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LS, B.E 6 Sem Management & Entrepreneurship (Sub Code : 06AL61) Contact : Hemanth 9886381393 UNITS COVERED Unit 1,2,5,7 & 8 -Rakesh.S VKIT -Suhas Srinivasan BNMIT _ Wy VIUPlayfet unit -. : Defide, mama.gement jst tts fwnctions i. The. kerr “mamagurnent” Ye used “un variety of viays : | “Mernaguenun: is the core of getting things done treough people” — Mary Parker Follect “Mommagemont ip a precess comsishing of Plannang 1 7EYNNEMNY ectuakeng ond controlling s bee formed to dekumine A accomplish the objectives by the We ol people rnd “renounce.” — George. Rete According te the defimition givue bY Qeorge.PiTerey- wamagemurt lao proeess a Sysomatic Way af doing things. The activi are: % Plormninig: means that srammeger thine of thea Acton be advance Tree oSHem ooct eked on Somme WMtMedk j plarn ov logic wrath, On humch (intuitive Sealing) Orgqornifing meama that momoger co-uvdlinote the hwmam anc Thateiod -Urowcces of the ergot Ration * Actuscing Eames thar rmamagera motivate. § dlvect subordinate, * Controlling means that cmamogea Gilempt to emauu thot ov pla This defoniiun alec tadicadeu, Haat mmamegers Us people & otha stouceea, muck as eee FGmamce ,eqyuipenont eke, co! ane The following fonctions 1. Blowming + % Plamnimg is a fwncton that deiermines in odvence ‘What? shoud be ad + = % Orek ER Seo efor ‘SP 4 gent BNE Ne looking oinead amd pripaming Sor the Suture HNL AS A process, A Aecrching usimess dhjectves omg Charting out We_metneds el ottawa, “hone obyeckives a * in Ofhenords it is od Nomination of What ia to how cond Hhere it ig te be done who Wy £0 “tove Balas art -+bo Keo eid. nt) o ~ Comtroliimg (WY Toons, action te cote amy piujennance thar cho Kats levels — LOPy middle amd Supervisory Plas sade by top trgmt for the oTporisatin as a whole may cover period on long ab 5-10 YA? pleont Tede by cide oC flost Wine mmeecwp coek potch Showin periods . OxgomiBeng 8 To segperbe, a business Vo to provide evuthing Weta +o ty fun Gog 2 Pex monn’, Reno odors ool ord capitol AM tha enon be dived into 2 sain section’ — Rumon saetiaaiin ood Mlatedak ocgamimasion Once the mMamoagra have extatlished, elgjectives & cheveluped plan to achieve. “Hrem thea rust ditign & develop a human erage Rakin Hak with be abe sho Coney Our tone pleony SutcenSuathey on Aiding thy Statfing is olso oo empt Rare” tou @ wean orgoniSation ln al Gng wane THOM EER atempy te fa the Yee Porton, for each Ye. Stak Sng ot reempousen Be Sunobe - Directing: Aka plans ore made kk oniRation hoy bean established # SALA the ork Sip BAP move towards itp defoned objective, The smeanaee explades 40 His peogle that they, fev ard helps Shien fe do it to Hee ba of ARE ability, Brvecting Yous heb 3 sul Konctions (i) Commutation IA a PeeSS Pf Passing deformation A Lredarstardie Loe ort perkon to cunuthey WY) Leaderphip is Mhe process by Lihich a tramager guides 4 Uoklaences He Hod of hin Sub-ordimates. GAD) Motivation mans arousing devine tn the todas of novetes, {kb oct of Bkimutating OC tapering Hoe wovies «The 2 broad cocegerity of motivation ere Controlling Rune? of mgt involves 3 elements WEstowlhing Standart OL pecfrrmarmc. WB) Mecsuring currut pa Gormamnet 4 compauing Gramdands, Inmovetion TEAM! Ertokimg new ideos Which may athe waubt bm Inmovection dexdopment of nus prodecy ox 6. Represuctotion: RA rmomager’ “Us eq to weprtent his orapriadion before verre ours greeps Fthich hos Sorne Stoker On Hee op ation | : | 5. Innovocion : | { | Whot are the voles of & mamoger 2 what SKills must he Poares? A “memesex who ccupits diffurnt positiong on Si fuant sthiedions plays diftuunt okt; becaure. people in COON Sthiadion hone diffuse expectations of bien Fenctions. The Following art MK key Interpersonal clea: CFLLUL 4. Figure heads Im this ~ole every mnamager has ho oF oa ceremeniak noture (suck as Concerning his fe smamaga perfore some ducties Srey the touring Aignitores, atemnding, SUplO yes Hedding we) . \nformeationod voles: Coms) 1. Dissermimedtor : Mn this. sle, the Tamoger passes Some of his CO Spteiak wight qramied to APETRON oF GeOUPY Snore 4 MY sutxdinodes Hho Would othawige _———- 2. Monitor : AS & monitor the snameaer eA SHER fine Ws Noy tack A hy TeGate Cayuestinn clomeley), ieee goes Subbordinaies , 4 Sac Cnet ~reeyuatea) onforonat 2% ReBWe Un sablacdea! 3. Spokesman : Im 4his ole. dhe wane, u 1 : AG Oe Grrens be Sakages woceiara Ve ord tO Who bef taemce hey orgemnatin, _T a Thu he advises shotehsidurn about Foaamclal pectormacc. Tassutes Communes Grp hath Hoe ocapmisation ta FAR g caciod ~exprnatihGs A GodisGea apt Anette exgamigation ty asiding by low Decision wes: (Ne Rep] Th Negotiator | The Wmarmag has to speed comldemble Mme Gn ntgotackinn | (hold © disaudien Bo as to “Hath atmernent) The ceo -nuaptate Wh rion [esdus segoiding, whe nus SRE YS8UE ) Foreman (0 workin Supavisung othe) -rnay negoHode with he Workers QMlevemce (a cate for complaint) problem ee: a neseu In AMIS wee, she moorgar rout divide work A debggate outwny arnong tis Subordimosts + We mud dude ho WA\ ger ieinak: B. Distusbonce hondier + ScUMeNs ef Various uNarcildipated proibleens (like. bankrupt shiee Ue), 4, Enterpreneny Wr this vale, the en Ona seeks 40 { cadens be Ae Tr Ns mamagy. has fo onode GK five Sahtet He cnuak Stok ocstionracatand yidke TROhe en SIM SeQuement (HD Tet _Conceptuol sult Ve wrefas co the ability Of mamoger to take a broad and 2) The technical shi NE refs be A pevaon's Knowledge + proficiency, dn omy ABP cL paves or teckmigque. 5 THe type of skill h cernpetemce will be more Emit od the lower lever of mart pos he moves higher up site welatve © venperkomee — dbminyahen. Pe Mahe lee conerpival cowponenth beat moe Aachiontak companint bismes 1855, impertent V | (3) Human -relotiona swiN + Trig skill is . interact & veda HK people ot ad levele .THIS SKI] develops im the momager sutGdent ability wy to veeogeise the Fealings of others, wp to judge the possible vtactions “bo, br outcomes ef | Norious comers of Athlon he reay urdertake amd TRS Kasmnine bis own comeaph, 4 volues hich was ©rable. icy to duveup tere eR attitudes about ben set This SK emAuas consi stontly “venp OF ath fenels, Top | [eoncepeccr yi, Tmamagemuct, skit oad) hoon tana | rremegement_| | a ak Supervitony tevet Technical | Cowes level vege) | | switt at SKANK VeQaiement of a rramager, se Frern altove. agart toe cbse thet, otk top level tecmmicat Skil becomes less Smportent A oTeAs Is She “ShaBoS MEY people ak the top SEK WS getadh eaae Fem one industry to oH WHheut apparech fall Gn the effiltney fon Somme 7 DiacaK. 4. Is Management K Admnimiste There ia umomimity Cagweing) omg kitted ove Ane Sueaning cond ure of nierda “Mamagement’ amd “Adsmimiatradion’ According te ome group of witera (Sheldon, sptegat A Milward) Adrninistration Unvolwes fthimiing?. eo Sop Havel Fumetion ition Ww concumed With dekurminattion of ploms , policies cond objectives of a bubiness enterprine. Morregument devolves “doing?. tL & a lower lexel Furnetion wiih is concemed ult execution ond aitection of Policies and eperodions. Each manag purforns both activities Actordimg to _steond view (EF Mormogermunt is a comprhensivt. genene Hum Lthich Em dludts — adverlunistration + Adomimistration & a Breen 6 mart When eecernpasses Ploraning ard comtyel . The Oa 2. functions ef magrmt VIB Organizing X diecting cam be catted operative wmamagement. ~ Reverting, to ther vine Con sxprested by Petar Drucker Tre basic diffrence bho eagrt & adimninintradion (its “uy he Ot of there dame in diftucer Raddy. The govemanmce of Tyan Business Onakitution (owen oo gat Gums shuren rey Bemuallyy oled administration » wikle the Sovumomee of busbntsa enterprise v cated THemeguenvrt . Board of Divectors, President Is Momogument a science or om axt 2 Digcwm TA discipline becomes sdloniGe WF it: : Le Method of dropuiry Com Envestigation) art systematic A emprneak De (eformnaden cam be ordextd amd amatysed. SB. Rey ort curmetative—( Uuncstaarng, by odditiomy k cotmermunicable On the Basis of aboves Tnamagement can be grouped. os sdemhfc. Buk scence is used to denote 2EYPES of systematic Krowledge, ~etoct A Onexact (bebaviouret) Mosnogumont is not Rk