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PREPRINT OF STAIRS — RAILINGS OP THE. 5 ARCHITECTURAL METAL ~.. - HANDBOOK We acknowledge the assistance of The American Institute of Architect zing the subject matter \ cand form of presentation of this publication, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ORNAMENTAL METAL MANUFACTURERS +1 ‘ON 91d “V 1'V ‘An ArcutrecruraL Metat Hanpsoox, of which this booklet is to be a part, is being prepared by the Navionar Association or ORNAMENTAL MeTat, MANUFACTURERS: To provide an authoritative guide for assistance in pre- ‘paring plans and specifications of Architectural Metal. To establish uniform standards of construction. To define terms which have become commonly used in the industry. To eliminate confusion between this and other allied in- dustries. To present advantages and promote uses of Architectural Metals. CONTENTS OF THE COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL METAL HANDBOOK PREFACE ‘THE INDUSTRY Part ARCHITECTURAL METALS Composition and characteristics of ferrous and non-ferrous metals used in the Architectural Metal Industry. Part I METAL WORKING ‘TECHNIQUES Methods of Fabrication, Part It ARCHITECTURAL METAL PRODUCTS Descriptions and drawings of metal items produced by the Architectural Metal Industry. PartIV METAL PRODUCTS RELATED TO ARCHITECTURAL METAL Metal products which should be specified separately from Architec- tural Metal. Part V STRUCTURAL STEEL Structural as related to Architectural Metal. Part VI PAINTS AND FINISHES Finishes, primers, lacquers, metallic protective coatings, mechanical fin- shes, and special finishes, Part VII SPECIFIGATIONS ‘Suggestions for the preparation of specifications. Code of standard practice. Part VILL TABLES OF MATERIAL DATA. Data on sizes, gauges, and weights of metals. GLOSSARY INDEX NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ORNAMENTAL METAL MANUFACTURERS 209 CEDAR AVENUE, TAKOMA PARK * WASHINGTON 12, D. C. ©. J. CONDON, Secretary Conv 145 by Natal Aca of mane ts Manche ie USA, efi. PART Ill. PRODUCTS Section 3—STAIRS ‘METAL STAIRS AND RAILINGS HAVE MANY ADVANTAGES IN THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUC- TION OF A BUILDING, INCLUDING: Adaptability—All types of buildings are bene- fited by the use of metal stairs properly constructed and arranged Variety of Design—The architect has great latitude in the design of strings, risers, platforms, newel posts, railings, facias, and wall rails, and also in the selection of metals and finishes, and in the ‘material of treads and platforms. Durability—Metal stairs will withstand the hardest usage, as metal will outlast many other materials, and will maintain its original appear- Fireproof—Metal stair construction is insur- ance against damage or failure in case of fire. Strength—Metal stairs can be designed for adequate strength with a minimum of weight, in- suring maximum efficiency. The assembled stair forms a solid structure, free from vibration, Economy of Space—Due to their strength as related to size of members, metal stairs and sup- ports occupy the minimum amount of building space. Relocation—Metal stairs can be moved from cone location to another during alterations or re= modeling operations. 4 Low Maintenance—Metal stairs require a min- imum of maintenance expense. Railings and wall rails, particularly of non-ferrous metal, require a minimum of care. Erection—Metal stairs are easily assembled and simple to erect as they are completely fabricated in the shop. They may be erected with the frame- work of the building and thus placed into imme- diate service. Cost—Metal stairs of standard construction com- pare favorably in cost with stairs of other materi In ornamental design, metal stairs oceupy a unique position not attainable in othet materials THIS SECTION SHOWS SEVERAL METHODS OF CONSTRUCTING METAL STAIRS AND RAIL- INGS. WHERE CONDITIONS REQUIRING OTHER TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION ARE MET, THE ‘METHODS AND PRINCIPLES SHOWN HERE MAY BE VARIED OR AMPLIFIED. DESIGN, OTHER THAN STRUCTURAL, IS INDICATED ONLY WHERE INVOLVED IN STAIR CONSTRUCTION. INDEX TO SECTION 3 Pace. General Purpose os Service and Bxit......... 4 Industrial, Power House, and Similar Buildings. .5 Housing Projects, Apartments, Residences. .....6 Circular Stairs............... 