DRSS-based Factor Graph Geolocation Technique For Position Detection of Unknown Radio Emitter

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European Wireless 2016

DRSS-based Factor Graph Geolocation Technique

for Position Detection of Unknown Radio Emitter
Muhammad Reza Kahar Aziz1,2 , Khoirul Anwar1 , and Tad Matsumoto1,3
School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Ishikawa, 923-1292 JAPAN
Electrical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA), Lampung Selatan, 35365 INDONESIA
Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Oulu, 90014 FINLAND
Email:{reza.kahar, anwar-k, matumoto}@jaist.ac.jp

Abstract—This paper proposes a new factor graph (FG) ge-

olocation technique utilizing differential received signal strength
(DRSS) for location detection of a single static unknown (anony-
mous) radio wave emitter. The use of DRSS-based FG (DRFG) ;‫ݔ‬௠ ǡ ‫ݕ‬௠ Ϳ
technique is to solve the problem of conventional received signal ^ĞŶƐŽƌηͳ ^ĞŶƐŽƌηܰ
strength (RSS)-based FG (RFG) technique which is unable to hŶŬŶŽǁŶdĂƌŐĞƚŵŝƚƚĞƌ
estimate the position of a single static unknown radio wave ሺܺே ǡ ܻே ሻ
ሺܺଵ ǡ ܻଵ ሻ ሺ‫ݔ‬ǡ ‫ݕ‬ሻ
emitter without the knowledge of its transmit power knowledge.
However, in practice, the transmit power information from the
signal transmitted by the unknown target emitter is unavailable.
It should be noticed that the knowledge of the transmit power
of the target is necessary for calibration/reference of the RSS
values of training signal sent from the monitoring spots. In ^ĞŶƐŽƌηʹ
ሺܺଶ ǡ ܻଶ ሻ ƌĞĂŽĨĞƚĞĐƚŝŽŶ
this paper, we propose a new DRFG technique to eliminate the
necessity of transmit power information, and hence this technique
successfully estimates the position of an unknown radio emitter. tŝƌĞŽƌǁŝƌĞůĞƐƐ
The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated in the &ƵƐŝŽŶĐĞŶƚĞƌ
terms of root-mean-square error (RMSE). The results confirm
that the proposed technique accurately estimate the location of &ĂĐƚŽƌŐƌĂƉŚƉƌŽĐĞƐƐŝŶŐŝŶĨƵƐŝŽŶĐĞŶƚĞƌ
unknown target, while the conventional RFG fails when the
Fig. 1. Basic structure of FG-based geolocation techniques with N = 3
transmit power of monitoring spots are unequal to the transmit
sensors consisting of a single static unknown radio wave emitter, 4 monitoring
power of the unknown target. spots (monitoring spots are only required for the conventional RFG and the
proposed DRFG technique).
computational complexity of geolocation algorithm due to the
Wireless geolocation has been of significant importance to fact that the the complex global function is decomposed into
enable the location based services and applications. Hence, several local functions. Furthermore, the messages are in the
this research field has attracted considerable attention in the form of the mean and variance only, if the measurement error
past two decades. The location based services and applications follows Gaussian distribution [6], [7].
have become a necessity for human life, e.g., Emergency-911 Since the FG was introduced into geolocation technique for
(E-911), vehicle navigation, health care, and location-sensitive the first time by [8], there are many FG-based techniques1
billing [1]–[3]. One of challenging problem in wireless geolo- developed according to the measurement categories, e.g.,
cation is to estimate the position of a single static unknown received signal strength (RSS) [9], [10], direction of arrival
(anonymous) radio wave emitter. This problem is also known (DOA)2 [11], time difference of arrival (TDOA) [12], and TOA
as passive radio positioning system [4], [5]. The location de- [7]. The basic structure of the FG-based technique is shown
tection of unknown radio emitter is very important for helping in Fig. 1. It should be noticed that the RSS measurement has
people in disastrous situations, e.g., finding missing people several advantages compared to the TOA, TDOA, and DOA
after disaster, the victims who are buried due to landslide, measurements; which are: (i) The RSS parameter can be mea-
tsunami, and/or earthquake. It is also important for monitoring sured without requiring an array or direction antenna, while the
of illegal radio emitter to prevent public broadcasting from DOA measurement requires array antenna. (ii) The presence
being jammed. of perfect synchronization between target and sensors, and
In this paper we consider the use of factor graph (FG) for among the sensors is not required in the RSS measurement,
detection of the position of the unknown radio target. The
1 The term ”techniques” in this paper refer to ”geolocation technique” except
FG techniques improves the accuracy of the estimate because
the probability marginalization is performed by message pass- 2 We use DOA acronym instead of angle of arrival (AOA) for better
ing using sum-product algorithm. The FG also reduces the expression.

