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ESTIMATING WEAK ROCK STRENGTH ‘AINE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TUCSON, ARIZONA JANUARY 1988 ESTIMATING MEAG ROCK STRENGTH re nek rack tones are encountered inthe Sloper of anopan pity they nay control it wa BLOB ete" ahaliss Se" stopes tml ing fatture through weak rock enabley an estimute to Beinade of the weak rock strength. 'A-system of, inven enables the weak rock mass material to be (desertbed and classified fron dri1i hole core. Strength a} lore strength est mates Co be sstgned to ech rack mass classi Peston tpooucrioN Slope stability determination methods may be vided tata three bread categor tes 1} Methods suitable for slopes in soil. Vike raterlals, shere the stcength of the matersal Exttbe determined trot testing small speciaens of the matersat in a laboratory. Clareical 1? ‘echanies. slope Stability analysis ane material Tirengin’testang natnoge are appl ile" i) Methods stable for slopes tn hard Jointed rock uhere the stabiTity of the slopes smitarials. Slope stability te evaluated vet Trasl tonal techalaues such as jolt surveys to ‘and. strength properties of the Jointing and sone Smhoratory strength testing on vepresentacive Etrongthy, Ihetie fatiure secure throvgh intact Fock materials The potential for failure is Gependnt on ine’ presence, arientation tnd Strength along dotnes TH)" Wethode suitable for weak rock masses, where fallure can eccur both through the 4nd mlero Jointing, and through the weak rock sitertal. Determination of the strength of this Sitfleute’ since the size oF representative Specinans sre too Targe for Taboratory testing eink hnes rock’ alteration and hard"and soft ones {sto cengex for detailed deteraination asses. is usially based on sone forn of Clasei fication technigue hse ganar” (x concerned largely with the description of 2 claceification for weak rack masses, which has evolved on projects undertaken By the canal lag Fon Steffan Roerison Sten (AR) “Back "Gnalysts of Favtedstopes “nvalving rack mise nater‘ale shich have been Gtueribed by the SAK" classi fleation has enabled ocx’ mate tcronguns to be a22%gned' to the arto class Intervals asses ass is defined as any rock mass in whieh the fletive' sper Stange paranctart re Tess ffective cohesion, ¢* = 28 psi (0.2 Hoa) Ertective friction angie, a 30 Using the Mabe Covlonb failure erStictsn. This would be equivalent. to material (refer Figure 1) ving’ atrovsampe ancon ted conress ive Strength of fess than 100 968 (appro. 0-7 MPa), 2strageh normaiy sotciate With 361 11k uy px 5 0 0 att Figure [. Mone Coulone failure criterion for Pape area Pre mace meters Fock masses, with such Tov strengths, may Foctors af Siiuateated fn'Figuee 2 4) Weak rock materia (Figure 2.(5) there the sale reason for a weak rock mass wratortal 1t 1s more properly cfassified as Ravingie sol1 Tike strength: ‘Aa appropriate CTaseifleation for rock and’ sol, Based on Slnpie' tests, from which on estinate can be made of"the oniaeial compressive strength fe giver in ‘Taplert Uennings apd Robertson, 1963), Eitrene1y weak "eoeks',- oF mare propery raterfals with a soi) strength but a rock Zppearance, can be tested in the laboratory to be referred to as esther solis or rocks but use of Uhesstrngth qualities to 65 a5 indicated Strength (11s\ Into the’ soit classification, 48) Intense dointing (Figure 2661) here the Jointing 1s sufficiently intense and hac sufficient range of ortentations. a lapped fatture: surface ean develop through the rare, at any orfentation, with a resultant Tow hear strength, Thos shite the Jolating may be onc tsotropics the shear strength any Be Conatderably Tess so." "The spacing between Seintsrnay be sufficiently large that tt Ts iipraseiean to "Select 1 Vaoorseory geale Specinen which is representative, The ahrricaty of cutting ant preparing 2 specimen Shear’ strength of the spacinen 1s an 3904¥tons) mpedinent 20 suey testing 146) Rotational Freadon (Figure 2(441)) fatlute!surtice