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a. As a Filipino citizen we must promote nationalism where we must have to love our
own country. We must be proud to be part of Philippines.
b. We have to accept that change is in ourselves where if we are not start going to
change within ourselves nothing will change.
c. We must support our country by respecting the law, promoting Philippine culture,
and realizing the true goal of the country by helping each other towards the
improvement of the country.
d. Let us not underestimate others and let us not imitate the contempt and insults that
one of the priers has once said that the Filipinos are, indifferent, ignorant, lazy and
uneducated, so they should only be called Indians.
e. Let us not impose discrimination we all have the right, let us not imitate gender
discrimination, most of all we are all equal. In one of the chapters of this book said
that women are isolated from the crowd of men, women are weak and rarely talk
while men are strong the talk and laughter, just shows here that in your time women
had to keep quiet because men were more powerful. But, nowadays we are equal in
most of the things, work, career and everything.
f. In one of the chapters of the book, despite of the rudeness and disrespect showed
by Padre Damaso’ behavior to Crisistomo Ibarra, he still remain calm and patient
when he denied that Crisistomo's father was his friend despite his embarrassment,
he remained calm and patient. It is a custom that we should emulate.
g. Th essence of learning how to get along with other people because the time will
come when you will need their help and so that you do not have an enemy. It is also
important to be patriotic even if someone has done something bad to you.
h. Do not just blame others right away, know the whole truth before you speak,
because it can ruin the person you are accusing with something that he or she did
not do actually. Like in one of the situation in the novel, when the Lieutenant tells
Ibarra what really happened to his father Don Rafael it was accused of being a
heretic and a pilibuster who killed a collector so he was imprisoned and there who
died in prison, it was injustice.
i. Despite the hardships of life, there is always a star that symbolizes new hope.
Although there is a test ahead, there are reasons to find the beauty of life.
j. Do not use your power to exploit others, let’s not imitate Padre Damaso did, who
became abusive of Pia Alba's weakness as a woman he trusted Pia Alba but he
oppressed it and it paid off and she became pregnant and that was unknown to
Captain Tiyago, until his wife was killed, he did not confess that Maria Clara's real
father was Padre Damaso because he was probably out of fear and shame.
a. The kind of leadership the Spaniards used to lead in our town, comparing the ship Tabo
to the government because it is moving slowly as if our government then had almost no
development in a long time, because the leaders only want their own interests, they do
not want the Filipinos to learn because they are afraid that they will not be submissive
to them.
b. Do not drink beer especially young people must learn to refuse offers especially if you
know it will not give any good. The refusal of Basilio and Isagani when Simeon offered
them a beer according to the two they did not drink then, praise the two because they
know how to refuse and they know what will hurt them. Learn how to say no in any
cases that you know which will give you harm from unknown people.
c. It is reflected that every deficiency and mistake has a corresponding penalty. Just like
the driver Sinong who was punished many times by the civil guards for things he did not
do: carry his cedula and change the light of his lantern. If he had not missed to carry his
cedula, he would not have been beaten by civilians. They also noticed his lantern as if
there was no light. What is even sadder is that his fellow Filipinos are the ones who
impose his punishment. At that time, Filipinos were serving as civil guards.
d. Do not let go of your dreams, like what Basilio did as a child and has a dream in life he
worked for different people, endured hunger and hardship just so he could study even
though he lost his mother and brother he was discouraged he studied hard so he could
achieve his aspirations in life. Moreover, ignore the people who force you down so that
your dreams in life do not come true and most importantly, take advantage of
opportunities to have people help you fulfill your dreams.
e. There is no secret that will not be revealed. Although Crisostomo Ibarra has long
concealed his true identity as Simeon, his secret will not remained. Basilio discovered
that he is Crisostomo Ibarra who is now hiding as Simeon. Therefore, Simeon warned
Basilio by pointing the gun at him. Because of Basilio's findings, Simeon was forced to
admit the whole truth that he was Crisostomo Ibarra and asked for the young man's
support in his plan to rebel against the Spanish friars.
f. Christmas has always been highly valued by Filipinos, they give respect to the elderly by
pagmamano and saying po and opo, it is also noteworthy that there is a simple gift that
they value such as sweet fruits or anything wholeheart offered by whoever gives. And
for those who have nothing, it is the offering of sweet and cold water from a poor
person and another of the precious blessings that cannot be compared to the surface of
the earth. Christmas is giving. It does not matter if the offering is small or large. With the
small gift given, it must include a loving heart.
g. In both faces of society, there is both good and bad. Being poor can easily lead a person
to do bad things in order to get what he wants in life. Just like what happened to
Kabisang Tales. After seeing all the jewelry owned by Simeon, he thought that those
jewelry would help him a lot to redeem his only son from being a paid servant who
could bring peace to his father. However, his poverty also drives him to fight for his right
to his land. This gives him the strength to strive to support his family and fight for his
rights against the oppression and claim of those who did not suffer in the enrichment of
this land.
h. The government is abusive and greedy for power because they themselves oppose the
people to learn. They fear and prevent progress is change because they do not want the
Filipinos to lose power. I also learned here that Simeon is smart because his plans are
not only for revenge but also for the good of other people especially Filipino people.
i. Education is important because it comes from the knowledge you can use to be
successful in your life, but the teacher's unequal treatment of students is inappropriate
because it causes students' loss of appetite and disrespect for the teacher (prier
teachers). It was described the trend in the physics class has no motivation in the
interest of students, Teachers forget to relate what the student has learned to daily life.
They are said to have experimental equipment but it is only exposed to visitors from
Europe to say that the domicans are well educated in science. In fact, the students do
not learn anything here because they are only in disguise. Because they are afraid that
the Indians will learn a lot.
j. People are more concerned with their own welfare and forget about the people. Many
people are blinded by their own desires. Because of this they are already concerned
about the welfare of the majority.