ISBN 978-3-8007-4221-9 300 © VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach, Germany

European Wireless 2016

Z^^DĞĂƐƵƌĞŵĞŶƚ ^ĞŶƐŽƌηϭ ^ĞŶƐŽƌηϮ ^ĞŶƐŽƌηϯ Hence, the proposed DRFG is able to detect the position of
ŝŶ^ĞŶƐŽƌƐ ܲ෠௪ǡଵ ܲ෠௪ǡଶ ܲ෠௪ǡଷ
the unknown target, while the conventional RFG fails.
‫ܥ‬௉ ଵ ‫ܥ‬௉ ଶ ‫ܥ‬௉ ଷ

Z^^sĂƌŝĂďůĞEŽĚĞ The proposed DRFG is shown in Fig. 2. The FG is com-

ܰ௉ ோௌௌ ܰ௉ ଵ ܰ௉ ଶ ܰ௉ ଷ posed of factor nodes denoted by square and variable nodes
Z^^&ĂĐƚŽƌ denoted by circle as shown in Fig. 2. The factor node performs
‫ܤ‬௉ ଵǡଶ ‫ܤ‬௉ ଵǡଷ ‫ܤ‬௉ ଶǡଷ
EŽĚĞ‫ܤ‬௉ processing upon the messages coming from several variable
nodes, then forwards the output messages to the destination
ܰ௉ ஽ோௌௌ
ܰ௉ ଵǡଶ ܰ௉ ଵǡଷ ܰ௉ ଶǡଷ variable node. The FG algorithm is performed in the fusion4
center. The samples of RSS of the unknown target and of
EŽĚĞ‫ܣ‬௉ ‫ܣ‬௉ ଵǡଶ ‫ܣ‬௉ ଵǡଷ ‫ܣ‬௉ ଶǡଷ the monitoring spots measured by each sensor are sent to the
fusion center. The DRSS and RSS samples of the unknown
target, in units of watt, are assumed to be corrupted by zero
ŽŽƌĚŝŶĂƚĞsĂƌŝĂďůĞEŽĚĞሺ‫ݔ‬ǡ ‫ݕ‬ሻ ‫ݔ‬ DĞƐƐĂŐĞƐĨůŽǁ
/ƚĞƌĂƚŝŽŶƉƌŽĐĞƐƐ mean Gaussian noise as in [9]. The Gaussian distribution
assumption is reasonable because of the effect of accumulation
Fig. 2. The proposed DRFG for geolocation technique with N = 3 sensors of many independent factors [7], [9], including fading and
and P̂w,t being the input in units of watt. The new proposed nodes are marked shadowing variations, temporal spread due to multipath, and
by yellow. The message flow arrows are shown in part to avoid over crowded
of the figure. spatial spread.
The single static unknown (anonymous) target location
while the perfect synchronization is required for both the TOA is at x = [x y]T , where (·)T is transpose function. The
and TDOA measurements. (iii) In the RSS measurement, all knowledge of absolute transmit power of the unknown target
multipath can be captured by available fingerprints,3 while is unavailable. The known position of monitoring spots are at
the TOA, TDOA, and DOA measurements suffer from severe M = [xm ym ]T . The function of the monitoring spots are to
multipath effects. Furthermore, In fact, the RSS measurement send the training signals with knowledge of absolute transmit
has been already specified in IEEE 802.11 standard [9]. power. The known sensors location are at X = [Xi Yi ]T . The
The RSS-based FG technique (RFG) in [9] uses the pattern sensors measure the RSS of training signal sent from monitor-
recognition (fingerprinting) technique. The sensors measure ing spots to create the RSS profile/pattern (fingerprints). The
the patterns or fingerprints of the RSS of training signal RSS fingerprints results are saved in database. This activity is
sent from the monitoring spots. The position of the target performed during off-line period.5 During the on-line period,
is estimated based on the resemblance between the RSS of the sensors measure the RSS of signal sent from the target.
