The Effect of Multiple Extrusion Passes During Recycling of High Density Polyethylene

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The Effect of Multiple Extrusion

Passes During Recycling of High

Density Polyethylene
Uniplast Industries Inc., Box 2000, Forest Ave., Orillia, Ontario, Canada L3V 6R9
Faculty of Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

ABSTRACT: High density polyethylene blow modling resins have been

identified as a primary material for solid waste minimization and recycling. An
experimental study into the effect of multiple extrusion cycles on the properties
of a virgin homopolymer, virgin copolymer, natural post consumer, and mixed
color post consumer blow molding resin was conducted. Rheological properties
such as shear and elongational viscosity and elastic modulus were studied in
the context of changes experienced during recycling. The G9–G0 (elastic storage
and loss modulus) crossover point was used to measure relative changes in the
polydispersity index and molecular weight distribution (MWD). It is also
shown that extrudate swell and sag change after multiple extrusion passes.
Environmental stress crack resistance was also measured. A rationale for the
significant decrease in the environmental stress crack resistance of the virgin
copolymer resin is presented. The results are analyzed in terms of known
degradation mechanisms such as chain scission and crosslinking, and their
relationship to the molecular structure.  1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Adv in
Polym Techn 16: 11–24, 1997

tend to be application-specific measures. Rheologi-

Background Information and cal characterization of high density polyethylene
Literature Review (HDPE) involves measuring the viscosity and visco-
elasticity of the molten polymer. Unlike simple flu-

P olyethylene, like all polyolefins, is described

by its density, strength, molecular weight
(MW), crystallinity, and melt flow or rheological
ids, these properties for HDPE have a strong depen-
dence on temperature, shear rate, molecular weight,
and MWD. There are two primary flow mecha-
nisms, shear and elongational flow. Shear flow de-
characteristics. Other properties such as environ-
scribes the response of the polymer to an imposed
mental stress crack resistance (ESCR) and optics
shearing force. Elongational flow is the response of
the polymer to an imposed stretching or pulling
Correspondence to: A. T. P. Zahavich force. Although not independent of each other, they

 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0730-6679/97/010011-14


both have their own viscosity measures. At very 9(n 1 1)2(DPe)2

low shear rates (c , 1022 s21), a molten polymer he 5 (4)
32h ċ 2
behaves roughly as a Newtonian fluid. Beyond this
point the shear stress of molten HDPE has a nonlin- and:
ear relationship with shear rate. As the shear rate
increases the rate of increase in shear stress de- 4h ċ 2
creases and this is described as shear thinning. «˙ 5 (5)
3(n 1 1)DPe
Within the range of typical extrusion shear rates (5
, ċ , 1000 s21) this relationship can be described
Similar to the importance of elongational viscos-
by a power law expression:
ity, viscoelasticity manifests itself in the behavior of
the molten polymer in the parison. Viscoelasticity
h 5 mc˙ n21 (1) determines the elastic recovery of a polymer after
a load is applied to cause viscous creep. This phe-
The coefficient, m, is a measure of the viscous nature nomenon is time and temperature dependent. As a
of the polymer. The power law index, n, is a measure load is applied the molecules tend to disentangle
of the effect of shear thinning; as n approaches 1, and align themselves in the direction of the load.
the fluid tends to be Newtonian. When the load is removed the molecules relax.
The shape of the MWD and the average molecular The time-dependent stress relaxation modulus,
weight are directly related to the melt flow proper- G(t), is defined as the ratio of an applied shear stress,
ties and processing performance, in terms of extru- t, to the shear strain, c:
sion output rate and pressure.1 As the length of the
molecule increases the resistance to flow increases. t
As the breadth of the distribution increases there is G(t) 5 (6)
a greater tendency to shear thinning.2
In a blow molding process HDPE is extruded into
When a sinusoidal rotational shear strain is applied,
a molten tube called a parison. After the bottle molds
as done in dynamic measurements, G is a function
are clamped around the parison air is blown into
of the rotational speed, g, and as a complex function
the parison which expands it to conform to the mold.
can be decomposed:
Minimal stretching of the parison prior to clamping
and the ability of the parison to expand during blow
G(g) 5 G9(g) 1 iG0(g) (7)
molding is critical. The elongational flow character-
istics, described by the elongational viscosity, he ,
is a measure of how well the parison will resist which results in the following complex function for
stretching and conform to the mold during blowing. the shear stress:
By definition:
t 5 c [G9sin(gt) 1 G0cos(gt)] (8)
Fe /A
he 5 (2) The elastic or storage modulus, G9(g), is in phase
with the applied strain and measures the mechanical
energy stored during each rotation. The loss modu-
where Fe is the elongational force applied over the lus, G0(g), is out of phase with the applied strain
cross-sectional area, A, normal to the flow, and «˙ is and measures the amount of mechanical energy dis-
the rate of elongation or stretch rate.3 The measure- sipated per cycle.
ment of he is difficult, but it has been shown by The Relationship between viscoelastic properties
Laun and Munstedt4 that, at very low shear rates, and MW characterization has been reported widely.6
where the shear flow is near Newtonian, the Trouton However, it has usually been in the direction of MW
relationship holds for LDPE where: predicting visco-elasticity. Within the last 15 years,
Tuminello,7 Tuminello and Cudre-Mauroux,8 Yu
he 5 3h (cˆ ) (3) and Ma,9 and others have successfully used dynamic
measurements to describe MW and MWD proper-
At higher shear rates, Cogswell5 proposed that he is ties. More specifically, Shang10 used the terminal
related to the shear rate, shear viscosity, and en- zone crossover point, Gc(g), of G9(g) and G0(g) to
trance pressure loss, DPe: predict the polydispersity, the ratio of the weight

