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Introduction for Biofloc

beginner success stories

How to get
Introduction for beginner

Indian Style Indian Style
How to get started

success stories
Table of Contents

Indian style Biofloc setup 1

What is required for 2

Biofloc Setup ?

Science Behind Biofloc 3

Bfiofloc Technology
Indian Style
India Biofloc setup success 5

Where to buy Biofloc setup 11

products in India

Fish growth in Biofloc tank

Indian style Biofloc setup
In Indian Jugaad term “if You fill water in tarpaulin bag,
Install pump for aeration and mixing, drops tiny fishes
in it , you will have tones of fish in few months time“

Well .. is it truly as simple as that ? let’s find out

Biofloc is a new concept in aquaculture. it is gaining popularity

due to its zero water exchange system. It is simple, economical,
profitable, and almost risk free. So far the cheapest way to
product fish.

What does experts says about it ?

It is an innovative and cost-effective technology in which toxic
materials to the fish and shellfish such as Nitrate, Nitrite,
Ammonia can be converted to useful
product, ie., proteinaceous feed. It is the technology used in
aquaculture system with limited or zero water exchange under
high stocking density, strong aeration and biota formed by biofloc.
Source :

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What is required for Biofloc Setup ?

Here is the list of main items required for

Indian Style Biofloc Setup

•Iron frame
•Tarpaulin Tank
•Aeration pump
•PVC pipe
•Air tube
•Air tube Connectors
•Air stone
•Test kits

Note : This is not the full list few more thing could also be require
depending upon the specific need of the setup.

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Science Behind Biofloc Technology
We need to understand little bit of science behind
Biofloc system in order to understand it better and to
avoid few common mistakes in production (ie
ammonia). Don’t worry if you don’t get every think,
you will get the general idea.

Biofloc technology focus on efficient use of nutrient input with

limited or zero water exchange.
The main principle of BFT is to recycle nutrient by maintaining a
high carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio in the water in order to stimulate
heterotrophic bacterial growth that converts ammonia
into microbial biomass (Avnimelech 1999).
The microbial biomass will further aggregate with
other microorganisms and particles suspended in the water
forming what has been called “biofloc”,
which eventually can be consumed in situ by the cultured animals
or harvested and processed as a feed ingredient
(Avnimelech 1999; Avnimelech 2007; Crab et
al. 2007; De Schryver et al. 2008; Kuhn et al. 2008; Kuhn et
al. 2009; Kuhn et al. 2010).

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Science Behind Biofloc Technology

With this principle, Biofloc technology has been applied both at

commercial scale for various aquaculture species such as tilapia
(Avnimelech 2007; Azim & Little 2008; Crab et al. 2009), shrimp
(Burford et al. 2004; Hari et al. 2004; Taw 2010), sturgeon and
snook (Serfling 2006).
Figure 1.0

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India Biofloc setup success story
10 lakh , NO experience in biofloc ? believable ? I don't know .lets find

Among various stories I watched on YouTube I like story of

Prakash (name changed) from Haryana . Showing off his
36 tripoline tank bio flock farm and boasting about how
he earns 10 lakh per year from his low investment and with no
experience in Biofloc system.
10 lakh , NO experience in Biofloc ? believable ? I don't know . it
up to you to find out.

Teacher from profession hails from small village in Haryana, he

left job to start his own
He said he was looking for low risk high rewarding business of his
own. his search ended
when he finds out about Biofloc. He started experimenting after
getting few days of training.
And within 6 months, as he said; he got his investment back.
Now he trains and promotes Biofloc system while earning 10
times more than his salary he was getting in his teaching job.

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India Biofloc setup success story

He seems to be very happy and satisfied with his life

now. Introducing biofloc he said this is
the new technique in fish farming which gives more production than
the pound in less time.

Only problem he seems to be having was not getting supplier for tank
setup items, which he said got
very expensive as he was unaware of the price, now he is helping new
farmers who wants to start
biofloc to connect with suppler without any intermediary.

India Biofloc setup success story

Conclusion from various success story:

Inspired by Pawan's story and the way he introduced me to this new

fish farming techniques which
he call risk free, I got hooked on Biofloc related videos, how a teacher
left his job and started a profitable
fish farm. I browse for more information and found tons related
contents on youtube and so many success stories.
some believable some confusing. But there is one thing which is
common in very story, everyone is running a
training institute, and they are charging up to Rs. 4000 for one day

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India Biofloc setup success story

what it means is that biofloc is more profitable if you start charging for
farm visit in the name of
training. If you can learn something in one day, I think it does
not require much training. you can learn it
yourself. or at least it will not be that difficult if it can be learnt in a day.
Biofloc training has become bigger
industry then Biofloc itself .

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India Biofloc setup success story

Here’s what I have understood so far

- Biofloc system is easy to setup
- It is Inexpensive
- It does requires little technical understanding
- The only problem faced by the beginner is to find right place to buy
setup related items
- It is easy to find market to sell your production, the demand is high
and supply is short
- It’s a full time job it required your presence, only if you are living in
the same place where
you are planning setup you can do other thing around.

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India Biofloc setup success story

- Do watch few videos to understand batter
- Even if it’s not for training, I strongly suggest joining some sort of
training where you can
meet like minded people for sake of networking.