the signals sent from target and the training signal sent from In this paper, it is assumed that the RSS samples contain
monitoring spots, where the position of monitoring spots are only the path-loss attenuation because the environment is in
known [9]. It is shown in Fig. 1 that the conventional RFG an ideal scenario such as free space under line-of-sight (LOS)
technique utilizes monitoring spots. conditions. In the case of non LOS (NLOS) conditions, this
However, the conventional RFG technique in [9] can not assumption is still reasonable since the RSS samples obtained
estimate the position of an unknown radio emitter because the from the signals sent from the monitoring spots and the target
technique requires the knowledge of the absolute value of the are measured by group of sensors. For example, three sensors
transmit power. Nevertheless, in practice, the transmit power in Fig. 1 can be represented by three groups of sensors. The
information from the signal transmitted by the unknown target distances between sensors in a group are assumed long enough
emitter is unavailable. It should be noticed that the knowledge for averaging to eliminate the shadowing variations. Hence, the
of the transmit power is necessary for calibration/reference of averaging results of a group of sensors are the samples with
linear approximation process using training signal sent from only path-loss component.
the monitoring spots. Both of the proposed DRFG and conventional RFG tech-
Thus, the DRSS-based FG (DRFG) technique is proposed niques can be used for position detection of the target6 with
in this paper to solve the problem, where the necessity for either the only path-loss or shadowing fading condition. It
the knowledge of the absolute transmit power of unknown depends on the size of rectangular area of four monitoring
target is eliminated. The DRFG is developed by modifying spots. The larger the size, the worse approximation obtained,
the RFG in [9]. The modification is simply by the subtraction hence the linear plane created by using the RSS of signal
of RSS sample, in units of dB, between two sensors. The
4 The tracking of moving target is left for future work. However, we believe
DRSS samples is obtained, so that the necessity of absolute
that the tracking and fusion in gelocation is connected.
transmit power knowledge of the unknown target is eliminated. 5 Off-line period indicates the period before we use the proposed DRFG or
conventional RFG technique position detection of the target. On-line period
3 It should be noticed that, as mentioned in [9], the geolocation techniques indicates the period when we perform position detection [9].
using RSS measurements are mainly classified into two groups: (a) pattern- 6 It is a general target. However, it should be noted that the conventional
recognition (fingerprinting) techniques, and (b) model-based techniques. RFG is unable for position detection of the unknown target.

