Bio462 - Experiment 6

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a) In the Molisch Test, what is the expected result that would occur in the presence of

A purple coloration seen as a ring at the interphase between the acid and maltose and Molisch

b) What are the differences between Barfoed’s test and Benedict’s test?
 Barfoed’s test to distinguish monosaccharides from disaccharides while Benedict’s test is a
test for reducing sugar. Besides, copper reduction in Barfoed’s test occur in an acidic medium
unlike Bendeict’s test in an alkaline medium.

c) In the Bial’s Test, which type of sugar would result in a blue-green solution?

d) Predict the expected results of the following carbohydrates. Use (+) for positive result
and (-) for negative result.
  Types of Carbohydrate
Test Glucose Fructose Lactose Maltose Sucrose Ribose Starch
Molisch + + + + + - +
Benedict + + + + - + -
Barfoed + + - - - + -
Seliwanoff - + - - + - -
Bial - + - - - + -
Iodine - - - - - - +

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