that would farm through a gravel Piles ‘the individual rack fragnents, uhick ould antertock IF they wore prevented fron TNE soni ‘Sumeace, ConrMuoust lana dow sumrce nao (STRONG ROCK FRUGMENTS)| Figure 2 Types of weak rock asses rotating, have rotational freedom resulting from {Per lonte packing of the gravel particles With a'hagh ratTonal ly Treedom (aucnas exited By fvensstzed marbles {n'a pile) very ow shear Strengths result. fotational freedon increases SF'tnd cate roce fragments are gutdinenstonaly rounded and within a matrix of sither voi or'a very low shear strength (Got) ‘igh rotational freedom wauld be spherically, Weathered dolerite Soulders ins matrix af aoft TSaeetta weather dolerite) clay. apetn St te GiFFicuie“te cut, prepare and test faboratory ‘SHied apectians for strength testing Hast oftens weak rock farcee oocdt af 3 result of a conbination of aieh of (3) 40 (444) Hoove, “Typically a rock saterial may hive Weathered'te produce’ s soft rack (R2) or very SNH roca (aD) rack aatertal between efosely Spaced’ fractures along which nore extensive eathering has occurred to produce zones of $3 to 85 stremyih materiel, the fatture surface $s Wcanpler eiebination of fatlure thrauph 20" ntact rock, along weak Joints snd through very ORS ori lef" tieedd Zonet ene stuense ic form ta ator hraer rock blocs (3 folate, "Figure 3 te 8 pleat eamole. Example of canplet fatTure along weathered and unweathered joints Through votes ineeet rack stew Fotation oF sone hard rock hey" Sects CLASSIFICATION OF HEAK ROCK MASSES Blentanskt, 1974, Introduced & geonechantce class{ficatlon of rock masses for applveation to foal ttg. le Case cation aytan shar fn'rable’S, nas been wigely adopted athe C3IR Tock nass classification system Tn this ‘Classification system the rock mast fs-assigned ating points rar rive factors ang’ che resutting otal 1s termed the Reck Rass Rating or RAR fnek and Brown, 1980, correlated the RR values MIG) Fockumesa!atrenge an deteralned nalysis of stress condition surrounding ideraround failed and unalled opening farvelation 15 referred’ to\as the #3 system Rapertsen, Olsen and Perce, 198), applved fyitens to the rock maze in the pit walle of the island Copper nine. tn Brittsh Columbia, They pertorned buck analyses of pit slope faflures na found that for weak rack masses, thie method provides a very poor and traccurata’ strength Ectinate,. They propored avmodified rata Syston termee’the [stand Copper Rack Hasd ating’ (ILEcaHR) "in whien the rating Rethod vas fodifved for Rik values Tess than 40. By Enrreistang the ILc-wet with rock strengéns eteratned fron back analyses of failed slopes they developed a nthod of rack ass Strength Teland Copper nine. 77 "Th TE tees sees ihe method oF AHR rating values asstgonent GiFFerent” from that used tn Table 2. There $s ‘onstdarable: benefit im having a system ahich 18 ongtstent for both weak and” strong rack masene o"this end’ the author proposes the Six Geonechanies Classification of Rock Rasses a Gesertbed tn fanie 2.<-Since: this rating systen WE" evelopeaspeciticaTly for rock mart Strength estimation for reck slope stability analyses, the resulting rating Ia referred to as able 1 Tein 6 Wo. Ubsersption S1 VERY SOFT SOIL - eastty moulded With Fingers, shows dlztinet SOFT sort bressure from fingers PURE Rae! ma sv poués with strong stows Sh FLAW SOIL very aifticutt to oulaiwith Fingees, ingented itn finger matt, aifricult to Cat sth hand spige 1-20 St STIFF SOIL - cannot be moulded wen ringers, cannot be cut 20-00 aifFicult to move with hand.” ick, preuratie spade required ‘or exewstion VERY Weax ROOK - erurbles under {harp blows with geotogtea? Bie point, Can be eve with pocket knife RL 150-350 tuts or seraping with pocket fnife with dirficalty, pick Boles Ina decpy ch Fire ‘cannot be used to scrape or peel surface, shatTow indentations RA STRONG ROCK - hand-held sample breaks with gne firm blow fron Hanser Gnd of geolapieay pick 8S. VERY STRONG ROCK - requires tary blons from geofogical pick (a'breat intact sample. 