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| e CALCULUS @ Sub “Topics: Limits 2. Continuity 3 Digfesenkiqui ety © i. Heantealue theorem © & depicite totegral @ & parttal & Tal devteatives ©. Area aad volume by Definite totepraly. % Multiple Yategral. @ & Maximamrand Hiatma a @ 1 Vector Deeferen tiation loi Vectox Zategvaction te Taylor's & Mac lauyink Series DATE ¢ 2 (oF lacie ' . Lani FUNCTION: 9 Lot te by ye Fy t Maodependent variable depen deat \tariatle WeTe t & Geometrically the -feinetion af one \arinble af the form Y= fl) repce sents, cctece — fa" two dimension! space Cav) ae ¥=fa) res eo we Enplictt Fuaction Hu = FCO Y=fy) x= Fly) ws Fly) \ us Fla, tee --- In) example -- at-yt ay tyeo | axete = ¥ se Tmpltett Function © oe ae Plwyer) =e Bl 1. 2, 29 -- - Xa) 70. excerple = 33— ay -ayhe - zt-4 =0. No one. can Wortte other Varfable for. fre function 5~ (function af fenetioa) oe - a ee aah 1 ¥e wl) Hen uz Fleed) = (ao, we? a y = Feo: yetei) = Fley % called compostte function us dou) = ata \tartable “€ ur flo) ete ayy tet phere uzt-l ce Bid Yetee Zxomple ¢ Fatewalss tatevval + eee (acb) = fxs acx< bf behocen ateb- open tty cloted taterval + bniluding agi a Carb) = but asus} MetAbour— hood op a Polat a=a T Q:SER DB §>0 then the det af all real mex numbers b/w ag and arg -Ta called a netbhour hood (nbd) af a pont X=A @ tt ty denoted by Nela) o's Noll = fur adexcarsh = (a8 a+é) ——a_—_ + — act gtr Gy Lfentt of a funefion at_a_poiat_% =a 2° let (x) be degined in the deleted petbhourhood gf a point %=a. Tp a efunction flx) approaches to a nique steal Number st! as’ 2’ approaches ‘a’ from Ether Ade thea the Unique mead Number ‘e! te called Um?t of function Foxy at %=4 + Syembolteally othe above Can be written ag Nae : ae i i aoe fenit of fx) existe ak X= de Fe de ee. ° —s a4 Cent ot $0) cher not eh ab X= ty Lepr bond Unit = te fu we note t © —3a = 1<0 Le Het Right and Vek ME Le) a as se w) Existence of Con of #0) ab 42a $ ee lt fo) cists. x38 Le fay = Ut $0) 29 at ree ? ar Indeterentoate form CHeariag les form] s Tp for) and gtx) ave any hwo function, (guch that 3 fia) = gla) 20 af any point x=a than the ratio “Foy, Janes re orm "8" and at Ts called ao ““adetecatnate -form”, go gees elie i eae ae \- other indeterminate forms axe % . <= tespttal | Rall eH Ty gay =o oem Spee ry a _ dla Gove Ones eesaa Sas agate eee : ' ie A Hol agen co an = Ue Bi) Un iy = r38 aa We gMay 6: Same Standard _ltedts are Boca try hal natelio fe pp Meh ema ago ie MEE ra ects (tc) ef re fle) ae ley ase 50 osx : z Aosta) : ao (6g stax ae Res. - oo > 270% azo wt atl “ ay o art 0 zac) eo os) ee aco nee con. Siar ie slax -Atosax) FAO Tyan tone “ON Jukaw Cove = CON qty tan SP) wt Ub ova Ort 1 ns irr ng oe 94. me th) 2 by hice UE PA = ana ae