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Lewis Lansford and DArcy Vallance

Series Consultant: Peter Astley

4 Unit 1

1 An international industry

Kick off


Study the map and discuss the questions.

1 Where is your country on the map?
2 Which regions are these countries in?
a Algeria e Malaysia
b Brazil f the UAE An oilfield
c Canada g the UK
d Kazakhstan h the USA onshore
3 Can you name ten more oil-producing countries?
4 Do you know the words to describe the
nationalities for those countries?
Ex a m p l e s

an Algerian worker
a Brazilian oil company

Read the sentences about the UK. Make sentences

about your country.
1 There is a big oil and gas industry in the UK.
2 There are oilfields and gas fields.
3 There are many offshore wells.
4 They are in the north and the east. wells
5 There are not many onshore fields.
6 There is a big onshore field in the south.
An international industry 5

In this unit
• the oil and gas industry: countries, locations,
companies, employment
• a t an / the, the verb be
• spelling names and words aloud
• talking about numbers
• talking about tools and equipment

It’s my job • Language spot

1 Khaled Saleh is a technician in a big oil company. a I an I the
W here is he now? Listen and tick (/ ) the correct boxes. Khaled is a technician in an oil company.
There's a man in the control room.
the USA □ th e UJA^
AÏ □ plant □
Khaled speaks to the man by radio,
inside □ outside □ control room □
the UAE, India, the US, and Japan

» Go to Grammar reference p.118

Read the staff list and complete the sentences w ith

a, an, the, or nothing.

Technical Department - staff list
Manager: John Smith (UK)
Technicians: Lars Larsson (Norway)
Greg Ford (US)
Pierre Dupont (France)

1 Oxonoil is - ___ small oil company.

2 John is ___ . manager in the company.
3 John is ___ . manager o f ____________
technical department. He is fr o m ____________ UK.
Pierre is ____________ technician in _____________
department. He is fr o m ____________ France.
Greg is ____________ American technician.

1 Listen and repeat.
Z Read the questions. Then listen again and answer
1 A, H, J, K 4 I, Y 7 U ,0 ,W
2 B, C, D, E, G, P, T, V 5 0
1 W hy does he like his job?
3 F, L, M, N, S, X, Z 6 R
2 Is he inside or outside today?
3 H ow many technicians are in his team? 2 Say the letters in alphabetical order.
4 H ow many men are outside w ith him?
5 Where are they from?
6 H ow do they speak to the control room? 3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
7 What nationalities are there in the company? 1 H ow do you spell your first name?
2 H ow do you spell your fam ily name?
3 Talk to Khaled. Make sentences like this:
Hello. M y nam e’s ... 4 Ask and answer about words on this page.
I ’m f r o m ... Ex a m p l e

I like working inside / outside. A How do you spell team?

I like working in a big / small team. B T-E-A-M. BrE Am E
I like /don't like speaking English.
zed zee
N ow tell your partner.
6 U n it!

Br E Am E

store store room / stock room

Number talk Listening

1-199 Conversations
1 Count 1-25 around the class. 1 Q Listen to four conversations. Number the pictures.

2 Count in tens: 10,20, 30, etc. to 90.

3 Study the information and say the numbers.

How to say numbers

Telephone and reference numbers
01238 = oh one tw o three eight
(0 = oh or zero)
13 = thirteen 30 = thirty 33 = thirty-three
100 = a hundred (or one hundred)
101 = a hundred and one

Say these numbers.

Reference and phone Quantities


2 Listen again and complete the information.

1 The store is in bu ildin g____________ in room

2 The technician needs____________ bolts.

3 The part number is _____________
4 His employee number is _____________
5 The store phone number is _____________
5 Work in pairs. Student A, w rite four numbers betw een
100 and 199. Student B, say the numbers. 3 Look at the listening script on p.125.
1 Do you understand it? If not, ask the teacher.
Change roles: B writes and A says the numbers.
2 Work in pairs. Practise the four conversations.
6 Repeat 5 w ith four telephone numbers. 3 Choose useful words or phrases to learn.
An international industry 7

Useful phrases - getting repetition B rE Am E

Could you say that again, please?
spanner wrench
wrench adjustable wrench
What's that again?

Vocabulary Speaking
Tools and hardware Checking
1 Which o f these do you l^ave at home? 1 (¡^) Look and listen. Then practise the conversation in pairs.
A What's in the box?
a a screwdriver e a wrench
B There are some bolts.
A How many?
B Twenty.
A Good. What's the
part number?
B PD790.
A What's that
number again?
B PD790.
A The list says PD798.
They're the wrong bolts.

2 Work in pairs to find what's w rong (three things). Student A, go to

p.106. Student B, look at these items and answer Student A's questions.

g an electric drill

h washers

2 Practise this conversation.

N o w look at this list.
A What's this in English? Item s P a rt no.
Ask Student A W hat’s in
B I t ’s a screwdriver.
box 2? Find four things 1Z.Û bolts B984
A What are these?
that are wrong. 11 screws R4197
B They’re washers.
140 nuts N352.1
3 Work in pairs. Point at the pictures, covering 140 washers W35Z.1
the labels, and have similar conversations.
Reading Project
Employers Work in small groups. Find out about some oil and gas
employers in your country.
Read about the UK. Is your country similar or
different? W rite S (similar), D (different), Ask people. Look on the internet.
or ? (I don’t know) on the right.
Write a fe w sentences about them. Use these cues.
Similar in 1 Company name
Employers in the UK m y country? 2 Information about the company
U s e f u l w o r d s

Some countries have a national oil big /small

company (NOC), but there isn't an IOC /NOC
NOC in the UK. There are three other foreign / local
kinds o f employer:
operating company / service company
1 Operating companies. These are
3 Other information
IOCs (international oil companies)
w ith famous names like Shell,
Aramco, and ExxonMobil. They • Language spot
operate the wells and plants. There
are smaller operating companies The verb be
too. » Go to Grammar reference p.118
2 Drilling companies. The operating
1 Study the tables in the Grammar reference on p.118.
companies usually em ploy drilling
Then complete the conversations.
companies for drilling wells. Some
are foreign companies. 1 W h ere____________ you from?
I ____________ from the UK.
2 W h a t____________ her nationality?
She____________ French.
3 BP an American oil company?
No, i t ____________ American. It’s British.
4 Gazprorr^nd Rosneft British companies ?
No, th e y ____________ _ They __ __________ Russian.
5 Are you from the US?
No, w e _____________ W e _____________ from Canada.

2 Complete the questions about this book. Use is there

3 Service companies supply
and are there.
equipment and technical services
to the other companies. They 1 H ow m any pages____________ in this book?
also do special work, such as 2 H ow m any u nits____________ ?
underwater work. There are a lot of 3 a w ord list at the back?
service companies.
4 a contents list at the front?
You can find a job w ith all these
5 six or eight pages per unit?
companies in newspapers, government
job centres, and on the internet. 3 Ask and answer the questions above.
An international industry 9

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I know words for countries, nationalities,
numbers, and some hand tools
I can talk about the oil industry in my
Writing I can use a I an I the and the verb be
Completing a form
I can pronounce the letters o f the alphabet
1 Read the information. ^\en w rite the dates in number form. and spell aloud
I can check equipment
W ritin g dates
I can complete a form with my information
On forms, w e usually w rite dates like this:
14/06/2010 or 14/06/10 or 14.06.2010 or 14.06.10
In American English, the month comes first: 06/14/2010
Key words
1 4th February this y e a r__
2 17th Novem ber last y e a r.
2 You are starting a n ew job today: you are a fire officer in international
the Fire and Safety Department. Listen to your manager and offshore
complete the form. onshore

Remember! control room
Names, titles, and nationalities begin w ith a capital letter. drilling company
oil well
operating company
International Oil Co. plant
service company
First n am e.
Family name _ technician

Employee no..
M anager____ supply

Department. Look back through this unit. Find five more

words or expressions that you think are useful.
Job title____


Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy).

Telephone no_____________



Date (dd/mm/yyyy).
10 Unit 2

2 Upstream

Kick off 2 Look at the pictures in this unit.

Which pictures show
1 Read the information. Match the bold words w ith the explanations 1-6
1 rocks?
1 petrol / gasoline and diesel oil, for example
2 a scientist?
2 oil under the ground, usually dark brown
3 hydrocarbons?
3 bring out or make
4 drilling a well?
4 parts o f an industry
5 a pipeline?
5 the part that gets oil and gas out o f the ground
6 recording data?
6 the part that makes and sells useful products

Upstream and downstream
The upstream process
The oil and gas industry has tw o sectors: the upstream sector and the 1 Read the text on p. 11 and complete
downstream sector. the four steps in this flo w chart.

Workers in the upstream sector find and produce crude o il and gas

Workers in the downstream sector produce useful things from crude oil,
like fu el for cars and planes.
Upstream 11

In this unit
• key vocabulary for the upstream sector
• do and does, and wh- questions
• measuring oil and gas
• large numbers
• spelling: the letter e

2 Answer these questions about the text. 3 Cover this page and look at the flo w chart. Make tw o
1 W hat do scientists try to find? sentences about each o f the four steps.
2 Do drillers always find hydrocarbons? Ex a m p l e

3 What do com panies*^ before development? Step l is exploration. Scientists study...

4 W hy do they build pipelines ?
5 Which words mean
a difficulties? pr____________
b carry to another place? tr____________
c m ove continuously? f ____________

H ow do oil companies find oil and gas? Do scientists find hydrocarbons?

The first step is exploration. Scientists study rocks and No, they don’t. They choose a good place for the next
do scientific tests. They look for rocks that can hold step: drilling. Drillers drill a well, and they sometimes
hydrocarbons. find hydrocarbons.
Does production start im m ediately after drilling?
No. First the company does more tests and asks 'H ow
much oil is there?’ and A re there any problems?’ If the
results o f the tests are good, they go to the next step:
W hat does developm ent mean?
It means they prepare for production. For example,
they build a pipeline to transport the oil.

W hat are hydrocarbons?

Oil and gas are made o f hydrogen (H) and carbon (C). So
w e call them hydrocarbons.

H ow long does developm ent take?

From a fe w weeks to many years. Then production
starts. Crude oil and / or gas flo w from the w ell and
along the pipeline.
data (n) information, especially numbers
record (v) write data or enter data on a computer
skills (n) things that you can do well, for example, computer skills,
languages, football

It’s my job Vocabulary

1 Steve Dumontet tests wells before production starts. Some upstream jobs
He answers questions like:
1 Match the jobs w ith the descriptions. Which jobs are
What is in with the oil? Water? Gas? Sand?
in pictures in this unit?
How fa st does the oil flow up fro m the well?
Give your opinions. Does he need to 1 crane operator 5 maintenance technician
1 be fit? 2 driller 6 pipe-fitter
2 be careful? 3 geologist 7 production operator
3 be good w ith numbers? 4 geotechnician roughneck
4 use a computer? Descriptions
a studies rocks
2 (<7) Study this information. Then listen and complete it.
b operates equipment to help geologists
c supervises a drilling crew
Steve Dumontet d works in a drilling crew under the driller’s
e operates a machine for lifting and m oving heavy
f fits pipes to make a pipeline
g services and repairs machines and equipment
h checks and operates production equipment

a Company a ca^d Lan, oil company

b Job a well test operator

c Location different places Lia,_______

d A typical day prepare . ! ec\ydp\Mn,t

do____ ' av^d record

e Hours per day

f Start and finish

g Good things worki .

h Skills

3 Look at a-h in 2. W hat was the question for each one?

E xam ple
2 A t which step or steps in the upstream process does
a Company Who do you work for?
each person usually work? Look again at the flo w
4 (¡7) Listen again and check your answers. chart on p.10.
6 A . country. . he work in?
• Language spot
B H e. . in Russia.
do and does, and Wh- questions
A W hy. __they like the job?
Do you work outside? Yes, I do.
B _____ . it because the m oney is good.
Does he test rocks? No, nfe doesn’t.
I don’t like working long hours. 8 A H ow. _____ oil companies find
He doesn't work in an office. hydrocarbons?
B ____________ drill wells.
Choose the correct words to complete the rules.
do and don’t » Go to Grammar reference p.118
1 Use w ith I, you, we, they.
does and doesn't
do and don’t
2 Use w ith he, she, it. Speaking
does and doesn’t
Talking about jobs
Choose the correct word to complete the questions.
1 Do I Does roughnecks work in offices? 1 Work in pairs. Student A, go to p.106. Student B, answer
Do / Does a driller supervise a drilling crew? Student A’s questions about Igor Kinsky. Then ask about
Do / Does a production operator fit pipes? Andrea Farrell and complete the information.
Do / Does a w ell test operator test rocks?
Igor Kinsky Andrea Farrell
Do / Does geologists test wells?
Do / Does maintenance technicians repair things?

Ask and answer the questions in 2.

Ex a m p l e

A Do roughnecks work in offices?

B No, they don’t.

Can you say these words correctly?

H ow Where When
Company a Russian oil
Which Who W hy
Which tw o letters do they all have?
Job driller
Make questions and answers. (You need one or tw o
Where Kazakhstan
words for each gap.)
Atypical day supervise the
1 A . Steve work?
drilling crew
B H e. ___ in Canada.
Hours per day 12
A ___ ________ he work for?
Start and finish 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
B H e ____________ for a Canadian oil company.
A ____________ many hours per d a y ____________ Like good money
you work?
2 Student A, tell the class about Igor. Student B, tell the
B I. _ eight hours a day.
class about Andrea.
A _ . you start in the morning?
Ex a m p l e

B I. _ at seven o’clock. Igor Kinsky works f o r a ... He works... hours

A _ . geologists do? H e’s a ... in ... He likes...
B They. ______rocks and do scientific tests. On a typical day,...
14 Unit 2

Saying numbers
In American English, the and is sometimes left out:
two hundred nine (209). In British English, the and
is always used: two hundred and nine (209).

Number talk Listening

Measuring oil and gas Some big numbers
1 Read the information and say the examples. 1 Look at the table and guess the approximate numbers.

We can measure oil and gas in cubic metres (m 3). Oil: the world uses... a hhl/d
1m h I/d
r I/hr
= 1 cubic metre (1 m 3)
Number o f oil and gas fields in
the world d

The biggest field (Ghawar)

location p
Ex a m p l e size f
This field produces 100,000 cubic metres o f gasper oil production (bbl/d) g
day (m 3/d). oil production (m3/d) h

We use litres (1) for small quantities. gas production (m3/d) i

1 m 3 = 1,0001
Ex a m p l e

Oilflows through the pipe at 10 litres per second (l/s).

US barrels (bbl) is another comm on measure.
1 barrel = 159 litres
Ex a m p l e

This field produces 600,000 barrels o f oil per day ' |


(bbl/d or bpd).

Say these quantities.

( RasTanura

a 1001 b 50 bbl c 170 m 3 d 121/s e 28m3/hr 3AHRAIN
□ Abqalq
How to say large numbers Ghawar ;E)Shedgum

3 Read and say the numbers.

209 = fwo hundred and nine Duthmaniyah

380 - three hundred and eighty

3.000 = three thousand Hawiyah

4,444 = fo u r thousand fo u r hundred and forty -fou r

500.000 = five hundred thousand
560.000 = five hundred and sixty thousand
6.000.000 = six million = seven billion

4 Say the numbers that the teacher writes. Oilfield Gas field □ Gas plant

5 Work in pairs. Student A, look at p.106. Dictate the

numbers to Student B. Student B, listen and w rite
2 Listen and complete the table in i.
the numbers.
3 Make a sentence about each item in the table.
6 Change roles. Student B, look at p.112.
Upstream 15

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I know key words for the upstream sector
I can transfer information from a text to a
flow chart
I can use do and does
Project I can use Wh- question words
Find out about oil and / or gas fields in your country. Then write I can ask and answer about jobs in the
about them, answering the questions. upstream sector
1 How many fields are &iere? I can talk about oil and gas quantities and
2 Which is the biggest field? large numbers
3 Where is it? I can use the letter e correctly
4 H ow big is it?
5 H ow much oil and / or gas does it produce per day?

Writing Key words

Spelling: e - the most common letter
The letter e is the most common letter in English. upstream
Which o f these words need an e at the end?
1 wher____ 5 operator—
2 problem. 6 company. crane operator
3 w rit_____ 7 prepar cubic metre
4 operat__ 8 pipelin.
2 Which words need an e before the s? exploration
1 produc_ 5 supervis___ fuel
2 work__ 6 ask_____ s
3 start___ 7 find_____ s
4 studi__ 8 lik_____ s production
3 Say where the e must go.
Ex a m p l e

gologist: between the first g and the o Look back through this unit. Find five more
words or expressions that you think are useful.
1 oil fild 5 drillr
2 companis 6 mony
3 machin 7 xploration
4 equipmnt

4 Complete the words w ith ee or ea.

1 upstr_____ m 5 n______d
2 w _____ ks 6 betw _____ n
3 thr_____ 7 h_____ vy
4 sixt_____ n 8 w _____ ring

5 Work in pairs. Find words w ith e in this unit.

Ask How do you spell...?
16 _

3 Downstream

Kick off
1 W hat do these people do in the upstream sector o f the oil and gas industry?
driller geologist production operator roughneck

2 Read and discuss the questions. Learn the bold words.

The downstream sector - what do you think?

Workers in the downstream sector make useful products from crude oil and natural gas.
They transport these products and sell them.

1 Which o f these things are made from oil or natural gas?

petrol plastic bags propane some chemicals asphalt some chemicals tyres
Am E = gasoline) in detergents in fertilizers

2 Can you name ten more things containing oil products?

3 Crude oil goes from 5 Gas processing plants separate the

the well to a refinery. different gases in natural gas.
Refineries separate
Is this man measuring the pipe or
crude oil into light and
looking for leaks?
heavy products, such
as petrol (light) and
asphalt (heavy).

These men work at an

oil refinery. Are they
opening a valve or
checking data?

4 Gas and oil products

get to us by sea, by
■nad by rail, and by
c D£ ne. This driver
Transports petrol by
'o a c to petrol stations
E = fi na stations).

r r ; c dure, s he
loading " unloading
Downstream 17

In this unit
• vocabulary: the downstream sector, computers
• Present Continuous
• telephone calls and messages
• pronunciation: word stress
• mathematical operations

• Language spot It’s my job

Present Continuous 1 Discuss these questions. Then read the text and check
This man drives a petrol tanker. your answers.
Right now he isn’t driving. 1 What do petrochemical plants produce?
H e’s unloading petrol. 2 What happens in the control room?
3 H ow many hours per day do plants work?
1 Answer these questions about the example above.
1 Does he drive a tanker?
2 Is he driving a tanker now?
3 What does he do?
4 W hat is he doing?

2 Choose the correct words to make the rule.

,■ do/ does .
The Present Continuous uses + -mg.
am / is / are

» Go to Grammar reference p.119

3 Practise this telephone conversation.

A Where are you now?
B I'm in the tanker.
A Are you driving?
I work at a big petrochemical plant. Petrochemical
B No. I'm having lunch.
plants produce chemicals from hydrocarbons.
4 Have similar conversations w ith these phrases. This plant gets light hydrocarbons from a refinery
1 you now? / at the refinery and produces ethylene (C2H.) and other important
working? / having a break chemicals. Many industries use ethylene: for example,
2 he now? / outside they use it to make plastics, detergents, and car tyres.
repairing something? / looking for leaks This plant produces tw o million tonnes o f chemicals
3 they now? / at the plant per year, and w e control the production from this
collecting data? / testing pipes room. We use computers for this.
4 she now? / in the manager’s office But computers can’t do everything. We often need a
talking to the manager? / w aiting for him technician to open or close a valve or check some data,
5 We often use the Present Continuous for greetings and so w e use the telephone or radio too.
asking about progress, like the follow ing examples. The plant works 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
1 How are you doing? 365 days a year. So I often work at night. I work seven
2 How's it going? twelve-hour shifts every tw o weeks: that’s four day
3 How are you getting on? shifts and three night shifts. This week I’m working
night shifts.
2 and 3 are usually about work or learning. 1 can be a
general greeting. Some typical answers are
2 Discuss these questions.
Fine, thanks.
OK, thanks. 1 W hat does the plant produce, and w hy are the
OK, but I'm having trouble w ith ... products important?
2 What skills does Jang Li need for her job?
Stand up! Greet three different people. 3 H ow many hours does she work every tw o weeks?
4 Would you like her job? W hy / w h y not?
Vocabulary Listening
Computers and control panels Telephone calls and messages
1 Match the words w ith a-k in the pictures. 1 W hat do you think people do in these
button hand-held computer keypad screen departments in a company?
control panel key knob switch Technical Support
gauge keyboard mouse Human Resources (HR)

2 Q Listen to conversation 1. W rite T

(true) or F (false).
1 Omar wants to speak to Mike.
2 George is not working today.
3 There is a problem in the control

3 Mike is reporting the phone call. Is

the information correct?

That was the

control room on
the phone. They’re
having a technical
problem. I’m going
there now.

2 Work in pairs. Use the table below to ask and answer questions.

What’s the thing above the knob on the left?

What are the things below the screen on the right? 4 Listen again. Then report the call,
but give more information.
next to
in 5 Q Listen to conversation 2 and find
on the mistake in this w ritten message.