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Where to buy Biofloc setup products in India
If you have smart phone and
free data, you know what to do

In the age of internet you have the advantage of the global

market, if you are beginner, try first to get the price on internet
before going to the local market. There are great chances that
you will have to pay little extra for all the items you buy from local
market on your first purchase as you might be unaware of the
price, or you might have to pay commission if you buy through
mediator. In most of the cases the farmers who provide Biofloc
training also try to sell related product, commission is
automatically included in the price. Try to find manufacturer in you
city or state this will give you advantage of quality check and you
can save transport charges.

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Where to buy Biofloc setup products in India

You can try internet directories or different website where you can
find wholesaler and manufacturer ,
like, etc ( I am not affiliated with
any of these website). Before going to the local market, try to get
5-7 quotes for bulk quantity so that you can get the idea of
cheapest quote available. You can also contact local farmers, ask
them to include your requirement in their order, will get bulk
quantity advantage. You can find so many Biofloc beginner on
Youtube, network with , you can bundle their requirement with
your order for better pricing.

Online shopping websites are also the source of getting Biofloc

relate products. Almost All items are available on website
like on retail price (again I am not affiliated with any of
these website).; these are expensive as it includes shipping cost
and heavy commission, but you can contact seller and ask them
to send you bulk price.

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Where to buy Biofloc setup products in India

Few tips before buying Biofloc setup products.

1- If possible visit any nearby Biofloc farm, check the quality of

the products farmer is using and ask for the suppler information
you might get the good price if he is not charging any commission
from seller, at least you will get reliable supplier. Or you can ask
him to include your requirement in his future order so that you can
get bulk price advantage.

2- Prior making purchase decide your requirement what quality

you are looking for, note down specification of your required
setup, for example decide what GSM of tarpaulin you want or
what kind of air stone will be suitable for your pound, there are so
many air stone are available in the market and thickness of
tarpaulin depend on the usage you have in mind.

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Where to buy Biofloc setup products in India

3- Ask supplier to quote for bulk price; more quantity

then you are actually planning to buy; so that you can
get good price and then you can negotiate for quantity.

Note :

I have not included any supplier's name or link

because I don't want to sound like salesman and I
couldn't find any trusted supplier so far. Feel free to
leave in comment if you know anyone.

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Fish growth in Biofloc tank system

Growth is the king in Biofloc system

What is the most important eliminet in Biofloc system

? Is it water ? is it fish? or is it feed ? farmers could
have differences over them but there is one think
every one agrees on, yes , even buyers and that
is GROWTH ! how much biomass you get in your
crop cycle.

Growth is the king in Biofloc system

but not many farmers focus on it, especially the new

Biofloc system or any other form of fisheries is the

game of getting higher FCR (The Feed Conversion
Ratio) In layman's term how much biomass you can
get in the least feed spending.

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Fish growth in Biofloc tank system

[ "The feed conversion ratio is an indicator that is

commonly used in all types of farming, as well as in
the field of research. It can provide a good indication
of how efficient a feed or a feeding strategy can be. In
the context of aquaculture, the F.C.R. is calculated
as follows: F.C.R. = Feed given / Animal weight gain."
source : ]

Growth is the biggest challenge now, long gone the

days when amino used to be the focus point
in biofloc system .
* Don’t underestimate the power of amino, it can still
give hard time to beginners.

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Fish growth in Biofloc tank system

[ Remember Amino is the biggest enemy in Biofloc system

Ammonia is the main waste product excreted by the
nitrogen metabolism of fish. This metabolic phenomenon
is specific to fish; it allows them to draw a maximum
amount of energy from feed protein degradation.
However the usefulness of this specific metabolism is
limited by the high toxicity of ammonia. When present at
high concentrations in water ammonia can impair fish
performance. This constitutes a major risk for high-density
fish farms.
source : ]

What contributes to the growth of fish, in other word what

make fish gain weight ? well its feed weather Biofloc or
external one. that's not rocket science
that's common sense, Well common sense is not very
common. Remember in layman's terms, fish only eats
when they are happy and they are not happy when they
are too cold, too hot not enough oxygen to breath or
highly concentrated water (with amino)

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Fish growth in Biofloc tank system

So what is the ideal condition for fishes to gain

weight in Biofloc tank system ?
well the answer lies in the mood of fish , if they are
happy they eat more and gain weight if they are not
they won't, well then what makes fish unhappy ? here
is the list of most common reasons.

1- high level of amino

2-Low DO . if fish can't breath they won't eat
3-Temperature. If the temperature of water is not the
happiest level of fish they won't be feeling like eating

In case of any of these condition , fishes might no die,

thay will not gain weight

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Fish growth in Biofloc tank system


- Focus on growth,
- Maintain biofloc tank water at fish happiest level.
- Don't overlook temperature. Find out what
temperature your fish like and maintain it to
gain faster weight
- Maintain proper feeding interval
- Remember longer crop cycle time due to slow mass
gain will effect FCR ie your profit.
Cost of production depends heavily on the duration
of your crop, you are continuously running pumps
and your other over heads like labour charges etc add
to the cost
You might have less mortality but you don’t have
growth enough

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Fish growth in Biofloc tank system

Well question remains the same, What is the most important

element in Biofloc system ?

Is it water ?
is it fish?
or is it feed ?

You need to decide yourself, it could be any of these think or

may be it is some other then these.

Send your answer in to us.

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Indian Style

email :

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