30000 ‘the Soge Rack Wass Rating or SAM Mrhe Sci ysten ht been checked at the ‘ating values Siatar to those obtained using the THcvAom system. "Consequently the Olsen’and Pierce, 1987, 19 eirectly applicable” fo'the S8K-8HR ston, "U0. to. the SOAR values The SR-AMR systen was aiso'apotied for rack sits: classstication at the Gatenel! Miner Hevada, and a strength correlation perforred, sfaftar torfat at stand Copper hder erga Eamoiaation ef back analyses ef failed stones fb iborstory Stregth ft resus fhe & Emarizes thy Felts of the strength rating these mines ) eo 18000-30000 foproxinate Classification of Cohesive Sof and Rock rength We roressive st Examples tye 40.08 0.4-0.8 0,040.08 0.81.5 0.08-0.15 1.5-6.0 0.15-0.60 010-250 hank, rocksalt siTtitone: hale 4000-2000 100-200 Marble, granite, 220005200 guartsite, dolerite, Sibbro, Bisale BASIS FOR S8K GEOMECHANICS CLASSIFICATION OF Rock Hasse. The difference between the CSIR and SRK elaisification systens tan be seen in a (4) Rating for Graundvater The amount of water prasent in the rock mass does mot Influence the sack mass strength. Tt {sa destabilizing force, and atoula be Becountes for as auch in any stability: analysts ‘he. groundwater parsrater I therefore dropped in shea system. To maintain the validity of the tsin met correration for stranger rock raises, the eaxinum rating value for the pacaede (15) te ten eae 0 parapet 1 ating’ aesigonent of the highest {ntact rock, (is) Rating for Intact Rock Strength Apart from the sncreated rating value resulting fron the grouérater modification the ating for thts paraneter ts unchanged for rack cf hatgness Rl (reer fabie 1) or greater: ‘ddttfonal classer ang ratings have been aed far raterials tn the soft strength range 58 ta SIUMINEE Tiiowt the ertects erivery mest, sot” Vie, ater tats to" be" Included in the rock mast rating! (648) Rating For 800 The convent onal Ds replaced by a new paranaters the Handled R00” (00)-~ The H#GD 5 Seazuree inthe sone way asthe AQD ofterthe Core has been firmly handled and “worried” tm an Stent to break the core tato seater fragnentss "During shonsl nes the core 1s tray titted ag Dont but without substantially force for use. of any tools. oF Instrunents." Al rack ores witnout planas ef weannesses, WIT) not break Under sueh handling ‘ile 2. CSIR Geomecini Clason Rok Mazes (RMR) T= — a == Ss =e ee epee L Pmecce” | =e : baie =a =e ee The, adoption of HEQD atVows account to be tance’ of weaniy cenented Jolntsn “it 3158 brevents the aisignent of Targe rating values For continuous core in soft fo") Tike materials, clus for exanple (iv) Rating for Spacing of Blscontinuities As for the previous paranaters, the discontinuity Epacing determined fron the harder‘saterial and” no weakly canented” Joints there’ (s'Tittie difference between the handled and unhandled values, The rating for handled ore reduces where sticks of Solfs Tike hardness an be Braker up by Ren (1) aating for conaicion of orsconcinurcies Af fata, 1swenagad scape nat 30 core UEstgned to the Towest category wlth a rating oF Zero” Tha prevents the auger of Hoh (35 Say) ‘with clean closed rough Joints. Rack Satertal With a hardness of hat a main rating of 10 HETHGO OF APPLICATION OF sRe.AAR FoR RODK SLOPE Stach eSTIRATION Care taken fron very weak rack masses tend to ve Very vartaote as "ivutratea by the types) ore sample on Figure 3. Portions of a rock ora ave ht rat ign of $0 or higher ane Fitings of 20"and lover. A/nethod of Jopging TSURnysip is regired co deteraine “average” Substantial zones of wesker mass from Zones of Stronger miss, as, for example, in the cared Borehole sTiustrates ta Fieure @ The practice used by Steffen fobertson ard Kirsten ts to-assign 2 SAME to" each one foot interval of the care. Ths sestgnment can be done’ raproly once representative sections of ane Core have been SRM rated tn detsit, and the ore logger has developed + set of

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