12 VOL. 16, NO. 1


average to the number average molecular weight important to HDPE blow molding resins because

D of polypropylene:
changes in ESCR could have an effect on the shelf life
of a bottler and on the type of fluids it can contain.
The definition of ESCR is given as the promotion
of cracking in the presence of an environment and
PI 5 (9) a stress.14 While the mechanism of environmental
Gc(g) stress cracking (ESC) is not clearly understood, it is
agreed that an aggressive medium tends to acceler-
at ate stress cracking. One possible explanation given
by Williams14 suggests that, under stress, a micro-
Gc(g) 5 G9(g) 5 G0(g) (10) voided zone develops at the tip of a crack. This
porous region tends to have a large surface area to
Although this technique is not widely applied to material volume ratio which allows for rapid diffu-
polyethylene, similar to the work by Hinsken et al.11 sion of the media into the thin ligaments. It is theo-
and Moss and Zweifel,12 it was used in this study rized that the media plasticizes the ligaments which
for comparison purposes. For post consumer resins reduces the critical energy release rate, Gcrit , or stress
this technique may allow for MWD comparisons intensity factor, Kcrit , necessary for fracture. When
even for material with pigments and residual con- aggressive media are introduced the relationships
taminants. are modified to account for the diffusion of the me-
The importance of the morphological structure dia. As a crack propagates the media will continue to
in terms of crystallinity cannot be overlooked in diffuse through microvoids and into the ligaments.
recycling. Changes in morphology incurred as a re- This leads to a complementary relationship of diffu-
sult of multiple extrusions may modify molecular sion to crack propagation.
movement. The ability of the molecular chains to Degradation as a result of chemical attack is a
bend and move within a polymeric structure has a complex process dependent upon diffusion, concen-
direct effect on the strength and toughness of the tration, and molecular structure. Increasing MW
material. and some short-chain branching enhance ESCR
The HDPE structure is described as semicrystal- properties.15 The longer molecules and short chains
line with a combination of amorphous and thin la- tend to create a more rigid structure with some
mellae crystals.13 A material with a high degree of entanglement which resists cracking. They also tend
crystallinity tends to be brittle because of the weak to resist attack from the aggressive medium by re-
crystal–crystal interface. In contrast, a highly amor- ducing the opportunity for porous regions. This
phous material will behave as a rubbery or glassy would explain the differences between the ESCR
material depending upon its glass transition temper- properties of a copolymer with some short-chain
ature. The combination of these two structures in branching and higher MW and a homopolymer with
HDPE gives it high toughness at room temperature, little or no branching.
which tends to decrease at low temperatures as it During processing of linear polymers such as PE,
behaves more like brittle, glassy material. degradation can manifest itself by altering the chain
The growth and size of crystals is greatly depen- length and branching along the backbone structure.
dent on the cooling rate of the final product. Quick Shear- and temperature-induced changes, in the
quenching can lead to a material with only 50% presence of oxygen, during multiple extrusions can
crystallinity, whereas controlled, longer cooling can cause thermal/oxidative or thermal/mechanical
produce material with higher percent crystallinity. degradation, which can lead to crosslinking or chain
In blow molding the molds are often cooled to con- scission.16,17 Both events are competitive and occur
trol the amount of crystallinity. Molecular weight, simultaneously, to varying degrees. Crosslinking is
in particular low molecular weight (,5000), also best described as a recombination of radicals, which
affects crystallinity. As the chains get shorter they leads to an increase in chain length or branching.
tend to conform easier to the crystalline structure Chain scission occurs from thermally induced oxi-
and crystallinity rises. dative reactions or from the combined thermal/me-
As the molecular weight, crystalline structure, chanical separation of carbon–carbon bonds causing
and density change from the effect of multiple extru- a reduction in molecular length or branching. Chain
sion passes, environmental stress crack resistance scission can change the tendency for failure from
(ESCR) also changes. This property is particularly ductile yielding to brittle fracture and crack propa-



