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Cross-sections for 187

Re(n,p)187 W and 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re reactions in the energy range

between 13.08 MeV and 19.5 MeV

S Ili¢1 , N. Jovan£evi¢1 , L. Daraban2 , H.Stroh2 , S. Oberstedt2 , M.Hult2 , C. Bonaldi2 ,

W. Geerts2 , F.-J. Hambsch2 , G. Lutter2 , G. Marissens2 , M. Vidali2 , D. Kneºevi¢1
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad,
Trg Dositeja Obradovi¢a 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate G  Nuclear Safety and Security,
Unit G.2, Retieseweg 111, B-2440 Geel, Belgium
(Dated: January 22, 2020)
Using the NAXSUN technique developed at the JRC-Geel the cross section functions for the
neutron induced reactions 187 Re(n,p)187 W and 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re have been measured in the energy
range between 13.08 MeV and 19.5 MeV. These data are the rst experimental obtained values for
those nuclear reactions in this energy range. Obtained results have been compared with existed
evaulated data from ENDF/B-VII 0, JEFF 3.3, JEFF 3.2, BROND 3.1, JEF - 2.2, JENDL, ROSFO
ND-2010. Also, the TAYLIS 1.9 and EMPIRE 3.2.3 calculations were performed using dierent
available models and calculations using several semi-empirical existing formulas. A comparison
between theoretical model calculations and experimental results was made.

PACS numbers: Valid PACS appear here

I. INTRODUCTION they exist. Up to now cross-section from 187 Re(n,p)187 W

and 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re were measured in the energy range
Accurate cross section data for neutron induced reac- between 13 MeV and 15 MeV with the fact that for
tions are very important for dierent applications such
Re(n,3n)183 Re only one experimental value exist for
reactor technology, medical diagnostic and treatment and induced neutron energy of 14.8 MeV. This means that
industrial application or astrophysical calculations [1]. the results here presented are the rst experimental data
Databases for experimental and evaluated data such as in energy range from 15 MeV to 19.5 MeV. Calculations
EXFOR and ENDF have been established [2, 3]. How- using TALYS 1.9 and EMPIRE 3.2.3 were performed us-
ever, an overview of exited data shows necessaries for ing dierent available models too. Also, systematic for-
new measurements of cross section values for dierent mulas were used for calculations of the 187 Re(n,p)187 W
neutron induced reactions in the wide energy range. Be- reaction cross-section. In this way experimental results
cause of that the NAXSUN technique (Neutron Activa- were compared with evaluated theoretical data.
tion X-Section determined using Unfolding) has been de- In this paper, the details about the NAXSUN tech-
veloped at the JRC-Geel [4]. The NAXSUN technique nique are presented in Sec. II. The experimental setup
provides the cross section excitation functions in a wide and measurements are described in Section III. Exper-
energy range dierent to usual point-wise measurements, imental results are presented in IV section. Section V
at well-dened incident energies. shows the theoretical calculations, followed by results and
In this work we used the NAXSUN technique for study discussions in sec. VI . Conclusions are given in sec. VII.
of the 187 Re(n,p)187 W and 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re reactions in
the energy range between 13.08 MeV and 19.5MeV. On
this way we continued with our previous study about II. THE NAXSUN TECHNIQUE
neutron induced reaction on Re [15], with preliminary re-
sults presented at ref.[5]. The neutron induced reactions This NAXSUN technique has been developed for a rel-
on Rhenium isotopes ( 185 Re and 187 Re) were chosen for atively simple and straightforward obtaining general in-
analysis because this material has specic characteristics formation about the cross section function, and should
which are recognized for practical applications. Its good be very helpful to provide new data, in case when no or
resistance for high temperatures found usage in aircraft scarce experimental data exists. A detailed description of
and aerospace industry [6] as well as, it makes rhenium the NAXSUN technique can be found in refs. [4, 1315].
good material for using it in nuclear reactor construction.
Additionally, it is known that Rhenium aloes are good This method is based on the activation of a certain
neutron absorbers and this can be applied for regulation number of metal disks containing the isotopes of interest
of neutron uxes in reactors [7]. Nuclides of rhenium can in a series of well known and energy overlapping neutron
be used for the production of other radionuclides of in- spectra [4]. The induced saturated gamma-activity af-
terest, such as tungsten and tantalum [8], and also for ter activation in certain disk k (Ak ) can be measured by
medical diagnostics and therapy [912]. means of high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy sys-
Experimentally obtained data in this work have been tems. Since the induced saturation gamma activity of
compared with available data in the energy range where the disk k is proportional to the product of the cross-

