corps are taking one of two routes,
neither completely perfected yet, but both having great and entertaining “detrimental secondary effects,” in order to
get to their goal of a weapon that neutralizes a subject without permanent harm or risk of critical injury. The two
methods hit two very different ends of the spectrum, though microwaves fit in only a very small portion of the energy
spectrum, namely pain and docility. Either they make a subject feel soooo much pain that they can’t continue to
function, or they make them all docile like a ganger on a triple dose of bliss.
Pain! Let’s talk about this first because, as we all well know, this is the megacorps’ preferred method of creating
compliance in defiant subjects. They’ve got plenty of docility all over their workforce; why not get some good
ol’fashioned pain for shits and giggles? Some might imagine that the microwave pain gun functions by actually using
microwaves to cook the subject, but, last I checked, cooking someone seems an awful lot like permanent harm, or at
least a risk of critical injury (see last paragraph for effects that aren’t desired). Instead, the MPG does some surface
nerve excitement, creating a sensation similar to burning without causing real burns. And therein lies the problem. How
do you make someone feel like they’re burning without actually burning them? You don’t! The weapon actually does
heat up the skin, but just high enough and quick enough to cause the pain, not cause any damage beyond a localized
patch of sunburn. At least, that’s the plan. Resistance isn’t futile in the case of the MPG—it just might get you shot again,
with each shot increasing the odds of overlapping hit locations that eventually cause actual damage. On top of that,
wide-array effects for use on crowds don’t discriminate and have sizzled some subjects to the point of death. They’ve
had enough success that several prototypes are out there, but mass marketing isn’t quite on the table yet. Yet!
If microwaves create pain, how do they also create docility? I’m glad you asked. If we alter the frequency within a
narrow wavelength window, the microwaves gain the ability to disrupt the firing of neurons. No firing neurons, no
mental processes, and thus, docility! So, meet the Microwave Docility Generator (MDG). It’s a pretty awesome system
and will probably hit the market before the MPG, but first they need to solve the system’s big problems. You knew there
had to be something wrong. Luckily, the problem isn’t brain damage, or this would be right out the window. The three
largest problems are range, duration, and some small unpleasant side effects. The weapon’s range is a bit excessive. The
wavelength/frequency combo for best brain-numbing has some awesome penetration. Great on the battlefield if you
want to shut down a tank crew, not so good in the streets when you’re trying to numb a crowd and you hit everyone in a
pretty broad range—like several hundred meters. Yup, that bad (or good in some reports, but that doc was a total head
case … crazy, not the CFD kind, though that reminds me, note for later). As for duration, it’s kind of a double issue. The
weapon has to be held on the targets to keep up the neuron disruption, and that requires some serious power. This
means the only viable systems are attached to massive power cells; either in a large pack or plugged into a vehicle or
local power grid. Great for buildings and battlefields, but not great for crowd control or personal protection. I don’t see
them solving the docility duration problem, but there are probably plenty of solutions for power sourcing. Third
problem, the side effect from hell, relates directly to that need for a sustained duration. In some individuals, the system
has not only obstructed higher thought processes, but also some of those controlled by the autonomic nervous system
like breathing. Yup, problematic for the target to stop breathing if you don’t want permanent damage. So, once the
corps figure out those problems, fully expect to turn a corner in an MCT facility, get turned stupid, and wake up in a cell,
or dead.
It’s later (remember my note)! The microwave docility generator has a great secondary effect. It shuts down head cases
(yup, Monads too, changing your name doesn’t change who you really are) just like it shuts down regular folks. Those
little nanites can’t seem to overcome the neuron disruption like they overcome so many other methods of subject
subdual. Looks like, even if this doesn’t hit the market as a non-lethal form of subject subdual, it can at least join the
arsenal for the Monad War!
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules (MPG): On a critical hit, the MPG deals normal (lethal) damage. For the purpose of effects, the MPG uses
high level radiation to damage targets.
Special Rules (MDG): This system has a variable effect based on power consumption settings. The power level may be
set at any number up to the item level (or the remaining battery charges, whichever is less). The usage is equal to the
power level, and manually altering the power level requires a Move Action. Blasts from the MDG ignore non-magical
barriers with hardness less than twice its power level. Each target in the blast area suffers a penalty to Int, Wis, and Cha
equal to the MDG’s power level, +1 for each consecutive round they are targeted. Any round they are not targeted,
reduce the penalty by 1. When subjected to the blast a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + Power Level + the attacker's Dexterity
modifier) may be attempted to halve the total penalty. On a critical hit, a target suffers double the total penalty and 1d4
Constitution damage (both halved with a successful Fortitude save).

Mitsubishi Yakusoku MRL Level 18 Price 256,300¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 3
Range 455 ft. Capacity 2x2 missiles Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [2]
Damage — Critical airburst Special unwieldy
A direct competitor of the Ballista, the Yakusoku trades the security features and bells and whistles for the versatility of
being able to fire multiple missiles at once.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Yakusoku can load up to 4 different types of missiles, 2 in each tube. Each missile requires a Move
Action to load. The active tube can be chosen via the integrated wireless smartgun connection as a Free Action. As a
Standard Action, the user can fire one missile from each barrel at separate targets. For this action, the user allocates a
portion of their base attack bonus to each target, and then applies their normal modifiers to each attack.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)

Narcoject Trackstopper Level 8 Price 8,500¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 2
Range 45 ft. Capacity 6 foam charges Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical — Special explode (entangled* 1 hour, mire, 5 ft.),
The Narcoject Trackstopper was adapted from the discontinued Ares Fogger Glop Cannon. When Ares began to divert all
non-essential weapons research, development, and production to the Excalibur rifle, the Glop Cannon (which hadn’t
been selling all that well) was discontinued. Seeing an opportunity, Narcoject bought the name and the research for a
modest sum, which suited both parties at the time. The Trackstopper has the look of a firehose crossed with a sub-
machine gun. It connects to a backpack container and fires a stream of liquid foam at the target. Unlike the original
formulation of Freeze Foam, Narcoject Foam won’t help you build a bridge, but it will harden in a few seconds, and it is
specially formulated at the microscopic level to allow encased victims to breathe. Narcoject Foam dissolves completely
in one hour, or immediately with the application of Narcoject-brand solvent (50¥, or free with purchase of Narcoject
Foam refills).
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Narcoject Foam is applied as a liquid and does not inflict the entangled condition until it hardens after 1
round. Targets in the affected area can attempt a Reflex save to avoid being coated in the liquid foam, or use a Full
Action to remove the foam before it hardens. Once it hardens Acrobatics cannot be used to negate the entangled
condition, and there is a 50% change targets are pinned. Any creatures pinned by the foam receive the benefits of
improved cover. The broken cell nature of the substance means targets are not in danger of suffocation (at least from
the foam).

Large creatures are not entangled on their first failed save and only suffer a -2 Dexterity penalty. A second hit affects
them normally. Huge creatures suffer no adverse effects on the first failed save. They suffer a -2 Dexterity penalty on the
second failed save, -4 Dexterity penalty on the third, and are affected normally with the fourth failed save. Creatures
larger than Huge are usually unaffected by Narcoject Foam.

