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As Name Precalculus Que 12-13, 1. Write the equation of ne, in pntslone frm, through the sven point wth te given lope, (1 Point) G2) m=3 [p20 2 Find the domain ofthe function. Write your answer in set-bullder notation (2 Points Each) a Ko ito x40,-2 Def ef arog, oi fxlxte-af 2. Determine the function even, odor neither k(x) = #2 — 4.2 Points) Bix)" Cort axhe 4, Evaluate the tference cotient| foxtn) fd he [aowen) =i] Lye (C22 tor tne folowing unto: fs) = 4 ~ 1.12 Pls) 5 ind the intervals) where the function iinceasng, decreasing, oF constant Also, state the domain and range ofthe function. Al answers shouldbe written in interval notation. (5 Points) increasing: (2, 420) eceing: (-<0, 2) constant: » /4 dona (e405) range: [-4, 100) \ name Aruswere Ker Pre-Caleuls Vocabulary Test Chapter [Matching Match each wordwith ts definition, (2 Polat Ech) —L_1.Paratet ines & fm =-f0) —L_2.Perpencicaar tines 8. lowest poet na section ofa graph FL 3.064 function values 14 tven function D. the rate of change of a line —E_s:elative maximum E yvalues Bs. relative minimum F_ighest point ina section ofa graph C7. b0main 6. lines with he same ope Et range H. uses( and/or tondieate domain and range —D_s.slope L ren=se K_ to. runetion 4. ines wth opposite reciprocal slopes Ht. tmerva notation 1. special elation where one input ges exactly one output Mule Chol: choos thease that bes competes the statment and wit theleteron the ata the lef problem umber Pom Ech Ban Atmetnatipaateltey =~6r~ 5 trough he pik 2) ayant b yan6r413 ayeteea eynsess C15. utes voeabulty words that hee the seme mening 98 ndependenevaraoe sre 2. Domain and Range b. Range and Output © Domaln and input Input nd Output © Domain and Output C16. 969) = 2-3 and g(x) = 2200 f(069) ant wo ed a2 ea 45. what isthe domain ofthe function f(x) = fx-+ 31? 2. (0,0) >» Ba) © Be) 6 3a) € E30) C16, tfsomedhing is ota funtion, its an) B.Unfuncton >. Reciprocal c, ‘Relation ——<€.-‘Reflecton —@, Odd. Fv, pnoterwaytowite f° 960% af(o@) > aff) (FG) fou) —e. fox Pre-aleulus Test Chapter 1 ‘Answer each questio 3 solve each problem below. Remember to show al of your work! 1. Determine ifthe function f(x) = x2 +2 —1is ven odd ornate. Prove your ass 3 Pints) Fleay= (x) 26x) -1 xe DCH 2. Let f(x) = 20? ~ Sand g(x) = x 3,find 3-2, Simpy your answers completely. Ge the domain ‘when appropriate (6 Ponts) 2 FHM = AES 4x-3 Faxes & (FING) = (202-5) (x3) & QosPEse] +0G)= 47 2. Oraw the si parent funetions and label them with their name or equation (6 Ponts). Pre-alelus;Test~Chapter 1 44 Describe (a) what the parent function (the tansformations/shfts that happen and (c sketch 2 {7 2phof the new uretion on he ai (2 Pont Each) | Wg) =3-i-9F | 3) Quadeatie pooex® 8) Shift 78, ceFlect yraxis, Smif 13, WAG) = VERT +5 @) Sounee Root PONE B) Seer £7, 75 eee ae : nied] re Rify ly £23 6. Find the inverse ofthe function f(2) = VFE=3. (2 Points} 3 —— P= a 7 Pre-aleulus; Test ~Chapter 1 7. abel the celatve maximum and/or relative minimum. Then determine the intervals where the funtion Isincreasing, decreasing, or constant and wet them in Interval notation, (4 Points) Inuerensng! (-20,-1) (0,60) Deceasing (+40) —— fetenve