Ex a m p l e

A W hat’s the thing above the keyboard? Message

B That’s a screen. To: The s lu ft sup erviso r
You are having problems. Make sentences w ith the verbs in brackets. From: Fa isa l Hav*.di
Ex a m p l e
Of: (©ompany/department): (-+R.
The screen (not work) -» The screen isn't working.
M essage:
1 The screen (show) an error message.
2 The gauge (not work) properly. Please ca ll Wiw. «bout the n ew
3 The computer (make) a strange noise. technicians., to d a y i f possible.
4 Some o f the keys (not work).
Caller’s no.: 2 ^ 2 3
5 The red light (flash).
Downstream 19

Writing Speaking
Messages Making and taking calls
1 W rite messages for George in Technical Support, like 1 Choose the correct words.
the example. (Notice the changes: I -*• he; him -*■you.) A Goodbye / H ello'. Technical Support.
B Hi. Is it / th a t2George?
Mark Please tell George I want to talk to
A No. This / That3is A li speaking.
him about the n ew computers.
B Can I speak / say4to George, please?
A He’s talking / talks5to the manager right now. Can I
M essage from: take / g e t6a message?
B Yes. This / That7is Andrew Watts at / fro m 8Human
To: < q eo rge
M essage: A Andrew Watts at /f r o m 9HR.
H t w a i s t s t o ta l\ z B Yes. I want to talk to George about / o n 10the n ew
computers for our office.
t o y o u a b o u t th e
B W hat’s your phone number / number phone"?
lA-ew coiM puters A 3745.
B OK. I'll give /1g iv e12him the message.
A Thank / Thanks13you.

2 Work in pairs. Practise the conversation.

3 Work in pairs. Student A, you work in Technical

Support. Go to p.107. Student B, you work in Human
Conversation 1
Phone George in Technical Support. Thank him for
repairing your computer. It is working well.
We need Conversation 2
some Answer the phone. The caller wants Faisal Hamdi, but
help w ith he is having lunch. Complete this message.
our new

I’m having trouble w ith

my hand-held computer.

2 Write messages for Faisal Hamdi in Human Resources. Of: (company/department):

M essa ge:________________

Tell him I’m

Please send visiting the I can’t meet Date: Time:
m e file A407. refinery today. him today.
Reading 2 Tell the other group about your news item.

News 3 Look at these sentences from the news items. Then

complete the sentences below about yourself.
1 Work in tw o groups, A and B. Read your group’s news
item. Find answers to these questions. Saudi Arabia, f o r example, is hoping to be the number 3
producer in the petrochemical world in 2015.
1 What is going up? Where?
2 Why? Oil and gas companies are planning to increase world
gas production by 50% before 2030.
□ 1 I’m hoping t o ...

Petrochemicals - 2 I’m planning t o ...

a changing world Pronunciation

1 f t Listen and underline the stressed part in these
The top producers of petrochemicals are countries
in North America and Europe. But this is changing.
Two-part words Three-part words Longer words
Now many countries in Asia and the Middle East are 1 Europe 7 company 16 petrochemical
building new petrochemical plants, and petrochemical 2 Qatar 8 industry 17 environment
production is going up fast in these countries. 3 business 9 Africa 18 refinery
Saudi Arabia, for example, is hoping to be the number 4 because 10 example
3 producer in the petrochemical world in 2015. 5 Iran 11 producer
This is good business because petrochemicals sell at I 6 prefer 12 important
higher prices than crude oil. It is good for employment f 13 UAE
too. Populations in Asia and the Middle East are 14 C02
15 Middle East
going up, so these countries need new jobs for their
young people. 2 Practise saying the words above correctly.

3 Can you say these words correctly?

Two parts Three parts

Gas - going up 1 countries

2 prices
8 expensive
9 Arabia
3 people 10 employment
Oil and gas companies are planning to increase world
4 before 11 increasing
gas production by 50% before 2030.
5 produce 12 separate
Big gas producers like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
6 reasons 13 chemicals
Iran, and the UAE are increasing their production
7 per cent (%) 14 ethylene
fast. Gas production in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the
Americas is growing too. f t Listen and check.
Why are they doing this? Gas is becoming more I 4 Work in pairs. Take turns reading sentences from the
important for many reasons. Petrochemical plants use a j news items aloud. Use the correct w ord stress.
lot o f gas. and the petrochemicals industry is growing. ,
Oil is very expensive, so many other industries prefer gas 1
loo. CO. is bad for the environment, and gas produces I
kss CO. than oil so many power stations around the \
wodd are changing their fuel from coal to gas.
Downstream 21

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I know key words for the downstream
sector, computers, and control equipment
I can use the Present Continuous
I can describe problems with computers
Number talk I can make and answer phone calls and take
Calculating written messages
I can understand the news items in this unit
Match the words w ith the
keys on the calculator. I can use word stress correctly

1 plus /add I can talk about mathematical calculations

2 minus / subtract
3 times / multiplied by
4 over / divided by
5 equals Key words
6 per cent
7 point
8 square root

Human Resources
processing plant
2 Q We can do simple calculations in our heads. Listen and w rite Technical Support
the calculations. valve
Ex a m p l e
A What's seven p oin t two fiv e times three? load
B That's twenty-one p oin t seven five. separate
You write: 7.Z5x 3 = 2.1.75 unload

1 ---------------- 4 ---------------- Look back through this unit. Find five more
2 5 ---------- words or expressions that you think are useful.

Check the calculations. Are they correct?

3 Look at the calculations in 2 and practise the conversations.

4 Say the calculations for these questions.

1 Li is working three twelve-hour night-shifts this week. H ow
many hours is she working this week?
2 A petrol tanker has 18,500 litres o f petrol in it now. It can
carry 30,000 litres on the road. H ow much more petrol can
the driver load into the tanker?
3 How many 8,000-litre tanks do you need for 32,000 litres o f oil?
4 A refinery produces 6.2 million litres o f petrol per day and
10.75 m illion litres o f other products. W hat is the total daily
22 Unit 4

4 Safety first

Kick off Reading

1 Point to these parts o f your body. Say and learn: Safety signs
ears eyes face feet 1 Talk about the signs. Use these words.
fingers hands head
2 Look at the personal protection equipment (PPE). black blue green red w hite yellow
Complete the sentences below.
ear protectors hard hat O a circle □ a rectangle EH a square A a triangle
Ex a m p l e

I t ’s a blue and white circle.



1 A hard hat protects y o u r_____________

^3 1..j
2 A face guard protects y o u r_____________
3 Boots protect yo u r_____________
4 protect your ears from noise.
5 protect your hands. Q
6 protect your eyes.
2 Read the text about safety signs. W rite these four
7 A ____________ protects you from smoke and
headings in the correct places,
dangerous fumes.
a Green and w hite squares or rectangles
s A ____________ protects you from a fall.
b Black and yellow triangles
3 Look a* th e pictures in this urut. What PPE are the c Red and w hite circles
pec p it wearing? d Blue and w hite circles
Safety first 23

In this unit
• personal protective equipment (PPE)
• safety signs, symbols, and notices
• talking about weights and measures
• understanding a toolbox talk
• modal verbs can and must

Safety signs: colours and shapes What does it mean?
Safety signs are very important because the oil and 1 Work in pairs. Practise this dialogue.
gas industry has many hazards. (Hazards = possible A W hat does the blue sign mean?
dangers like electricity, chemicals, hot things, gas, B Which one?
machines, noise, falling objects, and slippery surfaces). A The one with a man and a book. Can you see it?
B Yes. That means 'Read the instructions before you
There are four main kinds o f safety sign:
use the machine.’
1 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

These signs warn us about hazards. The signs give

warnings like Danger! Overhead crane or High voltage.

These signs usually have a red band across them. They
tell us w e must not do things. For example Do not
smoke here or Do not switch o ff this machine.

These signs tell us ‘You must wear or do the thing in
the picture’. For example Wear goggles or Read the
instructions before you use the machine.

These signs give information about safety. For
example, they tell us This way to the emergency exit or
Lifejackets are here.

3 What does each sign mean in 1?

Ex a m p l e

Sign number 1 means 'Wear goggles'.

4 Look at the list o f hazards in paragraph 1. Say w h y they

are hazardous.
Ex a m p l e

Electricity can give you a dangerous shock.

2 Work in pairs. Have similar conversations. Student A,
U s e fu l w o r d s
go to p.107. Don’t show B. Student B, go to p.112. Don't
noun show A.
verbs 3 W hen you have finished
burn cut damage 1 check your spelling
hit injure poison 2 underline and learn the n ew words.
24 Unit 4

attach (v) fit together 1tonne = 1 metric ton = 1,000 kg

estimate (v) calculate approximately 1ton (Am E) = 2,000 lbs
prepare (v) make ready 1ton (Br E) = 2,240 lbs

It’s my job Number talk

1 Study the information. Then Weights and measures
1 say what is happening in the pictures. 1 Write these abbreviations next to the correct words,
2 estimate the w eight o f the load in picture 2. cm g k km m mm t
1 grams _____ 5 cen tim etres_____
2 kilos _____ 6 metres _____
3 tonnes _____ 7 kilometres _____
4 m illim etres_____

2 Can you pronounce these words correctly?

W hat’s the ... ? H o w ... is it?
length long
w idth w ide
height high
depth deep
w eight heavy
speed fast

f t Listen and check.

3 Say what w e use these measures for.

Ex a m p l e

(length) We measure the length o f pipes and cables.

4 Look at the pictures in It's my job. Estimate the length,

width, and w eight o f the pipe, and the height o f the rig.
E xam ple

A How long is the pipe?

B A bou t two metres, I guess. What do you think?
A Maybe 2.5 metres.

5 Say what these signs mean.

E xam ple

1M axim um speed twenty kph.

f t Listen and answer. D

1 Which picture shows Danny?
2 What is his opinion about safety?

f t Listen again. Then talk about Danny’s job, using

these words.
high places decide
safety harness in the sling
l i f t ... move every day
w e ig h t. . size hazards

4 Would you like Danny’s job? W hy / w h y not?

toolbox talk (n) a talk about safety
with tools and machines

Vocabulary Listening
Which kind of word? A toolbox talk
1 Read the sentences. Which bold words are 1 W hat is happening in the four pictures?
a nouns? b verbs? c adjectives?
1 He’s a good crane operator.
2 He operates a crane.
3 He is Canadian. He lives in Canada.

2 Write the words in the correct places in the table.

calculate driller hazard protect
safety w ide

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

width 1
2 safe
3 hazardous
protection 4
calculator, 5
drill, 6 drill

3 Choose the correct word.

1 This old machine isn’t safe / safety.
2 (¡7> Listen to a supervisor talking to trainees about
2 He’s an Italy / Italian engineer. safety. Which hazards in 1 do they talk about?
3 Can I use your calculate t calculator, please?
3 Can you complete the rules? Listen again and check.
4 Refineries produce /product useful things from
1 under the load.
crude oil.
2 to stop a swinging load.
5 There are hazards / hazardous in m y job.
3 where you put your hands.
6 H ow depth / deep is the well?
4 The hand signal for Emergency stop is
7 This company is a good employ / employer.

Learning words
W hen you learn a n ew word, always think Which
kind o f word is it?

4 What other questions can you ask about words?

1 ...m ean? 4 ...sp ellit?
2 ... pronounce it? 5 ■••stressed part? 5 always have radio contact w ith the
3 ... a noun or a verb? crane operator.

Look at the glossary at the back o f this book. Which o f 4 H ow can you warn the men in pictures 1-4?
these questions does it answer?
E xam ple

1 Look outI The load’sfalling/

3 Study situations 1 and 2. W hat can you say in
• Language spot situations 3-6?

Modal verb: can 1 asking permission

1 Study this table and complete the conversation.

1 can lift 70 kilos.

He can’t

Can I come in?

Can you lift 70 kilos?

J the crane lift 25 tonnes?

B No, i t . ______ 2. I t ____________ 3lift 20 tonnes, 2 asking for help
but it. ______ 4lift 25 tonnes.

Can you pass me

that hammer?

3 You want to use your friend's phone. Ask him.

4 You are very hot. You want to take o ff your PPE. Ask
the supervisor.
5 You must carry a heavy pipe. Ask someone to help
you w ith it.
2 Work in pairs. Have similar conversations.
6 You don't know h ow to use the safety harness. Ask
1 Can the tank hold 600 litres? the supervisor to show you.
2 Can the bridge take a six-tonne truck?
3 Can the helicopter lift 7,000 kilos? Modal verb: must
4 Can the crane do 30 kph? 4 Explain these notices w ith must or mustn't.
Ex a m p l e

500 You mustn't touch

these switches.

litres This is a
V n .
hard hat area

Hazardous surface

Switch the machine

off when not in use
» Go to Grammar reference p.119
Safety first 27

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I know key words to do with safety, hazards,
and PPE
I can understand and explain safety signs
I can talk about weights and measures
Writing I can understand a toolbox talk
Spelling and notices I can use can and must correctly

Add vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to make words. I can write short safety notices

1 Pr- _tect
2 faceg____ _rd
3 s_____ rf_ _ce Key words
4 d------ ng_
5 ____ m___ _rg------ncy slippery
6 _rcl_
7 tr_ _ngL crane
8 r_ _ct_ -g L emergency
9 _rd fumes
10 _ch
2 Your boss wants you to w rite short safety notices (3-5 words rule
maximum). Read his instructions. safety
1 Where should you put each notice? shock
2 Write big notices like the notices on p.26. sign

1 'This surface is slippery. We don’t have a sign, so w e must Verbs

w rite a notice. Can you w rite it, please?’ damage
2 'This machine isn’t safe, so people mustn’t use it. Put a notice injure
there, please.’ protect
3 'Some boxes are blocking the fire exit. We mustn’t block fire
exits. M ove the boxes and put a notice up.’ Look back through this unit. Find five more
4 ‘Some visitors don’t w ear hard hats. They think that visitors words or expressions that you think are useful.
don’t need hard hats. But they must w ear them.’
28 Unit 5

5 Finding oil and gas

Kick off Diagram 1: an oil trap

1 Look at the diagrams in this unit. Which diagrams are
1 about geology? 4 two-dimensional (2D)?
2 about physics? 5 three-dimensional (3D)?
3 about technology?

2 Look at this picture. Give your opinions.

1 What is on the screen?
2 What do the colours mean?
3 What kind o f glasses are the people wearing ?
4 W ho are the people?
5 What are they looking for?
3 Study diagram 2 and complete the sentences.
1 Vibrations produce_____________
2 A microphone converts sound waves into

Diagram 2: recording sound waves



4 Look at diagram 3. Then give an example o f

1 a reflector that reflects light waves
Vocabulary 2 other kinds o f w ave
3 waves that travel fast
Some science 4 waves that travel slowly.
1 W hat do these people study and know about?
Diagram 3: reflection Reflected
a geologist a physicist a geophysicist
Wave wave
2 Study diagram 1 and discuss the questions.
1 Which rock can hold water, oil, and gas?
2 Which rock is hard and very solid?
3 W hy is the gas above the oil?
4 W hy can’t the gas go up to the surface? Reflector
In this unit
• key vocabulary for the science o f exploration
• pronunciation: sentence stress
• sentence structure and word order
• listening to instructions
• describing specifications

Seismic exploration H ow to find oil traps
1 Where do you find an oil trap? W hat is in it and why? Drilling is expensive. So oil companies plan
carefully before they start drilling. First they make
2 Study this diagram. W hat do you think the trucks and
3D maps of the rocks below the surface. Then
the geophones do?
they study these maps carefully. They look for
5 recording truck possible oil traps.
How do they make these maps? How do they
1 vibrator find out what is below the surface? The answer is
'seismic waves'.
Seismic waves are sound waves, and they can
travel through rock layers.
Most oil companies use vibrator trucks to
make seismic waves. These heavy trucks make
vibrations on the surface, and the vibrations send
waves down to the rocks below.
Each rock layer reflects some of the waves.
The reflected waves travel up to geophones on
the surface. Geophones are like microphones:
they convert the waves into electrical signals. A
2 seismic wave machine in the recording truck records the signals.
(going down)
Computers can convert these signals into 3D maps.
3 reflected seismic
wave (coming up)
Seismic reflection works at sea too. But the
crews use hydrophones, not geophones, and they
use an underwater gun to make seismic waves.
3 Read the text. Write T (true) or F (false).
1 Oil companies make maps o f the surface.
2 Seismic waves can’t go through rocks.
3 Vibrator trucks make seismic waves.
4 One rock layer reflects all the waves.
5 Geophones send electrical signals to the recording
6 The geophones produce 3D maps.

4 The word they is in the text nine times. It can mean

different things in different sentences. Find every they
and say what it means.
Ex a m p l e

In paragraph 1, they means oil companies.

5 Look at the labels (1-5) in the diagram above and

explain the process. Begin: Vibrator trucks make
seismic waves. The waves g o ...

6 Look at the diagram o f seismic reflection at sea and

explain that process.
30 Unit 5

CPS (Global Positioning System) A GPS unit tells you your exact
position on Earth. It can also show you the way to other positions,
sat nav (satellite navigation) A sat nav unit uses CPS to show the
way on a map. Many cars have these units.

It’s my job Pronunciation

Faisal Abdel Latif is a geotechnician. He works in a seismic survey Q Listen to these sentences.
crew. Look at the picture and answer the questions. Underline the stressed words as in
1 W hat is Faisal carrying on his back? the example.
2 What electronic gadget is he holding? Ex a m p l e

3 What is he using it for? We must p u t the geophones in the

right place.
1 That’s very important.
2 So w e all have a GPS unit.
3 The GPS tells you your exact
4 We read the data carefully to get
the position right.

Practise saying the sentences above.

In English, w e stress the most

important words (important =
important for understanding). Is
this the same in your language?

I Which words would you stress in

these sentences? Underline them.
1 This job can be hard work.
2 You’re walking a lot and carrying
heavy things.
3 So you must be fit.
4 I like the job.
5 I like it for tw o reasons.
6 I love being outside and seeing
different places.
7 And I like working in a team.
8 And the m oney’s good too.
Listen and check your answers.
9 That’s three reasons, isn’t it?!
) Read these questions. Then listen again.
Q Listen to the sentences in 4. Did
1 What does Faisal do? you underline the same words?
2 What must he do carefully? Discuss any differences.
3 H ow do the different crews communicate?
4 W hy must Faisal be fit?

Listen again to the last part and complete the notes.

Things he likes
1 b e in g ____________ and seeing differen t_____________
2 working in a ____________

4 Wfouldyou like Faisal’s job? W h y / w h y not?

• Language spot 4 In the sentences below, change the underlined words
to the correct pronoun.
Words in sentences
noun verb noun adverb Subject pronouns Object pronouns
I I I I Singular l,you, me, you,
1 Faisal places the geophones carefully. he, she, it him, her, it
2 He works in hot weather and difficult places. Plural we,you, they us,you, them

pronoun adjectives noun Ex a m p l e

Faisal and He = the SUBJECT Mr Jones wants to talk to you and m e. -»

geophones = the OBJECT in sentence 1 He wants to talk to us.
There are three kinds o f sentence: 1 Faisal is helping Ali and Ham id.
Questions (e.g. Who is he?) 2 The drivers can talk to the man by radio.
3 M y friends and I don’t like hot weather.
Statements (e.g. He is Faisal.)
4 M r A li has a message for me and all the
Imperatives (e.g. Stop!) technicians.
1 W hat kind o f word is each underlined word? What 5 The wom an in HR has the forms.
kind o f sentence is it? Put these words in the correct order to make
Ex a m p l e sentences.
Don't forget your GPS. 1 the / him / is / talking to / geologist
Forget is a verb. The sentence is an imperative. 2 read / carefully / the / data / seismic
1 Faisal usually does the work quickly. 3 can / m e / help / you ?
4 have /1 / at the refinery / a job
2 He likes it, and the m oney is good.
5 job / a / good / and / it / it’s /1 / like
3 It’s very hot in the desert in summer.
» Go to Grammar reference p.120
4 Is m y n ew radio in the truck?

2 Find examples o f these rules in 1.Is the rule different

in your language or the same? Writing
1 The subject is before the verb in statements. Writing sentences
2 Adjectives are usually before nouns or after be.
There are eight sentences in the paragraph below.
3 Adverbs are never betw een a verb and an object.
Separate the sentences and w rite the paragraph
4 The subject can be a noun or a pronoun, but w e
don’t w rite both. (Faisal he likes his job.)
5 Phrases about times and places usually go at the
sentences always begin with a capital letter statements
end o f a sentence.
always have a full stop at the end questions have a
6 Imperatives don’t usually have a subject. question mark imperatives have a full stop or sometimes
Look at the words in brackets. Where must w e put an exclamation mark why is this important it is important
because it helps us to understand sentences some nouns
them to make correct sentences?
always have capital letters too the names of people and
1 (porous) W e find oil and gas in rocks. places are two examples
2 (reflect) Mirrors light waves very well.
3 (badly) Black things reflect light waves.
4 (every day) He works outside.
Br E Am E
5 (exact) What's your position?
full stop period
Number talk Listening
Global positioning How to use GPS
1 Match the words in the list w ith a-e in the diagram. 1 Q A trainee is learning how to use GPS. Read the
latitude longitude receiver notes, then listen to the trainer and complete the notes.
satellite signal

GPS - Global Positioning System

to ■find your exact position on the Barth

to na.vigaie to other positions (waypoints)

Before, the, trip,

Enter and save, the coordinates o f a l l ____________

At the start o f the trip,

2 Look at the screen o f this GPS receiver. W hat do the 1 Turn on the GPS.
follow ing mean? Say them correctly.
Z. Wait until It receives signals from ______ _______b
N S E W 322° LAT LON 54.9220°
3 It shows t h e ____________ 1 o f your position.

4 Select the f i r s t ____________ <L.

5 Select GOTO.

i> Follow ____________ e.

Distance to next 2 Work in pairs. Student A, cover the trainee’s notes. Tell
0046m B h ow to use GPS, using the notes below. Student B,
listen and help if necessary. Then change roles.
Lat/Lon. 18.5415°/54.9220°
3 Find these words in the glossary at the back o f this
1 Before your trip ,...
book. Then complete the radio conversation,
2 At the start o f the trip ,...
bearing coordinates heading position
waypoint 3 Wait u n til...

You What's yo u r____________ 1now? 4 Then it sh ow s...

