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#46 Bokawkan Road, Barangay P. Burgos

Baguio City
Isaiah 46: 4 “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have
made you and I will carry you, I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” (NIV)

January 13, 2019

To the Elders
Guiding Light Christian Church
Baguio City

Dear Sirs:
We are humbly submitting our evaluation of the ministry and activities from July to December 2018 and
also the plans for the first six months of 2019.
A. Young Once Ministry: Vision, Mission Statement and Goals of the Young Once Ministry
B. Summary of Spiritual Lesson Learned
C. July to December 2018: Activities Accomplished, Problems Encountered with Action Taken,
and Recommendations
D. January – June 2019: Plans and Schedule of Regular and Special Activities

May the Holy Spirit guide you to help us minister to the older members of our church that our God and
Father may be glorified in the Name of our Lord Jesus.

Faithfully in Christ,

Bertha Baniwas Virgilio Calderon

Ministry Head Assistant Ministry Head

Elnora Calderon Esther Bolislis

Secretary Treasurer

Workers: Teachers of Values in Schools, Assistants, and Facilitators of Bible Study Groups
1. Ana Almoro – teacher, facilitator 8. Hedy Camongao – teacher, facilitator
2. Bertha Baniwas – teacher, facilitator 9. Helen Nemedez – teacher
3. Betty Sungduan - assistant teacher & facilitator 10. Randy Tanguin – teacher, facilitator
4. Elena Macaraeg – Gospel sharing leader 11. Virgilio Calderon – teacher, facilitator
5. Elnora Calderon – teacher & facilitator 12. Aida Asuncion – assistant teacher
6. Esther Bolislis - facilitator 13. Lorna Regueta – assistant teacher
7. Rex Supnet – assistant teacher 14. Douglas Calasicas - auxiliary
Vision, Mission and Goals of the Young Once Ministry
Vision (Revised June 2018): We see the elderly aging gracefully and joyfully through abiding in the Word,
flourishing as Spirit-filled worshiping intercessors, actively sharing the Gospel and teaching the Bible to
various generations towards effectual heart change through our God-enabled and guarded testimonies,
persevering in the service of the Lord Jesus till the end. Briefly stated, we look forward to a ministry in
which every member is actively involved in evangelism, discipleship, intercession and visitation as enabled
by God.
Mission: To glorify God by winning the elderly and those they influence to Christ, bringing them to a
deeper knowledge of God and obedience to His Word as they are equipped and trained to make disciples
for Christ.
Mission Statement: By the grace of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit, this ministry exists to glorify
and serve God by loving Him above all, loving others, and obeying the Great Commission in our last days.
1. Provide a loving and encouraging atmosphere through the monthly fellowship or bonding activities for
members to develop meaningful relationships with the Lord and among themselves.
2. Promote dependence on God from meditations of His Word as we study the book of Genesis for
comfort, encouragement, peace and strength in order to have spiritual wellness despite various ailments,
discomforts, and sufferings due to ageing.
3. Help members grow in their knowledge of Bible doctrines and in godly wisdom by reviewing the
Church Manual so they can offer godly advice and teach biblical truths to others being ready in season
and out of season as led by the Holy Spirit.
4. Train members to become effective facilitators of Bible studies using the Training for Trainers (T4T)
method and undergo monthly Teachers’ Enhancement Training to emulate the Lord Jesus in telling
stories to teach spiritual truths to others.
5. Avail of opportunities for members to minister to fellow senior citizens by sharing the Gospel and
leading them to become followers of Christ.
6. To serve as teachers of values in elementary schools under Child Evangelism Fellowship and the
Ministry of Evangelism in order to present the Gospel and teach biblical values to children.


