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Moral values are the good values that are taught to us by our parents and teachers. These
include being honest and kind, showing respect towards others, extending help to those in
need, being faithful to ones partner and cooperating with others to name a few. Imbibing good
moral values make a person a good human being. A person who sticks to his moral values is
said to bear a good character.

A moral dilemma is defined as any situation in which the person making the decision
experiences a conflict between the moral rightness of a decision and the quality of the results it
produces. Many times, these dilemmas involve a morally wrong decision that produces a
desirable result, or vice versa. Other times, moral dilemmas involve a decision in which the
person is forced to choose only one of two good things.

Political cultures

Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba in The Civic Culture outlined three pure types of political
culture based on level and type of political participation and the nature of people's attitudes
toward politics:

 Parochial – Where citizens are only remotely aware of the presence of central government, and
live their lives near enough regardless of the decisions taken by the state, distant and unaware
of political phenomena. They have neither knowledge nor interest in politics. This type of
political culture is in general congruent with a traditional political structure.
 Subject – Where citizens are aware of central government, and are heavily subjected to its
decisions with little scope for dissent. The individual is aware of politics, its actors and
institutions. It is affectively oriented towards politics, yet it is on the "downward flow" side of
the politics. In general congruent with a centralized authoritarian structure.
 Participant – Citizens are able to influence the government in various ways and they are affected
by it. The individual is oriented toward the system as a whole, to both the political and
administrative structures and processes (to both the input and output aspects). In general
congruent with a democratic political structure.
The promotion of a republic and its values has been an important concern for policy-makers – to
impact people´s political perceptions, to encourage political participation, and to foster the
principles enshrined in the Constitution (e.g. liberty, freedom of speech, civil rights). The subject
of “Civics” has been integrated into the Curriculum and Content Standards, to enhance the
comprehension of democratic values in the educational system. Civic literature has found that
“engaging young children in civic activities from an early age is a positive predictor of their
participation in later civic life”.[1]

As an academic subject, Civics has the instructional objective to promote knowledge that is
aligned with self-governance and participation in matters of public concern.[2] These objectives
advocate for an instruction that encourages active student participation in democratic decision-
making environments, such as voting to elect a course representative for a school government, or
deciding on actions that will affect the school environment or community. Thus the intersection
of individual and collective decision making activities, are critical to shape “individual´s moral
development”.[1] To reach those goals, civic instructors must promote the adoption of certain
skills and attitudes such as “respectful argumentation, debate, information literacy”, to support
“the development of morally responsible individuals who will shape a morally responsible and
civically minded society".[1] In the 21st century, young people are less interested in direct
political participation (i.e. being in a political party or even voting), but are motivated to use
digital media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook). Digital media enable young people to share and exchange
ideas rapidly, enabling the coordination of local communities that promote volunteerism and
political activism, in topics principally related to human rights and environmental subjects.[3]

Young people are constructing and supporting their political identities in the 21st century by
using social media, and digital tools (e.g. text messaging, hashtags, videos) to share, post, reply
an opinion or attitude about a political/social topic and to promote social mobilization and
support through online mechanism to a wide and diverse audience. Therefore, civics' end-goal in
the 21st century must be oriented to “empower the learners to find issues in their immediate
communities that seem important to the people with whom they live and associate”, once
“learners have identified with a personal issue and participated in constructing a collective
framing for common issues”.
Why do you think the field moral and civics education (civ and ethical education) is so important
to be delivered at different levels of schools? What should be the missions/goals/reasons?

There are many reasons why Civics and ethical education is so important. students have to be
shaped in a way which can make them acceptable in a society, they have to learn how to make
decision, be able to differentiate between bad doing and wrong doing, know their rights and
responsibilities and also engaging young children in civic activities from an early age is a
positive predictor of their participation in later civic life.

is critical to shape “individual´s moral development”.

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