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Week 8 Nov 9: * * MIDTERM EXAM I (In Class) * *

Week 9 Nov 16: Production System Design –

2. Capacity Planning (Volume and Capabilities) & Layout

Week 10 Nov 23: Production System Design

Reading: The Machine that Changed the World (Chapter 4) (TH Book exam)

CASE: AIC Networks

Week 11 Nov 30:Further issues in production system design

Review of insights and issues from The Goal for manufacturing firms

Reading: The Goal (Book exam)

Week 12 Dec 7: Inventory Management

Reading: "Making Supply Meet Demand in an Uncertain World"

CASE: Sport Obermeyer


Week 13 Dec 14: Supply Chain Management

Reading: The Wal-Mart Effect (TH Book exam)

CASE: Barilla SpA (A)

Week 14 Dec 21: Operations Strategy

CASE: VF Brands

* * MIDTERM EXAM II (Take Home) * *

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