gation. This results from higher crystallinity at lower lar properties to a homopolymer HPDE blow mold-
molecular weights. ing resin. The mixed color bottle resin came from a
The effects of degradation can be highly inter- pigmented bottle stream and was marketed as hav-
active on the melt flow and physical characteristics ing copolymer material as its primary constituent.
of a polyolefin. In terms of molecular structure, and Continuous extrusion was done, without any
depending on the catalyst system, the average mo- form of blending or addition of stabilizers, through
lecular weight may increase or decrease and the a 25-mm, 24:1 L/D, Brampton Engineering single
distribution (MWD) may narrow or broaden with screw extruder. The melt was drawn through a low
multiple extrusions. It has been shown that a Phil- pressure 12.5-mm die and was air-cooled into a
lips-based HDPE (Cr catalyst) increases in MW and strand using a twin-roller take-off system. After
decreases in melt flow index (MFI) with multiple each pass through the extruder the strands were
passes through an extruder at elevated tempera- chopped in a knife mill to an average particle size
tures. In contrast, a Ziegler-based HDPE (Ti catalyst) of ,9 mm. Roughly 600 g of polymer was retained
produces the opposite effect.12 It has also been after each pass for analysis. The processing condi-
shown that changes in MWD and branching affect tions were fixed at 80 rpm and 2158C. Using a spe-
elastic properties and would appear as a change in cially designed breaker plate, shear rates were antic-
extrudate swell characteristics.18 ipated to be approximately 560 s21. It is also known
The efficiency of the original polymerization pro- that a small amount of leakage will occur over the
cess also contributes to molecular changes during screw flight and the small amount of polymer that
extrusion.19 The level of unsaturation in the virgin does pass in the gap between the barrel and screw
polymer will have a direct relationship with the flight is sheared at even higher shear rates. How-
change in branching along the polymer chain. Vinyl ever, it is virtually impossible to assess the exact
groups which are present after polymerization is level of the maximum shear rate. The extrusion tem-
terminated will react with unsaturated groups along perature was based on recommendations from the
the backbone chain and form branches. With each suppliers. Processing conditions, including extruder
extrusion pass the number of vinyl groups should pressure and melt temperature at the die wall, were
decrease as they become absorbed into the chains. monitored throughout each run. Output measure-
This type of modification tends to occur within a ments for each run were made by weighing a sample
very low number of extrusion passes. The combined of resin melt collected over a 2-min period.
effects of multiple extrusions and in-service use, in Material-related responses were analyzed on the
terms of aging, on LDPE has also been investigated virgin or as-received resin (zero passes) and after
and it has been shown that multiple extrusion passes four extrusion passes. Swell and viscosity measure-
in combination with aging appear to have a greater ments, at four shear rates, were taken using a con-
effect than extrusion alone.20 stant rate Instron Capillary Rheometer, following
ASTM D3835-79 (D 5 31 mm, L/D 5 24:1). The
shear rate measurements were corrected with the
Rabinowitsch correction factor [eq. (11)] to obtain
the shear rate at the wall21:
4Q (3n 1 1)
ċtrue 5 (11)
For the purposes of this study, the broad category fR3 4n
of HDPE blow molded bottle resin was broken into
virgin (from the reactor)/post consumer resin The Bagley correction factor, nB , was also used to
(PCR), and homopolymer/copolymer, categories. obtain the true shear stress, tw , eq. (12)22:
The virgin homopolymer used was a 0.7-MI, 0.960-
g/mL3 resin, LM6007, from Quantum Chemical and DP
tw 5
the virgin copolymer was a 0.32-MI, 0.960-g/mL3 L
2 1 nB
resin, 32060C, from Dow Chemical Canada. The post R
consumer resins were from Resource Plastics (Brant-
ford, ON, Canada). The categories of the PCR mate- The power law model was fit to the viscosity data
rial were natural PCR and mixed color PCR. The for each resin and changes in the Bagley correction
natural PCR came from the unpigmented bottle post factor plots were also studied (for different L/R
consumer stream and was marketed as having simi- dies).