exact Science bee be Hs WarGpline wie study cron Ao. coudtiplidty of -foctors affecting hin Momogernent is mere of a behavioural aciénce tham exact science, Unda “Sdemce” one normaly leayng the “tahy) of & Brenomenen, umday Cert? one learns the Show? of te. Arce we thes concuined With the Umderstamdinn oF ow a paroles work cam be ac Wahed 2 Mormogumunt in thu seme a mort om Fant’. kis the xt af getting things dene Horeugh: othe, Gn duynomic cond onestty mune petitive. situations - The manager hab £o constantly amalyse the, exshong Sttuction 4 datusine the Ob \RcHVED , Sta aLMINAKVEA, Implement ooduinete, Control 4 eualadt Onforenation A snake decisions . A Hneorrticak Lesuns & pon cinles Year Un Class Tou Will not Seame hina the admedt AGL purnless De as altro the SKIL) Cor ont ) at appar, Suck Pradiu A body of Krowledge bo Ms sptcat problem, Krovetsdge of _rnemeguenony Yheery §_pvinciples ts @ valuabie ord Kit of mnemagus Thin Krewledge has to be applied A Prached by the Tremogs We may thus conclude thak mami Sevlves both demorty Mose ©{ sdonce & an art. while codebn abpect of mgmt wake VE a sconce , cotta othe Which davelve_ appicakin of Skil smoke “YL am art. Tidhek one the chavactaisicn 0f ‘Momagumeunt 2 The salient charactehetign of mamagument art * Ls Momogument ia purposefah activity, 2. Le Ws getting things dene in a desired mamner. ; Beth concevaa with the tfforta of people ering Tm Hhe ontaprine A. te -velates to decigion- mating Se Momagument ib beth scence A ant 6 th ip a Fost developing profession T Ye deals with dikection 4 Control of business activiig & “Mamegement is a dynamic Concept which oda wrady to Charging Busing conditions , Bett WW Prectan Sontisting of vavious Sumchtonk suck as Planning» organizing steading, Aa Gevtroltong E OF _ MANagenenr The evolution of smamogurnent Thought can be studied dn 3 path: @ Early clagsical agpreachta; yepreuntd py scentific management, administration taamagement and. buxencraay (2) Neo-claiical approacties : vepresented by human vations smovemnenty 4 behavioural approach, © modern Opproacines: weprnemied bY quacctiotive oppreach, Systors approach cond Contigunay Approach TH Discuss the eavly Aassical approaches of mmomagement | Eoxly chassicak approaches of mnamagement ar oo byt ~epresonted “by * Scientific cnamogernunt + Adreimistration sHemagument * Bureaucracy, Scientific monogement Fredrick Winslow Taylor is considered 0 be the Ffotner of SdeniGic smamagement, Hig cmbitbuttons axe: Gxt or} ( Time oma motion study: Under this, each motion of a job was Heed with dhe help OF & stop Watch y amd shotter J face motena wert devdoped. This weplaced thre The eh Ahimb Knowledge el tortman. (ii) Dittercemtiol poumemt: Taylor introduced a neo payment plan called the diffrontiol plece Work jon vinieh he Wnyed Snewntives ( semething that Courages action or effort) with py chen Under His Plann, A Louk received low sake he produced Steordord number of pieces, ornd High vale Kf he Guvpassed the Stardard. Tewlor hour that attrnction a igh price woke wood mmotviatt. “Hee oorkiers to bnereane. Hh Production» Gi) Drastic recognition of supervision? Toylor Suggested 2 neo comcast @) Sepaxation Of Pamning, 2 dodeg ord (5) Renctoral “forumamanas Tayler suggaked that the sok erreeneunye nett es enor lox Ken (ivy Sclentific req jraiverment bk troiming . Taylor emphasised the ned for scontifie selection 4 development of the wevkeq. Moret. bet Focuttien » (WV) intimate frien: Co-operation b/w the mgmt. L the workers: friendly co-operation §/_ gmt. 8 woreheus o mart Runnin ant yead . oa S_ Shout be Plomned by 0 Seta devilep & eben eoch wrerian to bing oot tae Taylor Said that ty above. Suggestion, 42 Sux Mortal sevolusion on port of of sclentifie management: # Time & motion study mode us aware that the tele 4 phuysicah movements Gnvelved tn a ‘task cam be mode tnoxe e-fAclemd ard rational * Scientific Selection of Workers: trode ws vtoagnice thet WHhout ability & trabming A Pemen camnar be expected to do hia jot propery He The sckentiGe magrt, gave te wot design encouragid mwnagets to See rar Tone best way! of doing a job. * Thus Scomtific mast mot only developed a ‘rational opproath , but Bro contipuked a great dead to prefesgionatigation of engnt Limitotions of scientific _mamagement + GY Toylor's belief that ceonornical tneentives orce _SENg_ enough to. saativase umes for Gnexeored) Production proved. srry (2) Taylors tiene ard rnotion Study is not acapted as eotey sdowhGe (3) Seperation ef plamming A ding A whe graler Specialidation Unheit Gn Ht Syptum, tendid to retook need Br skin A produce Great monotny oh Lowe Besring a crows fo “tale oedans Gam enon diyfuent RU, bn confasion besides Onertos tthe. overhead. cost, tories hs Sn | Adrminigtrative manageme * Hertry Fayol ia condwdeved ab fither of adimimistrotive wagmt theory * im Ris book © Gemeral 1 Industrial Adsinistiation’ Foypl nivote | thet att actvrkes of busmese enterprises cam be divided dato & geupas techmicod , commercial , fmemel ting » security by Administrative (or mamagehat) % Foust defend rramagemont bs toms of 5 Ramctivns — plamn RIET\Fing mmamding , 6 -oTdimesima and controlling. | * Fayol presemted [4 princes ef mamagomentr Thuy ost. CDAD T CROS US. Us Seed K: Vorious fumctions of rngint [ike plamning, mganiZeng , diveeting and controlling cannot be dove by a single pemmon & hemes roust Be emtrused bo speciality in weokd fields (2) Authority ond responsibility : As mgmt cmeist of getting the work done through othus, Ve Umplicg that Teanags should have he Tight to give odes ond power to exact obtdlonce. ng» 3) Discigtin Discipline Vp tssectiat for “weming a business smooth! By discipine, We mean, — obediemce to thoy, | oF observance, ag | + Since | Aft, to Complese the jel | ™ Respect for Superic vee The bet cream, OA erably a ©) Good supervisors ot Eran, PRS Pdpline cove (©) Clear 5 fain ogrument blo +h S Smployered Oompa yer (2 Tudicions appiication al ponaitics (4) Imitiotive Fee TO Ahn 6 tkecute a Barns A employees ore uigumenkel by "7 (6) Renumeretion: (pay or rusad for cewics) | numeration pod Foy individual must be fo, Fare ~rermwenecodion on recat horkers ef Relents amd Foster i Gerd welotions Blo them amd HM wamagement @ Order + To pur akinge in onde needs eff. The prmeiphe of “right place for everything A for evuy mam” shows be Cesewved by Hot management ©) Subordination of Undividuel interest “to general imkerest + IN a budeness concen — the Fodividual Inter MST _ monty Stahus "re cogs Grianest on ere Production @) Unie _ Coxommarnd : THe PrnGple “nayuires hak cath ompoyer should weed Imstmrctions fren one. boss only (2) Seas one, SAS oy Me the. organ Rational, Scolor chain means Ye Seagive to the lowest for the Newarche, of ousthoriy from Highest Spurpaee o cammmuoncatiien AS pur this. Porcibe tne ork or Communications shoud Ress pudn Hoe PEPE Charnes el Onethonhy, abiong slo Chasm, OY Unity direction + There showd be. compleke identity blo individual 4. StgerdBotionad goals, on one herd A bho apt Bota deren se on He oe (2) Stability of tence of In odes 40 gnohvade Unkes to do more A BL ore tL Va mecessory, het thoy should be and Seewity OF Job by the (13) Eeuusty Eaytty Taal, frm a exmbunotion of Kindness A futtice. Fayuity cneame eqyamdi, of fain treatment. ¢ Noyes expect mgr toe eA uae te Svea bedy. Eayuthy emaurves fy wrdustal eaters blo gent & labo me nets (4 Esprit De Corps: SSE Se forpa The means Atom Spt . Since, Usdin “ shronath teeny eegosus ane Ye SHOWA create Ham atic Safe Ore A Break source of Strong, © fomicributions of adr ive mgmt. | Foyol 3 his followers proposed some princess te There should be clear ne bf custhosty +The ousthowthy Ko rtoponsibility OF each employ shold be commumicadtd £o Hem ty unting, Each Undiiduol showd perform one fumetion only +The Spom ef control of S mamagur chould TEVA crete elk 5. Audhowily cam be delegokd bul Rot the TAP Abily limitotions © mgmt. Fayot & Ruy follower, ort ented os unduys G) Fayol's princige ef spedollication produc fsilouing conseqyunen: cae i ‘s =) @ tt leods to Smooth uit Grup wrth mevms (Standad type) amd 3OAds often oF odds UY Hone. of mgmt. GH) RBULL im dissatisfaction of