TABLE I: Second column (Ei ) represents ion energy, [ref]. 6 disk has been irradiated at certain neutron energy
third (En ) neutron energy for 0◦ to the incident beam in region between 13 and 20 MeV. Information about ion
and fourth column (t) is irradiation time. and neutron energy are presented in TableI. Discs were
activated in an interval from 0◦ to 80◦ relative to the di-
No. of disk Ei [MeV] En [MeV] t [s] rection of the beam at 41 dierent positions, in steps of
1 3.300(11) 19.78(20) 86921(10) 2◦ . For each position the irradiation time has been in-
2 2.500(11) 18.71(20) 248402(10) creased by one second to compensate for the decreasing
3 2.000(11) 18.10(28) 157632(10) ux at increasing angles. Disk no. 4 (Table df) was kept
4 2.000(11) 18.10(28) 166564(10) in steady position at 0◦ with irradiated neutron energy
5 1.500(11) 17.16(30) 231958(10) of 18.1 MeV, and this data was used for normalization
6 1.000(11) 15.97(82) 243608(10)
of the obtained excitation function. The neutron uence
7 0.800(11) 15.26(131) 144831(10)
rate was monitored by an ionization chamber loaded with
a 235 U target and data about variations in the accelerator
beam current was recorded. These monitoring data were
section (σ ) for a certain reaction and the corresponding used for the normalization of the simulated neutron spec-
neutron ux (Φk ), this gives us the possibility for the tra, which are input parameters in the unfolding proce-
determination of the cross section function: dure. Detailed schematic drawings of experimental setup
X can be seen in g.3.
Ak = Φki σi i = 1, 2, 3, ...n k = 1, 2, 3, ....m (1)
Neutron spectra are simulated using TARGET code,
based on the Monte Carlo method [18]. These simulated
where n is number of energy bins Ei and mnumber values (ΦT j )are corrected by the parameter bk which
of disksFor the determination of the cross section val- takes into account variations of the beam currents of ions,
ues it is necessary to use an unfolding procedure since time of irradiation and time of cooling:
above equqtion is underdetermined and possesses an in-
nite number of solutions. Summarized this measurement
technique would cover the following steps: Φj = ΦT j bj
1) Irradiation of some number (6 in this work) of pure Xn
qi (2)
1 − e−λtaji e−λtcji

metal disks in dierent wide-energy neutron beam with bj =
overlapping neutron spectra. i=1 aji
2) Irradiated at a well-dened incident neutron energy
of one disk for absolute normalization of the obtained where the index i indicates the summation over re-
cross section function. peated irradiations at a certain angle, j , and n is the
3) Gamma-ray spectroscopic measurements of each number of repetitions; qi is the accumulated charge for
disk to determine the activity of the produced radionu- every step; λ is the decay constant of the isotope of inter-
clides. est. tcji is the decay time between successive irradiations
4) Determination of the neutron cross-section function for a certain angle position and taji is the time of irra-
using an unfolding procedure, where the known spectra of diation at a certain angle, j . The total neutron elds
the neutron beams and the activity of the radionuclides used for irradiation at 41 positions in intervals from 0◦
are input parameters with input guessing function. In to 80◦ can be seen in g. 2, in case of corrections for
this work we have used MAXED and GRAVEL unfolding
Re(n,3n)183 Re reaction. Those date are input param-
algorithms [13, 16, 17]. eters in unfolding procedure.

III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND B. Gamma spectroscopic measurements

Gamma spectra of the activated disks were measured
A. Neutron eld and activation using HPGe detectors in low background environment.
There have been performed two groups of measurements.
7 identical disks made of 99.9% natural rhenium have The rst was performed 20 minutes after irradiations
been used for activation. Disks had a diameter 20 mm of the disks, at the JRC-Geel, and second was done in
and thickness 5 mm. The irradiation has been done at the the HADES ultra-low background underground labora-
Van de Graf facility, JRC Geel. Details about irradia- tory [19] after period of time signicantly greater than
tion procedure can be found in Ref [] and here we will pre- half-lifes of short-living radioisotopes, such as 184 Re and
sented brief description. Neutrons were produced via the 186
Re. The activated disks were placed in the holder cen-
reaction 3 H(d,n)4 He using Ti3H target of 2.293 mgcm−2 tered at the end-cap of detectors. At JRC-IRMM was
with the 3 H/Ti ratio of 1.4 at the start of the irradiation. used HPGe coaxial detector that has 40% relative e-
Discs were activated by the established scanning tech- ciency. Detector used at the HADES laboratory has 50%
nique which should provided wide energy neutron spectra relative eciency.