14 VOL. 16, NO. 1


In addition to studying the shear viscosity prop- five specimens were punched from each plaque and
erties, a study of the elongational viscosity was also notched. Ten specimens for each retained sample
done. In the previous section the relationship be- were mounted as bent strips and placed in a 100%
tween elongational viscosity and the capillary en- IGEPAL CO-630 solution in individual test tubes
trance pressure drop was shown [eqs. (4) and (5)]. and held at 508C in a 2-L beaker of water. The speci-
The pressure drop at the capillary entrance, DPe , mens were monitored for failure, which was deter-
was determined by using tw , where: mined to be the time where crack initiation was
first observed. The observation interval varied from
DPe 5 2twnB (13) every 10 min for the first 100 min to every hour
thereafter. The F50 point or 50% failure point, was
Swell measurements were done by taking the ra- determined to be the median failure value for the
tio of the extrudate diameter to the capillary diame- 10 specimens.
ter. At least three samples, 30 to 50 mm in length,
were cut from the capillary strand at the die exit.
The short strands were kept vertical and rapidly
quenched in water at room temperature. They were
checked for roundness before the diameter was mea-
sured approximately 15 mm from the leading end
of the strand. An example of the viscosity data is shown in
The dynamic viscosity measurements were done Figures 1 and 2. In general, all four resins showed
using a plate-on-plate configuration on a Bohlin a small difference in the shear viscosity, as deter-
VOR rheometer system. The plates were 25.4 mm mined by the capillary rheometer, from the ‘‘as is’’
in diameter and were set at a gap of 1 mm. All or zero-pass state and the four-pass state. In terms of
samples were measured at 1908C over a frequency the complex viscosity, the virgin copolymer showed
sweep of 0.6 rad/s to 126 rad/s. Storage and loss little difference from zero to four passes, whereas
modulus curves and polydispersity indices [eq. (17)] the other three resins showed more significant dif-
were analyzed. ferences especially at the lower frequencies. The vis-
During preliminary testing, from the extruder die cosity curves for the virgin copolymer appeared to
exit to the take-off rollers there was a significant shift down, whereas the viscosity curves for the
difference in the extrudate sag characteristics be- other three resins appeared to shift upward.23
tween the different polymer types and sources. A The behavior of the elongational viscosity
crude sag measurement was designed to quantify changed for all four materials, but the differences
these differences. The amount of sag was deter- for the PCR materials were less defined. The nature
mined by measuring the height from the level floor of the change was different for the virgin copolymer,
to the extrudate strand at 410, 610, 810, 1010, and with a change in the slope of the curve, to a greater
1210 mm from the die exit to the take-off rollers. dependency on the shear rate. The other resins had
Crystallinity was measured with a DuPont 2000 an upward shift in the elongational viscosity curve,
differential scanning calorimeter. Each sample was with virtually the same slope.23
subjected to a two-stage heating process. The first The storage and loss modulus curves followed
stage heated the sample to 1908C at a rate of 108C/ the opposite pattern as described by the elongational
min. This was done to remove any inconsistencies viscosity (Fig. 3). The virgin copolymer G9–G0
between samples in terms of cooling histories. The curves shifted down, with essentially the same
samples were then cooled at a rate of 58C/min to slopes, from zero to four passes, whereas the other
room temperature. The second stage was a repeat three materials shifted up slightly but showed a
of the first-stage heating cycle. The maximum peak significant decrease in slope from zero to four
temperature and percent crystallinity were deter- passes.
mined with the aid of software directly integrated There is clearly a distinction in the viscosity and
with the DSC. A normalization factor of 293 J/g was viscoelastic properties between the virgin copoly-
used to determine the percent crystallinity. mer and the other three materials. The natural PCR
The ESCR properties were determined in accor- material behaves in a similar fashion to the virgin
dance with ASTM D1693-80 using condition B. homopolymer but with less definition in the changes
Plaques 75 3 125 mm and 1.75 to 2.00 mm thick from zero to four passes. The mixed color PCR be-
were compression molded at 1908C. Approximately haves more like the virgin homopolymer than the



FIGURE 1. Virgin homopolymer shear and elongational viscosity (extrudate melt temperature of 1908C).

