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Jess’ Birthday Sweater

Size: 34” bust

Gauge: 50 stitch cable patt = 10 inches on bigger needles, after blocking

18.5 sts/4 inches on bigger needles in St st, after blocking

Needles: (1) US 8, 32” circular needle

(1) US 6, 32” circular needle

Yarn: Cascade 220 (220 yds/100 g), 4 skeins.

Chart notes:
C4F: sl 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front, k2, k2 from cable needle
C4B: sl 2 sts to cable needle and hold to back, k2, k2 from cable needle
C3PF: sl 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front, p1, k2 from cable needle
C3PB: sl 1 st to cable needle and hold to back, k 2, p1 from cable needle

Using smaller needle, CO 160 sts. Being careful not to twist, pm and join to begin
working in rnd. Work in 2x2 rib for 4”.

Switch to larger needle.

Next rnd: * K 15, work row 1 of Cable Chart, k 15; pm for side seam, rep from * to
end of rnd. Work in patt until piece meas 6” from CO edge.

Waist shaping:

Dec rnd: *K1, ssk, work in patt to 3 sts before marker, k2tog, k1; rep from * once
– 4 sts dec’d.

Work 7 rnds even.

Rep last 8 rnds 4 times more. 20 sts dec’d – 140 sts on needle.

Work even till piece meas 11” from CO edge.

Inc rnd: *K1, m1, work in patt to 1 sts before m, m1, k1; rep from * once.

Work 7 rnds even.

Rep last 8 rnds 4 times more. 20 sts inc’d – 160 sts on needle.

Work even till piece meas 17” from CO edge, ending with row 10 or row 22 of
Cable Chart. Place 4 sts (2 before & 2 after each side marker) at each side on
scrap yarn for underarms. Set aside.

With smaller needle, CO 36 sts. Being careful not to twist, pm and join to work in
rnd. Work in 2x2 rib for 4”.

Change to larger needle. Work in St st until piece meas 9” from CO edge. [Note:
these sleeves are quite narrow; if you would like a looser fit, work in St st until
sleeve meas 6” from CO edge then begin increases]

Inc rnd: K1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1.

Work 7 rnds even.

Rep last 8 rnds 5 times more (48 sts). [Note: if you’d like a looser sleeve, cont
increasing every 8th row until sleeve is desired width]

Work even till sleeve meas 18” or desired length to underarm. When sleeve is
desired length, place the first and last 2 sts of rnd on scrap yarn – 44 sts on

Rearrange body sts so new beg of rnd is at center of cable chart. Body sts
arranged as foll: 25 sts in cable patt, 11 sts in St st, 4 sts held at underarm, 11
sts in St st, 50 sts in cable patt, 11 sts in St st, 4 sts held at underarm, 11 sts in
St st, 25 sts in cable patt.

Next rnd: Work 25 sts in patt, k 11, pm, k 44 sleeve sts, pm, k 11, work cable
chart across 50 sts, k 11, pm, k 44 sleeve sts, pm, k 11, work last 25 sts in patt.

Neck and raglan shaping done on same rows as foll:

Next rnd: (rnd 12 or rnd 24 of cable chart) K2, p2tog, *work in patt to 3 sts before
marker, k2tog, k1, sl m, k1, ssk; rep from * 3 times more, work in patt to last 4 sts
of rnd, p2tog, k2.

Note on neck decreases: The V-neck shaping follows the cable patt. Maintain 2
sts in St st at neck edge, and do decreases inside these 2 sts. On rows where
neck edge intersects with a C4F or C4B, you’ll need to do a triple decrease
(k3tog) to maintain only 2 edge sts in St st.

From this point, yoke is worked back and forth in rows.

Rep neck and raglan decreases every RS row until 12 sts rem at each front edge
(2 edge sts in St st, 8 sts in cable patt, 2 knit sts before marker).

Cont with raglan decreases only (no more neck decreases) until 4 sts rem
between sleeve markers. Next row (WS) P1, m1p, p2tog, work in patt to last 3
sts, p2tog, m1p, p1.

Front edge will have stair-stepped appearance (see fig. 1).

To fix, beg on RS with the 3 knit sts at right front edge, work an applied I-cord
around all live sts, then graft to 3 knit sts at left front edge.

Using smaller needles and beg at left shoulder pick up 29 sts down left front neck
edge, pm, pick up 29 sts up right front neck edge, pick up 62 sts across back
neck edge. Join to work in rnd.

Next rnd: Work in 2x2 rib to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, sl m, ssk, work in 2x2 rib
to end.
Rep last rnd until collar meas 1”. BO all sts.

Block as desired.

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