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Jamal Mohamed College is thrown into shame

by its Shameless Principal and his Family

1. The Principal of Jamal Mohamed College abuses the powers granted by the University Grants
Commission of India and he awards M. Phil in management degree to himself on 19.12.2010 in
Jamal Mohamed College Auditorium.

2. Mr. Raja Mohamed, the lab assistant in the department of biotechnology of Jamal Mohamed
College steals the original works of Richard M. Felder, North Carolina state University and
publishes as if it is his own work in the souvenir of Diamond Jubilee of Jamal Mohamed College
(pg.68-69 entitled – The effective, efficient professor). The shameless principal is the uncle of
Mr. Raja Mohamed.

3. Mrs. Shakila banu, a teacher in MBA department of Jamal Mohamed College wife of Mr. Raja
Mohamed Steals the works from the National Institute Health, United states and publishes as if
it is her own work in the souvenir of Diamond Jubilee of Jamal Mohamed College (pg.70,
entitled – stress management). The acts of Mr. Raja Mohamed and Mrs. Shakila banu are very
serious crimes under the plagiarism and copyright laws. As per these international laws, the
punishment for plagiarism is 7 years imprisonment.

Acts 1, 2 and 3 are not international crimes according to ’Well Wishers’ of Jamal Mohamed College. But,

 Is it okay to the citizens of India?

 Is it acceptable to the civilized men and women of the world?
 Is it acceptable to the Chairman of University Grants Commission of India?

If it is acceptable, all the Vice Chancellors of Indian Universities and the Principals of Autonomous
colleges should be encouraged to award degrees to themselves. The Indian Judicial system has to lift all
the laws on plagiarism and copyright violations.
The Shameless Principal of Jamal Mohamed College abuses the powers granted by the University
Grants Commission of India and he awards M. Phil Management degree to himself on 19. 12. 2011.

This issue had put the entire academic system of India in shame. All the signatories in the M. Phil mark
sheets and the degree certificates have given no answer to this issue.
The Original work of Richard M. Felder, North Carolina State University, United States
Mr. Raja Mohamed Publishes the works of Richard M. Felder in souvenir of Diamond Jubilee of Jamal
Mohamed College!
Mrs. Shakila Banu steals the complete information, line by line, word by word from National Institute of
Health, United States and publishes the same in souvenir of Diamond Jubilee of Jamal Mohamed
With malice toward none,
With charity for all,
With firmness toward right,
Shine with Justice and Truth!

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