Faisal M y ____________ 2are 18.5415 degrees by 5 Select...
54.9220 degrees. •
6 S elect...
You H ow far is the n e x t____________ 3?
7 F o llo w ...
Faisal Just 46 metres.
You W hat’s you r____________ 4?
Faisal 347 degrees. But the correct____________
is 322, so I must go left 24 degrees.
Finding oil and gas 33

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick {/ ) the
statements which are true.
I know some key words in geology, physics,
and exploration technology

I can use sentence stress

I know some rules about sentence structure
Speaking and I can use correct word order

Discussing specs I can talk about GPS, positioning, and

Read the specs (specifications) and make
I can understand some spoken instructions
a question about each one.
I can discuss some specifications
Ex a m p l e s

How many channels does it have?

What are the dimensions?

Key words
The T60 two-way radio Adjective
channels: 6 seismic

dimensions: 54 x 140 x 25 m m Nouns

w eight: 190 g
colour: black geophone
material: plastic heading
maximum range: 18 km
battery life: 36 hours signal
w ater resistant: no truck
shock resistant: yes
w ave
sand and dust resistant: yes w aypoint

separate clip-on m icrophone: no Verbs

display screen: no convert
controls: ch a n n e l selector knob,
vo lu m e control, on/off
sw itch, press-to-talk button Look back through this unit. Find five more
words or expressions th at you think are useful.

U s e f u l l a n g u a g e : d im e n s i o n s

= One metre by two metres by fo u r metres.

Work in pairs. Student A, go to p.107. Student B, go to p.112.

Work in pairs. Read about Sandro and choose the best

radio for him. Then explain your choice to the class.

Sandro is a geotechnician in Brazil. He often works outside.

He sometimes works in bad weather and heavy rain. He
often carries heavy equipment. He needs to talk by radio to
other people in his team. He often needs to use his hands for
other things while he talks. He is sometimes away from base
for 36 hours.
34 Unit 6

6 Drilling

Kick off 2 Complete the description o f the mud process. Use

words from the diagrams.
1 Study these simplified diagrams and the words. Then
discuss the questions below. Drilling mud is a mixture o f water, clay, and other

1 Which part rotates and drills through rock? materials. T h e____________ 1pumps mud from the
2 What is betw een the bit and the surface ? ____________ 2into the top o f the drill string. The mud
3 Where do the pipes stand before they go into the flows down inside th e ____________ 3to the bit. It cleans
and cools th e ____________ 4. Then it flows up the hole
4 What tall thing supports the lifting equipment and
the drill string? and carries____________ 5up w ith it. The mud and
5 What does the rotary table do to the drill string? cuttings go to t h e ____________ 6. The mud screen
6 W hat is mud? separates the cuttings from the mud. The mud flows
7 Which machine sends mud down to the bit?
through to th e ____________ 7below.
8 W hat comes up to the surface w ith the mud?
9 For deep wells, the derrick must be very strong. Why? 3 Q Listen and check your answers above.

4 Can you guess: how deep is the deepest w ell in the

world? Find out later in this unit.
Drilling 35

In this unit
• key vocabulary for drilling work
• problems, solutions, instructions
• adjective forms
• pronunciation and spelling
• giving safety advice

Reading 3 Choose the correct words. Explain your choices.

1 Roustabouts d o ____________ work.
A drilling crew
a skilled b hard c desk
1 Read the text. Then answer the questions. 2 Roughnecks usually prepare th e _____________
Which person / people a drill string b mud c hole
1 are usually the youngest and most junior? 3 Derrickmen should w e a r________ ____
2 is usually the oldest and most senior? a face guards b glasses c a safety harness
3 need to be strong? Why?
4 The driller helps the crew t o _____________
4 is not afraid o f high places?
a learn b clean equipment c lift things
5 must watch gauges or screens carefully? Why?
6 needs a desk and a telephone? Why? 5 The rig m an ager____________ n ew equipment.
a makes b repairs c orders
2 Use information in the text to talk about the pictures
on this page and on p.10.

W ho are the people in a typical drilling crew?

Roustabouts are often the youngest people in a drilling
crew. They clean, maintain, and move equipment and
help the other workers. Roustabouts w an t better jobs, so
they work hard, listen carefully, and learn fast.

Roughnecks are like roustabouts, but they are more

skilled. They work on the drilling floor. They connect
the heavy drill pipes and put them into the hole, or they
disconnect the pipes as they come up out ofthe hole.

The derrickman works high up on the monkey board

about 25 metres above the floor. He guides the top
part of the drill pipe. At other times, he helps the mud
engineer (or'm ud man'): he checks the mud and
maintains the pump. The mud must not be too thick or
too thin, and the pump must keep working.

The driller supervises and trains the drilling crew, and

he controls the drilling equipment. For example, he
operates the motor that lifts the drill pipes. He controls
the speed of the drill, which must not be too fast or too
slow. On very modern rigs, the driller sits in a special
driller's chair. The chair has joystick controls and display
screens - like a computer game.

The rig manager or toolpusher is the most senior person

in the drilling crew. He is usually the oldest and most
experienced person too. He makes sure the cre w has
all the right equipment. He is responsible for their safety
and for paperwork.
36 Unit 6

The mud pump is one of the largest and

heaviest parts of a drilling rig, and one
of the most difficult parts to transport.

Listening • Language spot

Problems and solutions Adjective forms
1 Can you give some examples o f thin fluids and thick 1 Match the opposites.
fluids? 1 thick a narrow
Ex a m ples 2 long b light
Thin Thick 3 heavy c thin
water honey 4 w ide d low
5 noisy e short
2 W hat is drilling mud and what does it do? Use the
6 big f cold
words in the list. 7 deep g small
Nouns 8 high h weak
bit clay cuttings mixture water 9 strong i shallow
Verbs 10 hot j quiet
bring clean cool lubricate 11 difficult k approximate
12 important 1 safe
i (|"j) Listen to these conversations at a drilling rig and
13 dangerous m easy
complete the problems.
14 exact n unimportant
Prob lem l ____________ ' aren't coming up to the
surface 2 Read the examples and answer the questions,
Why? The mud is too thin a The mud is too thin.
Solution Make it thicker b The mud isn’t thick enough.
How? A d d ____________ 2kilos o f clay c Make it thicker.
d Make it m ore viscous.
Problem 2 T h e. ! is very noisy
1 Which sentences have the same meaning?
Why? The mud is t o o ____________ 4
2 W hy do w e say thick + er but more + viscous?
Solution Make it thinner
How? A d d ____________ 5litres o f w ater » Go to Grammar reference p.120

3 Complete the conversations about problems.

Problem 3 The drilling floor isn’t _____________ 6
1 Problem: a small wrench
W hy ? There’s a l o t o f _____________ 7
Solution _____________ 8the floor A The wrench isn’t _____________
How? W ith _____________ 9 B We need a ____________ one.

4 Listen again and complete all the information. 2 Problem: a short bolt
A The bolt is _____________
5 Look at the listening script on p.127. Choose one
B I’ll get a ____________ one.
conversation and listen for the pronunciation. Notice
the stressed words and the sounds. 3 Problem: a dangerous job
A This job is _____________
6 Work in pairs. Practise the conversation.
B Yes. I want a ____________ job.
4 Problem: cold water
A The w ater isn’t _____________
B It should b e _____________
5 Problem: a narrow w alkw ay
A The w alkw ay is __________
B We must make i t .
Br E Am E

maths math

4 Complete the questions, changing the word in 2 Look at these words and tick (/ ) the correct boxes.
brackets to more + adjective or adjective + -er.
letter r + sound examples Ixl M
1 Which is (difficult): maths or English?
r +vow el sound drill, strong / -
2 Which is (long): a kilometre or a mile?
r +consonant sound hard, works
3 Which is (important): speed or safety?
4 Which is (cold): Canada or the USA? r+ nothing bigger, older
5 Which is (dangerous): fire or H2S gas?
3 Which o f these words have a silent r?
6 Which is (big): Russia or China?
1 longer 5 shorter
N ow discuss the questions. 2 problem 6 worker
5 Read the examples and answer the questions below. 3 important 7 strong
4 drill 8 deeper
The comparative form (-er / more):
Who is older: Jack or Hamid? N ow say the words. Practise in pairs.
And who is m ore experienced?
The superlative form (-est / most)
Who is the oldest person here?
W ho is the m ost senior person in the crew? Spelling: single and double letters
1 Which form compares only tw o things? 1 Complete these words w ith one or tw o letters. Use the
2 W hich form means 'Number i' o f many things ? letter in brackets.
6 Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of 1 (1) drill oil sha_____ ow
the adjectives in the list. 2 (g)b i_____ b i_____ er bi_____ est
big deep dirty experienced
3 (n) begi_____ begi_____ ing thi_____ er
junior old
4 (p) sto_____ sto_____ ing dee_____ er
1 Roustabouts are th e ____________ people on an oil
rig and they do t h e ____________ jobs. 5 (r) a_____ ive cont_____ ol co_____ ect

2 The toolpusher is usually th e ____________ and the 6 (s) gla_____ es ea_____ y vi_____ cous
____________ person on a rig. 7 (t) ho_____ ho_____ er ho_____ est
3 The __ _ w ell in the world is 10,685 metres. 2 Find more words w ith double letters in this unit.
The w ell is in the Gulf o f Mexico and belongs to BP,
one o f th e ____________ International Oil Companies.

ff d if f ic u lt
Pronunciation tt c u ttin g s .

1 f t Listen to these words. Can you hear the h i sound?

Underline the r if you can hear it. If the r is silent, cross
it out.
1 roughneck 5 crew
2 dirty 6 operate
3 senior 7 control
4 older 8 heavier
Speaking Say what m ight happen in each
Giving safety advice
Ex a m p l e
The pictures are from a safety manual for drilling crews. Which person is Machines might catch his loose clothes
1 wearing loose clothes? 8 using a broken tool? and injure him.
2 standing under a load? 9 climbing w ithout a safety
Work in pairs. You work in a drilling
3 running up or down steps? harness?
crew. You are looking after a new
4 eating near chemicals? 10 doing the right thing:
lifting correctly and person in the crew. Take turns
5 handling chemicals without PPE?
keeping his back straight? advising him.
6 walking below people working?
7 standing betw een a w all and a Ex a m p l e

m oving load? You shouldn't wear loose clothes

because machines m ight catch them.

Understanding instructions
1 Underline the verbs that tell you
what to do.
E x a m p l e

I want you to load the truck.

1 Clean the floor.
2 Climb up to the monkey board.
3 You need to tighten that loose bolt.
4 I want you to dig a hole.
5 Those boxes shouldn't be on the
floor. M ove them now.
6 Unload those pipes from the truck.
7 See those pipes? Stack them on
the rack.
8 Guide the pipe into position.
9 Today, you're painting the tank.
10 Connect the n ew hose to the pump.
11 Pour this chemical into the pipe.
12 The bit m ight be damaged. Inspect
it carefully.

2 Explain or m im e the m eaning o f each

underlined verb.

3 Work in pairs. Student A, say

instructions. Student B, say ‘OK’ and
m im e the action.
Drilling 39

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I know key vocabulary for drilling

I can follow conversations about problems

and solutions
I can use adjective forms correctly
Project I know w hen r is pronounced or silent

1 Read the questionnaire. Discuss the reasons for each question. I can understand some instructions

2 W hich are the three most important questions? Give your I can give and explain safety advice


Fie Edit View Qo Bookmarks loots HeJp

•¡§r Kit v O 50 IE l Key words

Is drilling the job for you? thick (= viscous)

My partner Me thin
1 Do you like working outside? 3 02 •1 0 3 C2 e 1 Nouns
2 Can you work outside in very 03 02 Q1 0 3 02 1
hot or very cold weather?
drill bit
3 Are you good at operating and 03 02 C1 0 3 0 2 ©1 drill string
repairing machines? motor
4 Do you like working in a team? ©3 0 2 ©1 03 0 2 ©1
5 Can you listen carefully and 03 02 C1 0 3 02 ©1 roustabout
follow instructions? toolpusher
6 Can you teach other people 0 3 0 2 01 03 2 01 Verbs
how to do things? connect
7 Are you strong? 3 2 1 0 3 0 2 ©1 disconnect
8 Are you happy about climbing 3 2 1 03 0 2 ©1
and working high up?

9 Is shift work OK for you? • 3 0 2 01 3 2 ©1 Look back through this unit. Find five more
words or expressions th at you think are useful.
10 Are you a non-smoker? 3 2 1 3 2 ©1

Are you careful about safety? 3 2 1 0 3 ©2 ©1

12 Can you live away from your 0 3 0 2 ©1 03 0 2 ©1
family and friends?

TOTAL out of 36

3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. (3 = Yes; 2 = Maybe;

1 = No) Then add up your score. Is drilling the job for you and
your partner?
7 Pipes and pipelines

Kick off Reading

1 Match the names w ith 1-8 in the picture. Inspection and cleaning
a flanged joint 1 Draw a picture o f a pipe. What can go wrong? Draw or
b tee w rite three problems.
c valve
d elbow 2 Match the bold words w ith their meaning.
e pipe support 1 cause problems a stop the flo w in
f flo w meter 2 reduce oil flo w b look carefully at
g underground pipeline 3 block the pipeline c make plans for
h section o f pipe 4 inspect pipes d make less
5 design tools e make
2 Are there any pipes near where you are right now?
What do the pipes carry? W hat size are they? 3 Read the text. Complete the sentences.

3 Are there any major pipelines in your country? Can 1 D____________ reduce the flow o f oil.
you name some world-famous pipelines? 2 PSG makes t_________ ___ that clean pipes.
3 Workers use a 1____________ to put the device in
the pipe.
4 The device has d____________ and b______________
They clean the pipe.
5 Workers take the device out at the r_____________
6 A q____________ is a price for a job.

4 What cleaning jobs do you do in your everyday life?

What cleaning tools do you use?
In this unit
• inspection and cleaning
• describing the location of a pipeline
• w elding hazards and precautions
• countable and uncountable nouns
• measuring pipes
• isometrics and MTOs

Rte £dR View £o Bookmarks Toots Help

http://www.pipelinesupportglobal. com v Ö ÛO G„

Pipeline Support Global (PSG)

Deposits In a pipeline cause problems. They W e clean a pipeline with a pipeline inspection gauge
reduce oil flow. Som etim es they block the pipeline (sometimes called a ‘pig’). Here’s how it works:
completely. This slows production. • W e put a launcher and receiver in the pipeline
Pipeline Support Global can help. W e system.

• inspect pipes • W e put the device into the pipeline.

• plan pipeline cleaning • The oil pressure in the pipeline pushes the device.

• design and make cleaning tools • The discs and brushes clean the pipe.

• manage pipeline cleaning • The device pushes the deposits out of the pipe.

• clean up the site. • W e take out the device from the receiver.

Launcher Disks and brushes Deposits Receiver

W e clean pipes for all industries. Email for a quotation or more information.

Speaking N

Describing a pipeline
Match the descriptions w ith the numbers on the map. S

a At the motorway, the pipe goes underground.

b There’s a flo w meter just before the pipeline goes into
the forest.
c There’s an elbow, then the pipeline goes east.
d There’s a valve near the tee.
e There's one section o f pipe over the river.
f There are tw o straight sections joined by a flanged
g There are tw o pipe supports under this section.
h The pipeline goes south for about 100 metres. Then
there’s a tee.

Work in pairs. Student A, go to p.108. Student B, go to p.112. h

42 Unit 7

melt (v) to become or make sth liquid as a result of heating

ethanol (n) ethyl alcohol, often made from plants, and then used
as biofuel - it can be added to petrol / gasoline
insulate (v) to protect sth with a material that prevents heat,
sound, electricity, etc.from passing through

Vocabulary It’s my job Joao Santos - welder

Welding 1 Listen. Answer the questions.

Read the text and look at the picture. Answer the 1 W ho does Joao work closely
questions. with?
2 What happens to the pipes
1 W hat problems can arc rays cause?
before Joao welds them?
2 What problems can smoke cause?
3 W ho assembles the pipes
3 What problems can sparks cause?
after the welding?
4 W hy is leather good for protection?
4 What do the inspectors do
5 What do welders wear to protect their faces?
after they inspect the pipes?
W elding is joining tw o pieces o f metal together by 5 W hat three w elding hazards
making them very hot. One type o f w elding machine does Joao mention?
uses electricity to make a very hot spark called an 2 Number the steps in order,
arc. The arc melts the pieces o f metal and they join
a Inspectors inspect the pipes,
together. W elding makes smoke, sparks, and a type o f
b Pipe-fitters read the plans,
light called arc rays.
c Workers paint the pipes,
d Pipe-fitters prepare the pipes and put parts together,
e Pipe-fitters assemble the pipes,
f Welders join the sections o f pipe.

3 Would you like to do Joao’s job? W hy / w hy not?

Welding hazards and precautions
Look at the picture. Match the names w ith the parts.
gas cylinder d cylinder cap
valve e cart

W elding hazards
• Sparks can cause fires.
• The electricity that makes the arc can also shock or
bum you.
• Arc rays can burn skin (like sunburn) and eyes.
• Smoke can hurt your eyes, nose, and mouth. It can
also cause problems w ith breathing.

W elding protection
Welders wear a helmet that protects their eyes and
head. They also wear leather shoes and leather gloves
to protect their hands and feet from sparks, arc rays,
and hot metal. Leather is made from the skin of
animals. It is very strong and it doesn’t melt.
• Language spot
Countable and uncountable nouns
Most nouns have singular and plural forms.
cylinder - cylinders, spark - sparks, material - materials
We call these countable nouns. We can use a, some,
the, and many w ith countable nouns.
I have a cylinder.
I see some sparks.
We need the material.
How many cylinders are there?
Some nouns have only one form.
smoke, skin, water
We call these uncountable nouns. We do not use a /
an or one, two, three etc. before uncountable nouns.
1 Don’t drop the cylinder! We use some and much.
2 Be careful. Don’t trip and fall. There's some water on the floor.
3 Secure the gas cylinder. How much oxygen have we got?
4 This could explode.
» Go to Grammar reference p.121
5 Use the ventilation fan.
1 Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
3 Listen to the health and safety officer talking to a
team o f welders and pipe-fitters. Number the w elding 1 We switch o ff equipment / an equipment.
hazards in the order you hear them. 2 There are six main hazard / hazards for welders.

a gas cylinders d smoke 3 Gas cylinder / cylinders can explode.

b arc sparks e electric shock 4 Never look at spark/ the spark.
c arc rays f trips and falls
5 Hot sparks can burn clothes / a clothes and start
4 Match each hazard (a -f) in 3 above w ith a precaution. fires.
1 Weld dry. 6 Smoke /A smoke from w elding can be dangerous.
2 Always m ove it safely. 7 Use cart / a cart.
3 Cover up skin and eyes.
8 We always know material / the material w e ’re
4 No pockets!
5 Know the material w e're welding.
6 Keep the work area clean and tidy. 9 Cover skin / a skin and eyes.
10 Don’t stand in water / a water.
5 Q Listen again. Tick (/ ) the pieces o f safety
equipment you hear.
1 safety glasses □ 7 respirator □
2 welder's helmet □ 8 boots □
3 face guard □ 9 ventilation system □
4 gloves □ 10 ear protectors □
5 cotton trousers □ 11 safety harness □
6 welding jacket □ 12 leather shoes □

6 W hat safety precautions do you take w hen you drive a

car, or ride a motorcycle or bicycle?
2 Use the words in the list to complete the sentences. C = circumference
Then tick (/ ) U (uncountable) or C (countable), D = outside____________ 1
brush deposits ethanol eyes B = ____________ 2diameter (bore)
information oil shock smoke S = pipe w a ll____________ 3
steam welder L = ____________ 4
U C r = in side____________ 5(B / 2)
1 Rolling w ater makes □ □
2 I have some □ □
3 I had w et feet and got a
V = jtr2 x L
□ □
4 The deans the pipe □ □ (Volume equals pi r squared times length.)
5 My rar holds five litres o f □ □
• V = volume (the amount of fluid a pipe
6 The arc ray burned m y □ □
can hold)
7 I work as a in Rra?il □ □
8 Don't breathe the ! □ □ • rt = 3.141 (pronounced/?/)
9 There are some in the pipe □ □
• r2 = radius squared (r x r)
10 is a hiofnel □ □

3 Complete the sentences w ith much or many.

1 H o w ____________ oxygen cylinders are there? 2 Read the formula and the notes. W rite and do the
2 H o w ____________ petrol is there? calculations. Remember to convert all measurements
3 W e can’t w eld here. There’s t o o ____________ water to metres.
on the floor. Ex a m p l e
4 We have 100 nuts and 200 bolts. There are too
L = 12 m, r = 0.5 m .V = ____________ m 3
We w rite
5 H o w ____________ tim e have w e got?
3.14 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 12 = 9.42 m B
6 There are eight o f us. That’s t o o ____________ people
We say
for one truck.
Three p oint one fo u r times p oint fiv e times p oin t fiv e
times twelve equals nine p oin t fo u r two cubic metres.
Number talk 1 L = 12.4 m, r = 22 mm. V = .____________ m 3
Measuring pipes 2 L = 565 m, r = 550 mm. V = _____________ m 3

1 Use the words to complete the text. 3 L = 22.3 km, r = 1.2 m. V = _____________ m3

diameter inside length radius thickness 4 L = 640 km, r = 1.8 m. V = _____________ m3

i Çyi Listen and check your answers.

296.5 cm
4 Practise saying calculations. Student A, go to p.108.
Student B, go to p.113.
5 Q Listen and check your answers.

6 Look at the picture in 1. Answer the questions about

95 cm
the pipe.
1 H ow long is it?
v 2 H ow thick is the wall?
3 What's the bore?
4 W hat’s the outside diameter?
180 c m -------- ► 5 What's the pipe’s circumference?
6 What is its volume?
Assess your progress in this unit. Tick ( / ) the
statements which are true.