a. My First Inspiration
“No one can ever understand and love you the most like your mom.”

b. My Last Farewell (Mi Ultimo Adios)

“Death is an unfathomable foe, but your legacy reigns forever and ever”

c. Intimate Alliance Between Religion And Good Education

“Good manners are the product of religion intertwined with good education.”

d. Education Gives Luster to the Motherland (Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria)
“Education provides knowledge, knowledge contributes wisdom. Great wisdom benefits

e. Felicitation
“Always be thankful and grateful in every success of others.”

a. Love of Country (El Amor Patrio)
This was the first essay published on Spanish soil by Rizal. It was written in the
summer of 1882, and published in August in Diariong Tagalog. For this essay, he used
the pen name "Laong Laan" as a byline and submitted it for Tagalog translation to
Marcelo H. Del Pilar. The goal of the essay was to develop nationalism and patriotism
among the natives during the Spanish colonization and reign over the Philippine islands.
Rizal extended his appeal for the country's love to his colleagues in Spain, for he
believed that nationalism should be exercised anywhere a person is.

b. A Letter to Young Women of Malolos

It was originally written in Tagalog, this famous essay was written by Rizal in
response to Marcelo H. Del Pilar's request, specifically addressed to the women of
Malolos, Bulacan. Rizal was deeply impressed by the courage of the 20 young women
from Malolos who, despite the opposition of Felipe Garcia, the Spanish parish priest of
Malolos, decided to build a school where they could learn Spanish. The essay reflected
Rizal's wish that women be given the same opportunities given to men in terms of
education. Young women were not educated in the olden days because of the principle
that they would soon be mothers, and taking care of the home and children would be
their primary occupation. However, Rizal championed the right to education for women.

c. The Indolecence of Filipino

The Indolence of the Filipinos means "no respect for work, lack of hobbies."
Indolecence, he added, means "the desire to survive off others' labor. Filipinos are
industrious and hard-working, according to Dr. Jose Rizal's essay before the invasion of
the Spaniards in the Philippines. The fall in economic activity, due to the influences
during the Spanish regime, was attributed to a several of reasons.

d. The Philippine hence a Century History

Jose Rizal wrote this essay for socio-political purposes. It is one of the most
significant political movements of Spain's Filipino Reform movement. This post,
published in Madrid's La Solidaridad, covering the issues from September 1889 to
January 1890, begins by discussing the different causes of the miseries endured by the
Filipino people. The object of this essay is to ask the Spaniards for change in the
Philippines because of the war between Spain. According to the essay, in some of the
amendments they demanded, the Philippines has a voice in the Spanish court and has
independence. The reform listed includes Rizal's La Liga Filipina.

e. The Filipino Farmers (Los Agricultores Filipinos”)

The essay is all about Filipino farmers, especially those from La Laguna and the
Spanish government officials and Guardia Civil's endured hardship, bigotry, and
injustice. Dr. Jose Rizal wrote this address to the Minister of the Colonies and the
Spanish authorities. He himself was from Laguna, and his father was a capitalist farmer
then. It was evident that his heart was with the Filipino farmers, so the main object of
the letter/article was to cite the fault of the government and use of power, and also to
propose a reform that will favor the rights and welfare of Filipino farmers in La Laguna.
Overall, the essay is a bold expression of the need for rich equality and justice for
farmers, those in the oppressed sector of society. Dr. Jose Rizal bravely revealed the
misguided decisions of Spaniards, particularly in the agricultural sector and peace and
order, proposed reforms and steps to counter these widespread incompetence and
negligence. Through his writings, he sincerely struggled for farmers' rights.

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