a mae ae aa) vw 2H DE form pera | EN oe ie te) ven FE) wu 2) = s aay ‘Ltea( E>) ee Le (Atay) =e x0 Sy ake le tae aia ot . ve (4m -gayp ‘ “ug ae J ee at [2 = Yen) pd “ged = ut 794 340 x0 Bee et xa 14 tee HI at ‘ +. TE eee wp BEE Sle (Stax)* “aj x30 tog (4e,Crv"] = ye we (stnaite y (Su Ut [leq (stox)*] = bony (tog x= m lox) 30 te Cx tqutax)) = Gy 20 ee 130 ue x90 Cosca), te le ie eee V4 1 gy it Seen ao / | ane’ | weet = Ue Gia x30 6 cg Claes mt - aS = ¥ Gew ead a ce teg (wed |= logy 1 Lt tegen | = tony moe eS , (sue sloqy = = L-Haplal se Vie Lt (eee = “] #94 at eae (gone |= meeeseecescoeosneseeceeeeceeoeeeoesreeseseeeee (= o Cad) e+ ox 2 | SIR ees we logy = 0 a4 cee t= LE Coe) 19% a - We ty S wat ae Le SO) Sie at Rs ces EE RKL 2 LHS = QnL flr 40) ek og Le fly eh elo AL a paige lef = where lal ts @ modubuy function x0 z < e Xie ps ye hl = 2 eee Eas tte Seas oo, Nf take ajeto. YEH = tel ger 2+ Yrfb) © (21 > aeos Ye4Ftr) rede t= 4 ye 1c0 aereeo te Fee) = EV seks qeeseo Neda (31 =3 pe ekg Ee Leeper? x 298 Bere elite fe Lea le ka tees es) rot woe 10 Mere LHL TO RAL Le tl ex6te, ao Bes ltl =e 420 Ree ie a tac = tt Wi - Le eee tere tiene a5 ase 190 Rie le = Le ee ue Geeal Boones 10 a0 LHL - RHEL Litt doer not exist fo» Lt % Stal Ya) = wW6 eal esa We ™ i ie ee) 2 woo OR te sty Ua) LE stalls 2 | we ee Un mee sta2n a sink Raa Me ae eee ea th ty denite then the Valuey of tb aes —— sta ax +a SfOK SOU Gece ee 490 x eke ee eee) 0 oo ata at ata eo Te have férite Value for “b', “y4aq’ must be tero- Qt a. oe WOO ay eo: Se ES 1 Coe -2 aL BRN x70 6 ee a: ee tohine Cx] Ha She function. n4 Bley tuaution i | @eeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeesoeoeaeseeeneneene Step (ov), Bracket (ox) Greatest oteaer J ye fa) = (2) =n 9 nerent eg < © yepo~{«) - pa: ees: Ce) s aaa = x34 ry Rae ur ee wey wt Here LHL = RHL = 4 Lt Cx) does not euisty. Oy ae eee sta 1) ® iar and tt stax lees not existe. scale 1 fuaction f— wohore = a ner and NET Leni does not extirg ® CONTINUITY DATE : 03 /a6 09 [aolG qc citiouity yp fer) at wea t- A dunetion Yeflx) %& Aad wh be continuo, at =a, % ch £10) % depined (ly Vote Lt fey e Le fey (itt Lt pay existe). aot Aa ne ®o lL 4 = 4@ Oe Note © s- eee PY ta continuo, at X20 qott 2 ee) coe ae tery % not Continuovg at x =4- be te th é x pneaie. ( cae Baa fray ts not Coatinvere at ea a Legt contiautty op f(x) at 2057 a) Junction Y= fin ts Fold tp be & Flay fg dezined. pts) &) Le foo = 40) ALP wet \ fa) lepf Continuous at x20 2 Seeee 3 at continuity ap fx) ab x=a!