I can describe the location o f a pipeline

I can understand w elding hazards and

I can understand countable and
Reading uncountable nouns

Isometrics and MTOs I can talk about measuring pipes

I can describe a pipeline system

1 Read the text. Then look at the drawing and w rite T (true) or F
(false) for each sentence.

Special piping drawings

called isometrics show the Key words
pipe in three dimensions
(height, width, depth) on a
flat drawing. The isometric
drawing also includes a
diam eter
Material Take O ff or MTO flow
which is a list o f the material
and the parts for a pipeline. length
1 This drawing is a list o f materials.
2 The drawing shows one tee.
3 2840 m m is probably the pipe’s radius.
4 1900 m m is the measurement betw een the tw o elbows.
5 The drawing shows calculations for the volume o f each pipe Verbs
section. block
2 Look at the table. Use the words in the list to complete the
4" SCH 40 8.0 M

3" SCH 40 0.3 M Look back through this unit. Find five more
2" SCH 80 2.8 M words or expressions that you think are useful.
1" 150# RF FLDG CATE 3

3" 150# RF FLDG CATE 1

4" 150# RF FLDG GATE 1
2" 90° BW LR SCH 80 2
2" 45° BW LR SCH 80 1
4" 90° BW LR SCH 40 4

elbow parts quantity sizes valve

1 The words on the left side are p ipelin e_______
2 90° BW LR SCH 80 is a type o f _____________
3 150# RF FLGD GATE is a type o f _____________
4 1", 2", 4", etc. a re_____________
_______ for each part,
5 The column on the right shows th e ___________
which means h ow much or how many o f each part is needed.
46 Unit 8

8 Working offshore

K ic k o f f Reading
1 This production platform o ff the coast o f A production platform
Canada is one o f the biggest platforms in
1 Match this information w ith sentences in the text.
the world. Answer the questions.
1 Nobody can visit an offshore platform w ithout some safety
1 Where can helicopters land on the
2 Offshore workers must be physically fit.
2 Where do the workers eat and sleep?
3 The platform is the same size as a football field.
3 H ow can they escape in an emergency?
4 Drilling platforms are smaller than production platforms.
4 Which part o f the platform processes
5 The process area separates oil from gas and water.
crude oil?
6 The utilities area provides electricity.
5 Where do they burn gas if there is too
much gas? 2 Match words from the text w ith these definitions. The first
letter is given.
2 Which are the three biggest hazards on a
platform, and why? Give your opinion. 1 teaching or learning a skill - 1____________

• flammable gas 2 a number o f lessons - c____________

• bad weather 3 part o f a place or building - a____________
• electrical equipment 4 a place to sleep and eat - a____________
• sparks
5 the area and equipment at the top o f a w ell - w ____________
• big waves
• million-tonne icebergs 6 services that most buildings have, like electricity and water
• other things for example - u____________
7 a machine for making electricity - g____________
8 sending fresh air into and around a building - v ____________
9 sending something to many places - d_____________


Flare boom
Working offshore 47

• comparing things positively, negatively, and equally

• how to complete a leave request form
• how to use two-way radios
• how to pronounce consonant clusters

• Language spot
Going offshore Comparative sentences
You arrive by helicopter. But first, you receive safety train­ 1 Match the phrases w ith the mathematical symbols-
ing. Even day visitors must have safety training. Offshore 1 A is bigger than B.
work is more hazardous than onshore work, so workers 2 A is as big as B.
must also have a medical test and do a fire-fighting and 3 A is not as big as B.
escape course before they go.
A <B
You get out of the helicopter and hold on to your hat. You
A >B
are now standing on a production platform high above the
water. It is as big as a football field. The top of the derrick
is higher than a twenty-storey building.
2 Listen to these four sentences from the text. Notice
Drilling platforms are not as big as this because they only the rhythm and stress. Practise saying them fluently.
do drilling. Production platforms are bigger because they 1 Offshore work is more hazardous than onshore work.
do more things and must accommodate more people. 2 The platform is as big as a football field.
3 The top o f the derrick is higher than a twenty-
A typical production platform has four main areas above
storey building.
the water. One is the accommodation area, where the
4 Drilling platforms are not as big as this.
workers eat and sleep. Another is the well head or drilling
area. That contains the derrick, well heads, and drilling 3 Compare these things. Use your knowledge and
equipment. Crude oil comes up to the well heads with opinions and the adjectives in brackets.
gas and water in it. So it goes to the process area, which
Ex a m ple
separates the oil from the other things. All the areas need
boats - helicopters (fast) -*• Boats are not asfa st as
electricity and other utilities. The utilities area provides
these: a generator makes electricity, and there is equip­
ment for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and water 1 helicopters - boats (fast)
distribution. 2 crude oil - petrol (heavy)
3 drilling rigs - production platforms (large)
4 safety - speed (important)
3 Circle these prepositions in the text. 5 gas - oil (useful)
Paragraph 1: by, than 4 Some adjectives have irregular comparative forms:
Paragraph 2: out of, on to, above, as, o f
g o o d - b e tte r - b e s t bad - worse - worst
Paragraph 4: with, in, to, from, for
Compare these things. Give your own opinions.
4 Complete these sentences w ith a preposition from 3.
Ex a m p l e
1 Heavy equipment arrives____________ boat.
physical work - office-based work -» Office-based work
2 The accommodation area is as b ig ____________
is better than physical work.
a hotel.
1 very cold weather - very hot weather
3 Don’t get o u t____________ the helicopter.
2 nice work - good pay
4 H o ld ____________ the rope. 3 an offshore jo b - a n onshore job
5 The lifeboats are on tw o sides____________ the
» Go to Grammar reference p.121
6 What are the cranes____________ ?
7 They a re____________ lifting things from boats.
8 The derrick is ____________ the w ell head area.
48 Unit 8

Number talk It’s my job

Measuring and adjusting variables 1 Dave Bristow, 22, is an instrument technician. He
works on a production platform in the North Sea, o ff
1 Match these variables w ith the four gauges.
the east coast o f the UK.
Variable Some com m on m easurement units
pressure 1 bar = 100 kilopascals (kPa)
10 bar = 1 megapascal (mPa)
temperature degrees Celsius (°C)
level per cent (%) or metres (m)
flo w cubic metres per minute (m 3/min)

1 Which instruments do you think Dave uses?

2 Can you explain these verbs?
adjust diagnose inspect install
maintain repair solve test
3 Do you think Dave does all these things?

2 Complete these short conversations w ith the correct 2 Ç)) Listen to part 1 and check your answers to 1.
variables and units. Then practise saying them.
3 Çfi In part 2, Dave talks about life on the platform.
1 A What's t h e ____________ o f fluid in this tank? Listen and complete the information. Use these words
B It's 2.1 m. That's 70% full. and numbers:
2 A What's the reading on th e ____________ gauge? books comfortable good gym small
TV 12 7 2
B 12 m 3/min. Is that lower than usual?
3 A The w ater’s hotter than normal. What's the exact weeks on and weeks o ff:___ .____.____3on,
____________ bo ff
working hours per day:____________ c
B The gauge says it’s 9 8 _____ ____ ____
• working days per w eek :____________ d
4 A The p u m p____________ is 24 bar now.
• free tim e:____________ e,____________ f, ____________ 8
B It shouldn’t be as high as that. It should be 2mPa.
• accommodation:____________ h,_____________ 1
That's 20 _____________
• food :____________ )
3 Give instructions w ith Increase or Reduce.
4 Dave says 'For me, it's better than onshore work.'
Ex a m p l e
Discuss the questions.
15 bar -*• 20 bar
1 What are the advantages and disadvantages o f
Increase the pressure to 20 bar.
offshore work?
1 20 b a r->15 bar 4 70% ^ 9 5 %
2 Would you like Dave’s job? W hy / w hy not?
2 6 0 °C ^ 6 5 ° C 5 2 .1 m -*0 m
3 14 m Vm in -> 10 m 3/min
Working offshore 49

electricity (noun)
electric / electrical / electronic (adjectives)

Vocabulary Writing
Electricity and circuits A leave request form
This is a multimeter. Dave uses it to 1 Read the information and the form. Then answer
test electrical circuits and measure the questions.
these variables.
Dave (see It’s my job) has a cousin, Dan. Dan is
Variables Units getting married next Saturday. Dave should work
current (1) amps (A) that day, but he wants to go to the wedding. So he
must request leave. He must complete this form
resistance (R) ohms (0 )
and give it to the supervisor of the Maintenance
voltage (V) volts (V) crew (name: Martin Olsen).

1 H ow are these equations useful? Give examples.

V = IR I = V/R R = V/I
Leave request form
2 Look at the circuits a, b, c and d. Match these components
Em ployee nam e
w ith the symbols.
Departm ent
battery buzzer cell lamp motor
on-off switch push switch w ire
Type of ab sen ce requested (please tick one):
____ S=Z____ □ Sick
□ Personal Leave
H h □ Maternity / Paternity
□ Other

D ates of ab sen ce
F ro m ______________ . to .
R easons for absence:

3 Describe each circuit above. Can the circuit work or not?

Say why. (A circuit must be complete and have no short

4 Match the descriptions w ith the correct circuits.

Em p loyee’s sig n a tu re .
1 a cell, a switch, and tw o lamps in parallel D a te _____________ _ _
2 a cell, a switch, and tw o lamps in series

What should Dave w rite in the department box?

a Production
b Maintenance
c Transport
Which word means 'not being at work'?
If one lamp fails in the series circuit and in the parallel Which type o f absence should he request?
circuit, what happens to the other lamps? Why? W hat are the dates for next Saturday and
Work in pairs. Draw a circuit. Do not show anyone. Student
W hat can he w rite in the reasons box?
A, describe your circuit. Student B, listen and draw your
partner’s circuit. Then swap roles. 2 Complete the form for Dave.
50 Unit 8

Listening Vocabulary
Radío conversation The international radio alphabet
We often need to spell out words, names, and codes
on the radio and the phone. Some letters are difficult
to hear correctly, for example P, B, V, and E. The
international spelling alphabet solves this problem.

1 t^) Listen and repeat.

A Alpha N November
B Bravo 0 Oscar
C Charlie P Papa
D Delta 0 Quebec
E Echo R Romeo
t Read about using tw o-w ay radios. Then discuss the F Foxtrot S Sierra
G Golf T Tango
• Most tw o-w ay radios have a PTT (Press-to-talk)
H Hotel u Uniform
button. Press it and talk. Then say 'Over' and release
1 India V Victor
the button.
J Juliet w Whiskey
• Words can be difficult to hear. So speak clearly in
short sentences. People often use easy-to-hear K Kilo X X-Ray
words like Negative (No) and Affirm ative (Yes). L Lima Y Yankee

1 How is using a radio different from using a phone? M Mike Z Zulu

2 W hy are words sometimes difficult to hear?
B rE Am E
2 Q Listen to a radio conversation between tw o
offshore workers: Martin in the control room and
zed zee
Dave, a technician. Underline the correct words.
1 Dave is in the process / well head / utilities area.
2 You don’t need to understand the words, but it may
2 Dave must find gauge P324 / BD24 / PD24. help you to remember them. Find
3 The reading on the gauge is 3 / 5 / 9 bar. 1 people (9)
4 The reading in the control room is higher / lower / 2 countries and cities (3)
the same. 3 letters from the Greek alphabet (2)
5 Dave / M artin / They w ill diagnose the problem. 4 dances (2)
5 a sport
i i j ) Listen again for these phrases. Then say what they 6 a building
mean. 7 a month
M anaging the Understanding and 8 a w eight
conversation responding 9 reflected sound
1 This is (Name). 1 Affirmative
10 light waves
2 (Name.) Do you read? 2 Negative.
11 clothes
3 Co ahead (Name). 3 Say again.
12 a drink
4 Stand by. 4 That’s correct.
13 a Spanish word for mountains
5 Check.
14 an exclamation: ‘W ell done!’
5 Out.

4 Work in pairs. Practise the conversation on p.128.

Working offshore 51

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick ( / ) the
statem ents which are true.

I know some key words connected w ith

working offshore
I can make positive, negative, and equal
comparative sentences
3 (f}i Listen and complete. I can talk about m easurem ent and
1 Employee nam e:_____ adjustm ent of variables

2 Part num ber:________ I can talk about electrical circuits

3 Building:____________ I can complete a leave request form

4 Web address:________ I can understand and use language for

radio communications
4 Spell these items clearly using the radio alphabet.
I can pronounce consonant clusters correctly
1 Part nos: B20 and P24
2 Company name: AFS
3 Employee name: Vazy
4 helicopter no. G-CAND
Key words
Speaking area
Radio conversations circuit
1 Look again at the phrases in Listening 3.
instrum ent
2 N o w work in pairs. Student A, go to p.108. Student B, go to p.113. level
Pronunciation training
Clusters are groups o f consonants, such as str, ct, xtr. They can variable
be difficult to pronounce correctly w ell head
1 Listen to these words. Notice the sounds in the red parts.
Tick (/ ) the true sentences. Verbs
There are no extra sounds betw een the red letters. □
go ahead
Some o f the red letters sound weaker than normal. □ increase
1 instrument 5 foxtrot 9 install stand by
2 inspect 6 offshore 10 equipment
Look back through this unit. Find five more
3 platform 7 production 11 volts
words or expressions th at you think are useful.
4 stand by 8 electric 12 department

2 Q Listen again and repeat the words.

3 Work in pairs. Practise these phrases.

1 an offshore production platform
2 Stand by, Foxtrot One.
3 It’s an electrical instrument.
4 I’ll install the equipment.
5 fifty volts or sixty volts
52 W riting bank

Writing bank
1 Notes 4 Complete the notes using the words in the list,
afternoon July return this morning
1 Match the halves o f the notes.
1 Rob phoned at nine o’clock_____________ Please call
Q These art tV\t w rong bolts. ^ him (0772-6889) as soon as possible.
2 I'm at lunch. I w i l l____________ at 2.30.
Q ____ Please retw.m,_^ of these screwdrivers. i
3 Can w e meet on Wednesday the 25th o f
El ____ This electric d rill is broken. *
4 I’m in Dubai until Tuesday_____________

Q we kveed ±, kvot io! | Writing tips: abbreviations

Q we kveed a iA,ewoia^. For days and months, w e can w rite the first
three letters.
Q we i^eed ao These are 20 pr>7 ^o. i Jul = July Sun = Sunday
Jan = January Fri = Friday
2 Match each note in 1w ith a picture. Other useful abbreviations are
rtn = return
pis = please
asap = as soon as possible (quickly)
a.m. = in the m orning
p.m. = in the afternoon / evening

5 Read the notes. Match the short words 1-8 w ith their
meanings a-h.

Rob phoned 9 it.m.1

A t Lu.iA.oh.
PLs2 call 077Z-G&&9
W i l l rtiA ,4 2 .3 0 .

£an we- tn&et on

D u b a i until
Wed5Z1? 3u\6?
3 Look at the packing list and the picture. There are Tue1p. yyi.*
three problems. W rite three short notes.

a please e return
Packing list b as soon as possible f in the afternoon / evening
Num ber Ite m C o m m e n ts c Tuesday g in the morning
100 M10 B Z P hex nuts received M12 d Wednesday h July
100 5.5 x 45mm S D screw s 1,000 in box
6 W rite notes w ith abbreviations.
1 W e need a n ew drill quickly.
2 I w ill return on Friday 21 August.
3 Please order 20 PD798 for next Tuesday.
4 Abdullah phoned at 3.00 this afternoon.
5 I'm in the workshop and w ill return at 10.00.
W riting bank 53

2 An informal email asking for Writing tips: names in emails

information In an inform al email, begin w ith the name o f the

1 Complete the emails. Use the words in the list. person you’re w ritin g to. This m ay be a first name or
Are Do Does Is a fam ily name w ith a title.
Mr = any man
Mrs = a married wom an
File Edit View Tools M essage Help
Miss = a girl or an unmarried wom an
Sami, Ms = any wom an
. you have Pa u l’s new email address? Dr = doctor
Thanks! In English, w e
Reem • don’t use a title w ith a first name
• don’t use a fam ily name without a title.
Put your name at the bottom o f an email.
File Edit View Tools M essage Help
• Don’t use a title w hen you w rite your ow n name.
Mr Ping, • In a message that begins w ith the person’s first
. the Shanghai office open on W ed nesd ay? name, end w ith your ow n first name.
Piet Donkerloot • In a message to Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc. w rite your own
first name and last name.

File Edit View Tools M essage Help 4 M a tc h th e halves o f th e emails.

Rudy, i n
■■— 1 Dr Sipkowski,
_____________ the helicopter fly to the rig every d a y?
I’ve hurt my arm.

File Edit View Tools M essage Help I want to talk to you about my laptop.

M s Tanaka,
. the new technicians on the rig tod ay? Ms Lim
Arturo Sanchez I have som e letters to send.

2 Match each reply below w ith a message in 1.

Are you working in the control room tod ay?
a No, it isn’t.
b Yes, they are.
c No, sorry, I don’t. I'll ask Suresh for it.
d Yes, it does, except w hen the w eather’s bad.
□ Are you going to the post office tod ay?
Angelo M arcos
3 Complete the sentences w ith a name from 1.
1 . receives an em ail from Reem. Are you working in the clinic today?
2 . asks about the Shanghai office. Wolfgang Schiffer

3 _receives an em ail from Alicia.

4 _ asks about the n ew technicians. W rite short emails.

5 _wants Paul’s em ail address. 1 Ask Ali: Murat’s telephone number?

2 Ask Ms Oi: the Kuala Lumpur office open on
6 . receives an em ail from Arturo.
7 _ receives an email from Piet. 3 Ask Russell: supplies come every week?
. asks about the helicopter. 4 Ask Mr Carlson: n ew manager in the office today?
54 W riting bank

3 An email reporting an IT Use the words to complete the sentences,

flashing getting making showing
problem working
1 Read the email. W hat problem is Lucy King having? 1 The red light i s ____________
The plug i s ____________very hot.
Ffc Edt View Took Message Help
The keypad isn’t ____________properly.
& w <+ i X o o
Reply Reply Al Forward Pmt Delete Previous Next The screen i s . __________an error message.

IT Support, It’s _________ . a funny noise w hen it prints.

I’m hving problms with my computr kybord. 6 Match each sentence in 5 w ith a picture in 4.
Som of the kys rn’t working. Cn you pis snd
somon to chck it? Writing tips: explaining IT problems

Thnks, • If you don't know the nam e of the person, address

the m essage to the department.
Lucy King
• Say the equipment you’re having a problem with.
• Say exactly w hat the problem is.
2 W hich two keys on her keyboard aren’t working? • Say w hat you w ant or need.
• Say'thank you'.
3 Correct the spelling of the words w ith m issing letters.
• Write your nam e at the end of the message.
4 M atch each sentence w ith a picture.
1 I’m having problems w ith my printer. 7 Number the parts of the em ail in the correct order,
2 There’s a problem w ith my hand-held computer. a Could you send som eone to check it?
3 There’s a problem w ith my laptop computer. b IT Support,
4 I’m having trouble w ith my desktop computer. c Mary Wong
5 I’m having problems w ith my external hard drive. d Thank you.
e The screen isn’t working.
f There’s a problem w ith my laptop computer.

8 Write an em ail to IT Support about each of these

desktop computer - making strange noise
mouse - button not working properly
laptop computer screen - going off and on
hand-held computer - showing an error m essage
printer - red light flashing
W riting bank 55

4 An email making an IT request 2 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
1 M atch the halves of the em ail messages. 1 I need Khaled's em ail address /password to send
him a message.
2 I need new m aps / docum ents on my GPS.
File Edit View Tools Message Help
3 I w ant to use the printer / em ail system to send and
receive messages.
4 My old em ail address /password is ky58sO.
I need to print some documents. 5 I w ant to use my new computer to w rite letters and
to make forms and other maps / documents.
6 We need more paper for the printer / em ail system.

File Edit View Tools Message Help Complete the sentences. Use the words in the list.
change explain give help put show
I have a new G PS. Could you p lea se_____ . m e a new em ail
Could you p lea se_____ . me connect my
11J I laptop to the internet?
File Edit View Tools Message Help
3 Could you p lea se_____ . me how to use my
Hector, new computer?
I’m getting a lot of email that 1don’t want. 4 Could you p lease_____ . the new maps on my
Could you p lease_____ . how I can use the
F ie Edit View Tools Message Help wireless network?

Hector, Could you p lease_____ . my email address?

I don’t understand the new email system.
Writing tips: making a request

• If you know the person’s name, begin the

m essage w ith it.
Could you please give me a new email • Say why you are making a request.
address? • Make the request.
Thanks. • Sa y ‘thank you'.
Marta • Write your nam e at the end of the message.

Write em ails to Hector in IT. Make requests.

□ Could you please show me how to connect 1 You have a new GPS. You w ant to connect it to your
my laptop to the printer? laptop.
Thank you. 2 You have a new em ail address but you don’t have
Ian the password.
3 You w ant to connect your hand-held computer to
the wireless network.
Could you please help me put the maps in it? 4 You need to print some documents, but you don’t
Thanks. understand the new printer.
Ralph 5 You have a new computer. You w ant to connect it to
the internet.

El Could you please explain how it works?

Thank you!
5 Notes with warnings and 2 Put the words in the correct order to make notes.
instructions 1 office / send /letter /this /please /the /to /Bahrain
2 don’t / computer /this / use / please
1 M atch each note w ith a picture. 3 this /to / safety / the / officer / please /take / key
O B 4 don't / please / these / drawings /from /workshop
/the / remove, d o n ’t P lease m.a\ze 5 copies / please /10 / this / of / make / letter
destroy these. &0? Les ° f for the 6 don't /this / destroy / please / drawing
m.eetLiA^) tom-orrow.
3 Complete the notes with/rom, to, o/, or X (no word
1 Please don’t remove th is ____________my desk.
II □ 2 Please take t h is ___________ the control room.
Ple-ase- don't
Please take this 3 Please don’t u s e ____________this.
re-move this from 4 Please make five copies____________these.
to IT for repair.
the- workshop. 5 Please don’t destroy____________this.
6 Please send th is ___________ Andres Valentino.