7 Lobbies and Entrances. ... ne 89 Spiral Stair, Cast Pe 10 Spiral Stair, Steel lt Stair details Platform Construction ese Steel and Cast Newels.......cceseeseceecee 3) String Sections ionetan 14 ‘Treads and Risers. 15 Starts, Easements, Goosenecks, Turns. 16 Start with Open End Treads Seaaa Wall Rails, Brackets ei 17-18 © ‘Wall Rail Bracket Fastenings Pai Center Rails ae hae Handrail Sections... . : A Railing Braces, High Railings. cree Stair Well Dimensions. Tio aaa Load Tables, Strings, Risers 8 Poge 2. Section 3 PART Ill, PRODUCTS STAIRS TYPE |. GENERAL PURPOSE RISERS VARIABLE. LAYOUT FoR: "MULTIPLE STORY INTERMEDIATE PLATFORM TWO RUNS PER STORY STRINGS TAP-ScREWED ts lo WALL STRING peer |ricon, PASE PART Ill PRODUCTS Section 3. Page 3 STAIRS ADDITIONAL LAYOUTS FOR TYPE | STAIR Type | construction i shown in steel, but non-ferrous metals may be used to advantage, especialy for railings ond w roils. PLATFORM AT FLOOR TWO RUNS PER STORY Sirings and rails ishing | rectangular newels, allowing minimum hand clearance between strings ond rolls. For wider center well two squere newels replace one rectangular newel. £ Raws ae : if a AY 4 = —pD 2 . | | iL | SECTION SECTION PAF SECTION K-K PLAT TREADS, PLAT.» even wey Hwee

PART I, PRODUCTS STAIRS TYPE VI. FOR LOBBIES AND ENTRANCES KY RS TOO SES Eo fos SS ra a STAIRS SPIRAL STAIR—CAST Spiral st plants, pumping stations, vaults and other places wher 3 are adapted for use in gymnasiums, power floor space may be limited. They moy be placed in a corner, ad- {cent to a wall, or out in the open. They may extend severcl yl al < @ Ona 18 tread ce CLEARANCE CAST METAL SPIRAL STAIR CONSTRUCTION. Spiral stors may be constructed with cast metal ‘reads and landings of plain or checkered surface, with oF without abrasive material, Each ‘read hos © colar which slips over @stond pipe of steel. Risers are not desirable ot toe the stand pipe is limited. The weade 5 sing the rolling posts os bolts. Fabricators moy = have several types of standard design treads and londings which moy be toisfactory without prep- NUMBER oF RISERS Va SECTION ‘oration of special pattern. BLAN AT START stories in height, ond may be constructed either left hond, 7° tse wll provide 7-0" heed room. A rae up 6 12 Per aod may be employed (Continued on Page 11) ight hond or g nd Hood Room: Spiral stain may be made in diameters trom | z 4-6" to 67-0" or greater, with 4-0" wsvally considered the minimum for easy | é Irovel. for larger diameters refer to creular stoi, poge 7. The wel hole | al should be ot leest 3” Jorger in diameter thon the stir for roiling clearance | oe Spiro stirs ore wwallyconsruced with 12 ot 16 reads tothe cle. Head a ‘oom should be calculate on the boss of three-fourths of @ cicle. On or 12 u read cice, 9° i approrimotel the minimum rise, providing #/-9" headroom z a z o PLATFORM FRONT ELEVATION 12 TREADS PER CIRCLE-s0° Ie TREADS PER CIRCLE 22°30! PART Il PRODUCTS, Section 3. Page 11 STAIRS TYPE Vill Section Fig. 12 PLAN AT START NUMBER OF RISERS VARIABLE SPIRAL STAIR—STEEL “DIAMETER, FINISHED OPENING cCEARANCE PLAN AT PLATFORM ‘ALL STEEL SPIRALSTAIR CONSTRUCTION: Spit P Size of stond pipe and treatment at top. Metal of treads a Size and design of hend rail ond boliters. Provide detail of special treads, oma- ‘mental railings, o string (Continued from Poge 10) Bracing: Landing platform or fstenea tothe foe consracon hk vaualy being sufiient 0 propery brace @ sae of ebout ane cre, Where the haght wich oo fegue fo or mare Ecos, eddiona horizontal bracing man be prow The stand Pipe may ied ‘ond veered to the cating above Sond Pipe: The site ofsond pipes may voty trom 3° pipe or 2 minimum for 4.0" domaer stor, to 304" and 4 ‘gracler diameter and height. The Yop ofthe, bokuters. Reiings wvoly da not rer braces othe crevler contraction provides edequote sengih. Steal or nonforrous Toca stings may be employed where condition require ormamertl soratucon Construction Without Colle: Spiral sar treads moy be comirected without colar, the ‘roods being Ated wih gs bolted fo the sand pipe, 3 ‘sais may be contrcied wih ANGLE, PLATFORM BALUSTER SPACING FRONT ELEVATION NoT evER 90° Ig TREADS PER cIRCLE-22'30 IZ TREADS PER CIRCLE-ac* Bot SN BALUSTER ire. atform. FRONT ELEVATION scaue feito" Poge 12. Section 3 PART Il, PRODUCTS