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A Study of Bayesian Scheduling for M2M traffic in

wireless LTE network

Khoo Siew Kay Wee Kuok Kwee Ooi Shih Yin
Multimedia University Multimedia University Multimedia University
Melaka, Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia Melaka, Malysia

Abstract—In the event of phenomenal growth in Internet of IoT is a relatively broad topic in which its application
Things (IoT), Machine-to-Machine (M2M) devices are projected domain could range from smart metering, asset tracking, health
to reach figure of multiple billions in foreseeable future. monitoring, auto piloting to surveillance camera and many more
Operators around the world are aggressively refarming their to date. This vast diversity nature in IoT applications eventually
spectrum from older network and moving quickly to Long Term complicate M2M traffic further with unpredictable and self-
Evolution (LTE) for guarantee of future-proof services. With dissimilar behavior [2]. Although they are often characterized
every new M2M application being invented or deployed at this by small data packets, time-controlled transmission, group-
pace, unprecedented factors are unceasingly induced to existing based or synchronized access and have higher tendency of being
LTE protocols which caused undesirable performance
delay-tolerant, well-defined and precise M2M identification is
degradation. In this paper, a realistic LTE network environment
are modelled and simulated with tractable M2M traffic modules
not feasible considering new applications are being invented or
to observe such impacts on conventional scheduling schemes and deployed at almost daily. In a general view, there are more than
to identify the major causes. A prominent conventional Bayesian 150 device M2M models classified and designated into 6 generic
approach is hence adopted for revision to adapt the new M2M categories up to the present day, namely Asset Tracking,
traffics. The results obtained shown that the proposed M2M- Building Security, Fleet, Modem, Metering and Telehealth [3].
enabled True Bayesian Estimate (TBE-M) algorithm is capable of With disparate backgrounds, M2M application usually requires
outperforming the conventional TBE on a great scale. high level of customization entailing different data content, data
format, operating system, Quality of Service (QoS) requirement,
Keywords—LTE; wireless; Internet of things; machine-to- transmission interval and so on. Such permutations in terms of
machine communications; QoS; scheduling configuration are nearly illimitable and practically unpredictable
by the network.
To meet LTE’s enlisted technical criteria under aforesaid
In order for Internet of Things (IoT) to really take off in the
disruptions from voluminous M2M interactions, packet
coming decade, truly ubiquitous and massive peer-to-peer
scheduling protocols are to be improvised or reinvented from
communications are the prerequisites in the future network.
present intelligence amongst conventional scheduling
Long Term Evolution (LTE) cell technology is in fact a windfall
algorithms to envision for newer traffic trend. In other words,
for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication’s promising
parameters of traditional scheduling algorithms can be
future with its outstanding bandwidth provision assuring
strategically manipulated to extend its coverage to M2M
‘everything connected to everything’ being possible. The
communications. As majority have been making much of uplink
average data rate in current 4G standards is already 5 to 10 times
measures due to M2M uplink tendency, fewer efforts note the
faster than of its predecessor 3G [1], allowing IoT traffics
analogous importance for downlink preparation. In this paper,
scaling to large sizes and relentless exchange of data. Higher
an enhanced real-time Bayesian bandwidth resource allocation
capacity with expanded connectivity are to be anticipated in the
mechanism is proposed to address the complex uncertainty
next-generation network, 5G. According to reliable forecasts,
issues induced in line by the presence of massive M2M traffics
more than 50 billion of M2M devices are anticipated in next
in LTE downlink.
decade [2] where M2M device is the general term used to refer
to all automated hardware (i.e. sensors and actuators) that form The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
part of an IoT system. These devices are specialized to practice II gives an overview of literature studies relevant to M2M
M2M communication, a new type of communication which is scheduling and Bayesian strategies over LTE. Section III
the hallmark of IoT in order to realize the idealistic automation. presents the concept of proposed M2M-enabled Bayesian
A notable technical difference in these communications is the scheduling scheme. Section IV lists the simulation setup and
absolute absence of human intervention, which particularly discuss the numerical results obtained. Section V concludes the
contradicts to the traditional network traffics, known as Human- paper.
to-Human (H2H) communication. M2M in this regard is deemed
to be considerably distinctive from the conventional point of II. LITERATURE REVIEW
view and has given rise to growing concerns about LTE A. M2M-aware LTE
scheduler’s efficacy.
As M2M communication is aggressively gaining
grounds in LTE scope, more literatures have suggested
preemptive measures to ensure LTE is M2M-aware. The Although this scheme is oblivious to M2M’s presence, the
first approach is through handling of random access Bayesian equation can be straightforwardly reengineer to
congestion crisis at the medium access control (MAC) layer. incorporate M2M in scheduling decision making. Equation (1)
The authors in [4] have proposed a novel context-aware shows Bayesian Estimator in practical use, which gives a ‘true
scheme, conjoins with an overload detection mechanism to Bayesian estimate’.
address synchronized accesses from massive M2M nodes.
As the scheme is fully oriented to overload circumstances, ൌ (1)
accommodation is lacking in behalf of baseline congestion.
Although a latter effort [5] has supplemented this issue with Where:
a dynamic protocol that adapts to real-time congestion W = weight for observed data
intensity, hindrance of M2M nodes to the primary H2H R = average value for observed data
traffics remains unattended in the consequent resource ‫ = ݒ‬number of samples for observed data
allocation phase. ݉ = weight given to the prior estimate
C = mean rating across the whole pool
To address the high signaling overhead problems in
M2M communication, another alternative is described in [6] TBE is a realistic rating strategy derived from Bayes
to aggregate small M2M data packets before transmission Estimator to handle large and complex field with multitudinous
to reduce individual signaling costs. A major drawback is parameters and is substantially reliable for simultaneous user
all transmissions including delay-sensitive traffics are background herein. The weighting vectors, ‫ ݒ‬and ݉ are used to
subjected to a predefined minimum waiting time buffer balance W between variables R and C. As ‫ ݒ‬approaches zero,
without guarantee of subsequent incoming traffic. The W will be less affected by R as the product value of R ‫ݒ‬
method is less efficient as a packet that is late to a buffer diminishes and vice versa. The proposed algorithm, TBE-M is
time window for a split second has to queue in the derived from TBE is as seen in Equation (2).
consecutive round which may delay the packet severely.