Each square of hardened foam has a hardness of 5, 60 hit points, and a break DC of 20 (which may differ from the
entangled DC). Foam takes minimum damage from piercing attacks and bludgeoning attacks, and half damage from
energy attacks except acid, which deals double damage. Creatures trapped in foam also take half damage from energy

Ogre Hammer SWS Assault Cannon Level 20 Price 747,800¥

Type Heavy (Cannon) Category Projectile Bulk 4
Range 570 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage 14d8 P Critical knockdown Special —
“Pounds like no other” is the sales slogan attached to this heavy hitter. The Ogre Hammer puts a whole lot of hurt
downrange by improving the weapon’s recoil handling and cycle speed to allow slightly faster firing than other weapons
in its class. It’s called man portable, but that’s a bit of a stretch.
Accessory Slots: side-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: advanced safety system (internal), weapon comm unit (device rating 4, integral, stock), imaging
scope [night vision, flare compensation, image link, magnification] (top)

Onotari Arms Ballista MML Level 14 Price 70,300¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 2
Range 455 ft. Capacity 4 missiles Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical airburst Special unwieldy
Leave it to Saeder-Krupp to design a system great for taking dragons out of the sky. The Ballista saw a lot of action
recently during the Dragon Wars, and mercenary units have picked up quite a bit of the overstock that was produced in
expectation of a longer conflict. The system is a backpack and launcher combo that holds four missiles that automatically
reload after each shot. The setup comes with a handheld laser designator for independent targeting, but the missiles can
respond to other designators or their own internal systems.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Ballista can attack with both direct and indirect missile fire. A handheld laser target designator is
linked to the backpack unit with a fiber-optic cable securing the system from hacking. The Ballista can also accept orders
wirelessly from other target designators linked to the user’s PAN. The user can use a Full Action to target a square with
the laser target designator and fire a missile, or use a swift action to wirelessly accept another’s sent target designation
(such as from an ally’s smartgun system) in the same round before firing a missile. A missile with the guided property
gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll and to effect DCs against the designated target.
The magazine of the Ballista is hard to replace and requires 3 Full Actions if done by a second person. The wearer would
need to remove the backpack (Full Action), replace the magazine (3 Full Actions), and then put the backpack back on (2
Full Actions) in order to change it themselves.
Consider detailing what ‘designating’ a target entails.

Onotari Interceptor Level 16 Price 159,700¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 2
Range 455 ft. Capacity 2 missiles Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical airburst Special —
This Saeder-Krupp-developed military missile launcher is designed to fire missiles of any type. It has two separate barrels
and firing chambers, and can load up to two missiles at once, which need not be of the same type. Due to backblast
issues, it is not capable of “giving ‘em both barrels.”
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Each missile requires a separate Move Action to reload.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)
Wireless Bonus: You can use the wireless link to detonate your missiles as a Free Action, even if you don’t have DNI.

Panther XXL Level 23 Price 2,642,035¥

Type Heavy (Cannon) Category Projectile Bulk 4
Range 475 ft. Capacity 15 rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 20d10 Critical knockdown Special Unwieldy
This huge fragging gun is an assault cannon that uses ammunition similar to the primary weapon in many small tanks. It
comes with a built-in smartgun system.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)

Phalanx Systems Vogeljäger II Missile Launcher Level 12 Price 32,100¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 2
Range 570 ft. Capacity 1 missile Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical airburst Special —
The Vogeljäger is a man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS) that has become the bane of helicopter and VTOL
pilots everywhere.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Missiles fired at airborne targets receive a +1 attack roll bonus, while missiles fired at other types of
targets suffer a -3 attack roll penalty. Additionally, missiles with the guided property fired from a Vogeljäger against
airborne targets gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll and to effect DCs.
Standard Upgrades: imaging scope [thermographic, low-light] (top)
Wireless Bonus: This weapon’s IFF system (Identify Friend or Foe) allows its user to reroll the direction of scatter on a
miss once per missile. The user must use the second roll.

Puncher Pistol Level 5 Price 3,750¥

Type Heavy (Heavy Pistol) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 165 ft. Capacity 4 gauss rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d4 P Critical bleed 1d4 Special line*, penetration, unwieldy

Puncher Mini Level 8 Price 11,000¥

Type Heavy (Gatling, LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 165 ft. Capacity 100 gauss rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [20]
Damage 5d4 Critical bleed 2d4 Special automatic, belt-fed, line*, penetration, unwieldy

Puncher Rifle Level 10 Price 21,000¥

Type Heavy (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 330 ft. Capacity 4 gauss rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 9d4 P Critical bleed 4d4 Special line*, penetration, unwieldy

Puncher Long Rifle Level 12 Price 42,000¥

Type Heavy (Rifle) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 385 ft. Capacity 6 gauss rounds Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 11d4P Critical bleed 5d4 Special line*, penetration, sniper (1650 ft.), unwieldy
Imagine the unholy offspring of the amazing Thunderstruck after a wild night of cavorting with a Vindicator that loves
hot loads. That’s a Puncher Mini, named not for its size but for the fact that it’s a minigun, the classic multi-barreled
ultra-high firing rate beast that can blow off more rounds in a second than most modern ARs have in a drum mag. It’s
not the only style of Puncher, but it’s definitely the wildest. The weapons were designed by YNT and Roskosmos, along
with some assistance (read: Monads), and they were intended as a space weapon capable of creating a breach in the
hull of an opposing vessel. As with all things they’ve worked on lately, they worked to miniaturize and personalize it in
order to add to their potential profit. The basic principle behind these next-gen firearms is a multiple-energy-source
projectile. The Punchers use a chemical load for initial acceleration but are then passed through a magnetic chamber
that creates the speed for these ultra-high-velocity projectiles. They feature remarkable penetration, but due to the
extreme velocities have a tendency to over-penetrate targets, risking unwanted collateral damage
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Unlike normal weapons with the line property, Puncher weapons can attack a target up to ten range
increments away. This attack still affects creatures within the first range increment as if it were a line attack, but beyond
the first range increment (if the line attack was not stopped) it is resolved normally using the same attack roll as was
used for the line attack roll, but with range penalties applied. In the case of a critical hit, rather than the first target hit,
the intended target suffers the effects.
Special Rules (Puncher Mini): As a Full Action, a user can provide covering fire for, or harrying fire against, any number
of targets in a cone out to the weapon’s first range increment with a -4 penalty on the attack roll. For each target, the
weapon expends 50 rounds. Unlike other heavy weapons, the Puncher Mini does not double uncompensated burst fire
Standard Upgrades (Pistol, Rifle, Long Rifle): electronic firing (integral, barrel)
Standard Upgrades (Mini): electronic firing (integral, barrel), foregrip (under)

RPK HMG Level 16 Price 162,000¥

Type Heavy (HMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 420 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 8d8 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
This heavy Russian machine gun is used by the militaries of several eastern European and Near East countries, primarily
as a vehicle-mounted support weapon. Equipped with a detachable tripod, the RPK is usually fired from a prone, sitting,
or kneeling position when not mounted on a vehicle.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: tripod (under)

Ruhrmetall SF-20 Level 16 Price 165,300¥

Type Heavy (HMG) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 380 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 7d12 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
When the famed mercenary unit MET2000 commissioned Ruhrmetall for a brand-new HMG, they only had two
guidelines: make it easy to customize and make it powerful. The result was the SF-20, one of the hardest-hitting HMGs
on the planet. The weapon quickly became a mainstay in the MET2000’s mechanized and assault forces. Easy-access
construction points allows for easy customization while standard equipment includes a gas-vent system, a hip pad brace,
and laser sight.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Engineering checks to modify this weapon gain a +2 circumstance bonus.
Standard Upgrades: gas-vent (rating 3, integral, barrel), hip pad bracing system (stock), passive laser sight (top)

SA Nemesis Level 11 Price 28,400¥

Type Heavy (LMG) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 285 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 5 Modes BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 5d6 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
Introduced a few years ago by Shiawase Armaments, the Nemesis was designed to be the ultimate support weapon for
modern infantry units. While its performance stats are comparable to most other LMGs, the Nemesis stands out
because of the various systems that come standard on it. A safe target system with image recognition and one extra set
apiece of RFID data and image profiles help prevent friendly fire incidents while the standard smartgun system enhances
overall accuracy.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Unlike other heavy weapons, the Nemesis does not double uncompensated burst fire penalties.
Standard Upgrades: gas-vent 2 (integral, barrel), safe target system [image recognition, 20 RFID data sets, 20 image
profiles] (side), smartgun system (internal)

