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On January 1 2012 Parkway Inc issued securities with a

On January 1, 2012, Parkway, Inc., issued securities with a total fair value of $450,000 for 100
percent of Skyline Corporation's outstanding ownership shares. Skyline has long supplied
inventory to Parkway, which hopes to achieve synergies with production scheduling and product
development with this combination.Although Skyline's book value at the acquisition date was
$300,000, the fair value of its trademarks was assessed to be $30,000 more than their carrying
amounts. Additionally, Skyline's patented technology was undervalued in its accounting records
by $120,000. The trademarks were considered to have indefinite lives, and the estimated
remaining life of the patented technology was eight years.In 2012, Skyline sold Parkway
inventory costing $30,000 for $50,000. As of December 31, 2012, Parkway had resold only 28
percent of this inventory. In 2013, Parkway bought from Skyline $80,000 of inventory that had
an original cost of $40,000. At the end of 2013, Parkway held $28,000 of inventory acquired
from Skyline, all from its 2013 purchases.During 2013, Parkway sold Skyline a parcel of land for
$95,000 and recorded a gain of $18,000 on the sale. Skyline still owes Parkway $65,000 related
to the land sale.At the end of 2013, Parkway and Skyline prepared the following statements in
preparation for consolidation.a. Show how Parkway computed its $55,400 equity in Skyline's
earnings balance.b. Prepare a 2013 consolidated worksheet for Parkway and Skyline.View
On January 1 2012 Parkway Inc issued securities with a


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