TeMplO yses ob He abilies ose net Fay Uxploited . } Res dn Trereare OM overhendest sdnee spediallzation nads GSE mordhinadtion , () Fee many principles you con Sind Saves Powwiible (sevoning peohabie) | Oond Aceerkabe ond controdictony, prindple, | @ the Pradpls cn band on fun cate studies erty AK have not been Herre omgiieatiy (bared on chauvation wet on sree) [Oe pond au stated ay umtenditinnar Stator ents, (Tre prmcides Cspeciatigaton, chain oh command Amhy of direction andl Span of Control) Tuatt ln mechanistic Atrucua, nihich at. Sonne to Soria & Psychologital mands of Umplouees (9) Tre, prncifl on bod on Codumptions Hyat CWARd systems OraEmationy art Open Systems eonveadion au eras: Mom Weber, a Germam eacictogist is Knaon ab father of burtamcracy. ACcerdimg to mim there ost 3 type oh ody On _bundnesn + lead chumted , tradition Oriented om burtmucreie ® \eodan oriented odrimistration “Vy ont Gy Wheh Phuc’ vy nO_ddegatin ba traditional ovriemted odisenistration , Thanagencl posidioms com hamded. down frm guaccation $0 _gunexstion, In bureaucratic administration, delegadion of mamagpment Teapmsibilitis A bored on the Ptvaen’s demorystradich ainility te hold the poss mn Impertamt Featuc, of mee F wwelber believed that sion Show Tot be governed Pusonad perunees » bw Should be govern by stomdard whe on oh were BD Rincple of Decreny We Sollood Wy There ‘ip rational. ter @) There WH a systematic aici Mat eseeninnigtrestion (6) Adreumistrative. a (6) es necessary for the Frdividual to Hae he Kmowledge of and raining be PE application a me Bureoaicracy Cam HE Vedi ad she Seach extension of sngrt 5 Whos, one PURER Cammot FU UL mamegument “Ronctions, \imitetions : (0 sep rnwR) (1) Over confor by ko rules + Tre employreys Saree © stem to he rude! become Aug ate ofroid of AeHong puralidad fer ie @ Buck posrine : elation. Im a bureaucratic ermamhsation the lolee’s _Tenitiotive is shite 3 cece ence (D Cokegorifotin of queries « In a bureaucratic ovpponisadion ayuenex comming, Foren outaide, OE Qunerally clasiGed ba advemce bebo oO Gus bee | fa) Displacement of gots « () Imability to SoNefy the needs of mature Umdidduots : A mnoture In@ividuot wosith Gndependence , unitate, Self control, opportunity Fo use ath bn Ski and endocenadtion to Plan A fh (© No “read right of appeal Lin aiextid ) Neglect of Ufermal groupe : Being Aodal creation. nen Ferm Unforened groupe ond ploy, “sroap dyymormicg? Which i normal @ Rigid structure: Precise duacription of ~roles,omd over conformity to eules make burtancratte gtrchun rigid (Discuss otwuk fhe modem approaches of snamogement. asc] 4. Qwantent We. TMG OpProach Ts called the Tamegememt: sdunet appr Me emmeged duding Br-world Wor. The Outcome operations esearch. The focus of ayuanftotive, approach la on decision feng- This approach facititatts disciplined, ArieniKiing, vine Aefning, Mencavment Problems amd. establiahing ~elationshivp AMAENA Vardables involved. 2. Systems APPROACH ; TRe concepty oF this approach ave, (9) A system is a Set ef Gritadepondant party | an orggmidotion WA alae a systeen compoaed 94 4 Griidenundent Gath meendy Foak , SHE 5 peEple ond. Btehncloay, {2Y Custeak bo Hae Susterns APpErOaeh WA the Gmcept of Sholigm’ vihich wneams that mo part ef AKL By Stun, com Be Gcematuy amd unederstocd apart frame the nhole Syston, to A QB RKEM Can be Hh opin ov closed. Ae open system Urtvacts wth AB conironeeparg VT A closed gystum ip one which tendepenci Pee el Bchod\s oF a mramagument thought. co )Eonly ) Seo & rodtin) % The contiqguney approach Suqgesty that the tase cpemagerm ip to Tey to Wentfy uinicn stohniaue wilt ive her Onmibue te HO cMalmment of Thamagement: pata. * Moarmage renter eve to develop Situo?! Semsrhivity and Practical Stheckivity, Slip oh bnfermation a (Framefennaten oh pod predecs en need Hay, prnntwals (umpott! | omens" oe ome eee Menace) | _ Gevtorrn mene _ J Fig t Orgenieadion ox open system | \Si TS Rakesy .S vit Digeuss the robot of plamning * Plamming is the beaming pro rust plan before he com possibly, ergamiBey staf, direst d conto * Plomning Us defined ay do it amd who ip to dow” pe “ Deciding In advomee whet to do, hew to do it yuthun +o Plarmning provides a wethed of Wdeattiing objections A designing & Stauaunce of PrOgMIms Jk actims to achieve thue obyections Plamnama in oa Continuous Tnietieckuel proche siich sreapiiey A Spare-gth ko K_BeFort acting . A momagu vous continumaly, Woteh +he progres of His gona, He must continuously monter the conditions »both Withon S outside the ern Badin to Bekumnine Hiern Chamgis Ae wteylned Gy Thy plas * A plo be Flecible The S wajor axtay wihert Flexibility jm needed ort technology y market » Fimemce, personnel & eraami\ Ration, Digcus the bmportamce of Planning Plarmmima We OF grok imnpovtamee tm all types of OCQrmi Batons ~ BUBIMNESS OF non-buAlneAr PUBLIE oF private Sector, Sma\\ er wigs The tepovtamnee of planning ore: (Mi Lea FF] @ MMirimises risk omd wmcertoinity By previdlro, mort votiumod ;foct tare procedure for Taking ALGSIENA » Plarmnibng allows —THamogem ord oTAEn\ Fadions ke lodoefige A rnd Lon cesctolionity # leads to success Plesnning, leads to Success By diting beyond mere adaprotion 4O THanket Slactuations « we pre-acks + Focusses attention on the orgomigotion goals Plarmndrg, neigs the manager to Foun ationtion on Ae SAWN Zation goats A activities. Th weet He tania to opty & coors HUPIa2 Ntrources GL HR OvatuniZation cmon. ef Secanvele ante e “@ Facilitates contvol In plomning execomplish Hnene goata. Theae goals A plays then betome StarrdowA or Bench marks Co pst of wefuemes) Agatngte Which | performance can bE cnemtuud 3B. jwthot do you umdarstomd by ‘objectives’? hot ote ie Choracteristics 7 * objectives ort goals ov aims which the momogumemt wishes he oe w Trese oe the ema pad mmion ott business activites Ke orgemiging, Stajing » Bdecting A controlling are dlectd ication to OF Ossectwes, * objectives aye multiple tr number: Objectives com bE sch in Votlous Key area KL monet Storndimg 7 UMovetion, productivity, prYysical % fdnandot TUE | proRtabilihy ,memeages performance and, devebopment Work purtxmanct and attitude » amd pubic responsivity BBeehes art esha tomgvble (cleor 1 definite) of Unesonaiple. me oyechves Vike Markel stamdding »preductivitygmnd physical 4 Smemeicot ~rerources tom@ble Valu are ovabtable OMA Oxted of OR\COHVEA Hee HAMAQEN A, PEF ormar nee Wowie morale) puiatic -strpenaibilihy iran ot have terrainle voles Obyectives have A proty: This Genplicg tak at Qhiemn poiat of Hime the cxceomplishmnene Gl ome objective Ve wUaiveles snure Umpt than, otha - @ objectives ot orreamaed Gn Wierorchy Corporate objectives Diviienad opyeoves « Departenuntar objeorves & obyectives Sometimes clash with eorh omer : Tre process of breaking down emigre inte umey mRgyuares shat objectives PE assigned +o each wmit eet Thin Sometimes OAKS Ht pislenm of polit! conic & Subopimiaation, = VWhot ae the reqwhements Of Bound objectives 2 Mention ity @ objectives oust be Clear & acceptable Tre test of clarity is the ernployee’s umdevetamnduina, of the objectives. The objectives must algo be ace, & OByecHves must Brpport_ one _amother Sometinnts djectives Of diftucnt slag cloak usth each OPO HN Aly View, thus a nad for Conordoncthingy balancing the stale by people. SERVE of emir organ Babin @ obyectiven Must be precise A meosuonle An OR\ective emt atways be Spelled oud On prechee smeaburrable. ume + SByectves Shows asaya ay Ae TRIS mesons the man A wade tne Aevanrages OF Oasecnves Sr HAL Conbtontty, -revitie y WE assess. TOb\ecHVEA as per Cheeging Cond tins 1. They provide a besip for plomning A for Bortoping, ome Supe oh ploma suck as Pol hea, brdgets * procduses, 2 Trey Act ob “moive ti um dividsaty diportmenta 3 Tray dominate hophotard acten oe tee \reeeng, » Qua Sine, , dlirtating & Contralong Hine, OcKUNe, of People. ef Vorous Aeperrtmernty 7. Trey lesson (became Wess) misundustomdiing A conftict & Foditore Commun’ hw arn ‘ mawnies PRY bY minimmiZuin Bi ced 4 My BB eMadiconal 8. They provide Vegiitinmacy to STOR Rational ORIN ey, WEEE Th Tent bu, Decision 2 What are the Steps tn Rationat Becision Mataing 2 A. decision is a ehoite. B/A WO or move