STAIRS PLATFORM CONSTRUCTION Fig. 19 Plan—One Platform. Load carried on hs scate fet Fig, 14 Plan —Two Platforms with Two Intermediate Rises load corried on line ¥ and supplemented on Line: 2. Well strings supported by srs, ‘Steel Channel Sti “Te pltform, Fig. 13, a shown constructed with 2 sea! chanel, ‘Avo edlequote sreagh to span the wall on Une X trough ‘Stcion: 12 and 8, and soppered of bth ends bythe wall stings. Newel post rest on this chomel through angle ips, ‘round which the plotfrm plote et, Seon 3. Foce sing ‘Scots 8,9 ond 10, wih trough bol The load ho earied from post Con tne Zin the some manner, The members ot post C may be brought tapether ond welded ‘nd he past ied over he connection or the ene ei welded, ART i, PRODUCTS Ves | STAIRS | ===. [Newel posts of cast metal may be manufactured in any shape, length and design required, with matching cops and drops, Economy may be achieved by the vse of stock patters. The ‘odvantage of special patterns lies inthe variety of design that may be employed. Siting comectons are similar fo those vied for steel newels, scate 1-0" s STEEL AND CAST NEWELS $e Pde 2 fa. 20 ro be fig. 18 Fig. 19 SQUARE PIPE AND TUBE ‘SIZES AND WEIGHTS | e108" . A078) fa svenc we | steec Tue | Bs > Weicnt| size [WEIGHT] 3.0 [rex ie] 1.7 > \ [as [exe | ae r M15 Fe. 16 fies 17 flee [stat] 0 : ‘Steel Newels—Caps—Drog 1h] SSE ae ‘ aes Sas fabxstl aa 19 and reclonguor pipe ond tubing for we os news! pots may be ‘obtained in izes given in this table, and in other siz may be 4.8 [4 x4] 48 duced by various manufacturers. 349 xz] 20 Sqvore ond rectanguor ste! pipe of 5" well thiknes hos sffient 45 [exak} 23 stengih for ue os lr newels. hos rounded corer, ond is surface ish % steele is similar to thot of hot rolled rid tee. ¢ eee Square ond rectngulr fubing of No, 1 or other gouge ual requires, 3 as Fires erate teat coetcaan weeeieeanreen at gcse jens [ ea |g Use ot stale newels. hor aque corners, end fs surface fish esr 1 ki ve [exaf oe |k thot of cold rolled tel acme i | apr and drops of stock design are ovatable in castor pened metal iL 38 328 Special designs are produced as required. ie aa sae oe ‘Square tubing is produced in the non-ferrous metals in several sizes and oy os gauges. The finish of these may be made to match or contrast with the OE +38 ath of rolls, hondrols ond other non-ferrous metal iad [ae Strings may be butted ogo! newel end connecied by means ofa verte “Siet ore ovtide dinenions_ Io ibg welded 1 ond of sing nd fxtened wih bls lapped to neal or ie, Wesgae oe cee } of sring may be extended onside of newel ond fastened with bolt lopped oe Some at Ue: i oy ® zeit “ 7 / << Fig. 22 Fig. 23 Fig. 24 Cont Newel ast Newel ost Newel Cost Newel with Base Poin chamfered Corners Poneled Free Sides Panaled Free Sides Poge 14. Section 3 PART Il, PRODUCTS STAIRS STRING SECTIONS—FOR ALL TYPES OF STAIRS on tue [— NON-SLIP SURFACE a Fig. 28 Steel chanel srings with fled pon type tread. The stair should be in- : 4 stalled before the face brick or te | Face sing at post. Moldings walls ore built to insure close joins. | rot mitered unless shown or 4 specified mitered, Fig. 25 Flot plote stings with floor plate fread ond pipe railing. pty f Fig. 29 Waite iec on) ce: ceca: ‘Steel channel strings with omamental Inlding on face sing ond. chanel ‘ith or without bras Foce silat post. Moldings al string plstered soft initered only when shown oF Specied mitered, *, SEE NOTE Fig.3t | Fig. 27 x fs oe | | Structral steel channel stings with i. ig. 30 The 1 4 ‘ating type tread See Section 7, Oc Box type face string of cha Box type face sing of two x type face sing of chomel, | GRATINGS. Pte ard we channels" Cpl and melds hema wa ta ‘The sg sections nde moor of ) | the vrs peso sings splayed fr Sel tors Cth type sare ed, ] : ier methods of combining wih ‘lings ore sobatines deed E i ee The vious ype of Win molings shown Lg 1 re only tusotve of the posuiir of | | CLIPS FOR METAL LATH | Fo 18° cc. Fig. 35 Fig. 36 Pe i x Box type face sting of steel chonnel and ferrous Box type face strings. for non-ferrous exposed foce; steel plate well ring. SCALE 1}'=!