Shiawase/Nemesis Arms Man-Catcher Level 7 Price 6,000¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 1
Range 90 ft. Capacity 10 tar rockets Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical — Special explodes (entangled 1 hour, 30 ft.)
A prototype weapon system long considered a failure, the Man-Catcher was one of many projects recently re-discovered
by Nemesis Arms during the Megacorp Audit. A part of the low-priority non-lethal division, the Man-Catcher is in
essence a rocket launcher that fires a warhead filled with a fast-acting compound that, when exposed to air, expands
slightly and turns into a rubber-like foam substance. Anything coming into contact or coated with it will become stuck
and eventually immobile. The problem with the system wasn’t the launcher or warhead, but rather the chemical
compound payload. On second review, a solution was found, and the system became viable. The launcher itself is a
small tube approximately fifty centimeters long, the warhead approximately thirty centimeters. When used against a
target, the warhead can be pre-programmed to detonate by timer, proximity, or impact, though with the latter the
compound only has a fifty percent chance of working.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Tar rockets explode and coat the area with sticky, viscous liquid foam. Entangled creatures are considered
anchored to creatures and objects within the explosion area. The entangled condition can be removed with an
Acrobatics or Strength check as normal, this also removes the liquid foam. The area of effect expands an additional 5 ft.
and hardens after 1 round. Medium and smaller creatures entangled by the foam or in the area of effect when the foam
hardens are pinned, but also receive the benefits of improved cover. The broken cell nature of the substance means
targets are not in danger of suffocation (at least from the foam). Each 5 ft.-cube of foam has hardness 10, 30 hit points,
and a break DC of 15. Foam takes minimum damage from piercing attacks and bludgeoning attacks, and half damage
from energy attacks except acid, which deals double damage. Creatures trapped in foam also take half damage from
energy attacks. Trapped creatures can attempt Acrobatics or Strength checks to escape as if only afflicted with the
entangled condition, but with a -2 penalty.
Each tar rockets require a Move Action to load.

SIDD (Sound Induced Disorientation Device) Level 20 Price 1,000,000¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category Sonic Bulk 4
Range 1,000 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage Varies Modes SS
Damage — Critical Special Special antibiological, wide line, mind-affecting,

THMPA (Tonal Harmonic Multiphase Projection Level 22 Price 2,300,000¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category Sonic Bulk 2
Range 1,000 ft. Capacity 20 charges Usage 4 Modes SS
Damage 12d8 So Critical stunned Special wide line, nonlethal
We’ve all heard of the Thunderstruck. Ares did some great marketing there. But that’s just a cool name for what’s more
of a Lightningstruck, which is what we would call this except that name sounds dumb. Real thunder weapons are on
their way, and they’re way cooler, though not as deadly, as the Thunderstruck. Then again, I guess that all goes to
determining your opinion of cool. Some people think it’s cool to kill. I, however, think it’s cool to knock someone out
with sound. Thus, I deem thunder weapons to be cooler than a Thunderstruck. No arguments necessary, I’m not taking
suggestions to change my opinion in my own report. But I will gladly offer you some reasons why this new tech deserves
to be at the top of your cool meter. First, you can literally call it your boom stick and be awesome like Ash from
“Smacking the Evil Dead.” Though not every one of these sonic weapons makes a boom—several function on the high
end of the metahuman hearing range rather than the low—but that’s not the point. It’s sound, so therefore it’s a boom.
Similar to the microwave weapons, they come in multiple varieties of target effect. Several R&D teams are focusing on
the disorientation effect, while others are going for straight up dropping their target, further referred to as disabling, to
avoid confusion with the new line of weapons that lift their target a hundred meters in the air and then drops them (no,
that’s not real… yet, it’s a joke, now laugh and read on).
Disorienting a target is a great way to get the run-of-the-mill Joe Corp from stopping their terrible acts of corporate
rebellion. Protests, sit-ins, and even just trying to sneak out early to avoid a boring meeting can be quickly brought to an
end with a well-directed burst from a Sound-Induced Disorientation Device (SIDD; yup I like acronyms, plus some street
sam will eventually introduce someone to their friend Sid, it’s just going to happen). The SIDD system functions at that
high end of metahuman hearing, like that annoying ringing you get in your ears, ramped up to eleven, making everything
in the world seem insignificant beside the discomfort. The weapon has a pretty limited range but fires like a shotgun
because it has to hit the target’s head, and most sec goons who will be handed these things aren’t great shots. Best part
about this system is, it doesn’t care if you’ve got ear plugs, or even range-grade ear protection, it still rocks your ears
because the frequency it’s using vibrates the jawbone to affect the ear. Cybernetic dampers still help, and so does
having a cyberskull—in fact, the skull makes this weapon just an annoying screeching sound, since the metal in the jaw
doesn’t resonate like bone.
Let’s talk about disabling someone. This one is the more literal boom stick. The weapon fires a dense burst of low-
frequency sound. The effect is something akin to standing right in front of a stadium-grade speaker and having the
bassist from Trog Punch hit you with that low D. There’s a reason why those speakers are so far from the crowd. This
weapon goes for the straight-up knockout, rather than just disorienting you. Several corps have some pretty keen
project names in their R&D departments, everything from Project Bass Punch to Project John Paul Jones and all sorts of
other creative music and artist references, but what none of them have is a cool acronym. When these things hit the
street, I expect every runner worth the name to refer to these weapons as Tonal Harmonic Multiphase Projection
Arrays. Yup, THMPA. The Thumpuh!
Back to something serious—the problems with these weapons. The focused sound has managed to crack skulls.
Definitely a bad effect. The side effect is due to already existing damage to the skull being aggravated by the vibrations,
but no one out there is going to want to give every target a quick head x-ray to make sure their skull’s all good before
thumping them. And bad PR is bad PR when it comes to people dying when they’re shot with a supposedly non-lethal
weapon. Solutions to this are being looked into, but most departments are seeing such great results, they’re tempted to
just avoid the non-lethal label and stick with the less-lethal tag and get this mother on the streets.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules (SIDD): This system has a variable effect based on power consumption settings. The power level may be
set at any number up to the item level (or the remaining battery charges, whichever is less). The usage is equal to the
power level, and manually altering the power level requires a Move Action. SIDD attacks travel through barriers, but
each foot of barrier reduces the power level of the attack by 2. For Every 100 feet between the target and the SIDD,
reduce the power level for that target by 2. Affected targets suffer a penalty to ability checks, attack rolls, skill checks,
and reflex saving throws equal to the power level affecting them for 1d4 rounds. The penalty and duration are halved (to
a minimum of 1) with a successful saving throw (Fortitude or Will, DC = 10 + the Power Setting + the attacker's Dexterity
modifier). On a critical hit, a random target in the area of effect takes a -10 penalty on their saving throw and suffers the
bleed effect (a number of d6 equal to the power setting).
Special Rules (THMPA): For Every 100 feet between the target and the THMPA, reduce the damage for that target by 5

Spinrad-Global Spinstorm, Large Level 11 Price 25,050¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 55 ft. Capacity 90 ball bearings Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 5d6 P Critical — Special automatic, silent

Spinrad-Global Spinstorm, Medium Level 12 Price 36,925¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 70 ft. Capacity 30 ball bearings Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 6d6 P Critical — Special automatic, silent