— A dynction Y= 40) jr Aadd to be 2toht Contiauovy at xea %, Cy fay 2X depined se ae toy te ou font! aa te ge contfaudty ey fr) on (arb) 7— A function 1240) {5 Aatd b be Conkinuoug on open Taterval Cace) tf, fer te continvog at ewery pofot blur eG tor) Lt flr) = ftw ¢ Elarhd Sees ania me 5. coniaulty of #00) 09 Carb A fanction 17400 TH ald fo be contnuouy 0a Clebed Enterual C116) th & tow ts Continuo on ep Carb) dy Le toy = #0) aaa wo Le to = fib) x36 ae Qa Seale Probleme tot x = Gag f0r= EY, Continuouy at x =0, then flo 7% —— @e Glo © et ay cote ten = Cease te centavos ae x te tor) = #6) 0 a tobe ee fy = Le ) ‘ se eta) UY ) by hc) eae tora) beg lreu per) wy to = & tate ap tane Mite pea ts ib Sern), 136 bog fu) =U for & foy xz0 a UBF fiw = 2 ec eexes ara doy cx We por Me S221 a er) =e dor eI i phic OF fy following %8 true x Ger gon te waht Continues, ak 1=0 Gren 1 Mantinunt ab x Pei contionormy, ab X=) Al gre tte wl 1 ak c= ae Ae) 4 ( 470 | pty > Me #2) \ Le fery-to) Ue tea betel 24l) ee aegyt woe AE AZO ¢ #0) =0 efor e CD = 4 Rie > L 20 40 tee RHC eat Hee fin) Th ak GA Gafinvoes at eee AG ~ 4, = x Lal Say 1 he D . im - "s = (Ya) = th we PON 4g nok continuoud Cath oatinuong ) at > (fest Qeetie aS ct ) aexels 4)~! lb 4 = 4 Mei = CCE Ge ae! eal . ee be ee ae se aot aot = == fl pale ak io ie Box) tA nok cContiauoud %2 3. which one of the etollowriieg function, %% coattnuort, at x=3 2 @) aorzge 4 acne gu 448 Gio = V+? * «<3 eee ee ens tC a ay. a a Griw ~ ) z Y x3 C ag 473 i 1-) M3 yes eae ye > Mess 3 ue gay. Ue faye 2 3 i wat eee eeeereesreeeeeecenreeeeeneseeceoece Fee ec oeceeseceseececeresesreorereesrecocs Dt eventig BUity e et Défpereatiab! (°F af texpat- XE as apa duaction YrFO0 defined a the nefbhourhood gf a pomt xa and eS Hat = tle) cadaty end Hinkte thea tee latte Gendt value RL called: the aa © dertvaltve of Fed: ak X74 and tt ts denoted | fleal. e i. fla < te sgt te) e se e iy the dentvafive af #0) entity at rea Cire flea) te ectity Sthen the e dunction Fn TE Called dipfereatiable— func fin at 22a. note © s— 2 ti De, EE ee fey 40) e ye SI at can ee tet hand dertuatve : \ £G)-4+@ e Lp Sear pte) ite oe xae @ s Rake bend devicative = e pho = B4lal - glest) = ue fo te) sad ane steperentatt catrability HF #1) on (are)? 4 function Y= #0) 1& “Gk dail te be Age reatiable Aiaetita on gpen interval Cave) © te tay % attperntable at MOY pot befiseco aes are flee evtite . - Ce (arb) 4 o 1 vigpe cea Hebi ty of Fulon Carb]: e Dy Aine Rn YAO Oy total debe =attfarentinele= fensitiva 00 Cars) @ sey tt atgyereatiable on open WW Ae. Q-te) SHS: wy L Fle) enints — j B= Bi Deéfeven tiable oT O;— f Continuo ve aay differeatiable Not Continuous gore O:- detfecenabtliry > Continuity a9 lemit exe pote ©:- eeeenveveeee0 & é pes eee fun 8 dedfertntiasle ak 1-4 pete es ONCE ye fol Foul % ot dipferentiable at x= ax J %x<0 ee Ore Ace ty) nate ne eo ee gar (ar coskiarove but not differentiable. (wr dizerenciable tut aot contnuery () both Continuovs te dfferentiable BI Net continudor nerd