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SPE 128610

Vertical Flow Barrier Characterisation in Amenam R4 Reservoir (Nigeria)

and Impact on Field Development and Reservoir Management

TOTAL E&P Nigeria, Port-Harcourt.

Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

identified in the R4 reservoir. Data acquisition
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 33rd Annual SPE International during the development phase and early
Technical Conference and Exhibition in Abuja, Nigeria, August 3-5, 2009.
production life of the field with pressure data,
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
interference tests and gas tracers yielded very
of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum significant results, essential to optimise the
Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as
presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum development strategy and to establish a proper
Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject
to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.
reservoir management scheme of the Amenam-
Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for Kpono field.
commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract
of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must
contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was
A limited number of corrective actions were
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, implemented, mainly with 4 additional wells in
U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
2007-2008, drilled to sustain pressure and/or to
enhance recovery in the under developed R4
bottom unit.
In the Amenam–Kpono Field, six of the Introduction
hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs encountered are
currently developed. The Main Reservoir (R4) is The offshore Amenam field discovered in 1990 is
characterized by vertically stacked sand bodies an oil and gas condensate field, located 35 km
with intercalated shale layers, laterally well south of the Niger Delta (Fig.1). Water depth of
extended. Amenam Field is 40 meters. The Amenam Field is
part of the OML 99 and has been unitized with the
In the initial reservoir study, a low vertical reservoir Mobil (Exxon) Kpono Field.(OML70) The unit
permeability (Kv/Kh=0.01) and maps of vertical agreement was signed in 1997 between NNPC
transmissibility within these shale layers were (60%) Mobil (9.6%) and EPNL (30.4%) as
implemented in the dynamic model. operator.

In fall 2007, Amenam East well confirmed an The Amenam-Kpono field structure is a large-
excellent lateral communication with Amenam faulted anticline downthrown of a regional east-
Main Field through the aquifer and highlighted the west trending structure–building fault. Amenam
presence of multi disconnected hydrocarbon deep reservoirs are interpreted as being part of a
bearing flow units within R4 reservoir of the lowstand deltaic wedge. They belong to the Biafra
Amenam-East structure. Formation (Fig.2) approximatively dated as Upper
Miocene in age (5-9 Ma).The field contains
It was assumed in the initial Field Development several deep producing horizons, respectively the
Plan that these shale layers would play a crucial R4, R9, R10,R11 and R15 reservoirs.
role in fluid dynamics and hydrocarbons recovery.
The initial dynamic model was used to optimise The initial Amenam “oil” project was based on the
well location and perforation strategy. development of West and Central zones of the R4,
R9, R10, R11 levels. During the phase 1, the
With 35 development wells drilled and almost five production strategy was to re-inject the associated
years of production (1 oil in July 2003), the gas from all reservoirs into the R4 reservoir in
significant impact of vertical shale barriers was order to maintain the initial reservoir pressure
confirmed and 4 main dynamic units were above the saturation pressure (close to initial
pressure). The deeper reservoirs R10/R11 were
2 X. Mathieu, U. Onyema, L. Sabatier, S. Blanchais, U. Eme SPE 128610

first produced under natural depletion as their also identified as a major risk and were thus
initial pressures were far from saturation pressure. implemented in the first model (Fig. 5).
During phase 2, most of the gas is exported and
the remaining gas is injected into R4. Water Fourteen layers were identified based on the
injection was fully developed in R4, R10 and R11 depositional sequences and inter-layering shale
in order to ensure a full voidage replacement for layers interpreted as minor flooding surfaces.
reservoir pressure maintenance.
Due to the occurrence of barriers caused by shale
Sea water is used for injection with a maximum extended layers, an extensive program of data
injection rate capacity of 48 kSm3/d. acquisition was launched in the early development
and production life of the field, in order to reduce
this uncertainty and optimise the field
The Main R4 Reservoir development.