-0° ‘For sizes of strings and allowable wniform loads see table, page 24. PART Ill, PRODUCTS Section 3. Page 15 STAIRS TREADS AND RISERS—FOR ALL TYPES OF STAIRS Steel riser and sub tread with formed nosing, angle supporting brackets. Steel rier ond wb tread with ebrosive sofety nosing, sanitary cove, fat bar supporting brackets, Greet riser and svb-tread with ‘grocved safety nosing and tile of linoleum fil, angle supporting brack. ‘el Other types of safety nosing oF ‘weed covering may be used. SALE Fig. 46 Grating Treas See Section 7, GRATINGS. Fig, 98 Steal riser and sub tread with formed noting, engle supporting bracket, Fig. 41 felled steel oF extruded noting nd tile o linoleum tread, angle sup: Porting brackets. Other types of Safety’ nosing or tread covering may be used. scfety nosing, sonitary cove, congle supporting brackets, (Treen 3 Fig. 42 Stoel riser and wb tread with mor- ble, or pre-cast tread, of Porting Brackets. bracket, with or without steal rier Fig, 45 Cést metal abrasive tread, with oF without steel riser. ‘eott or wood treads, ongle sup. Porting brackets. Soi with concrete or terrazzo fil may be conse with he, top of sporting brace! 2” balow the treed srface and 3° se ter bracket may be 14" "A"n1 14" bor welded. Treods porting brackets. eee Pear eee PT Oe es Page 18, Section 3, PART PRODUCTS STAIRS ‘STARTS—EASEMENTS—GOOSENECKS—TURNS. Fig. 51 Fig. 52 Stort with easement, hond- Start with easement, hand- Stort with handrail ex- rail ishing again! newel rail extending beyond post tending over post and down ost, ‘above ommament, to weed. i | | | Fig. 56 Gooseneck on handrail fn- | ‘hing against post. | To maintain uniform pitch of stair ot the fece of string molding F, where the two } opposite rivers are i | 16.637 times the tread. 2 x read | | For other types of similar curved construc: Fo. 54 Fg. 55 tion, W should be auficent To elow for Return wih gcoeneck ond Return with ied como: Rtn with caved conforming fh ing molding wou cosing en confinvovs vous handrail and ease: yous hondraik wih Seiten meat Scare Zi sIto" = PART tk PRODUETS ‘Section 3. Page 17 STAIRS START WITH OPEN END TREADS scate ib eite ‘This construction may be used on one or both sides of 4 steel stair upper part of fight may be built be- Fig. 57 ‘ween walls with strings and treads in val position, WALL RAILS—BRACKETS Fig. 58 Fig. 60 Figr 61 for extruded sections wih castor wrought brackets. Ends moy ls, oF may be returned fo wall plates or may have special eral erin. In ay ofthese ein ris may may not hhove ecsements. Support brackets vivally spaced 6 to 8 fee SCALE 1h 4150" Poge 18. Section 3 PART Il PRODUCTS STAIRS. WALL RAILS—BRACKETS U BNC Fig. 64 Fig. 62 Returned Eod Wrought Bracket = Fig. 65 z Fig. 66 Fig. 62 seated Bor Wall Rol ond fer Wall-Rall ond eet ee Welded Wrought Bracket Welded Wrought Brackets Well rails end brackets of wrought metal, tnd brackets. Supports spaced not fo exceed 6 feel ee Fig. 68 bs Cost Bracket PIPE OR TUBING Fig. 67 Pipe Wall Rail and Cott Bracket Fig. 70' Wrought Bracket ‘Wall reils of pipe or tubing with wrought or cast brackets. Ends may returned into wall plates. Supports spaced not 10 exceed 8 fo G a ey val he Sepa ce oie mats Wrought Bracket ‘Wil reils of bors placed over chamels, with wrought or cost brackets. Ends may be jaced nat to exceed 7 feet, forged or returned into well plotes. Supports ‘or rectangular bers with for Fig. 71 Pipe Well Roil ond Welded Wrought Bracket dloted or be Retwrned End Fig. 76 Bor and Channel Wall Rell and Wrought Bracket ScALe 1h i i PART I, PRODUCTS Section 3. Page 19 STAIRS WALL RAIL BRACKET FASTENINGS “rl Fig. 77 Fig. 78 Lag bolt in wood, Two or more wood screws in wood. Fig. 81 Wood screws in fiber plugs or lead enchors, Fig. 85-7 Fig. 86 Special costing fasten rough wall by one bolt bracket secured 10 costing by three machine screws, fat round, or oval head. Plate fastened by one flat head bol, bracket secured to plate by three machine screws, fat, round, oF oval head. Fig. 09 Bolt anchored ond spaced in wall before panel is set; bracket seewred with cap tu. (See page 8) Fig. 90 ‘Toggle serew anchor through ponel or through plaster, ‘wo per bracket. The style of handrail brackets shown on this page are for the purpose of indicating types of fastenings. Fabricators have similar patterns suitable for ute in conection withthe various methods of fastenings shown, Brackets are obtainable for either fat bottom or round handrails i ae aad a Fig. 79 Fig. 80 Machine bolt ond threads Machine bolt