□ □ Writing tips: this and these use Please put in • W hen a note is attached to a single thing, you use
this. For example Please don't rem ove this book
the stairs. some petroi. fro m the workshop.
• W hen a note is attached to more than one thing,
you use these. For example Please d on ’t destroy
these drawings.

4 Write short notes.

1 You have some old documents. You w ant th em to
be destroyed.
2 You have a laptop computer. You don’t w ant anyone
to remove it from the office.
3 The printer isn’t working properly. You don’t w ant
anyone to use it.
4 You have an instruction m anual for a power tool.
You w ant someone to take it to the workshop.
5 You have a letter. You w ant someone to send it to
the Jakarta office.
6 You have some documents. You w ant someone to
make ten copies of them.
7 You have some drawings. You don’t w ant anyone to
destroy them.
8 You have some plans. You don’t w ant anyone to
copy them .
9 You have two new radios. You don’t w ant anyone to
use them .
10 You don’t understand a note th at someone has
w ritten. You want someone to explain it to you.
6 An email asking for leave 2 Read the emails and answer the questions.

1 Read the emails. M atch the meanings a -e w ith the 1 W hich worker is ill now?
underlined words. 2 Whose father is ill?
3 Who is going to an im portant family event?
a a high body temperature because you are ill
4 How many days w ill Abu Rahman be away?
b tim e away from work because you are ill
5 Who asks for leave two m onths from now?
c an event where a m an and a woman become
6 Who asks for leave starting tomorrow?
husband and wife
d tim e away from work because of something 3 M atch the sentence halves.
unexpected l I have a brother is very ill.
e tim e away from work for holiday 2 I'm going to b I should rest.
3 My c in hospital.
0 IQ 4 My m other is d a high fever.
File Edit View Tools Message Help
5 My sister e is getting married.
& X © o 6 The doctor says f Rio de Janeiro w ith m y wife.
Reply Reply AS Forward Print Delete Previous Next Addresse

From: 4 W hat kind of leave is each sentence in 3 about? Write

Subject: Sick leave1 Date: 3 August 20-
A (annual leave), S (sick leave), or E (emergency leave).

Dear Mr Cooper, Writing tips: asking for time off

I’m writing to request sick leave1.1 have a fever2. The doctor says
I should have three days off work. • Say w hat type of leave you are asking for.
Please allow me sick leave from 3 to 5 August 20—.
• Say the reason you are requesting leave.
Thank you.
Veejay Singh • Give the dates you w ish to be away.
• Say thank you:

B D B l
5 Write three em ails requesting leave.
Fie Edit View Tools Message Help ÿ 1 You w ant to go to your sister’s wedding. You w ant
fr' & & X Q O v£> leave from 8 to 15 May.
Reply Reply All Forward Print Delete Previous Next Addresse
2 You have hurt your hand. The doctor says you
should have five days off work, from 6 to 10
I To:
1 Subiect: Annual leave3 Date: 3 Januarv 20—
3 Your son is ill. You w ish to return home from 10 to
II Dear Mr Cooper,
16 December.
1 I’m writing to request leave. 1would like to be away from 5 to 11
March 20—.
I wish to return to Qatar for mv brother’s weddinai.
Thank you for considering my request.
Abdel Rahman

File Edit View Tools Message Help

& & *8 & X Q Q Xx>

Reply Reply All Forward Print Delete Previous Next Addresse
| Subject: Emergency leave Date: 31 May 20—

|| Dear Mr Cooper,
I I’m writino to request emeraencv leave5. Mv father is verv ill. I wish 1
I to return to Manila immediately.
1! Please allow me emergency leave from 1 to 8 June 20—.

1 Thank you.
1 Rudy Batao
58 W riting bank

7 A service report 3 Complete the technician’s description of the job.

1 M atch the words w ith the definitions.
i h e r e w a s a ___________________________________ 1 o ia , t h e d i s c h a r g e
1 client a a person who services and
h o s e i v i t h e ______________________________________________________
m aintains machinery
_________________ 2 , b a y 3 . i h e v a l v e w a s , _________________ 3 .
2 technician b a person or company who receives
a service i r e p l a c e d t h e _________________ 4 . n o w i t ' s -------------------------- 5 o k .

3 contact c at a company, the person who is

responsible for talking to people Writing tips: a service report
outside the company about a
certain job • Say w hat isn’t working.
• Say w hat the problem was.
2 Read the service report. Write T (true) or F (false). • Say w hat you did.
1 The discharge hose was damaged. • Say if the problem is now solved.
2 There was a problem w ith a valve.
3 The technician repaired the hose. 4 Read the technician's description of another job.
4 The technician replaced the valve. Complete the service report.
5 The technician finished the job.
6 The equipment now works properly. D\a 4 A p r il, i w e / tt t o w e ll h e a d a t T o p h ill a t

7 Power Products is the client. l o .o o a .m . The p o r ta b le s c r e w co m p resso r h a d lo w

p r e s s u r e a iA ,d w a s m a teitA ^ ) a l o t o f i/ v o lse . T h e s e r v i c e

v a lv e g a s f e e t w a s d a m a g e d , i r e p la c e d t h e s e r v ic e
Power Products
v a l v e g a s t e e t . i c h e c k e d t h e p r e s s u r e ai/vd a d d e d o i l .
now i t ' s w o r t e ii/ v g o k ,, i l e f t t h e s i t e a t 1 2 . 3 0 p .m .
Oak Street Date 5 Feb
Farstow Site BR Farstow Refinery
Kent Request No 513
Power Products
Tel: 446-7230
Client Bay Refmoil
Oak Street Date 1
Address King Industrial Estate, Farstow
Farstow Site 2
Contact Jim Purley
Kent Request No 514
Tel 337-2.901
Tel: 446-7230
Client Bay Re-finotl
Leaky valve on discharge hose In bulk tanker
Address King Industrial Estate, Farstow
loading area, bay 3.
Contact Jim Purley
Valve damaged..
Tel 3372.901
Replaced, valve..
Working OK. Description

Start time: 8.15 Finish time: 10.30

Technician: Phil Jones
Client signature: Ç-inn Vurte,^

Start time: 7 Finish time: 8

Technician: Phil Jones
Client signature: $Lnn
W riting bank 59

8 An equipment damage report 3 M atch each probable cause of damage w ith a picture.

1 Look at the picture. Read the email. Answer the 1 They were scratched and dented before they were
questions. delivered to us.
2 They were dropped from a fork-lift.
3 They were damaged by a fork-lift collision.

We need to install some new control cabinets, but
they’re damaged. W e can’t use them. They were Writing tips: an equipment damage report
delivered on 17 July and they were accepted. They’re
in Warehouse 4. Could you inspect them, please? We An equipment damage report includes
need these on 30 November. • the piece of equipment that is damaged
Thanks. • a description of the damage
• inform ation about the cause of the damage
Bill Hayes
• a recomm endation (usually return it, repair it, or
replace it).
1 Have the control cabinets been installed?
2 W hat’s the problem w ith the cabinets? 4 Read the email. Complete the inform ation for an
3 Where are the cabinets? equipment damage report.
4 W hat does Bill ask John to do?
0 @ B
2 Complete the equipment damage report. Use the | Fie Ecft View Took Message Help **
words in the list.
delivered dented inspect reported
We need to install a new cooling unit, but it’s damaged.
scratched stored
It was delivered on 10 August and it was accepted, but
it was dropped from a fork-lift. The cover is bent. It’s in
To: Clive Bu ckley, "Procure w^nt mu linger Warehouse 2. Could you inspect it, please? I think we
From johnB.attersby, inspect or can repair it. We need it on 20 December.
Date:_9 sep 2 0 - Thanks.
Subject: delivery t>aku.age Report Bill Hayes
Notes: The Construction E>epartkKent---------------1
dam age to control cabinets In warehouse 4 and
To: C live 'Bucteley, Procurem ent M a n a g e r
asteedn^eto__________ 2 the daw-age. The cabinets I
were__________ 3 on ±y-ju.L and accepted. From J o h n B.attersby, inspector
Date: ±± o c t 3.0—
Damage: The cabinets a re __________ 4 and the
paintwork I s __________ 5. Subject: d e liv e ry p a r a g e Report
Probable cause: The cabinets were__ ___ __ __ 6 on, N otes:______________________________________
a busy corner In the warehouse, Possible forte-li-ffc
D am age:____________________________________
Probable c a u se :____________________________
Recommendation: ■Replace. Construction
i^epartm,ent needs the cabinets on 3 0 Nov 2.0—. Recommendation:__________________________
6 0 W riting bank

9 A shift handover log Writing tips: a shift handover log

1 Read about shift work. Complete the sentences. • We say
We’ve installed the new pump.
The oil and gas industry works 24 hours a day, seven
We’ve checked the em ergency lighting.
days a week. The 24-hour day is divided into two
We need to install the wiring.
shifts of twelve hours or three shifts of eight hours.
We need to check the fire extinguishers.
W hen one shift finishes and the next begins, the
workers must communicate clearly. They write in a • We write
book called a log. They explain the work they have Work completed
finished and the work th at they haven’t finished. installation o f new pump
checking em ergency lighting
1 A ____________is usually eight or twelve hours long. Work outstanding
2 Workers w rite in a book called a ____________ installation o f wiring
checking fire extinguishers
3 They w rite ab o u t____________they have and
haven’t completed.
3 Read the workshop m anager’s words. Complete the
2 Read the shift handover log. Choose the correct words shift handover log.
in each sentence below.

We've started job card E4101 - installing new

Shift handover log em ergency lighting in Warehouse 5. We’ve collected
Date: 2.7 Morcki ZO— Time: 17.30 and checked the materials, but we haven’t finished
Work completed installing the lighting. We’ve finished the 100-hour
Job card Task m aintenance on the pump at CC1467 on the jetty.
That’s job card E4096. We’ve also changed the leads
EZ095 Installation o-f new pump a£ CC14&7 (jetty)
on the welders’ portable generator, P1023A. That’s job
£Z0% Checking emergency lighting in Warehouse 5
card E4095. We haven't done job card E4098. That’s
£2.083 ZOO-hour maintenance on generator P10Z3A the repairs to the damaged electrical w iring in the
(welders’ portable) control room. One more thing. Bill is on leave. He will
Work not completed return next Tuesday.
Job card Task
£2.100 Installation of electrical wiring to new
control cabinets in control room (H108).
Materials collected and checked. Risk
Shift handover log
assessment complete. Installation ongoing.
Date: 17 Sep 2.0— Time:08.30
£2.102 Checking fire extinguishers in admin block.
Work completed
Darren reported, sick. Won’t be in until Wednesday. Job card Task

l 2

1 They have / haven’t installed the new pump.

3 4
2 They are checking / have checked the em ergency
Work not ccjmpleted
Job card Task
3 The generator m aintenance is / isn't finished.
5 6
4 They have started /fin ished installing the electrical
wiring. 7 8

5 They are doing / have done the risk assessment. Notes

6 They have collected / will collect the materials. 9
7 They have / haven't checked the fire extinguishers.
8 Darren was / wasn't at work today.
W riting bank 61

Br E Am E

queue line

10 A suggestion SUGGESTION FORM

1 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. Name: Peter Ives
1 W hat’s happening in picture 1? Dept: Maintenance Date: April 2 .-Ч- 2 .0 —
2 W hat’s happening in picture 2? Health & safety Ц Efficiency
Customer relations Q Sales Q
Title: waiting time at tool store
Situation: sometimes there яге long queues at the
tool store. At other times the storeman is not busy.
Suggested improvement: Change the tool requisition
form to include a picte-up time, it is often
possible to order two or three hours ahead. Aste
worteers to Iea\/e their forms in a special box at the
store deste and return to picte up their order later.
The storeman can prepare orders when he is less
busy, worteers can come to the deste to collect
them. This will reduce queuing tim.e.
Signed: Peter ives

Writing tips: a suggestion

• Explain the situation.

• Explain how to improve it.

4 Look at the situations. Write suggestions.

2 Use the words to complete the description of the
desk form long queues requisition
store storem an tim e tool w aiting

The storem an works at t h e ________________________

Each worker gives him a ________________________
____________2. This is a piece of paper th at says w hat
tools the worker needs. At 10.30, there a r e _________
___________ 5. T h e________________________ 4 is
som etim es tw enty minutes. At 11.30, the store is quiet
and t h e ____________5 is not busy.

3 Read the suggestion form. Choose the best words to

complete each sentence.
1 Peter Ives / The storem an made this suggestion.
2 He hopes th at his suggestion w ill help workers
save tim e / be safer.
3 He suggests changing the tool requisition fo r m /
store hours.
4 He thinks workers should drop off their fo rm s /
tools then return later to collect their order.
5 If the system is changed, the storem an will prepare
som e / all of the tools ahead of tim e
62 W riting bank key

Writing bank key

1 Notes 8 (Possible answers)
1 lc 2a 3b 1 I’m having problems with my computer. It’s making a
strange noise. Can you please send someone to check it?
2 a 2 b3 cl
2 There’s a problem with my computer. The mouse button
3 (Possible answers) isn’t working properly. Can you please send someone to
1 These are the wrong nuts. We need 100 M10 BZP hex nuts, check it?
not 100 M12 BZP hex nuts. 3 I’m having trouble with my laptop computer. The screen is
2 Please return 900 of these screws. We need 100, not 1000! going off and on. Can you please send someone to check it?
3 This wrench is broken. Please order a new one. 4 I’m having problems with my hand-held computer. It’s
4 1 this morning 3 July showing an error message. Can you please send someone
2 return 4 afternoon to check it?
5 a2 b 3 c 7 d5 e4 f 8 gl h6 5 There’s a problem with my printer. The red light is flashing.
Can you please send someone to check it?
6 1 We need a new drill asap.
2 Iw illrtnFri2 1Aug. 4 An email making an IT request
3 Pis order 20 PD798 for next Tue. 1 lb 2c 3a 4d
4 Abdullah phoned at 3.00 p.m.
2 1 email address 4 password
5 I'm in the workshop and will rtn at 10.00.
2 maps 5 documents
2 An informal email asking for information 3 email system 6 printer
1 1 Do 3 Does 3 1 give 4 put
2 Is 4 Are 2 help 5 explain
2 a2 b4 cl d3 3 show 6 change

3 1 Sami 5 Reem 4 (Possible answers)

2 Piet Donkerloot 6 Ms Tanaka 1 Hector, I have a new GPS. Could you please help me connect
3 Rudy 7 Mr Ping it to my laptop?
4 Arturo Sanchez 8 Alicia 2 Hector, I have a new email address, but I don’t have the
password. Could you please give me a password?
4 1c 2a 3b
3 Hector, I want to connect my hand-held computer to the
5 (Possible answers) wireless network. Could you please explain how to do it?
1 Ali, 4 Hector, I need to print some documents, but I don’t
Do you have Murat's telephone number? understand the new printer. Could you please show me
Thanks! how it works?
2 Ms Oi, 5 Hector, I have a new computer. I want to connect it to the
Is the Kuala Lumpur office open on Monday? internet. Could you please help me?
3 Russell,
Do the supplies come every week? 5 Notes with warnings and instructions
4 Mr Carlson, 1 lb 2d 3c 4a 5e 6f
Is the new manager in the office today? 2 1 Please send this letter to the Bahrain office.
3 An email reporting an IT problem 2 Please don’t use this computer.
3 Please take this key to the safety officer.
1 Some of the keys on Lucy King's computer aren’t working.
4 Please don’t remove these drawings from the workshop.
2 The e and the a keys aren't working. 5 Please make 10 copies of this letter.
3 I’m having problems with my computer keyboard. Some of the 6 Please don't destroy this drawing.
keys aren't working. Can you please send someone to check it? 3 1 from 4 of
Thanks, 2 to 5 X
4 lc 2a 3b 4d 5e 3 X 6 to
5 1 flashing 4 showing 4 (Possible answers)
2 getting 5 making 1 Please destroy these documents.
3 working 2 Please don't remove this computer from the office.
3 Please don’t use this printer.
6 le 2b 3a 4d 5c
4 Please take this instruction manual to the workshop.
7 a4 bl c 6 d 5 e3 f2 5 Please send this letter to the Jakarta office.
6 Please make ten copies of these documents.
7 Please don't destroy these drawings.
W riting bank key 63

8 Please don't copy these plans. 4 1 The Construction Department reported damage to a cooling
9 Please don’t use these radios. unit in Warehouse 2 and asked me to inspect the damage.
10 Please explain this note to me. The unit was delivered on 10 Aug and was accepted.
2 The cover is bent.
6 An email asking for leave
3 It was dropped from a fork-lift.
1 a 2 bl c4 d5 e3 4 Repair. The Construction Department needs the cooling
2 1 Veejay Singh 4 6 unit on 20 Dec.
2 RudyBatao 5 Abu Rahman
9 A shift handover log
3 Abdel Rahman 6 RudyBatao
1 l shift 3 work
3 Id 2f 3a 4c 5e 6b
2 log
4 IS 2 A 3 E 4 E 5A 6S
2 1 have 5 have done
5 (Possible answers) 2 have checked 6 have collected
1 I’m writing to request leave. I would like to be away from 3 is 7 haven’t
8 to 15 May. I wish to return home for my sister’s wedding. 4 started 8 wasn’t
Thank you for considering my request.
3 1 E4096
2 I’m writing to request sick leave. I’ve hurt my hand. The
2 100-hour maintenance on pump CC1467 (jetty).
doctor says I should have five days off work. Please allow
3 E4095
me sick leave 6 to 10 September. Thank you.
4 Changing leads on welder's portable generator P1023A.
3 I’m writing to request emergency leave. My son is ill. I wish
5 E4101
to return home immediately. Please allow me emergency
6 Installation of new emergency lighting in Warehouse 5.
leave from 10 to 16 December. Thank you.
Materials collected and checked. Installation ongoing.
7 A service report 7 E4098
8 Repair damaged electrical wiring in control room.
1 lb 2a 3c
9 Bill is on leave. He’ll return next Tuesday.
2 IF 2 T 3T 4 T 5 T 6 T 7F
10 A suggestion
3 1 leaky valve
2 bulk tanker loading area 1 1 There are long queues at the tool store. The storeman is
3 damaged very busy.
4 valve 2 There are no queues at the tool store. The storeman isn’t
5 working busy.
4 1 4 April 2 1 store desk
2 BR Tophill well head 2 tool requisition form
3 Portable screw compressor had low pressure and was 3 long queues
making a lot of noise. 4 waiting time
4 Service valve gasket damaged. 5 storeman
5 Replaced service valve gasket. Checked pressure and 3 1 Peter Ives
added oil. 2 save time
6 Working OK. 3 tool requisition form
7 10.00 a.m. 4 forms
8 12.30 p.m. 5 some
8 An equipment damage report 4 (possible answers)
1 Title: Reducing car park traffic
1 1 no
Situation: When the 8.00 shift starts, there are long queues
2 They’re damaged.
of cars waiting togetintothecar park.
3 in Warehouse 4
Suggested improvement: Change the shift start time. It
4 inspect the cabinets
would be possible to have half of the employees start at 7.45
2 1 reported 4 dented and half start at 8.00. This would reduce the traffic.
2 inspect 5 scratched 2 Title: Making warehouse door safe
3 delivered 6 stored Situation: People who are leaving the main warehouse are
3 lb 2a 3c sometimes knocked over by people entering.
Suggested improvement: Install a window in the warehouse
door. People using the door would be able to see each other.
6 4 Unit 9

9 Natural gas

Kick off 3 Complete the sentences using the list.

1 M atch sentences 1-5 w ith pictures a-e. NH3 CH4 LNG

1 The Tupolev Tu-155 transport aircraft can be 1 Natural gas is m o stly___________ - m ethane.
powered by Liquefied Natural Gas. 2 stands for liquefied natural gas.
2 Gas-fired power stations generate electricity. 3 The chem ical symbol for am m onia i s ________
3 Some cities fuel buses w ith natural gas because it
burns cleanly.
4 Homes all over the world use natural gas for Vocabulary
cooking and heating.
5 Natural gas is used to make am m onia for fertilizer.
Gas production and distribution
Fertilizer is food for plants. 1 Complete the table.

2 Answer the questions. verb noun (process) noun (substance)

1 How is power generated in your country? vaporize vaporization 1
2 Do you use gas for cooking? How does the gas get liquefy liquefaction 2
to your home? 3 production product
3 Are there any gas-powered cars or buses in your
consume 4
tow n or city?
5 storage
4 W hat plants do farmers in your country grow?
5 Why is natural gas a good fuel for a plane? transport 6
7 pipe

2 Q Listen and check your answers.

In this unit
• gas production and distribution
• talking about a bar chart
• Past Simple be
• the Sakhalin II project
• describing equipment

3 Look at the picture. Use words from 1 to complete the sentences.

f 11» P i
Gas field Liquefaction LNG storage X LNG storage Vaporizers To pipeline
facility tank LNG tanker tank system

Producing region Consuming region

1 The gas field p____________gas.

Number talk
2 It comes out of the ground as a v_
Talking about a bar chart
3 The liquefaction facility L .th e gas.
.. It goes into the tanks. Can you say these numbers aloud?
4 The gas is now a 1________
1 1970 (year)
5 The tanks s_ __the gas.
2 2002 (year)
6 Tankers t__ . the liquid gas from the producing region to
3 1.5 trillion m 3
the consuming region.
4 2,000,000,000 m J
The gas goes from the tanker into tanks for s_
Listen and check your answers.
The vaporizers v____________the gas.
Look at the chart. Complete the
9 The pipeline system p_ . the gas to consumers.
sentences w ith numbers.
10 Homes, businesses, power stations, and so on c_ ______ the gas.

