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Kakani Rural Municipality

First Term Exam: -2077

Subject: Computer Science F.M.: 25
Class: Six (6) Time: 1:00 hrs. P.M.: 10
Q.No. 1 State whether the following statements are tree or false. [1×5=5]
a. A computer cannot store the data and information for future use.
b. To perform any task in the computer, we have to instruct the computer
what to do.
c. There is nothing else in a computer system except hardware and
d. RAM is read and write memory of computer.
e. A computer takes lots of time to do complex calculations.
Q.No. 2 Choose the correct answer from the given options. [1×5=5]
a. From which language the word 'Computer' is derived?
i) French ii) Latin iii) English
b. Which of the following is not part of computer?
i) Keyboard ii) mouse iii) Power plug
c. Where are computer used?
i) Education ii) Business iii) both
d. Which of the following is not basic part of computer?
i) Mouse ii) Keboard iii) Printer
e. The speed of computer is measured in …………..
i) Bits ii) Hert 2 iii) Byte
Q.No. 3 Write full forms of the following. [1×5=5]
i) CPU ii) ICU iii) ALU iv) RAM v) LED
Q.No. 4 Answer the following questions. [2×5=10]
a. Define computer with its proper meaning?
b. What are the four basis parts of computer?
c. List any four places where computers are mainly used.
d. List any three input devices.
e. What is CPU? List its major parts.

The End
ssgL ufpFkflnsf :t/Lo
k|yd k/LIff
ljifoM :jf:Yo (Health education) k"0ff{ÍM !%
sIffM ^ ;doM ! 306f ptL0ff{ÍM ^
k|=g+= ! vfnL 7fpF e/ . (Fill in the blanks) [5×0.5=2.5]
s= cg'xf/ ;kmf /fv]g eg] ================== cfpg ;S5 .
(……….. appears, if we do not clean our face.)
v= n'ufkmf6f] ============= cg';f/ nufpg' kb{5 .
(Wearing clothes according to ………..)
u= u]8fu'8Ldf xfdLnfO{ rflxg] ================= kfOG5 .
(We get …………… from gram.)
3= xfldn] ;Fw} ============= df lbzflk;fj ug'{kb{5 .
(We should always do defecation in …………….)
ª= h}ljs kbfy{ eg]sf] ============ j:t' xf] .
(Organic substance means ………… object.)
k|=g+= @ tnsf egfO{ l7s 5 ls a]l7s 5'6\ofpm . [5×0.5=2.5]
s= SofG;/ ;g]{ /f]u xf] .
(Cancer is transferable disease.)
v= gfsn] Zjf; km]g]{ / uGw lng] sfd ub{5 .
(Nose is only use for breathe and to get smell.)
u= ;Gt'lnt ef]hgn] xfd|f] z/L/nfO{ a]kmfObf x'G5 .
(Balance diet is harmful for our body.)
3= u]8fu'8Ln] xfd|f] z/L/df zlSt lbG5 .
(Gram gives us energy.)
ª= P8\; nfu]sf] dflg; t'?Gt dg{ ;Sb5 .
(People suffering from AIDS get instant death.)
k|=g+= # 5f]6f] pQ/ b]pm (Give short answer) [1.6×3=5]
s= sf]if eg]sf] s] xf] < (What is cell?)
v= kf]if0f s]nfO{ elgG5 < (Define Nutrition/What is meant by nutrition?)
u= JolQmut :jf:Yo eg]sf] s] xf] < (What is meant by personal Hygiene?)
k|=g+= $ nfdf] pQ/ n]v (Give long answer) [2×2.5=5]
s= Pr=cfO{=le eg]sf] s] xf] < P8\; ;g]{ tl/sfx? n]v . (What is meant
by HIV? List out the points transferring AIDS.)
s= hgfj/ sf]ifsf] ;kmflrq n]vL ljleGg efux?sf] gfdn]v . (Draw a
animal cell and label out the all points.)
The End

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