TABLE II: Obtained activities for every irradiated disk

Reaction Eγ [keV](Iγ ) Ak (10−24 Bq/atom)

Disk No.1 Disk No.2 Disk No.3 Disk No.4 Disk No.5 Disk No.6 Disk No.7
Re(n,3n)183 Re 162.3 (22(5) 163.5(28) 183.4(4) 117.0(22) 312.9(8) 217.6(5) 112.3(23) 66.1(14)
Re(n,p)187 W 618.3 (7.6(9) 48.5(9) 67.1(11) 60.2(9) 83.4(12) 119.1(20) 86.9(15) 88.7(18)

6 Disk No.1
Ei = 3.3 MeV Disk No.2
Ei = 2.5 MeV 162.3 keV Disk No.3
Ei = 2.0 MeV 0.01 Disk No.4
Neutron Fluence rate [cm-2 s-1]

Ei = 1.5 MeV Disk No.5

10 Disk No.6
Ei = 1.0 MeV Disk No.7

3 Ei = 0.8 MeV

Counts [s
2 1E-3


(a) 10-2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 200 300 400 500 600 700
E [MeV] E [keV]

Disk No.1
Ei = 3.3 MeV 0.1 Disk No.2
2000 Ei = 2.5 MeV Disk No.3
Ei = 2.0 MeV
Neutron Fluence rate [cm-2s-1]

Disk No.4
Ei = 1.5 MeV Disk No.5 618.3 keV
Ei = 1.0 MeV Disk No.6

Disk No.7
Ei = 0.8 MeV
Counts [s




(b) 0
14 16 18 20 400 500 600 700

E [MeV] E [keV]

FIG. 1: Neutron uence spectra simulated using the FIG. 2: Part of detected gamma-ray spectra with
TARGET code, corrected by the factor bk gamma line followed by: (a) 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re; (b)
Re(n,p)187 W

During gamma analysis of spectra, it was identied a  

large number of gamma peaks which correspond to dif- Ak =
CM λ
eλtc (3)
ferent radioisotopes [20]. Most of the gamma peaks are Na mPγ Iα 1 − e−λtm
the result of overlapping from gamma rays of dierent
radionuclides which makes it dicult to obtain all the C is number of counts, m is mass of the disks, M
necessary quantities for acquiring specic activity of nu- is molar mass, λ decay constant, Na Avogadro number,
clide from interest. It was chosen one suitable gamma-  full energy peak eciency, Pγ probability of emission
ray peak emitted by decay of 187 W and 183 Re, so it could of gamma-ray, Ia represents abundance of isotope whose
be acquired specic activity induced by 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re reaction is observed, tc is time between end of the ir-
and 187 Re(n,p)187 W. radiation and the beginning of the measurements, tm is
measured live time. When calculations for eciency of
The specic activities listed in table II are calculated detection is done, it was also calculated with corrections
by the following formula: for true coincidence summing and everything is done with

Neutron producing target

Monte Carlo code EGS4. Sample 200 mm


A. Cross sections for the 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re and

Re(n,p)187 W reactions at initial neutron energy of

18.1 MeV Stepping motor

1060 mm
Using the measured induced gamma activity of ra-
dioisotopes of interest and neutron uence rate as input
parameters it is possible to calculate the cross-section
values for the 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re and 187 Re(n,p)187 W re-
actions at 18.1 MeV neutron energy:
σ= (4) (a)
where Φ1 is determinanted neutron uence rate with cor- Ionization chamber with 235
U target
rections for uctuations in beam currents in time inter-
vals of 10 s:
X j Neutron target
1 − e−λtai e−λtci , (5)

Φ1 = Φ

average current in 10 s interval is j and average current

for entire irradiation is javg .
Measurements of neutron ux rate are done with two (b)
ionization chambers, one with 235 U, and other with 238 U
target. Chamber with 238 U was placed before every irra-
The sample setup for activation
diation at the place for Re disks, and chamber with 235 U
was present during the measurements with 238 U and dur- FIG. 3: Shematic representation of the: (a) setup for
ing the irradiations of Re disks always at the same posi- neutron activation; (b) setup for neutron monitoring
tion, 111 cm from the target and at 50◦ compared to the and activation
direction of ions beam (gure 3). On this way chamber
with 238 U target was used for determinated neutron ux
rate and chamber with 235 U target was used as a neutron
monitor. The use of ssion chambers at IRMM, the data number of ssion events from ssion on the 235 U sample
acquisition systems and details about data treatment are during disk activation. Nt is the number of total events,
described in refs. [21, 22]. Cross sections for these two which triggered the acquisition system and Ne is the to-
isotopes of uranium are precisely determined and can be tal number of events processed by the acquisition system.
used for necessary neutron ux rate determination. With Ratio Ne /Nt determined eciency of the acquisition sys-
this setup, the neutron uence rate can be determined by: tem.
NU 238 MU238 NU235 irr
Φ= (6)
σU238 Na mU238 NU235 mes TABLE III: Cross-sections obtained for neutron energy
NU238 , NU235irr and NU235mes are given by: 18.1 MeV, along with the neutron uence rates for both
IU238 Nt
NU238 = Reaction 185
Re(n,3n)183 Re 187
Re(n,p)187 W
tc Ne
IU235irr Nt Φ1 (cm−2 s−1 ) 375 17100
NU235 irr = (7) Cross section (b) 0.834 0.049
tc Ne
IU235 mes Nt
NU235 mes =
tc Ne
The obtained results are presented in table III The
where IU238 and IU235 mes are the detected number of values of cross-sections are used as normalization values
ssion events after ssion of 238 U and of 235 U during for the excitation functions. Also, obtained values are
the neutron uence rate measurement and IU235 irr is the compared with the existing evaluated data in g. 4.