with head ot ‘expansion nit in masonry. bottom, plain expansion nit, and cop mut x SS 83 Fig. 84 Tapped plate fastened to Plate fastened by one bolt methine Bolt std or through ce for head i bolt, bracket secured. to bracket secured to plate by. three machine yy three machine Screws, flat; round, or oval. serews, lat, round, or oval head. heed. CH Fig, 88 Toggle in hollow tile with square, hexagon or round head bolt hey Fig. 87 Plate welded to bolt head, bracket secured to plote by three machine screws, Ret round, oF oval head. 1m Wood constRUCTION. Backers may be foslenad to wood consrtion by mons of wood eres, ‘ith fi, round or aval head They may go be fastened by lag bal with square heads, exng one bat par brocket, Wood backing shold be ‘Sdeaetta for efor sexing In SOUD MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. {rockets may be fostered Yo masonry comsrvction by trough bolts or by ‘xpemion bal of several types. I's preferable to oa brace designed {ere bao» bt ove wil oc he moony ond become lobe ko moy be fostened by waod sews or lag bolt inte finer Blogs IN HOWOW TLE CONSTRUCTION: Brackets may be fastened fo hollow te construction by tough bolls or toggle balin Toggle bole ore of several types of comirtion. Amore secure festering wil be atored wing aly ane bt per asks, ‘ON LATH AND PLASTER, AND WALL BOARD WALLS: jue scace IPs tto "Page 20. Section 3 PART Ill. PRODUCTS STAIRS CENTER RAILS DOUBLE RAIL AND Post x steed sus-TREAD SINGLE RAIL AND PosT f Fig. 91 Fig. 92 Center Rail of single pipe or tbing Center Rail of single or double pi welded to ports of like materi tubing of other section; ends closed with cast or formed ornament, supported by brockets on poss. eek Scave If Contor rails are used on wi verious localities differing with regard to the Imoximum staie width before center rails ore re- Guired, Center rails may be of ferrous or non-ferrous metals and may be constructed either with single oF double rails attached to posts or newels se} into the stir reads. The setting should be rigid, Preferably by extending the post or onchoring to the floor or tread construction, LAN u Jose longes may either be firmly attached fo the ts poss, and anchored by bolts info the treads, oF Fig. 93 SCALE Sette! They may be used merely as slip Ranges on posts Center Rail of two molded hondva! which are anchored by other means, sections with easements ond returned renee Se “ Posts of dovble center rail may extend above the fends, mitered or rounded, ond wp ii daptie can ope ported by brackets on poss. Preventing children from sliding the rails, sreciry Tecations. Size ond Section of railing, “Type of fetoning ota ond fash Provide seal dete, PART I, PRODUCTS “Section 3. Poge 21 Bi a STAIRS CG GO YY Fig. 94 Fig. 95 Fig. 96 Fig. 97 Stee! Steel Stoo! ne Bronze Bronze Bronze ‘Amina Aluminum ‘Alomioum Alumina Fig. 98 Fig. 100 Fig. 101 Bronze ‘Amina Bronze Aluminum ‘Alumina ight Sections of Hand Rails with Ogee top wrfacers. @e @02 GE Fig. 102 Fig. 103 Fig. 104 Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze ‘Alina ‘Aluminum ‘Aluminum Four Sections of Hand Roils with Oval top surfaces. | GD o>? Fig. 106 Fig. 107 Fig, 108 Fig. 108 Bronze Brome ‘Aluminum Aluminum Four Sections of Hond Rails with Fluted or Grooved top surfaces. Gia p ? Fig. 110 Fig. 111 Bronze Bronze Four Sections of Hand Rei The sections shown ore typical of mony widely employed types of hand For complete infometion x fo avallabilty of exe Ghd sumerces ‘ther elle and extruded section into, bron, slemimam, ne sve ‘ond other metols coral manstactretcotlogues (On proisetsresviring Spada dis not en Small qvonitie, cost may be kept When its impractical to bend twist @ hondral to the desired shops, casings ore employed. Wnen specifying, indicate metal, fish, monvfectres’ de number, and site ad type of poring chon! Sines see! handrails ae ao obi formed (om tines stl shew Schone cor or dealers cal bensing i necessory SCALE 2" 1 INCH Poge 22. Section 3 os Fig 114 Roling brace of wrought bar, for ornamental railings. Fig. 18 high railing ‘ond Bracket ot vival height STAIRS RAILING BRACES—HIGH RAILINGS ft ber, Metal railing braces for resisting lateral thrust on ‘constructed with three points long railings should ‘of ettachment for the mos! efectve bracing. Fig. 119 Paneled steal high railing with