LTE’s resource allocation procedure in this regard is ሺୟ୴ୣ୰ୟ୥ୣ୰ୣୟ୪ି୲୧୫ୣୢୣ୪ୟ୷ሻሺ୲୭୲ୟ୪୰ୣୟ୪ି୲୧୫ୣୢୣ୪ୟ୷ሻ

another popular area of interest in many literatures. A fixed ൌ
and dynamic time-controlled scheme are proposed in [7] ୲୭୲ୟ୪୰ୣୟ୪ି୲୧୫ୣୢୣ୪ୟ୷ାୟ୴ୣ୰ୟ୥ୣୟ୰୰୧୴ୟ୪ୢୣ୴୧ୟ୬ୡୣ
and [8] to alternately multiplex M2M and H2H traffics in an
OFDMA frame. The downside to this scheme is the bias Inherited from the base algorithm, preliminary QoS
against M2M where M2M traffics are treated conditionally parameters are retained in R‫ ݒ‬to preserve its ability to penalize
when there is occupancy in frame after H2H usage. traffic’s delay requirements in real time. Another contemporary
Consequently, delay-sensitive M2M traffics may be parameter, average arrival deviance is derived and substituted
overlooked and have high tendency to fail their latency at ݉ to gauge the traffic’s arrival behavior against remaining
requirements. available bandwidth. This deviance is a measure of traffic’s
periodicity where traffics are weighted based on degree of
deviation from their average arrival interval throughout the
B. Bayesian Techniques timeline. That being the case, periodic traffics tend to have
Disparities between M2M applications from diverse consistently low values while non-periodic traffics gain their
domains have given rise to a considerably amount of values in various degrees. Hence, with respect to the remaining
unprecedented factors in LTE network. Bayesian methods, bandwidth, periodic traffics generally gain less share and non-
renowned for quantification of real-world uncertainties periodic traffics are given more resources as they deviates
across vast fields, is a sound technique in this respect. A more. The final TBE-M weight is then computed as the
prominent practical application can be found in a resultant optimal point from both QoS and arrival deviance
recognized web application named Internet Movie Database aspects.
(IMDb), in which it adopts the Bayesian Estimator as an
approach to rate and rank its top-250 movies [9]. IV. SIMULATION AND RESULTS
To simulate a realistic LTE downlink environment, a
Application of Bayesian is a norm in wireless network dedicated open source network simulator LTE-Sim is utilized in
literatures, such as distributed resource allocation [10], this work. A single-cell scenario with interference is deployed
mobility prediction [11], relay selection [12] and so on. In via this simulator to model the one-to-many relationship of
LTE’s interest, novel Bayesian-based scheduling schemes packet scheduling procedure between single base station,
are being developed in recent contributions [13][14] to eNodeB and multiple User Equipment (UE). Hybrid network of
improve the QoS of conventional real-time H2H traffics. two UE categories are considered in this scenario: H2H UE and
M2M UE. M2M traffic arrivals are Poisson distributed with its
III. M2M-ENABLED BAYESIAN SCHEDULING SCHEME composition as follow: regular periodic (51%), regular non-
periodic (33%), group periodic (14%) and group non-periodic
The proposed scheme takes after a traditional Bayesian
(2%) [3]. These M2M UEs are configured for random
scheduling approach named True Bayesian Estimate (TBE).
positioning from time to time to resemble actual automated gradually from 0.15% to 18.68% above TBE upon reaching 50
mobile, drones or wearable devices while its packet size being UEs.
randomized between 256 to 512 Bytes [15].
On the whole, Video simulation results appeared to be
As for frame structure, Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode exceptionally reassuring for the reason that its strict delay QoS
is preferred in this scenario as it enables dynamic allocation of restraints fit TBE-M’s criteria suitably. The resultant scheduling
downlink and uplink resources to support asymmetric metric for Video is usually high and guarantees prioritized
bidirectional traffic ratio. The Quadrature Amplitude service to Video flows during resource allocation. As a result,
Modulation (QAM) chosen are based on standard structures the waiting time is significantly reduced and hence lowering its
used by most network settings. The higher order format of overall packet delay. Besides, non-real time M2M transmissions
QAM, the higher the link data rate. The rest of the simulation with low latency requirements are also deterred from disrupting
setup parameters are summarized in Table I. prioritized Video services, ensuring better fairness to these
outnumbered Video traffics.