mivienm 18, Write an equation forthe graph below. (3 Ponts) reales; Test—ChapterL 9. Using the two functions below, evaluate the compositions given n=l. (2 Pont Each) | sah | | bk afa)= = i f() = -y fe F(-9)=-3, A. renin PraCaleul Qua 21-22 er L pepe tera—a ere eaten Veerex = Oay® | Find the intercepts ofthe function. Then in the relative extrema of the function an ident if tis a maxim cor misimuen. (Plats) Vewrex BG) =207 5043 = (2-3-1) (1.25,-0125) Sketch the graph ofthe polyol function *” Include what the arms ae ding, nd any x or winterepets®® (2 Points Each 4. 10) ae a name Alosssey PreCaculus; ue 23-24 Use either long eivsion or sythati dvsion to simplify the two polynomials. (2 Points Each) A Gxt 788-115) + 445) cern! 409 APTI 2HP-INIS ~C12-158) KS (4x15) oF 5a] 2 oP 4n=64D 1003 Lee arae 53 a -Myt28- Ba-a-0 5 15-5 yn 40 y 4x2 +4] 2 (wht Se 46x 2-2) 2 42) vial Seb He Simplify the expression. Write te answer In standard frm. 2 Points Each) 4. @40-0-20 - 3430 = (412) Bat bx T= x-Z 43xt tex) 83 Tate o 121885 aes Ge) eee re-1ei- ais? name Aswee Key Pre-Caleuls Vocabulary Test = Chapter? Speling Spel each ofthe weeds core (1 Point Each) 1. Asymp rere 2. Howson rac a _Veenone 1 4, Queoenric. s. Continuous _Muitiole Choice, choose theanswer that best completes the statement and wit the leter onthe bank the left of the problem number. Point Each) F._6. me graph of quacratic function isa special “U-shaped” curve called a(n). |. Parabola b. Hyperbola| © Ellpse 1. Conie Section B _7. according to your tetbook, the standard form ofa quadratic function i a ysarttbete bh yaaQe—wtk © yaa 4 yuk D_8.0ne feature ofa paymomialfuncton|s the graph contains smooth rounded turns. The other feature polynomial function i that itis a. aline b. notcontinous cas hoes 4. continuous C__8. which ofthe flowing expressions cannot be used in syatheic dision? a x-2 bo @-DE+ GFT ax 10. he imaginary uni i sequal to which ofthe following expressions a ba eT a -1 FE 11. wnien othe folowing expressions isthe conjugate of 2+ 3°? @ 2-31 b 2434 ees 4 2431 D1.te of fraction, when set equal to 2eo, wl gv the vertical asymptotes ofa ratlond function 8, Numerator b. Quotient Remainder 4. Denominator Pre-aleulus; Test ~Chapter2 ‘Graph the given quadratic function by fies finding the vertex (oy completing the square or using ‘then plotting 2 extra points, (3 Points) + eave — eed “fy 3}o entity if the fllowing functions havea minimum or maximum. Then find the minimum or maximum value. (2 Points Ech) 2 fQ)anxtt ets 3. f@)= eared x2 been, Fen <4-Bil 2-3 maamun =e Gs) "| a ‘Graph the given polynomial using (a) the Leading Coeffcent Tet (b) finding the x-intercept, ) potting a {ew extra points, and (d) drawing a smooth curve. (4 Plas) 4 fQ)=-2P tty dies-2_,7 exp>e00 v ®) xcwvrewepr (4-0) - x21) 70 Pre-Calelus;Test~ Chapter? fourth degree polynomial that satistes the following conditions (2 Ponts) 5. Zer0:-2, multi: 2;2e0:3, multpity: 2; Fast the et, als tothe igh poo Ota" (4-39 (084 YOR 6044) oN ote 4242300 14 te) Use long division o synthe: dvsion to divide the polynomials (2 Points Each) 6 txts 8) + G-2) 2. @xt4x? 9462-1) 8x15 2[m-1 -@ Be 4 av-afaed-x- 6 xt ron PBKTOR TOT Gas 100) we Gxt 100-32) 5x8 1s Arirox-| use) “GE ioe se os as) so 1 0-1 [3344 ajpaaas smen SaORae Perform the indeated operation (Point Each) 8 @-3)-(-24+3) 9. (WS -VI2NWS + VI20 10-be 5 HBF - 12)" Solve the quadratic equation (2 Ponts Each) 10.37 +81=0 x81 re-Caleuls; Test Chapter? 