A summary of lessons learned and evaluation of the ministry activities accomplished in July to December
A. Spiritual Lessons Learned:
1. Patience – We must be slow to speak and say words gently because senior citizens are very
sensitive. Think of the kindest way to express something before speaking.
2. Adjustment and flexibility – Activities were cancelled or moved because core leaders were not
available due to illness or family concerns. This is a lesson that we always remember and follow.
3. Be willing to let go other activities. As senior citizens, we wanted to minister to old people in
different barangays. The Bible study in Irisan for the senior citizens which we started in February
2018 was stopped during the rainy season and we were never invited back in later months. We felt
bad that we could not continue. Another plan to reach out to a group in Tuba never materialized by
the contact person, IN Aurora Hill, the president of the senior citizen association in Aurora Hill was
very welcoming, but when the YO workers went to their monthly assembly, they were not interested
as most of them belong to cults. We believe that the Lord closed these doors of ministering to the
elderly because He was leading us to a new direction.
4. Be sensitive and follow God’s leading when He opens opportunities for ministry regardless of age
or place. When there was a possibility that the Young Once can teach values in schools, we accepted
the challenge because we understood the need of evangelizing the children. While it does not seem
to be in line with our mission of “winning the elderly and those they influence to Christ,” our
encompassing vision clearly states “actively sharing the Gospel and teaching the Bible to various
generations towards effectual heart change” and God granted this. He made training available and
gave us the burden to go to schools. He also took care of our health and sustained our strength.
5. Enjoy serving the Lord while we are able and inform workers or the core when not able. Appreciate
each day. Live one day at a time.
6. Always assign people to specific groups and delegate tasks early. When members do not respond to
appeals for volunteer service and appear to be at a loss what to do, leaders should instruct them
clearly what they can do and where to go.
7. Core leaders and members should remember to encourage and pray for one another frequently.
Three times in 2018, words were spoken by core leaders of quitting. One time in December, the
core discussed if the ministry might have to be dissolved. But the core agreed that the Lord will be
the one to sustain or end the ministry due to health, non-commitments of members and various
reasons (Philippians 1:6).
B. Regular Activities Accomplished, Problems encountered with Action taken, & Recommendations
1. Activity: Young Once Fellowship
a. The fellowship was held every month without fail, but not always on the first Saturday of the
b. We studied Genesis chapters 24, 25 and 26 from July to September. In October to December, we
shifted to the reading of the Church Manual and we finished the Pastor’s Message to Part 6.
c. Average attendance was 22 participants as follows: July 23: 25; August 4: 26; September 22:
17, October 6: 21, November 2: 23; December 1: 14.
d. Problem encountered: One of the reasons for the decrease in the monthly fellowship is that the
GLCC Manual was repeatedly discussed in this ministry. First, the workers went through this
partially in 2016 and the YO Equipping also reviewed the GLCC distinctives in 2017 and Parts
4-6 in early 2018. Another reason is that most of the YOs are also members of other ministries
(BSP, GUM, IM) that are reading the GLCC Manual so there is duplicity of the GLCC manual
reading or study for them.
e. Action taken: The core has decided to gather the members who are not involved in other
ministries to avoid duplicate studies of the manual.
f. Recommendation: Gather the members who are not workers of other ministries and go through
the church manual. Schedule this along with a make-up Bible study for those who miss the
monthly fellowship.
2. Activity: Bible Studies and Gospel Sharing
a. Teaching in Lucban Elementary School which started in February 2018 was continued when the
principal approved our request to teach values after class. Waivers were given to students who
got their parents’ approval. The first class was conducted on Thursday August 30 using the
Wordless Book. The Wordless Book Visualized was used in succeeding classes
b. Average attendance from August to December 2018: 15 students
c. Problems encountered: Many pupils had other activities after their class so the attendance
d. Action Taken: Only one or two teachers would go the LES and other teachers would help in
other schools.
e. Recommendation: invite other church members near the schools to assist or to be trained as
3. Activity: Intercession (Coffee & Prayer Time)
a. This was done faithfully after every Sunday morning service except on the first Sunday. Our
ministry partner, the Married Couples Ministry, joined us after every third Sunday morning
service. YO members shared prayer concerns and answered prayers.
b. Problem encountered: There was no MCM core leader represented in at least one or two
intercession time with ministry partners.
c. Action Taken: The YOs prayed for the MCM though they were absent.
d. Recommendation: To have a different ministry partner because MCM was our partner for 3
years since the beginning of ministry partner intercession time.
4. Activity: Workers Equipping and Training (GLCC Manual & Genesis pre-study)
a. The core and workers had met every second Wednesday of July and August to read the GLCC
Manual and study a chapter of Genesis to prepare for the monthly fellowship Bible study.
b. Problem encountered: The plan had to be changed because the senior pastor announced that
every ministry should “go through” the manual which means all attendees of the monthly
fellowship had to read through.
c. Action Taken: The core decided to schedule Teachers’ Training or Enhancement every second
Wednesday of the month to replace the study of the church manual.
d. Recommendation: YOs who have potential to teach or share the gospel will be invited to join
5. Activity: Monthly Regular Core Meeting and Home Visits
a. Problem encountered: Monthly core meetings were not held regularly as scheduled because the
teachers’ training on second Wednesdays took all morning and the core leaders rushed home.
Home visitation was not done because the core and workers were not healthy and had other
family concerns. The treasurer missed some meetings and activities because of her ailing
husband and sister as well as her commitment to another organization
b. Action Taken: The core often discussed plans or preparations after the Sunday morning services
and included these in the intercession with the members.
c. Recommendation: Encourage and invite an able and literate YO member to observe and
possibly become a core leader.