ISBN 978-3-8007-4221-9 301 © VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach, Germany

European Wireless 2016

the shadowing model and real field measurement data in

indoor environment scenario. (B) It is shown in [9] that the
accuracy of the conventional RFG outperforms RADAR and
LANDMARC. (C) The main objective of this research is to
solve the problem of the conventional RFG technique in [9]
for detecting the position of a single static unknown radio
(a) at Sensor 1. (b) at Sensor 2.
emitter. Hence, the comparison between the proposed DRFG
Fig. 3. RSS profile from path-loss exponent model in each sensor. and conventional RFG is sufficient to show the effectiveness
of the proposed technique. (D) It is shown in the simulation
sent from the monitoring spots can approximate only path- results that our proposed DRFG technique outperforms the
loss component. For example, the area size is 200 × 200 m2 conventional RFG technique [9] when the transmit power
or less as shown in [13]. The smaller the size, the better of the unknown target is unequal to the transmit power of
approximation achieved, hence the techniques can be used in monitoring spots. Furthermore, given facts described above,
shadowing variations under NLOS conditions.7 For example, even though the simulations utilize simple model, the proposed
the area size is 6 × 6 m2 in an indoor environment as shown DRFG technique is applicable in reality.
in [9]. The relationship between the transmitted power of the
target and the monitoring spots is of significant importance for III. P ROPOSED DRSS- BASED FACTOR G RAPH
this approximation. G EOLOCATION T ECHNIQUE
The path-loss exponent model is used for the RSS samples
The proposed technique modifies the RFG in [9] to solve
4πd0 fc d the problem of conventional RFG for estimating the location
PL (d) = 20 log + 10n log , (1) of unknown radio emitter position. The modification is simply
c d0
by performing subtraction of the RSS samples between two
where fc is frequency carrier, d0 is reference distance, n is sensors to obtain the DRSS samples as shown in Fig. 2.
path-loss exponent, and d is Euclidean distance from sensor The subtraction of RSS sample is performed in DRSS factor
to target or monitoring spot [13], [14]. Figs. 3(a)–3(b) show node BP . Hence, the other process after obtaining the DRSS
the RSS of path-loss exponent model with fc is 1 GHz, d0 samples follow the RFG algorithm in [9]. In this section, the
is 100 m, n is 3 for urban area, and sensor positions at RFG in [9] is summarized as the DRFG. The analysis of the
(100, 0), (1100, 0), (600, −1000) m, however we do not show DRSS profile, which eliminates the necessity of knowledge of
the profile of the third sensor at (600, −1000) m in Fig. 1 to transmit power, is also presented.
save the space of the paper.
The first process in the DRFG is to receive the RSS samples,
The RSS sample of the unknown target and monitoring
in units of watt, in RSS measurement factor node CP . After
spots with path-loss attenuation is corrupted by Gaussian noise
that, the node CP converts RSS samples P̂w,i in units of watt
expressed as
to P̂i dB. It should be notice that the distribution of RSS
P̂w,i = Pw,i + nw,i , (2) samples, P̂i , in units of dB, shows the similarity to Gaussian
where P̂w,i is the RSS target sample in units of watt, Pw,i is distribution. Hence, the proposed DRFG and conventional
the true value of RSS target sample in units of watt, nw,i is RFG still preserve the Gaussianity assumption as shown in
zero-mean Gaussian noise as measurement error of the RSS [9]. The RSS samples, P̂i , in units of dB, are forwarded to
samples in units of watt, and i, i = {1, 2, ..., N }, indicates the Averaged RSS variable node NPRSS . The node NPRSS
primary sensor index8 . directly forwards P̂i the node BP . The RSS samples in
Even though the RSS-based localization is well investigated units of dB from two sensors are subtracted in the node BP
problem, we do not use real data. Instead, in our computer resulting DRSS samples, P̂i,j , in units of dB, by performing
simulation, Pi , where Pw,i = 10Pi /10 , is obtained from simple the operation of (3), where j, j = 2, 3, ..., N, is the secondary
model, i.e., path-loss exponent model in (1). The proposed sensor index. We obtain the DRSS samples derived from (2)
DRFG technique is also not compared with other conventional expressed as
RSS-based fingerprinting techniques such as RADAR and P̂i,j = P̂i − P̂j . (3)
LANDMARC.9 These are because: (A) The conventional RFG
technique in [9] has performed simulation by using both As shown in Fig. 2, there are three DRSS variables, i.e.,
P̂1,2 , P̂1,3 , and P̂2,3 . It should be noticed that P̂2,3 is a linear
7 Reduction of the size of monitoring spot area to small enough size is
combination of P̂1,2 and P̂1,3 , however, P̂2,3 is not redundant.
applied to deal with shadowing variations under NLOS conditions when
sufficient averaging can not be performed.
This is because P̂2,3 has different DRSS profile as shown in
8 We use terms primary and secondary sensor index because DRSS param- Fig. 4(e)–4(f). Hence, P̂2,3 is useful for detection position
eter is obtained by using subtraction operation, where RSS samples value in of the unknown target. After a set of the DRSS samples
units of dB of the secondary sensor are subtracted from in primary sensor. are obtained, the node BP calculates the mean and variance
9 RADAR is a radio-frequency (RF) based system for locating and tracking
users inside buildings [15]. LANDMARC is a location sensing prototype messages, in units of dB, and then forward the messages to
system that uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology [16]. the DRSS variable node NPDRSS . After that, node NPDRSS

ISBN 978-3-8007-4221-9 302 © VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach, Germany

European Wireless 2016

(a) RSS profile at sensor 1. (b) RSS profile at sensor 2. (c) RSS profile at sensor 3.

(d) DRSS profile at sensor 1. (e) DRSS profile at sensor 2. (f) DRSS profile at sensor 3.

Fig. 4. Linear plane and model of RSS and DRSS profiles in each sensor with ΔPT = 5 dB, the sensor positions being at (100, 0), (1100, 0), (600, −1000) m.

