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What is a Resume?

Resume is a document used by persons to present their backgrounds and skills.

o It can be used for a variety of reasons, but most often they are used to secure new
employment. A typical resume contains a summary of relevant job

experience and education,

o The resume is usually one of the first items, along with a cover letter & sometimes an
application for employment, which a potential employer sees regarding the job seeker & is
typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview.

Drawbacks of a resume -

Need of visual resume came into picture

Since it is very descriptive , it becomes boring to read it

o Elaborative resumes instead of being read carefully are skimmed through without thinking of
one's career opportunities since TIME is a constraint.

o Complex & chronological structure of a resume makes it more difficult to understand.

Solution of the above problems Is a Visual Resume

Why do we need Visual

Resume ?

do People skim resumes - TIME & MONEY are valuable and short in supply Your resume may
only get looked at for a FEW SECONDS

o Simplicity is the achievement of MAXIMUM EFFECT with MINIMUM MEAN

What is a visual Resume ?

 The idea and concept of visual resumes is a brief story of one's life by the use of various
pictures & symbols pertaining to one's life & work experience
 It has all the features of a resume additionally it has pictorial form of data making it
more attractive contains keywords & pictures that potential employers are looking for,
avoiding heavy use of active verbs, and displays content in a flattering manner


- Visual document/presentation



- Video presentation

Video with audio

Powerpoint or slide with audio

Combination of video/audio and slides


Add-on to classic resume - not a replacement - which serves to emphasize your achievements,
knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Enhance your personal brand and image.

Competitive differentiator between you and other job candidates.

Showcase talents related/required for a targeted role

Show high-level of creativity and innovation

Demonstrate presentation skills

Importance of Visual

o What can you do to help your resume stand out from crowd? Writing & Reading a resume
can be frustrating & boring - but it doesn't have to be when it is done with using lots of
colourful images!

o It has the power to be a strong communicator on a person's behalf, since one cannot go on
explaining himself/herself to each & every person he/she meets.


o In many contexts, a Visual Resume is short and directs a reader's attention to those aspects of
a person's background that are directly relevant to a particular position.

o A resume is a marketing tool in which the content should be adapted to suit each individual
job application and/or applications aimed at a particular industry.

o The transmission of resumes directly to employers became increasingly popular as late as


o Job seekers are able to circumvent the job application process and reach employers through
direct email contact and resume blasting, a term meaning the mass distribution of resumes to
increase personal visibility within the job market.

 Not all jobs are suited to infographic resumes. Many employers require traditional
resumes because that’s what they’re used to and expect. Some employers may use an
Applicant Tracking System that scans and looks for keywords to measure the
applicant’s fit to the job. That type of scanning doesn’t work with infographics, which
means you’re resume would be weeded out.
2. Not all employers are open to infographic resumes. Traditions die hard. There is
a difference between differentiating yourself and being annoyingly clever.

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