alternatives. te A decision Vo Tomonal if appePRate means Ore chosen +9 H cetnd duaned emda. i greps im RATONAL Decision Mama L[ReD Did Med Sreps_\n_Ramonse Decisvert_ x Flow dia 1. Reeogniging ne probiery A probvlum olety CW vanes there IS a deviotion from past expedence G@ vanes ther ia a deviodion Frees plan. Gi) Kahon othr people. beng problums to The memage, Gxy WHEE comperitahs OF PU oye tre nemaguds ers Ration 2. Deciding priosities amg problems: m4 A wmesnager Showd nok allow himself to be bogged RPE (reeeme Stuck A wnable te pregeas) down by all sat of ah z| Prous . Same ErobluUms Hho can be solved by al |) suibordincdes sinoutd be pomeed on >. Diegnosing “he problem: Frotioms showd. be dtagmesed . A manag shows surmemisty Hhod Sumpter of & Peobluen may, Sumetnes, TRisleod Ron + 4, Developing odternahy c Bolwhons OF Courses of action, AFHA diagnosing he protium the musk sitp ls to duop altunotve Solutions. te comiath of Ave Sstoges + Saturotion sThoreugnss Fesenione vot preplern + Deliberation + Thinking Ha problem ie Sevexad View prt, eTmeubation ion case Be ig weable fe ger a fuck hu sea A daiibuictien, + TMaumimotion : A Slay oh Unsidrs oh aged dean. + Accomodation: Manage “thorns ny “heed Unto a seh proyosd ee 5 pny Anoths couse of Gciion Bs Aheoogh brain storming THis bayelves a comparison ef the apualty & acceptability of vornous solutions 6. Converting the decision inte effectwe action & follow-up TRis Negyuives Ha Gommenieakton Of he cis\B V EMBLOYUA “UR cleat K wrarnisiquonr turn n 3f 25 ge it - Dectading, Prowtes, Diacuss the environment of deciaion «eking. L CRLT There Ore BS types of enviemamenty 1. Cortaimity I decision making under conditions a4 pete Comsenuunces of OX parherar decison cammet bespected With | CAPR ni thy, but can be spedfied With mown, probability vata 3. Uncertabsity + Uncertaimity existe Uhen the decision maker dow net Know the prohabilitts assodakd With the possinle, Outreomeny FRovdn he hes beon abe to Identity possible owttomes ke thelt UAHA par offe Lihat ore the aif Hien faced in chedsion sooteing # (run) 4. Incomplete Information : THis a problum with every cnanager: Lack of infarmation Plunges the manag un uncertaimity 2. Unsupporhing emivonmect Lnsupperting environment The urvienment that getvell én am empha affects both the notwe of deciaions £ thon Leapleemenntation ‘Fo Xmere Ve pti-rownd good wl 4 truat Aig all cmployres Oe Properly motivaied Hut Tamagn com take decisiong with eamRdumer not he onsida weakkimg desigion 3. Ineffective Communication + Sete Communication : i Bemoeratie leadership shule Which emasurages | FP Suggeatemticide make vecomenendatians or seca Rie et : SX PEAR 4 arn EF Geckive device Sor opdning an 5. Wa correct Thentng, ; In Beceion Making the prosiem ia not a taking a comreck® dedhon VOU bre a4 Sdlecting oun appropnate Tene for taking desicion - Tg the decicion UW correct iar the Hime ta Onoppertume jit LAM MOK ANe. AMY PULOAE t : ; : ingD Mey ese wth one the ptepa bn glamning 2 [EmqEr? FineD Mey The Steps generally, Urvolved. ‘un Planning are on Follows * Esteblishing verificble goats to be achieved | The yet Step lem glorrnong, Ls to datuvenGne the enbapeae CR\LANED. They art oftun get by top managers Goals Selected it dtperd on Batic mission ef the « the Mate ty snameotta hold »erd the octual & pot Aes of the organization Eatoplishing plomning premiges © i Planning premises ort Witak “eo Ne Success 84 Hanning Od tneay Sapply, pertinest (velovent) facts amd un forenation } eating to Ah Sau. Plornming, promsia com be claniGed ax wrdsrt () Internal & External premige Premmisig, may exist within A cutie the company. | Intermed. premigig Uncdude Soles forecast , policies 4 program Of craperuation 5 competonce of mgmt . thes, External promisis may be classified os Se Burinise sontnrement Facto inl Pn ftutince the dumnamd for the prod Te Factors wilds offeck rescuters avetheble fam the weteaprie, (6) Tengiable A _Intamgiaisle premises ! Torngiable premiges ore shoe wihlon cam be, quralitatively measuud , vihile imntompiable promises are shone which bung aysalitative: im chavacen comnet be so measuved. | “(@) Controllable _& nen-controllable premises : Contwllable premigns are those Which ext Unda tan Control A erqcunigadtion Uke advertising policy Competonce of mgmt te. | Non- controllable premises axt those whlch art beyond Hat Central eh omyamigedton Wee Madura cadarmitivn , oe cidimg tne _plarming period + Once FOP lenel Memogera have selected goals and Penning prumisea Mee ext taste ig to decide Planing period Nees jaar | @ De fy some Onstencty plan art made fire ugar Aon some cans for decades, Other facta Which ontiuunce TRE choice A & period axe ; © lead tenes deveLopraunt AL commercial Zation, anes produc (BE) Tore ~reqy to recover capital tavestmnenty Cor pay hace Pemod) ©) Jeogtin ef Cocemnittmnent Abrtady, Made @ Finding odternative coursea ef action + The 4 ship gto Starch for k examina alttunatve Coma Od atten ovina altemotive courses, the Sth Step Wo evaluate i them on hye Nant ef promises A Qoale A tO Steck the Weer courne. of Action. * Measuring A combelling the proce, THE process of controling by AM Oihead Pad oh omy plan Momagers need to cheue the PgR of hed plang Vi they com take Nhatee yumidial acon Den ustk « mecemay 10 Tre plamnting, process w Complex 5 canishing, A snomy, maior & decvotive plans . Tew timp thet all these desuative plans ft togetn , Tot orly Ga ums Of Certent A action bub alto dn Atma of Hirmbnge Sveniteuty Short 4 lung toum planning should Fit roger + Sommumisation: Best plomnimg occus when gery tmamogu hea acces not seky to td Plemnung core tect abyp to othenx Ontos THis UA Recess to make him waderstanc how he plan Wwead Lome + He Shrowd Knows ihe ae he premiees Upon Which he 4 exptexd to pon, + Pooticipodion PorHcipotion of Suberdinakes SK Supedng, Wy alre «ey, Bumust Gy making planning effective - He emproves Wwrdorstanduing of objective 4 loyalty in the Suberdinaks A snot, exceution of Blain cary MBO , bottom- Lap: planing , Committe AC mggnit clubs weethodly og On creasing Subordimetea Gartidpation Propo. ov 4, VE Ne critical That top mamagen, tstebiah POA Chima. Go poraning « Ths Unvolves Stmubsting slarmdng Unterait ovina “Hee Tomi WBE, CA emagus by setting AREA goals, estadlubing plerning, prowelses, coreroumcodtng, policies AV SxeLoping a “hadition ef chara. on “Hea orQE Ration Explain the Hievarehy ef omemisatonal Plans Ploms are. oxrcamged On & Merarchny, within AKL exgemis ating Ate Ae hop oh Ht hlewarey, Stomd. ebyrotven © Oblectives ave the broad ends of the oraamigattn Whiony ose achieved by neon of, strodegien @ Strojegiea On thei trun Oe conned oot Ry OHA onaor gyrups a dams — Synge we plans _ eer to. % tiPianet e@lam. q @ Sim@e-use plams, a Mre name Sugart Hey are developed to acinieve A Speake od : i When Hrot urd WU tached plam iy dissolved . The, mmager apes ok Sdngle une plana ane programmes ord budagts | @ Stomding plomg ove designed for sitiationag het Beco | Often enough to justty a standardived approach. The snalpr HYP OL Stendiing plan, are polici¢e procedures methods end rules. Oescenves| USE PLANS Cpregxemmes A budgen), Swere DING PLANS (rolicis , Procduaren | rreshodls A rules), ie ec Policy y procedures »Methods , Butea, Programmes cond Budegty, | ® Policy: A podey Iso Qumevah guideline for dlecigion meting. Se¥A Up boundaries atround BeAsioNA , Uncluding Con be orede 4 shutting Out thoge hak commot Acescding te the Gorda Bh Guowge -R. Terry, “Policy is a verbal) vivition or Boundesien that Supply the Temapllad overadh Qe; sttiag up generak Vinita amd divtction im MINE mamagedal action wily take Pace? Policies only provide a Srmenrorle Within Winich deasions BE Made BY Hee sng, dq dif Unt spheres. * Procedures ; SSS ute adadinns ed Procedusta”, A proceduae Grovidts a detakd ges Perfevening a sequme of Piece ef Ue OA Brthch ons fy Actions bevolved bn dew gr AlebelBle + Methods! A method ls a presetimed Wau Un Hihich one stp of a Procedure tA to be performed. The Sspecrfed techmique Ho be Used in Sereuning the opphcation or Corirching, oO UAtion Heat a metved , htheeas | TAME seqyrence. ol step, Gavolved PN the vecrudtment