directly forward the messages to the linear plane LS factor coefficients complete the final linear equations as
node AP . The iteration process starts from the node AP .
axi,j · x + ayi,j · y + aPi,j · Pi,j = ci,j , (5)
Before the node AP is used for the iterations, the function
at the node AP has to be set. The proposed DRFG technique where x and y denotes the unknown target position, Pi,j is
uses the error-free DRSS of four monitoring spots to obtain the DRSS of unknown target in unit of dB, and ci,j is the
the variable coefficient of the linear plane equation at the node constant with value being unity. The detail derivation formula
AP , expressed as [9] of (5) in terms of mean and variance can be found in [9].
In this paper, we summarize the equations/operations used
in this algorithm in Table. I, with the most left column being
axi,j · xm + ayi,j · ym + aPi,j · Pm,i,j = cm,i,j , (4)
the message flow between the nodes, h being general sensor
index, m being the mean, and σ 2 being the variance. For
where axi,j , ayi,j denote the coefficient of coordinate variable example, mx and my indicates the mean values from the
x, y, respectively, xm and ym denote the position coordinate nodes x and y, and mP̂ indicates the mean of the samples
of monitoring spots, where m = 1, 2, ..., M is the monitoring from measurement. The final position estimate of the unknown
spot index. Pm,i,j denotes the error-free DRSS of the signal target emitter is taken from the mean value, mΛ .
sent from monitoring spot in units of dB. The error free of It is also shown in Table. I that the proposed technique
the DRSS is obtained by performing averaging over large requires simple arithmetic operations. As shown in [9], the
enough of the amount of DRSS samples. The large amount of computational complexity of the conventional RFG is linearly
the samples are collected from the DRSS measurement over proportional to N . Hence, the computational complexity of the
long enough in time duration. aPi,j indicates the coefficient of proposed technique is also linearly proportional to N , because
variable Pm,i,j . cmi,j indicates a constant with the value being the DRFG only introduces one additional subtraction operation
always the unity. It is assumed, for simplicity, that the four to the conventional RFG.
monitoring spots are always used in the simulations so that We compare both the RSS the DRSS profiles at 3 sensors
the target is in the middle of monitoring spots. In practice, the calculated using (1) with transmit power gap between the
target is not always in the middle of monitoring spots area. target and monitoring spots, ΔPT , being 5 dB. Both the
The RSS-based Voronoi (RSS-V) technique can be used to approximated DRSS and RSS profiles are calculated by using
select the monitoring spots surrounding the target as in [10]. (5). The simulation setup is detailed later in the Section III.
However, the development of the joint RSS-V and DRFG is As shown in Figs. 4(a) – 4(f), there are gaps between the RSS
left for future works. profile of path-loss mode and the approximated linear plane of
Due to the values of xm , ym , and Pm,i,j are known, hence RSS profile at all sensors, because there is the gap of transmit
we can utilize the least square (LS) algorithm to obtain the power between the unknown target and the monitoring spots.
coefficients of linear equations at the node AP . The detailed Hence, the conventional RFG fails in estimating the position
explanation of the use of LS for obtaining the coefficients of of unknown radio emitter. On the contrary, the path-loss
the variables axi,j , ayi,j , and aPi,j , can be found in [9]. The plane of DRSS has intersection with the approximated DRSS

ISBN 978-3-8007-4221-9 303 © VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach, Germany

European Wireless 2016

0 500
-200 -200
Y (meter)

Y (meter)

Y (meter)
-400 -400
-800 Sensor
-1000 Sensor
RSS-based FG RSS-based FG
-800 DRSS-based FG DRSS-based FG
Unknown target
-1000 Sensor Monitoring spot Monitoring spot
Target Target
0 500 1000 -1000 -1500
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500 2000
X (meter) X (meter) X (meter)
(a) 1, 000 of 10, 000 targets and 3 sensors. (b) Target at (650, −500) m. (c) Target at (330, −550) m.

Fig. 5. Accuracy of the unknown target detection for many locations confirmed by the trajectory analyses with ΔPT = 5 dB.


Message Flow Samples (ˆ) and/or (Means, Variances)
(Nodes) Inputs Outputs Remarks
C Ph → N Ph P̂w,h , h = {i, j} P̂h , h = {i, j} Similar to [7], [9]
NPh → BPi,j P̂h , h = {i, j} P̂h , h = {i,  j}  New proposed
BPi,j → NPi,j P̂i and P̂j P̂i,j = P̂i − P̂j and mP̂i,j , σP̂2 New proposed

NPi,j → APi,j m , σ2 mP̂i,j , σP̂2 Similar to [7], [9]