4 Look at the picture again. Complete the sentences using the words in
the list.
consumption liquefaction pipes product
production transportation vaporization
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
____________happens in the consuming region. World natural gas consumption

____________happens betw een the gas field and the storage tanks. 1 2000 consumption was a little less

Fertilizer___________ uses natural gas. th a n _____ trillion cubic metres.

In the tanker, th e . _______ is liquid. 2 Consumption in 1970 w a s _____ m 3.

. is the final step in the process. 1980 consumption was higher than

In the picture, a tanker is used for gas _ _____ consumption.

The gas travels to consumers th rou gh . 4 Consumption in _ .w as

2,000,000,000,000 m!.
How m any things can you nam e for each category?
1 Things that are stored in tanks 4 Answer the questions.
2 Things th at are transported by ship 1 About how much does consumption
3 Things that travel through pipes increase in ten years?
4 Things that are produced in one region and consumed in another 2 Can you guess 2020 consumption?
5 Things that are sometimes liquid and sometimes vapour 3 Can you guess 1960 consumption?
6 6 Unit 9

Br E Am E

holiday vacation

• Language spot Listening

Past Simple be The past and the present
We use the Past Simple like this: 1 i>) Listen. Choose the correct word to complete each
Consumption was one trillion cubic m etres in 1970. sentence.
They were in China last month. Conversation 1
We w eren ’t busy yesterday. 1 The m eeting was yesterday / this morning.
2 The new operations manager was / wasn't at the
I w asn’t at work last week.
Were you busy last week? 3 The new operations m anager is / was at the Ras
Was the ship late? Tanura refinery.

» Go to Gram m ar reference p.122 Conversation 2

4 They are / were busy.
1 Write sentences in the Past Simple. 5 There is / was a big problem.
1 The gas is stored in tanks. 6 The level gauge was / w asn’t faulty.
Conversation 3
2 Ahmed isn't late. 7 They are / were on their way to the warehouse.
8 The cable trays are / aren ’t ready.
3 She’s in Saudi Arabia. 9 It was / wasn't on the m aterials report.

4 Ian and M att aren’t in the office. 2 Q Listen again. Check your answers.
3 Number the sentences. 1 = now, 8 = the longest time ago.
5 I’m in the workshop.
a There was a m eeting yesterday,
b He was at Ras Tanura from 2000 to 2008.
6 You aren’t in Russia.
c We're busy.
d There was a big problem this morning,
7 We aren’t busy.
e The cable trays were ready last Friday,
f I was in Dubai last month,
8 The gas isn’t liquid.
g He was in Ecuador last year,
h Consumption was one trillion m J in 1970.
9 Klaus is in Germany.
4 Answer the questions.
10 She isn't from Qatar. U seful expressio n s

last Monday last m onth in 2000

last week this m orning yesterday
2 Make questions in the Past Simple.
1 W hen were you busy?
1 you / a student / last year ?
2 W hen was your last holiday?
3 W hen were you ten years old?
2 your friends / at your house / last week ?
4 W hen were you at a restaurant?
5 W hen was your last exam?
3 your teacher / at work /last Saturday ?
5 Work in pairs. Talk about the past. Ask and answer the
4 you and your classmates / at the library /last night ? questions in 4.

3 Now answer the questions in 2.

Natural gas 67

Reading 3 Look at the map. Answer the questions.

1 Where are the producing regions?
The Sakhalin II Project
2 Where is the shipping facility?
1 Answer the questions. 3 On the ship, what areas does the LNG go through?
1 Do you know about the Sakhalin II project? 4 Where is the LNG vaporized?
2 Look at the pictures. W hat places and things 5 On the map, what is the nam e of the consuming region?
can you see? 4 Guess the m eaning of the words in bold. Use your
3 W hat can you say or guess about the project? dictionary if necessary.
Z Read the text. Answer the questions. 1 W hat is the capacity of each holding tank?
1 How m any other LNG plants are in Russia? 2 W hat is the lifespan of the project?
2 How much gas comes from Sakhalin II? 3 W hat is the quantity of reserves?
3 Where is the liquefaction plant? 5 Answer the questions in 4.
4 How much was in the first shipment to Japan?
5 W hat materials are in the two LNG tanks? 6 Are there LNG facilities in your country? W hat are they?
6 W hat environmental danger is mentioned? Where are they?

The Sakhalin II Project

The Sakhalin II project takes gas and oil from the Piltun-Astokhoskoye
- Piltun-Astokhskoye
and Lunskoye fields. It's Russia's first liquefied natural gas plant —C (oil and gas field)
and one of the biggest oil and gas developments in the world.
Production is about 9.6 million tonnes of natural gas per year. The Onshore pipeline (gas field)
two fields probably contain 500 billion m3 of natural gas reserves. (gas and oil)
There are two 100,000 m3 LNG tanks at Prigorodnoye. Each tank
has an inner tank and an outer tank. The inner tank is steel, and the
outer tank is concrete. The tanks' storage temperature is -165 °C. Prigorodnoye
The tanks should be safe even in a big earthquake. (LNG/oil shipping
Sakhalin II supplies about 8 % of global LNG. Work will continue
there for 30-40 years.

Pipes carry the gas from the fields to the natural gas liquefaction
facilities in Prigorodnoye, Sakhalin. Tankers take the LNG from the
terminal at Prigorodnoye to Japan and other East Asian consumers.

Sakhalin's first gas shipment to Japan was in April, 2009. It was

145,000 m3. The receiving terminal was in Sodegaura, near Tokyo.


6 8 Unit 9

rot (v) to decay, or make sth decay,

naturally and gradually

Speaking 4 Listen and check your answers.

Describing equipment 5 Practise describing equipment. Student A, go to

p.109. Student B, go to p.113.
1 M atch the shape w ith the name.
Useful language
1 a cylinder 2 a sphere 3 a cube
Orientation Location
cylindrical vertical on a tanker
spherical horizontal on wheels
cuboid above-ground

2 Q Listen and check your answers. It’s my job

3 M atch each description w ith a picture. 1 W hat do you know about biogas?

1 It's above-ground, f 6 It's on a truck.. 2 Look at the picture of the biogas plant. Describe the
2 It's cuboid______ 7 It’s spherical. _ equipment.

3 It’s cylindrical______ 8 It’s underground..

control valve
4 It’s horizontal______ 9 It’s vertical______
5 It’s at a 90° angle______ Overflow tank

Outlet pipe

Digester tank Partition wall

Animal waste

Organic matter
Natural gas 6 9

Assess your progress In this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I can talk about gas production and
I can talk about a bar chart
I can use Past Simple be
3 Read. Write T (true) or F (false). I can understand the difference between
1 Biogas comes from underground reserves. past and present
2 Biogas is mostly m ethane. I can describe equipment
3 Electricity and gas are easy to get in Rwanda.
4 A lot of Rwandans are farmers.
5 Rwanda is planning 300 biogas plants.

Key words
Jean-Claude Adjectives

Hakizimana above-ground

liquefied natural gas (LNG)

Biogas can come from organic matter, for example rotting
plants and anim al waste. W hen these things rot and there is no
oxygen, they make methane.
I live in Rwanda, near the centre of Africa. We’re a very poor
country. Most people here have no electricity and no gas. But we Look back through this unit. Find five more
are improving our country. Most people here live by farming. words or expressions that you think are useful.
Most people in the countryside have cows, so in fact, we have
plenty of anim al waste.
We are making small biogas plants. They can make gas from
anim al waste. The dung from two or three cows is enough to
make gas for cooking and lighting for one house. We now have
more than 300 biogas plants around the country, and w e’re
building more.
I am happy making life better here. And we are doing this with
waste. Amazing.

4 Can biogas work easily in your country? Why / why not?

Biogas is a source of energy that doesn’t come from petroleum.
Find out about others.
70 Unit 10

Kick off
1 Look at these pictures. Which shows
1 an oil spill? 2 noisy equipment? 3 broken equipment? 4 a gas flare?

B □



2 Which of the above can lead to

1 noise pollution? a ,c ,d 2 w ater pollution? 3 soil pollution? 4 air pollution?

3 M atch each solution below w ith a picture in 1.

1 Reduce the noise. 2 Make it safe. Clean it up. 3 Repair it. 4 Limit or stop it.
Oil and the environm ent 71

In this unit
• talking about environmental impact
• Past Simple
• talking about eco-hazards
• reporting an incident
• completing an environmental incident report

• Language spot 3 Make questions. Use the Past Simple.

Past Simple 1 you / about / Did / the /learn / oil / at / industry /
school / ?
We use the Past Simple to talk about the past.
2 industry /Why /you / did / choose / oil /the / ?
Positive: We started cleaning up last night. 3 tools / school / Did /use / you / power / at / ?
Negative: We didn’t start cleaning up last night. 4 you / How / learn / did / oil / about /jobs / ?
Question: Did you start cleaning up last night? 5 did / lessons / W hen / you / English / begin / ?

» Go to Gram m ar reference p.122 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
1 Complete each sentence w ith a word from the list.
Use the Past Simple. It’s my job
arrive burn go have start
1 M atch the definitions w ith the words.
E x a m p l e
1 companies that do jobs for other companies
We started cleaning up last night.
2 in a way th at isn’t dangerous
1 The crew ____________at 6.30. 3 report about possible dangers
2 The refinery fire ___________ for three days. 4 places where buildings, wells, refineries, etc. are built
3 I ____________to college in Abu Dhabi. a risk assessm ent
4 W hen we opened the flow, w e ____________a lot of b safely
problems w ith the new pipeline. c construction sites
d contractors
do make see start stop
E x a m p l e 2 Can you explain w hat a safety and environment
Did you start cleaning up last night? officer does?

5 Did w e ____________a phone call to head office this 3 « Listen. Number the words a-d
morning? in 1 in the order you hear them.
6 Did th e y ____________work at three o’clock
yesterday because of the bad weather?
7 Did y o u ___________ a training course in the UAE
last summer?
8 Did h e ___________ Khaled and Sami yesterday?

2 Make sentences 1 -4 in 1 negative.

E x a m p l e

We started cleaning up last night. -*

We didn’t start cleaning up last night.
4 Listen again. Answer the questions.
1 W hat company does Ahmed work for?
2 W hat does he help contractors do?
4 3 W hat did he work on last week?
4 W hat did he visit?
5 Who did he talk to?
6 W hat did he explain?

5 Would you like Ahmed’s job? Why /why not?

72 Unit 10

prevent (v) to stop sb from doing sth; to stop sth from happening

procedure (n) a way of doing sth, especially the usual or correct

protection programme (n) a plan to work in a way that keeps
animals and the environment safe
technique (n) a particular way of doing sth, especially one in which
you have to learn special skills

Preventing and dealing with eco-hazards and incidents
• An eco-hazard is som ething that can harm the environment: people, plants, animals, water, earth, air.
• An incident is som ething th at happens, an event: a fire, a gas leak, an oil spill, a collision, an accident.

1 Match sentences 1-6 w ith pictures a-f. 2 Complete the sentences w ith words from 1.
1 The fire started early this morning. Incidents
2 After the rig explosion, we improved our 1 There w a s a f We put it out quickly
equipment and safety procedures. 2 There was an e It destroyed the rig
3 We followed the usual procedure. We reported the
3 There was an o s We Inst
spill immediately.
10,000 litres.
4 There was a gas leak. We wore hazmat suits when
we checked the damage. 4 There w a s a g 1 We rinsed
5 The field is under a beautiful beach, so w e used the m ain valve and made the area safe.
special drilling techniques. Preventing incidents
6 Our company has a wildlife protection programme. 5 There are whales in the area, so we have a
We studied the grey w hales before we started w p P •
6 We follow s p .It’s the best
way to prevent accidents.
7 We use s____________d____________ t
We can get oil and protect nature.

3 Check your answers w ith a partner.

Oil and the environm ent 73

challenge (n) a new or difficult task On 20 April 2010, the drilling rig Deepwater Horizon exploded
that tests sb’s ability and skill in the Gulf of Mexico. This caused an oil leak and a huge
nature reserve (n) an area where environmental disaster.The accident could have been prevented.
plants and animals are protected

Preventing environmental damage
1 W hat environm ental problems can oil drilling cause? 4 Find twelve Past Simple verbs in the text. Circle

2 Look at the picture. W hat do you think it shows? , , „ . ,, „

Note: the Past Simple of can t see is couldn t see.
3 Read the text. Answer the questions.
1 W hat can you see in the area around Wytch Farm?
2 How many years passed between discovery and drilling?
3 W hat special drilling technique did British Gas use?
4 How far did some of the drilling go?

Wytch Farm
In 1973, the British Gas Corporation discovered a
large oilfield in the south of England. There w ere
65 million tonnes of crude oil in the ground. And
on the g round ? A n a tu re re se rv e including forests,
trees, animals, birds, and a perfect beach and
seaside - and a village. The engineers faced m any
c h a lle n g e s :
■ noise from construction and drilling
■ noise from trucks going to and from the site
■ bad smells from the site
■ possible oil spills, fires, and explosions
■ possible dam age to the plants and animals in
the area.

British Gas planned the work very carefully. They

studied the plants and animals in the area and
developed a wildlife protection program m e. In
1979, they began drilling. They put the drilling easily. But at W ytc h Hill, it was a w a y to protect
rig in a w ood. It was behind the trees so people the environm ent. W h e n you use horizontal drilling,
cou ld n 't see it easily. And they used a special the oil can be under a beautiful forest, a village, or
drilling technique: horizontal drilling. even the sea, but the drilling rig and the gathering
station can be far away. At W ytc h Farm, some of
The easiest w a y to drill oil is straight dow n
the drilling started more than ten kilometres aw ay
vertically into the oil. Horizontal drilling
from the oil.
(som etim es called extended reach drilling) starts
straight dow n, but then it turns. The drill goes into W ytc h Farm is the largest onshore oilfield in
the oil from the side. Oil com panies sometimes W estern Europe. But environm ental dam age at the
drill this w a y to help the oil flow into the well more site is very small.

Br E Am E

wood forest
74 Unit 10

injury (n) harm done to a person’s or animal's body Contained Uncontained

bund (Br E) = berm (Am E)

Listening Pronunciation
Problems and solutions (¡j) Listen. Tick (/) the sound of the -ed ending.
1 W hat can you see in the picture? verb+id verb+t verb+d
1 happened □ □ □
2 closed □ □ □
3 finished □ □ □
4 worked □ □ □
5 started □ □ □
6 waited □ □ □
Listen again. Check your answers.

Work in pairs. Read aloud the three conversations for

Listening on p.129.

Reporting an incident
(<7) Listen. Write T (true) or F (false).
1 There’s an oil spill. __
2 It's betw een tanks 10 and 12. __
3 There are no injuries. __
4 About 200 litres of oil sp illed .__
5 The spill is not contained. __

Work in pairs. Role-play reporting an incident. Student

A, go to p.109. Student B, go to p.114.

2 Listen to the conversations. M atch each

conversation w ith a problem.
Conversation Problem
1 a a leak
2 b an oil spill
3 c a noisy compressor

3 Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1 a It's happen /It happen ed last night,
b We closed / close the m ain valve.
2 a Did it work / worked?
b It work / worked very well.
3 a It's started /It started two days ago.
b I waif / waited all day yesterday.

4 (J"J) Listen and check your answers.

Oil and the environm ent 75

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I can talk about environmental impact
I can use the Past Simple
I can name some eco-hazards
I can report an incident
Writing I can complete an environmental incident
An environmental incident report report

Complete the report form. Use the words in the list.

no im mediate risk 27 March 20,000 litres

Fazwan Area, Pipeline 32, Station 6 16.30 Key words
no damage after clean up sand pipeline leak
Environmental Incident Report noisy

Date of incident: i carefully
Tim e reported: 2

Location: 3
Type of incident:
Volume of oil: 5 enclosure
Damage to: plants / wildlife / water / soil / incident
6 noise
risk assessment
Risk assessm en t: 7

Possible environm ental damage: clean up

Look back through this unit. Find five more

words or expressions that you think are useful.

Horizontal drilling protects the environment. Learn about other
ways the oil industry protects the environment.
• double-hulled tankers
• re-planting after drilling
• safe disposal of drilling mud
76 Unit 11

11 Workshop operations

Kick off Listening

i Look at these two workshops. Which one is Workshop responsibilities
1 neat and tidy? 2 messy? 3 safer? 1 M atch each workshop responsibility w ith an
Q maintaining y
equipment Q repairing equipment

3 managing

Q making
] replacing broken
equipment '


2 In which workshop is it
1 easy to lose tools? 1 dealing w ith m oney
2 easy to find tools? 2 organizing tim es and dates
3 easy to work? 3 making broken things work
4 taking care of machines, for example oiling them
3 Read the workshop rules. For each rule, find an 5 organizing people, equipment, and jobs
example in picture a where the rule has been broken.
6 taking out damaged parts and putting in new parts
— — - — —— - — ---------------------------- -------- v
----------- -------- -

2 Listen. W hich responsibility (a -f above) are they

Workshop Rules talking about in each conversation?
• Keep the floors tidy and dry. 1 3 -------- 5 --------
• Keep the workbenches clean. 2 4 _____ 6 _____
• Put tools away when you’ve finished a job.
3 Q Listen again. Check your answers.
• Don’t block the exit.
• When you leave, turn off the lights and all of your equipment.
4 Work in pairs.
1 Name something that you have repaired.
2 Name something th at you have replaced.
4 Is your room at home tidy or messy? 3 Name something th at you m aintain.
Workshop operations 77

In this unit
• workshop rules and responsibilities
• managing the workshop
• power tools and their functions
• saying w hat’s been done
• precision measurements
• writing a job card

Reading 4 Match the opposites.

Managing the workshop 1 organized a dirty
2 clean b disorganized
1 W hat are sm art ways to m anage a workshop? 3 clear (instructions) c cluttered
2 Read the text and see if your ideas were mentioned. 4 clear (workbench) d unsafe
5 safe e unclear
3 Find words in the text that m ean
5 Choose three words from 4. Write one example sentence
1 able to do a lot of work
for each word. Talk about something you know.
2 an area where only one person may work
3 part of a tool th at protects workers’ fingers, hands, Ex a m ple

eyes, etc. My desk at hom e is very cluttered.

4 a danger or risk.
6 Tell a partner.

Smart workshop management

A workshop manager's day is filled with problems:
broken equipment in difficult locations; expensive
Ten top tips
repairs on small budgets; people working closely • Keep the workbenches clean and clear. A
together using powerful tools and equipment. clean workshop is safer. It makes workers more
There will always be problems, but smart workshop productive.
management can make work easier, quicker, and safer. • K eep the floors c le a n and dry.
• Create safety zones around large tools. The
person who is using the tool can be inside the
line. Others must stay outside the line.

• U se good lighting ov er w o rk areas.

• Alw ays put tools aw ay after using them.
• Use guards on tools. Be sure that workers have
and use personal protection equipment (PPE).
• Give clear work instructions for working safely.
Tell workers what to do and how to do it.
• Take care of your workers. Maintain all
machinery and tools. Stop using unsafe
machines or tools.

• Spend time with your workers. Learn how they

work. Everyone works differently. You may get
some good ideas by watching.

• W atch for possible hazards. Use equipment and

materials that can keep your workers safe.

A clean, organized workshop prevents problems.

Power tools and their functions
1 M atch each function w ith a picture.
1 grinding 4 designing
2 cutting 5 turning and shaping
3 welding 6 drilling

2 Work in pairs. Can you match each function above w ith a power tool or tools in the workshop picture below?
Workshop operations 79

Measure twice, cut once.

Old saying

3 Complete the table. • Language spot

Tool Function Present Perfect
oxyacetyiene equipment welding and cutting metal We use the Present Perfect
t 1saw cutting wood and metal to talk about recent actions.
lathe t 2and
A Have you finished the work on the compressor?
shaping metal
B We've replaced the gaskets, but we haven’t put the
storage rack s 3pieces nf
new bearings in.
A Has Ahm ed phoned?
hpnrh g 4 grinding
d 5 B No, he hasn’t.
drill press
CNC bench d 6and to talk about our lives.
making metal parts A Have you ever used a drill press?
cutting and welding working on cutting and B No, I’ve never used a drill press. Have you?
h 7 welding jobs A Yes, I have.
MIG equipment w 8
» Go to Gram m ar reference p.122
4 Check your answers w ith a partner. 1 Use the cues. Make Present Perfect sentences.
5 Unscramble the names of 1 you finish welding ?
the portable power tools.
2 we do the grinding
1 redgirn ___________
2 lilrd ___________ 3 you and Ahmed paint it?
3 was ____________
4 we not paint it

5 they build the base?

6 they not finish base

7 they check the inside?

8 Simon check inside

9 they not repair the valve

2 Tell a partner. Do you have any experience w ith the

tools in Vocabulary ? Which tools have you used?
Ex a m p l e
6 Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering
A Have you ever used a drill press?
B No, I've never used a drill press. Have you?
Ex a m p l e
A Yes, I have.
A What do you do with oxyacetyiene equipment?
B We weld and cut m eta l
8 0 Unit 11


Speaking Number talk

Saying what’s been done Precision measurements
Work in pairs. Student A, go to p.110. Student B, read 1 How do you say it? Read the words aloud.
the inform ation below. 1 mm one m illim etre
1 You are responsible for building an oil tank 2 mm two m illimetres
containment. You will build it in the workshop area 1 pm one micron
then deliver it by truck to the site. Your m anager
2 pm two microns
telephones and asks you some questions. Look at the
pictures. Answer the questions in full sentences. Use 0.001 m m point oh oh one millimetres
the Present Perfect. It is Tuesday. 0.025 m m point oh two five millimetres

] build base S ± plus or minus

2 Listen and check your answers.

3 Read the information. Answer the questions.

• 1 m m = 1,000 |jm
• lf jm = 0.001 mm
• A CNC milling machine has a tolerance of ± 25 pm.
F I assemble containment • The width of a hum an hair is 100 pm.
• The diam eter of a pinhead is 1 mm.
• The length of a normal mosquito is 10 mm.

