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Technical Communication Task 1

C768, Task 1

Author’s Full name, Including Middle Initial

Western Governors University

Technical Communication Task 2


a. Memorandum.........................................................................................................................4

1. Insecurity in storage of data..................................................................................................4

2. Lack of the binary protection................................................................................................4

3. Unintended leakage of data and information........................................................................4

b. Fact sheet artifact...................................................................................................................5

Designing new security measures for the application.............................................................5

Application upgrade..................................................................................................................5

Software tools for designing encrypted layer..........................................................................5

Rationale for implementation...................................................................................................6

Summary of implementation phases........................................................................................6

c. Writing Process Analysis for Each Artifact.........................................................................7

For audience 01..........................................................................................................................7




For audience 02..........................................................................................................................8


Technical Communication Task 3


d. Audience Analysis for Each Artifact....................................................................................8

For audience 01..........................................................................................................................8

 Subject knowledge...........................................................................................................8

 Position in the organization............................................................................................8

 Personal attitudes............................................................................................................8

 Reading style....................................................................................................................8

 Types of readers (primary, secondary, international).................................................8

Audience 02.................................................................................................................................9

 Subject knowledge...........................................................................................................9

 Position in the organization............................................................................................9

 Personal attitudes............................................................................................................9

 Reading style....................................................................................................................9

 Types of readers (primary, secondary, international).................................................9

e. Sources.....................................................................................................................................9
Technical Communication Task 4

a. Memorandum
DATE: 26/12/2020 SUBJECT: Discussion over the mobile
application issues recently reported to ABC
TO: Executives of ABC Company Company
FROM: Team member (IT department)
Greetings members,
I am an active member of the respective IT team, my name is XYZ. I have been assigned the task of
conducting solutions to some of the information technology issues that are faced by ABC Company’s
business. Through observations and analysis, we came to know that the business is facing some issues
that are related to the innovation of technology. Recently, our company introduced a mobile application
having all of the options for our customers for dealing with their issues or questions. After 3 months, we
came to know and noticed some of the secondary glitches in the mobile application service that is
provided by our company to our loyal customers. Some of the major issues concluded and that are needed
to be considered are as follows,
1. Insecurity in the storage of data
Storage of the data and information is reported to be vulnerable. Data secured by customers or users are
not safe and facing some technical glitches as well. The best-conducted solution for solving the respective
issue is to build an additional encrypted layer over the encrypted layer of the base level.
2. Lack of binary protection
The lack of binary protection is also noticed while the inspection of the respective mobile application.
This issue can cause the hacker or the other party to use reverse engineering and inject the malware
easily. For dealing with such issues the binary hardening techniques can be used. These binary hardenings
are used for the analysis and modification for protecting against the common exploits.
3. Unintended leakage of data and information
The unintended leakage of data is caused by the storage of the critical application data on the mobile.
When the data and information are stored in a particular location in mobile that is easily accessible, it
causes to face breaches. These breaches can easily cause unintended data leakage. The respective leakage
can be prevented by having an inspection of the common points of leakage.
The company needs to consider these issues for their benefit. If these technical issues are solved on time,
it will be a profitable activity for the future of the company. Following are some of the benefits that are
expected to be gain by the company,
 The company will gain customer attention and exposure
 The company will maintain a strong position in the global market
 The company will gain revenue because of its progress in a new fiscal year
An active and smart IT team is needed for the above-discussed implementations over the technological
issues reported in the mobile application of the company. The basic cost estimate of the respective plan is
around $300. The cost will include training sessions of the IT team, the cost of the new updates to be
done, and the cost of the software. Our IT team wants you, officials, to consider the issues that are
discussed above and allow us to take every possible action to mitigate them as soon as we can. However,
other departments such as marketing, HR, production, and finance are also affected because of the
discussed problem. The company must take the final decision and allow us to implement it.
Technical Communication Task 5

b. Fact sheet artifact

Our company ABC is facing some serious issues because of the mobile application that was
launched 3 months ago. Many customer negative reviews and emails are received recently
regarding the glitches that are faced by them while using the services of our company through
the mobile application. Some of the secondary issues are,

Insecurity in storage
of data

Lack of the binary


Unintended leakage of
data and information

The products/solutions that are decided to be taken under consideration for dealing with the
above-mentioned issues are as follows,

Designing new security measures for the application

The main issue that is been observed in the mobile application is related to the security of data
and information saved or used by the customers. Customers have mentioned that their data is
been leaked and they also have issues in the storage of data, which is not a good review. For
upcoming from this issue, our team has to design or have to work over some new security
measures for the application. We have considered or design a security solution/product for our
application that never compromises the privacy and security of our loyal customers.