Spinrad-Global Spinstorm, Small Level 13 Price 54,455¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category Projectile Bulk 1
Range 80 ft. Capacity 10 ball bearings Usage 1 Modes SA/BF [5]/FA [10]
Damage 8d6 P Critical — Special automatic, silent
The sling has been whipping rocks and using centrifugal force to distribute death like nobody’s business since time
immemorial. In fact, several early civilizations used that particular form of pseudo-force in order to add a little extra
punch to their tools of death. Now it’s getting a second look combined with a whole lot of modern tech twists and turns,
an appropriate phrase for a weapon based on spinning. Basic designs involve a circular plate of varying diameter with a
series of projectiles attached to the rim. The projectiles are made from a ferrous metal, and the rim is a segmented
electromagnet of significant power. The disc spins up, the electronic firing system releases specific projectiles at specific
times, allowing them to fly off in any direction across the 360-degree arc of the disc. Place that on a swiveling firing
platform and you get a weapon that can fire in several directions at once, all without making much more noise than a
spinning wheel on a well-oiled axle. These things are virtually silent and by varying the launch velocity (a.k.a., changing
the spin rate), you can keep them subsonic. Varying the diameter of the disc allows for changes in rotational speed,
which translates straight to force on the projectiles, as well as increasing or decreasing the ammo capacity or firing rate
of the weapon. Initial designs limited ammo capacity to the rim, but some bright boy figured that if the magnets can be
programmed to release at specific times. They’re also capable of reloading as they spin, as long as an ammo reservoir is
present. Since the bullets don’t require a casing or propellant, it just about doubles the ammo capacity of a standard box
ammo system. But what do I mean by “platform”? Vehicles or turret emplacements are possible, but the peak
performance for these bad boys comes when mounted on a drone, especially a flying drone. Get some altitude, spin up
the disc, and you’ve not only got the force generated by spin, but also a little gravity assist as well. Gravity isn’t
necessary, though. These things can do plenty of damage on their own just by spinning.
Accessory Slots: internal-mounted
Special Rules: The Spinstorm is virtually silent in operation and never suffers burst fire penalties. When making a full
attack in automatic mode, rather than a cone, the Spinstorm can be fired in up to four cones out to the weapon’s full
first range increment. Targets in overlapping cones are still only affected once, and the attack rolls suffer an additional -1
penalty for each cone beyond the first being targeted. A Spinstorm can also be used to attack multiple targets with burst
fire attacks (normal or long bursts) as a Full Action. Each attack roll takes a -1 penalty for each target beyond the first.
A user can reload 30 ball bearings as a Move Action.

Stoner-Ares M202 Level 13 Price 50,800¥

Type Heavy (MMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 380 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 5d10 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
This MMG packs a tremendous punch into a relatively lightweight framework made of extra-durable compounds. Due to
its relatively small size, it’s a very popular secondary weapon for heavy military vehicles. Trolls with no concept of
subtlety sometimes deck them out with accessories for use as personal weapons.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

Stoner-Ares M-22A1 HMG Level 24 Price 3,859,670¥

Type Heavy (HMG) Category Projectile Bulk 4
Range 320 ft. Capacity 100 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 20d12 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
Based on the Browning M-2 .50-cal heavy machine gun, the M-22A1 is a modern upgrade of the legendary weapon. In
2061, Ares bought out the rights to the M-2 from Browning, who later sued, claiming bad faith in the deal. But after a
decade of appeals, Ares through their partner Stoner Weapons began development of the new “Ma Duce.” The result
was a heavy machine gun that was so big, so powerful, and had so much recoil, that the only way it could be used
effectively was mounted to a vehicle or a heavy combat drone. Produced in very limited numbers, the “Mad Mama,” as
it’s called, is used exclusively by Firewatch teams when the heaviest firepower is needed.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The M-22A1 increases burst fire penalties by 6, before recoil compensation.
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)
Terracotta X-6 MGL Level 6 Price 5,600¥
Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 1
Range 110 ft. Capacity 6 grenades Usage 1 Modes SA
Damage — Critical airburst Special cylinder
Renraku’s entry into the portable grenade launcher market, the X-6 has been quickly adopted by a variety of corporate
and paramilitary outfits in Africa, raising hopes that its market may be worldwide. Certified gold after enduring
Terracotta’s stringent quality control process including drop tests, salt-fog mist, and practical application, the X-6 offers
fantastic value for the cost. The X-6 holds six grenades in a rotating cylinder and sports a foregrip to help minimize recoil.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: foregrip (under)

Ultimax HMG-2 Level 15 Price 107,500¥

Type Heavy (HMG) Category Projectile Bulk 3
Range 305 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 4d10 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
With the success of their standard MMG, Ultimax decided to gain their piece of the HMG market pie. The designers
amped up their MMG design and called it the HMG-2. The rushed development coupled with cost-cutting measures
resulted in an underpowered and inaccurate base weapon that’s subpar compared to other weapons in its class unless
significant modifications are made.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: passive laser sight (top), tripod (under)

Ultimax MMG Level 12 Price 37,100¥

Type Heavy (MMG) Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 380 ft. Capacity 50 rounds Usage 10 Modes FA [10]
Damage 4d8 P Critical — Special automatic, belt-fed
Normally associated with militaries and mercenaries units of the Pacific Rim, the Ultimax MMG has made its way into
other theaters of operation and saw significant action with units who fought in the recent Amazonia-Aztlan War. During
that conflict, units fielding the Ultimax made an impression on both allies and foes alike. Because of its compact and
somewhat unknown design, the Ultimax is sometimes mistaken for an LMG or EBR at long distances, much to the
detriment of enemy forces. Standard equipment includes a foregrip for maneuvering fire, a laser sight for enhanced
accuracy, and a tripod for use when fired in a static position.
Accessory Slots: barrel-, internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Standard Upgrades: foregrip (barrel), passive laser sight (top), tripod (under)

Wuxing-Armtech PTL-02 Level 10 Price 20,700¥

Type Heavy (Launcher) Category — Bulk 1
Range 180 ft. Capacity 6 grenades Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical airburst Special cylinder, underwater
In 2071, Wuxing approached ArmTech about developing a weapon specifically for use underwater. Having already
developed a highly successful line of grenade launchers and projectile launchers for use in space, ArmTech gladly
accepted the offer. After three years of research and development, ArmTech presented Wuxing with their Personal
Torpedo Launcher 01 prototype. After another year of field testing and refinement, the PTL-02 officially entered service
with the Marine Security Division and has had a successful track record since. Basically another grenade launcher, the
PTL-02 fires customized mini-grenade torpedoes.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Customizing grenades for use in the PTL uses parts equal to 10% of the grenade’s cost and requires an
Engineering check (as if repairing the grenade). Grenades can be purchased pre-customized from Wuxing for a 10%
markup over the grenade’s normal cost.