1.8 ENDF/B-VIII.0 cross section are calculated by:

JEFF- 3.3
1.6 JEFF-3.2 Pn
ROSFO ND-2010 i=1 Φki Ei
1.4 JEF-2.2 hEik ≈ P n (9)
Cross section [b]

JENDL i=1 Φki

1.2 This work

Where it is present k average cross-sections for k dif-
ferent energies. Dependence of hσik on hEik is used for
obtaining linear interpolation. The functions obtained
0.6 trough the linear interpolation are normalized to the
cross-sections measured for neutron energies of 18.1 MeV.
The determined default functions and values for average
cross-sections are shown in table IV and g. 5.
(a) 0.0

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TABLE IV: Obtained hσik at hEik , with values of

E [MeV] neutron uxes

No.disk hEik (MeV) Φk (cm−2 s−1 ) hσik (b)

Re(n,3n)183 Re
JEFF-3.2 1 18.3(12) 233(12) 0.83(4)
JENDL/AD-2017 2 17.3(10) 681(34) 0.32(2)
Cross section [b]

FENDL-3.1c 3 16.8(9) 343(17) 0.41(2)

MENDL-2 5 16.1(6) 865(43) 0.32(2)
TENDL-2017 6 15.3(6) 1064(53) 0.126(7)
0.016 This work
7 14.8(5) 1192(60) 0.066(3)
Re(n,p)187 W
1 18.3(12) 12960(650) 0.0049(3)
0.008 2 17.3(10) 23300(1200) 0.0037(2)
3 16.8(9) 14600(730) 0.0054(3)
5 16.1(7) 29800(1500) 0.0052(3)
6 15.3(6) 36000(1800) 0.0031(2)
(b) 7 14.8(5) 51000(2500) 0.0023(1)
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E [MeV]

FIG. 4: Comparison of data available from

ENDF/B-VII 0, JEFF 3.3, JEFF 3.2, BROND 3.1, JEF C. Unfolding results
- 2.2, JENDL, ROSFO ND-2010, MENDL-2, EAF-2010,
FENDL-3.1, TENDL-2017 databases[2], with For unfolding procedures two types of algorithms are
experimentally obtained cross sections for reaction: used in this work, MAXED and GRAVEL [16, 21, 23].
(a)185 Re(n,3n)183 Re; (b) 185 Re(n,p)187 W (b) Both algorithms begins calculations with choosing a de-
fault function, which is shown previously. GRAVEL al-
gorithm is an iterative algorithm and is modied from
B. The default function used for the unfolding the SAND-II:

The starting point of unfolding procedure should be σiJ+1 = σiJ f (Ak k Φki σiJ )
a reasonably good function which is the rst gues. The
P  
J Ak
Wik log P W J σJ
determination of the default functions is described in our f = exp  ik i

previous publications about the NAXSUN technique [13] k Wik
[14]. The rst step is the calculation of average cross-
section hσik for various neutron elds present for each Φki σ J A2
Wik = P Ji 2k .
irradiation: Φki k

Ak where measured activity is Ak , measured uncertainty k ,

hσik ≈ Pn (8)
i=1 Φki
cross-section for energy bin Ei is σi and neutron uence
rate when irradiating k disk at energy bin Ei .
With measured induced activity Ak for various disks k Φki represents measured neutron uence rate when ir-
and neutron uence is Φki represented for dierent en- radiating disk k , for energy beam Ei , σi cross-section
ergy bins Ei . for the same energy, induced activity, and k uncertainty
Average neutron energies which corresponds to average of measurement. While, MAXED algorithm as a result

5 Default function
1.6 Unfolded function
Upper error corridor
1.4 4 Lower error corridor

Cross section [b]

Cross section [b]




(a) 0.0
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E [MeV] E [MeV]
Default function
6 Unfolded function
0.007 Upper error corridor
Lower error corridor

Cross section [b]

Cross section [b]