of pusonnel | Constiticte preeaduwe * Rules: Rules ost detadied bh verdad unstucton lors that _a specific Qetien must or roust nob be performed om A gwen Situation + Programmes : Progmomenta ome precise glans of < SEBS On proper Searamce winich need to be. tahun to Bixeharge a Given hase Teed yar ombapTae say have a programme of opening 5 bramchts on diffxunt PATA OL whe Cousins oo Unirsduscing ness Predact tn Hae marked ermal _Sn@rediorts ef every programme ove dime | Budgets : i Bodgetr are Pews foro fe pec PA Aine. Contamina, 1 Statements oh _eepeated reawtly in nuemericak teums trey apes, mem ~heura , product - unit ond So neh Rokesh. S VKIT et! VTUPlan Mme L Whe tp am Enterpreneur ?vihot axe the chorocteriztics of om ernterpreneur 2 Richard Comtition , oom Trish rom ino lived Un Fromce Wom the fixate: wine Untreduced the tee « emtbeprener” Re defined suntaprenn on om agunt who aye Factor cutain prices Gy ordsa to combine thom Team Boptigte Sox 7 ON AMistocratic industrialist , Oceaxduing to Wan j "O20. entepruncas Us one the csmbine tne ee ne eee ee eee Omothr amd thus produces oO products the. product Gy the snaxKek he pay Untresk to Getal , DN lad oond Wogts to Labouteg A What womaing Us his pohty Joseph A. Schumpeter considered eeonoenic. development as A Aserete dyname change brought By Untkpranuu By Gnetitating mero combinations of productions it, Gnnovedions Sete _Semetining, NH ; orgami\een production amd Key SKA sind hamdies economic wncetadnity devolved () Hoxrd Work willingness to work herd distinguishis a succesful emireprenerr Grom son wnsuceemfot The untreprentar wrth pla tdivus; sweat Filled hour and PrsSWweemc ive Thor business gion fren the bom 24 Failure, @ Ind a Enhepronuannde not [ke to be opted by otheus They like fo be independent on HHO natin ef they busines (3) Good Organiser: Ss ae mk Vda: wl erettpyerment dank bk | | @ For oresight: | The unrepremenrs have o good foresight to Know about Faw busvenss unvirrament | They Visualide the UiKu4 chemges to fake place Gn the { WENKL , Congumner athiudse ,techmologeal davelopment, Ge & I | ANKE Hemel) chiens accordingly | G Technicatty competamt : Success OF aim emhtpremesy dipends largely on his ability +0 adopt lait technology « Techrneak Rmotoltage Umplics The ABR, to Ue UO A bee | Ways oh Producing X Tos kebing gods & sevice, \ (e) Eynovotive t Brodwetion Vs sntamt te meet Customer/s requinunenta. Im vies of EHAMAING TASH OF Customer wen time to teime, i Ane Enerepronaus Unhate Gomovetive octvities te produce goods, +o sahefy the customeria chomgina demands for the product oO erative We Ane oti, te baling Semetheng nto Onto exiatomce,- SNeotivity 2 Hhe caune k damovation iy the etter () Righly optim: The successhah emtroprentss ame optimi¢he for fut the, Sort Met distustbedl bu the a (4) Desixe for Noh ochievernent + The emheproneuns have: a strong dase to achieve high goats in busts. Tray Suamourt the obstacles ;suppres omxietios repay ¥ wisforhumen A busine crptclient, only set up amd wan o Suceesshd business, 3 Tuhok de you wean By the term Ent repremeucphip ? Explain the concept, | Emtvepronewship refers te the, fumetions performed by em enh pronear im _tstatblishing, om. workepnse . | “ cekveprenentship ie He attempt Yo Creat valve through | reeogrition of business opportumity > the rmameguenent of Fisk-taking | approprate to Ye oppustamiky 5 asd rough “the Commummicative 4 Tnamagernent Skills 4D snobilizke, human) Rinemcial ard vnoterc TtOENE, DECEESaTA to being a Pooyect to Futen Creutta of Hori.” | The concept of Eetvegroneans hip is a complen shenomemen, One of the auuaiities of onheproneiiciine ty the ability to discover | en Envestenents opperturithy 2 Fo orgami Se am Untuprise , therby 1 som buseng, Ao ROL ecenome getty i Emtepreneuahip is A Composite. SKill the restart of | mK OF mam, opuatities ound “traits Cchowmctertstics). These Oncloae i Uenoginoion prtediontas te take Wake , ability to fring togetha A put [ RO Une eth facto of produsction y capital jlahous jland amd advo Intordible. factor such ab Scenic h 4tehnidogical advances Emtreprenen, ——_— Exirepruntunshio Enrexprises | peten precess OF action beck, According +0 A.N.Cole , bd Entrepreneurship is the purpose AMVity of am tndwidual or a group el assodoted Undlviduols ,umdittaktn to Unthate ) mnadnteln preht by producten or dishrteusion of eomnomic goods amd seywices” 3 jret oxe the Gumetions of om emtcepreneus 9 | An unteprenad ts expecta to plow the Gollowing, Susccttons + LDR DRUP PEC] | kL. Detexciunotion OF the business cbhective: a. Reenietment “of cen. 3. Dekumamation ol form ef ownership 4, Roiasng necessomy fends 5. Undertatna tne Touauness eptration 6. Product amalysis market research, T. Producing, machine ond smateod, Be Tder quacration amd scamming of the best Sutobte iden, @, Cormplerion “8 promotional. Foemnaliies, 4 | arike abt types of emt-repreneurs . ne types of busines ( BIT CARS) © Business untrepronus * Thdustiah enteprened — lecege sMediumn , Smnath ) Tony 6 Trading enhrepeunans © Corporate. ree 2 Age ttural errr, = Plamtohien = Hocutt Doky, = Foxtsty + Reto cothepcemeins © Sexvier ean rrep Une), Buginess ertnpreneur : Tray ont the Endividuals Hthe tap both production 4 marketing seen Industriel emirepreneur : Is essermtaly a Momejactora nino identiGes the potential needs 4 Mdtomnus K sexvices to meet ape Teer Keting needs | Trading entrepremeus : | 18 one Hike wendultakes tmding activities 44 not Mlesauat tine | the -reonfactaing usec ~ ~ \ Corporate _entrepremens : ! IS @ Person Who domenstrakea HY Unmovative Skill Un eraam! ddeq a mrovnaging, & corporate umdutalting Ud + i | Are nose, Who undutake Such agratturad Actvikts as vaias \ A mowkebing ol cops, Filizeas S othe Onpud of agricuttune. | H According to the use of technology [ Pro Tene, AU] + Professional unhepronest Teehmicad ont prencus 8 Non Techical entrepren eas . High-tech orieprrenek, Low +e attresprenen nk, Professional _entrepremeu 1S & person who Is intrested Gn establishing a business but docs mot have Onttssr Tn THYNAg INA or operating once it Us extablished - Techniced_entyeprenesr Is essentially arn Uriuprenus of ferottarnen type’, He develope mud A improved quality ef grods becaue of his exadtum emahip: Non-technicol entrepreneut They are Concumed with only developing altimative makithing dismrbution Stasta}ts to premok. busimess, n (Pare SIMJ + Ruse embrepeenuaes + Spentareous enotrepruneann + Induced otrep ren, + Motivated pebrep eeu, Pure _untrepreneur Is am Unduvidusl viho ig motivated by physiological A tconorle rewards | Spontomeous _ nt repress Thuy one ptrasng With initiative ,boldness ,amd emia | thes albility hich motvete them to Lmndutate Sringronenl | Induced entrepreneur : ! 1s one WhO 1S Induced to take Up am Entrepronualal teak due | to the policy measurta OF gack. that provides Assistamee incentives, | Concessions K necessary, over head Facilities to Start a vertwe. | Motivated entrepreneur The untupreneus are mnefvetd by the disine for self Fudhilrnest GO) According to growth (GST # Groot Untheprenent = Art these Who take Up High growth imausiny [eg Super~ growin onbepromui= Are these Who Reve Shown enormous Qrewtn oh pesformemner bn they Venture ow» According tp Stage of deveopment (Frat MoO} + Fivst generation estepreneuy 8 Modwun enteepremens © Classical ustrepremenk First Generation entrepreneut Is one Who Starts am Ondustial Umit by meams ef om imnevedive Skill Modetm tntreprement They are the ones biho undertake those Ventures tihich suit tthe UWA marketing needs Clopsical_entvepremens Is one tho 16 concamed with the custome 4 markelng needs Hhrough tne development of a self Supporting veny : | QO According, too 2 Urban cenreprenen, + Rue enhep con end GO According to demcder omd one i PSSST SEY _Semeies ord _ one Gund + Men ew ° ON Erte nerd Young Untrepronent + Romes untreprenens 2 Middle ogra, 5 Oe) Other _embepror ey {im FIL Innovating UNAS Is one wiho Introduces news goals, nus rnethod of production, q : | {| a | Gigeovers neo Twerker A veoramiss the unttiprce Fobiom emtrepremeunt Fobern unhuptmeuts ort choroctuised by ve great caution / Skepticism ‘un Uxputmentiing osny, change Ge