FIGURE 2. Virgin homopolymer complex viscosity.

16 VOL. 16, NO. 1


FIGURE 3. Virgin homopolymer storage and loss modulus.

virgin copolymer, but the changes are not as signifi- four L/D ratios (1, 8, 16, and 24) for the four resins
cant as they were for the natural PCR. is given. In general, for all resins, the swell ratio
In the previous section, the description of a increased with an increase in shear rate and de-
crude measure of sag was given. The data from creased with an increase in L/D. In terms of the
this measurement is graphically depicted in Figure relationship with multiple passes, the swell ratio
4. The points on the curve represent the average decreased with an increase in passes for all resins.
of two observed values, and the lines represent a The decline in swell from zero to four passes was
cubic function fitted to the observed values. Be- greatest with the virgin homopolymer and natural
cause the extrudate was air-cooled, the ambient PCR, whereas the mixed color PCR had the lowest
temperature was monitored closely throughout the drop in the swell ratio. The greatest resolution in
procedure. There was less than a 618C difference the swell ratio differences was observed with the
in the ambient temperature during all measure- 1:1 L/D die.
ments of the sag. The primary intent of studying the modulus data
At zero passes the virgin copolymer exhibits su- was to use the information to examine changes in the
perior sag resistance compared to the other three molecular weight distribution. As was previously
resins, in particular the natural PCR. However, at described, it has been reported that the G9–G0 cross-
four passes, the reverse is observed. The virgin co- over, Gc , point in the terminal zone can be used to
polymer sag resistance drops dramatically and the measure the poly-dispersity index (PI) [eq. (9)]. The
natural PCR sag resistance increases significantly. breadth of the MWD has a direct relationship with
The virgin homopolymer also demonstrates an in- PI and an inverse relationship with Gc . Conse-
crease in sag resistance, whereas the mixed color quently, as Gc shifts down, it indicates a broadening
PCR maintains the same characteristics from zero of the MWD. Prior to using it in this experimental
to four passes. set, the PI was measured for the virgin homopoly-
The swell ratio was measured using strands from mer with a Waters 1508C gel permeation chromato-
the extrudate during the viscosity measurements. graph (GPC) using trichlorobenzene as the solvent
In Figure 5, an example of a plot of the swell ratio and a BHT anti-oxidant to stablize the samples dur-
versus three shear rates (50, 150, and 400 s21) for ing analysis, following ASTM 3536-76. The PI as





FIGURE 4. Sag plots. (a) Virgin homopolymer and natural PCR. (b) Virgin copolymer and mixed color PCR
(extrudate melt temperature of 1908C).

18 VOL. 16, NO. 1


FIGURE 5. Virgin homopolymer ‘‘frozen in’’ extrudate swell ratio (extrudate melt temperature at 1908C).

measured with the GPC was 6.02 compared with 3.3 The virgin copolymer had the least amount of
using Gc . It was concluded that using the modulus change.
crossover point was useful but only for studying A summary of the extrusion performance data is
relative changes in MWD. A more comprehensive given in Table II. The output for all resins does not
comparative study done by Moss and Zweifel differ significantly. The number of extrusion cycles
reached similar conclusions.12 does not appear to have an effect on the pumping
A summary of the Gc and PI for this experimental capacity of the material which implies that the
data set is given in Table I. In all cases, the PI in- resin/extrusion screw interface is not adversely af-
creased with an increase in extrusion passes. The fected. Although the output did not change, the
magnitude of the increase was significantly larger extrusion pressure drop showed some effect from
for both the virgin homopolymer and natural PCR. the multiple passes. The homopolymer and natural

Summary of Modulus Crossover and Polydispersity Index
Modulus Crossover and Polydispesity Index
Experiment Design G9-G0 Crossover
Resin Source Pass (Pa) Polydispersity Index (PI)
Hopolymer Virgin 0 30,083 3.3
Hopolymer Virgin 4 12,503 8.0
Natural PCR 0 29,307 3.4
Natural PCR 4 12,920 7.7
Copolymer Virgin 0 31,638 3.2
Copolymer Virgin 4 22,437 4.5
Mixed color PCR 0 28,463 3.5
Mixed color PCR 4 13,665 7.3