The R4 reservoir is the focus of this study (cf. map Among the data acquired to evaluate the dynamic
Fig. 3), where significant sets of static and behaviour of the reservoirs the following pressure
dynamic pressure data have been acquired. data acquisition techniques were used:
• Interference tests between R4 oil
The R4 reservoir consists of interstratified producers,
sandstones and marine shale mostly representing • Open-hole static pressure measurements shelf deposition. It is characterized in most of the development wells,
by vertically stacked sand bodies with intercalated
shale layers. Laterally the shale layers could have • Down-hole gauges deployed in some
a large extension especially towards the basin producing and injecting wells,
(southwards), creating potentially good pressure • Surface wellhead pressure monitoring.
barriers. Tide influence is also common during
trangressive time allowing disconnections In fall 2005 a campaign of gas tracers was also
between the mouth bars and the fluvial launched to better appraise the connectivity
distributaries. between gas injectors and oil producers in the R4
Sediments are deposited from North to South and
the reservoir sealing is due both to stratigraphic After a review of the acquired pressure data, this
and faults closures. Petrophysical reservoir quality study is focusing mainly on the gas tracer
declines from North to South. technique.

The R4 reservoir is also characterized by deep Interference Tests:

depths ranging from 3600m to 3800m TVDSS, a
Three interference tests were performed on the
relatively high temperature reaching 135 degC
R4 reservoir. (SPE 88887 paper, 2004).
and high reservoir pressure ranging from 390 to
1. The first interference test has
410 bars. The reservoir pressure is close to fluid
demonstrated a good horizontal
saturation pressure which implies pressure
communication between AMKP2-04 and
support on the reservoir. Depletion below the
AMKP2-01 (within layer R4_S3), and a
saturation pressure remains the main risk towards
vertical disconnection between layer
releasing condensate which could remain trapped
R4_S3 and layers R4_S1 where no signal
and not produced.
has been observed on AMKP2-03 well
(Fig. 6).
Data Acquisition
2. These results were confirmed by a second
In the initial reservoir study, vertical flows were interference test performed at the
identified as highly uncertain and based on static beginning of the production, with wells
pressure data from exploration-appraisal wells, the AMKP2-01 and AMKP2-04 producing
R4 was described as a homogeneous dynamic (within the layer R4_S3), and wells
unit (Fig.4). However, due to the presence of intra- AMKP2-07 (R4_S1) and AMKP2-08
reservoir shale layers, lateral extent of those shale (R4_S0) as observers.
and their transmissivity through the faults were
3 Vertical Flow Barrier Characterisation in Amenam R4 Reservoir (Nigeria) SPE 128610

