Identifying People at Risk

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People at high risk are those workers who are more likely to harm themselves, their co-
workers and the company. Most employees do not set out with malicious intentions but
circumstances in their life push them to a breaking point and their aggressions may be taken
out at work. It is important to identify employees who are at high risk for violence in their
workplace is to get to know them as well as the organization can.
We can identify people at risk by looking in to the following symptoms:

Psychological Symptoms Physical Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms

Excessive and persistent Difficulty falling or staying Avoiding social situations,

worry about many different asleep. even if this means missing
things. out on something important.
Having trouble controlling Feeling restless and on edge. Using drugs or alcohol to
worry. ‘cope’ with social situations.
Difficulty in concentrating. Tiredness. Wearing dark clothes to hide
Needing to be ‘in control’ Muscle tension. Only going into social
situations if you have a
friend with you.
Excessive planning or list Nausea. Planning what you’ll do or
making. say in social situations far in
Low self-esteem. Feeling tense and irritable. Social isolation and low
levels of social support 
Negative and self-critical Blushing easily.

We can also do a drug test to identify whether the employees are addicted to the drugs or not.
Drug addiction can be a result of high mental stress.
Employees who just went through a major life change will be also undergoing through a
stressful situation and they will consider leaving organization.

Learning outcomes:
 Helps to identify people at high risk and how will they behave physically and
 Understand different symptoms which will lead to high mental depression.

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