Extrusion Performance
Extrusion Performance
Experiment Design Output Extrusion Pressure
Resin Source Pass (kg/h) (MPa)
Hopolymer Virgin 0 5.3 10.9
Hopolymer Virgin 4 5.3 11.4
Natural PCR 0 5.4 10.6
Natural PCR 4 5.5 11.1
Copolymer Virgin 0 5.2 12.4
Copolymer Virgin 4 5.3 11.9
Mixed color PCR 0 5.4 11.1
Mixed color PCR 4 5.6 11.2

PCR resins showed an increase in pressure and the ity also dropped for all materials with the virgin
mixed color PCR showed no change. Again, the polymers decreasing less than the post consumer
virgin copolymer behaved opposite to the other ma- resins. The crystallinity for the mixed color bottle
terials as the pressure drop decreased with an in- dropped by almost 10%. Similar to the melt tempera-
crease in extrusion passes. ture, the maximum peak endothermic temperature
The DSC analysis of the changes in thermal and changed by less than 18C for all materials. The heat
crystallinity characteristics was done primarily to flow at the endothermic peak did not change for
provide a supporting morphological analysis for the the natural PCR, but fell by 0.3 to 0.5 W/g for the
ESCR response. Each sample was heated twice with other three materials. Other than the changes in
the first cycle used to remove any inconsistencies crystallinity, there were no real differences between
in the crystalline structure due to variances in solidi- the virgin and post consumer resins or the homo-
cation from the air cooling during the multiple ex- polymer and copolymer materials.
trusion runs. There were two measurements taken The results for the ESCR data are summarized in
from the DSC trace, including the percentage crys- Table IV. This response provided the most dramatic
tallinity and maximum peak endothermic tempera- effect from multiple extrusion passes. The virgin
ture. The data are summarized in Table III. homopolymer, mixed color PCR, and virgin copoly-
The melt temperature decreased slightly for all mer decreased in ESCR and the natural PCR showed
materials from zero to four passes, although the little or no change. The magnitude of the decrease
drop was less than 1.58C. The percentage crystallin- for homopolymer and mixed color PCR was about

Summary of DSC Data
DSC Responses
Max. Peak
Experiment Design Temp.
Resin Source Pass % Cryst. (8C)
Hopolymer Virgin 0 59.1 135.9
Hopolymer Virgin 4 58.3 137.6
Natural PCR 0 60.8 135.5
Natural PCR 4 56.7 135.9
Copolymer Virgin 0 65.6 134.7
Copolymer Virgin 4 62.8 135.6
Mixed color PCR 0 65.2 135.0
Mixed color PCR 4 55.3 134.5

20 VOL. 16, NO. 1


ESCR Results
Experiment Design
Resin Source Pass ESCR F50
Homopolymer Virgin 0 7.25
Homopolymer Virgin 4 5.75
Natural PCR 0 6.00
Natural PCR 4 6.75
Copolymer Virgin 0 90.0
Copolymer Virgin 4 19.0
Mixed color PCR 0 10.0
Mixed color PCR 4 8.0