YNT Magwager Level 20 Price 1,000,000¥

Type Heavy (Ranged Exotic) Category — Bulk 6
Range 0 ft. Capacity 100 charges Usage 20 Modes SS
Damage Special Critical push (65 ft.) Special explodes (3,300 ft.), gravitation (65 ft., away
only), unwieldy
There’s been recent talk among industry insiders (and a few corporate data raiders) about a new project in the works by
Evo’s subsidiary, Yamatetsu Naval Technologies. A leaked but heavily redacted internal memo referred to something
called “Magwager” that was in development at Yamatetsu’s newest test center in Vladivostok. These rumors were
somewhat confirmed when various images began making their way onto the Matrix showing three Yamatetsu ships
sporting what looked like a high-tech tower or some kind of array on either their bow or stern. When inquiries were
made, Yamatetsu and Evo released statements saying the fixtures were nothing more than advanced weather-
monitoring antenna. This non-explanation held out for a few months until one of the test ships, the Arashi, was lost with
all hands on February 23, 2078. Arashi and a small task force sailed from Vladivostok on February 16 into the Pacific
Ocean on a routine training exercise. On the same day, a random satellite image showed what appeared to be a naval
engagement with her escorts and the Arashi exploding in a massive fireball. Speculation as to what exactly happened
remains rampant. Official Yamatetsu statement calls the incident an “unfortunate terrorist attack” incident and security
for her sister ships the Kami and Meiyo increased. Eventually, some information regarding the project they were
attached to was leaked to various sources on the Matrix. The term “Magwager” is actually the acronym MagWaG/R, or
Magnetic Wave Generator/Repulser. The leaked information indicates the Magwager’s primary function is to act as a
defensive system for naval vessels by using focused magnetic “waves” (slow energy pulses, to be exact) to disrupt or
alter the course of incoming weapons fire and attackers. The power requirements to accomplish this are enormous,
hence the mounting on a naval vessel. Of course, Evo and Yamatetsu still deny any claims that the system exists. The
Kami and Meiyo have been docked in Vladivostok since the incident.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: This explosion generated by this weapon does not affect targets wholly within 10 feet of the chosen grid
intersection. Solid objects with bulk 20 or less—including airborne particulates such as smoke and mist—and creatures
not within 10 feet are affected. The blast from the Magwager ignores non-magnetic barriers. A critical hit affects all
targets further than 10 feet away and within the explosion radius. A Reflex save does not negate the Gravitation effect,
but increase or decreases the distance by 5 feet for every point below or above the DC, respectively.

The Magwager takes a Full Action to ready to fire after being initially powered on. After being powered on for 5 minutes,
a Magwager suffers a cumulative 5% chance every minute of suffering a catastrophic failure; exploding at the end of the
round and dealing 10d6x10 bludgeoning damage to everything within 30 feet. The blast wave expands out to 600 feet in
the first round, dealing 10 less damage every 30 feet it travels. If the damage value is still above zero, it continues to
expand during the next round until it no longer deals damage.
Ares Giantslayer Slingshot Level 2 Price 510¥
Type Special (Exotic Ranged), 2-handed Category — Bulk 1
Range 20 ft. Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage 1d4 B Critical staggered Special collapsible, quick reload, silent
Not quite the wrist rocket you had as a kid—if David had the Giantslayer, the end result of his little tiff with Goliath
wouldn’t be quite so startling. Modern materials throughout make this “kid’s toy” as deadly as any holdout and most
light pistols on the market.
Accessory Slots: top-mounted
Special Rules: This weapon can be used to fire either hard projectiles, like ball bearings or rocks, and do the listed
damage and critical effect; or soft projectiles, such as gel rounds filled with toxins and only do damage based on the
substance within.

Blowgun Level 1 Price 100¥

Type Special (Exotic Ranged), 1-handed Category — Bulk L
Range 30 ft. Capacity 1 dart Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical injection DC +2 Special analog, free hands (1), injection, silent, subtle,
Nope, not kidding. The blowgun has been silently neutralizing targets for hundreds of years. Especially popular with
stealthy forces that like to poison their targets and then recover their goodies or finish them off once they are no longer
able to fight off a flea. They take a lot of skill to use and almost always include a drug or toxin on their needles.
Otherwise it would just be ranged acupuncture.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The blowgun is a nearly silent weapon (Perception DC 30 to hear).

Bolas Level 1 Price 160¥

Type Special (Thrown), 1-handed Category — Bulk L
Range 25 ft. Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage 1d4 B Critical knockdown Special analog, conceal, entangle, nonlethal, thrown,
trip, unwieldy

Boom-Bolas Level Varies Price Varies

Type Special (Thrown), 1-handed Category — Bulk L
Range 25 ft. Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage Varies Critical knockdown Special entangle, thrown, trip, unwieldy
Take a pair of rocks, tie them together with a rope. Now you have basic bolas. Take that and throw it at something,
letting the extra centrifugal force give it some added punch. Now get fancy and try and wrap it around your target. It’s
not easy, but if you hit just right it’s both a takedown and a load of pain all in one. Modern bolas aren’t rocks tied with
strings; instead, they’re usually solid steel connected with wire, often with three balls instead of two. They’re a favorite
weapon of hunters that prefer to take their prey alive, especially bounty hunters. Those not as concerned with their
prey’s livelihood fashion boom-bolas, using grenades for weights.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules (Boom-bolas): Up to three grenades of any type can be used in place of the traditional weighted ends of
bolas. Each different kind of grenade incurs a -2 penalty on the attack roll. If the target is entangled by the boom-bolas
when the grenades detonate, they automatically fail applicable saving throws. If a target is affected by multiple
grenades, consult the Multiple Explosions rule (New Rules, Burst Fire, above). The Item Level of boom-bolas is equal to
the highest level grenade used. The price is equal to the cost of the individual grenades plus 100¥. Arming and throwing
boom-bolas is a Full Action.
Wireless Bonus (Boom-Bolas): You can arm and throw boom-bolas as a Standard Action. You can use the wireless link to
detonate your grenades as a Free Action, even if you don’t have DNI.

Bolas, Nemesis Arms Suruchin Monofilament Level 20 Price 719,800¥

Type Special (Thrown), 1-handed Category — Bulk L
Range 25 ft. Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage 8d10 S Critical severe wound Special analog, conceal, entangle, thrown, trip, unwieldy
If getting tangled up by a pair of metal balls attached to metal wire wasn’t bad enough, imagine if that wire was a
monofilament line. There’s very little intention to capture and much more to harm; though the company tag line is
“suppression through intimidation,” claiming they wrap and prevent escape by the threat of increased risk of harm.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Once entangled with a monofilament bola, any target trying to escape the condition suffers 4d10 slashing
damage. If the escape attempt is a natural 1, the target suffers the severe wound critical hit effect. A target with
rappelling glove (or otherwise equipped to handle monofilament) gains a +4 on escape artist checks to negate the
entangled condition, and, on a natural 1, only suffers the wound critical effect.
Using this monofilament weapon risks a 20% chance of suffering the weapons base damage and the entangle effect on
an attack roll of a natural 1. Non-proficient users double this chance. Rappelling gloves (50¥) reduce the total chance by

Boomerang, Hunting Level 2 Price 510¥

Type Special (Thrown), 1-handed Category — Bulk L
Range 25 ft. Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage 1d6 B or S Critical staggered Special analog, thrown
This is not the cute toy of your youth that you throw and try to get to come right back to you. This is the Aboriginal
hunting stick that can snap the neck of an emu. Made of a wide variety of materials, the modern hunting boomerang is
either a heavy wood with a dull edge or a lighter composite with a sharp edge. Both are deadly in the right hands.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: On a missed attack roll, the boomerang has the silent property and may return to the square it was
thrown from; there must be sufficient room—an open area at least as wide as the distance to the target. Catching a
returning boomerang requires a Reflex saving throw on the round after it is thrown (DC equal to the attack roll). On a
failed Reflex save, the boomerang lands 1d10 squares away in a random direction. A boomerang that hits a target does
not return.

Boomerang, Horizon BoomerEye Level 2 Price 510¥

Type Special (Thrown), 1-handed Category — Bulk L
Range 50 ft. Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage 1d3 B Critical — Special fragile, nonlethal, thrown
This is a cheap surveillance tool created by some bored engineers out in the desert. The BoomerEye is a spin-stable
steady-cam attached to a boomerang that can be tossed out to get a bird’s-eye view of an area.
Special Rules: On a missed attack roll, the boomerang may return to the square it was thrown from; there must be
sufficient room—an open area at least as wide as the distance to the target. Catching a returning boomerang requires a
Reflex saving throw on the round after it is thrown (DC equal to the attack roll). On a failed Reflex save, the boomerang
lands 1d10 squares away in a random direction. A boomerang that hits a target does not return. The BoomerEye’s video
can be downloaded with a Full Action on return to the thrower.
Wireless Bonus: The device can provide live-feed video while in flight.