1 W hat is one hundred microns?

2 W hat is plus or minus twenty-five microns?
3 W hat is one millimetre?
4 W hat is about one centimetre?
5 How much is one micron in millimetres?
6 How much is one m illimetre in microns?

4 M atch the pictures w ith the m easurements.

3 -8 pm 5 mm 100 (jm 10 mm

\ put tank in containment X

3 weld containm ent/

2 Now it is Wednesday. You have left another worker

(Student A) in charge of the containment project. Call
them. Ask questions using the Present Perfect.
1 do grinding?
2 checked inside the tank?
3 attached the cover?
4 put the tank on the truck?

3 Now tell Student A three things you have done today

and three things you haven't done today. c paint (thickness)
Workshop operations 81

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I can talk about workshop rules and
I can talk about workshop management
I can understand tools and theirfunctions
W riting I can say w hat’s been done
A job card I can talk about precision measurements

Read the note. Answer the questions. I can write a job card

1 W hat’s the problem?

2 W hat has Roger asked Simon to do?
3 How long will the job probably take?
Key words
The discharge hose In the bulk tanker broken
leading are a , bay 3, Is leaky. Could cluttered
you check It, please? Take a spare messy
valve with you. Go over there precision
a t 8 .0 0 tomorrow (Wednesday tidy
1Z April) morning. You should
•finish by 11.00. I’ve already
done the paperwork (risk
assessm ent, permit to work).
Thanks, responsibility
Roger schedule

2 Use the information from the note. Complété the job card. Verbs
JO B CARD manage
Jo b card num ber: Q .J-3.J-505^> replace
A rea location: B.u.lte t a l k e r ____ __________________ \ bn y 3
Look back through this unit. Find five more
T a sk s: Chec.fe_________________ ! v a lv e ov^ d is ch a rg e hose
words or expressions that you think are useful.
M aterials required: s p a r e ________
Sch ed u led start (date, tim e ):_____
Sch ed u led finish (date, tim e ):____
R isk a ss e s sm e n t: □ yes □ no6
Perm it to w ork required: □ yes □ no7

Signature: H o j W B riÿ ijS
Date: 1 1 A p r i l 2 0 —
A ssig n ed to: Smtoia. Meetes

3 Now it’s 8.10 on Wednesday. Answer the questions.

1 Has Roger done the risk assessment?
2 Has Simon started the j ob ?
3 Has Simon finished the job?
82 Unit 12

Kick off
Work in pairs. M atch the sentences w ith the pictures.
a We repaired the hose. c We installed the pump. e We replaced the bearing,
b The pump stopped working. d We reinstalled the pump. f We removed the pump.




Column pipe


Line shaft


Problems and solutions
1 (|"î> Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct word.
1 The bearing was frozen / broken. 3 The hose was / wasn’t replaced.
2 The bearing was / wasn't replaced. 4 The hose was split / bent.

frozen (can’t broken

2 (j~J) Listen again and check your answers.

3 Look at the pictures in Kick off. The conversation happens after which picture?
Repairs and m aintenance 83

In this unit
• describing problems and solutions
• using will future
• routine maintenance
• planning the day's work
• recording repairs

4 Look at the pictures. Find the things. • Language spot

1 a belt 4 a copier a tank will
2 a bolt 5 a gear a wire
• We use will w hen we decide w hat to do.
3 a computer 6 a cap
A It’s leaking.
B I’ll check it.
• We use will w hen we talk about the future.
A When will you finish?
B We won't finish before midnight.

» Go to Gram m ar reference p.123

1 Complete the short conversations. Use the

words in the list in each conversation,
will ’11 w on’t
A The belt is broken.
B I ____________ 1 replace it.
A ____________ 2you finish the job today?
B No, I ____________ 3.

1 Khalid be here tomorrow?

B No, h e . ______5. H e____________6 be
here on Tuesday.

A The gasket’s damaged.

B W e____________7 replace it.

* we have tim e tomorrow?

B N o,w e.
5 Match the sentence halves to describe the pictures.
Say w hat you w ill do in each situation. Use will.
1 The wires a is worn.
Exam ple
2 The tank b are corroded.
‘The belt’s worn out.’-* I’ll replace it.
3 The computer c is jam m ed.
4 The copier d is leaking. 1 ‘I need the angle grinder.’
5 The bolt e is loose. So it’s noisy. 2 ‘I can’t lift this box.’
6 The gear f is rusted. 3 'I can’t find my goggles.’
7 The belt g is frozen. The system is down. 4 T don’t have tim e to write the repair report.’
8 The cap h is damaged. There’s a big dent in it. 5 ‘The batteries need to be replaced.’

i(~>) Listen and check your answers. Work in pairs. Talk about your things th at need
repair and m aintenance.
Q Listen again. W hich problem does each solution match?
Ex a m p l e s
a I'll check it.
Tomorrow, I'll change the oil in my car.
b I’ll clean them,
Next year, I’ll pain t my bedroom.
c I’ll get the angle grinder,
U seful language
d I’ll get the manual,
e I’ll re-start the system, Tom orrow ... Next w e e k . .. Next m o n th ...
f I’ll tighten it. Next y e a r. .. In two y e a rs...
g I'll write a report,
h I'll replace it.
8 4 Unit 12

portable electric generator (n) a petrol-

powered machine that makes electricity, used
to power lights and tools on sites with no
other electrical supply

Pronunciation Reading
1 Listen. Which sentence do you hear? Routine maintenance
1 a Turn the cab. b Turn the cap. 1 Do you own a m achine that needs routine
2 a Repair the RIB. b Repair the rip. m aintenance? What is the machine? What
3 a Pull the tab. b Pull the tap. m aintenance does it need? Tell a partner.

Portable Electric Generator

Routine maintenance is important for the generator's safe
operation and long life. Routine maintenance is especially
important in hot and dusty environments. The schedule at
the right shows the procedures and frequency for basic
maintenance. The generator's hour meter shows the number
of hours that the generator has run.

2 Read the paragraph above. For each word or phrase

below, w rite T (time) or A (action).
1 routine m a in ten a n ce_____
Compare answers w ith a partner. Then listen
again and check your answers. 2 long life _____
3 procedure _____
3 Complete these words from Vocabulary. Write p or b.
4 number of hours _____
1 _____ elt 5 ca_____
nit 6 rnkpn Tick (/) the ideas th at the text m entions about
ram liter 7 re air maintenance.
ro ier 8 roblem 1 It can reduce accidents and injuries. □
4 Listen and repeat. Check your answers. 2 It can save tim e and money. O
3 It can help a machine work well for many years. □
5 Work in pairs. Practise saying the sentences in 1. 4 Heat and dust can damage a machine. O
Can your partner tell which sentence you’re saying?
4 Look at the m aintenance schedule below. W hich statem ent isn't correct?
1 A m onth has passed. The hour m eter says 15 hours have passed. I'll clean
and check the battery.
2 Six m onths have passed. The hour m eter says that 200 hours have passed.
I'll replace the air filter.
3 Eleven m onths have passed. The hour m eter says 250 hours have passed.
I’ll w ait one more m onth and then change the spark plug.


Every day 1 month or 9 months or 12 months or

or 8 hours 20 hours 200 hours 300 hours

General inspection X

Check engine oil level X

Clean and check battery X

Change engine oil X

Replace air filter X

Replace spark plug X

Replace fuel filter X

5 Look at the m aintenance record below. Answer the questions.

1 Has this generator been well m aintained?
2 Say w hat they haven’t done.
Ex a m p l e

They haven ’t inspected the generator every day.

ZO/1/ZO- ZO general inspection, checked, engine oil level - OK
Z5/3/ZO— 85 general Inspection, cleaned, a net, checked baitery
15/5/ZO- 89 changed, air -filter
19/7/ZÛ— Zfe5 general inspection, changed, engine oil, cleaned, and
checked, battery
ZÛ/7/ZO- 1 2
Z1/7/ZO— Z81 3
ZZ/7/ZÛ— Z85 4
Zi/7/ZÛ— Z89 5

6 Now look at the m aintenance schedule. Fill in the gaps showing correct
routine m aintenance.
86 Unit 12

give (someone) a hand (v) help (someone)

Listening It’s my job

Planning the day’s work Work in pairs. Say the names of electrical things that
you use every day.
1 Which job would a m echanic probably do? Write M.
Which job would an electrician probably do? Write E. Read the text. Which topics does Carlos talk about?
1 check a photocopier 1 His education and training
2 check the petrol engine of a portable generator 2 His duties and responsibilities
3 The dangers of his work
2 Listen to Frank planning the day’s work w ith his
4 The equipment he uses for troubleshooting
team . Write the jobs.
5 Safety on the job
• » i è « •
Name Jobs Carlos
morning Sanchez
£ *
i f f



tr ie morning
Office 3

I’m an electrician. I work on anything and everything
--------------------------------------------------------- 4 electrical in the oil industry. I help to install, m aintain,
Carl morning and repair electrical wiring, fixtures, and control
Electrician equipment. This includes troubleshooting when
things go wrong. A lot of my work is outdoors. I work
afternoon in all kinds of weather. Sometimes I work in very
high places. During any working week, I use all of my
personal protective equipment (PPE): hard hat, safety
Bill morning glasses with side shields, safety shoes, safety gloves,
Mechanic 7
hearing protection, fire retardant clothing, safety
harness, and breathing apparatus. I also use a special
insulating rubber matting. I can stand or sit on it
w hen I work. It reduces the risk of shock.
Electricity creates two m ain hazards. The first is
electrocution. If electricity enters your body, it can
Listen again. Answer the questions.
burn you badly or kill you. The other hazard is sparks.
1 How did the front office report their problem to Sparks are generally hazardous, but especially in the
Eric? oil and gas industry. If there is a spark in an area with
2 Carl may ask for help w ith the photocopier. Who flammable gas, of course there can be an explosion.
will he ask?
I work very carefully and check everything. Is the
3 Who has a problem w ith the generator?
electricity switched off? Am I using the right PPE? And
4 W hen did Bill finish the repairs on the pump?
other electricians check my work too. We look out for
5 W hen did the new lights for the loading area
each other.

4 Listen again and check your answers to 2 and J. 3 Would you like to do Carlos's job? Why / why not?
Repairs and m aintenance 87

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I can talk about problems and solutions
I can use will to talk about the future
I can understand routine maintenance
I can plan a day’s work
Writing I can record repairs
Recording repairs
1 Read the repair record. Put the notes in the correct place.

Checked belt tension Checked oil level Key words

Compressor making strange noise
Loose belt Tightened belt Nouns
Item to repair: Portable air compressor maintenance
Problem: troubleshooting

Troubleshooting notes Verbs

Repair: bent
2 Look at the pictures. Complete the repair record.
D jammed

Look back through this unit. Find five more

w on’t start words or expressions that you think are useful.
engine oil
spark plug

Item to repair: Portable generator
Problem: 1
Troubleshooting notes

Cause: 4
Repair: 5
-------------------------------------------- -— ..... • • .... 1 ...... -------------- i
3 Compare answers w ith a partner.
88 Unit 13

IB The refinery

Kick off
1 M atch the petroleum product w ith a picture.

asphalt /bitum en liquid petroleum gas petrol / gasoline kerosene/jet fuel diesel /petrodiesel fuel oil

2 Can you nam e other ways each product is used? 3 The crude o il____________in these tanks until it is

3 Answer the questions. refined. Some of them are 80 metres high. There are

1 Which product is the heaviest? over 200 steps to the top.

2 Which is the lightest? 4 This is the m ain refinery. This is where the oil
3 Which is a solid? in the distillation towers.
4 Which ones are liquids?
5 These pipes take the products out of the refinery.
5 Which burns as a gas?
Some of the pipes____________kerosene to the
Listening 6 The refinery uses river w ater for cooling the
A refinery tour machinery. The used w a te r___________ here, to the

1 Çî> Listen to the presentation about Oakton refinery. salt marsh. It is often cleaner w hen it is returned
M atch each description (1-9) w ith a place (a-i) in the than it was when it was taken from the river.
picture on p.89. 7 The refinery____________to the m ain road here. All
2 Listen again. Check your answers. of the workers come and go this way. Some of our

3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the list. products leave this way in tankers.
bring is connected is hidden is refined 8 The admin block is where the offices are. The
is returned is stored manage take travels people who work h e r e ___________ the people and
1 This is the jetty. Tankers____________crude oil to all of the m achinery at the refinery.
the refinery. They unload the crude oil here. 9 Oakton is the neighbouring village. The refinery
2 The crude o il___________ along these pipes into from the village by trees.
the tanks at the tank farm.
The refinery 89

In this unit
• listening to a refinery tour
• using the Passive
• explaining a process
• talking about temperature
• reading about fractional distillation

4 (("¡¡) Listen again and check your answers. 1 Choose the correct word.

5 Answer the questions. 1 The trees hide / are hidden the refinery.
1 Where is the crude oil stored? 2 The refinery is m anaged / m anages from the
2 Where is the crude oil refined? admin block.
3 Where is w ater returned to the river? 3 Some products leave / are left the refinery in
4 Where are products taken out of the refinery? tankers.
4 Kerosene is taken / takes to the airport by a
• Language spot pipeline.
5 The crude oil is refined / refines in the distillation
The Passive towers.
• We use Passive verbs to explain actions or processes.
6 Tankers unload /are unloaded their oil at the jetty.
The crude oil is refined in the refinery.
7 The crude oil stores / is stored in the tanks.
• Sometim es you can choose to use the Active or the
8 The distillation towers are distilled / distil the
The pipes ta k e the oil fr o m the ships. (Active) crude oil.
The oil is taken fro m the ships by the pipes. (Passive) 2 Tick (/) the sentences in 1 th at are passive.
» Go to G ram m ar reference p.123
9 0 Unit 13

earth (v) (Br E) connect an electrical device with the ground.

Am E = ground
transport emergency card (n) a card with information about
what a lorry driver should do in case of an emergency. It also
includes information about the product that is carried.

3 M atch the actions w ith the pictures.

a Check the transport em ergency card, e Earth the tanker,
b Connect the pipes, f Switch off the m aster switch,
c Drain the hoses, g Drive the tanker into the loading area,
d Load the tanker. h Drive the tanker out of the loading area.


4 Complete the sentences. Explain how a bulk tanker is

loaded safely. Use the Passive.
1 First, the ta n k er_______________________________
2 Then the tan k er_______________________________
3 Next, t h e _____________________________________
4 After that, t h e ________________________________
5 T h en _________________________________________
6 Next__________________________________________
7 After th a t,____________________________________
8 Finally,_______________________________________

Explaining a process
Work in pairs. Take turns describing a process. Student
A, go to p. 110. Student B, go to p. 114.
The refinery 91

monitor (v) to watch and check sth over a period of time in order
to see how it develops, so that you can make any necessary
production (n) amount of a product that is made, for example
14.5 million litres of petrol per day
troubleshoot (v) find and correct problems in a mechanical,
electrical, or electronic system

Number talk It’s my job

Temperature 1 Can you guess w hat a process technician does?

Match the numbers w ith the words. 1 monitors the refinery equipment □
2 organizes the schedule of crude oil delivery □


a minus forty degrees Celsius

2 o°c b thirty-seven degrees Celsius 3 deals w ith environm ental complaints □
3 45 °C c zero degrees Celsius 4 takes care of troubleshooting and repairs □
4 37 °C d one hundred degrees Celsius
5 tests the refinery’s products □
5 100 °C e forty-five degrees Celsius
2 Read and check your answers.
2 Listen and check your answers.
3 Answer the questions.
3 Complete the sentences w ith the tem peratures in 1.
1 How many people work at Suparman’s refinery?
2 W hat two reasons does he give for shutting down?
3 W hat m aintenance job does he mention?
4 How much tim e do they take to plan a shut down?
5 W hat two refinery products does he mention?

I work at an oil refinery in Sumatra,
Indonesia. It’s a big refinery. There
are more than 300 tanks and nearly
1 °C is an average summer temperature in 1,000 workers. My team takes care of
Saudi Arabia. all of the refinery equipment. W hen
2 Ice m elts a t _____°C. the refinery is running normally, we monitor all of
the equipment. This m eans we check and m aintain
3 Water boils a t _____ °C.
everything. W hen there is a problem, we troubleshoot
4 Normal body temperature i s _____ °C.
it. That m eans trying to understand w hat’s wrong.
5 °C is a cold w inter day in Alaska. Then we try to repair it. We work closely w ith the
m aintenance team. Sometimes, we need to shut down
4 Take the tem perature quiz. Complete the sentences
part of the refinery for a big repair job and for some
w ith the numbers in the list.
m aintenance jobs, for example furnace cleaning.
-42 200 250 4 00 600
Shutting down m eans safely stopping some of the
1 In a refinery, crude oil is heated to about machines. But you can’t ju st switch it off! We usually
°C. schedule a m aintenance shut down a year in advance.
2 Asphalt usually boils at more th a n ____________°C. We work closely w ith an experienced, specialist
contractor. Another important job is checking the
3 The boiling point of LP gas is usually about
products that are made in the refinery. This m eans we
test the petrol, the kerosene, and so on to make sure
4 Petrol often boils a t ___________ °C.
it is good. My team also writes in the production log.
5 The boiling point of kerosene is usually about The production log is the information about how much
___________ °C. crude oil we have processed and how much of each
product we have made.
0SZ S 00Z P IV- i OOfr Z 00 9 I
92 Unit 13

World’s top three refineries in production Br E Am E

Name of refinery Location Litres per day
lorry truck
Paraguana Refining Complex Venezuela 149.5 million
SK Energy Ulsan Refinery South Korea 133.5 million
Yeosu Refinery South Korea 111.3 million

Fractional distillation
1 Can you explain how an oil refinery works?

2 Read the text. Use the words in bold to label the picture (1-5).

How a refinery works

An oil refinery turns crude oil into
petroleum gas, petrol / gasoline,
less than 40 °C kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, asphalt
/ bitumen, and many other products.
Here's how it works. First, the crude oil
is pumped into the furnace, where it is
boiled. Next, the boiling oil enters the
bottom of the distillation tower. Boiling
separates the crude oil into fractions.
Fraction means part. The fractions of crude
oil are products with different boiling
points: petroleum gas, petrol, and so
on. The lightest product, petroleum gas,
rises to the top. The heaviest products,
like asphalt, sink to the bottom. After the
products are separated, they are piped

out of the tower. The different products
are stored in tanks in the refinery. Finally,
they are taken out of the refinery by tanker
lorry, rail tanker, boat, or pipeline.

Fuel oil
Refineries and the environm ent
In addition to making useful petroleum
products, fractional distillation and
other refinery processes also can
create noise, odour, air pollution, and
water pollution. Most countries have
environmental rules that refineries
must follow. All refineries must monitor
and control possible problems. Every
refinery has a safety and environment
Temperatures vary for different refining processes, crude oils, officer. His or her job is to make sure
and end products. the refinery follows the rules.
The refinery 93

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I can talk about an oil refinery
I can use the Passive
I can explain a process
I can talk about temperature
3 Answer the questions.
I can understand fractional distillation
1 Which product has a boiling point of about 350 °C?
2 Which is lighter, petrol or kerosene?
3 Which is the heaviest product on the picture?
4 W hat three vehicles does the text mention?
5 W hat environmental problems are mentioned? Key words
6 Who has the job of m onitoring possible environm ental Nouns
problems? asphalt
4 Work in pairs. Close your book. Draw a picture to explain boil
fractional distillation. Write sentences to explain the process. bulktanker
degrees Celsius (°C)
U seful language
fractional distillation
First... N ex t... Then ... After t h a t ... Finally... fuel oil
Writing kerosene
Explaining a process liquid petroleum gas (LPC)
1 Write a paragraph th at explains a process.
• A paragraph is a group of sentences th at explain an idea. Adjective
Look again at the process you explained in Speaking on p.90
(Student A role card p.110, Student B role card p.114). Write a Verbs
paragraph th at explains the process (loading a tanker train at a earth
refinery or loading a bulk tanker at sea). melt
2 Compare your paragraphs w ith other students’. Did you say the
same things? Look back through this unit. Find five more
words or expressions that you think are useful.

Find inform ation on an oil refinery in your country.
• Where is it?
• How much oil does it process?
• How is crude oil delivered to the refinery?
• How are petroleum products taken away from the refinery?

Oil is som etim es measured in a 42-gallon barrel (about 159

litres). In a typical barrel of crude, how much will be refined into
• petroleum gas? • fuel oil?
• petrol? • asphalt?
• kerosene? • other products?
• petrodiesel?
Z M atch situations a -e above w ith descriptions 1-5. 3 Match each piece of advice w ith a description (1-5) in 2.
1 He’s having problems breathing. I think he a Pour cold water on it and call em ergency
breathed in some fumes. services. Keep it very clean!
2 He’s cut his arm. He’s bleeding.
3 He’s broken his leg.
b Stop his leg from moving.
4 He’s got a bad burn.
Call em ergency services. , ,
5 He's had an electric shock. & 3 c Clean it. Then put
a bandage on it.
d Make sure the electricity
is off before you touch him.

e Gently move him to some fresh air. If

you've got some oxygen, give it to him.
Emergencies 95

In this unit
• dealing with accidents and emergencies
• using if/ when / in case
• emergency vehicles and equipment
• understanding w hat’s wrong
• Past Continuous
• explaining and reporting accidents

Reading 5 Complete the text. Use the words in the list.