20%, with the virgin copolymer dropping by over Cogswell’s method, did show some effect from mul-
60%. tiple passes.
The swell ratio decreases with extrusion passes
and the polydispersity index increases with extru-
sion passes for all resins. The molecular structure,
Analysis and Discussion in particular molecular weight and long-chain
branching, have a profound effect on the swell char-
acteristics, but to date there is no consistent theory
In general, the results support the findings of to explain the relationships. Early investigations into
Moss and Zweifel12 and Hinsken et al.11 for changes the phenomenon of swell showed that HDPE ap-
in viscosity and MWD for virgin homopolymer and peared to behave in a similar fashion to polystyrene
copolymer HDPE, and adds PCR materials, as well (PS) where an increase in the breadth of the MWD
as more application-specific responses, such as swell of PS produced an increase in swell. However, work
and ESCR, to the analysis. The natural PCR material by Mendelson and Finger24 showed that there was
behaves much like the virgin homopolymer, con- some doubt as to the strength of the relationship in
firming that the source of the natural resin is primar- the case of HDPE. This study led to an investigation
ily homopolymer-based bottles. The zero-pass char- by Shroff and Shida,25 which attempted to explain
acteristics of the natural resin are very similar to the the anomalous work of Mendelson. The conclusions
virgin homopolymer, in particular the viscoelastic of their work are best described by a direct quote
modulus, which may suggest the presence of some from the final sentence:
virgin homopolymer resin material blended into the
natural resin. The mixed color PCR has similar tend- ‘‘. . . Thus the effect of increasing MW is oppo-
encies as the virgin homopolymer and natural PCR. site of broadening MWD such that when poly-
However, the distinctions between the zero- and mers vary in both MW and MWD, die swell
four-pass curves for the mixed color PCR are not as and compliance may decrease or increase de-
clear as they are for the other two materials. This pending on whether MW is predominating or
indicates that this PCR stream is more of a composite whether effect due to broadening of MWD is
of copolymer and homopolymer bottles, although predominating.’’25
mixed color PCR is often marketed as a copolymer-
based material. Shida’s earlier work with Nakajima26 did not
Aside from the change in polydispersity, which study the relationship between MWD and swell,
was also observed by Moss, the greatest effect of rather they examined the mechanism of swell in
multiple passes was observed in the swell, Bagley terms of elastic recovery. In their study, they used
correction factor, and ESCR properties. The change two resins. The first was a Phillips-based HDPE and
in viscosity, as measured with the capillary rheome- the other was the same resin passed through an
ter, showed little effect regardless of the material. extruder three times at 2408C. The technology at the
However, the complex viscosity at the lower time suggested that, for this Phillips catalyst resin,
frequencies and the elongational viscosity, as the re-extrusion process caused preferential chain
determined from the Bagley correction factor and scission. This was thought to reduce the higher MW



fractions without increasing low MW components, increase for the homopolymer, after four extrusion
and it is was also suspected that a small amount of passes, could then be attributed to a decrease in
long branches were created. This statement is in MW of the copolymer and an increase in MW of
direct contrast to the conclusions of Moss and the homopolymer. The natural PCR behaves much
Zweifel.12 The conflicting evidence in these studies like the homopolymer, which provides more evi-
shows that a generalized link between swell, MWD, dence that this material is primarily composed of
and MW and the degradation of HDPE would prob- homopolymer resin. On the other hand, as discussed
ably not be a useful exercise. Taking into consider- earlier, the mixed color bottle appears to behave
ation these past studies, an analysis of swell mecha- more as a composite of copolymer and homopoly-
nisms relative to changes in molecular structure mer material. The relatively small change in the sag
resulting from multiple passes would be repeated for this material would lead to the conclusion that
for a specific resin and would take into account the neither degradation mechanism is dominant in
primary polymerization process, the predominant this resin.
degradation mechanism, and the effect of residual The observations of the change in the PI provides
components in the resin, i.e., pigments, dirt, etc. a relative measure of the changes in the MWD, and
The results of the sag study provided a unique the change in the position and slope of the loss
opportunity to study the changes in melt strength. modulus curve provides some evidence of the na-
Sag in blow molding is best described as the exten- ture of the broadening of the distribution. The gen-
sion of the molten parison due to gravitational force. eral increase in PI, as determined by a drop in Gc ,
Any variance in the sag properties of a resin will shows a broadening of the MWD for all materials.
have a direct effect on the shape and physical charac- The inconsistent behavior of the copolymer, relative
teristics of the bottle. However crude the sag mea- to the other three resins, suggests that, although the
surement, the observed changes with multiple pas- MWD is broadening, the average MW is decreasing
ses is evidence that some higher MW material in for the copolymer and increasing for the homopoly-
the copolymer is lost, whereas some chain lengthen- mer and natural PCR. This observation provides
ing or crosslinking occurs in the homopolymer and some explanation for the change in the sag behavior
natural PCR. Previously reported work on polyeth- of the four resins. As the average MW decreases,
ylene used in blown film has shown an exponential the resistance to sagging decreases, as occurred with
relationship between melt strength and zero shear the copolymer, while the opposite occurred with the
viscosity, h0 .27 As h0 increased, the melt strength homopolymer and natural PCR. The mixed color
increased, and it was found that: average MW would have changed very little and,
as reported, the sag also changed very little.
melt strength 5 k h01/3.4 (15) The magnitude of the changes in extrusion per-
formance were quite low and arguably may be insig-
A link was made between the melt strength and nificant, but there may be some molecular-based
average molecular weight because of the known explanation for the behavior of the different materi-
relationship between h0 and MW where: als. The increase in pressure drop for the homo-
polymer/natural materials is consistent with a ma-
h0 p MW3.4 (16) terial that is undergoing crosslinking, while the drop
in pressure for the copolymer suggests a loss of
From this link it was concluded that the melt higher-molecular-weight material through chain
strength was directly proportional to MW. In a later scission. The lack of change in pressure drop for the
study on the melt strength of polypropylene, an- mixed color PCR is similar to the observations from
other polyolefin, the same relationship was re- the sag study. In effect, the amount of crosslinking
ported.28 is offset by a similar degree of chain scission, re-
The findings in these two studies are consistent sulting in little change in the extrusion performance.
with results of the sag study and changes in the low From the thermal analysis, the decline in melt
frequency complex viscosity observed in this work. temperature from zero to four passes is consistent
It has been established that chain scission is the with the previous discussion on the broadening of
dominant degradation mechanism in the copolymer the MWD. The higher melt temperature and higher
resin and crosslinking dominates the modification maximum endothermic temperature of the homo-
of the homopolymer. The drop in low frequency polymer/natural PCR distinguishes between their
complex viscosity and sag for the copolymer and more linear nature and the slightly branched charac-