hond- rail ond brocket of vival height. Rolling brace of square or PART Ill, PRODUCTS Fig. 116 Fig. 117, ling brace of flat bor on oi i" BRR RN Rx r> Reve RNY XXX) RX BAIR ROI RR NX RY RORY Oi RY ] PART ill, PRODUCTS. Section 3, Page 23 STAIRS ‘STAIR WELL DIMENSIONS RISER LINE TD ROUGH BEAM DETERMINED BY ONE-HALP OF POST WIDTH) PLUS CLEARANCE WIDTH AT PLATFORM NOT LESS THAN WIDTH OF STAR In some locliies laws or ordinances blah a minimum platform width in relation o soir width USUALLY ONE-HaLr 7] OF STRING WIDTH Ni ROUGH weLL 2 METHOD OF ESTABLISHING THE WIDTH OF A STAIR WELL METHOD OF ESTABLISHING THE LENGTH OF A STAIR WELL Width of stoir is usually considered Centerline of rail 1 Finished wll. When, wall rail is required allowance should bbe made for clearance to comply with tony legal requirements as to net width. HAND CLEARANCE, NOT LESS THAN I ONE-HALE OF fond rue of 7" 10 718” or cone Sidered overage. Store of sory rms ore olen To's 10 11" roads wih rare inder 7" Stal ied excaivaly by maintenance ond ‘fon contructed wih © fee ALTERNATE. CONSTRUCTION Newel set into beam. Plaster fn- shed on center of newel. Eo BY wioTH RISER LINE TS ROUGH BEAM DETERMINED BY ONELHALF OF POST WIDTH PLUS CLEARANee RoucH WELL sae oe rm a vd Page 24. Section 3 } PART Ill. PRODUCTS - STAIRS LOAD TABLES—STRINGS—RISERS TOTAL ALLOWABLE UNIFORM LOADS IN KIPS AND DEFLECTIONS IN INCHES FOR STAIR STRINGS| is HK w 26 2a ze Pa & ze a iy n eee ere eg Ta mf) [ | [DEPTH ry 10 12 10 12 10 10 2 iz 10 2 Wes |. a7]. | 2a] 28 7 Meier a Zz t 220 32.3 55.8 66.4 | 128.1 15.6 20.8 26.0 27.0 360 | 25.4 414 Ss 44 65 4.5 13.4 21.4 3.12 4i6 |[* 5.2 4.5 60 s2 7.8 [SPAN FEET |Uap[oert |Loap [pert jtoao pers |.cap|oen |Loab|peri |Loab|pert [LoaD|beri|Loap|peri|ioap|orri jioap|pert|.oap[percfioav|een| ‘3 [19-7] 914 [28-7] 014]41.3| 016 [54.4] 014 [845 |.016]13.4].014|18.5].014| |.016|27.¢|.016 |23.2|.014| 31.1 | 016 4 |14.7|099 /21.5|033|3!,0]026|44.6|.033/71.2|.028|10.4| 033]13.4].038 028200) ‘5 [116] 052|17.2| 052|24.6].043|35:7|.052|56.].043| 6.9|.052|1.1|,052)i3.4].052|12.0|,043)16.0] é z 3s 4.6] 014|14.3|.074|20:7| 062|2%.] o74la7.4] 062] 6|074| 4.31074] 1.61 074]10.0| 0¢2|19.9 4|.101/12.3|.101 [17.7] 084125.) 101 [40-7|.084| S].101| 7.4] 101 74|132[10.7]132]6.5].110|22.3) 132|35.].110| 52.132] 6.9].192 4.6|168|15.8).140]19.8| 168)31.7|.140] 4.6168] 6.2|.160] 7.71168] €.7]140| 8.4 Be) 207] 12.4) 172|17.4).207)20.41.172| 42| 207) 5.6|.207| €].207| € 0172] 8.) 78).280]11 3).204] 6.2) 250|25:].209| 36250, 5.0] 250] 6.2) 280 55|.209 7.4) 7.2| 248|10.3|.248]14.9].246)29.6] 248] 2.5| 2981 4.6) '350| 66|350] 4.8].241|15.7] s50)21.9| 291] 32] 3501 4.3. 30] 406) 40) 26) 466! 3.7 26) 530] 3.5 Se] 33 lero) 3.1 :747] 2. laze) eel Hg). 109], IDerLecTions exceepina gl, or THE SPAN. INeMES DIMENSIONS [LoaDS BELOW HEAVY LINE WiLL CAUSE. 19 2p arta 4 1 OF [FotAL ALLowasce UNIFORM LOADS wi] Ie-cenren oF lips an DercecTions Im mcHES FOR Graviry mises 7 mi ™ N N ; n x da [essence] to [2 tT | 702 | S48 Sh |r207 1a bare ‘Alowableloads and defection: shown in Ps table ore Bosed on lore sven of 20,0008 35 |7.6].04|6.01.04 I ji Bet Sq ne For sess of 18000F deduct 4.0 |67|.05| 53].05 0% 5.0 |53].07|4.21.07 Does alas EQ ER ons for loads less than shown in se seities ; SPAN oF STRINGS table ere eretly propertinel to the load BO |3.3].19 |2.6].19 | 19]:141 The spon by feet given f the obove toads ore applicable for scion: braced ‘table is the horizontal distance between against loteral deflection. Stair strings eek wih treads or with treads ond thers re I= MOMENT OF INERTIA] fs Considered loterolly braced. S1SEEHon Mopacce ows ox , PART Il. ‘Section 4— Metal railings are constructed for protection at many locations within and on the exterior of build- ings and structures of every kind. They may be de- signed for plain utilitarian purposes, for ornamen= tation, and for a combination of these purposes. Metal railings may be fabricated of steel, genuine ‘wrought iron, cast iron, or of non-ferrous metals i PRODUCTS RAILINGS cluding aluminum, bronze, brass, nickel silver, stainless steel and other alloys, and in all the forms in which these metals are produced, ‘Metal railings may be finished in any of a num. ber of metal finishes: they may be painted, galva- nized, plated, or may be polished to display the colors of the metal of