12005 ofthe polynomial function and wit it as a produc ofits linear factors (3 Fonts Each) 12, fa) = x8 5x tix BB f@)=xt428—8 X(xt- 5x84) 20 (244) G2-2) 20 OPO 4) 20 Cod0eDGaay—eD 14. Find a thre agree polynomial with he flowing eros: -3, (3 Ponts) POD = Getad0e-4D 044) _ = Ger Dt H6) I Graph the rational function by (a) finding all intercepts, (b) fining all asymptotes,(c plotting a few extra points, and (d) drawing the curve. (& Points) 35. /@) a) y-wureteepr (=6) ©,0) wewsseucae (0) €,0) B)Veene ne Asym. [ess] Hoswzenme Ary ame Arswice Kei | ‘PreCalculus; Quiz 3.1=3.2 } ‘sketch a graph ofthe funtion by fading the asymptote and calculating 2 few other points State the domain and range in interval notation (5 Ponts Each) 1. fy=aF-3 2. g(a) = In(-x42) Hogvzonnat Psu Yes 3. (G)=34F atx =13 $(us)= 34"? = [4-908] Evaluate the following logarithns, Round your answer to three decimal places. (1 Point Each) 5. tog.a7 6.2ine fra credit 1 Water ols a 212°F (100°C) However, we change the air pressure, water boils 2 ferent temperatures. The function approximates the temperature (in Fahrenheit) at which waterbolls at pressure lin pounds per square neh: = 87.97 + 34.96Inp + 7.91) ‘What temperature does water boll at when there i260 pressure? (1 Poet) T8797 case aa +7190 Error What temperature does water boil at when p= 30? (1 Pont) T= 81.91 #349 On. 30+ LANSO What temperature dos water boll at when p = 742(1 Point) Te 8197 134% De 44 LN Tbe] nome Price Ke Pre Calls; Vocabulary Test Chapter 3 ‘Choose the answer that bestcompletes the sentence. Each word wil only be used onc. (6 ois) change ofbase extraneous satura ommon logarithmic function natural expoentiat 1. The exponential function f(x) = e*iscaled the Aaftura/ €xloncnNL function, and the base € iscaledthe unweit tare 2. Theinverse function the exponential function f(x) =a scaled the Loggerthinie. fowenond with base a fa 3. tebaseotine_“ompmond logarithmic functions 10, 4. Youcanevaluate guthms to any base using the Change of base formu 5. an_exbrantous Solution does nt satisfy the original equation. ‘Complete the following logaithmic and exponential properties. 6 Ponts) 5, To solve exponenialand logarithmic equations, you can use the following One-to-One and inverse properties. 4. @* =? fandonyif__x=y lo and onty if «alate x b. logax 4. togaa* x 1X 7. The inverse properties of logarithms are log, a* = xand_ 2 bt x 8 Wx=et,theny= Dn Pre-alelus; Test —chapter3 Rewrite the logarithmic function as an exponential function. (1 Point Each) 1 logy 16 a * log, 64 Expand the logarithmic expression, (2 Points Each) 5. abt 6 tg bn at 5 dnb tog 13 bog y- Log 9 Condense the logarithmic expression. (2 Fon Each) 7. lopay Sonex 8, Sins 2iny—aince +) 1 tn 2 Solve each equation for x Round your answer to three decimal places, i necessary. (3 Points Ech) 8. 