Bow, Customized Level 1 Price Varies

Type Special (Bow), 2-handed Category — Bulk 1
Range Varies Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage Varies Critical embed 1d4 Special analog, archaic, quick reload, silent

Bow, Dynamic Tension Level 5 Price 900,000¥

Type Special (Bow) , 2-handed Category — Bulk 1
Range Varies Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage Varies Critical embed 1d4 Special archaic, quick reload, silent
This could be a traditional longbow of fiberglass or wood, or possibly a modern compound-and-pulley bow. Both are
archaic and rare weapons on the streets of 2075, and both have the advantage of being hacker-proof. Customized bows
allow the user to put their full strength into each shot.
For most people, their strength is a fixed factor. For those with magic on their side, strength can vary dramatically. For
archers that like to pump themselves up magically (or otherwise), a compound bow was developed with dynamic pulley
adjustment that allows a variable draw strength. This bow functions similarly to a normal custom bow, but the draw
weight can be changed dynamically.
Accessory Slots: top- and under-mounted
Special Rules: Customized bows have a strength rating that indicates the minimum Strength modifier needed to use that
weapon. When attacking with a bow, a character whose Strength is less than the rating suffers a -1 penalty on attack and
damage rolls per point below the minimum; this penalty reflects the difficulty they have in pulling the bow and nocking
an arrow. The weapon’s rating is also used to determine its range and damage.
Special Rules (Dynamic Tension Bow): The Rating of the bow can be changed as a Move Action.
Wireless Bonus (Dynamic Tension Bow): Changing the Rating becomes a Free Action.
Rating Range Damage Price
1 60 1d6+1 325
2 70 1d6+2 750
3 80 1d6+3 1,105
4 90 1d6+4 1,635
5 100 1d6+5 2,410
6 110 1d6+6 3,560
7 120 1d6+7 5,255
8 130 1d8+8 7,760
9 140 1d8+9 11,450
10 150 1d8+10 16,905
11 160 1d8+11 24,955
12 2 36,835
13 3 54,370
14 4 80,255
15 5 118,460
16 6 174,860
17 7 258,110
18 8 380,995
19 9 562,385
20 0 830,130

Crossbow, Light Level 6 Price 3,900¥

Type Special (Bow), 1-handed Category — Bulk 1
Range 40 ft. Capacity 4 bolts Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 1d12 P Critical — Special collapsible, free hands (1) , silent,

Crossbow, Medium Level 9 Price 12,000¥

Type Special (Bow), 2-handed Category — Bulk 1
Range 50 ft. Capacity 4 bolts Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 1d20 P Critical — Special silent

Crossbow, Heavy Level 13 Price 44,800¥

Type Special (Bow), 2-handed Category — Bulk 2
Range 60 ft. Capacity 4 bolts Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d20 P Critical — Special silent
Modern crossbows are equipped with automatic reloading devices, so unless you’re using a museum piece, reloading
isn’t required between each shot. Crossbows are available in Light, Medium, and Heavy sizes.
Accessory Slots: internal-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: Modern crossbows have internal magazines holding up to 4 bolts. A user can reload a number of bolts per
Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).

Crossbow, Ranger Sliver Pistol Level 4 Price 2,150¥

Type Special (Bow), 1-handed Category — Bulk L
Range 55 ft. Capacity 1 dart Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 1d4 P Critical injection DC +2 Special analog, conceal, injection, silent
The Sliver, as well as some of its other competing models, is designed for stealthy operation as opposed to high-damage
potential. Due to the preference for stealth over force, the Sliver is most often used with Ranger Puncture Injection
Bolts. These supposedly “best in the market” projectiles offer significant penetrative power to make sure whatever
they’re loaded with makes its way into the target."
Accessory Slots: none

Flame Bracer Level 12 Price 30,275¥

Type Special (Ranged Exotic), 1-handed Category Flame Bulk L
Range 15 ft. Capacity 2 petrol Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d6 F Critical Burn 1d6 Special conceal, line
This gizmo was invented by a mage who favored a shape fire spell but could never find a flame when he needed it.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: If more than one Flame Bracer is worn, any number may be fired as a Full Action. Treat this as if firing a
single Flame Bracer, but with the wide line (if firing two) or blast (if firing three or more) property. On a natural 1 attack
roll, there is a 10% chance you suffer 2d6 fire damage.

Harpoon Gun, Aquadyne Shark-XS Level 11 Price 22,700¥

Type Special (Bow), 2-handed Category — Bulk 2
Range 75 ft. Capacity 5 arrows Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d10 P Critical embed 1d10 Special underwater

Harpoon Gun, Standard Level 11 Price 22,100¥

Type Special (Bow), 1-handed Category — Bulk 1
Range 75 ft. Capacity 1 arrow Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d10 P Critical embed 1d10 Special free hands (1), underwater, unwieldy
Whether used to spear fish, defend against some of the more aggressive denizens of the oceans, or remind other
sentient swimmers that what you’ve found beneath the waves belongs to you, the Aquadyne Shark can be a valuable
asset. Powered by CO2 and possessing an internal magazine, the Shark doesn’t stop after just one pull of the trigger, a
feature that has saved many a diver that trusted the Aquadyne brand. For the sport fisherman, the Shark features the
QuickClip line system that makes setting up for the next catch faster than ever.
Accessory Slots: side-, stock-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: When used underwater, the harpoon gun’s range increment increases to 100 ft. A line can be attached or
detached from a loaded arrow as a Move Action. An attached line limits the total range to the length of the line, and
decreases the harpoon gun’s range increment by 25 feet per point of the line’s bulk (treat bulk L as zero). An arrow with
an attached line can be used to perform a grapple combat maneuver at range, but a creature struck can still use its
hands, and its movement is only restricted to remain within a range equal to the length of the line. In addition to the
normal rules for escaping a grapple, the target can pry itself loose with a successful Athletics check (DC equal to your
attack roll to grapple the target), or it can attempt to destroy the line with a sunder combat maneuver (see SFCRB, pg.
A harpoon gun can fire five shots before the air tank needs to be refilled. Refilling requires 3 rounds using an automatic
pump (included with the purchase) or three minutes if pumped by hand. Reloading a single arrow requires a Move
Krime T-shirt Cannon Level 1 Price 500¥
Type Special (Launcher), 2-handed Category — Bulk 4
Range 60 ft. Capacity 5 shirts Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 1d12 B Critical knockdown Special nonlethal
So, Concrete Dreams was in the house! They had a unique problem that needed a solution: Their mosh pits were getting
too large. The folks in the back never got a chance to get the t-shirts thrown during their concerts. Being firm believers in
keeping the audience happy, they requested that we make a non-firearm mechanism that they could take all over the
world with them to help them get their free shirts to the entire fraggin’ crowd, no matter how big the audience. Now,
they almost lost us on the “non-firearm” bit—I mean, that’s who we are—but then they upped the offer with a case of
real scotch, and we were like, “FRAGGING SOLD!” It took some experimentation, because we kept trying to put the t-
shirts into orbit instead of arching them into a crowd, then we had to figure out how to propel them without hurting the
catcher. Fragging whiners—I’d love having an “I got hurt at a Concrete Dreams concert” story! In the end, the T-Shirt
Cannon is based off the frame of the traditional Krime Cannon, but it launches using compressed air and can reach from
one end of an arena to the other when set to half-pressure! We offer these fine tools custom-painted with your band’s

Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted

Special Rules: The Cannon stores its ammunition in an internal magazine. A user can reload a number of rounds per
Move Action equal to their Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). Refilling the compressed air tank (which holds 10 charges)
using the integral electric pump requires three minutes and a power source. The Cannon can only be wielded by Large
creatures or creatures with Strength modifiers of at least +4.