22 VOL. 16, NO. 1


teristics of the copolymer/mixed color PCR. The received’’ or zero-pass state differed from the virgin
decrease in crystallinity suggests that there is some materials, but the changes they underwent during
decline in the very low MW material, which tends the multiple extrusion pass were consistent with the
to conform easier to a crystalline structure. This ma- changes in the virgin materials. The virgin copoly-
terial may be consumed in the oxidation process mer exhibited a significant loss in ESCR from zero
and is most likely burned off with each pass. to four passes, where a 60% drop was observed. The
In many applications the ESCR property is a cru- other resins showed a small drop or no change in
cial performance requirement. The large decrease ESCR. Because the virgin copolymer material is mar-
associated with the virgin copolymer can have a keted as having high ESCR, this result is a decidedly
significant impact on the suitability of using this significant finding. It is recommended that caution
material, in the original primary application, after be used, particularly if ESCR is a critical product
four passes. The high ESCR performance of this property and if it is suspected that this type of co-
material is based on the high MW fraction and short- polymer resin could be a primary constituent of the
chain branching, which is directly attributed to the PCR content.
presence of the copolymer. The interlamellar inter-
action of the high MW chains provides a strong
resisting force to the cleaving action associated with
stress cracking in an aggressive media. As the high
MW chains are consumed during chain scission the
resistance to cleaving also declines and the ESCR
drops. The other materials probably do not have as Nomenclature
large amount of high MW material initially and, as
a result, do not have as high an initial ESCR. In A cross-sectional area
earlier sections, it was suggested that crosslinking Fe elongational force
occurs in the other materials. Crosslinked material Gcrit critical energy release rate
tends to produce a rigid structure which is brittle. G(g) stress relaxation modulus
An increase in brittleness tends to lead to a decrease Gc(g) terminal zone crossover modulus
in ESCR because of a greater number of microvoids G0(g) loss modulus
and a larger surface area exposed to the aggres- G9(g) storage modulus
sive media. Kcrit critical stress intensity
L die length
L/D length to diameter ratio
L/R length to radius ratio
Mn number average molecular weight
Conclusions Mw weight average molecular weight
m power law coefficient
In a detailed experimental study it was found nB Bagley correction factor
that the occurrence of multiple extrusion passes has n power law index
the greatest effect on low shear viscoelastic proper- PI polydispersity index
ties; molecular weight distribution; swell; and, rela- DP pressure drop
tive to specific materials, crystallinity and environ- DPe entrance pressure drop
mental stress crack resistance (ESCR). The greatest Q mass flow rate
change in swell was observed for the virgin homo- R radius
polymer and natural PCR. Multiple pass studies that t time
measure swell and viscoelastic behavior should take «˙ rate of elongation or stretch rate
into consideration primary polymerization pro- ċ shear rate
cesses and degradation mechanisms relative to a ċtrue Rabinowitsch-corrected shear rate
specific resin. The PI increased for all resins, corre- at die wall
sponding to a broadening of MWD, with the homo- h dynamic viscosity
polymer and natural PCR displaying the greatest he elongational viscosity
change. Extrusion processability, within typical t shear stress
manufacturing shear rates, is not greatly affected. tw shear stress at wall
The performance of the PCR materials at the ‘‘as g rotational frequency



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24 VOL. 16, NO. 1

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