400 12042 10. tner+1)~ Ine 2) " Py) ele 40 ** Axcl= 240 axe 4.b69 11, 3~logy6x—2) = ~ logy («293 log, (x2) PreCaleuls; Chapter3 Test, {raph the following functions by finding the asymptote and plotting afew extra points state the domain and ‘ange in interval notation, (Points Each) 13 =2t42 Hoezenrni Assn yee 14. 7G) = Ine 41 Veenicar Asym xe1 xt Di (1,10) islo ale (00,105) 3 far 45, Johnson wants to open a bank account. He has chosen the option of 7.2% intrest compounded ‘quarterly = 4). Johnson wants to save 120,000 NT and woud ike Yodo itn 15 years. How much ‘money should he put inthe acount ta start? Round your answer appropiate. (2 pots) 120,000 PCA ari 120,000 ee, Srner wint Aula Nm PreCalelus Chapter 3 Test 16. Vicke's bank caled and told her tat they were changing the interest rate on her acourt. She currently has 5,600 NT and flgues out that ins yars she wl ave 10300 NT. her intrest compounded continuously, whats her new interest ate? (3 points) Tews interest rate is 102%, sta cedit 2 Simpy. (1 Point) 2, Oner 23% birthday, lesica decided to lve by the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” On her 67* birthday, she calculates the number of apples se has eaten sinc er 23" bitsy. Since a bushel contains approximately 126 apples, how many bushel of apples has lessica eater? (3 Points} 67-23 = 44x 3s = Me0vo apples +126 = 12746 128 bushels name Answer PrecaeTet Gator | este conc econ an seth th graph Met the folowing french con section 9 Pons ict ae Poraoln- verte foc, deci te cote verte, fc type —centr tn fod ommpotes 3 ea wes ot ate Apes e368 we eras ee Center Veences Foci 6-3) GD 348) (5,3) Asymptoks: y= -342(x-5) | 3 @4D+O45%=16 ct Se fos. Gen) Pre-Caleuls;Test~Chapter 9A Write the given cone section in standard form. '5. Find the standard form ofthe equation ofthe parabola with focus at (8,~2) and directrix atx = HDs Ap Ger) €é er) ie 6. Find the standard fom ofthe equation ofthe elips with vertices at (6,10) and (6,~4) and a minge as oftength 6. cay cam 7" SSP Ge] 2 3B oe zt Precalculus; a Unit Circle ‘The use of a calculator or your unit circle is strictly prohibited!t! Complete the nit ile below. Uist the following: degrees, radians and x-coordnats. (20 points) 1 WF eo 2 | 180° __(-40), Evaluate (possible) the sic trigonometric funtion of the real number (6 pots) 2 nee? sath GB esede sintrt 2 oe et Ewe lon t+ 1 axel boot cot 48 name Answer Key Procaluls; Que 1-44 ‘Complete the uit circle below. is the following degrees, radians, nd ny coordinates Find the exact value of the sng, cosine, and tangent functions ofthe angle 0. se trigonomenr Ienties ro ransform onesie ofthe equation Ineo the othe. 2. cscdtang = seco at: ae. 8 seco-seeod ‘Tho given point son the terminal side of angle @ in stndard position Determine the exact valuesof the sk trigonometric functions of the angle. coe & Find te values ofthe other ive trigonometric functions of @ satisfying the given conditions. 5. seeo=$, tano 7% 2. ya-theos2e Perr fanp: . snift 41 Name Ke Precalculus Que 51-52 fi ‘Use the given values to evaluate it posibie) ali trigonometric functions. (2 ois) 1. seco = ¥2,sino =~ we eos = ese = -Te tonB=-} cot 0-1 Use the fondomental inte to simply the expreson 2 Point Ech) tan*Bcos?