Spray Pen, Modified Level 6 Price 3,660¥

Type Special (Ranged Exotic), 1-handed Category — Bulk L
Range 10 ft. Capacity 1 dose Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical effect DC +2 Special conceal, line, silent

Spray Pen, Pepper Punch™ Level 1 Price 130¥

Type Special (Ranged Exotic), 1-handed Category — Bulk L
Range 10 ft. Capacity 1 dose Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage Special Critical stunned Special conceal, line, silent
This pen/digital stylus contains a small Pepper Punch™ canister. It is commonly sold to wageslaves who shy away from
firearms as a discreet means of self-defense against muggings. It can be re-purposed to hold any inhalation vector toxin
or drug.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The spray pen is single-use weapon and cannot be reloaded. A modified spray pen can hold one dose of
any inhalation toxin (purchased separately). The Pepper Punch Pen comes pre-loaded with Pepper Punch™.


Level 1; Price 5¥ per dose

Type poison (contact, inhalation); Save Fortitude DC 12

Track Constitution (special); Onset 1 round; Frequency 1/round for 1 minute

Effect progression track is Healthy-Sickened-Fatigued-Impaired; no end state.
Cure 2 saves

The victim is exhausted. Whenever she takes a standard or full action, she must succeed at a Fortitude save at the
disease’s DC or lose the action and become nauseated for 1 round. Every time the victim attempts a Fortitude save
against the poison—whether he succeeds or fails—he loses Stamina Points as per on initial exposure.

Pepper punch is an irritant combining CS and oreocapsicum, the active ingredient in hot peppers, along with other
chemicals. It is typically deployed as a liquid spray for personal defense and deterrence. Someone dosed with pepper
punch feels an intense burning on any exposed skin; this affect is even more pronounced if it gets in the eyes, nose, or
mouth. Victims sprayed in the eyes have trouble seeing, and breathing becomes difficult.
Rather than hit point damage, this poison only deals damage to Stamina Points. Using Pepper Punch creates a cloud that
generally lasts two rounds (less in a windy area, longer in an area that is confined or with poor ventilation, per Game
Master discretion). Creatures passing through or ending their turn in the cloud are exposed to the poison. Protections
from inhalation or contract vector toxins stack for saves against Pepper Punch. A creature immune to either vector gains
a +4 bonus on their save.

Net [SF Nyfiber Net] Level 2 Price 460¥

Type Special (Thrown), 1-handed Category — Bulk 1
Range 10 ft. Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage — Critical — Special analog, entangle, silent, thrown

Net, ShockNet Level 6 Price 4,200¥

Type Special (Thrown), 1-handed Category Shock Bulk 1
Range 10 ft. Capacity Drawn Usage Drawn Modes SS
Damage 1d8 E Critical staggered Special entangle, powered (capacity 2, usage 1),
nonlethal, thrown, unbalance
There always seemed to be no more embarrassing gladiatorial death than to be trapped in a net and then poked to
death. I think the fact that the gladiators who fought with nets were the lowest of the low makes it even worse. But
these days it doesn’t matter. If it works, use it. The net makes a great way to slow an opponent and provide an
advantage, and isn’t that what life is all about—getting the advantage? For an even better advantage, toss a high voltage
ShockNet at your foe.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The net is priced for a medium sized net. Each size larger doubles the cost and bulk. While throwing a net
of your size or smaller is an Attack Action, throwing a bigger net takes two hands and a Full Action. If a net is used
against a smaller target, the target receives a -2 penalty on attempts to negate the entangled condition, while a target
hit by a smaller sized net receives a +2 bonus on escape attempts.
Special Rules (ShockNet): The ShockNet has an integral battery with two charges; one will activate on contact after
being thrown, the second activates a round later. Recharging a ShockNet takes 1 minute and a power source.
SA Retiarus Net Gun, Basic Level 8 Price 7,020¥
Type Special (Ranged Exotic), 2-handed Category — Bulk 1
Range 65 ft. Capacity 4 nets Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical knockdown Special —

SA Retiarus Net Gun, XL Level 9 Price 12,500¥

Type Special (Ranged Exotic), 2-handed Category — Bulk 2
Range 65 ft. Capacity 2 nets Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage — Critical knockdown Special —
This weapon comes in two models, the basic and the XL. The basic is designed for metahumans, except for trolls, and
smaller critters; while the XL is intended for trolls and other larger creatures.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: When a target is hit, apply the rules and properties for the type of net fired. If a large net is used against a
medium sized or smaller target, the target receives a -2 penalty on attempts to negate the entangled condition, while a
large target hit by a normal sized net receives a +2 bonus on escape attempts.
Nets for net guns come folded and packaged in reusable canisters for correct deployment. Loading a canister is a Move
Action, while refolding a net to package in a canister takes 2 minutes.

Shiawase Arms Simoom Level 6 Price 5,100¥

Type Special (Ranged Exotic), 1-handed Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 40 ft. Capacity 6 rounds Usage 1 Modes SA/FA [6]
Damage 1d8 P Critical — Special automatic, conceal
Combining the best of offense and defense, this set of forearm guards also has a built in “magazine barrel” light pistol on
the dominant arm’s guard. The Simoom holds 6 shots that can be fired individually or all at once as full auto fire. The
offhand guard stores a spare barrel magazine (non-firing) standard but can be repurposed with other equipment.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: While wearing the Simoom, melee weapons you use (including unarmed strikes) gain the block property.
The off-hand guard can accept one capacity worth of armor modifications in place of the extra magazine barrel. Firing
the Simoom is a Full Action.
Wireless Bonus: Firing is a Standard Action.

Tactical Grapple Gun Level 13 Price 53,800¥

Type Special (Ranged Exotic), 1-handed Category — Bulk 1
Range 75 ft. Capacity 1 grapple head Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 3d8 B Critical knockdown Special archaic, nonlethal
Similar to the standard issue grapple gun, but with significant improvements for military and security use. These include
an integral smartgun with customized software, interchangeable specialized grapple heads, upgraded winch motor, and
improved range. Grapple heads can be ejected through a smartgun command, and replaced in a few seconds. This
model comes standard with arachnofiber rope (1,300 lbs.-check and extremely thin). Alternate heads include: a harpoon
head—intended to pierce rather than hook, an articulated grapnel—has articulated mechanical “fingers” providing
improved gripping ability on difficult surfaces, a single-use sticky grapnel—has a thin shell that shatters upon contact,
releasing a sticky, fibrous material that allows the head to stick to a flat, dry surface, and provides an anchor point as
effective as a normal grapnel (requires an industrial solvent to remove). The grapple gun reel also includes a grenade clip
capable of sending one grenade to the grapple’s anchor point—single-use for obvious reasons.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: Except as detailed here, the tactical grapple gun acts as a grappler (SFCRB, pg. 219). The tactical grapple
gun cannot be thrown as a grenade or set over the muzzle of a ranged weapon the way a grappler can. Changing a
grapple head or replacing the reel is a Full Action. This weapon’s specialized software grants a +1 circumstance bonus on
attack rolls against objects and spaces.
Special Rules (harpoon head): This grapple head changes the damage type to piercing, loses the nonlethal property, and
gains the embed (1d8) critical effect. Replacement cost: 300¥
Special Rules (articulated grapnel): This grapnel reduces surface-related environmental penalties, such as slickness, by
two. Attempts to target a creature with an articulated grapnel gain a +2 circumstance bonus on the attack roll.
Replacement cost: 1,000¥
Special Rules (sticky grapnel): The sticky substance within this head acts as a single dose of bonding epoxy (SFCRB, pg.
230). Replacement cost: 150¥
Special Rules (grenade reel): As a Standard Action, after any grapple head has been affixed to a target the reel can be
released from the gun mechanism. It then coils itself automatically, pulling the reel up to where the grapple is affixed.
The reel contains space for one grenade. Replacement cost: 750¥
Standard Upgrades: smartgun system (internal)
Wireless Bonus: You can use the wireless link to detonate the attached grenade as a Free Action, even if you don’t have


Price 1,000¥/10 ft. Bulk L/50 ft.
Hardness 25 Hit Points 35
Burst DC 30

Tiffani Elegance Shooting Bracers Level 7 Price 5,520¥

Type Special (Ranged Exotic), 1-handed Category Projectile Bulk L
Range 25 ft. Capacity 1 round Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d6 P Critical — Special conceal
Elegant and deadly in one high fashion package. Tiffani has made the Élégance for years, and dozens of basic designs are
out there now. The truly elite get their bracers customized to match their newest fashions, and some have gathered
quite the collection of Élégance bracers in their closet.
Accessory Slots: none
Special Rules: The Élégance Shooting Bracer can only use caseless ammunition.