3. A third interference test was performed Based on the reservoir development timing and on
during the extended clean up of well reservoir geological assumptions (mainly partial
AMKP1-06 (gas injector, completed with horizontal continuity of dynamic units), static
screens in layer R4_S3). At that time, two pressure data allow us to define flow units, based
months after the field production start-up, on similar uniform depletion trends.
only layer R4_S3 had been produced in
The Amenam field has been vertically divided into
R4 reservoir (wells AMKP2-01 and
several dynamically independent layers, fitting with
the geological layering. For each pressure point, a
The main lessons from the three interference tests depletion plot was realized, based on the
is that some of the intra-R4 shaly layers may act difference between the open hole static formation
as efficient dynamic barriers. pressure and the original pressure at the
considered depth.
Those results allowed us to change the
architecture of gas injectors from a single layer The entire reservoir is supposed to be in dynamic
horizontal well trajectory to a sub-horizontal multi- equilibrium, with one single pressure function. In
layers trajectory in order to support several R4 the R4a reservoir, single contact is assumed in
dynamic units . line with previous field knowledge. This leads to a
Gas injectors, initially placed at the top of the bijective pressure-depth function, greatly
reservoir structure, were re-designed and re- simplifying computations (Fig.7& 8)
located downward stratigraphically in order to
encounter several reservoir units. All doubtful pressure points (tagged supercharged,
tight, etc.) were removed when they were
Open Hole Formation pressure Measurements: inconsistent with adjacent good points. Mobility
has not been used systematically as a way to
Initially the R4 reservoir has been interpreted with validate points, but anomalic points with out of
one single pressure gradient as mentioned in bounds mobilities were removed on a punctual
figure 4. Nevertheless high probability of vertical basis.
barriers have been mentioned since 1998 based
on cores and logs data. Slight pressure difference
are interpreted from the initial pressure regime. Consequence of the pressure data acquisition
Following the results of the interference tests, on perforation strategy and production
significant efforts have been made to acquire management:
static pressure data on development wells in order Example of the Flow Unit 4 (FU4) produced by the
to: last 3 wells drilled on Amenam in 2008.
Figure 9 shows the formation pressure plot
• identify the main intra-R4 dynamic barriers
expressed in pseudo-potential for well AMKP1-37
and their continuities in order to optimise the
compared to the regional pressure trend given by
perforation programs,
the exploration/appraisal Amenam wells. The
• confirm with more precision, the four flow depletion in AMKP1-37 well (drilled in Q1 2008) is
units, characterized by different pressure trends. Only
• monitor closely during production time, the the layer R4-S3b above the bubble point pressure
depletion of individual R4 flow units, in order to was perforated. On the other hand, all layers close
optimise the oil production, and the water/gas to the bubble point was not perforated.
injection. As the reservoir pressure in the Flow Unit 4 (FU4)
was slightly above bubble point in January 2008
By reviewing the static pressures, expressed in (pressure data of well AMKP1-37), it appears the
pseudo-potential (in meters), it appears that the necessity to maintain the pressure with gas
initial pressure trend shows slight pressure breaks injection of well AMKP1-38. The first signs of
(Fig.4), which reveal high probability of having pressure support were noticed during pressure
initial vertical barriers. The acquisition of post first measurements in the following two wells drilled
oil static pressure data (mainly MDT and RFT just after the gas injection well (Fig.10). The
data) remains one of the best techniques to define voidage balance was stabilized thanks to the
the dynamic units of reservoirs in early AMKP1-38 injection a few months later (Fig.10).
development phase.
4 X. Mathieu, U. Onyema, L. Sabatier, S. Blanchais, U. Eme SPE 128610

Gas Tracer Campaign: have been observed in AMKP 2-23, & AMKP2-12
The main objective of the gas tracer project was to both perforated in R4 unit 2 (Fig.11).
establish the relationships between gas injector
wells and oil producer wells in the R4 reservoir of Very small amounts of this tracer were recorded in
Amenam main field. In addition, gas tracers help other wells as shown in the table, but these are
to evaluate the effectiveness of the injector wells most likely recycled tracers (Fig.12). The main
and to reach a full understanding of the travel conclusion is that the PLT results are confirmed.
paths of the injected gas. On the contrary, the injector AMKP 1-06,
supposed to inject only in the flow unit 4,
• Tracer Injection and Methodology: according to PLT results, also injects in flow unit 3.
Gas tracers were injected into four gas injection AMKP1-06 tracer was recovered in well AMKP 2-
wells in September 2005 by a Nigerian company 14, producer of R4 FU3.
Tracerco. The tracers breakthrough delays are also
analysed. For instance AMKP 2-07, perforated in
The tracers were injected at the wellhead with an the flow unit 2 has experienced a tracer
injection pressure of 460 bars, some 80 bars breakthrough in Q1 2008, one year after AMKP 2-
above the wellhead pressure. For safety purpose, 11 though it is closer to the gas injector. This
each tracer injection was preceded by leakage observation necessitated a review of well
testing using xylene at the injection pressure of correlations.
460 bars. Also at the end of each tracer injection, Finally, there are some results that are not yet
equipment and injection point were cleaned by understood. For example, AMKP 2-23 and AMKP
pumping xylene through to avoid contamination. 2-12 have not yet experienced any breakthrough
of AMKP1-17 tracer, supposed to be perforated in
• Gas Tracer Analysis: the same flow unit. The sampling on these wells is
After the tracer injections have started, the tracers intensified.
were sampled on a monthly basis from the
Amenam test separator and sent to a norvegian
laboratory (IFE). The first results of injected gas • Gas Tracer Conclusions
breakthrough were seen with the February 2006 Gas tracer sampling & analysis has greatly
analysis results. By February 2007, almost all improved the knowledge of R4 reservoir and
tracers breakthroughs had been observed and proven the dynamic flow repartition between the
tracer sampling was temporarily suspended. different units of this reservoir.