@ = 2, sect tanta sex ae i = sec?x (fant 41) = see (sec*x=l) 1 sectx = sec?x (sec?) Wr OR = sectx-see?x +802 =[ec&] [sect Use the fundamental identities to prove each trigonometric identity. (2 Points Each) seca 4 Bahcore sec28 tani6 see70-cot*B= ate = csc’ 5 secte Geextans) ~seex (Gecstans) = see etant Geextonn) (sect sees) = secPx tanx (sect =1 = see5xtan’x = V0 Name C Pre Calls Chapter 5 Tet Use the fundamental denttes to simply the expression (2 Ponts each), a. tane EE dante see donx eae tank Ecotx Verify the ident. (3 Points Each) 5. seex—tanssin tsk I-sin2xe cos costx cos x 0s x = cos x 7. (ind + cos6)* +Gin8 — cos)? = 2 sin? + 25inBeoeB tees? +8178 ~dsinBeaBeas78 = sin 28 4 cos 28 +41n28 100579 = 2 (sntB4e1528) = ae2v 2 sechetant secs sec7x (don*x+ 1) see? (se0x) [se%] “3 teasty eos y (Feewsy)(t4eesy) Treeey, Theos y 6. tatasints fan's (Ie tant tan'xecs*x = tan'x ame A =tonte 8. cic? Ota? o— sectQ-1 = tanto< reales; Chapter 5 Test Find all solutions f the equation in the Interval 0,2). (2 Points Each) 9. Visine +1=0 ad see 1, sin?x—2sinv =0 sinx(sin-2)50 sinx=0 Simxez Ixzo.rr 1B. wctr=2 coset fee 10. 25ec'x tant s=3 Loach fsectx- I-30 Buckxe 4 sexe % costa = 3%, cose 2 A a snze= 2 axe Bae 1a. Zea) + y2=0 cos 2x«~E. Find the exact value of each expression using the Sum and Diference Formulas. (3 Pints Each) sealG cos F eos sma on §(2)- 2() 16, sinel = syn 15° sin AS05308 49:n30" eos 45" 5(9) Gla) at PreCaleuls; Chapter Test Use the Sum and Difference, Double Angle, Hall-Angle, and Sur-to-Product Formulas to find the solutions of ‘the equation inthe interval 0, 2). 2 Points Each) 47, sin(x +5) + in (x3) 48, sin2sinz = cosx asm (SEED) CEES) @ainscsx)snxe0sx = dames o#! oxsx (29104-1)=0 ; asyzosintxed oink [eeBSeL oma e2 Sas teh Pots sum frre OR wie he Sum een 3 Pru Pot ch) 19. 6sin3cost 20. cos (9 +3) ~cos(@-3) iy (filo onl] ~25m (CEH) (1488) ae) slonttes] oO (ar t = dams ~aswb exe crest 4. (Point) Rewite the expression a sine oath nd simp the su: Ines + non Ln jose 0 tone] foe Lnjsecdl 2. (Points) weit sum formula forthe following expression cos(ut vbw) (su casycesia ~sImUSINYcosUd ~SIMUSIMVEINLD ~eASUSINY SIND, Name Ariswer Ke PreCaleuus Test Chapter O5\ ‘Use the Law of Snes or the Lawof Cosnes to solve the following wangls, Round your answer to one decimal place (3 Ponts Each) 1 A=36, a=8, S*, cs ons sins beats a ° ° eres] «= _b__ es a Sin ze Sen Bs seSome eek [bees] Te Sait Sine We ateate20na nee ete 78 2(0)(9)e08 108" anf. snus 4 7 (eae) Bee] Find the area of the rangle withthe gen information. (1 Point Each) 5, b= 35, €= 32 se BER ae E 0 6 5 aa130, a=9, A= $(58)(88) sin lior = [rest unis A VRRIOOD 2. Yous buying lofted wth the folowing enone. a= 0 yards, B = S10 yards, C= 11 Te pc oand 5200 pr are (1s 80 sare are) retraced comer yr sneer Wr ne 305-5900 2 rw asht epee ts bln (Pon) 40 yds 8 0) p-to]- = Find the dot product of u and v. (2 Points) 6 waa v=3I-4 Boe 80 9604) fer Use the given vectors to fed the indicated quantity. (2 Points Each) 4) vee, we 8 eve Eden cara Leaner Cand] <3i-4 Eas] Find the angle between the vectors. (2 Points) 9. w= (3-4) v= (V2.1) BADGE cos ta Te 20 aie Determine If the vectors w and v are orthogonal. (2 Points) 10.u= (8-4) v= (5,10) Beds 8) 1 MU0) fel vane Ass Key Precakak Solve the system sing either substation or elimination. [Point Esch) yert 2 GaGa WB 3t4del HL