Winchester Airbow Level 12 Price 30,300¥

Type Special (Bow), 2-handed Category Projectile Bulk 2
Range 85 ft. Capacity 1 arrow Usage 1 Modes SS
Damage 2d12 P Critical — Special —
The Winchester Airbow uses compressed air to fire specially constructed, arrow-length bolts at speeds of almost one
hundred forty meters per second. Largely marketed toward hunters, the Airbow has found niche use in the shadows as
an “urban hunting” weapon that can skirt various restrictions on firearms.
Accessory Slots: internal-, side-, stock-, top-, and under-mounted
Special Rules: The Airbow can fire five shots before the air tank needs to be refilled. Refilling using an electric pump
(included with the purchase) requires 3 rounds and a power source or three minutes if pumped by hand.

New Ammunition

Name Level Price # Bulk

Ball Bearings 1 10 100 1
Bolts * * * *
Darts, Taser 1 10 10 L
Darts, Taser, Wired 1 10 4 L
Disruptor, Nerve 10 1000 5 L
Narcoject Foam Charges 8 500 6 1
Narcoject Foam Solvent 8 50 24 1
Rounds, belt, longarm 4 300 100 L
Rounds, belt, heavy 10 450 100 L
Rounds, gauss 5 400 10 L
Rounds, belt, gauss 8 1000 100 1
Rounds, gel, small arms 2 50 30 L
Rounds, gel,
longarms/sniper 2 90 25 L
Rounds, gel, heavy 2 110 20 L
Rounds, grav 10 1000 10 L
Rounds, pulse 20 10,000 10 L
Shells, Flechette 1 75 25 L
Shells, Taser 5 50 10 L
Shirts 1 5 1 L
Tar Rockets 7 200 10 L

Ball Bearings
The statistics here reflect the 22mm ferrous ball bearings used as ammunition for the Spinrad-Global Spinstorm line of
weapons. These happen to be well suited to the Ares Giantslayer Slingshot as well.
Also called quarrels or crossbow arrows, these missiles are shorter and heavier than those intended to be fired by a bow.
Darts, Taser
These are essentially charged capacitors with needles that allow your taser to deliver a high voltage shock wirelessly.
Darts, Taser, Wired
While not as high-tech or long-ranged as their wireless cousins, the wired version of taser darts allow for increased
voltage and even repeated shocks
Disruptor, Nerve
Each of these rounds produces the energy necessary for the Nerve Gun line of weapons to disrupt a target’s muscle
control in a limited area, but we’re not sure how. No part of the round exits the weapon’s barrel, so it may be a directed
energy effect. Spent rounds are ejected like bullet casings, and some mages claim they have a lingering astral signature.
Narcoject’s patented and proprietary anesthesia delivery system for their One dart pistol. They won’t fire from other
dart weapons, and the One won’t fire other darts.
Narcoject Foam Charges
This canister holds the liquid version of the Trackstopper’s foam payload. Be careful, the stuff reacts instantly with the
air, if a canister is damaged, you might find yourself in a sticky situation.
Narcoject Foam Solvent
The counter to the Trackstopper’s foam. This solvent comes in one ounce plastic vials. Just crush one over some foam
and watch is liquefy instantly. No runner with 50¥ on their credstick should be without this.
Rounds, Belt (Longarm or Heavy)
These belted rounds come in 100-round lengths and can be connected or disconnected at any point in the belt. The
standard belt uses a disintegrating link between rounds. They don’t actually disintegrate, but are composed of small
pieces that break apart and are ejected like cased bullets.
Non-disintegrating, re-usable metal belts are found in some militaries, but reloading these is usually more trouble than
it’s worth without a reloading machine. Each 100 round length of empty belt has bulk L. Reloading a 100-round belt
takes 2 minutes.
In a pinch, you might find canvas or cloth belts, relics from bygone eras. These are prone to malfunctions and increase
the chance of jamming by 50%.
Rounds, Gauss
These rounds are, at their core, finned darts of tungsten or depleted uranium. The dart are surrounded by a graphite-
fiber reinforced plastic sabot necessary to maintain structural integrity as the round is fired, but discarded immediately
to limit drag.

Rounds, Belt, Gauss

A smaller version of normal gauss rounds linked together in a disintegrating belt for use with the Puncher Mini. Other
belt-fed systems are incompatible with these specialty rounds.
Rounds, Gel (Small Arms, Longarms/Sniper, or Heavy)
These less-lethal rounds use a hard, jelly-like substance that is a safer alternative to rubber bullets. They are often
employed for riot control. Their usually semi-rigid slugs flatten on impact, disbursing their kinetic energy over a larger-
than-normal area. Gel rounds inflict nonlethal damage and grant the Knockdown critical effect.
Gel rounds partially composed of EDTA enhanced DMSO (chemistry stuff) may be loaded with contact, ingested, or
injury vector payloads. On a hit, the round does no kinetic damage, but the substance is absorbed through the subject’s
skin (or equivalent) directly into their blood stream (or equivalent). Gel rounds with legal payloads may be bought for 5¥
over the cost of each dose. Otherwise preparing 20 gel rounds by hand takes 1 hour, a DC 20 Life Science skill check, a
Life Science tool kit, 20 doses of the chosen toxin (cost varies), and a pack of 20 empty gel rounds.
Rounds, Grav
These expensive rounds for the Nausea Guns generate a brief instance of anti-grav in a small area when they make
contact. Almost no kinetic energy gets transferred to the target, and the field collapses so quickly, most objects won’t
move perceptibly—just one more weird thing about these rounds.
Rounds, Pulse
Pulse rounds only work with the Static Gun, and each generates a polarized beam that generates something like a super-
EMP at the point of impact. These require a resonator to create, but close proximity seems to make them sick. There’s
some sort of bad juju here.
Shells, Flechette (aka Flechettes)
A cluster of aerodynamic, finned needles packed into a shotgun shell. They’re nearly useless if you’re shooting center-
mass on an armored target, but a skilled shooter or an unarmored target will yield messy, hamburger-like results.
Shells, Taser
Old Man Krime’s answer to ‘how do you taze a troll?’ was apparently to take a capacitive dart, and give it four times the
contact points and voltage (at a higher amperage), and then push it with a bit of extra powder to ensure penetrating
thick hide.
The standard ammunition for T-shirt cannons. Available in sizes XS through XXXL. If you’re not imaging what else you can
wrap up in a t-shirt to launch, you’re in the wrong business.

Tar Rockets
The Man-Catcher’s ammunition is similar to that of the Trackstoppper’s in effect, but delivery method is closer to an
RPG. Each of these short, fat rockets is loaded with the liquid form of the expanding foam rubber you’ll grow to hate as
it gets more popular with corpsec.

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