C. Special Activities
1. YO Half- Day Retreat
a. This activity was held on July 23. The workers lead the small groups using Job 38-42 as
meditation with guide questions from Behold Your God Daily Devotional which we had used in
our Core and Workers’ Retreat prior to our Evaluation & Planning in June. Twenty-five
members attended.
b. Problem Encountered: Some participants arrived late.
c. Action Taken: Late comers were assisted and received instruction to help them catch up.
2. Bonding activity for Core and Workers
a. As planned, bonding times happened when core or workers celebrate their birthdays. Sis Ana in
August and sis Nora in October invited some members to their birthday celebration. It was a
time to meet and know family members as well as talk about future activities and problems for
b. Problem encountered: More YO members and those involved in school evangelism should be
part of the bonding time.
c. Action Taken: A bonding time for YO members was scheduled on December 18, 2018.
3. 12th Anniversary Thanksgiving
a. Date: November 30, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 pm.
b. Milestones: This was the most attended activity with 30 members present. The budget was not
used because three members donated food. The movie “Pilgrim’s Progress” was relevant because
of the different Bible verses repeated throughout the scenes describing the struggles, trials and
temptations that Christian faced. Some elders and church members joined us for lunch. A guest
donated a sum to the ministry which was enough to cover the expenses of the next activity of the
c. Problem Encountered: The rooms reserved were not prepared and another ministry occupied the
d. Action Taken: The other ministry was requested to vacate the room because this was set up for
movie viewing. The members helped the ministry head to fix the tables and chairs. The staff
apologized for not preparing the tables and chairs because of the holiday.
e. Recommendation: Call the staff to check on reservations or requests a day before the activity.
4. YO Bonding
a. Date: December 18, 2018
b. Milestone: This activity was included in our Planning in June but there was no date for it and only
ideas were floated. As the core and workers wanted to know more about the members and each
other, it was decided that the central purpose is to focus on our conversion testimony to make sure
that everyone understands the gospel and that every member is born again. We exhorted them to
praise God for our salvation and it was timely because this activity happened before the Worship
Night. To make it relevant to the Christmas season, we did the “Hum the Christmas Song Game”
and then gave a token to the 22 participants.
c.Recommendation: Include a bonding activity again in 2019.
5. Core Evaluation and Planning
a. Date: December 12, 2018 from 12:30 to 4:30 pm and December 13 from 12:30 to 5 pm
b.Milestones: The budget was originally P10,000 because we had planned to go out of town and
stay there overnight. But because of time and money constraints we decided to do this activity in the
center so we only spent a little over P3,000. On Wednesday afternoon, workers-teachers handling
Bible classes in schools joined in evaluating the ministry activities. The breakfast buffet at Camp
John Hay helped the core to relax and then went to the center to concentrate on finishing the
evaluation and planning for the rest of the day.
c. Recommendation: Breakfast Buffet is good to have as it takes care breakfast, lunch and snacks. No
need to eat anything afterwards, just concentrate on the task at hand.
D. Activities Not Done and Reasons
1. Bible Studies in Irisan for senior citizens:
a. The officers of the senior citizen association informed us in June that whenever there was a bad
weather, there would be no meetings. However, when the week was sunny, we were not
b. Action taken: The core decided that we will consider other ways to engage in evangelism and
when there was an opening to teach values in schools we focused more on sharing the Gospel to
the pupils.
2. Core Retreat
a. Problem encountered: The plan according to our Evaluation & Planning Report in July 2018
was to have a retreat out of town but it is costly and also time-consuming as well as tiring to
travel. The ministry head and the core had not prepared for the retreat due to many activities of
the ministry, and also because of their involvement in other ministries or church activities.
b. Action taken: The core agreed to have a recreation and relaxation time together to be refreshed
physically and emotionally before the evaluation and planning activity.
c. Recommendation: Listen to an audio or video preaching or message by an approved pastor-
teacher so that the core will not have to prepare.
E. Unplanned Activities:
1. Teaching Values classes in 3 schools.
a. Schedule: Tuesday – Mabini elementary school; Wednesday- Donya Aurora elementary School;
Thursday – Bonifacio Elementary School and Lucban Elementary School.
b. Milestone: The workers became effective sharers of the gospel to children and also to other
people using the Wordless book and the WB Visualized.
c. Recommendations: to help the children find a Bible-believing and Christ-centered church.
2. Supporting bereaved widows
a. Milestone: When the husband of a YO member died, the YOs were present at different times to
condole the sister until his cremation. When one of our YO members died, the YOS again
showed support by visiting and staying at the funeral parlor as well as giving donations.
b. Recommendation: Visit the widows whenever possible because they are alone in their homes.

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