Dealing with accidents and emergencies Activate Call Ensure Remove Try

1 If you see a situation like those in Kick off, w hat

should you do? W H EN T H E R E ’S A F IR E
2 Read and check your answers. _____________ 1 people from danger if you can do it safely.

W hen there's an a c c id e n t . . .
_____________ 2 the doors are closed to stop the smoke and
fire spreading.
1 Assess the situation.
• Try to understand what has happened. Do this _____________ 3 the fire alarm.
quickly and calmly.
_____________ 4 emergency services.
• Check for danger. If something has injured
somebody, will it also injure you? _____________ 5 to put out the fire or help people leave the area.
• Never do something that will injure you. If you
do, then there may be two injured people. STAY CALM
V ------- O
2 Make the area safe.
• Protect the injured person from danger. 6 Look at the first letter of each sentence. W hat word do
• Be careful! they make?
3 Assess the injured people and give emergency ___________ (v) to do something when something
first aid. happens
• Assess each person.
• Help the people with the worst injuries first.
• Only treat an injured person if you are
I It’s my job
competent to do so. ? 1 W hat do you usually
4 Get help. do when you are sick or
• Call emergency services or make sure that injured and need to see a
someone has called them. doctor? W hat do you think
workers on drilling rigs do?
3 Find words in the text for these definitions. 2 Q Listen to Saresh
1 (v) to judge and have an opinion about Budhrani. Complete the
something sentences.
2 (adv) in a quiet way, not excited or angry 1 W hen someone is sick
or injured, I ___________
3 (v) to keep someone or som ething safe
of them.
4 M atch each action w ith a section (1-4) of the text. 2 If someone is badly injured or very sick, I
a I could see that he was burned, so I poured cold ___________ evacuation.
w ater on the burn. 3 W hen new employees arrive, I ____________them
b I saw him lying on the floor. Then I saw that there
basic health and safety training.
was a broken power cable.
4 If there’s a fire, w e ____________a fire-fighting plan.
c I used my mobile and phoned em ergency services.
d I switched off the electricity so I wouldn’t get shocked. 5 We also have an evacuation plan, in case we need
t o ____________ everyone off the rig quickly.
Br E Am E 6 If there are problems w ith noise or w aste
m anagem ent, for example, I ___________ them.
mobile cell phone
3 Listen again and check your answers.
• Language spot Vocabulary
if / when / in case Emergency vehicles and equipment
9 We use i/and when to talk about expected situations. 1 Can you nam e these things?
When som eone is sick or injured, I take care o f them.
I f som eon e is badly injured or very sick, I arrange evacuation.
• We use in case to talk about plans and preparations for
possible emergencies.
We also have an evacuation plan in case we need to get
everyone o ff the rig quickly.

» Go to Gram m ar reference p.124

1 Choose the correct words.

1 When /In case new employees start work, I train them.
2 We have a first aid kit when / in case someone gets hurt.
3 I f / In case there’s an accident, we need to complete a report.
4 When / in case the fire alarm rings, we stop work
im mediately and evacuate the building.
5 We always have a fire extinguisher nearby if / in case there’s
a fire and we need to use it quickly.
6 I f / In case there’s a problem, I try to deal w ith it quickly

2 Complete the sentences using your own ideas.

1 W hen I’m sick or injured, I ...
2 If I have an English test, I ...
3 If the fire alarm rings, w e ...
4 I try to save a little extra m oney in case ...
5 W hen the w eather is very hot, I ...
6 I always carry my mobile phone in case ...

3 Make sentences to describe these signs. Use if, when, or in case.

Exam p le

When th ere’s an electrical fire, d o n ’t use this fire extinguisher.

2 M atch each name below w ith an item in 1.
1 fire extinguisher 6 medical oxygen
2 first aid kit 7 emergency shower
3 ambulance 8 defibrillator
4 fire engine 9 SCBA (self-contained
5 stretcher breathing apparatus)
3 Can you think of a situation where each item
would be used?
Emergencies 97

conscious (adj) awake, alert, able to speak

unconscious (adj) not awake, usually because of
an injury or illness
a minor injury (n) an Injury that Is not very serious
a serious injury (n) a bad or dangerous injury

4 For each situation 1-5, answer the questions. For ideas, Situation 3
look again at Reading on p.95. 7 W hat part of the m an’s body was injured?
8 Where did the incident happen?
a W hat will you do?
9 W hat do they need to do next?
b Which em ergency equipment will you use?
Ex a m ple 3 Listen again. Check your answers.
I'll check the area fo r danger. Then I'll try to help him.
I'll use the first aid kit. I'll call em ergency services.
• Language spot
1 A rigger has fallen from a high place. His leg is
badly broken. The injury is serious. He is conscious Past Continuous
but he is in a lot of pain. We use the Past Continuous to talk about continuing
2 A technician has cut his arm. It’s a m inor injury. actions in the past. It is often used with the Past Simple.
3 An electrician has had an electric shock. He’s Positive
We were welding when the fire started.
4 A welder has burned his arm.
5 There’s a fire in the workshop. The workshop I was working on the ladder this morning.
m anager has ju st come out. He’s having trouble Negative
breathing. I wasn't wearing my goggles when I hurt my eye.
We weren’t using the safety guard on the saw.
Listening Questions
Understanding what’s wrong Were you welding when the fire started?
Was he working on the ladder this morning?
1 Listen to people talking in three emergencies.
W rite T (true) or F (false). 1 Use the cues. Write sentences.
Situation 1 1 I (work) in Dubai last year.
1 The m an has broken his hand. 2 We (not weld) yesterday w hen the fire started.
2 The injury is very serious. 3 th ey (go) to the airport w hen the car broke down?
3 The area is now safe. 4 He (clean) the spark plugs.
Situation 2 5 You (not use) the hand guard.
4 The m an has a serious head injury. 6 she (use) her mobile phone w hen she was driving?
5 He’s unconscious. 7 It (make) a strange noise so we turned it off.
6 They telephone an ambulance. 8 I (not drive) the truck.
Situation 3 2 Answer the questions about yourself.
7 The m an was burned by a fire.
1 W hat were you doing last Monday morning?
8 He used the em ergency shower. 2 W hat were you wearing yesterday?
9 The injury is serious. 3 Who were you talking to before English class?
2 Listen again. Answer the questions. 4 W hat were you using the computer for last month?
5 W hen were you studying?
Situation 1
6 Where were you sitting in English class last tim e?
1 Where was the incident?
2 What were the m en doing? » Go to Gram m ar referen ce p.124
3 W hat will they do now?
Situation 2
4 What fell on the m an’s head?
5 Can the injured m an talk?
6 Where did the incident happen?
98 Unit 14

Body parts injured

Wrists, fingers, & hand, 17%
Other, 41%
Back, 15%

Ankles, toes, & feet, 10%

Shoulders, 7%
Knee, 10%

Pronunciation 3 Look at the pictures. Role-play this situation.

1 Complete the words w ith v or w. Student A, you saw the incident. Phone Student B,
a medic, to report it.
1 s itch off 6 elding
Begin w ith I need to report an accident.
2 ad ire 7 ater
Student B, you are the medic. Answer Student A’s phone
3 p acuate 8 ery
call. Ask for details about the accident. Give advice.
4 actL ate g _____ orst
S ehicle

2 Q Listen and check your answers.

3 (jj ) Listen. Circle the word that you hear.
1 Do you know where it vents / went?
2 Did you get the veal / w heel ?
3 We had a problem w ith a wiper / viper.

4 Work in pairs. Take turns reading the sentences above,

saying either the first word or the second. Can your
partner tell which word you’re saying?

Explaining an accident
M atch the halves of the questions.
1 Where was a the injuries?
2 What b did it happen?
3 Who c happened?
4 What are d was there?
5 When e the accident?

2 Read the report. Answer the questions in 1.

Injury type: B.rofëei^. leg

Work activity: A ir cov^ditioM M ) r e p a ir

Location: Tzoof o f ad n tii^ block.

Date and time of incident: ±o.oo a .m ,. S ju tL y 2.0 —

Description of incident:
Cyrttv^, ~B>iLL 'feec.fes, at^d v to lfjo rd a ^
J o H ia -
were repairin g the a ir cov^ditiovûvu^ lia - the
adn tliA, blocte.Jordai/v whs carryivu% a Large
p ie ce o f w ood. He d id n ' t see t h a t a r o o f -pai/vel 4 Do another role-play. Student A, go to p.111. Student B,
h a d beeiA. rem ov ed . He f e l l ii^to th e ro o f sp ace go to p.115.
aiA-et brofee h is leg.
Emergencies 9 9

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I can deal with accidents and emergencies
I can understand w hat’s wrong
I can explain an accident
I can write an accident report
W riting I can understand vital signs
An accident report
1 Complete an accident report.
1 Read the report in Speaking 2.
2 Look again at the accident you explained in Speaking 4.
Key words
3 Write a report about that accident. Nouns
Injury type: ______________________________________________
emergency shower
Work activity:. fire engine
fire extinguisher
Location: ____
first aid kit
Date and tim e of incident: medical oxygen
SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus)
Description of incident: _

2 Compare your answers w ith other students who wrote about deal with
the same accident. ensure
Number talk
Temperature Look back through this unit. Find five more
Vital signs words or expressions that you think are useful.
Vital signs are numbers
that help medics
understand a sick or
injured person.

Look at the picture.

Complete the text.

• A fever is a ______ 1 above 38.5 °C.

• A normal restin g . _____ 2 rate is 6 0 -1 0 0 beats
per minute.
• A normal restin g . 1 rate is 12 -2 0 breaths
per minute.
• 85/55 is a lo w ___ 1 pressure. 150/100 is
; is measured on a scale of 1- 10 .1 is
very mild and 10 is the worst possible.

2 i^J) Listen and check your answers.

100 Unit 15

15 Petrochemicals

Kick off
1 Look at the pictures. Can you nam e these products?

The history of petrochemicals
1 Read the text From carbon black to PVC.
Choose the correct definition for each word.
1 carbon black
a a fuel b a colouring
2 in prehistoric tim es
a a very long tim e ago b recently
3 plentiful
a dangerous b easy to find
4 inexpensive
a cheap b hard to get
5 crayon
a a type of tyre b a drawing tool
2 M atch the words w ith the pictures. 6 by-product
a an extra, unneeded product
1 adhesives 4 plastics 7 rubber
b a flam mable product
2 fertilizer 5 carpeting 8 medications
7 hydrocarbon molecule
3 paints 6 cosmetics 9 clothes
a petrochemicals
3 Petrochemicals are chemicals made from petroleum and petroleum b tiny pieces of hydrogen and carbon
gas. They are used to make all of the products in the pictures. Can 8 fam iliar
you say w hat other materials can be used for some of the products? a known by m any people b useful
Think about plants, animals, and minerals (things from the ground, 9 synthetic
for example iron, sand, etc.). a man-made b natural
Petrochemicals 101

In this unit
• the history of petrochemicals
• and, but, because
• factory and product description
• materials requisition
• petrochemicals in everyday life

2 Read the text again. Answer the questions.

1 What natural clothing m aterials does the
text talk about? Nylon, polystyrene, and PVC are polymers. Poly means many,
2 What did the first big petrochem ical plant and mer means part. A polymer is many single molecules
make? (called monomers) formed into a chain.
3 Why did the petrochemical business grow?
4 W hen were a lot of synthetic m aterials P o lystyren e ch.

5 What synthetic cloth does the text mention?
6 Why are plastics som etim es a problem?

3 Name three things that you use every day that pur 0 0 0 0
are made from petrochemical products. Il II II II
- , - - C . C —N AW -N—C - W A - C — N—VW -
4 Read the text about polymers. Write T (true) or
h Cl H CI a
F (false).
- c - c - c —c — 4-c-c4 v . v - c — N—'.‘.V —N— C - V vV —C — N - W ^ - N —

1 Polymer is another nam e for a single H H H H ' H H ' n I

2 Bakelite is a natural product. The first synthetic polymer - Bakelite - was first sold in 1909.
3 Natural rubber is a polymer. It was used to make casings for radios and telephones, and
also for kitchenware, jewellery, and toys.
5 W hat products can you nam e that are made of
Not all polymers are synthetic. M any natural products, for
the three polymers in the text?
example rubber, are polymers.

From carbon black to PVC

Before oil and gas were freely available, people made In the early 1900s, the petrochem ical business began
everyday things from natural materials. Clothes were to grow. There were a lot of oil refineries, and they
made from cotton, wool, and leather. Containers, for created chem ical by-products. Oil companies wanted
example bottles and cups, were made from metal, to find ways to use these chemicals.
glass, and clay (soft earth that becomes hard when
Soon scientists and engineers learned to change
cooked). Paints and cosmetics were made from plants
the hydrocarbon molecules in coal, petroleum, and
and minerals.
refinery by-products. From the 1920s to the 1940s,
One example of a natural product is carbon black. It's familiar man-made products like nylon, polystyrene,
a colouring used in ink for writing and drawing and and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) were developed.
for paint. It is made by burning wood, oil, or other Synthetic dyes, paints, and medicines were invented.
natural materials. It was discovered in prehistoric
Today, petrochemical products are everywhere. They are
times, and it's com m only used today.
very useful, but they also have some problems. People
The first petrochemical factory was built in 1872, throw away a lot of plastic products because they are
and it made carbon black from natural gas. Carbon inexpensive. One problem with plastics is that generally
black wasn't a new product, but using a factory was they do not rot or break up like natural materials.
a new way of making it. It became possible to make Plastic bags are already polluting oceans and killing
large amounts of it cheaply because natural gas was wildlife. They cannot easily be remelted and reused.
plentiful and inexpensive. At that time, carbon black
Scientists and petrochemical manufacturers continue
was used to make ink, paint, and crayons. It is now
their work to develop safe and useful products.
used mostly to make car tyres.
• Language spot 1 Complete the sentences. Use and, but, or because.
1 I was late this m orning___________ I had a
and, but, because
problem w ith my car.
• We use and to jo in two sentences. It shows th at we
2 We repaired the compressor yesterday,____________
are giving additional information.
it stopped working again this morning.
It was discovered in prehistoric times.
It's com m only used today. 3 We started work at 9 .0 0 ,___________ we finished
It was discovered in prehistoric times, and it’s at 4.00.
com m only used today. 4 I w ant to go to the m eetin g,____________I really
The first petrochem ical fa cto ry was built in 1872. don't have time.
It m ade carbon black fro m natural gas. 5 We’ll tidy up the workshop to d ay ____________start
The first petrochem ical fa cto ry was built in 1872, work on the pump repair tomorrow.
and it m ade carbon black fro m natural gas.
6 I can’t replace the lam p to d ay ____________I haven’t
• We use because to jo in two sentences. It shows got a new one.
why something happens or is true.
It becam e possible to m ake large am ounts o f it 2 Write three sentences for each set of sentences. Use
cheaply. Natural gas was plentiful and inexpensive. and, but, or because. There is more than one correct
It becam e possible to m ake large am ounts o f it answer in some cases.
cheaply because natural gas was plentiful and Ex a m ple

inexpensive. I took an umbrella. It wasn’t raining.

People throw aw ay a lot o f plastic products. I didn't take an umbrella. I wore my raincoat.
They are inexpensive. (and) I took an umbrella, and I wore my raincoat,
People throw aw ay a lot o f plastic products because (but) I took an umbrella, but it wasn't raining,
they are inexpensive. (because) I didn’t take an umbrella because it w asn’t
• We use but to jo in two sentences. It shows th at the raining.
additional inform ation may be unexpected. 1 We called the medic. Juan injured his hand.
They are very useful. I cut my finger. It w asn't serious.
They also have som e problems.
a (and)________________________________________
They are very useful, but they also have som e
problems. b (but)_________________________________________

Carbon black w asn’t a new product. c (because)____________________________________

Using a big fa cto ry was a new way o f m aking it. 2 We replaced the gasket. We cleaned the spark plug.
Carbon black w asn’t a new product, but using a It’s running much better. It’s making a funny noise.
fa cto ry was a new way o f m aking it. a (and)________________________________________
b (but)_________________________________________
c (because)____________________________________
3 We aren’t using this tank. It’s damaged.
We’re using this tank. It isn’t damaged.
a (and)________________________________________
b (but)_________________________________________
c (because)____________________________________

» Go to G ram m ar reference p.124

Petrochemicals 103

composite fibre (n) a thin, strong thread or Spunbond is a

string made from tw o or more other materials, fabric made from
for example polypropylene and polyethylene. composite fibre.
Composite fibres are often made into fabric,
carbon fibre (n) a very thin, strong thread or string,
usually 0.005-0.010 mm in diameter, made mostly
from carbon molecules. Carbon fibres are made
into very strong, light products.

Listening 5 Q Listen. Complete the words.

Factory and product description Chisso's Moriyama Plant

m ______________________ 1

1 Use the words to complete the text. composite fibres.

It u_____________ 2
polyethylene near Tokyo Goi Factory
the polypropylene and
polypropylene Chisso Petrochemical Corporation
polyethylene p________
at the Goi Plant.
Company: It s______________ 4 in the
production of spunbond fabric.
P la n t:____ Spunbond composite
i______________ u_______________ 5
to make floor carpets for cars,
M ain products:. and. medical packaging, diapers, very
strong envelopes, and many
other products. Chisso Petrochemical’s Moriyama Plant
2 Listen and check your answers.

Çt> Listen again. Check your answers.

Describing a petrochemical product
Practise describing a factory and one of its products.
Speak in full sentences as in 5 above.

Student A, go to p.lll. Student B, see below.

Tell Student A about this company.

Company: Arg-Nyl
Plant: S a n Lorenzo
3 (J7) Listen again. Tick (/) the words you hear. Location: near Buenos Aires, Argentina
M ain product: nylon -fabric
1 18 million tonnes per year
Product used tor: clothing, shoes, camping tents
2 80 million tonnes per year
3 packaging material
Listen to Student A. Complete the description.
4 packing material
5 ropes Plant:_______________________________________
6 car parts Location:.
7 shopping bags M ain product:.
8 fabrics
Product used fo r:.
9 containers
10 bottles U seful language

11 50 million tonnes per year Chisso's M oriyama Plant is ...

12 15 million tonnes per year It m anufactures...
4 Q Listen again. Check your answers. used to m a k e ...
104 Unit 15

toxic chemical (adj) a gas, liquid, or powder that can hurt people Br E Am E
domestic appliance (n) a machine used in the home, for example
a dishwasher, toaster, or oven
at school in school

resin (n) a very thick, sticky liquid often made from polymers left school graduated from high school

It’s my job Writing

1 Read the text. Answer the questions. Materials requisition
1 What s the nam e of Debbie s company? i Read the email. Answer the questions on p. 105.
2 Which part of the company does she work in?
3 What has she learned to use?
4 Who buys her company’s products? Pietro,
5 W hat subject has her job taught her about? I’m doing some tests next week and I need some
6 Which industry w ill use the product th at Debbie polycarbonate pellets. Could you please get 500 kg of
tested this morning? our ref PC 180? I want those packaged in 20 kg bags,
2 Debbie mentions these three tests for strength. Find and I need them on 9 April, delivered to the Teesside
the nam e of each test in the text. lab. Please get them from Plasco, Hitrust (Sizhou), or
Yugao Dayu.
Thanks a lot!
George Harvey
ext 3578

3 Debbie says that the quality of the product she tested

this morning must be very high. Why is high quality
im portant in this case?

Debbie Johnson
I’m a test technician for Specialist Plastics Limited. My
company makes special polymers - plastics - and I work
in the test department. I have been here since I left school,
and I have been trained to use most of the test equipment. My company supplies plastics for larger plastics
manufacturers. We also make products for other
We test all of our materials for strength. We bend them
industries such as aerospace, oil and gas, and domestic
in the bend test, we pull them in the tensile test, and we
appliance companies.
hit them w ith a hammer in the impact test. We need to
see how easily they break. This includes testing them at I didn’t learn much about chemistry at school, but I’ve
different temperatures. We also test them w ith different learned a lot about it in this job. There are so many
chemicals. We need to understand how chemicals might plastics. People use them in so many different ways. And
change our materials. For example, when we put some of most of them are made from petroleum. It’s amazing.
our plastics in sea water, they very become weak. We also This morning I tested special resins used with carbon
have to burn them because some materials make toxic fibre to make aircraft wings. We test this kind of product
chemicals when they burn. We need to know about that. very carefully because the quality must be very high.
Petrochemicals 105

Assess your progress in this unit. Tick (/ ) the
statements which are true.
I can talk about the history of
I can use and, but, and because
I can describe a factory and its products
1 W hat m aterial does George Harvey want?
2 How much (what quantity) does he need? I can write a materials requisition
3 W hat type of packaging does he mention? I can talk about petrochemicals in
4 He nam es three suppliers. W hat are they? everyday life

2 Read the em ail again. Complete the form.

• A materials requisition form is used to ask your company’s buyer to

buy something that you need for your work. Key words
carbon black
Material: 1 plastics
Reference number: 2
Quantity: 3

Packaging: 4 Adjectives
Delivery date: 5 man-made
Delivery location: 6 prehistoric
Preferred suppliers: 7
Requested by: 8 package
specialize (in)
Telephone extension: 9
Look back through this unit. Find five more
words or expressions that you think are useful.

Every day, you use products that contain petrochemicals.
Make a list of these things. Be specific. Include
• clothing
• food preparation and storage
• transport
• electronics
• decorations in your home
• any other ideas you have.
* Really comprehensive gives you the language, information, and
and very authentic. skills you need to start your career Learn the English you need to
Eurof Thomas, do the job, practise language in real work situations, and learn
Petroleum Institute, SJAE specialist vocabulary on every page:

• It's my job - real people talk about their work in a variety

Also available: of oil and gas careers
• Number talk - activities using numbers and measurements
in communication for work
• Writing bank - extra practice in writing reports, notes,
and emails
• British and American English terms defined throughout
• Online interactive exercises to revise and recycle language: elt/oefc

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