déffercntiadle Doth centinukdy at x0 Dena HO = Ket = kto= 4h o LHe le foo le Gat $o~4 136 xe Birl 2 le Pol 2 Ue Kea eh ast ae Mee CHL = RHUL rH +0) ae FUL TR Goa hinueos at 220 orgpertn fta BIE Leb = eit Luo €RHD- SANS wk dey ct t= 8 @wo Conkinuoud foub nol dipernthable ‘el ee > faeth oa C3 wo) %& — gu > Ht} (aus Aatuur 23 2- x eA ‘ aor ones ft) = [xttl or C-2e] eeeoeeeceeeeeeoeeereseeeeeeeeoee eee eee feat ts, continous for all + Ha) Uh dtfferenfiatle at-€uery print -meap ab eee theufore fiat Th Coataugug Caio but not diftermbiite meng ® ef tye gat for ee) Nea @ L wrath for I>) % déffertatighle at X=! then Ae 6 2% — e Me aeygico | Glatt es C) &3 1b=O Gazor Ser. Cruse 4 gy AL *E [tame « 221 7 ane Le 40 le 4 ef sae god te attarth = ot! wy) teatbiestnl boo Laden tx Mfferatisle FX! eee eceeeecvoesreeevecreeeneeeenecece \ MEAN VALUE “THEOREM: Rollels Theoxem ¢ Jp a Fuaction f(x) TH depiaed 09 Cate] fuck that A FED % Conttquoy on Cars] Gi tox is digertotiacle ea Caw) (F) Had % equal > fle) be 4a) = Fle) then Bat least one meal number c¢ Etat) 2 #e=0 x wee ‘toot | x=-y < Soluhboo | 20 | wy ee ea Carb) : Az¢ferentiable on (arb) or = - Fla) = $b) ‘ eh #10 0 these Lega Mesn value stheovem fT Mean value ctheoveen for détperential caleulut)s Tea function foxy & d&pined On Cars] ts di continuo on Cardy cls dégyertqtioble “oa Cath) $e) —Ead 4 9) es Alo gop , Nlo- Jump — Conttoucng a oe v' No harp pelat— difjeventiabl , = | G > atepererce height — #10) of #10) eee b-4 Cauchy's Meo Value theosta 2 (a) The “Pd farcctioag fea) Se god defined 6a Lars) Gh axe coattuovy 09 Carb] Gy axe déeferential o9 Carb) Gi gly gow relay L leaye $e rreal number c Ela) > sea 4 at Mean \alue theorem fox Digreteatal colaulus); @eeovoeaeeeeeneeenee eee e028 e080 0@ eeeeee@ Cooeececceeeee 40) a 4 - $4) 37 uu) = 4h gle) —g@r Gi) a6 Zs a >x a Aronreedental tune * Rinction, Nove * y Tax, stohtv), Cosh) and every polynomial op fhe -form te eX cosa, Si ao €arr-kOre agg —--—— Ax CY REN) Of COEZ tolene degined, Continuovs, ditperatiqble and also tntegrable aur 49 l Ere eee fe peter OUP he Hoon value “eof ollel| theorem. fx) = eUstrx —corn) cm CHM) SNe Ome Sar Gy Does not enti itty tory. eC Sinn = Cosa) fly = eX (cosxtsiar) + et (stax —losx) ploy = rekstax ChB fk Contiausey on (Me 1 3Te a E1a differentiable on C My — My) tlaly) = 24 ( stay —CsMy) <0 E(STy = EM ( sta —Cos hy) = © 4(%q) = + (stlq) thay =o. 14 theorem axe satisfied tt the conditions OF Fe zolle ; 2 By rollel) throwers 3 C EC Me Th) > Heel =0- plc) ~ get stax <0 staczo (Y e ¢0) eens: sce HOE bo Ste fameshsm —- > ean, & (ares st1q) ; The vealue of HF gto — FO) ~O—D FC) He 40 Caw] t —__ ee = Atyexte ‘a 2 sy ic) bea dal cy bes @) eta © ea @ @. he Answer Pls) — +) = (6-9) 44) Fa laagronge'} -spaouem. Gawen $0) = Axr4Bx+c ia Card) tet, Hees flay = QAL+S Coastder f(b) — fla) = -9) fC) CALA Bb +c) —( Aart Bate) = (6-4) (20% +8) A (Bota) £8 (b-a) = (bad 2ay +8) a (b-8) + (6-4) = (La) (24 | +8) A (eta +B = 2AGAB Abra) = ay ee baa’ Etats) Me fou et cand ge) ~d, ta Cia) ther the Mem value “Cl oF Cauchy Mean \Malue reorem «ts — @) Aly 415 wa ey — 319 442% gy se GN) =e ee Aut =. Tt = Eee ote C x20 for i -) +c) fle) - $l4) 4-1 ‘5 “gta gle) ~ gla) ef : ay ° zy re ie by fami g ave continuo on C12) i fand g ane diteerential on Cur) i) glad 40 ye XE (12) Ca eC) fol = at (unuyid Be CHE) Thea The Hear alee “eof Meer yale orem ea 4 oe ty fo) = 240-4) fo | ; fla) = eel es ae =F cay Doet not CUD Coeceeveeeneeeseeveeeveeeeeeeeeeaee eee eee. i AD ploy = Sana)" 5 Flew dacs not ete at x =H => Ply ts not dippereatiable abuse ECCT > 40a ts aot dépereahiatle oa Cie) =e lagg rages Heon Value theorem % not applicable for fx) ta CVs) pate + ofl oR/aole ~ dp lx): San O = a neeen then the lowes and vpper bounds OF 4) estimated by Meaa valu theo ave ——— 3OFD & 3 Ora ores -2&4 Ans tet #00) be dyzned on Carb) = Cord] DB 4Fley = Laggconges Meon Value theorem , 3c E(OW) 9 eee EL ES) BOOS. peas a flo), eo Patty © c € fou) > oaccl mAs et" —o) > bey e Cee CK dein conider oecel ong © 3RC S8Kt —@) 2 che cag < 4443 a *@ => ot4y tors <— 1 oe Piciaey, ehenech 8 >a eee > 3 Gxsere See gu) ee SS teat Verification Uethod s— eae aes 8 ie ee i chescty cet = Fe Gk te fuctto be yey _ [stated cate) feat) state) ust) tanto) ids) cos( ID. tants) wbere & belorgt to CYe Wz] - and + ( ) denotes the devivative of flo). “Thea whic OF the follucuieg tataments —Rlaxe True? a2 FOE CM (Ms) > Fite) 0 Hot F BEC «Th) DFO) FO AF both Be D dere ( “Who —¢ ow +e ) tno & G1, T) ) ele) = ( )oseot+ ( ) stot © ) Seco Roltes theorem - be £ th continuoes o£ 1S differentiable 3 +(B) = 4%) =e By a solle!x tee re «3 6€ (E.G) a eleel=o DATE: of (02 /Q016 Ceovmeeeeeeneeaeeoeeeeeeeeeneeeeaeee2e8 ee @. ee ee ee ee DEFINITE ANTEGRALS Properties of _dlepinite egal: | eeucic. * [1 = ae 4 co b ae CL Hy ° Joona = jae e a a 3. _| #1 a = J ton ee ° ° b i 6 Ea . - tf tlate—2) dy Cfeba Sete So Sees os des ee and aE a oo (ra —») a mee e Beef fit dia oe (ted a ee $ecetn = pe Cfl-s = #0) 3 pin te an odd “furefon (ie tow —#01)) Ar f t Betts a= ¢ | tend eS ) 2 gaa ye Fle a [ 5 y fa = £0) a one | 400 dee if ey dx fan) =H) ° 2 qe ay teen (h-I) (n-3) Caf) - : if Sinn at = cos tu) dt © pt 3 3 where “k' = QR tris an even tntegev Le ont te an add tegen and NEN. th (Geo Cn) (mes) = =o safes wa 7: Ka Men) © COSMO) 4 = ok [lemen a) Cmama) Lente) = = ° sea et: iehoxe: k= . ) , ohawtie mand n ave een fafegers and mine. lo- faves =u fvdi — fet Jura jax & ae TE ry (te Je Gd tay dl oe Probleens Me | stab toy( 4] a= Te pele