hel, vetprines Imitiotve tntepremes \envhedive emiepreneus do not gnnovade Aha chamaes thumnelies y they Uenitate techniques A Hehmology Grmovated by Others, 5. jWhe is om Intrapremenr 7 | The untraprmenys emoging From utithin the confines of | oxgamisation ant cotted ¢ intraprenetcg? j The Joeircopeeenon an ont tp executives emcoteraged to cater hold OF meio dear +o Comvest Moun Gate products Hywugh esearch | denelaprnent ackwitles Within “tar rove nevis eh orRemination & what axe the vole of Gntvepremensship in Economic Bevelopmemt 9 The. ~ole of entrepremeniahip in cosnersic ALeopmend Vor Fares ceonerny to. eon, Arpending oo A ematonak werources,, Unduaithad divnade A Hint veapontivemers of polical System to “th Letvepunturiah Sumchion The dmpk. rhe Hhsir tntrepronship plays fn the Econom Avelopmren are Pounexaded [below | L Entroprenensiip presents cagitod Forrnation by smeb\li Sung He idle | Soxdngs of “Hoe public. - profidis Fermdiate lange State engployement ve pthus ik helps Fo_teduce_Wrneraplogmen problem, 3. \e Pemotts batomed ye ore dev dopment 2A teomomie po 4. Vt helps to Aedace He Concembeatton « or 7M Stdenttates equitable ve-dishitukion of weatth once ra — fy Weant a eon | 6, HE tncouregya effective “resource mobil Ration Of Captad Whidy ofhuwlee Terrain UnwtiliSed omnd ide 7. We also reduces back uocrd A forward Luntoges lathich shimutode th Process of Economie developement On Hoe Country, [SRE Bromnokts Comntry Uap beads Which “orm Empt | Engrediontt tr 5 eemnessie daveepenwet on the wholes the pole af untrepreneanahiop On éeonemic deydoprrunt of A torvaty cam bet be pur as “ary Economy is Whot axe the Barriers to Entrepremeuvahip 2 ® large no. of ertreprements prs Micadadky, bo a stat! exept, Fol due to Severok Frobloma A barvity (controls adverce) Roxl.H. Vesper has identified Moe Sollowsng, cobra prontuaahep axon Le Lack of viaile Concept 2. Lack of raarker Knowledge Belack of tehehead Skills 4, Lack of peed caprtod 5B. Lack of business Krow now 6, Lack of raotivation, ¢ 1. Sediak Stigrro, B.TUme presenars K Dishactions Fe begah conptrainty A Reqwations Jo, Lninibyiiows dua to patunty. mY <7 Fokesh.§ VEIT tc UN ML LNSTETUTEONAL. SUPPORT Suhag Srinivasoon BNMIT Intyeduction__ xStoxting o business ov TMdortrial unit vesources ond fpcilities- *& Fimesce — bos srequives vorvious been om ymperterit yecevvce te ctowt ewteprce, since if gecilifetes the entveprene to procure lomd, engage bows ond mochinery , vers madeviale and others. ond ren on precove plmt % Momy cmell entyepvenevrs , though they skills ore vot boy the lack % Yence, the have Tdeos ond able fo stort their oon enfevprice of mone. government bos set up inctittione fo Provide inomcial ossicfence to svch people. 1) Stote Divectorete of Dndoctvies Stote Srnall Seale Drdoctvies Development CovporefionLsstDé W Dutvct Dadustvies Centres LDECE] ND Stote »> Frremce Corporetion [SFcCe} > Technical Grseltomcy Oyomication LTcod] Vid Stote Drdustvial Aveo Develeprent Rood Csrape] et 2> Centyol Level Tnetitutionc. ) Deportment of Smelt Seale Tydvchies LDSST] D Smatl Seale Tyductvies Bead CSsrR] i Srrall Lndust-vier Development Orgewicoation [sTde] WD) Nocttenat Small Trdustvies Corporotion [Ns] > Endostyiol Credit ond Knvectment Covporation of Endres Vid Trductviol Finonce Corpeyatin og Indian (icrr] ete : # TECSOK 1s prekessional , Prdustyial , tecbricnl omd momagement the consvlforceg oegort zation promoted by goverment of Kormedodea, in *® Cts octwities 1976. vonge fon giving opprepricite Investment: advise, procedovel guidance, managemenf commlting, meygeYs omd cequisitionc proces Btodies, and assessment of cecto- economic Fev_Stoxt_Upe:_ tm pack schemes, TECSOS com exvk colt om entreprencuy to identify o proect oy product omd showpen’ the project Meas through — feosible studies, reports , market -covveys » sovrelng of bivemce, selection of machinery, technology, cestmg omd — assistome. -Fey_excisting texpricses: TECSOB com identify Tocipient sickness Le, developing sickness end focilifete its tum exound- Lt hes expevtice im rvebobilitetion of sick tndostvies by using vebobilitatin pockoges offered by the government Gonsyltomey ovens Love: i> Promotion oly Apvo-bosed Dndustries TECKSOls tes been vecognized oS the nodal egency by the Hrntstyy of Feed Processing Dmdustries , Grek bey project assessment to avail gremt amd loom — orsststomte. fy Vue! anet XBSFC ons estoblished tn 1959 pw extending — bromcial assistemce {fo sot op tiny, small omd mwedivn scale tndectyial onits po the ctote. % KSFC hes oo. decentratieed system of cavking, each dirfrict hes a bronch office, some love move than one, * BSFC bes a merchomt tamk depowtment cohich fakes vp the momcgement of public. Tssves ol shoxes, like onder cavity dekered poyments, syndication of Le, toting many lords ot the soome time. looms KSEC gives prekevence to projects cshich_ one: i> premoted by technical iD im small cector WD entyepreneuys.ond Sc/sT entrepreneurs. located i gyasth cevrtres amd develeping oveos of, the state. W> choroderized > copeble of vid im tune by high employment potential utilizing local vesevyces ord with declared notional prievities » District Industries __Centyes / Single _Nindow Concept: ® DLCs esos started i 1978 to provide rotegrated administrative bromessovkR ot the distyiet level bow promotion e& small scale Tdustyies Wo wrel oveas X Et is a single window ogency hich Interacts with the entrepvenevy, providing him service: ond support at the district (evel. ® Since 1993-94, the tote governments momage the DECs with they own fonds ond not from the feats Planet The functions of DECs ove: 1) Condoct trductvial poteotial survese eonsidexing | owvailebility of roe materials, man powers Tograchuctreet HD Prepere om action plan to efbectyels rmplement the schemes identified VW Guide entrepreneurs to select appropriate -mochmevy, Supply source , rnetheds fo get Imported smachinerx, omd assess vrequivement of yeu moteriols. > Assist entveprenens to morkef theiy products and export thei products if necessary. VD Assess coorthness of vorvious proposals veceived byern entre prenevys Vid Ondertke — product development work oppreprinte te small jmdustvies- VID conduct oxrtisan thretning — pregresmmes _Srmll_Endostvies Enstitutes (STSts| x SESTs ove set up to provide concultamey and trating fo small entrepreneurs both exteting omd prospective, * Moin junctions Include : i> Te sewe as om Interface beteseen centyel and stete govern ments WD Te provide techwical suppevt sewvices. i> To conduct entyeprenevy chip development prYogyam mer WWD “Frode omd Reb 7 ot race omd -wearked mbormatrons fFVVTUPlanet VW Eeonemic concultence ond mvoweck mokiles. aoe Vid Stote ond distvict Industrial potentiol sorveys. Vid Modernisation ond in-pbmt studies Vill> Workshop — focilittes i t Livities. 1D) Frotming in vorion trodes amd cctivitie! Ni Smelt Tndustyiec Covpereti NSIC wos storted by the Genfyel Government Im 1955) with the CNSEC] objective os promoting omd developing SST? omits: ttreughout the country Objectives ore: i> provide mechinery on five oy purchose basis, iD assist mM ymovketing omd exporting WD orgorize supply of oes materials Ww> troining personnel v> medernisotion of omits Fonctions of NSEC ove: ) Fimencial oscictomce by coy of hive /purchose of locol ov Imported machinery WD Assictoonce boy morketing products esithin the country omd i possible +o export them WD Assistome tn upgradetion oly teebmologs , processee and modemisation ef plomt omd machinery VD Moke bulk, prrebases of yees ymoteviale ond dictribute ome ee Sedona ee were prices. vy “Froining of workers Im vorrlous trader peqvived bey SSE wits. ffi VTUPlanet Small Tiductvies Development Bonk of Trdin E sept] X% SLDBE cos set up tm 1789 os cobolly oconed subsidiary oh EDBE due to demomd grem SST units per om aper level institution boy promotion , gimancing ond development of SSIs. % Moin functions ovret i> provide eqvity type ob loom on soft ferns WD provide coovking capital both thm Ywpee and foveigy corvencies TD BIL discounting ond ventore capital support * SEVEC also provides inomebl support be teckmology transfer amd upgradation, qyvatity imnprovement , excporte , environmental care omd industrialisation. KormotoKo. Small Industries Moxttting Corporation Cxsznc] #KSIMC wos preemoted. by the Govumment of Karnataka ca a subside OF Kaxmetaka Seth Industies Development Corpowodion [ieszoc] in ae fo assist. small emupriacs “on snatching ThA products AEKSIMC Looe Peocudme Purch odus Goon Various Kacnataa stake gets, depatirnert, for Ahely -requiemersth Of wooden 4 Steed Suamietas ok other wequrumedt ele le ured to proans Thue Wems from yegitued Senatl Seale Uodusluiny hk peppy to the govt Atpordments # Howerd, For touen, ot Kmown KSEMC was closed don buy tre Kormalaka Govemmoad A now thy om WuaHen does Rot oul, fy tue! anet z (ix) Equuier ner Si 4 Ho do yor idemtify a project 9 Enumerate the critaia for select |& porcutor project - | Project \dentGeation is the | as eum Amat desitien will take am Hpremens “to Project idemtification WW concaned with +h Compilation ard amalugi, of economic data for The evermbrod, Perpore of locating possible oppuchucities “for davestment A Hlth the Awelopment e| _chevothuakic, of Sud eppurtronttion we ove +O Beleck such projets so ay 0 minimide bot RK UKR Ate optimize HK retems oF gab, Trade A professional megaines provide a vay File soure Of project ideas. He is Very necessary for ontreprosent 40 Keap bn touch with the latest development: Ua ba own Red The next _Umpts source tor pester iduntiGention os the gam, Boumert published by Government. The plana dounenont quoerally omabysts the existing Cconewic Venestrnunt oppoctusities Station & abi pinpoint, the Waich FE bnko AE oye planning, effort The Criteda for seleching a particular project awe an under: (i) Teveptment Professional rmamages iho have worked im MNC/A shovid “ink OF starting, roediuen s\Bed ov laxge SiZed uomity only. The Prvyer cost should be atleast 3 to 5 crows. iar nece: 1S MECESsary tO have such a location ey a Yo_attract Meo gus= Ths Will facilitate ~ ~ fempetont Fodor ust 5 oad, state Industral Development ee a ects ci OHH caps Xs axous () Technology + The Bek prsyect shout mot be a product uihich reqyuies High Hehnology MeECESsitating Lorign Hehrieal Collaborations Wes Batu bo ge fo a prdack With a proven dechnolagy that UW ndigenously (notive) available The onte oAdVige @ Marketing . Ve iS prefiuable iF ome would go in fer product witty o Vimited mivebes, of Industral Cushorneyn, Uthat are the fockova to be comidered for the pelection of a product Various factors influence the entrtprentams in selechine the Aight product. Thuy core! G) whether ienport Tettichens oF She ty, sdleckd act bammed Hom GD \€ the Untreproneus or Hs partmus have Uxpedence tn the mamujactae oN menting, of certain produc - Gi) The drgre of probatility- (W) Concessions given by the govesnmont om Curtain Prodecte: W eee peeduct bdongs to Prodhy Uodushey or Smath Scale Seetve WD The market for the product ~ whether expevt or local (vil) whether the PrBAct comes sendin Lemesiog fram govt, ia deliconacd cobtgony, oe te Wit) Whether the location UW om fren trade Bone OF te taocteuowed cortes, with spedal tmeentived & concemions Gy phen a product belongs to arm amdilany limit A St a Teel compen for Fhe parent dndusstny wthot do you understand by “project” 7 Hous do you identity & select a project 7 Avery foundation af or unterpst “the pruject. “A project WR Om orgomsed umd dedicated to thE attainment of Bor- the successhKa completion ef a devaoprment priyecs on me, Weltin Budget ba conformame with prededtimined — progrumme SptciGeationg”, The B basic attibutts of a project acc: GA course of Action (i) Spree objectives (Gi) Detinite Hime pUApective . Project stlechon wa wut outlined ganna plan. Basically, PrACK Section cont | 2 main shtps GA) Project Iduntification & OD Biewipnd colon than Project Tduntificori Projects one selected Hihich preaumibly have a goed warkel Potumiol. The selection proceas stant with ‘he gunexation of pre ject idea. The project Ideas com be dhatorered frm various internal A extwnad sources They wey include (Troll GK int © Throogh Proktpponal mag Zones Gi) Worehiqg emouging trond bn darmamnds far culeda product sev) Gi) Govt. policy, Concessions 2 docentives sist of Heme exclusives of sox 1 Ge) Mrowiedgs of potential custorned needs W) Daead given by Knowledagable perons WI) Neo product introduced by & competitor Qi) Scope. For Producing substitute product: Wii Success stores of Known entreprimenis oe Thonds or ydotives GO Visty to trode fois £ Undustdal extibrions (a) Meebang elitr govt. agencies Project Ba reject selection stots from whet pret Ain having Sort Propet ideadytheae ave am a Reonewie cond Wdartification ends, aurea, im ane Van og aves HiRch Ss e¥uting right mow she pvt. PNY 4 50 on A Avol gunerily wed foe Anis purpose is SHOT amalucis « The untruprenus analysis Tad grengiing A wWealinean ob vu an oppurtcitics & thetats “of tusk by cath of pruyect idea son the basis of this omalysis the most suitable idea Fmally Selected to coven “TE Unto oon uotrapeing. « Thin ly Kroun as Reroing in process Tre next task of unttpromans into omalyse aspects 4 rm OAL y potontiak marked laboun Jp ABitAL, location | forms ot ceomashep ete. Coch of Hhere aspect pate be ecabuded dupemdenddtas Roe yO" to each oy What iso. project repart % Hew de you prepate it? Formulation of 0 praytct epee / business plan Is a wey, importamt step in sething up on emkuprac. A project vtpoxt / | buateras plan TA a wmitton statement ef phat on unterone PYOpeses to take up. Te is @ Kind of guide oF Couvae of action what ahe, uedrepronunr hopes to achieve Un his besingss ,2 how Ls he going to achieve The “A pri bocepat bb am operating document WSN eelved comme eh A SptenRed PEviod tiene Wbich defines a An_obyective without oo pleon “by a deem. The Prpowation of a preject report is of great sigrificamce for SAN evtee prema + The, Pratt eprt saves the 2 eHtentlal fumetions. > First & the smost impt the preyct ort iy LiKe a ~ood sp: He dercribes the diseckion in which Uniuprine gying. t alro unaiblts oon enhapre cu Fo Kneis Hed he by proceeding On Sight OACCHOn « mh THe Second Function of project xeport is Yo attack lendows 2 investors. The prtpawmtion ef ‘priyeck tpoet bene cial Sor Hose smait ontepnises wilho aptly for fonumcal assistance feem _Fimerntral Gratitvtions Ac Commer ak hema. te lS en tat rasa of pedyect veport that finamdal Outivtions make the ppraina of rthethur to Semction loam or nut £ how mush, Vornous oNAA OrORMAGHond thicn peice various Assistance. such a> Usk Shedyrars matthaliy Sted /margin MOONE HE y abro Peraut Hee priyeck epee beGre, Heug atk. s 5S. What ort the content, of a project report 9uhak «ninimum | infermotion should i covttaim to satisfy the outhorities 2 | A project -ctporh needs to be PRpartd with great cay omd consideration . A good proyect report showld contain the | Followeng: Cap uo Pr our RM PM RR. ces) |G) Guneral boformnation : Information on product profile product deta’ | @) Promoter + Educohenal qyualiGeations , Work Upenonce , | PrByeck Woks experience | ® Locori 2 Exock locas 5 ' 5) Location Exock locaton of th project j WoeaHoral i advantages |G) Lama R building —-¢ lamd area, conminietion antag type A conshwesion coat ol conatructvn & duralkd plan, (5) Plame & smachonery Deco ol machinery reqd, caprddy 5 copy Sapplion A production progsum [LO Production procas 1 erode oh produckian qprscus @ varies pwnd , potwer ).. Ue (S) Tramapock amd Coram we cotton pAoduL OL Ae maport & Corre cabin (A) Rano snckeiok Lrg of moe mnadeialls by quality , qyoamtiy cost the. (0) Mary porwr Requaswment of eked, semi-skilled 4 onsteilte labours re qyuiierment of Franting, bt QO Produc, 2b Competian A Hy Capa cher 5 product SURSEE |, bderoted Galea Che. (2) Marker t End user of produce , dastntnusion of wMaNKAr AS locak, nationat A Untunctional (9) Requinemernts — of working capital — ¢ working cacti way pouees abe C4) Reqaikeument — of funds, t axxemgern tats for cneitg paar 3 Rt [ee (#) Schedule of lamplom entation Profeck formmstotion divide, the process of project Bevaopment nko cig distunct 4 seated Ghagys Ther ere (Ce cop @M Pa) (Economic and social variables, The socio-economic benifit, expected to aceB¥e (acuumutate) fron project