0.005 3


0.003 0
(b) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E [MeV]
E [MeV]
FIG. 6: Obtained unfolding function and error bars for
FIG. 5: Default functions with error corridors for
reaction 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re with algorithms: (a MAXEL;
reaction: (a) 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re; (b) 187 Re(n,p)187 W

of tting input data (measured induced activity ) gives

function σ(E) which maximized the relative entropy: values come from the shape of the initial guest cross
section function (g.5). That was the indication of
possible systematic error in the measurement of disk
number 2. Because of that, all unfolding procedure,
S=− σ(E) ln + σdef (E) − σ(E) dE
σdef (E) starting form the construction of initial guest func-
(11) tion was repeated without taking into to account the
where σdef (E) is the default cross section function. measurement of disk number 2, activated at average
Unfolding is done in the energy range from 13.08 MeV neutron energy of 18.71MeV. In g.10 are shown the
to 19.5 MeV in 174 bins. In this work, dierences in new default functions for 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re (a) and for
results obtained by the MAXEL and GRAVEL are also
Re(n,p)187 W reactions with their error bars with 5
consider. In the gs. 6 and 7 are presented unfolding measured point and without results obtained form disk
results obtained by those two algorithms. Final results number 2.
showed in gs 8 and 9 represent average cross section val- Using the new default functions for the two reactions
ues for two unfolding codes with the properly weighted of interest, unfolding procedure was performed, also with
uncertainty corridor. The obtained cross section func- both the MAXEL i GRAVEL algorithms. Again, in gs.
tions are normalized to the values of cross-sections for 11 and 12 can be seen obtained default functions com-
neutron energy of 18.1 MeV. pared with the unfolding functions obtained with both
Cross-section values for both reactions, algorithms and for both reactions. New nal results are
Re(n,3n)183 Re (a) and for 185 Re(n,p)187 W, show presented in gs 11 and 12 and are, as previously, calcu-
unexpected drop in region around 17 MeV without lated as average values of the two algorithms with cor-
obvious physical reason. Obtained drop of cross section ridors of uncertainties. Functions are, again, normalized

Unfolding function
JEFF- 3.3
Upper error corridor
Lower error corridor JEFF-3.2
Default function ROSFOND-2010
5 JEF-2.2

Cross section [b]

Cross section [b]

Unfolded function
4 Upper error corridor
Lower error corridor
Gongping Li, 2002


(a) 0.002 0

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E [MeV] E [MeV]
Unfolded function
Upper error corridor
FIG. 8: Obtained results are compared with the data
Lower error corridor available from ENDF/B-VII 0, JEFF 3.3, JEFF 3.2,
0.010 Default function
JEF - 2.2, JENDL, ROSFO ND-2010 databases[2] and
with existing experimental data [24] for
Cross section [b]

0.008 185
Re(n,3n)183 Re reaction.

0.006 ENDF/B-VIII.0 C.Konno,1993

JEFF-3.3 R.F.Coleman, 1959
JEFF-3.2 A.A.Filatenkov, 2016
0.028 BROND-3.1 Xiangzhong, 1997
0.004 JENDL/AD-2017 N.I.Molla, 1977
Cross section [b]

0.024 EAF-2010
0.002 0.020 Unfolded function
Upper error corridor
Lower error corridor
(b) 0.016
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E [MeV] 0.012

FIG. 7: Obtained unfolding function and error bars for 0.008

reaction 187 Re(n,p)187 W with algorithms: (a)MAXEL;
(b)GRAVEL 0.004

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

to the values of cross-sections for neutron energy of 18.1 E [MeV]

MeV and those we can consider as a nal results.
FIG. 9: Obtained results are compared with the data
Uncertainty calculations were also done trough unfold- available from the data available from ENDF/B-VII 0,
ing procedure. Upper and lower error corridor from gs JEFF 3.3, JEFF 3.2, BROND 3.1, JENDL, MENDL-2,
10 and 12 were taken as default functions separately and EAF-2010, FENDL-3.1, TENDL-2017 databases[2] and
the unfolding procedure gave upper and lower corridor with existing experimental data [2529] for
of errors for the obtained cross-section functions for both 187
Re(n,p)187 W reaction.
reactions of interest. Every uncertainty in experimen-
tal procedures contributes to the nal uncertainty of the
default functions (the calculation of the neutron elds,
tion. The validation of the obtained results was done by
the measurement of the induced gamma ray activity,
the calculation of an induced activity (Ac) for both, de-
the measurements of the distance between the neutron-
fault and nal cross-section function, and compared with
producing target and the irradiated disks, the weighting
the measured data (Am ). In table V it is presented the
of the disks and the measurements of the beam current).
sum of the squared relative deviation of both values for
Also, previous calculation was that the primary source
all disks, i.e. the variance S, for the investigated reactions
of uncertainty comes from the default functions [5, 15].
The reason for this is the usage of neutron beams with
broad energies. Nevertheless, on this way obtained de- k  2
fault function from the set of average neutron energies 1 X Aic − Aim
s= (12)
trough unfolding procedure convergences to stable solu- (k − 1) i=1 Aim