 P̂i,j P̂i,j  i,j

m , σ2 ((ci,j − ayi,j myi,j − aPi,j mP̂i,j )/axi,j ,

APi,j → x  P̂i,j P̂i,j Similar to [9]; Iteration process is only
my , σ 2 (a2yi,j σy2i,j + a2Pi,j σP̂2 )/a2xi,j ))
performed between nodes APi,j and x,
 i,j yi,j 

m , σ2 ((ci,j − axi,j mxi,j − aPi,j mP̂i,j )/ayi,j , y. Initial values are set for mxi,j , myi,j ,
APi,j → y  P̂i,j P̂i,j σx2i,j , σy2i,j
mxi,j , σx2i,j (a2xi,j σx2i,j + a2Pi,j σP̂2 )/a2yi,j ))
x → APi,j mk , σk2  Similar to [7], [9]; Iteration process;
σk2 l=k m l
, σ 2
=  1
y → APi,j k = l σl2 k 1
l=k σ 2 For simplicity, let replace (·)i,j to (·)k
   mk 2 1 Similar to [7], [9]; Iteration converges;
x and y mk , σk2 2
mΛ = σΛ k σ2 , σΛ = 
k σ2
For simplicity, let replace (·)i,j to (·)k

profile around the unknown target, because the necessity of the Figs. 5(b) – 5(c) show how the proposed DRFG is very
knowledge of transmit power is eliminated by the subtraction accurate in detection, even though the location of the unknown
in the node BP . Hence, the DRFG successfully estimates the target is changed many times. The accuracy is confirmed via
position of unknown target radio emitter. the trajectory analysis shown in the figures. The initial point
can be set from arbitrary value, however we set the initial
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS value of nodes x and y at (0, 0) m. It is shown in Figs. 5(b)
– 5(c) that the conventional RFG fails to reach the unknown
To verify the performance of the proposed technique, we target radio emitter. This is because as we discuss in Section
conducted a series of computer simulations. One target is III that the RSS profile of exponent path-loss model has a
randomly chosen from area width of 600 × 600 m2 in each gap ΔPT = 5 dB to the approximated RSS profile created by
10, 000 target positions performed in the computer simula- linear plane of (5). On the other hand, the trajectories of the
tions. 100 samples of RSS and DRSS are processed in 30 DRFG shows that the proposed technique successfully reach
times of iteration for each trial. The sensors position are the unknown target.
at (100, 0), (1100, 0), (600, −1000) m in (X, Y ) coordinate,
where the sensors area width is 1, 000 × 1, 000 m2 as shown The Figs. 6 and 7 show that the proposed technique for any
in Fig. 5(a). The root-mean-square error (RMSE) performance ΔPT values is not only able to detect the location of unknown
is evaluated by the signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) from 0 to target radio emitter, but it also provides very accurate detection
45 dB. The gap of transmit power between the unknown target after it converges around 50 iterations with RMSE of around
radio emitter and the monitoring spots is 5 dB. For simplicity, 4.5 and 3.7 m, at SNR of 10 dB and above, respectively. It
the RSS and DRSS measurements are assumed to be corrupted is also shown that the high accuracies with RMSE of around
by the measurement error having the same variance in each 5 and 4 m even have been achieved in 30 and 40 iterations,
sensor. The path-loss exponent model in (1) is used to create respectively, at SNR of 15 dB. Hence, the proposed DRFG
the RSS profile, where the set-up of the exponent path-loss technique achieves high and stable accuracy for any transmit
variables are set in Section II. The monitoring spots area set power gap values between the target and monitoring spots, but
in this simulation is 200 × 200 m2 according to [13]. it requires more iteration.

ISBN 978-3-8007-4221-9 304 © VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach, Germany

European Wireless 2016

10 paper that when the transmit power of target and monitoring
spots are unequal, the proposed technique successfully esti-
mates the unknown radio emitter with high accuracy around
RFG ΔPT = 5 dB
RMSE of 3.7 m for average distance between the targets and
RFG ΔP = 3 dB
2 T sensors being around 664 m, while the conventional RFG fails
RFG ΔPT = 1 dB
RMSE (meter)

RFG ΔP = 0 dB
to detect the location of the unknown target. The transmit
DRFG ΔP = 5 dB
power information of the unknown target is no longer required
DRFG ΔP = 3 dB because it can be replaced by performing subtraction of one

1 DRFG ΔP = 1 dB
sensor’s RSS samples from another sensor’s RSS samples.
DRFG ΔP = 0 dB
This technique provides high accuracy and low computational
complexity detection, which is suitable for future geolocation
0 20 40 60 80 100
Iteration number This research is in part supported by Koden Electronics Co.,
Fig. 6. RMSE vs. iteration number with 10, 000 target positions, SNR of 15 Ltd.
dB, and 100 samples.
RFG ΔP = 0 dB
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ISBN 978-3-8007-4221-9 305 © VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin, Offenbach, Germany

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