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Reviewer in Science 4 (Nicolette)

Skull – protects the brain and the sense of organs.

Hyoid bone – the hyoid bone in the neck supports the tongue.
Vertebral column – the vertebral column or back bone begins at
the base of the skull and extends down to the pelvis.
Clavicles – the shoulder bones consist of two collarbones.
Femur – each leg consists of a thigh bone called femur and it is the
longest bone in the body.
Stirrup – the smallest bone in the body. It is one of the three tiny
bones in the middle ear.
Phalanges – 14 bones of the toes and bones of the fingers.
Compact bone – is the outside layer that is hard, strong, dense or
tightly packed, and resistant to bending.
Spongy bone – is the layer found inside the compact bone.
Ball-and-Socket joints – allow a circular motion with free
movement in all directions.
Hinge joints – allow back and forth movements in one place.
joints – are points at which two bones meet.
ligaments – is a more elastic band of muscle fibers that attaches
bone to another bone.
tendons – is a band of tough white tissue that connects muscle to
bone and other muscle.
synovial fluid – a thick, colorless fluid that enables the bone to
move smoothly and painless.
fracture – is a break in the bone.
sprain – is an injury caused by the stretching or tearing ligament.
dislocation – when a bone slips from its normal position at a joint.
arthritis – is a joint disease common among adults but also affects
many children.

osteoporosis – is a disease in which the bones become thin and

very porous, break easily and heal slowly.
scoliosis – is the excessive sideways curvature of the spine.

Sense Organs

1. nose
2. eyes
3. ears
4. tongue
5. skin

Science Processes

1. observation
2. classification
3. comparison
4. inference
5. prediction
6. measurement
7. experimentation

Rickets – is caused by the lack of calcium and phosphorus in the

Osteomyelitis – is an inflammation of the bone or bone

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