Exercise On Passive Voice - Rewrite These Sentences in The Passive Voice

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Rewrite these sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. Are you Buying the goods for dinner?

2. Does Peter sell national products?

3. Did she tell you The truth?

4. Have they driven their cars lately?

5. Has Erick given you any idea?

6. Did Trump win the elections?

7. I think Biden will win the elections.

8. What do you eat every day?

9. Where does he put his money away?

10. I haven´t written a poem today.

11. We didn´t drink water last night.

12. Sarah doesn´t send us any information.

13. You didn´t clean your room.

14. She hasn´t come to my house for a while.

15. They will study the script.

16. Have you seen my new book?

17. Helen won´t sell her old car.

18. We didn´t pay the phone bill last month.

19. Did he tell you about the plan?

20. Alex doesn´t allow his kids to play outside.

21. Mike didn´t put off the meeting.

22. Does Pedro call you often?

23. Has Patrick invited you to his new house?

24. What did she give you?

25. I don´t write poems at night.

26. Patricia didn´t call me yesterday.

27. You don´t wash your car.

28. Michael doesn´t take his clothes to the laundry.

29. Fabiola hasn´t sent the new packages.

30. Ellen doesn´t fly that kind of planes.

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