Creating A Microspectrometer

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Creating a Cost-Effective and Portable

Micro Spectrometer


A spectrometer is a machine that quantifies the properties of light as it passes through a

liquid. My project utilizes a powerful sensor with an Arduino Uno for prototyping and an

application that gathers data from the sensor and compares it to pre-existing data found in the


My solution is extremely portable and cheap compared to commercially available

spectrometers, which are usually expensive, large, and take minutes to set up.

I was unable to test my completed product as the sensor that I used stopped working

while I was running tests to check my code.


Build a cost effective, convenient, and portable micro spectrometer to identify unique

chemical solutions at the same level as laboratory spectrometers. A spectrometer is an instrument

that is used to view and analyze a range (or a spectrum) of a given characteristic for a substance.

In this case it is used to measure wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation (light) that has

interacted with a sample to determine what chemical the sample is by looking at the various

elements found in the sample through spectrometry.

The Hamamatsu C12880MA is a high-sensitivity, ultra-compact spectrometer head that

supports a long wavelength region (up to 850 nm). It is utilized as the detector of the light that

passes through the liquid

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform which enables fast interactive

prototyping. It consists of both hardware and software components and can read inputs and turn

it into an output. Arduino boards are able to read inputs and turn it into an output. Arduino IDE

is the software component that can send set of instructions to the microcontroller on the Arduino

board which is the hardware component. The Arduino software is easy-to-use for beginners, and

flexible for advanced users. It runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Arduino is a key tool to learn

new things.
The Bluetooth shield incorporates a serial Bluetooth model. It is used with an Arduino

fora transparent wireless serial connection. It can send large quantities of data from the Arduino

to the phone application, in a short period of time optimizing the use of the sensor with the

Arduino and providing the app with a constant, almost real time, data collection process.


 Must cost less than $200 to produce

 Must be optimized to be used with other interfering light sources


 Must weigh less than 5 pounds

 Perform the same as a lab spectrometer

 Easily moved around

 Should be able to incorporate new data points and compare old data points


• Arduino Uno

• Hamamatsu 12880 Sensor

• Hamamatsu breakout board

• HC-06 Bluetooth Module

• Android studio
• LED Diode

• Cuvette

• Arduino IDE

• Processing

• Single Strand Wires

• 5 types of Food coloring


Sensor→ Arduino

 Calibrate sensor and install onto breakout board

 Create a hardware connection from the board to the Arduino

 Test if the Arduino is receiving data from the sensor

Arduino→ Bluetooth Module/LED

 Connect the Bluetooth module to the Arduino

 Use an additional breakout board to attach the LED diode

 Set up functionality to send data from Arduino through the module

Bluetooth Module→ Phone App← Database

• Setup the middle connection between the sensor and a laptop

• Write the code to show a graphical output on Processing Plot

• Create the Android Application through Android studio that can receive the data from the

Arduino and graph and store that data

• Connect the application to the Bluetooth sensor and test connection and ability to receive

the data

• Add a database into the application to identify chemicals based on spectroscopy

Project Design

My project utilizes a powerful sensor that can be connected to an Arduino Uno for

prototyping. This sensor has the capability to act as a spectrometer. Unfortunately, the sensor

that I ordered stopped working before I was able to gather any test data to ensure the efficiency

of my spectrometer.
The main source of innovation is the app itself. I have created an application that controls

the sensor and the light that is used for the spectroscopy. The application gathers data from the

sensor through the Arduino and compares it to pre-existing data found in the database. If no

similar data exists it adds the data and the user inputted name of the chemical to the database. If

similar data exists it outputs the name of the liquid. The application also gives the Arduino the

command to turn on the light and the sensor to start the recording of the data.

This project has major implications in science laboratories around the world, as it makes

identifying chemicals scattered throughout a lab a simple task. Additionally, it provides the same

function as regular laboratory grade spectrometers at a much cheaper price, being $1000 less

than the least expensive large-scale spectrometer.

The limitations of my project are that the sensor is short-lived and currently outputs 0

values for every data point. It stopped working correctly while I was running tests on the proper

connection of the sensor to the Arduino. Additionally, the Arduino may not be able to keep up

with the speed of data output by the sensor.

In the future, I hope to complete this project, so that I have working data that I will be able

to present. Additionally, once I get my current setup working, I hope to greatly improve upon

this product, making it more commercialized: creating a capsule for the Arduino and sensor to be

protected inside, and updating the application and enhancing the user interface.


“C12880MA Micro-Spectrometer by Hamamatsu Photonics.” C12880MA Micro-

Spectrometer by Hamamatsu Photonics | GroupGets,

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