which they are made. METAL RAILINGS HAVE MANY ADVANTAGES, INCLUDING: Adaptobility—Metal railings can be designed and constructed with the greatest flexibility of de- sign for all types of structures. In decorative de- signs metal railings occupy unique position not attainable in other materials, Durability—Metal railings will outlast. many ” other materials and will maintain their original ap- pearanee. Strength—Metal railings can be designed for adequate strength with a minimum of weight, Cost—Metal railings compare favorably in orig- inal cost with other materials, and require a mini ‘mum of maintenance. INDEX TO SECTION 4 Ornamental Railings Tube Railings Pipe Railings, Welded. Pipe Railings, Fittings. Bridge Railings. .... 26, 27, 28 29 30 31 2 Page 26. Section 4 PART Ill. PRODUCTS: RAILINGS a ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS ay Ornament ratings may be contrcted of El perce te come : eee ; Se : Methods of attachment of railings to steps and i++ Had tc etc os roe een || steron fend into steps ond — a pees Reese 25) eee cee src eee es Polished, the metal supplying the color base. Fig. 1 E See Part Vil, Paints and Finishes, Relig with baksters spaced one per tread por inter eceeah pe 2 i Bes an E . by 6 | : oe z g| } J = 5 3 Lar ee = 72- 1 rea | 4 oo Rolling with longitudinal members supported on spaced ots, designed of sufficient srength to witstond deflection, ae Wall fail with Wall rail with 6) Iiered ens lambs Tongue base pee a section Wall rails of several types, with sections matching step rellings. For wall rail, brackets ond fstnings, see pages 19 fend 21. ELEVATIONS: SCALE 3+! SECTIONS: SCALE K'sIto" | } PART ill PRODUCTS. Section 4. Page 27 RAILINGS ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS SPACE FOR ORNAMENT /Desien BY ARcHITECT Fig. 7 Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 indicate typical ratings for decks, platforms, beleonies, roofs ond. similar location, ‘adopted for resident, apartment or hotel con: strtion, ‘These rollings may be fastened with wood screws or lag bolts to wood, or with expansion bos to masomy. (On roofs or decks the setting ofthe post bases should be waterproofed. | reaps PLatronm | Fig. with bolsters ond bottom longitudinal ‘member supporting bohsters, Posts extending, Into masonry. seave 3’! SECTION Railings for decks, roofs, plotforms ond similar places. may be constructed of ferrous or non-ferrous metal. ‘The architect has © great latitude in the design of these railings. Eis SPACE. FOR ORNAMENT eee Fig. 10 Roling without bottom longitudinal member, each Page 28. Section 4 . PART Ill. PRODUCTS RAILINGS Roilings for balconies, mezzanines and similar places may be constructed of ferrous or non-ferrous metal or OLR AENEAESRALINGS Geombinationof bothin wroughtercost The reste! hos great latitude in the design ofthis type of roiling il reay CIESEHHD ——Raling pone set between cols orjombs Poss ‘xtended to Roor constracion for wpper. DESIGN BY ARCHITECT Roiling for balcony or mezzanine with double posts and panels Posts extended to support fescia and fastened to Noor constuction. I mn © Rolling for balcony or mezzanine wih eurved section. Facia fastened to floor constuction. Roling fostened to facia. eee: scare b's tho" Scaue 1h’ ERR ec ee PART ill. PRODUCTS. Section 4. Page 29 RAILINGS Tube reiling can be designed in a variety of interesting and useful ways, the employment of metals of matching or contrasting colors providing versolile effets in theatres, court rooms, lobbies and other locations eee ‘hore ths Wp of omamental metal s petcory adepteble: F a 4 } ig. 14 Fig. 15 Single Tobe Reng wih Bol Type Fitings Double Tube Reilng wth Bal Type Roiings may be made with posts extended into oor or with iting: Figid Rong: ‘expension bolts, 1 Fig. 16 l Fig. 17 ‘Single Pot wt Ball Cops and Hook for Rope Rein. ovale po a 16,1 contced win metal soc sl in oor, wih blog provided for the socket Meveble post Fig. 17; free standing on or, i consaced wih large Ra Removable por, base of sufficient weight to hold post rigid, Fig. 20, Foot Rall with Pivoted Bracket = Fig. 21 Foot Reil wih Stationary Brackets Foot Rail wth Stationary Posts ‘setting on floor end fastened with screws or oe Eh fa Low Level Reilng with or without Grille Roilings of round tubes are manufactured in steel, stainless steel, bros, bronze, luminum and other non-ferrour metal Tubes are always meosured by the outside diameter. Tubé railings are vivaly specified in 1", 114", 1%", 2", 244", or 3° diameters, and in wall thicknesses OF 18, 16 oF 14 gouge. 