Those results show that the unfolding procedure con-
Default function
verges to a better description of the measured activity Unfolded function
data than the initial default data. Upper error corridor
1.2 Lower error corridor

Cross section [b]

TABLE V: The sum of squared relative deviations of
both values over all disks - s
Reaction s
Re(n,3n)183 Re 0.0094 0.0088 0.0048 0.4
Re(n,p)187 W 0.0345 0.014 0.0097

(a) 0.0

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E [MeV]
Cross section [b]

1.2 Default function

Unfolded function
1.2 Upper error corridor
Lower error corridor

Cross section [b]

0.4 0.8

(a) 0.0

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0.4
E [MeV]


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

0.005 E [MeV]
Cross section [b]

FIG. 11: Obtained unfolding function and error bars

without disk No.2 for reaction 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re using
0.004 algorithm: (a) MAXEL; (b) GRAVEL

choose nuclides with mass number starting from 12 and
heavier as targets and as projectiles photons, neutrons,
α particles, 3 He, protons, tritons, deuterons in the en-
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
ergy range from 1 keV to 200 MeV[30]. By determining
E [MeV] input parameters it can calculate various physical quan-
tities for all possible outgoing reaction channels. TALYS
FIG. 10: Default functions for reactions: (a) 1.9 uses data available in the Reference Input Parameter
Re(n,3n)183 Re; (b) for 185 Re(n,p)187 W (b) reactions Library(RIPL)[22]. In calculations are incorporated the
inuence of direct reaction, compound, pre-equilibrium
mechanisms of reaction and also parameters for level den-
sities [3033].
In this work calculations were done for
Re(m,3n)183 Re and 187 Re(n,p)187 W reaction, with
energies of incident particles in range 13 -20 MeV. All
A. Calculations using Taylis - 1.9 other parameters were code default values except level
density parameters, which were changed between all
TALYS 1.9 represents a computer code constructed for six models incorporated in TALYS 1.9. Level density
the simulations of parameters of nuclear reactions which models are based on constant temperature Fermi-Gas
is used for both basic and applied physics. One can model (LD model 1), Back-shifted Fermi gas model (LD

JEFF- 3.3
0.006 JEFF-3.2

Cross section [b]

Cross section [b]

0.005 Unfolded function
1.2 Upper error corridor
Lower error corridor
Gongping Li, 2002

Unfolded function
Upper error corridor
Lower error corridor
0.002 0.0
(a) Default function

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E [MeV] E [MeV]

0.006 FIG. 13: Obtained results are compared with

ENDF/B-VII 0, JEFF 3.3, JEFF 3.2, JEF - 2.2,
JENDL, ROSFO ND-2010, databases [2] and with
0.005 existing experimental data [24] for 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re
Cross section [b]


ENDF/B-VIII.0 C.Konno, 1993

0.003 JEFF-3.3 A.A.Filatenkov, 2016
JEFF-3.2 Xiangzhong, 1997
JENDL/AD-2017 R.F.Coleman, 1959
FENDL-3.1c N.I.Molla, 1977
Cross section [b]

Unfolded function 0.0275

0.002 Upper error corridor EAF-2010
Lower error corridor
(b) Default function 0.0220 Unfolded function
0.001 Upper error corridor
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Lower error corridor
E [MeV]

FIG. 12: Obtained unfolding function and error bars 0.0110

without disk No.2 for reaction 187 Re(n,p)187 W using

algorithm: (a)MAXEL; (b)GRAVEL 0.0055

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
model 2), Generalised superuid model (LD model 3),
E [MeV]
microscopic level densities based on Goriely`s tables
and Hilaire`s combinatorial tables (LD model 4 and FIG. 14: Obtained results are compared with
LD model 5) and temperature dependent Hantree- ENDF/B-VII 0, JEFF 3.3, JEFF 3.2, BROND 3.1,
Fock-Bogoliubov model, Gogny force (LD model 6) JENDL, MENDL-2, EAF-2010, FENDL-3.1,
[30, 3439]. Obtained values of the cross-sections for TENDL-2017 databases[2] and with existing
18.1 MeV used by TALYS 1.9 code are compared with experimental data [2529] for 187 Re(n,p)187 W reaction.
the value calculated from the experiment in tab.VI. Also,
in g.15 is presented comparison of TALYS simulated
values with existing experimental data and the unfolded
cross-section functions in energy range of interest. selected as incident particles, with energies form above
resonance vlues for neutrons to several hundreds MeV.
Nuclear model on which relies EMPIRE can be seen in
ref [40]. Input parameters are based on RIPL-3 library
B. Calculations using EMPIRE - 3.2.3 [22].
As with the TALYS 1.9 calculations, for both reac-
EMPIRE is system of codes based on several nuclear tions of interest cross-sections are calculated using EM-
models used for calculating various parameters of interest PIRE 3.2.3 in energy interval 13 - 20 MeV. Everything is
in nuclear physics. Heavy and light ions, α particles, done with default parameters for code. Only level den-
He, tritons, deuteronsm nucleons and photons can be sities are changed between: Levden 0 (EMPIRE specic