Application upgrade
Updating the application by making all of the provided option more secure and easy to use is
another important solution for the respective issue. For this action, our company requires some of
the best information technology experts that can help us to design an updated application for our
customers in our provided period of time (Ahmad et al., 2018).
Technical Communication Task 6

Software tools for designing an encrypted layer

For securing the data and information our company needs to upgrade its encryption layers as
well. For that purpose different software tools for designing another encryption, the layer is

Rationale for implementation

The mobile application is the easiest way for the company to be connected to their customers
24/7. The respective application is and will help the company to observe their customers and
their needs, desires, and expectations that are regarding their business. There are several reasons
on behalf of which ABC must implement the following solutions. Some of them are as follows,

1 It is the core duty of the company to solve the issues that are faced by their loyal customers
2 The company has to be careful about its future position and reputation in the competitive
3 The company needs to provide the best services to its customers and an updated mobile
application is one of them.
4 Today’s investment in technology will repay the ABC Company in the future with an
increased revenue
and a strong image in the global competitive market.
5 The company must upgrade their technological and online service with the passing
time. It will help the ABC to always be a tough competition for the other companies in the

Summary of implementation phases

the implementation process of the phases that are discussed above for making the mobile
application of ABC company more secure and smart is planned as,
Technical Communication Task 7

support and
expanding the
designing and testing the respective respective idea and
idea and its its implimentation
knowledge implimentation to to the market
management the market
strategy merchandising of
requirments needed
formulation for the
formulating the impliemnation of the
designed solution (updation of
strategies for the mobile application)
orientation update of the
Discussion on mobile application
the solutions
to be

c. Writing Process Analysis for Each Artifact

In this section discussion over the planning, drafting and advising will be done to the executive
leaders of the organization. The respective discussion will be over the issues that are analyzed in
the mobile application of the ABC Company. The main purpose of this document is to highlight
the main phases that are needed to be done while the implementation of the solution suggested
for the mobile application problem.

For audience 01
The planning process is known as an activity that is done for the accomplishment of the targeted
goals or action (Grünig & Kühn, 2018). In this respective report main targeted goal is to make
the company’s mobile application smarter and secure for the customers. The planning of the
above discussion was done after an analysis of the customers and the complaints that were filed
by them.
Technical Communication Task 8

The process of drafting is defined as the translation of the legal policy to an effective scheme
(Irawati, 2017). The draft for the executive leaders is designed formally and attractively, which
will highlight all of the important points to take the discussed actions under consideration for the
progress of the company in the future.

Revising is defined as a process of going through the draft one or more than one tome for
checking if it is prepared according to the audience and requirement or not (MacArthur, 2018).
The draft of the company’s leader is being revised twice for making sure that it is written
formally and in a persuasive manner.

For audience 02
The planning process of the targeted issue is designed in a discussion manner for the internal
people of the department. This planning phase will explain the whole implementation process to
the employees and the members of other departments to make them aware of the changes that
were going to be made in the business plan.

Drafting of the report for the team representatives will be done in a normal manner, which will
define and highlight all of the methods of the solutions that are decided to be implemented for
upgrading the mobile application of ABC Company.

Revision of the respective file will be done in a normal manner before forwarding to the
representatives of each department in the company.

d. Audience Analysis for Each Artifact

For audience 01
The first audience is the targeted leaders and executives of the ABC Company. The first
audience is targeted for persuading them to implement the discussed solutions to their mobile
application. These executives are the main core part of the company who holds the power of
Technical Communication Task 9

making decisions. However, it is important to make them understand the issue and let them know
the benefits that the company will face in the future.

 Subject knowledge
It is important to make the executives and leaders aware of the company regarding the crisis and
issues that are faced by it. It is mandatory to provide detailed subject knowledge to them as it
will help them to make a useful decision.

 Position in the organization

These leaders and executives hold a strong or main position in the company. These are the core
representatives of the ABC Company and needed to be aware of each situation faced by the

 Personal attitudes
The personal attitude of such an audience (leaders and executives of the company) is
professional and formal.

 Reading style
The reading style and the format for them are always selected to be formal and persuasive.

 Types of readers (primary, secondary, international)

These executives are the secondary readers of ABC Company.

Audience 02
The audience 02 are the members and employees of the other departments of the same company.
It is easier to communicate with them but it is also important to make sure that they understand
the working of the plan, idea, or solution, which is designed for the mobile application issue
faced by ABC Company.

 Subject knowledge
The subject knowledge is also important for the members of other departments because of their
involvement. Not only the specific IT team but the main heads of other departments are also
involved in the tasks that are done for the external benefits.
Technical Communication Task 10

 Position in the organization

These audiences hold the primary position in the ABC Company. They use to play a main of
advising their heads and following the orders or tasks assigned by them.

 Personal attitudes
The personal attitudes of these members are professional, formal, and friendly also. It is always
important to create a calm environment while working on any agenda or goal for the company.

 Reading style
The reading style target for the respective cross-sectional team is understandable and formal.

 Types of readers (primary, secondary, international)

These team members are the primary readers of the ABC Company.

e. Sources
Grünig, R., & Kühn, R. (2018). Strategy Planning Process. In The Strategy Planning
Process (pp. 43-54). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Ahmad, A., Li, K., Feng, C., Asim, S. M., Yousif, A., & Ge, S. (2018). An empirical study of
investigating mobile applications development challenges. IEEE Access, 6, 17711-17728.

Irawati, E. (2017). Prewriting and Drafting Strategies of Graduate Students in Writing Term
Papers in English. KnE Social Sciences, 334-346.

MacArthur, C. A. (2018). Evaluation and revision. Best practices in writing instruction, 287.

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