es (stat-0)" toy (“GA ) af Shed. sie bad We finde 20 wv ate 2 {| costed % 4 s (ad = (8 eo) 2 ws oe - fen +O Pea gece cfunctton Fr o | wg tt de = 2 | coste dx | a eee : : axa | cost wide a 4 n=) tae3) (aS) } : (y-9) (a2) (aw) ~ 2) se [som ue eee * Ue js A ea We 4 SB: J cos (30) 5in3(60) de = as o tet 38 nes de age “4 “gery = Gor (td) = Elosx)® ~ ly) CBC OCCT HTOHTHOHHTEHHHHH OSHA OS See eee zeox t <. = o- By te™ % ie fenton sto3(60) de a - ee staat) at * Presen [xeos «sta wy) se 3 Wh aa J Baten stad ° “¢ saiteed) ees) neces COPS 5 Cente) (manna) (mend) = - tay to-1) (1-3) Cae) Soe) 3° Gers) Uto-a) Clow) Cior6) Co) k —waluegave odd = | eee Ss a ee ees tovk KP eRe pees ei eA ee Otven tx V1 «he Mel OF Dd . Ie $ay) 4x a homogenvod punchoo Uxith eleqvee ‘n! fa Xtey THO Soy)e ) a. pl Ys) l $9 (tly) _Eulevs Theorey _ Tox Hamnogeavo fuachoa = _ taken 3 Y ue Hag 1 a Atrogenova dincton tosh devee® vi to 1849 hey ju 4 a “y ee nu w Be ear i jee « oF ty ay SWBek n(n Note @: Sp us hay) +9 glacy) whee hg axe , manda — aespectively, theo ee ae factions est dgree Oy Bey Be ombany (Giger pu av s ie ty S % ay ae m(mh + 00 og Os 9 * Note @ = Tp ulxey) % nota homo genvous Seateas ie iaare @ howe gente 5 5 Cxtieal potat cepa & Point of Mad me e = fla) fn) e \ ay 26 iS | plucye0 a e —_|_—_—— e =o pee + e ¥ @ yet 2 e e & aby oe e +e F. | lector AL fle zo e eed ° sate peiat poiai’ 0 seplection @ hye 49 Tie 8 lo / Ate e e - au . print Of Toslecton- a) Ye tayetO tn <4 Manintuon af- Maximum fs the x B trlobal Cantmere Hey | Mintmun of Hinionura (she ae) Gbobal | Méatma. ae ie { potat of POE Gee ae Gr + yoo agu > Ju so ot x ge leo RIN = dlrs i - dae Saddle potat => nelthen Maxima or Méndma. ine Of Y=$lt) $- _Method to find the Maxine and Mi Fred Hen) eM for argtven fuvction ¥>-#00 quate fli & 240 sto obtain statleaaty potnk igs $8ca) at each éta Honayy potat ‘a! (ve #i"lca)) caluclate at tza ee the Minimung PO) hag Minimum 2) ap flay 70 thea value fo +O ae glee thea ft) hag a= mein fat12a and the Maximun value ig #14) ter 2g flay eo then 4 (xr meg o% pintouna at =a nny aot have: a Manimum ov tote I— : Note ¢ pe — Miimum s xy $l) < — Maauionun . #u4) - 2 : ean rod — $a) == xo Bo Z ot Method to 4ind Maxima and Mi ima of UV Toque = Ht, or 0 =0 Step + Find p. ot ‘ 4 35 ona sees a rt 94 7 2 gles turcton Us #14) sepa 3 Equate P& @ ro cevo “b obtain Bra Honavy poiat (ab) as calulte x, Sad t at each Statinay potat (arb) ate ale ten -#leey) ho} (eclateiam) at (v6) and the Minimum value 12 $Arb)+ %) ap [Recstao] « and then #04) hag a [eantiarwes] at (ab) % Flac) athe function #604) haf nadtner a maximuen nov (ach) PK called the. Maxine value wag “ho a enimum at (4 (b) and “the point dy see Se then no conclusfon. by this Method- xy) @ Pisbleen t- Jae The