XESS | ¥2 5x" 2x20 x (943x429 xB gx1220 G-DOr2) 8 TPS ney 19x 454515 8 (gry) =ray Aoysad-ytet oyeay net xray203 wytay 1570 yeeay-5 80 y-sGnn-0 ys ‘write the partial action decemposton for the ational expression. (2 Ponts Each) 6 Se oa Peter — 8, By G20 Fon eH pads (ood Se yTonz = Aa Get4 4BOE Jovan 2s BeARs +B NOx OK xeon 1 2a ae Youwant to bey ethers wood pelt stove or an electric furnace. The pellet stove cost $2160 and prods heat cost of $15.15 per million Bt (Erith thermal nts). Te elec fumace costs $1250 and produces heat at a cost of $83.25 pr mitlon Bu {2 Write funtion forthe total costy of buying he pelt stove and prucng x milon yo est. 2 Point) ye isuser2ico b. Wee funtion forthe totalcost of buying the electri frnaee and producing + mion Bu of heat (1 Poi) ys 825x050 Solve the system of equations (2 Pots) Iousxt ibe 38.29x11250 910 wx 2503 wilhew Btw yehazs 4. Interpret the sus nthe context ofthe problem (1 Point) At 503 willis Bia, the hwo objects toil cost the same. Inthe 2010 Women's NCAA Champlonship basketball game, the University of Connecticut defeated Stanford Universty bya score of 53 to 47. Connecticut won by scoring combination of two point bask, three pont baskets, and one-point fee throws. The number of two-point baskets was four more thay the number ‘fre throws, The numberof fee throws was three more than the number of tree point hats, What ‘combination of coring accounted for Connecti’ 53 points? (3 Pos) as3pr 331 2bre=53 » prcte nat c= ler esas3 8 1b 3:pr baskels 13 2px baskets Sepa bashes Ba2 (ar¥)* (208) *53 bas risss bara 3b BB eed ame _Axsnter Hoy Petoluhs; 83-84 ee he fit ve terms ol the sequence (5 Points och) * twegn wath =) 2 ays A2and as = 4 +4 are a Ib 2720) aad 35°28 ite an expression forth apparent nth arm ofthe sequence (Assume n begins with 1) (Polat) 5. 2,5,10,17,26, age ntl Find» forma forthe mthterm of the sequence (1 Point Each) 6. Arthmetie a; =£000,d = ~100 7. Georat = 406 ant $080 ~1ee¢n=t) ‘s100-100", ‘write the sequences using sigma notation. (2 Point ach) aoataaat tage Find the sum. (2 Points ach) we Yoo ind the indeed val. 1 Port) 2 ay Use he Binomit Theorem or asc Teangle to expand and simpy. (3 Pons each) sm 14041 mG4297 1331 An a9 Hoxton a? olay 7374 3(9%(20) 1318012" +6? axty1 2434/2 g2y3 Hey 4] nat 1H + 360 182 7 ASME 3b BE Useful Formulas Sec 8.2 Arithmetic Sequences and Pata Sums ‘ec 8.3~ Geometric Sequences and Series ame Als Pre-ales Yeat~Chapter ‘Sketch he curve represented by the paramitrc equations. Than eiminate the parameter and write the parametric equations in rectangular form. Ponts Each), x= 243080 sind 0 0.5 360" foro Ere fas Yebel* fe fsfafis Cae beoheber] one tn polar corde to retngla frm. (2 Ps) a (2%) xe “Boos (€) (8-1) yecaen (3B) Convert the rectangular ccovdnatst pal frm and find one atonal representation of thie pln for 2m 50:5 Bm (3 Pins) 4a ton B= boas" Convert the rectangular equation o polar form. (3 Fonts) 5. B4yt—arn0 ahay?*3x c= Bren 8 Convert the polar equation to rectangular for. (2 Pints) 6 re2sing ein atiytezy Sketch the graph ofthe polar equation. (Points) 2 r= c0e30 Useful Information Polar Equations: Pre-Calels; Tes ~ Chapter 98

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