In 2007, previous analysis results were The association of gas injectors to oil producers
synthesized and simulated. Recommendation was was achieved through tracer analysis. This helped
given to continue tracer sampling on a bi-monthly in optimizing gas injection management, especially
basis for selected wells in August 2007. However, since the start up of gas export, beginning January
sampling commenced effectively in January 2008 2007.
due to operational constraints on Amenam
complex. From recent trends of tracer concentrations, it is
clear that the peak concentrations have long been
• Gas Tracer Results observed in all breakthrough wells and detected
These measurements were particularly valuable to tracer amounts will continue to decrease. Based
understand the injection gas repartition and the on simulation and full analysis program of the
repartition of wells within the flow units. tracer sampling, it was agreed to complete the
For example, the gas injector AMKP1-05 ,drilled cycle of tracer observation in order to help in
in the central panel of Amenam, has open quantifing flow paths /volumes between injectors
intervals for injection in R4 flow unit 2, with some and producers.
meters of blanked pipe in flow unit 3.
However, the lack of frequent sampling implies
PLT interpretations performed in March 2006 that this objective is more or less defeated. In the
suggest that there was no injection behind the light of the present difficulty in sampling wells, it is
blanked pipes (all injection in R4 flow unit 2). necessary to review the continuation of gas tracer
sampling & analysis on Amenam R4 reservoir.
20 kg of the tracer PMCP were injected in this well
on 19 September 2005 and main breakthroughs
5 Vertical Flow Barrier Characterisation in Amenam R4 Reservoir (Nigeria) SPE 128610

Water Tracer Campaign: NNPC for the encouragement received and

permission granted to publish this work.
An inter-well water tracer program has also been
designed to investigate the flow behaviour of the References
injected water in and around the project area. The 1. V.Bandele, E.Berger, C.Trémaudant, J.Hegner,
campaign will be launched mid 2009. F.Akalamudo, Y.Autret and B.Faissat
:”Importance of Pressure Data Acquisition in the
Development phase and Early Production Life:
Conclusion the Amenam-Kpono Field Experience”. paper
Dynamic data acquisition during the development SPE 88887 presented at the 28th Annual SPE
phase and at the early production life of the field, International Technical Conference and
has a significant impact on the characterization Exhibition in Abuja, Nigeria, August 2-4, 2004
and definition of the vertical reservoir units. The
2. JL.Fachal; A.Renaud; F.Montel; L.Moreau and
dynamic layering was largely improved with the
V.Bandele “Reservoir risk management in partial
interference tests and also with significant efforts
depletion context: : a methodology applied to a
at the acquisition of the open hole pressure data.
reservoir with critical fluids”, paper SP
The gas tracer campaign helped in optimizing gas
.presented at the 28th Annual SPE International
injection into the wells.
Technical Conference and Exhibition in Abuja,
Nigeria, August 2-4, 2004.
Those measurements were essential both to
optimise the development strategy and to
establish a proper reservoir management of the
Amenam-Kpono field.

Consequently data acquisition yielded significant

results on Amenam-Kpono field, allowing some
corrective actions to improve the sweep efficiency
and also the recovery in each flow unit:
• Implementation of a water injector
AMKP3-36 to improve the pressure
support in the Flow unit 3.
• Drilling of 3 infill wells (2 producers and 1
water injector) to improve the recovery of
the Flow unit 4.

Thanks to a good anticipation, the corrective

actions were efficient and the initial reserves were

In line with the data acquired during the early

production phase, a water tracer campaign will be
launched mid 2009 aimed at a better
understanding of the flow behaviour of the injected
water. Based on the reservoir management
optimisation accomplished since 2003, infill
development wells in the R4 reservoir are not
envisaged in the immediate future.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the
management of Total E&P Nigeria, for permission
to publish this paper and would also like to thank
our partners ExxonMobil Producing Nigeria and

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