Max?ma and Mintma af cthe -fuaction fx) fcetseeayat am t i respectively at 3 @ 21 We Cg 8 aed OF Cae Doswest— Given -funchoo fx) z Z . P— atta) dt Jes fia) = 31-42 comtder flta=o at 3x42 =0 eta are Stahoaary potaty AMi= 2273 PMG) On hy aay = 4rd e Leo gh) = -veot fa zt rod point of Maxtorq fe %>2 FE @ point °, gf Minima . oe uet Ha 9 Te Heston value oF the funecton Hy = 2— te rts CUE Sol The ghcen function if fon) = t2—-axb taut +O Ia Cre) glad = aren toq elon bx consider flay =O a 6149 =0 me BG OE Sta tionary potats Ae gil) = —6 <0 as pe ury = flu) = 620 v value af #00) fo cloled Satera\ Cate) = The Slob resolute +, The Mentternters Maina mori of UX) To Cab] Saher naie tlkgae loca) Haximuab vax FU) $6), +a) = = Man {aa cash = 4! £0) = om 1PM re 46> 24 $e) = 4d Av qm t= Hl Hey 2 -W 4re 4F 2 aL @: the value of ab tor which the fuac tion gy and potat op Anglertton af %=( a¥e— aay by het 0 bal Hino abxra finps weaxtt bx fas focal Mftiman a we that “Re function 414) = 4h) Bly) 2al4) k=O a=-3. @- he functon +fay) = 29- artruytto a) &% MAK ® a mio © both 2&o ond #'"(1) =o Glu +2420 Answst 2 133x244 y*_10 efi e Bet p me fax 61-6 mt-st z (6a-€) (8) 0 = 1-48 aeCaco} 5 ygtay - = us te 870 nue eis 4 (aro) ts a potat ©- The function tray) = vy 3xy t 24? @one local Mar but one local mia bu y me local men Bat @roae local extremum ( _Ainswot 5— Piaay y= C= Pia ebay a! pe fans 2y 40 considey p= a aay By 4 =O asl wy Byte ye?) aca => hy —3y +P? a 2, stationary port ve At it) AeA Sects op Medina np local min fro local Mure one local Max (marimum or Miafmum) xy kay ad YeO ab attazo me cue) |G Ge \) 50 at (2.0) has G@) aPther a Max nor A, oat a eee § sz tyro 4 t= Fy —8 qe fy MBL AD ety se by = 2X3 Coeececeoececesesreeceeeeeeeeoeseeee ee 8 eee ate (yb 2 126 at? = (ray f @ Saddle Polat => Eras t20 2 @ Saddle poft- reed ifeigtc= faa) Ole t= a1 0 (ge-t) ts-a Paddle potat = meso having a add le point she distone between origin and a poiot neavest- Ft on rhe Ruspace eer ate lety % — as @& 6 ©! @) none. See ower? fawwe = Pluyi2) be any potat on the Suxface ve itty Let and “d' be the distance bchoeen. the oxtglo and a pot 2 nearest te Ae theo te a dz Drators(ee = Prtyrarr eet oy Tete plug = dhe ayhe Lexy Peer eee aedty ~ 24th peo DS 24*770 G20 =) WLED axent 2l-ax)t X50 urn Yet 1 4x0 ca sypmerecny = Tororce v 4 Be azo and y2d He w= ley | or) 2 (ayer) = rene err) i oro!) Fe ee eee ec ences eee eeeeseeeeeneeeoseee “TAYLORS «AND MACLAURINS SERLES +h 4648 + = Numerical ltxtity? 4 == power series Power sesieg: An tagintte Sevleg oY che tem 0 +2 (1-4) €ar(a-a)*g ===" « : a poser Sevicg | an (x-a"t- - —~ WD SF aqlr-a)” % called nzo Sq powers af (a) tm) about a point txa (Centre of the 4 power sevieg). 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