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Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.940687573
R Square 0.88489311
Adjusted R Square 0.880629892
Standard Error 113436.219
Observations 29

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 2.67089E+12 2.67089E+12 207.5645854 3.40198E-14
Residual 27 3.4743E+11 12867775772
Total 28 3.01832E+12

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 13647.56807 22272.24704 0.612761166 0.545161375 -32051.30808 59346.44421 -32051.30808 59346.44421
Sum of Number
of quarantine centres
153.7424479 10.67129593 14.40710191 3.40198E-14 131.8467573 175.6381386 131.8467573 175.6381386
for COVID-19 within
radius of 10 km

Null Hypothesis: There exist no relation between the number of COVID-19 positive cases in different

areas of states and the number of quarantine centres there. (within 10 Km range of app user.

Alternate Hypothesis: There exists significant relationship between the number of COVID-19

positive cases in different areas of states and the number of quarantine centres there. (within 10

Km range of app user.

Post regression analysis, the interpretations were:

 R value of “0.94068” shows high level of correlation between the two variables.

 The explained error (R square) of 88.489% shows the high fitness of the test.

Yᵼ =-13647.56807 +153.7424479* X₁


o Yᵼ = Sum of Number of users diagnosed as COVID-19 positive on Aarogya Setu app

within radius of 10 km.

o X₁ = Sum of Number of quarantine centres for COVID-19 within radius of 10 km

 The t value of coefficient of the independent value is greater the than the table value, so the

alternate hypothesis is accepted, which says that there is significant relationship between

the two variables.

 And the coefficient shows that every single unit increase in X is affecting Y positively at the

rate of 0.15374244.

 From this we can infer that the, more the COVID-19 positive cases, the more quarantine

centres are established. So for the future we can say that, if the trajectory is going up, we

have to be ready with more centres or if it is going down, then we can reduce them and turn

them into temporary clinical units for the remaining patients and other medical issues

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