TABLE VI: TALYS calculations compared with calculated walues for 18.1MeV

Cross section [b]

Energy[MeV] Reaction Measured LDmodel1 LDmodel2 LDmodel3 LDmodel4 LDmodel5 LDmodel6
Re(n,3n)183 Re 0.834(59) 1.568 1.411 1.422 1.563 1.213 1.155
18.1 187
Re(n,p)187 W 0.0049(20) 0.0094 0.0124 0.0119 0.0093 0.0094 0.0096

LD model 1 1.6 Levden 0

LD model 2 Levden 1
LD model 3 Levden 2
1.5 LD model 4 Levden 3
LD model 5 Unfolded function

Cross section [b]

Cross section [b]

LD model 6 1.2
Upper error corridor
Unfolded function
Upper error corridor Lower error corridor
Lower error corridor Gongping Li, 2002
1.0 Gongping Li, 2002


(a) (a)
0.0 0.0

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E [MeV] E [MeV]

0.016 LD model 1
LD model 2 Levden 0 Unfolded function
LD model 3 Levden 1 Upper error corridor
LD model 4 0.012 Levden 2 Lower error corridor
LD model 5 Levden 3
LD model 6
A.A.Filatenkov, 2016
Cross section [b]

Cross section [b]

Unfolded function
0.012 Upper error corridor C.Konno, 1993
Lower error corridor Xiangzhong, 1997
A.A.Filatenkov, 2016 N.I.Molla, 1977
C.Konno, 1993 0.008 R.F.Coleman, 1959
Xiangzhong, 1997
N.I.Molla, 1977
0.008 R.F.Coleman, 1959



(b) (b)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
E [MeV] E [MeV]
FIG. 15: TALYS 1.9 calculations compared with FIG. 16: EMPIRE 3.2.3 calculations compared with
existing experimental data [2429] and results from this existing experimental data [2429] and results from this
work for reactions: (a)185 Re(n,3n)183 Re; work for reactions: (a)185 Re(n,3n)183 Re;
(b)187 Re(n,p)187 W (b)187 Re(n,p)187 W

C. Calculations using dierent formulas for (n,p)

level densities, code default), Levden 1 (Generalised Su-
peruid Model), Levden 2 (Gilbert-Cameron model) and There are several semi-empirical formulas from dier-
Levden 3 (Hantree-Fock-Bogoliubov model). In tab. VII ent authors that calculate cross-sections for (n,p) reac-
are compared cross-sections obtained by EMPIRE code tion for dierent mass numbers of the target nucleus cal-
and our calculated value for 18.1 MeV and in g. 16 culated for various purposes (Refs. [4147]). Formulas
comparison between experimental data values, unfolded that calculate cross-section for neutron energies around
function and EMPIRE 3.2.3 calculations in energy range 14.5 MeV are shown in tab. VIII and calculated values of
13 - 20 MeV. the cross-sections for reaction 187 Re(n,p)187 W compared

TABLE VII: Empire calculations compared with calculated values for 18.1MeV

Cross section [b]

Energy[MeV] Reaction Measured Levden 0 Levden 1 Levden 2 Levden 3
Re(n,3n)183 Re 0.834(59) 0.8397 0.6998 0.7994 0.5737
187Re(n,p)187W 0.0049(20) 0.00576 0.00609 0.00572 0.00604