18 gouge is wally satisfactory in all metals except ‘lumioum which is vsvelly 16 gouge. Relling of lorg te heavy use may be specified of heavier gous chromium plated metals If flings are desired in other metas their evalobilty should be checked. Rollins of stainless steel tuber moy be constructed with ‘welded joints, oF with chromiom ploted fittings of other metal, Bose flanges and braces are available for all vival typer of railing construc: tion. Where posts coq reinforcing under heavy use, ste! pipe or tube may be sreciey: Aecatons. Motori ond fish, Outside diameter ond govge of tebe elgh. (Mathod of fastening. Provide scale details, potistaty ot special connection one ‘isne. eS - Page 30. ‘Section 4 PART I, RAILINGS PIPE RAILINGS— WELDED Pipe railings constructed with welded con- nections are used because of their smooth ‘appearance, their economy of construction, ‘and their versatility. Welding many complications involved in the use of reling fittings in locations where ramps, turns, fr curves are constructed, GALVANIZING Pipe railings may be constrcted of ‘ond that rablems of length and size a: related to available Yorizing equipment and results in cost than the ure of material galvaniay ‘ation. fabrication willbe furnished. TABLE OF NOMINAL SIZES OF WROUGHT STEEL PIPE Fig. 23, Pipe railing with welded connections. Same con- struction is vsed for railings with single or with 6 menssecay poe, g Loafer rail of steal or cost metal ottached to top rail may be provided if specified SeeapAes™ | “BARRE [ woo ror efi |p || | % : he vs } bs ; ds ? HE SECTION ELEVATION Fig. 25 Pipe raling for roof copings, parapets, or low walls, fastened with exponsion or through bolts. seae g" Fig. 24 Pipe railing on stor, with welded comections, top member bert 10 form continuous ral. PLAN SECTION SECTION Fig. 26 Fig. 27 a‘ Pipe railing for walkways bolted to steel Framing. PRODUCTS, PART iil, PRODUCTS Section 4. Page 31 . RAILINGS Pipe railings may be constructed with ball pattern o plain pattern fit= PIPE RAILINGS—FITTINGS fied" Emery cece wan mane cepeoae Renee oe Sonn perseecn os oo & | Sone sere | Sere es ae Fig. 96 7 Low raling constructed with ball pattern _ fiings: often used for boleone Fig. 37° 5 Pipe roll constructed with ball pattern fitings: Posts fastened by any one of the methods indi- cated in Figs. 32, 93, 94, or 35. lugs for adjustment to variation in seace 3 | ten. i To sreciry: F - es ‘ive Location. [ af Kind of meted a pene < Sine of pipe, clays nom ETAL ide draster SLeeve ‘ Method of fastening. Fig. 32 out satin hole in masonry Post at in pipe or shea! metal thou sleeve, encored with sleeve, anchored wih on || Sect Setcinnor. Post may crete or sulphur lange may be'fted with ip Ronge.”" be loove or fasened fo ost , ote ead or ead wool may be wed for ocr, where | Ihe ender fw nt @ fcr nang sna -PART Ill, PRODUCTS Feet case ne eraaul as derek dpppernes ona RAILINGS Ieee Seiad, Chore sos) axctlet hay lew a qcriven er ne Be ah St sistance eae ‘top and bottom rail with channel continously welded and bolsters of steel designed by architect. D r t Fig. 39° Al Stet Rong end Concrete ost tng cectored fo pos by wctt of bronze cr guivonznd molestie ron pro- fide expan slovence Eling hs top rl fo cana ane baba bu form top ond contro welded Ye te cers rd bottom rol oF beany Choma Fond, desgned'n sot by cre, er welaed io Fag. Ba—Pal [ES Fig. 40 Rolling of Steel ond Cast Steel or Steal and Non-Ferrous Metal Rolling is anchored to posts by sockets of bronze or galvanized malleable ion pro- sxpension allowance, Reiling hos top roll of ste! pipe. Panels a+ designe thay be of cost steel or non-ferrous metal, with tie bars of steel, Raling i anchored to posts by sockets of bronze . Reling hos hond rab ‘ond panels of non-ferrous metal Seate, 2: 1-0" Digitized by: ASSOCIATION FOR PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGY, INTERNATIONAL BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HERITAGE LIBRARY From the collection of: Association for Preservation Technology, Int.

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