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UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b


Practicing the exam questions for May 2021 exam – PAPER 1


Q1) Describe how global circulation patterns work? (4)







Q2) Describe what happens at Northern Polar Cell? (2)



Q3) Describe what happens at Northern Ferrel Cell? (2)



Q4) Explain what the Coriolis Effect is? (6)







UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b



Q5) Explain how Jet Streams can impact on air movement (the weather of an area).







Q6) Explain how oceanic circulation can impact on a climate of an area? (4)







Q7) What is meant by atmospheric pressure (2)



Q8) Explain how low pressure is formed? (4)




UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b



Q9) Explain how high pressure is formed? (4)







Q10) Explain the relationship between the high atmospheric pressure and arid areas
(6) or Explain how the global atmospheric circulation gives Tindouf its arid climate (6)










Q11) Explain the relationship between the low atmospheric pressure and high rainfall
areas (6) or Explain how the global atmospheric circulation gives Singapore its wet,
tropical climate (6)


UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b







Q12) Explain way the climate of the Earth can change because of natural causes. (3)






Q13) Explain other way than Milankovitch cycles (eccentricity, axial tilt & precession)
the climate of the Earth can change because of natural causes. (3)






Q14) Explain what ‘precession’ is? (3)





UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b

Q15) Describe the different techniques used to inform us of climate change in the
past (4)







Q16) Explain what is meant by the term ‘enhanced greenhouse effect’ (4)







Q17) Describe how human activities produce 2 different types of named greenhouse
gasses. (4)






UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b

Q18) Outline how greenhouse gases can be seen as natural phenomenon

(positive)? (2)



Q19) Describe and explain the evidence that human activity is causing climate
change. (6)










Q20) Suggest how a sea-level rise can affect the economy of a poor country such as
Bangladesh? (6) or explain the impacts of climate change upon a named LEDC.









UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b

Q21) Describe challenges the UK may face in the future due to global warming. (6)










Q22) Explain how the future climate of the UK is likely to be affected by global
climate change?(6)










Q23) Outline 1 environmental impact of climate change. (2)



UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b

Q24) Outline 1 economic impact of climate change in developed countries. (2)




Q25) ‘It is not possible to make accurate predictions about the possible consequence
of climate change’. Assess this statement (8marks + SPAG)




















UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b

Q26) Explain two negative impacts of global climate change (4)







Q27) ‘Past climate change helps scientists to predict how climate will change in the
future.’ Assess this statement (8marks + SPAG)
















UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b





Q28) Explain the impacts of the Little Ice Age for people alive that time. (4)






Q29) ‘The causes of past climate change and current global warming are different’.
Assess this statement. (8marks + SPAG)













UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b








Q30) Explain the global distribution of tropical cyclones (2)




Q31) State two features (structure) of tropical cyclones.



Q32) Suggest why the eye of tropical cyclones has no wind and has clear skies (2)




Q33) Explain how tropical cyclones form (6)





UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b






Q34) Explain how the global circulation of the atmosphere affects the track of tropical
cyclones (4)







Q35) Explain how source areas (sea water temperatures of 26,5*C and over) depend
on seasonal distribution (4)







Q36) Suggests two reasons other than warm seas at 26,5*C that contribute to the
formation of tropical cyclones (4)



UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b




Q37) Explain how the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) influence the
formation of tropical cyclones (4).







Q38) Explain why tropical cyclones lose their power over land (2)




Q39) State two physical hazards of tropical cyclones.



Q40) Explain how high winds (or any other physical hazard) can impact people (4)






UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b

Q41) Outline one social vulnerability to the countries impacted by tropical cyclones?




Q42) Explain how high winds (or any other physical hazard) can impact on the
environment (4)







Q43) Explain how a tropical cyclone can cause a storm surge (4)







Q44) Identify which of the following is the most important measurement when
deciding the category of a cyclone? (1)

UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b

Q45) Explain why some countries are more vulnerable to the impacts of tropical
cyclones than others (4)







Q46) ‘Effective preparation is the best way to reduce deaths from tropical cyclones.’
Assess this statement. (8marks + SPAG) or

Q) Assess the success of different methods of cyclone prediction and warning

systems in a named developed country. (8)















UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b






Q47) ‘Developed countries are able to respond to tropical cyclones more effectively
than emerging or developing countries.’ Assess this statement. (8marks + SPAG)


















UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b




















Q48) Explain why projections for future global temperature rises and future sea-level
rises may not be accurate. (4)




UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b





49) Explain two reasons why tropical cyclones do not form near the UK. (4)









50) Explain the impact that tropical cyclones can have on people and the
environment (4)









51) Describe one way a named developing country prepared for a tropical cyclone (2)

UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b




52) ‘Developed countries provide much better protection against tropical cyclones
than developing or emerging countries’. Assess this statement with reference to
named examples (8)




















UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b














Q53) ‘Being able to accurately forecast tropical cyclones is the best defence a
country can have against these hazards’ Assess this statement (8)










UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b

























UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b


Q54) Explain one role of ocean currents. (2)




Q55) Food prices can be influenced by changes in climate.

Study Figure 1b, which shows the changing global price of sugar and meat from
1990 to 2015.

Compare the changes in the price of meat and sugar between 1990 and 2015.




Q) Explain one reason why climate change might affect the price of food.
UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b


Study Figure 1c, which shows areas at risk from flooding in Manhattan,
New York (USA).

Q) Suggest two reasons why some areas of Manhattan are more vulnerable to
coastal flooding than others. (2)




Explain two ways a map like Figure 1c is useful when countries prepare for a
tropical storm.(4)





UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b


Q) Evaluate the importance of varying solar output and volcanic eruptions in altering
the Earth’s climate (8)























UNIT 1 – TOPIC 1a & 1b


Q) Assess the success of different methods of cyclone prediction and warning

systems in a named developing country. (8)
























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