Parameter Value Video Throughput

PHY OFDMA 1500000

Throughput [bps]
Bandwidth / Frame Length 10 MHz / 10 ms
Frame Structure TDD
Modulation QAM, 4-QAM, 16-QAM
Simulation Period 60s 10 20 30 40 50
Number of Simulation 5 Users
Traffic Models H2H: Video, VoIP, BE; M2M
Mobility eNB: Fixed Position;
UE: Random Mobility
Number of UEs H2H UEs: 10-50; Fig. 1. Video Throughput.
M2M UEs: 100
UE interval 10
Video Delay

Several runs are conducted with 100 M2M UE constantly in 0.08

Delay [sec]

background while number of H2H UE are manipulated to 0.06

observe for different traffic ratios. The fairness of scheduler is 0.04
then obtained by Jain Fairness Index [16] based on achieved 0.02
throughputs by each traffic, which is defined as:

10 20 30 40 50
൫σ೟೔సభ ௫೔ ൯
ൌ (3) Users
௧ σ೟೔సభ ௫ మ

Where: TBE TBE-M

‫ݔ‬௜ = amount of resource used by ݅௧௛ node
‫ = ݐ‬total number of nodes Fig. 2. Video Delay.

Fig. 1 to 3 illustrate the significance of improvements TBE-

M capable to achieve for H2H Video traffics in terms of Video Fairness Index
throughput, delay and fairness accordingly. The enhancement is 0.02
especially notable in Fig. 1 where TBE-M yields approximately

double the throughput of TBE at the congestion point, 20 UEs,

where radio resources are perfectly proportionate to the demand. 0.01
However, the demand began to overload the network with every 0.005
increment in H2H UEs thereafter, causing throughput to 0
consistently declines from rigorous competition over scarce 10 20 30 40 50
resource available. Despite that, the performance of TBE-M is Users
observed to remain above TBE by 50% higher rate in subsequent
runs. The delay in Video traffic has also been reduced by around
25% for the first 10 to 30 UEs and 10% for the other two TBE TBE-M
remaining intervals as described in Fig. 2. As seen from Fig. 3,
Video fairness index in TBE-M is observed to be improving Fig. 3. Video Fairness Index.
As seen from Fig. 4, it is noticeable that TBE-M maintained wireless network. Visible evidence can be seen from Video
a relatively low VoIP delay towards the end in comparison to the throughput, Video delay, Video fairness index, VoIP’s delay
original TBE. Although TBE-M started off with delay 10.6% and even M2M’s delay. The introduction of new attributes in
lower than of TBE’s, the difference gap widened to 63.56% by TBE-M is reassuring and effective and more of these M2M-
50 UEs. Despite VoIP being a less delay-sensitive traffic than aware parameters shall be discovered in our future work.
Video, its delay requirement is still fairly higher as compared to
many, reserving better opportunities to be scheduled early. In
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