should also be stoted Un Ye creperct Vad wader she followdng headsags CE DEAL Export] (@) Emgork substitution (& Development of Art, CO Exaprlysnurt generation, @ Anewory, ©) Locar resoure LA\Zation, (4) Export (ii) Capital costs & sources of finamee An estimate of Variows coreponenits A capital “oma LiKe amd & buitdimg , plant 4 machinery ewiiaietien costs | Prone expenacs , Marqun for wesetiing capital peas be given ve Ane project ~eport atamce sheet, & cath flow statement grows be pripared to Wdicate Hu Finamdah pasition & reagubarnud ar Vetlous stages of pesjtch: The Bytak- ten analysts shad be grevented by AR prsyec vepert (iv) Project Dereription : iE Speaks abt physical dnfrashuctore such ap ras omatnali S¥iMed labour, ‘enOMVite Such os Power, Wah /pollubion ent. comenumication Ao hromaprt facilites othe Commun faclidie. biore ay Profile ;constiforen oregon Bakiva |A Product defo, (i) Morket protentiat 7 Following oxspeck should be Specified, Bi Ta\ Denenni th 2 ecmmlo e. Pla * f Moxteting strategy, af4ea Soles sexvice A ‘rombportation Should be reentioned, Wii) Project implemenctat ion Evexy unepronus Shod dro. arn emplemerirahion Scheme + & Tidy tmplomonticg Ye “umportant, because if there ba * * Gran 7 pret Ee OU seb Delay in Prats omplomentasion jeopardizes Cendant) toe _Eivomdak awit of Sac psec The Foltoweng is a somplified tmnplemertration schesule for a, Send pooject Month —+ 1 25 4. Tosa () Fovroudation of pray -cepovt GD Application foe duns loan (2) Tern oor sanction () Possession of lared (5) Gonshuctton of buildeng, CS) Getting powes 4 water () Order of eachineny, @ Receipt A Enstaiiosion ef srachineny (9) Mom powe -terurtrn est (9) Toil peodveten (0) Cornmerciad production (vii) Assessment of working capital reyuirementy The seqnuiemest for urotima, tagital 2" sourreny ol Supply, should be clearly Toentioned im the Projen ~eport, et VTUPlan 6. phot are the plomning Commission's guideline or o project mpart The folloudag ert he guidelines gen by Plarning CorATHISSION Hor A projet EET’. {Le cop pm art () Econottc. analysis : The euntepase should tm to assess He Umpact of 1h Operations on Foreign ‘trade. mdiacak caste A hemifitke Showd abko be imdued bn the Troperk then, Cannot be qamtified, they should ebro be ronysad da Omportamte eonpnadized . (Gi) Capital reqrun h_& coats a Propely, Catbmatta Cost Unforenahen oN ath Whuena should be. corey, presemted GO Operating ~reqpuinumerts b costs : Dptrediong cost ave these costy Which aw. incuwed afte, AE Corwemoncement of Conmtgad production Operating cost ome those costs relat to e.g enatulal | Gadurnrdiosdes , fuk utilities labour retpay A maietadne, Sub, ( or expenses (iv) Project depaription + The report Should provide a brief diacviption of the technology (process chosen for tha projet The repost should contain a Vist of ope rationas Sequreemen Of Hee Pont, req inant My wok Ko pow yrequisemett of Parsonneh , ocqcons Rational stuck. evi caged, prarapar eat 4 ot, actor offeching YL. CW) Prebirtion L All ophons that ort tteheically feasibe Showld he Emsideud at tra prelmimany stage Bralysio_of Atanas The Locatton of The Prick , account of fore’ AHA Ween 2 fu proMtabitity mush he diven mY Charge. The vate of vetuua on bvestmont should be Cala, omd presumed Ua the report “ a WO) Marketing plan: \e Should contain the Following ‘hums Data on the marketing plan | Demand A prospective supply tea Cacd of the areasto be Sey | The method A dota used for natn estimates |e Estimate of pace semgitivity, should be prttonted, Wi) Quoecot information : The ~report should Unclude am analysis of the onduastny - Wihich Was poy tretorgs- Ve deads with porformame ef Uadusiny- Ths Should algo codtaa Goforenation about the enbuipdge sukeitting the FONIGY Seport (iii) Financial analysis : The porpose of thy ommalusis \s to prtemt some wntosune, to asseae the foneadal Viobilihy of he peoyect A pexfoxma Bolome sheet for she project data should be presented. The Semitivity amalusia should abes be Pracnted . What ig project SPPTOMAL PHow do you approve a project 2 Apprawal is nade both for exeaked R proposed pooiyects « For approsaina, © peskect sith eeonomic, finamcial ,Hehnical, pm™Mamegeial A Sodal anpeck are wralused. Analyst The aspects Rghlighted are: eh tajwament, for Tow cnaitdal ™ \evel oF capacity usitization Fambicipased sates k expunces SS Pebable profit SP Weation Of He emieyriac > Boveunenest -palicius Fi MEAs lampt prereyuisites to establuh am eniggrise THE Following aapeet must be catepully amalased. mv. ® Assersnent Of Fimamdak wequuittnernt beth Gved cos eype as operation » Scale. oh operation Bochiee When the. Onvestraest i made (2) The umbupiae shoud centimur “(th prodackin to souk ott “ts obligations/ \iatiitiee UAbna, the ‘Breakucen Analysis? Marliet Analysi : Before the production achially storty tre ontreprenens, Needs +o ornticipale the possible Tanker for the prodwit | The. Cormrenoniyy ward onethods TO timate Hu dmamd fy O product ore ay follorsd + > opinion polling sethed > Sample SNe, —* Sales expedonc. snethod —*Vieodous method SP LG cycle starnemtadion amaly sis. aikile Asses Fhe Aechmea feasibility of tha pryect, the folloutng showd be considered. @ Avedioabity of leod A site GD Avduodity ch Wet Power : Prosper: & esmmmumicatton factihes. GW) Averdaliltty ef Serica Facilites LiKe machine Shops » ehectic Xtpawr shop Gd Coping ety conta pollutton own, (YD) Avrabakility of skilled labouy iMatming Facktities (iy Anaitawility ef srequae fare wedenals Monogement Competonee, : VE is am benporteorts ole by snokcins, arn Cottier. A success. Cees one with _ | Rene. cowna.geriak Compestmce should bt taku onto commdcton — pipile doing POyect approval. WW CSF Ie SEQ Indus: ( Pheu Briefly) oe Srral\_Seote Induatngs Induushay Which employs tedihinat bakout “unioniive wuthods to pride tvodittieh profads y largihg Gn Village hour hutds. Chanoctenistics | (2 coped Govestenerd Us Bratt FQ) Reajuites leas wo. of Wooten |B) located Un rol A sum uiban auas 1D Emgagd Go HL produchin of Wad Conumer qoute ) Pevatelyy cwred (Labour force oe aticadlig Feoriuly rRombus CD Hed Woks ot eonergoried. W® Powon Boek or RU done (a) Trey geno Faster Hho Loge stale Gndastiee C1) Boagad by Compton A cheating « (WD Fincrnciad Aaxaplore Tas ey weak, (2) Ss36 a ajuatity concious OD Most Kunde come. fron unbreprremesie Savtngt (A) Gepsity Bothy Hummen reacukee A nok Lauter, GSD Fired 888d fom Leaytit congonted: Gio) awd A orp uedtion OAL ous weed foc S$. eretibust Sigh Giemd to Sotto etonomic, Gasdlopmed objechves ywukal dweioprnes yYovuky Oadicadin saiona) toallamte. h promokin e+ orbeprenentahap Discarvs vehinale of S87 Un planned developers Whe yehonok 8ST extalklaedt com broadly chauifed Owe aAgiorunt, Le Eonprougtntad cag tenet sr a et ee ee 3+ Lose hurr Operon $, Desndheli Zahn agement) Shite of decaping ser CAITR qenuai ummedinge bet | Yous Gnweesirenenst ep peshemaeetepen ccgal casei! VTUPlanet | ae wmeoa ge Gasper’ of ted Lf} est | 2 TR beg backward atta, to lak? Totioed obs op Og-Saals coployment oppurtunity With vag S ofr Pa) re emtiourege« effective mobili Aachion 8B) TO Gerprere leek of Meany of Pople in country Skips to Stout gmath Seale dnduuty, 1. choose a Lime 2 BEAAL | form of oumuship 3B. Decide vihether to pulchare gong, Coren oe fo tale mus ome. 4. obtain praest “Kpme from tushue/ propane youtielf- S. weld on Wocahin K site SB. Awramge ua Shed Cprqevatly on sent) Te Haye S8r rtgishetion no. B. Morr Finance 9. Bay sewer of rachin way, 10. Place ord Lor Wwadkiney AL APPLY For matubel ae Plan bangng, 13. Ingtath enachineuy 14, Procuar tnatedah 1g. Recruit pertonnek 16. TD ws U1. Becalt on pei pohly WB Oegae THMAKohing 1a Produce A seek 20. Plougiy back potty A. Biv expiGeakion 22. Modu nissan BS. Compe Wh othes DA. Gee Biggrd 25+ Awsdilarg Bevetopeont Role_of sro sae indaotiea AG 3 A s 6. 1 % gq Bs eesegrert Qereration + BOA employee + Optvioum uxt of Capital 1 Facktttode Untreprontasial hareprowat VEL ef Local verourees, Balanced ugimel dayelapreerd- + Covvocaaction af Patel exchange ~ Eqywitalie spread of ererme. Aweatth, « Suppotting darze Acale. Orclustriey

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