with experimental data available [3] and with obtained relation with existing experimental values until 15 MeV
values from unfolded function in this work are shown in (where data exist) and with evaluated data in the whole
tab. IX. energy interval of interest. Obtained unfolded function
in this work have lower values in the whole energy range
13 - 20 MeV when the TALYS 1.9 calculations (g.15).
VI. DISCUSSIONS The cross-sections for the 187 Re(n,p)187 W reaction which
come from the EMPIRE 3.2.2 calculations also show the
Cross section values for 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re reaction ob- growth in the whole energy range of interest but have
tained in this work have good agreement with evaluated lower values compared to existing values in range 13 - 15
data (FIG SS and also with the one exited experimen- MeV energy and lower values compared to all evaluations
tal data (Fig SD). Values follow the growth with energy (g.16). Our unfolding function has higher values until
and do not show any signicant change in the behaviour 17 MeV. Semi-empirical formulas used in this work by
for the whole energy range. Biggest deviations com- several authors give various values of the cross-section at
pared to our unfolded function are shown with data from the energy of 14.5 MeV and he best match with our value
JEFF-3.3 and JEF 2.2 databases and best agreement ate obtained from the unfolded function is with Habbani [46]
with ROSFOND-2010 database. The values of the cross- (tab. IX).
section measured for this reaction for neutron energy
of 18.1 MeV show perfect matching with ROSFOND-
2010 database (Fig SS). The cross-sections calculated
values with the TALYS 1.9 for 185 Re(n.3n)183 Re reac- VII. CONCLUSIONS
tion have tendencies of increasing with the neutron en-
ergy energy, with no signicant changes in behaviour in In this work, the cross-section values for the
energy region of interest, which is in correlation with ex- 187
Re(n,p)187 W and 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re reactions were
isting evaluated data. But values of cross-sections have measured by using the NAXSUN technique in the inci-
somewhat overestimated values in comparison with eval- dent neutron energy range from 13.08 to 19.5 MeV. Those
uations (Fig SS and Fig SS). The best agreement with results are the rst experimental data for both reactions
data obtained unfolding function is result calculated with for neutron energies between 15 and 19.5 MeV. The cross
level density model 6 (LD model 6), which is based on section functions were determinated by the spectrum un-
temperature-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov calcu- folding procedures and normalized by means of a dedi-
lation using Gogny force[39]. The EMPIRE 3.2.3 calcu- cated cross-section measurement for neutron energy of
lations show also the growth trend with the whole energy 18.1 MeV. Obtained data show very good agreement with
region form 13 to 20 MeV, which corresponds with the existing experimental data [24] for 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re re-
predictions of existing evaluated and the TALYS 1.9 cal- action. However, for 187 Re(n,p)187 W reaction our data
culation, but values are slightly underestimated. The ob- have lower values then the existed ones [2529]. Also,
tained unfolding function in this work is the closest to the we compared obtained results with dierent evaluated
results obtained using the level density model (Levden) data [2]. For 185 Re(n,3n)183 Re reaction this compari-
2, which is based on Gilbert-Cameron model. Genitally, son shows good agreement with all evaluations with spe-
the EMPIRE 3.2.2 calculations show better agreement cially matching with ROSFOND-2010 data. In case of
with our data then the TALYS 1.9 results. 185
Re(n,3n)183 Re reaction, all evaluated data have higher
The cross-sections values measured in this work for the values in comparison with our results and data from this
Re(n,p)187 W reaction have slightly lower values com- work are best in line with EAF- 2010 data. In this study
pared to the dierent evaluations and to the existed ex- the TALYS 1.9 and EMPIRE 3.2.3 calculations were done
perimental data in the energy region 13 - 16 MeV (g.14). using dierent available models. The results show the
Unfolded function from 16 MeV energy does not show better agreement between our data with EMPIRE 3.2.3
further increasing trend with the neutron energy energy. then with TALYS 1.9 calculations. In summary, our new
The measured value of the cross-section for the energy data on neutron induced reaction on rhenium isotopes
18.1 MeV has the best match with EAF-2010 database. may be useful for improvement of evaluations and nu-
As for the TALYS 1.9 calculations, values of the cross- clear models calculations as well for any application of
sections and their dependency of the energy is in cor- these reactions.

TABLE VIII: Dierent formulas for reaction (n,p)

Author Formula for σn,p Mass region Reference

Kasugai σn,p = 1264(N − Z + 1) exp(− 46.63(NA−Z+1) ) 28 ≤ A ≤ 187 [41]
(N −Z)2
Doczi σn,p = 18.12(A1/3 + 1)2 exp(−19.61 (N −Z)
+ A2
) 28 ≤ A ≤ 209 [42]
(N −Z) (N −Z)2
Forrest σn,p = 900(A + 1) exp(−49.27 A + 197.1 A2 − 0.45A )
1/3 2 1/2
40 ≤ A ≤ 187 [43]
Alt-Tahar σn,p = 90.68(A1/3 + 1)2 exp(− 34.48(N
) 40 ≤ A ≤ 187 [44]
Luo σn,p = 62.98(A1/3 + 1)2 exp(−34.45 (NA ) 46 ≤ A ≤ 196 [45]
Habbani σn,p = 60.34(A1/3 + 1)2 exp(−34.44 (N −Z+1)
) 28 ≤ A ≤ 208 (even A) [46]
σn,p = 20.91(A1/3 + 1)2 exp(−29.53 (NA ) 29 ≤ A ≤ 209 (odd A)
Levkovski σn,p = 50.21(A1/3 + 1)2 exp(− 33.80(N
) 40 ≤ A ≤ 209 [47]

TABLE IX: Values of σn,p at the energy around


Source E[MeV] σn,p [mb]

Kasugai 3.68
Doczi 17.56
Forrest 11.31
Alt-Tahar 3.7
Luo 3.11
Habbani 2.74
Flatenkov [27] 14.46 3.48
Coleman [26] 14.5 3.93
Konno [25] 14.44 5.33
This work 14.5 2.05

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